Newspaper Page Text
515 Casualties Are Listed in Report From Gen. Pershing WASHINGTON'. June 6.-Two casu? alty lists were issued by General Per? illing to-ciay, adding in all 515 names to the casualties in the American ex? peditionary '"orces, making the total to date 285,112. Army Casualties to Date Reported June h. Total. Killed In action (including SSI at pea). S 33.211 Died of woun la . ? 13.543 Died from accident and other causes . 21 4.60-1 Piii! <.>;' disease . 26 23,244 W ?uncled In acti .n lover S5 ycr cent returned . 447 207,470 Mis ng m action mot Includ? ing prisoners i oleosed uiui re turne) . 1 2.0S5 Totals . 616 286412 The t'.rst list issued to-day was di? vided as follows: Killed in action, 1 : died from wounds. 4 : r!:e\i from accident and other causen. 1> ; died , liaease, 15; wounded severely, 4S ; wounded (degree undetermined), 48 ; wounded slightly, 161; missing in action, li. letal, 2 12. NEW YORK CITY AND VICINITY Nsrr.ea from New York City and vicinity follow : Died from Accident and Other Cau?ses CAMADO, Frank, private, Beacon, N. Y. "Wounded Severely McSPIRRIT, Charles H , corporal. New si- k, N. J DIEFENBACHER, Charlea T., mechanic, Utica, N. V. HALSTED, Egbert Law-son, private, Aijue tuok, N. V. HYMAN, Irvintf, private, Jamaica. N. Y. Wounded (Degree I'ndetertnined) SILVERBRAND, Edmund, lieutenant, TDK Putnam Avenue, Brooklyn. AUER, John, corporal, Corona. L. I. MOORS Wilbur, private. 1301 DeKalb Avenuo, Brooklyn. 3EMENZA, Michel, privato, 334 Broom? Street, New York. SHIELDS, James, private, 407 St. Mark's Avenue, Brooklyn. SULLIVAN. Benjamin, private, 134 Brook Avenue, New York. Wounded Slightly MEYER. Fred A., eeiiieant. 225 East 13tth Street, New York. PitOPER, Everett Jesse, corpora!, Han viUe. N. Y. STURGE. Ward Ransom, musician, Han? nibal. N. Y. KOSTROFF, Abraham, private, 105 Henry ?treet, New York. LAHEY. John J.. private, 571 Second Avo nae, New York. LA ROCCO. Rocco. private. Jamaica, N.Y. LAWSON. Lawrence Robert, private, Jamestown. N. Y. LEHMAN', George, private, 136 Rutledga Sireet, iin oklyn. MADDALENA, Rocco D., private, 671 i East ISSth Street, New York. SAM'.SCH, Irving, private, 213 West 111th . Street, New York. SANGFT.nOLCE. A., private. Rochester. 9ARGENT, John T., private, U84S Broad- : *!4y. New York City. BURCHMAN, James, private, Hoboken, N. J. SCHAIN. Sidney, private, 89 East Fourth Stivet, New York City. STARE!.L. John G., private, Buffalo. VAN CAMP. Duane, private, Adama, N. Y. ? CURRENT CASUALTIES Died of Wounds ?P'LEARY. John J., private, 1512 Roe Aveuuc, Nt?/ York City. CHANGES IN STATUS Cha following cabled corrections are issued H3 an appendix to the regular | casualty lisw: KU'.cd in Action, Previously Reported Missing in Action FREEMAN, Gaylord, private, Camden, :' PRECO, Louis R., private, 636 Union I S a t. 1 rocklyn. MAURO, John, private, 1351 Seventy. ... : Street, Brooklyn. Erroneously Reported Died of Wounds O'LEARY, John J.. private, 5-1 Third Street, Lona Island City. Erroneously Reported Died Ci -'IMANO. Frank, private, 5S Foray the ..-<..'., New York City. SECOND CASUALTY LIST The -.. nd list was divided as fol? lows: Killed in action, 7 ; died from wounds, 2 ; died in aeroplane accident, 1 . died of acci? dent and other causes, 11; died of disease, 11: wounded severely, 40? woun,le,i (degree Undetermined!, '.:i ; wounded ^'.i?htiy, 121; Baiaaing in action, 1; Uital, -~U. NEW YORK CITY AND VICINITY Names from New York City and vi? cinity follow: Died From Accident and Other Causes MENDOSA, Emilio, private, 132 Clare r..?r.-. Avenue New York City. Wounded Severely KLIPP AN. George F., corporal, 216 Eae? Seventy-fifth Street New Y'ork City. fVRIGHT, John !.. mechanic 1441 Madt i a Avenue, New York City, M'LOCGHLIN, Thomas Francis, private, 54 East Eighty-eighth Strctt, New York PORDON, Louis C. private, Qarwood, AN. J. ? THOMPSON. 0-oorge. private, Rutherford, N. J. VARA, Joaeph. private, North Collins, N, Y. VIT?LE, Luigl. privato, 121 Mutt Street, New York City, ?5E1TZ. William C. privat*. W^ison, N. Y. Wounded (Degree Undetermined) BREMER. A!b?r: W.', private, Rochenlor, N. Y. WT'iriK, W'.adyelaw. private, Buffalo. YOUNG, Ci-orvo W., private, fciyracusp, N. Y. Wounded Slightly WtNTERTQN, Clyda f,'? captain, Sunlh K?Hport, -.'. J. KASKELL, Richard D., sergeant, 332a Marion tjtrcit, Brooklyn. SCHOLL, Michael, ?ertfoant, Newark, N. .1 K.ANDEL, William, corporal, 316 West Fortieth Street, New York City, SHORT, John F., corporal, Jersey Clt?, WINTERBOTTOM. George, corporal, Jor :?:.-. -.. J SANDERS, George mechanic. Buffalo. BRADY, Joseph F., cook, 30th Precinct New York City. QORMLEY, John, private, 448 Second Avenue, New York City. ROSOFF, Harry, private, 2185 Am.tor tikrn Avenue, ,','fw York City, RYAN, Thoma* F., private, 60C1 Fort Han ll ' -? i ,?? Brooklyn. AVELLI Vinoenao, priv?te, Pough /.?? i ? ? le, ."-.' Y. SHNlTMAN, Harry, privat?, Rocher-ter, WEBER, E. J., private, Syracuse, N. Y. ( URRENT CASUALTIES Died of DI tux no HAWKINS, Edward A., wagoner, Hobo. ker.. :? ; .'.??TO, Joeeph. private. 208 East i 18th Street, New York City, I HANGES IN STATUS The follow ng cabled correction? are led ' ppendix to the regular ....'.-. I t Killed in Action, Previously Reported MiniiiriK in Action BREWER, Myron H . prl at?, Ovid n Y m >.:?? . Earl T. private, 82 Quincy treet, Brooli , ? BUTjCA, W. .! . private, Jersey City, '.' J BJLIBKR1 !. Mao,?;, private, Corona, N, Y KENNY Maurice, private, 342 East 146th - ??- :.ev/ Yor. Citj KING, Loul H? privat?, Pat*r?on, N". J. MACK, Philip 0., !/n/a?>e. Anton? .N y ROSENKTKIN, EUior 6 privat?, Bin g. RODENBERC, Joeeph privat?, Buffalo h -'i,-,-', %..ffi Y,,rk r ?iy. HERMAN, Samuel, private, ))c,.i Ka?t T?OLAND, Jab? H , private. Mount Mor Wouadt? H?-ver?-Jy, ?'r*v|ouH?y Reported Miaain? in Action TOMPOBD, William .1 , corporal, 456 Ninth Htr?t, BrotfVlyn Umturtud to Duty. Prkv\on*]y Reported Miatilnif In Action CAKA/./A John, pr?vate, 131 < .umr* fit I *>-t, I'.l'Ji/ '?/!? MARK?, MorrJ?, privave, 602 W??t lBl?t ;.!-., ? .,/?/, t"i,rV. City. M-?;. Alfred ?> . vri;:S/if ]e,U purdy ;,t,.e?t, .'.ew ?/',-, City. EZARMACH, A/.U/^iy. privat?, Buffalo? Pun rises.. 6 186 n. m. (Sun sets... 8 ?24 p. m. Moon ris?8i ?I :i'l p, m.'Moon seta.. 1:47 a.m. Local Official Forecast,?ParUy cloudy 'i'li showers Saturday I Sunday probably air, gentle ta mud? rate south winds. Loc-.l Official Record. -The following of ficial record from the Weather Bureau shows temperatures during the last twenty-four hours In comparison with the corresponding date of last year! 1918. 10191 1918. 1919. 6am... BS H6 fi p.m.., 67 68 9 a. m. . . 60 71: 9 p. m. . . 66 R8 12 noon. .71 74?10 p. m. ., 65 (18 8 p. m.., 69 71" HlgheBt temperature, 75 tat. 1:15 p. m.) : lowest | CD lot 7:i;, a. mji average, 701 av< rage sarai date last year, G8. HumldUy 8 a. tn.... 83 1 p. m. . . . 7518 p. m_ 95 Barometer Readings 8 a. m.. 30.10 i p. in.. 80.07|i p. m., 30,01 Other People's Weather Barometric conditions are quite unsettled to-nighl over the northern districts east of the Hmky Mountains, and there were show? ers from the upper Mississippi Valley east? ward. There was no other precipitation, ex cept local showers in Florida, the western portion of Minnesota nnd Iowa, eastern Soir h Dakota nnd New Mexico. Temperatures have fallen somewhat over the areas where showers occurred, and are generally higher in the Missouri Valley, the plains states and the Roeky Mountnln re u!"ti. There will he showers Saturday and Sun? day In the northern upper lake region and Florida, Showers Saturday in New England and extreme Eastern New York, and on Sunday in the lower Ohio Valley, Tennessee hmt the north portions of the east Gulf rtntvs. With these exceptions, the weather will he Sronei-iilly Saturday and Sunday, In the region nf (he Ohin Valley, the East and Smith temperature ehanptes will not be of Consequence-, Forecasts for Special Districts.?Eastern New York, partly cloudy Saturday, showers east portion I Sunday, probably fair. Southern Nov.- Enslond, showers Saturday! ?Sunday, probably fall-; New Jersey, portly cloudy Saturday i Bun diij-i probably fall t little change in temper? ature. Eastern Pennsylvania, partly cloudy Sat? urday i Sunday, fair i little ehantie in tem? p?rature) j Western New York, penernlly fair Satur? day and Sunday i slightly cooler Saturday in nei'Mleas? partinrii Going On To-day RAY Free admission to American Museum of Natural History, American Museum of Safety, Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Aquarium, Convention, Unarl Musters' Association, ' Hotel McAlpin, all day, Convention, Monroe Calculating Company, IJ.'tel McAlpin, all day| dinner 7 p. in. Luncheon, Mrs, !l. t<\ Bradford, Hotel Mo Alpltl, 13i8d b, ni. i bridge, 3; 3(1 p, nt. Luncheon, Af-thus? Society, Hotel Me Alpin, ! p. in. Lunoheotl, Bound Tahle-Sperch, improve? ment, Hotel MoAlpln, 1 p, tn. Reception In wives of t li?* faculty of WnshtiiBtnii Hquare Bohools, New York University, University Building and Washington Square, 3;S0 p, m, EVENING Dinner. Hotchklsi 191?, Hotel McAlpin, members of 77th Division, Central Opera House, Hlnt.V'agVBnth street and Lex? ington Avenue, Dinner, pi Bpsil?tl Sigma, Hotel McAlpin, 7 p, m. ; dance. S p. m, Dinner, Ho tan Mad, IPlS, Hotel McAlpin, T 30 p, in. Entertainment and danoe, Enterprise Mu? sic Association, Hotel McAlpin, 8 p. m. Art Exhibitions Arn-irr.iy Art ?hop, 153 Wost Fifty-seventh Blroel Dcvonnhlr.. Lace Shop, 10 Washington , tSijunrn, exhibition of bridal rolle and ; laces Dudcr.slng Galleries, paintings and. -water colors by W, 8. Buukllr.. Oroltcr C,ub., ?17 Bast Hlxttoth Street, ex- ; hliililon ol bookbindings. Kovoi'klan, 40 Went K1?? y-nffvnnth Btreet. exhibition o? sculpture by John .Mow bray-? 'larko. IConn?dy A Co. <U3 Firth Avenue, exhib?- \ tion of old nava! prints. Kiioedler's, exhibition o? English sporting prints. Milch Oallerles, N?w York street ?scenes and flag picture? by child? Haeuuii. Muumann Oallerles, e-hibltlon uf water colora by Alice Judson. National Arts club Galleries, members' in nual sketch exhibition. \ l_ Shipping News High Water A.M. P.M. ! Pandy Hook . 3:36 4:16 Governor's Island . *:?(> 6:05 Hell Gate . 6:51 7:16 Arrived Yesterday Vessel. Port. Departure. ; Hanta Ana .Bordeaux.May 24 ; Pretoria .Brest.May 24 Von Stauben .BreMt.May 2 5 Madawaska .St. Nnr.ii.lro.May 2? Pannonln .Gibraltar.May 2 5 Polar Se? .Cardiff.May 16 ; Hi-1' .Marseilles.May 21 I rdrlgio .La Pulllce.May 23 Trojan Prln-;o ....Plymouth.May 24 ? Manapler ........ Qraenock.May 22 ? Atlanten .Hierra Leona.May x Norwich City ....Gibraltar.May 17 - Duca d'Aostn, ....Gibraltar.May if j Maroaibo .Mr.yacruoR.May" I Santa Cecilia , , . .St. Naxaire.May 8(1 Santa HoFnlln , , , .Montovldoo.May 13 Mississippi .London .,..May 24 ! ;.vnr. n ., , . Amsterdam ....... May 17 Kerrsnn .Barbados.May 20 . Murana .Bordeaux.May 3 i (Innufor<1 .Baracoa..May fil Kalsha Mnru .Swansea.,.May 21 Lake, Uiogaii .,., Montreal.May 311 B?.bring .Lisbon.May ?to Cumio , .Cristobal.May SB City of Ht. Louis. .Savannah.June ?I Ajax .Norfolk.June B Han Mateo .Kingston.June 1 Plalnllold .Boston.June B Edgohlll .Norfolk.June 6 Choi ?keo.Maoorls.May 30 Weat i.ako.Antwerp.May 23 Vit ell In.Glasgow.May 24 Hat nu m a.Hunt or..Juno B Bwanhlld.Algiers.May 18 INCOMING STEAMERS Duo To-day V?nsi>!. Port. Departure, Wast Mavon . ...Bordeaux.May 17 Humbler .Brest.May 31 Osnite .Bordeaux.May 24 Kentuoklan .Bt. Nasalra.May 37 .Halifax.May ? | <?-?_ Duo Sunday T.?. So vole .Havre.May 31 Lttku Pupln .Ht. Nazatro.May IB OUTGOING STKAMSIlira To-duy MAIL VESCIBI. CLUHKB HAIL!? Kl Hol, Brost.-? 12:00 M. Mllwauk??, Br , Lisbon- 13:00 M. Nusmyth. R. Janeiro 6130 A.M. 10100 A.M. Poire. 8nn Juan.... 8:80 A.M. 12:00 M. Mexloo, Havana. SiOOA.M, 32.00 M. Iroquois, Turks Is!. , li:10 A.M. 1:00 P.M. Donora, st. Thomas 8:00 A.M, lliooA.M. Kl Capit?n. ?Jal veston - 12:00 M. Monday El Orient?, Urest, ? - - - 12.00 M. Graf Waldsrsee, liieat - 12:00,M tTredsrlok, Brest ....- 13:00 M. Tuesday Leopold il. Antwerp $;00A.M, 11.00 A.M. ?"?nada. PlriSUS .... !i 00 A.M. 12.00 M.,i?s. Iceland..TS'.OOM. a-.oo P.M. Naemyth, Argentina 6:80 A.M. D:30A.M. Abangar?*, Cristobal 7:00 AM. 10.00 AM. Nlpplii. Argentina ,,10,80 A.M. 1.00 P.M. M. Wssms, St. John's 1:00 A.M.-? K I Luolcsnbaoh, Brom . - 12 00 ,vf. Bursna, Brost .- 12 00 M. Philippines, Brest ., - jj.oom. Edward L-uclcanbach, Brest . ??- 1200 M. AMERICAN PORTS BALTIMORE Jun? ?, Arrived: Stsam ?r? -.i.rvik IHwed i, Narvik! Mangore, La Pallli.?; untarlo Boston, s.-hoomr Lu.vln Um. C'ox,;, trota Cave Ualtl, Sailed ; . Steamers West Point, Rotterdam; Tide (water, Genoa; Sloterdyk iDutchl, Rotter idam; Coushatta, La Plata; Ontario, Bos? ton; Nleholns Cuneo (Nor.), Port Antonio. Randwvk, Rotterdam; Baool. Richmond, BOSTON, June 6.?Arrived: Steamers JuniiUii, Bnltlnioro and Norfolk; Dorches? ter, Philadelphia: Oulfiand, Port Arthur via Beverly; Lake Yiemassee. Newport News; Se?ora, Norfolk; Coveidale, Ecorse, Mich., vlu Montreal. Sailed: City of Augusta, Savannah; f'ovalt, Baltimore; Lake Bledsoe, Norfolk; Yankee (from Portland), Newport News. CAPE HENRY, Va., June 6.?Passed in for Baltimore: Steamers Larimer, towing ?barge Monongahola, Tampico; Caledonler ilir.l, Antwerp; Lapad (It.), Gibraltar, Greenwich (Dr.), Torre Armunziata, An ? dijk (Dutch). Rotterdam. DELAWARE BREAKWATER, Del., June 8.?Arrived: Steamer Seyphen, Phlla ! delphia for Baltimore. Passed our Thar ros (Greek), Philadelphia for Dunkirk; Constantla (Cubani, Philadelphia for Rot? terdam: Tartar Prince (Br.), Philadel? phia for Trieste; General W. C. Gorgas. Philadelphia for Brest. ! JACKSONVILLE, Kla., June ?.?Arrived: Steamers Mohawk, New York via Charles? ton; Oulf Coast, Port Arthur. Sailed: Huron. New York via Charleston; Persian, Philadelphia via Savannah. I MONTREAL, June fi.?Arrived: Steamers I War Lnrrco (Br.), Mlddlesbro; Montcalm (Br, ), Glasgow; Kanad Head (Br), Bel? fast, Corslcan (Br.). Liverpool. NEW ORLEANS, June 6,?Sailed: Steamers Kuwa, Mobile. Miner, Progreso; O. T. Waring, Atlantic. ports; Omoa (Hond.); Preston t.N'or.), Tela; Tlpton, Port Barrios. NORFOLK, June fi.?Arrived: Steamers Ethel Wynne (Br. ), New Orleans, and sailed for Antwerp; Qerolamo Ulloa (It), Port Arthur, and sailed for Messina; HardanRen (Br.). Savannah, and sailed for London; StavanKeren (Nor. i, New '' York, and sailed for Curacoa; Wolfram i (Br.), Leith, Scotland, and sailed for New ?York. Sailed: Steamer Pacific (Nor.), i Montevideo. PHILADELPHIA. June 6.?Arrived: ! Steamers Ryvarden (Nor.), New York; : Nalmes, Lelth, via Hampton Roads; Sla i vonia, Brent, via Hampton Roads; Florida, Norfolk. Merrimack, Boston. PORTLAND. Me.. June 6.?Arrived : Steamer Saint Michael (Br.), Norfolk; schooner L. L Hamlin, New York for Boothbay. Sailed: Steamer Baluchistan (Br. ), Gibraltar (for orders); schooner Henrietta A. Whitney (from New York), ? Ellswoi th. REEDY ISLAND, Del., June fi.?Passed down: Steamer Seekonk. Philadelphia for i New York. SAN FRANCISCO, June 5. ?Arrived: I Steamers Captain A. F. Lucas, Ketchlkan, ! Lucerlc. New York. SAVANNAH. 6a., June 6. ?Arrived: I Steamer Mania, New York. Foreign Ports ANTWERP. June 1.--Sailed: Steamer Oluf Maersk (Dan.), New York May 29? Arrived: Steamer Edge-field, Galveston. BAHIA, June 3. ? Arrived : Steamer Ser gipe (Bra?..). New York. BARBADOES, June 3.?Sailed: Steamer Santa Clara, from Now York to Rio de , Janeiro. BORDEAUX, June 1. ?Arrived: Steamer South Bend. New York. May 30?Arrived. Steamer Evelyn, New York. BREST. June 3.?Sailed: Steamers Lib? erator, New York; Mount Vernon, New ! York : Siboney, Newport News. BRISTOL, June -I.? Sailed: Steamer I Ex?t. r City (Br I, New York. BRIXHAM, June 3?Arrived: Steamer Bampton (Br), New York. Sailed: Steam? er Persier (Deij.), Philadelphia. CALLAO, June ?,.? Arrived: Steamer Sinaloa (Nor.), Seattle, CAPE TOWN, June 1.?Arrived: Steam- ! er Susquehunna (Br.), New York. CHRISTIANSAND, Juno 3.? Arrived: Steamer Frederik Ylll (L?an.). New York. for Christiania. COPENHAGEN. May 28. ? Arrived: | pidan (Br.), from Leith for New York. DUNDEE, June 4.?Sailed: Steamer Ra-j pidan, from Leith for New York FALMOUTH, June 5.?Arrived: Steamer ! Western Plain. Philadelphia. GLASGOW, June 4.--Sailed: Steamers Lakonia (Br.), Norfolk; Orthla (Br.), Bal? timore. :>d?Sailed : Steamer Olympia (Br.), Baltimore. GREENOCK, June 4.?Arrived: Steamer Novington ( Br. ), Beaumont. BANCO. May 20. ? Arrived: Steamer Mystic, Philadelphia. HAVRE, June l. ? Arrived: Steamer i Messina (Br.), Philadeipnta. HULL, June 3 -Sailed: Steamers Chimo. ; New York; Norfolk Rrange (Br. ). Mon? treal. KOBE, May 27. ?Arrived: Steamer To kufuku Maru (Jap.). Seattle for Vladivos? tok. 26th?Arrived: Steamer Myogisan Maru (Jap ). Seattle. LIVERPOOL, June 5.?Sailed: Steamer1 Sagauene, Norfolk. Arrived: Oth, Caronla. ; (Br. ). New York LIZARD. June 5.?Passed: Steamers Toronto (Br.), New York for Hull; West Gambo, New York for Antwerp. 4th? : Passed: Steamers Morocco (Br.), New ? York for Hull. V'ulcanus (Du.), New York for Antwerp. LtiN'DON. June '..--Sailed: Steamer One co, New Orleans via Rennuda. MANCHESTER. June 4. ? Arrived : Steamers Caledonian (Br.), Boston, Asun- ; cion de Larrinaga (Br.), Galveston M A R S E 1 L I. E S. May 31. -Arrived: Steamer Aragaz (Br.), New York. MELBOURNE, June 3.?Sailed: Schoon- | er Defiance (from San Francisco). Apia. N E W l'(i R T, Eng.. Juno 3.?Sailed: Steai 1er Ant ilia. New York PARMARIBO, June 4.?Sailed: Steamer Alban (Br.), New York. QUEENSTOWN, June ^ ? Arrived: ! Steamer North Pole, New York for Ant? werp. K . ? T T E R D A M. Mav 28.?Arrived : i Steamers Western Maid. Baltimore, 30th: Turret Crown (Br i. New York; Winters- i wijk. Philadelphia; saiie,:. 20th?Steame.r De.rfield, New York. 3?1th; YaHeio (Br. I; arrived, dune i,, Poeldyk (Dutch), New York. ST. NAZAIPE, June 3.?Sailed: Steam? ers Alaskan, New York; Peerless, New York: Santa Malta. New York. ST. VINCENT. C. V.. June L ? Sailed: Steamer War Palace (Br.). Sydney, C. B. SANTANDER, May 30.?Arrived: Steam er Armuru (Span ), New York. SINGAPORE. May 29.?Sailed: Steamer! Murybates (Br ) (from Kobe), New York. STOCKHOLM, May 21.?Sailed: Steamer ', Pioneer, New York. SUEZ, May 30.?Arrived: Steamer Low- ? ther Castle (Br.), Manila for New York. ' SYDNEY, X. S. W. June 3.--Arrived : Steamer Croshv Hall, New York. VALPARAISO, June 2.?Arrived: Steam? er Anyu Maru tJap.), Yokohama via San: Fra nclsco. VVEYMOUTH, June 4.?Sailed: Steamer '? El Occidente, New York. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS The connecting mails close at the Gen- ; eral Postoffice, City Hall Postoffice Station, New York, as follows: Japan. Korea. China. Slam, Cochin China. Netherlands Eas; Indies and Phil? ippine Islands, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C, at r, ::;0 p. m. to-day, per steamship Empress of Russia. Japan, Korea, China. Siam and Nether? lands East Indies, via Seattle, at 5:30 p. m.. June 10, per steamship Tyndareu.s. Hawaii and Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, at 6:30 p. m., Juno It; per steamship Siberia Maru. Japan. Korea, China, Siam, Cochin China and Netherlands East Indies, via San Francisco, at 5:30 p. m., Jun'j 14, per steamship Suwa Maru. Hawaii, via San Francisco, at 0:00 p. m , June ! r?, per steamship Lurline Tahiti, Marquesas, Cook Islands, New Zealand and specialty addressed mail for Australia, via San Francisco, at 5::;0 p. m., June 25, per steamship Moana. Terrorist Describes His Work for Germany Agent at Zurich, on Trial, Tells of Buying Bombs With Teuton Money ZURICH, June 6.?Monan'i, an Italian typographer living in Zurich, testified in the trial of the pro-German agents and anarchists here to-day, that he had relations with the German Terrorist Service during the war. The Italian, who is one of the defendants, said he had received considerable sums from a German lieutenant named Jons and a Hungarian officer named Vaugh, the : heads of the terrorist organization. Monftni declared he had purchased bombs, grenades and revolver:; with the money given him. Dr. Brisfl, a naturalized Swiss at- j tached to the British consular service ! in Zurich, said he was acquainted with"* the Hindu revolutionists, Hafis and Ohattopasgaya, who had removed their headquarters from Paris to Zurich at the outbreak of the war. Hafis, the witness declared, nt one time brought a trunk full of explosives from Berlin, explaining that they were intended for the use of revolutionists in Italy. With the explosives, Dr. Brise added, were ?mall bottles containing bacteria ior killing Corses, _____ I Daniels Spurs Navy To Even Greater Strides in Peace Tells Graduating Class at Annapolis That U. S. Forces Shall Not Mark Time, but Move Forward ANNAPOLIS, Md., Juno 6.?Secre? tary Daniels, in an address at the graduating exercises at the United States Naval Academy to-day, declared that the closing of hostilities did not mean the United States Navy could "rest on its oars," but that it must surpass its great war record by a "greater record in peace." The 454 members of the graduating class, the largest in the history of the academy, were urged by the Secretary to apply all their initiative and energy in the great task of developing the effi? ciency of the navy. "You are coming into the navy in a period that will challenge all your re? source and initiative," said Secretary Daniels. "You must not imagine for a moment that because the war is ended the navy will or can rest on its oars. All your force and energies are needed, for we are determined the navy shall not mark time for a decade. Our pol? icy must be that it shall move con? stantly forward, improving in efficiency and making new records and discov? eries. The navy has made a great rec? ord in war. Let us make a greater record in peace." Secretary Daniels reviewed the rec? ord of the navy's inventive enterprise nnd will lo overcome obstacles mani? fested during the war as a vital con? tribution to the final result. This rec- '? ord, he said, challenged the enterprise and inventive genius of American naval officers for ail future time. "We want men who will think the unthinkable and solve the unsolvable," declared the Secretary, "who will dare to tackle the problems that have so long puzzled the world." Mr. Daniels rend an "all-navy" mes? sage, which he issued during the war, inviting all officers of the navy to sub? mit any plan or suggestion they might have "to help the American navy win the war." This invitation still stands, the Secretary said, adding that no offi? cer should hesitate on account, of rank to communicate to the Navy Depart? ment, any well considered suggestion designed to improve the American navy. "The day of isolation for America has passed," he said, "The ancients believed the seas were to separate na? tions. We have learned they are to unite them in bonds of friendship. The close association of men of the American navy with the naval person? nel of Allied countries has done two things?cemented friendships, which will endure, and foreshadowed inter? national relation;; whicli will preserve the peace of the world." Russian Reigii of Terror Over, Says Man Just Back Frazier Hunt, a reporter for "The Sun," who went abroad a year ago and recently made a trip through Soviet Russia, returned yesterday on the transport Von Steuben. Before leav? ing France he made an informal re? port of his impressions to Colonel House and Herbert Hoover. Asked about conditions in Moscow, Mr, Hunt said: "Stop the New York streetcars and the subways, close up the Asto'r and the Ritz, turn Rectors' into a public eating house, board up three-quarters of the stores in Fifth Avenue, and na? tionalize all the rest, take away all private motor cars and forget to clean the streets for a week, charge S90 for a short quart of bad whiskey, and you have approximately present conditions in Moscow under the Bolsheviki. "Ninety per cent of the people of Moscow and Petrograd are underfed. but only a small percentage are dying of starvation. "The reign of terror is past. They shoot robbers and hold upmen in Rus? sia these days. "The whole tendency of the revolu? tionists just now is toward conserva? tism. L?nine is compromising so fast that he can't see himself move. "All Russia and all classes and par? ties have great faith in America. It is the one great nation tney trust. Rus? sia is a problem too great for any one to settle but herself, and she is goinc; to settle it in her own time and in her own way." EXCURSIONS Children $1.62 AVar Tux Included TO BALTIMORE or WASHINGTON and Return SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 1919 Special (rain leaves Now York, Liberty street, 12.01 A. M. Suturday night pre- | ceding above ?lato. Returning leaves Vl'ashinEton (I'nlon Station) 4.00 P. M.? Baltimore (Cumden Station) 5.00 F. M. ?late of excursion. Tickets on suie at Consolidated Ticket Ollices, New York, 6-1 Uroadway, i>-, Chambers St.. 31 West 32nd St., Ill West 4-.':id St., Liberty St. and Jersey City Station*. Central Railroad of New Jersey Sunday Excursions Dclight/ul Outings Out On f'i" ound. Muslo ?Dining ?looms ? I.mull Counters. Steamer City of Lowell To Bridgeport l.v. Pier -to N. rt , noiuitun St., 10 00 A. M l.v. Pier il. N H. Fulton St. loi:, A .\L Hen;ni. ill.., New York, ulmut 8 P, M. Hound Trip Fare duel. War Tux), ?1.30. Children <3.'> eents. Steamer Richard Peck To New H a. ven Lt. Tier :S. E. II. ("?tiiKrlno St. !) .10 A M. l.T. Pier TO. E. n. 22nd ?I . 10 00 A M. Return, .tue N?-w York ?bout S P. M Hound Trip Fare (Inel. War Tin), SI.70. Children ?.% cent*. ENOUGH TIME ASHORE IN BOTH CITIES K' 'It StOHTHEEINO. Limited number ../ tickets on sain at Piers on ihn.i of ? ci uralona on///. United Slates Railroad Administration New England Steamship Line? Transports Due the Next Two Days To-day The Kentucklan, from St. N'aralre, May 27, carries 1,8?0, Including" 345th Field Artillery, Headquarters 1st. 2d and 3d Battalions, Headquarter?, Medical and Ordnance Detachments, Supply and Headquarters Companies, Batteries A to F; 316th Sanitary Train, Medical Supply Detachment, Headquarters Detachment, Field Hospital, Field Hospital No. 357 and 35a Ambulance Company; 323d Motor Transport Company. The West Haven, from Bordeaux, May 17, carries 9 men of the Ordnance Con? voy Detachment. The Rambler, from Brest, May 21, carries one Coast Artillery casual officer. To-morrow The Lake Pepln, from St. Nazalre, earrles 12, Including 3Sth Ordnance Con? voy Detachment. TRAVEL TRAVEL Vacation Trips by Coastwise Steamers No better way to put mind and body in perfect health. Exhilarating day? and balmy nights. A restful and invig? orating voyage. Fare? include meals and stateroom berth. Excellent rail connections to and from all Southern points. OLD DOMINION S. S. LINE, for Old Point Comfort. Norfolk. Newport News, Richmond. Va., and' all points South. Leaving daily except Sunday from Pier 25, N. R., New York. OCEAN S. S. LINE, Mondays and Thursdays at 3 P M. from Pier 33, N. R., New York, for Savannah, Ga., and other Southern points. SOUTHERN PACIFIC S. S. LINE, Wed. and Sat. at 12 noon from Pier 48, N. R., New York, for New Orleans, La., Gulf Points and Pacific Coast, For passenger information and reservations apply to companies' offices or Consolidated Ticket Offices, 64 Broadway; 57 Chambers St; 31 West 32d St.; ?14 West 42cl St. Phone (all offices) 6700 Bryant. Or write J. J. BROWN ?a P. A., Coastwise Steamship Lines, Pier 49, N R,; NY. UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION Oii ector General of Railroads SPEND A DAYIN _..... ... ATNnVYOMJ ?0?U?M] Special Trips To-day and Sunday MORNING TRIP s,r- "grand kepibi.ic" AFTERNOON TRIP Lts Jfi-,'??L^Ds7B2 P m SUNDAY, JUNE S\^:-^:l^yfT^ ?"IS??e^cm. FARE ROUND TRIP ?ren, ?? ZZl C?SS) Muslo. Refreshments. Bear ?Mountain Line. Phone Bowling Green 7538 RESORTS NEW ?ORIi STATE "The Highest Class Hotel in the CatskilU" NEW GRAND HOTEL C.itskill Mountains, Altitude 2,500 ft. Opens June 26. Scenery Unequalled. Early reservations- essential 20 degrees cooler than N T. City. Perfect sanitary conditions. Pure sp-ing water. Orchestra: dancinp, ?? , , ... ,, . -? instructora, prize*. . \i; V'i,rU.'ernent i golf, tennis, billiard, | for the youi get set. I pool, bov.-l'nR. Hau? ler's saddle horses. Special family ratos. Standard Army Officers' tents: raised floors Harrison S. Downs, Prop. Tel. Col. .'?320. At Hotel An?-.-.;..? Broadway A 73d St . N. T. THE THOMPSON HOTEL LAKE MAHOPAC, N. V. Now Open. Finest location. Select. Excellent accommodations. Superior Cul sin.-. Unsurpassed Boating, Fishing, Golf, Tennis, etc. State Road. Booklet EMERSON CLARK, Prop. !.. J. CARR, Mgr. ltainford ff* Catskills 'A s.vrr? by Healthful Mountain Breezes. So? g larg.i advt. Sur--1..v papers. Booklets and ln 3 for!^-.'?.-?ii al Resort Uun-aus j.u? N. Y. Offl e, 4so 5th ave. ON-THE-SOUND View of Pound. Uirtrn air-,- rooms. Boch? ines now bcm.-c made. Phone Col. 74 11. 1 ( . SECOR, Inc. GEDNE\ FAKM HOTEL WHITE PLAIN'S, X. Y. ??DWAKD I?. CHA.N'DALL. MASSACHUSETTS. HOTEL ASPINWALL LENOX, MASS. High and Cool in the Berkshire]. A HOTEL OF DISTINCTION Oppus June 14. Elevation 1,400 feet. Desirable Cottages with Hotel Service. HOWE & TWOROCER, Malingers Winter Resort, Princess Hotel. Herminia. Stockbridge, Mass, j NOW OPEN ? Golf if Roads in Excellent Condition I Route Bonks and Circulara on Requesr j Furnished Cottage Near Inn for lient 8 A" CN1 T. TRL\-\DWAY ????<?>??. I H?XfON~i?ALL STOCKBR?DGE, MASS. OPENS JUNE 16th Delightfully located, splendid 18-hole golf course. Music of exceptional merit. Writs for Road Map and Booklet. W. G. HAV1LL, MGR. NEW HAMPSHIRE Je New Waumbek Hotel f^rOTTAfiPSAT JEFFERSON *~> VA-? 1 1/\V)?jO Al NEW HAMPSHIRE y* the Heart of ?he Worte Mountams Golf-Teania-Fishlng-Kldlng-Danclng. Open tram Juna 2Bth ta October. Booking Office at 8 West 40th St.. N. V. Telcplioiio Vanderbllt 2290. N '.. stock Exchange offlca cj N. L,. Carpeuicr Sc Co. Frank F. Shute. John J. Hennussy. ? Owner. Managnr. PENNSYLVANIA. CASTLE INN Delaware Water Gap, Pa. Now Open Private Baths, Running Water. Cap. 300 Fireproof Hotel nnd Garage American nri'l European Flan Miss T. T. IHM.BEY Monroe and Pike Counties, Pa. FREE ILLUSTRATED SUMMER BOOK. "Mountain and Lake Resorts." describ? ing Delaware Water Cap. Cresco, Strouds burg. Mount Pocono, Henryvllle aini Dela? ware) Valley resorts at N. Y. Consolidated R. R. Ticket Offices, or send 4c. In stamps t., \V. I'- COLTON CO., 1C5 Broadway New York. Water Gap. ? Open. Capacity. 400 i; iennln, all amusements li?iklet P. H. JOHNSON. Hron. E S ALBERT, Mor. COUNTRY BOARD FOREST HILL, N, J., 827 DE ORAW AV ? Pr?vale family; American; will bn.ird two coupla; home comforts. Phone 4Q4& J3iancl> Brook, j -1 ifrmt jitemnboat ?aj CONEY ?SLAND Schedule Subject to C'hanjr? Without Notice. LEAVE WEST 129TH STREET. 9:40, 10 30, 11:15 A. M. ; 12:15, 1:15, 2:00, 2:40. 3:30, *:15. t:15, 6:30, 7:30. S :30 P. M. LEAVE PIER 1. NORTH RIVER. 10:20, 11:15 A. M. ; 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 2:45, 3:30, 4:l?, 0:00, 6.00, >>:40. 7:15, S:15, 9:30. LVE. STEEPLECHASE, CONEY ISLAND. tll:25 A. M.; 12:25, 1:10, t2:10, 3:10, 3:55. 4:55, '5:2.5. 6:10, ?7:1", 7:50, S :25, 9:25, 10 :30 Trips marked * do not ?o to 12!lth St. Trips marked t do not stop at Pier 1, N. R. Telephone Rector 872. RESORTS OCEAN (.ROVE, N. ,J. 3 Tiriei/vr/cc/ry. Opeixat all ?seasons I of ?he Year. A r<?c?oqTvlst?d ?standard of ?exc-elleivc??. I ^aj^errv600.M _^^2.????23 Coolest und Most Attractive Location HOTEL WHOLE ?LOCK. OCEAN FRONT Directly on th? Boardwalk. Boston to Sov? ereign Ave., In exclusive Chelsea section; cap... ity 500. Fresh aivi sea. water Laths, private and pui.lii -, and every appointment. Modern hydro-therapeutic department. Orchestra. Dancing. Auto bus meet.* train.-. Booklet. Ownership direct. W. F. SHAW. THE LEADING RESORT HOUSE OF THE WORLD ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. "THE NATION'S HEALTH. SH^t'" ,' HEALTH IS EFflCIENCr **"" A Germicide Climate and Clean Streets No Dust. No Ditt. Innumerable Outdoor Recreations and Indoor Entertainment? Ownership Management Josiah White & Sons Go. Virginia Ave., near Bench.?Capacity COO; strictly modern. Private baths, elevator, etc. Notable tabLe: $3.50* up dally; special week? ly. Booklet. Auto meets trains. W. F. SHAW TT&YMORE.ATumcciTY TOUTS CREftlESIHOiaSUOCESS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. America 3 Famous AU Year Kesort. SPUING LAKE BEACH. N. J. OPENS JUNE UTIL SPUING LAKE BEACH. N. ,?. Ocean front. Surf bathing, tennis, golf, saddle horses, music. Ideal family hotel. Exclusive clientele. Excellent table, eooj service. No mosquitoes, ownership management. LOUIS N. MOSS. BELMAK, N. J. The New Columbia On the Ocean Front, Belmar, N. J. Catering to tho Best Clientele. Modern: capacity 60#; music, elevator? to street level; Karage; write for booklet. . _?. B. CHURCHILL. Mgr. VERMONT. Free Information booklets bv wrltlne HARK Y A BLACK. Sec. of Slat? Publicity Bureau. Montpaller,' Vt. MISKOKA LAKES, CANADA. Oet am* 4o kippln*??away to it.? n-inrereirtlflS?, pioC'tCMiad. eiecp-sivlni! air of ihr Muatinha Lakt L "K -.* ^.I**r,??_ Th?'-e (."U will Und this BtoUit, Rm)IUAtblJfU>P.O.,UkeXtM.B.O?t. I TRAVEL TRAVEL Hudson River by Daylight Unusually attractive in spring and early summer. Great green hills and cool blue waters. Just the place for a day's recreation. IDEAL ONE-DAY OUTINGS Music and restaurant on all steamers. Leave dally. Including Sunday iw brosses St., S.40 A. M. : West 42.! St.. 9.00 A. M. : West 12?th St., :? 20 a. M : Ton" kers, 9.50 A. M.. for ?Bear Mountain, tAVest Point (except Sunday), | N"-'\vburgh* tPoughkeepsie, Kingston Point (connecting daily with Ulster & Delaware R r V Catskill, Hudson and Albany. tReturn steamer same day from points :--.;irk?j V All through rail tickets between New York and Albany accepted. Direct :; con? nection to nil points North. East and West. Steamers "Washington Irving," "Hendrik Hudson." "Robert Fulton." "Albanv " On Saturday, .June 7, Sunday, dune 8, and Monday, .lune 9. special trip* to Bear Mountain (West Point Saturday und Monday), Newburjjh, Poughkeepgle ,nj return to 42d St. Pier, leaving Desbrosges St. 10.Ot) A. M., West 4?<1 St. 10 ?O \ 'xt West 129th St. 10.40 A. M.. Yonkers 11.10 A. M. ' " We.?t Point Horse show is on Monday. June 9. Hudson River Day Line Desbrosses St. Pier Tel. Canal 9300 New York POPULAR SUNDAY OIITIHG f ,?3=-~_ ON THE HUDSON i^K?aw^-S 1.00 An in\jgorating holiday at small s expense. A day crammed full of varied delighir. Newburgh, Beacon fl??i ftfj _. and Return ? * ?"? Poughkeepsie Q ?j (Tf| and Return * ? .?JW Steamer BENJ. B. ODELL leave? Franklin St. 9.00 A. M.. We t 129th St. 9.30 A. M. rain or shine. Music'. Restaurant. Lunch R ion , Ample time ashore to visit Vs Isl? ington s Headquarters. Newburgh ; go up Mount Beacon or trolley to Orange Lake. 'V:-..-,.?-^.-'c?>--:..-.?iv;->:-:?-?i ra-iO?!i:i?1'??.?i?,?<.i.:'v; ? .-. ^???I:?<3? ?KiSfesi?Pi; SPEND ~-?,",^^iE?=,,T'^> ; '.".?^ _1 -i?i TO NEWI?l RGH ANO RET? UN, $1.00. Great While Flier 32, N. R., foot Canal St., 9:30 A. M : West vburgh, returning on the same ste Cnd St.. 1? A. M. Music?Restaurant. Will leave Pie: Two hour etay ... HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPANY NIGHT BOATS TO ALBANY AND TROY Newburgh, Poughkeepsle, Kingston j ?>'.:. "UoMKlt UAMSDELL." Frn.-.K'in St., I 1 00 I". .-? . ttui l.Jta tSt_. 1:30 1'. il. J , .murant. ! ?Sir '?POl.'CIHiKKrsiS. Fraj-.kllo .-t.. .- I 1*. M.: '. . 129tb St.. 3 P. M., for Nmburgn S aiid l'o. hkeepsle. ?Hoir, steamers connect wll? .-r'.uro Ju.i ... .New }, k same day. CENTRAI. HUDSON LIMC, Metropolitan Line ?!; the icru b?, u-afer. Altoaj/* in sight of lani. To BOSTON VT? Ton?r Island Sound. Buzrnrd? Bnj- nni Cape Cod Canal Daylight Thiough the Canal Both Ways. Leave Pi?r 18, Foot of Murray St., Daily ?Sundays Included) at 6 00 P. M. Fare S5 li (Including War Taxi. Tickets and inform*, tion a: Wharf. Tele-phono Barclay r.OOO. ???"Meals. S-.aterooiKs Alwuys '.tie Beat. Fall River Line To 336STOIS? Sir?. Iv. Pier 14, N R.. ft. Fulton St.. daily at 5:2" P. M Music. NEW LONDON (NORWICH LINE). Sir Iva Pr. 40, N.R.. Houston St., wk. davs only. &:30P.M. Lv. Pr. 70. E.R., 22d St.. 6 P.M. NEW HAVKN LINK. Str. lvs. Pr. 25. !C. R., nr. Cath, St., wk. days. 2 P.M. Pr. 70. K. R., 2:15 P. M. 'THE FCBLTC BK PLEASED." COLONIAL LINE BOSTON ?r*4.?40 PROVIDENCE i,,',.'., $2.97 ALL OUTSIDE STATEROOMS ?il.08 to $3.24 Bo'n Prices Include War Tax. Boat Lcavrs Pier 30. North Hivir. Daily 4 Sunday. at 5:3:) P. M. 'Phons Spring 9411. HUDSON RIVER NIGHT LINES from Pier 32, N. R., foot Canal St weekday?, 6 and 7 P. M. Sundays and Holidays, 6 rind 9 P. M . West I32nd St half hour later Due Albany 0 o'clock i : lowing morning. Woeli daya 1>? KrauRlIn St . IMrr 24. S :?fl a. m.. ? 4,', p m, Battar; Pier, 8 85 a. m.. 8:15 p. m. SUNDAYS. Praiikiui Ht.. S.30. Battery, S 55 a. m. Swedish American Line S.S.STOCKHOLM: ^p^' ,11 I. Y ID, NEW YORK DIRECT TO GOTHENBURG, SWEDE.?. Short rout? to SCANDINAVIA. Su? perior accomniodatlons. service and culaln?. PAbbENOJbJi OxIHE. ?4 BU JN. X. fit* J LINE HAVANA) WEEKLY MEXICO [sailings To Progreso, Vera Cruz 4 Tampico Regular ? to Nassau. Baliaimi. Literature and full information on , ? New York and ( ut?a Mail S. S. ( o. Loot ?f At .ill Street, New York. Passenger and Freight Servirea NEW Y?KK to LIVERPOOL Vasari ..lune 14 Vestris .June 21 Koyal Genrge.June 24 ?rduna .June 28 Caronia .juiy ? Carmania .juiy 5 NEW YORK to SOUTHAMPTON Mauretania.June 14 Aquitania .June 28 NEW YORK to PIRAEUS Pannonia .June 18 BOSTON TO GLASGOW Massilia .July 12 ??l-Z\ STATE STREET. NEW \oKK INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE LINES American PHILADELPHIA?LI\ ERPOO? Harerford.Jott lB Leyland BOS I on I I\ KKPOOl Only One ( las- (a!?' : ?j. Wlnifredlan June ?0 Bohemian Aug - Bohemian ,Jui\ 12 Wlnlfredian Jul? - White Star NEW YORK?LIVERPOOL Adriatic. .. June IG Unifie. Jo? ? Lapland.June 81 Celtic July ?? Offices, 9 Broadway, - New York QftlpB ri?tia'?S S?2? NEW YORK?FRANCE WEEKL? DEeAHTUI'.S? _^ Company's Oflice ?VSIi^Sm^ OCH?rVl lilt?** n ?"" M0KTeSS? ncD L/ LI n Est.. ?vKi.YN at s.-?'-? For Porto Rloo. kiirarao * T*oetU?la S s M?raea?,bo W?1ne?tlay. Jim* H at I P *? - H lire '..- w. .- . .-. luur IS. ? I ^V ? p, y. M. ri.s...,:, .i lila Wed Jut) S. bum nor Art-uiuinuilaU?Ui tur I'ajaauinra. BLUSS. PALLBTT * CO,. Ova. ?*I*5* FhOO* 61?0 Kauo?**. M Will Btr?*fc