Newspaper Page Text
:- Active Securities Record of Stock and JBoud Averages < '.?-.'?: ght, 1913, Now York Tribune 3ru-) Stocks Rantr^.Ian. I Range full Yceter- Day Year to date 1919. year 1918. day. before. jir<>. High. Low. Hiflrh. Low. fi Railroad* . 78.00 78.30 61.50 78.30 68.70 79.15 66.12 ?q Industrial.- 108.60 106.-10 79.70 108.60 79.20 83.83 73.37 $0 Stocks . .? 96.36 95.16 75.62 96.36 79.32 '84.08 70.30 Ronds ?> Railroad' . 81.16 81.56 79.78 82.80 79.48 86.57 76.62 10 Industrlals . 95.66 95.52 91.66 95:66 93.72 94.08' 67.40 B t . 85.42 85.32 84.95 87.75 83.62 89.02 82.60 jj Bond* . 87.81 S7.89 85.57 87.91 85.53 89.46 83,62 Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings ( "opj rlfV., :?!?>, Ncrw York Tribune In< I ' Stocks Pay Year January 1 to date terday. before ajto. 1919. 1918. 1917. B?j!roari> . -43-1.400 1S5.500 120,200 14,334,200 8,144,300 9.603,100 0t??r stocks ... 50 1.28-1.100 598,700 91,338,000 5-1,423,100 75,233.500 jfll stocks . i.768,900 1,466.600 718,900 105,672,200 62,567,400 84,836,600 Bonds January 1 to date. Day befoire. Year ago. ',?,-. T. S. iroTernment - S9.812.000 $4,008,00(5 $971,917,000 $346,679,000 Biilroari* .. 1.602,000 ? 446,000 98,656,000 96.573.000 Olher bonds . 5.832,000 1,775,000 305.305.000 143,842,000 \\\ bonds . ... 17,246,000 6,229,000. . 1,375,878,000 587,094,000 Yeslenlav's Transactions in Listed Stocks All stocks quoted dollars a ehare. Annual dividend rate, also in dnllara a share. is based on last rcsular paymeht. High and low prices of 1919 an* bascd only on transactions of 100 ehares or more. Hi : ? ? Net 1'- - Sales. Open. High. Low. Close. chge. Bid. Ask. ,64 29% ? Adams Express - 200 54 54 51 51 - 51 34% 21 ? Advance Rumely .. 1700 32% 33' a 32% 33% + 1 75 Vdvance Rumely pr. 1500 69% 75 69' 8 75 - 5 /' .' 71 96 61 6 Ajax Rubber . 1100 91% 91% 91 " 91 -- % ? ' ? ?'/i 3 ? Alaska Gld Min- 200 3% 3% 3% 3''.,- % 3'-.; 2"; ' - ? Alaska .Jnncau . 2300 2% 2% 2% 2 4? % 2% 2% 46 j " ~ ' :: Chahncrs Co. . 5000 45% 45>4 44J/8 4^ ? % 45 45 96; i Chalmers pr.. 600 96' 2 9.6' 2 96 96 ? % 95 96'-, W4Js ? Vm Bosch Majr. 6900 101 104% 101 104 + 4 ' 103 104 ?46 Arn Bank Note. 100 44% 44% 443/4 44%? 1% 44 47 H.13% AW Ajrr Chera. 4800 109% 112' 4 109% 112 -+ 3 112 112 ? 102 81 Am Ag Chem pr- 100 101% 101' 2 101 4 ;' '' .._ . . \i .. 8634 Am Beet Sugar. 6800 84 85% 83% 86% + 3!. 85" 86% 95 ? 84 6 Am Beei Suu- pr.... 100 95 95 95 95 + % 93 95 6' - ? ^mer Can Co. 1C200 59% 59% 58% 58%? % 5834 59 ,,(H."k s? 1 Atn ( ?'" Co pr. 100 104% 104% 1 104%-j 1% 104', 105 tto* 84 Am C & ! Co. 9400 103 4 10614 103 4 106 - 2 ~ 105 ; '06 11? 7 Am C & F pr. 100 116% 116% 116% H61- 116% 111 u-'? .80-Am Drngs . 200C 12% 13 12% 13 - 12% 13 ? W z '??- Am Cot Oil . . . ? l% 61% 59 60% f- 2 C0 61 103 82 2 6 American Express... 1200 90 91 ~ 90 91 _ 8' ', 89 93 Am Hide <t Lcather 151 38% 36% 38 %???- 1% 33'4 333,= .128 71 . 7 Am Hide .V L pr.... 4800 124 127% 124 125% + 2% 1251 , 126 4 e; ? American Ice . 9800 61% 64 61 63% 3 ., 63% 64% 75 tmerican Ice pr. 1300 74 75 74 ' 74%- 1 74 * 7434 113% A.mer Int Corp. 14600 113 H334 110% 112 I- 1',2 " 112% fc;' -' -? ? American Linseed.... 700 66% 67% 66% 66%+ % 66% 67 ' 9838 i Amer Limeed pr- 4G0 96 ?6 96 96 - * 95% 96; ~ 8" - -? -Xn- Locomotive. 11200 86% 87% 85% 8G%- 1 86% 86% 5I2 ? American Malt . 800 3% 4 3:., 3344 % 3% 3% 61% E ?? Am Malt 1 pr <=tpd. -00 58 58 53 5S - 1 59 ~* 60 8- 82% - Amcr Hmflting. 7100 12,. 82% f."-.- 82 , 82! . 82% 109 '' 7 Amer Smell pr. 200 106% 106% 106% 106%-? % 106 " 106% 94 '? ?> Sr pr A..... 180 94 94 94 94 ? '? 93 94 Amcr Steel Fdrj- 16700 39 39 37% 37%? % 37% 33% can Sugar- 4800 133( 2 1 ,132 I32 2% 132 Vmer Sumatra ... _ ? 10a l6i .? 1% 108 I 109 Am Sum Tob pr. 95 95 95 *_ " gr, 96 '? ?? - : ? An, Sum Tob rts- 4900 4% 5 ?? ? .. , ~c;. 10&715 98% 3 Am Tel & Tel. 600 107 107% 101 . ' j 107 21 ."H-r Tobaceo . 400 211' 2" 2:' 2 1% 211 212 "can Wool - 13100 105 111 ' 105 .[ 1 % 111 American WodI pr. . . -CO 103 105 103 105 ? 2 105 27% ? Am Writ Paper pr... 2400 4534 46% 451 , 4C%~ 34 4^ ^mer Zinc & Lead. . 1300 18% 18% 18%. 18%.- % 18% 18% M . - 6 Am /itir & Lead pr. 700 54 54% 53'^ 53'-'2? ' :> 53 . 10900 71% 7: 2 70% 7'%? j/2 71 s 71 '." 17'/4 ? A-sso Rry Goods.5100 54% 55% 54 55%^ i "? 55' 55 ' ? . As*o Drj Gds 2d pr. 100 76' s 76% 76'/a 76%-i % 72 76 : I 68 5 Asso Oil . 400 89% 90 E9: , 30 ? 1 " 8r.% 90 ".- 6 Atchison . 2300 1C3 1C3 101% 102%-j % 102% 103 39 * chison pr . 400 87% 87% 87: , 87; j- 8/; ' g8 Atl Coast Line - 1000 107 137 105 " 106 ? 1 106 "? 1071 '"% 92 Atl Gu? & W J. 1920 1621 ? 163 162 163 _ 163 " 164 ? 76'z 64, Atl L,uif & W Ipr.. 00 72 ... " 4 72 4 72%? 2% 71 74 ".5% -?4% ? Baldwln Locomo Co. 22100 104'/2 106% 133% 105%J 2% -'53; 106 -5 - 44 ? Baltimon & Ohio. . . 3100 54% 55 54'/2 54%_ 541'j 543/ - in . Ohio pr. 200 59 50 53 " 59' _ 1/ '?] 'a Barrett ?... . 1800 136 12 i;:. 1.3. % 134'" 136' 2 .. ? liatopilas Mining ... 700 ' '.. ?_i._ ??, -ir a^34 55% 8 Beth Steel . 1300 81 ?.: ? . 80 82 - - 3 | 84 m 55?a 8 Bcth Steel Class B.. 4412-2 81?4 85 81 . 84 .- ? - 84% 85 ,L -'?"5 2 ]" ;' ?"*'?'" &:h Pr'" 20G "2";! '12r,8 '?- ' ? ?. 112 ' 112% 2935 18%? Bkij-n Rap Tr. 9200 29% 29% 28% 28'-,- ?.. 2?.', 287 2^2 9% - Bklyn Rap Tr ctfs. . 2>: 2!: . 2^ . 22 2 23 '", B 2' *?"* -i ^S 4 Fisheries Co . 2400 22 s 22 2" . 22 ? 21 " 22 ,92 \ ' I hoe Co. 200 92 92 92 92- 90 92 , ,00% :' in . 225 99 39 99 99 ? 1 98 101 " I!''4 J . 400 <;% 9% leh. 100 76 76 76 76 -? 1 71 70 ; . Butte Cop & Zinc... 7C0 13% 13% 1? , 13 ,? % 13% 13% Butte & Sup ("oppor 9600 28 31 2 27% 31 i- 4% 31 31J/2 ? Botterick Co . 900 28 23 ~ 27% 27 '.'.? % 26i/2 28 Packing . 8600 68' 4 63 63 68%-f % 68% G8: , ' ""t . :1" 22 4 32% 31% 31%? % 31% 32>/4 ' '"<-' Pr. 400 79% 79 2; 79% "'< \ ?.. 70 , 7., ? .. imet & Ari; >na . 620 67% '67% 65 ? 6! 67 < ar 165% 163% 16 52 2 50% ' ' 44 '.?'.: ' 22 24% 22 2' ' , 2 i 24 4 / : ' ",u ! dv ?'? . 600 5:1 . 49% i 1% 49! 8 52 fr ..... 48100 97 122% ' . -6 101% 102 4 Cerro De Pasco - 3230 -14% 45% 44 4 44 4? :> -'-% 44% ller Motora ... 4000 190 200 190 200 ? 9 200 201 ' . 1100 68 68% 67% 67%; % 67% ' 68 ? Chi (;t W??. 700 10% 10 4 9% <?'?,? :4 10 10% GWP'. 1300 23 29 4 28% 29 4? % 29 29% - - C, M & S P. 4400 47 47 46 4 46%-f % 46% 46% ?- C, M & S P pr. 900 71% 72 71% 71%- % 71% 71-% 1C.: <hl & N'weat. 600 104 104 103% 102%- % 103?4 104' "7 '? '{ J * P. 2700 30% 31 .30% 30%? % 30% 30% ' RI&P6%pr.. 700 70% 70% 70>H 70%+ % 70% 70% ;? ' ? : I K'\r"Vr--- ';?? 82'2 83% 83% 83%- % 33! 4 83% 82 ' * 6 C, 8 P, M & 0. 100 75 75 75 75 _ 75 77 ' ( < & St 1. 200 43 i?. 43 48 - 471, 48 G C C ? 81 1. pr... 130 72 72 72 72 - 2 72 " 72-, *? - Chile Copper . 4800 25'/ 25% :,:. -i 22 ,-j % 251, 25% ; - Chino Con Copper... 400 41% 41% 4i 4; ,- 1% 41;' 4;; !? '? ' il",!' Peabody . 100 741 2 74% 7^', 74'; 74 . 75 f; Col Fuel & lron. 2800 48% 50 48 50 2'. 49% 50 ' ? - '"' ('a* & *?;'<?<?. I400 53 2 54% 53% 54%-4 1% 54 - 54% ' ?? S"?th. 900 29 29 29 29 - 29 '0 10; -^ ' (^roiol ?. 600 101% 102 101% 102 ?- % 101 ,102 Coruio! Int Calla Min 1400 9 9 F'; ?,? . ?'. %y. g *?* ! I' 'or" (an . 20n 86% 8l ,, . 8 4- % 80 8 S6 2 ' "' Ir,?'lr;'?'" Co.. 100 ? 71% 71% % 71 71i>; -- Corr, Prodacta . 14900 68 68% 67% 67%? % 67% 67% 7 Corn Prodacta pr... 400 107% 107% 107% 107%^ ',107;,i;,8 ? ' ?"' . 241 ' - 97% 88% 95%-r11|/4 95 96! , Crueible Steel pr. |OC 100 100 ?_ 10" - I iba < ane Migar... 3100 363 .. ; ?.:-,; t( ;> ;i tj - Cuba Cane buxar pr 1300 82% 32% 81% i'2 ,;- H ? De! & Hudjion . 420 115 115 115 115 ?? -, 115"* 115" Den 8. Rio ?. pr- 3000 11 11% 10% 11%-j Oome Mbiea . 1700 15% 15% 14% 14 ?.-,_ % 143^ 15 ' Em*r?on !ir;tnt - 600 29 29%. 29 29%.- ? ? ; 'l.ik Horn ( o?l. 2800 31 a 31%+ 1% 30 30' , * ' . -400 19% 19% 18% 19 - 18% 19% ? ? Eri< 'I pi . 1700 !0% 31 - % 30 . ? ' c- - J'<! Min & Smlt ... 100 14 14 14 14 ? 2: ;, 10% 16 )?'! M & Smlt pr... IO0 1 2 43% 4 ., 43%-j % 43 44 * ?? FUher Body. 223 80 8' a 79% 80 - 7$.7/a 80 >^m<.u? J'iayrr-. _ 12600 115 117 114 114 ?? 1 114 1 |6 ^% 25% 4 Ga.U>n William. .... 3700 ? 16% 26 36% 1,-,, Chemfeal Co.... 40C ', . . 197 95 . 195 , . 195 200 't ' r- G???MU CJ*ar . 4820 32 ? 83% 8"4 31%? ?'?,. ?.< >\ 82 (.?-?,.-,r,l Elaetric Co.. 1600 169% 168 .. ,: 169 >.. % ". ~ General Motom _ 2*100 210 223 210 ; 2 > 11 219% 2^0 General Motor. pr .. 3000 91 93 91 92%H 1% 92 92',, '.'ri'rtl M',t?r? ti'h. . 1320 90% 90% 90 90 - 92 I Goodrkl! B P . 14700 78% 78?^ 76% 7B . % 73 78% '? '??-?!' 'i ' pr. 100 10? ' ? 106- 106 107'.', .';. ? Grapby Mlninx . 120 72 ? 72 . 72% 7? . % 72% 73% '' ? '? C '...rii.frn pr . . 2 . 98 .; 98 . Ilf . J ' .' ?" Or* ?ub 2000 4 -n. 1 47 , | >4 47 . ! f.rm.r C*n Copper.. 1700 43% 43% 42% 42%? 1 49% 4 i.uij BUtea 8u?l..,, 5600 ,- .. 81 ,. .- /'/.. 5 ; 79?/2 eo"" *% 4'' '? Ha?l( A Bark Car Co 1120 69% 59% 58% 68%? % 68% l '??/ '* t iil>n?/i.-. C*|fl . 600 122 102 101% 101%? % 101 102 1* " J lat?rn*t Aicrico! ... 4900 27% 27% 2f, 4 26%-< % 27 27% ''?* 48 6 Aifr pr . 700 85% 87% 84 86%? % 88% 86% "7* ?% *. In.p f.opp^r . 27100 f,? 69% 68% 59 % 6R% 59 V: f/a ? '"'I- ' '?< i'>rt> . 22120 8% -. . 8%H % k% s> ^ l< ?? ' '"? Cot pr. 14600 60 4 30% 22' . 29% '% 291 ? 30 !?? H.r <?tu . 2400 132 .. 132% 131 131)- 131% 132% .'? < \n\ M.r Marine 45600 ?fi 46 ,. 42 44%? 1 44% 44% '*^/ '<>?-, 6 I,.t M?f Ma/r pf ... 38100 124% 124% 120 122% ? % 122% 125 ff* '-'???. '"'I l'?p". 9900 '.'-'-. ?/??;. 66% B9 3 59% 69% j?j, J8 ? J"'I P?p? pr *ipd... 200 77 // /o% 79%? % 76% 7/ *^* /;-> Ifltl NtelKl . B800 28% 28% ??/4 28%- 28% 28y4 . M ? J*?"li 1'* . 20'/; 32% 89% 39 ?:!)%? % 39 39% ? " 1 J-**il 'J?? pr . 4W 86% 86 86% m \ % 84 80 2^,, 1'''' ? K?y??r, Juliti* .."... 200 125 120 125 125 < 1 11/ 125 < 129/* I;5"* ~ **?' <li,y *???"?. 70? 24 ?4 23% 23'/t? % ?''.% 24 ?/* K 4 K.lly r4p/M,jt . 28Tj0 127% 12U 12/ 12/ ? 127 128 i 7' High. Lnw. Dlv. ^ll 219,H,to,w, ?. , ^ Salea' 0pen' H^h" Low- CI^- chle. Bid Aak, B9% 34 ? Kelsey "ttheel Co- 200 5*1 56 50 *fi _ ~r -* ?U St, t l*" h'T1 Pr? r2?? "*/2 "* 98'? 98%- 1% M 100 S'-^B 291 a <_> hennerott t opper _ 6800 36-a 2^ ???,.? it _ 0*7, ? 109 88- 4 1.20 Keystone Tire ...._ 2900 99% 94% 93% 94 + % 93''" M 85% 62% 6 Lackawanna Steel... 5100 85 85% 84 ?5,-1 85% 85% 88 65%- Laclede Gaa . 400 68 6? 66% 6 - ?,_ V 4 65 6S~ 11% 7 ? Lake Erle & West... 200 n v. ?,;-;-. -- , ?-.. -, .,,. 19 60% 63J4 5 Lehigh Valley . 4000 60 60% 60 "* 60!/?4 ? 60 * fini/ 37^4 21 - Lee Kubber & Tire.'. 1100 34>/4 34:.' 34 ^ llv t? * 224% 201 12 Llg & Myers Tob.... 100 219'. 2193/4 21934 2193,44- 6M 2ia'2 P?n 1ei 1to,- 7 !',)r&w1,Tofnpr-v ,l?>i??i?S?iS%-ilS?it?'4 mS 6, 40'8? Looao Wiles Biscuit.. 1300 58.3 61 58 61 4- ZVa. 61 611/ g?!E*1* l'orU,"\ri;rv~- 4??? l82^ 182'/*w. i75%? 4% 176 i2 122 <4 1 i3 / Louis cc Nashvilic... 100 121 121 121 121 _ 120 121'' 119% 100 7 Manhattan Shirt- 100 118' 4 118% H8"/4 111 . 13.4 ns iig,2 58 26'4 ? Maxwcll Motor . 15100 52 58 52 56'' 6 56" 56' 7934 50% ? Max Motor 1?t pr?. 5000 78' a 79% 78 79%il% 79i/4 n{? 45 19'4? Max Motor 2d pr.... 6600 40 45' 40 45 +6 44 441/ 99% 60 . 6 May Dep't Stores.... 700 97% 97% 97 97 _ 97 98''* 204 162% 8 Mexiran Petroleurru . 51400 189 204 183' \ 202 -16 20! 203 28% 21% 2 Miami Con Copper... 1300 27; -. 27'', 27', 2'"_ ', 27' P7'' 99 90 4 Michigan Central_ 10 09" 99" 99 gg_ "l __ * _ 2 53% 40% 4 Midvale Steel . 20100 53"/a 633/4 53 53%4 5H 53'. 54 15l/2 -98? Minn & St I, new... 400 14', 1.p, 14% 14344 ' 141/ 15 1114 4% ? Mo Kans & Tex. 200 9% '? ' 9 '. ? ,_ 'q:,2 g(/ 25 8% ? Mo Kans & Tex pr. . 600 20' l 20% 20% 20','- 1, 20 8 or,32 33% 22^? Missouri J'ac . 10100 33% 33 *3 '?'". ? 33,/ ?? 58% 49 4 _ Missouri Pac pr. 700 67 57% 57 '. 57 lyu 79'4 69 5 Mi.nt Power . 4600 77 79 76% 79 + 3 75'. 75" 39'2 29! a 3 National Arme . 200 36% 37% 36% 37"',',. 1, 371/, 373/ 126 109 7 National Biscuit ... 100 124 . ; _ 122 124'/ ll'-4 lt ~ Na< Con & ('",,l???? 'W0 21 " 22 -? 20;'." 22%4- 1% 22 22l 69'/2 4 % 6 Nat Enamel & Stpg 600 68% 69% . G9 69-, 18 I4./ 4,/ ?at'0"a,JLeadr . 200? ?';4 o3 80T, .2% 82% 83 - ta t0ia 1I2 Nevada ( on (opper. 1200 18 18 18 18 _ 17-1 18 ? 37% 28% ? New Or Tex & Mcx. 600 37"4 _ *7w -7, 124 9ir/4 10 N V A.r Brake. 300 121 . :, ^ 4 12, ^ .. 3. , 124 * 125% ?3J/a 69,4 3 .New York Central,. 4600 8314 8334 82'4 82'_" R9i ci 33 24 - NYChic&StI. 300 ' _ f/2 11,. 35 19J/a 2!/aN Y Dock. 300 32 32 32 ""' _ m 30, ~ 55 44-4 5 NYDockpr. 300 52% 5234 0', 5?3A-i 1 m lt 34% 25%- NYNH&H..... 2800 32'/* . * 32 301/ 20 1s ? Norfolk South . 200 : _ ?" ',. ? on 2 112' 2 103 7 Norfoik & West..., 1900 1 , ? ' ^ 110 6% 47 6 Nonh Antericun .... - 1 4 56 8 99% oS% 7 Northern Pacific ... 2100 99% 9 - .99 ggsz 92 mo 5 Nova Scotia Steel... 78 ?? " 94 H* 52 43 2!/a Ohio Fue) . 100 51 52 51 52" 1" m ? 56% 35% 4 Ohio Gas. 2 , ; :. \\ %.^ 02 5'2 3 Ontario Si.ver . 2100 , 7* *'/ 57% 46 3 Owens Bottling .... 400 55'4 56 55 56 2 55 56 " 13'/a 8 .SOOkla Prod . 11200 12 12 .... -?., "^ 167^ 117 7 P^ ^m"r v" ? ' 146?? 97 ' ' 2' 07?b 97'2 Sk 437/ J Pa" Arr. rf 1pr 10? 1C7 1G7 '" 4 167 16S 48% 43j8 3 Pennsylvama RR... 5000 47 _ ,?k 471/ lt tJ4 ? Peorm 6; 100 12 12 ' _ 1 ? -? a? 45 ,, ? 1't-o Gas & t:?Ue r. . r. - ' . '' ;,.. ;r.'a y" uua ^ ?-??.^:; .. 54 54 - 5714 541, ?/4 '^: s ? 1'ere .Marquette ... 540 ' j,ot B3'/a 50 5 Pere Marqpnor pr.. 600 021 ' fj, ' 49 43 ? ,'"1' Marq pr. 200 49 _ 43/4 30 3 Philadelphia Co - 4100 4 ;_ .. ' [\': 30 6 Penn Seab Steel... 4^ 65|/a 383/4 5 Pierce Arrow . 41 I 61 ? ? '? ?'2 l?, im inn o i>- . - : ' ' ? l - l 65 ? b iXH 78% 6 - Perce Oil . K . . . C^:2 10 o Ptttsburch Coal .... 10100 0 I '^ 98 85|/a 6 Pittsburgh Coal pr.. 100 ' 6 '2 90'2 7 Pitteburgh Steel pr.. 200 - " ' [ % .0v 2 61 ? Punta Alegre Sugar ? " 40% 34 - Pitts & W Va ... .'.-; ?I. B0% 79 6 Pitts & W Va pr.. 100 . 19 12% 2 Pond Creek Coal.... 300 ; ' *?* 62| 2 59 8 Pressed Steel Car. , s " 129% 112% 8 Puilman Palace Car. 300 ".. ?] ' - ,g^ M GB'2 8 Railway Steel Spring 4000 . ; ?i-' l9 -2 ?ay <-on Copper- 17 .;. . ; ? ?,. _ 2' e1, 75 4 Kcading. . ' " __ 39 , 06 2 Reading 2,1 pr. 90% 71J/a 6 Rep Iron & Steel.., 10, 100 7 Rcp Iron * Steel pr. 0j/a 7034 8.44Royal Dutch . 8 bC 2 8.44Roya1 Du N ^ shrs. 3800 11 &V\\ 13 C'4? Saxon Motors . 8800 1 ?-,.'.., 25% 10-% - StL & San Fran. __1 - ^ : 22% 16 - st. L Sonthwest.... 1000 21 Ui* " ' [6 13/a- St Joseph Lead. ' ' % ; ^ ' ' 111/4 73a - Seaboard Air Lino. . 2C0 10 212 :t3 '2 8 Sears Roebuck . , tlU "/4 - S.ncTair Oil . 251,0 . Cb G,; 68 46,a 6 Sloss-Sheffidd S & I. 3400 61 64% 0 : ,,., C7 4 iib 9o'-8 6 Southern Pacific. 103100 114 115 - -,., 33 25 ? Southern U li. 2000 _.._ J '.'^ l^3 n a 66% 5 Southern ii li pr... . 700 72 72 '.? r. 70 " 71 4 124% v^4 4 Studebaker . 73100 112 124% 110'.4 124%-16% 124% 124'/, 71% 42'/4 5 Stutz Motors . 5. I ; 5v -12 5 Superior Steel . 1O100 54 54' 4 00 4 36% 3 Stromberg Carb... 2500 ' ?. 7% 62'* 621'8 17|/4 12% 1 Tenn Copper Chem. . I400 1 _ i43/ ,? 54% 2-| 2 - Texas & Pacific ....241 . 1 ." 202 135 10 Texas Co. 282 j 282 282 284 190% 10 Texas Co pr. 300 277 2 27 ? 1 " -I II J 24% 13%? Third Av R K. 2000 o; 99' 2 72% 6 Tobacco Prpducts. . .9800 ..,..'" g 99 2 7 Tobacco Products pr. 2100 1 58 2 37>/4 0 Trans & W'illiams Stl I - 3S 2 Trin City Rapid Tr. . f- 3 5 ':" B Underwood Typewrit 300 1S2 1S2 18; 182?3 130 184 8( ? 7:5 6 Union Bag A Paper, 600 9 _ 138 2 124' a 10 Union Pacific . 10800 4 , . r ? 4 72 4 I mon Pacific pr... 300 7 , 7 . ,: ... 50 37% a 1 nited Alloy Steel. : 54 . : . , ' "' . .07 . 9 | nited < igar Btore - . . : . _ 90! 2 7 I nited Drug . 200 125 . ., ,25 ~ B5'/a 50'2 3/a United Drug 1st pr.. 200 I ?5% 55 551 120 91 6 T nited llruir 2d pr.. 100 1. ' 122 124 189!^4 157 10 United Fruit ....'... 1 ?, ,-; . 'Zt B1% 49 2 U S Pood Prod .... 71 ,_ : ? , \" . ; 15 ? United Rj Inve t pr 200 26% 4 ? United Ry Invesl . . 2C ' 27% 14 - US Casl 1 P & F.. ?" 97/4 16 f S Ind Alcohol... 690 I 162 ? ? 46 >4 17% _ V S Really ?. Imp.. 600 45 US 73 ? U S Rubbcr. 24800 116 118 1 115 109 8 1 S Rubber 1s( pr.. 1100 115 115 | 4 J ]]i 70% 43% 5 U S Smelt & Ref. . 1700 69 . , , .._ L ' * ? 2 U7>113'4 7 r S $rl. 164800 108% ,1 ' ? ? , :^7a 8^8 II 8 l I,*1"-. 500 116% 11 v 117 | ,!?!, 82% 05% 6 Utah (opper . 3500 81 82 8' 82 l% 81% 82 19% 13 ? Utah Bcc ( orp. 1200 18 18_ _ 80 51 4 Va Caro Chem- 21600 74% 80 ' '. 79 ,4.6 7Qi 7032 114% 110 8 Va Caro Chem pr.. 200 114 ' ?? J -',? a 74 54 - Va Iron, C & C. 4( . '3% 73%- . . 74 12% 7% ? Waba-h . 600 12 12 lis _ ? 113 10 iu tnt \j- u u . , 8 3? .'i l'/4 12 38 30' 2 ? ^abash pr A. 2100 36 . --, 24% 19 ? Wabash pr B.; . ?,'2 79 53 _ Wells Fargo Ex. 200 63 13% 9% - West Maryland . 400 1 l\ 24% 17 - West Pacific . 22% 22% 61% 52% 4 West Pacific pr..... ' ' 92%. 84% 7 Western Union Tel.. 600 I qt 693/a 49% 4 Westinsrhouse Mfg... 141 , JJ,, 91 65% 5 Wilson Co . 241 . : 12 7% ? Wheel & l, E. 200 ' . ,, " 1 ; 45 4 White Motors . .. . , . ,' ^ ? '* 40'4 2-4 1 Willys Overland .... 37100 ., '. ,7 % 40 40' 73 50 ? Worth Pump & Mach 100 -. __ Bid and Asked | Quolalions The following tablc g ves the closing bid and a3ked quotations for stocl I ted on the Kcvt ^ork Stock !?>.. hanj bul not traded1in yesterday: , , 2 ? I: l ? : ^ II ? ['. 461 , Mr., I, iv B 1 pr.101 104' , ?? ? | 108 ? * On II :?! M 03 l 1 110 111 All Stilpblxlg.114 142 " I . 17 W - ... I'.? '. 125 pi M i 1 : ....85 0H Mari .. Hcetcli I r pr 117 I l'i ?? 1. B7 ''??? '? ' ??? '' 60 B3 M. ; Al \S . .. U 36 A ro i ? ? . 100 101 M? lin Sl | 101 I 10 Al '? l>oc . 4 :> w ? 1'rt ; 108 108% . do pr . 10 30 m -f.-. . :- M ' ;?'.? 90 Asuel r i ? 1' 2< .. : . ? ? 106 l 12 I ?' ?? Li" 1 105% K. Uik l'i 68 l7'/? llfl ? '? iv r.103 ? 105 l.i< I ? I lh'., 120 H u 1 ?:. '..: 03 Sut ( . BI ; r ii'H 1011/, i 105 I0B Ii in i Bra i.i 153 ?. i .? ? ? , 101 105 , ?' ' i"' . "iU I ir. I.N i:i: .M !?' in 16 2.1 I ?" ." A T. B0 64 S'YI ,-. .- !, 6!l . Bfl 100 ?' : ; 51 53 tl 80 100 . ', i, ,'.. v. . 02 08 ni 43 ' 40 N .? ? ,\ V. pi 73 78 1 ?? : l ; ? li'i 103 NViri ' 67 ? ' of N J 20. 225 Ov I ' pi 102 104 ' ? ? !?-?? pr ID'i III', t'n. 10c iv.:i?! 42 58 1 ? K A 'I. ..lin US ,i,, ;?? ?r. . 70 100 '?''i & Aiton. m, ii <i. :? i pi . 50 bo _<3o I" ... I?'. I5'/j !?? Tel t. T 20 27 1 ??? '? '?'- pr 132 134 cl . I r . I!.' ?'! Gl .V J-iiu . 07'/, ;n !? c . A H i. 57 60 * ?M'MAm i.,.i05 113 ||.| M?] I" 45 pi 103' . i ? ,? , ,i , I.I pr . B'i 107 ,. , ' ? :? i"'. 171 r 1 W a- i l H'? i 17' i i- * H Hi r,r 58 00 |', si fitr pi 102 105 ' ?l <'i B I' N 1 S .1 82 I I .< 'imp T?h 4? 4ii'. il-. Kl Bpt m 100 ' '? I I. & P IIo 112 (;,., || , V 37'/. ' ' ? ? - 108 118 - i. ,'. . r pi il) 33 < i-i ' trpel M, ',,; , \, H p SS 17':, * "''i An, H i 180 108 i. pr. .1 18 120 do pi 104 ? 8 :?< 8 4 I pr 90 'H'j II""., ( -, pf f^ 80 g ,. ? H,lg(ir |f)2 || | " ,' ? 122 .lo ; r III lil i) H h A A 4 8% ,|,, pr oo B4 ;?; Hi Ilai 70 77 .. pi 100 IOI KIKhwri C pr, ? 47 T A )? ii ir.880 410 f' it i-.y pr.100 IOI</,|Tldew*Ut oi, 2SO 250 ? I- .. I, i: i' Pi A 5 [I nil r.l ra mi . CoiiMolidated Exchange ol Irade on this exchange, 10 share; insi oi .... e slia fo!lov laj ? Follcnring is a complete record of all transactions in bonds on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday: U. S. Government Bonds (Xew York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Closing Quotations) Monday. Thursday. T ., Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. Liberty ,02s '47 99.34@ 99.38 99.50? 99.60 do 1st 4s '47. 95.30<? 95.40 95.50 @ 95.60 d<, 2d 4s 42. 95.60 94.84'S 94.88 do 1st 4'4s '47 95.80? 95.90 95.80? 95.90 do2d4%s'42 95.C0;cS 95.04 95.16? 95.20 do 3d 4!4s '28 95.70$' 95.74 95.90@ 96.00 do4th 4V4s'38 95.02'u) 95.06 95.36? 95.40 Victory 3348. .100.02? 100.04? do 4a%.100.00? 99.94? 99.90 Pre-war issues: 2s, resr, 1330. 99%@ 99% 99%@ 99% 2s, coup, 1930- 99%@ 99% 99%? 99% 3s, res, 1946. 89 @ 92 89 @ 92 3s, coup. 1946- 89 @ 92 89 ffl 92 4s, coup, I925....106%@106'/a 106%?106% 4s, coup, 1925?106%? 106% 106%?106I., 2s, Pan, c, 1936.. 98%@ 99% 9S34? 99% 2s, Pan, r, 1936.. 98% <j) ? 98%@ ? 2s. Pan, e, 1938.. 98'4? 99% 98%@ 99% -s, Pan, r, 1H3S.. 98%'ffi ? 98%? ?' 3s, Pan, reg.S9 @ 92 89 ? 92 3s. Pan, coup-89 @ 92 89 ? 92 Phil 4s. 1934- 90 (5) 96 90 ffi 96 Phil -Is, 1935-90 (& 96 90 @ 96 Phil 4?. 1936- 90 @ 96 90 @ 96 D Col 3-65s. 97 @100 97 @100 Liberty Issues Net . , Hifrh. Low. Last. chansre. Liberty 3Us... 99.40 99.22 99.40 ? .10 do lst 4s. 95.40 95.30 95.30 ? .22 do 2d 4s. 9480 94.50 94.60 ? .28 do ls: t'is... 95.90 95.70 95.88 + .18 do 2d 4%s... 95.28 94.96 95.04 ? .16 do 3d 14s... 96.00 95.54 95.70 ?.26 (!n l'h ?; >4s. . . 95.40 95.00 95.06 ? .36 Victory 4->4s_100.02 99.92 100.00 + .04 do 3%9.100.00 99.98 99.98 - ! Approximate investment yield at tho closing New York Stock Exchange; prices.] Yield. Third ?','?% . 4.80 Fifth l ;s. 4.75 Fourth i;is .4.64 Second 4',4s . 4.59 ' : ? '? ,s . 4.51 Second -is . 4.36 First 4a . 4.29 i ifth 3-14a . 3.7b Firs; li'/fea . 3.53 1 Salc of Liberty bonds on the New York .;- Fxchange carry interest to the date and the eller receivea this interest in addition to the sait- price. (Sales) I" S Lrberty "'-.s I U S Liberty 3d 4:.s 1932-47 I 1928 . 99.22 000. 95.70 55.000. 99.30 16,.'. 95.72 0. 99.28 GG,. 95.70 . 95.30 15,000. 95.66 ?. 99.301 45,000. 95.70 51 ,'HlO. 99.40 1. 99.30' Total.$1,998,000' 18.1 '". 99.04 U S Liberty -1th 4 %, . 0. 99.34 1933-38 . 99.38; ". 95.40 0.. 99.34 150,000 . 95.38 4n,""0. 99.40 74.000. 95.36 - - 8,000. 95.30 Total.$307,000 500. 95.40 U S Liberty I it conv 500. 95.40 !s I ; 7,01 0. 95.40 . 95.38 . 95.30 . 95.40. 11,000. 95.28 ' ' '00. 95.30 *;'""!. 95.26 . 95 30 .000 . 95.24 L4.000. 95.26 .$93,000' 28,000. 95.28 V S Liberty 2d I ??.' 00. 95.24 ':? ' 7,. 95.20 ' '..'. 94 00 '. 95.22 . 94 66 11 2,000. 95.26 ; . 94 80 50,000. 95.24 i . 94.70 20,000. 95.26 ; . 94 50 26,000. 95.20 ' . 94 60 .000. 95.18 . " . 94.60* 55,000. 95.20 r.OOO. 94 57 12,000. 95.16 | 25,000.., . 94.69' 4,000. 95.14 ' . 95.10 1 tal .$129,000 10,000. 95.12 1 U .-- Liberty lst Conv 10,000. 95.14 ! i % ll 32-47 40,. 95.16 ! 30,. 95.90 20.000. 95.14 j '. 95 70 10.000. 95.10 I 30,000. 95 80 12,000. 95.16 00. 95.90' 3,. 95.12 ?. 95.83 24,000. 95.14 ' . 95.80 L000. 95.10 10, ' . . . . 95.83 0.. 95.16 I ' tal.$39,000 ' ? ?'?'?'? 9544 ? 1 : :. ; ?-'? : ! c nv 8,01 1. 95.18 I ?; :, 1027-42 '. 95.10 I " . 95.28 '. 95.16 j 31.00(1 . q5 24 . 95.12 I I 000. 95.20' 242,000. 95.181 ?. 95.10 '??'<?.'. 95.14 . 95.03 ?',,."',,,. 95.12) . 95.04* -"'?.'. 95.14 ' . 93.06 !"'". 93.10 '. 94.98' 25,. 95.14 ) 18 '0. 9-1 00 '. 95.12 . 95 04 ;. 95.10 | l, 10. 95 08 10,000. 95.12 ! l!.i ' '. 95.10 '0.000. 95.16 ' . 95.06 10.000. 95.12: 95 00' . 95-10 | '. 95^06. 95.13 ! ' 00. 95.04* UL01 0. 95.10 51 ,000. 95 06, 10. 95.14 ' 2,000. 95 08' ? ;-. 95.16 1. 95 00 99,000. 95.18 . '. 95.00 G2.. 95.14| ,0. 94 96 ' ??. 95.16 ' '. 94 96 17,000. 95.14 '. 95.00 . 95.13 95 04 . 95.14 I ^. 95.10 ". 95 02 ' " . 95.12 95 12 I,' 00. 95.14 ? . lOO. ... 9504 ' '"''. 95.16 _? 1,000. 95.10 ; . . ..$1,061,000 10,000. 95.12) ' ! ibertj 3d ?!', ) 23 000. 95.12 ' | 50.000. 95.14: 00. 96.00 50,. 95.12 . 95 94: ' .95.10 I 75,000. 95 83 12,000. 95.14 '. 95.361 96,000. 95.12; 40..i. 95 90 75,000.95.14 | f '. 95 86 ?"..' 00. 95.12 20,000. 95 88 10,000. 95.14 0 . 95 81 -..). 95.16 ! ' ,000. 95 86i 21.000. 95.10 I 75.i 00. 95.881 5-t,. 95.12 | . i 0(1 . 95 .- | 12,000. 95.10 ! ..... 95 80' ,000. 95.03 19 ' '0. 95.82 75,000. 95.12 l. 95.80 ??? '00. 95.10 ' . 95.76 40,000. 95.14 3,. 95.80' 10,000. 95.10 . 95.70' 3,000. 95.06 !'" ,000. . . .05 72' 60,000. 95.02 00 . 95 70 10.000. 95.00 . . 95.63 85,000. 95.06 : 3 ,000. 95.72) .. .. 95.54: Total.$2,491,000 . 95.63! Victory Liberty Loan . 95.70' l:-,s L922-23 |0' 00 . 95.74' 50.000. .99.94 to 99.96 . . 95.72 ' ' ' '. 99.96 19.000_ 05 7-t 68.000. 99 94 0. ..... 95 70' 84,000. 99.96 ? . 95.76 139,000. 99.94 . 95.78 . 39.92 13,000. 95.70 15. 99.96 I.OD0 . , .. 95 -: ' 00. 99.94 0. 90.70 ' '1,00 '. 99.96 '. 95.30* 18,000. 99.98 .95.76 '. 99.95 ' . 95.70 25,01 ?'. 99.94 '.0. 95.74. 64,'. 99.95 . . 95.72 95,1 . 99.93 10.95 74 6,.) .100.00 . 95.70 92 000. 99.96 '. 95.72' "'..'. 99.93 0. 95.78 277,. 99.96 . 95.70 25,000. 99.98 0. 95.721 00 . 99.94 4,0<i0. 95.76 25,000. 99.98 :. 95 70" 2,000. 90.96 .... 95.74 97,000.IOO 00 0. 95.78' 121,000. 9-. 9<? .... 95.76' 63.000. 99.98 95.741 5,000.100.00 95.70* 49,000. ^9.98 95.72 1,030,000.100.00 95.70 95.74. 10,000.100.00 95.76' 95.6? Total.$2,293,000 95.76 Victory Liberty Loan 9! '0 : ', - 1922-23 '< 5 74 1 ... 100.00 95.70 20,000. 93.93 95.72' 95.70'. Total.$23,000. LO.OQO. 95.76 Foreign Government and Municipal Bonds (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Interest To Be Added) Bid, A . Am Forelsrn Sec 5a 1919. 997R 100 Angrlo-French Extcrn 5a 1920.. 97.^ 971, /VrKentina Intorn 5a 1945. 84' 86% Cnnada Dom of 5s 1921. 98% 98 'H do 1926 . 98'.. 98% do 1931 . 97s," 97.1' Chincno Qov Hti Kujj Ry 5a 1951 68' , 71% Cubu Kxtern 6a 1944. 99% _ do Kxtern fia Beriea A 1949.. 9U? 931, do Extern 1'l.h 1949. 84', 85 Domlhican Rep 5s II', S. 99 _1 City of Bordeoux 63 1','19.,.,,, 991^ 99:^ _,SJ_ . . Bid. Asked. j Crty of Lyona 6s 1919._. 99% 99% I City of Marseilles 6s 1919.. ?. 99% 99% ' City of Park 6s 1921.. 97% 97% I Jap Gov 4 4s sterling loan 1925 91 91% do 4%s 2d series 1925. 91% 92' do 4s sterling: loan 1931. 79% ? City of Tokio 03 1952 .. ? 80% U K Gt B & I 3-yr j',s 1913.. 99% 100 do 5-yr o%s 1921. 98% 99 do _0-yr 5%s 1237_... 99% 99% FOREIGN* BONDS DEALT IN FLAT Mex Extern strl 5s of '99 1945. 68 71 do Extern gold 4a of '04 1254 52 56% Rus 1894 Rente 4s 1,000 rub den 20 ?' (Sales) Am Foreign S 5s j Dom Canada 5s 1921 1.000. 991} 1,000.98% , ,6.000. 99%' 15,000. 98*j Ang'o-French 5s 16,000. 98% 58,000. 97i.',| do 1926 13.000. 97--; 5.000....... 98 8,0 ".971 2 2,000. 98% 7,000...... 97^. do 1931 8.000. 97% 8,000.97% 500. 97% Rep of Cuba 5s 1914 26.000. 97%; l.OOO. 9172 26,000.97^| Jap 2d ser 4 "-.3 7.000. 97%l 1,000...... 91%! 21.000. 97AU K of Gt Britain ?& _ 26,000.97% I 5U8 1919 Chinese Ry 5s 5,000.99% i 3,000.71% do 5%s 1921 2.000. 71%i 41,000. 98% 2,000. 71 .2 I0. 99 City of Bordeaux 6s 60,000. 98% ! 68,000. 9914 1,000.99 ?, 1.000. 99% 5,000. 93%, City of Lyons 6s i 8,000.99 40,000. 99%' do 6%a 1937 1.000. 99% 4.0 ?. 99%' City of Marseillea 6s 2,000. 991 -, ? 40,000. 99%: 5,000. 99% 2,000. 99% L.l )0. 99% ' City of Paris 6s 2. )0. 991 2 l 6.000. 98 |U S of Mexico 5s 0-000. 97% L, . 66% ! Dom Canada 5a 1921 ' NT Y C 4 "-s 1965 1.000. 98%| 15,000".102%' Railways, Other Corporations Alb & Susq 3%s IN Y CentraJ dob 6s 1,000. 77 2,000. 99% Am At; Ch deb 5s 102,01 0. 9934 2,000.110 56 I0C. 99% 10,000.110% .100 15,000.111 ? . 99% 1.000.110% :l..100 do cvt 5s 10,000.100 8,000.100% do 4s 1234 Am Smelting 5s [ 2,000. 84' , L.O 10. 90-% do rfg 2''2s Am T & T cvt 6s 2,000.71% 1,000.1041 8 1,000.71% 4,.i.1C4;4 l,. 71% 10,000.104 i do L S 3%s ? '".104% L,l ' "..". ... 68 1,000.104 N Y Conneoting 5.000.103% Rways 4%8 do col 5s 4,000. 85% 5,000. 92 |N Y Gas E L II & 2,i. . 92% Power 5s , 2..). 91% ... 10. 93 do col 4s I 10,000.92% 4,000. 80 N Y Rys rfg -is . 85% 3,00 .45% Ann Arbor 4s I do adj 2s 1,000. 55% 18,0000.-. 16 Armour Co -P-,s 1,000. 16% 5,000. . . .'. . 88 ' 1 000. 16;I A T & S F gen 4s ! do ctfs of deposit !..I. 82% 24,000. 15 4.000. 32% 9, 00. 16% do adj 4s stamped 5,' 0. 15% 2,000. 76% 5,00 '. 16 do cvt 4s 1925 10. 16% L.000. 76% :: i.OOO. 16' do 196 1 10,0 . 15! z 1,000.101 1 ,01 :'. 16% Atlanto & Bir 4s j 3,000.16% L, '.'. 77 N Y Telephone 4!-.s Atl C I. uni 4'-..s 2,000. 89% I..'. 92 10.0 _89% do lst con 4s N Y W & Bn -P~,s 2.. 82% 1,000."53% ... 82 Norf So 5s ser A do 1, & >; 4s 2,.1. 68' g . 77 'Norf K- VV cvt 2s L.000. 77% 15,000.109% 5..). 77% 1'',.1.109'', Balt & O rfg 5s i ,000.109% L, I00. 80' ? Nor Pacific 4s 2,000. 80 6,000. 83% 1.000. 79%"Ore & Cal lst 5s do cvt ?; ...- 2,000. 99% 00. 79%' Ore Ry & Nav 4s 2,000. 80 .. 00. 82 1.000. 79% Ore W R R & N ls 1,000 . 79% 1,0 0. 77 10,000. 79% Pacific G & E 5s '!" P I 2%; 5,000. 86% 10,000.89% Penn 5s . do gold 4s 2,i ?. 95% 4.'""1. 77 | ? . '. 95% Beth Steel lst 2s \ 4,000. 95% 1,000. 96 ! 6,000. 95% do p m 5s 26, 00. 95% ' 15.000. 87% 1,000.95% 2,000. 87% 5,000.95% 2,000. 87% do 4%s. 1921 Braden Copper 6s 4,000.93% 5,000. 96'% do con 4Us BufT R & P 4: .3 : ". 95% 2,000. 87' '2 2.000. 95% (.'hes & O con ,2s ! do gen -i'-'.s 2.000 . 9714 |, 1..".... 87% do cvt 2s | ". 87% 10.000. 91 ' '.87% L.l.91% 2 00. 87% 20.000 . 91 Peoria & E 1st 4s 3.. 91% 2 ? "?. 60% 1,000.91% Pierct- Oil 6s il): 20, ?. 91%: 2.000.135 do irr-n 4%s i do 1924 5.000. 80%' 10,000.109 do cvt 4;-s 5,0 '.103' -, ?.84' 2 Prov See Co 4s ' .84s" 4,000. 40 5, ' "'. S434 Public Ser of N J 5s ?. 84% i ."? 0. 76% 2 i00. 84' -. Reading gen 4s ". 84% I.Oi '. 83%, 1,000. 85r'- Republic I & S 5s C B & Q joint 4s l, "". 951 , 25,00 ). 96 R I Ark & L ?:?'???, . 95% 2.0 10 . ...7 70% 40,000. 96 St I. Ir Mt & S Is L.OOO. 95% Riv t\- Gulf div 1.000. 96 I 1,0 1. 77' , ' . 0. 95% St L & S F 4s ser A C Gl We tern 4s L.OOO. 63% . 62% . 63% L.000. 62 2 100. 63% C M & St P cvt 2s do adj 6s ser R i 15,000. 70 5,"00.80 I 3,. 69 .. do cvt l%s I do inc 6s 1,000..-7872 10,000. 54 22,0.m?.7834 14,1 0 ?. 53% do rt'c- iu,e 1,0 10. 531 -, 2,000.72 35,000. 53% 1.000.71 %! 1 . 53% do 4s 19225 | 20,000. 63% 2.000. 84% 30,. 53' , do 5s C & Lake I, 100. 54 S div Seaboard A T. rfg 2,000. 98% 4s stamped C & Nwn gen 5s ""' 2 10. 72 3,000.100% do adj 5s do Rcn ls 1,000. 52 3.00 '. 82' o Sinclair Oil 7s Chicago Ry 2s 1,000.100 221011.77% So Pacific cvt 5s 8. 77% 144,000.114 l.OOO. 78 29,0 "i.113% C R 1 A P gen 4s 8,000. 1137/i 1.000. 75% 5.000. 114% do ri'Lr is 2,.I .... 1141 , 2, "". 74i ', 132,000.115 Chile Copper 6s 66,000. . 114% 2d poid | 10.000.114 1.0 I0. 93% 2,000.113% do 3d paid ' do evl is .000 . 92' ,? 47.000. 863/ do ? 55.000. 86% 5.1 '. 92%' 350,000 . 87 2.1 ' .92% 15,000. 87% ? '0. 92% 14,000. 87%' 1.000 . 92% 11,000_ 87L4 C C C & St L 4--.S " 12;. 873: 3.000.30' , H l,. 87% . do gen ls '| 17.000. . 87 1. ?'. 72% 65.000. 87% do 4s C W & M ?.. 87 \ div 00. 87% ' '". 70 1)0. 87% Col & Su lst 4s '? lOO. 84 1..). 86% 57, 00..' 87% Col Industrial 5s 10.000 87' , ' L.l 00. 76% 208,000. 87% Col & So 4>2s . 87% 1.000. 79% 17:2.?. S7% : Comp Tab R 6s G I . . 87% 3,000. . . 84 ' ' 10. 87' . : Con Gns cvt 63 200,000.. . 87% -' 00.104 12,.'. 85 "* 5, no.103%' 115.000. 87% '00.103% 37,000. 37' \ ?<?.'03% 1" ?' 10.843^ . l.i'HO.103' j 1,.). ... 85 Del ?? II cvt 5s I ... 88' j 13.000. 93% 132.000. 87% do eqt 41-.9 | 99,000. . 8" ?, 1,000. 97 . 8'fc. Dcn & l: G con 4s 61 000. 87'., 7-r,"0. 73% .87% do rfg 5s 1,000. 85 I 10.5S% 5". 100. 8 .1. 59 ?"'"'. 87 ' Drtroit. U Rya 4 !-s ,2 00 . 86^. L.OOO.>7 25 .... 85 Distillers S C 5s 18.000. 87' , 4.1 00. 92 ' '; ? ?". 87 Erie prior liei 4s I 10.000. tir c, 1.000. 68%, 20.000. 87 " do gen lier. 4s 10. 87% 1.000. 56% 2 100. 87% 1 00. 56' ,, 10,000. 87% 1.000. 667B' 34,000. 88 5,000. 66% 19.000. 85% do cvt ls ser B do rf> !s 3,000. 51 I 5,000. .. 82 15.000. 00% ? 1.000. 81% do cvt I, sit P 20.oon.... 81^2 3.000. 54%; do col !s flud & M rfg 5s '. 757. 62% n.oon. 7534 :p ' '. 62' 4 1.000. 75' , 2.000. 62 ; do San F Terminal 2.000. 62%, 4s : 2.000. 62%' fi.ono. 777^ : do inc 6a ISouthrrn Ry 5b ?11.000. 18 I 1,000. 0434 ni Cent 4a 1958 11 oni.....? 95 5,000....?. 76%j | Intbo-Met 4^8 (Southern Ry 4s 25,000.42% 1.U00...... 685b 20,000...... 421/41 10,000._... 68% 25,000...... 42% 2.000. 69 10.000..-_42%' 8,000.68% 6.000.42% 8.000.68% 9.000.42 I do 4? Mob & O div 13.000.41%! 1,000 .68'-. 25.W0...... 42 .Third Av adi 5s 10,000...... 41% 2,000??.... 40% 2.000.41%! 8,000_41 do ctfs of deposit i 9 000 41 1.000.40 I 7,0i.>0...1.. 42% Indiana Steel 5s 16 000 41 2.000.93% .12.<.'i>0.'"~J 42 9,000. 98 : E 000 . . . 41% Intbo K T rfg 5i i ... 42 13.0 10.74%: 2.0O0.41% 1 00.73% 23,000..._ 41 1, 0.V4 I 9.000_405 = 20.0 '.74%' do rfe 4s t. '00.74 1.000.58%, .73% Texas Co cvt Gs 2 0 0.73' , 4,000. 102' , 3.000. 73%Tol St L & \V 4s ?'?? ?00. 74 1,000. 65% Int Agricultural 5a 'Union Pacifie 6s :.'. 00. 82' o 9,000.103' -> 1,000. 32% do lBt 4s Int M Marine 63 I . 8634 12,000.104' y 1.000.. 86' 2 .104% do cvt 4s .104% 1,000. 883 .104% 1,000. 89 16.000.104 do rfg -Is .104% 1 100 81 5,000.104% Un Rd of S F 4s 1.104 ctfs of deposit 10.000.104%; 5,000. 33% .104% : 00 . 33 1:7,000.104' P\United Ry Inv 5s 47 000.10'.% Pitts issue ^?"',i,.10-! s 1.000.70% .104%: Un Ry of St L 4s 30.1 00.104% 1,000. 50% 1.0 ?'.104 U S Realty & I 5s 10 ' -103' 2 1.76 -?? I 10.103-y V S Rubber 7s .103' , |.I03r<, 1.000.1033 4 |.!C3', 5.01 0.10.;. . do "? 1 . 00.103 % 11,000 .. 89% 15,.1.104 . 2 000 ... 89' . '.... . 69 I '.10; ? 11, 100. 89% .103' 2 1,000. 89% j . }"?.103% .'. 8938 Int Paper lst 5s U S Steel s f 5a 2.000. 98 I '.190' 8 Iowa Central 4s ?>.100 2,000.47 )_[ ,i00'-3 Kwa & M 2d 5s 1 I 100 1.000. ?834, : __ 101 K C Fi S & M 4s 1 100' :? 1.000. 70 | 2,.1.10O Kan City So 5s 3.000.. 100' p 1.. 87' , Utah Power & 1. 5s . 86% 10. S334 2.000. 86%>iVa Mid 5b ser E d" 3s 5,000. 93% 8,000. 69% Virginian Ry 5s Lehirh Valley 6s 0 92 0.102 i ;; 92% 2,000.102%'Wabash ' - L & N unified 4s 2.000 96' 4 3,000. 85' 4.West Electric 5s flo S & N Ala con \ 98 5s 1936 West Maryland 4s 1.000. 96% 1.000. 61' , Midvale Steel 5s | Wilson & Co 6s 4,l . 89' , . 997;. ' Minn & St L rfg 5s do cvt 5,0 '. !0' . i. ..... 997 M K & T 2d Is i.100 ctfs of deposit | ,000. 997n ... 36 ?. 993 . Mo Pac 5s 1926 I .), ... 100' j LOO '. 92 | . 9;v4 do 6s :.--::, 2 00.10--. . j 1,000.87'. I.000......100 do tten 4s ?:. 100% ' 1.000.62% 24.1 ?'>?-<. 99% . 62% .100 v.. C2% n ? ".100'% N Orl T & Mex 6s 00.100 1,000. 95 ; ,000 .10034 do 5s I Wisconsin C 4a 000. 55 | l.77 NTote The Tribune asBUmes no responsi bility for tho accuracy or authenticity of curb market quotations. Transactions and rriccs yesterday were reported as follows: Industrials Shares. Open. High. L - I ' '-'?:;; Explos. 11 11% 10 900 *Amer Ch P C 1 1% 1 " 1 4000 "Ang-Am C Cp "8 19/a 18 19% 200 Lir-A T Co co'p 23 23 '22 22 LOO do reg. 22 22 22 22 ?". do -..-. 5% 5% 5% 5' 1<. *Chalmers Mot. 12% 13 '. 7"" *Cla b & An F 8 8 7 8 600 *Consol C z:ir. 63 63 62 62 2!.?Contin Candy. 8% 8% 8 8% 835 *C . .139 139 130 136 Endicott Johns. 77 82 76 82 57 '0 "Farreli Coal. . 57 58% 5"" 53' '. 5000 *Gen Asphalt.. 76% 77 75 *do pf.114 114 11-% 10 0 Grai e-Ola . . . <4 1!"" do pf .. V% 1# 100 *Hav Tobac pf 4 4 44" -.' "Haydan Chem. 8% 8'4 7?a 8 5000 Kupp Mol ' ar. 93 ? 10 -' T of (. i .-. I 11 4 intercon Rub . 11 ? 31 0 ?Jones Ur Tea. 25 ' b McN & L 32 r.:mn Loco. ... 53 3i 0 Marc< ni oi Am 5 ? Mar P Cp v , 0"' , Vn <*.- Ch 38 N'at I ... ,- I - fat Firepf pf 20 . sws Pr't Rec. 11% 15 ? N i Vm P & P. 5% l ' N M .. '. I. 4% N V Sav T Co 56 300 N V Sbip'njr. . 46 p 65 Perfei 'I & R li 0 Ph ip ' Rei i Typew .-. 75 anta d b Su : ?? ' : tan Gas ,;? F.l 37'-, . m B' -.- - ?? 17% 200 *Swift Internat 60 100 *1 rnion Carbide 70 10000 United Prof Sh 2-V OU S Steamshi] 200 *Warren Bros. 49% ?:- ' Wayne Coal .. 334 5000 *Wr-M Aircraft 6 Standard Oil Sales. Open. High Low. 1 . 5 *Praine Pipe L ? - 305 302 30 *Stan Oil (Cal) ? 280 278 280 4*< *Stan OU (N J) ? 751 750 751 40 *Vacuum Oil.. ? 450 445 44; Other Oil Stocks Sales Open. Higl ' ' Oil . .. 3% 4 3% -, ?Alliance O & R 5% 6 , 5% 6 , Vma Ba Roy. ' - :, : r. 7000 *tAm Vent Oil 9 10 9 10 ' *Barnett O & G 2100 -]? ione Oil .. 13% 13''2 12 18.1 "tBost-Wyo 'J:! 62 63 " 61 C2 ' an-Am O & G 1% 1 ? -? ier B T sh 39' 8 39 I 2? InOoi ?. ? , thPetwl 57 '?':". .14 "' :'-':' r' ??' 1 ... ; ' " 12 ? -' Oil .. 1% 1 li 00 'i: ford Oil .. 1 < - ' 7""" ?!:::: Ba in Pet 10% 11% ' " ! ?' " I ( 0 . . . 8 , H' . ' '?? -a Oil 20" Z ~ 18 50 1200 ?Glenrocli Oil. . 7% 7'A 7U 73 5700 ? GuifportO&R 33 " 33 *" 30 ' : ' *Gum Cove Oil.123 123 123 1 '? I -'. *+Hercules Oil. 55 55 50 53 H, - Pet Cl A 10% : 103,! 2 . ?+High Grav Oil 0' 21 21 21 35000 *Hme O Rf, w.i 38 39 '8 '-'8' , ? ? Oil. .128 130 125 125 2000 *H'ston Oi! rts. 41 , 5 4' , 41 , ?- Oil .. 2 2% 2 2' : 200*Int Petroleum . 31 31 30 ' &. Tr.. P% 8% 8 "* 8 H ? ' ? *Kj Oi & Ref. 24 24' 2 24 24% L00' K., Petroh irn, 47a 4% 4^i 4% .. ' Ro ' ? ?] -. ' .-:- ton Oi! - . 1% 1% - ; : ' '? *La Oil 4- Rf . 41 " 41' ,40 40' , : Merrill Oil Cpi 31 3' " 301 - 30% "?? 3% 3% 3% 33/4 Pai . O 11% 11% 1114 11% -. *+Mid S Oi! Cp 1% 1% -?: '?% :. 'Midwesl Ref .189 1S9 187 188', ' M west Tex O 1% 1% 1% - . 20(i - *;,!,. - on P of M 4' , 4% 4: 4 j'-' GOO'National Oil .. 578 5% 5% 51? 4500*tN'wes1 Oil . 65 65 65 "* 65 ' Ohio Ranger . 1% 1% 1% -;5_ I ' ' '" . fi Tex Oil 5% 5' . 5' ?, -v , Omar Oil & G. 55 ' 58 ' 55 57 ' ? Orient Oi! &. (.1 S 6 534 53. "> N'O .;.::.- 1% 134 1% ii? 1. ?Pcnnok Oil .. 16', 16% 16% 16', 3300 'Pittsburg-Tex. 9 9 8 ? 9 ~ 9600 ?tQueen Oil . . 14 14 13 14 ; ' *Rangeburnet 0 1% 1% 1 v ? (500'Ranger Gulf.. 21% 23% 21", 23', ? ' 'Rang-H O (ap) ' 2 A. \t 60 0 ?Ranger Oil .. 1% 1'4 x a t . 5O00 *Rickard Tex Co 22 23', 21 21 '"? ?Rock Oil (ap) . 34 ,i4 r/ li " ? Ryam Pet . . 6% 6' 8 5'H l *Salt Cr Prod. 554 55J4 55 55' ?Sapulpa O & R 8^4 9 gr4 8 4200 Sequoyah 0 & R ? 34 i. 1500'tSholmn Oil w i 47 49 46% 47 5000 *Sinclair Gulf. 60% 62% 60 4 62 Southwest Oil. 62 55 52 55 2100 ?Swn Prod ^,- R. 6 6 5% 6 6T00 *Stantcm OU .. 1% 1% 1% w. 2200 '.StorlinK O & R 20 20'.T 20 20'-I 1100 'Texas Nut Pet 1 1 1 1 4000 ?Tcx-IUng P&R 4% 4''i 4% 4% j ?4 '4 Sates. Open. High. Low. Last. 8100 ?+Texana O & R 55 57 52 52 3000 "tTex Prod & R 8% 8% 8% 8% ISOOO'Texon Oil & L % % >; i* Tex-York Prod 1% 13, 1% l6jf 1500 "Tri-State O&R 2% 2 ?> 2' , 2' , 9 ' "Tyopa Oil ... 2 2 " 1% 1 % 11 0 Tic Oil new. .3333 5500 ?Virkj Tex O&G 1 % -. {, 1 . ?W St 0&L(nw) 8% 8 8% 8% 1 " *West Va Pet. 3* g 3* ,* 7000 ?"Y" Oi! & Gas ?a 1 % 1 Minins: Stocks Shares. Open. H Kh. Lm 1500" VM&M (a p). 27 28 27 28 . -Br Col Mct. 1% IA 1 k aska M . V , & C (a p) % 1 "".- 1 1700?tAUied Gold.. 1% 1% 1% 1% 14 I?A H M C w i. 1% 1% 1% v* 900 ?Amer Mines.. -% % a. 3* 1500?tAri? Butte... 65 71 65 70 ' ? *: Iriz Silver.. % % % %' 1000 ?+A lanta . 4% 4% 41 , 4% v [ ' ^ ? ' & R. 1 4 1% 1% 1% Bis (. op ,a j.) . , % 1 , X . 10 10 10 " 10 & Monl . 76 76 1. 74 - ? ? Caledonia ... 38 38 38 38 ?Cal ,v- Jerome ?'? 2, v anada Copper. 2 2 1 15 Candel Silver 1 .'., 1% 1 1500 -Caehb ,y . 9y. 9% 9 , S M & M 5 5 6 5 ins Cop Minea 5% 5% 5% 5% ???? t n Gold. 4% 4 l 4 ' . ', Cr'n ( 1 G. 34 35 33 34 ?? ' *? ;\\ .1 ? I ,21 22 2' 6 16 16 16 5ab r. 41 , 4% 4' , 4'i 2 2 2 " " v.. 7% 7% 7 * 22 ren ? Silv 79 80 " 79 ' 8,) 10 ?tFortu] . Con. 75 80 75 80 Gate . 3% 3% 3% 334 .! Con 19 22 10 " go Go d mi Div 80 87 84 85 ..-. .'-i .>. Son l% 1A Pi 1 \ Di\ 15 22 12 12 ' ! -i-' ? 1> 19 11 17 19 HattieGM(ap) 40 4o h0 45 iwi Sound > tc 4 '4 -; 4 4' , 4% S * ???". Butler . 27 37 37 * 37 " 13 13 * ? k Divide. 17 19 17 is ellD(ap) 16 16 15 1D na Con. % -t % .% ? 67 70 ' 67 69 " I '?''' -'?" % % 1 32. ? . M 31 31 28 28 MacNam Min ' ? : 1 ?-Marsh Min.. 8 8 8 8 3 3 8 3 3"4 62 60 61 150.1 *tMecca D (ap) 25 25 25 25 45 45 4-5 N it Tin ..... 4% 4% 4 4 ' N.'v Div (ap) 14 14 12 14 4.) 40 Nixon Nevada 24 30 24 28 12' 1 12 .1 11 % 12 1 >n< ndatta M n 3 2 , 3 3% 6; ? * . Potl Canyon l% 1% ; 2'8 2% 22 22 ivide. 19 eneci 24% 25 24% J M. I% 15 mo ?? . 2S 2" 27 ~ 2." . Kg of \r. 1 '. , mon Sil & L 6 6% 4% 4' , ? .,),: Silv-Ld.. , % ; -; erld Div. 23 23 22 23 ... 29 30 20 30 h Bel . I ' 2 ? ah Div.. 9' a 9' 8 : ' ' 1" t< n. 2 : ? ? ' . 25 * ' :? S Cont M . 14< ity (1 M Co. 7% 7% :- ' , Wi h G Q2-. 72 71 72 End Con 2^, 2 2 2 . ? 10 ? West Tree M. - ? <a .-. \ 2700 *\\.: on Sil M 1% 1% 1 1% Bonds Sales (000 omitted). Open. Hicb ! $1 *Am Tel & T 6s.. .100 , 1 -. la 61 . ,r-< ' ? ? *Beth 22 ?N Y Tel C 54 66 G0 "'lo 6%a . 64 64 t>4 64 *: - listed. tSell c? ? <.:c. Bid and Asked Prices for Oil Stocks Standard Oil Asfcerl. . Ar- Oil Co :.*.!. ;-> : ning Co .I Ho |4|(l l'i '. l'i 102 I 01 !?l io ' ' ' ' ? ?< 3:? 1 ?? ? 1 . ? . .,, >i<t II. . 1 ? 1 I ?7 .... 1"", iin hi ;.11 :c . 1 ? ' ii> ? " .... 111! .I .... 11 : : ... 1 l'i 789 os . ...... 11.4 1; : ? ? nd- O .... ."(ii -;?l . '. ' 'l K'Jt . . noo <; 1. Mi.?M ? II ii'. . 11VH 12 . 11% 11 Vj . ' "> 1 ;" . ' 1 "? ' ? . i"1' . ' V ?. I8? . '? ?' ' X" 1 DIVIDEND NOTK E8 Liggeft & fVfyers Tobacco Cq? I The Barrett Company (N. J.) American Te'epnor.e & Tclegraph Ca. Tliirl < ? llat^nP '? ' oirici ? ?? : ?? ? he 1 .>::-'.? ' ' I : FINANCIAL MEETINGS NOTICE OF \N\|\I. \|| f !l\(. ni' H. S, I.. \<.i;n I I ! 1 U '. ! ( <?.. . ' I I t he re po h ? 1 wa. . . : ' ? NOTICE OF \NM \\ MEKTINii 1 l'i. \/\ IIOTF.L t'OMiMXi OF l:\\ '. ?? \ ? ol ? ? - I 1 reporl "i her tiu- li propoi . ' Datad Muj . .. i tltcreia.rr.