Newspaper Page Text
REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE For Sale on West 144th St. 6 story brick and stone, It) farr.ilv tenement: excellent condi? tion' Reo?! income; will exchange for high class property not over 40 miles (rom City. Apply to J. Romaine Brown Co., J99 MADISON AVFA'IT. N. Y. C. REAL ESTATE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN Will erect in upper Manhattan, 4-rocm house on 5-year leases for Desirable tenants who prove responsibility. State ?qualifica? tions in detail, by mail only. Investors, care of A. N. GITTERMAN, Realty Specialist, 51 E. 42d Sl of Brooklyn Buying Keeps Up In Old Downtown Business Section Importer* Decide to Make Permanent Home in Front St.; Religious Organiza? tion? Buy and Sell Realty The Charles F. Noyes Companv Vins -ok! for the John Curtin Corporation Il Rojas Randall ?S: Co., importers and j ?porters, 46-48 Front Street, two five . 'J? buildings recently purchased ; ? hro'ipyh the Noyes Company, and cov a plot 40x91. The sale was made ?inject to the corporation retaining a ?esse on the building at 46 Front gweet. The balance of the property -H| be occupied by the purchasers her extensive improvements have iicn made. This is the third sale of ?his property in tho last eighteen months. Cammann. \oorhees ?s iioyd and Horace S. Ely & Co. have sold 68 New Ch?mber9 Street, extending through to Roosevelt Street, a six story build VALUABLEPROPERTYFORSALE No Sl-T ; Hint ?-. ave., bet to ? ne - nd Dates aves-, ?n Ideal ication ut:d suit: ctent ground for a modern apartment building. Plot la 60'xl2O', running through to W?verley av< Ground occupied by 10' wpiir? fram? house, witn extension, and a ?..stable. Cern?a I i suit. For further in format ton add i a O. r BALDWIN, 43-53 iCeap st.. Br NEW JERSEY COTTOTRT HOME BARGAIN: 84 acre? at Dun?llen N. .1 . ?4 miles New York; 7 r^m ho re orchard, garden, elec? tric lights, hot i rn. large I urn- garng . v ? om tit 1O.0 - - bn oder house? '.-??? sale No ig? nts. Phi ne Dunelien .; ? n. N. J REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR KE.NT. FURNISHED, June 1st to Octoty-r '?'? ? ? ? m ??: "? three baths, ---??? .? ? ufteur's roi rn. ? Iran l C'en [rt\ -, ?>.< .-,... OWNER, rare <; W. H Sage PURNISHED HOUSES TO ?.FT conneI TIC! I SOUND BEACH, CONN. SO minutes f : ; . ng ! aland Sound. ' ? > r Ben Look wood, Sound Beach, Ct. I'hnne 21(1. ing on plot 85x81x27x58, for the Amer? ican Missionary Association to Nat E. Berzen. Tho Cruikshank Company ?as sold for the estate of Mary Lockman the three story and store building at 165 Cedar .Street, on plot 22x55. Tho purchasers, the Hellenic Orthodox Church of Saint Nicholas, proposes to remodel and occupy tho building for its own usp. August Finek Estate Brings 8277,230 at Auction Spirited biddinp marked the sale by Joseph P. Day yesterday of the realty holdings of tho lato August Finck, the brewer, who di?"d last November. The sale was under partition proceedings ordered by the Supreme Court and the realty offered brought a total of $277, 250. The professional element was strong? ly represented in the attendance. Two of tho parcels, both at Bayside, L. I., one at the northwest corner of Lamar tine Avenue and Fourth Street, lOOOx 100, and a lot on Third Street, near Lamartine Avenue, which were to have been offered, were sold at private sale. Completo details of the auction fol? low : By Joseph P. Day. 57TTT HT, ni 5 AV, n e, 2"0 w 8th Bv, 25x 100.5, 4-sty nn-l b stone dwlp; to ,T K Moors for a client for $r>2.7.r.o: also LENOX AV, 406, n w c 133d, 25x100, B-sty tut and strs; to Abram Friedman for - ,500; Riso 8TH AV, 518, rips 36th, 25x100, 4-sty tut and strs; to Ameblg Finck for $60, ; also 9TH AV, 464, sec SRth, 24.9x75x49,6x iii-pL-, 6-sty tnt find sirs; to i'hlllp Lieb ? man for $36,000; CT1! AV, 656, n w e 88th, 22.9x60, 4-sty tnt und strs; Amella Finrk agt Theo Finck et ni: Esselstyn ?- N, nttvs; par lltlon; to Ssan Au Cordial for $92,600. 126TH ST, SIR E. a s, 300 e 2d ?v, 25x 09.11, C-k!v tnt; Peed Realty Co agt J F Shelly et al; Pavlson &- V. attys; due. $2,960; turres, no, $609.85; to the plaintiff for $4.600. ROCKWOOD ST, 18-20, a a, 204.S e VTn\ ton av, 61.7x75.11x44.3, gore, 3-pty tnt and str; Edw Barleycorn sgt .Trs Wooley et al; due, $5,082.46; ta\>-H, etc, Sil'.', to John. J Farreliy for $0,700. By J. H. .Mayers SCT/I.rVAN ST, 23 to 27, n e o Grand; 63.4x90, 6-sty loft and str: II II Cam inann et al, trustees, etc, agt J ?^ Payne et a!; duo. $123,809.25; taxes, etc, $1, 539.43; to Ambrose G Todd for $126,300. By Arthur C. Sheridan 2D AV, 2001. n w c 103d, 2 5. i" x 7 ?, 4-Rty tnt and str?; Rachel Loe.wentl al act Mary Barnett et al; dur. $5,312.60; taxes, etc, $900; to the plaintiff for $14,600. Satisfied Mortgages Manhattan 72P ST, n B. 448 ?? Avenue A; 25x64.4; h mian-Amerlcan R E3 Association Bee to Kaufman n Falk; attys, Wallaet &? 33 Wall st; May 20, 1907. .$10.000 ST, 124 Easl . Jas l> Fessi nden to the El . . . ' Sa v Bank : utl \. Wm C On-, 6 1 Chambers at; April 23. .$10.000 NGTON ST, 7S6-88; Jno 11 & to Title Guaranty & T Title ? iuarant y & T Co, !7i liwa . ??,:., ? '.:? 1898.$3, .00 48TH ST.. i K, 13 w 6th nv, 20: 100 ? ' dur and ano to Co A, 32 Nassau st Ma ! 27, 1903 . . . $27,000 . . -.' H mili the U ist Co of X Y, 4? AV: & . . ai r, 45 Wall si . .. F? )RT I .GTON AV. h <?? a 171sl ? ; ; . !?: ran .- :: ? l ? - ? ? :? i ? ? Ji rj '.- ? Col attys 1 lavis Chamb. st ; Junn <i ST 112-416; ? ?hi rry st, : ? Companj to !,eopo!d Sen pp 1: 641 ? st; i ' ? W ' - Farrlngt >n, : fin : ?? ? Vpril 0, 1913. 17 19 East: Mayer an.) Lena Grumet, 11-13 A venue 1 ..,:??? ? Bl i Zalkln & Co, 141 Bwa.v . ! ? bru trv . 914 .$6,000 .... Bway, 77.6x99 i 1 ; -?!?? xvi, ?: alty r? to Abel King-, ? Easi ? ith ; . and Isaac Schorsch, 38 ? C?7th si atty, Fr? I Lose, 5 N'as i - . November 12, 1909.$10,500 :, 287.6 ?- Bwa.v, 77.0x99.11; same : i same; atty, si me; November ! 2, 1909.$10,500 1S5TH ST. n s, 183 w Amsterdam av, runs : 53 2s ??-.- :?' ? x s 53.8x16.6; Mary li Mulligan tr, Hy B Wolryche-Whitmore trustee; atty, Title Guarantv ,\ T Co, 176 Bway; Jun-- 2, 1890.$4,500 'IT I' ST T. Abraham Katss to Thos Davis; atty; Neu? York Title <<i M Co, 135 Bway; January so, i9l-t.$3,000 r^?fcgWE STCHE ST ER^SIpg ij?RfeOfc'' SALE OR RENT ?J??X'^s* Hk ?S^^^^u Property,Factories: ? 1 ?K^r/jPefepL m f?ctorq bites. f^ VON Kl.HS PHOTOS ON REQUEST iJPWe I rage. 12 room-?. 3 ,,."'", . ' and Lu How; large J& .*" ? ?'?' tapestry brick wwnial ?i ? :,,. -g. ... looriis 2 b? srtprooi * "'' ' ' ullt dwelling. 12 rooms, 2 bath?, sleeping : rch plot lOOx 5',;."" ' ? ? : Park; -, ' ? ' also Yonkers to .: ? ; on ; . >nt term? of Hymen i BIOS 8 BURKE, Flagg Bldg., Getty Jguare; ,also s< th Broadwi ? and Valen ""* ???''? Phoi : (0 50; . 1 i nkers, BUY OR HUNT SOW ;"'.." ' opportunity to later. \e ATSy- ''?' '? ' ''????? ? bouses. Get busy. n GUAL, ?46 S? B'way. Tel. 6626-W. NEVER OFFERED BEFORE 't,rJ'.''""' ' Impts., ?plendid . ' on; carnire; hot . - tine, Gitty Co., 45 War The Garden of Westchester County Btam'ful house? In Yonker?, 12 ir.i'.nn -?on th? ;??;?-? of New V- .-.. f>. r?, in to U room ??. ? ?;? ?ru! estates; moderate ?n??*- ttculara ?ve 230 South B way. Yon)-.''::?. UNUSUAL OFFER Jl Rmki, ?tuoeo, up-to-ilate non???. 2 haths; ?tall?, arerloo ':? Hudson! fin? ?urround W?; snap for (16,009; '.a?h, ?3,000. .'.I.A. BnMrten. 3?, Warburton /.'??. Tel. 101. South Yonkers Bargain ' " K?, i, bath rri'-i <'"?? h H T Wbaltn, 48? WMh i-, ."hone Yonkera 2^'j. Real Bargains by Owner? '?'?.' ? ' rouse, )* rooms, excel ?9,001 South *?ay busintm property, ?I?.600. Ideal '-?? ..-,.,,., ???,????, plot 100*100, J H. OLANCY. i00 :.<:?? Mam ?'.. HASTI.N?f.??-O.V-HtnSON t??utV" rtvun*. irnprovemen'? ; station, 2;-?ehoei '. minute?; surrounding S****?'. floor?, tilrn. hara T?l. 701. MT. VKRNO.V WE HAVE rr * home roa rou mkb EDWJN v.- frttniB l'y.M.TV CO., M LKI-'/x W. TBL 2?04 BARGAIN FOR QUICK BUYER ?r' inn ?hr*# and ?ix family house?; r. ' '" ' >?'>'! v, |1 MOO; t??i ??'?n . M' v.,?on ?v.. I . j BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD i2?'"'Tr' *'?"'""> bou??, restricted Mclien; ; ?*? "-.-- built :t,?. ;-.,,. !'.?? fOxlifl *??nu>n av?. r?i i02*. MAMAWINftK *g?0 CASH, TERMS TO SUIT _?** 1-twm Mou*?, i,., irnprmraflMni?; ^?w 4 ?>,., opp. Lit'?.. IKV1N<;T0N-0N-IU DSON Call At Once For Bargain 20 houses foi sal?. Special offer for this week: Four-family house, 20 rooms, $4,500, $1,000 down. Renting and exchange. Emil Wistrand, 74 Main st. Tel. 1448.-W. NEW ROCHELLE MUST BE SOLD COLONIAL HOUSE, 8 rooms, 2 baths. iari,-r> living room, open fireplace, sleeping ; ..? largo plot, with garage; Sound view. Asking $11.000; open lo offer. REYNARD & KRAFT, 206 Huguenot st., N H. Tel. 2 : TWO FAMILY HOUSE. Modern, hot-water heat, electricity, 12 s and 2 :. ed baths; 3 car garagei $8,000. h B. DOWNEV, 211 Huguenot st. Tel. 1807. House, 9 Rooms, 2 Tiled Baths. Hot-water heat, pan and electricity, hardwood floors, whito and mahogany trim. Exceptionally large plot . ?,-onvenl ent. A ??kin?; $12,500. T. J. SULLIVAN, 20 North ave. Tel. 2790. PKEK SKILL AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN * aore Farm, 7 roon house, barn nnd chicken houses; 2 ? loi I 01 depot; main road, near trolley. Price $3,500. Easy term?. Oscar V. Barger'a Sons, 834 South Ht. Tel. 896. PORT CHESTER Don't Miss This Excellent Offer Fin* B-rOom hotiio, n;! modern Impts., 2 bath*, conservatory, sleeping porch; garage ! for 2 oar? Can be purchased right. C, E. LOL'NSBL'Ri & KO IM? H MONT A Chance, Own Your Home ! nxtrlctwl r'-.-'tr-- lal ?< lion of I.Arrhrriont, with M ?.? i iter, ?at ??? . noai itatlou rillige, wliool ? :: i i St Mor, mu eui. Ill HAM ANOTHER PELHAM BARGAIN St-ucco House, 6 room?, bath, all screened; hot water heat, gas, electricity; plot 60x100; $i !>0A OPEN SUNDAYS. J. V AMIMiMA', IIS Wolf's Lune. Ti i I1S3. Mill M.I A IT'S A BEAUTY 6 room house, all improvement?, 7r,xl?-'0; 2 '..?-. . r.r .;,.,? |(]fn| location . fa< 111* Brori Parkway; price, $6,ooo; $i,;,oo caah, i LARK ; UELLKY IHIIHSS IKIIHV YOURS FOR $2,500 CASH Bla bt-r< . . Ii . provement?; rlvor ?I--'' ground 60x16*. }?;, iti< olar?. Alfred to. Cooke Ml. KlfM 0 COLONIAL HOUSE i mil? from it it. station; i acr? of Und '< room?, hath and h-at ; excellent location on ?tale road; %?M0. ?Aiti'EN j ; Y.I: A PELT' r -. In. . -I ?I t, 12-ROOM HOUSE FOR $50 In n.-. vllla??j; all Im | ? .. Uli ' ?'?'< rar ? ... k? i? bOU0t?, .11L ill U A."4. i 'i'Uitti* 6S0. West Side Apartments Bought by Operators Riverside Drive Building and West End Av. House Pass Into New Ownership Daniel H. Jackson has purchased ? from Henrietta Stein, of Stamford, | Conn., trustee of the Joseph Stein cs ! t?te, 752 West End Avenue, a 'five-story i apartment house. Negotiations are ; now pending for a resalo to a buyer who intends to alter it into bachelor ; apartments. Harold C. Lewis was the broker. Dr. Robert P. Green, retired public school teacher, has sold to the Oes ; treicher Realty Company 226 West Twenty-eighth Street, a five-story flat, on a lot 25x100. The buying com 1 pany owns 228 and 230, and now con , trois a plot 75x100. Sale in 117th Street Sydney I. Moll has bought from Theresa Weinstock and her sisters, of Milwaukee, Wis., the five-story apart? ment at 63 West 117th Street, on a plot 27x100, adjoining the northeast corner | of Lenox Avenue. The. property was ! held free and clear. Buys in 171st Street Joseph Shenk has purchased from William B. Farries, through James 'Bird, 632 West 171st Street, a five , story apartment, on plot 71x100. 99th Street Flat Sold Leitner, Brener & Starr have sold for Rachael A. Friend, trustee, 211 East Ninety-ninth Street, a five-story flat, on '? lot 25x100, to James W. Kennedy. Brooklyn Builders Buy in Harlem Meister Builders have purchased i from the Leberton Corporation the two five-story apartment houses at 208-210 East 122d Street, on plot 50x100. 7th Avenue Building Sold , Berlowitz & Caine have Rold for ' Henry Ungrich to Joseph Manheimer , 369 Seventh Avenue, a four-story and basement building with stores, on lot ; 21x75. Recorded Mortgages Downtown WASHINGTON ST, 131, h e cor Albany st : p m; May 22. West Bench R Corpti to Dry Dock Sav Instn, ,"U Bowery; duo & Int as per bond; atty, F M Tichenor, 38 Park row .$20,00u West Side HUDSON ST, n w ..r 12th st, 37x24.6* Irreg; p m; May 22; Mj 3fi Pearl St C? to N V Sav Bank, 81 K.,:i av; duo nn.l in! as per bond; atty, Jim j\. Dutton, 81 Maiden lane .?S.Oor 7TH AV, 43S, str and b; Fredk \V ? to Fieri W Haase Co, Inr; from .lu'.v I91S), to Aug 31, 1925, with renl tc Dec !, 1930, ?il $6,000; atty, .1 Q Abram son. 30 Church si. . $7,425 to i". t T ? KTII ST. 143 W. all; Margaret V Kiele> to Izl loro Kal ?.. 143 W 471 li st; 5 \ rr ? m May 1, 1919; atty, Jos Oatman, 1561 Bwaj .$4,S0( SA.ME PROPERTY, 1st floor and renr part .?-liar; Izldoro Kat;-. to Jno Salla, 14: W 17th st; -I 1! 12 yrs from June 1, 1919 alt v. samo . $2,^01 ?ist s. 302 W, all. Ann!. T Seggermar to Louis Pincus, 200 \V 54th at, fron May I, 1919, lo Sepl 30, 1929; atti Henry, M S- M, 277 Bway, excess taxer? .:.-.. .$2,000 10$2,75( ; 5TH ST. 321 W, : il . Marlon ! Barkle: to Louis Plncus, 200 W 54lh st ; 11" yn : ??? May 1, 1919; atty, li. nrj. M ft. M 277 Bway .$2,500 lo $3,00( ST. 107 \V, n s, 25x99. 11 ; Ma> 19 ; ,v I i Zelclin R? ally Co to .1 Frank Mc . W :< ? h si . 3 j rs, '1 p <?; prlo ? ? -i:.. $17.000 .$1,5 0 AMSTERDAM AV, 1492-4, w s, 40x100; ; . May :: : . ? ler.ild And? i Bon to Mill blanche JRealtv Corp, 68 Broad si du May 15, 1923; 6 p c. prior mtge S 10.000 nttv, ?i I? Oregorv, 68 Broad st . $10,00 : I5TH ST. 5 ill W; store li ase: April 12 Barnet Salzman and Wolf Brownsteli lo Isiilor Orgel, 32 \V 12Mli st, and ano 2! months, C p c; atty, Jos W Umani 2 TV Bway.$4.779. I AUDUBON AY, 219, e s, 259.10 n 176th st 99 11x100 p m . Mtn 20; M ft B 11? all ?o to Philip Lib? rn an, 601 YV I 16th st and ano. 1 yr, 6 p ?'. prior mtg-e $145 i 00 : atty, I ?avid B Ooldfarb, 36 S'a st st.'.$1 l.nii ADRIAN AV, n s, 384 w Terrace View a\ 34x100; p m: May 21; Lewis P Tucker i Bernhard Buso, 47 Adrian av; 2 yrs, p c; prior mtge ?f>,000; ally?. Brown . AV, 10 Wall st.$1,00 East Side 3D ST. 2S9 E. n s, 20.8x96; May 21; Con gregatlon Maohzikl Hadas Anschel ZI02 zow t.. N Billig, 259 E 7th st ; 2 yrs, per ????lit ; p m: $6,000; attys, Curtis / it. 51 Chambers si.$i.on LEXINCiTON AV, . s, 40 h 34th st, 39.3 75; Ma\ 22; 231 Lexington Av Corp t Morris Goldstone, 2170 Bway; due ,lun 1, 1 ? l'O. 6 p ?.-; attys. Henry, M ft M, "7 Bway .?2.'1" 83D ST, 37 E, n 8, 18x102,2; Mai 32 Las ngtn Realty Co to Jacob Stern ; due as pe bond int .. ;> c; party 2d pai 1 nls?i ownc of pi lor mtge $19,000. attj s, Stern ft ? 60 Wall 81. $1.00 107TH ST, s s. 165 e Park av. 25x100.1] Mas 12; rerecorded from May 14, 191! L? orsaln Realty Corp to Sol Feiner, i 1 K 92d st; demand, 6 p c; prior mtg $8,000; attys, Feiner ft Maass, l1 Hivi.1 .'. $1.5( 110T1I ST. 240 E. west store and b. Sai 1 locht to Paul Albert, 24" E 110th st ; yrs :':? Dec '?. 1918; attys, Levin Scherer, L"v.' H way.$1! 11STH ST, 517 E, n s,; p m : Ma 21; Frank Narlna and ?no to Melra Realtv Co, 35 Nassau s! ; E yra, 6 V4 P ' atty, Fred Lee, 35 S'assa u si.$3,0( Bronx PLOT begins at n s lanrl now or former li M Morrison and 0 b land N Y C ft l; R R Co, 200x306 to center 232d st 276x280; also plol begins at line b. lanrl under water N Y ? ft 11 R R Co and land under water Nazarel H? mi , 213x1 60x26S < 168, also Palisat m-, w s. 150,4 n 1 :; 1st st :< I : ! 9x River rlriv.. x irregi also River drive, s at ?1 a ?and l> M Morrison, 166.lx irrri Two of Former Gallatin Houses in 63d St. Sold i F. J. Sterner, Architect, Bought I Them With Intention of Erect- I ing New Home on Site Two of the row of five dwellings at j 150 to l?7 East Sixty-third Street, pur- ! chased from the Gallatin ' family in February by Frederick J. Sterner, the | architect, have been resold. The dis? posals involve 159, sold to Mrs. Sybil j K. W. Sellers, and 151 to Mrs. Eliza? beth S. Gerard. Mr. Sterner bought the row intending to erect a forty foot dwelling and rebuild three of the houses. L. J. Phillips ?fc Co. have sold to a client for occupancy 49 West Sixty ninth Street, on plot 20x102. Margaret M. Egan has sold the three ' story dwelling, on plot 20x80, at 249 East 116th Street to Salvatore Cor? r?ale through Sisea ?S; Palladino. Buyer of Bertron House C. A. Wimpfheimer, of A. Wimpf heimer ?fc Bio., manufacturers of vel? vets, is the buyer of the residence of Mrs. S. Reading Bertron at 935 Fifth | Avenue, the sale of which by William I B. Mav & Co. was announced Monday. -1-? Building Loan Contracts ? 58TT-T ST, 62 W; Sarah O K. Henry K ?-. John M Ooetchius, trustees, etc., loan, 62 W 58th St Corpn; io erect a 7 sly apartment; ? payments.?SO,000 -. Mechanics'' Liens Manhattan 11TII ST. 102-108 W; Ralsier Sprinkler Co ngt I.and Map Realty Corpn, owner; Normar Real Estate Corpn, contract? or.?? 12.76 BROADWAY, w s. whole front between ?"'anal and I.lspenard sts, 39.6xl28x ?- x 126; Morris Jacob ngt ?"'anal St Build? ing Corpn, owner; Philip Berman, Inc, contractor .?250 WATER ST, 172 to 180; Combustion En? gineering Corpn ?igt N Y City District Realty Corpn, owner (renewal) ?60,274.42 Bronx SD AV, 8469; Max Finkclsteln agt David Shapiro, owner and contractor.?125 Northern Realty Co to Staddevna Co, 99 .lohn st; April 1; 4 yrs, 5 H per cent;! attvs, Douglas A & McC, 2,13 Bway. ?1 1.900 j RIVER DRIVE, e s, 120.8 a from curve at ! Evergreen dr and River dr, runs n e lOSx n n 29.13? n w 125.8 to Evergreen dr :< s w 1I6.7>:? on dr, 72x ? on curve, 120.8 to beg; Brice P Disuo to North-! 'in Realty Co, 4;', Cedar si ; April 30; installs; 5 '-.? per cent; attys, Douglas, A ?fc McC. 233 Bway.'. . . .?25,000 SAME PROP; same to same; pr mtge. ?25,000; April 30; 5 yrs; 6 per cent: attys, same .?5.000 LOT 193, map Van Cortlandt estate; Ben.) Troy to Samuel Dvorkin, 31 Hancock st, lersey City, N .1, and tino; May 11; l yr, 6 p c; altv, C II Blohm, 2^1 Central av, ?lersey City, N .1.?2 000 ARTHUR AV. n w c Oak Tree Place. 21.lis '?".7. .lohn Birkenhauer to Catherine B Birkenhauer, 2163, Arthur av; prior mtge ?5,000; N'ov I. 19 ?S: due. etc, as per bond; attys, McLoughlin .<? S, 15 William st.?2,000 1P1ST ST, s s, 200 w Elton av, 22.10x65; Robert F Newmann to Chas A meister, 420 E 161st st ; March 1; 3 yrs. 6 p c; atty, F E Yung, 529 Court lamlt av .'.~.$7,000 RYER AV, e s, 90 n 182d, 50x100; Hy K Byrnes to Samuel J Weinberg, SI 7 2d av: prior mtge $48,600; May 21: 3 yrs, 6 p c; attvs, Gettner, C. ? A, 299 Broad way .?5.000 I.iAi.FKI.I.nW AV. n e c 165th st, 41.i>x 80; 173.1 St Realty Co to Isidor Klein, 117 I.arkln st. Borough of Queens; May 21; due Nov 22, 1921; 6 p c; atty, T G ,v T Co, 17''. Bway.?5,500 ! LONGFELLOW AV, s o a Lowell st, 4L6x 80; same to same. Mas' 21; du.' Nov 22, 1921; 6 p c: atty, same.?5,600 LONGFELLOW AV, e s, 41.6 n 165th st, 2 lots each :;9.\S',i, 2 mtges, each ?3,600; same to Bame; May 21; due Nov 22. 1021; 6 p c; atty, same.$7,000: LONGFLLOW AV, 1082, e s. 39xR0; same lo same; May 21; due N'ov 22. 1921; 6 l> e; ntty, same.?4,000 SHEIL ST, s s lots 798 and 799 map La- ? < orna Park, 50x100: Raffaole Cossa to (1 De \V Clocke. Pasadena, Cal; May 31; 3 vrs :.'.. i> c; attvs. T (l St T Co, 176 ' ju, ay ".$3,500 ; SAME PROPERTY; same to same: prior itce ?3 500; Mav 21; Inst?is, ?i p ?? : atty. : ...... '.".?750 ; BURNSIDE AV, f w c Morris av, 20111 \ '.. Walton ;?v xl 1 7.1x200x1 44.8 Realty; Managers. Inc. 200 Bway. to Burnslde Av Realty Corpn, 141 Bway; May 21 ; ; 3 yrs; P e as per bond; atty, Title Guar & T Co, 176 Bway.$20.non BURNSIDE AV, s w o Crest?n av. 201.1 v to Morris a v X 1 52.1 1 x Ir'.eg . sitnie to; same; Mav 21; 3 yrs; p c, as per bond. atty, same .?24.000 ; PALISADE AV w k. ftt w s land N B Ball, 186.1x207 !.. River Drive xl94.9x230.3 ; Northern Realty Co to Est Isaac C, John? son at Spuyten Duyvll, N V; April 30; 4 yrs, *A P '?, atty, .1 .1 McKelvey, 43 Cedar st .$13.70O GRAND liI.VP & CONCOURSE, w s. 147 n lR2d st. 50x689x50x68; Louis Smith, ir. to Frances H Bond, 60S w 184th st ; pr mtge $10."00; May 21; due. etc, as p?r bond; atty, Title Guar & T Co, 17? Bway .?6,000 LOTS 20 and '.'I. blk ?'. man O I. uns, West Chester; Sigmund Herzog to Marie Ivrabo, 98:1 E 181st st; May 21; 1 yrs, ?i p ,?: ate. M Marks, 100 Bway.... ?1.440 FO H EST AV, e s. 177 s Homo st, 19x109.10; Thos OBrien to N V Suburban Co oper B ft L Asan, 147 H 125th "t. May 12: Instais, 6 p ??. atty, R If Bergman, 2804 ?l av.. .$4,600 jo Til s'l s s. 7i e 3d av. 120.3 to Frank? lin av n- 109.9x74.8x100; Jacob S Mebl ? in t.. Barclay Holding Corpn, 217 Bway, pr mtg ?92,000; May 21; 3 yrs, 6 p c; atty .1 11 Zieser, 217 Bway.$16,000 RIVER AV, n w cor 149th Bt, 62.2x5? to Exterior st x60.2x30| llv Bartels (o Gen Bartels, 275 Sterling pi. Bklyn; May 21; 3 vrs G p c . atl '.'?'. Clocke, K ft R. 391 E IVitli st.$3,250 FAILE AV, 1054. e s. 73.SxlOO; Rich Trading Co to Morris Fein, 1370 Lyman pi; Mav 15; 5 yrs, 6 p c; atty, M A Rablnowltch, 230 Grand st.?17,000 Cash Given for Two Bronx Apartments Investor Buys Houses nv Web? ster Av. ; Large Plots Bought for Improvement The Benenson Realty Company has sold 1251-1255 Webster Avenue, two six story apartments, each on plot 50x100, to Joseph Rubin, in a cash transaction, through J. Harris. Sale in Anthony Avenue Steinman ?& Steinman have sold for the Stebbins Realty and Construction Company ('.I. Melino president) 1642 Anthony Avenue, a five and a half story modern apartment house, on plot 50x100, to an investor. Plot Buyer to Bnild Frederick Brown has sold to the 173d Street Construction Company (Aaron Miller) the plot 80x164 on the south? east corner of the Grand Boulevard and Concourse and Weeks Avenue. Mr. ? Miller already has prepared plans for i the erection of a high-class improve \ ment. Leitner, & Starr were ' the brokers. The same brokers have sold for M. L. and C. Ernst to David J Klein tho three family brick house at S56 Whitlock Avenue, on plot 25x100, and have sold for Frederick Brown to the Bedford Holding Company, a one story stone building, on plot 50x100. Eugene J. Busher has sold for the United Real Estate and Trust Com? pany the plot 100x105 on the north? west corner of Tremont and Walton ; avenues, to a builder who will improve it at once. House in Coster Street Sold Alexander Selkin and Carl Jaffe have sold for Harry Gillman 628 Coster Street, a two story and basement brick dwelling, on plot 20x100, to B. Collos. Operators Buy Heath Avenue House Cahn & Pittman have purchased from Isabel Camp 2701 Heath Avenue, near Kingsbridge Road, a two and a half story frame dwelling, on plot 25x100. McLernon Brothers negotiated the sale. Physician Sells Bronx House Dr. W. A. Goodall has sold his dwelling and garage at 300-11 East 158th Street to a client of Christopher Steinkamp. It is on a plot 51x105. Eugent T. Busher negotiated the deal. Trust Plans Branch For Madison Av. Corner The former dwellings of Cornelius Vanderbilt and Edgar I,. Marston, at the northwest corner of Madison Ave? nue and Fifty-seventh Street, which has been purchased by the Bankers' Trust Company from the Central Union Trust Company, through Albert B. Ash forth, will be improved. The Bankers' Trust Company is hav? ing plans prepared for a banking build ; ing for its second branch. Assignments of Mortgages Manhattan 174TH ST, 616-618 West; Kenneth F IT Un derwood, Individ and as oxr of Ada II Underwood, to Title G ft T Co, 17fi Broadway .$40,ono 10TH ST, n west; .los s Auerbach to Co? lumbia Trust Co, 60 Broadway; attys. Davies, Auerbach ft Connell, 32 Nassau st .SI 0.000 WEST END AV. 929-931: mtge $85,000; ?'entrai Sav Hank to Union Dime Sav Hank, 701 av; attys, Butcher, T .; F, 1 Madison av .$8 1,000 SOTlt ST, 628-528 blast; 120th st.. 7ij West; South Wave ?'n si i? v. Arverne, Queens; liitg? $20,000; Frank A Horn., to M< r . liants' Refrigerating Co, 161 Chambers st; attv, Title O ft T Co, 17.: Broad? way . il ?till'H ST. 64 Westt Jewish Theologies Seminary of America to Empire Trust Co. 1'jn Broadway; atty, Warren Leslie 2 Rector s: . 2 assns.$37 500 160TH ST, 6.38-644 West; Riverside Drive 683; Abel Kin? and ano to Mu!'-\ Realty Corpn, 171 Broadway; atty, Saml Wacht, i-. 170 Broadway; 2 asms, "noli.Si 112TH ST. 101-105 West; 7th av, 2460; Nor? man R E Corpn to Male* Realty Corpn; atty, Saml Wacht, Jr., 170 Broadway; :: assns; each .$1 HAVEN AV, 300-304. and 312-316; 112th st, 101-105 West; 7th av, 2460; Riverside Drive, 583: moth ut. 638-644; total mtges ?.P3,r,00; Mai? Realty Corpn to Samuel Wacht, 1 7 0 Broadway.$100 COOPER ST, i? s, 200 o Academy st; Title ?1 ft T Co to Edw Machson, 201 West 74th st; any, Title G ft T Co, 176 Broad way .$ AVENUE C, 10; Frederic de P Foster and ano. .-Ars, to Emigrant Intlust Sav Bank: Attys, R ft F. .1 O'Oorman, 61 Chambers st . -" 37TH ST, 52 West; Lena C Pas to New York T ft M Co, 135 Broadway $12.000 FINEHURST AV, 76; H I! Realty Co to Saul Bernstein, 143 Broa I ??.? . Bronx FAILB ST, 106 4; Abel King and ano to Anrii.- Fein, 1370 Lyman pi; atty, If Gotl lieh, 200 Bway. > 100 JACKSON AV, ? 8, ino ?, 167th st ; Ameri? can Mtg Co to Albert W Pross, al Hans dak', N Y. and ano. trus; attv. Middle brook ft B. 46 Cedar st.SI 169TH ST. 276 K. Lorenz Becker tn Caro lino Becker, 2686 3d av; atty, Carolina Becker, 2?1?'? 3d av..".$i MANIDA ST, 822; Jessie D Browne to Franklin Soolety for Homo Bldg Savgs, US Park row; atty. T ?1 ft. T Co, 176 Bway.$7.560 216TH ST, 7HS E; Columbia Truat Co to ! Dnvil Stevenson Brewg Co, ?21 10th av; attys, Brown ft F. to Wall st.$1 PROSPECT AV. IS 17. Mar-. C, Rldder widow, to Arthur S Balz, 817 Riverside <lr; atty, W T Newhouse, 37 Liberty ft.$l \ He was President of the Fort Washing? ton Heights and Buena Vista Syndicate 176th to 181st st., Broadway to Riverside Drive. This property brought at Public Auction April, 1909, $3,000 to $10,000 per lot. These lots are now a big" city of apartment houses. ' ? - ? Mr. Morgenthau was a lawyer before he took up Real Estate operating as a pro? fession. _i- . . \ r Schulte Gets Buildings In West 34th Street Houses Rented From Mrs. C. R. Pardee and Mrs. I. Wilson; Other Commercial Leases Pease ?fc EUiman have leased to D. A. Schulte 218 and 220 West Thirty-fourth Street for Mrs. Clara R. Pardee and ! Mrs. Isabella Wilson, two four-story ? buildings on plot 83x100 feet. Pease & Elliman have also leased offices in 42 West 39th Street to Miss Harriett V. Wishnieff, of Columbia University, and to the Spanish Naval Commission, representing the Spanish government. Carstein & Linnekin have leased space at 215 Fcurth Avenue to Bore Borden, Lou?3 Alexander, Providence Worsted Company, Mawhinney & Geck ler, Irving Perman, Bernard Rappa port, Schaenen Woollen Company, Clarendon Manufacturing Company, and Harry B. Xeesen; at 75 Spring Street, to C. W. Sauer Corporation; at 21 West Thirty-ninth Street to Arthur Landauer and Abram Mayer; at 221 Fourth Avenue to Rothschild <fe Solo taroff, C. P. Toomey, Walter Wesen ?lonck, Lowenbcrg & Bruenn, Demetre Brothers & Beals, Loo. Moskowit.:, Burdick Garrison Company, Inc., Kurt Hoitler, The Fair, W. H. Duval & Co., and Michael Hirsch; at 126 Fifth Ave? nue, to Rosen & Duberstein, Fair ?fc Carnival Supply Company, Liplielcl Company, Inc., Picker & Faniwick, Gustave Phillips, La Mode Dress Com? pany, Louis Swed, and Beauties Under? wear Company; at 809 and 811 Broad? way, to Grass & Wyllins; at 19 Madi? son Avenue, to Mose3 A. Goldsmith; at 229 Fourth Avenue, to Levison & Saitz, Demetro Brothers & Beals, Stoney & Starkey, Edward B. King & Co., and Bernhard Wolf, and at 396 Broadway, to Stolier & Silverman, Abe I. Menzin, Albert Solanto, Louis Brown, H. Ba houth, Pioneer Trading Company, Richard Fink, S. L. Lifshitz, Barnett Lazarus, H. S. Hays, M. V. de Mott Advance El?ctric Lamp Company Charles Freitag, United Cotton Goods Exchange, Clean-O-Pore Company, anc A. M. Esses. Samuel H. Martin has leased tIn? sto res at 148 Columbus Avenue to Leor Cohn and T. J. Praitano. West Side Garage Leased Herbert Hecht & Co. have leased t< the Louis K. Liggett Company for th? Fifteenth Street Garage, Inc., tin garage at 412 to -118 West 15th Street The property is an Astor leasehold anc was improved by John J. Gillen abou two years ago. Pope & Brother have leased to Pau Grove and Louis Ambrose the garag< which has just been completed at 7 West Third Street, on lot 25x90. Louis Schr?g has leased the corne store at the northeast corner o Twenty-fifth Street and Eighth Ave nue to Buchwalter & Kahansky. Recorded Transfers Downtown FRAXKFORT ST. 25, s s. 67.1 o WilHai Ht, runs a w 68.1 lx o 20.11x n e. 68.10 t st x w 21.10 to beg; Tille Guar & Tru.? ''.. t.. Wm .Johnson. 22 Kos? st, nu $18.500, ;,?i lions; May 21; atty, T G , T Co, ! >; Bway.$10 MADISON ST, s h. 26.6 \v Clinton st. 26 80: Israel Wlschanskl to S I. Wlschan ski, Ro kaway Beach, B of Q, ml $21,500; May 16; atty, S Zlprls, 157 : Broadway .$10 SAME PROPERTY?3 I Wlschanskl I Ai^N Rosenthal, COI Honry Ht. mtg $21, 550 ; M:? y 22 : atl v. same.$ WASHINGTON ST. 131, a o ror Albany s 51 1x64 9x30 6x67 'i : lai Blgar, pxr. t West Beach Realty Corpn, 46 Cedar st May 20; atty, Frank M Tlchenor. 3 Park How .$10 SA Mil PROPERTY?West Beach Realt Corpn to Markham Realt v i^orpn, 3 Nassau st, mtg $20,000: May 22; b & i ai ... a S Terry, 46 Cedar st.$ East Side ST MARKS PL, 71, n s, 150 w 1st av, 25 So II; also strip bc-t n h 8th st and n St Marks pi, in front of foregoing, 25x! Anna Goldey (? loldsl ein I to Fann Glassman, ?23 E 6th st, mtg $18,000, a Hens: May 21; atty, T G & T Co, I' Broadway .$l' 1ST A V, s w cor '? Id SI. 7'. 3s 70; .1 ulia . wife of Wm G Wagner, to W G Wagn? & Rons, Inc. 571 1st av, mtg $20,000, a liens; May 16; atty, T G & T Co, I, B oadway . : 2D AV, n w ror 62d st. 25.5x100: Mai Chester Constr Co to Lawrence Holdii Co, 84 5th av, mtg $35,000, all Men b and s; May 21; atty, Louis Manhelr ? . Bway.$n 53D ST. n s, 60 e Madison av, 18x102. Lexlngpark Realty Co to Wm II Rei Rhlppan Pr. Stamford, Conn, $20 000, all HeJis; attys, Middlebrook & Bo land, 46 Ceda r et .$1 3D AV, 1999, e s. 20 10 s 110th st, 20x8 Wll ? EhrenhauBS to D <\- F Ttpaldl, 21 Bway, all lions, mtg $9.000; May 2 Thos !?" ICane, 38 Park Row. . . 116TB ST. 9 E, n s 25x100 11; Celia Lie ?lian to Frame Realty Co, 425 B ^Od ; mtg $15,500, all Hens: Mav 15; atty, Sa Bltterman, 309 Bway.SI 11STH ST, 517 E. n s, 26x100.11; Mein Realty Co to Frank N'anna, 422 J' 117 st. and Guiseppa Mllllllo, 2281 lsl a mtg. $3,000; all liens; Mav 21 atl Lawyers T & T Co, 160 Bway......$l ADRIAN AV, n a. 884 w Terrace View t 34x100 Bernard Buse fn Louis P Tuek< S14 i Albany Crescent, Bronx; m t? $6,000; all ?ions; May 21. atty, Geo I ;i LBS, ! 56 5th av.$1 West Side HUDSON ST. 611, n w c 12th st. r.7x24. Irreg (fnreclos April 30, 1019); Cliffo C Ludvlgh, ref, to No. 36 Pearl St < 16 William st; May 22; atty, Lawye T ,?- T ? o. l?o Bway. $12.( 92D ST, s s, I?1" w Bway; Mex H PI rus to 288-290 W 92d St Corpn, 200 run st; mtg, $68,000; all ll-ns. Ar 11; attvs, Henry, M <?-. M. 277 Bros way . $1 116TH ST, n B, 166.3 w 3d av, 17 3x100. .Tno A Hagmayer et al, oxrs. to Hag. Realty Co, 2121 "?-! av; May 21; in Guvtav Goodman, 346 Bway..... $13.? AMSTERDAM AV 1492-94 w s, 4n s 13' ?t 40xinn. Gerald An-i<>rsnn to N'oi River Realty Co, 898 ith av, mtg. $6 000; b sn'l s Bnd e a g; May 'J!. att Bauerdorf <S- Taylor, 111 Rvrnv. s SAME PROPERTY; Mlllblanche R-a Corpn to Gerald Anderson, 4:<7 W 6' st attys, sain---, mtg, $610,000.$ MIST ST. 475 W, n s. 17x99.11; .lac Br^on to A ?'M Realty Corpn, 55 Libo st ; mtg, $9.00(1; all '.Ions: May 20; at Adolph Banger, 55 L'.borty st. 160TH ST, 507 W, n s, 25.1x99.11; Jno Maloney to Mary, his wife, r,07 W 1G< st ; mtg. $14.000; all liens: atty, .Jos A fi? Liberty at.$ AUDUBON AY, 219-26, nee I76th st. 9S xlOO; M D Holding Co to M ?- B Rea Co, 2 Plnehuret av. mtg. $145.000;-at Frank K Silverman, 2".3 Bway.,$ Bronx LOTS 20 A- 21. bllt C, map Dore Lynns pr 50x119; Marie Krabo to Sigmund H zog, 1"57 Ho? av, mtst $4,500; May atty. BonJ Abraham, 116 Nassau st.. EL'RNSIDE AN', s w cor Crest?n bv 3l5x w inox s EOx w loo to e s Mo: av, n 201.4 x Irreg; also Burnside s w cor Morris av. 201.11 to Walton 117.1x200x144.8; Burneide Av no; Corpn to Realty Managers, Inc. Bway; May 21; atfy. Title Guar & T 17'-, Bway. . .1 S51F.IL ST, s s, lots ~'.)H and 790, map conla Park, 60x100; G Pe. Witt C?o to Raffaele Cossa, 3550 Holland av; 8 8; atty. Title c,uar & T Co, 176 Bro way . HEATH AY. 2S7K, o b, 20 2x100 5; Pan Klernan to Fred H Rttlerhoff, 241 131st st; May 20; atty, Title Guar t Co, 176 Bway.$5 DECATUR AV, w s, 270 a 206th si, 1"'. John Rudolph Lang to Valen Paul. 346 13 l'.'Mh Ut, tntg $6,000; ? 10; atty, Title- Guar & T Co, ion Brc way . GLBASON AV. s s. ."o .o ,. Castle Hill 26x103; Frank ??ass to Carrie Schm moo Lelond av; Mav u>. atty, ?'a Schmidt, H?9 Leland a?i .i [beach AV, a w o GleaBon av, loo. 62 % of Proposed Apartment Rented From Plant? Edward Burns, jr., and Mrs. W. H. Hixon have leased apartments in the house to be erected at 115 East Eighty-second Street by J. E. K. Car? penter. Excavators are still digging out tho placo for the foundations of this building, yet 62 per cent of the apartments in the projected building have been rented from the plans by Pease & Elliman, agents. Announce? ment of the improvement was made about a month ago. C. Merritt Ives, , who has charge of the Apartment House Department of Pease & Eili-, man, ventured the guess at the time that more than half of the apartments would be out of the market within a month. 64th St. Home for Banker Douglas L. Elliman & Co. have leased, furnished, for Mrs. Foster Crampton ;"?2 East Sixty-fourth Street, a five story American basement dwell? ing on a lot 20x100, to Oscar Cooper, president of the New York County Na? tional Bank. The same company has also leased apartments at 570 Park Avenue to Mrs. Humpherys; at lot? East Seventy-ninth Street to Reginald L. Hutchinson; at 122 East Seventy sixth Street to Richard L. Davisson; at 17? West. Fifty-eighth Street to Mrs. T. H. Leckie; at 901 Lexington Avenue to Gordon Abboti; at -4M Madi? son Avenue to Oswald Jimenis. Corporation Buys 53-Acre Farm at Great Neck A new corporation has purchased the Clark & Udall farm at Great Nock, containing lifty-three acres, from James L. Downey. The buyer will of? fer the property as whole for about a month. If at the end of that period it has not been sold it is tho plan to subdivide it into building sites of one, two and three acres. The property was held in the market at $100,000, ac? cording to I. G. Wolf and Kehoo & Williar, who negotiated the transac? tion and who are understood to have j a deal pending for the resale of the ' fifty-three acres. The Clark & Udall farm has a front? age of 2,000 feet on the North Hemp stead Turnpike. It ha? been in the family for more than a century. Lis Pendens Manhattan 111TH ST, s w f>. 160 n w 1st av, ??x 100.10; Adelaldo C Ryan agt Anna Bartels et al (partition); attys, Foley & Mai tin. S6TH ST, 158 E: City R<-al Estate Co act Joseph Pollard ot a i (foreclosure of nitge) ; at i v. H Sw ain COOPER SQ, 44. or 2 4th av; Dyckman st. e s, 459.0 n 10th av, 225x104 6s Irreg 157th st, o I, Inters..- high water line o* Hudson River, runs w < w 135.4x ?-x n w ? to bog; 12th av. c !. lntersec c 1 li.7th st, runs w ? to hitrh water mark of Hudaon River x s 130x ?- x n 129.11 to ho? ; Prince st. 63 to 67; Crosby si 113: Daniel F Mahoney act Annie E Ma honey et al (partition); atty, .1 Whalen. MANHATTAN AV. n w c, 114th st. 100 11 :: Manhattan Life Ins <'o agt Carl H Richardson, trustee *> al f ? of ml ge i : at1, y, II. V. Kenned y. 10TH AV. s w . 17th st. 25 5x75; Mary E Kenney agt Thomas P. Hennessy et al (foreclosure of r.uge); atty, T J Brady. Hy Stovrns 'o Frank Lane, 2010 Powell av. March 1: atty, Krank I.ans. 2019 Powell av.$1.000 GLEASON AV, n s, 380 e Olmstead a:. .:? xios Isabella Brown to Hugh Me Cauley, 135 W 128th st; mtg; ?4.260; May 21; attv, Title Guar & T Co. 176 Bway .$100 LONGFELLOW W. n e r 165th st. il.fix SO; Bedford Holding Corpn to 173d St flea I i Co, 700 W 179th st , mtg, $21,000 May 21 all Till? Guar & T Co, 176 Bway . $100 LONGFELLOW AV, 1074-8, o S| B II -.1 Hi ding Corpn to I73d Pi Realty Co, 700 W 179th m . 'ote-. 1 May 21; alty, Title Guar ? T Co, 176 Bvva; .$l(in 161ST ST. .;;<i E, H s, 22.10x65; Chas A Laumeister to Robt T Neumann, 1226 ?? n av: March I; atty, F E Foung ' .'.- ? -ourt landt av . f i BURNSIDE AV, n w o Walton av. 100.1] xl00.ll; Burnside-Jerome Lot ? orpn to Ausrusi Kuhn, 120 W 57th st; Ma : atty, Lawyers T & T ?':>. 160 ........ _way .J BURN'S! DE AV, n w r- Walton av, 100.1 1 : Metropolitan Lifo Ins ... to Buri : ? ? Loi .?';-.. , ?? : I '. way; May 21 . ally. Lawyers T Co Broadway . PA'. MM K Y Kit AV. o .-:. ... .kv av, :.'.". '?'>. i "J . Marie K Oerz ,,, vndi'ew Frey, 384 W 15 Ith m . : tge $4.000; M :. : \... Knox ? P. : V Ci da r St.. .. LOT 164, map M Schren i: nd a '.;?.:?-. Guar Co to Wi Morns av; May 20; atl v. . i K Davi . 3d av. $101 LOT "'I, par.-"! 20, map Wm U O .lohn J Conway et a; :?. Sarah \ 868 Whitlock av: mtge $2,000; May : ?. atty, Hv I Barnett, 132 Nassau st .$100 RIVERSIDE I'll. p. s, 120.S s from pt of curval ui e ol Inl ersecl ion of Rh Dr <v Evorgreori Dr. n o. 1<"<V?.\- n e 29.9 n v.- 125 :: to Evergreen Dr, s w 116 . - on cui ve 7 2x on cm ve 120.? to : ? : Northern Realty Co to Brice P Dlsqu Spuyten Duyvil, N V: April :;,0; alty, Lawyers Title Co 160 Broadway RYKIl AV, f s, 90 n 1 - .: I st, 50x100; Hilda Realty Co to Hy K Byrnes. 2260 LTnlver slt y av; mtg $ iv.6?"? ? ?. Ma - 21 ; alty, rtson. 320 Bway. I SUMMIT AV, ?? a. R5 s 165lh Bt. 25J i ; istave Olsen to 0 istaf Olsen, ". 0 ' ?? mil av; May 19; a ty, To.Id & St J 258 Bwav.$1 145TH ST, s s. 62 e Wales av, 38x27; Oath Zuck to Chas Zuck, 442 Wales av; May 21; atty, M Kretsoh, ?*-7 Prosport a >: TINTON AV, v. s, 42.6 s ;?".:;; ... 18.11x95; Albert Schmidt to Morris Ginsberg. 47 Gouverneur st ; May 21; atty, Ginsberg & P, n * Nassau s'. WASHINGTON AV, 1056, r s. 26x10 A Hagmayer to Hayset Realty ?... 2121 3d av; May 2!; aits. 'A Goodman, 346 l;r-ay . . . .$100 13STH ST. s ?:. 71. in w Brown p',. s 85x w lP.'-v s 16x w S lOx n 100 t o st x ?? 19 7 l? beg; also J3Sth st, s s, ,-? Willis av. 19.5x100; also 138th st, s ., f.o 4 ? Wiliis av. 19.6x100; also 138th et. s s, 708.11 e Willis av, ?? ? Coa mo Export ?- Trade Corpn 'o Hy G Strahmann, 1808 Alberrnale rri, Bklyn; May 21. ait-.. E Col ?-,, 327 Bway . ?infl WKF.'STER AV, '? P. ."'ri s 170th st. *?". 6x90; Norman r: Benbrook to .lohn E Curtis, i : i-; Par'-: a- Plalnneld, X J mtge $2? - 7.-.1 Mar 16 atty. John E Curtis 106 D?pot nv. piainfleld, N J.$100 LONGFELLOW AV, s o r I.oivn?. n ?-.!?(.. Bedford Holding (orpn to IT' I .'? Realty ("o. 7nr> Wr.t 179th st : intgo >.7"r'' Apr-,1 21; atty, Title G &? T Co, 17? Broadwa ?. c ' ? ' 16 iTH ST s s 70 e 3d av 120 to Franklin av X109.9x74.8x100; Ferncliff B ?orpn to Barclay HoMmc Corpn, 217 Broadway; mtfje $?8.i>f,n: May 17. atty, J H Zelser. 217 Broadway.$1C0 SAME PROPERTY. Barclay Hoi ng ''orpn to Jar-ob S M?h:man. 1093 Fr.. lin av; mtge $92,000; May 21; atty. O'Grady Bros., '.17 Broadway.$100 UNION AV, o s, 25 n 151st st, 25x90; Joa V MrKee. r^f. to Dorothea. Dohrmann, 20? Wrst 135th r-> . Sopt 2-18; attv. Elfero & A. 277 Broadway .$1.0no JEROME AV. n e c, lPId st. n 159.2x o 100 x n 20 x o 60 x R 7".'.' x w 50 \ s 100 to street, x w 110 to beginning;; also Jerome av, w r>. 62 7 s Klngsbrl Ige :d. lOOx 114.8x100x115.2; Hy W Smghi to Remler Realfv Corpn. 2M; Wost 73d st. n-.v? $48,500; May 16; atty. New York T A M Co, 135 Broadway .$1 ASH av. n s, lot 30. map Laconl? Park. 25x100; Jos. XV Fisoher to Hy Wlonan's. 631 Bergen av: May 22; atty. Tltl? ?;?;?: &? T Co, 176 Bway., .$!00 Bni.M'"'NT AV, 19S8, i B, :5x!02x2rr 1\r-< :: : Jos \uinio to Saml & Abr Cohen, i'1" Proapect av, mtg $7.600 Mar 17; attv, Title ?itiar ? T Co, 176 Bway .. .$nio TREMONT AV, s s. 25 w Clinton av. 26x 90.9x25x99.8; alao Tremont av, s ?. 60 w Clinton nv, 26x99 ? Emanuel Reln helmer to Barcias- Holding ( srpn, "17 Broadway, mtg f2n ooo, Mas- 20; attv, N Y T * M Co, 135 Bway..$100 SAME PROPERTY --Ban-lay Holding Corp to Bedford Holding Co, 180 Bwa $20.100: Mas 21: ntt\-, saino. , .'. . ? 10 ? GRAND BOU1 BVARD AND CONCOl RSE sv s. 47 n ls-d m. 50x58.9x50x58; Marv D Welling to Prancea 11 Bond ?08 vV l?4th st. mtg $10,000; May 21 ? ntt\ Title Guar A T Co, 176 Bway. . $ | SAME PROPERTY Francei H Bond to Lout? Smith, Jr. 530 W IB?d st. m'g $io.onp. MRy 2i; atty, TUIa Guar & T Co, 170 $? .Many More Decide to Owp. a Brooklyn Home _i Ready Buyers Found for Houses in AH Sections of the Borough The Realty Trust has sold for Aloo Building Company the one-family ; semi-detached brick dwelling at 2163 j Sixty-sixth Street, Mapleton Park, to : Alexander K. Moses for occupancy. F. C. Sauter has sold for Mrs. Min? nie Bradford to Jacob Cohen the two | family dwelling at 415 Sixteenth Street. ! The buyer will occupy. Burling & Swan have sold 22 and 2-i Cheever Place, two three-family dwellings, and 643 Greene Avenue, a brick dwelling. House? were secured for occupancy in each case. I. Salzberg has sold the Borough Park clubhouse, in Thirteenth. Aenue, from Fiftieth to Fifty-first Street, from the R. F. B. Realty Company to the L. A. O. Realty Company. It is on a plot 200x140. The Bulkley & Horton Company has sold 140 Schenectady Avenue, a two | story and cellar, two-family dwelling, on plot 20x100, to Bernard and Delia Waters for occupancy. Church Aids in Getting Tide Expressly to aid Mrs. Johanna Tja den, widow of Gerhardt T.iaden, ; o ob? tain a clear title to adjoining prop? erty she owns, the Reformed Protes? tant Dutch Church of Xew It recht, Brooklyn, yesterday sold to her a plot 60x60 at Eightieth Street and Wash? ington Avenue for $100, The deal was made following the application of the trustees for permission to sell, which Justice Benedict, of the Brooklyn Su? preme Court, granted. The church ?3 one of the oldest in Brooklyn and is descended from the early Dutch settlers, a map of the parsonage hav? ing been made by Jeremiah Lot, dated February 2, 1835. i ? - PROPOSALS SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BT Hi? Board of Water Supply, at It? offices, Lwenty second floor, Municipal Building, Park Row. Centre and Chumbera Btreets, New York City, until 11 A. M. on Tuesday, June 10, 1919, for Contra ? ! ? for the construction of about 794 highways, Including clearing. gradina. draining, building of culverts and guard? rails, around the Schoharte r?servoir, m Hi? Towns of Giiboa and Conesvllle Se ho? llarle county, Prattsville, Greene >unty, and Roxbury, Delaware county, New York. At the above place and time the bid? will ho pubi?.?;.? open? I Pam? phlets containing n for oiddsrs and i ntracl drawings ran b? o lit .lined at the above addres:?, at in? office of th? Secretary, by depositing the sum of ten. dollars (i:0^ In cash oi Ita equivalent for each pamphiet. For further particulada apply ti of the Chief Engineer, .. : th above dd JOH '?' GALVTN, Profilent; CHARLE? V c HADWICK, !.. .!. ?i REILLY Commlssionci tei Sjpply. BENJ. V EINB1GLER, Secretary, SUMMONS SUPREME COURT, NEW lORK COUNT?. LOUIS COHEN, Plaintiff, against EVA COHEN, Defendant Action roj Absolute Dlvoi :e. Trial desired .i? New York County. Summons. To the above rara'd Defeidan*: Von are hereb> summoned to answer tha complain! In t?.is action, and to '="rve a copy of your answer bn the Plaintiff's At? torn?; within 'Menty days after the ser? vice r.f this summons, exclusivo of the day of servir., and in case of your fa ura to app? ir, or answer. Judgment, by default. taken against you lief ?ie .d in the compl Datad, New lor) . i ? Sth, 1919 S ',! I EL Dl? .-.-?! EIN. Plaintiff'* Attr i , Ol <? Offlc? Address, No 299 ?? iork City. To ?he 1 ?efendai t, EV \ rOHl ' The foregoing sun s rved upon you by publication ?-,.:? to ?:: order of Hon George V Mi lian, a I ;---?? ? of th? Supreme Court of I i ork. I filed with tha ooinplalnt Clerk of th? of N? ??'? Y?--.-?;, at tl ? ? Court i B o? Manliatla York City Dat? I, "' iw York City, Ma; I I 1919, ?I? 1KSTEIN, Attorney for Plaintif! ? ? a--,r? p. O. address, 299 Bmadwaj Borough of rl SURROGATES' NOTICES SHERMAN, FREDERICK W.?IN PURSU ance of an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of N??r York. NOTICE i? hereby given to ?II per sons having dalms agaii : ck W. Sherman, late of the County of Now York. deceased, ?o pr?tent the situe with vouch? ers thereof, to ine subscriber, at hin piar? of transacting busmen?, at the ornee of Merkle i Merkle, ?.'.f attorneys, at No. 2ii Broadway, m 'be Borough o? Manhattan. m the City ol Now York, i-:ta:e of N-w ?. i;.. on or before the 25th ?Jay of July. 1919 Da/ed New York, the 16th day of Jan? uary. LUS. P.OBERT A. BROWN. Executor. MERKLE & MERKLE. Attc-cevg fi? Executor, Office and P. O. Address. 2"S Broadway. Borough of Manuatiaa. Now York City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER O? Honorable John P. ?,'obalan, a Suir-inst? ,f the i i.-- of New Tior.i. dated the 2Si.h day of November, 1918, NOTICE ;s hereby g ven to all persons lia. ng lalma ?-.gain?t Harry Wheelei Powell, no i the ? ,-,f New York, deceased, to present tha same with vouchers thcr?of to tha nub it. rlber, at lier place of transacting busi? ness, at the office of Hart. Stevenson Wil? ton & Senior, b'-r attorneys, No. 20 Nusaaj Street, In the City of Now York, on or b? fore the ?.--t da> of May next. Dated, New York, the 27th day of Ns? \ ember, l?lb. MAY MOSHER POWELI* Executrix. HART, STEVENSON, WALTON & Stt. NIOR. Attorneys for Executrix, 20 Nat? reu Street, New York City. IV PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogats of the County of New York. NOTICE la h?r?hv given to all persons having claims against Alexander n Erickaon, late of tha County of New York, decease^, to prenant the name tvith vouchers thereof to ire sub at us rlaio of transacting business. No, 2S Broad Street, in the City of N?*r York, on or before the 16th day of Au? gust next. Dat-d. New York, the 30?h day of J?n> uar; 1919 THE NEW YORK TRUST COMP? r,X?e.|?or. TAVL<">R. HtrMES * BEGG, Attorney? tor th? itor, -4 Broad Street, New Y ork ' 'I. y REDEMPTION NOTICE NOTICE OF RFDF.Ml'Ttn.V KIN< I.AIR (.1 IF < (IKI'OK \ riON FIRM LIEN Tl.V YEAH ( ?>N \ l.KTIBLE 6?o t.OLD TIONt? NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN (hat., pu< suar.t to tb? terms of the lude; tura ? ' Mortgage rt.v-d March I I - ? air Gulf Corporation to Banker? 1 ? loi p .?:-. ??? N ??-. Fork as Ti ? said Sinclair Gulf Cor] for red pi the 18th f J un?. 1919, at '19'. of the face ' ??tul accrued interest, all of the bi nda now, outstanding and .'-aid mortgage, after which da'e all Interest on s^lrl bonda will cease and all coupons ?cached t here! a will I - ad void. The said bond? will b? r?dee-n?1 sM all suma du?- tnereon paid by Bin' ? Trust Company, at its ofn. o. No. J* Wall Street. Borough of Manhattan. <":tv of New Voik. rn or ?fte- .tur? lft?h, I91S ' . ?????'. bonds will be paid en,y t-, the registered lei their duly* ?: thenttcated transferees and ?it un:nn tured i uports n ust accompany tha t- < tain. Ownership certificates eoV?rlng accrued Interest to .tune lgth, I9l9, ?h?i'.;-l niccom pany the bonds when presented tor re? demption. SINCLAIR GULF COftpoR ATI. v ? J. FLBTCHBR FARRQLL, Treasurer. PUBLIC NOTK ES I WIl I. N? ?T BE ni-'SP? ?NRIBl i. debts contracted b} n ?? ? \ rit s Co ff ro an, after this date. Don M. ?. , ?