Newspaper Page Text
Says Tumulty Caused Wilson Plea for Beer Wiiliam H. Anderson Tells Anti-Saloon League Forces That Catholie Faetion Is Workine With Brewers Sces Presidential Plan Deelarcs "Wet" Churchmen and Liquor Interests United for N. Y, Governor Wiiliam H. Anderson, state super intendent of the Anti-Saloon League, yesterday at a largely attended meet? ing of clergymen, principally Mcthod ists, at 1">0 Fifth Avenue. attacked Jo ?eph P. Tumulty, the President's secre tary, practically charging him with re sponsibility for the President's recom mendation of the reapeal of war pro? hibition. Mr. Anderson's subject was "Does the President Roflect American Convictions on the Prohibition Jssue?" He said in part: "The President is unfortunate in the fact that the personnel of his closcst advisers seems to be so constituted that it is possible for the brewers to get their stuff directly to him, as has been proved by their accurate admitted advance information as to his inten tions respecting beer, whereas there is npbody equally close who is disposed to interpret fairly the prohibition sen timent of the nation. ln view of some phases of the activity of his own sec retary. Joseph V. Tumulty, the time has come for a little plain talking. I.eague Not Anti-Catholic "The Anti-Saloon League is not anti Catholic and the Catholie Church i? rtot pro-liquor. as shown by its offi cial utterances and proved by the fact that there are many committeej which could not possibly have been voted dry, or kept dry. if there had not been strmig Catholie support of prohibition. It is time for somebody to say, so the public will know, that ii certain element of the Catholie Church in New York last fall delib erately and stealthily went out to 'put over' a Catholie Governor by arousing relipious prejudice through systematic circulation of the mendacious false hood that the success of the opposing candidate, who happened to be a Prot e tant and committed to prohibition, would interfere with religious liberty and prevent the securing -,.f wine for aacramental uses in connection with the observance of the mass, "The talk of running the New York Governor for President looks like these "wef Catholics, who are defenders of the liquor traffic before they tire de? fenders of any fafth, having played the ti ick successfully once with re snect to the Governorship of the great cst state of the Union, now intend to sneak up on the ()ff side of this moral issue and capture the Presidency in 1020 by a secret coalition between the German brewers and certain ecclesi astics who e.vpoct to deceive the hon est, well-meaning, patriotie member ihip of the Chirch by false statements to the effect that the Church itself is being r.ssailed, Do Not Accuse President "We do not intimate that the Presi? dent personally is a party to any such thing, but his secretary is a very zealous, ubiqitous politician. The drink bill of this country has been estimatcd at two and a lialf billions a year. Six months and tifteen days of additional time, when prices are abnormaliy high, would open up pos Bibilities of profitoering operations Tunnir.g into the billions of dollars. A very small percentage of this amount contributed by the liquor interests to the Democratic party in 1920, through organizations such as Tantniany, would give that party and its nominees the gieatest campaign fund in the history cf the nation, with which the brewers and certain other elements centring in the big cities of the North and East might secretly attempt to pack Demo? cratic state conventions throughout the nation and put over on the party E3 a whole, in spite of the splendid morality and fearless prohibition stand of the rank and tile of the Demo? cratic party itt the South and AVest, a nominee and ;i platform favoring liouor and nullification." -?_?-???_ Mexieans Found tlaven in U. S. Duiinir the war considerable mim bri of Mexieans entered the United Statea to work on farms, on railroads, j.t niiiif.i and on government construc tton. LEGAL NOTICES 0UPRBME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK ? UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY OF NEW VORK, sa trustee I I - ' " ' M< ISTAGUE I> O IHB.N, a>- exccutoi and trustee undcr the will of Bclim Marku dei ased; CHARUES M MARKS, Individually and ;??; executor and tior.t<?- under the will ol Selim Marks <!?? caaaed; FLORA MARKS, MONTAGUE MARKS, FRANCES MARKS his wlfo JOEL MARKS. IDA MARKS, his \vir.-: HANNA1I APPDETON, CBL1A l.EAVY I.BONORA DIXON .lOSBPHINE HYAMs! FLORBNCE W IliTK GRACE II I.IN-' COLN, QUEEN VICTORCA DEAV1TT CHARLES M MARKS, .11:. HATTIE COHEN, BARROW MARKS fl'.UNK MARKS I.ll.t.iK LEVi.NE <.,, I lllle 1 i| Vlne). MABEL KASSEL KARRY A IMM.K TON, MILTON LBAVY CARL1SLE LBAVY. ANTONIA SILBERMAN BL LHRSDIE D1XON, CONSTANCE HYAMS ROBERT I WillTK. ROBBRT )? L1N '}'l'i':?,."?? Rlchar<> Lincoln). MARGBRY LEAVITT, JOHN LEAVITT, AARON LEAVITT. II'., BUOBNE DAVIS BAU NB1 MARKS HARRY P LINCOLN as ' *' '?"'? '?'? '?' ii ??? of lsat,.-l j Orod . JACOB 1VOLF Rl >.-? ^ WOl I' )? % Wlf. J08BPH M I. STRIKBR REALTY SUPBRVISION COMPANY THB PEOPLE OT THE STATE OF NEW YORK and THE riTY OF NBW YORK, Dcfcndanta Actlon No. 2 SUMMON9 Trial d> *:i*'l in the Count ol ?., .?? York To th?- abovc nanrced defendanta: YOU ARK HBRBBY SUMMONBD to anaw?r the coniplalnt In this actlon and to aerve a ??,-.,. of ?_,,,,,? aimwer >,n the Plalntlflt'i ai ? iwcnt) daya b'^r the ^? ? ?. in iA thtt Kuim'iiona ex ilum-.' >?' if., day ?' aervlce, and :u oaae Of >'.,jr f;,.!i:.- !?. .;,;.;, ,,r anawcr, Judg ri.*rit will be luk; r. at you b> -: faull *?' l>" r''-'! ??? ??"?:??<? In thi complainl ?"''i January 22, J'jI'j. ?TBWATtT t.- 8HBARBR, Plalntlfta At torn?-y?, om.. and PoaJ Offlte Ad dr.:**. No. ii .. Borou*h of Mannattan, <:,?>? <,: New York To L*onora lAxnn, q,j<-, ? Vlctorla T>>aviit. Charlea M. Marka, J/ . Bileradle iJixon, Marfery Lcavlti John i.<:iivitt A*r>,n I^aavltt, .ii ??!:>> Barnetl M.-.rp.r Th? forettolna aummona u aerved uuon y^u by pnbllcatlon, purauanl U> *i> ordei of H'.n Kdv/a/'l c, V/hltaker, a Juatlcn of t/i' Soprenm Courl >?! in<- State ol .?..?. Tork. <iat<-'i the ZSth o;,y /,r May, isijj and fiifj witn the complalni ln in,- oifice <it ?h* t'Ut.: <,l the ' '/'iniy i,t .".'???.?, V',,r: . at the Couniy Courl Kooae, hj i h>- florough of Manhattan, * ?'.. > ^'nr / .,/?: 4N^V/ ?/-<,,/ P*i-'i May %\, vn. aVrBV.'ART t. SHBARBR, Attorri^ye for FlalnUff; OfSca ?od iu,?i OfHce Ad t)r-.nn, No. 48 v.'aii Street, Borouttb of itmi.t'ij/i, City of New York. The Unemployment Problem lHOR a week the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company, by means of posters scattered over Brooklyn, has been advertising for 300 men ticket agents, 350 men guards and ^50 mcn conductors to take the places of women the company is now discharg ing because of the Caulfield-Lock wood law, which prohibits women working at night. About 100 applicants a day have been interviewcd, yet up to yesterday only l!00 of the 000 jobs had been filled. The conductors and guards for a ten-hour day are ofTcred from $3.80 to $4.40, while the ticket agents fcte offcred from $J.90 to $3.30 a day. "What is the reason??we don't now," said an official of the company yesterday. "It is not because the men hesitate to take jobs left by women. It is not because there is nobody out of work. Is it because workers are becoming more particu lar as to their jobs? "The situation is an illuminating commentary on the question, Have we any unemployment problem?" All Harbor Boatmen Get Wage Increase Under Arbitration Raise Ranges From $15 for Masters, Mates,Pilots and Engineers to $5 for Men on Double Crew Vessels Increases ranging from $5 to $15 a month, with overtime for all work in excess of ten hours, are granted the marine engineers, masters, mates and I pilots and harbor boatmen employed In I New York Harbor by the terms of an j agreement reached bv committees rep- ! 1 i resenting the Marine Workers' Affilia- ; ; tion and the private boat owners. The j i agreement, Thomas L, Delahunty, pres- j ] ident of the affiliation, said yesterday, is subject to the ratification of the several unions. It runs one year,with! back pay from April 21. The agreement affects about 4,o00 j j workers other than those employed on ; government craft. It gives the mas- ! ters, mates, pilots and engineers an i I increase of $15 a month over the old j rntes in eft'ect jrior to the strike last j March. The several classes of harbor boatmen receive from $5 to $10 a month j increase, the lowest rate, $5, being for j men employed on double-crew boats. ' The prevailing demand for cooks is i recognized by nn increase of $8 a month on all boats. Previous to the strike the men were not paid for overtime until after they ; had worked twelve hours, so that,? in addition to the increase in the monthly rate, men on many of the boats are I given an increase of about 16 per cent. | ! In addition there is full recognition of : their unions and the right of collec- ? I tive bargaining. The proposition for a joint board j i which will handle all disputes that may ' arise is still before the committees. It j is expected that. this will hang fire ! until after the annual convention of the International Longshoremen's As- \ | sociation in Galveston next month, i when it is thought differences now ex- i isting among the harbor workers that! ! stand in the way of such a board may be ironed out. Newberry Men Lose N. Y. Contempt Case l. S. Supreme Court Sustains Judgments Against Cam? paign Managers WASHINGTON, June 2. In contempt | proceedings in New York growing out I of the Ford-Newberry S^natorial elec- I tion contest in Michigan, the Supreme Court to-day sustained contempt judg? ments against Newberry's campaign managers. The court in a unanimous opinion by Justice Pitney held that. the witnesses had no right to raisc a constitutional > ? question regarding the corrupt act, and that to appear as witnesses is a public duty, provided witnesses are summoned lawfully. The proceedings grew out of the re- i fusal of Frank \V. Blair, Allan A. Tem pleton and Thomas P. Phillips to an swer certain qucstions bv a Federal grand jury investigating the primary campaign expenditures of Mr. NTew berry. They contended Congress had nn authority to enavt laws regulating primary elections in so far as the selee tion of I'nitod States Senatorial candi dates was concerned. LEGAL NOT1CES SUPREME 'OURT OF THK STATE OF ' NEW YORK.? CNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY OI NEW YORK aa triiBtee. Platn tiff. againal MONTAdl'E D. COHEN. aa , lecutoi and trustee under the will <>r Scllm Marka. deceaaed ; CHAHMSS M. MARKS, in illvldually and as cxeeutor and trustco under the will of Splim Marka. deceased, FEORA MARKS, MOXTAGL'E MARKS, KRANCES MARKS, hla wlfe; JOEU MARKS. II'A MARKS, hla wlfe; 1IANNAH APPLETON, CKEIA LKAVY, UEONORA DIXON. JOSE PHINE HYAMS FUORENCS WHITK UKAOE II UNCOUN. QUEEN VICTOR1A t.i: WITT. CHAREES M MARKS. .IK . 1IAT TIE COHFN, BARROW MARKS, IRENE MARKS, I.II.J..IE LEVJNE (or Ulllle 1)1 vlne), MABEI- KASSEE HAItltV APPEE TON. MII/i'ON UEAVY. CAREISUE I.EAYY ANTON1A S1L.BERMAN. EEEERSDIE DIXON. CONSTANCE HYAMS, ROBERT 1 WHITE, ROBERT P L1NCOEN (or Rlch ard Unooln), MARGERY I.EAV1TT, JollN EEAVITT. AARON I.K.W 1TT. Jlt i;c GENE DAVIS, BARNET MARKS, HARRY P MNCOU.N a.s executor uT the will of iRabel .1 Grodjlnakl JACOR WOI.C. ROSA WOEF hls ^If.,; JOSEPH M. 1. STRIKER KKAI.TY SUPERVISION COMPANY and THE PEOPEE OF TIIE STATE OF NEW YORK, Oefendanta. Actlon No 1. -Hl'.M MONH Trlul deslred ln the County of Now York TO TIIE ABOVE NAMED DEFEND AN-l'S: YOU ARE HERERY SUMMONED io ??. mver the complalnl In thla actlon, and to aerve u eopy ?,r your answer on the plalntlff'a attorneya wlthln twenty daya after the serv ?? ?? thla Nunrmona, exclualve of the day of ? ?? ? . and ii caae of your fallure to ap i" u oi anawer, judgmoni will be taken you by defaull for the rellef de manded ln tho < omplalnt. l?i.'"<i Janua ry t-'L'. 1019 8TEWART 6 SHEARER, Attorneya for Plalntiff, Offlce and Po?t Offleo Ad dreoat No. 4r> Wall Street. Horough of Manhattan, City of Now York. To Ixonora Dlxon, Qm-ei Vlctorla Lcavltt Charlee M Marka, Jr., Elleradle Dlxon, Margery Ueavllt, John l.-uvltt. Aaron Leavltt, .Tr and Barnel Marka: The foregolng Hummonn i* aerved upon you ' by publicatlon purttuanl to an order nf Hon Edward O Y.'httaker, a Jimtlco or the 8u prerrw ?''.?.ir' of the Btate <,f Now York ? 1.,'ci the 2*th day <,f Ma> 1919, and fliod *Uh the i omplalnt ir, tho ofllce i.f tlio ''i<ri'. i,f the County of Now York, at the ' ?? ?' ?? Oou i Houac, ln iii" Dorough of Manhattan, City, County and Staie of New i orlt. Dat?d Mav 21. 1!)!9 BTBWART k HUEARER, Attorneya for Z'lalntlff, Offlce and Po?l Offleo Ad J?oa?: No. i:, Wall Street, Jiyough of J4aijh?tUn, City of. Now YorL Weather Report Sun rises. 5 :27|Sun sets. 8 :21 Moon nses..lO :58 a.m. Moon sets ._ Local ForecasL?Kair and continued warm to-day; to-morrow unsettlcd and somewhat cooler; Kentle to moderate south winds, be coming variable to-morrow. Local Official Record. -The following of ficial record shows temperatures during the last twenty-four hours, in comparison with the eorresponding date of last year: 1918. 1919.1 1018. 1910. I a- m.9 59| 3 p. m. 87 91 > a. m.- 76 60 6 p. m. 90 86 .% a m. 82 68 9 p. m. 81 83 1- noon, ... 85 82 10 p. m. 82 82 Highest, 92 degrees (at 3:30 p. m.) ; low est, 08 (at -:4;> a. m.) ; average, 75 : average same date laot year, 84; average same date for thirty-ihrce years, 65. 8 a. in, Humidity CL' | 1 p. m.. . . 41 ; 8 p. m_ 40 Barometer Readings 8 a. m. ,30.02| 1 p. m. .29.99 : 8 p. m. .30.01 Other Pcople'a Weather WASHINGTON. June 2.?Hiffh tempera? tures for the season continue over the centra] and northc-n disfrricts cast of the Missis sippi Rivtr, while to the westward as far as the Rocky MountEins they are mueh below the seasonal average, with a further decided fall in lowa, Western Missouri and the west Gulf states. On Monday morning the lowest June temperatures of record occurred in por lions of Eastern Colorado. ln the Northwest temperatures are again ri-ing rapidly. and they also remain quite high in Ihe Pacific states. There were showers in the plains states and showers and thunderstorms in th* upper Mississippi Vallcy, 1he Gulf and south Atlan-. tic states, but no other precipitation of con sequence. There will he showers Tuesday and Wcdnes day in the Ohio Valley, Tcnnessee, the enst Gulf and south Atlantic states, and Tuesday night or Wednesday in the lower lake region. In the upper lake region showers Tuesday will be followed by fair weather Wednesday. Temperatures will be somewhat lower over the districts where showers are indicated. but in the middle Atlantic states and New England they will remain histh. Foreeasts for Special Districts. -Eastern New York, New Jersey and Delaware, fair to-day and probably to-morrow : little change in temperature. Western Pennsylvania and Western Nev York. partly cloudy to-day; thunderstorms and cooler by night and to-morrow. New England, fair to-day and probably to morrow ; little change in temperature. Eastern Pennsylvania, fair and continued warm to-day ; to-morrow upsettled ; showers and cooler in north and west portions. Going On To-day DAY Free admisslon to th* Metropolltan Mu? seuni of Art, American Museuni of Natural History, American Museuni of Sately, Metropolitan Museuni of Art and the Aquarlum. Luncheon, Mcrehants' Association. FranVt Vanderlip will s]i?al; on "Economlc Condltions in Europe," Hotel Astor, P Coinmittee Luncheon, 1'ifth Avenue Aa Boclation, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 12 :;o p. m. Luncheon. Retall Milllnery Association, Hotel McAlpln. 12:30 p. m. Luncheon, Kiwanls Club, Hotel McAlpln, l p. in. Buffet lunebeon, .American Jersey Cattle Club, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. 1 p. m. Luncheon, Association of DealTs of Ma r.on Buitding Materlal, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. l n. ni. Luncheon, William Deniuth & Co., "Wal? dorf-Astoria Hotel, 1 p, in. Meeting, National Association of YVood Turners, Hotel McAlpln, all day. Meeting, Metaphysiual Institute, Hotel Mc? Alpln, 2 and S p, ni. Lecture, Miss A. M. von Blomberg, Hotel Mi Alpki, 2 p. ni. Convention of the Fox Film Corporatlon, HotPl Pennsj ivania. Meeting, Chocolale and Confectionery Manufacturers, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel :: p ni. Special mallnec bencfil performanco of -Three Wise Fools'' al Criterion Thea tre for the hlind of New York Cltv. Fiftieth annlversary of Columbla Cliapter of tho Phl Beta Kappa, ,1oint meeting ln the Library Building at 5:15 p. ni Frederick P. Kepple will speak on "The War as a Praotital Test of American Scholarshlp," 301 Hamllton Hall, 8 p. m Meeting of the Daughters of the British Enipire, Hotel Coniinodore. Meeting, Stadium Symphony Commlttee, Hotel McAlpln; -1 p. ni. EVENING Dinner, Rotary Club, Hotel McAlpln, ? U> p. m. Welcome reeeption, Ropublioan Club, Jus tk-r Edward R. Finch will sp?ak, 31S West Fourteenth Street, 8 p. in. Art Exhibitions Academy Art Shop, 153 West Fifty-seventh Street. Devonshlra Lace Shop, 60 Washlngton Squnre, exhlbitlon of brldal veils and d water laces. Dudensing Galleries, patntlngs colors by w. s. Bucklin. Grolier Club., 47 Easl Sixtteth Street. ex hibition of bookbindings. Kevorklan, 40 Weat Kiftv-seventh Stroet exhlbitlon <>r suulpture by John Mow bray-Clarke. Kennedy & Co. 613 Fifth Avenue, exhib; t ion of old n;i val prints. Knoedler's, ion of English Eportlng prints. Milch Galleries, Now Yorlt str^nt Bcenes and flag plctures by chllde Hassam Mussmann Galleries, exhibitlon of water colors by Allce Judson. National Arts Club Galleries, members' an? nual sketch exhlbitlon. Vanity Fair Shop, 71*. Madison Avenue, exhibitlon of photographlc etchlngs by Ad< le Brush. Powell Gallery, 983 Sixth Avenue, ,!ero ratlve painllngs by Carlton T. Chapman Shippkig News High Water Randy llnol Governor's 1 11.11 Galo . A M. P m 3 2:04 1 2 :4 f 1 12:38 1 :22 2::; 0 ;;: 1 :< ARKIVKI) YESTERDAY Vessel. Port. D( ' tanadu Mi sllli Graf Waldcrse* I redi ;-ick Brest Brandywlne.l-favro .... Nyland.I'lviuouth . Leko Lindeu.1 'artlif f Alex Kjatlarrd.Nanies Western Clty.Malaga. Amargad.Port Antonii Lake Heaha.Antilla . . Glenaffrlc.Santos B. G. Wylie.Tamplco . Esperanza.Ilavana Haus Maersk.Phlladelphia \ estnorgc.Port Antoni W'aukau.Wllmingtoi West Henshaw.Plyinouth Lenapo.t?", ksonvlll Sarrtlago. Charleston INeOMING STKAMLRS Due To-day Vesael. port. Depan Argentina.Marsellles Mt Norfolk.Bordeaux ' ' ' Mi '.'? J'Aosta.Marsellles . .'.'. !mi St. Louis.Brest . M Tr">'.Brest .M. Due Wednesday Pannonia.Marsellles .. Mi I?1"":''."?.Brest .;M, 1 " torla.Bri st . . ,M, Chlcaifo.Bordeaux .Mi May 2; OUTGOING STGAMS1U To-day MAII, CLOSB8 8 :00 A.M 0:00 A M. 7:00 A.M. 0 A.M. Gent Aik tm.i iri,fiii A.M ,.12.00 M. Europn Gorbca Mendt, Llsbi B'nta M'rta, Crlstobi Phlladel . Turk'a lal 8'v'n Muni Kroonland, Hr Arlaonlan, Bn *t. Ilunt Ington, Brest ... K.l Luckeubach Brest Santu Clura, Brest... - Wednesday Shonga, Ltberla ... 8:00A.M. La Lorralne, n?vr? ?.:io a m Tocantlne, Braxil.. 7.00 A.M. PhllH , Curaeao .... 8:30 A.M. ISaxonla, LonUon..., ? PS VESOEL SAILS 1 1 :00 A.M. 12 .00 M io no A.M. 12:00 M. 12:00 M. a ni) P.M. M. 12:00 M. 12:00 M. 12.00 M. 12:00 M. 12:00 M. 12 On M 10.00 A M. 12:00 M. 12:00 M. Thursday Carmanla, Llverpool . 8:00 A.M. A.M. Cedrlc, Eiverpool _ S :00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Stockholm, Sweden ..10:30A.M. 1:00P.M. Lagarfosa. Icefand ...12:00 M. 3:00P.M. C. Macquarrle, Africa. 12:00 M. 3:00 P.M. Lake Benton, Jamaica.l2:00 M. :;:00 I'.M, Lake Ogden, Haytl.. .12:00 M. 3:00P.M. Great Northern, Brest.-12:00 M. Larrcaster, Brest .-?-12:00 M. MobilP, Brosi . ?- 12:00M. Pastores, Brest ... -12:01 M. Ryndam, Brest .- 12:00 M. AMERICAN PORTS BAET1MORE, Jurrs 2.?Arrived: Steam ers Calaveras. Boca Grande; Vici, Porl Antonio. Sailed: Steamers Goodspeed Callao; Soestdyk. Gothenburg. Cleared; Motor shlp Sclandla, Aalborg. BOSTOX, June 2.?Arrived: Steamers GaUyrnore (Br.i, Glasgow; Plainfteld, Banes, Cuba; Uake Gralnger, Chicago via Montreal; Lake Greenpier. Detrolt via Montreal; Kershaw, Baltimore and Nor folk; Lake Bledcoe, Norfolk; schooners William Nottingham (Nor.). Port Eliza beih. S. A., via St. Thomas. Salled: Steamer Ontario, Baltimore via Norfolk, CAHE IIENRY, V'a? June 2.?Pasaed in for Baltimore: Steamer Hawaliun, Rio Janoiro. CHARLESTOX, June 2.?Arrived: Steamc r lluron, Nt w \ ork DELAAYARE BREAKWATER, Del., June 2. - Passed out: Steamer Merrimack Philadelphia for Boston. GALVESTON, June 2.?Arrived: Steam? ers Lampasas, New York, Minnie de Lar rinaga (Br.), Manchcster. Salled: Steam? ers Topila, Tampico; Thurland Castle (Br.). Ghent via New porl News. JACKSONV1ELE, June 2. Arrived Steamers Comanche, New York via i liarleston; Van, Miaml; schooner George Truilt. jr., Fort-de-Franee. Sailed: Hardcastle, Tainplc ?k \ i.i i ha rleston e- . Sailed; Stean W Steamers Wall Arapahoe, New KEY WEST Tinidadian, Tai PEXSACOEA, June 2. Arrived: Tug Simpson: barges Ernpsl and Peler, Ha? vana. Sailed: Tug Nimrod, lowing barge City of .-h 11 Antonio. Havaua; schooner Santa Rosa. Gothenburg, Sweden. PHILADELPHIA, June 2 - Arrived: Steamers Byringlo'n (Xor.), Porl Antonio; J. V.'. Van Dyke, Thanieshaven; Gargoyle, Oporto; W. M. lrish. Port Lobos; Quantico, Wilmington, Del.; Dorchester, Boston PORTLAND, Mo.. June 2,? Sailed: Steameru Henry Clay, llavre; Yankee Boston and Norfolk. PORT BADS, La., Juiip 2.?Arrived : Steamers Balllc (Swed.), Galveston; Bel vernon (Nor.), Tcla ; Excelsior, Havana; l?orl Wayne, Norfolk; Kalfari (Nor.), Havre; Lucellne (Br ). Porl Arthur; Nune.'s. Progreso; O. T. Waring. Jaekson ville; Teguclgalpa (Hond.). Ceiba; Tllem achos (Gk.), Norfolk; Tlpton, Porl Bar rlos; schooners Annle M, Murphy, Mobili; Glvenchy i I'r i. Colonon Sailed: Stear.i ers C A. CanHeld, Tampico; Celba (Hond.), Celba; IlarmoliiP (Br.), Dartmouth via Tampico and Newporl News; iroqucis (Br. i, and barge Navahoe, London; Lake Otlsco, Cuban ports: V>ra (Nor.), Stann Creek via Belize, Porl Barrlos and Llv Ingston; War Rajput (Br.), Falmouth, England. NEW ORLEANTS, June 2.- Clearr-d: Steamors Meltonian (Br.), Liverpool; MIn Isla, Mobile; Ollvia (Br.), Shanglial via Colon and Honolulu: Qulmitsan ( Hond ), Oiiioa via Porl Cortez; Rania, Bluellelds; San Ramon. Progreso: Tainewi, Tampico \ il'lfucl (Nor ). Klngston, Jamaica SAVAXXAH. Ga.. June 2. Arrived' Steamers Brandon, Huelva via Bermuda; Gity ,;? MontgoniPry, Boston. Cleared: Bark Felisberta i Port.), < Iporto TAMPA, Fia.. June 2 -Arrived: Schoon? ers Perceler (Br.), Porto I'adre; Corinthin (Br.), Carabarir-n. Sailed; Bark Solheim (Dan.), Denmark. Steamer Xorthwestern Pori Arthur. VIXEYARD KAVEX, Masa., June 2 Sailed: Schooner Oakwoods from New York for St. Johns, N. B. teamer FOREIGN PORTS AXTWERP, May 31.?Arrived Appleby < Br. ). \. w York. AR1CA. May 20.?Arrived: Steamers Anyo Maru (Jap.), San Franclsco; Broncho. X, w York. AVONMOUTH, June 1.?Salled: Stcam prs British Sovprcign (Br.). New Orlpans Indler (late War Redeap), Sandy Ilook (for orders). AZORES, May 28.?Sailed: Battleshlp (transport) Xew Je.rsey (from Brest), Boston BARROW, .lune 2.- Arrived: Steamer War Halifax (Br.), Hallfax, N. S BEACHY HEAD, June 1. Passed; Steamer Gantoise (Belg.), Philadelphia for Ant werp. BARBADOS, Maj Lakewood (Hon, 31.?Satled: Steamer ?sario). New York; schooner Esther Hankinson (Br.), Pensa eo I a. BARRY, May ::n. -Sailed: Steamers Havo (Xor.). New York; 31st, Ocean (Du.), New York; Odland (Xor.), New York. BORDEAUX, May 28.?Arrived: or Black Arrow. New York. Salled: 27th, sleanier Susquphanna, N'pwport News. BREST. May 28. Saik.': Battleshlp (transport) Minnesota, Newporl News; 2nth. steampr Von Steuben, New York (not v, -Sailed: DARTMOUTH, May 30.. Mamosa. New ~i ?,: ; BUENOS AYRES, May 28.? Arrlve\l: Steamer Lewls K. Thurlow, New York. Salled: Schooner Ilesper, New York. CAD17,, May 20.- Sailed; Steamers Ancel B. 1", I,;: (Span.), Galveston; War Nymph ' Br. ). Sydnc y, <'. R, Sailed 30th, sl'eam er Lcon XI11 (Span.), Now York. Arrived 30th, Sieam.-r Barcelonia (Span.) Xew Or leans via Havana. CAGLIAR1, .May 22 ? Arrived: Steamer Magyararorszag (Ital.), Philadelphia. CALLAi i, May 27. Arrived : ' Steamer tdaho, Aberdepp, Waw CAPE TOWN, May 27.?Arrived: Steam ' r Matoppo ( Br i. New York. e.ARDIFP, ;,:,iy 31.?Sailed: Steamer Lake Lillian, New York. CHRISTIAXIA, May 24. Sailed- Steam? er i <: ,-ar II i Dan. i, New York .MIn-. ..*.-, y 30. Arrived: Steamer VI (N< ,\i ipe Ti .n. DARTMOUTH. May 30.- Sailed: St-a er MantOSO, Xew York. Arrived: .lune 2 Calverl, Baltimore via Falmouth; Arakan (Dutch), Philadelphia via Fal 11IM1I ll. DCRBAX. May 27. Salled: Sier-mei Roiti (Duteh) (from New York). Padang EMDEN, May 21. Arrived prcviously Steamer Ternate, Xew York via Rotter dam, FALMOUTH, May 30 -Arrived: Steamei Arakan (Dutch), Philadelphia; New York. GENOA, May 2>k Arrived: Lake (iradan, New York GIBRALTAR. May 29 Sailed Panola. Steamer :l (! Steam Algicrs), New York. EXCURSION5 SUNDAY EXCURSION Children $1.62 AVar Tu.i lncludet] BALTIMORE or SUNDAY"'JUNE 8, 1919 Speclnl trnin leaves New York, l.iborly Nlreet, 12.01 A. M. Satlirduy night pro cedlng above (late. Keturiiing leaves Wn*>liingtnii (1 nion Stutlon) 4.00 I*. M.: Uiiltimoro (Caniden Stnllon) 5.00 P. M. ilate of oxcnrslon. Tickets on aalc :il Coiisolidnted Ticket OfrlccK, Xew York, <ll Rroiulwuy, 57 < 'hamliers St., 31 Wrsl 32nd St., III IVesI 12nd St., I.iberly St. and .Icnscy (Hy Statlona. Central Railroad of New Jersey SUNDAY EXCURSION i? Children, $1.35 Nur Tux lui-liHled and Ki'tinii SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 1919 Spnciiil tniin leavea Xew York, West 23d St., 7:50 A. M? Llberlj 8t? 8:00 ttrlurnlni; leuve<i Atlnnlio < lly 6:4,1 |?. ,M. for tlacknon Avenue itnd Vw York only, 7:15 I'. M. for ull other htntloiiK. Central Railroad of New Jersey 30th, Calabrta (Br.) (from Palermo), Nsw York; Bedcap lBr.1, Bathurst. HONG KONG. May 24.?Salled: Steamer Shingo Maru (Jap), San Francisco. LEOHORN, May 25.?Saiied :' Steamer Bnrghild (Nor.), Hampton Roads. L1VERPOOL. May 31.?Arrlved: Steam ers Canada (Br.), Montreal: Dlgby (Br.), St. Johns, N". F.; Essequlbo (Br.), Port land; Potosi (Br.). Newport Xeivs. Salled: Adrlatic (Br.), New York; Tunisian (Br.), Montreal: arrlved: Plattsburg. New York; Scotian (Br.), Montreal; Muslclan (Br.), Seattle. LIZARD, May 31.?Passed : Steamer Ceris (Dutch), New York for Amsterdam. LONDON, May 31.?Arrlved: Steamers War Icarus (Br.), Montreal; salled. Mac Inaw (Br.), Philadelphla. June 2. ? Ar rived: British Maior (Br.),, Port Arthur via New Orleans; Panola, New Orleans via Falmouth, MANCHESTER, May 31. ? Arrlved: Steamers War Squash (Br.), Vancouver, etc.; saiied, Merchant (Br.), Savannah. MALAGA, May 23 ? Saiied; Steamer Alf tDan.), New Orleans. MANILA, May 26.?Arrlved: Steamer Stanley Dollar, San Francisco. MESSINA, May 23?Saiied: Steamer Srg.1 (ex-Aust.), Hampton Roads. MOXTEVIOEO., May 28 .--Arrlved: Steamer Salto (trug.). New York. NAPLES, May 23.?Saiied: Auxlllary schooner Huntley (Br). Portland, Me.; 29.? Saiied: Steamer Canopie (Br.), New York. PAT.ERMO, May 29.?Saiied: Steamer War Spaniel, New York. PARA, May 30.?Arrlved: Schooner George W. Elzey, jr., Oporto for New York. RIO GRANDE, May 29.?Arrlved: Steamer Tennyson (Br.), New York RIO JANEIRO, May 28. ? Arrlved Steamer Panuco, New York. ROTTERDAM, May 27.?Arrlved: Auxll? lary schooner Rardtontein (Br.), New ST. MICHAELS, May 31.?Arrlved: Steamer Re. d'ltalia (Ital.), New York lor Genoa ST. NAZAIRE, May 26.?Salled: Steam er Lake Garza. United States. ST. VINCENT, C. V., Mav 27.?Salled' Steamer Australford (Br.) (from Accra), New York. SANTOS, May 2'. ? Arrlved: Steamer Mongolian Prince (Br.), New York SHANGHAI, May 24.?Saiied: Steamer Grayson. SUEZ, May 28.?Arrlved?Steamer Clty of Rangoon, Calcutta for Boston and New TOPOLOBANGO. May 24.?Salled: Mo tor shlp Astoria, San Francisco OOVER. June 1?Passed: Steamers Balto (Nor.), Now York for Anlwcrp; Graecta (Swed.), Philadelphia for do; North Paciftc (Br.), Montreal for Fal niouth; Mlllinocket, New York for Ant Wtrp. FALMOUTH, Juno 1?Arrlved: Steamer Kronprinsessin Margareta (Swed.), San Francisco vio Colon for Gothernburg; Phoenix Brldge, Philadelphia. GIBRALTAK, May 30?Pastsed: Steamer Urkiola Mendi (Span.), Xew York for Bar celona. Vrrived 30th, steamer Osterdal, (Nor.), Philadelphia for Trleste; 2lst, steamer Caserta (Hal.), New York for Naples. HALIFAX. N- S., June 2?Saiied: Steamer Aquitania (Br.). Southamptun. HONG KONG, May 26.?Arrlved: ii-am er Harold Dollar, Vancouver. m.'I.I.. May 31.?Arrlved: Steamers Bur gerrreist.jr Schroder (Br.), Montreal; Tre wellard iBr.i. Montreal; saiied, 31st, steamer Francisco (Br. i. New York. K1NSALE, June 2.?Passed: Steamer Celtic (Br.). New York for Liverpool. LEITH. June l.?Saiied: Sleamera Cate rino (Br.), St. John. N. B.; Rapidan (Br.), New York. LISBON, May 28.?Arrived: Steamer Bayamo, New York. LIVERPOOL. June 1.?Arrlved: Steam? ers Salient (Br 1, Cienfuegos vio Norfolk and Queeustown; Strethflllan (Br. i. New York LIZARD June 1 ?Passed: Steamers Sr.mland (Belg.), New York for Aulwerp; Toloa (Br.). Bost.m for London; Trluinpb, N,-w "\ ork for London. MONTREAL, .luni 2 ?Arrived: Steam? ers Rona (Br.). NewcasUe; Dunbridge (Br.). London; Thomas J. Drummond (Br.), Havana; Sardlnian (Br.), Avon niouth; Tasmanla (Br.), Rolterdam; Frankmere (Br.), Genoa. PERNAMBUCO, May 31.?Arrived: Steamer Negus, Perth Amboy via Norfolk. Mongolian Prlnce (Br.), New York. 29th. arrived: Steamer Persian Prlnce, New york TENER1FFE, May 30.?Saiied: Steamer Lakeslde, Now York. TIEN-TS1N, May 2V. -Arrlved: Barq Jano L. St mford, Vancouver. SHTELDS. June 2. -Saiied: Steamer .-',: coli Ine i Br.). New York. TRANSPACIFIC MA1LS Th? connectlng mails olos? at thn Gen eral Postoffice, I'ity Mall Postofflce Statton, New York. as follows: Hawaii, Samoan Islands, Australia and New Zealand, via San Francisco, at 5:30 p. m , .luiio ?,, per steamship Ventura. Hawaii, via S,m Francisco, al 5:20 p. m., June fi. per steamship Manoa. Hawaii and speclally addressed oiail for .Tapan, Korea, Chlna and Phllipplne Isl ands via San Francisco, at 5:30 p. m., .Tune (J, per steamship Tenyo Maru. Japan, Korea, China, Slam Cocbln Chlna, N'etl-.erland3 East Indies and Philipplne TRAVEL TRAVEL a?BM?i ??mmammmbw ison Kiver by uaylij FOUR FAMOUS STEAMERS Refreshing one-day outings. Day Line comfort takes you away from dust and noise. To All Vacation. Resorts. All points North. Last and West are conveniently reached by fast train service from Albany. Start a long trip right by an invigorating Day Line sail. All through rail tickets between New York and Albany accepted. Leave Desbrosses st. dally. Including Sunda1 S.40 -\. M : West 42d St j no A. M.; West 129tb St., 9.20 A. M.; Yonkers, 9.50 A M. for fBear Mountaln, tWesI Polnl (exc Sunday). rNewburgh, tPougbkeepsie, Kingston Poinl (con necting dally with Ulster & D-elaware R. R.), Catskill, Hudson and Albany. tReturn steamer same day Irom points niarked '?. Music Ri stauranl On Satnrtlay, June 7. anil Sunday, June 8, special trips lo Bear Mountuin, Newhurgh. Pougbkeepsie s>n?1 return to 42d St. I'ier; leaving Desbrosses St A. M.; West 43d St., 10.20 A. M.; West 120 th St., 10.40 A. M.: Yonkers, 11.10 A. M. iine New York Desbror-ses Street Pier Tel. Canal 9300 Pasbenger and I'reight Servicea NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH, HAVRE and LONDON Saxonia .June 4 NEW YORK to LIVERPOOL Carmania .June 5 Vasari .June 14 Royal George.June 24 Orduna .June 28 Vestris.June 28 Caronia) .,.july 1 Carmania' .July 5 NEW YORK to SOUTHAMPTON Mauretania.June 14 A.quitania .June 28 NEW VORK to P1RAEUS Pannonia .June 18 21-24 STATE STREET. NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL MERCANT1LE MARIN5 LINES I'UlLADELPIllA ?LIVEKPOOL Haverford.ju], ,n boston mverpool Only On.- Clnss (ubin BollPmlnn. . June t Boliemian . . . .lulv 12 Winifredian .<une HMl inifredian . ..July !!) 61 NEW AORK ?MVERPOOL Aflrialic . . . ..lune 16 CeKic..lune 2S l.nplaud.lune 21 Bultic.July 'i Offtccs, 9 Broadway, - New York USTRALIA HONOLULU. SUVA. NEW ZEALAND The Palatial Passenger Steamers R. M. S. ??Niagara" R. M". S. "Makura" 20,000 Tons 13.600 Tons Sall from Vancouver, B. C. For fares and salllnga apply Cunadian Pap. R.v.. Hrondwiij, X. Y., or (o Canadlan. Australian Royal Mall Llne. 410 Seymuur St . Van, ouver, B. C. -.kv^reaa Postai.Sarficj 'W0, NEW YORK?FRANCS-. ?' WEEKLr DEPARTUnSS RED'DtlK^u&ATOS? For Porto R'.eo. Curacao A Veiifruela. ?5. 8. Phlladolphln, Wed . Jumi 4. at l p \, S. S. Mararalho, Wednosdny, .lune 11, at 1 p \f A Pasaenwr Steamer. Wed . .lune IS, at l p \\ B. S. Zullo. Wcdncsdny, June -J,",. ,lt l p. m. Kuptrior Accomaiouuitoua (ur Pauenurri BLISS. UALLETT & lO.. Qenl si', MER1CAN EXPRESS -TRAVEL DEPARTMENT Tlcltets. Tonrs. Travelers' Cheque* SODTH AMERICA The Roynl Mnll Nteam Pnckct Co. lhe Paoirlc Stenm Nnvlgatloa Co. The Nelann I.lnes. SOTTII AFRICA?Unlnn Cusfle Ll?e taunderson * Son, Gen'l Agts.. 2S Rway, N.T. COASTWISE STEA.MSIIIP UNES?For nll polnta South Old Oomlnlon, Savannah Southern Paclfio Linca -For passenger ln- i formatlon npply to Consnlldaied Ralhvay tleket otllees or CompnnlpS' ofll'-e.s. RAVNOND-WH1ICOMB TROCBLELESS TRAVEL I?r LCX1 To Anvwhprr For Anvtime 2S5 rifth Ave., New York. WARD LINE Dlrect service on fast twin-screw steamers from New York to HAVANA)weekty MEXICOJsailings To Progreso, Vera Ouz & Tamplco Regular oailings to Nassau. Bahamaj. Litcrature and full in/ormation on requcst. New York and Cuba Mail S. S Co Kool of V.all Street, New York.' Metropolitan Line d ii the wr v l>i wator. A Ucavs tn sighi ol lani. To BOSTON VI." T.nnc Island Sounrl. Btizznrds Ray <nl Cape C od Canai Dayliaht Thiough the Canal Both Wavs LeavH pi.,r |j, f,-nn, o{ Murrav St jj* \y ISundays Includen) at r.-oo P. .ii Fa-'e ss'ji (lncluding War Tax). Tickets and infornuv tion at Wharf. Telephone Barciay 5000. ?S"Meals. Slaterooms Always the E?'. "THE PrBt.IC RB PLEVSET) '? COLONIAL LINE ISIOM 1* * ,{:"J ^ PROVIDENCEi;;^ $2.97 all ot Tsinr, ^r vterooms $i.08 to S3 "i Both Prices Include War Tax. Eoat Lcaves Plcr 30, North Rlvar, Dail> 8 Suneiiv nt .rj:30 P. M. 'Phono Sprina 9491 COiNEY ISLAND ' Scliedule Subject ?o Change Without N'otlce f.v. W. I2U S(? 3:40, 10 10, 1 ; 10, 12 10 2 v ?'?". Pier I, N. u 25. - 15, 3:45, 1:45 ( oney, 1 ! 25, 1 2 25 Telephone Reetor 872 iWcrcesier.J3.fl2. Provldencerflrect 3" 5* STATEROOM8, JI.00 and $2.00 Dally. .iicluduis Sunday, ., .20 ?-? m r.cHeti it l .,t i r Lonaoliuaied Ueket uCcwu HUDSON RIVER~NIGHT LINES" l-'roni Pier N. R. ? i anal St.. ""''"'i')'. " anci , i\ ,\i.. Sundava ?oi Holidays, 0 and !) P. M.; West 1 ,V'nd s" half hour later. Due Albany 6 o'i low Ing mornlng, ?k fol msm FOR inOHL.ANDS OCEANIC and RED BANK. St.. Pier 24. S:S0 a. m. K.55 a. ni., 3.13 p. ,u f .10. Ballery. S .",5 a. m. Paclde Coast. ALASKA?Mlunlght Sun ( ANAD1AN I'ACIKIC KAH WAY F. ft. PLRRY. O. A. I'asa ??pt . 12:11 B'way, N Y Nluffura To The Sea.- Kor lllustrated (fuldo, ad'lr<-?H .I.ilin !?" Plerce Dep't ltg Canadu Sicamahlc I.lnea. Montreal. C?na<4a.' Short nmt lilr-l 'Ronte to Ortent from beattle. Fast Pu/.tliul Pu*?er,ger Steamship.. Mnuon ?u?en Kutsbu, 120 liioudway N t I Islands, via Vancouver and Victorla, B. C, | at 5:30 p m.. June 7, per steamshlp Em j press of Russia. Japan. Korea, China, Siam and Neth erlands, East Indies. via Seattle, at 6:30 p. . m.. June 10. per steamshin Tyndareua. | Hawaii and Philippine Tslands, via San Francisco, at 5:30 p. m., June 14, per steamshlp Slberia Maru. Japan, Korea. China, Siam, Cochin China and Netherlands East Indies. via San Fran , cisco, at 5:30 p. m., June 14, per steam i ship Suwa Maru. Hawaii, via San Francisco, at 5:30 p. m., June 19. per steamshlp Lurline. Tahitl, Marquesas, Cook Islands, Naw j Zealand and specially addressed mall for I Austraiia, via San Francisco, at 5:30 p. m., i June 2b, per steamshlp Moana. Costings Committee in England Ambassador John W. Davis rejfcrts from London that the embassy is in receipt of a comr.iunication from the British Ministry of Food in which it is sct forth that an agricultural cost? ings committee has recently been set up as a permancnt department by the boards of agriculture and the minis'.ry of food.?Commcrcial Kcports. RESORTS NEW YORK STATE ine riace for Your Suinmer Ho:i? or to Spend Your Vacation. CATSKILL MOUNTAIN HOUSE Opens .lune 36th. Altitude 2250 Feet. Modprn hotel \rith many private baths. Most hlghly pralsed table. Running hot and cold water. E'ectrio lights. New and Panitary plumbing. Picturesque 9-KoIe Golf Course Every amusement. Tennls, Roatlng. FiFhing. Motoring, Bowllng, Billiardu and Dancing, 'Orchestra. For reservations address JOHN K. VAN WAGONEN. Manuger CATSKILL, N. Y. MILLBROOK, N. Y. NOW OPEN Stop and enjoy good golf on the weii kept, sporty course adjolnlng the Inn. A pleasant place to spend a week-end or a season. Rooms, single or en suite, with or without bath. 8S tniles from Xew Yoik. Booklet and road niap on appllcation. Phonc 8 ilillbrook. M. E. SMFFEN, Proprletor Vloiel La Sall?. 30 East 60th *t.. New York. ^nillMllllinillUIHIIIIIMIIIHIMIIIIIIIIIU: ETHOUSAND ISLAND HOUSE= = ALEXANDRIA BAY. N. Y. 5 ~ THE VEN'ICE OF AMERICA. = ? The niost dellghtful and t-onvenlem ? ? location in lhe Thousand Islands. ~ ~ Fine Fishing, Motor Boating, flo'.f ~ ~ a nd Tennls. ~ ~ The startlng polnt of atl prlncipal ~ ? Finesl auto roads from all polnts ~ ~ K,. I ot West. n Z: Booking ofTice, Room 200. at 4S9 ~ S Flfth Avenue, N. V. Teiephone Van- ~ ? lerbllt :; 110 until June 15th. ? ? WILLIAM H. WARIH RTON, = :~llllilUm!l!lli!!!:::!!llimillll!lllllllllr 'RAMATAN "3 Miimtes from Grund Central 00 electrlc trains daily. Cliy cor.?? iilcnccs in Uie country. Golf?Grlll? Ti anis Saddle liors^. Daily coacer:*. DAXCIXG. HOTEL GRAMATAN, Lawrence Park. Bronxville. N. Y. I] Rye Seminary Inn n?: 7 Aeres of Beautlful Grounds, 1 Minute from Station. Only 30 guests. Trolleys to Bathing Beach. Open June lolh to Sep tember 15thf rifiy minutes from New York. Rates per pcrson $-L'.00 vveekly up. Teiephone Rye 32. TAMF0RD T^,; CATSKILLS Sivf-pt by Healthful Mountaln Breezes. See large advt. Sunday papers. Booklets and lnformatlon at Resorl BureaU3 and N. Y. OfTice, Ml 5th Avenue. MRS. FORD'S HOME for tuberculoua pati-nts, Libeity, N. Y. Private baths, porches. Rates S^0 to $30 weekly. HOTEL NASSAU LONG BEACH Direction of WILLAKI) II. BARSE OPEN AFTER JUNE 25TH. NEW SARANAC INN, l pper Sarunac Lake. Certified milk. All sports.?Booklet. CONNECTiCCT. EASTERN POINT NEW LONDON, CONN. linrst Seashore Rrsort in America A La Carte Grill for Motorists OPEN JUNE 12 to OCTOBER Jahn McE. Bowman, Earle E. Carlcy PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. Edgewood Inn Greenwich, Conn. 4."i minutes from Grand Central StatiooK Under management of h^ tllSSES GILLAN d EDWARD3. Also mgrj. Tho Beechwood. Summlt, N. MASSACHL'StETTS HOTEL ASPINWALL LENOX, MASS. High and Cocl in the Bcrlfshircs. A HOTEL OF DISTINCTION Opens .lune ]4. Elevation 1 400 fe.-.t Deslrable Cotlages with Hotel ServicV IIOWE & TWOROGER. Managers" Wlnter Resort, Princess Hotel, Bermuda. -RED LIONINN Stockbridge, Mass. NOW OPEN Golf & Roads in Kxccllent Condition Route Books and Circulars on Request turnlhlied t.dtage Nenr Inn for Rent S?? ALLEN T. TREADWAY-??. H EA f ON~ HA LL STOCKBRIDGE, MASS. OPENS JUNE 16th nelightfully located, Rplendid 18-ho!e golf courBe. Music of exceptional merit. Wh'? tor Road Map and Booklet. AY. C. HAVILL, MGR. NEU IIAMPSIIIRE % New Waumbek Hotel gCOTTAGESAT.^FERSON Golf-TenniB-Flsliirs-Hldlng-lnnetni Open from Juns Mth to Ootobef. Eooklnj Offlce at 8 We?t 40th St., N. 1 lelrphnna Vanderbllt iJ?0. N i. Stock Kxehango orfli? e} V L. Larpi-iuer A Co. Frank F. Shute. lohn J. Hrnnouy. ?*- Owner. Manaqer. Ilnoli'ng Offlre THE BALSAMS DIXVILLE NOT< II, N n '" t!" NN^nPEX,tATM?UntalM S WEST 401 H 8T.. NEW YORK CITY. leleplion,. Vanderbllt_221)0. _ RESORTS NORTH ASBIRY PARR. JfT~7* ?I NEW 1| WONTEREY' HOTEL The Ideal Resort Hotel OPEMXG JDNE n Dlrectly on Ocean. All outslde roorna hot and cold salt water in bathroom. NEW MONTEREY OKllL Entirely new?-servioe a la earte and dancing?largest and nost beauttful on the Jersey Coa.i ldeal for tr.otorists. u tsIIEBMAN DENNTS. Manager New York Offlce. 8 West 40th St Frone Vanderbilt?2290 MiOonnoll Jt Companv Mcmbers New York Stock* Ex*h NortK AsbuLr^ ParK tgi N.J. SFR1NG LAKE BEAC1I. N. J. ESSEX&SUSSEX Hotel and Cottages Spring Lake Beach, N. J. Directly on the Ocean America's Finest Resort Hotel Hot and Cold Sea Water Opens June 18th New York Office: 8 West 40th Street, or P1M, Hotel F. T. KEATING - - Manager THE WARREN ON THE OCEAN SPRING LAKE BEACH, N. j A bouse that s '?differenf ln Its fl-'? .. pointments, unusual and artistlc .?<',.*?" tions. homeliko atmosphere and seVvS" eervlce. Surrpunded by green lawus and ?ar(,?t at the edge of the sea. w. HSTrrinJ Prop., X. Y. Offlce Norece Hall. Tcl Tifi Schuyler. ' '"' The Monmouth "S5 gprlng T.aki. N .1. KRAVK C. MOORE, ?? Open jm,e 19. N 1. Booklnj Oflk-e. S W. 40ta J ATLANTIC (ITV, VKW 1LKSKY~~ +r * ^ ATLfMrtCCin I Opcivat ali-seasons I ' of Cnc'Veor. ! A racqardSQd ..standard } or Gxcellence. j Capac it v 600. WALTER J. BU2BT THE LEAD1NG RESORT HOL'SE CFTHEWORLD ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. '?'?THE KJTlOS'S HfAVili sa 3?" .y1 HEALTH 18 EFFICIENCY ', A Germicide Climate and Clein S'.eete No Dust. No Dirt. Innumrrahlr Owdoof Recreations and Indoor Entritair mrnM Ownership Manacement Josiah White & SonsOfc HOTEL BILTMORE (Formerly Wenmont) Rhod? Island Ave.. n?nr Boardwalk, All outslde rooms. Suites wita b.-'h. Orchestra. Dancing. Capaclty 21 /. Hot and cold sea water batlia. I'nder new management. RILTMORE HOTEL CO. Vlrcinla A\o.. n->ar Beach.?Oapacltv KW strictly modern. Prlvate haths, elevator St Notahle tal.le; j;;r,o up dally; Fpeela ly. Booklet. Auto mws trains. W. K SHAH FI.Y WITH PIONEERS OF THE AIK Flights every day from Inlet covering M lantj, City, Flying Station. Melroso Ave? nue and Beacb. Pbone 3U0 for Reservt tions. E. J. JAQUITH. B. H. KBNDRICH, RALEIGH, Atlantic City's Popular Hotel. American Plan. $4 & $5 per Dty. 'Booklet. B, K. ):'>\lrAll HILLCREST^ :; ,a^*' nr ^ A: European plan. L. UUL ATLANTIC CTTY. N. J. America's Famous All Year P.esorL Brown's Mills ln-the-Plnea, N. J. THE PIG'N WHISTLE INN Brown's Mills-in-the-Pines, V J. Modern in every way. La rge groundfc Boatine:. BathinK. Fishlng. Ridl lg, Golf, Tennls DeliRtvful Hostess House for G'.rls. For particulars, New York Offlce, &09 D10 Tirnea Bldc Phonc 1120 Bryint. BELMAR, N. J. The New Columbia On the Ocean Frniil, Belmar, N. J. Catering to the Besl Clientele. Modern; capaclty 500; music; <M?vatort to street leve.l; garage; write for booklet _ 11. B. (HllttHll.l., Mgf. WEST END, LONG BRAN'CH, N. J. WEST END, LONG BRANCH, N.J. TAKANASSEE HOTEL, on Ocean Frotlt. Open .lune. WEST END HOTEL, Ocean Avenue ??* West End Court Season May lsl to N'ov. llfc WM. DUCHESNE. Pn prietor. MONMOCTH. N. J. Th" North .Ttrsey Shore Resorts of MoO inouth County Bi.1 You Welcoi e MAIXE. PASSAC0NAWAY~ INN oA VORK CLIFFS, MAIXE. OPEN JUSB H H A. HAY. Mgr. N. Y. Booking Ofiice. 11 SO Broadway PENNSYLVANIA. ?; V.^ descrtb >Ionroe and Plke Cnantieo. FREB ILLUSTRATED PUMMEF "Mountaln Bnd Lake Res '? - '? Ing Delaware Water Gap Cres burg. Mount l'.mo. Henrj '? ? ?? waro Valley resorts et N V Consolide'*" R R. Tlcket Offlcea. or send Ic. in etawP1 '" W p COLTON CO., I6i Btoad**/ Now York. \ I.KMONT. HYDE MANOR T: ? ; ;, Golf ln the lake region . : \ ermoni. H* lustraled Booklet. Ad Ircss A W. H' 1": ? *0N CAXABA. Oet M? fe h*re><w?!'-?w?y to tha bjuxmW* r'?c-K?f>l*1. Heep-Sivin* air of ;t??? MusMM L?*? Bookle;. Siyt!Wa>?cH&U!P.U..UkcRMM^J" Reaci the New York Tribune Want Ads. j