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News an< Forward Buying Shows Building Movement Begun Builds and Supply Men Increase Their Material Order*: May the Best Month Since Year 1917 With build*" ar.d pupplr men of the ' metropolitan district increasing their; forward buying the post-war construe- ; (?on era seems finally to have got its , i-riJii according to the Pow Service ' ?tily building reports. jhe change has been particularly | -yjceable to the trade trithin the last i t? days, although the plasterers' i .?jile?, with its involved principien of minimum work for maximum pay, is as ?lingering cloud on some of the larger . orojects. There are, however, bo many Counteracting influences operating in Vor of the investor who can get into the market for his materials this month that this drawback is being dis- ; ?anted for the reason that the plaster : vork on a does not fipure as : i-immediate deterrent on a new build- j jDg opern;ir;'.. The fact that basic j structural matt rials, like steel, ce- i men:, brick, rough plumbing and hcl- I lew tile fireproofing, with their supple aental materials like reinforcement oitsls, are all in an advantageous posi eon with regard to immediate orders u present prices and supply is com? bining to foster prompt procedure with gilding plans. Forward Buying Increase? TJ? Tolume of work that is actually rttdy to proceed is greater than was expected in the light of price levels row ruling, but the freer improvement in buying is attributable to the in? vestigations recently made by in? vestors, architects and building mate? rai distributers of the actual condi? tions of supply in manufacturers' Lands and at distributing centres, pri? vate detective agencies having been employed in some cases to obtain for prospective purchasers the actual con? cluons at producing centres. In each case where such recourse has been nade for confirmation of facts, com tnete confirmation of market reporta bu resulted. In consequence forward raying even at present price levels has notably increased, with more to follow promptly. Notable among the elements con- : spicuously controlling the future building market is the attitude of the ; hearry contractors, toward labor agree? ments. There is a strong inclination j toward short term wage contract?, some only for the remainder of this ? year, while others insist upon con REAL ESTATE J.ON? ISLAND Beautiful Home on Long Island Sound Salt U aterBalhing and Boat, ?ng?Sandy Bathing Beach On?j ?O n nutet to ' Ua from heart or Kew V-- n ?enleni p mmutatlon. On 100 foot ? -??:. . - . S ,-? f?iior ? i ' Long . 1, ?ftr. iaricj rooms, all n :- ? ? ? ;?-. eu i Mill: ? . ?. .. .-? irj v-' '? rmn : house, (??- fruit tr Will Sill on Easy T-rra? JOHN V OOI.niMi. Keal Kutate, 9 Pin? St or I Eait 45th St.. N. Y. SMALL FARMS, $250 Vow \. the '? ? : '"par?, hous^* are reares, . m great demand eoon. h : rg? pli ? now foi wl at ?? you foi i . ' ater. Only J2&0 tor-fu luarter acre. Fin tat soil, Igl i; Term? <20 cash ba ? J ? - nth .'. cat id at M?li ?. "'I Be south shore of Long I ?land, ' Inutea froi New York. When paid ior v-,.'. arrange building w 1 . ? . bu d Writ? or phone ' H. Freder ?5S Broadway, New ?ork Barclaj . BRAND NEW HOUSE FREEPORT On plot 7?x :'- feet on corner, with n\x large ro >.. 7 irate laundry, lar?-') r?, electric light, ga?. ?team ? _ -? -? ne lion of Freeport. Pries Jf.r ' - terms 11500 cash, balanci ] ???-? - ? ? I ? ? bei in ?I! Frederick, 2'* Broadway, N>w ,V-- . Ph? : i , Bai BOKOlt.H OF QUEENS forest nuls Gardens U Mioetes from Penn. Statist!. Boat? and Mil? Plot* for Rale. SAGE FOUNDATION HOMES CO. <7 W. Mtb St., or Forest Hill?. E. I. SEW JERSEY ? JERSEY CITY J J L**** prrvata dwelling; !2 room?, 2 oatns. P> - F aosul? modem all improvement? and con- Vf r ?tnieaceai expensively decorated tniuout *< ' Isa 4? i 200 One. of the beat residential y , ?J***|,r- "?-"? ' '"'? adjOtBHsg and overlooking # t?*? \-i\ry (,ty rewrivoir? front and irar. 4. p *'* ' ?' '?'' *'! '"-.rim and Hudson tuba %j ', rnet ? '.,r//j; irrmi arranged to suit buyer. A CHARLES H NtCOLL ~} * 7ol Summit Avenue. Jersey City y L 781 \M.-T LTKftTKH COUNTY *?* lirn? tfu Never More Opportune ??M now to a* led yottr home site and !?? x , ?hi 1 ' ??- roa 'in, own your own horn? - surrounding? with all city , ?rovem?nU ?1 >nt, within a ',,* of 1 he station and of ? ..? m ; H*MH*g An T7 Oramerey JUST A DANDY ' ? Yum ?. 1 bath. , . rd>r. *n??^.ARD M w*:sr' ,NC J^u* ntmtUm, whitm n*jM. |M,on? ?ia, f!!';L,.H*-':J'AF,':r' K,'-'K ?;?w ro*K *?.??' '., J',""'''" ',"'|K?;*"? '</ ?tanford ... .""'} y '???"???.??Is !"?/?! F. a;?) e?t%S ??t 41 "S.,jr(; *"dr.x? "LITTLE _ '?? 'i'-? ?t Tribune Offtc?. r? LK'f ro? l?.-H?NESH PUgPOgEJ i Gommer tracts on wage scales and labor con? ditions terminating on January 1, ! 1921. There seems to bo an increasing fooling that the Presidential election will have a bearing upon tho labor and wage situation as a whole and that if the reaction comes at all it will come next year. Building trade employers have been conferring on the mutter. There are many interests, however, which desire no change in the longev? ity of the wage agreements between labor and employers. Better Building Activity This trend of events is believed by many in t?ho building trades here and elsewhero in the country to be re? sponsible for the sudden turn for the better in building activity, the impres? sion seeming to gain ground week by week that those who contemplate big building work will operate to their own advantage better if they begin work at once. In the New York market this turn has become so pronounced as to have had an effect upon the pulse of some material prices, although actual gains so far are few. Common Hudson brick of the b( st grade? probably will be nearer $15.50 a thousand, wholesale, before long. Quotations for ordinary Hudson brick are still $16, with the usual additional charge for cartage, handling and distributing charges. Plaster prices are verging on an up? ward change. Linseed o?, affecting paints, is actually advancing in price. In the er.rly part of the year, when white and red load manufacturers guaranteed existing prices against de? cline to July 1, many wero of the opinion that a reduction must be made, as at that time pig lead was selling in St. Louis at $4.75 and the spread between raw material and fin? ished product was too great. While tho trado is non-committal regarding the price movement of this important paint Ingredient after July 1, it is ex? plained that there is not now as good a reason existing for a price decline in consideration of the upward changes in pig lead prices of late. St, Louis prices on Thursday "were $5.05. Record Orders in May Portland cement mills reflect the re? cent change. While it is too early to quote the May statistics, the belief is general that May will show the biggest volume of orders and shipment since the same month in 1017, with produc? tion still behind potential orders and with limited stocks on hand. Lumber orders from twenty-five associated mills will show appro?;imately 115 per cent of orders over 1918, with shipments about 79 per cent and production about 70 per cent according to trade esti? mates Saturday. Fabricated steel mill capacity under order in May probabiy will be in the neighborhood of 32 pei cent. More ordere and larger specifi? cations are boirg placed with the big mills. Open markets are talked of, but stablo prices are more to be expectet!, even though the mills are hungry for business. Cases are known where or? ders have been refused rather than make concessions, by both large and small mills. Nobody knows what costs will be when labor Is as restless as it is and steel manufacturers are holding firm at safe levels. Drive for Ca?t Iron Use Cast iron interests are preparing to get back into the building business promptly, an important conference toward this end being scheduled for to-day. There is to be a nation-wide drive for greater use of cast iron pipe, columns and sewer conduits. Some radiator adjustments have been made. The schedule on radiation remains un? changed, but as a bid for big business orders from 7,500 to 12,5^0 square feet are allowed an additional 5 per cent. Another firm in the hot water heating line dropped its prices approximately 7ia per cent with usual terms and de? liveries. Freight movements approximately are 20 per cent below what they were at this time last year, when war de? mands and shipments were at thei> heaviest. With crop moving to be fig? ured and increased congestion as mills resume buying raw materials, building investors are cautioned to get thel> purchases on the road as promptly as possible to avoid delays and possible embargo".-? when building gets fairly under way. Holt Joins Schlesinger Firm Stephen G. Holt, formerly at 47 West Thirty-fourth Street, has become associated with the firm of Louis Schlesinger, Inc., and will take up tho work of the industrial department of that organization, specializing in fac? tory properties in this Manhattan, Long Island City, Prooklyn and New Jersey. it of City Resumption of Building Seen in Brooklyn Sales William E. Harmon Believes (?rowing Activity Will Soon Provide Homes for All William E. Harmon, of the firm of William E. Harmon ? Co., declares the need of homes for thousands of families in tho greater city will be met by the growing activity of build? ers. "The entirely justified conserv at;?m of the lending institutions of : New York," he says, "in the face of ' what looked to them like a very high ' cost of building material, is gradually changing to a willingness to lend on mortgage. They have como to the conclusion that this high cost of building material is likely to continue | for some years to come. Old condi? tions have, definitely given away to new, and the sooner this new situation is accepted the quicker will some re? lief to what is fast becoming an in? tolerable housing condition." William E. Harmon & Co. an? nounced the following recent sales: Ninety-four lots to six different build? ers at East Midwood, fifty-two lots at Midwood Manor to five different build? ers, twelve lots ut Waverly to four builders and a number of plots on their Staten Island properties to per I sons who expect to improve them at once. In addition to sales of vacant property, the company has also Bold a lar<;e number of single and two family houses on their various prop? erties. "These sales to builders are affect? ing very soon," says Mr. Harmon, "the disposition of those who want to own their own hornea and inspire them to | inquire for lots upon which, sooner | or later, they may be able to build ! for themselves." Satisfied Mortgages Manhattan 9TH AV, s w c 42d et, runs s w 6Sx n w SOx b w 19.Ox n w 20x n w 78 9 to 43d ?t ? s ? 100 to beg; R!ci' s and Kath? leen M McCaffery, 1! .?" Arlington pi. Madison, Wla, to Wi i M Flless, Jr, Southbury, Conn, and Austin P Kelloy, Do?ean Hill.?. R or F.. exrs Sarah W Oiltender; atty, T G & T Co, 176 Broud wav: May 15, 10 1C.$10 00' 53D ST, n b. 100 e 10th av, runs e 75x n 100.5 tn c I block x w 175 to o a 10th av x b 75x e lOOx s 25.S to beg; Ruth A "Wallace to tho Greenwich Sav, 246 6th av; atty. B A Hariris, 4*5 Codar st : Oot 7, 191C.$36,000 WAVERI.Y VI.. s w B. 150 fr s w c ProB poct .?:. 25xl0?; Jas and Margare; .1 MacArthur to Hy r> Coe : atty, C M ill.: man, Tremont, N V, Oc.i 2. ISS9 .$1,100 HT NICHOLAS AV, n w c 190th nt. 97x 120; Shenk Realty and Constn Co to Liberal Finance Corpn, 40 W 27th at; nttys, Morrison & Sohlff, 320 Broad? way; May 21, 1919.$0,000 5TH AV. n w r l"4th st; Amsterdam av, 1700-94; Millblanohe Realty Corpn, fix Broad nt, to Oeo 1) Gregory, trustee, 62S Elast 32d st, Bklyn; atty, Q D Gregory, GS Broad st; March 1. 1919.$35,000 NAGLE AV, neo Arden st, 110x134; ???i:-;.- C'onstn Co to Francis S liver, Gloucester. N J; atty, F A Snow. In Wall st; April 16. 1913.$20,000 37TH ST. n a, 295 w 5th nv, 25x98.9; A N Homer, 1 Highland av, Auburndale, Flushing, B o? Q, to Jno Magee, Wat kins, N Y; atty, '1 G & T Co. ITC Bway; ' ii ? 1, 191;.$85.000 S4TH ST. 229-31 K: Samuel and Anna E lelman et al to Samuel Levy. CS 2<1 av; ;.tt.v. .lacob M Schoenteld, 269 Bway; May 8, 191?.$4.00? 124TH ST. 309 : N'orrls E Oreenberg to Arnold Lessor, 522 W 134th st ; atty. Jacob M Schoenteld, 239 Bway; June 17, 1914.$1.600 76TH ST. llf. VV; Mary E Tomony, on tho premises (owner) to Sadie E Adams, cxtx; attys, Cardozo & Nathan. 12* Bway; June 16, 1910.$18,000 LORILLARD PL w a. 88.9 n 187th st, 2Ex 100; Henry C Thompson to P.obt Baker, Fast Grane", N .! ; atty, T G & T Co. 176 Bway; Dec 19, 1807.$3.500 AI.I.EX ST. 150, Rlvington St. 70: Liebo witz Realty Co, 299 Bway, to the Bank of the U S. 97 Delancey st ; atty, .1 1 Berman. 246 Bway; Aug 10, 1916.$9,900 SAME PROPERTY; Bam? to same; atty, same: Feb 8. 1917.$2.000 GOUVERNEUR ST, 41; Wm J and Susan C Underwood to Ada Van Tnssel Bllllng ton; attvs. Fletcher, JlcC & B, 128 Bway; May 27. 1174.$5,000 COLUMBIA ST, 89, Uns? Wolf to Yctte Gross, 040 Saratoga av, Bklyn; atty, S S Isaacs, 115 Columbia st. June 1, 1918 $7.000 i 73D ST, p 8, 136 e West. Knd av, 18x10?; F'.iz M Read to F Ambrose Clark, Mid dlefteld, N T, el- uno. trustees: attya. Young V & Prince, HO Bway; Nov 8, ISO?.$14.000 ST' ST, 60-62 E, Max <?- Ray Schwartz to lsa>n Shlman, ?: 14 Superior st, Cleve? land, O; alty, T G & T Co, 17G Bway; Oct 24, 1916.$5,000 56'1'H ST. n e; Richard & May Billings to Emily D Van Wagenen, Morrlstown. N J, ft al, trustees will Jno M Dodd; attys, Alexander & G, 120 Bway; Mav 2^. 19K: $46,000 RIVERSIDE DR. e b, 106.10 ?> 99th st,; Winter Real? ties, Inc. to Frieda Gossett. 501 W 110th s: : atty, Morris ii Gosselt, 261 Bway; Sept 30, 1918.$17 0?0 SAME PROPERTY"; Winter A- Wilkes, Inc. to Jonas Kolb. 112 Cathedral Parkway; atty, M E Gossett, l'':l Bway. WADSWORTH AV. w s. 150 rr 190th st, 50x98, Zagon Realty Co to Gusta vug L Lawrence, 222- Bway; atty, T G <& T Co, 170 Bway; March ), 1916.$7 0"0 WADSWORTH AV. w n, 250 n 190th st, 50x98; same to .same, attv, rame. Mar 1, 1916 .$7 000 WADSWORTH AV. w b. 100 n 190th st, 60 x98; same to .same; atty, same; March ). 1916 . ?7.000 WADSWORTH AV. w s. 200 n 190th st. 50x98; same to same; atty. same: Mar I, 1916 .$7.000 GRAND ST, 559-668, Madison st, 403-7; Win J.usi.garten & Co, Inc, to Howard Townsend, an exr will Maria Campbell; attys, Do Witt, L & De W, 88 Nassau st ; Dec 4. 1915.$1,875 and Subur Buyers for Dwellings on East and West Sides The Douglas Robinson, Charles S. ' I Brown Company has sold for the trus ! tees for Mary Van Alen Thompson ; | (Griswold A. Thompson and Luis J. : Phelps) the four and five story tene | ments at 424 to 430 East Fifth Street, each 25 by 96 feet. No. 424 was pur? chased by Mary Vorswald, Nos. 426 and 428 by tho Roman Catholic Church of St. Nicholas, and No. 430 by Maurice Rosenswaike. In each case the ?pur? chaser is the tenant of the property. Invests in Washington Place Pope & Bro. have sold for the Pequa buck Realty Cohporatlon, to Miss I. Johnson, the five-story studio building on lot 2p.6 by 97 feet, at 77 Washing? ton Place, which was recently reno? vated with eleven studios. Wants To Be a Tenant Kindly inform me as to the possi? bility of renting an apartment, or house, or portion of a house, with im? provements, consisting of 4-5-6 rooms, within short commuting distance of ' New York, either in Westchester j i County or New Jersey, at a semi- \ I reasonable figure. Would consider renting with priv- j ilege of buying. C. S. The Bronx. There never was a time when It was more ; , difficult to rent in the suburbs than it Is ' to-day. For a year or more the scarcity of , city home? has been forcing people into the suburbs in such numbers that practically ' everything rentable has been taken. How , ever, don't give up without trying. Writ* . to W. L. Var?an ft Co.. Inc. at. Mamaroneck ; T. ,1. Burke, at Yonkers, or George B. Hitchcock, at Bogota, N. .T. Buyer of Fifth Avenue Corner Bernhard N. Schwartz is the buyer of the tall building at the northwest corner of Fifth Avenue and Thirty first Street which was reported sold several weeks ago by Herman Woog. A. N. Gitterman negotiated the deal. I The purchase was made by Mr. Schwartz as an investment. Recorded Transfer? Downtown MADISON ST, 40,1-7. n s. ?Ox?, to 20 Grand st ?.r>5?>-r rj> ; Wm Lustgarten & Co to Chehra Agudas Achim ?"hesed Stiel Ometh, 246 Graml st ; May 28; atty, Lawyers T & '!' Co, 160 Bway.$100 JACKSON ST. 32, e s, 25x100; N E Vail & Co to Frank Blanchard, 362 Riverside dr: rnt?s 517.000; all liens; May 29: atty. Jacob 1 Herman, rn? Bway.$1 East Side BTH ST, 42G-28 B, a a,.2 lota, each 25x96.2; G A Thompson ?fe ano, trustees, to Un? man Catti Church of St Nicholas, 135 K 2d st; May 29; attys. Olin. C <fc P. 140 Bway .$33,500 6TH ST. 430 E, a s, 26x96.2; same to Mau? rice Roseripwaik?, Cedarhurat, L I: May 29: attvs. samo.$16,750 I 89TH ST, 328 E, b s. 25x98.9; It F Robin? son to Jno & Pellegrlno Mule, 302 E 31st st: mtg $9,800; an liens; May 29; i atty, Lawyers T ?-. T Co, 1G0 llwav.Sl 021? ST, s s, 155 e Park av. 18.9x100.5; Farmers' Loan & T Co to Arrow Hold? ing Corpn, 217 Bway; o & s; all liens; -Muy 29; atty, T G & T >'o, 176 Bway $35,000 'SAME PROPERTY; Arrow Holding Corpn to B L & Stella de J Tim, .724 f,th av; mtgo $25.000; all lions; May 29; atty, samf .$ 1 oc 104TH ST, 24 E3, s n. 2SxIO0.ll (foreclB May 21); .Jno Mulholland, rof, to Kriwil Dola flfld, of Noroton, Conn, as commr; attys. Baldwin & N', 32 Nassau st.52S.0OO 5HT AV. s e c lOSth st, 50.11x84; Mar garetto E Griffith to .Max K?rner, 18 E 108th st; nitg, ISO.000; May 27; atty, Loo Rosenberg, 115 Bway. $100 ISflTH ST, 113-15 E, n s. 60x99.11; Philip Weinstein to Rockvcllo Holding Co, 170 Bway; May 28; atty, Lawyers T ?- T Co, I HO Bway.J100 SAME PROPERTY; Rockvelle Holding Co to Vest 6fh Av Realty Co, 170 P.way. mtg $37,000; ntty. same.$1 West Side ?BROADWAY, 12.77-9, w s, 234.5x40x Irreg; llopaltrun Realty Co to Jere 1-" Dono? van. ?21 South Oxford st. Bklyn; con? firmation deed; atty, Lawyers' T ?? T Co, 160 Bway.$1 SAME PROPERTY; Columbia Trust Co, trustee, to same; b and s and c u g ; all liens; mtgo $937,600; May 29; attv, name .$1,093.700 40TH ST, 311 W, n s, 26.4x98.9; All?-?) M McKlbbtn to Madeleine R McKibbln and M R McKibbln to Arthur Du Bois, 901 Lnxlngton av; 2 deeds, b arid ?. c a g: May 2; utty. T O & T Co, 176 Bway.$100 6LST ST, ?-17 W. n f, 25x100.5; Metropoli? tan Sav Bank to Richard Carvul, -l?? 1 W 69th st; all liens; May 23; atty, .las A Oelohanty, 115 Bway.$1,000 7T1! AV, 1801-5, r. o c. 110th ut. 70,11x100; Olds i'onstn Co to Jacob Main wit;:, 55-63 N\ Until st; mtgo $155.000. all liens; Maj 27; atty. Lawyers T & T Co, 160 Bway .$100 COLUMBUS AY. w s, 94 n 123d st, 27.lx 100; lly Lente to Mary Lente, 104 Morn uiKsid? av ; V? part; May 29; atty, i> E Davis, 3210 3d av.$1 BROADWAY, ? v, c ' 41 st ft. 99.11x90; Broadway, n w c I'.iih st, 99.11x90; El lei'sil? Corpn to Ocmnll Corpn, 372 W 1 tut h et; mtge $471,0?0; nil llena, May 29; A Allenberff, 370 17 149th st.$100 182D ST. 5.:>4 W, s b. 17.10x71; Lawyers' Mort <.o to Lina Kolb, 1446 St P?lcholas (i%-; b and b; ail liens; May 29; atty, T O & T Co, 1 76 Bway.$100 182D ST, 656 W, h b, 17.10x70; same to (?aino, b and h. all i!e-,s. May 29; atty. samo .$100 Bronx ' MAIN ST, w s, lots 712 and 713, map Ellr. i R B King. City Island; John A Bodes. ref. to Wm J McNulty, 47S W 169th st, May 28; attv. Title O ?: T Co. 176 Broad? way .11.000 178TH ST, 807 E, r, s. 49.7x114.8; Anna Kornblum to Mary Botoshansky, 1414 ,47th st. Brooklyn; mtgo $33,000; May 28; atty, Fredk Lore, 86 Nassau st.$100 LOTS 2 1 and 25, map Estates Development ', Co and ano; Bronx Shore Development REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE phttit The man who cans-Hoed ?mini/ of the '?ptirtmtmt house operations and backed up many of thr builder? <n thn development of the Fort Waehtnt/ton llrivl><? district, Ovh'rf Ihr Irin rify i,f apartment houtr? nOUl actually rtlHtt. value, will be taken at this sale. liberal. 50% at 4/4%, 60% at 5% or 70% at 5 Yi % may remain on mortgage for three years. Savings Bank books, also Liberty Bonds at market Go visit this property today, off at 181st street. Mr. Pettit stated that many times in the past he endeavored to purchase from the late Mr. Bennett his Washington Heights property, to de? velop it with high class homes and apartment houses. He further stated that with the city practically built up solid to 181st street this is the location for Manhattan's next big building operations. You can buy at your own price these 500 lots, each sold separately, located on Broadway, Fort Washing? ton avenue, Bennett avenue, Pinehurst avenue, North? ern avenue, Riverside Drive, just north of 18 1st street, at the Absolute Auction Sale of the James Gordon Bennett Estate, Tuesday, June 10, at 12 noon, in the Exchange Salesroom, 1 4 Vesey street. Any one with a little money can own a lot, as the terms are most 50 Take any Interboro Broadway Subway Car. Get Send for Booklet. Auctioneer, 31 Nassau street. ban Realt Good Demand for Newark Investment Realty The four and five story tenements at 19 to 23 Nicholson Street and 84 Ship man Street, having a frontage of fifty feet on Nicholson Street and twenty six feet on Shipman Street, have been sold for Mary Alice Smith to Vincenzo Cardillo. Mr. Cardillo has purchased the property for investment and will make improvements in the near future. Louis Schlesinger negotiated the deal, , He has also sold 143 Belleville Avenue ' for William Mackay to Frank Fusolli; - 33 Hunterdon Street for John McCann to Carl Panagai; 1113 .Broad Street for Cornelius Mandeville to Max Olman and Abraham Marcus; 306 Seymour Avenue for Ida Rudnewitz to Anton Kaufman, a;;d 200 Amherst Street, East Orange, for Jensene Rondo to Peter Don'.on. Rents Mount Vernon Home The Cooley Realty Company has rented for the summer months, the ar? tistic home owned by Mrs. Helen V. Werner on Forster Avenue, Mount. Ver? non, to C. M. Bowes, of Brooklyn. Co to Abr Stein, 10?'1 rth av; May 29 atty, E A Karelsen, 87 Nassau st..$1.000 SIMPSON ST, 1138. e s, 40x100; Max H?h? ner to Pinkus Wasstersteln, 412 E 61st st, mtge $22,000; Muy 29; atty, Koppel man? w, 144 Delanccy st.$100 ? PARK AV, i- s. 108 H 175th st, 18x150 Welssmann Holding Co to Cath Hayden, IS 29 Washington av; Maj 27, atty, Title G & T ?'o, 176 Broadway . $1 CONCORD AV, n e c 147th 8t, 20x!00; ',. nie Kuku to Bernard Tashicer, 940 East 173d st and ?.no; mtge $4,000 May 28; atty, Koppclman ?c W. i 14 Rlvlngton st .$i RYER AV, 2362, ? s. .'iw.:?", \ if red W Levl ?o Vetta Levitas, 367 Ford; mtge $33,000; May 2D, atty, I.?on Burkls, Cl 1 lelancey st . $100 136TH ST, n s. 189.5 w Cypress av, 62.hx | 100; Arthur D Cahn to Denwood Realty! Co, 609 Willis av; May 27; atty, Fredk ! Lese, 35 Naseau st..*_$100 FAILE ST, e s, 509.6 s Bancroft ?t. 20xl0a; i Bemuci Gottlieb, 717 W 177th st, to Kose Solomon, 945 Tiffany; mtge $7,500; May I 28; atty, Tltlo G & T Co, 176 Broad? way .J100 MINFORD PL, 1550, e s. 30x100, Mathilda i W Merfer In John Hartmetz: mige $15. 000; May 28; atty, Tltlo G & T Co. 17? ! Broadway .$l 00 VTSE AV, w?a, 425 s Jennings, 25x100; Nathan Elle'nbogen to Isaac Teilen, 1761 Bathgato av; iut?e $7.000; May 9; attv. Title G & T Co, 176 Broadway... .$13,000 LOTS 46 AND f.0. block 36, map Morris Park; Morris Par!-; Estates to Esplanade Realty Co, 45 Exch pi; April 23; attvs, : T G <v T Co, 176 Bway.'$1 : LOTS 40 tii 50, block 36, same map; Es planad ? Realty Co to Fred W Siemens, Wollsl.o, Penn; 1 3 part; April 21; attj - ?-.. me . $ i SAME PRi IPERTV; same to Horace B Pai ker, samo address; 2-3 part. April 24: at ' -? --. -?a me . $ 1 WASHINGTON AV, 2353-7. w s, 72x91, Sandow Realty ( :o to Utility Realty Co; mtg $33,000; May 23; any.-?, W M Wee:, oler, 170 Bway .$t SAME PROPERTY; Utility Realty Co to Harry L Well, at Woodmere, L I, Mas? ?a ; attv, same.$ 1 LONGFELLOW AV, 1447, w s. 26x100; I iinrry L Smith to Nathan Weiss, 157 : Vermilyea av; mtge ?7.000; Mav 29; attys, Fredman & s, 277 Bwav.$100 LOTS 26 AND 27. map University Heights n s; Anna F Hodglns to Wm C Bergor, 130 W 180th st; May 29; atty, H B Chambers, 115 Bway.$1 WALLACE AV, 1914, 26x100; Chas J Ros well to Maurice Marymont, 1914 Wallace av; mtg $4.000; May 29; attys, utter- : bourg, 8 & H, 200 5th av.$1 I 166TU ST, n h 601/i w Carroll pi, 25.3x134.6; Sarah A Sutter to Alex S Wells, 665 Walton av; -May 29; atty, A Bell, 391 E 149th st .$100 ' BRYANT AV, a w o Home st, 100x55.3x 100.4x50.1; Hilda Realty Co to Sam'l ! Foumberg, 21 Pike st, and ano; mis ; $48,600; May 29; attys, Gettner, S & A, : 299 Bway .$100 ! WILKINS AV. 1447, W s. 56x94.7x56.2x ' 99 '? . Dixie Security Co to Michael Tie,,:- , sky and ano, 881 E 170th st; mtg $51. 500; Muy 2S; attys. Goldfein, & W. 3.70 Bway.$100 VALENTINE AV, r. w c 197th st, 18xS4.1x 18x85.1; Fred'k Weln ?;t ano, exrs to Eli-/. Oraham, 4:U8 15th av, Bklyn; mtg?\ $10,000; May 29; atty, Phelps & Co, 363 E Forrlhum 'toad .$100 LOT 369. map Van Nest Park: Mary Crld dle, widow, to Marv C. Tague, 2S0 W 130th st. Nov 13, 1918; atty, Marv C. Tague. 280 W 130th st.$100 PROSPECT AV, w s, 480 s of 155th nt, I ; x95x23x94.1, Dora Huthherg to Wm Manne. 15 W 110th st ; mtge $7.0U0; Mav ? 29: atty, M. T. Barrows, 279 B'way $100 HEATH AV, o s. 262.7 n land Lena N pied 20.6x100.7; Hannah lloran to Frank B McCarthy, 2888 Hentli av, May 31; atty, Hannah lloran, 2888 Heath av .$1 j SAME prop. Frank B McCarthy to Jas ? lloran, 228S Heath av, May 31; atty, same .? 1 JACKSON AV, n w c Home et, w 100.5 to n v s Boston lid x n e 253d st to Jackson 232.9 to bog; Rosewater Realty Corp Biunei TOO:, 3 1 W Ufith st, and ano. mtgo $100,000; May 28, atty; Law ?1 \- T Co, 100 Bway $10? WEBB AV, e s. 400 n Park View pi, runs 100 x n 23.3 x n 100.7 to Webb av and s 24.6 to beg ; Jennio H Waterhouse to Chas H Attwater, 2460 Webb av, May 29; attorney. Lawyers Trust Co., 160 Broadway .$10n WASHINGTON AY, w s 103d st, s 176tn st. runs lOOx s lx w 50x s 24x e 150 to av and n 25 to hot'. . Thos A Keek to Israel Mltnncr. 1724 Washington ,i\. May 28; attorney. H Gottlieb, 294 B'way . $i WASHINGTON AV. 1712, e s, 41.3x1011.9; 1 hllip Weinstein to Rockvillc Holding Co, 170 Broadway, May 28; attorney. Lawyers Trusl Co, do Broadway. ..$100 I B? STUN TIP. 139C-S s o s, 4 1.6x83.1x98.2; ; -Mary A Farley to Jos Farley. 1396-8 ! Boston rd, Mar SI; attorney, Jos. Far? ley. 1396-8 Boston Rd.Giit 214TH ST., 709 E, 25x100; Teresa Fierro to Minia IM Grazlo. 614 E 1 19th st., mtg $3,000, May 27; attorncv, Chas. Novello, 320 Broadway .$100 .71? AV, 44:tl, w s, 60x127.11; Ssml .1 Bett m.-iii to San ford S Betunan, 2013 Caston av, s.-pt 14, 191N; attorney, Sanford S. Bettman, 1698 Topping av.$1 169TH ST, s s, 176 o Fulton av, runs w 64.Sx s 100.1 lx e 43.1 lx n 3 01.5 to beg. Barbara S Htrdt to Felix Gottfried, 749 Jennings st, May 14; attorney, M. A. Rablnovltch, 230 Grand st.$10.100 PROSPECT AV. w s, 480 155th St. 23x96* 23x94.11; Boni Weincrman to Dora Rothb?rg, 71 E 116th st, mtg $5,625. May 28; attorney, M. T. Barrows, 299 Broadway .$100 MARION AV, s w c 178th st, 50x100; Eitel ? oust Co to Noson Realty Co, 3366 Grand Blvd ?n.i Concourse, mtg $30.oo?, May 28; attorney, Max M,mirle.I. 294 Broad way . $100 Recorded Mortgages Downtown JACKSON AV. 22. e s, 25x100; p m; May ?9; Frank Blanchard to N E Vail .<- Co, 2 2 W 1st st, Mt Vernon. N Y: due ns bond. 6 p c.$6,000 East Side 62D ST, s s. 166 f Path av. 18.9x100.5; p m: Mav 29; Arrow Holding Corpn to Farmers' I. & T Co, as com, 22 William st: 3 yrs, 6 p c; attys, Geller, R ?- H. 22 Exchange Place.$25,000 70TH ST, 1G9 E, n s, 16.8x160.6; p m; May 29. Jos W Burden to Gertrude fi Smith, 616 Madison av; 5 yrs, 5 p r ; atty, T Gj T Co, 170 Bwav .$25,000 71ST ST, 217 E. n s. 20.8x102.2; p m : May 2n; Edw Bornhoeft to Louis Bremer, 2 15 E 9 1st st, 3 yrs, 6 p c; prior mtge $10,000, attys, Salter & S, 140 Nas? sau st.r.$3.000 92 ! i ST, 29 E. n s, 17x68.8; p m; May 29; I. M Kahn tu Louis M Slmson, 29 ? 93d st : 6 vrs. (,<?? p c; prior mtgo $13,000;" attys. Wolf & Kohn, 277 Bway... .$9,000 ,*TH AV, s e c lOSth st. 50.11x84; P m: Mav 27; Max K?rner to Marcaren? E" Orlffith. 21 E 56th st; 5 yrs. 6 p c; attys, | Mitchell i- M. -Il Wall si.$1.0.000 1 126TI? ST. 113-15 E, n s. 50x99.11; p m; Mav 26. Rookvllle Holding Co to Philip! Weinstein, 346 West End av, due May 1 1929; ; 1- n ?-, atty, Lawyers' T * T ; Co, 100 Bway.$37,000! West Side 17TH ST 227-39 W. n s. 120.4x42.4: May; 28; Volgn Realty Corpn to 1,1111.. Sookne, 1IG W 128th st: ?tue Jurro 1, 1922. 6 per] rent pr ?ntg, $120.500. titty, Louis Man helm, .702 Bway.$14.5H0 i 40T1I ST 311 W. n s, 26.4x98.9; pr mtg, .May 2, Madeleine R McKILbin to Jno C ?'lari, 225 W Stith st. *. ano. en?; 3 yrs. r. per cent; attv. T U & T Co, 176 Bwav 12,60* 48TH ST, 609 W, n s. 25x100.6; pr mtg. Mav 28; Hermine Rojunga. to Central Sav Bunk. 167 4th av: i. yrs, 6 per cent: attys. Amend & A, 110 Nassau at.$10,000 123D ST, 226 W, s s, 26x100.11; May 29: Augusta BJ Cohnf'ld ro Frances K ?julnn. 2 K l?7th et; due, June 1, '22, Int as bond, pr mtg, $21.750.$2,760 ?82D HT, SG4-H W. s s. 2 lot?, each 17.10.x , 70. 2 |-r intgs. $4,750 each; May 29; Lina Kolb t?. Lawyers Mort Co, 69 Liberty st ; i du? Apr l, 192 1. E por cent.$9,500 ! Bronx MAIN ST, w ?. lot? 712 ?ft 713. map Ells'. H B Knit. City Island; Wm J McNulty i Market Sales of Apartment and Dwelling Houses in Bronx \ Alfred W. Levy has sold the five story apartment, on plot 50x100, held at $60.000, at 2362 Ryer Avenue, to a client of H. T. Wood. Sale in Kingsbridge Terrace Thorn & Co. have sold the two fam ?ly ho ise 2709 Kingsbridpe Terrace, on lot 2?x?2, for a Mrs. Gifford to Mrs. Elizabeth Hogu?. Houses In Whltlock Avenue Sold Leitner, Brener & Starr have sold for M. L. & C. Ernst K55 Whitlock Avenue, a three family brick house, on lot 2">x 100. to Oscar Weiner. and a house sim? ilar to that at 851 Whitlock Avenue to Samutil Broady. Wales Avenue Tenement Sold Morris Sandberg has resold the four story tenement at 687 Wales Avenue through George Goldblatt. Buyer for Morris Avenue Lot Thorn & Co. have sold the lot on the ! east side of Morris Avenue, 220 feet north of 196th Street, for Mrs. Amanda Sharp to Everett Murgatroyd. to Chas .7 Richte?-, 10? Central Park W; May 28, 3 vrs, 6 per c?'iu; attv. Title Guar & T Co, ITS Bway. $4,000 VTSB AV. w B. 426 p Jenninga st. 26x100; Isaac Yctten to Nathan Ellenbogen, 1607 Bryant av; May 20; inst?is, per cent as per bond; atty, Title Guar & T Co, 170 Bway .$3,500 SIMPSON ST, 1138. e s. 40x100; Plnkus WaaEorBteln to Max Hnhnir, 320 Central Park W; pr mtg, $22,000; May 29; 3 yrs, 6 per rent; atty, L H?hner, 62 William st .$8,000 PARK AV. 4<m. e s, 18x150; Cath Hayden to Welssmann Molding Co, 44 Court st, Bklyn; May 27; lrrstals, 6 per cent; ai". Title Guar & T Co, 176 Bway .$4.000 178TH ST, 807 B, n s. 49.7x114.8; Mary Botaakansky to Anna Kornblum, 22 Mt Morris Park West; pr mtge $33.000; May 2s. 4 vrs. ti p c; atty; atty, Fred Lese, Nassau st .$18,i 135TH ST, 339 E. n s. 12.6x100; Pietro Giannocn to Lawyers Mtge Co, 69 Lib e-r'.y st ; May 29; 8 years; 5% p c; ntty. Title O &. T Co, ITC Broadway_$2,600 RYElt AV, 2262, e s, 60x100; Ye'tta Levitas to Alfred W Levi. 60 AV 129th fit; May 29; due lier 1, 1921: 6 p c, atty, A Zim? mermann. 206 Broadway .$10.000 WASHINGTON AV, 2363-2367, w s. 2 lota each. 36x31.1; 2 nitgoe, each $2.r>00: Util? ity Realty Co to Sandow Realty Co, 198 Broadway; 2 pr mtgeg, $16,500 ea :h May 2:.. inst?is; 6 p c; atty, Title G A- T Co, 176 Broadway . $6 .1 136TH ST, n .*= ISP.5 w Cypress av. 62.6x 100; Denwood Realtv Co to Arthur D (ahn 352 W 123d at; May 27; 1 year; 6V?j p c; atty, Fredk Lebe, 35 Nassau St .$4,000 WASHINGTON A\'. 1712. ? s. 41.3x109.9; Rockvllle Holding Co to Phil!;, Wein? stein, 34G West Knd av; Mav 28; due May 1, ?1*29; 54 p o; attv. Lawvers T ,v T To, 160 Bway.$29.000 JACKSON AV, n w 0 Home, 232.9x253 1 to Postor, rd x lrr?g, Harnet t Peitz & ano to Rosewater Realtv Corpn; May 29; 6 yrs, 5 p c; atty, Lawyers T & T Co, 100 Bway .$100,00 WASHINGTON AV, w s, 102.5 s 175th st, 25xl50xlrre{r; Israel Metzner to Thos A Klch, Princeton, N. J; May 29; due, etc, ?s per bond; atty, Lawvers Title 8r. T Co, 160 Bway.$11,000 SAME prop; samo to Moses Puller, 17?7 Washington av; pr mtg $11,000; May 29; ' installs 6 p e; atty, same.$2,000 163d ST, n w c of Fox, 76x78xlrreg; Marten Grossman to Hy Neindlin, 88 Central Park West, pr mtge $97,600; Mav 29; 2 vrs. 6 p cent; attv. H Glaser 291 Bway .$: 5,000 LOTS and 27, map University Heights No; Wm C Bergen to Anna F Hodglns, 165 K 'Fremont av; May 2i', due ? >ct 1, 1319, C p c; atty, H B Chambers. 115 Bway.$7,000 ' 165TH ST. n a. 50.4 w Carroll pi, 25v34.6; Alex S Wells to Sarah A Butter, 456 B 136th st; May 29; 3 yrs, 6 p c; atty, Arthur Bell, 3S1 E 140th st.$1,700 TELLER AV, n w s, 774 11, n e 169th | st, runs s w 73.4 r 'l w 100.8 x s e 60.4x s w 66.8 to leg, Thos McKeans to Johanna McManus, 882 Lex av; May 26; 3 vrs, 5 p cent; atty, II S Cook, 38 1'ark Row .$12.000 Mi'KRtS AV. s 'v cor 167th st, N V Title & Mtg Co to Louis G Myth, 266 W 93d st; attorney, N. Y. Title <fe Mtg. Co., 135 Broadway .$10.0u0 Lots 43 to 45, map bldg lots W A & H C Mapes. Commercial Finance Co to La vlnia M Lasher, extrx, Hyde Park. N Y; attorney. C W H Arnold. .1 Liberty st ' .$2,000 | BATHGATH AV, 1663-5; Ignatz Roth to Albert Deutsch, 1292 Madison av; attor- | ney, Frederick Lese, 36 Nassau st..$100 1 JEROME AV, s w cor Kingsbrldge rd, 62.7 | x?; .lohn C Blockhaus, exr, to N Y ! Title & Mtg Co, 13 Broadway; attorney, ' N. Y. Title & Mtg. Co.. 135 Broad? way .$10,000 ; 136TH ST. n B. 189.6 w Cypress av, 62.6x ; 100; Arthur I) Cahn to Fredk Lese, 133 E 80th; attornev. F. Lese, 36 Nassau st .$ i ! HATHGATK AV. 1990: Barclay Holding Corp to Irving Trust Co, s2 West Bi ?ad way; attorney. Irving Trust Co., 92 We3t Broadway .$1 ? SHERIDAN AV, 1060. Skandia Bldg Co to Jacob Stolweln, 428 E 157th st et al: attorney. Titln Guar. & T, Co., 17.', ; Broadway .$100 MORRIS AV, 1059; Anna M Theurer to Millie Litzky, 1059 Morris av; attorn?y. ?.'has. Eiiu, 51 t'liambers st.?7.175. JACKSON AV, 762; Barclay Holding Corp! to Isaac Roberts. 258 Hooper, Brooklyn; attorney, J. H. Zieg?r, 217 B'waj.$1 165TH ST, 1161-5 E: Bedford H, ng Corp to Morris Herman, 960 Pro?].t av; attorney, H. G lasser, 291 Broadway; ! 2 a( ? 1,000 each . . . . .$? ,000 SAME PROPERTY; Morris Herman to Hy Mindlen, Ii8 Central Park W and ano; attorney, same: 2 at ?4.0OO each...$100 SHERIDAN AV, 1061. Ida Reese, to Anna Blumenthal 158 Hamilton at. Buffalo. N Y, ottornev, A. & H. Block. 9!? Nas? sau st .$:,000 i Assignments of Mortgages Manhattan GROVE ST. s s, 160 w Illeccker st ; Sarn'l Riker jr, and ano. exrs, H?lon 1 Hen dricks. to Harmon W Hendrlcks, 270 Park ove; atty, Bam'l Hiker, jr, 19 Cedar st .$9,000 106TH ST. 2:5 E, Water st, 147. Catherin? Ht, 22; Houston st, 283 E; Harmon Wi Warirlricks and anu. exrs, Isabel E Brush, to Bdtth Hendrlcks, 270 Park av; atty, Sam'l Rlker, Jr, 19 Cedar st ; 6 aasmts $74.480 16?TH ST, 547 W, 2 1-3 parts; mtg $18, 000; Alberta Underwear Co to Sara [sar and S Isar to Isaac O Schiff. 2 W 88th Bl . attys, Morrison & Schiff, 320 Broa way; 2 ?s.?mts, cacti.$100 AUDUBON AV, 411. 309, 407. n .-? cor 185th st: a e cor 186th st, 40;'. e s, 54.1 s 186th st and e s 187th st, s 186th st. all on Audubon av. Alenel Conetr Co to Mos?s J Wolf, 1120 Madison av. et al, .vis, BenJ Mordecai, 318 W 105th st, and R Richard Da>rs, 200 Riverside dr. attvs. Wolf & Kohn, 209 Bway, assmta with Btatcd int.$40."no CENTRAL PARK W. 163; Jno B Harrison and ano. exrs, etc, to Commonwealth Sav Bank. 2007 Amstrdm av; atty, Geo H Hyde, H Park row.$26,01 0 36TH ST, 23 W; Title Guar ?* i'i ust Co to Bmplro Trust Co, 120 Bway atty, Randolph Parmly 2 Rector st...$21,500 c, i, il'K!; ST, s s, 150.2 e Academy st ; Tute G & T Co to Ascher Wasserman, 2 M W 74th st, atty, Title G .v T Co 176 Broad? way .$ 76TH ST. 93.6 e 1st av; mtge $1,600; Cen? tra] l'nlon Trust Co, trustee, to E .T Goppoldt, 5159 Boulevard W, West New "York, N J; atty, C A Strauss, 261 Broad? way .$ ! 134TH ST, 64 K, mtg.' $28 500; a t, Walter M Weir to Adrian 11 Jackson. 25] W SSth al address, lOG Lexington av..$100 SHERMAN AV, ICO; mtge ?8,500 Abel King and ano to Max .] Klein and ano, 22 Mount Morris Park W.-?: ; atty, Fredk Lese, 35 Nassau si. , . 51 ?5TH ST, 138-140 E; nage $10,000; Solon L Frank to Blanch E Frank, 2170 Bi.1 wa; , address. S ]. Frank, 1790 Broad? way .$1 WATER ST. 2S: mtge $12,000. quarter part, Clara H Gould to Susan McV Uem eiinuy, Windsor. Vt; attys. Gould & Wltkle, 2 Wall st.$3 000 SAME I'ROl'KRTV, mtge $1,000; Hudson Mort Co to Motaros.' Realty Co and Mon? trons K Co to Phlliu B Jennings. 2!>o Clermont av. Brooklyn, address. Law? yer? T S.- T Co, 160 Broadway; 2 as ?l?ns .$1 and $;<u0 New Building Plans Manhattan GRAND CONCOURSE, n w cor 167th st five story hrk tnmt, 67.1 V. X137. H y 1er Hldg Corpn, Hyman Herman, 136 Bdwv, pr?s, owner?; Bprlngsten & Ooldhammer, 22 t mon ?.j, arehts; $176,000 CREST?N AV. n w cur Burns,,1e. av, five story hrk tnmt, 56x00, Realty Manager?, Inc. Frank Begrlsch. )r. 200 Bdwy, pre? owners; Moore A LsnrtseMel, 600 2d uv and l?8th st. ?rchtB. $1,8,000 WILLIA-MBBRIDQE Rn. w m. ? 1 5 n Pop? lar st, oni? story brk garage, 73x160, Bio la Realty Co, Sarah II Baraley, 1541 Ovorlng ?I, pns. own.1:1. M W Del (?au? dio, IS 12 Gleason av, archt; $12,?00. SURROGATES' NOTICES IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable John P. Cohalan. a Surro? gate of the County of New York, NOTICE [ Is hereby given to all persons having , claims against William L. Harkness, ?ate ! of tho County of New York, deceased, to present the same, with vouchers thereof. to the subscribers, at their place of trans? acting business, at the office of Messrs. Murray, Prentice & Howland. attorneys, at i No. 37 Wall Street, In the Borough of Manhattan, in the City of New York. ' State of New York. or. or before the 6th i day of December, 1919. n?xt. Dated. New York, the 28th day of Mav. 1919. EDITH HALE HARKNESS. THE NEW YOBK TRUST COMPANY. Executor?. MURRAY, PRENTICE <?? HOWLAND. Attorneys for Executors; Office and P. O. Address. 27 Wail Street. Bor? ough of Manhattan. New York City. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.?BY ORDER of George Addlngton. Albany County Judge and Acting Surrogate. Notice is hereby giver., according to law, to ail pei.-ons having claims or demands against James C. Ft-.rrell. late of the city of Albany, in said county, deceased, that they are ruquired to exhibit the tarn?, with the vouchers in support thereof, to the subscriber, the executrix of the last Will and Testament of said deceased, at her placa of ti --isacting business as such executrix, at the law offices of Charlea J. Tobin. No. 95 State street. In thj cuy ol Albany, New York, on or beforo tho ?4tb day of July next. Dated, Albany, N. Y., this 13th day of, January, A. D. 1919. MARGARET JSRADY FARRELL. Executrix, CHARLES J. TOBIN. Attorney for Ex? ecutrix. 95 State street. Albany. N. Y. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable John P. Cohalan. a Surrogate of the Counts ,,f New York, NOTICE ta hereby given to all persons having claims against Frederick Mead, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at the office of Simpson, Thaotur ? Harriett, their attorneys, at No. 62 Csdar Street, in the Borough of Manhattan, in tho City of New York. State of New York, un or be? fore the 2lst day of July next. Dated. New Y.rk. thd nth day of Jan? uary. 1919. THOMAS THACHBR. PHILIP G. EARTLETT, Ex? cut ora, EIMPSON. THACHER & BARTLETT. Attorneys for Executors. 62 Cedar St., New York City. CAVALLL MAXIMILIAN G?IN PURSU ancb of an order of Honora'ole John f Cohalan. ? Surrogate nf the County of New York, NOTICE is nereby given to all per? sons having claims against Maximilian (3. Cavalll. late of thu County of New Vork. deceased, to pres< nt the sama with vouch? ers thereof to the subscribers at their place of transacting business, Boom 1002, No. 193 Broadway. Manhattan B. rough. New York City, on or before tho 4tb day of August next. Dated, New York, the 28th day of Jan? uary, 1919. THE FARMERS LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY, JAMES B. KILSHEIMER, Executors. BUTTON & KILSHEIMER. Attorney? for Executors. 19b Broadway. Manhattan Borough, New York City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF ! H nornble John P ?'"halan, a Sun >gato of the County of New- York, NOTICE Is hereby given :o all persons having claln s tt(.' Virginia Purdy Bacon, lal? County of New York, deceased, to the same, with vouchers thereof subscriber Rt Us principal place of ti ins acting business, a! No. 22 William Street, 1n the Borough of Manhattan, in of New York, Slate of Now York, on or befor" the 13th day of D? mb no: Dated, New Yurk, tho 29th day i : Mav, 1919. THH FARMERS' LOAN AND TRUST < '?? i M ; 'A N V. Ten porary A nlsti GELLER, R? ?LST? \ & H? '1'. W \ ti i neys for Temporary Adi li Istral ir, 21 Exchange Place. Now York, N. V. HAUSELT, MARIE.?IN Trr.SCA.NrE of tti order of Honor;, t,le ..>,'??;. J". Co? halan, a Surrogate of the County o: New York, NOTICE! is hereby given to all per sons having claims agalnsl Marie H late of tho City -?: 7. iri h, R. pub Switzerland, deceased, to present th? with vouchers thereof to the subscriber at hit? place Of transacting business, at the office of his attorneys, ! I uni H .?. Bel No. ?120 I::-' .a I ? ?? Borough Manl ti In the City Of N? w V i.. on oi b : 15th day of Decenib? ? next. Dated. New York, the 20th day of Msv. 1919. GBO. WHITEFIELD BETTS. Jr.. Temporary Administrator. HUNT, HI 1.1. cv BETTS, Attorneys for Administrator, 120 Broadway, Man hattan, New York City. PECK, JULIA BLANCHE.?IN PURSU ance of an order of Honorable John P. Cohaian, a Surrogate of the County of N-w York. NOTICE Is hereby given to sll per? sons havln? cialms against Julia Blanche Peck, late of the County of New York, ds ceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at Its plac? o? transacting business, at the oflioe of EmAet & Parish, Us attorneys, No. 5} Wall Street, Borough of Manhattan, in th* City oi New York, on or bet?re the 6to day of August nest. Dated, New York, the 23rd day of Jan? uary, 1919. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, Executor. EMMET & PARISH. Attorneys for Ex ecutor, 52 Wall Street, Borough of Manhattan. New York City. MICHAELIS, HENRIETTA.?IN PURSU (?ii'"' of an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County or Now York, notic? is hereby given to all persons having claim? againsl H? rietta Michaelis, lato of the C unty of New York, deceased, l< present the same, with vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at his plac? of transacting business, at the office of Louis J. Altkrug, No 931 Broadway, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New v rk. on or before the 2G:h day of November, 1919, next. Dated Brooklyn, New York, the lath day of May, 1919 HARRY MICHAELIS, Administrator. LOUIS .!. ALTKRUG, Attorney for Ad minlstrator, No '.?'?\ Broadway, Brooklyn, New York. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OK Honorabli John P Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New Y< rk NOTICE -i hereby given to all persone having claims against Daniel .1 Heede, als? known ?a Daniel Heede. late of the Countj f New i ork. de'cased to present the same, witii ? juchera thereof, to the subscriber, at hie pin -e of transacting business, at the ,,files of Louis Boehm. his attorney, al .'-. ? 15 William Street, in the Borough of Manhat? tan, In tl;. City or New York. Stati f New York, on or before the 10th day of October, 1919, next. Dated New York, the 31st day of March 1919. EMIL JANOVIC, Executor LOUIS BOEHM, Attorney for Executor Office ar.d P, O. Address, 16 William Street, Borough of Manhattan, New York City. CUSHMAN, JOSEPH RATHBORNE?IN pursuance of ai - r 1er of Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of th Count New York, NOTICE I? hereby given to ?li persons havln, g ph Rath - borne Cushman, late of the County of New Y?,rk. diseased, to present the same with . . ?? hers thereof, to th? subscriber al her plac? ?'?:.- ? ? ?? ? f the i trix, care Stelsoi Jennings & Russell, No 15 Broad Street In : he Ci! of New orl on hefur" the first da) of December ni FRANCES 3. CUSHMAN Executrix Dated. New Vork, the 21st day of M iv 1919 STETSON JENNINGS ?It RUSSELL, A lorneys for Executrix, 15 Broad Stre ____________________________\ IN 1 URSUANCE OF AN OLDER OF Honorable John P. Cohalan. n Surrogate of the County .>f N? ??>^. '. IT! E la hereb) given to all persons having claims ?gainst Esielle T. Payne, a:,- of the County of New York, deceased, to pr'ST.t the same with vouchers thereof to the Bul s? rlber, at his plai ? ? ;' trutisu? :.rij; busi? ness. No. 10.7 Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, In th? City .f N?--.v York, on or before the 1st day of August next Dated. Ncv Ycrk, tho 2-ltb day of Jan? uary, 1919. GEORGE C. FRANCISCUS, Administrator. THOMPSON &. FULLER, Attorneys for Administrator. 1C5 Broadway, New York. Alterations Manhattan 15TH ST, 409 to 413 E. to four two and live five-story tnmts, ?' A A Carey, : t Wall st, ownei . A E Naat, 56 W 45th st, archt; I:. I 121: !2.",th st. 18 W, to a four story store and dwelling, s A Potter, prem? ises, owner; Som.rfield & Stockier, SI Union set, ar, hts; $.'..0Oo lili ST. :; w. ? , h four atory and bamnt dwelling, ? olun bla Uhlverslt; . own? i . Sommerfeld k Sleekier, arclits; $W Ot'0. Recorded Leases Manhattan LIBERTY ST. 116, str and b. lessee to nlier at cost $7..',00. Thoa Newbold, Indvd and trustee, to Fredk Halms, 'lui, \\ i:;7th -! , 10 yra from -May 1. 1919; atty, Jno W L'miiiia. 277 Bway.$1.000 -? Phenomena of Lighting A flash of lightning, it is claimed, lights up the ground for one-millionth of a second, yet it seems to last much longer. What huppen* is that the im? pression remain? in the retina of the eye for about one-eighth of a second, or 124,000 times longer than the flash lasts SURROGATES' NOTICES IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogat? of the County of New York. NOTICE la hereby given to nil persons having , lain;* against Grace O'Day Macpherson. late of the County of New York, d-ceas-d. to pre? sent the same with vouchers there if to the subscribers, at their place of transact? ing business at the office of Messrs Mur? ray, Prentice <V Howl&nd, their attorney?, at NO. 37 Wall Street, in the R.rough of Manhattan, m the City of New York. Stat? of Now 'i , ?:-,. ,:i or before the 20th day of November. 1919, next Dated, New York, the 8th day of May, 101". EDWIN ALLAN MACPHERSON. THE EQUITABLE TRIST COMPANY OP KKW YORK, Ad mlnlstratora MURRAY. PP.ENTICE A HOWLAND, attorneys for admin ?trat ?. i'fTlce and P. O address, :'; Wall Street, Borough of Manhattan, New Turk City. FRENCH. SARAH E .?IN PURSUANCE of an order of Honorable John P Co? a Surrogate of the County of New York. NOTICE Is hereby ?Ten to a'! par? sons ha' Ing ? talma against Sarah K Freneh, late of the County of N'. w York. deceased, to present the same. -? 11 h \mich era thereof, to the subscriber, at ulacej of transacting bus.t.ess, at the office <.f th? executor. Central Union Trust Company of New York, at t?o 80 Broadway, in ' th? Bnrounh of Manhattan, in th.- city f New York. Stave ,.f New York, on or before the 16th day of October. isi?. next. Dated, New York, th.- 2nd day of April. 1919. CENTRAL, UNION TRPST COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Executor. MILLER. KING. LANE & TRAFFOR?, Attorneys for Executor. Office and P. O Address, 80 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, Ne? York City. IN PURSUANCE OV AN ORDER OF HON John i' Cohalan, a Bun agate- of the Count} ol New York, Notice is hereby giv--n to a? persona having claim? a(f?in?t Aaron 1' Hlanck, late o? ihe Count} N ?J Ycrk, ? present the ulbm, vouchers thereof, to the subscril >r?, at their place of transacting bu Incss, u- the olSoe ol Rl hi I ? .' Lewis, their attorney, at No. 68 William Sire :. In the Borough of Man h In tin C y of New Y.,rk. ?State of New York, on oi before ihe : l da) of No vt-ii.l cr. 1919. next. Dated, Now York, the 15th dav of April. 19lQ MAS J PLANCK. CORNELIUS W BERDAN. RICHARD ?.. LEWIS, Attoro?) foi E - r ' ' and 1 < n Idi ? ss, ?l V\ Borough of Man!,a-tan. IN PUR.SU VNCE OF AN OHITR OF HON cri.l le .ii hn P Cohalan, a Surrogate of ?;.. , int) of \ ? -w Yi ?I ere. by gl i to all pera, na having ? a(.-a;i-' gmont Bchermerhorn. ls'.a of the < ?'??" of Nevs York, d eaaed, to pr?s ?? '.'.to -.i-.- .? i) - r bei s e : their pis ? I m,-' - ' business, at the office of A?ft^.i K ? i .'i: ! Sti eat, in ? ho Bor ugh of M In th* Cttjr of New York, State ol .\.-v. y, -k. on or be? fore the 1st day of Ni embci 1919, next. Dated, New York, the in ,Uy of April, 1919. ALFRED K SCHERMERHORN, GEORGE C. KOBBE, P .xee-itnrw ROOSEVELT & KOBBE Ut orner? fot : xei utors, I iffii a and P O '.?1.1'???. N .s 41 and 4''. Wal Btreet, h -..-?a itan, N*w Y SCIP >TT, I 11AR1.E8 M I 1 R suan ?'.,,,,,.. ' i ? ?-. r Coha .. [CES ? ; ILES M. S' H IT r. J > ? ' hi . ... at . . .n. No. S! R, in. In the City of Ne* ? ? ir nexl Dated, N,-w v or May. 1919. i ? .' I- - i '. I Li 1A&I W S HOMP, II L" B El .'ira ALEXANDER 11 ? . , . ne* i" ir 1. se, -.ors. 2 It t, Saw { v ' IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER O? Hon able Johl ! halan, ? : -,irr?gate of the County f New York. NOTICE ia hereby given ti . person* having c' a-- .'. -t i :?] ward ? ? . ?at? of the Count) "f n< ??? Y'i'li. di eaaed, ? . pr* s< ;.- thi ?am ?. Ith '"? her* thereof to the subsi ribi :. ..' s pla? ? f ?--.? ... t;ng busi? ness, at the office of M rs an finil cV Stone, No. 49 Wall Btreet, ir the City of New Vor,., on or ?e?uie t,?e 4 a day of Ai.r ?st text. I at New York, the Srd flay oi Feb ruuij. 1919 GEOF. li: REESE SATTERLEB, ; ? ? utor SATTERLEE. CANFIELD <x BTONR. Att rneya for Ex cutor, 49 \v-j.;i Btreet, Boi of Manhattan, city of New %urk BAY!.IS, WILLIAM IN PCTiSUANCB OF an Tdei ' II ?? irable JOHN P CO? HALAN, .- Surrogate of -he County of New York, NOTICE Is hereby glvi,n t,, A;: vt.x. s, ns havi. age ????? vl II 1.1 AM BAYL1S, late of 11 i inty f - ?? rofk, I nt tli" mini .cith the voucher* thi eof 'i tne subscribers, *t ? i . ,r -,: .- ,f trai --:. Ing ! ia ? esa, at th<i < ?:,-,.r B s & i :o . No ;., W ?II Mreet, in thi ? ' lew York, on rr before t!:o . 17th day ol September n-xt Dati New York, the th:r-? day ol ? MiM-..h, 1919. WILLIAM P. '? YLI8. GEORGE : ?-" HITE, ALFRED It. KIMBA ,.f, ; tor? JOHN MASON KNOX, Attorney for Ex ecutoi a 19 Liberty -.??-. w Y,)rk GROSSMaYER, FANNIE. ? IN PUR8U anee ol an ordei I H lorable John P. Cohalan a Surrogat! i t tin Count) f New To-,.. ;OTl ' a . ?*r sonn ha- ing Ci igatnst ] ? ? Irosa of New 1 ork. de ? :. sob? ers thereof to the subscriber, n> ita idace fif uai.sac Ing I No ? < Bi 'aclway, B irough ?: Man! att in .,. :-..? ? : ,( New York, on ir . i ' : - '.;.- 19th uj; of July next Dated, . S rk, Ihe I3tb day of Jan? uary. ''? ? CENTRAL UNION TRUST ?""OM 1 . NY I- ' E ?'. TORE, Executor MILLE LANE .'. TP.AFFORD, ? ? Mr-.tidway, B rough ol Ni ... Y ora City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER of H-ino able Join P Cohalan, a Hurrcgate or ibs County ol New York, non.,- la h?ret > k v?n xt all persons Having claims WliUatn tl. L. i...-e. la the O unty of New York, de? ceased, to present tr.e same with voucher? thereof to subscribers at thjli- pi?.-? of trannac:ir,r : ? ?':? ;t ? ' the office of Philip E. Conncll, -*3 Pine Street. Boroui ?'?'? - hattan, In Cio City of New Tori ,ot ' ' ay of J ..- 191?. , - a -ork. the 2nd day of December, 191?, BAM EL R1KER. JR , RICHARD Ci RZON HOFFMAN, JR.. Executor?. PHILIP i- CONNELL. Attorney for Eri j tors. No *n Idno S'r..?-t, BorougB of Man? hattan. New York City. IN" PUR ANCE or AN ORDER OF i i Cohalan, a S .--ogate of tho - ? unty of r - k ? vina ilma against i of the forl j,i??f-rt rs thereof to t :,'? sub scrlber, at tils place ol rranp, ting tius: ness, No. C? Leonard f M f N< w Y rk. on or before thi . da ^x.: Dated ? .. York, 10th ... .. vf Jan? uary, 1919. WILLIAM ,nE. :. - ' r , > . r CHOATE. i ..r. m Q ?' f. ?? ueuu ,., v.*... S i-.... Manhattan, .so? lor* C,:y CI ALK, BESSIE IN PURSUAWCB O? a rabli P Cohalan, a Surroi f New York. gl> n to atl pe? i taaa ? - li agati st it lata of my of Ni v. Y n k. de? .-^-. i. pr? ? f to the er i ? 9 s, at the office r Merrl RogeraA T. rry, her alt I r . lwar. .,- in th? CUy of New 'Y rk, ua or b- f June neat Dati '- w \ rk the attb da) of Na vember 191S MARGAIlET L HU.N'l Ex* - t MERRI1 . i OGER?! A TERRY, \ttor. r. y? fot Hroa.jtv??, Manhattan, .'.. ? "fork CI y <?) ? RSON, CAROLIN1 ROS? :N I'UR suai t-e Of II1 of New s ork ' ' >T1 . sons i ?% ;' g rlaims s IK ISS PEA ItSi N - Ihe ?aras ? i ? -. ?t la ? T<? i { his ? , in te Cit> Ne Y i, on < . befoi a the iirst ., ?. f O Dati : roi 'ai f Mar-h, ; t.: si PKA Jr. WILLIAM P MAI.ONK1 and i 2 Kx ? >s- vk. HEN, WILLIAM C?IN PfRSU? ano? ?! ,.n order ol Honorable .lehn P. t.f the County of Nee* York. NOTICE is h? r?-i.\ *i\ t. i ?:i per? '? s h? ia asta Inst WI LUI A ta Q BOSCHEN late of M ? f New York, deceaveed, ta gr?vent the un,, with ?i? tlier.-,,f :o the subscriber, at US pl?c,- ,,( transartlny busln?as Ni 21 WIM lani .M-eet. In tit? City of Ne? York, on at : befre tli? 14'h ..? v of June tir.M lute.' New v --k, Deoetnbei Ird. I?t<? THE FARMERS' LOAN A N l rKCaTT I UMC \ NY Execute? GELLKB ItOLSTQN << KORAN \?:er '"x? ' ' ?? '? ? i .C? Place. New York. N. X,