Newspaper Page Text
:- Act Ive S Record of Stock and Bond Average* (Copyrlght, 1319. New York Stocka Tribune Ine) Yester? day. ., .. . 77.75 *nr :::::::::::: 1SS 1CR?i'road, . 80-75 ?Iaaa?tr.aU . 9b. ,0 ? Kilities . 83'? s , .... 87.66 25 Bonds . Day before. 77.00 106.83 94.90 Bonds 80.71 95.63 85.40 87.62 Year asro. 63.70 80.01 75.91 I 79.95 91.62 84.65 85.38 Ranjre Jan. 1 to date 1019. Hitrh. 78.30 103.80 96.33 82.80 95.70 87.75 87.91 low. 68.70 79.20 75.32 79.48 93.72 83.62 85.53 Hantre year 1 High. 79.15 83.83 84.08 86.57 94.08 89.02 89.46 full 918. Low. 66.12 73.37 70.30 76.62 67.40 82.60 83.62 Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings CCopynE'at. 1919, New York Trlbuno Inc) Stocks Yesterday. Railroads . 196.900 fjuWatocka . 1,562.400 All atocks . 1,759,300 Yesterday, f S Kovcrnment. .$5,988,000 Railroads . 1,197,000 0,hfr bonds . 1,291.000 Al| bond*. 8,476,000 Yestcrday's Transactions in Listed Stocks All stocks quoted dollars a share. Annual dividend rate, also in dollara t share. is based on last regular payment. High and low prices of 1919 an* based orly on transactions of 100 shares or more. fligh. Low. Div. jjet 1919. Kate. Sales. Open. 1319. 36' 4 75 - 96 4'4 2?8 -6'j 96' ', 106 113% 1C2 89 34 61 105 1C838 117 14'a 61'b 103 38-8 12834 76' g 113% 68 9S3s 87'4 Low. 02 ci 109 130 39 33 139'/4 111 118 96 21 56 2 66 1% 30 81% 84' 2 99% 98 62 42% 98% 84'3 113 10 '? - 30% 82' 2 13' a 71'4 38 54% 52% 44'? 85 58 1 51 62'a 1C3 105 ? Advance Rumcly. 0800 35 6 Advance Rumcly pr. 1700 74' 6 Ajax Rubber . 6200 92' ? Alaska Gold Mine... 200 3' ? Alaska .luneau . 1300 2 ? Allls-Chalmers Co... 2600 44! 7 Allls-Chalmers pr_ 1100 96! 6 Am Boach Ma*. 2-100 101! 8 Am Apr Chem. 1300 110' 6 Am Apr Chm pr... 100 100' 5 Amer licct Sugar.... 14900 88 ? American Can Co_ 149G0 53' 7 Amer Can Co pr... 100 105 8 Am Car & Fdry Co. . 8800 107] 7 Am Car & Fdry pr.. 400 117 .80 American Prup* .... 4000 12' 4 Amer Cotton Oil.... 11C0 59 6 American Express... 200 88' ? Am Mide & Leather. 15100 35' 7 Am Hide & I. p ? American Ice . . 6 American Ice pr 4.80 Amer Int Corp. 7800 109 ? American Linsced... 6C00 63. 7 Amer I.inseed pr.... 100 95 5 Amer Locomotive.. . . 14800 35 ? American Malt. 400 2 ? Am Mlt 1 pr ctf stpd. 600 62 4 Am SmeltinR . 21400 4?8 103' z 104'/4 I 8300 125% 12 1^900 69% ", 2900 ? 35% 353/4 2' 4 127| 2 128 3 4 108% 215' 105 130 110} 48 21 . 60 72'4 3'; 5534 Wt 80 ; 56' j, 104 39 '?07 177"2 " ? i ; I 13834 8534 2?34 27% 24% 923,4 92 166 11% 77', 14% 31% 30 117 71 35'a 81% 67 34 170 , 100 M : 52 2 '0? 2 ua 201 68'2 2 33'8 47% 74', 1C5 31 "% 23 \ 82 49 26 4<H 75 52 55 31% M 103' j ?% 98/, ?/, n 2 198*8 ??/? 85y4 8% ? 4 16/, 29% * ; M ; 'A 117 '?% 235 95 ?4% 17 40 "?'?% ?7% ?*?/, ia ?li/, 104 27% ?7% *?% ?% t-s 77'/, ?% *7?/4 4? t, ?/, 2\: SG1 1917, 96% 45 a 94% 27% 11 40 5c! ^ 1 17 4 61 58 4 68 ?0 35 95 92 64"8 44 50 103 55' . 55^ 1015* 1839 193? 20 6 Am Smelting pr.... 200 106% 106% 106% 106%? Am Snuff . 200 124% 124% 123' 4 123 4 ?? Am Steel Fdry. 6600 38% 38' , 37% 383a i Am Sucar. 20600 136'4 139'4 136' s 138/2+ Am Sumatra . 7200 107'', 109% 10634 1077,; Am Sum Tob rishts. ?600 4 5 4 4%-f Am Tel & Tel. 2700 106% 107% 106% 1C634 - Am Tobacco . 200 211 21334 Am Tmb pf new. 100 100% 100'2 Am Wool . 1C300 120 1243lV Am Wool pr. 2I00 103% 1103^ 212%+ 2% 212 213 Am Wr'it Paper pr Am Zinc & Lead. Am Zinc & Lead pr 1100 2-'800 1500 Anaconda . 23200 Assets Real Co. 200 2 Assoc Dry Goods. . . . 4S0O 54 Asso Dry Gds 1st pr 100 75 Asso Dry Gds 2d pr 100 767 Asso Oil . 200 89' Atchison . 4900 101 Atchison pr . 200 36''; Ati Coast Line. 2C0 105 Ati Gulf & W I_ 4600 165 Baldwin Locomo Co 216C0 103', Balto & Ohio. 900 54' I Balto & Ohio pr_ 300 59' Barrett Co . Bcthlihem Steel. 400 84 B.-th Steel. Class B.. 28600 84%' Beth Steel 8th pr. . 600 113 Bklyn Rap Tr. 2300 283, 77 1 '2 90' 4 100 134' 8 134' 3 134% 134! 48 ? 20 % 64 8 5634 155% 91% 48% 27 bi. -> ? ? 31 Bklyn Kap Tr Ctfs Booth Fish >'o. Bklyn Un Gas. Brown Shot Co. . . . Burns Bros . Brunswick., Buff & Susq. Butte Cop & Zinc. . Buttc & Sup Cop. . . Butterick Co . Cal I'ackinK pr. 400 t aiif 1'acking ...... 10200 Calil Betrol . 9800 Calif Petrol pr. 700 Calumet & Arizona . 500 ' anadian Pac . 600 ( ase J I pr. 100 Caddo Oil . 3000 Central Fdr 600 25' 4 1700 21% 100 91 200 9178 100 151 200 83/t 100 77% 3800 13 14100 29% 1200 293'i 163% 164% - % 164% 165 pr. 5 Central Leather. 36200 103' ".. 65 Cent Leather pr. ... Cerro De 1'asco Chandler Motors . Cheuapeake & ohio. C hic (it West. Chic (,t West pr. . . < hit, M & St P_ (hic. M ,s; St P pr. < hic & N'west. Chic, R I & Pac. . Ch, R I & P 6% pr Ch, R I & P 7% pr. C, 8t P. M & O... C, C, C & St L... 200 112 13100 44 1700 19S'3 600 67!.; 600 ')% 1000 28'2 2700 45 400 71 200 1C3 5400 29% 200 70% 200 83 100 75 300 48 - ^ f< a 10% 27 29 ?4 ? 247 33 4 - 110 ? 25'/, 2 17 4 144'/, 8 118"/a 12 ?2 6 62 / 6 5M4 4 ,-.; W/i - 40 10/, 4d 42% 3% 11% 1'0% 21'/4 82%| v.'/. 4 24% ?e/t 2? Chile Copper. 15100 Chino Con Copper... 8600 Cluett Peabody . 300 Col Fuel & Iron. 14800 Col (;a.s & Elec. 4700 Col & South. 300 Col & Ro 2d pr,.... 100 <omp Tab . 200 (,'onsol Oa? Con I C Min. 1300 Cont Can . 23100 Com Products . 23'09 Crnelble Steel . 14800 Cub Am Suitar. . .. t'uba Cane Suc. Cub Cane Ku pr. .. D & R G. D & R G pr. Dome Minen . Klk Horn Coal. 10800 38 Kmer Brant . 200 29 Erie . 1500 19% Erie 1*t pr. 1700 30% Fi>her Body . 1100 81% k??mOQ? Player* ... 4900 114 f.aMon Williams ... 3000 34'/2 G?ntr?l Citrar . 7t';0 82% <<eneral Electric Co. General M?tor? .... General Motors pr.. General Motors deb. Goodrich M ?. 20900 Granby Mlning .... 200 Ot Northern pr. 2700 G? Northern Ore aul _?90 Green* Copper. 1200 Gt.V Mob tc No pr.. 100 Gulf Htate Hteel_ 4400 Hask & Mark Car Co 2300 Illinois 1% % 100 100% 101% 10034 101' '.00 H3% 198% 196 6000 36% 36% 353 1100 82% 83% 82!, 400 8 8 3 700 10% 113/a 101 100 14'/a 15 14'. , 81% 82'/8-r 2100 168% 169% 168% 169% 1 15100 221/4 235 221/4 233 , 200 93% 94 93% 93% | 2000 90 90'/. 90 00'/? h 68/4 Cent . 200 101/, 101% 1013/g 101% Internat Ajtrleul Internat Agricul pr Iriiiiiraiiou Copper . Interbor-Corua Corp lnt4r-Cotu Corp pr Int Jnt va 400 26'/ 100 87 25600 67^ 2100 8 ^200 293, Harventer Co.... 10900 136 Mtrraii M?r!n<-. 24100 47% 61/4 f 77% T 28% f 96 %? 7 1*%-. W/t 4 & *?/a 2 Int Mrrtar, M*r pr. . 23100 121% 125/4 121/4 121% InUr/iat'l Paper .... Int Paper pr stpd. . . Internal') Nitkel. . . . Int Nlekal pr. JeweH T?? . Je*?ll Tea pr.,. Kan*?* City rloath.. %*BMm? City H? pr.., K*Ur Mprtnufleid..-. Kironeewtt Coppar . % 2100 125% 12?/, 126/, 126 13400 37% 88% 37/, 88 38% 38/af. 87% 87/,.f- 1/a 23 24-4-1 66 69 - /, W/4 J40 lUrsUn* TIx* atlUkk 16100 W/% W/* 9V/t 9V/m? fi 87, ? High. 1019. ?87'i 83 25 60% 37'/4 68% 116 190 122% H93/4 32 68% 79% 461 a 99% 205 28% 100 64% 18% 88'/4 11 Va 23 34 68Ka 38!/a I26 108% 22% 78 104 83 14 18 42% 124 83% 52 35 55 34% 24 20 112% S9'8 97 52 5S^8 10' 2 57% 13(2 10334 48% 14 57 24'4 63% 43% 64 39' 2 66% 23% 66 98 41 81 13 87! - 63% 129% 05 23 52 % 90% !C5 19' , 119% 15 11 25% 37 63 11/4 22 2I2 15% 69% 69% 92 115 181 33 72% 124% 100 72 54% 65% 17'4 55% 165 292 284 34% 250 99'2 108'% S% 17 96% 138 % 55 140 124 189'4 81%. 15% 31 28% 66 167 111 48 118 115 70% 110' 8 117% 84% 80 114% 74 12% 38 79 13% 24% 92% 116 59% 70 93 104 12 24 63% 40'4 41% 133-4 73 93 77% Low. Div. 1919- ??te. Sales. CW 62% 6 Lack Steel ., 3700 80% 65% ? Laclode (ias . 700 68 16% ? L E & W pr. 200 23% 63% 3% Lehigh Valley . 4100 0S% 2' ? Lee Rub & Tire.... 600 35 40% ? L W B-Uicult Co. 1000 Cl ?<??>/ 71 L W Eij,cuit 2<i Pr... 100 115 147% 12 Lorillard, Pierre .... 2400 180% 113 7 Louis & Nash. 890 120 100 7 Manhat Shirt . 1500 118 25 ? Mathicson Alkali W. 100 31 25% ? Maxwell Motor .... 8800 55 60%? Max Mot 1st pr. G00 79 19% ? Max Mot 2d pr. 1600 43 .f,v l Mnv Dopart. 600 96% 162% 8 Mcx Petrol . 27100 193 21/4 2 Ml'nmi Copper . C00 27'/k 80 4 Mich Central ...... 50 100 40% 4 Midvale Steel . 14600 52 9% ? M & 8 L new. 1C800 15% 85% 7 MSP&SSM. 400 95 4% ? Mo Kons & Tex_ 8100 9% 8% ? Mo Kons ?2 Tex pr.. 2200 20 22% ? Mkaouri P.-.c . 6900 3278 49% ? MiflBouri 1'ac pr_ 000 67 29% 3 National Acme . G00 36% 1?9 7 National Biacuit ... 100 124 103% 7 Nat Cloak & Suit pr 100 10C 14 - J,-at Con & (able... 1i00 21, . 40% 6 Nat Knaml & StpK. 0200 76% 03 7 Nat Enaml & atpif pr 100 102 64 8 National Lead . 1300 81% 6% ? Nat K R of M 2d pr 200 9% 16% 1% Ncvada Con Copper 2400 13 28% ? New or Tex & Mex 3800 39 91% 10 N Y Air IJrake. 600 121% 69% 5 New Ycrk Central. . 4400 8" \ 42% ? X Y C & 31 L 2d pr 100 5? 19% 2% N Y Dock. 100 30% 44'4 5 N Y Dock pr. 100 52% 25%? N Y N H & Ii. 6300 32% 18% ? N y Ontarlo & Wcal 000 23 15 ? Norfolk South . 409 19% 103 7 Norfolk & West.... 2C0 110% ?8% 7 Northern Pacific ... 1320 9Ci^ 46 5 Nova Scotia Steel .. 5600 92% 43 2% Ohio Fuc! . o03 ,; 35% 4 Ohio Gas . 47800 53% 5! 2 ? Ontario Silver . 600 8% 46 3 O^ens IJottlintr. 320 55V, 8 % <>kla Prod . 0S2O 11% 67^ 5 Pan Am Pet . 14800 99% 43% 3 Pennsylvania R R.. 4100 47% 4;4 ? Peoria & East . 800 12% 45] 0 ? Peo Oas & Coke .... 3220 53 1^'s ?"*? Pcre Marqucttc. 3800 2 2-, 56 5 Pere Marq Pri.>r pr 600 62 30 3 Philadelphia Co .. 1500 39'/, 44 5 Pitts, C C & St h .. 220 62 30 6 Penn Sea!) Steel.00 36'. 2834 5 Piercc Arrow . 1C300 65 16 ? Piercc Oil . 23I00 26 43 5 Pittsburgh Coal _ 12r'0O 64% 35% 5 Pittsburgh Coal pr. . 600 935? 34 - Pitts & West Va ... 21400 40% II 6 Pitts & West Va pr 000 84 1*% 1 Pond Creik Coni ... 700 177' 59 8 Presscd StccI Car... 8900 85'p 61 ? Punfa Alegre . 5200 50 112% 8 Pull Paloco Car Co 200 123 63% 8 Railway Steel Spring 2303 93% j9 2 Ray Con Copper ... 3100 2.2% 4 Readinjr . 25102 9oia /1% b Rep iron & Steel.... 3200 89 iuu f Rep Iron & Steel pr. 300 104' -, 70% 8.44 Royal Dutch. 1/00 11'r 86% 8.44 Royal Du N V shrs. 2ISC0 112% 13% ? st Joseph Ler.ii. 100 14~8 6'4 ? Saxon Motors . 10CO 12 IO/4 St L & San Fran... 62,00 21 22 .c;t L & San Fran pr. 400 22?3 53% ? Savage Arms . 400 60% 7% ? Scaboard Air Line.. 200 10 15% ? Seaboard A L pr. . . . 402 20'-. 10812 8 Sears Rocbuck. 400 203 10 1 S-hattucl; Ariz . 620 14'2 33'4 ? Sinclair Oil . 341C0 67% 46% 6 Sloss-Sheff S ii 1_ 44.0 co" 05 7 Sloss-Shoff S & I pr. 200 01% 95% 6 Southern Pacific_ 22320 111% 132 20 South Porto Kico Sug 100 181 25 ? Saulhern It It. 34C0 303-j 66% 5 Southern H it pr_ 400 7o' 453/4 4 Studebekcr . 37100 116 02 7 Stuoeba!.cr pr. ^rj 12j 42'4 5 Siu'z .Motors . 3300 71 32 6 Supcrior Steel . 400 52% 36% 3 Strombcrg Corb. 3400 61 12% 1 Tenn Copper Chcm . 1300 14'., 27%? Texas & Pacific. 37!00 54 '? 130 8 Tex & Pac Land Tr. 22 40.2 185 10 Texas Co . 2000 232 190% 10 Texas Co pr. 400 2/7 17%? Third Av R R. 100 23'8 201 8 Tldewater Oil. 602 220 ' 72% 6 Tobacco Products.... 11200 96% 99% 7 Tobacco Products pr. 400 106 5% ? Tol, St L W pr. 10C0 5% 10 ? Tol, St L W ctfs pr. 200 16% 75 6 Union Unjr & Paper. 200 03 124% 10 Union Pacific. 2300 135% 3~3,8 4 United Alloy Steel... .2020 53 107% 9 I'nited Ci(rar Stores. 27100 134% 91 6 United Drug 2d pr. 100 123 157 10 United Fruit. 620 130 49 2 U S Food Prod _ G900 78% 7% ? I'nited Ry Invcst ... 400 11% 15 ? United Ry Invcst pr. 700 24% 14 ? U S Cast I !? & Fo.. 300 23' , 42'2 5 U S Cast I P & Fo pr ,200 63% 97% 16 U S Ind Alcohol ... 16320 1^3 96% 7 U S Ind Alcohol pr. 100 199% 17% ? I' S Realty & Imp.. 6500 44' ?> 73 ? V S Rubber . 21600 114% 109 8 1: S Kubber 1st Pr. 100 114% 43% 5 I S Smelt & Ktf ... 2400 6" \ 88! 4 5 U S Steel . 173100 108% 113'. 8 7 U S Steel pr . ioo 116! ? 65! 8 6 I'tah Copper . 14000 82 61 4 Va Carolina (hem .. 38100 73 11? 8 Va Car Chcm pr . . . 600 114 54 ? Va Iron, Coal & Coke 200 72 7% ? Yt'aba.' h . 3400 11% 30% ? Waba.ih pr A . 4100 3534 53 ? Wells Fariro Kx. 200 60 9% ? West Maryland. 620 12% 1*7 ? West Pacific. 2800 24 34% 7 Western Union Tel.. 200 91 94% 7 Wcstinghousc Air Hr 200 112% 40% 4 Westinghousc Mfr;... 6400 57% 61 4 Westing Mfg 1st pr. 100 70 65% 5 Wilson Co . 15600 97% 96% 7 Wilson Co pr. 200 101 ? 7% ? Wheel & L K. 200 10% 17 ?? Wheel & L E pr. . . . 100 22 45 4 White Motors. 300 60 23% 1 Willjs Overland_ 21600 37% 39% ? Wisconsin Central... 500 40 120 8 Woolworth . 100 130% 50 ? Worth Pump & Mach 400 71% 88 7 Worth P & M pr A.. 200 00 66 6 Worth P & M pr B.. 100 76 Kx dividend. Stocka. nid. Aoked Anglo-Amer Co Ltd "''?. ""> Atlantic Retlnlng ..'.'. '.1890 " 1410 uome-Scrymner. 400 Buokoye Hip.< Line. 103 101 ChesebrouBh Mfg i.'oua. ::).-, .'i::o ? ontinental Oil .(ti.1 o;:.-, Crescenl I'ipo Lin". :;.-, ::7 Cumberland Plpo Line 21.1 "oo Euroka Plpe Llno. . . . 170 3.:, Ualcna-Slgnal <>il pf now... 103 lil) rl" l^ old. j I,-, 130 'lf com . 110 i-D [lllnots Plpe Llno. t:c: ih? Jurlianu Plpe Llne. i0'v> ioo Irttnriitl Petrol Ltd. :;()U 31 National Trunslt. Co... , "'! 24 New York Transit. .",,.'. 18.2 IHO northern Plpe Llno_?_, H8 117 ^hl" Olt. 3?:t 3.1M Penn-Mex Funl. 70 -;?? Prairie 011 & Om.?.... 700 7i<> Prairie Plpo Llno. 800 :.;>; Solar Ftoflnlng. 880 805 Southorn Plpe Lm<>. HIK i; i ?''' "Hi I ? rin oil. ago 340 ?''"' hw Penn I Ipo Llnoa. I0K 113 Stand < >il of < -,,1 ?.-,.; ?>..,) ?'? ?d i mi of Indiana . ."333. 8011 3',:, '''??'??! OH of Kan. (ioo 63.1 HUnd Oil oi |-.,.?i ucicy . . 48fj i,',o Stand Oil of Nt-braaka. 51.1 505 Stand <Mi 0f N .1. 740 7.<o Stand o|i of Now Vork . . .. :tK? :t?o Btand Oil or Ohl<. 019 030 Swan & Plnch. too no Union Tnnk Llno.?. 184 137 Vacuum Oil ._.???.? 440 400 WashHiKton Oil ,....^..^..._. 43 40 MJ8CEMJUMKOU8 OU. COMPAN1JI8 Co?<len St Cn ,-,,.,?????, 11% 18 BIk rianln Petrol^..^^^,^, u^ 11% Hwtcton OH 9om+*aaiaa*mu*w 120 130 Imperial Oil Ltd. 42r, 435 Magnolla P4etroleun. 400 425 Mcrrltt Oil Corpn. o<)i/s x0 Mldwest ReflnlnB . 187' 18.H Norlhwest Oil . ,i; Sapulpa Reflnlng . un. 65 8% Consolidated Exohan?e [Unit of trarlc on this exchange, 10 shares] Transactions aru] prices yesterday for the more active shares follow: SaIes' Open. High. Low. Last. 805 American Can. 58% 59% 58-% 58% I I 190 American Ice. . 70 74 70 74' loOOAm Smelt & R 81'4 83% 81 83 i ^.580 Anaconda Cop. 70% 72 >8 70% 7134 ? 1840 Baldwin Loco.,104 105% 103% 103% I 860 Beth Steel 11... 84' \ 85% 84% 84% | 1520 Cent Leather..103% 107 103% 106% 920 Chile Copper... 25% 26 24% 253? 680 Col Fuel <t I. . 49% 50% 49% 493i : 6*0 Crucible Steel.. 94 95' 94 95 35% 35% 833Z 84 I " ln;. Mer Mar... 47% 48% 47'-. 48', :? ' Inlerb ('?.?,. pf. 29';, 29% 29 29% laxwell 2!. 'or 26 26' . 54 54' , I ? ican Pcl . . 193] 4 193! ?> 192 193 8776 Mi ouri !?.,-. . 33 34% 32% 34' n 2330 Ohio Citiea Gaa 58 59 08 68% ,.0 (, ;lahoma Oil.. 1 1% 11% 11% 111 , 950 Pan Am P&T. 99%100'4 99'. , 100 1800 Plcrce Arrow.. G4 05' - 64' 64'4 D30 Pitta & W Va. 41% 41'4 39% 40' 8370 Reading. 91% 92% 90% 923., 710 Royal O N Y..113 115 113 113% 8895 Blncjalr Oil... 67% 68% 67 67% 1090 Southern Pac.111% 112% 111% 112% 8460 Ktudebaker ..,116% 118 113% 118 8105 Texas & Pao.. 64% 66 64% 65 900 Tob Products.. 96% 99 96% 97% 1245 U Clgar Stores. 136% 140 133% 138% 22970 U 8 Steel_108% 110% 108% 110% JJ/iO Wlliya Overlnd 37% 38% 37% 38% 6\><i Cuba Cane Suk 363,4 37 900 Goodrich Co. . . 84% 85 t L Bonds Following is a complete record of all transactions in bonds on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday: U. S. Government Bonds (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Closing Quotations) Thursday. Wednesdnv. t;v~* ,1/ ,.~ r, Bid- Aaked. Bid. Asked. Liberty 3'jS '4, 99.46? 99.50 99.40? 99.50 do lst 4s '47. 95.30@ 95.40 95.20ffi> 95.30 do 2d 4s '42.94.36a 94.40 94.30? 94.40 do lst4'4s'-!7 95.70? 95.90 93.60"o2 95.S0 do 2d4%s*42 94.80? 94.84 94.70? 94.78 do ,>d 4 $4,8*28 95.60? 95.64 95.56 3 95 60 do 4th 4'4s'3S 94.92? 94.96 94.86? 94.90 Victory 4*is .. 99.98?10O.0O 99.98 @ 100.00 do 3s4s -100.10@100.20 100.08? - Pre-war lssues: 2s, reg, 1030 99%? 99% 99%@ 99% ' 3s, coup, 1930.... 99%@ 99% 99'24@ 99% 3s, reg. 1946. 89 @ 92 89 ? 92 3s, coup, 1946- S9 @ 92 39 ? 92 ?Js. res, 1925-106 @106% 106 @106% 4s. coup, 1925-106l, + @106% 106%?106% 2a, Pan, c. 1936.. 98%? 99% 98%@ 99' ^ 2s, Pan, r. 1936.. ?8%@ ? 98%? ? " 2a, Pan, c. 1938.. 98%@ 99% 98%@ 99' , 2s, Pan, r, 193S.. 93%fci) ? 9334@ ? ?>s, Pan, reg.89 @ 92 89 @ 92 3s. Pan, coup-89 ? 92 83 ? 92 Phil -is, 1934- 90 ? 96 90 @ 96 Phil 4s, 1335- 90 (5) 96 90 ? 96 Phil 4s, 1936- 90 ? 95 90 @ 96 D Col 3-Gos. 97 @100 97 @100 Liberty lssues Not Hitrh. Low. I,.i?t. change. Liberty 3Hs... 99.50 99.42 99.50 + .10' do lst 4s. 95.40 95.20 95.30 -j- .10 do 2d 4s. 94.46 94.30 94.40 -? do lst 4V4?.. 95.90 95.70 95.90 ? .16 do 2d 4'4ri... 94.86 94.70 94.80 do 2d 4its... 95.66 95 54 95.50 4- .02 do 1th 4^,3.. 95.00 94.90 94.96 - .04 Victory 4-"ts ...1C0.C0 99.98 100.00 -j- 04 do 3v4s .100.20 100.06 100.16 + .03 [Approximate investment yield at the closing New York Stock Exchange prices ] Yield ' Third 4'4s . 4 SO Fifth 4%s . 4.75 Pcurth 4'.,* . 4.G4 Second P,a . 4.61 First 4%-, . 4.51 Second 4s . 4.37 First 4s . 4.30 Fifth 3%9 . 3 70 First 31,2s . 3.53 [Sales of Liberty Bonds on tho New York Stock Exchange carry interest to the date of sale. and the seller receives this interest in addition to the sale price. I (Sales) U S liberty 3'i.a 2.000. 95.64 1932-47 22.00.,. 95,60 10,000. 99.44 26,0110. 05 Fto 2.. 99.42 10.000.'. .33. 95.00 2.2..). 99.42 40,000. 95.64 221,000. 99.44' 1 000 q-> 66 19..'. 99.44; 21.000. 35.60 12,000. 99.50 10,000 ... 95 62 13.000. 99.46 124,000. 95.60 '... 99.44 2"."00. 99.46 Total. $690,000 10,000. 99 50 U S Liberty 4th 4V4s Total. $155,000; 1933-33 U S Liberty 28,000. 94.90 I?1: conv 4s 55,000. 94.92 1932-1947 | 50.000. 3.33. 94^94 95.22 .",.|. 94.00 2,000. 95.C0 2.000. 94.94 15,000. 95.22 20 000 .' 94 92 1,000. 95.20: 73 000 94 03 2,000. 95.22 22,00,1] . ..ii 94.94 5,000. 95.3-1 2 l,000. ... G-i 03 2.000. 95.26 lg'oo )" " 94 91 10,000 . 95.40' 216.000. 94.92 4,000. 95.40 15,000. 94.96 20,000. 95.30 13,000. 04.04' 30,000, .'...'. 94.96 Total. $62.000i 1,000. 94.D2 ; U S Liberty 2d 4s 40,000. 94^4 1927-42 ! 1 l.OOO!! .... 94/J6 55,000.94.46 110..1011. 94.92 | 3.000. 94.30; 143,000. 94.9'}' 55 000 91 98 10,000. 04.32! 313,000. 9-! 93 10,000. 94.35. 8 000 94 92 4.000. 94.36: 3n."000. '.333. ;i4*93 3,000. 94.32 2s 000. 94 94 ?"'.' "". 94.36' 23.000. 91.05 I 10.000. 94.38 240,000. 2 1-.98 :; """. 94.32 10,000. 94.96 20,. 94.33 3,000. 94.98 1.000. 94.40' T2| 000 0 10 1,000. 94.30 1,000. 0.1V. 10.000. 94.40 3,000. . . 9-' Q3 4,000. 94.32 1,000.. 50,000. 94.40 7 000 94 92 4,000. 94.36 s'ou 1. 94a 2L',oijO. 94.40 |,000. 95.00 20,1. 94.90 Total. $213,000 25,000. 94.93 U S Liberty 22,000. 94 2m lst conv 4%s ,.,000. 94.95 I932-1947 I 3.2.000. 94.99 11.000. 95.78 6,000. 94.95 1,000. 95.70 26,000. 94.9 4 10,000. 95.30! 10 000 94 92 95.70; 25,000. 3333. 94.94 40,000. 93 801 10.1 94 96 ?13.000. 95.84' 4,000. 94^92' 17.000. 95.70: 24,000 .. 94.94 I,. 95.80 50,000. . .' 94.0.3 6,000. 95.70: 28,000 94 ad . 10.000. 95.84' 2,000. . . 94 9" 20,000. 95.90 8,000. 94^94 2,.). 94.96 - Total. $166,000 2,000. 94.94 U S Liberty I 4.000. 9].92 2d conv 4',4? I i.000. 94^94 1937-1942 30,000. 94.93 1.000. 94.80, 30 oon 94 a.s 10,000. 94.78 6 000 94*98 2.000. 94.76 66,.'. 9i.96 12,000. 94.74 . . 94 oo 2..000. 94.72 5.000.... 94^93 10,000. 94.73 60,000 9500 5,000. 94.74 5,1100. 94194 6,000. 94.76, 2,000. . 94 98 2.o20. 94.78' 5.000 94 go 65,000. 94.74' 14,000 . 94*94 f.00. 94.30 25,000. ... 94 93 ] 33.000. 94.73 20,000 94 94 2,000. 94.86 3,000. . 949? 1,000. 94.74 4,000. 94 96 n.000. 94.73 50,000. 95.00 10,000. 94.74 25,000. 94.96 ' 3,000. 94.76 23,000. 94 93 ' 5,000. 94.70 31.000. 94.92 127,000. 94.70 32,"'"I. 94 98 ; 21.000. O'V'M 25,000.. 9494 2,000. 94.701 ZC.000... 94*92 ' 5,000. 94.721 1,000. 94.90 : 1 /.ooo. sh , 4 25,000. 94.92 27."00. 94.78 I..1-. . 94/J6 ' 4,000. 0 1.7J 1,000. 94 04 i io,000. 94.80] 19,000. 94.92 44,000. 942/4 50,000. 94.GO ? 13,000. 94;74| _ 10,000. 94.80! Total_ $2,391,000 ! 3.000. 94.76. Vic Lib Loan 13,0011.94.80 3%s l92*'-23 10,000. 94.76 10,000. 100.0S 5,000. 94.7S 2.000. IGO.Ou l.'Vt". 94.76 43,000. . . 100 10 : 1 1,000. 94.73 2.000_ 100 16 10,000. 94.80; 1,000. 103.20 10,000. 100.1-1 Total. $681,000 10,000. 100.16 U S Liberty -j 3d 4'4s 1928 I Totn!. $73,000 15,000. 93.54 Vict Lib Loan 45,000. 95.56! 4%s 1222-23 81.000. 95.60! 6,000. 99 98! 5,000. 95.64' 533,000. 100 00 : 95.56] 287.000. 99 98' 1,000. 95.53' 3.000. 100 00 ' 13.000. 95.64 61,000. 99 93 . 26,000. 95.60: 500. 100 00 ' 8.000. 95.64' 110,000. S9.S3 ' 36,000. 95.60' 9,000. 100 00! 46,000. 99.93 2,000. 95.52 12,000 990s: 95.eo. 54,000..!!! ioo'oo 5,000. 95.04. 245,000. 9993 17.000. 95.65: 13,"0". 100 00 2.000. 95.69! 4.1. 39.93 1 I,. 95.66; 10,000. 99 98 | 8.000. 95.64: 6,000. 100 00 33.000. 95.64, 36,000. 99.93 1,000. 95.60' 7.000. 100 00 4,000. 95.66; 33,000. S9 98 1.3.000. 95.84i 12,000. 100.00 24,000. 95.66! -_ 2.000. 95.601 Total_ $1,499,000 1.000. 95.661 U 8 4* Reg 10,000. 106.00 Foreign Government and Municipal Bonds (New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Interest To He Added) Bid. Asked. Am Foreign See Co 5a 1919. ...99fjj 100 Anglo-French Extern 5s 1920.. 97,''? 97'>, ^ra ntin? Intern 2s 194G. 84 88'/o Canada Dom of 5s 1921. 93' > 98M ']" 1:';-'> . es'-'s 934= do 1931 . 9/:>u 97% Chinese Gov !tu K Ry 5s 1951. 68'2 715? ' Cuba Extern 5s 1914. 99' ? _ do Extern 6s Series A 1949.. 92' 2 93"'-, do Extern 4%a 1949. 84 85 Dotninican Rep 5s 1958. gi __ City of Bordeaux 6s 1919...... 99'/a 99*4 do Lyona 6a 1919..?. 99l, 993? do Marseilles 6s 1919. 99*!, 99s* de Paris 6i 1921.?.... 07% 98 Jap Gov i ',.<i? ?terllng loan 1325 91 9104 do 4V4s 2d ser 1925.. ...... 92 92'! do 4s sterlingr loan 1931..*?, 80 80^2 City of Tokio 60 lSELMMMm 79 80 ^ 71 66% BU Asked.' I K Ot B 4 I 3-vr 54s 1919.. 99% 100 do 5-yr 5%s 1921....?...?. 98% 99% do 20-yr 6%s ia37.99% 99% Foreign Bonds Dealt in Flat Mex Extern sterl 5s of '99 1945 67 do Extern gold 4s of '04 1964. 62 Ruj lbJi runte 4s 1000 ruble den 20 (Sales) Am FoBeten S 5s Dom Can 5s 1926 5000. 99%' 4CiOO. 98'/. 2000.100 JDom Ca?n 5s 1931 Anslo-i'renxh 5s 3000.97% 5000. 97' 2! 1000.97% 5000. 37 ."'i Jap 2U ser i'^za Ger 71000. 97% man stm 1 -? '0. 97% j 10000.87'4 6000.97'. 1,Rep ot" Cuba 5s 1904 46000. 97'jC' 2000.S91. 'a 5000. 97% do 1914 97%; 10000.92 97 ft 10 K of Gt Britain & 1 5V4a 1921 7060.. 12000. City of Bordeaux 6s 54000. 99% 1000. 99v'j 2000. 99% City of Lyons 0s 29000. 99% City ?f Marseilles 'ia 22000.99 1000 1 oo. 5000.99% S0000. 99 1000.99% do 5Via 1937 15000.99% 500.100 1000. 99% 99%' TJ S of Mexico 4s 99Al 1000. 53 5000. 99%iN Y C 4V?s 1957 Nov' City o!" Paris Gs 1000.102%; 3000. 97% do 1965 S.97% 10000.102%' 2000. 98 2000. 97%, Railways, Other Corporations Am Ac: Ch deb 5a lMontana Pwr 5s 1,000.109%) 5,000. 92%! 8,000.110 ? 2,000. 92% | do cvt 5s j Morris oc Co 4%s 1,000. 99%i 10.000. 87% Am Cut Oil 5a 2.U00. 88 3,000.89' '-. N Enam & S 5s Am Smelting 5s | 10.000. 98 1,000. CO' ?> N O Term 4s 1,000.90% 2,000. 67% r,OU0. 90%|N O T & Mex 6s 1,. 90 j Am T & T cvt 6s 25, 100.104 j 3,000.103% 3,00 1.103%; 7,000.104 ; 1 1,000.103%j L.0O0.104 ( 14..103%; 1.000. . . 96 5,000.. ;, 00. 5 000.. 6,000. 1,000. . 6,000., 2.00.1.. 58 59'. 61 62 62', 62'/, 61 do col ls ??I. Am V, Paper ls cl fs o? depos Arm. A T do 104 IN Y Cent deb fis ,l 53 3,000.100'.4 000. 92% 1,000.100% 000 "2 I 4,000.100' 2 000 . 92! 8i 4,000.IOOI4 .1. 93 f 1,000.1001.3 18,000.1O0',4 1 000.100' 2 1 I 000.100% 6,000.IOO/2 89%i do rfg 3V?s ur ( o ivis -.000. 7134 " 83' o 9,000. 71% ,v S F cvt 4s ' N Y C .v St L 1st 4* 1,000. 83% ! 000 102 ? 7-' Y Lake & W 4s ,',000.101' -.' 1.000. 95 .. en -|.; ~ N Y N H & H 6s : - 00. 82% 2,000. 82% !..1 . 82' ? 1.000. 83 1,000. ... 82% N Y Rys rfg 4a At C I. I, & N ls 19,000. 46 1,0 10. ...'.. 85% 8,000. 45% Brdt ii O rfg 5s f'? adJ 5s ;; ? OtlO 80 I '.000. 16 ,1 , C'V| 41 ,'s' ' " 5,000. 15% ?? .| " 7ot? do ctfs of depos flloOO'.'.'.'.'.'. 79% 19.000. 15% Li 000 791 ,': N Y W & B 4%s do pr lien :'.''.. ' 1ono. 53% ;, i.iii. "89% N'firf So 5s sor A ,\? B'old ls'" 1.000. 67 i 000 76' , Morf .V- W cvt ''a 80.000.109 Eg ? ' 2,000.10034 ' B 13,000.109' 2 87% dn Con |* Bcth Sl el rfg L,00 I. <i? p i.i 5a ? 000. 10,'.1. 1,000. 82% 8^% -';-'"". 82 971 ? Nor Pacific 3s 83 : 1.000. w*. Bklyn Rap Tr -is ~-nM. 60 , noo 46 I0'"0 & ('a! '?'"' "s Bklyn Un Elev os '?""''. "' 3 2,000 . 79 1 2,000. 99 C Ga con 5s reg ?r!> ph"'"' L '!s 10 000 106 I 20,000. 36% Cent Leather 5s Pac (; ??? "s l.i l. 97% 1.000.... ?,.,,,,.,. 97 ;Penn 5s 1968 Cent Pac gtd 4s 2,000. 80% C R R of N J 5s 2,000.103 do r irialeral 1.000.101 %| Chcs .v O con 5s 86% 98 71 91'. n I' 91 . , , 911 , (lo ls '5,000 n\(? Pierce Oil os 913Z 2,000.130 . % [.(100 .129 on 1.000.127' d-> 1921 9,000.107 I.000.107' .... '.' ,',' '" -' Ptib ? of N .1 os " ? . -'' g.,, ) 5.00(1. 77 . ,,. ' % 2 Reading ?en ls lOioOO:::::: 84./J 3.000... Chic & Alton :!' .s 10,000. 33 C B & Q 111 Ls do 'i'l'";'''.^'" ?A' * -Rich & Meck4s ..;..?; -?' -ri. 1.000. doJo.ntV."" a:YlJf,0^. '* Rep T ci StI 83' 4 S3% H 69 63 ,,- ... ;t L & S V 4s sor A 96 '?? -"'. 33%: 30 0i I. co Chic Gt West '.s l,. . 62% C V :? Sl p cvt 41 .s 10,. 78%' 1,000. 78341 34,000. 78%; do rfg lUs 3,000. 71 I do Is 1925 12.000. 5.00 :. 1.00D. 1 on 1. 1 do 5a ser B 5.000. rio mli lis 10,001. 2 00;"> C & \'v n r :n Chica . Ry 5s C & VV Ind 1,000 . Chile C inn 100 77 G4-3 11.00'. fi f 00 1 non 63% 03' , 63% 77%. 69! , 69' 4: 69% 53! , 533 ? 53% 53' ., 53' i 53' '-, 10,00 l. 49 000. ! : 000 18,000, .119 .120 .110 .118%' .11 13.000. 533/, 10.0 10. 53% 10.000. 54 ?,?,St L Swn Term 5s 2.100. 63% ao St L Swn lat ls 92/j , 2'000.. 71% ao - do con U i,-.; 1.000. 65% I 2:060:::::: 92 "' ;,'f'?0. 65 CCC .?> St L gen 1m ' 3,000. 70% 2,000. 70 Ccl & .-;> !st -ls 10. ?1' 80! 9 1,000. Comr> Tab R 6s 83ff is 10:11 De II cvt 5s ,,'!?-. do rfg 4 s 2,000. 84'%' Dot City Gas 5s I l.oon. 96' '2' Erie nr ]ien -ls 5.000. 68%< do cvt 1s ser D 5,000. 52% I.OO0. 52%' 2,0 '0. 53 I 10 100. do Penn ccl 4s St P & K C S L 41 -s ?1.0O0. 69% ^, S A cl- A P 4s 10,000. 67 .. . Seab \ir L adj 5s &a? l.oon. 521/4 I.000. 52 6,000... . : .' 52% ' Sinclair Oi! Ts 9.ono. 99% R.So Bell T & T 53 1n,, . . 1.000. 92% 3 -1 So Pacific cvt 5s 1,000.111% 2,000.111% 1,000.111% 15,000.111% do cvt. 1s 9.000 7',ooo::::: 5.noo. 7.00.1. 16,000 .. . 10.000. do rfsr 4s .1,010_ 2.000. J A Southern Ry 4s 1 )00 .100 93 8534 86 85% 86 86''3 86 81 81% Gen deb C2 68% 69 68', 2.000. . t 600 3. 1. 08%l 50OO' ' G?at"Nor4%;- ?S' S\ d? ^O ^'^74 GB4%y000Wdeb13 L %^"'"'A" 93 ? ? ;-,, Texas Co cvt 6s l.onn.102% 2.nnn.102 62/4 Third Ave rfg .ig 62 ' lo.onn. 57 02! 2 do ad.i 5s 62 27,nno.40% .?, 4,ooo.40% 13%; T St L & W 4s 5,000. 55 4,000. 13' 1 Hud & M rfg 5s I 5,000. do inc <i in non 24,000. ".noo. 100. 19 19% 19 19% 10,000... Ill Steel -I'-s li.onn. 85'. Intboro-Mot lUs "I 25,0 0...... 411/4 1.000. 41 ! l.OO >. 41% 0.0 il.41% '.' ' l '. 40%l do c fs of depos 10,000.40/ol 1.000. 40 'l 5,000. -10' 2 Intboir. R T rfg 5s G.OOO. 74% 3,000.74 1.000...,,, 74% 4.000..,... 74 6.000...... 74% 24.000....... 74% 2.000...... 74K K,000.?,,?4 74%" 20,000...?. 74% Union Pacific 6s 9,000.103''?> l.ono.103'4 1,000.103' ? 1.000.103% do cvt. Is 5 00"'. 88% 2,000. 831 , I 000 83) . 3.000. ?3 do rfg 4s 3.000. 81 7.000. 80% 8.000. 81 do Ifit 4s 2.non. 86% U R of S F 4s ctfs of depoa 10,000.33 1.000.33?/8 7.000...... 33 4,000...?.. 32^4 7,000 32i/' U S Renlty k \ Br 14.000.?.^,, 7?% 82% Int AgTicult 5a 4.000. Int M Mar 6s 10,000.102"/a 55.000.102 6,000.102%! 100,000.102' < 3,000.l02'/a 5,000.lOir-g' 1,000.101 %j Iowa Central 4s 13.00". 48 I 1.000.48 %l K C Ft S i M 4s 1.000. 71 Lack Steel os 1923 5,000.97 21.000.965* do 5s 1950 1.000.93'.', 10,000., 93a.;! 9,000.95 I 1.000. 96 ! L E & W lst 5s I 1.00<>. 35% Lake S 4s 1928 1,000.89%! Lac G of St L rfs 5s ! 5,000.87%i Lehigh Val 63 2,000.1021,4 4,000.102 | 6.000.101%l Llcrgett A M 7s 1,000.113% do 5s 2,000. 94% Long Island gen 4s 2,000. 79 Lorillard Co 5s 1.000. 93'/,! L & N unified 4s ' | 4,000. 861/41 do L C & L 4%s ! 5.000. 93''-.' Midvale Steel 5s 2.000. goi/-, l .? 2.000. 90l.-4| Min & St L con 5s I 2,000. 73 2.000. 73'4 do 4s 3,000... 471-,' M K ?fe T s f 4Us '"( ctfs of depos 8.000. 31'.4! Pac gen 4s r>.ooo. 62% 2.' 00 . 63 I 14,000.! 62% 7.000. 623,4i 10."00. 62% 10.000. 62%| l.OOO. fi23/4| 6,000. 63 I Mr, U S Rubber 7s 1.000.1037a 1,000.103% do 5s 5,000.89 1.000.89'8 1.000..89 5,0"0. 89% U S Smelting 6s 2,000.105 5.000.105' a 8,000.105'.'4 U S Steel s f 5s 11.000.100'/a 3.000.100 2.000.100'8 3.000.100'4 Utah Pwr & L 5s 2,000.90 Va & Swn con 5s 2.000.945' 2 Wabash lst 5s 3.000.96 do 2d 5s 2,000.87% West Maryland 4s 1.000.61'8 4,000. 60% Wilson A Co 6b 15,000.100% 4,000.100', 2 6,000.100% 3,000.100!/. do cvt 6s 2S.O0O......103 5.000.103% 5,000.103'4 1.000.103 7.000.103'4 13.000.103' -, 4,000.103 n.000.103' s 5.000.1031-4 7.000.103% 37,000.104 28,000.104'4 10,000.104' , lo.oon.1041,8 15,000.104% 25,000.1C4% 1.000.104'4 15.000.104'8 SS.000.104 0.000.104% 2,000.103% 3.000.103% 2,000.1033,', 3,000.1037, S.onrt 103% 32.000.104 5.000.104' <, 1.000.103% Note. Tho Tribune aesumes no respcnsi bility for the nccuracy or autlunticity of curb market quotations. Transactions and prices yesterday wero reported as foilows: Open. High. Low. Last. 73/4 9% 30' 2 1000 *Aetna Explos. 10% 150 *Air Reduction. 53 900 'Am Ch Prod. 1 ,', 1500 *.\m M & G... 46'/, 3400 ?Brit-Am Ch... 9% 50" Tir-Am T cpn 23% ?1"" Br-Am T rts 6% 6. *ChaImers Mo 11% 1"" *Cramp Shpbg 134 -v.*Farrell Cl. ... 56% 400 'Gen Aspht... 73 1400 Grape-Ola _ R4 5000 *Heyden Chem. 6000 Hupp Mt* Car. 2700 tntercon Rub. . 100 *Jones Brs, Tea 26 3700 *Man Shirt, w i 30% 7500 Marconi of Am 4% 2oo *Mart Parry \v i 29 200 *Mex Invest.. . . 75 1500 "Nat Anil &'Ch 37 12500 *Nat Coal 4 Ice 71 800 *N M & Ar Ld 4 3000 N Am Plp & Pa 6 600 *N YSav Tire. 56 108 *Pac Gas & Els 58% 600 *Pearson Coal.. 3% 3.) Peer Tr & Mtr 35% 1.10 Pcrfec T & R. 1% 220o "Philip Morris. 12% 100 *Rmgton Typw 74' '3 1500 ?Savold Tire. . 55' 7400 *Stand G & E. 37 1500 Sub Bt v t ctfs 16' -. 8"0 *Swift Inter. . 59 1200 Triglc F v t ctfs 1 300 n'nitecl Motors 52 5000 Un Profit Sh.. 2ft 5000 U S teamship. 3% 300 *Union Carbide 72 20.0 'Warmn Rros. 50 600 Wayne Coal.. . 314 13"0 *Wright-Martin B'l 10 55 " 473| 9% 23'4 6'4 12% 134 61 73% (J 8% 9% 30'2 26' \ 31 4% 30 75 37 784* 4'j 6'. 55 59'-'. 38% 1ft 12% 74'2 56' -> 38'4 17 60 1% 53 2ft 3% 74 50 3% 5U 10% 55 10', 53 ' 1 46 46% 9 9% 23% 23% 6 6 11% 11% 134 134 55% 60' , 4 73 % 7% 94, 29% 26 30'4 29* 741-4 36 71 4 6 54 58' 2 3% 35% iS 12 74% 55 37 16% 59 1 52 2% 3% 72 4934 3% 5% 73% U 8 9% 30% 26' 2 30% 4% 30 743.4 36 78% 4% 6 54% 59 3% 3S% 1%, 12% 74% 56 38' 4 17 59 1% 52 2ft 3% 73 53 3% 5% htandard Oil Sale?. 1300 ?Anglo-Am Oil. i0 *Prairie P T,. . 1" "Stand Oil N J. 10 "Stand Oil N Y Ooen. Ififjh. Low. Last. 24% 25 24% 25 ? 302 3C2 " 302 ? 745 745 745 Olhcr Oil Stocks Open 25% 1! , 1% 1 Sales. 4000 *AIlen Oil 1000 "Alliance O&R. 5000 *Amal Royalty/ G4400 *fAm Ventura. 2000 ?Barnett O.tG. 5000 "Boone Oil_ 1200 *Boston-Mex.. . 25000 ? tBos-Wyo Oi). 34 10 *Can-Am 0.2rC. 1 1 10 Cities S BT sh. : 10 *Cities Serv pf. 79% 18000 *Comwth P w i 58% 7500 Continental Ref 14 3700 *Cosden & Co. 12 1" *Crystal Oil. . . 1% 800 Dvike Cons Rov. 1' a tSOO 'Elford Oil. ... % 7000 *Elk Basin Pet 10' , 1400 *Ertel Oil. 7'.2 8.1 fEsmeralda Oil 17 7500 "Federal Oil. .. 3% 1700 *Glenrock Oil.. 7 11500 *tGulfpt O&R. 36 1000 -"Here Pet cl A 11 3000 Home O R v/ i 37% 300 Houston Oil..125 100 ' Hudson Oil... 2% 1400 *Internat Pet... 31 4500 'Island O & Tr 8' B 1C20 Kentucky Oci-R. 3500 ?Lance Ck Roy 5000 *Livingston Oil 500 McCoombsP&R 2000 'Merritt Oil Cp 29% 4000 Metro Petrol. .. 3% 400 *Mex-Panuco... 12' 2500 *t;?i States Oi!. 1% 300 ?Midwest Ref..187 1000 *Midwest-Tex.. l'i 1000 ?Mor P of Me. 4% 500 ?National Oil.. 5% 1000 *t\orthwest Oil 65 2500 "-Ohio Ransrer.. 1% 400 *Ok!a & Tex.. 18000 tOmar O & G.. 1200 ?Orient O & G. 2000 *Osag NOS Inc 400 *P,-nnok Oil. . . Pitis-Texas... TQueen Oil... Rangeburnett. Ranger-H tap) Ranper Oil. .. Rickard Tex.. Rock Oil lapj % 8000 ?Ryan Pet. 57a G000 "Salt Ck Prod. 54' 3 1,300 Sequoyah O&-R. % 800o *tSholan O w i. 49 7000 *Sinclair Gulf. 61% 37000 fSouthwest Oil 72 3100 ?S W P & R. . 6 470O *Stanton Oil.. 13.4 2100 *Sterlintr O&R. 20 12000 *Tex-Ken Oil. . 5% 3000 "Tex-Ran P&R 4% 9500 '-rTexana O&R. 65 15 I Texas P & R.. 8'/? 5200 "Texas Sleer. . IS.'Tex Oil & L.. 52.00 'Tex-York Pr. 4700 *Tri-State O&R 200 ?Valv O P Inc. 1900 ?Vic Oil n stk. 1000 ?Virky T O&G. 1500 Way land O&G. 1500 *W S O&Lnew 2100 ?West Va Pet. 9700 ?"Y" Oil & G. 32oo 12000 4000 5000 1000 900 11600 5 58 4'/s 1% 16's 9 13 19' 2% 6% 2% 1% 4 7% 1% 19% % 6% 59 % 50% 53% 77 6 204 G% 80 8% % 3 6% 2% 1,-? 54 u 49 613^ 71 57e 20 1? 2% 6% 4 7% 19', 5; 6'.; 53 3 50 62' 77 6 Vs 20' 6% 4'8 75 830 34 l ' 1% 2% 6% 2% 1% 4% 7% '2 u *? tf ? Mininz Stocks Sales. Open. 5000 ?tAM&MtapL 29 4200 Alaska-Br C M. 1% 16000 Alaska Mines... 100 ?Ahn Z&Ciap) C00 ?tAllied Gold.. 1900 ?Am H M w !.. 700 'America Minea 50 ) *fArlz E'.itte... 70 GO 10 *tAriz Silver.. ' II 90 *tAtlanta. -i 600 ?Atlantic O&R. I 160 Big Ledgo. 7000 ' Belcher Div.. 2300 -tBelcher ExL. 2500 '.Booth. 1700 tBost & Mont. 2700 -tCaledonla. . . 4900 ?Cal & .lerome 1600 Canada Copper 75000 'tCandelar Sil. 3700 ?Cascada Sil... 1300 tCashboy 1% 1'. 9 77 39 9 High. 30 1 ia 10 77 40 4 m 2ft Low. Last. i 29 29 i 1ft 1'. H 9 75 39 1!4 34 70 1ft % 10 75 40 2300 *Cerb Sil MAM 414 4% 1500 Com Aris Sm.. 1ft 1% 4 33 20000 Cresson Con O, 4 0300 'tCrown OL033 1J I 80 82 Sales. Ooen. High. Low. La?t. 20 Crystal Cop M. 1% 1% 1% 17_ 1000 El Salvador M. 4% 4% 4'Z aiZ 3600'Enreka Cr M. 1% 1% 1% 13? loOOFlagg Tun M... 7% 731 7% 7% 500 'tlTlorenee Sil. 80 80 80 89 2600 *Gadsden Cop.. 3% 3 3 3' 'z 5600 ?GoWeii Gate.. 3'2 3% 3% 3% S790 *tG Zone Piv.. 87 90 M 83^ " 2800 *-Harmill Div. 20 20 20 20 '?" 1900 ?tHasbrfc Div.. 20 20 18 t8 1200 Hecla Mining.. 5% 5% 5% 5*1 ' 600 ?tJim Butler. . 37 37 37 S7 1500 +Jumbo Exten. 11 11 11 11 9500 *tRnox Divide. 15 17 15 16 2000 La Rose Ltd.. % % % % ' 7500 ?t-Lib B D (ap) 16 16 12 16 10000 ? + Lone Star... 8% 8% 8 8% 1000*tMam Divide. 65 65 65 65 3700 ?tMMofAm(ap) % % 3- y 75000 "t-McNam Mm. 85 87 79 85 4500 ?tMaemi Chief % % % 4fc 4000 Mason Valiey.. 3'4 3% 3 4 3% 6000 tMcKinloy-Dar. 61 62 61 62 3000 ?*Mothor Ix>de. 44 44 44 44 2500 *Nat Tin Corp. 3% 4 3% 3% 3000 ?tNav Div (ap) 10 10 10 10 7000 ?fNav Ophir M 44 44 40 40 2500 N ipissing Min. 11% 12 11% 11% 4000 fNlxon Nevada 27 29 27 29 400 ?Onondaga M.. 3 3% 3 3% 600 +Por Cop tap). Vk % % % 6200 *tPott? Canyon 2% 2% 2% 2% 800 ?Ray Hercules. 2', 2'* 2, 2',, 5000 tRex Cons M.. 14 14 14 14 . 2000 tRochester M.. 21 21 20 21 1400 'Red War Min. % % % % 1000 Seneca Copper. 23 23% 23 23% 1300'SUver Dol M. 1% 1% 1% 1% 9500 ? + Silver K Div 28 29 28 28 10000 Sil K of Ariz. 1 1ft 4| 41 16'Jtl Stand Silver-L. % % % % 7600'ISouth Div... 19 19 18 19 4000tStewnrt .30 30 30 30 1500 "Ton.ipah Div. 83B 9 8% 834. 200 Tonopah Ext.. 2% 2% 27a 2% 200*Tonopah Min. S% 3% 3% 3% 1'0'Vnited Ear-tvrn 4% 4% 4% 4% 16500 U& M of Mex. S% 3% 3% 3% 67uO*tll S Con Min 14% 15 14% 14'., 1200 Inity G M Co. 7% 7% 7 7% 9600 *tVictory Div. /. % ft % 1500 tWash Gold Q. 73 73 73 73 1800 tWest Lnd Con 2 2ft 2 2 10000 *tWe6t free M ft ft A ft 2500 tVVU Capa Min 18 19 17 18 - S 2200*Wibon .Sil M 1% 1% 1% 1ft Bonds SaUs (000 omitted). Open. High. I<ow. Laafc, $1 ?Am T * T 6s.. 100 100 100 100 1 ?Anacctnda 8a.100 100 100 100 ll'T'ed Kann Ln 5s.103 103 103 103 1 *Int Rap Tr 7s.. 90% 90% 90% 90'* 20C of Ga 6a 1920. . 99 99'4 99 00% 75 ?N Y T Co d"b 0S.101% 101% 101% 101% 15 *Russ Govt 5%b.. 55 55 54% 54% 75 Mo 6%s. C2% 62% 60 60 ?Unlisted. +SelI cents per share. Bid and Asked Quotations The following table gives che closing bid and asked quotations for stocka listed 011 the New York Stock Exchanga but not traded in yesterday: Wail Sireet Items 1 !?". W Seymour, formerly with Knauth, Nachod & Kuhne, has br-como associated with Paine. Webber ,'i Co. 111 th r bond department. Frank J. Nelson, formerly with Mis? souri Paciflo Railroad Company, haa ie 1 om. afftliatcd with the tlrm of J. K, jr.. * Co. <"!ar;<. Dodge K- Co and the first Na? ti mal Bank 11 offering i: 30 ' 8 >0 Gr.-at Northern Raiiway flrsl and refundlng 414 pei l Interest, to yiel r .", per cent. The National City Bank of N w V..rk ha > upened a 1 he 1 'ity of Havana. Th .; ls the hlrd branch opened by th..- instuution In that city. A. Whelploy. of the Whelpley Agency, has been appointed general manager of the automobile department of the Import ers' and Bxporters' Insurance Company. John E3. J. Fanshawe, of F". B. Keech * Co., has been elected 11 member of th? board :' dlr ctors o? the Xew K.-.giand, Fui 1 Oil Company. Henry L. Doh rty & Co. ar? formlng a Byndlcate to underwrlte nn issu? r.f I.'.'.. ? .. a sinking convertlble r> p. r ci nt notea ??( the blm p!r< Gaa Tii.-l Compani, the , produc Ing iubsidiary of the Citl a S rvl e Cora pany. Sir Charlea B. Gordon. K. B. E.. and Lieutenant ' ni '. Herbi rt Molaon, M C, were elected yesterday to the board of dl rectors ol the Canadian Consoltdated liaD""'; ber Company, Ltd Alaska Juneau Gold's Year Gross income of the Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Company for the year ended December 31, 1918, amounted to $460,323, cempared with $490,049. Operating cxnen:;es, etc, were $785,-"" 822, leaving a 8325,499 defieit. DIVIDEND NOTICES NORTHERN PIPE LINE (OMPANY. 26 Broadway, New Vork. May 2:..l. 1919. A dlvidend of five dollars p?r share haa b?.'n declared on the Capital *\uck of this Company payable July lat, 1919, t<> atock holders of record at tlie close of buainesa June nih. 1919. All communlcatlona regardlng payment or change of address ahould be sent to tha undersluned not later thtn June 'J4lh. 1919U' UEOKGE CHESEBRO'. Secretary. NEW VORK TRANSIT COMPANY 2i Broadway. ,. New York, N. Y . May 80, 1313. . A dlvldend of S4.00 per ehare haa been doolared on the Capital Ptoclc of thla Company, payable July ISth. 1313, to stockhold^rH of record at the cloao ot buaiiietis June 21at. 1919. All communlcatlona regard ing payntaat^ or ohanije of addroi 1 ,-i iid be . ?? .<? the not lator i'.\..:\ Ju ? vth. 1919. GEORGB Cl ' IBRO' . rotary American Telephone & Telegraph Cw.~ A dlvldend of Two Dollars or- share will' be paid on Tuesday, July is. isu. to no.-it,* holders of re.-ord 3t tlie cloaa ot bu?tnoaa> on Friday, June ?q, l'.>13 _ G. rf M1LNB. Treaaurar. THE PIERCE-ARROW MOTOR CAI 6fl/' The Board of Director* haa dsolarad tM regular quarterly dlvldsn.t of Two Par Cenu (!"%> on the preferred stook nf tho Companvs payable July 1. 1919, to stoekholders ef rW,J ord at the rloss rf hnsinsss Jun* 1*. 13ljj WALTKH C. WRTE, Trcasurar,