Newspaper Page Text
Buyers Arrived ,-ers are invited to register in this coiumn by tclephonlng Beekman 8243 between 10 a. m. an<?. 10 p. m. Jfoman's Wear and Millinery rjiAXY- s Si rborg, millinery; 62 .-\\NDKtA Va Joben. M1SI JtHe V. Whc. .it?ANDl ' ;x Bendheim Sons; .iSooben. Misi Jule V. Whel in and '*%% fjydemai: women a and children a . 2. ir hoaiery, women's neckwear, '?;, ??. !?:..?' Roaa .v Flanagan, 277 Eji Avenue. (Four days, June 3 to 6. iHS I ? tfS- > \ enberg, irina aPP*1-' ' ! onn* Ivanla. ???rtna oaLTIMORE?Bernhelmer Bros.; jo jlln underwear, cotton and Bill JJKV S. solomon, 470 Fourth Avenue. Je* Xiy.i-iRE- D Mlllor & Co.; Mr. ? .' "_-.'. . ar; Pennaylvanta. balTIMi RE -S Cohen .^ Sons; S. Co ???',"? ? vi les and W?Jj j Pennaylvania. MMDGE1 2.' D. M. Read Co: F. D. -Bon-w'- cloaaa. suits, turs, akirta and iiSu: Corara or??yALO?H Oppenhelmcr, i!"aki>, ..^- ' !*:?.'." ???:'.?. MIFFALI ? s- Adam X Co.; Miss ",,' ,. In und --'.>? ir and a wa; - v ' ' '' nth Slreet emC\.Q? R ischlld a C Miss Grtf ..,,.'.- - ' -" ? ' vera ? .,,.,.. v,;.v i - R aenberg, s ., and l.V." ? i its 1182 Broadway, room i 3. rTNCINNATI?McAlpin Co.; M. A. *-..".. raets and mualin .22%:;: u -?? East Twenty SSh Street Seville * 1 ? -Taft Co : M -' - . IV Hil 1 ar W. M \ - [,'l'.'. ,.,, f- ? | -, ? . rus ' ' - v alsts ?i-a R*yn ?' ' .'" W" "' ' ; I ? ".rg iLl'MBC ? Ben- ? '.'.' *',','. 7- ? Kumler Co.; Miss ? Schumacl ' underw< ar and Jereets; -- - %"? room 826. DETRI ?'..-?. Mrs. P. . ' " .. Fantl, 120 "Weat iti er-; ? nRT-R, - ?;? i rowley -MUnei T' irence WoodTbraaslerea; A Fantl, 120 Weat Thlr '"'nPTROIT? Irowley-Mllner: Mrs. E. WaSN'a^'" A fantl, 120 West Thlrty ??rnnd Strei HARRISBL'RG. r?nn.?Wltmer, Balr & WIUCM" I' B Wltmer, women's, mlsses' wdenlldri n's i - " ents; : 133 Broad "eDNTTOJGT >N v.2 Va.?Peardort-Slsler rn ? 'e B. Slsler, ready t- wear, Bllk hWon?; Peck & c .. 43 West Thtrty fnurth Sffeet SSsAS :- v Mc -KUne Cloak & Suil ,.. ' |fij v ..-? .... : petti ? j |i ?? ' ' ?? LiWRE. D. Go! lberg & ? \ ? nd women P*Lons^. :....'?: - r ? ? ~ ?' ' ?? ? ??>??? '? suit Cp Joseph ? ireei -:' to wear; Brown 5- Macr io. I 270 Broadway. M>UISVII. E K: -H. P. S. Iman; M. Osbarne ivaists i Iman, 1261 ?roadwai MEMP!' IS ~ ?. : ' 1 ' ' '?'" | . .. - ? BI ;k S ? ? ? r, 1150 Bro UILWAUKEE ,>'- " ' ' "'"' Balt Co . ? Bil ..? r, loaks and su ? erlvan's ,,. _. .NASHVILLE, Tet n V Tlnaley, i r.-i r good NEV.' ? ??: E '2. 3 A B Vrgus, v men - w?ar: P--' NEW ORLEANS?Krauss <"*o . Ltd MaJ M?v?r. dn '?" ' 11' underwear, w .'-. |r aweaters, Krauss i Uonar :-' tIBfl Ol ".:-: '-"'?' Kn eget Bt ?:?? Ireeger, readj to w< a.r; Van B i B jJORFi erg Bros.; Mr. tu ;, . i of sil ?' georgel .;:.. 1170 B OUAHA Byrnt & Ban ' I J ? ??< Co \. E Mal ' ??? 1 Hammer. i PHILADELPHIA :. [irsct ''? li-i Di i . basen n: di - - - Mi n - . ges; L. W. Iln S7 West PHIL. '? r;'" ''","' "''" 2. I I Broadway and </? 1 .222 'ELP1 '? 1 ' ' ' lllnery; Pi RC Rosenl um Co '?''?=? v Qraitanfi . Fantl 12 West | - ? | f T... r PITTSBt-'R !H?Steart; Miss M. M. Ash iu::s. li Es - street, rc 1814 PITTSBURGH " Creerj & Co.; R Ciark. : - ' -" Knott, .. East Tw?ntv-?iT'.h - PITTSBUB Win? ters, ilr^ss skltti Fantl,, 120 West Thtrtj -secoi PITTSBTJB ?? ' ? -V .1 Tr uti, dresM i 120 v - -?. ~ M ?V.:<> - ? : ? :?'? 3. A C. Bailey. i li Pourtb A PROVIDBNCB ? III itlet Co.; M. laaat?. 120 W- f: Th:.-:'. second ?-T JOSB1 H, :? ? knlt goods; Rlchardi Dr Co., -1 2- - . -'":.' . ? - ?>; Breatln ST 2. CTS?I .:? ' .-' ' ? ' . Miss 0 E ?>-. ? - Iressea; 37 '?'? ' - ? BT. PAU1 MI: wmein l H. C. Ljior.5. TEP.F.-; ' - fThe .,.-? , n Issea' act children a v. ? .- m 'B?r,s; 1 TERRE -: ? " l ? ; ? Co H , ? ?far. W- ; r.v- ??--. - TRBX1 . r .:--?. y. :.r-,-. ,,. ,. ... .. Li . a Hyi?- M -. Iren'a read to wear. ho ?.?.?'..? |?-'*2. et i & Flanagan, 27 - t? : K. V.. 8< u| :. 20 Plfl ? Arenije. WaHF:- y- '. ? c.- " lwar 1 & La Uurop Mi? .. -. ? ,,,.;. rf- r~"'. Miss E Harl ? w< ar; ? - i Pa - :? ?' Pry. -''.'?'""??' .- . . . *ILM . ? ; nard & C Uali . Uon a. ] , '""!' lo wear, h< aU ry. women a neckwear, By* ' ' ;.---.!.. ? :r A- ?? WORCES . . Maaa I H. Mnrxe. Co ; f1" E .. 2.>, h;.' ??i?" C. : re I0P.K, Pa.- her 1 ? iry Co i* F'.-.'. - ??????". ri rJ;0h;-; Loula gwa, it;,? Ju ? p Whelan and :> oy4*n-.a-, r.- ready r,.W*?" '"'?:? n< kwear, gS* *' Hart, Rosa & Flanagan, 2" Men's Vi car ATT.A::.' Ga Pox'a I .. II ? ? P f: ' 7 * ? oth g ;. . furni hlna A. \V. -?' Mi Men ','.*.''.' ' ? ?? J-?i'-A,', ;; a m fjoidman; H. Gold ? gooda and hata; - ' ? J. M. ?i?''2" ' ?'??_ Bro . . .. H^}}, ?'? ? 'Jxtord 1 ? ? % ' >.:. ' ? : clothing Cl'p. ,,, ?,',,,;- ? ' Lotila Bpecht, men'a , Mi,A;y':' ;faml?-l Ha' Co ; Mr - * ,"" '?'--? 1 Epateln /.- B ma; H. ti-.. ' ????? y ? ???? - ? irlr/" iai*-? . ?-- Co.; B. A ? and fui - ' ? ? , ' ' l.l ???.:;? C... '.,' Koott, 2 ; " ' ??-.:.:?.? . I. ?' ?:. :-. . , . . .. . ??4a? ,' ' ; l i[Z*B i ifroan Bae? A - ? **aWt, ' '*^ " '? ?' - trou??ra J. O ;' ftiilkJ,**1 * ? ???" "lothlnit; M. C ?m ar,,', ? ?;: > an i h'.?:ety %.'v.'-'' '/- Llpman Wolfe; r '?*..*.. '" . ;? ? I .m-ry, ??*>, ." fi .??., fc?M ,,,.' ? ar 123 I--.... . 1' ?a* V' ' " ;' '?' ' ' ?" -'v":: ** 41 '. ' ? ?"???-. '..? ? ? nbaurn WUj.i, " "' ;' " ?rv'2, 11 ;; R.m ***fwr'?, ,! ''? '"'? n?f"" ' othlng %" : "? *. i. ,: , '" " . ? ? ??-?/ L< V/i.r, ' """" ' '' '?'" ' I ' ' **? ??uu^'"a* '"**'? '**? fc'4,1 cli2' Pieee Goods ALl.BNTOWN. Penn.?A. Frankenflcld, g ioda, Pennss Ivanla. AKRON, O.? M. O'Nlel; J. D. Marttns, domostics, white gooda; Sostraan, 37 West Twcnty-slxth Street. AUR IRA, il: -d W. Eado & Co : <",. W Eade, mfra. ladles' wrappers, dreaslng house ;,rui streei dresses, under \- 200 Fifth Avenue; Breslln. BAL riMl iRE M. Freudentl il Co.; M, ?nthal, tatlors' trimminga; Mar tinique. !i USB, Towa?C. C. Anderson, drygoods; Pennsj .-? ii,..i BOSTON?Gllchrlsfs; Mr. Downes, sllka ai Iresa goods: 2 I Fifl h Avenue. AGO?John v, Farwell Co : H. H A::::;;.u. dry gooda; John v. Farwell, 43 Leonard Street. CHICAGO?Sears Roebuck Co ; Mr Tar r:s!-.. dress goods and ailks; .Mr. Dawson llnens; Mi K icera, dress eottona; Mr Dyei \> h ?? gooda: ; I r, Fifth Avei ue '';.K\ ELAXD Hirsch Company Miss E Cohen, wash dreases, P. lllrsch wasri ? ? '?'? :<I" ? S Solomon, 470 Fourth A vonui CLE .I-:: AXD ? PIxi h Cll v Merchant ' >?; II. Kai lan, t dlors Com . ' MBl S .. - Mon h. use Marttns i . : Paul Springer, dry gooGs; M irehi use Martlns ? v. est Thlrty-se :on i Sti p( DANBURT, Conn.?McLean Brothers; air, McLean, drygoods; Commodore. - ) '? ?' Rike, Kumler Company; " Rlke, sllka and dresa gooda Ponnayl van la DALLAS?B. Arnoff, piece gooda; Pcnn s HARRISBURO, Penn?Shearer Co.; Mr Sni'ai ? ? mfrs, Bkirts Penns' Ivania. UOLYi 'KE Mass ? \V V\ akelin, dry g| Pennsylvania. KAXSAS CITV, Mo -Smlth McCord ' : " Gooda Co.; W, D Klrtwel! d' ?.??-:.. 9 Ro ?? .-. M Brlde, 72 Leonard .... I.''S ANGELES !' Garner dry goods; : L< '.- ANGELES :.;? i lomas Dry Goods Co., F I: McCoi las, dry goods; S i! Roseberry, : ? e gooda, notiona Rtce & S ? : rth Streei LOS ANGELES -Los Angeles Notlon r ' . S C Rosi nb' rg, whito .. lods, ribbona, . . . . 2SR Churcl Stn el . il h:m :. : MARION, N. C?Cross Cotton Mills: Mr 'rosa, r presentatU . Marlborough. NEW ORLEAN'S?M. ',-... u - ? le e goo Is A b( : deen OMAHA, Neb.?Byrne & Hammer Co.; T c Byrne, ginghams, plece goods; Byrne & Hammer, 4': Leonard Street PHILADELPHIA?Jacoby Brothers; Mr Jacoby drygoods; Pennsylvar . PITTSBURGH?Kaufman. Ha?r A Co.; Mra '?: Roaenthal, jobs ailks, wash goods ?"? ' ' basei ent), 404 Fourth Avenui ROCHESTER?Duffy Powers Cc . W. B lomesties and lin ??. H :. Bai ka "" -'? S - :' url b Avi - nu< ' laay & i lurr T Ranli, wasli and silk dn 3sea S Si ion. 47 Fi url h V-. enue. SI'RINGFIELD Mi Keet & Roun 1 ? Is Co J. H Rountree, do " ? '' ? Rool & .'.'. Bri le, .'_ Li onard Strepl SYRACCSE I Glbl In C . Mr Glbbin, ''?'?'. ? essi a :. nd pip. i goods Gibbin v ".. - ,, Street. Leather, Fancy Goods, Jewelrv .ON- 3. Kann Sons & Co.; Miss N. Fowler, jewe :-? leathi - goods; -i ? I nue, 13 th fi Furs EF PAM N v -Holzhi Imer ft ?: Shaul and I Sh ml, furs . - I: Ki adway Her & ; G. F John fui ? e Tra line i 230 Fifth A .'-. ? 9 / -;-...;_ Broa : ii ; East Tw ? nty - .... ? '. ?? ' ? Co.; J Kaplan ' ?" '?'?': -slxi b Si r el. 71 l DET] baum &? Co ; Mr. Birn . - ry C M Mun - '? ? ii ' ? :. . . East T* ?????? i xth Street IVolions, Toilet Goods, Druss BAI TIM RE i- nkenbprg & Levin son .1 ' : ? ns, h ?' ?rv md i ?. Flerald t uare l.'INCI.N.NAI ;. " ? - ? fancy ? Madls rr.NCl '. ?' '.. Newberger Co : M. ' Newberg Irug Pryg Is Co.; R c i and embroid rlea. .'!i Wonh Street ? . I Rik". Kumler Co.-, Miss M Mit.-. -. . . . lerles; 225 Flft h ? us, MitchpR, A ... Lions; Wo ? ; h M sa Sul ...:.. ? . Ptn " ? ?? Uslng Cor ; .- Fifth Avi ; \v - -.-??- << . ' V '?-- . ; -. m ?:.;?? i Metz, hand " ??? : fi - - . .. - : urtl : Kann Sons .-. Co : T. F. Finnti tlon lea i -. ? ? ? toilet good 132 Fourth Avi nue, :'. - House Furnisliings, Floor Cov? erings, Furniture, Drapery ' I :. ? ,: B Hauf ea rpets, up , furi . ? ? ? ? Park Ave . . . NTA ' ' Rob nsoi I uraiture , ? f \V J M;' ?-]?: ? ?? ,;, p| |fl rUg9 -."?-. ? Imperial. P-i ': ; Mr. -.' Iliam T. Knott, - ilchrisfi Mr. Campbell, noleumi . Fifth A venue. BCFFALi ? Larkli ap Co. . '<? W. furnitur. , Penn^yl ? vai la CHICAOO?Marrtiall Field Co.; r;~r,Tf.-? '?'? 1. wn. i :..:. ^ C. B. Nash hina; 1107 BroadT ? ;?? . . Merrup, furni? ture .-.:. : ! o :???? turi rg u Murra y H ? iR iEANS Kiauss C . Ltd.: Ma: Isaa aoi .. -; ? ? .. mattlnga cu ? ? ' . i. ' ??? :.- ? ' ' . 1 !.??? n LAXD Me Li] ? Wolfe & Co ?T Str -..? ...-;. -. -? and drapertes 1125 Br ? - ....... '? 'RTL '.:?." i ' ire Llpman, Wolfo * - ea Strain, i uga, ui bolstci . . 1123 ? - Ri iCHESTER Ribb j ' n laay ?-. lurr ' ' ' '.' ?? upholstsry i.Is; A. : I Fourth Avenue ROCHESTER i .... ? .... ,. .... r. uphol ? : ';-:?.;; SAN FRANCJ ' .- R v. . & , ,, and glasaware; 15 East ..... ST LOUIS Rice-Htix . i . Goods Co.; Cralg .-.. ? hao llsi managor for ' S .'."?? i ? ? . n.mbi olderiea handkoi - and lii nr 377 Uroad ',<. , , TRO-S g v s Quackenbuan & ' ' ' ? w, Haj ur holsti ry , Commodore _ WILKEB. BA RRE, !'? nn Mai Wllliama; ''? E Brown, carputs; Pennsyivanla. Shoes CtN'CIN.VATI?S, \V1?p. mfr. ?hn?s .'' ? ? H RXELL, N V E] --. ln & Sims; lf n clothing, furntahlng gooda ai d ? I ? n . ? ' I Rol hachlld Broa ; A .1 I i '?'? . Twmits tl - I Street; - ., ? .. . Baer ? Fullor; Mr H <? Him .;.-:.. ahoes; A. Fantl, 120 West ' ... J -.'1 81 !-? ? : General Merrhandise ALLE ?' Penn M Kauffman, i-'-r.-'ii n - han '.-?? Pennaylvanla Marks, general morchan dlti' ; Peni BI nn II. Qodaey, general .... ...i- l ... ndera 'a- ' ? .1. Joscph, general mer ch&ndi ;.--.. nla ?'II D, Stetn, general mer ? ? ... A pln Co ; M Muellor r?| ? ? Wn T Knott, 23 Eaal ? ? ? '.'? :il * A>tph; N. general rnerchandlse: Brlstol. DBI'KAI :. IIOUBN France C. A. , ? . merchandiae; Pennayl ?/.>-. :? HA RI ; ? .1 '. i onn : age-Allen Co. . i: ' ? r<rpreaentlng Dry Oooda Alllanca; ii,; i . urtl )' .' - i ?K, ?'. . . ?;?: >? Munn Co : T, Z ' ;ll . drygoods; 1160 Broadway; Col ? ? .'/. ::>. TOWN Ohio M Wolfe, gennral if.' " h?i nd ? , i-i i n flva nla :.i;.". J..NON, Ind Adli ' A Co M. a<i gooda, carpeta eloaka und aulta; i umhi rland LINCOLN '.'. b Oold * Co N Oold, ? ? '.-?...!??!.?, hoaiery undei w< ?< ??'. ? ?..?;; u furnUI ?. :,. ? ,, 1 m.i,. 11, I. Htrt/n, 17 E*?t Twenty aecond Streei ? .' ' i. Bullod Herbert . . ,,. A :?< nil? !?'>?? ' ' .' ' . .,'HIMK CO,, . ,..,, i reoldent' ui,0 ifi.- ral niunagei . Imp< rlal. IdjCMl'HlH?iJ, Ciroaa. (inuw fxi?rcb*Ur MEMPIIIR, Tenn?Rry-Blork Mero. Co.; >T. D, Block, drygoods; 1150 Broadway, 17th floor. NEW BEDFORD, Maes.?New Redford Dry Gooda Co.; P. T. Foy, representlng; Dry Gooda Alllanoe, 40 4 Fourth Avenue. NORRISTOWN, Penn.?Hydeman's De partment Store. M, Hydeman, drygoods, furnlshlng goods and ready to wear; Penn s>'. vania PEORIA, 111.?S. Steinberger, general merchandiae; Broadway Central. PHILADELPHIA ? li. Loeb, general mer ohandlse; Pennsylvania. PORTLAND, Ore. ? Port.eous-Mitchell F.raun Co.; Miss W. S. Coyne, representin-g; Hotel Wolcott; 432 Fourth Avenue, fifth floor. RICHMOND, Va? R. Rothschlld, gen eral merchandise; Pennsylvania. SAN FRANCISCO?Max Levy; Max Eovy, general merchandise; Fred Bauer; 15 East Twenty-aixth Street. SHAMOKIN, Penn. ? llurd &-. Rogers Company, Beehlvo Department Store; W. S Haupt, ready to wear, toys, house fur nlshing goods: Walllck. SPR1NGFIBLD, Mass.?M. Hayman, gen? eral nu rchandise; Grand. TUSCALOOSA, Ala.?The Rosenau Com ? ? Roaenau, drygoods, clothing, carpets, ahoes; Pennsylvania. WORCESTER, Maaa.?J. C. Maernnes Co.; F. E, Donoghue, repreaenting; Prince Georgo; 432 Fourth Avenue, fifth floor. -Miseelianeous AKRON, Ohio?I. Blrmbaum. general llnp; Pennsylvania. ATLANTA, Ga.?-Poughertv, Little. Red wlne Co E Redwlne, notlons, etc; Aber deen BALTIMORE?A Schwartmen, general Une Pennsylvania. BALTIMORE?P. Freedman, gror.rles. et Broadw ay Central. BALTIMORE, Md. ? Hochschlld-Kohn & ' ... ; E. T. Thleli bo; - clothing; 220 !':? 'i Avenue, room 1411. BRIDGEPORT, Contr.? Howlands; H P. Johnson boya clothing; 1 iry Go ids Alli an ? 404 Fourth A venue, BUFFALO Jordan Mnrsh Co.; Miss Mc Carthy, walsts; Mr. Keough, men'a eloth ,% '' Mr. Hurtlbuse, women's ?-jns; Miss Ivnight, mlsaes' cloaka and suits Mr Wentworth, statlonery and leather gooda Mr. Bur.. ..;?:, coats, skirta, etc; .Mr Walsh linlngs and wash gooda; Mr. Kemball, women a eostumes; Mi | 'ul ? ?? . fui Snyder, stal i mery; Mr. Wattera stal m ery; Miss Keefe, misses" cloaks and suits; Mr. Burns, missea' house dressea- Mr Averill, lamps; Mr. Tr1b>, underwear; Mr. Anderson, iii?n's furnlshings; Mr. Titus, optical P'.ods; 4:',2 Fourth Avenue CHICAGO?J. Kraus, gla'Ssware. etc; Commodore. DES MOINES?L. DeWitt, general line; Breslln. EASTON, Penn.? L. Grollman, clothing l ? '?? :??? I line . Aherdeen. ERIE, Penn.- Brb Do Goods Co vlc Penns vanla FALL RfVER, Mass - R A M. Whlrr ' u . Miss A Fltzpatrick, hnalerv and un derwear; Dry Gooda Alliance; 404 Fourth Averrue HARTFORD, Conn.- Sage-Allen Cn C. S. Cleasby, boys' clothing; Broztelt; Dry Goods 404 Fourth Avenue JOHNSTOWN, Penn.?J Thomas & Sons Mr. I'homas, general department store ".? ri handisi Pi nns' Ivania. LANCASTER Penn .J Burbank, gen ' ?: i no ; Brci MARK IN. X. C ?Xeal Co . Mr. Neal varletj m r handise; Marlborough NASHVILLE?L. Dlamond &? Co ; L DI mond, notiona; Breslln. MEMPHIS, Tenn?A. Schwartz Com? pany; A. Schwartz, drygoods, notiona et> Pennsvlvanla. PETERSBURG, Va ? S Mansha Co.; S M --i i, drygoods, notlons, milllnery; Penn ry :? anla PITTSBURGH -F. Andursky. general lii Pennsv Ivania I ITTSBURGH? Mcl Jreery K- Co.; E M noque, i.. - ery and gloves; Wm. T. Ki ?? 23 East Twenty-slxth Street. RICHMOND, Vh C. 1 Sauer Com Pan; . C F Sauer. jr., manufacturers fla - ' ?'?'-?, Flandera. I ESTER, N. Y - .1 T Sage Con - pan: T Sage, hardware: Commodore. ' " HES rER, N. V - Slbley. Llndsav ^ ' '"" Ci . T. i :. Pfeffi v. \ l, trol is; Penn ... . R< ii IHESTER, N V -Sibley, Lindsay * 1 irr; S Austin, toys, trunks, sporting R .-. i ioks, si,.: ionery, jewelrj . lea I i er '? la. notiona, to el t: ? ds. arl needle woi ... A. Waldo 432 Fourth Avenue. t ?- i PAI :.. v. Is - Manhelmer & Bros. , M h I ??; Ilcr, Infanta w ir and under v FI ';-?, 200 Fifth Avenue Ol EDO ''|-.i-i.vuii Store Company; v- 1 e. h ery; Wm. T. Knott, 23 East Tv - h SI roi I : rON. le ' ?.?Woodward & '??'?'"' ' M Johnaon, hosiery and knit underw ? ar; . :'. i Fourl h A -. enue WI.N'STON SALEM, N C. -H. Sllver berg, drygoods and general merchandiae; Hei ald S luars YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio?Goodwln & Son; Mr Gi dwln, groceries; W lodward. ALP.AXV, June 2.?Charters to in corporate granted to-day by the Sec? retary of state included the follow? ing: Lorralna Undersllk Company, ln- . $50, Mai hatti i . manufa itun ladh s' un? derwear; tsador Shaplro I;. F. Si hwa rtz ?lai ob Rubln, 239 Bi iadway, New York i ?;?;, SI?'??- i lompany, i nt . $50,0 I; Manhattan;; manufacture shoes, hats, ha ? rda sl ery, etc; M a s Ma rcui Herma ii Trlebltz, J ulius K a uder ? 1277 Pri sident Sti . Bi ook lyn. ''?'"? Bi Iford Woollen Company, Inc, ? ? Ma nha ttan; agi nta for woollena ' ;- ' ' ' Bogart, V aldron Bi rsdoi :' V\ B ii ? . :? . Fn . port, 1. I SaoiueV VVelngarten A- Co., Inc, $50,000 Manhattan; fur buainess; San Weingar '? '. ?' VVi Ingarten, Maj me 1 lelbel Mas peth, L, ' Chas. ,i Hirsch & Ci . Inc . $50 <""'"_> - itl in; ladies' wearing apparel. Chaa h, E R Singer, L. S. Ehrtch, 233 I . New York City. The Prospect Engineerlng & Welding ' .'?'. Inc . $100,1 00; Brooklyn; r?n ' ' ? ? tlng and . leel rlcal business; F. J. \\ ??? Uki ??? -;... .; A v. . ailkowskl Wm U .' 'hnson, 55 Hanson Pla ? . Bro I ?? n Thi House oC Brothers, ln .. t ' genera: n erchant tallorli ? . Thomas !. Cohen, Louis M, Cohen, Jultua rg, ." - _ Eaal 175th Street, New Yotk ' ' losuro Service Corporation, $150,000; I yn; manufacturing metal caps; Lea lie R. N. Carvalho, Ira Skutch, T. F. Thorntoi li i Broadway, New i'ork City The Bushwick Brass Foundry Company, Inc, $1,000; Brooklyn; manufacturing brasa and bronzo caatings; J G Morrlaon, J D Morrlson, A Capoblanco, 578 Metro ; lltan .. ?? enue, Bn loklyn The Rapid Freezlng and Refrlgeratlon ?? ratlon, $100,000; Manhattan; general manufacturing and Iradlng business si ? rago a nd Ice buslm sa, Benjamln F Goodspeed, L W. Stoteabury, A O .-:.-;,. 656 Prospocl Place, Brooklyn. Faultli Di Compai y, Inc, ! . Manhattan; tailors, dressmakers; Nathan Ilallen Hernian Charkow, Jamea .i, 170 J-'lrs-t Avenue, New Verk City, na Cli a . Co . Inc, $3,000. Man ? hattan; manufacturing ladles' cloaka and . . VVilliam E Horowltz, M.n Glatzer and I idon Welss, G3 103d Stroet, '. : . ' ' I ? N'al Lcbenaon & Co., Inc, $25,000; Man? hattan. deal m ailks and textiles; .1. M. Schoonfeld, W, J. Rvder and Joseph Hit - tei 570 East Fordham Road, New York 1 '?' :? Ben .:.!,-: Sta I Ionery I !o . inc, $9,00ft. Vli nhattan; stationera, prlnters; Baul Benjamln, Emll Benjamln and Jerome ... 475 Central Park West, ."?? ?? 'i - . ? , . C 1 t i Oreenbunn Roalty and Building Co., Inc, ! Brooklyn; realty and building truci on; Samuel Samowltz, H. E. .; and Isaac Greon, 656 Barbey Street, Brooklyn. Masonvllle Creamory Company, Inc, $20, 000; Manonvllle; manufacturing milk and mllk products; Charlea E, Hulbert, C. H. H'-.i'-h. N. E. Wilcox, Balnbridge, N. Y. !' 8. I'lastlc Arl Works, Inc, $30,000; Now York County; manufacturing nuvel tl?s, advortlsliiR speclaltles; A. L Feln ? stoln, iiarry Cahane, Wllllam Appelbaum, 31 ' ?? ii . . un re Ni vv 'i ork. ; Realty Co., Inc, Tl".'. ; Qii-.-.-iM Borough; rn;jl est.-ae and Inaurance iK'-ni", Max Babenzcln, Froderlck Nueske, Leonard Davldson, 2391 Myrtlo Avenue, Queena Borough Valco Realty Company, Inc, $20,000, M >i hal ? i realty; llerman i llaaser, Jo lomo H.-irriM, Gortrudo VV.-ihh, 2'jI Broad? way, New Vork. Ideal Bakera' Supply <',,., i?r , $30,000; Manhattan; manufacturing bul-.ini; sup ; Grunatoln, Bamuei Zasuly, I.eo l-'-rii-i, 80 Second Avanuo, N?w Vork. 'i he Ai lanpui i mipany ln< . $25,000: "in. deal In Janu, i?lll?a, food products, etc; Harry Rothenberif, Jos. R Brodsky, Harry Floldstesl, 436 Fort Waab Initton Avenue, New Vork CHy. Buperior Hat Llnlng Company, Inc, $10, 000; Manhattan; nianufactuiing hat trim? minga and llnlnga; .l?. k ili-e-nber?, Mor rla Bternfleld, Jacob II. Arond, 1 l :i Dlvl alon Avenue, Brooklyn. Coopar A Wtlkos, Inc, 110,000; Manhat ? tiui. manufacture cIoUiIok f-r men and women; Davld Cooper, cn?s. Cooper, Hmni vyllkea, US H'mI Forty-fifth Btroet, NaW Yeik i ? n'"'i Commission Compans Inc, I Manhattan, general wh ilesale dry Boods bualneaa: Geo F. Jebbett, H i M Olney, Robt. A. Mar.Lean, ?lt boventy- , ^fourth fltreet, Brooltiyn. Commodities Industrials Cotton Cotton prices moved irregularly yes? terday and closed with net losses of 11 to 29 points. The first government report on the condition of the crop appeared in the morning, but it seemed to have little effect on the market. The condition figure of 75.6 per cent was within 1-5 of 1 per cent of the average guess of seventy members of the Cotton Exchange. A worse report than that of the government was put out by the American Cotton Associa? tion. This report said the condition of the crop on May 25, which was the date used by the government. was 73.2 per cent and that the condition on June 1 was 66.9. The market opened 23 to 69 points ' higher on expectation of an unfavor able government report, strong cables from Liverpool and continued wet weather in the cotton belt. Prices continued strong, and right after the government report appeared Julv went to 32.50 and October to 31.90. At this level there developed heavy selling;. which was laid to realizing. The market broke 60 to 80 points, and later deelined further. Warm, dry weather is badly needed ; in the cotton belt, according to all re? ports. Advices yesterday were that fieids generally are in an unsatisfac tory state of cultivation. Grass and wecds are growing rapidly, it is said, and labor is inadequate. In the local market spot middling was qu?jt.od at 32.80. Prices for future contracts follow: Frices for future contracts follow: P ??'.?. Open. Tlisrh. Low (??;.- .... c .,.. ?Tuly.... 31.90 82.(50 31.28 81.55@3t.62 31 00 Oet.... 31.00 81.00 80.50 30.62 u 80.71 30 8" Dec... 2.0.70 .81.2.-1 30.20 80.25 a 80.3(1 30 12 Jan.... 30.00 31.02 20.08 30.05 <S- 30.32 Mar. .. 80.70 80.95 20.75 20.80ft-30.00 COTTON STATI! T] Tester Lasl Last day. We ... y. ? Port rrrelpts. 22.750 21,054 5.588 Exports . 8.215 I8.15H 1,100 '?' V -' Its. , , 102,559 103,511 11(3,389 Porl stock -? ... 1,278,181) 1,20.5,803 N. Y. arrlvals. . 080 1,018 5,190 ? ' ? :')i ERN SPOT MARE ET? rester P. i dn " Salps Rtn ?. - . ? .. ? -.. Oalveston .. - - 211,634 " 225.858 New Orleans.. - 448.518 409.366 Moblle .... ?? 15.599 13 :; 18 Savannah. .. 32.00 100 - 163.980 Hharleston. . .- - 55,903 34.801 " Imit gton . - 66,508 36 658 '?'?'"'. 31.00 123,831 8 363 Raltimore... . 32.00 ?- 7,553 2-1 065 New Tot k- ??- 102.550 1 ?6,',389 Brunswick... - - 11,891 10,225 T?tal .1.205,383 Interlor: Augusta.-1,891 163.631 06 040 Mcmphla. - - 363 567 St-1-ouls.- 18,431 ' IO%-.8 Houston .... - _ - 244,341 130 368 Littie Rock.. . -. - 11:250 i:;;;.Jo LIVERPOOL COTTON In the Liverpoo] market spot mid? dling was quoted at 20.38. Sales were 8,000 bales, of which 7,000 were Amer? ican. Imports were 13,000 bales, 10, 000 American. There was a good dc? mand for cloths and yams at Man chester and prices were steady. Prices for future contracts were: 12.1H Prev, Lasl P V Clos?. Cl ise 5 ?Tm"> . 20.28 20.23 20.O- 21.80 Jui . 10.69 19.63 19.40 20 60 August .10.10 19.03 18 82 10 65 September . 18.7H 18 ii(? 18.39 18.87 ' 'ctoher . 18.11) 18.88 18.01 18. t2 Sustenance Wheat.?Exports of wheat last week were 2,697,854 bushels, aa againsl 2. 885,319 the previous week. Exporl of flour were 591,592 barrels, as againsl 1,047,440, the week before. Reci pi of wheat at New York yesterda; wen '271,000 bushels. Corn.? Corn prices ad' inced ? day under the influence of lighl of ferings, bad weather and strength in provisions. Net gains were i% to L%* cents. Snow was reported in the Northwest and rain was predicted for most parts of tho belt. p icnr-r m sym pathy with corn and on expectations of large export orders. Vesterday's Previous Tmt . iw Tork: closo . loso. Oat ?. No, -?: white ..$0.79% ?0.80 ?0.80 $070 1 'hicago ?Tuly .88(4 .07% 651 . Si '. ten bei . .'im, .,;.-,- '_: Rye. Market lower. lr. ,. , y' '' " ''?'??'?? ;i :'" '?"""? ' Toar Cash, No. 2 West..$1.64% $1.66Vi Si.'rW Flour and Meal.? Quotations were: P?11.60@12.00 $12.00@12.50 Sil 00 ??' 3.50 2 4.00 . 50 g 4.50 5 07V. Ryi flour.i 8.00? 8.75 8.00? 8 75 10 15 " Bran, 1 lb .... 41.60? - 42.65@ _ _ Cottonseed Oil?Greater activity de? veloped in the cottonseed oil r yesterday. Sales were 4,000 barrels. For tho time there was unrestricted trading, the government ban on trad ing in the old-crop months having been removed. Business was confined, how ever, to the new-crop deliveries. Prices for future contracts were: Op< n 10 '? a. ni. ? rn June.. 23.S0@24.00 June 24 25025 00 July .. 23.75? 21.75 July . 25.00 a 2IK50 Aug.. 24.00@24.75 Aug 25.25@20.50 ? N..v .. 25.00'n 20.25 Nov .. 25.00@26.25 Jan... 25.00'2 2(1.5ii Jan... 25.00@25.75 Close. 2 p. rri. 2:4; p. m. June.. 23.750 2 1.75 ,1 une 2 1.25 g 25.00 ?) uly . .. 24.50@26.00 July... 24.B0@25.12 Aug... 24.25@26.00 Aug... 24.80@25.70 |Nov... 25.00ft25.75 Nov... 25.25@25.90 Jan... 24.50@25.50 Jan .. 25,00?2o!r>0 Sugar and Coffee Current A v?ar I prices. ago i Sugar, granulated, p<"- lh. 9 7.45 ; Sugar, centrifugal, per lb. 7-28 - Coffee, Rio No. 7. per lb . 19% 3% Coffee, Santos No. 1, per lb.. 2>?% ?? Sugar.? Refined Bugar is reported in heavy demand. The jobbing arsd manu facturing trade is covering it.' require ments for this month, and, in some m stances, placinjr contracts fur July Aupust Bhipment an well. Orders for refined sugar for export are being ac cepted for shipment about the middle of July. Coffee Futures.? The coffeo market was rather quict and closed net un-' chunged to 4 points higher. There was an advance of 8 to l'i points at tho oponinrr on the execution of modorate buylng orders, but after that interest died out. Accordinp; to somo observers, the turninfc point in the market if not far off. As we draw near to the new crop season, they say, the stocks in the Interior of Brazil will weigh more heavily upon their holders. There seema to be less optimism than former \iy xogarding the proapective demand i from the CentTal Powers. Spot demand is dull. Prices for future contracts follow: Previous Year High. Low. Close. close. ago. - July.. - - 19.25@19.35 19.25 8.'17 i Sept.. 19.13 18.95 18.93@-i8.95 18.89 8.35 Oct., 18.65 18.41 18.40(813.45 18.39 8.51 March 18.41 18.17 18.20@18.22 13.17 - Tea Jo"bbers in all parts of the country are said to be large buyers of tea. The i better grades of green3 and Japans are scarce and biing good prices. Ceylons are selling rapidiy at higher prices than obtained a week ago. Quotations for lots of 50 and 100 ; packages follow: GREENS A week ,, Yesterday. ago. Moyune, Gunpowder . 51@73 51@73 Moyune. Imperial . 48?58 46@58 Moyune, Young Hyson_ 36@38 36@38 Moyune, Hyson . 35?38 35(5:38 Pingsuey, Gunpowder .... 31?58 31@58 Pingsuey, Imperial . 38(348 38(348 Pingsuey, Young Hyson... 31@41 31@41 JAPANS Panfired . 31(351 31(3)51 Basketflred . 31056 31@58 Siftings. 19@24 19(324 FORMOSA OOLONt. Ood . 29fi'31 29@31 Superior. 33@37 33?37 fine . 42?S2 42@62 CONGOU - . 25@70 25?70 INBIA Pekoe Sou . 32@34 32@34 Pekoe . 34@44 34(344 Orange Pekoe . 37@56 37(356 Flowery Orange Pekoe.... 44?65 44@65 CEYLON Pekoe Sue. 32@34 32@34 Pek ? . 34*844 34@44 Orange Pekoe . 38?58 23 258 Flowery Orange P"koe. . . 46(^61 "6(fe6l Broken Orange Pekoe. 46@66 46?66 JAVA Pekoe Sou . 23?30 25@30 Pekoe .29032 2S@32 Orange Pekoe . 31@40 31?40 Flowery Orange Pekoe_40(351 40351 Broken Orange Pekoe. 25^7 30 25;fu30 Broken Pekoe. 26@31 26@31 Otlcl loU ruled 1 cent higher. Rnttcr. Cheese and Eggs Butter.? Receipta were 20,614 pack ?C". Creamery, higher than extras, lb, . ic; extras, 92 score, 54%(3 ' ""'. ' ? ' . 88 to 91 score, 53 i 5 le; seconds, '? to -7 score, 51@52%c; ?i adi . i. i 50c; unsalted, I g than extras, 58%?59c; extras, 57% 58c; firsts, 55 {-57c; seconds, 51 i ' ;- ; state dairy, tub finest, 54@54%c; good to prime, 51% [j53%c; common to fair, 48?51c; renovated, firsts, 50(g 52c; lower grades, 46(3?48cj iadles, cur "',''' make, firsts, 47%@49c; seconds, 46c; lower grades, 44 i I5%c; packing stock, current make, No, 1, 46c; No. 2, ?15c; lower grades, 40 5 11 %c. Cheese.?Receipta were 2,916 boxes. State, whole milk, fresh fiats, colored, lb., 32 ? 32 %c; white, 32(i . . . verage run, colored, 31% :'?'.'. :\ <-?; white, ." I ::: ? : i ?%?; lower grades, c; twins, specials, whites, 32c; colored, 32c; average run, white, 31%c; colored, 31%(S;31%c; lower .' .. ?? ' ? ? Wisconsin, vvh ole m i k, Twins, fre h, 32c; Single Daisies, fn white, colored, 31 %(o 32c; Double Daisies, fr sh, 31%@32e; Young Amer? ican, fresh, 32(5j33c; State, skims, spe? cials, 25 25%c; prime to choice, 22{n 24c; fair to good, 17@21c; lower ? >, 7" 16c. Eggs. Receipta wore 34,073 cases. Fresh gathered, extras, dozen, 45% i 46c; storage packed, extra, firsts, 14 . 15c; storage packed, firsts, 42%(S'43%; gathered, i ra, :' rst '. 12% 13%; 1' rs *.-. norl herly s< cl ion s, 41(ii 12i . .. rly seel i ;. 40% i tl%; sect nds and poorer, 37(n40c; dirties, No. 1, 38 a 39c. No. 2 and poorer, 35 37%c; criecl 3, good Io cl oice, dry, 36% 37c ; under grades, 32 ? 36c; State, Pi nnsyl v ??,-????,-. ? - .ricy, 19 i 50c: ov\inary to prime, %?? I1-!'; gathered whites, rdinar; to fine, ?'?" i 18c; Western atid oul ? . gathered whlites, H 18c; ??? . Pennsylvania and nearby, hen nery browns, 16% 17c; g ilhered brown and mixed colors, 42 ? !?% Hay nnd Straw "? ? rd ?-. . ,\ \ ? nr ago. arge i - ?a . ?47.00(5)48.00 S29.00@31.00 . ? ? i >.oo 1 i i.oo -i:J..ih>.! ?: i.oo iv N il 00 ., 15.00 LG.00 5 1 7.00 Orebard nnd Field Yesterday. A year .ic->. ::?.:. . ? ? IH. . $1 1.75? - $U?.50<? 13.75 ? ? ? 7.00? 8.oo ia.;~ -. i :.r.o Potatoi 4.00 -.- 1 1.00 1.00 a 5.25 i , es, i .' . 1... 7.00 <? 15.50 4.00 p 8.00 i. ', ix. , 4.00@ s.uo 2.00 a 5.00 ...,. i ? . . . 4.00 5j 11.00 J.llll ? n.lil.l Live&tock, Meats, Provision9 Yesterday, A vat- ago .-? f r to prii ? %- ' lb.?13.00@ 15.00 $14.50@18.00 -? ? ' il, . i .17? .'>3 .23Vfe@.26V6 Live vi ijja - in i ? ? * prime, ! '' . . 14.00? L7.50 12.50(5. 16.00 ? .,..!?-. .20? .26 .19@.24?,i 7.0" .i 10.50 11.00 g l 1.50 J ? ? ;ed lutl ' ? . faml -. .16? .'20 j-;,. .28? .34 .300 .34 lb 20.50@21.00 ? Live . 11 ibs, fn . r t.. pi Ime, l 00 II.19.00@21.00 17.50? 17.75 I ireased bogs .28-11 |).29Vi .~H%<S ?25-'Hi V.-- ? ? i ? ". '.: . 36.00 ?? 37.50 32.00 a 33.00 Mi'sh ; - 1 ??' 57.00@Q8.00 49.00@50.00 84.10 5)34.20 24.15 5 24, Johnson Re-elected Ilead Ot' the Cotton Exchange At ;i meeting of the members of the New York Cotton Exchange, hold yes i.i rday, Walter L. Johnson was re elected president of the exchange. Leopold S. Bache was appointed vice president and James F. Maury was elected treasurer, Edward E. Bartlett, jr., 11. 1). Carpender, H. D. Clearman, E. K. Cone, H. L. Goss, J. T. Gwathmey, E. L. Hanemann, R. H. Hubbard, S. V. Jones, William li. Judson, Ii. H. Boyce, William N. Schiil, G. M. Shutt, Spencer Waters and Edward M. Weld were elected managers. Produce Exchange Election The regular ticket of the nominating committee of the New York Produce Exchange was elected yesterday at a meeting held on the exchange floor. Edward Flash, jr., was reelected presi deni and Walter B. Pollock was ap? pointed vice-president. Edward R. Car hart was elected treasurer. The board of managera will be comprised of Lyndon Arnold, W. A. Johns, J. B. Smull, L. Forbell, II. R. Howser and B. II. Wunder. Aetna Explosives May (io lnlo Banking ln its readjustment from wnr to peace tb.o Aetna Explosives Company may change itn name to tho Aetna Cor i" ral in and enter t te banking buai ne Several of the powder plants < f the cnterprlse have already bnen sold, - 'and 11 any is retainud uiaking k-'^* Classif ie d Advertising BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ARE YOU IN A POSITION TO MAKE AN INVEST-j MENT OF FROM $10 TO $1,000? IF SO DO YOU WANT TO MAKE LARGE] PROFITS? EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR P08 SIBLE BIG AUGMENTA TION IN VALUES. BOX, B. D. 31, TRIBUNE OFFICE. OA2RAOB SPACE for rr.eoha.nlc. equlpped with maohlnery; aiso space for pa nter and body builder. SUPERIOR GARAGE 210 West 76th St., N Y C PARTXER WANTBD wi h J automobiie renting; r.* ? | stri st In vestlgation Call , ihn Mu ter 63 S - st Hoboken, N. J. . FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET S0TH ST., rorner Lexington ave. excluslvely for women; $7 wei with use i C bath; $12 v, .... . ?:?? with private bath . zy, cool, m e; s< :??. - ; " '??'??' el.'eci; i ms en sul. sum? mer rates. 68TH and LEXINGTON (corner)?At tractlvely tun rooms and bath kitchei M ber, or :. months %i.~, Phone PERRIN r; . - . MORXIXOSIDE DRIVE, 44?A flve - om ..... aparti ???? ?:? m. June ber :. Mrs. 2' ].. Wils PRTVATE j KE.N i.?1 o i t., only ot s an 1 one-hal ?"'''",! ' . pai ng of 3 rooms, '"?''? parlor; a . : ..-. furnished; will rent Erom July lst I vember lst at J250 per month - sl about ont-half r"L7ui?.r rate. V.2 C. ES CES, 30:! 6th av., near 34th st. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET 25TH ST. AN1 '??? - iTON AVE. (Rotel Am terdi m I ...... " : ' ' 30TH .*-" ' ' ?? i . ? ? ' ' ' ? ::.,.;, 1 . .: . 71ST ;-"2 . 842 VS ?;- it At ::?. ?..-. hirge room, ove;-looklng Hudson; sh;"' ' ". ? li.ect : 113TH ST ?? i . WEST i - for :? ? ? . . ....... opet aftei Sun lay; refoi Ni ? West ST., 23 "WEST :' ? ? . ?- r . ; ? ? ..... private bath hover; : sn : ??.. i ? BOARD AND ROOMS 2"- ERI ' rooms : ' : '. ? , ' : J : . 511 :?.... BOARDERS WANTED 30TH Sl ? ?:?? ? ; , .- ? sln(. ri . I ......... ??.'?.? .... AUCTION SAI.ES ' '? HjTjECTH LN ' -'?' POSTAC- ' " ' ???:: l at The C Wesi IDth , .lum 4 and ' "'?:': :'. BUSINESS CARDS Carpet Cleaning CARBFU1 ' VRPET i .BANIXG ' M PANT ' ?? ? ? ? .? ... . or. 419 Ensl Diamonds . ..... pniitan 1 v. ?: ?? ?? , ... .. mal ????'? ? . ? ? i . ? ??:??' I prom] -., F. -?''! ? 'TOll. ? ? ' : ? I2d Furniture HEST PRITE I . Phone Multigraphers?Stenograj I i all 1 . ? - : I Beekmai 17 Rugs ORIENTAL i:V--.-~ SURROGATES" NOTK ES : ' . . . . : ? . 1 " Noti ?? is hereby giv n to all | ..-..' -. .. uni ? the with -.,.., subseriber, at r. her attori a Slreei in thi i ugh .' i on or before the 13ih d ". :: 19, next . New York, I I3t f May I il ANXIE PLATKY Administratrix WHITESIDB ?S .- .. : - .. ? ? ? ! Addr iss, 27 Willla I . . ,)( Alanhal:..::, N< ' rk IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THH Honi l ? J iHN ! ' ' HAI.AN, -a Surro eair of : he ' ? unl > of New I'ork, SCy\ berel J glvei to al pei - .:., ?:? c aimi against GALBRA1TH WARD, late I ., Count: ol N w i ? ?. I the ..i.i ? wlt.. ? . ,. r at place of trai i ing th "?? ?? < ? his attorn EN ERETT, CLARKE & BENEDICT, N'c 37 Wal S:reet, l ...i ol Manhattan City of N-;w York, on oi ' :? the 17l h da f - ext Dated, New York, the 13th day of Janu? ary, H 19. HENRY G WARD, . ? ;-.-,-. EVERETT CLARKE i I. ?.-.. torni '>'> all Sl i eet, Manhattan. .' ? York City. IN PI SiSI ANCE >:?? AN I 'Rl ' . ORABLE JOHN P. COHALAN, a Su.) gato t the County of New Vork, NOTICE .i bereby given to all persons havlng against BENJAMIN A. W1LE1AMH, late of the County of New \'o:k d cea.sed, j ???.iei. the Bame with vouchers thereof to the -. ? - - at the oitlco of Joseph \ an Jr. No. 111 6th Avenue, ln the City or New York, on or before the 24: li 2ay of August next. Dated, New York, the 17th dav of Febru iry, 1919. HERBERT D BROWN, JOSEPH VAN VLECK, JR., ESxacutora. powder will he secondary. The Actna planta manufactured nearly one I fi of all the hltick powder made ;n thifl country iluring the war. The reor ganization plans oC the corporal ifl have been approved by the F court here and re ? r.hip is ex peel ed 11 will ?.;in its new activitiea witl ? nnd cash as aeia of noarly $1U,000,UOU. i LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS POTTND,?Qold watch chaln, locket; lef: i barber shop. 63 6th ave. LOST BAXKBOOK3 LOST.?Bankbook No. 784,127 or the t'nton Dirr.e Savlngs Bank ls mlss'.ns:. Any per eon having a olalm to lt ls hereby called upon to preser,: the aame within ten days or submlt to the eaid passbook can celled and a new cno issued. LOST.?Bankbook No. 684.676 of the Union Dlme Savlngs Bank is missing. Any per son having a ilaim to lt ls herebv cailed upon to present ;ha same within ten days or submlt to having the said passbook c*n celled and a now or.e U^ued. LOST.?Bankbook No. 647.819 of the Union Dlme Savlngs Bank ls missing Any per son having a clalm to lt ls herebv called ?..?^tk to present the same within ten daya orsubml*. to having the said paasbook can :elled and a r.e-.v or.e Issued. 3 I Bankbook No. ;".4S4 of the FVsr.k iavinga Bank. Issued to Rost Pleaae return to Bank. nth Ave., New York City. Ali persona are cautloned not to purchaae or i . same. LOST - Bankbook N 2 IS SPof Saving led to Marj Ing Paymei .. .,. ? - :..-??, ? i : No. 138,343 Nortb River Savlngs Bank. Payment - k. 31 West 34th st., Now York. -Bankbook No, 491.897, The Qreenwich & 248 :::\:;; Ave. N. Y ! - '? isi - ? turn to bank. LOST.?B ? ? 143, The Qreei ?>. ih - ? ? 4 248 Stxth Ave . N V ?; ? ?-?-.:. Ex :el '?'?'?' '?'?'? -' l t.j bank. I - :? N v. Paymi nt si ppi : ise i . . . | ? HELP WANTED MALE 1NSTKIC TION Try for Jun'ior Accountancy, October, 1919 And for Senior Accountant, October, 1920 ? 11 to November IS ls the period hic'n ? ? ? :? th ??' the v<>ii r's busl ? m i and 1 .. line un '.?;?? and the ? ' ' I th, : his j eai, for : i t - : - ? m ?? ? rai ... -' : for n ' ' posil Ion that will pay ? ??'? nd an , tore October ? ? luntant, ? ?? ...???? - .,..,... ? . - . .. .,..,, thai -.....- thal onu n '? : - ' i ? l i ?' Ion ( " ra w .i1 llity r.n.1 indtistry, a n i me houi ?- ? , .... ?.? | . ,,, .? ...... ?? . . ?????? ,..,.....,.. intants who : W> have gl n hundreds of amhi-.inus, I womei iias - :. ? pi Ide V. .? li of the ir v :.. -? to ln ' ELEPHONE F< ??: A\ OFFICE APFi UNTMENT "? A "A: West 40th Street. ? G ??''' ' EN LISH PATS r;? '"'' : "... - -.. .. n i v.: itten, is a for business su - iss. ?: ' ? ??.....:. ? build ng, v... ... ' ? i ? phone ?? ' rtlandt free h tin, "You sh" and ? for details of ln Business Ei gllsh IS PACE & PACE, . y. AUTOMOBILE tNSTROCTION, ?10. ? ' Iriving, etc. i.sed, Includlng !- ? for btate examination until llcensa ?J 1303 Lexingtonav. iittb). LHARN TO BB A CH.AUFFBUR?Pleas ant -.' pn i .-.- wo ..... and rv?n asses. Ser.d for fr< -- booklet and West Si le Y. il. C. A.. 3*7 West 07-.:. at. HELP WANTED MALE ' '?'. '. v ? ti .:.:? Wm Green, 627 W 43.1 st. i dial Co., 738 ...... . York App OR MA - 111 ? i EPRAN'D i' '?? Salary 19 to $10 The ??'... i ? - - ust be ' I ? . to coui must ha , referen 2 in 1 ... ? ' ' : ? ? : 11 Tuesdaj foi ? iment - " ? ' " t 14th ":??:- ? ? ? : by ....... , | ist hav- cxperience in t'lass pertiimer: r cleai 1 rntov :. ii. r, ,, ' - :? ' ME! live, 1 ustllng di -: ensers for I ? ent oc iETT'S-J . IEMAN - I ? : ? '.. 114. STOCK SALESMEN, CITY AND OUT OF TOWN, WITH GOOD CONNEC T I 0 N S . SATISFACTORY RECORD AND CAPABLE OF DEVELOPING LOCAL TER RITORY; COMMISSION BASIS; EXCELLENT PROP? OSITION FOR RIGHT MAN. CALL OR WRITE ROOM 1,704 505 5TH AVE., NEW YORK CITY. '? ?'- ' - AP SALESMAN WANTED (not merelj in rder ta r) to repre N'ew York I 'selj adjacent territory. Muat " ln simllar line and ? tnown both In ri gular city and Satisfact iry m iry and com i to t pr dui ir T , B x 142, Trib un ? i ::. e. HELP WANTED FEMALL IXSTKCCTION Wanamaker Beautv School 383 Fifth Ave., Near 36th St. Leading School of America Earn S25 Weekly. Hairdressing, Manicuring, Marcel Waving. All branchea t.iught; rp^iste- now for hitrh i !.i?s poeltlons, u-? cannol aupply the reach out f. r succeai in an en vlronment of wealth and refinemont; day, cvening clasaea. Tel 1173 YruiderblU., OOOD ENOLISH PAT3 Good T ? Bh, Bpoken and written, t? a require nent for!n--fs auccaaa, ? '. tralning In ? sentence building, vocabulary ... -.p .-? ....,.,. I ??..' -? ? : phone (C v .- I . ? ? Bui : -???? Engl.?! h . . . formlng aVAOS A 1'AOB,*M> Cbur.-n ?U?JNia?3t. HELP WANTED FEMALE INSTRrCTlOS TYPISTS? STENOOR APHERS? SECRETARIES Do yoc know iha; you can ir..*ri?as? yottr , earning car-acity and efficlency. aJao rr. . ? : yoorseii rnor? valuab.e to jroor en ; by learning The Dictaphone Method' ot j dictation. The course ls free an.l crni b* i maatered ln a few houra. Operatora ar* ln great demand. ! For further Informatton at That Dictaphone School. 580 Broadway. 1 TKE GRACE HOSPITAL TIUIN'.M School for Xursea offera a ? . coi:rs.> ln g?n<?ral nursiug For > . i recreatlon and off duty hours a \ ? home at on- of tho Dearb) ' vided for the pupils. For ir.f r dnaa the Principal of The Grace Hi>apita2. ; Detroit. Mlchigan. HELP WANTED FEMALE DESIGNER'S ASSISTANT on high class dresses Except onaJ opportuntty for competant par* aon. salary no objact. E. P. 85, TRIBUNE. GIRLS?Learn cotton wind ing; $10 to start: advanoe ment. National Fllter Cloth & Weaving Co., 57 Hope Street, Brooklyn. >: * ! cated ii I ? 14 : j ? i ?. i k? cir< of bal nura | ? -. '?''?' ? ... ladles' wa j select .?!?? . I ? P. Hutm ?? ,-. i ? w :? SITtTATlONS WANTED HALE BUTLBR, .-nlored. wlsh?s position I of town work. 22: Lenox ave., oar< Ha .. CHAUFFETJR-MECHANIC- Blght yeara1 experience; colored; drivo any car. Bmlth, 170 West Mlst st. 4 IHAIFFECR. rolored. 21; drlvo anv ,-a-j private famll f referen ????> Tl 232 Weat I Uth st. CHAITFETH mechat 4 yea-s' ? - ? . ? - try M .-.. -:...-:?.('' BD . .. . - good referenoea; H00 Vish -^K-a ? Agency, 6 E-aat 41at st. Murra COLORED BtTTLE suburba; J?5 M:?m Bhea n A< 41st st Jlurra:- H COUPLE -2 ? -' . ts ? ook, walter ln ib capable I wagea li 5a. 2'" lej hoi . . write, 514 Van 1 - ? ? - COCPLB want cottage; r ? .,i-?. taker; wife da; - ?? - Rhea a Agei ? , I ""-I - -'?'.? ? - Agem ? COCPLE.?Cl both ? , last rln'~'> ? Miss Sl aug ?:;???-?? B ' : I pable; J: 20; fli country- Mlaa Bhea's Agei i: <? 41st st. Mur " \ COTJFLl r<:ss or chl enco. McLoug hlin 8971. FIRST clasa rhpuff"":-. ng<- _ - ... palrs hs s gi od rel r< Hoi ? N" J GARDEXER'S A8SI6TANT- l t'2u?. $6 go anywhen '-' ? ?- ? it Mu 6774 JAPAXH8H BAGLB EM AGHN ' ible; domeal profesal i laaa help tTnity Build ng, 101 Went 42d at Brvant - BITUATION8 WANTED FEMALE A.A.- HTL !??? .?...?? or 2 ' . i ? , } ? ? ... ji mayer a a? ? . . ? ? .. | CHAMB ress; young I ? phone, ray CHAM]' poa ? ? : - ? i lst ai ;? 'i ; ? Hill COOK ? ? ' - . y H 1 I : . 4 ' h iaewc.1 E ? ences Murra; - ? ? - J1 Muri ;. INTAVI ...... t Agency, : LADY'S MA i ? ? t ' li- :'ruj, floor Telephi - - 147 " LAL'NTJDRESS I . .- open air 6 ' '? ng Brown. 1 187th atn ? ? rsTJRSE -'?' ? - ' t 143d at NCRSE, rol country preferred I. - "i Aparl - : a PROTESTANT working hou??kefp?-r ax ........ referencea; .-? .;? ?? ? Agencj. 4B7 : RB9PBCTABLB OIRL ? shea poaVlnn bacheli r's apart Rol l+!d Bt. Apartm* WAITRB18S- Capable: -- .? ,- ? country ; flne referet Agency, 6 E. 4!ir! at. Kurrai SURROGATES- NOTICES HiriC. XBANXE r> ?In I'fRSTA.V'f of ar. ora?? of Bonorable JOtTN P COHALAN, ? Kmtt.-.j?-? nf ih? Counu of Se? '. ri to all pnraena ^ nrrr u-r * ? , i ?.:? ?? \-, > .. .-?<.,??<< -a. - - ? i \ ? ? i I 1. A.- .? 1 .. M Nw \ ted. New 1 BANKKRa TllVST COMrAW WPITK <% i ask Attenugn iur Ucvuior. U ??J attnut, .Jvrw 1 or* CXVK