Newspaper Page Text
"?... 85 JVames Aiv Added To Gisuaiiv Lists Bv Gen. IVrshini* L03&S for A. E. F. Have K*?achrti Grand Total of 284,597; I.air Reports of KiHrd in Action Heceived j-, wilferNGTON, June 5.? Ger.eral Per sh:rg>? daily report of the casualties in V* American expeditionary forces t,- *y added 85 names to the total, 1" ?- now 284,597. * Army Casualties to Pate Reported ij?l .lune... Total 1. !1 -f *?n actlon (including ?.S1 a:. tea) . 85 Se.COft Died 52 ? ? . 1 13,636 Dii : g?0m uccident and other ?-?? . 6 i,633 Died tf disease. 2 23,218 cr,-- returned). 73 207,023 V. {\'r j ? on 'over So perSgnl returned I. ?-'i--i$j in nction tnot Includ ?i4*isoni rs released and re ?.raad) . 2 2.978 TJ.J2I . 85 284,597 M-TW YORK CITY AND VICINITY Vnrpfs from New York City and vicinity '.. - Wounded Severcly JOrWSON, Herbert, sergeant, 365 West 126th ?*?- - I Nev York. CA.-WHO. Anthony, corporal, Rochester, N. v ? Al STIN. Elmer, private, 483 Cottase Pla.-.- J' ate ield N. .1 CA9KMAN. Francis T.. priv.te, 316 Mad? ison Street, Brooklyn. CO&K. William J., private, Chanteau ra.v. 51V V. Wmn?i(lt'd (Pegree I'ndctermined) DEjTtfER, Jacob 1 ?'.. c irporal, 139 Dwight Stre< i^ Bro.?'?. ^ n McCSEEVERY, Robert P., private, 37H1 Avrr*? .1. Rrooklyn. MA9MM,AND, William D.. private. 25 ! 'S-. New York. ?t Wounded Slightly PAgOELLS, George R., prlvafe. 1587 ':'?. hWlPk A ? ?-.::<' Brooklyn. VULCANO, Michael C, private, St?, Kent .V.errue, Brookljn. Changcs in Status Ttar following cabled corrections are l??ued as nh appendix to the reguli r casualty lists: Killed in Action, Previously Reported g Died VfRSHUP, Alexander. private. Norfolk. Mrfiiiig in. Action, Previously Reported Wounded (Degree Undetermined) KSYES. ,1 E . private, Buffalo. Returned to Duty, Previously Reported Missing in Action nfinwiN. A bert, private, 425 East 161st StrSt, The ! LM'KOWITZ. Louis, private, 92S East ? gj^t, nl h Sl reet, Brooklyn. ft&y Asks $25,000,000 l Aerial Appropriations Dattrels Wants 200,000 in Ranks tftpr January i ?, iVIarine Corps of 47,300 Urged WASH1NGT0N, June 5.?Retention , * iu ' stations was recom? mended to the House naval committee to-day 1?;. l aptain ( raven, director of navaj aviatii . . ?? also recommended ... ipi iation oi $6,500,000 for three . one of which would be pur at Britain at a cost of Other appropriations re ? | were $4,505,000 for providing necei ary a rci tf( for the fleet, $9,405, for ci experimenl on ? ? an aircraft, and 53, for:the i larine corps air service sta -.ions, making a total of nearly' $24, .? . : General Barnett, commandant Corps, recommended of 47,300 :ar. i >?' this number, be m e Ii <1 in France 'o r an indeftnite period, General Barnetl aid, I-.-' ' thi were released the force would be reduced to 27,000, an incfeas ovi r the number borized by law. Under : ed esti nal ?? submitted to c . by St ci ? tary Daniels, person f . would be re :j!d to 2 i by January 1. Plan 3-Day Festival For Bronx Yeterans The Bronx is planning a three-day ". :!rJrae home celebration on June 13, 14 and 15 for the 2,000 men of that r:y who have returned from the sernce. A vaudeville, boxing and atling ??? irtainment will be put on n\ the armory of the 2d Fiold Ar tillery to-night to defray the expenses of the festival. 0<jor?f> M. S. Schulz, chairman of the'.^elcome Home Committee, said ?? terday that or. June 13 all religious, rnal and civil clubs "- uld ket ; ? zn house for the re? turned soldiers, Bailors and marines, 1 ' ?" ? '? Flag Day, a parade and .1 will be held on the Grand Corioourse, and on June 15, S meAOrial exerci es will be hr-ld f?r .--.? who -ave their lives for the ? i. ? Br Scheele Arraigned; Freed on $10,000 Bond ' ' . the German .? : ????? o was indicted in 1916 on a racv to blow up muni ted before Judge n C. Knox in the Federal District - yeBterday. He pleaded not guilty and was held in $10,000 bail, which was provided. :'"0,000 for Aviatore Who Make Flight to Australia ?' . ( al . 3 me 5. -An offer of tora who will attempt -". from thla city to A-. o-day by Thomai II. ino,., r. picture produccr. r?t man to land on A ?! = - will he paid, the ' '" ?' " To thi first avi itojr attempting the ' ?? ?, wl o, al failing to n ch A . : y'-.>: Hawaiian ands, $10,000 he paid ln the eve ; noni i ? ? - Hawaiian Islands, ?5,000 will be ?'?'-?'? .,,,_.. Ds^Bgbl Saviri{< Rcpeal 'J'o Be ShifK-fl to Senate WASHIKGTON', Jun? o Advocates of r*pe*l of the daylight ?aving law ? aid t//-'iay to Senate, and tb'vr -v/<r>- confidtnt a rider would be attifh' tioS'blll in the Senati \< ?'???;. foi f-o^n) ?>' '?' -.. . ,? l provlKion, - dei approved h> |; tM ? ? tn '-' ' -; r< peal believe K v/iii be aecepted by the Houfc*, r Weather Report S,un ri*?<.5 :26 I Sun aets. 8 :23 Moon rises. 2:02 | Moon sets. 1:20 I.ocal Forecast.?Loeal showers to-day or to-night and probably Saturday; slightly c-ooler to-night; moderate south winds. I.ocnl Officinl Record. The following of ficinl reconl ahows temperature during the iust twenty-four hours, ln comparison with the corresponding date of last year: 1018. 1919 ! 1918. 1919. 3 a. m- 64 71 ,1 p. m_ 76 82 (' a. m- 63 69 6 p. m_ 67 80 9 a. m. ...67 72 9 p. m.... 69 71 12 noon- 77 T? in p. m_ 68 70 Highest, S:> degrees (at 2:30 p. m. i : low est, 68 (nt 7:15 a. m.t ; average, 76: average sanie date laat year, 70; average same date for thlrty-three years, 66. Humidity 8 a. m. . . 88 | 1 p. m. . . 50 | 8 p. m. . . 69 Barometer Rradings S a. m. .30.2o . 1 p. m. .30.19 | 8 p. m..30.12 Other People's Weather WASHINGTON, .lune 5.?There haa been a general fall in pressure except over a limited area in the Central West and there are centrea of depreasion over eastern Min nesota, Florida and the lower St. Lawrence Valley. There has been some moderation of the warm weather in the lake region, the Mid dle Atlnntic states and port ions of New England, and a general rise in temperature in the South nnd West, although it is still quite cool for the season in the plains states. Showers continued in the upper Missis sippi Valley, the western upper lake region and the South Atlantic states and extended into the eastern lake and western lower lake regions and tiie upper Ohio Valley. Else where the weather was fair. Showers are probable Friday in the lakt region and Friday or Friday night in the Middle Atlantic states. followed by generally fair weather Saturday. There will also be showers Friday niKlit or SaVurday in New England, while in the Ohio Valley nnd the ?v th tho weather will bo generally fair Fr day and Saturday. Temperature will he somewhat lower over the sections where showers are indicate<l. Forecasts for Sperial Dlstricts.?Western Pennsylvania. locnl showers Friday; Satur? day probably fair. Western New York, local showers Friday, slightly cooler near the lakes ; Saturday prob? ably fair. Eai '? ii New York, local showers F'riday or Friday night: and probably Saturday; slightly cooler Friday night. Sonthern New England, fnir Friday, showers at night or Saturday; somewhat' on ler Saturday pn tho main land. New Jersey and Delaware, partly cloudy Friday. showers by night : Saturday prob? ably fair : little change in temperature. Eastern Pennsylvania. partly cloudy Fri? day with local showers, sliKhtly cooler ln northern portion; Saturday probably fair. Going On To-day DAY Frer- admlsslon to Metropolltan Mus?um of Art. American Museum of Natural Hlstory, American Museum of Safety and the Aquarlum. Luncheon, I'ost I'arllament, Hotel Mc Atpln, 1 p. io. Li ?'. -Miss A. M. von Blomberg. Hotel McAlpin, J p. m . Ftoad Masters' Association, Ho tel McAlpin, all day. Convention, Monroe ('aleulatlng Company, Hotel McAlpin, all day. School Dance, Senior ciass of Savage School, :' tel P( nnsylvanla, Coi >?< ? on, Fox Film Corporatlon, Hotel i i . nsylvanla. ? nt Exerclses, Polvtochnlc Pre : ? ory Country Day School, Brnoklyn Xow V.irk, Ninety Sei i nd Street and s venth Avenue, 3 p. m. ? ement Exerclses, Trlnlty School, 139 West Xinety-flrst Street, 3 p. m. Meeting, Mainten&nce Committee of the l.ewlshon Symphony Orchestra, Hotel M ?'? Ipln, l p, m. EVENING I Dlnner, Society of American Maglclans, I II it( I McAlpin, 7 p. m. Mi tii -. Greek-Amerlcan Collegiate Club, ! 11 tel McAlpin, 8 p m. Art Exhibitions Academy Art Shop, 153 West Flfty-Beventh Street* j Devonshlra Lace Shop, 60 Washington ' S uare, exhlbitlon of bridal veila and I la- ea. Du ensing Oallerles, palntinga and water i lora by w. s. Buoklln,. ? Club,, 17 East Slxtieth Street, ex hil ' i .'i of bookblndlngs. Kevorkian, 4n West Firty-seventh Street. exhibltion of sculpturu bv John Mow bray-Clarke. Kennedy & Co. 613 Flfth Avenue, exhlbl i lon of old naval prints. Knoedler'a, exhlbitlon of EngllBh sportlng I rints. Milch Oallerles, Xew York street acenea and flag ptcturea by Chlldo Haaaam. Mussmann Oallerles, exhlbitlon of water olors by Allce Judson. Natl mal Arts Club Oallerlos, membera' an nual 8k-teh exhibltion. Shipping New9 High Water A.M. P.M. Sand Hook. 2:44 S:24 OovertV0r*8 Island. 3:27 4:12 ;?'<? I Cate. 6:62 6:24 Arrived Yesterday VessM. Port. Departur*. '?. ?:!)'?,.- :i.Atrt werp .Mav 21 t Elcasco ...Bordeaux .May 16 \\ lllem I. . .Haltl .June 2 ..... Hull .May 1 4 Madawaaka.St. Xazalre .May 26 Abangarez.Klngaton .May 31 K ? ? esa n.Barbados.May 28 Snug Harbor.Cardenaa .May 28 . nd Grange.. London .May 20 Agwldale.Rotterdam ... May Helos.Antwerp .May Ghlcago.Bordeaux .May Delaware.Liverpool .May Galller.Antwerp .May Norfolk.La Palllce.May Santa Te.cla.Glbraltar .May Storvtken.Rotterdam .May Arundo.Harry .May Bjornefjord.Hull .May I'nited States. .. .('hrlstlania.May Elgen Hulp II.Rotterdam .May Nignrlstan.Falmouth .May Sekstant.Barry .May War Ilamllton.Montreal .May Pollux.Rllbao .May Kasama.Boston .lune I.ake Licklng.Man/anello . ... May Maraval.Trlnidad .May l.ake Conway.Antllla .May i'. of Edinburg.... London .May Arapahoe.lacksonville . . .June Eastcrling.Glbraltar .May Mohlcan.Macoris .May Momus.N. u- Orleans. . . .May BI Sud.Qalvcston .May Sonnenfels.Norfolk .lune Satartia.Philadelphia . . .June INCOMING STEAMERS Due To-day Vessel. Port. Departure. Pretorla.Brest .May 2 4 West Haven..... ..Bordeaux .May 17 Eurana.Bordeaux .May 24 Pannonia.Marsellles .May "Ii Vou Stuben.Brest .May 2!> Rambler.Brest .May 21 Iiucad'Aosta.Marsellles .May 22 Madawaska.St. Nazalre.May 26 Santa Ana.Bordeaux .May 24 Due Saturday Santa Oecllla.St. Nazalre.May 26 Osago.Bordeaux .May 24 Kentucktan.St. Xazaire.May 27 Brltannla.Marsellles .May 21 OCTGOENG 8TEAM8HI To-day MAIL CLOSES Adonls, Haytl .K :00 A.M. Oabegon, Argentlna . 9:00 A.M. Esp>.-ranza, Vera Cruz 9:00 A.M. Allianca, Crlstobal . . 12 :30 A.M. Santa Clara, Brest... Moblle, Brest . Ryndam, Brest . - Slerra, Brest .-.?.? Saturday BI Sol, Brest. Mllu-aukee, Br.. I.isbon Nasmyth, R. Janelro 6:30 A.M. Ponce. San Juan.... 8:MA.M. Mexleo, Havana. 9:00 A.M. Iroquols, Turks Isl. . 9:30 A.M. Donora, St. Thomas 8:00 A.M. 131 Capltan, Gaiveston Monday El Oriente, Brest. . . . Oraf Waldersee, Brest Frederick, Brest. . . . VESSEL SA1L3 12:00 M. 12:00 M. '12:00 M. 3:00 P.M. 12:00 M. 12:00 M. 12:00 M. 12:00 M. 12:00 M. 12:00 M. 10:00 A.M. 12:00 M. 12:00 M. 1 :00 P.M. 11:00 A.M. 12:00 M. 12:00 M. 12:00 M 12:00 M. AMERICAN PORTS BALTIMORE. June 5.?Arrlved: Steamers Rreseiii (Ital), Xorfolk: Susquehanna, New York. Saiied: Steamers Senta (Nor.), Ber gen; Western Hero, Rotterdam; Randwyk, Rotterdam: Ulrik Holm, (Dan.), Rotter? dam, t'leared: Steamer Nlcholas ('uneo (Nor.), Port Antonin. CAPB HENRY. Va., June 5.?-Passed ln for Baltimore: Steamer Narvlk, Xarvlk. Passed out from Baltimore: Steamer Vika (Nor.), Tela. CLAYMONT, Del., June 5.?Arrived: Steamer Frederick R. Kellogg, Tampico. CHARLESTON, S. C, June 5.?Arrived: Steamers Mohawk, New York (and pro ceeded for New York): Alabama, Port Arthur. DBLAWARE BRBAKWATER, Del., June 6. ? Passed out: Steamers Dorchester, Philadelphia for Boston; Chester Sun, Philadelphia for Sablne; Sosua (Nor.), Philadelphia for Port Antonlo; l.ake Dun more, Philadelphia for Pensacola; Sho shone, Philadelphia for Brest. JACKSONV1LLB, Pla., June 5.?Arrlved: Steamer Princeton, Tampico; schooner Strathconia (Br.). Neuvltas. Saiied: Steamer Cundall (Br.), Pensacola. KEY WEST, June 6.?Arrlved: Steamer City of Philadelphia, Havana land saiied for Punta Rasa). MARCUS HOOK, Penn., June 5.?-Passed down: Steaniers Quantico, Philadelphia for Wllmlngion, Del.; C'astletown (ln tow), .-; probably transport General W. C. Gorgas, Philadelphia for France. MOBILB, Ala., June B.?Saiied: Steam? ers Herman Wlnter, Bocas del Toro; Mount Vernon (Nor.), Bellze. MONTREAL, Que., June B.?Arrlved Steamer Megantlc (Br.), Liverpool. cleared: Steamer Lake Fontanet (Br.), Falmouth. NEW ORLEANS, June 6.?Cleared: Steamers Belvernon (Nor.), Santiago, Cuba; Kuwa, Mobile; Mlmer (Nor.), Pro greso; Omoa (Hond.),. Omoa via Port Cortez; Preston (Nor.). Tela; Tabarka (Br.). Italy via Glbraltar (for orders); Tlpton, Port Barrios. NBWPORT NEWS. Va , June 6.?Ar? rived: Steamers l.ake Maurepas, New York; Hewitt, Havre; Slavonia (Fr.), Brest. Salled: Steamers Ruahine (Br.), Welllngton; Mlnerlc (Br), Liverpool, Bloomlngton, Lelth; Nalmes (Br.), Phila? delphia. NORFOLK, Va., June B.?Arrived: Steamers Ansaldo II Ht), Genoa (and salled for Oenoa); Clan Kelth (Br.), Montreal (and saiied for Port land, Me.); Communlpaw, New York (and salled for Algl'-rs); Esperia (It.), New Orleans; Lapad (It.), Taranto (and saiied for Baltimore); St. Luciogen (Br ), Thames (and saiied for Baton Rouge); Kossuth (It.), Trleste (and salled for Portland, Me.); schooner Cecella M. Dunlap, San Juan. Salled: Steamers Esperia (Jt i, Oenoa: Lake Cayugu, Havana; Masca, Leghorn; schooner A. Ernest Mills, Buenos Ayres. PHILADELPHIA, June B.?Arrlved: Steamers Ozaukee, London; Manchloneal (Nor.), Port Antonlo, Lages (Braz.), Havre; Lake Oalera, Havana; New York, New York. PORT ARTHUR, June 6.?-Arrlved Steamers Frontera (Nor), New Orleans; Norman Brldge, Tampico. Salled: Steam? er Quemakonlng, New Orleans. PORT EADS. June 8.?Arrived: Steam? ers Cartago, Bocas Del Toro; Coppename, Port Barrios; Jan (Dan.), Tyne; Kllpal rlck, U. S. transport, Crlstobal; Lovlsa Tela; Mexoll, Tampa. Salled: Steamers Coahuila (Mox ), Progreso; BI Mar, New York; Neuces, Havana; Wayfarer (Br. ), Liverpool PORTLAND, Me., June B.?Arrlved: State, Norfolk; Bchooner Whilney, New York for Steamers Payanltios Nantwend Steamer Bay Henrietta A Ellsworth. Satle (Nor ). Glbraltar (Br.), Glbraltar; Clcoa, Norfolk. SAVANNAH, June S. ? Arrived: Steam? er <"ity of Savannah, New York. Salled: Steamers Lake Butlor, New York, (.ml gee, New York; City of Montgomery, Bos? ton. SYDXEY. N. S., June 6.?Saiied : Steam Transports Due the Next Two Days To-day The Pretorla. ft-om Brest, May 24, carrlea 2,988, Including 144th Infantry (less Company M nnd Ordnance Detachment) ; 72d Infantry Brlgade Headquarters; and 141st Infantry Detachment. The Eurana, from Bordeaux, May 24. carrlea 1,794, Including 320th Infantry Medlcal Detachment; 2d Battallon Headquartera Company, Supply Company, i li ?? panlea I>, F. H, L, and M. The West Haven, from Bordeaux. May 17. carrlea 9 men of the Ordnance Con voy Detachment. The Duca d'Aosta, from Maraetllee, May 22, carrlea 1,767, Including 9th Corps Headquartera, Troop and Detachment. 140th Field Artlllery; 116th Traln Head? quarters i /. tachment. Th" Pannonla. from Marseilles, May 23, carrlea 2,063, Including 317th Field Battallon Headquartera, Supply and Medlcal Detachments, Companies A, n and '. 87th and S8th Companies Transportatlon Corps and 54th Sanltary Squad. The Santa Ar.a. from Bordeaux, May 24, carries 1,428, including 78th Division Headquarters, Headquartera Troop and Poatal Detachment; 303d Engineers, Head? quartera and. Medlcal Detachments, Traln Companh a A, B, E and F, and Sanl? tary Traln. Tho Madawaaka, from St. Nazalre, May 26. carrlea 2,835. Inrludlng 313th Engi neera. Field and Staff Traln. Medlcal and Ordnance Detachments, Headquartera Company, Companies A to k and Company Xo. I; 343d Machlne Gun Battallon Hea Iquartera Detachment, Medlcal, Ordnance nnd Dental Det achmem H, Companlea a and B. 288th Military Police Company; 313th Field Battallon Signal Corpa; I66lh Field Artlllery Brlgade Headquartera; 3d SalcH Commisaary I'nit; 3i;,ih Mobile V'eterlnary Section; Third clothing and Bath Unlt; 12th. 13th, 14th Mobile ; ??"? ' nll; 80th Dlvlalon Mobile Field Laboratory. Thfl Rambier, from Breat, May 21. carrt.-a one Coast Artlllery ensual offleer. Th( Von Bteubcn, from Breat, May 29, carrlea 2.814. Including 614th Kngineer Battallon; I44th Infantry Machlne Cun Company and Company F; int'h ry Traln Field Hospltal Section. Headquartera and Medlcal Supply Cnlt Camp and Dlvlslona! Laboratory Field Hospllala; 144th Infanlry Detachment! .- L; into Ammunltlon Traln, Company C nnd Medlcal Detachment; lllth Traln SfeadquartTH, .',22-1 EnglneerH, Compuny C nnd 20th Company lat i nl Air Bervlce. To-morrow "'h* ; "''?' Ce< llla, from St. Naxalre, May 26, cnrrles 2.061, Including 3Ud ' ?' ' Artlllery, Field and Btatt, Medlcal, Veinrlnary and Ordnance Detachmenta Compai -., Headquartera Company, Batterlee A to K. 34Bth Machlne Gun Battallon, Headquartera Company, Medlcal Detachment,'Companlea A to D. The Britannta, from Maraolllea, May 21, carrlea 866, Including 640th Engineers' ? Battallon < omplete. ? Th< Kentucklan, from St. Nazulre, May 27, rarrl-.a 1,860, Including 346th Field f. Headquarters lat, 2d and 3d Battallona, Headquartera. Medlcal and "r''""" '?"'?" nrnrfnts, Supply nnd Headquartera Companlea, Battertea A to F lanltary Traln, Medlcal Bupply Detachment. Headquartera Detachment' .' - I Hoapltal, I-i-ii Hoapltal No. UI and 363 Ambulai.ce Company, 323d Motor i (*/.Bp'y?t Company. ers Alf (Nor.), Havre, Rosepands (Br.), Glbraltar. FOREIGN PORTS AVONMOUTH June 4.?Salled: Steamer j Westwego, X'ew Orleans. 3d?Sailed: Steamer Seilasia (Br.), New York. BORDEAUX, May 31.? Salled: Steamer Black Arrow, Newport X'ews. BREST, June l.?Sailed: Steamer Levla than. New York. lat?Sailed: Steamer Cape Ftnlsterre, Xew York. May 31st? Sailed: Steamer Charles, Xew York. 27th ? Battleshlp Mlssourl. Newport X'ews. DARTMOUTH, June 4.?Arrived: Steam? er Le Quesnoy (Br). Xew York for Copen hagen. DURBAN, June 4.?Arrived: Steamer Sommelsdyk (Dutch), Batavla, etc, for Xi ? York. HALIFAX, X. S. Jutre 5.?Signalled: Steamer Mauretanta, Liverpool for Halifax and .\. w Vork No time or dlstance given. Due at Halifax Friday morning. HAVRE. May 31.?Sailed: Steamer La Savoie, Xew York. ICILDONAN, June 4.?Passed: Steamer Novlngton (Br.), Port Arthur for Greenock. KIXSALE. June 4. ? Passed: Steamer North Pole X'ew- Vork for Antwerp. LISBON, June 2.?Salled: Steamer Ses tri (Ital.), from Genoa for New York. LIZARD, Junu ?".?Passed: Steamer President Bunge (Belg.), New York for Antwerp. ' LONDON, June 4.--Sailed: Steamer Man? hattan (Br.). .New York. LYTTLETON, May 14.?Arrived: Steamer Arawa (Br.), London via Balboa for Wellington MARSEILLES, May 31. ?Salled: Steam? er Duca Degll Abruzzl (Ital.), from Gcnoa for Xew York. PLYMOUTH, June 4.?Salled: Steamer Sapinero, Xew Vork. ST. NAZAIRE, June 2.?Salled: Steam? ers Henderson, Xew York; Suwanee, New? port X'ews. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS Tho conneci ini,- malls close at the Gen? eral Postofflce, City Hall Postoffice Statlon, Xew York. as follows: Hawaii and speclally addressod mall for Japan, Korea. China and Phillpplne Isl? ands, via San Francisco, at "..30 p. m., to day, per steamship Tenyo Maru. Japan. Korea, China, Slam, Cochln , China, Netherlands East Indies and Phil- i Ipplne Islands. v^o Vancouver and Vlctorla, i B. C. at 5:30 p. m., June 7, per steamshlp Empress of Russia. Japan, Korea, China, Slam and Nether landa East Indies, via Seattle, at 6:30 j p. 111.. .lune 10, per steamshlp Tyndareus. Hawaii and T'hillppine Islands, via San I Francisco, at 5:30 p. m., June 14, per i st< imshlp Slberla Maru. Japan. Korea. china, Slam. ('ochin China and Netherlands East Indies, via San Francisco, at 6:30 p. m., June 14, per steamship fluwa Maru. Hawaii. via San Francisco, at 6:30 p. m , ' June io, per steamship Lurllne. Tahlti, Marquesas, Cook Islanda, New Zealand and speclally addressed mall for Australla, via San Francisco, at 5:30 p. m., June 25, per steamship Moana. 50 French Brides Land iii New York Froni Liiier Chicago Soldier Who Shot Sentry in Escape From German Prison Brings Drivcr of Ambiilancc as His Wife The French liner Chicago from Bordeaux yesterday brought fifty young French brides, some of whom have come here in advnnee of their American husbands. Among the travellers was Mrs. Will? iam H. Hardy, wife of an American vvarrior who fought with the Cana- . dians before the United States entered ; the war. Hardy, who accompanied his bride. enlisted with the 18th Infantry in De- j cember, 1917, and was shot in the neck | while fighting at Luneville. He was treated at a cnsualty clearing station and driven to a French base hnspital I twenty-five milos to the rear by Miss Eloisc Wolf who is now his wife. He had <rone overseas with the first Canadian contingent and was captured by the Germans May 24, 1915, and held in a fortrcss at Metz. He escaped by filing the bars of his prison window I nnd killing the sentry. Dragging the ! riead German to a dark corner he j donned his uniform and in ten days: crossed the border into Switzerland. ? Later he got back into France and for j the information he gnve to the French ' military authorities he got the Medal Militaire. Hardy's home is in Ten nessee, but he and his bride will live in Los Anfreles. Capture of Chihiiahua By Villa Is Rumorerl EL PASO, Texas, June G. "La Patria," leading Mexican ? published here, issued an extra to-day saying Chihuahua Cu\ .va ? Sunday by Generals Villa and Angeles, after only two hours lighting. The information is said to have come by wire from Laredo from refugees who flcd from Chihuahua City. It is said Villa executed eight men on taking possession of the city. Illness of Queen Delays Wilson Trip to Brussels BRUSSELS, June. 5.?Owing to the illness of the Queen of the Belgians, President Wilson's visit here has been postponed until the end of next week. Queen Elizabeth is suffering from hay fever. EXCURSIONS SUNDAY EXCURSION Children, $1.35 War Tax Included To I 1 nnd Heturn SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 1919 Speelsil Irain leaves New Vork, West 2Sd St., 7 io*) A. M., J.iberty St., 8:00 \. M. Returnlng leaves Atlantic City 6:4.r> P. ,M. for .liu-kson Avenue nnd New York only, 7:ir> I". M. for nll other stntlons. Central Railroad of New Jersey TKAVEL Saturday- Trips ON THE HXJDSON Newbnrgli, PoufclikeepHie, Klntfton ?Mr.. " KAMSDKLU" KraiilUta Bt 1 00 P. M We?i 12JU1 au. 1:30 P. Jl i I'.cnUuriuit. ?? ?Str. "POl/anKEKPSIB " Krinkllo St Jc 'J I*. M ; . lliltth 8t. 3 P. M.. for Newburib i ?nd l'n. ? krcjinie. 9 'Unlli (teuiMnl ennnect with r^turo oo?i ] ? "?? \ i k ?i::ui) day. I CKNTKAI. III !JSO.\ I.I.M. SUMMER COTTAGES FOR RENT ADinONDACK MOUNTAIN COTTAOB for reni furnlshed: on Cobble Hlll, Elizabeth- ' ",'?'"? N- V:. m,,e frn,n B"lf '-"'irun nnd vlllage; (ino vlewa; olways cool; 12 rnoni.i ;t baths, 7 bodrooms, n sleeptng porrheii. n>e place* 1 MvlmmlnK pool, tennls er.nrt. 2 do nohiii cottaao* for sorvants; ntohie, garaire Ice house, fflled. Innulrn for Klngsley Cot tago; caretaker will ?h.iw. itent. |soo. John l Crawfoid, 7 Ka?t *2d Bt, N. X. National Catholie Conference Called WASHINGTON, June 5.?Cardinal Gibbons, chairman of the general com? mittee on Catholie Affairs and Inter- j ests, to-day called a meeting of the ; entire Catholie hierarchy of the United States, at the Catholie University here ! September 24. The meeting will be \ the first of its be held since i the third plenarv council of Baltimore | in 1884. The general ptirpose of the confer? ence will be to organize committees to study and work for tho welfare of church and country, particularly along social and educational lines. It will discuss not only purely ecclesiastical questions but social and educational problems involved in legislation under consideration in Congress and will formulate a uniform Catholie policy and coordinate as far as possible all diocesan activities. Preparations for the meeting next September will be made by the General Committee on Catholie Affairs and In? terests, the members of which are: Cardinal Gibbons, chairman; Bishop Muldoon, of Rockford, 111., vice chair? man; Bishop Schrembs, of Toledo; Bishop Glass, of Salt Lake City, and i Bishop Russell, of Charleston, S. C. Cardinal Gibbons also announced! that hereafter all Bishops of the coun-' try, with the expressed approval of Popo Benedict, would meet annually for the discussion of Catholie affairs. TRAVEL TRAVEL -? - =.> -rf^-jju,-^ 45 Mi!e5-Upthel1ud5on3-^ra Special Trips Saturday and Sunday (J , | 7 MORNING fRIP ML JUD6 i AFTERNOON TRIP SUNDAY, JUNE 8j S FARE ROUND TRIP Muslc. Rcfresliments. Str. "GRAND REPIBLIC" I.vs. P.attery, 0: \V. 132d Bt., 9:30 A M Str. "HIGHLANDER" I.vs. RatU-ry, 1:30; W. 132d St.. 2 P. M. "IIK;HL.\M)ER" & "GRAND KEPI'BMC" r.rttlcrv Pier, 9 A. M., West 132d SU. 9:30 A. M. ADULTS, 85 cents / includlng\ CHILDREN, 55 cents ^ War Tax) Bonr Motintain i.ine. Phone Bowling Green "538 LONG 1SLAND SOUND Deliuhlful outings where comfort anci cooling sea hreczes are enjoyed. Enough limc ashore in both cities for sighheeing. Str. City of Lowell To Brid?*eport Str. Richard Peck To New Haven l.r. Pier 2J, B. H.. Catharlno St.. D:30 A. M. Lv. Pier 70. E R., 22d St., 10:00 A. M. Roturn due New York about 9 P. M. Round Trin Fare (Incl. Wur Tax) $1.30. Round Trip Fare (incl. War Tax) $1.70 Children (ir> C.-nts. Cliildrcn 85 Cents. Restaurant Service?Lunch Counters?MusTc Limitod number of tickets sold only at Piers on days of Excursions NEW United States Railroad Administration ENGLAND STEAMSHIP LINES TO NEWBURGH AND RETl'EN, $1.00. nite & i?F 99 WIll leav* Pier 32, N. R.. foot Canal St., 9:30 A. M.; W>st "l32nd 8t-. 1# A. M. Two hour Btay in Newburgh, rot nrnintr on the same steamer. Music?RegtanraJnt. HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPANY N1GHT Bi'ATS TO ALBANY AND TROT. INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE LINES PHILADELPHIA? HVLRPOOI. Haverford.,Inlv 10 NETV YORK?LIVERPOOL Adrintii-..Tiino IBICeltic.Inno 2H Lapland.. . . .June '-il Baltlc.July '2 Offices, 9 Broadway, - Now York Passengcr iind Freljrht Scrriccs NEW YOKK to LIVERPOOL Vasari .June 14 Vestris .June 21 Koyal George.June 24 Orduna.June 28 Caronia .July 1 Carmania .July 5 NEW YORK to S0UTHAMPT0N Mauretania.June 14 Aquitania .June 28 NEW ?0RK to PIRAEUS Pannonia .June 18 BOSTON TO GLASGOW Massilia .July 12 21-24 STATE STREET. NEW YORK Hu4son? River DAILY INCLUOINQ SUNDAY. "Wajhlngton Irvlna." "Hondrlok Hudson." "RoSi. ert Fulten, "?lbany." Dlxect Rail Coniiectlona to all points North. East kjkI Wost. All thrmieli rall tlckets hetwoea r?ow York and Al!iai;y aceoptod. Music Ur<t?iirn.nt I.-avp Dworossrs St.. S:-10 A. U.: \V 42,1 St 8 00, W. 129th St.. 9 20; Yonkers, 9:S0, stopplni ?t Pear Mountaln, tWost Point (exeopt Sunday) tNswburgh, fPoughUcopsle, Klnjston Poiul [eon necUns dailj with t.'lstor & Delaware K. It ). t atsklll. Hudson and Albany dJ^U'T^ S^iSS't tIteturn Ktean"r s,n" On Soturdoy. Juna 7. Sunday. June 8. and Mon dav. Ji:nn 9 ,p,clal trlp, to Bcar Mountaln .Wm, Point Saturday and Monday). Ni:wburaii Pouah. kiwp.lo and return to 4^d St. Plor. loavlno Do?I bnnww 8t., 10 A. M.: Went 42d 81 iV-'o a m . W?t I2?th St., 10:40 A. M.: Yonkors i'-in a m irZ?* P,0,,n, H??fl 8how '? ?" ??* nJ'qMl Further tnformatlon at Desbrossoa at \?? York. TeL Caual 83U0. ' 9W 3 ?^'rca?_.P'".?t?<J?2prijs? NEW YORK?FRANC;< C*mpe WEEKLK UBPARTUPBX3 _ **?<?? a?w?M br?? 7??a For Porto IUeo, Ojracao 4 Wnezutla. 8. S. Mararatbo, Wednesday, Jimo 11, at 1 p v 8 I aXw,wMeS?'Vuna,J8- n' ? >'?' M o. o. /.u..,i. Hedncsday, June 2, at l I- \r 8. 8, Philadelplita, Wcd. July 2 at l p m 1 """" ?''?" "anuTer. , 82 Woli street BfiSSftftbX rOU IIir.HLANDSw. OCEANIC u?,l * HKI) BANK ?-.i-. .i.ij, l.v... i r/uiklw St , Plor 21. 8:30 a m '.4.;'..!' '"? UatUiA Plor, H.,">5 n. m.. 3:15 n m_' 8UNDAYB. Pranklln ti\.. K.;:o. Batusry. 8:65 a. ta hliort nnd Ido.J Hoittr to Orient froim Srciltlp. K?mt l'a/atlitl PaMst-nc-r Sli-umslijin Nitinon Yuacn Kalsba. 120 isrnndwny. N Y.' COUNTRY BOARD PORBST 1III.1.. N'. .1, S27 DE t;HAW AV Private fnmlly; American; will board two couple; hnino i-omforiH. Phone 4045 Hrnnrli Mrook. CAMPS Ethnn Allen Carap, Lnke rhnmplaln No Hero. Vt.?Boys, 9-19; July-Aua.; mlli tary, naval tulorln*; catalo*. 7 K. ?Zd. N, X. Metropolitan Lin? ' All the xcrv bfc u'atcr. Alwaus in sioht of lanA. To BOSTON V!? T.onc Island Ronnd. Buzzards Bay an# Cape Cod Canal Daylight Through the Canal Both Ways. Leav- pi?r is, Foot of Murray 8t., Daily iSur.days Included) at 5:00 P. M. Fare J5.JJ (Including Wur Taxl. Tlckets and lnforrn* tion at Wharf. Telephone Barclay 5600. , jt/iTMcuiti. h'-.aterooms Alwaya the Best. STEAMSHIP PASSAGES To Europe, South America. West Indiea, Bouth Africa. Australia, China. Japan, e?e. Ofiieinl Agents for All Trnns-Atiantlo and Trans-rnciltr S. S. Llncs. Tours and Tlcketl by All Rall Routes. Complete arrans?ni?at? for business or reerr-at'.on travel. includlag Pullman reservatlnns. ratl tlcliets. &c. THOS. COOK & SON, 845 Broodvrny. C61 Fifth Ave,. N. f. From Pier 32, N. R., foot Canal St, weekdays 6 and 7 P. M., Sundays and Holldays, 6 and 9 P. M.; West 132nd St half hour later. Due Albany 6 o'elock fol lownif* mornlnor. Dlrect rall connectlons nt Albany to all polnts north, east and west. Phone Canal 9000. Express Freigbt Service. Auto* Carrled. HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPAN* PROVIDENCEo^Vct $2.97 ALI? OLTSIDE STATEROOMS $1.08 to $3.34 tto'/i I'rirrs [nclude War Ta.v. Uoat Leaves PIcr 30. North Rlver, Daily & Sunday at 5:30 P. M. Phona Sprinn 8-iSI. CONEY ISLAiVD Schednle Snbject to Chaiifre Without Notice Lv. W. 129 St.. 9:40, 10:40, 11.40 12 10 2 3 4 "5 ":30. 8:30. Pltr I, N. R.. 10 20 11:25, 12-25 1:45, 3:45, 4:45. 5:45. 7. 8:20, 9:30. Cormy V'- JV, } :25>, T27'- 3:45- 4:1S. 5:45. 6:55, 25. 10:30. Tol. Roctor 872. U'oreesfer.Sli.H^. Provldence dirert.$3.S0 STATEROOMS. $1.00. $1.50 nnd $2 00 Daily, iiicludlim Sunday, 5:30 p jr From Pier 19. E. lt 'Phono 2700 Beekman. ricketa at i'ler or Consolldated ticket offlces. Garden City, Long Island One- of the most exclualve Hotela la America. A comblnntlon of country llf? and inetrupolitun luxury aeldom founal conducted on the Amrrtcan plan. wltb t hundsome a la earte reslaurant for th? con-.enlence of rnotorlsts. Ulxcellent. 18 huie fcolf course free to gueala krequenl eleclrlc tralna from Penn. statloa J. J. 1.ANN1N CO.. PropB. THE GLEN 8PRINCS, Wntklns, N. Y., oi Soneca Lake, A oomplete Mliirrn Sprlnga Heulth Renort nnd Motel In beau tful private park. Nniural rnlolum < hlo.lde Brlne Hatlis for ffeart and Cir tulatory Dlaoraora. BCokleta. RESORTS NEW JERSEY RESORTS NEW JERSEY PINE BEACH HOTEL Pine Beach, N. J. Now Open Under New Management Music and dancing every Wednesday and Saturday evenings. We are ready to accom modate either local or tourists at all times with single rooms or en suite. Also first class meals at reasonable prices. Call and be con vinced. Courtesy shown to all. Open Year Round JOSEPH F. WOODS, Manager NEW YORK STATE hlotef GhambCain "DfuJJ Toint-on- Ihke ehomphin.XlC' HIGHEST poim on lake?firrproof ?every room a front room?8fX? ncres?tennis?18-hole golf course? concrete garagc?boaiing, baihing, fishing, motor highways in all dircc tions. Exccllent cuisinc, American plan. Management Mr. J. P. Greives, of Florida East Ccast Hosris. Book? let on request. Ntw Ytrt BooUnc Ofict, 24i Fifth Avmui rsunnaiawKei h otei? On Beauliful Fisher's Island Always Coo!?Seashore and Country Mansion House Management Excellent table?Milk, epgs, poul try, vegetables fresh from our own farms, ric-li fish and lobsters from adjacent waters. Music, boatinK, bathing. golf, tennis. Lovely white sandy beach. Nice Cool Rooms, facing water, $25 week Rooms, with Bath, $35 Week, including meals. M. T. WYATT, Asst. Mgr., 18 W. 251 lt St., N. Y. ADIRONDACKS LAKE PLACID, N. Y. OPENS JUNE 24TH. Every convenience to meet tho requiremente of relined people; exceptlona! table: orcheStra; private baths. FURNISHED COTTAGES FOli RENT. All out of door Adlrondack dlversions. Clrcular. M. B. MARSHALL, Mgr.. I.ake Placid, N. Y. LAKE PLACID, N. Y. OPEX JUNE 16. j Modern In all its aypointmonts. J. J. SWEENEY, Manager. New York Office, 8 West 4flih Street. Phone Vanderbllt 2290 Winter?Highland Park Hotel. Aiken. 9. C. i Centre of All Adirondack Attractions i STEVENS HOUSE I LAKE PLAOID, NEW YORK NOW OPEN. Extensively Iinproved. STEVENS HOTEL CO., Lake Plaeid, N. Y. ? 0 talfi^ord^Catskills Fwept by Healthful Mountaln Breezes (??? larga ad?. S-.ind.iy papors. Bookleta nnd in? formation at Rrsort llureaus and N Y Orrice. *S9 5th aTe. PROSPECT HOUSE Shelter Island Heights, E. I N Y Opens June 25th. Shore and Country' All aports. Acc. 300. Book'e* C Special July 4th Week-end Booklng- Office, Hotel McAlpin, N. Y. O X B L RAMATAN 2S Mlliutes from Grand Central 60 electrlc tralns daily. City oonra niences Ui tho country. Golf?<;rlll? Tennls. Saddle Horses Daily? Tpi ce-tT DANCING. y concena, HOTEL CRAMATAN, Lawrence Park, Bronxvllle, N. Y LAKEW00D FARM INN, ROSCOE, N. Y. OPEN ,11 NE 14 w/iM,Ufc,(M,70? {feL 12? mllM from ^w "York No black flies or mnsauitoes. Orciicstrn. DaticlnE Llbrary, Playroom. Tennls. Hoo.ue, Bowlii;* \\ tter Sports, Saddio Horsew. elo NJAV YuliK 'r.o(if 1NG OFKICE. 11S0 BROADWAY. Tcj. SJadison Bquare?1748. MOHEGAN INN Mohegan Lake, N. Y. NOW OPEN STAMTOBD-IN-THE-CATSKIEXS x ^ THE REXMERE ?S Opens June 21. Bonklng Ontee, 11S0 Broadway. N. T. SHARON SPRINGS, N. Y. PAVILION HOTEL & COTTAGE3 Foldera on Hpplicaiion. _ W. H. CRAlU. Lesaee. RIIODE ISLAND. Snrf and Still Water Bathing PLIMPTON HOTEL SOT^^xs Watch Hlll, R. T. Open .lune to Jvtpt. A. D. CCSHJNG, Mgr.. N. Y'. Office, 425 Sth Avenue. Manchettter-Tn-ttie- Mountalna VERMONT OPEN JUNE 14 Rooklng Offlce: The lorraine, r,ib Ave. nnd 45th St. WE8T VIRGINIA GREENDRIER. Whlt* Sulntuir Sprlngf.. W. *\a. The favored Health Reaort. lloaervailon?? Hotel Plaaa, ATLANTIC CITY. NEW JERSEY *r * ?" atlantic art. A. rQcoardsQd ..standatxi J orGxcenence. Coolest und .Most Attractive 1-orntion HOTEL ESPLANADE WHOl.K HLOCK, OCEAN KKO.NT Dlrectly on th" Boardwalk. P.naton t<> ???? ercisn Ave. in excluslve Chclsea eectloni capaclty 600. l'"-li and sea water hatlisi. private .ir-i public, ,-ni.i every appolntment Modern hydro-therapeutic departnunt. Orchestra Dancing. Auto l-tis me?t.4 trains Booklet Ownershlp direct. W". F. SHAW. THE LEADING RESORT HOUSE OFTHE WORLD ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. UTME NATION'S HEAl.'VH SHOP " vj HEALTH 18 CTFICtRNCV , A Germicidc Climate and Clran St;eeM No Du=t. No Dirt. Innumerable Outdoor Rccrratlons and Indoor Entcrtainmenia Owoership Manageroent Josiah White & SoniO*. HOTEL BILTMORE (Formerly Westinont) Rhode laland Ave., n?ar .fonrdwalk. All outelde jooms. Suitos wltn ba*h. Orchestra. Dancing. Capaclty 2t j. Hot and cold sea water baths. Under new mansg 'ntent. BILTMORE HOTF.I, CO. FLY WITH PIONEERS'OF THE AIW Klights every day from Inlet coverlne at? lantic City. Flying Station, Mclrose Av. nue and Beach. Plione 31S0 fur Reserva tions. K. J. JAQPITTL B. H. KENDRICH. NEW CI ARIONK* "? *nd BM"b Garaja. 'Hr. s. *o. OarMlna a? . nr. K? ? a. Aiiicr. &l European piaI, l it :. WATKINS \P 8. Sn. Carollna a?.. nr. Beacfc ?Tf\i",lPK? Ex. Tabie: mod. S V WatklnS NEW JEKSEY?Boouton. Located in the midst of 1- acres of big trrep. line vlews; thlrty miles on Lacka wanna; ten minutes t:> station; electrle lighted, steam heat, runnlng water i? rooms; elcvation C50. Open a 11 year Booklet. G. N. VINCENT BOONTON. N. J. MONTCLAIR, NEW JEKSEY IDEAL COUNTRY HOME Hotel Montclair MONTCLAIR. N. J. MOST DELIGHTFCLLY SITC. ATED RE8IDENTIAL HOTEL l* NEW YORK'S SCBCRB8. OPEN" THE ENTIRE YEAR FREDEKICK C. HALL COMPANY. MOXMOITH, N. J. The North Jersey Shore Reports o? Mon mouth County Bid You Welcome. WEST END, LONG BRANCH, N. J. WEST END, LONG BRANCH, N. J. TAKANASSEE HCTEL, on Ocean Front. Open June. roW,Ef,?,ND HOTEV., Ocean Avenue antl West Lnd Court Season May lst to Nov laU WM. DUCHSSNE. Proprie-tor. PENNSYLVANIA. BUCKW00D INN (FIREPROOF) Shawnee-on-Delaware, Pennsylvania NOW OPEN A hotel of nntable sl Inction locati .1 in h park of ;o.000 i " res, excluslve to i rviests: 7( miles fr m .N'.-w York, ~J !:!ilen froir Phlla delphla. Homa of the Shawnee Coun? try Club. CHAS. V. MURPHY, Manager CASTLE INN Delaware Water Gap, Pa. Now Open Frlvate rtnths. Runnlng VVater. Cap SO* Flreproof Hotel an 1 0 ?'?'? ? m and Bui ope in P in Mim T. T. DOI.BLY NEW ENGLAND TOUR NEW ENGLAND Perfect Roads; Magniflcent Rcenen <, ?: Hotrtal 1-or Road Mai tddreai VVJJ KIMBALX, Beer. N. K Hotel Aaan. Draper Hotrl. Korthampton Mau. NEW HAMPSH1KK. BRETTON WOODS WHITE MOINTAINS. N. H. The Monnt PleiiMint, Opens .Tun? 1SH Closea October 1. C J. DPNPHY. V?r. The Muunt Wanhlngton, Oponn .'uly ?? Closea Mlddle of October. c J. RtiOT. Mr. Booklng Offlce, 143 Fifth Ave.. New Yorl WHITE MOUNTAINS NEW PROFILE HOUSE N. Y. Booklne Ofllce. 11?0 n'way Trl Uad .?u Cl*. Poclal and Scenlc Ontrr cf White Mta. Maplewood Hotel xmJffiM?3 IS lluln GoH. Trap Hl)y<itlng Toumamcnl. B0.--.kl.-3fl Offloa, UM H wa*. Naw Vwk. Cti. Mad. ?*. *'**?