Newspaper Page Text
Week's Transactio Contint?tf? from preceding page 11 40la 69% % 79% May 16 61 Mar 19 6 do 1st preferred... 100 ;^% May 13 58% Feb 8 7 do 2d preferred... 260 96% MY* 8 66 Jan 2 G Associated Oil . 2800 104 May 27 90 Feb 3 6 At., T. & S. F.55700 5S 53 85 99' 1 1918. ,-Karge, 1919-.Dividend **h 1 <'w- IIiEh- T,atc- Low' D8te' Rate' Name of stock. Sales. Blf 9g ' 13S M;.v 9 111% Jan 21 7 American Sugar. 10100 !lt. foal 114 May 24 113% Jan 6 7 do preferred. 800 ,l -o ?'* 118 Mar 12 96% Jan 7 10 Am. Sumatra Tobacco 17200 C* M 100 May 12 93 Jar. 6 7 do preferred. 500 1*3 -, ^lay 27 2% May 20 ? Am. Sumatra Tob. rts 19900 ~ MQ 108% Mar 10 98% Jan 29 8 American Tel. & Tel. 14100 !^14 t'iaZ 215% May 9 191% Feb 4 20 American Tobacco .... 1700 106 Jari 6 96% May 14 6 do preferred new.. 800 44n! 97% May 29 45% Jan 17 5 American Woolen ... 28500 ??> 10,'i Mav 29 94% Feb 8 7 do preferred. 1200 .?Y 48 May 5 27% Jan 2 ? Am. Writing Paper pr. 8900 18% Mav 5 11 Jan 31 ? Am. Zinc & Lead-19600 53% May 29 40 Jan 21 6 do preferred. 1400 71% May 26 56% Feb 6 4 Anaconda . 66900 5 Apr 26 1 Apr 22 ? Ann Arbor . 200 3% Mar 7 1 Jan 2 ? ABsets Realization Co. 7500 1*" 55% May 29 17% Jan 6 ? Associated Dry Goods 27200 51 36% 54 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ gQ g9 jan i 85 May 2 5 do preferred. 3000 *9*v 107 May 29 95 Mar 27 7 Atlantic Coast Line.. 1600 ' 177% May 9 92 Feb 8 10 Atl., G. & W. I. S. S... 9300 i 76'"i May 8 64 Jan 29 5 do preferred. 400 36i 104% May 28 64% Jan 29 ? Baldwin Locomotive. .129900 1 93 ' IOS1 ? May 29 102 Jan 29 7 do preferred. 300 1 48V 55% May 27 44 Jan 21 4 Baltimore & Ohio... 14300 59% May 27 50 Apr 21 4 do preferred. 800 138% May 21 103 Jan 2 8 Barrett Company... 6500 1 119 Mar 29 110 Feb 10 7 do preferred. 400 1 ^^M Mav 29 1% Jan 20 ? Batopilas Mining.... 3700 60% 80% Mav 27 55% Jan 20 5 Bethlehem Steel. 1800 59% 81% May 29 55% Jan 21 5 do Class B. 94900 R4 100's Mav 27 90% Feb 11 7 do 7th preferred... 100 1 96% 113 Mav 13 101% Jan 22 8 do 8th preferred... 900 1 ? " 100*4 May 16 97 Apr 17 8 Brooklyn Edison 325 25% 29% May 29 18% Jan 27 ? Bklyn. Rapid Transit 19500 ? 27% May 15 19% Mar 21 ? do certificates. 2500 Tg 92 May 29 79 Apr d 6 Brooklyn Union Gas 800 ?l 24% May 22 1S% Jan 17 2 Booth Fisheries ?... 39600 10* 166 Apr 23 13S Feb 6 10 Burns Bros. 100 1 6% 11% Mav 16 8% Mar 22 ? Brunswick . 800 ? 75 May 17 70 Apr 24 7 Buffalo & Susque... 100 5% 14% May 27 5% Feb 20 % Butte Copper & Zinc 30100 16% 27 May 29 16% Feb 15 ? Butte & Sup. Copper 17300 7'". 30 May 14 16 Jan 28 ? Butterick . 800 36% 69 May 28 48% Jan 2 4 California Packing.. 33700 12 34% May 16 20% Jan 2 ? California Petroleum 8000 36 80% Mav 22 64% Jan 2 7 do preferred. 3200 81 65% May 29 56% Mar 15 4 Calumet & Arizona.. 2000 4o is ~ May 26 46 Apr 14 3 Canada Southern- 100 135 170% Mav 7 155% Jan 21 10 Canadian Pacific - 8400 1 73 100 May 16 91% Jan 14 7 Case, J. I., pr. 200 ? 54% May 27 48% May 24 ? Caddo Oil . 72700 lg 28 May 17 21 May 3 ? Central Foundry_. 900 33 52% May 17 27 Apr 4 5 do preferred. 5100 54% 96% May 28 56% Feb 8 5 Central Leather -52100 101'. 112 May 2 104% Jan 7 7 do preferred. 200 1 30 " 50% May 5 30% Apr 12 4 Certalnteed Corp. ... 1000 84% 90 May 7 85 Jan 31 8 do 1st preferred.. 100 29% 46% May 16 31 Jan 22 4 Cerro De Pasco. 14000 6*% 191% May 26 103 Jan 18 12 Chandler Motors .... 9100 1 49% 68% May 17 53% Jan 21 4 Chesapeake & Ohio.. 13600 7 14% May 29 7 Apr 11 ? Chicago & Alton pr... 200 ? 7% May 17 4 May 13 ? Chi. & Eastern 111... 300 ? 11% May 27 4 May 13 ? do preferred. 5400 6 111.- May 19 7% Jan 21 ? Chi. & Great Western 3000 1?'.. 30% May 19 23% Apr 21 2 do preferred. 800 37', IT's May 19 34% Feb 15 ? Chi., Mil. & St. Paul.. 19700 66V4 74% Mar 12 65% Jan 21 ? do preferred. 8300 89% 105 May 26 93% Jan 21 7 Chi. & Northwestern. 7100 1 125 133 Jan 13 128 Apr 22 8 do preferred. 900 1 18%i 31 May 19 22% Jan 21 ? Chi., R. I. &- Pac. 20100 46 71% May 19 61% Jan 21 6 do 6% preferred.. 1300 .11",% 83% May 19 73% Jan 21 7 do 7% preferred... 1900 69 82 Jan 2> 65% Apr 16 5 Chi., St. P., M. & O.. . 400 26 48 May 19 32 Feb 17 ? C, C, C. & St. L. 2400 sSvt 72% May 15 64 Apr 2 5 do preferred. 200 11% 26 May 26 17% Jan 21 ? Chile Copper .: 79700 31% 40% May 27 32% Feb 6 3 Chino Con. Copper . 18900 43% 75 May 1 60J& Feb 27 fi Cluett Peabody. 300 34% 48 May 26 34,% Feb 10 3 Col. Fuel & Iron.... 9800 28% 55 May 23 39% Feb 1 4 Col. Gas & Electric. 15900 18 31% May 5 i*t jan 22 ? Col. & Southern_ 200 47 58 May 26 48% Jan 3 4 do 1st preferred... 900 10 54 May 10 45 Feb 4 4 do ?d preferred .. 100 ??0 47% Apr 4 37% Jan 4 4 Comp.. Tab., Rec'ding 1400 95 111 % May 29 110% May 26 8 Con. Gas E. L. & P.. 1400 1 82% 103%. May 16 87% Jan 27 7 Consolidated Gas_ 3800 1 7% 9% May 27 5% Apr 9 3 Con. Int. Calla. Min. 2900 65% 88% May 26 65% Feb 10 6 Continental Can .... 20900 114 74 Apr 21 58 Jan 3 5 Continental Insurance 300 29% 68% May 28 46 Jan 21 ? Corn Products.190000 90% 10?% May 2 102 Jan 23 7 do preferred . 200 1 10 6i%. May 23 48 Mar 15 6 Crex Carpet Co. 100 52 84% May 29 52% Feb 7 ? Crucible Steel . 80100 86 100 May 27 91 Jan 2 7 do preferred . 300 1 -''?- M"', May 9 20% Jan 27 ? Cuba Can Sugar_26900 77% 85% May 3 69% Mar 1 8 do preferred . 4400 100 116 May 29 101 Jan 20 9 Delaware & Hudson. . 1600 1 1''" 217 May 7 172'. Mar 18 20 Dei., Lack. & Western 100 2 -'* R^ May 21 3^ Apr "'"' ? Denver & Rio Grande 500 13% May 5 6% Feb 7 ? do preferred. 5400 6 16% May 12 10% Jan 31 ? Dome Mines . 4400 30% May 8 27 Jan 23 6 Elk Horn Coal. 1300 20 , May 19 15% Jan 21 ? Erie .? 14109 23 - .32% May 19 24% Jan 21 ? do 1st preferred... 4900 18% 23 May 19 17% Apr 3 ? do 2d preferred... 300 ? 114 May 29 110 May 29 6 Fam. Plav.-Laskv Cor. 17100 1 9% 20 May 13 9% Feb 10 ? Fed. Min. & Smelting 1500 47 May 14 33 Jan 20 4 do preferred. 2600 26 82 May 19 3?% Jan 7 ? Fisher Body . 5400 70% 10;% May 17 91 Feb 10 7 do preferred. 100 1 25% 3.7% May 19 25% Jan 21 2 Gaston Williams_14G0O 163 195 May 29 163% Feb 14 8 General Chemical ''00 1 84% May 28 47 Jan 3 4 Gen. Cigar Co.... "" 39600 127% 168% May 29 144% Feb 3 8 Gen. Electric Co. " 9100 1 106% 210 May 29 118% Jan 21 12 General Motors Tf.Jno 1 75% 94% Apr 14 82 Jan 6 6 do preferred . "0OO 91% Apr 14 82% Feb 17 6 do 6% deb.. . ""' ?"O? 3- 78% May 27 56% Jan 10 4 Goodrich, B. F "" KOlfiO 96 109% Apr 16 103 Jan 8 7 do preferred . y>00 1 71 vf> J?" 3 64 Apr 21 5 Granby Mining. ?Z B6 100% May 27 89% Apr 21 7 Great When.'pr."" ?? ?% SS ? 9 38? ?J 4 ?. Northern 0rePsr?b8 S ..-% 46% Jan 9 38% Apr 2.? ? Greene Cana. Conner 12900 8 11% May 29 7% Feb 4 _ Gnlf, Mob. ? N?i ?S? 27 38 May 29 31% Jan 16 - do preferred. . 200 *% 80'-. May 15 49% Feb 8 4 Gulf State Steel ?MO ->.% 95% May 26 91% May 22 7 do 1st preferred.: ?S2 61% May 15 40 Feb 6 4 H. & B. Car Co cifioo 84% May 29 54% Jan 7 4 Hartman Cor-pn.:!:" 700 92 104 May 16 96 Jan 21 7 Illinois Central 1G00 2;'J i!8*' .! T* Tan 2 - ,nterrmt- Afrtcultnr'al 2000 ',,. :'." M?y 26 48 Jan 4 6 do preferred . 2000 41% 69% May 27 42% Feb 6 5 Inspiration Copper.. 59100 1% 8% May 29 3% Mar 28 - Interboro Con Corp 83100 7% 29% May 29 11% Mar 29 - do preferred Sfino 04 135% Apr 23 110% Jan 21 6 Internat Harvester"" *7R00 I? 118 Jan 15 115 Feb 18 7 do preferred . Z 11 58% May 19 21% Jan 31 ? Internat Mer Marlne"l4750n * "A* ??ay 2H "* F*b 10 * ?o Preferred ne;l?2m 24% 57% May 28 30% Jan 3 - International Paper 43300 5 2* ,,ay 28 W Jan 13 ? do pref Btpd. . "00 llw /-- ? J 2W'* F'*b 3 ~ International Nickel. 82400 m *><% May 28 97% May 28 7 do preferred . 100 %'.z a ?aV J M Fob 1Z 6 International 8alt_ 100 ?% 6 May 19 2% Feb 13 - Iowa Central. 200 48 Mar 15 28 Feb 8 - Jewel Tea Co_10300 M 91 .Mar ? 80 Apr 17 7 do preferred ,~Z 1200 7*U !??? tPT 22 10" M*r 20 * K.yaer, J ._ 100 J5? Zfg May 19 16% Jan 30 _ Kan?.?? City So..~ 2800 ? iSS T? \\ 2* J*"n 2l 4 ??preferred . 300 W ?l ?F It if./ ??an 21 4 Kelly Spring Tire.... 33600 24% Xv M*7 It \VA ^ 9 H d?> Purred_ 100 ?1 IM S?, 51 It ?M 24 - ?WM* Wheel Co.-1200 S ?mc Mf la 22,/ I? 15 7 ??preferred . 500 ~ iS ? y II l9Y? i*h " 2 K?"?eott Copper ... 89900 N %A J?' n H% Y** Tl )20 Keystone Tire & Rub 27500 7r% May 28 r,n jan 2\ 4 Krens & <o. 100 g* 84% May 27 (,2% Jan 21 6 I.ackawanna Steel ... 22100 5? H ? XA i1" \\ ~ ?o Preferred . 200 ?24% Ja/ 7 ?l\ Jt*n A - U* Rubb?r ft Tire.. 8000 3S ?ut 2t H? ,Apr ll " L?ir.*Mye,.Tob.Co. 800 ns on the New York S -Weekly Ran?? ^^^^^^^^^^^ Net )pen. High. Low. Clone, change. 32 133% 130% 133% -f 1% 18 118 118 118 ? 1 07% m? 10714 10994 -f 2% 94 % 95 94 95 - 3:? 514 3? 4% - 06% 108% 106 107 4- % 11% 212 207% 210% ? % 00% 100% 100 100 ? 88% 97% 87% 97% +11 02 103 102 103 4- 1 44 46% 44 45% + 1% 16% 18% 16% 18 4-1? 50% 53% BOH 53% + 4% 69% 71% 69% 70% 4 1% 4% 4% 4% 4% + % 1% 3 l'a 2% -r % 50 55% 50 54% 4 8% 79 79 79 79 - 75ft 75% 75% 75% ? 8% 90% 91 89% 91 +1 00 104 100 102% 4- 2% 87 88% 87% 87% 4- % 05% 107 104 107 4- 2 64 167 162% 163 ? % 74% 74% 74% 74% + % 01 104% 100% 103% 4 2% 06 108% 106 108% 4 2% 54% 55% 54 54% - 58% 59% 58% 59% + 1% 37% 138% 133% 138% 4- % 18 119 118 119 4 4 1% 2 1% 2 - 78% 80% 78% 79% 4 % 81% 79 80% Range, 1918. High. Low. 200 144% 110 98' 124% 110 78% 70 81% 83 110% 114 67% 104 21% 54% 99% 69% 105% 10% 21% 36% 139 84% 100% 100% 100% +1% I ?I 112% 112 112 ? " 100 99% 100 4- 2 29% 26% 28% 4 2 90 168% ?163% *164% 23% ? 2% High 181 110 122% 79% 65 1% 88 119% 64 40 35% -Range, 1919-, Dividen Date. Low. Date. Rate. May 29 147% Apr 15 12 Apr 26 107 Jan 28 7 113 Jan 70 Jan 22 64% May 28 1% May 26 70 Mar 28 00 Apr 30 26% Jan 22 % May 17 May 27 May 28 May 26 Jan 25 ?May 13 51% May 27 78% May 26 40% May 27 99% May 14 197% Feb 15 28% Mav 19 53 May 29 15% May 2 11% Apr 25 25 May 19 33% Bay 16 18% May 28 96 May 27 79% May 27 ^^^^ 39% Apr 8 29% Jan 126 Mar 20 109 Jan 121 Mar 14 115% Jan 87% May 5 70 Jan 108% May 26 103% Feb 21% Apr 23 14 Feb 69% May 28 45% Feb 104 May 27 9.3 Jan 79% May 28 64 Jan 110% May 19 107 Jan 14 Mar 10 5% Feb 18 May 27 15% Mar 37% May 29 28% Apr 124 May 26 91% Feb 83% May 27 69% Jan 33 May 22 24 Apr 70 Apr 1 63 Apr 35 Apr 28 19% Feb 55 May 24 44 % Mar 34% May 19 25% Feb 24 May 19 18% Jan 20 May 29 15 Mar 112% May 19 103 Mar 61% May 22 4 7 Mai 99% May 27 88% Jan 78% May 29 46 Jan 51 May 29 43 Jan 56% May 26 35% Feh 13% May 9 8 Feb 10% May 13 5% Mai 57% May 20 46 Mai 40% May 9 29% Feb 29 Feb 28 22 Jar 97% May 29 67 Jan 163% May 24 117 Jan 4b% May 23 43% Mai 39% May 26 30 Ma: 57 May 26 45% Jan 14 May 16 4% Ma 24% May 19 12% Jar 1!? May 21 40 Ma 63%. May 15 56 Ma 43% May 23 30 Jar 61% May 27 38% Jar 110 May 2S 101% Jar 28% May 9 16 Jar 62% May 29 45 Fet 98 May 28 85% Ma 58 May 21 44 Ap 99% May 11 90% Jar 40% Feb 27 34 Jai 83% May 5 79 Jai 19 May 7 12% Fel 82 May 28 59 Fe! 91% Jan 7 82 Ja: 129% May 19 112% Fe 60% Apr 29 51 Ap May 27 Mar 28 22 ? 23 10 ?% H ?6 '<? 4 4% 91% May 29 Mar 15 Feb 19 Jan 2 Feb 10 Mar 11 Jan 21 10 45% 66% 168% 166% 98% 100% 47% 47% 103% 103% 09% 21S 11? m? 57 68) 9i% im 122 Apr 16 189% May 9 15% Apr 30 31 Apr 28 27% May 16 66 Apr 21 32% May 21 81% May 27 167 May 27 111 May 23 46% May 2 115 May 29 114% May 28 70% May 22 50 Mar 12 ? 2% 4- 1% ?^i'll6% 86% 109% May 28 113% ? 93 -^ ?n 16% ->- i % ? Il% i113* ? 1 73^ __\\ 26% t .* i7% 4-1 i 24% ??*l ? i? IS* 28? 4- 1% 117% Apr 29 82% May 26 19% May 9 74% May 27 114% Apr 3 74 May 29 12% May 19 38 May 19 24% May 20 79 May 23 13% May 19 21% May 19 61% Jan 9 92% May 26 116 Mny 19 59% May 26 70 May 16 91 May 28 103 Mny 29 12 May 16 63% May 3 39% May 27 40% Jan 20 4 6t Feb 27 4 65% Jan 20 3 96% Feb 17 7 7% Mar 5 ? 45 Jan 3 4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 23% Jan 22 1 % 75 98% May 9 87% Ja.n 7 7 % HO 133% May 19 120 Feb" 7 8 84 73 May 9 50 Feb 13 ? % 85% 98 Apr 25 88 Jan 9 7 % 59 97? Apt 2A M ???H i 1 tock Exchange -Weekly Range Name of stock. Lorillard Co., Pierre. do preferred....... Louis. & Nash. Mackay Cos. do preferred. Manhattan Beach .. Manhattan Elevated. Manhattan Shirt_ Maxwell Motor Co... do 1st preferred. Sales. 3100 200 300 200 200 100 500 1400 36400 15200 Net Close, change. do 2d preferred... 15100 May Dept. Stores_ 3900 Mexican Petroleum .. 98600 Miami Con. Copper. 8100 Midvale Steel _95100 Minn. & St. L. new.. 2000 Mo., Kan. & Texas.? 3800 do preferred... 1500 Missouri Pacific _61100 do preferred. 5200 100 10400 Moline Plow 1st pr.. Montana Power 4 % = National Acme ._.. 10100 National BiBcuit. 1900 do preferred. 100 Nat. Cloak & Suit.. 300 do preferred. 100 Nat. Conduit & Cable 15200 Nat. Enam. & Stamp 12500 do preferred. 200 National Lead . 6200 do preferred. 100 Nat. R. of Mes. 2 pr 1500 Nev. Con. Copper.... 5600 N. O., T. & M. 2000 N. Y. Airbrake. 1900 N. Y. Central. 37100 N. Y., Chi. & St. L. 2200 do preferred. 100 New York Dock. 3900 do preferred. 600 N. Y? N. H. & H. 12300 4 % = 4 3% = 4 2 - % = N. Y, Ont. & West.. Norfolk Southern . . Norfolk & Western. North American.... Northern Pacific ... Nova Scotia Steel. Ohio Fuel . 1100 2 200 1 3900 11 800 6 10900 9 15100 7 100 5 Ohio Cities Gas.142100 5 Okla. Pro. & Ref.... 68100 1 Ontario Silver . 6900 Owens Bot. Machine 1900 E Pacific Mail . 1100 ? Pacific Tel. & Tel.. . 800 1 Pan.-Am. Petrol. 66100 1 do preferred. 200 1( Penn. Railroad . 22500 Penn. Seaboard Steel 2000 : Peoples Gas & Coke. . 6700 ! Peoria & Eastern_ 400 P?re Marquette. 14900 i do preferred. 100 do pr. preferred.. 1900 i Phi la. Company. 10700 Pierce Arrow. 84100 do preferred..._ 300 1 Pierce Oil . 27300 Pittsburgh Coal _38700 do preferred . 800 P, C, C & St L. 600 Pittsburgh Steel pref 100 Pitts & West Vir_ 6400 do preferred. 300 Pond Creek Coal_ 3400 Pressed Steel Car..... 10600 Pub Sere Corp N J.. 100 Pullman Palace Car.. 3400 1 Punta Alegre Sugar.. 2600 Railway Steel Spring 12100 do preferred ...... 100 1 Ray Con Copper. 19300 Reading . 88900 do 1st preferred.... 100 Republic Iron & Stl. 20300 do preferred . 800 1 1 Royal Dutch . 13400 1 i Royal Dutch N Y Shs.109700 1 Savage Arms . 100 Saxon Motors . 11400 St Joseph Lead. 3600 St L & San Fran-24100 do preferred . 1200 Seaboard Air Line.. 1500 do preferred. 300 Sears Roebuck . 2000 ? do preferred. 1400 Shattuck Ariz. Copper 2100 Sinclair Oil. 97600 Sloss-Sheff. Steel & I 8900 do preferred. 35 Southern Pacific _329000 : Southern Railway_20900 do preferred. 8300 Standard Milling_ 100 : do preferred. 100 Stromberg Carb.- 18900 Studebaker .180900 do preferred. 100 Stutz Motor . 20700 Superior Steel . 14100 Tenn. Cop. & Chem.. . 8300 Texas & Pacific. 86400 Texas & Pac. L. T. 55 Texas Company.22100 do preferred. 200 Third Avenue . 8900 Tobacco Products-113100 do preferred. 4900 Toi., St. L. & W. ctfs. 100 do pr. certificates.. 100 Trans. Williams Steel 3900 Twin City Rapid Tran 1S00 Underwood Type Co. S00 Union Bag & Paper.. 1900 Union Pacific . 40700 do preferred. 1100 United Alloy Steel... 12300 United Cigar Stores.. 29900 United Drug . 300 do 2d preferred- 200 United Fruit . 2900 United Rail Invest.. 800 do preferred . 1000 U S Cast I P & Fdy. 10600 do preferred. 300 United States Exp... 1300 U S Food Products... 95100 U S Ind Alcohol..... 57900 do preferred . 200 U S Real & Imp. 1900 United States Rubber.112100 do 1st preferred... 1S00 U S Smelt & Ret_ 12600 do preferred . 800 United States Steel. .499800 do preferred . 5900 Utah Copper . 36100 Utah Sec Corp. 1900 Vlr-Carolina Chem.. 26700 do preferred . 1400 Virginia I, C & C. 3200 Wabash . 8200 do A preferred.... 8100 do B preferred- 3000 Wells-Fargo Exp. 2800 Western Maryland... 10100 Western Pacific ..?. 2400 do preferred-. 1200 West Union Tel. 6300 West Air Brake. 2100 West'house Manu ... 69900 do 1st preferred... 100 Wilson Company - 24600 do preferred . 800 Wheeling & Lake Erie 2900 White Motors . 20600 Willys-Overland _144500 do preferred. 900 Woolworth . 900 Worth P & Mach... 6500 do A preferred*?.?? 300 ddBsitfvnctUM 700 32% 4 1 4 % : tl ? 2 -?- 1" 97% 4 1 64 70 _f Illlllllllf Illllllllf IBIIIIllIIIlIllllIIf Ulf tlllllf f 11191 irilllillllllllf llllilllllfllltltlf llllf_^f American Trust Company | 135 Broadway, New York 203 Montagne St., Brooklyn E Capital and Surplus, $1,200,000 | Transact? a General Trust and Banking Business? ;S Interest Allowed on Daily Kulane?*. , |T Statement May 31st, 1919 E (Opened for business January ?7tl . 1919) ~ 1 LIABILITIES. RESOTTRCE8. Cash on hand and In banks JS5?,097.62 Demand loans (secured by collateral). ?,647.268.58 U, S. Government bonds and certlncatea. New York City bonds... Bend? and murtsaces.. ?? Bills purchased. . Time loans (secured by collateral) ., Furniture and fixtures... Accrued Interest receiv? able mi Uli ? i II. II. -$3,600.869.?0 626.0S7.S2 111.100.00 ?92.034.00 S7.000.C0 4?6.TS0.00 7.S10.8T 26.148.94 Capital. . . $1,000,000.09 ? ? Surplus and undivided ? profits. . Iti.&TP 0? ? Deposits _?4,290.665.98 ,? Certified ??; oheck? .... 42.459.09 i? Oificers' - checks .... 18.7S0.16 -4,881.808.1? '~ Aocrued interest payable. ?.SIX. 61 ? tt ti-.i.: st ?= ?5.587.2^7.38 Deposit? February 88. 1019 (1st month)..? Deposits March 31, 1919 (2d mumli.? Deposits April 80, 1019 (8d month).... Deposits May 31, 1919 (4th month'-..... ^ fC.10a,70fl.M ? ?,C,.,2.520.08 ??? 8.:>S1.443.f>4 ?.8M.A0ft.lS DIRECTORS WALTER II. BENNETT. Vice I'res. Amer. Exch. Nat. Bank. EDWARD M. BIRGHARD, Attorney. I >RIi 'X II. CHENET, President Pacific Hank. BAYARD DOMINICK, Dom pick & Dorr.inick. STEPHEN B. FLEMING, I'res. International Airrlo. Ccrj?. FREDERICK B. FRANCIS, N. Y. AKcnt Canadian Bank of Com. STANLEY 1'. JADWIN, O. H. Jadwln & Sens. HARRY A. KAHLER, : ildent. FREDERICK D. MACKAT. Vice President E. W. Bliss Co. GEORGE T MOP.TTMER. ~ Pr?s Equitable Ofll e Bid?. Corp. ?; CHARLES J OBBRMAYER, ? Pr?s t.!. .'.-. N V Saving? Bar.X. s? JAMES A O'GORMAN, ? O'Gon an. Battle A V<indlv?sr. ? MORGAN J O'BRIEN, ? i. Brl. Lan, I'arker, ? ''ox. ? WILLIAMS BOSE, Ross A Paskua ?? LOUIS F. Rt iTHSCHILD. ? L. F. Roth . & Co ? ELBR] DGE i i i.!:". .--NoW ~ Preside) : The li. ? Insurance Oo. ? DANIEL . : TENX E V. ? C. 1! Tenney & Co Zi GEORGE ZABRISK1E, ? Zabri&kle, Bage, K.rr & Gray. ? iiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiif uiiifiiiiiiif t if triif iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiniffrr^ Consolidated Exchange Unit of trad? on this exchange, 10 shares] Fallowing table gives total transaction? for te week ended May 2?. with the high, low nd closing prices: ales- High. Low. Last. 40 Ajax Rubber . 9134 9034 91% ?v> Alaska Gold Mines. . . 4 3% 3% 275 Alaska Juneau . 2% 2% 23B ?57." Aliis-Chalmers Mfg.. 46' _ 4234 4434 1" Am Apr Chemical. . .109% 109% 109% 190 Am Beet Sugar. S31 _ 81% 83% 5730 American Can . 60' 2 56% 58'2 130 Am Car & Foundry. .105' 8 103% 103^ 1140 Am Cotton Oil. 59% 55% 59 180 Am Druggists Sync].. 13'8 13 13 21 on Am Hide & Leather.. 37 33% 37 750 do pf .124'4 122 123%' 127" American Ice.60% 56% 60 216 do pf .73% 73 73 3420 Am International ... 94% 92 92% 200 American Linseed ... 67'4 64% 67..; 1530 Am Locomotive . 86% 83 85% 6780 Am Smelting & Ref. 84 80% 82% 9550 Am Steel Foundries. 39 37% 28 140 Am Suear Refining. .133/2 1303<4 1323 4 930 Am Sumatra Tobacco. 111 1071 _ 108% 1020 do rights . ?5 4% 6 460 Am Telep & Teieg. . .108' _ 106'% 107% 177" Am Woolen . 98 88 98' ?> 120 Am Writ Paper pf... 46% 44% 46% 920 Am Zinc L & S.18% 1634 17% 5055 Anaconda Copper. 71% 69% 70% 72" Associated Dry Goods 54-% 50' -> 54 4 87-' Atch Top & S F.103% 101% 103% 140 All Gulf & West Ind.167 163% 165 7430 Baldwin Locomotive. .104% 100% 103 27" Halt & Ohio. 55% 54% 54% Si? Barrett Co .137 137 137' 3460 Beth Steel Class B. .. 81% 79 80% 795 Booth Fisheries . 23% 21' '_ 21% 4280 Brooklyn It T. 29% 26% 28% 07.'. Butte Copper & Z.... 14% 13% 14 87 Hutte & Superior_27% 24% 26' 2 308 Caddo Oil . 54% 48% 50%* 120 California Packing. .. 69% 66% 69% 460 California Petroleum. 33% 31% 72 4 40 do pf . 79% 79% 79% 60 Canadian Pacific.163 165% 166% B990 Central Leather .97 92% 96 130 Cerro de Pasco Cop.. 45'-', 44% 44% 477, Ches & Ohio.68' -. 6738 68 1070 Chic Mil & St P.47% 453a 46% 210 do pf .73 7134 72 440 Chic R I & Pac.3034 30 30% 3385 Chile Copper . 26 24' ', 25' ? 330 Chino Copper . 40% 39' 2 40' _ 1640 Col Fuel & Iron.49% 47 48 21 1 Columbia Gas & E... 54% 52% 52% onsolidated Gas ....102 10134 10134 368'. Corn Products Ref. .. 68% 63 67', 28r 1 Crucible Steel .843B 731 B p,334 1950 Cuba Cane Sugar- 36' ? 35% 35% lOODenver & Rio Gr.... 8% 8; 3 8 H 200 do pf. 11% 11' _ 11% 56 Erie . 19% 19 19% 77 ?:.. 1st pi .31% 30% 30% I40n Gaston Williams <fc W 3738 35% 36 64 - General Curar . 84 B07 ? L660General Motors .2'0%196%2' . 1650 Goodrich (B !'. ('?>. . 78% 72% 78% 815 Great Northern ?f ..100:4 98% 99 795 do Ore ctfs . 48 46% 46'.; 1" Greene Cananea Cop.. 45% 42% 4 ?510 Inspiration Copper... 60 57% 58 h 1370 Interboro Consol .... 8% 6% 8% ?270 do pf.29; 4 24 29 10 Int Agricultural - 26% 26% 26% ?915 Int Mer Marine. 50% 45 45 170 do pf .128S '. 1 ?590 Inter Nickel . 29 27% . ? Inter Taper.57% F I : 21 1 Jewel Tea . 41% 240 Kansas City So. 24 2?" I in Kelly-Springf Tire. ..128% 124% | L370 Kennecott Copper ... 37% 36% 36% 1 I ? . ? ne Tire & R . . 96 92 ??? I i> anna Steel . .. 85 83' - : ? Lee Rul ber & Tire. .. 35% 33% ? - 215 Lehigh Valley .59% 59 !250 Maxwell Motors. 51 46'^ '? . (ex an Petroleum. ..190% 181% 18754 22n Miami Copper.28% 273? 27 ?569 Midvale Steel . 53 49 5234 ? M i Kan & Texas. . .. 9% 9' , 9' , ', Mise >uri Pacific . . .. 33% 32; , Mai Conduit & Cable. 21% 20% 20 _ 14 Nat Enamel & Stpg. . 6? 66' " 69 125 Nevada Con Copper.. 18% 17% 17 _ 940 New York Central . . r-.% 82 83 880 New York N H & H. 37.' , 32 ~?% 40 New York Ont & W. 23' ; 23 _ 2.7 4 60 Norfolk & Western. .111% 110 7 >0 North-rn Pacific - 9934 98' 4 99' 4 >115 Ohio Cities Gas. 56% 53% 55 170 Ontario Mining . 9% 8' 4 9% 3215 Okla Prod & Ref_ 12% 11% 1 % 1640 Pan-Am Pet. & Tr... 9?% 94% 9634 230 Pennsylvania R II ... 4? 47% -" ? 2?'*> People's Gas Chicago. 56% 54 54% 100 Pore Marquette . 23'4 22% 223 160 Philadelphia Co . 41% 40% 40' 1 J170 Pierce Arrow . 61% 55% 60% !671 Pierce Oil . 27% 26% 26% 640 Pittsburgh Coal . 62% 60% 61% 290P1ttsb fir West Va... 39 37% 3734 70 Pressed Steel Car_ 82 81 82 8" Rwav Steel Spring... 92'4 91'a 92'4 850 Ray Con Copper. ?3 2'% 22 ? :r, ;r? Reading . 91 % pg 90% 380 Republic Iron & SO. 3"% 87% 39% ;50 Royal Dutch Am.1 '7 115% 116 1930 do N Y shares_118 115 \ 116% 170 St Louis-San Fran... 23% 22%, 22% 100 Saxon Motor. 10% 10% 107? 50 Shattuck Ariz . 14% 14% 14% '485 Sinclair Oil Ref. 67'/3 f:5 1355 Southern Pacific _114% 109% 113' a 1110 Southern Rway . 32% 31% 32 20 Stromberg Carb. 54% 54% ? ?650 Studebaker Co .104: , 903 . - 560 Stutz Motor . 70 67)% 66' . 770 Tonn Cop & Chem... 15% '4% 14 ? - - Texas Co .284 27,1 282 ?540 Texas & Pacific. 51" ', 49% 51% 445 Third Avenue . 23% 19% 23' _ 1720 Tobacco Products ... orv ? 94Va ^9 !340T'nion Pacific.138% 136%. 133 L180 United Cigar Stores.. 1351 7 132% 133 50 United Rv Investmt.. 13% 13% 13%! 30 U S Cnst'l P & Fdy. 27% 2634 27? 1520 U S Food Pro.i. . . .81% 76% 78% 146011 S Tndustr Alcohol. 167' ; 157 15r> ?680 r: S Rubber.114% 103'/? 114% 47 5 0 IT s Steel.109! ? 106% 108% 250 Utah Copper. 82% 7934 81 170 Va-Carolina Chem .. . 74% 71?., 7334 60 Western Maryland .. 13% 13'4 13% 20Western Union Tel.. 90 893? 90 1170 Westinghouse E & M. 59% 5?% 68 270 White Motors. 6?% 59's 59' '? 100 Wilson & Co. B0% B8% 90 . 010 Willys Overland .... 37% 37?/a ?9 ? in Worthington Pump ..70 70 70 '000 Western Md ! - 63 63 63 LIBERTY BONDS 100 Third 4%s . 95 80 95 SO 95.80 100 Fourth 4'4s . 95 95 95 Has S4.000.000 in Deposits Although ,t.he American Trust Com iny commeiced businesa on January J l?at and hut-? been in businesa Just >ur montha lu dapoaits now ?aceed 1,000,00(4, W?rsIow, Langer & Co. 59 CEDAR STREET NEW YORK THE FOLLOWINfi? COUPONS ANT> DIVIDENDS Al'.r. IJAYARLE AT OUR BANKING HOUSE DWIH?G THE Mi'XT':' OF JUNE, .Il NE 2X1), 1919. American Cotton OH Co. Pref. Stk. Plv. B*. American Cotton OH Co. Com. Stk. Dlv. 1*. Cincinnati. Richmond & Ft. Wayne 7a Clevelund & Pitts. Rd. Co. Regular ORsar ar.teed Stock Dividend (quarterly 1*?4>. Cleveland & Pitta Rd. Co. Special Guaran? teed Betterment Stock Dlv. t'ju?r 1%). Marion County, Ind.. Z',1% Refund. Bonda Portsmouth, (>h!o. Sewer & Street Im? provement B' nda. Bandolph County. Indiana, Pinking Fund. JINK 3RD. 1?1I). Marlon County, Indiana, Funding ?Ha JUKE 10TII, 1919. Marlon County, Indlanrt, Refunding ?a JTVE 20TII. 1919. Marlon County, Indiana, Refunding ?Ha JUNE 80TH. 1919. Indianapolis, Indiana, Refunding 4a FINANCIAL MEETINGS ONDERDONK ESTATE. Notice Is hi .-!'? givei hat the annual meeting of the Stockholders of ONDBR? DUNK ESTATE will be held at the office ! of the Company, 331 Madison Avenue. Manhattan Borough, New York City, ox\ ! the 3rd day of June. 1919, at 9:46 o'clock A M., for the election of Directi rs for th* ensuing year and for thi transaction of such other buslm is as n a} properly cimii beiora <s;itd me? ' ' ?' JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary. ; TER PLANTK ESTATE N"tlr? 1? herebj ? : en '! at the anrmut i meeting of thi Sti kholders of VER PLANCK ESTATE will be h?ld at ihn, '? ici of thi Con pany, 331 Madison Av?,. nui . Man ittai i ; rough, Nev fork Cit . 3rd : o rune, 1919, at JO: 15 o'clock A. M., foi the election of Direc? tors for the ensuing year and tor th? transactio) of si other business a? n.iy pn perl y come 1 fore said meel Ing. WILLIAM J. HENDERSON, Assistant Secretary. TAN DYCK ESTATE. Notloe Is hi reby glvei II ? the annuni meeriiis; of the ?" ? I lers of VAN' ; ;.- the offl o of thi pan; Madison \ re::u Manhattan 1 '?? rough. New York City, on IE o'olocl .'.?',- ,-s for he ? ling .o t ransaotion of su- li othi r business as may pruperly j come befi n a 1 meel WILLIAM J HENDERSON, rtant E ecretary. DIVIDEND NOTICES DIVIDEND. The Barrett Company (N. J.) - ? ? il e Dollar and ? ? ' per share has .... .rred Capital - v.- Ji r 7 .... , |2 [ | , ?????' Stock, | !....,'prr?;t ' nd July 1, to tl ders of rec '':'? ERNI ir?\ GENERAL CHEMI? M. COMPANY. " B ? May ; K'19. reg r quarterl; dividend of (me and - ? ? " ra*" i . red Stockhi : i"rs of re< ord ' ' ." LAN PER M RGA: Tr. ,-urer. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE ui li .---itrn^d ? - ? ' the : ??n.-rshlp' (he name of Frank-. A. lia:, - ? - whi h partnership has ..... -, ... !- the Ptate of New i years lust h I ??!ti??n under said ned "'-ntlr.ue to use e ' by declare that es said nii-n? nd into er such name, con? ... v .;>-, their re ? . ? FIRS1 .. JP... resid Ing ;.t ' . :. Montclair, Essex ' ' ' rsey Hi .'.' ?? siding at No. 25 ..r. Essex County, . . 1HT K. HALL, residing in tl? ? 'y of Orange and ? SECOND ""? t the pi : ; lac? of sa ?.] b';- cated In the Borough of County und Slat? of X. w ? WITNESS the hands sr.d f-n'n of ntfi-\ HALL, JR., HOW* D 1. DWIGHT K HALL Ihii :4'h ' '? V. D. X'.:ii - ired and ? Ii - ence of 1 ? BOTD. jr. HOWAK1 I ; r ;?: hall. New York Bank Stocks Bid A.?k ? Bia. AMc America . 540 ? Garfteld ... HMl ZOO ?'' '?'? 185 IM! Gotham X. 790 220 a-.. K\ . . 855 ? Greenwich. K7.1 ? Battery ... 203 212 liarrimaa.. 840 >.?<> Bowery .. 120 ? Hanover . 775 Tuo !?:?. til I' 160 ? Ira ft Tra.i. ?00 ?80 Bway Cen. 140 150 Irving Nat. S4"5 ? Xat lf.0 160 ... c:;.> ?7% h ft D ?!'. 85 ! ? ;>!>(? Chase . 476 ? Manhat Co. tl t 2?O ft P. 410 42 S M. 8&3 395 K'; 1 IS 123 ' ' lito _ -'. toi? . '-???? ISO i.v. 444 148 N ?o ; ??!?! iron ?20 82S V Y X >: A4:' IM) ... 141) ?4.", ?..-,i) ? Park .... 70 ? -,:; Continental l<*7 ? Pacific .... i':\ _ Columbia., 1*< ??Prod Ex... 8 "hi ? Corn lis... 878 ? Publio . 24il 260 Cosmo'tan. 110 ?Sherman .. lf>0 ? Com'l E... 8l?0 ? Seaboard .. R?O ? Com'irealth ?20 280 Second .... Si>3 410 Cuba . 178 188 State ..... IS?H ? East River 148 ? 33d Ward.. 180 140 Fifth Nat.. 200 220 1 nlted S... 100 170 Fifth Av. .1700 ?KM?ifnloo Ex... 100 ? First Nat.. 1000 ?i Wash Hu,, 850 ? Jfturalgn TB Li7 ias?Yorii.vlila_ 610 140