Newspaper Page Text
Suffrage Leaders Expect Senate Vote And Victory To-day Opponrnts Peny Plan to Filibuster; Friends of Bill Will Hold Speeches to Get Immediate Action Ntio York Tribun? Washington Hurrau WASHINGTON*. June 'J.?Only opti . . ? tes were sounded at the Capi ? ' to-day - n the eve of the date set ? ? f the Federal woman surTrage amendment tn the Senate. i Watson, i t [ndiana, chairman Senate < ommittee on Woman Suffrage, said he expected the resolu a ?sed to-morrow, and Oscar Undarwood, of Ala ler of t he ant i- suffrage fac ? I there would be vo or uster against the bill for of delaying a vote, and ? it ; t rol ably be voted on in - at the latest. its ;. will call up the reso llowing the morning . ind expects there 5 in favor of the nds of the meas ure "wai t action, not words." Ever :- Senator who has long been : f the opposition ? he meas - . : ister eno igh votes to in tui ?' : sage." but hi declii ed to ii publica -' : ? of I lal ifornia, a Suffrage Committee, lid i tsun ??' ould I i voted on " U i paS3. Senator Mexico, also a member " ? ? '??? is |uoted as being ipi ' passage with it -. : '?'. -?? M iry Garrett Hay, ?' ? expecte I to be present r thi . ri -??:?. ed for the it ' can Woman Suffrage As i mgressional Com led by Mrs. Maud Wood ?ark, ? - u : Washington, a!.-o will ittendance, for I bill is being at ther may he a dozen ' t the measure:, but there " '? ' no at ade to delay rhe ' " - nator Underwood, "I will ' ? ?? '' peech an ! Senator Wads ak also. I am .?: ? - ? thei of US has ^'- ? :' ; mind in reggard to the meas ire an-1 will vote against it." France and China Pav Tribute to Y. M. C. A. Leeion of Honor Ribbon for General Secretary Part of Honor* at Meeting Here ? ?" ? and China each paid honor : - ' the Y.M. C. A.,at thes emi '-???? meeting of the War Work Coun? cil. A ? - ? r France, ?\j. Casanave, '?' - ? " in thi United the ribbon i f a chev alier 'thi Legi n of Efonc r to Dr. '"" R ?'?' ". - ? '? rai secretary, who the decoration not person I ? i tribute to tl gtnizal has si rvi tl 18, ei - Franci iring thi war. Dr. Davi l P. Yui, her of the "Pekir.g ! ;-. .;. N"ews" and secretary of the Chine i uncil of the Y. M. C. A., presented i ? ? tin nial of gratitudi from the i ??" Tien Tsin for the rk of : M. C. A. in China. He ti . ? ? thi coun il a set of the flag I in the campaign fi r ork ir China. For . China had been expected but i ontributi d titud of small g fl -. was ?5,000 and hur Iredths of a ? irt of the country , tl chiIdren of coppe rs. iddn , Di M " was g or at a lun ? Hotel, de Y. M. ( A. had made :ord in welfa -. ? -- unequalled ' er orgar zation or combina :ations in the history of * jarie and George W. Per YOUR TOWN ?<CTRAPHANGERS' blea r" will cease to afilict the eyes of New Yorkers soon, if many more new Fub way cars are put into service ou the Interborough lines. Every new car added to Mr. Shonts's underground is provided with "indi rect" lighting. Tho row of unshadcd electric bulbs that formerly glared full in tho face of the straphanger has been improvod upon in the new cars. All bulbs are shaded, giving the in terior of the car an effect that is rest ful to ' he cye -. ???? ith m diminution in the amount of lighl :'>>r reading, 'Milwankee Journal' Is Given Medal on Patriotic Service Combating of (ifrman In fliieiicr in Wisconsin Runkeri First for Year by Pulitzer Committro Thi Joseph Pulitzer medal, av rd each year by the ' olumbia School oi Journalism for "th most disinl ;resti ! and meritorious ] .;i:e service ren dered by any American newspaper dur ing the year," will be bestowed upon "The M - Iwaukee Ji u rnal," it ??? i i an nounced yest - rday, fi r its cam pa..: i against German influence in Wisconsin. rhi !' ilit :er pr ze of $1,000, "fi r thi American novel published durinj tl year which shall bi ;1 represent I; wholesome atmosphere of American lif< and the hi";hi st standard of Ameri? can manni rs ai I manhood," was award ed to "The Magnificent Ambersons," by . ;? rk ngton, The ,: u ry s\ hich | icked "". he M il waukee Journal" as recipient of the m< dal v as c mj . i of Director Tal cott Williams i f the S :hool of Joui - nali m; Professor Walt r B. Pitkin, Professor 1: scoe C. E. Brown and Rob ert E. MacAlarney. In ii dorsii g the r select ion 1 he ad ?? isory boai d of thi . I . . ;?'[ he Journal": "It was o'ne of the first American newspapers, ii not the first. to ?: ' ? '?'? ''.. 11 ol charter of ; he N'a tional German-Ami rican All e afti - I aving g n i amph e\ i dence of the r.efar vities ol ? hat orgi nization. It 1 :onsistently urgi ; that ' reign mg ;...-?? ? true - ' oved from the gra ;? ; schoc I curriculum and thai such -1 ; . . bi r - ?? ' l for thi '? g :. this it has been successful, !? has agitated against the German zing influi ? ce the German language theatrc and has urged with su s that pla; in Ger? man at h ast be k< pt off Ami rican I oards unt il peace is -..-.? . "Early see:r- the hai of German propaganda in Am< rican p i ics, \ d up a M ilwaukee meet ing < f ? (.;, rgj,.?,..- coric}ui t I aga in -' the national government and planned I y leaders or' t he Amerii an em ba rgo coi ? ? ? . ? ? havi nce 1 en prop ' '? ?:?' labi ? : ? il courts of the ;-. "i- has i i . ? . - - - onpos I tl "??" tion of Wiscon: n ? ongressmen, b ith Republican an i Democratic, w! ose records i ave not expres l the highest Americanism.' !* di ts hare in show ing up the ti ? ? ?.?-.?:? by which Germany hoped to keep this country out of war." City Scrubbing to Start June 16 and End July 1 Pla - for a i?. rubhi ?: tn bej n J . |f> and last th t of esterday at thi offi < of Dr. Ro\ al S. Copeland, htea It h nr sioner. Repres ntatives of thi Health Department, the Police Depart? ment, the Street Cleaning Department, the Park Department and tho Tenement House Commission were present. Policemen are to distribute c-irculars throughout the city notifying the householders of the dates when trucks ivill arrive to cart away rubbish. Amparito Farrar Becomes Bride of Capt. G. T. Smith Couple Mct Oversea, Where She Sang for Soldiers and He Was in Medical Corps; To Live Hrre M ss Amparito Farrar. daughter of Mrs. Louis Farrar. of 82 Washington Place, wa. married to Captain Goodrich V. Smith, Medical Corps, I'. S. A? at 6 o'cli ck last evening in the North Pres byterian Church, 155th Street, near Broadway. The ceremony was per formed by the Rev. Dr. John R, Mackay, and a reception, for relatives only, followed at the home of Mrs. Farrar. The bride. who was given away by her brother, Victor ('. Farrar, was in a gown of ivory brocaded satin and lace, with which she wore a point ap plique lace veil which has been in the family for 100 years and was worn by her mother and grandmother at their weddings. She carried a bouquet of white roses and lilies-of-the-valley. Mrs. Victor C. Farrar and Mrs. John d. ( orkerey were the matrons of honor and only attendants of the bride. They were dressed in blue Georgette crepe, wore Leghorn hats and carried old fashioned bouquets. Albert Aston servc i as best man. and the ushers were Dt. Clarence Coryell, Dr. C. F. A. Locke, Dr, Stanley .!.' Keyes and Roswei: Mundy. Captain and Mrs. Sn il h rrn t over seas when she was singing for the sol ?! ? rs. They will live al 251 Fort Washington Avenue. Miss Priscilla Peabody. s r nd daughter of Mr. ; nd Mrs. Stephen Pea b >dy, will be m-arried to John Alden Talbot this afternoon in the Church of the Heavenly Rest. The ceremony will be followed by a reception al the home of the bride's parents, 30 East Fifty fourth Street. The marriage of Miss Louise (; Ruxton, daughter <^\ Mr. and Mrs. Phil ? Ruxton, to Captain A. Wallaci Chauncey, 1'. S. A.. takes place to-day in Graci < hurch, Brooklyn. The wed ding will be followed by a reception at :;? the home of Mr. and Mrs Ruxton, JI Remsen Street. Another hride to-day will be Miss Isabel Rabasa, daughter of Dr. Emilio Rabasa, who was chairman of the Mex ican delegation at Xiapara Falls in 191 '?? She is to marry Augustin de 'a Torre, of Mexico City. in the Church of Our Lady of Hope, West 156th Street. The bride's stster. Mrs. Leland de Villafranca, who was married a week ag . will be the mati'on of honor. The bridesmaids will he Miss Concha Ra? basa. Miss Concha Guzman, Miss Rosa and Miss Cl ristina Dorantes, and littie ? '- ? ?? ?;? ' i i nca will be flower irirl. ? Raba .. jr., will scrve as bi t man. Mrs. 1 rances Wann Sankey, daugh? ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. ' 'ha rles Wann, will be n ; rrit 1 thi 3 aftei: ? n ?' thi Hotel i rotham to Edmui ! V. Ran Iph. !' ceremony will be pt r formi : by 1 he Rev. Dr. William 1 Mani rig, rector of Trinitv < 'hurch, in oniy. i-.d ? he pn senci of relati mund Randolph will be his brothi besl m i n, St ii! anotl r wi ddinc to-dav is I hal nf Miss Rose Maric Duffy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Pete.r Duffy, of :i]2'2 Riverside Drive, to Donald A. G. Mac Kinlay, of this city, iti the Church of the A cension, Thi ceremony will be followed by a reception and breakfa I at the Hotel Maje il . Miss Katharine Sergeant Haven, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1. Wood ward Haven, wl o :s to marry Ji hi toi ngston K-';i:.:<???:! ? n Th irsday a' : r 'home, 18 Ea I Sevenl y-nintt Street, "? '.'. ; ? for her l nd Mis I ? : ii Murray and Miss Chr ? :'. Si Igwick. Eth ' l!:s. n, ' bride's sister. and Marion Wick . daugl ter of M r. and Mrs. For -y. Wickes, will be flower girls, A ??': Mr. Redmond's ushers will he Geraldyn L. and Roland L. Redmond. Monsig n- Lavelle v il! officiate. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Cox, of Alexandria, La? have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss MANY TRUSTEES remember now the sensation experienced in the latter eighties when from time to time, in the performance of their duties, they took from the safe deposit box certain six and even seven per cent. high grade railroad bonds. For many years it was impossible to invest trust funds at better than about four per cent, and much of the time at only 3$/% to 3% per cent. These high yield securities were a relic of the great Civil War?? they were historical documents. Such conditions were not expected to occur again, A warning and a lesson should be taken. In our iudgment, as uure a rain falls and snow melts, the present rates for capital must sooncr or later drop. We advise Investors not to consider the present cxtraordinary rent for capital in a perfunctory manner. Now is the time to get capital leases signed up in sound securities for long terms. Tbe Jnvestor should have as many of these historical documents as possible for the next gcnera'.ion to pondcr. Our experience of over seventy years is available. LEE, HlGGlNSON & CO E?tabE?Ji?d 184 8 BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO HIGGINSOW & CO., london Mvs. Goodrh h T. Smith Louise Cox, to Thi odore Brigham Conl in, eldesl ion of y.r and Mrs, Theodore E. ' onklin, of Xi vv Rochell The wedding will take place the last week in June. i On the Sercen i_ H. U. \\ amer Retnras to me Screen in "Man W ho Turned White" "The Man Who Turned White" brings 11. 11. Warner back to the scn en at the Broadway Theatre. u- have always c insidi r< d that Mr. i\ arner had some personality, ;.. re dignity and mor ? repression than anj stood in . ? in front of the Broadway rheat re. fi r it seemi d I hal vi . ;. one else h ; tired our eagei 3 to see " n Man Wl o Turn id Wh I And , ii ? we were . ? ... ed, i ? causi thi re isn'l oi i igh : V\ arm r in it. A; leasl. pa ri ol .t ? time he is Ali Zaman, a Bedoui n, an i pei fi cl ly dis guisi d behind a pair of w hi i.i rs, a tui ban and tlowing rob Wi c y that i picture ha all ol ?:. elemerv ? ? sui ess in it. ' I ? life, a hero who siders hiniself a ;? .: ih b< cau chivalrouslj another, . s> ? ' s, ::. dnic hl carati I i ? who < an y off I auti ful maidi n and lots of flyii .; in the irn onlight. ' '? ly '-?- should gladly ha tri h any one of thesi for a fe n sust.a.; ? ' ! ' by ' he itar. W diould .. to The storv t? 'ho ' ipti in R; having beeri court .. ti Ifer in ? and ar thi guilt i .. I ro her i ffici r. Bu he i oul ' nol bear h cheerfull; becausi he ' I ovei ? : - ,vj-o ? . so : ?? re ni ' ed 1 i country and wi l i o thi desert. Bul he is brouj back tt : realiza tion f the dul of I ?"? by i n etini '? th El hi : Lamb ? ??. Hi didn' meet her, h . ? ; ,, |na| pi : ; ?' whei di :ovi red thal he was '? ? w . coven i with confusii n : ' ?' put her on his horse ai d sei : her : Ar i later whi n i - ap] ? ired ii "cit " '?' ? t hei ciall; wa glad that had acted as a I man, and, of course. thi nat wl m he had I died and i mei ed Capl ', :. an I marri thi Li Et ' ? ? ? ? ? ? o \ ? i | h a I ..-? | i cr ej very wide nd : .'. hen he irpi ed Wedgew d N v tho - ' in the case. Some of ? i:- d rei I ion nnd some <^'~ the lighl ing did nol al ogi I her pb ase u -. but i : ' ':?? i thi " han I the di sert sceni - were " mderful. The picture is pi esented by Je ise D. Hamj I The overture is "Echoi from the Opera," with "Katinka" as a lighter number. Other pictures on the pro gramme nri "Home, Sw eet Home," Vitagraph comedy, a I ruci scei c, "The Sunset Trail" and the Topical Review. 1!. \J. Helen Keller Heroitie Of Mnvii;tr S^ielure Storv Ii Tells Historv of Uvv Own Life, and Is To l\c t!a!!r<l ""D?'li\?cniiii :'"' Helen Keller is to hcc m !?;'?? ure heroine. Th famou blind woman w I be ?; ?? -' r in n film pro tluction entitb "D livei rice, ' tellinj; ' '? I ry of her own li fi ln w, a though bl d, deaf and dumb, she ha i.'one ? hn ugh c llegc and taken an acl ivi par! in public : fi . The fi In produced by the Shuberts, will bi shown in tho near future at one of '' ? r B r ? iw ly ? heal res. Mi .- * of the sc ni - are laid ; n i . fornia, w ta re M ii s. Keller has bi n staying for everal ?? i ks. : take the par' of herself in the thirtl ep i le ol thi picture- For the tirsi two ep odes her childl od and girl hood fil heroines of the Lasky antl Paramoun i c i pa nie ha1 e beei i m ploVi d. rhe pictun was directed by George b rd." :?' :ii ntists and st udenl i inti rc --. -I in I ?? fal of ?' blind ha ? , i ed the producl on i ' the picture wil h inti i est.- Mi - Keller was told when to "registi r" joy nnd ol her < moti sn i by a series of signals denendent upon souik! vibral ? i 32 Foreign Doetors Are Here lo Attend Medica J (.lonvention After Cal! on Mayor Hylan They Are Taken on Tour Other Points of Interest Thirty-two foreign delegates to thi c n ntion of the Amerh . ation, which will ?-.-? .- A lantic City next week, arrived in N'ew 'j ork yesterday. They will be th until Friday i .' -:, - >. ?-.. \ . Academy of Medicine. \:'-' r a call at City Hall ? isteida fre Mayor Hylan formallj wi them, the visitors w< i ? t tken i th Department of Charities ii ' ' rrecl ion for an in spe< tioi f ?. lard Pi rker Hoapital, Bellevue :i >spi '?? ? the Blackwell's Island, !; lall's Island and North Brother's Island in :" it ions, Riversi le Hospita : ital for Drug Add ts H nissioner Royal S. C Dr. V. ? !,.!, n C. Philli 13, 1 the 1 ntertainment 1 . .,,.,.. charge. ? mmissioner Copel ! I Bird S 1 '1 r, l haritii the d to City Hall ii ? I e norning. Ii *"? ; Mayor Hylan took I Sea \ iew Tul Pital, ??;:'-:. [Sl .;..; ?? centl; 1 ttack d by Boroui P Van Xame, of Ric! - - The Mayor in part : "Our city hospita! -. ba< ky.ard in reseai ch. tt has b : ci -? iliy demon trati I tl tl - " ol an oil, th ? nam - .f ?-. probably familiar . ou, - ectlj '?-- 1: of ; ] r<... pati :.? .. -.-.. to ar rstrng tl of thi d seas thai ? . ?? ,,.j , . ..... tofore used. "We are fortunat this - > having 'at Staten Island ] ho ;| ?:?: for thi treati ent tuber ?"'''? ? ? ?? Tl is h< pital, th .- . \ eated 011 1am! v hich is the hi on the At! mt i : 1 Fli 1 ? la ai d Maine "While on :. ur 1 ?'? . :.,,. i1 '. ? . ions d o n o t tat e to c r i 1 or otfei su - tion . : r I ere no loubt t t thi ti This cil approximati sanitary and charit ibl. purpi : recommendat ions with to ii e'" ?.-??<"? ice i\\\\ :-.\ ? are ? ? comed. 1 ne tollov ? r[?] '?? rom Belgium Genera '-. . , ; , 1 sor 1 luesberg, Colonel Depagi Dr F. N'olf a : 1 ;.- tain Vai ? '? Cuba- Dr. Juati Guitera Dr F Man . Dr. - Carrera cisco M. Fi : ? u [1 ? ' ; Dr '":!.?? 1 .. Sir St. Clair ? ir Bi : ? ra 1 Daw 1 1 ol Sii .-' : Arh ithm I Lan , Sir *Arthiii holnn ; I Mrs. - r Bartoi Japan Dr, Asaj 1 Kan mu . Dr. Seniehi Uchino, Dr ::- , Kodai Gn - ce Dr. John C01 tas, Dr G .\ ?-.. : ?" : Dr. Ah jandro A ? 0. '-.:.?? . Dr, Pedro Chut ro Dr Isra I Fi igr , Dr. Svei N'orwi D ? ? ? | f] ? Franci Coloi I W T. Li; Dr C du 11 . Dr. He l Fi ? r Dr ' '? -? - F Hurst. Rumely Must Stand Trial in Wasli in ton Supreme J. !ourt Refuses to Halt Extradilion of Former Xew 'V ork Publisher W vSHINGT' 1: . Ju bj F< di rn I court of 1 proceedings instituted I13 ; : \ fori pti -,- ? . \; ? I ening \In ," ? ?-. -, ? ? nxtradition ? ? '?'. ? ? ? , . 11 of th ' rl ?-. - ld I - ? Supri t'ouri ? . ' peal - brought h Ru - A ? .-? re ?? ? It of ? ; : ? acti ?' ? must come hei ments cl arging ? m ?< th v thi I rom the Alien Propei ty Cust fact t hat he had cti stody of c rt stock in the S. S. Mc< lure 1 'orporat ion ;- lonj - ;? to the G :?"?. orniti( nt. as well n tl ? he owe I I al got irr.nn 51, 10,000. In bringing the pi Rume ded that b; ? .- hei tria N'ew Vork 011 ? lai : ? ' ? ? nted D r a 111 a "Seandals of 1919." Prodneed at the Liberty, Has a *4Kick" in It By Heywood Broun ? '. musl pause now and agaii f v a breathing spe'.l, which probably : r the book of "The Scandals ' As : ng as the new >.io,a- was ake- .valking, or walking ? ' vas alive as.; kii king, but .' ? . ;'...:s . - ? ary. We think G orge White ? ' n wise if he had sacri or two or a back drop and ; : ? ney to hire a joke. The a; peal of the show is based almosi ent rely on dancing.' In this '? : t off :-, exce lli a: enterta inment. ?Vhite : n - ' is capital -a I h enor resource i in all styles of steps. : Thi smalli r member of the team of ; ' "? tt a- d Ri :hards bounced about '? ' exl -:. >? | riary agility, nd a I : '? ' ;f -' '?? rsion, bil !i .; as I.a me amazii g k : -. ig. Ann I nnington was an able co ..-.'. ra or >ked wi ::. even when i ? in mo ' ion, was hard to sit i ut 'he n betwee dances :' ir all the ? a ? ';.? and i n] ??? 'ab . made i sewn ttle s fori t will in d end also tl i udden! .?? ool o first jok Ge. B . i ? " i has ioi comii perform '" " I id . - nothing to do - bul keen I G rman lia ct within ,'iss bou rhe niu ? o f h e new ? ? ? ? ? ? 3 nportai and ontai ? a ood nan 1 les oi popu ar me lies. The book 1 of the n p.d 1 ieort 1 V" Richard IV .? the rausic ' ?' aber of he e ,'emng I was "Suwa r, irrai I I: igl il was no moi thai well ing by Yvi tte Rugel. ' ' ' " 1919" trictly a Gcrtrude Hoffman a! The Palace This Week 'I ? ari d and well bal . e tl ek is headed ; ?. <: r ? -u le ?!? ffn y . Hoff , .'?...., ?? is a trifle gn atei l hi n her skill, bag oi whol rted efiforl I ma ( .;?'... 1 sings ; ? '? ?'?' ? ni r ones wil h her ? :- :'.!', ir on I bill are .1. Francis Dooley I ' in a skit, Offi ?' ' ' : compl . ig, Col their coi 11 ! ? T Done-r in songs and and Hi n ? ! Rempel and com h'' ? in a ] Ia:, el entitled "Tarry iVI li 8 1 C I irsl Trials of Candidates for Stadium Concerts To Be Heard To-inorrow first trial ?? | he I.. w isohn take plac ? to i 12 ' :: o'cli ck, at Aeoiian ?. ? ction of ?"! ? An I ur M Ri i?. chairman ol the "? ? ? Re.e ? re I appli heard i thi v own ? "" ??' ? - npani -^ ?,', il] 1 by I olitan Opera '? ? ? ?' ? : ' h, singera fing I v danists. tr.ori ,v ai'l rnoon the thi e con ' '" ' I ball room "? ' e rie : of op ?-. aii ' ' ' ?n by tl ?. : rk M ili ctio? oj Edwi i . took nlace last l , for 1 / - it t lent om piritcd, and lasl 1 ogran , om nusually for a bi was well p lyed iUt. n d s e n "Swe d i s ' '?'?'' h e vc r t u i Mignon," M |'s "At an 01 ' - I ' ' ? ' I "To i Wild Rose,' ' , ' "Irish," Sibelius' "F lia," exi r;.- ?'? m ? !' itt -?:? ' ai ' ? m ' P ? afore," Her '?'?'? ' ? Fantaa "and l ? ' ' : ' . :.. "? ??? ' ? ? ? olo bv l-.rn .'-' .;, . ? N f: u y o i; \ 1 ; [* '' ' n ?? r? ?? ? I I. r- \ M) st'CC RSSBS LIBERTY DEAR n< ??-.?? tuovv. EMPIRS <; W . L L! A 111 G1LLETTE ,'.;. BRUTUS ^ANDAK 0F | Henry Miller's ? ho?kr> h ... v.- ?;..-., K "A rlol-they n.c i( up." .... ;, f ;',. .. AT ^ '^^ LALALUCILLE ? ? i >. . . Tlie IVt< liiMBcsl t.irl ! LIGHTNIN GAi?TY - SM.lTll-liMI.DKN 1 < < i-. -?>!.-' 3 WISE FOOLS jCRiTERIGM v ry. .) M at. Tomorrow i i 50 ' II . I 'I I) ? MCKREVIIE* ? ' ? ;,j iriT FROL1C (QilAN&HARRIsls^^ j ":ST 5UCCES5 SINCE P0WVAGABQND BELaSOO ni SHE'SAGOQDFELLGW L?ar LONGAGRE v iosaleeo r. . ii\ DAVin ; Ei.ASCC Presenti Three Faces East D A D H* I F 7 /T^J i'. KNI0KEIB8GGKER . sEg fiteSetferOle Firrsnrrsr Mh iv^^nfh! \ ... .. JL^&L^S Vf H.B.VARNEBSS [ \ .The rlanWioWdWhile LOEW'S NE* YORK THE*THE f? " Cnnt 11 A M ' I 1 P M 11 f t.i'l ',?, M, S. II \1( I , '? I'he ?1oiioj i ,,.,! Loew's American Root ,',,'..':, ** ??? B'n* M UIIDN V. KF KS, Vilrliin \\\ s'r il IVrlch, Hrnlj .V Montroxo, tl otrw. In ll.,-iilrr. 'I.,r liriirr. "?-'??"?'' for \\ oriic." ?\i:- CCHAN TKEATSE i^;, n ii . . D, W. GRIFFlfH "BRQKEH BLOSSOMS"" ' ? .'. [ at 8:40 ' '?-.-. ,:. r^sy . i m it p. m h\t\ '>' ? ? ' ' NIOUTS 30 80p RotSsapfeiSJnitProgram >. ... Itj Ent rtajnmsnt ot the Ssi-rcen. DREICER&C0 -U, ean J\ ecklaces OF rHE H1GHEST LUSTRE AND TON? FIFTH HVENUE at FORTV-5TXTH Plays and Plavers With plans accepted for immediate reconstruction, Winthrop Ames has: leased his Little Theatre, on West Forty-fourth Street. ro cj-liver Moroscn for a long term. The reconstruction , jun, and Mr. Ames has purchased twenty-five feet ot' land adjoining the and will pract cally rebuild and redecorate the entire house, p.dd ing ,i balcony, and practically doubling the seating capacity. The leasing of the Little Theatre, together wit Morosco Theatre, and his control of the bookings of the Fulton Theatre, now gives Mr. Morosco three New york theatres fot his productions, and he hopes to have a new playhouse built near the present Morosco Theatre and ready to open not lat< r than January t, L920. Frt nk Westert >n is the British cap who makes unsuccessful love to teroine of " rhr< - Faces East." Fifteen years ago he was the captain in "Sweet Kitty Bellair," and he ap peared in the same role of \::isueet'ss ? ver. fesfeC JD> v -' :' I the sseenes, how ever hi car ried bn I '??;? m -? fortunate suit by ng :' ? :.,-. el , Madge Mc Nulty, harj of "Sw ?(?? Kitty." Now Mrs. Westerton i i gain a harpi ;t, th ' "The Rt yal Vragabond " and the couple feel that inasmuch as they ;;:-!'- never have the same roles at the same time again (and inasmuch as fifteen years have rolled bj I that they may as well have another honeymoon when their present engagements end. pite of the I I igat ion with Florenz Ziegf< Id, . r ? ? er the u i ? of the word 1 ? -?" it was y-. sterdaj am that "The I h V'illage Fo will open at the Greenwich Village fl ? atre ?! me 12. The east will includi Bi - ? McCoy, James \\ itts, Cynthia Pe -. Elmer Floyd, Susanne Morgan, Ada Forman, Irene 01 n, Hai ry K. Martin and Bobby Edwards. "Some Time," with Ed Wynn. at the Casino Theatre. will ciose Saturday night, after a nine months' run. "Some body's Sweetheart" will move to the Ca sino from the ('enl r i] Theatre. Clau ;<' Archi r has been engag . i - stag manager for "Bing! Banf' Boom!" William Harris, jr., s liled yestordf ? i Arju tan ia to e thi London pr duction of John Drinkwater*s play, "Abraham Lincoln." He will a'.so ar range for a London production of "East Is West." Henry Hull, who plays the leading role in "39 East," has written a play, which, it is hinted, the Shuberts wiil produce. Harry Roberts signed a contract with A. H. Woods for fhe leadtrg part in "The Big Chance," which will go on tour next season. A newly formed quartet of men who s.-.'.?? active service in France has been adiied to "Toot Sweet," a' the Nora Bayes Theal re M !S Katherine Alexander. who 's playing in "Love Laughs," has sigr.ed with the Scibilia Theatrical Enter |! ses for a part in their next produc Oliver Morosco has engaged V*\\\ Harvey for an important ro\e in "Mme, Sapho," which the Hattons are writm;r for Grace Valentine, anh. will open at ? ?.. Morosco Th sat: i n Seotembi i Art An exhibition of antiques from Enelish i isid nci s opene I yes ter la ?'?' Silo's :?': fth Avenue Art (',:?' Jeries. The objects included old Eng llsh china and porcelains, Curniture, 5 '" :'! P'ate, tall case clocks and a P ? ig, "The N'ativity." by M .? wni<h was p irchased in 1 -.".:: at the ' '" ' ' -: cl on of King Louis Hipe and >!d at I ;:- '? ?ndon. rhe le inl i will be on ia;,- ai i to-n irr ?w ': hi . be so! I a< and . a - o'clock. A coll ttioi ." m which will be also is on exhibit ? '?? on Thursday, Frida; '-' g a ?. pamtini . a ft 'rnooi . ? ga es e Georgian an i Renai isance furniture :-'":" England and rtaly, including ys, gate-Ieg tables, i abii i i i, n feetory i bh s and cl , and f n ? ' ''''' "?-'' ''''" ' 1 Wl . - m, ?...-.. . shown yesterday al tl 15 Ea ? Fifl -ninl h Streel after? noon at 2: ... after. ?-" n thi oughout thii wc k. T:' I ri '.ty of ?? e !at? Bain< t ''''??''? includ I effects and "r art, will 1 i ... Van Brink's ' Rooms, 2160 Broad? way, on 1 Friday i turda,' ms of this wei k, I .-.. ning a-; 1:45. A handson bronze mounl Lo . a XV!. bc . lo r su te, vases, bronzes, curios, cl na, .... Or ntal ;. i. 1 carpeti : XI\ . Aub is; m mgs and i li ctro ers wi ong t n " ' ' ' ' atl . . on ye: the o] of the < xhibi tion. The <? dlection \ i remain on viexv until 'i hui sda .-. ? h< first day of the s ile. AMEKICA'S FOREMOST 11.1 iATKI ?>) ?)> i^U U,^ N DER THE U1RECTION 05 WinferGarden ,: ?'.'? 48th ST. F^ matiNke to-d.Vj at .'. vvm r ,? *'< ?"??< *$SP ILOVEYC 39th ST..' ! ? * I VST PKKFORM \M J - u 0 ii .-;> fi 'ADiamond Mine o: Entertainment -SUphen nathb^n. Bre.dun ?, ? -_ -, ^ HJft^ST'? I fe MID!tttti.-IT WH1RL ?AXIne ell, ??, w... , . , H44TH ST. ffi ;'. .r\ .'," Ui * ^ l0r 3 E?9i. B30. Hlt , ^feeJtpomMi NoraBayes r.'. !,': ".'?''.. !,-,:i B!JOU v S ' ? K 'i SHzabefh Brioe " 'Toot Sweev^ . ., LOVELAUGHS SHUBERT ?' : & Sai 2:1 ?| Broadhurst ; GOOD MORNING. JUDGE" ii<T$tFt. P"-_A.',9 Kliw ? ' I?? ? -. r.-- ? "0. 539 East1' iVANDEBBiLT S ''-;'.H <; ?'?". S A LITTLE JOURNEY Cjnl Kelghticj and y.ihrl Dnna SftSTesWEST .v m f *-.r r-2.:r.'T?fc |QABR!Gft ijgjl THE GR 1 JOH h i ? '? . ..- | . ... - ? HE GREATEST DRAMATIC TRiUMPH 0- RtCENT YEARS ?? fcPal ! 3?. ;n i'-fsrn!8 FERGUSi | | Real (nn?.,ly n, ,h? ComMy Theatre & J ??'?' i" nr. B -a ,. kvkk - <o I! Mats. Thurs. ,\ Sa< ?' TOBY' ? | ? NORMAN TRJSYOR 6 REPUBLIC S3 4^ r ^ ? ?*? f*j ,. ' ? .sa: . 2:30 ALSCE8 MORCSGU Seasoii'w gensatioua] laughir-K sacceaa from thp I'alais-Royal. I'arls. FULTOiN j PLEASE GET MARRIED &RTHUR HAMMERSTEJN 11115 eiC MUSICAL SPLASH "TUMBLEIN" SELWYN :? - - MUSICAL PLAY?DIFFERENT "SOMEBOOY'S SWEETKEAR7" CENTRAL. I :* LOUIS MANisf in s plymouth ;.;;?? .'?;? kL ROMAHCE Ed. WVnn LAST YkEEK ?LAST 7 TIMES. CAS1N0. En - M il '?'??! Ac - r ELTIKGE ^ ?'m 4;'d S! Kre:-.iai? ?t *S?. ..\ Sa w ^Ml^rli EMlllMMMiMli * + **TO-DAY! nt 3t + * * . At the Hudson Theatre * * AUCTJON SALES OF SEATS! K)R THE PB. JT. Keith'a I Gertrude HOFFMAXX. A L A L t ' ''""' - * *'??" l'*~r *" M?u Daily. - .c-j; ? l.iiini." C arus. AI! the Stars Will Be There * STEEPLECHASE < ?OVl.V IMANK OPEN FOR THg SErtSON _.B. F. Keith'n ] [ren? Pranklln, H?rr? ^IVERSiDE - i ?? ? t & ??- Rl ? , SB?A.ti b XAX1MOVA ?9.fwl I " ; l?* >'"' Land-rn" ?Vll| Bolm U;.1U-:. Sr?.nir B'v*5y 49">5t R?OU OKrHE8TRA lAtfy ?<)".? of th,- lnrf lini>iSer?ft Socnii . lomrdy RI MTi) ORCHEiiTRA pOLUMBlA. B'way * ??;;,. Twt<? D?UydTopT" *? PELKA-B00. Ai; Sumswr S!,ow IT1 <?? D. \V. OIUFFITH'S "True H?-art i-u--?" STKANI) OBCHSBTKA