Newspaper Page Text
Bethel Blames War for 'Phone Service Failure Restrict ion:* Placed on All Building Cheeked Devel? opment of Company's Fa filitie?*. Savs President Ri* Plan? for This Year Statement Made in Reply to Complaints Registered bv Merchants' Association ?fj,e resti I ??- upon all building pp< . ' xx av Indus .. j ;? ' war is n i] sib part for the i condition of tern, F, lent of th? jj -. ' si < Company, > x I in a stater ?av. Mr. Bethe?'s tief i ce of ; ganizati. : was ii re sponse 1 o com plaii - mad? ; the Merchants' Asso c .-.' ?Soi ' ? '"?' ortant proj - Kl? S ' City," h? >;. id, "thi v sto] ped because of t ai "? ?tricti ins, in? Be? uildinj one at th? Borner o * Street and Grand Con cours?'. of Th< Bronx . - i the cornei r-t Fourteen*'- Avenue and Forty-first Street and another al th< c Milford avenue.-. }n ? I agi (?-' Brooklyn, and th ? installation r,: additional central office equ pm.? ? rcle and Rhine lander ofl the Borough or Man v,;-- ? Baj P lg? . !.a-; Beach, Williams - tag . . ? loney Island offices .' the Borough ot" Brooklyn. A genera go v d on cable cor.1--''- plant thro.. cit; All Exchanges Affected "A -tonpag? construct an; part ' "? citv' telei hone brii ent rea 3 01 thi service i: parts of tion Cortlai exc the SU changi iff eel a- - 1 : ? ame ? ;.;. that Circli its? . ?'"'- ?'' "7' - of u knew la N v York City ?V ? pare take properl; busii off( jr- ? trat f.r real Co::' that go ?teadib rv ai t^ ? ars or mi re would be '<? - low? ? - by the absorption of 3ur pi . -"? ond, by :01 .. and ! tant poor servie - for rhis Year Impi contemplated th ... fcv - impanj . ?ce-;' : g ti M1 lude seven tew ,? ra offici buildings, ex: . addi* . ne encra office and exl dit ? rtee others. Extensiv? ?'.\r.::.' Jer=f y and Long Islai ?ards. ?Audit :.- ? ? rgroui d cable ?ystem also ar*: under way co pro rid tor additioi nt - 1 office ?V . .-. ?. transfer nes to relieve ?nd ongi stior ibers' cables ?- dus parta - -. ,..,-.;.. ?d r. . numb? sub icriber me l ime fc can fc 160.000 in Jewels Stolen From Hanna Farm Home ?econd-Stor\ Thieves Make Haul a( Bonnie Brier While Famil) Sleeps (une fe men Bonni? Brier \ y Big ' . 1 .- : I' ti t lays. '?''?? properl pa lade pul fc Ha r na*s jewel were I t ' arm. The fol |ng g marks 1 f n the re I raced t t f ? - t . I ?. ? were two c e who watched ? 1 who the '.??? 0rk * havi fled in an c Lamp \\\" Soldiers Sa\e S< From Death 11 : bel .-. ??? CAMP LOO? : .Long Inland I ? pL ..... '_? . ? ? ? ? ...- ?? ? en were I - mi e watei - oldier? .-.?.-? 01 th? - ' of the Quart? rma ter' ' ? military poli? *? ,.,.... t ? ' ned fron ovei :' of then 1 ??'>', he ? - -? '???'?i th? steamer and '?' ' . ???? ong thorn brought e ? .-..,.. **'*' ** d '?''?? '? ' - ' loldlen ?'?-? '?? 1 ? . ? ? , Sevark Man Writes Note, J lien Commits SuieifJe .;.-.?: -, ;.-. ? ?''"' ' ' ' '""? of 1 room In I hoard \v Bt?jy*et?nt A??tnu? to? ja/ an4 tom? it* (wcopant, Minor . ' '"': iron a wlf-inflictcd bullet ''.', ' ? '' note: ?? ' ">' Born?, ',1 my own fro* *?1 '??-. -? 4 p m. by my "???. ?ulcid?. if r ?houid u Tt .,' '?'?' v ? ? ' it --'?y bo . ' , '" '-' ,; ' i' '< me, and all Nur '?.- ,.?*. <*:^--*^.:'?TOim^.r:~"?:w??388SS$8l& The last journey of the martyre? Norwich Cathedral, Norwich, her nt Owner of a Home ? Better Citizen? Hurlev Believes Shipping Board Chairman Says a "Nation of Home Owners 'Need Have Little Fear of B o 1 s h e v i s m U ASHINGT iN, J ? Edward ft! united State : ? . ! com:':.' nding the ir-ov mo campaign o Der tmenl of T. .. r ? .? "T ;. ; . notl ne . ? -: ni] rtant the futuri ntr; qui tioi of hoi is for our peoph ,-?? ? .. ?-.. sons the r ?? ,vere ;o hard was *o rhei ire 8,000 who owi the in France, and I a - ere will i ttle Bol ' ?. . ? grea coui ' r. : '''" this rea son, Employers i . I encourage employes to own their homes. A man who owns his own ? ttei ? ti; family is et ter pro1 is a bette i carr es o? his hi u : ? ' '. : . "Ii my i mpai ? ? havi r ? ea r= . rgi . lei bu their homes, a nd we ?ai ring K heli fi nance thei ; li joui 3 ???- assuming a ? ? ? ; The owi ,'oui own-hi vement great pair. movement tha shoul nthuse and urage ever om ti - mi lard method of purchasing a uld '?? worked thi pur ha ?er could pa; ? mall amoui iwi and c?. - . anci at easonabli rat ? 'est with a ( : : ousi charged off an n ua '. ly for it ? re at ioi !? iuranci prei .: ; ? ? ? . 1 thi tory told :: a sim]de w ty, 30 tl at the owner pprec '? that an inves tment .- : ? would be th< be >t he could make. "Then a feel ng on I he pa r1 0 many mei that it :heapei to rent home than to purchase one. ?"h : bi figu red out so as ;" pi ove to not '?;. citing I he e> of a $4,. I '? on wh ch ??'1 ? balanci pa I ; rate of $500 a y< ar. r depi eciat ion, at years the house would epresent a negotiable ?1 es ?2.600 '?'. t 1 1 d fficult to save thi tv ce the .: a j ol ei ?? ay." Brooklyn Man Arrested In Hunt for Firebug two week ? ?? .. ? ? that period thi neigh borhooi u B1 ning Sidnej Greene Avci ue, in the ? of .1 J Trauer' 001 : * 369 ''? ? nd plac a cl arge of arson a nst frauei cap! : red [Jes toff He sn early this mon traced 1 ?? thi eel a r, where ? fire b azing ii a pile Hi . tampi became aware of a man : coi of thi ce .:. ? ran upstairs, ocked ; he ? a nd call? d tor the police Pa Ki ponded,- ^rre.? ted '>? ?'.?" and ? 00k him to th Wilson Av nui itation lires ? hat havi been tarted in the district have been :: rubbi I ? liai . a little a f ti i n ig h t aturd? - . ... ..v..r,. Ht?irt. aneously in buildings 1 I cornel of Palmetto itreel and Evergreen Avenue, Linden Street and ? ? ? le and Cent ral Avi : uc ???? Street Thi neighborhood ??here thi a operating is onlj 0 few block from Mayor Hylan'a .? otni Fight on Bolshevism Begun Governors of eighteen states, togethci with lawyers, publicists, edu? cators and prominent ni^n and women in all walk? 0! lift-, have joined the "?? I of the National Socurlty League to combat Bolshevism by the ? ?? ervancc of the birthday of the ' ????. ititol ion, on Septem ? }?>r 18, d Joync Hill has been elected ?an of the main committee, which hu? m.jr:y branches throughout the country, se Cave 11 Laid to ^S^>.8i?JS*WS?^:-?^^ i nurse Edith ?'avell, ends. Her coffin itive town. negroes Want Lynching Made Crimp Against I . S. OARIS, June 1.?William Trotter, "delegate to Pur!- and secretar; of race petitioners to the peace con? ference," has written to President W : Ison asking him, in the nan ? thi National Equal Rights League, in view of recent lynching t ? S luth, and for t he sake of A ?;- r'u ai negroes who gave their lives in the war, to send a message to Congress r ? mi : ling that lynching be made a crime gai i -' t he '?"?? lera ment. Pians to Put I.. S. Bonds on Constant Salr Secretary Glass, Denying Talk of New Loan Drive, Say? Projects for Raising Funds Are Being Made \'ew Yoi !? 2 ?? b Wash ??:.'? !? reau WASHINGTi >N, June 1. - N < bond ?' ?: ' i ? will b( made in '; . ? com tr; . but Si creta :?;. of 1 he '!' rea Gla considei g a plan wl 1 In States gi ivernm it bon -. . consta y on I ighoul Chi ? .. - ? a ..,:.?;;: of mee ting : ernment e: pi ?..-?? (< ir wli ret i . ? ? i he revenui bil w Il b nsufi ? ? ?. ? ti provide, N'o official calculation has yet bee made to show how far Federal revenue would run behind durin? the m I I ? . year f no ne bondi were I, bu ? mou! ' ha been variou y eslii ? " ' 'ongre ssii . idei dealin with the problem of financi ai 'ron S2 000,000,000 to : 1.00! 00! ,000. Much I upon the degre? nmenta expendil are made and upoi th length ?? ' oi g re ss is pre pared to go n repea con ?umptioi tu . and enaci : taxe ; an I tariff The plan now under con sideral ?or ?? thi S?cr?tai y of th? Ti easur: w mid ? ? pat ten aftei thi nn thod pui . id b tin ?' ? -? government durii war : n '?;:\ ng bonds "coi antlj on tap." with inti rm tt< nt war di ves. Thi boi ds .'."?; ': be pli c d oi ia e at P'1--' offices and < verj other lisl agency at which war saving stamps and thrifl -' amp ? now are sold. The ni w si curitiet probabh would be railed "notes." They would be di signed as a cross between the pres? ent ?var avi ngs stamps and I he Libi r t.v bonds, their denominations running .. ? low as $20. The notes probably ; bear ! ! 3 per con- interest and mature in from one to five years. Whether any new legislatio by i i ngn ss would be requ ?red to permit the Treasury Department to rm' sucl .: p] ? into effect is a quest ?on I now being ?tudied by the Secretary o 1 he Treasury. The last bond aul I r : act gave the Secretary wide dis? cretion in i xing the rates of interest and date o ' maturity. The flotat ion of the Victory Loan left the Treasury Department with several billions in bonds authorized but as yet unsold War savings stamps and t ?. i? ir' Stamps, while asuccess during the wai when patriotism dictated the holding of these securities, are regarded bj high Treasury officials as a failure in the post-war period. Their sale is ex? pected soon to In- abandoned. Approxi? mately $10,000,000 worth of si amps is being soid each, month, but the pr" visions n!" the act under which they lued permitted redom pr ion of i hi stamps at poatoffices upon ten days' not ? e, and about $10,000,000 in itamp is now being redeemed each month. It is costing approximately $500,000 a mot th to maintain t he thru : stamp organization. It has been freely predicted at the Capitol during the past week by those who have studied the est?male; i;?" expenditures during the next fiscal year by various government depart? ments that there would have to be an? other popular loan drive. Secretary Glass stated positively when the last drlvaopened, however, that there would not. be another after the Victory Loan whs floated. The plan under consider? ation would reconcile the predictions made at the Capitol, more or less, with the Secretary's statement. Treasury Department, officials recog nizo that the continued sale of govern mont bonds during the readjustment period will necessarily interfere with tho flotation of industrial securit?i S, out they kc?> no other way out. ?\~;s-} -.'.. pyrigVi '-.??.?-. tifii being borne into the graveyard of the Editors Say People Vt'anl To Return R oaf S s 83 Per Cen? of Those An? swering Query o? Railway Head* Assert Sen?imen? Opposes Public Ownership Publi ? pinion 1 h roughout th? trj favors th I ? -. eminent of thi ers, ac< thi :-.- ... ?? ,. tla. tioi wide car ?. - of ? ?-,. dit. m : ? . E(i\ ml -. '.: . ? ?? trie As oc at ioi ? Rail' Executive ,N lestii aii ent ? 13,424 ? i "? spaper editoi ?i the L'l I S at ? ? 5 ri port eel I han ? a . : - pli? from . : net Eighty-three pe? ?nt i reported tl initii favorei thi : mini . ?' priva ti? ma The four chiol ; . .- ms pu - lit ors were : ? pub - opi ioi ? ? n cosn ' ? ? avor the ret ; ' . ' ' " '? n as sooi i can i c c o m ] ice! 2.1 ? i n ?o? on the d o see ? ? ? c? an facilitii ?.What ? ! - ;: ? ? ? omniui irdii ? ??? m< nt rshin ai oi .- of rail road ? ? ; \\ it has b? ?-?:-.'. ' : ? ; posa exti I he period of ? - i y c a i ti rep ? to thi first qu ? - per ci ? voted .: ? ? firmal pe? ' ? in thi m sal ?ve, i per con loubtfu ind enl v. -re non ? ci mmittal. On thi secoi : que - : 7." per ' . ? "no," and 5 p ir cen? vv ?n do . it f i!, ai tl - ? per ? . . ?i O i e t h i r d ?..--,.? : ' i .. again ?l '?"?'? t owi rship, 11 ] c t for, I p ' m, regard ' ? proposai ? ? ? perioi 'liment op ation - fivi yea ' I ? vote was : Vgain it, 74 per i foi. i O p ir cei : do tful ! ? r cen? ? ink, r ; er cent. pinioi - U -.. -? [ue itio nol divided o? part; is declared ti bi ; of the voti il thi ?.-.-i; iou tatos, i. : xi for examp of thi .".': ' editors reply : were Re publica? -. thi un I ? ; ? of a n ' urn of he road; 58 pi ?rab?; ? ? I ? ; . i - ? .????-. ? age ?4 per cen ii I :.? R ? .. lican ?" -.' of Pennsylvti Tendes -e voted ?)7 per coi a coi pan ? .. ,.,.. ? ?n M Of th? :>:.'-^ repl tes, : ,052 v. ? ?- from Repub ca: paper and ; ' - from i lemocrat ic papers. The strongi ernment ownership v/a f . : be in Eng I and t ? ions widely aparl in polit ica I ontiment. Only ? per cent of N'ew England ed ti rs and 7 per cent of Southei ? lito ported their people favoring g moni ownership. I. S.-Canadian Treat) Would Extradite Wife Deserters WASHINGTON, June ! Wife de? serters who fl?'.'1 to Canada from this country and Canadians who come to the Unit ed Stat ??; i o avoid pro sei will In- denied their havens if the Senate ratifies a treaty, just negotiated with Great Britain, which makes wife desertion an extraditable offence be i ?,?. eei the united State n !:?i ( lanada Sennl or Lodge, cha irmai of thi ! 'or oi^-? Relations Commitl . has call d h ; comm itt ee to meet Wed nesda; to con aider the new treal j. PLEASCRE FOR >>OMi: NEW YORKER I line is a 1917 Chalmers Limousine lor $1,1~>0, at the l sed Car Department ot the Colt-Stratton Company, that is going to give its owner a great deal of fun this sum? mer. This cir i? to be shown ?Tuesday afternoon, June 3, between 3 and 5 o'clock. A MINDER 109 V IMth 81 ? i- Moor 'l ? ' Col umbua .' 100 Aviator Lost In Berkshire?; Death Feared British Ace Missing Three Days in Flight From Boston to Atlantic Citj ; Wide Search Is Planned yi as Short of Supplie* Because of Unfamiliarity With Country, Chances of Safety Are Decreased ?pe M'ai Corr? spondence ATLANTIC CITY, June 1.?The wil : ; and fastnesses or' the Berkshire B and every nook and cranny between Lee. Mass., and Mitchi : Field, L. !.. are being scoured to-night in an effort to di ?cover the when al oui of ? ij ta ? Man sell R. James, late of the R03 a Air Force, who dropped '"roa1, sight Thursday morning wl ill n his ret irn trip to Atlantic City from Boston. Captain James, who qualified as an ace in France by bringii s down ten enei ; airplanes, flying under tl ?' ? he Second Pal \ mer ?car Aero luti Congress, i 1 : r Ulantic Cit Wei 1 a Sopw I h "Camel " scout ' ? 1 '.:. 1 ... . in ? : re - markable run to Boston, aver m es ai : o ir ??>? I he trip. Thursdaj he started from Bostoi I ? return flight, and he la I I h im we s a reporl 'roi Pit ? I, Mass that ho had alight , .' Lei ,11 . . but had takei th air ag lin and wa led for Mitchel Field, where he 'intended ake on fuel and . s flight '. lantic Cit; When at fir I Cai tain Jami to nut in an ai p ;ara : ifficials of the A?ronaut (' ngn were 1 5 they held to the hat 1 lad iddenlj decid? : I h ...: abi it fj '?:??: 0 . : ai a : : enipt : 0 v ? Aci t '" V< ;" tronhj ' be a" h e fi r s t fl i e r l rea c 1 the shor Lai - whei -till no word r 'cei\ ???:. telepr one coi - ? ?? Ti roi to elicitei he fa r had 1 :. '. the < lana 1 ai cit; To-d? word " ;. -? I ? ideast and 1 v paper lolii I clubs and th Xev ', . '- ; asked to assist I ? arc \ ' : .. L i t? U t C '? cousii of the m ;> ng aviai r ai : flying partni r, 1 aptaii James . believed to have taken aboard - ? ;? ? ?' food or wa ! >; : . : I bi cause of 1 ? ? - ... uld hn ve had not mor - lugl h ab .? : ti I ' m two 1 . . - " wa :?- ? d *':?. . ? ? . : am eft Lee, Ma . v> t ompas and : - wa ui fam iliar v th the ' erra ?1 1 ' the route an: to his -a t'el - wa - h igh1 ened. Botl Cap? 1 James and Lii t a rk c : iiv to the ' ' I e : State ro }?. igland three we? ks ag .... upoi thi r arri 1 th ? :. , ?ary credei ? 'plane 1 : ? iriou vei I - ducted hen ; tor W idnosdi < Capta ?ame?' ;? s; exper ence in flying ii I ? jane Arldams to Visit Germany on Food Survey V, w ) 11 ?'r bunr . ?,..-,' ! .? ?- , ? - '?-? York T PARIS June I. Miss Jai e V. : 1 ? cago 1 ' - ci il 0 n. o i ? I ? ird university, will v i s i i ? ? membei I -. er .:...- on ti .1 foi ? ' iurvej and to a thi Quakei . .? e ra sod a fund of $40.000 1 tri itioi . ind 1 pron ed lin ,ed food supplii : ; 1 ?? , J ?OO' ? : Miss Wdam and D Hai . .-,. ; ? ; ,; . - .... ng agai) ;l tl del?; n : ceding 1 ??? 'man; . . Hundreds See 'Plane* Crash; 2 Fliers Dead Brooklyn Corporal. Await? ing Discharge, Killed in Mishap Over Yale Bowl; Coroner Seek? Inquiry On Recruiting 3*is*ion Pilot Leaves a Bride of Six ?Months; Commander Hat) Left New Haven NEW HAVEN, June 1. Fir t : enant Nrel son B. Kelleher at : Corpori ?' eph K a who was re : I " ? di -;'.'.a rge this i ' t noon to-da; isioi b ween ' heir airplan ? and a er 1,000 '??? abovi th ? V..' - The ma< him wh c i : rucK ii is oc upied by Lieutenai i Howard D. N ?rri ? an ' ? rg la : Emf! Steiniger. r two 'planes v. th one driven bj i. ? ' nant Ji n P '. lullet a rri1 ei ' sterday to ft al ? th cr >v ? : at t Vale-Prin I aseball garni aid of the reo uitii g cam] ....:-. aii - r. ici . The thre ascei led morning v a fi urth v ii ?;? war ted by ( . : - Archie M Her com? ma rid ? the M :: ying fie! !s They hovered for a time directly above the bow! and then drifted slightly beyoi At 11:45 Colonel Miller veen . ft and headed back toward M i lola He was out of sight when, fifteen minutes late r !i- crash came. ; I w is hund? ids who had hern watch ng the manoevres of the airplanes. Lieutei Norris's machine wen; into a steep -! - - . * as Lieuten ml Kel I ir ? is fllit ??;. ii -;'. plane up-ended an-! shot ? rthward no ??- first at 11: e impact, - ' ?':?:' Norri darted ? :r at an va \ brought down und r eon: rol, a hough thi andii wa a I ?-.:? ? on and ai a eroi and other parts were njured Lie Kel nach?:u- erashed into a law Westwood Road, near Vale Avenue nd .pants were killed outr : L.ienl nanl N'orris's dashed into the bad - '?? ??? Pratl Field, ad oining the b o v V. ?? pol ?^f. f- . ? ? r Eli ' ' . - the only aviator ?ould find was Lieutenant Loullet, who had madi wift and r erfi et lai ? :. istanc f hi? rad? - Ccroner M x wanted an in ? .. ... ?dent this evening with Lieutenant Loull?t as a witness. The armj officer, however, informed he said, that ci- ri ties had ? u risd ici ion - ve - him. T then I a : a \ olicem m -? ?" ? ibp? ".. up : Lieut lant Lou ? I I ppi - :'? re him at 1" a. m. to-mor? row. '? ' irding to the Coroner, Lieuten Loullcl promised to be presi n . - u* [ tha :.; : ' , I 0 N -".?- 5 " 'oron r w rot e pnce ? ? ? I er dec com] ?? ? . t :-?'? loubi also would Yr.\ e om litary ' !. ?tenant Kel : : Hi was marrie . i . ? i ? o : - ih( V -tments lit y i rporal Kal nai ? are? Mr i '?' - Matt n. at 213 Ha ito \ Bi loklyi fohn \loffaI Given Cross O}" the Legion :>i Honor -.-..-.. . -' ; ?. var of the Legion of 1 has iei warded I John MofTa nai * the Frene t Heroes' Lafaj - iiori; I ? : . Nationa .' re i ? : ' 1 ' Aca r ) rd of I : ' - ? ' ros?. Leop ? Fifth Avenue and 44th Street :?j NEW YORK Sound Finance ;; Before we attempt to finance Europe's needs for it credit and goods fir: the purposes of rehabilitation, we [\ must put our own finances in the best ot" order. ft Our expenses are at this time very heavy and likely if to continue so. They must be met by taxation, and while Europe's debt lo the United States remains a dead asset instead of a quick asset, it is a liability so far ; { as taxation is concerned. As the Harriman Nat?o::?.1. Bank again points out, and as all sound financiers and good business men recognize, Europe's debt to the United States, which, incidentally, totals about the s amount of our trade balance, must be financed. This debt is now m the form of simple promissory notes without due date, a form of obligation which conservative banks do not care for. They had rather have obligations of fixed maturity, and it is upon sound s banking principie that Europe's obligations to us should be so financed. These promissory notes held [ by the United States Government should be replaced by obligations with a due date, to be renewed when due, in whole or in part if necessary, but at once creat? ing a- banking and business-like obligation instead of a friendly I. O. U. The United States can readily and consistently issue its own obligations backed by this paner, and thus secured?two-name paper?these United States { certificates of indebtedness, or whatever you please to 5 call them, would sell like the proverbial hot cake and \ at a corresponding price for a secured debt. t This is something for the public to think about, for it is only through the weight of public opinion that 'ongress will act in this matter. BANKING HOURS FROM 8 O'CLOCK ?. M. TO 8 O'CLOCK P M SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTf OPEN FROM 8 A. to. TC MIDNIGHT Father Gets Son*? D. S. C. Soldiers Killed in Effort to Save His Platoon Leader Wti ? ?..-.. ? Wash ou WASHINGTON, Ju e 1. Max Hantschke, 119 V" - - reet, Bro :. I; ?.. father of Private Edward i; u I ? ;- ' - - snij - -. ? . ndinjr offici Dist n -. - posthumou - - :.. P rig. Tho cit; tion, n the War Department, "Private Edward Kantschke ? ;.. .? _....... p0 traor r ? . tion near Pannes, F : te . F 12, 1918. S-., : g ? tcci lea 1er was 1 ng red u ? ? ?? r, Prh ate Ha its was un r covi. ? . :- . .- . . step; tl cer, tried l | i I nd?? v' or ? "? Private Hani : lim instant Belgian Surgeons Arrive Reconstruction for w oundetl Soldiers To Be Studien Here A delegatioi of physician - erai I Staff, a 1! : tudtf New F une "1 ? btiona] r A; .a-?t :e ? ' Kill - were maimed . - - r ' A r.-atviier of 1 ed. ? $ K ***? ^ 2s IF ' ' I Ka??r - j ? rr ? ,- f'VH* a fil : l9 ? m \ m B They Greatly Outwear Their Guarantee T7VERYTHING honest and lasting that goes into ]u? other 'highest grade tires is used in the Perfection Tire. AND in addition ai ; bestos strip woven by us AND an ex - the strongest Sea Island Cotfc m AND ourown sp< ibber Compound. The Asbestos pri C n both against wear and against b degree of heat nee i I thorough cur >f ti : 'ubl r. This asbestos, soft as silk and tough is -mis an inseparal union with tr r ii I; irii s . i >c ss, i ?; blistersimp >s ble,m; pai : impossible ?doing a way wit] I i< twin evils v nothertirt . Made by master workmen, expert eyes watching each stage of the making, rigidly inspected by automatic devices intelligently controlled and rejecting every imperfection. Everything humanly possible combines to make the Perfection Tir PERFECTION. Every tire is properly balanced, every tire is j resilien ugj I rd the greatest comfort in rid? ing ? " ??ios; wear, and tl . st wear for the great ? ur. fort in riding. A prime luxury at the cost oi i :essity. 5P"?5k 7"=<3 7f*3 tf*% ?L ik JSL ?Lad r.?y jEt*?s3N : hit Y v\v ?.% y) rar redly Made from Perfect materials r 6,000 M:Ses Absolutely Guaranteed Ford Sizes Guaranteed 7,500 Miles PERFECTION T!H": & 1R CO.. Fort Madison, Iowa EASTERN SALES DEPT. 5 v' est 54th S reet ' -.? Export Dittrib-jter. ?EMO; HS TRADING CORPORATION .V- ? !\>w York, N- Y. \J ?f^ Yoiw \ cation O .ers in i , . lau : Tribune has pre ? dsome special It . ; : pubiis! :h next Sund?3'"s Tribune. In the .Resort Graphic will find ; i ed described the leading re? sort spots of the United States and Canada, with ad - ertisernents o? the famous ci the continent from Long Island to the Canad Rockies. For a pictured chart of an enjoyabie vacation see ?7CADT pTi & mijn Caj? r s ^jiii^i niv of the June 8th NDAi i f?llte 1 ??????????? ; ^?-yMwsw?.-'.