Newspaper Page Text
Record of Stock and Bond Averag-es -p;. right, 1$1J. New York Tribuno Inc) Stocka M |UlU?<,?,l,, SO Inda?17***5 JO Stock* ? 10 Kailroads 10 Industrials 5 rjtflltieJ f??3 Bend? ? Te^ter day. 77.35 ?C8.?^ 96.14 80.80 05.6" 85.02 87.59 Tear ajro. 69.25 .52 Pay befo'-e. 77.75 108.80 96.38 Bond? S0.-5 79.28 95.70 91.61 85.40 84.65 87.66 85.28 Range Jan. 1 to date 191?. High. 78.30 108.80 96.38 82.80 95.70 87.75 87.91 Low. 68.70 79.20 75.32 79.48 93.72 83.62 85.53 Rangi ?ear 1 High. 79.15 88.83 84.08 86.57 94.08 89.02 89.46 foil 918. Low. 66.12 73.37 70.30 76.62 67.40 82.60 83.62 Summary of Stock Exchange Dealing? (Copyright 1919. New York Tribune lnc) Stocks Usilroid-" Other ?ttrki All Stocks 1 9, rovcrnment Kj?roaris . Othe' bonds . All bonds . Yesterday. 241,800 1.490.500 ' 732,300 Day before. '06.900 562,400 "59.300 Year ajto ?40.100 "?4.50O 1919, 15.203.300 97.720.000 January 1 to date ^9A60O 112.923.300 1918. 8.494,700 56,341.700 64.836.400 3917. 9.796.300 78,317.600 88.113,900 Bonds 7 289.000 ? .902. W0 "75.000 9,966,000 $5.988,000 '.197.000 1.291.000 8,476,000 Year ago $.V.866.0O0 333,000 784,000 6,033,000 51.000,960,000 104.281.000 312,558,000 1.417,799,000 anuary 1 to Hate. 9. 1918. $365,922.000 98,057,000 149.461,000 613,440.000 \ estcrdav's Transactions in Listed Stocks All stocks quoted dollars 8 share. Annnal dividend rate, also In dollar? a ?hare, i* hascd on last regular payment. High and low prices of 1919 a?? H on transactions of 100 shares or more. , ,.,.?_ ,,..??. base b??cd only on Low Div. 1919. Kate : 19 M 29* 2 56 66 Adani? Espre'.? Advance T?umcl .\dranre Rum Rubber (.Id M Aja* Ma>ka Mi _? ssy2 'C5 113*4 90 91 a 61 ic8% H% 61% ?3" 8 128% "-' 2 "? .1 87 i 10734 30 ? 81% ' 84' , ? 99% 8 62 8 ?0 42's ? 84% 8 -'03g .30 39% 4 13' ? ? Alaska Joneau . Allis-Chalraers Co A Ilia-Chalmers Co 1 ... \!. ?. \?l?.. Bosch Ma? Aer ('.hem 84% 109 130 39 139*8 ?" 1<9 113 "?? 96 54% 52% 44 R 85 58 1C0 1 51 62 8 103 100 33 ... ATI A m Am Beet Sugar. . Am Brake Shoe Edr; Am (an Co. Am Car & Fdry Co. . Am Drue? . Am t otton Oil. Hide A Leather Hide & L pr_ ?an Ice . Ice pr Am A m Amer 6 American Int Corn 4.80 Amer A merican \m?-r Linseed pr Am Locomotive . Am Locomotive pr American Mall Am Vait 1st pr Am S met'.inn Amer Smelt p_ American Sal<-s. Open. 500 50 7900 36 It pr 600 70 '100 94?, ?00 3% ?'-800 2 .v 6200 ?5 4 200 96 2800 104% 2500 111i4 6400 88' 2 100 91? 8 15100 58' z ?-"'2 3000 106' 2 IO734 2300 123,4 12% 12?, 3100 59 4600 36 3700 123 10800 75 7?0 76 4 9000 103'z 109 Linseed . 9S0C 68'2 2500 96 4 7700 85!4 '00 107'' 3 1100 2^4 2100 62 20100 833 400 1063 200 125 "08% 21734 1O6 130 HO*? ?934 22 is' 73 9534 191-8 P6% 45 4 943a 27*8 ?0 56 2 ,. Snuff Amor Steel 1 oundr? American Sugar . American Sugar or American Sumatra Am Sum Tob rts. . Amer Te! & Te! Amer Tobacco . A m Tob pr ne?'. Am Wool . Am Wool pr. Am Writ Taper pr . & Lend & Lead pr 400 106% 106% IO534 105*4? 5b 106 '06' 200 125 125 124% 124% ? 1% 123 125 12400 38-4 38% 37' 2 375R? 34 37' 2 38 5000 139'^ 139% 136% 137%? 1'8 137% 137' 100 118 118 118 118 - 118 119 6400 109'2 109% "'OS', '08" A - 1 IO834 109 4900 4"s 5 43-4 434 ?- % 434 5 3700 IO73.4 107% 107 107'4- '2 107 107; Real Co ;i';* 9? * W 8i 92 "4 64% -02 863, :r'. 32% 36 82 7034 !70 ? 54 4 .: . 109 * 112 , 47*i 0 !8 '. ? g 70 '5 , 16 "8 4 ZC , 64 B 56 4 ' ? '?? ? I 48 -, 27 56 104 2 Am /inc Am Zinc A nacond As As: o Fry Goods . taso UiJ . ?i tchison . ? ? "P pr . A t Line. A G & W I ... Bald Loco Co... Bald Loco pr Balto X Ohio Bailo A Ohio rr Barrett Co Beth Steel Beth Steel ( lass I Belh Steel 7th pr Beth Steel 8th pr - Rap Tr Rap Tr c! Bl '? n Bkl r. % 28 7S 52 52 a 23 2 34 , - - 128 22 , 61 a - \ 32 3? I 60 , 3434 39 4 '9 4 3734 109 1,7 2 198 3?'/a ? < 2'7 - -. 29 .. ?0 > 20 4 2G . 8? ?7*4 H??4 2*3 19 '. ?v? 17 65 2 6 46 ? 52 s - ' 50 2C8 ? 69 93 4 ' 172 2 10 6 , - 28% -- 27 3 '??>. 24 U -. 36 , K ?. 47 '44 . 11a, r.P , Vi'-t Bool h h isherics I c Bklyn I men Gas "nu' n 8hoe ' i> Burns Fi-cs Fluff & Surquen ?ifs ( ?n i. Zinc Butle & Sup ( upper Botterick Co Calif racking . , . . < ?\-i Het . I alif Pel pr. ' alur"? ? & Arizona . > ?nadian I'anhc . . I anHo Oil . . . ( en! Four.dr? T>r 1 ? ntral I ?vitrier ? enl I -,-ither pr < ei ro De l'an o dler Motors ' li??..ape?ikr & Ohio Chic Gt West 1 hie Gt West pr . 1 hi, M et- St P Chi M 4 St P pr < hic A N'wcst f riic & N '?treat pr < h, R I ?. Pai Ch. R I A P 6% pr 1 h. II I * P 7% pr C, C, C A. S L . . Chile Copper ( hino Con Cop Cluett Peabody . Col luel A Iron . . Col Ga.? & Elec_ ? ol & South. tump Tab . ? <. K I. & P . < I C Mining. ? on' (an . I orn Products . i ruci?le Steel . . < uha A m Sugar .. < ubs? (ant Suzar. < uba ( ane Sui pr . Deere < o pr Del, Lark * W e*t Denver & Rio >. pr l.mfKon Brandt . . Elk Horn ( oal Erie . r.rie ' ?t pr . Lm? 2d pr Fed Min & Smelt Fbher Body . Players . . tauu i" 8 a 3700 107"4 107% 107 3300 213'4 21734 200 101 101' 2 "01 66C0 123 123 1?8 4 600 108' ? 109% 108' a 6400 46'4 4934 46'4 7900 21% 22 20% 1i00 60 6' 60 15800 72 4 7?, 7134 1100 2-1 s 23^ 2 600 54 200 88 6800 102 ?100 8- . 200 105 15100 164! 3 24100 104 4 200*110 4400 54'2 100 581-2 100 134 g 700 85 31600 8J3A 1000 102 600 113 200O 28%' 300 23 3600 21^ 100 91 200 92 107' 216% 101! 118! 119 109 5 107' 216' s 1021 4 119 110 8S' ? 88' 2 88%? 1% 88 1C2% 101% 101 ? 4? % 101' 87-% 87' 2 873'4~ 1 87 105 104! 2 1041-2? 1 2 104' 178 164' a 178 -1334 177 105% 103% 1041 g - ' 2 104 110 110 110 - 5;4 105 54% 54 543g_ l 8 54' 85 8 2"00 82 82 200 70 70% 800 164% 16?% 6600 51', 52 200 49 493$ 35400 108' ; 109% I 100 112 i 12' 2 14800 47 3 4?. 4 2100 139 200% 67% 68 4 600 10 4 10%. *'00 29'g 2<)> ? "" 463.? <S7'4 35 4 8P4 3500 197 3700 3534 800 84 '00 99 200 205 600 10',; 500 28', 139OO 39'. 4900 19', 1800 22 1200 22V 200 141 . 600 's,: ?M ; 40 48 ?2 , 1 a m nu-, C?M?/)n William? <.ener?l Cigar . General FMertric Co (,?n?r?l Motor? Ganoral Motor? pr (.enera! Motor?, deb l-oodri, h B I Ct Northern pr Gt Northern Or <,r?< Gulf 2% 1700 35 7900 83% '?700'166 21600 2?5 1103 94 400 760C 4800 ?ut? 14900 ( I an Copper State Steel "A ? . 10 ? > '% t2t n-. A* StL* M r ? ??*% 66 34 ?'?' , ?Z 4 '.> ?V, M?/, M -. Fi.. * a Bark Car Co Illinouv Cent I f 111 A * r p r ;n u Copper Intb ( ors ( ii'?i lotb < on ( or pr frit Mar?. > orp ' ?. [/il ?lif Marine ?ri " Hi-r Marine pr 29' Intl ?'KP" *t Intl l'aper pr -'pi! Ir,-.l NM-krl . - .Jewtll Te?. K?n ( itr Hooth 4 K*lly f,pri/nr Kelsry Wheel < ? 4 Kenrierott ( opprr '20 Kejvton* 'lire * I *.<k Laili-de (?a? i, r; a 'a pi LtftMs-M '.?lier Kubb-r A 90 8434 99 46',. 100 44'., 2100 66'2 1700 60 2800 101% 6C0 86% 20400 :,r4 , 2700 8 2800 29'4 _ 24C0 134% 13B 20200 47 Vt 48 2160C '20 122 14800 6 1 62 200 77-4 77 8600 28*-? 29 38% 42'2 1700 24% 24'/4 1100 126% 126% 700 67 *? 38 Va 99 ?/ .. 69' 1% 700 14800 14600 6100 00 68 39! 991 88 6') 58'4 691? 73/4 7% 28 28%? 134% 134.-8 r 40'? 4 7% 118% 120%? l 60' p 61 ? 77'4 77%. 28% 28Ur 38% 42 ?f 23% 23%? 125 125 1% 59 % 67 W/a 97% 9,7% 69 2:;''? 6? 38! 98' 8>i 60! 23 '/???? L? Kubb"r ?. lire . ,'V, ?'. i-i? A M 'lab Co pr. 100 112 , Lo??? WU?p ?Ueuit.,. 9300 70% 400 ?>?)?... t>) .. ?-." , 6'J' 2 'a 03 I0C 23% 23% 23^? 23% ' ? 23'% ?600 M 68 56% ',-, 4- 59% 700 36 36% .34% 86% | % 35 100 112 % 112% 112% 112% % 11?% 3300 70% 70% 70 70 ?jfc J1/* 70 ecurities High. 1919. 103 "i 195 112 122 3 4 65 119% 583. 46% 99% 110 205 28'. a 54% 19% 11% 25 34% 58% 39% 127% 22% 84' j 83 110% 14% 18 42% 124 83 */, 35 55 34% 20 112'; 613, 93-s Low. Div. 1919. Rate. Salea. 94% 7 Loose Wiles B 1st pr 100 14734 12 Lorillsrd, Pierre... 2700 Lorillard, Pierre, pr. 100 I.ouis & N'ash. 100 Macks? Co pr. 400 Manhattan Shirt . . 100 Maxwell Motor . 6400 Mame! Motor lit pr /000 Maxwell Motor 2d pr. 2300 May Dept Stores . . . 400 May Dept Stores pr. 100 107 7 113 7 63 4 100 7 2634 ? 503s ? 19% 1 60 6 104 7 1623* 8 2134 2 40% 4 9% ? 4% ? 834 - 2234 _. 49% ? 29% 3 106 7 14 ? 45' g 6 64 5 107 7 5% ? 15% V 2834 ? 911% 10 i 69% 5 19% 2 44% 5 2534 ? 15 ? 103 7 i 47 5 Net chge. Bid Ask. % 103%-105 3 185' 2 186 2 ? ? ? 119 121 Mexican Pet . 21600 193 Miami Con Copper 1000 28 M id va le Steel. 6300 537 Minn & St L new... 20100 183 Mo, Kan & Tet. , 3100 10: Mo. Kan & Tex pr 700 20"1 Missouri Pacific. 3*00 34 700 58% 100 36% 3000 124 1400 21% 5400 791 2 2300 82 100 109% 400 10% 2800 18 1000 42 400 12C 1 1200 8: 52 59% 10% 57% 13% 40' 2 33% 103% 48% 14 67 24% 63% 43% 66 66*? 110 28?, 66' ? 42' . 84 19 87' 64' 129? 95' . 23 ?? 93'; 913 105 119| 1195. 64' 14 37 15 1 ' ' 4 22 212 15% 69-4 69 4 93! 4 115 179% 33 72' j 12434 1C0 731 8 54% 65% 17% 55 7 4 460 292 2S2% 24% 101 1083. 46 43 35% 5% 46 8 29%, 22 67 43% 43? 45% 12% 56 30 44 30 38% 101' j 16 45 34 79 12% 59 51 112% 68' z 19 75 7V 2 100 7034 86' 2 53' g 6% 10% 22 13' 2 Missouri Pacific pr National Acme. National Biscuit... Nat Con & Cable Nat Enam & Stpg . National Lead. National Lead pr Nat RR of Mex 2d pr Nevada Con Cop . . New Or, Tex & Mex N Y Air Brake. New York Central . ? i?uu oj-g .New York Dock. 300 31 New York Dock pr . 100 52% NY, XHftll,.. . 6300 33% Norfolk South. 100 19 Norfolk & West. 600 110% North America. i 00 5? Northern Pacific... 1800 99 Nova Scotia Steel... 3300 94% : Ohio Fuel. 200 52 Ohio Gas . 34100 58% Ontario Silver . 1000 8% Owens Bottline _ 500 56 Okla Prod . 14600 11, Pacific Mail . 2900 37 Pacific Tel & Tel_ 9000 26? 2 Pan Am Pet. 18100 101% Pennsylvania R R... 2000 47% Peor?a & East. 200 13% Peo (.a* & Coke.... "00 53"R P?re Marquette ... 14800 22% Pere Marq prior pr 700 62% Philadelphia Co. . . 1800 40 4 Pills, C, C & St L.. 500 65 Penn Scab Steel. 200 36 2 Pierce Arrow . 8100 65 4 Pierce Arrow pr.... 100 109% Tierce Oil .... ;<;? 4 --> 168' 2 10 33'4 46' j 85 95'j 132 25 663j 45?4 92 42 t 32 36H4 12', 27' 2 130 72% 99' r 58% 37'4 ?38' a 124' 6 74% 72 55 47*fl 107 . 50' ? 157 4P 7' ; 142 55'. 190 813 28% 66 167 48 118 115 70% 110/, 117', 84!/; so 114' ; 74 12/ 38 79 13/ 24% 92' 2 116 59'8 98 12 24 63% 40' -4 98' 4 133% 73 98 77' a 109 40% 88'4 113% 65' g 61 110 54 7>4 30% 63 9% 17 84% 94% 40' a 65% 734 17 45 23% 87 34 120 50 88 65 . 5000 25~E Pittsborgh Coal. 8200 65' s Pitts & West Va . 28600 40\< Pitts & West Va pr 900 823j Pond Creek Coal . . . 300 18 t Pressed Steel Car . . 3000 87' < Punta Alegre . 800 03 ? Pull Palace Car Co. 230 128 Railway Steel Sprint 2700 94<. Ray Con Copper . . 6500 23 Reading . 28100 93 Rep Iron <t Steel 8400 9C% Rep Iron & S'.eel pr 600 104" Royal Dutch . 100O 1437'i Roy Dich N Y hilaren 28100 113 Savage Arms . 600 6~' Saxon Motors . 1500 ,2!, St Lo & San Fran . 24200 2*\ St ho & San Fran pr 600 33 St .los Lead . 20C 15 Seaboard Air Line . 200 '0 Seaboard Air Line pr 600 20 Sears Roebuck ... 100 206 Shattack Ariz . . 400 15 Sinclair Oil . 14800 67 Sloss-ShefT S &? I ... 2700 63 Sloss-Shel? S & I pr 200 93 Southern Pacific 21600 112 So Porto Rico Sujrar 100 173 Southern R It . 7 ' 00 12 Southern ft K pr 300 70' S;udebaker . 35100 1191 Sludcbakcr pr. 20C 100 Slut?. Motors . 7900 73 Superior Steel . 2400 53 Stromberg Carb . . 6600 01 Term Copper Chrm 4300 15 Totai & Pacific 15900 55" 'lex & Pac Land Tr 3 460 Texas Co . 1700 281 Tcias Co pr. . . 400 276 Third Ay It R . 403 24 6 Tobacco Products . 3:600 93 7 Tobacco Products pr 1100 107 Tul, St L W ctfs 2100 5= Toi. St I. M ctfs pr 200 17' 5 Trans A Williams Stl 400 bT 0 Lnion Pacific 5000 135 4 lnion Pacific nr. . 100 73' 4 Lniled Alloy Sire! 4000 54? 9 united ('?car Mores. 24 100 : ?0 3% 1 nked Drue 1st pr ' 0C 54 8 " Lniled Lruit . 2800 185 2 IS Pond Prod . . 8600 78 I nitcd rty Invent 600 '2' - 1 niled Ry Invest pr 00 26 IS Cast I P & In 2800 28 5 IS Cast J P & I o pr 100 6^ 6 l S Ind Alcohol . 7600 '62 7 IS Ind Alcohol pr 100 109 - 1" S Realty Ai Imp ?890 4? L H Rubber . 14900 116' 8 IS Rubber 1st pr . 100 114 5 IS Smelt & Ret '.700 68 5 IS Steel . 201600 1 10 7 IS Steel pr . 6 Utah Copper 4 Vj (. anilina (Item 8 \ ;i 1 arolina Chem pr Va Iron, Coal & ( oKe - ? W aba-sh rr A . Wells I arto Ex West Maryland . W rst Pacific 7 W cstrrn I inion Tel 7 W eslinghou.-e Air Pr 4- Wi'stinghouso Mfg 5 W ilson Co . Wheel & L E. ? AS heel & L E pr 4 White Motors . ! Willys Overland 7 Willys Overland pr. . 8 Woolwor^h . ? W'orLh Pump & Mach 7 Worth P & M pr A. . 6 Worth P & M pr B . 12% ? Ex dividend. Bid and Asked Quotations The following table gives the closing bid and asked quotations for stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange but not traded in yesterday: Bid, Asked Bid A . -t. A T?a:-.!-: Note. 44 46 Kelly Sp pr.. 96 100 do Pr . 47 50 K?irej Uli pi 9S , US! . A ilett hn pr 91 95 Kaok 4: Des -M 4 A lir Kh I'dy. 91 <B ' Jo pr . 13 .1(1 <lo pr -165 l/3'o Krej.i A Co.. 75 ? Amer 4'cm ..45 ? (],, pr . . I0B ? A ' it Oil pr. 92 DJ' ^ I. A: M Tob. 220 225 Am Kxpreas . 87 90 do pr . . .II2'4 112', Am ?tilpbldg 114 142 Loo.,? vvn 1st toi I04^.i Am Sm pr A HJ 94 ? do .1 pr .110 120 Am Si.iifr pr. 95 100 Lorlllard I' | 110 112'/? Am Bug pr ..lia 119 It.oulsv i \aaJill9 12! A Ftuin T p. o.i SS Mai ka> ' . 77 HO A 'lei ft lab bo $2i/4 \ianli* Reaeli ? ?? Ai ' Arboi . . 4 3 Maltha F.: 87 90 'lo pr . . . 10 ah i Vlatb All v. 17 4U', A. Dl <; Is! p 7j 7'1 >.i?. In . : s prIU'J I 10 lo 2d pr . 77 79 >t<-i Pel pi ,l()5'.' Ill? All Wr A A 9 II \l, ,, ... ,? 93 !05 A <; &W 1 p, 72 75 MSP&HSAI ''4 96 ilyrrctl pr . . 117'', II*? ! 1I0 pr . 1(14 I 12 Beth mi Tih.100 ? I do i I til OB In <;*. 90 92 |Mor A Esiex. 70'j 74 Brown Sh pr. 9? 101 v.,.,', ,v Ciial MB 120 '' ?- pi . 99J4 us Nai m?i mi pi im 1 in*. Bun it & p . 60', 64 s-?i 1 . a aun m s.? ?. ? I" !'/ 94 ? do : 105 Hi..', I'.i.i. Term . 8?, 100 Kai 1. a s p-io? IOS ???' ?til 4j'B <i) \|.|; , 1 \| lm Ib 25 ? s*? .1 I pr ?i? IOS ,s Y 1 A s I. .11 < eut of N j JOS :. , do lal pr b?3 70 '',"?? Fdo 22 24% do . 1 ir .. 51 53 CjkBATel.llO ?b [Sott South . m;4 '9 Chi 4 A mm . ???< II v. ,f & \v rr 75 7? ?10 ?r .. 0 *i'-: Ovrena iv-n p.- 102 104 ( .?f * Pitta, 67'/? 80 Pacific Ooaat. 42 4? 4. H I' M A. 4) 74 75 Pac 1 out 'Jd 50 80 rto pr . .103 125 Pac Tel A; T. 81 32'/j < f lA-l, pr. 71 ' 4 74 ; do ,,r . M 90 Cl ?'eabociy r?-104'j 104',, r> Am Pel pr.173 173 ( ',! I' 4 I rr 105 ?25 par? Man? nr 4714 47', ''-' A; Ko Ut. 58 581,, |.e:n m?i| 35 46 ?In -<1 pr P I W A 1 1311 ? ' P p inh- , inn pre ? . ur.11 1 ..-< < arpel 54 30 I'uij Ker \ .1 H'2 ' ' " A , 197 , (?in II ;,, ,- : ? ;? 17 11 ! 104 101 . , j,, I " " In 9H? , 9<1 1, fiwc ? ?) I, A W ,200 210 do 1 ? Jl ???' Rdl on 11/ Hi [u? it,,.-. |? ?,,.u,v4 I let t ,1 H n ?02 10.1 8 Por It Mug 170 lll"HN4it 4'/t ? I do An m ?mm ? iO ihm. pr ... .III'/?J2? ??&m1 ? tot BIT. Askc ! Bid Asked. I' ?? or Bal 72 76 Stai 1 Ml ! 133 M? Eil Horn pi ? 47 . ?ill 1)4 ! i J M A ? | ' 43 43! Tide V at r 748 25(1 i ? Ed: pr IUli lui I & w 111 -?; c7 58 ti ' ? : ., 190 196 Tul I . . It I 52 nS lo | : 102 ., 101! j do pr 81 I-1 Gei i ' gar - in", I ?o I ? ?erv > . T 175 un Go Irich ;:? 105 3 106 do i I01'4 120 i,., : M & No irr.? il |Cn Bas i Pa 92 ''4 do pr . . .18 19' , ' ' l Igai : 112 117 G? ' ' SI I : 91 "3 L'ni: I I> UE 125 12b lia -i .- Corp 8.' W, ,1 , : .. pr 50 ?4' l m ako .. ???> !<; ! :? im 28' -. ?i' I Hur < ?. prllfi ? I .- In AI pi 107';, ICO' Inter I'aper rrlOO I If I ? .- ? li pr 46'4 4'i '? In! Nickel ;? fli1 1 "R1 I'ls 'It ... ? 34 N' I ' ral. .1 b IVesi lia P.'j 10 IVrsi l'a 1 pr. ;n h5 > eslingli io pr. 50 57 Woolwortn rr lib' . ? 54 Wi ' - I ? Co 69 72 li ' I L'i : . 5 b IVcal Mary .T 2'J 28 Jewell i | P.'j 10 tt'csi l'a pi 56 58 k'l I S&M pr. .:? b5 > exlinglisa I 67 Consolidated Exchange [Unit of trade on this cichange, 10 ?hares] Transactions and prices yesterday for the more adre shares follow: Sale?. Open. High, Low. I,n.-,t v.. \mi can Can.. 59 59: , 53' 2 58% 2090 American Ice . 7-% 76% 72% 74 IliO Am Internntl 108'?. 109 107% 108% 1130 Am Smell ? R 83% ST., 83 83'? 8?U \naconda Cop 72% 72 a 7i% 72% 1220 Beth Steel B . 36 87 85 85' . 600 Brooklyn K I 28% 28% 23 2S34 2730 Cent l.eutluv. . 108% 109 >B '07' -. 108' ?? I tj?0 Crucible ?Ttoel.. 95% 97% 94 94% r.SO Cuba Cane Sng ?6 36% 35% 36 1560 In! Mcr Mar.. -17% 48% J? 48'* 1260 Mexican Pet. 193' , 193 192' 2 193' 2 500 Missouri Pac ?4' 1 34' a 33' 2 33' 2 90 Ohio Cities Ga 58 !8 60' s 58' 4 59"3 17,20 Oklahoma Oil 11% 1 \\ :? M 11 121.0 Ran Am P&-I 101% 102% 101 101%. 2410 Pierce Arrow . 65' 65% 64% 64% 680 Pill & W Vn 40% 413i 4C% 41% 4495 Rending. 93% 93% 91% 92 8G0 Royal D N V. 113% 115 113% 113% 2030 Sinclair OIL ... 67'., 67% 66% 66% 4790 Studeb?kcr ...118% 119% 115% 117% 1300 Tenn Copper.., 15 15% 15% 16% D60 Texas \ Pac 55% 56 53% 53% 4040Tob Product*.. 08 4 106 97% 102% 830 U Cigar Store* 140 141% 139% 139% 11690 U S Sire!. i 10% 1 12 1'0 110' ';; 560 Wesi'hou?r Kl 0K'B 58% 57% 5R 11 \\ Overlnd :?' <? -'.i!'>. 18 !8 '? |;..-.brish! ' ? " I " '! :.: ?? ?.... .'. Ci oui 1 ha 1 . ISftO II '? n ?'. ' : , of ?Mii horn? ?'<?<* A EIpcu-Iu Company one-year 7 j--i cool note? offered yoaiordoy ?t a'j'i? Jha.u all ten ?old. Bonds Following is a complete record of all ransactions in bonds on the New York itock Exchange yesterday: -? S. Government Bonds New York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Closing Quotations) 1- riday. Bid. Asi.ed. '-IT 99.46 fi' 99.50 1st 4a '47, 95.36;; 95 -0 2d 4s '42. 94.30^- 94 40 1st I-4,-47 96.10^; 96.-4 2d 1 14s ? 12 94.70 a 94.75 2d 4 ?is '28 95.52 ?; 95 54 do 4th ! ;4.,'.:S 94.80 u 94 9* ctory ?.-.,,, .. 99.98@ 100.00 no ?"? ts. . .100.08 ?; 100.16 Pre-war Issues: liberty do Is do 21 do It do do 1 ; .. ?da Bid Asked. 99.46-0 99.50 95.30'iz 95.<4o 94.36? 94.40 95.70.; 95.90 94.80.(7 94.84 95.60'?; 95.64 94.92.a 94.96 99.98? 100.00 '00.10 -i 100.20 t-ejr, coup, '?ex. coup, reg. coup. Pan, Pan, Pan. Pan, Pan,' lil 4s, lil 4s. I9??. 99%? 99% 1930. ... 99%@ 99% 1946.., . 89 @ 92 1946- 89 @ 92 ?06 (?S 106'2 1 92. ? 6. coup . 1934 . If?::., L9 - .106' ?-p, 106 ; ? 93--4? 99' g . 98%@ ? . 98%? 99' , . 98%6? ? .89 @ 92 . 89 @ 92 ffi 96 (S! 96 ? 96 ?100 90 90 90 97 99' 4? 99% 99 4? 9S% 89 @ 92 89 O 92 106 @106< 2 106' 4?a 1061 ; 98^@ 99' ? 98%? ? 9S%<? 99 j 98% ? ? 89 @ 92 89 ? 92 @ 96 ? 98 ?A- 96 @100 90 90 97 Liberty Issues Liberty Z'-?". do 1st, ?I do 2d Is do 1st 4 'Al rio 2d 1 ', - do 3d ?!?, do 4th 4'4s Victory 1: , High. r,c 99.52 99 46 99.45 95.34 95.32 95.34 94.40 94. 30 94.38 96.03 95.50 95..80 94.80 94.70 24.76 95.60 95.48 95.54 94.98 94.86 94 9-1 ?Q0.30 99.96 99.38 100.14 103.08 100.08 Last change. .04 .04 .02 .10 .04 .06 .02 .02 .03 i Approximate inve3i.rr.cnt yieid at the :io ins New 1 01 .* Stock Exchange pri ?? fhird 4',i . 4,80 1 ifth PUS . fourth ?! ',- . 4.64 Second '^^^Bk\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Seco i ?ri ' ' Fifth [ralo* nf Liberty Bon?li on the New York S'.ock txenance carry interest to the date if sale, and the seller receives tnis interest in addiiion to the sale price] U .-'? T.ibcrrx 1932-47 RO.009 Li 000. Total. . . . V S Liberty 4s 193 2-!', l'< tal .... L' S Liberty 1927-42 ISO,000. . 1) ' ' i-'.n.. 35,000. (Sales) !? ?L 99.50' 99.46 99.50 99.52 99.50 99.46 99.50 93.48 99.46 L 9?.50 99.48 99.50 99.52 99.46 99.50 99.46 . 95.32 . 95.34 $9.000 2d 4 s . 94.30 . 94.38 94.40 91.30 91.38 . 94.30 . 94.38 . 94.30 . 94.38 1 iberty 3d 1 '-?s 95.52 95.54 0 5.50 95.54 93.52 95.54 rota! .$1,417.000 ?-? Libei ? ? : i. . , - .., 3- S Total U s Ubc 15,01 0 1.000 '. 100 . Total ; ; ? 1,<.'!?. ?1 i ? 1927 ? " . , ".unii co n v 95.80 95.90 96.00 95.80 95.S6 90.00 95.80 $109.00C 04.94 34.90 91 92 94.94 94.96 94.90 94.92 94 96 9-1.94 94.96 94.92 94.9-1 94.90 94.94 94.92 94.95 9?1.92 94.94 94 ,g , 94*90 9-'-.9? 94.94 94.92 94.94 94.90 94.92 94.94 94.96 94.96 94.94 94.90 04.96 94.94 94,90 94. EC 9<\94 94.90 69 000 : 1: . ;?? -"i" ?f 1)00. 30,000 ? ; ..?i ? 8,000 ?; n.oon U S I.ibei 200,000 . 94.78 . . 94.70 . 94.78 . . 94.80 94.78 . . 94.7-1 . . 94.76 . . 94.78 . 94 70 . 94.72 94.70 0 ?. -.1 . . 94.74 . 94.78 . 94.76 . 947g .. 94.76 . . 94.70 . 94.76' . 94.70 . 9 4 70 . 9176 $638.000 3d ! ' j 05.5 1 ["ota! . 95 rF. ' ii ??-. v Lib? 91 54 334s 1922 95.5a fis 000 94.90 94.92 34.03 9.'..90 9 1.88 94.92 94 94 94.96 94.90 94.92 94.90 94.9h 94.92 94.96 94.90 94.92 94 ?"?3 9-1.9?: 94.96 _ r1.9.'. ? . -, 1 _ 94 Q? 94.94 . 94 96 ':.'"'; 94.91 i:i.iirii-i 94.0.-. 94.96 ,94.92 . 94,96 ' 900 94.92 9.1 .?-.'?? l^^^^H. 9 ! " I $1, ?97.000 ? Loan ?4 090 . 95 5b ni 100 in(00 1 - n m ? ? 30,000 10.000 ? noo ] f?'non ' ::, 000. 40 000 BO.ono ? .noo 5,000 1 000 ??g'.oon pt?.nnn. "" fii-.r, M ono! 1.000. n.nnn. 95 541 93.58 95.54 95.56 95 S4 95.53 95.56 95.54 91 ,56 95.E 1 95 52 95.51 9' --. 95.52 95.50 o:-.:-.-1 95.5-t 95 56 95 52 95.54 95.52 9!-.5? 95.56 95.54 95 52 05.56 95.52 95.48 95.50 ? 0 1 100 10 ; . 10 ; 00 08 Victors !. be ?? ' ".009 I0i .<-,-.. inn ?1 ,. ' fi',1100 '-.-.',-?,?, 291.000 ar'.?no". ? ?,S 600 .- ? nn i 40 urn. ? .-; ?? .. 2.".000. ?00 00 99 9 g 100.00 99.9g IOO.60 90.90 100.00 no 99 . 100^00 -, 0 r. g 0-1 03 !ioo'oo 199.09 99.98 1CO.0O 100.00 99.98 Foreiarn Government am! Municipal Bond? (\ew York Stock Exchange Quotations) (Interest To Be Added) Bid. Asked Am Foreign Sec Co ."?- 1919.. 99;J 99*i Anjtlo-French Extern 1920.. 97% 97->, Argentins Intern 5s 194.*. 34 86 . Canada Dom of 5s 1921. 38% 92 ; do 1926 . 98% g8| , do 1931.97% 9f Chinese Gov Hu K i: ? ?? 1951. 75 ," % Cuba Extern 5s 1941... .99 ? do Extern 5s Series A I949. 9'% 93% do Extern 4*?s 1949 . 83% 85 Dominican Rep is 195S.91 City of Bordeaux Hs 1919 . o?:, 99% do Lyon ? 6s :r' 1 'J. 99% n?% do Marseilles 6s 1919.99% 99 a do Par... 6s 1931 . 97% 9? .Jap Go'. I-.. sterling loan 192.J 91 31% do ?' .., 2d "i : ... 91 : 92 do ?'- uterlinK loan 1931. 30 80% Citv or Tokio ."?- 195.79 so-a U K Gt B & ! 3-yr ?>' ? UUS . 99 u 100 rlo 5-yr 64a 1921.99 99% do 20-yr BUi 1937.99% 99-% Foreign Bonds Dealt in Flat Mex Extern ater? 5s of '99 1913 66 71 do Extern rrold 4? of 'if 1954. 52 58% Rus 1894 rente In 1000 ruble den 33 (Sales) A in ! irrig n S 5- Dom Canod 90 '...'.?. . " ' ' .001 . 5" lai ' ??? ' . a; , :..i . 9' ?.'-. bon 9/' n. 91' ? 15,000 97.3, do 2d ser 1 %?? 2 non 97' j 2,000 . .... 92 iS&.OQO.,^? 97A? i.000....?j8l.?3% Ar.gio-French Bs LT K of Gt Britain & 5,000. 97%l I 5i?s 1921 S.OO'l. 97V 6,000. 99 8.010. 97% 5<O00. 99'g 5,000. 97A 30.CO?. 99 1.000. 97% do 5%s 1937 Argentine G 5s 6.?00. 99% 3,000. 86% BOO.100' B City of Bordeaux fis * 000 . 99% R,. 99-'- 1.000.'. 99% 8.000 . 99' -, L5 000 .... 99% City of Paria 6s * 00 ... 99% i.OOO. 98 L000. 99% . 97% Virginia ?:'d ts B B 12.000. 97% & Co ctfs 98 10.000 ... 66 Dom 'a?ada 5s 1926 N Y C 4; s 1965 . 98% C 102% do ' ?' ' do 4>4s 1 56C ? ? ? 977g 2,000. 97% . ?.. 97% Railways, Other Corporations Alan Midland 5s M ?* T* & S S M4s 1.0 0. 93% 9,000. ...'85% Am A? Ch deb 5s Mo Pao ten 4s L000. . 110 33.000 . 63 Am Cotton O.. ..- 62% 1,000 S93g 63 Am Smelting 5s I i 10 62% I.'"1". . . 90% 7'.00n ' 62% Am 3 & r cvt 6s 62% 23 000 '03-. " 0 I 62' , 36,C. '033-4 7,000 62% do col ." - ;.,. 62% L.' . 92% Montana Power 5s do : ' ???= I 00(1 02' ? " ?00 91 Morris'* Co 4''-Y col 4s i O?O. . . 88 85' 4 X E:.a:iiL'l ? S ?s 85% 00 93 Am Wr Pai er ; N' Orl T & Mes as ctfs of deposit I . ,000 . 61% 3,. . . .90 10,0 'O 62 A T A; S 1 adj 4? 10.000.61% '? . .... ; 76 . 6i do cv )60 5,00'J 60% '02 X V Central deh 6s 102% I 0 i0 . 100% '" '" ' 10T , lO..100% Bail ? O c t ?! '??* ? ' 100% "79% 10.000. . 100' ? .79 ' 100% do ?* ?? Is .100' g 5.00 i -6' , o o 100 Beth Steel p m os ? 100 3 I 10 83 25.00 -00 88%, 00 100% p ."? ' ' 39 2. .100% o adi ? oppe 6: do i % ? -s '?""' 96 : oOO " 34 4 ? ? ' . 96%'N Y C & :-: I. 's' % 96 j . 84 l K ? - :.s do deb ' ' . ped ? 74 . 78 N Y Ga Kl 11 fi r ? i Powe- p m 1s 823* 71's i ' ? x y r. - ri - ?? 93 S.'ilO'i . 45' ' Ce: [,e the: i m 45 000. . . . 97 l.OO'i 45 t. -'.000. 96% 5 '00 .... 45% t on Pac gt -1< do ;<dj 5s -.000 . . . . 80%x 5,000 . 15% Ches & O cvt 5b 9,000. 15% .. . . 91% :? 000 .... 16 43.000. . . 91 do ctfs of deposit de cvt 41 ? 2,000 . . . 15% '-'."''"' . . . 84' , N Y Tel.-phono 4'.,? 34 1,000 . ... 89 C & Mton >?.',- 3s Xorf ? W cvt fi? 1.000 . .... 52% .109% do 3%s :.i0 .109 37% 2,0"0 ..108% ' B & Q :?<?:? (s 00 1C9 . R? do con Is 82' s 3,000 . . 32 82' . Nor Pacifie ts do loii ts 10,000 ... 82 ? '? ?>? . 96 do 3a ?-i 3 "'9% '..OOO. q? 5.1 OU 53' , ?' '. 96' 8 Nor States Pr 5s C Gl W. ?tei-,i ; . i 89% 62' b Ore Ry ?J .%??? !s 1 . .. 62% K.0OO. . . 82 ??. 62 Ore Shorl Line 4s ?' *? Loui I 2 86% ~ r"'"' 10<' .? Pacifie G & E 5s (' M & St P evi . 85% BC B Penn '? ?96S ' " " 30 6.00 95% 797; . o-"% do i-vi 4 % 6J0O0 95% . . 78% do 4a l'J ! , '.''"'., ? 78% ! '. . . 33 S43g 10,000. - 87% 87 ?.:< 1 72 Pen Ga & Coke of 71' ( hi :ap o '? C ? N-.. i g r: ... ,00 -5 ',; 00O, 100 Peor?a & E inc 4s Chicago Ry ;,. v q | 29 1.000 . 77 Pierce Oil 6s 102 ? CRIS P :??,; .: -, ;?: 000 . . . 106' ,, ?'' "' ' 74 " 00" . . 107' .'? ? '"', 74 Pub Ser of X j 5s '- h le i lonper 7 3,000. . .77 ' ") c Readir - s n Is '?' "" 119 2.01 ' 83; i do fis 3d paid Rio G W 1st 1s ' ?"'" ... 92 , . . 721/, ??'? >'? 3.0 73' . "? "?'?' "? R T Arl & i, I '?s 92% . 70% C C C ? ? ; i ' -. St L & S K 4s ser A ,.,,'. ? S0| '? ? 63r? i ol I- ?: ?- 63% 79' , 63 -, Col & ???? 1st Is do - ser B ? I '0 30 :.'? '0 77% do <' .77% . 30' * ' ' on . .-6' > ' G C F. 5a do xdj stumped ' ? % i-? 1.000 33:, 1.000 .69' Comn rab R 6a r.OOO '0 ' ' 000. S4 .. . 69'/, I : ' ' evi il 1,000 . . 69% m ?-.. ? Dl'p F,- R G con 4s n ' ., ^3% 73 :??? 000 54 ?.'?'" ; : i, 43,0 10 , 54 ? 5,000. 54% ,000 74 10 ... 643E Detroit Kdison yr~ 3! .000 f.i ?s 1910 ? "".'?" 54 . 0?' , 20.000 51? . r,. ? . , . . r -. - . : . , 1st 4S , o?- . 73 00 , do ". ?? ' ... . |j,. . T.noo s, j gai r ?eaboa H \ i. .-. : d. lien 4; ' 52 j :? 000 5?i .. Sim '?;?" O ' : r.? - ! ,3.000 ggr'a do ?? ' ' pet B :''" PaH ? ? cvt :, 2.O00 '}'? ? 112% '.' I s se r n 113 ' ? . on ? i2' -, 53' i "'; ' 112' ITud ? M ? % :?? 11 ' ? ? 14.000 623? do ' Mi : ?? O d . I.009 35 ' ' 000 -0' , . 36 4 11 I.000. 5,; . '3% SS :?: Cen '? : ' B6%, . . 15: , ' ?'"'- ?r. cio c St T r r: 1.000...... 86% O ioint 5 St. 4 1.000. . . 19' t . o r;..' " .;? 1 ;. II tbo-Me! ' ; 000 92! a :.000 ' A' Southern R- " . . 40' - ! ,01 ) 94.% ' "'' . . 40 a do 4? . . :? ..'??"n . 68% ' deposit ; , 1 00 ..... 6=% . ") 2.OO0.68"''. '? ' n R r rfe 3- do 1e Mob & div .....74'/, . 6Slj . "'?'?, 1 l'erm R R As?n nf .741 -, St L ' ? 741<. '00 . . .93 . "''? . "1 Co ? ? .. . 7i-? -,. 1021 k "? 1 19 0 :?2 : ~- ' ' ""' "' 101*? ? 1 4 Tortas ??: P 1st 3 10.000 74 1.000 9'% "? r 3 h:rd Av ad ; 5s 1.000 ..... . .sn3? 741', .40% 74% 12.009. ..... 40' 4 Inl M '.:.- ?ne 6" t I, & W % ... 100-,. -j.,-, 10 . . 55 . 100% Union P .? :5c Os .....100% 1.000. . . 103% 100' . . 103' , ". . - 100%" do 1st Is ?101 2.00 .... 363., 101'. do cvt 4 a ? -1007? .33% ^^^^^ 100% Un Fuel Gas 6s 100%' 1,00 95' 'W ,_ ..'?... 95% .100% Un nd of S I ?s .100 ctfs of depo it 1303c- ' 32' , 100% ' 32 100% . % ' ?33 , L S Realty & I Os '"O-., 2.0O0 76% ?.100' 4 U S Rubl cr :,-. 100% 1 89% '" ... 100% . . 89 .101 ' ... . 88% ' "' ' ? .. .100%' ? . 89' i ?on-, iQO % ? ' ' 100% do 7s 110' 3.000 ...103% '00% I" :-? Smelting '" K r - . , . -; 4, . ,?-, -104l ' '"''" . . 71 104% Kan City So 5s U S Steel , : ... '. "".. ? 363., 100'8 City ! erm 4= ' 100' , 4.000 .....soi/, i.o 100% Lack Steel B 1. '. ? 1 r. IOO L000. , ... P7 Va-Car Chemical 6a ? ???? 93 ?- ;. 100.101% , r. '?"?;! ?6 -a ^Yest Maryland 4s LE & tte*t 1st 6a 3 000 61 " "? 37% Wilson'* Co .., Lake S I i .s ?1 ,-..,.. i00' , 39% IOC"? 100% Mil. . . .10 I ' ' . i: %? ; \ ? ' "' : ';?;: ? ? 'o-"s ?? 001 . . .101 LOOO . . 102' n ?.Oi-Mi.190' ? Lehirh V?l Ter 5.? ? 000 100' . . 4,000.. .^.00,0 J E.%%..^.100% t ' " ' ' I " I ' ~?=?-?-^ Executor Trastee ? Chartered 1822 ; The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company \ Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue At Forty-first Street New York London Ptris Foreign Exchange Administrator Guardian If ember Federal leser-re Sjvtam and New York Clearing House 114 114% 94'2 Liggett & M 1,000... ? ,000 dr. S? 13, 00 long: 1 ?s 1937 3.000.76 Mich t'en deb 4s 5,000 ... .84 Midvale Sta?l 5s 3 000 . 90' g 15,000 89% 3,000 . 89--4 1.000. 90 2.000. . 90% 2,000 89% 2,000 . . 90' . 000 Minn A- St f. 90' 78 77' 49 ????fon & Co evt 6? 1.000.'03% r, nuv' ,.. 134 1,00o -. 104' a '0,000.104 12.000.103% 25,000, . . . 104 5.000.104t. g lu.000. . .103'? 1,000 . .103% 10,000 ? ".03-?4 5.000. .103'* l.Ol'0. 103% l?.000.. ..103- a 5.000. 103% 2.000. .1031, 11.000 . . . .103' i 3,000. 103 , -.iiO?1 .103% 1,000 'C3'a 2,00o . toa?i Winston-Salere Southbnd -le 1,000.. .. 76 Note. ?The Tribune assumes no reaporu bility for the accuracy or authenticity of curb market quotations. Transactions and prices yesterday were reported as follows: Industrials Sales. Open. High. Low. La ?si 'Aetna Explos. 10% 10% 10% 'Air Reduction 55 100 ?Amer Ch Trod 1 200 "Am Mail & Gr 46 41IIJU ?Anglo-A C Cp 18 .>.' ' 'Br-Aro Chore . 9 Bi-Atm Tob iMs 6 2;. 'Chalmers Mot 11 10U "Cramp Shbdg 1i5 2700 'Excello 1 & R 8 100 -i'airbank.s Co. : 1000 ?Perrcll Con . . 120U 'Gen Asphalt . ?U? Grape-Ola .... 1 .'"' do i>f . . 100 'Ha'; Signal . .'? ; ?Heyden Chem. 4U?0 Hupp Mot Car. 300 ?Internat Pre.: .?"i" Intercont Rub 75 M'ones Br Tea. '?.." * Lack Locomo :.. 00 ?Manhat Sh ??? . ? ' ? Mai-coni of Am 0 *.M Tarry Cp wi "..'"" " Mex Invest . . 1)200 *.\'at Coal & I. 781 4 ? i0 No Am P & P 6 200 ?N Y Savold T 55 800'Pearson Coal. 3% 41JO0 Pei ,i Tr & M 40 ?0000 "I'ei-focu^i: T&R , s ? 00 "Philip Morris. 12% 700 "Savold Tire.. . 55 I I000 Sub Boat v t c. 16% I00 - Swift Internat 59? 4 1200 Triangle F v t c 1% 'United Motors 52 l?uO? United Pr Sh. Z-'r. ?>' '" t' S Steamship 3% ; '0 ?Union Carbide 73 300 *Warron Brr.s. . 49' 2 ?100 Wavne Coal. . . 3% 0 ?Weber & Il??il 1?' t ? I0 *Wt-M Air Cor 5% 63 61 7.3 e% 7% ?' 2 35 30 26 54 30 i j 4^4 29". 75 50 I -' 46 19' 9-5 6' 11' 2 135 8| 63' 62 74 P. ?*6 18-'s 9 6 10-34 135 84 63'. 60' 73 9-4 35' 2 30-4 26 55 30i4 4% 29% 75 79' z G 55 3% 40 1?i 12% 66'4 17% 60 V/t 53 2Vi 3'/; 73 49' 3 \i loo? s' : 9% 35 30 26 53 30% 4-4 29 73' 4 76 5% 54 3 8 39 12% 55 16--? 59' 4 1 52 2 A 3' 4 73 , 49 33f 16' ; 10' e 66 4fe ' !9 91 g 6% 1i . 135 8% 60 z 61% 74 1A 6i 2 7->4 9%: 35' . 30 26 54 , 30% | 4?g 29'4 1 73% 79 5% 54 3% 39 1 6 12' ~ 55' 2 17',4 eo 52 2% 3% 73 49 3% Standard Oil ^a.r-.-. Open. High. I*w. Last. 10"0 ?Anglo-Am 01124% 2->-% 24: : 24% 10 "Illinois P ' 134 1R4 184 Oh ... Oil Co 3S3 353 383 "Std Oil (Call 279 279 279 10 "Vacuum Oil 443 443 443 Other Oil Stocks ,.3>-, Open. High. Low. La??'.. ?All o s r. 5% :?% 5:4 :>-?, >0o *Amal Royalty. 1 % 1% 1% '% ??Am Vent Oil 8 8 7 8 Burnett O & G -V '* ' k -"? Boone Oil_ 12' 2 ?? ?- "Boston-Mex . . *" : 1000 * rBost-Wyo Oil b1 '"? "Cit S B T sh. 39%' ?;-.-.'.?if, "Comwlth P w 1 61% ?' - Cont Ref. 14% ? Cosden & Co. 11" ' a 47 61 39-a 62'4 14^4 12 7 12 44 60 395 60 ? Ch tal O?1 . . 1 Sii Duki Con Roy 1 ? 0 Elford Oil. . . " ? -' ( ,'- Basin Pet ?' - 'Eitel Oil. . . I0 Esm Oil Cor. ' ederal Oil . :.'..filci rocl? Oil 274 ' ?TGulfpl O?-R. : ?Gum. Co? ? Oil ' 1OO Here Pet cl A. .' -. " "Home O R w 1 ; ?" - - Hercules Oii. Si ij Hudson Oil. . 00 "Isl Oil <S Tr.. IS7? 'Kentuck O&R S '" Lanci I Ro> : "'" ? ?Livingston O? .'? ?Lou 1. 1 O&R . : -? McCoombsP&R ? 11 Merritt Oil. . 2000 Metro Petrol. , 3 '4 >U Mex-Panuco O 12'4 -Mid States O 1% . Midwest Ref.. 187 ? "Midwest-Texas 1% ;.) -.M..-.- Pn of Me 4-<<g National Oil.. 5% 'Ohio Raiiirc:-.. P4 000 ?Okla & Ton... 5' ?> ? ' Omar Oii & G 58 s 45 60 39-?.4 60 14-<4 12 8 24 ; 19 11% 43 '-' 4 8 26 1'" 40 ' ?8! 40 120 '1% 38 4 47 2-z 8% 26'e I1 2 1 's 41 1% 30 3% 12' 2 4'2 5% 1'/4 5% 58 4% 1% 16'4 ?Orient O & G. 4% : l (O "Osas XOS Inc 1% L'OOO Pennok Oil.. . 16' 4 ",200 ?Pitts-Texas... 9' ? z- ? tQueen Oil. .13 14' 3004 "Rangeburnett. -% % ; nun ?Ranger-HlapL % % ?Ranger Oil.. . 1 1 "Rickard Tex, . 19 19 ?Pock Oi! ?apt % '4 Rya 1 Pet ... 6 6' g i. ?Salt Cr Prod. 59 59 i ' 'Sapulpa O i R &^A 834 2700 Seciuoyah O?R % -4 '?.' ?-i Sholan Oil wi 50 .1 "Sinclair Gulf. 63 110 1 i-Southwe 1 0:1 75 ?o Oil & Tr., 6 .-?-.-. n Prod ? R 5% 11. "Stanton Oil. . 1% 2100 ?Sterling O & R 21 ."?2"" "Tex-Ken Oi!.. 6% 8.i ?Texas-R P ? R 4-?s 21000 ?tTexana O&R 80 31 119 37 42 2 7% 26 1% 11 , 40 1% 29=>4 12 4 1% 186% 1% *% 5' 4 56 4"/5 1?i 15'. 9', 13 S 17 B 7 4 39 120 37 47 2 8 26 ]% 1% 40 1% 30 3% 12'2 188 1% 4'2 5'4 1 4 57 4% ??'4 15' . 9% 14 ?00 ?tTex Pr & R. i, --.- !p\ S'ecr Oil., rex Oil X. I... 52 (0 * rex-York Prod 43 ?" - Tri-State O&R i i-"-. ?Vic Oil now. . \ ?-' rex O&G 4000 ?W Si O&L nw ?'a 2% 2-s 52 63 80 6% 6 1% 21% 6% *% ^ 8% 5% 571 -, S 2 ?t 50 61 t 75 6 57? 1?S 21 57i 6 58 8' z 4 50? 2 6H4 80 6'2 6 1% 21% 5% 3 a 7% Mining Stocks Sales. \ :\S. M ap>. 28 .'.'.-.. a-Br C M 1*1 J. Ala I -i Mine "3 100 A'a-- Z&Ciapl ~* ? ' " - Aille,! Gold ' s 90 ? "Am II M w 1 '% America Mines % 100 - Ariz Butte.. . 70 8000 ?tAriz Silver.. -V 11410 ?>tAtlanta. 4 (00 -Atlantic O&R IA - Bis: Ledge. A 8700 ?tB?fJch?r Piv.. ' 2 9 'Belcher Ext.. *, 10; 0 ? Bcoth. 10 -..i.. Bo .- Mi .1 76 C . ledon a 3'. Cal .v . "iic :,?i . - i ; nada I < pper "? % ? ?ndela Sil ' j It'i "Caacude Sil i'a 1000 tCashboy. 9 i ..1. ".Cons May? 8^^ 2300 CreMion Con G. 3% Open. Hi.ih Low. La-t 30 1'p 1% % 70 ?1 4 1A 25 28 1^? 1% % ro il 4 1'.* 10 ..-. 40 AN DK KW 3 McCORMACK, An-' REG C LA FI Al riON PALE STOCKS IMl ?<>M)S By ADRIAN II. Ml I LI .<: * ISOX. ,...,. .. v; .,,,... K1 ivehnksdw. .um: u. tot?. | ., - '......' ? ??? EXCHANGE BALKSRl * NOS l< AKD It VGSE1 Ko: account ol ' ?? t 40 aha. 1 ; : . :' Oriental Lan^. l'i.r accourj irn It ma: ncare S.SSS shs. Kamme mein Am leen :? ,"0 0 | ' ? ?o Co $ 5 X. o 0 P Beta fea of ag B? . h ? '? ? Clf . ' Dtpoail IJ.iOOI". Doc* '.a-: Broaflwa-j a Bal ': ' K Mt?. Ib o "? ' i; ? - 1,008 aha Soi f25.000 W? . tiea Trust i - .. ? lo . ' : H rl.? I... ? ? ? I # Fu 2.760 Bui P CITIES SERVICE COMPANY BANKERS' SHARE Monthly Distribution v" I Her. :-.-!. 1 ..(.-? a :?iat the ',% .--. h Monti D rll on '"ill*? Ker\ Ice Bank' p* July lit to Bankert' bharei ??: - a 151b, will be 42. ? DIMDE.ND NOTICES *Ol I II PORTO Rll ti eldAfl < <> Dividend Scrip t'ertl?Vate* Serie* i", .-mil r>. ? : ? ? . ? - _ ; - - , ?: . . i and Api IM. 1919. at par i i ..... , ., ea of either ia?ui pi ei ?-. ? ..' - hall a. . - \ , Street Se? l'ork Clt; 919. and Octobi at par ;??>', act rued ?nlcrei-t fcui li prt.tai.' Bv order of tho Bo D _V '?. DILI MM Til PORTO RICO -I < \IC to Dividend ??crip CerlitU-utr* Series t. NOTICE 13 HEU ? - Serie? C (Issufl c i, . . .. w ni he redeem? t o ? - o?-,. ? of Mes?! s. Willian ? ? . 4.". William Stieei ? said certifican abl? on Mid July 1 ? to bear Inter By ordt i ' : i \ D1LL1NGMAM sOI ill l'ORTO RM <> SI i, \R ? <i Dividend Scrip Certlttcates series \ .. in? dividend : rip cert flcai of t Series A ill. m d on Ju redeem? i on Jul ? -? 1919, r ai .. . i-ui-ri Intei ut to til'l i ..-.-'' lam Street, .. ert If! atea i on said July 1st. 1919. and ? interesi '-. By order o* ? ' - 1 \ DILL HAM Si ? AMERK W t \> t O.MTA? % A rvjar'cr- ' t ??..-?. qua rters per cent ha ? P referre d i - ? ' : : - : - 3 ? ? . . . i he close i ,.- :? . : II. , 6eCP ??? . ? . -i - MEETINGS AM) El I I ! (ON: ..... ,,, ? of thi - ? ..... .. will be held : - . . ' 1919 . ? " Dated. : ?aies. One H . . ' ?vu C L C ' .".'Divide 2100 *Enre!.a Ci- Min ' ; i . ; ': ! lag? tun M , ? ? 1 'o ence ?1.8 . - ISOtJd - i ortuna ? 60 69 il '? ? ioldi n f?ate ' , * ? * [SO ?(,. d?< I Cons 13 ...... rj gs 02 R S000 ?- Harmi'l I" - "" "Ha ??' ? I% % , 5300 "!!:? '??? D1 ?:?,.! ?',,-.: But ,l ,.,?' -, : ? ?' Kr.o>. !):? 15 1 11000 ?'Lib B D <upj 16 20000 *' Loi :-? , - 8 ?,,... | t ir.OO ? 'I ?' of Alai % SOI '.?ii-- ??>. '? % - o J I.MeKin-Di 61 61 ..... - v. ... : - Nat Tin t ' - ' ?? g 4% 3000 "%?? " 0 M 40 300i i . 12 ."?'?. 27 600 ?Onor !h-h Min ;. - , 167)0 Pc Cop lap) Ci n 2 ? 2% 700 *Ray Here Mit ? , 5(.*+Royal Di ide. 16 'S ; s .. ?Red War M n '? -, , ', ? ...-. cop ' :. . -? ? - I" : '?' ' s ' - K Div 2H : Silver King of A 1 *- ? s t a ? land l> '3 Stewart 29 29 ' 00 *'I onopah F-l ? r t ? i ?Tonoi ah D B!, I i " 600 Tonopah E> ton 2?j ?h M il : ? T I. ni'(..; Ea ' . - . - : & , . ... T . - . [ }200 *i Victor)' f 121 0 i '."??-? End Con 2 2 R 14500 * We t Tree M -~i 4 -, 3500 ?ni a;.- Min. 2r' 2' 2t 2500 'Wilson Sil M 1% * '- "f ' ? I?ond?> Ire ^talion* for ihc i*ct>r To Be Starlcd in Lio-Ion Despite 1 i arcit; and 1 ? , pr.i-i's of .cc there wi! for the poor of Boston, ::i t.. EesT.ed section?, and it wi! be . Fmall quantities all summer. Mayor Peters announced the othei da the Massachusett? Ice Dealer ciation fl ? ? ? . ? ? .-?? r a out benii; ob _ . , ?? ten of the middleman. Bo Ion Pri . ?ciipt.