Newspaper Page Text
I L ii y e r s Buyers are invited to register ln fli. i^ 3243 bctween 1Q A. ^ om - . v$ ":- and Millinery [i ands W. !?: t .. .1,-! turs-; Dry \u s. Obelan : furnlshin?cs), ! M V .? Co '? '' : John i i Brosman; .7. D :? ? re; dy l o ivear. Tho Catholii i" . .-?:-'?.: i t ? : , ??;?; ;?. rk Soulh. ; SDIAXJ .: Fl : W at .. <? : -...:. dn ss^-s; .\ :..:;:. ! : .-??? -. I4ih : lor ; N ? I'hler Ph |i C ; Mr. r . ? wear, 4G i:..s- Twonl y- ' ? ' MBMPHIS W n Moore Dry Goods Co.; >;. Kuin. cloaks, saits, or- ; Ponnsvlvanla. MINNEAPOLIS Tho Dayfon Co.; Mrs V II i ? ;??:? . muslin u . . I?" ? :? 2-5 Fiith Avenue, Sth llooi . v? H i :l.'.-E ?U Jonas fr Co.; Sydnoy J '.. I d n bs 432 ' "oiu ;' .', vei i HOMA CIT^ -Kerr Drygo ids Ci . Mr." . fl Bi ' ? ler, cli ak3, suits, w lista. 1] Br ?:??;'? ' S tt'olin ft Co . S. Wolin fcl .t..- and Bults), Aberdei n. ??: '"? 31 RGH Entei pi Isi Cl >ai< fr Suit ?? Esi SUltB W.USlS. ? Bsii a ru . " ? and nifrs sa me lines; P tt'RGH :?. mfl n an's D pt. Store; taky, cotton dresaea; Mrs. White, ur ;? r ' 261 Broadway. PITTSBURGH?.1. Horne Co ; Miss D. A Horl muslin under' r ..'-il hous - dresses; '? , I ! "? >'ir: H Avenue, IL'ih floor. -".: RGH Resenbaum Co. : Edna Gri'S i, ' ss<?s' .? nd j uniora dr bsps; A. Fantl, 120 W'esl Thirty-second Street, 14th fl ? 5BURGH?Rosenbaum Co.; Miss X. H. Denaond, n...-??-???- and children'a dressei . A. Fantl, 120 West Thirty-aecond Street.) 14'h floor. . n rSKIEBD, Mass. Upshltz; M. l.ip Bhii read; to weai . Pcrley Buying As* ' 1161 Broadway. ?Ri >\ IDENCE- -Glad llng ,!>? G. Co.; y. Mai ks, suits, waiets, dr ss a and turs; 200 Fifth Avenue, room 61 ? SAN FRANCISCO- Simon Millinery Co., M: Sii on (millinery >, Broztell SCO' I'DAl E, Penn. - Miller fr Bros.; Mr. Mill . read: ' wear; Periey Buy? ing ' esoc . 1161 Broadway. "- IANTOX, Penn.?J. Rubenstcln, suits and millinery; Grand. ST LOC IS -Stlx Ba( r fr Fulier I >. G. ?I A. Wcil. misses' and children'a near; : : 0 West Thli ty-si nd Street, i : i ? - ', LOUIS?'William Slcher fr Sons Gar m nt <'o.. Edward Sicher, dresses; Me A .ST. T.OUIS?Stlx Baer fr Fulier Co.; Mias r) Newman, dresses; A. Fantl, 120 West Thirty-second Street, 14th floor. SUPERIOR, Wis.?The Superior Shop; R. B. Snyder, infants' wear, silk under w? !". waists, voi!? dresaes, glnpham ?;rs^?p; care Jamea Gaskell, '"'' Fifth A^ enip. UTiCA, X. T.'?E. Rhermafl fr Co., E. ??.:?!, (women's clotaing), Commodore. .. [ITA, Kan - Kohen ',tinj<i?? Co.; ?;_ aV:e, ready to wear; Mdse Ri ? ?, i '.... f, xv, :jt ThJrty-eeoond Street. Y ii N'GSTOU'N, Ohio?Ch a l.ivlngston fr . ,:.: i, F. I - ? men's i ? ', chHdr? n's and nfants : a ..? to : ? .: .. n 1 Bulliner) , Pennsj vai . . Meri'e Wear BETHLEHEM. Tf-nn. ?J. Silbersfp'.n Co.; J. Silversteln, clothing; Pennsylvania. BOSTON ? E. Wasaburn, clothing; Lathiim. BOSTOX?C A. Brownlng Co.; J. J. Crowlcy. Coatinental. DBTROIT D ... MacK nzie, rr^en'a fur r,: ?- n ? (' ? ? '-. hata; Coi .:!U"!.>r?,. KAXSAS CITT, Mo. Woolt Bros., fur ? g oda ;'. R. Covell, l:.i's; Pe nn 3 LOCISV1LLE?Levy Bros.; V.'. t". Schad, hats; !. ? PBILADEBPHIA?S. Uebman Co.; 8. Liebma.n, Jobs in shirts; r.rar. !. PITTSBfRGB <: J Beph, drygoo.-'.s. men''* furnishin? g iods; Ansonlft. PITTSTOX. penn Mas Boonstein, cloth? ing and men'a furnishings; Broadway Cen tral. Fura DEXVER?A. T. Lewla fr Son3; Mi? GutsweJIar, ?ur3; I":;-:-.., .-, We: Tv enty ?..? th 51 :??? t P:rc{? Goods BACTOIORE ? GoWenb?rg Bros.; D. R'^- ierg, b t3; Al izar. : ABTIMORE-rH hlosa 1'ros. ft Co., Inc, manvfacurors clothing; X. B'-hloe'j, pleee go :'!? 2JTQ i'i--ii Avei ' ORB- M. Schwartz fr Son?; M. Bchwartz, manuia -j.::, clothing; Penn sy!5. BA1.TIMORE?Thanhouoer & Welller; B. P. Thanhouaer, manufauturera' rorr, v^rn: 1251 lir- ad ???.;? baj ?...;:-.. ;.r.r:, Ga.?J. C. Collier Co., J. C Collier (dry goods), Pennsylvania. 'i ? TON -J. Abi u s Co., J. Abrama (pi ? goods), i v. H irvey fr Co.; J. IT. Wa sh, ?- ? ! Frankil ? treet. .- . . ?' i ? Qock and ? . ?-?,". Ilas, i. - , ? ?-;.:.'.. Ansonia. :.' ? ? ?N ... ?'-. I . . lanuracturlng Co.; '' :" - ? ? . pants, i,r. o par.::-, ia:ncoat.i. Comn n Co . Mr. Perlateln ;v - "la). Bi ?.?:??!!. - T> ':?? \.GO ii' ima n h; H. G. Martens, v' ? h go : :7T Flftn Avenue. ? 0 J Morris, ; ?? - goo la; I I -, ?:. V ? Oreene, White<l Co.; ; <, ? ne, manufa m-.a' collars, cuffs I . I . -. velvets, rll>boii!i; ] . t :th CITT. x. <:.?o. p. oii ':. . . Cillbert (dry goods), Penn i ? Gt< ? ??'.''-, Btd.; E. B. " ? - : Be 1 nriont. .-= ? ? ?:-:. Conn. ? H. Ka^aport, ?? . - ; . ? .- .'. HAVi .. Conn. ? R. TucUor, Pi EV/ > 2. ,KANH r.':,!!;;r^3-R!fh?r-lB/ln i a. ?,. 'i ... Leonard :. Hamuola Co., II. ? i.-.'-- n! a. '?::: ?i:.vv.'\\\. r ?..? i.r.^r-.r.f, Cloak , M. ).an, - ios ???. wultrt. ilsts, slilrta, >1reste? and mHnufaotur?r?' ' . '< P< :.:. 'a ?J.j. i Llep?hutz Br'.a.. ' : ?? ii:-. (dry kooiIh). Wslllck. / ^': BR, ::. y.- U. Xust/aum fr ??b ? . silks, '. ?? nii n nd coi ton g ? i ? , . ? ; ???' ? '? ". Blmbaum <'?>,, M. Ivania, ' ' ? ' ' : ...... '.'/ .! A. - ' ' . ' -''?.. ;.';? ?' ?: i;',','l* t',r ? ?'?' :! '.f, - vy- ?;..?., 4 ; J. ??,?. , , ? ? ; rTJtJt, "' >i '. '. I'.;;i.Vj"r.a!t;n Houm Paraiflhing^ Flooy Orv. eringSf FarnHare, I)raj>ery A< Bi ;???? :.'. ?/ y.i,-.i Hs>m\v, Vurnt '-? .' I -"-'.'?if, ea/^pets an/1 f-.n>.. A ,n> fr !/',? :,v.; ''?,.: /; ?/. Jln ..',<-1 ... Lattiar*. /';? !'.(7-cn Tt ' ' ?: -/ *? ' '' .'. Hiturf, f"<r,t-, i>;,;..>j.''-r/ s>jo4si i<V I ?? >fAXHV!l,;.K fma^n, WWU, fu/;,l rrn-TH AhAVX. ???*.. t it, H!*mH Y'mfAiTM '>/, vv. >, >'ioJi;s>??y ittvSUii*', rmr't > Vfro??? M'r.'.Al/Bi.T'HIA, ##. T>-"#r?M A 'Jv.; AWsft'Mk, Offerings to Buyers ^JMWJW* ' tS/W, nt*A y*J4* titw -w, . .JJf0' t**';, f****, trtrvf't', f'^ ?)//'/**. <**'? ?w4*u'''fKii **i2u** ???4a??, AWJur/, A?" ?4??, ???iwik; r r i v e columii hv tclcphoning Reck-inan M. and 7 1*. Sl. PITTKBPRGH W. P. Olasa Co.; J. A. ivjiro* .' i i ,ir 1 ??"".'.. ?:'?:::. N. V t] n Gravea Home Kurnishine House; C-. h Bidelman ?'?' ?''?.:.!,.. i-y, i-hlna giass ? in I h. ii ii furnlshing s otls . Commo ? \\ VTERBIJRY, Conn.?Reed & Hughcs 1 / " soi ds, etc; E \. Briggs, turnlture, !?' ?-.rt h .', venui ; Woodward WORCESTER, Maca. Carlson, Rolander -?' ' ? ? '? !'? Carlson, turnlture and huuse furnuhing E ???? ? Manhattan. IVotions, Toilet Goods, Drugs B1NGHAMTON, N. Y. ?- John P. Mor ?' ?' "I' "? rlbbons, laces, < m '? ;' ?. hand .??-? hlofs, ladh s' neck v. . Ui and RIDGEPORT, Conn.?Howlar.d'a; J. 13. ? uotions, Ui es; D. U. Alltance, 404 ? enu .-. ? -.'.'.'?. X. Y.?Adam Moldrum & >llss ICj lan ? ? . :. ckwear end ?" . Syndieatu Tradlng Co., 230 FiTtt! A \ ? ?:>.??. '''?''.) Mr.- E. ,t. Bradbury Co.; E. J. jry, drugs; Pennsylvanla. Le?tlier, Ibdiiey Goods, Jewelry BAI/riMORE?A. Rosenberg Co.; A. ?? "ii..-i":. jewelry, etc; Broadway Cen? tral BOSTON*. Mass C. F. Hovey * Co.; H. P t.eighton. .jewelry, leather | ladios' .:?. i : ?:?: ( liurch Sl rcet. BCFFALO?C Strauss Co.; ''. Strauas, wholcsale jewelry; Pennsylvanla. I'ATBRSON. .-?;. .1 \V Hoffman Co.; AV. l: :::.' .;,. ?? ? Iry; Brosdway Central, Shoea BOSTON- C. F, Hovey <v Co ; H. F. I.ol rhton. jewelry, leather goods. ladles' Chun l> Street. PIT1 SBIT.GH. Penn. ? Kayfmann & Ba :- Ci , Mr. Tobcy, shoes, -10 1 Fourth RAEEIGII, X. C?Hellcr Bros.; Mr. Helli r, *hoes; Marlborough. SBATTJjfcJ?-Uon Mtirche; Mr. ThOmpaon, shoi . Assocluted Merchandialng Corpora tion, 225 L- if th A\ enue. General Merchaiidise AI.I'axv -s, Caplan, general merchan lise 1 ;r i...i\v;i y i '.;.:?',. |. ATHEXS C.'a. Davison, Nlcholson Co.; A. H. Davison, dry goods, nottons, ready wear, millinery, carpeta, rug3 and house furnishing goodu; 404 Fourth Ave? nue . ' 'onl inf ntall BAETIMORE?M. Goldberg, general men ha n I:.- : Ponrrsylvanla. BOSTON .'.'. Zimmerman, general mer ::~; . Broadwn v ( !enl ra I ROSTOX Washburn Bros. Co.; Wash burn Cnnlil House; G. I v Washburn, dry iroods, clothing. carp ts and general mer .:han iise; Murray llill. I'.i'l 'I'A l.o Clawson & Wilson Co., dry " ' ?'?? !? Clawson, president; 4.1 Leon ard Ktreot. i l! i.'AOO A. '.. Bernstein, dry goods and furnlshinK goods; Pennsylvanla. CLKVELAN'D C. Schmtdt, general mer shand ls? : l'i nnsj Ivanla. c LEVEEA N i >?- I,. Ginsberg, general mer : ha ndise; I 'ennsyl vania. COYIN'GTOX, Ky.- W. Bergcr, general merehcndlse: Penns.v Ivanla. I'AI.I.AS s.-iii Bysterbach Pry Goods ?'? ? C. E Keilogg, dry goods; Manhattan.. DETROIT s Berger, general merchan dlsi . ' ?? nn: ?? Iva r.ia. DBTROI1 .!. L. Hudaon Co. ; Mr. War ''???'? ? handlse msnager; Ass-io. Mdag. Cori ." i :.'i h A\ enuo. GOl.nSBORO, X. ('.-- H. Well*& Bro.; : Weil, drygoods, notlons, fumishlng goods. carpets, upholstery, general mer i 11 East Twenty-third Etroet, room ; 8. UROVB, Vr, \Y C. Close Co. ; W. C. ^':' - ? general merehandise; Pennsvlvanla. GREENSBURG, i' nn. Xew Vork Storo; "! - E. Kahanowitii, pieco drygoods, mil? linery and ready to wear; Pennsylvanla. M1LWAI KEE J. Kadis, general nier chandlsi : Grar : MJNNEAPOLIS, Mlnn. ? The Dayton Company; E. Sinclalr, representlng; 215 Fifth Avenue, 8th floor. PORTLAXD, Ore. - Xemlro Comp.inv; Mr. Nentiro, repreaentlng; Fred Bauer; 15 East I'wenty sixth Street. ROCHESTBR M. Harrla, general mer ?'!'? nd si ; i 'umber'ancl. TORO.VTO, Canada?M. Rosenthal, gen? eral inr-i ? handlse . Batham. SYRACLTSE, M. Y s. Burdlclc * Rons; ' Burdi U, men's and woman's ready to " r'" : ? : Bi oadw a y, care of Marine. U'ATBRVILT.E, Me.- M. D. Brown Co. ? ?':" Brown, drygoods; Wilder, 1261 Broad Miscellaneoue AKRON, Ohlo?Fassnacht & Son; Mr. Fassnacht, reproaentatlve; Pennsylvanla BOSTON Mlsslon Supply House 0f America; R. c. Norton, m-hool, church ;>".'?? miasion furnituro and supplles, Br^nlin BUFFALO J. McColl, general line; I..- th i.m BRIDGEPORT, Conn.?II. Cohon, meat; ' ' : . . ??-? . CHICAGO ?Fie.ks .''.-. Co ; Mr. Ficka, art goods. ? ;'?-. isyl'. ..-? la . ' HK A(!( ? fc'eari R ebuck Co.; d. T,. Atkinaon, hoslery; B. A. Thompaon, under woar: lic Flfl h Avenue. CINCINXATI?Bppatein & Son; J. Epp atcln, v,-holesale frult; Longacre. CBEVEBAND J. Hartman Co.; J. Hart man, grocerles; Pennsylvanla. DBS MOI.N'ES?W*. Boyt Co. ; W. Boyt. wholesala and m.uiufaeturera aaddlery; Pen " syl vanla. GREAT FALTjS, Mont,?Eklund &. Ek :.:..; .\!r. Eklund, plioto auppliea; Marl? borough .; . 1','AUKEE?J., plothing and ,-? >i : Pen nsyl vania. MONTREAL, ? M. Blsoaberg, clothing, ? '.r goods, etc. ; Aberd ? i MOXTREAB?William Rutherford <t Sons Co.; William Rutherford. manufac? turers eashen, etc; Marlborough. XEW HAVEN?Shartenberg & Robln Bon; II Rosenberg, under-wear, corsets and ' ? .-..' wear t"l Fourth Avenue. PITTFTtfRGH?Kaufman .1 Baer Co. s Miss Toole, Junlora', girls' and chlldren'a 101 Fourth Avenue. J'Ki i.A.'iKi.i'iiiA?V,'. Poorman, general Une; Heraid Square. WHEEEING, W. Va. ? W. Rempke. gen t.:1 line; Pennsylvanla. ST. EOX7IS- T. Seidel Co.; J. Seldel. rep i ea : i ???: P( nnsylvaala. ?- ? a, v y H. Sllbey Co.; H. Pllboy. toya; i'.roslin. WIEK.E8-BARRB, Penn.?fjlan.-kopf Co.; Mr Glanckopf, genoral llno; Pennsylvanla. ZANESVJLEE, Ohio- FlndeJaH Bros.; W. Flndeisa, wholesalo leather; Pennsylvanla. CI.trVELANr>. O.?Clairr-.n & Wilson; Mr. Force, fur?; Z% W. 32d Street: eX pneted June 9, 13X9. Railrou;]s HandlhiR New Wlieat Oop Expcdiliously WASH1NGTON, June B^-Improve rnent in shlpping conditions at the eoa board has been such that railroad ad mlnistratlon officials said to-day tho J permit Bystetn for moving the new ! frrain crop jjrobably -would not ho put j into elfcct before the ond of the month. i It had been expected that harvontinir, [now v;e!l und?? way ln tho Southwtst u;i i far north a? Kansas, -would compol the j Snstltutlon of the systerm by Juno 15 ' to prevent congestion of Htora^e fa cil!lif-n. Enactd Now Tra<iemark informatlon has been received hy the Dogariment of Gomnrerce that s iW* tr?d-inark lav/ Jirb been enactod j l,i Hondurtts nnd nvIII be in force from Augiuit 1 next, undor which th?ro will i ht; u r*-y\titri.\(on foe of ?"0 yrdd for <xy.:t innrU, This increased foa will not apply to apulicntlons fUed before Auj?u?t 1, LivesU?ck? Meat?i Proyl?!on? V'e'wrdii'/, A yior ?(?/, :.iv. ?<-m. fulr u, UriiM ;"> )\>.*.i%fiQ<&lHAQ ?lB.OO? 18.01 )l ,,,,,,, .teo .21 .?s?c.ze</ 1/Sv<j ytolia, 'x/in IOOO '^ U'imi, JOv lb. ,,,,,, UAH>>>,iT,M I8i>0^ r>r?Me4 vk?Im, riyt w(m.'i(>()%, f$w\am a'Jo?i|.?i Hj.. ,' ,!??(( At ?**? >* IAVii luti/lHt, fal?' ''/ yt: ?>??., j <?t lb.,.... tW&UM 23-W? Uttm u-*1, .,U,, MM<&M.tb iJt,ti, MU?yv??t, 1*4 lb../ S?wM#M.M UJKiWl.V - Comiin Iiidustrials j Cotton Although higher prices at Liverpool lent a little early strcngth to the cot? ton situatiori yesterday, the market re inained vulncrable to liquidating sales ; and at the c' was 23 to CS points net lower. In the fore part of the day October got as high as 20.80, but ! dropped back to a low of 28.75. There was heavy selling on all rallies, and , each decline took prices a little fur , ther down. Weather conditions were much more j favorable, particularly in the South ' west. T.exaa and Oklahoma had had ! no rainfall overnight, and tempera? tures were higher. Map roaders pro j dictcd a spell of clear, warm weather , for the Southwest. This is just what ; is needed to enable planters to culti vato the crop. June usually is a good ? month for the growing cotton, and i traders iook ^or. a marked improve ment in the crop condition. Advices from the goods markets in dicato a lesa active demand. Some of the gray goods held by second hands, who probably bought on speculation, are said to he coming back on the i market at conccssions of 'i. to % cent from the high point. The cloth mar? ket appears to he impressed, it is said, by hints from financial quarters that ? it would be well to go slowly at pre? vailing prices. Manchester reportod a quieter market. Sales of spot cotton have fallen off at Liverpool, and also : in the .South. In the local spot market middiing upland was quoted at 31.40, a decline ! of 30 point-. Exports from all port.i i were 27,050 bales. Prices for future contrncts follow: Prev. I Open. High. Bow. Clone rios* J'liy... 80.40 so.eo 29.70 r.0.12@30.i5 30. 10 '??t... 20.75 30.80 28.75 29.12<?29.1B 20.50 Dpc... 29.18 ?><).:;, 38.,i9 28.70@28.73 20.11 ?lin... 28.00 28.95 28.15 28.35?28.45 28.80 Mar... 28 65 20.15 27.03 28.25@28.36 28.00 COTTON STATIST1CS Tcster- Last Last day. Week. Tcar Port recelpts. 'M.t.GS Ki.301 0,839 Exports . 27,056 _ _ do season.. 4,381,080 4,259,041 3,507,0(14 . V "V. stocks.. 102,037 106,385 140 790 Port stocks.. 1,:;1,S,:<J2. 1,281,075 1,208 831 lnt. recelpts.. 11,094 12,621 r'107 do shipments 14,555 17,621 15,021 ?v 5- irrlvais 1,121 1,285 705 SOUTHERN SPOT MARKETS Ycsti r- Stocki L, Ports: day Sales Stocks year ago C,aive3ton. ... - - 265,186 220,072 Xew Orleans 31.75 2,970 444,830 106 302 Moblle . 30.00 - 16 740 1? 107 Savannah .. 31.50 - JOl'.OOt 50o'(-:o Charleaton . .- 60,708 85 080 Wilmington..-73,474 36 7'1'1 B?Ulmkore " : i Sljlo ZZ "?^gS SH'f Brunswlck . - - ll.'sb'l 10,608 various - - - 46,838 58,506 T?tal,a ?? 1,310,702 1,208,831 I Intorlor: ' Augusta - 30.25 82 162,260 04 021 Meinphip ... - - 301,011 303,438 St. I.ouis.... - - l7758 ,5,.,-., Housion ...- 244,249 120 661 ; l.Ktle Rock. 30.50_205 41/250 l'Vst' Liverpool Cotton Spot middiing sold in the Liverpool ? market at 19.50. Sales were 6,000 bales, : of which 5,000 wero American. Im ports were 13,000 bales. including 10. 000 American. Business in cloths and ; yarns at Manchester was quiet. The Liverpool Exchange will be closed to morrow, Monday and Tuesday in ob j scrvancc of Whitsuntide. Prices for future contracts follow: J,2-lr' Prev. Bast I". M. Close. Close. Yrar ''uno . 18.40 18.05 19.24 22.05 J.'J,V ?. 10.01 18.55 18.80 21.50 ?u?\u8tu. 18.55 18.18 18.30 20.70 September .... J8.29 17.83 18.0|: 19.77 Ootober . 18.00 17.51 18.C3 19.82 Sustenaiice CcrcaJs Wheat.-?The Michigan crop report puts the condition of wintcr wheat in that state at 07 per cent. Receipts st New York yesterday were 238,000 bushels. Corn.? Corn prices were irregular and were little changed at the close. Weather was reported as favorable over the belt, but warmer weaiher is needed. The Argentinc crop is rc. ported to be in cxcellcnt condition. | Mr. Iloover's statement to tho effect ; that there is a sufficient surplus of j food indicated from the coming har vesta to supply Europe and meet the ' needs of the rest of the world made ; a dcep impression. ., _ , Yesterday's Previous Y*a? Xew York: oloso, close airn" ? Corn.Xo.2 yel!ow$l.?2y, $1 031T_ " Chicago: ?Tuly . 1.7(>ni 1.70% 671/ Stptomber . i.oo*-. 1.61% - . 'a December . 1.42% 1.42% _ Oats.?0at3 moved in a narrow 1 range. Cash demand was slow. Re ' ceipts were slightly larger and coun j try offerings are increasing, ^ , Yesterday'a Previous Toar I ,\?w Torlt: close. ?.irn 1 Oatn. Xo. 3 " - i white ..$0.79%? .80'/i $0.79% 80.81V. ( hlcaao: .July .0H% .68'/- .0-iii. Beptomber .05^ M%Z __ ! In cember .fiti'.;, .60% _ Itye.?Market lower. YestTday's Previous Yoar New York: rion'\ clope aso. Cash No. 2 "West. .51.04Va gl.OOVj $1.03 Flour and Meal.?Quotations were: Yestorday's Previous Year New York: cl'ino. elotin. nsro Min'np p.|11.50@12.00 811.50@12.00 111.00 ' Corn flour H.fiOVp 4 00 3.50$ 4.00 5.07V. Kyn nour.c B.00? U.75 8.C0?8.75 10.75" Bran, 100 lb _40.00?- 40,50?-. - Cottomiced Oil.?Cottonaeod oil waa somewhat moro nctive, nalo8 bai.ig 3,100 barrclB, Trlcos for futuro con? tracts weroj Ojwn 10;4f> u, m, 12 m. ,Tun?i.. 21.504 24.75 June.. 24.25SBfl.00 ?luly... 24,50?26.00 July... HM&MM Au?... 24.NO%20.00 Auar... KS.OOJn-gO.Ofl K-rpt... 2.7.25? J(l.25 Hop:... 25.25@20.25 I >cl-2(i.05&2(l.|(l Oct_ 25.96?26.0fl Olose, " i>. m. 2 '.?1i'' v. m. .lurm,, l4.00Ain.0Q .ftinii,, 24.4O?25.O0 .1 'ily. . . 24.50? 2,i.2r> ,1 ul,v . . , 2i.75ft4iH.25 ?4.uit... nn.m&itbM aw?,,, B3.l5?2?.7n :-'!''.., 25.10^:25.05 K-p:.,. 25.50*211.00 "<i.,. ?5.70?-2?.0fl Oct,,,, C5.50?25.0(1 Sugur and OilTeo Current A y??i prloes. ago. Hu?ar, prrnriulHt4i4, por IS. ,,.,, 9 /.*! (luKsr, centrlfugaL por lb,,.,., 7.M > Ooftee, ]{|? Ni/. 7, uer lh. W2 81 >a Ootfetf, Bantoq No, 4, y<-r ll>,., B4'4 ?? - Sugar.?Good buslnesn i? reported ir ; reflned Hugat' for export to neutral countries, SugOJ Is uoin^ forward foi 0 tho accounfc of the Royal CommiBBior j,jin Batisfactory volume. Local refinura | boiritf heavily oyoraold, continue to re i,. fu?a furthar ordura, Coffoe,?Cotfoa was doll and foatupo luMfl and clonod with n?t Iohhos of 4 %i 7 points, Tho market snoma. to b? awaiting devolopmonlH, Hraall hai lttri<(? fjuantitios of coffoa and the how crop ia coming on, Many parts of th( worid have little ep no coffoe, Th( qUMtion Heems to bo, "Will thn vast 01 th? world buy Jirazil's coffee at preB ont priee?7" M?ny judgas boliovo thi wwrld will buy qn a band-to-moutl basis until pr{??0 daclina, Than i< odities - i , plenty of coffee, they Bay, and it must, sooner or later, corne out for sale. Prices for future contracts follow: .,, , , ?, Previous Year High. Low Closo. elose. ago July.. 19.40 19.40 19.20?19.35 19.34 8 05 Sept.. 18.93 18.87 18.8?'S-13.83 18.92 8>0 Dep. 18.49 18.34 18.34.-gM8.35 18.39 8.36 j March 1S.23 18.10 18.10?13.11 18.17 _ T eu There has been some falling off in the demand for teaa, but considerable business continucs to be done with in terior jobhers. Javas are in good re? quest. Prices of Japan have been ad? vanced. Quotations for lots of 50 and 100 packages follow: GREENS A weelt ,, Yesterony. ago. Moyune, Gunpowder . 51@73 51(?73 Moyune, lmperial . 4?(S)58 46@58 Moyuno, Young Hyson-36(3)33 36(5138 i Moyune. Kyson . 35<g3fi 35@33 Pingsupy, Gunpowder_ 31@5S 31(o;5S Pingauey, lmperial . 38(5) '3 380)43 fmgsuey, Young Hyson... 31@41 31@41 JAPANS ?a",firP.(1 . 33@55 31@51 Baaketfired . 37(gi{p 31@58 Siftinga . 20?25 19@24 FORMOSA OOl.ON.. ' Good . 291731 29@31 Superior . 33(p>37 'n.av ? h in'' . 42@C2 42@62 CONGOU . I . 25@70 25@70 i _ B INDIA Pekoe Sou . 32@3; 32(334 Pokoe . 34@44 34@44 Otanga Pekoe . 37@56 37@56 Flowery Orangc Pekoe- 44@65 44@65 CEYLCN . Pekoe Sue. 32@34 32'(134 ?c,coe ? ? ? ?.' 34@44 34@44 Orangc I ekoe . 38@58 33(ffi58 rlowory Orange Pekoe... 46@61 46(5)61 Broken Orange Pekoe. 46@66 46^68 Fekoe hou . f>5@31 25@30 Pekoe . 29@32 2<D(?3? Orunge Pekoe . 31@40 31 @)40 l flowery Orange Pekoe.... 40(.t)?>1 40'?)51 Broken Orange Pekoe - 25@30 26@30 Broken Pekoe. 26@31 ?6?31 Odd lots ruled 1 cent higher. Butter, Cheese and Eggs Butter.? Receipts were 12,0-11 pack? ages. Creamery higher than extras, lb., 52V?@53c; extras, 92 score, 52c; firsts, 88 to 91 score, oOV/ol'ic; seconds, 83 to 87 score, 48@49^c; lower grades, 46@47c; unsalted higher than extran, 55@55%c; extras, 54@54Vkc; firsts, 52 f" "j.'l'^c; seconds. 49@51c; state dairy tubs, finest, 61@51^c; good to prime, 49@50%c; common to fair, 45@48c; renovated, extra firsts, 40@50c; lower prades, 45@47c; ladles. current make] firsts, 46@47Msc; seconds, 45c; lower grades, 43@44c; packing stock, current mako No. 1, 443fc@45c; No. 2, 44c; low- , er grades, 40^/.l'lc. Cheese.?Rcceipts were 2,233 boxes. i State, whole milk, fresh flats, colored,! lb, 32@32%c; white, 32@32%c; aver ap;o run, colored, 31%@31%c; white, ;U'ic; lower grades, 25@31c; twins, | specials, whites, 31%@32c; colored,' |31%@32c; average run, white, 3lMsc; colored, 31Vi; lower grades, 30@31c; Wisconsin, whole milk, twins, fresh, 31%@32c; single daisies, fresh, white, colored, 31%@.32J/4c; double daisies,! fresh, 31%@32c; Young Amcricas,; fresh, 33@34c; state, skinis, specials, |25@25Vic; prime to choice, 22@24x:; fair to poot!, 17@21c; lower grades, 7'.; ICc. Kjrgs. Rcceipts were 37.240 cases. Fresh gathered extras, dozen, 42^(5) 43c; stornge packed, extra firsts, 41? 42c; firsts, 39@40c; gathered, extra firsts, 39@40c; firsts, northerly sec tions, 37(a'38c; southerly sections, 37(S 37'!;c; seconds and poorer, 30<?T36c; dirties, No. 1, 33@34c; No. 2 and poorer, 30@32e; checks, good to choice, dry, 31(a32c; under grades, 26<<?30c; state, Pennsylvania and neitrby West crn hennery whites, fine to fancy, 45 @46c; ordinary to prime, 40@44c; gathered whites, ordinary to flne. 40'.; 44c; Western and Southern gathered whites, 38@44c; state, Pennsylvania' and nearby hennery browns, 43%@44c; gathered brown and mixed colors, 38 @43c. i Hay and Straw Y< Bterday. A var n,;o. ! Per ton. Per ton. Tlmotl-v No. 1 largo bales. . . .$47.00(75) - $?R.on5r31.00 Clover, No. l mlx 42.00@44.00 33.0O@Z4.00 l Rye, straw Xo. 1 lli.ll-0@14.00 ltt.00@17.00 Orcharrt and Field Yesterday. A year ago. i P.eans, marrow, 1"0 lb.$11.75?- $13.50 - Peas, ,Se't'h,1918 7.00fib 8.00 12.2fl5rB12.BO | I'otatoes, nw. bbl 4.O0@10.f50 6.S0@ H.OO Apploa, Bald. lii>,j- r..00(.o) r.oo Grapefrult, box.. 4.0O@ 8.00 1.50(a) 4.|-)0 | Orangea, box.... 4.(M)@ K.00 2.00? 8.00 AT.BANY, Time 5.?iTtuirtem to lneorriorrite were gTanU-,1 l,y tlm S?Tot!i.-\- of Slnto veirnlav ns follows: Knlt TVlco ('omariy. Ine* J'iS.oon, Brooklyn: knlt i goods; JnltiiM Bohwart*. M Schwaeor, and 1, 3 M'lrrnv. 203 Rutledgo Strout, Brooklyn i Jtli-linrd Wllhulm Corporatlon, JPio.noO; Qowanda; : d?al In Bii-x-ks bonds, merehandlse nnd proporty; , Rlchard Wilholm. Wm. J. Gunncll, C. Dcf CTum mlngs, Bul'i'a'o, X. V. i Tnr?s Jlealty Corporatlon, Ine., J'.iOO; Brooklyn; fenrrn! reol ei-iiitn: Harrv fVniBtnln. Kmll Wllllair.s I. W, Va:i Aim. ;n:t Cndcrhlll Avenuo, Brooklyn. 1 nien.-uiuo Creamery Company, Ir.e.. $1 r,.ooo; N'orwleh* checso fail/>ry an.1 ernamerv-; ei. Morl ? mer Drmmtck. 11. J. Tllie, Wm. F,. Lortmer. Nor wlch, N. Y. Eadlo'n PrMervlna Corporatlrin. HO.OOO: Ponn ; Yan; frult, vofetableg and proaerytni bnslneat; i Ji'lin II. ifoore, Uena I,. Mcnrr?, V. E. Bralnerd. 1' Yan. N. Y. Itlrhard Altiran, Ine,, $1,000; Qi'.aw: roally; Rlcilinrd Alunnnn, Rudolph, and Alfro,1 Kool-.lpr. 412 Cornelli Kirf*t, Xew Vork. I'ou Bottlluj Company, Ine., K5,0^0; nront; . mojiufactunng aarbonaled wai.ers* Atllton Abram?, ?loh'i I,, Anama, (Uid K. C. Johnnon, 200 Kast . KilUi Htniot, lironx. Hiinorlntiwirietice Company, Ino,, $21,000; Man batia.-i; Bup<ir]iiti*ndmi?9 of auahfZK and welih ! 1ns wf p-ttjn; Moiuta RalmMiowlds, Tlonol B. flattnll, ! od A, Nlckelliburg, 892 Broadway. Xew York. i| Purlty Bxport Corporatlon, $75,000; Man Chnttun; mniiiifoelurlnsf dnlry prnducta; I j I.OHtor C|??tm-, Mhx Sohiff, rhlllp Btelg I man, 14 1 Cook Rtr.)?t, Rroottlyn. , j Ilonch l.naHlnjr Company, Ino., $.1,000; Manhattan; ruuTty; Nelljo Roach, Ialdor ? D, llrokaw ],uula Blvala, ?16 c;.iln? Ave i ' riun, r.roottlyn, : Oenag Jtnulty Company Ine., }".*,,000; I Marrhaftani roalty; William Bolomon, l Palar 1,, f, fialilmtlnn, Arthur li. Cnhn, l j 3ii2 WoHt 1113d Btreet, New York, Cioodwiir Ovarall Compuny, Ino., $S00; I Manhattan) jimnnracuirlntf ovi-ralla, unl I forma nnd wnarlnif apparel) I, M. Wolf I B-in, .loaeph Oan-lloU, Mnry OarelloU. 2HQ ' IWatklns rl(.r*n4, Urooklyn, PrOWn'H llakory und Ilaafaurant Com I J'Bny, litn., ?B,0flf)| MHnhattatii raataurnnt ?; busfnanai Atirnliam 3, JlHlprln, Hohh U|um i Mleln, fi. II. <!biia, ISO Nauaiiii fltruet, Now Yorlt, I ll'in Ton Cloalt ' Compuny, Jpo,, $8,000; , I Manhatianj inanufaoturlng Indlua' t<innka 1 ' nnd kuIUi; ItoMd Ifdl, llynun Ilolt, Jfyman i Coldiiiufi, H07 Baat HOili Hlrout, New YorU, 1 Cllv, | l.'ountflln I'l-odiielH (Nirporation, |If),O00| .Miiiiliuiluni oonfoci loncry nnd soda foun tinn produaUj \viliuin o, fjuahmun. A, n, V/liUht, J,, If, Wallafio, 105 WoHt Vortlolh Htredt, NeW YOW C|ly, Tho Vurlbnut OariKfo CnmnaRy, Inn,, II? - 000} HrniiHlyn| garaHa |iu?]noa*| Jujlua J?. Nowniiiri, lldwiird ,T. noldatnln, ,T. J. I'op pap, 801 Jimadway. N?w Yxtit City. Hlali.i, Dobba Coinp/iny, IBO? taOO.OOfl [ Baachj ijnn^rul Import, export lmu| hbum; 'I'houiaa M. liluhn, 'J'hoimiH A. Blaka, Kdward H. Donbs, LoBf Beaoh, li. I. Haallnr Bulldlnv and C.<nw|.ruotii>n <1n , Ine, 15,000; floelinateri r?nUyi W, O, Farmslaa. William O. Hall, O. l'ocler ; IiowTia, RochaateF, W. V; " I Idiial Chalr Company, Inn., $l0,0f)?; 1 j Brookl/ni ohalr manufaoturlnffj Benja , I piln Buiiman, Arihup ZliulliBiiin, Murli I Blmtb*um, llt) Llnoen Blraat, BroqUlyn. ?' TUa BtbulldlDf ? ii ??l I Ulll. *?IUI)I1I?I1 Curiiarallan, |40,008 ( Oi! Stock Dooling Getslnformationon Broad Street Dealer Who Was Mixed Up in Chieago Backet Shop Scandals Grand Jury Gets Evidence Assistant District Attorney Expeets Two Indictments on Charges of Forgery Assistant District Attorney Dooling was informed last night that a stock brokcr operating on Broad Street ob lained $200,000 last week from sales of worthlesa oil stocks and that the money was still coming in a rush. This broker, Mr. Dooling was told, has a police record in Chieago and was mixed up in a bucket shop scandal in that city several years ago. The District Attorney's ofi':ce will investigate. Mr. Dooling yesterday presentc-d to the June cdditional graYid jury part of the results of his investigation into the sale of worthless oil stocks. He said he cr.pccted to finish submitting l his information to the grand jury to- ; Scvcn witnesses, Mr. Dooling said, j appeared yesterday before,the grand jury. Two of them, he added, were ; Clarenco Rice, of the Andrew Cone | General Advertising Agency, of 154 Nassau Street, and Joseph H. Hurd, assistant secretary of the Guaranty Trust Company, a director of an oil , company that is producing oil. Before going into the grand jury; room Mr. Rice described to him, Mr.: Dooling said, the advertising of the Rangeburnett Oil Company stock which ' the Andrew Cone agency placed at the; dircction of Paul A. Newman, a broker. I Mr. Newman, Mr. Dooling said Mr. Rir/e told him, had paid the Andrew j (.'one agency $' 0,000, which covered the Rangeburnett advertisements for Paul | A. Newman & Co., Walter .T. Pierce & Co. and Thomas Hughes & Co., brok erage firms. Previous to the work of the Andrew Cone agency, Frank Kier nan & Co., of 135 Broadway, had been given th.e Rangeburnett advertising by Mr. Newman, Mr. Dooling said Mr. Rice told him. An advertiseuient which was pub lished May 12 in a New York news paper by Paul A. Newman & Co., con cerning Rangeburnett stock, said the Rangeburnett company, following a meeting of its board of directora May 6, was negotiating for tho purchase of a company then producing oil at the rate of ,",25,000 barrels daily. Mr. Dool? ing said. Mr. Dooling said that Mr. Hnrd, who is a director in this com? pany which is producing the oil, denied that the Rangeburnett company had ne gotiated for a eontract or held an op tion on the property of his company. Or. Joae B. Delmasse, a promoter, conferred with Mr. Dooling yesterday. and told him that he never nogotiated for a eontract or for an option for the purchase of this oil company. Mr. Dooling declared that Mr. Newman told him Wednesday that he inserted an ad vertisement May 12 saying the Range? burnett company was about to take over another oil company that was producing oil because Dr. Delmasse had told him he had an option for the purchase. Before entering the Grand Jury inoni yesterday Mr. Dooling declared the evidence he had up to now would rcsult, he believed, in at least two indictments and the charges would probably include forgery, obtaining money under false pretences and mak? ing false statements or advertising as to securities. Chincse Students Sentenced For Anti-Japanese Riols SAN FRANCISCO, June 5.?The Chi? ncse students who took part in the riots at Tokio over the settlement of the Shantung question by the peace conference have been found guilty and havo been sentenced, according to a cabled messago from Tokio. Thirty wero nrrestod and nine con victed. Three leaders were sentenced to prison for ten months. They have appealed to the Appellate Court. ^rtftiM Hrnnklyn: renUy, con.struction, contract ing, pte.; Adolph Flscher, Lena Flsehpr Ma.x Flless, 2 Mlllcr Avenue, Brooklyn Jutlls Exportlng Corporation*, Sin.non Manhattan; manuracturlnB <-annM frultH nnrl products and groceries; Sol Hecht ?opr, Benjamln Laube, II. IT. Judis 820 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn. Pam Dressmakers, Ino.', $50,000; Man V",V,,R: ,ial'ors- dressmakers, mllliners; William M. Posner, Frank Mnrinnco I, M Perlman, 44 Kast Tliirty-aecond 'street' New } orlc. Llbby WorstPd Mills. Ino., $50,000' M?n hattan, textil-s; John Marlnaco, Frank Marinace; william M. Posner. 44 East rhirty-second Street, Xcw York. .?"Ya?xlm H'"rshpy S.^d Company. Ino M.000; Manhattan; d^i ln Beeds. beans drufre, spiees. cotrdlmenta; Maxim Hersh?-.-' I DJltafl Bernstoin, B. C. Kelly, 280 Weal . 127th Street, NVtr York. 061 Park Averue, Inc., $500; Manha*t*n realty and bulldlnfj; Hamuel A. Hersoir Sldney Wlide, E. A. Levy, 50S Flfth Ayf nuc. Now York. l.csal Code Corporation, $50,000; Man? hattan; deal ln lejral books, codes. re-rts torM, ete.; F. W, Ileller, B. E. H>iler J A Qulnlan 280 Broadway, New "ork. Aseoclatod Hnrvlco Corporation. $100 000' l.iiliRlo; deal ln personal propertv; Thomas OumpBon Hdward H. Jiutl^r. H, J. Newoll, 2i? Main Htreot, Tluffalo N Y * l Mffrin. Vy, :l ll:'ln'' Underwear ' Company, 1 . V ,'J Manhattan; ircneral undorwear for both Bexes, apparel; I.owli f. Olaser, Abraham B, Kfove, Haz?I A. Phea, ao Pine Stroet, Now York, ??y*'i8^ 0U an<1 (,*? Company, Ino.. $10 000; r/?U Vullov; petroleum VoducUlon; Orlfflth, Uttla Vullny, N. Y, #i!5iBJf?AM?nufa'!turln* Company, Ino., 9 l "",000 ; Iiuffalo; manufacturinsr ffrlndlnir apparatuii Charios P, Dovine, H, a \v.diu, II, Ii, Lauman, 1373 Clinton Htreot! Uuffalo, N, Y, Wmarwenoy Food Corporation, $10,000' Manhattan| manufaoturlng food products T. ,1, HoKo.i, iilnnlM H'luer, William V MqOraary, i(17 Prosjjoot Place, Brooklyn. Tuxedo \\alst Company, Ino., $-1,000 Manliullan; nmnuf :n ! urinu ladl..a' wnl.ttaj l>a\id gc.hwa.rts, Ahr, ostrer, Davld \Var ai;huw, 40a Aviliue (', Brooklyn, Monroe .lewulry Company, Ino,, $J,000; lowolry businuss) Ilai-ry IJlumberif, l.iliian Ijliiiiihorif. Morrla FinU, nf.,1 bouthern Bqulovara, Broni, '1'hn 11 K, I.orontaon Haw Oorporatlon, $3(),000j Maiihaltani tnanufapturlng jtiw uluiV and oliiar sawsi J, A, Bradbury, Bhiis K", T.nronliian, Tnpmaa W. flarroll, 0?ii) Wdaooombe Avenuo, Novy YorU. C|ly, Huinua Produats Corporation, $5i)fl,000| Manhallanj Dpuiutllitf roduutlon, dryliiff work?| 0, B, \Vmua, Nuil v, llurron, Mujji.-iiii GiulduF, 1S0 Braadway, N-iw Vork Clly. Thachar Pronellor and Foundry Corpor? ation, f 1,300,000 i Albanfj luokjlntf, n-.nn ufaeluriiiB a[id pFoducins; propallop wheelu, nirtUl caH(ln8"S, lorglnssj (ieorfe II, Tli4i;li?r, 'I'liKinas O, Thauhs*. iioiaaa Ii. licll, aifniei-londa, N, X, C-H 49 ? ? lassifi LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS j ?-?-__-_?_-1? I LOST.?MIXIATT'RE. mounted ln gold, In Brown and TVhite taxi. between 87th and ' Broadway and 113th and Broadway. be- i iween 10 and 11 o'elock Tuesday evenlng. ; Liheral reward. Morningeida 7060. Apt. 44. ; LOST ?DIAMOND PLATINUM CRESCENT BREASTPIN, 17 Btonea, Wednesday morn? ing. between 6Sth. Madiaon av. car, 6th av. , bus. Tlftany'a and Bonwit Teller's. Under, please return 28; East 68tli; llberal reward. Telephone Rhlnelander 4617._ LOST BA>KBOORS LOST.?Bankbook No. 613.920 of the Union Dime Pavlners Bank ls mtssing. Any per Bon havlng a elaim to It ls hereby cau~ . upon to present the sanie wlthln ten aa> s or submlt to havlng the said passboo* can selled and a now one lseued._ I LOST.?Bankbook No. 76.50S of U. 8- 6av- ? lngs Bank of N. Y. Payment etopped. j Please return book to bank. _i LOST.?Bankbook No' 962,758 of Bank for j Savlngs, 280 Fourth ave., New 1ork; pa^- : ment Btopped; please return book to t,an_K; LOST.?Bankbook No. 889,902 of Bank for Savlngs, :S0 Fourth ave., Xew York; pay ment stopped; please return book to bank. LOST.?BankbOOk No. 804,430 of the Central Savlngs Bank ln the City of New York. Payment stopped. Please return book to bank, LOST.?Banfcbook No. 1,101.686 of Bank for Savlngs. 280 Fourth ave.. New York; pay? ment stopped; please return book to bank. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ARE YOU IN A POSITION TO MAKE AN INVEST MENT OF FROM S10 TO $1,000? IF SO DO YOU WANT TO MAKE LARGE PROFITS? EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR POS SIBLE BIG AUGMENTA TION IN VALUES. BOX, B. D. 31, TRIBUNE OFFICE. HAVE YOC $500 or upwarrt that you would conslder putting to nn establlshed business which, while owned solely by you. would be sclentiflcally operated and managed by a large corporatlon acceptlng for its Bervlcea a percentage of your pronta? Slx per cent net will be guaranteed to you from tho i starl with the probable earnlngs from your business exceeding 60 per cent. Your prin cipal will l>e secured by land ownership on which a reputable bondlng company guar- i antees to refund you the full amount m vested ln can-' you become dlssatlBfied. Propo sitlon will especlally appeal to experienced | Investors searching an absolute safe lnveat ment embodying the earnlng power of a business enterprise. Box I> 462, Tribune. APARTMENTS TO LET SUBLBT?6-room apartment. Telephone Mornlngsldo 674S. FURMSIIED APARTMENTS TO LET RIVERSIDE DRIVE, 44S. north of 116th st.- Seven to 10 large rooms, 3 to 4 baths, ftreproof, $2,200 to $3,000; immedtato pos Beaaion on some; best references requlred. Hillenbrand, 1050 Amsterdam ave., or Supt. i 60T1I AXD LBXINGTON tcorner)?At- i tractlvely furnlshed apartment, 4 rooms and bath, kitrhen; from May 1 to Octo ber, or 3 months' lease. $175 monthly. Phone PBRR1N, Plaza 6501. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET 8DTH ST., 153 EAST.?Large and Frnall room, aultable for business people; private house. 105TH ST., 252 WEST.?-Small room; cvery convenience; private house; reference. 113TH ST., 64S AV.?Elegant furnlshed sultes, conslstlng of parlor. bedroom and private bath; also slngle rooms; electrlcity. Zehnder. ROARDERS WANTED 79TH ST., 121 WEST.?Large front room; hot and cold water, near bath, table, desk accommodated. SURROGATES" NOTICES SHERMAN, FREDERICK W.?IN PURSL'i ance of an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogato of the County of New York. NOTICE ia hereby given to all per. sons havlng clalma against Frederlck W. ' Sherman. late of ?he County of New York, deceased, to present tho ?ann with vouch ers thcreof. to the eubacriber, at hla place of transactlng busiress, at the office of Merkio & Mcrkle, his attorneys, at No. 23} Broadway, ln the Borough of Manhattan, ln the City of New York, State of New YoVk, on or before the 25th day of July, 1019. Dated. New York, the 15th day of Jan? uary. 1919. ROBERT A. BROWN, Executor. MERKLE ifc MEKKLE, Attorneya fo? Executor, Office and P. O. Addreaa. 233 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, New York City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New Y'ork, NOTICE la herebv given to all peraona havlng clalma against AK-xander H. Erlckson. late of tba County of New York, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the sub acrlber, at ita placo of transactlng buslneaa, No. 26 Broad Street, ln the City of Xew York, on or before the 15th day of Au gust next. Dated. New York, the SOth day of Jan? uary, 1919. THE NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY. Executor. TAYLOR. HTTMES & BEdG. Attorneya for the Executor, 24 Broad Street, Xew York City. STORAGE NOTICES Metropolis Storarje Warehouse 50 WEST 133RD ST. 31 WEST 13STH ST. To Mrs. Clara Garland, Miss I.ury Lou ' dnn, Prof. Pastor Penalver, Mr. Chas. j Steber, Mr. A. Gonsales, Mrs. Parka, Mrs. Nettte Creaey, Mrs. II. E. Wooda, Mrs. Ileadley, and Mrs. Moore: You and each ! of you aro hereby notifled that, tho time j for tho payment of our llen upon the prop I erty herelnafter deseribed havlng oxpire I, after due notice thereof had been given you, we will caus? sueh. property, to wit: ? Household Furnlshlnga, ci i prtsing planos, dreaaers, chiffonlera, tables, buffets, rock , crs, chalrs, plctures, carpeta, rugs, china, j kltchen ware, books, cases, trunks and ! general household effects, merchandiso, otc, ae enumeratad ln the warehouse ln ventory issued to you by this warehouse, | atored by you or in your namo (or in i which you may have an lnterest) ln the ! Metropolis Stornge "VvArehousea, to be aold j at publio auction, aceording to the atatute '< In nuch case made and provlded, at 31 ! West 13Sth St.. ON SATl'KDAY, .11 NE ; 215T, 1010, at 10:30 A. M., and if the sale i thereof ls not completed on said date tho l aume will bo contlnued at the same place on oac'a and every t!a:urday thereafter, be j ginnlr.g at 10:30 A. M. on cach day, and j cont'.nulng until all the goods ar? snM. METROPOLIS STORAGE WAREHOUSE. REDEMPTION NOTICE NOTICE OF REDEMPTION" HJNCT.A1K Gl.'LF CORPOHATION FIIIMT MEN TEN YEAK CONVEKTIBLE 0% (ioii) noNirH NOTICH 18 HEREBY GIVEN that. pur auant to the tcrma of thn Indenture of Mortgage datod Maroh lat, 1917, from Slnclair Gulf Corporatlon to Bankora Trust Company of N?W Yorlc, an Truatoe, the aald Slnclair flujf Corporatlon haa oalled for rodamptlon on tho 18th day of June, lu 19, at IJO'A of thn faoo amount thoreof and an-rued luleroat, all of tho bonds now outatandlng and anoured by aald mortgaga, after which d&ttt all lnteraat on aald botida will csaaa and all ooupona attachod thnrato will booomn null ann votd. The aald bonda will bo radnomed and all Hisma dua lii'ireon patd by Bankera Truet Company, at Ita offlca, No, 141 Wall fitreat, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on or aftor June isth, 1910. Roglotered bonda will be pald only te tha raglaterad holdara or their duly au thentli-ated trnnaferaoa and all unma turod orjuftona piuat aooompany th? bonda to which they appertaln, Ownerahlp certtrinatea nnvortny aeorued inicietit to .lunp lBlh, 1019, ahould aooom pany tha bonda when preaented for re doinptlon, 'NOHvuo^ufin jcirm vtsyiomt J. FliMTCHER ITARltBLL, Traaaurer. ed Adv< HELP WANTED MALE ES'STRUCTION AUTOMOEILE KXOWLKPOE 8 a valuable asuet to lncrease your earnlnrs. . ^earn at New York's most complete sehool. ; Uechunical course, $45; with Driving. $65. ? >\ nte for Oatalog T. or phone 5870 Clrcle. STEWART AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 2U5 West 57th ?t.. at Broacway. AFTOMOBILE INSTRUCTION. $10 .'nilmtted drivlng, etc., gnaranteed. lneludlng nachine for state examination until llcense tecured. B. M. Co . 1303 Lexington av. (SSth). j L.EARN TO BE A CHAUFFEUR?Pleaa- I ant and ororitable work; dav and even- I Ing classos. Send for free booklet and isltors pass. West Side Y. M. C. A., 817 fVest 67th s:. HELP WANTED MALE 3CY for errands, one with tasta for drnw ing; good ppporrunlty to learn commeroial irt work. Lachic Leech Co., 131 E. 23d 6t. BOYS (16) wnrklng papers, learn easy trade; $10 while learnlng, can make nore after few woeks' traintng. Auto natlo Woven Wlre, 4S Mangin Street, cor ?er Delancey. BOYS.?Offlce and salesroom, wholesale grocery. t,hree mtnutos from West 23d st. ferry. Francis H. Leggett & Co.. 18th ave. -.ii i 27th st. See Mr. Brunie. BOYS for errand work in large printlng I oilice; $9 start; opportunity for advance- , nent and to learn trade. William Green, '?117 Went 43d. BOY to run errands and make htmself generally useful; splendld chance for ldvancenxent. Apply Tlizer Bros., 4J Jay. BOYS?For cffli-n and errands ln publishlng houso, Call Fred A. Stokes Co.. 443 4th av. MR. SALESMAN? HOW MUCH ARE YOU WORTH7 HAS i THE WAR AFFECTED YOUR BUSI- ' N'E.SS? THEN CALL CS. WE HAVE AN EXTRAORDINARY ANI> EASY SELLING PROPOS1TION DEVBLOPING MANUFACTURING BUSINESS OF AN EXCEPTIONAL 1.1NE OF HARDWARB. : TWO FACTOR1ES RUNNINQ WITH MORE BUSINESS THAN TI1RT CAN ] HANDLB. WITH COMMI8SION PAY? ABLE WEEKI.Y OR OFTBNBR. THB GREAT DEMAND FoR OUR GOODS HAS . FORCED US TO ADVERTISE FOR 50 1.1 VE SALESMEN AND 6 TRAINBD BX ECUTIVES. WITH AN ASSURBD LARGE INCOME. FOR A CONFERENCB CALL : MARKET 917S. OFFICE BOY, Christlan, ln lmporter's offlce. La. Manna, Azema &, 397 Washlngrton st. OFFICH BOY.?Bright, energetle, 18 years; elegant opportunity. Wallace Tierman, 319 Broadway. OFFICE BOY.?For law offlce. F. A. Peaee, 120 Broadway, Room 2S22. PROOFRBADER, experieneerl on publlca tlon work. Apply Teclmtcal Press, 238 William st. SALESMEN.?Best propositlon ln New York for solicitors; money every nlght; salnrv or commission. Zahner, room 1013. 147(3 Broadway. SH1PPING CLERK AND PACKER.-A thoroughly experlenced man to tnko chargo of packing and ahlpping department; one who 1* a first class packer and capable of handling nifii and has the knack of teaeh ing thom how to pack rlglit; good oppor? tunity for the riglu man; wrlte full par tlculars; references, salary, experlence, ctc. Box L 18, Tribune Offlce. STOCK SALESMEN, CITY AND OUT OF TOWN, WITH GOOD CONNEC TIONS, SATISFACTORY RECORD AND CAPABLE OF DEVELOPING LOCAL TER RITORY; COMMISSION BASIS; EXCELLENT PROP? OSITION FOR RIGHT MAN. CALL OR WRITE ROOM 1,704 505 5TH AVE., NEW YORK CITY. YOTTNG MEN WANTED FOR PER FORATING ROOM AND GENERAL STOCK. Q. R. S. CO., 51S W B6TH ST. WAITERS (experlenced only) BUSBOYS for our lpnrling houses ln New York City. Free employment. Apply HOTEL ASS'N. OF N. Y. C. EMPLOYMENT DIV1SION, 41 E. 29TH BT WANTED Cable spllcers. We can u i. ore good splicei s ln sl ate of ()k la - horr.a ; prospect f< r Bteady work a!l year. Write or wire C 13 Farlss, Cable Foreman, Southwestern Bell Tel. Company, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. SITUAT10NS WANTED MALE COUPLB, colored, efflclent, first olass cook, waiter In club or small hotel; capable taking entire oharge kitchen, dtn lng room; 7 years1 reference; wages $100. Telephi n? Williams, 1468 Westchester; write, B14 Van Nest av>. JAPANESE HAOr.H EMPLOYMENT AGEN'CY.?Rellable; domestk:; experl? enced, professionals: fir?t class help. Unity Building, 101 West 42d ?*. Bryant 77S7. SUMMONS SUPREME COURT, NEW YORK COUNTY. ?LOUIS COHEN, Plaintiff. ailalnbt EVA COHEN, Defendant Actlon for Absoluta DIvorce. Trial deslred ln New York County. Summons. To tho abovn named Defendant: You are hereby summoned to answer th* complalnt in this action, ftcd to nfrve a copy of your answer on the Plaintlff's At? torney within twenty days after the ser v'lce of this summons, - x lusive of the day of servico, aifd In case of your failure to appear, or answer, Judgment, by default, will be taken against you for the relief de raanddl in the complaint. Dated. New York, March 8th, 1918. SAML'EL 1 HCKSTEIN, Plaintirf'R Attorney, Offlce and Post Offlce Address, No. 299 Broadway, New York City. To the Upfendant, EVA COHEN: The foregoing summons is served upon vnu by publication, pursuant to an order of ilon. G- irge V. Mullan, a Justlce of thu Supreme Court of the Stato of New York. dated Aprll 29th, 1919, and filed with the complalnt in the offlce of the Clerk of the County of New York, at the County Court House, In the Borough of .Manhattan, Nevr York City. Dated, New York Citv, Mav lst, 1919. SAMTJEL DICKSTEIN, Attorney for Plaintiff, Offlce and P. O. Address, 299 Broadway, Borough of v;.; hattan, New York City. PROPOSALS SEALED BID8 WIl.l. BE RECErVED Bt the Board of Water Supply, at It.i offlceo, twenty-second floor, Municipal Building. Park Rcw. Centre and Ch*mbert streets, Nr-w York City. until 11 A. M., on TuesdBy. June 19, 1819, for Contract 202. for tho constructlon of about 7 *i n-.iles of highways, including clearlng, gradlng, dralning, building of culverts and guard ralls, around the Schobaria reservolr. In the Towns of Glitiow and Conesvlllo, Scho harie county, Prattsvllle, Greene county, and Roxbury. Delaware county, New York. At the abovs placo and tima the bt<i? will be publicly opened and read. Pam phlets contalnine liiformation for bldden and eontract drawln^s can be obtalned at the above address. at the omoe of the Secretary, by dopositlng the sum of ten dollara <$10> ln cash or its equtvalent for eaoii pamphiet. For further partlcularj apply to the offlce of the Chlef Bnglneer, at the above address. JOHN F. OALVIN, President; CHARLES N. CHADW1CK. L. J. OREILLY. Commlsslonerit. Board of Water Supply. BENJ. F. ElNBIiiLER. Se< retary. Read the New York Tribune Want Ads. sr tising HELP WANTED PEMAUB GIRLS. WOMEN. Needed in the largest general Mail Order business in the East as ORDER PICKERS PACKERS STOCK WOMEN UTILITY WORKERS No experience nect AppII cants must be over vears of age. Charlcs William Stores 25 Wnshington St, Brooklyn, N. Y. GIRLS required. Apply Huy ler's, 508 5th Ave. GIRLS wanted for Ug-ht factory woek 111 to Btart. Apply Q i: 9 Co 618 W. 6SU1 GIRLS WANTED FOR PACK1NG COFFEE LIGHT \YORK; HALF DAY SATimDAYS >rK!:iVY1M1HUT!N'i ??* l" raMON COMPETENT. experlenced. general houac worker or worklng housekeeper deatred [amlly of two ad ilts, llving ln emall hcWa at BrOnxvllle. Liberal wagea for r Bht I of servlce. Increaaed pay for pen v ork. relephone Bronxvllle 1032 or JoHr :? : NURSE for J chll tren: b-: ? rTfeirei i quired; u-rite or telephone Mrs R I.iule. of lititon uv.v, Garden City ' lc-land. Telophono Garden City i;;,.i PANTRY WOMAN, Sio a week and mealii , short houra. Mr. Barenl, 11S W 4. SALESLAD1ES -A. LOU1S NEBEN2AHL. ?FAR ROCKAWAY, X V REQUmE 8ALKSLAI>IES IN All. T>~. l'AUTMEXTS; EXCEPTIONAL LUU-1 lL BALARY. WOMEN Over 18 Years of Age TO OPERATE OR LEARN TO OPERATE DRILL PRESSES. MILLING MACHINES, PUNCH PRESS, LATHE AND LIGHT BENCH WORK. Good Wages While Learning. 48 HOURS. 1 BXCELLENT SHOP CONDITIONS. STEADY WORK. APPLY EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE COMPANY, Park Ave. and Hall St, BROOKLYN, N. Y. WANTED.?Cook to (.-o to seashoro; 46 mlle9 i lroin the city; small tamlly; good waget , Apply , E". Madisi ii ave. S1TUATIONS WANTED FEMALE~ A?A.?CHAMBERMA1D - WA1TR1 B6 AND COOK -Young lrish glrli . r milv of adulta; together er separate; $60-$ 16 li -h'y recommended. X. Miaa Hofmayei Agenc; 10 East 4Jd st., 3d lloor. Tel. fc'...;; Murray CHAMBERMAID WAITRK '.."., young lrish girls; famlly of adulta to? gether or Beparato; $50-$45; hlghly recom? mended. X. Miaa Bofmayer's Agancy l? Ea3t 43d sl . 3d floor. Tel 8945 Murray HUI. COOK-WA1TRESS, siatera, young. . .- ? m city or couutr M >.. 1 Bureau, 368 6th ave CJrci lej 6244? COOK.?Y'oung; nanta citj foi aummer; 9 yeara laBl ? mployi r M 9 Filzg in Id'a B?:? : :. 366 Bth ave On ( l( -. $241 LADY'S MAVD Voung Irlah woman; good 81 amsl ; er, etc ; $50. K . Mii?-< Hofmayer's Agenry, 10 East 43d at , 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hlll. NURSB. Take one cr two children. exoel lent referencea; any dlstance. Fltz gerald'a Bureau 366, Bth ave Greeley 5244. WA1TRESS, parloi ? .... for .?? um mer; $50. M . Miaa Ho1 mayei b Ag( ' I E. 43d st., 30 floor Tel phone 8941 M 1 . / Hlll. BUSINESS CAP.DS Carpct Cieaning iCAREFUL CARPET CLBANING CO? I PANY.?Cleana by compreaaed a'.r, st ? I hand or on floor. ?!",'< Ea ' 48th St.^COE 1 BRAXDT. Ttiephon- 133 Murray HI1L Clothing ; a? A? Am l.ndly In noed of GENTLF MAN'S DISCARDED CLOTHING, con pelMng me to pay $5 to $36 for aulta, ovei t oats, Tuj (? lot. pante trunl bags 'P ? ? or wrlte for cou teoua representatlve. I & C. CLOTHING CO.. 378 7th avi . . 3lKt 1. Telephoi I Men's Rigli Grade Suits made hy high 1 1 tallora. 8 .(? "Ti v ? ri Ti 1 EXCEPTIONAL EH \T '0 and ?.",:. Call and sei foi youi f A. & U. CLOTHES SHOP, 62 West 83d Bt., opposite M-Aipln. Piamor.ds DIAMONDS AXl> JEWELRY BbCOHT FOB CASH, eatatcs appraised, ) ircbaaed. BBNNETT, 175 Broadway, upataira. Detectire Ajrcncy LAWRENCE DETECTIVE AGENCY. Main Office, ."' I 1 Ma Ui on A ??<?. rner 2 ? - - ? ? 1 - I an '. ;? larant ,-?.. iteni nt an '. uni ece Bai y ?? ( ri .-?. nta Re porta prempt. Telej 1 - Grarucrtey *T^j 3946 ? rT< IRN'S ? ? , conl ' Inv. n. < .< Eaat I2d. 'Phone Murray Hlll 2743. Furnifure HIGHEST VV.irr.S PAID FOR FURNT ture, antlQuea, plan s. I ??? booka. art, etc. GABAY, K8 lt. Place. "Phono Btuyvesant 3.",7T. Multigraphera?Stonopraphers atenography, t>pe-\ all houra, reaaonable. Coyna, 111 : .- .. . at. Beekman 47 3. Ruga ! ORIENTAL RUGS SS ST^SSS: tltjr tK-ught for htKhest caab; appratslng ^ 1 pperlajty ; eall or wrlte Baanajlao, 10 I Weat 4G;h at. 'Phone $101 Bryant Patonta PATENTft. Over 70 yeara' pn.rtiee; all romnvi-il*-* vlena atrietly confldentlal: handh'.in. ot I l-Ktents free on request; aperlai facilitlea for oflleo ronaultatlons. Mtinn 4h Co., pattnt attorneya. 611 Wcolwurta Buildltig. New York Typewrlterm TYPEWRITERS RENTED Non-vlalMe, S monlha, $R Vlrlble, ? mnr.lhs. $7 50 up. Initlal payiii'-n: j lf purehaoed. AMERICAN WHTT1NG MACHIXE 00 $38 Broadway, nt Wopth st |T- ? ? $0 O I Id Bt., opp Madlaon Av?. JFrati 1 THB TTPEWU1TER EXCHAXC.E 10 Bareiaa,-. Bt. T?L OUI U?rciuy.