Newspaper Page Text
BUSINESS NEWS BUREAU: Tribune Building ! "> I Nassau Street Haw Silk Goes to Ktvord Price on Japanese Market 5 r ,>r a lato r s Mere and .Abroad, Antii ipating De? cline \fter irmistice, >rcold and Go! Caught Vdachi Kinnosuke X Thai ?ached ??" ? ad 1 . 1: rg . ; i ?'" .- ? . ? ? to i mo - .. re*?hc( was l.i : i . - ? ? is the n in ? di - ?? ? er to In t?i of the pr j-c.: ' ? Febi nary ai v. ..... aro : largi Di.' ' ? et P r od uci id ii tel] ? - of till ? . "d by i are ?n ' te as a x ; . I . i they* coi ' " '" Ai ' ' what 1 ?' ; ? . ttj 1 ii:* 1 :, . ' Ci . . ... . ..;> r, ?? ? ' ? ". ? ' . ? - v. U . ? - r oaref ? . . . ? ? ' ; ' . lerican -. ?? time the 1 ... ".... r ' er did ? had to do ?. ? ? i of ?'??'? (. ?- - cannot be. I time, i ? ; -. ! .-. ' ?tory, and thi t ' : . at others, a pP< ttj Bl ' . *?f'"* i ? r pri<?'?>. * Hurt . . IS? : Velemine Succeed? Quinn r? ! of Export Aasn. AJ771*> ?' ? '-' of tl ?* ' ? BO ?? ?TE. ?' ?#**? *? te.?' '"''-.yn Chawb*? ?f Com **%? i aj"????fe<?llr.Q, Buyers Woman's Wear and Millinery N - '> .' - John t>. Brosnan; .T. | . .. di ses, skirts, coats, suits Mub, I 20 ? '?-.-rural , - >Ut -i .WAUKEE Glmbol's: B Marks, Joba ?? rn igrhl ! [ne coats ; i '..-. . Th?rt; second Street. 'MA Benguyer Corp. ; ! or I suits, summer ; fui n . ' . S'TO, Cal U elnstock-T-,ubln : ? . ? atsls, pettli oats. \ ? nuu. - M Lean Co. ; Mrs. M. ! men's r iad y to wear, h bei lashory, underwear, corsets, . s; i.- fourth Avenue, fifth ? VS : -, Berwald Bros.; II. Bor \'-. r--a-i y lo wear : Breslin. ?.!-.. Va ' ?reenberg Bros. ; I. Iressos; it '^ Broadway. HAN FRANCIS? O A Silvcrman, worn - . ? .i nia. :TAMU:R?, S. ?'. ?A. AV. ?mlth i '? r -, ready to war, Colltng l. Men's Wear M. Levin, clothing; Broadway ,AIR, Penn.?T.- Supowlta Co.: T,. thing and men's furnishmgs; ( General Merchandise C,a 3 McNair, general mer ' Weinberg, general mor? id \v a 'entrai m, general merchan Danzlger, general nier i mui nlore. rum, general mer : . . ELKS L How-land, general i ? o -i re. .- - .i. McBrlde, g?r.fra: ; ham. Goldfarb, general Broad? ay ' 'entrai. ,'IO M a ,-.-.:. general mer .M, Sweden- Svenska Emli ret Co. ; 1 nge i '.. T. Erich - : :. - ? pori goods, trunks, ,-,-.:... I ai hi r goods; .-: - : H [jM, Sweden? Svenska Emls N V. Hansell, toj a, sport goods, trunks, ?- ?? ? Iry, leather goods; u,l -? ? . ? -;? , A !n ?.. general mer? it-., genera! mer ? : ? : ? Furnishings, Floor Cov Furniture, Drapery \\T. Wash.?Culbertson, Grote, i ? Thoni pson, uphol ?" erj i.. Fan :, 1C0 West Thirty - E?Rl har lsoti & I 'o : C. furnl ire and carpets; Herald - --.-v ' Furnit ure furniture; Grand. : Meyi : ?, 1 wnlture ; Piece Good? Failli Bros .V Le B Mar lobs ata aieoFDo: BANT, June 1.?The following were ..;. artcr9 granted by the Sec ? ? ? rday porat on, $150.000; ! ' i nan:a ira: s , .--' J acob Kor - ? -i ? ? ?.; inhatt in; mil i . oration : . - -.? . . ". ' ' I - ?"? w rporatlon, S 10.000; 3ei 1er] A A. ? ; i r an t E i-aaJ. I-'i .1 venue. New ? -....,..,-. . - ? ;-.? - ' ? -., E : a Co., inc., . A. E Steel Export ?. ?? Vork ? ? : - ?: - 111 - - - -. ;?: i ' - ; -.. : - I ladway, New ? ? Mam ? uring I - . Inc . au ; ?air trousers; [. Albeit, ... j-,. . ... .-??-< : $80.000 ; New i ? ? iltry busin as A T ? ' Pass >n, 1221 St ..pan;.". Inc., ? ure ? a---- - - tidies and clga .-- Ora ham, ? - - rua s' v - ? o ooklyn to ? .. Inst ruments : David Kurt . ; ilph Lebe leKalb Av. Brooklyn ! , - 'or? oration ?-- -. Manhat- ? in tm n: ture, turn -?tins?? I ? ;;? .-: il ,. libraries, hos ui ? I - bo usen et . i ? ? Mai Ion A.. I'.:"- . -, ? Box i '?:--, ?ration, $:: 000, paper boxes; : aban. Leopold 5t? Brookl; .-trial , Com; 5100 0 Manhattan; i ion me selling ] j ? - ? . ? pn duc M. A Schlesinger, ? IV h New York - mple Cara Co., Inc., ?ioooo. to manu tctu - .:..:.- cards Ben | Bli i Beatrice ? - Liebem an, 1034 Fox St., ? ' Corpoi ation, > ! SO 000, Man - act as agent In buj h g bond etc., an-! mer I i oman D. Ox ?? : : - ii :? R .- Van S ha.... ; i :?: ironx . End Holding Corporation, $800; ? - lii ??I ite a .-? ? ;. ? '?'? el - :?? ,: i liman, E li ??!.:.? a \.<i . City : ' pany, 'Inc., $40, 000; i a n Judgments Filed rin??t? were Bl . a v : ng i ha t <i Sal of the In New York County Joseph United i :? > r ? ., .,r New Vork . . i ? Co !-:. u Co . . Ovo A 1 Hanau.r . i . . ?? h , John 11 : ? nu ' at lid ?? ,,i I lk> ii- ? ;, i ? M VVUlB In? N? ? i,<,i I - ? . VVIl l. Y -... kn it i ? ' : . ? ? ? :,? ? ' I dard oil Co .. ; M !',??? nbluiti in n I ? Hap - ?? ; i i ?.-. tibium ?un A i Im li !'. ' '..?:,? l> di i. $2117^ .4.603.36 i ; -i-; 1,800 00 30( 96 264 ;o 1.789.S0 123 60 ?7? S3 200 20 142.08 ?&4 ?0 170 S? inn Of. 1,881! tu In lirons Coqnty ' ?-? : i. ? I-.,?m otM n, la? ob I!,:.... / Horwli ? - ? ; J ? <. M .?. ?!? i A lti,i>.-rf - ''? i ? ? ? - - Kui m? -.? ? ?/. in? C <; u OiMwwftr? tf'a Co.,. ?84 7? 111,40 ! Tribun 4r rive ATLANTA. Gs.?Bass Dry Goods Co.; H. Bass, drygood.3; Latham. ATLANTA, Oa?C. Johnson, drygoods; Broadway Contrai. DAVEXPORT, Iowa?T. MeCullough <fc Sons; F MeCullough, piece goods; Alrazar. MEMPHIS?E. Bishop, drygoods; Broz tell. NEWARK?J. Feldman. drygoods; Penn? sylvania, PROVIDENCE!?J. Samuels A Bro. ; M. Samuels, drygoods, etc.. Colllngwood. BPARTANBURG. S. C.?J. Lyles, dry goods; Collingwood. Cotton DALLAS. Tex?E. B Guthrl* & Co.; E. B. Ouihrte, cottons; Pennsylvania. DALLAS, Tex. ? Keffer & Boulware; Mr. Keffer, coi tona; Pennsylvania. Shoes PHILADELPHIA?B. Paul, shoes: Penn ylvanla. Groceries SAN FRANCISCO?Richard B. Young 'o. ; Richard B. Young, groceries; Penn ivlvanln. ST. PAUL, Minn.-?Simon Ooldlsh Co., Simon Goldish, groceries; Pennsylvania. Stationery PHILADELPHIA?Charl?? Goldman Co. ; 'harles Goldman, stationery; Pennsyl? vania. Miscellaneous BELLAIRE, Ohio?A. Friedman, dry : ?. and general merchandise; Walllck. "Ill !AGO !.. Halverson, pteee goods and general merchandise; Latham. CHICAGO 1. Kahn Co.; L. Kahn, nov ill les I'- nn iy\\ ania, CLEVELAND ?B. Stsholz; ready to ? '. general line; Commodore. CLEVELAND- I?. Gordon; women's ?v. i- und general merchandise; Broadway enl ral ri.H.l'MBUS Ohio ?Reeder Co.; Mr. ;. ? inufucturors ' we lev : l ,at ha m. COLUMBUS. chit.?E. Gulp, genera'. I im Pennsylvania. DETROIT, Mich.?-The Emporium; Ros? r ? pal rick, children's and Infants' wear; orsi>ts; a. l'. ut:, 120 West Thirty-second IIOCSTON, Tex.?Ladlnsky Co.; Mr. inaky, women's f umlshlngs ami gen ral merchandise; Pennsylvania. M'A LESTER, Okla. ? Arnold Co.; W a- p. Id c ?? ici ' ii s el Herald Square. MARIETTA, Oa.?Florence Dry Oooda -,, . Mr Florence, drygoods and general ?: ? dise; 1....'.tell. MONTREAIj- '?'? Glasberg, dry goods mil general line Broadway Central. PHILADELPHIA?S. Levy Co.; S. Levy, is, el . Broa Iway Central. PITTSBl ROM C. Kl.'in. dry goods and Rroadwn v Central. SOUTH BEND, Ind.?T. Klrachmeyer, lrvgoo<ls and general merchandise; York. WINNIPEG, Canada ? Hurtlz Co.; Mr. Hurtlz, general line; Broadway Central. Buyers Coming BALTIMORE?-Cahn. Coblens Co.; : '.;. bathing sets; Hotel Penn ? ?x j." It.( .1 une .''.. CHARLOTTE, N C.?,T. B. Ivey & \l, it Courtney, ' bs in .tresses, skirts vais s; Hot! I New Grand, expect< d J :'.>r three days. J5. Ill .Ing all kinds personal property, ? ? ' In real property, etc.; Harold I*'. H ' Straus P.m" Raphael, ' : ::? - . net ;. third Hi i ??<?:. New York ( lity . use \ . :tory Soa p Corp ira : I in, ?. Leus manufactur ?: soa p, et ? edon 1 >*ck rt, i '. Robl I.kert, Chas. I : E liotl SI reel, fivrai use, ?. Y ? : li ? Shalit, In ? . $5,000 . Bn ? ' ? drug store; Fred hi nei uui, ' ron Levy, Philip Rosen, 124 Weal :15th Street, New York City. ''" i Foui ! '- iss Co.. In '2.0 IQ . Man tattun; manufacturing ladies' uni misses ? sal At Wi f. ? ? ? In, I 'has. ! ???:: ? ' rris Buchalte:, 308 East Eighth Street s"ew Yorl; Cit: ?: Manufacturing Corporation, man afa turlng materia Is ?a ires, :.. i ?!? ?; line, etc Hu . 1 ? per, S imuel D ihwil hlr .-'? reet, : v v ? :. Gruri bach Export Company, Inc., $40, Manhattai .? mi . brokerag . ? ? '? forwarding ? :. ' expon ing I usl :s; Nephthall Grumbach, Gua Lve Lew :?'..- Rector Stroel : ': ?? ; ??? $10 i, operate am ?1 cigars ; .. : I ibaci ... liquors: saa ? B i infli , ', Roj '.. ( ?uthman, Frat k 1 36th Street N< w Yo..-. lit - illdati 1 Equipment C m pany of ?'? i ? ri a. In '., $500,000. Manhattan . deal - -'? ntii - i. . i, good ?? ai ? ' ' . ??? H. J Lu :ke, H M L.i- der tnd Ivan E. A K?nigsberg, 433 Gulon avi .ii- Rii hmoi d Hill ' ' l Eas !';-?? .- ?cth Street Real! y Coi ?" ? . Manhattan ; general real ?state agency, brokerage, construction, ?'?? . L P. Dowdm v, K. M. :??? ence and jeney Plummer, Pa rk avei . V irk Cit> I ..'i'. Products Co., Inf., $50,000; Mnn dcul li soaps, cleansers, paints, t. . Kdw Frelrteh Maurlci Brandt and - ? Hartman. 528 West 111th street, New i' ? i ': ? ? ?rican Kimono Co., Inc., $5,000 Man doal m women's and children's ; .Toa Homsy, '!'. F. Garvey and Mike Ockey, 66 State street, Brooklyn. burg -. i llothing Co., In $; 000 Vlai ittan; department store; Morris ilasaburg, Abram Goodman and F R .;,.., 1475 Broadway, New York City. Jewish Tobacco and Confoctlonerj Tub . Co., In . $2,000; Manhattan; print : ?; paper and book business; A. I.. Aron ;, : ,ena Aron ft an ! Am a i lohen, 4 ; ; v il ; 2 HI) str- et, New Yoi k > '.: j Ion Socurll is Corp.ira! ton. ? 10 0, 0 <??0 stocks and bom I i broker. E : : as Jefl erson an ! S. t? vi.i ?::-'. ?;?'. nroad street, New York City Antonio Roasello, Inc., $1,000; Manhat an; wine, oil and liquor trade; Rosarlo Roasello, Joseph C'a Un ella and Attillo Al 210 East 'i hlrteen h strei t, New Cl t i : rbor Stevedoring Corporation, $20,000 ; stevedoring, freighting, ele latlng, etc.; C. B. W'hi'e, Charles Madlono ?mi -I .1. t'oleman, \s oodiiaven. L. I. Shelnbcrg & Prince, Inc., $30,000; Men tiattan; ladlos' tailors; Louis ahelnbcrg. I.Hilan Scheinberg and Hart ft. Prince, ..... u.>.' Nlnetj fifth street, Now York City. ?i Allto Renting Company. Inc., 52,01 Manhattan; auto business. John h'i hem, Fred Prawatchko and Carl Dahlmnnn, 430 West 122d street, New York city. Sinclair Pharmacal Co., Inc., $2 0nn. Manhattan; liiug and chemical business; 'arl Ehlormann, Daniel Mungall and ? Halla, 221 'A est 123d street, New i ork City. Satisfied Judgments Th? first name I? that of the debtor; the ?cond that of the creditor and dat.- whnn i dgnienl v us filed. In New York County Court, Alb? or Georgia and Oeor gett?~ K I'.nnyo >-i Mi, Oct. 15. 15 17 . $1.223.01 McLaren, Wm J?fl (.?roas; .fun. 16, !!i!9 . 31 42 In Bronx County Holland, Michael?M it Miller ? ' i I. Do<- 16, 13 11. $164.5>i Si,li'lord. John and John Bpllt d h I Corp J Do. Wild?; April -I, I'.Hl . 4 3? C'l Large Imports of liides I.arjjo consignments of hiflea and ?kin? have bac-n recoived here recent? ly, Irjt it is said tn*y made only a Blight repression upon the domestic market. Tanners report that buyinp in the foreign jf?at:ikin markets, India and China, has been concluded for the season und that Bkins now here or on the way must satlafy tho require? ments of the tanneries until the next NritHon open?, which Will be about six months hence. e's Page Hold Imports Are Essential to Our Trade Development Meeting of Pan-American Union to Emphasize im? portance of United Stales Avoiding Adverse Balance By Theodore M. Knappen WASHINGTON, June 1. -There is to be a great assembling of North and ! South American business men and diplomatists here under the auspices of j the Pan-American Union, beginning to ' morrow, for the purpose of stimulating trade between the Americas. The United States delegates, a South - American authority pointed out to? day, will come full of ideas about in? creasing export ; to South America, but will havo little to say about e: iarging imports into the Unite from that continent. In general, this ; authority comments thai I idea seems to bo to sell abroad with u: purchasing abroad. No nation, he de clares, u '. ! travi ', far on the way to domination of the world's trade thai d <?? 3 noi expect it to b? lit ra lly I ra le A commerce that is hugely or i and Is not based on the exchange of goods foi roods and of goods for debt has in it, he say:-, the germs ? . de it ruction. Trade Balance Question A3 an illustration, it was remarked that the London correspondent of The Tribune Mated in a dispatch printed yesterday morning that with the Brit ?ill pound terling v orth or ly ??] ?1 exchange, because oe the 1 uge crcd I balance in Y.\ or 1 :" the Un ed ? tat? \ i he tendency in 7 ngl ind ; to r? ?tr " American imports. Thi France and Italy, and Canada is at hei wits end to know wl il to do about the ever increasing balance of tradi in favor of t he Un i ted .-' At the same time that the Ways and Means Committee of the Hou e : starting out to revise the tariff along emphatic protection lines, and is thus working in one direction, the forces that arc making !' r im rcan I sea power, the trenn n lous cxt - m ol American credits all nrot id the v ? j and numerous orcanizath to pro mi te foreign t rade spi ing ing up ii sect ion of the con nt ",J are : ? ? larg h in a diametr oppo I ? rect ion, Stu dents of intt im ma finance and commerce are wonderinj what is to be the outcome. A- every conference on and discus sion of the future of the Am - cai merchant marine the point is madt t hat while the ? will, ? ?? things nov \ stand, he little diffi ty in gettin; outgoing cargoes, the : ible - bi 'o find return freight. Averse to Foreign Competition ! Our manufacturers are keen fo foi eign tua rkel s, but t hej doi fo rcig a mi n u fact ured ar les re ceivi ? exclu nge. Our farmers are showing gr :a I .;. :. merchanl they b? add tional mark . ; foi : hi ir bu ' ; .' \\ it 1 .: ? vo agi cultun I products 1 : . ; in the ;:..? ma ? :::??.. Our banl 1 ? 3 are bei ming int 1 in world ii an e, but they 1 :':??? . to be p; amort ized in the long run if we : ? accepi ; payn I of th coun riei they ar? : iai Coinciden! rigr? . tarting m t. re? the taril which has a tendel ch? k ... : orts in mai y lines, a: seems I be a mark? d tend? ricy t vard a vigc i'j? r-.-\...... of '. ? prol ?- polie; an?! a turn ing ; oward the hon a * chief consi len : Definite Poli / N e< ded Some students of the c nflicti nation say that ince the natio can not I ravel n :- h li re : the issue will have to 1 si ' in, and ?1 pre : ici the Way ani ! leai Committe? - a one of the eai Ij a I i gr< und 1. Th economic development pertain ng the war have driven us, it is arguet far on I he way : ?-.. ard becoi 1 th clearing house of the world. We hav , become the great credit r na1 on ? ? th world v> ithout makir provisi m fi ou - debt or to pi us wil h thei r ;- od ? The e debtor nations v ill, 1 direct their nal ionul p< licie : iv ar ? restricting their im; rtat : 0 a> tu avoid increa ing their d< bt Consequently we must decide \ h we tire to take the next s ep in worl trade and open our markets to ou debtors or restrict our es? lit . foreg the foreign trade opportunity and tur back to a policy 0.1 commercial sech sum as the liest one after all. England Had Same Problem A parallel is drawn between t) present situation of the United -'.at; and that which confronted England 1 the first half of the eighteenth cet ru 1 y, when she had to decide betwee free trade and protection. In Km land's case the general national ii ?? rest seeme ; to lean toward fr? 1 trad and that has since been the Britis policy. Britain became the world chief creditor nation, with the inev table result that her imports exceed? her exports, for it was, in this exce; of goods rather than in gold that hi creditors paid lier. Analogously, it argued, the United States must no decide whether its interests are be served by continuing as a creditor n tion, with the certain corollary of irreat increase in imports, or whethi it will deliberately recede from tl ' path events have temporarily, at leai '? forced upon it, and consider foreif trade as a mere incident. New York Business Men to Attend Pan American. Meetin WASHINGTON, Jun ' Now Yo busine ?s concern 3 and ?ndividi take a prominent part it: the delib r tions of the Pan-American Commerci Conference which opona lure tonn: row. The New York concerns whi I have signified having repr?sentativ present, together with the Individu ; New Yorkers who will attend, a 1 a nounced to-day by the Pan Americi Union, follow: Ajax Rubber Company; John S. / Im, vice-president National City Ban I Winp; It. Allen, South American Pu lishing Company; William E, Autrhi ] baugh, chairman of foroign trade, \? ? of Bui York University; A. H. Baldwin, Guar- ; anty Trust Company; George W. Bank?ll, D. C. Andrews &. Co., C. H. Bayton, ?national Association for ? the Protection of American Rights : in Mexico: David Beecroft, the Class : Journal Company; Fred S. Bennett, William L. Barrell Company; Luther '- Blake, Standard Statistics Company; T, T. Bond, Fairbanks, Morse & Co.; Willis H, Booth, vice-president Guar ai '..- Tru t Company. C. C. Broan, president Pan Union' Company; Charles P. Brown, Brown & i Cooksey; A. Eugene Bolles, Doubleday, ; Page & Co.; Norman Bridge, Pan-; American Petroleum and Transport Company; Henry Bruere, the American j Metal Company, Ltd.; Herbert J. Carr. | Carr Bros.; M. D. Cr.rrel, American In? ternational Corporation; James Carson,! National Paper and Type Company;' Wil .".. Barrett Cass, editor, Standard cs Company; John Clausen, vice-president Chemical National Bank of New York; Edw. L. Corbett; Alfred' 0. Cobin, A. B. Leach & Co.; Macgrane Coxe, lawyer; Lorenzo Daniels, Busk & i ?la; Edw. H. Darville, editor,; :Hardware Age"; H. S. Demarcst,, Tweed & Co.; Louis T. Dublin,! Metropolitan Life Insurance Company; ?:. !.. Duval, Wessel, Duval & Co.; John W. Edmonds, Hard & Rand; Charles; ? '. Flint & Co.; Percival Farquhar, j y Por's Industrial Enterprises; [ ?'?? ? W. Foss, "Railway Age"; John F. Fowler, W. R. Grace & Co.; F. 0, French, American Express Company; Frederick W. Gay, the Pelton Water, iVl ?el Company; E. M. Garcia, Inter- | al Western Electric Company; F. f; ylor Gause, Standard Oil Company f New York; J. M. Gidding. J, M. ! ling & Co.; J. .!. Gilbert, Interna- i ?oral Western Electric Company; Peter II. Goldsmith, American Associa ii fi?>? International Conciliation. A. R. Gormully, Ajax Rubber Com -v. c A. Green, R. G. Dun & Co.; rl is E. Griffin, exporter and im r; F. A. Halscy, American In of Weights and Measures; h rie M. Halsey, National City mpany; Howard B. Hall, vice-pres ???? Be hlehcm Motors Corporation; : li: nna, Gaston, Williams & Wig ... ? : V. . P Hardcrbergh, jr., New ? Zinc Company; H. Q. C. Hatch, . cr Caidwell Burnett Corpora ??: ; Vrerne L. Havens, International ? inei i", Professor Frank Hederich, i imb :. Univ rsity; S. T. Henry, vice ?"?.?: idi nt Allied Machinery Corpora- ; Li n ; John W. Hill, Lincoln Memorial i., Henry Hirtler, Herbert S. Hoi ?ton, D ubleday, Page & Co. Charlea Dubois Hurte?, Committee on Friendly delations Among F.oreign . tits; M. H. Hutchinson, Foreign Bond and Share Corporation; J. Yv". lenks, A xander Hamilton Institute; M. Ji svett. International Western ectric Company; W. A. Johnson, the . gricultural Publishing Com- ' .' klin Johnston, E, A. Ken .. '.. dfield Kendrick, Odell Com-! . . ;, , ?' red i. Kei t, Lunkers Trust i ' ?? ; : George tl. Kretz, National ; Bank of New York; John Lar- ' . . : : ?sidenl Bech Van Sielen & Co.; | .''? :; Lewis, Santa Cecilia Sugar Cor-' : ; Dheo. Lowe, New Yortc Sun; j < . I. McReynolds, General Motors Ac-? : orporation; J. G. Maconachy, ? ...... . F ? insurance Company. C. C. Martin, National Paper and !'yp Company; J. W. Mason, Amen-' ? " .; ; of New York; H. EL M rrick, the Chicago Association of ? n ?; John L. Merrill, Central i ... Am rican Telegraph Com* . . ? : A. V. Moore, pn sident Moore & mack ( ompany; James M, Mot : :?? Malcolmn J. Muir, vice . : ? Mel caw Hill Company; . ic M. Muchnic, vice-president ? fican Loc imotive Sales Corpora F..-. C. Munson, Muuson . ij Line; J. A. Myler, H. W. Manvilie Company; Edward J. ........ pre iident Pan-American Wire [t'lephone and Telegraph Com I : : ;.. ps, A. t?. Bull & ' o.; G. A. Pollock, president The Aircraft : ig A| ncy; C. G. Pierre, F. ? . Luthi & Co.; E. E. Pratt, president 1 ratt ?v Co.; William Price, editor of . World Outlook ; A. ?L Lea, man- | ; ...'?.? of the foreign department of. , . . banks, Morse & Co. it. li. Reynolds, superintendent Mex- I ican Telegraph Company; 0. L. Rich? ard; Frank Rhea, Wheeler, Mechlin & ' ? ?.. ; M. W. Robinson, Crex Carpet ( ompany; Carl W. Stern, M. J. Cor . ?tl Company; J. W. Stewart, manager of "Vue Naval Architect"; J. Louis '.-, \V. R. Grace & Co.; H. H. Schell, manager Schell Chemical t'ora pany; Medley Scovil; C. M. Schwab, president Bethlehem Steel Company; epard, Austin Baldwin ?: Co.; Pemberton Smith, United States Products Company; Adolfo Stahl, Schwartz Brothers; Clarence S. Ste? vens, managing director American Milk Products Corporation; W. C. Sut ton, consulting engineer, !.. J. Lewery & Co. F. II. Tackaberry, vice-president A n le r i c : i n S t e e i E ?cpor t Com pa n y : W ?Il? ium II. Teeter, director, M. ?. Cente? nary in Latin America; J. W. Thome, I re dent J. W. Thome & Co.; Arthur Titers, vice-president Nat...nal City Lank. F. A. Vanderlip, president National City Hank; H. C. Walton, contracting .-::> v. MeClintic Marshall Corpora? tion; H. Ernest Wands; Robert Wardle, (.-enera] freight agent Clyde Steamship Company; E. H. Youngman, editor "The Bankers' Magazine"; Sheldon L. Butler, Mexican War Trade Board;.. Benjamin Catchings, Fred Cardway, Packard Motor Car Company; J. J. Slechta, Ilo'.t & Co.; Charles F. Hauss, Mediterranean Trading Com? pany; Henry C. Craemcr, president rain."!- Trading Corporation; Charles W. Stockton, Robert J. Smyth, Arnold Stuart Durrant, International General Electric Company; 0. E. Braitmeyer, the Tabulating Machine Company; James W. Cromwell, William iselin Company; T. J. Lygan, United States S;.! Products Company; Arthur II. Diamont, C. K. Thomas & Co.; Edward .'. Oppenheim, A. Proctor Smith, gen? eral manager North American Wood Products Corporation; V. M. Smith. Kerr Steamship Company; Louis Henry, Allied Export Association; J. B. Put man, National Bank of Commerce. Diamond Jewelry Hurt! to Buy Retailers are finding it impossible to fill (irders for many classes of diamond jewelry. Many of the manufacturers and retailers who had finished articles "broke" thorn up, so that they could uae the stones for other purposes. One retailer canvassed the trade yesterday in Hoareh of a diamond necklace, but failed to meet with any success. Gen? eral revision of prices on all siles and qualities of diamonds is now almost a daily procedure in the diamond trade. siness News TELEPHONES? Beekman 8243 Beekman 3000 ?i TO BE SOLD ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTTO PIAN ?-v-? 39 Shares of the Capital Stock of GENERAL MANUFACTURING AND EXPORTING COMPANY (Jewelry Sales Agents) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned. Francis P. Garvan, Alien Property Custodian, will offer for sale, at public sale, to the highest bidder, at the office of. Paul Stierle Company, 55 Pine Street, Providence, Rhode Island, at 3:50 o'clock P. M. on the 13th day of June, 1913, 39 shares of the Common Capital Stock, par value of $100 ?each, out of a total authorized and outstanding issue of 75 shares of General Manufacturing ? Exporting Company, a corporation created and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Rhode Island. Full description of and information concerning the property to lx? ?old, the term? and condition? of inspection and ?ale, #?nd the order thereof, may be obtained by application to JOSEPH F. GUFFEY, Director, Bureau of Sales, 110 West 42nd Street, New York City. FRANCIS P. GARVAN, Alien Property Custodian. Print Cloth Sales in Excess of Production ; New Bedford Milla Sold Out Up to Sepember Buxinesa Newa Bureau Special Correspondence. NEW BEDFORD, Mass.. June 1.?In? creased activity in the print cloth mar? ket sent salea up *.o 300,000 pieces in '.lie week just passed. This is at least ~5 per cent more than the production for that time, as the mills closed dow;: . on Friday and Saturday because-of the ; holiday. All kinds of goods were In demand. prices ranging from a cent to a cent and *a half over the figures quoted a week ago, and now are at a level prac? tically equal to the best war prices. Most of the mills are completely booked up well through September. The strike of the engineers, which has closed twenty big mills in New Bedford for nearly two weeks, dea - ened the fine goods market during I week, and there is no indication that i the mill agents will accept large or- | ders until the trouble is settled. The demand from New York is exceed ng ;. brisk, however, and the few contracts which were concluded ligure I at v? ry high prices. All styles were sought, with special activity in various silk mixtures. Indications here point to a ? break in the strike and the opening of i the mills early I hi ? wi ck ! -.- ? Foreign Exchange Handicaps I Export Trade in Hides Tanners doing an export busi e ; declare that tl ? pr? sent situ I foreign exchange has been a hai to the development of th? ir sel activities. They complaii I h addi tion to paying the record prices for leather purchased here foi ?ig ers aido have to contend with the cur? rent low rate of '::?..:..?' : It was sai! that Great Britain advanced loans to Argenti la stabilize the exchange it i il n, an one prom incur tai e thai the export business of this c.? will never be us largi : s it :: until the Unite ! States g ?? <? prives financial assistance t f countries which need it. 24-Karat Club Outing Maiden Lane will turn mili Wednesday, June 25, when th? a mobilization of t! Kara' b will be hc-lii at Long Branch, i.. ! year this club, the membi rs - :' \ h : ;; re drawn from the jew it r> o. \"ew York, holds an o thoughts or discussions of 1 are tabooed. Because the war . ? those in charge of the outing year have injected a mil tary :: in the entire programme fr <? grenade barrage, which would be a baseball throwing co to the ?nuance o!" chow, bett r I as a clambake. Large Sales of Texas Wool at Sim Antonio SAN ANTONIO, Tex . Mi In the first large wool saU> here tl 47 cents a pound was ; pounds of short fleece I cents for 115,000 poundi , ?? months clip. This is th?- largest wool shipping point in the ? nited States and between 3,0i 000 pounds will be coi by midsummer. War Raised French Sugar in 1016-16 onlj 1,1 16,207 toi sugar beeti were grown in 1 in 1010-T7 the production increased to 1,695,8?S8 tons, owing to tiu> average pr? duction per hectare having increased from 18.13 tons to 23.14 tons O? IVERNMENT SALI OF OTT( IN FABRIC The Government, through th? '' -- tion of the A ? Servie? M Ingtoi and I ta DIairtel for ?i? le n qua ntltj Col folio? s [tern No. Cottoi ' - ; : 9' ?wide, ??/eight at.' I yd ha ttrm N'? : - "Alton Ball ??? ? I? J *s In. wtUi to . Hem t?o a- Atrpl&ne Tap?, fr m < In to 1?? m wide. Full Information regarding conatructlon?, put-upd. etc , elao aamplea -?? vlng t K?i?i?1a Rnlahad, print? l ai ? ?'?? mfrclal u?*. can be obtained ? m in ? lowing Lhairti't Office* N-w York, N Y. 3*1 Mad'eon Av? ?.?.s:.?n. Muas. Utile Bid* Detroit. Mich., 1 I ward A' ?? Chicago, l?: , till Consumera Bldg B'iffalo. N T lino I.a......i Av? Dayton. Ohio, ?10 Mutual Home Bid? San Pranelaro, Calif.. .. - i "r ?? it !? ? lommiinl? ?>',??!?- ahou i ' I ? the DISTH I? f MANAIIKH v ? Finan?a Dlvlalon, M ? rial I' poaal Section. HEADQl ARTERS: YOKOHAMA FOUNDED 1856 Raw Silks Habiitae & Domestic Silks MOGI & CO. I.WORTEKS & EXPORTERS ) 18-120 East 25th Street. New York Phone: Madison Square 350 GROUPED for quick reading on the Tribune's Page of BUSINESS NEWS Here are a few of the regular features of the most readable Busineps Page in a daily news? paper?you'll find them regularly in The New York Tribune. Business Money ?condition of the market for commentai paper in New York and throughout the country. Buyers Arrived ?the most complete columns in a New }'o;k p?per. classified by trades and then alphabetically by cities. Business Troubles ? judjftnrnts hied and judgment? satisfied. ?incorporations ?charters gtnnted tn New York City and important ones upstate.