Newspaper Page Text
News ot tB? ??ptl :?- ' desirable property TO CLOSE THE ESTATE OF p Dc HA55 SIMONSON, DEC'D, ^ wai lnepr .r^oui^ct the stock of py Order ??'' 'he Executor?, MUST BE SOLD 21 $3 &*=w; IV I-1 i>-fi JARCIE FRONTAGES ?-' Queens Boulevard & Grand St. Maurice Ave., Corona Ave., Etc. i, .h. ven- tub if the Borough of Qti^ns. lu Elnihurst. nhciit :< nulei. from Uiir-eiishoro Bridge. nlRFCT ?( KM TRANSIT PROM MAN? HATTAN AND VAKIOCS SE?0TIONS ol BROOKLYN ** ?> 1 per cent. May Remain on Mortgage, riTiKS in-, ! : * ! ? BY TITLE OlAK AMI.!- & TRIST CO. HO? ??> GO: ... .. - - . ' attan 1 ike at the . ? ? i., .-i.:-1 a Queens : ?. car direct to I he proD rtv ;-? urn - : - ? . Sti eel Manhatt an, ... j [he E ? District of Brooklyn, take ,'-. . ? si ???-!? y car direct to the y- m Park Row, Manhattan, 9 of Brooklyn, tak" thn Myrtle Avenue "L" ?nd at Fresh Pond hfad Stall ?? transfer to an Blmhurst trolley direct to ihe property. Property is ?.on ,. ? - - distance of Dual Suh tiv System (Station .it 2Sth Street, El:it bursO I ?' ? ": ?' ' ' above lines 5 cpnta. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED MAPS a , ? : m : ' oni Alfred R. Brown, Esq., \ t : ?????:??> for Estate, ?".3 "... , , .-? New York; Slmonson Realty Co., -Ar - ml Broadway (?Irand St.), Bin it, v thin a stone'a throw of i..-. ! : ?? . or JERE "OHNSON JR.. CO., II Auotl meern, 123 Monlpgue St, Brooklyn Main -123?. REAL ESTATE BOROl'GH OP MANHATTAN TO SETI - E E 'ATE I 75th si . Manhat i ...... for . Samuel J ? 'onifort, ... Brooklyi r~ BOROL'GH OF QUEENS ? :?? ifr ? '-';.-? ...t?-p' ?. J ;''' -, ?' ^ ,. ,,".! (irand - - '.,'.' ' Centra rif'een minutes by rail from Fenn ? Ui^-* I IDEAL YEAR ROUND HOME | ON WATER FRONT i ,- ?' ater Bathing and Boat' Sandy Bathing Beach A driest, n sidences on the aloi ? ? ??? ' ' "? House of stu 0 on I ??' ? ? ... . | ? -.. , -, . | -, i ? hot wal heat ; gyn ' ' : ? m best con Garage, arbors ?: fru nd shade ti en -. i., | . ; l rlij le I ulevard IOH.N >. HOLDING, Real Estate ?9 ?' .,c -i., or 1 i:. 15th St., New York LONG ISLAND SMALL FARMS, $250 ?cai e, ] .-. ? In preat demand soon. large nov w . ? It v you I - Only $2.*0 * ... ? acre. Finesl i ??? . ; a . ? ? ? month Located al and 1 it h shore ol Long : alnut. , from New '. V paid for ? ngo building i you t ? build. Write or phi no C ;: '. - Broadway, N? w , 1 Beautiful Ssven-Acre Tract at Miiier Fiace, Long Island or ? : .- !. r Branch of l Long cleared ?h ai tioi n the properl voi I on -? i sacrifie. / x 14, Bay SI WEST! Ill - I ER COUNTY TIME WAS NEVER MORE OPPORTTNE ? - ? ?. . -. .. ,, -- !.. ir own hom?3. I.' t me ' ? ? m can . ??'? ?- .?-.? on n irroundlngs, lmpro\ en ai ; -. : - . ? ? ??! and fortj n V. ? 8YLVESTER FROHOCK, 1 Maulst . .- y City. Te! 2577 Gram SEW JERSEX 5 " . .j JER5EY CITY ] !pp?e private dwelling; 12 rooms. 2 oatn?. ? I Ihoroly modern: all improvement* and con- 'r fj vtmrr-. ?, i-X\, naively decorated thruout. *\ ? Lot 4) x 200. One of the best reaidential 7 ? Wei .-. the < iry. adjoining end overlookiriK ? f ';- le ---. C -v reaeivoira front and lear. A ? . eaaible to a? f?rrica and Hudson tube U *i ? ' ' ! ' "'. tnmi arranged lo ami buyer. /, fi CHARLES H N1COLL Avenue, J'rftey Ci?-y a ?*>*>?r?-??o-r?-?-?r?-4A?-<^<??.<T??? I ? . - '. J Utractlvi oon I bedroom? ? ? ? ? W iNtrom-Oordon & forman, -?? ' v. i:?? - ? Vi : i. : ?' J Tel. 655. , 40 minutes; 11 ? Bt. SEW 11'KL ?' MME? HOM1 ?I t KNI-III.I) . ?. , . ?. , .- , , ? -..- old .,: bathing; : water I L'aine ?^ '?!;[? ; (;,; BL'SLVESS PI RPOSES STORE TO LET O. Location for FLORIST ' ' ? -? heart of rapidly ? ' ? ? ?i '??--? ce ire <>i ige --i? junction of line?, "L" ?tation and '? ?" 1 be. mirable location for TEA ROOM, STATIONERY or ! BOOKSTORE .fctet?i Hrai ftnd wired for Ekctricity MODERATE RENT " John S. Luther, Manager 66 Watt 9th Street Stuyveaant 4875 -/ '?'," ! ,i -: CLAM !,?.','? '- ? Oft >?;-:?.'? j-i-o:? ;?'!. ?/ ???KBri?LU, U?C, 6? ?ABT ??O HT. and Co Pennsylvania Zone Realty Is Coining Back Rapidly Twenty-two Parcels There Bought and Leased; Office Building to Cover Large Plot on 34th Street | Twenty-two parcels on Thirty-third I and Thirty-fourth streets, ea3t and west of Seventh Avenue, have been sold or leased by Harry M. Weill and Henry Brady, acting separately and represent j ing various interests. It could not be : -earned yesterday if these deals repre ? sent recent activity. If they were con i cummated within the last few days or 1 weeks there is no denying that the Pennsylvania district is rapidly regain? ing position in the realty field as a likely place for future speculation. The Krim Realty Company, which is controlled by the same interests which op< rate the Pullman lunch rooms, has leased from the Smith estate and the Union Mortgage Company the property at 146 to 162 West Thirty-fourth Street, extending through the block to Ml to 153 West Thirty-third Street. A three i storj office building will be erected on I this property, with an arcade extend ' ing through from street to street. Henry Brady negotiated this deal. The hotel at ibO West. Thirty-fourth Street lias been leased by Robert Man? tel from M. L. & C. Ernest, through Henry M. Weill. West of Seventh Ave? nue Mr. Weill reports that he has leased the property at 202 to 212 West Thirty-fourth Street The property at 203 to 211 West Thirty-third Street has been taken by Mr. Krim, who has also leased the property at 422 Seventh Ave? nue and bought the thrco buildings at 432 and 436 Seventh Avenu?, which he controls under lease. -. Realty Brokers in Bronx Have an Easy Day ' Trading Reported iu All Sec lions Murh Behind Activity Shown of Late Frederick Brown has sold to a client 1 of William Morns 730 and 732 Pros? pect Avenue, a live-story apartment j i house on plot 50xl25x irregular. Sale in 165th Street W. .!. Zimmermann sold the four , story apartment., on lot 36x100, at 266 ?East 165th Street, for a Mr. Waten-, ; berg. Bronx Dwellings Sold Samuel Cowen has sold 650-652 Faile i Street, on lot 25x100, a two-family . brick dwelling, for a Miss Hencken. John A. Steinmetz has sold for J. McDermott a two-story dwelling at 781 Garden Street, to I. Dranofsky. Lcitner, Brener & Starr have sold for .Ar. L. ami C. Ernst 861 Whitlock Ave? nue, a three-story dwelling on lot 25x 100, to Ida L. Lobel, the tenant. Home Buying in Various Sections of Brooklyn The Realty Associates have sold dwellings at 2020 Eighty-fifth Street to Mary R. Roache, and at 203(1 Eighty fifth Street to Harry" and Leon Fish bein. Leon Luft was the broker. Frank A. Seaver & Co. have sold the cottage at 78 Seventieth Street for j John Hallock; 371 Seventy-second Street, a two-family house, for Lucy Blair, and the one-family cottage at 1252 Eighty-second Street for J. W. Coss. The Bulkley & Ilorton Company has I sold t'ne northwest corner of Bedford and Atlantic avenues, a plot 80x80, for ? the Clark-Johnson Corporation to a client for immediate improvement. The Meister Builders < Inc.) have purchased from James M. Sheets the southeast corner of Nineteenth Ave? nue and Eighteenth Street, a plot 180x 100. F. C. Sauter, with Frank A. Seaver & Co., and the Cluster Realty Company have sold to Robert F. Keif the two Btory dwelling at 7?12 Seventh Avenue. The Bulkley & Horton Co. has sold 364 New York Avenue, a two story (?welling on lot 20x100, for S. Heim denger. The Meister Builders have purchased from the -Jnlin Construction Company a plot 100x100 on the northeast cor? ner of Seventy-ninth Street and Twentieth Avenue, and a plot 100x100 on the southwest corner of Twenty fourth Avenue and Eighty-second Street, Bath Beach. SIMMER COTTAGES FOR RENT ADIRONDACK MOUNTAIN COTTAGE for ront furnl heel; on Cobble Hill, lili?abeth ? ? -.-:. N Y mile in.!;, lioif 4<>uu,e and . . ; ? . . always cool; li; room?, >, , bedrooms, -'i sleeping porches, flre , swimming pool, :"nnis court, 2 de? in ! cottapi foi servant?; Hlable, gaistge, hou o, filled. Inquire Cor Kingsley Cot? tage; caretaker will strnw Rent, $800. John Crav ford. . East 42d St., N. V. UNFURNISHED APARTM'TS TO LET 260 RIVERSIDE DRIVE \; :; 7 Rooms, 2 Baths, $2,000 Imm?diate occupancy. Apply promises B5TH ST. 116 EAST 'near Park ave.).? Largo f ? ?? ?! floor mitte foi doctor's of ; will remodel to suit, reai on . i . reni .'.../.. 7313. REAL ESTATE WANTED ij for . '. ih f?r client, one or ?.., I.ullri ngn, Third ave., between 81!d and ?teje of aw nue preferred. mment < Another Fine Home in Washington Square Sold Sir Edgar Speyer Gets House Adjoining Property Bought by Mrs. E. H. Sothern Sir Edgar Speyer has purchased the dwelling and Hamersley estate lease? hold at 22 Washington Square North, which has a two story extension run? ning back 136 feet to Macdousal Alley. The house adjoins the residence pur? chased Wednesday by Mrs. E. H. Sothern. 62d Street Property Sold Douglas Robinson, Charles S. Brown Company has sold for Frederick J, Steiner 150 East Sixty-second Street, a five story dwelling, on lot 20x100.5. 65th Street House Sold Hattie King has sold to Arthur Ely 148 East Sixty-fifth Street, a three story dwelling, on lot 1 (5x100. Lexington Av. Property Sold Electus T. Backu3, of the Guardian Holding Company, Inc., has sold for .lohn Burke the throe story dwelling with stores, on lot 17x55, at 1051 Lex? ington Avenue. Buya in Greenwich Village Vepc ?c Bro. have sold for the es? tate of Elizabeth Hunt 27 Grove Street, a three story dwelling, on lot 22x100, to the Alentaur Realty Corporation. Pepe & Bro. were the brokers in the re? cent sale of 'il Washing-ton Square. North to Mrs. E. H. Sothern. Sale in 122d Street Shaw & Co. have sold for the estate ? ! of Mary Kelly 100 West 122d Street, a three story dwelling, on lot l?xlOO.ll. ) Recorded Transfers Downtown PEARL ST, 112, n s, :3.3x70.3x Irregr: A Kllpateln to Morris Krim, Lakewood, N J; h anrl s ; May 22; attv, Title Ouar & T Co. 176 Bway.$100 MADISON ST. 85, n 8, 25.1x100, Sam Tnrshls to Hv and Sadve Tarshls, 37 W llTlh fit; iiiti? $25,000; Sfpt 22, 1915; address, 77 R.iyard st.$.101 WATER ST, 397, e p. B3..9 e rath slip, 20 x72 9; Geo B and Mnrla L Vanderpoel to Michael J Campbell. 25 Roosevelt st ; P ni; mt.K $4.000; Juno 3: aiiv. Title Gurir <t- T Co. I 76 Bway.SI SAME PROPERTY; Maria I, Vanderpoel to Michael J Campbell, 25 Roosevelt st; ? in: nitg $4,00(1; June 3; attv. Bame..$l CLINTON ST. 07. w 9, 20.2x50. Api?a Casualty A- Surety Co .if Hartford, Conn, t... Jacob H Matfus, 272 E Houston ?it: all Hens; June 2; atty, Title Guar ?? T Co. 17? Rway.$?nn THOMPSON- ST, S30-32, - s, 56.7x75; Jes? sie K l-Wriek to Bertha Grossman, 516 \V 151st st: all liens; May 31; atty, Title Guar & T Co, 176 Bway.?! SAME PROPERTY; Bertha Grossman to Bertha an?! Harvev N Kuttner, 300 \V 1 ?"':? tli st; Hy Jones, 105 W 7:.I st, and Chas Kafka. 1335 Madison av, trustees; b and s: all lions; .Inn? 4; atty, Eis- i man, I, C & T., 135 Bway.$1 BARROW ST, 44, n s, 22.6x97 (foreclos Mav IB, 1919); John Mulholland, ref, to Edw A Medley, jr, 40 Barrow st; mtg $8,500; June 1, atty, Lawyers T & T Co, ! 160 Bway .$2,800 ! WAVERLEY PI-, 20-2.', seo Greene st, 50 ? x81.ll; Herman Goldenberg, trustee, to Stephen A Powell, at Essex, N Y; nitg $90,000; all 1 i ^ ti == ; b and .?;. rag: .Tun? i 5; attys, Wise & O, 206 Bway.. $130,000 East Side 2D AY. w p. BO n 7th Dt 2f.x1on: 123 2d Av Realty Co m David Elfenbein, 12? 2.1 av; inte $18,000; ?Il lions; nttv. Lawyers T ft T Co, 160 Bway. $100 14TH ST, 420 E, n s, 26x103.3; Tony Grun (female) to Morris Davidowltz. 47 W 1'1th st; .Juno 4, atty, Sam B Newman. 299 Bway .$100 22D ST, 149 B, n s. 25x93.9; S Ballin to N V Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Child:.]), 207 4th av; mtg $20,000; nil liens; June 5; atty, Lawyers T & T Co, li'.o Bway...$1 2'jn ST, 145 K. n s. 25x0"! 9; Geo ? Brewer to samp; h and s; -May 11; attvs, Middle brook ft B. 46 Cedar St.$100 22ND ST. 147 E, n s. 25x98.9; Rachel Cohn in same; mtg $??8,600; all Hens; June 5. $100 MADISON AV. o a, 74 n 33d st, 24.8x100; Jim Gellatly to Centre-White Co, 135 Bway; 1> and s; mtg $63,000; ?ill Hens; atty, N Y T ft T Co, 135 Bway.$10u 38TH ST. 326-3 E, s s, 40x0s a (foreclosure June 5);. Cornelius llulh, red to Hv Dreymoos, 604 XV 7i?th st ; mtg $25,000; Juno G; atty, Wm R Adams, no Broad st.$5.000 47TH ST, n s, 350 e 1st av 60.4x100.5; Anton J & Edw Wittach, oxts. I ri Wilbur .1 Murphy, il E 120th st ; mtg $10.000 on this rind two lots, arlj on west; Mav 21; Kttys. L ovino ,<:- c,, 15 Broad st. v $15,000 53D ST, 324 E, s s. 23.10x100.5; Margt Ano,- ,,, Wm R Mag?n. 269 Lincoln av, Brooklyn, >v Philip W Auer, 424 W 146th st ; exrs ft trustees; a t, q e; all liens; atty, T G ft T Co. 176 Bway.$1 sa M H PROPERTT; P W Auer ft ano, exrs ft trustees, et ni, vs hoirs, etc, to Susan Goetz, 492 2d av; mtg, $6,500; ail liens; May 31; atty, same.Sll.ono 62D ST, n s, 4:10 e 2d av 17x100.5; Moiris Aron tri Service Realty Co, 7 E *2d st ; ail liens; May 20, ntt>s. McLaughlin ft S, 16 Mill Sf.$100 1321) ST, 142 E. s s, 20x100.5; Helen L Colo f.- ano, exrs, to rjr.,, M Palmer, 34 E Mst ?t, mlg $31,000; .lune 1; atty, T G ?? T Co, 17''. Bway.$34.200 64TH ST. s s, 233 4. w 3d av 20 lo.xioo :>; Rose Palm et al (o Jas W Bulmer, 440 XV S2d st ; Juno 4; ally, Lawyers T ft T Co, 160 Bway.$1 74'ITI ST, n s, 240 e ?th av, 20x102.2; AV G Lane to Lesley Josephine Pearson. 3 W r,7th st, all liens; atty, Dexter Hlscox, 1?. Broad st.$87.500 6TII AV, e s, 32 2 s 70th st, 25x100, with r o w over 7 >? ft strip in rear to s s 70th st. G?orgie B C de Heredla to Edith M Feder. 182 W .'Sth st ; all lions, Juno 4; atty, Chas P Brown, 1 o Wall st .$l oo 107TH ST, 232 B, s s, 25x100.11; B Louise Sands lo Tom.-isso Naclerio, 234 E !07th st; h ft s: June 3; attys. Mlddlebrook ft B, 46 Cedar si.$1 "0 107T1I ST, 63 K. n s, 18x100.11; Lewis Levy et al to Stadaeona Co, 90 John m . Ii ft s, c a g, allv, T G ft T Co, 176 Bway . ?! 107TM ST. 63 E. n s, 18x100.11; A F Sll verstorre ft ano, exrs, to Stadaeona Co, 99 John st ; sil liens. May 26, atty, A F Silverstone, 154 Nassau si.$150 SAME PROPERTY; Dora Levy et al. heirs, etc, to sume; h ft s; c a g; ail liens, May 26; atty, samo .$1 120TH ST, 246 E. n B, 27x100.11; Fox & St John C'orpn to Jos Rufflno, S43 2d av; mtgs, $14.500, June 2; atty, N Y T & M Co. 135 Bway .$ 1 12-tTll ST. h s. 80 e Madison av. 15x100.11. mtg. $55.000; 124th st. s s. 2S7 w Park nv, 18x100.11; mtg, $65,000; Louis Sohrag to Hospital for Deformities, ote, 1010 Madison av; attvs, Kendall ft Her? zog, 120 Bway .$100 West Side 40TH ST, s s. 275 e llih av. 25x?8.9; Jas McClenahan ft ano, exrs, to David Stev ensoi? ft Ne well Hem, adnirs; b & ??<. Aug 29, 1907; attys, Brown & F. 10 Wall st .$1 SAME PROPERTY; David Stevenson ft ano. admis, to Philip Stevenson, Wcst bury, 1,1; i? part, June 15. 1912; attys, urn? .$1 SAME PROPERTY; same to Malcolm Stevenson, of Westbury, L I, 'A part. June 16, 1012; attys, same.$1 r.7TM ST, 639 XV, n s, 26x100.5 (foreolos, Juno 2), Emll E Fuchs, ref. to General S} nod of ill?. Reformed Church Hi America. 25 F5 22d st ; atty, C A' Pal llstor, 233 Bway.$10.000 WBS1 BND AV, IS, 26x100; Trustees of i he Lcake ft Watts Orphan House In ?= To .Insure Insertion in the Real Estate Se-ction of ?he (Mmttt on Sunday advertising copy mint be in The Tribune Building not later than 2 P. M. on Saturday. An effort will bo made- to Insert all Real Estnto adverti-slno? In the Real Estate .Section. Advertisements received tw^atow S be curried in the Mam Section under proper classifications. >f City Day Tells of Bennett Sale Much interest has been shown in the photographs which have been used from day to day in connection with the adver? tising of the Bennett, estate. This idea has been carried one step further by hav? ing struck off copies of every advertise? ment, neatly hound, and sent to persons inquiring about the James Gordon Ben? nett estate auction. Mr. Day said that "the important thing when carrying a series of advertisements, which ?3 a constructive force leading to the climax, is to try to have the people remember the different advertisements in the past leading up to the one they are now reading, and in sending out these bound copies of all the advertisements to a list of inquirers before the sale is to again bring to their minds another im? pression of what they have been reading for the last three weeks. "This property is about the last re? maining property on Long Island to be cut up in this way. and although we have had many inquiries and a great many people looking at the property, most of them, however, have been sightseers and not interested in the auction sale. I do not think that there has been enough in? terest shown to absorb this wonderful property, so that the people who will take time and trouble to attend this sale and buy will get bargains. The way this property has been advertised, coupled with the great standing that the late .lames Gordon Bennett held in the com? munity, will he an asset to any one who buys one or more lots at this sale, and future generations surely will quote their ancestors as having once owned one of the Bennett estate loU." To Take Over 34th Street Site There was formed at Albany on Thursday the 205 East Thirty-fourth Street Realty Company, with S. W. Solins, B. Irani and 1?. S. Myers an directors, and having a capital of $5,000, which is to take over the prop? erty at that location. It consists of a five-story building, title to which is held by Augusta Brockman. City of N T to Albert E Hartcorn, 780 Madison av; mtg, $7,600; all liens; b & s, April 24, atty. T G & T Co. 176 Bway $1 WEST BXD AV. 846. e s, 10.10x90; .Ma?do 5 Bcrlschmann to Cyril Barnert. 148 W 120th st ; mtg, $27.000; all lien?, June 3; atty, Lawyers T & T Co, ICO Bwsy $1,000 "3D ST, 44 W, s s, 20x102.2; Title Guar &. T Cd, exr. to .lessle Q Para. 44 \V 76th st ; all liens, June 2; atty, T G & T Co, 1 7t? Bway .$27.5"0 Or.P ST, ?-,2 W, s s, 37.SX100.8. with a title m snip on e; Morris Polaky (o V\ C T Holding Co, 1520 Bway; mtgs $32,B00-, May 31; atty, N Y T & M Co, 135 Bway. $1 111TI1 ST. 302 W, s s. 106.2x39xlrreg; Isaac ami Pauline I.ahm to R F Peut;'.. 275 W ;>fith st ; \ parts; all liens; Dec 28, 1918; attv, Otto A Samuels, 2J7 Bway .$1 112TH -T. 212 W, s s, 17x100 1!; Leonett Realty Co to ?'has Toben, 107 E 114th st; nil liens; June 5; ritiv, T G & T To. 176 Bway . lion 120TH ST. 104 W, s s. 18x100.11; L W Marke] to Leah Market 1"4 W 12?nh si : mtg $5,000; niM-, fj i- Mulligan, 1.45 Bway . $1 127TTI ST. n s. 118.11 w Convent ;iv. r.Ox 09.11; Hilda and Sol J London, exra, to Hen i Fl?rsheim, S38 West End av; '-j pr mtg, $39,600 or whole, ally, S Fischer, ::r. Nassau si.$S.750 130TH ST, 164 IV, s s, 20xr.:?.li. Hen G Grover to Percy i' Mundin, ,".tJ Mercer st, Jersey City; mtg $3,000; all iiens. May '?7. attv. T G &- T Co, 176 Bway.$100 1.-.1ST ST, 224 W, s ?. 15x99.11: I. H San? io?.I to Hv H Williams, 224 \V 131St Sf ; mtg $5,500; all ll^ns; May 24, atty, T G 6 T Co, 176 Bway. $100 132D ST. 160 W, s s, 14.8x99.11 (forclos .Hin" ?s, i?u3); J A Corbin, ref, to Metro? politan Sav Bank. 50 Cooper sq E, June 4, attys, A S & W Hutchins, 84 AVill inm st .$7,0?10 136TH ST, 203 W, n s, 17x00 11; Broad way Sav Instn t?. W E Davis, US W irtfuli Bt; b & s, c a g; June 5; atty, Richard Kelly, 263 Bway.$100 !5 2D ST, n s, ion e Brad hurst av, 25 x If"' 1". to n s 162d st (t'orcl May 2:o . Win Weiss, ref, to .1 H Halloran, 31 W 12th st ; June 4. ally, J C Cunneen, 233 Bwav .$500 ?ST NICHOLAS AV, s w r IB7th Bt, 103.7x 172.8x99.11x144.9; Lehlgh Bldg < ovpn to I.ipmnn Auerbach, 175 Union si. Bklyn, nnd l.nuis Katz, al Blmhurst. I. I. mu; $210,000; nil licTis. .lune n ; atty, Law? yers T A- T Co. 160 Bwav.$100 ST NICHOLAS AV, n w ?? 151th st. 203.3 to s s 150th si xll 1x199.10x78.5 on 15Sth et; Denwood Realty Co to Purdy Estate. 7 1 Bway; mte $'_'00.000; June 5; atty, T G & T Co, 170 Bway.$l?o ! Bronx | LOT 13. blk 2S45 i a x map; Winter Russell to Anna R Crossln. 144 1 H 5th st, Bklyn; April 27, 1016; attv, T G ? T Co, 170 Bway .$1"0 LOT 53, bill 2S46 tax map. C If Hyde, re?. to Anna R Crossln. 546 W 164th st; June 3; atty, T G & T Co, 170 Bway.$10? LOT 7. blk 2K--.6 tax map. M .1 O'Brien, |r, ref, to Anna 11 Crossln, 548 \V 164ih st; June .3; utty, T t; .t T Co, 170 Bway. $100 LOT 57, bill 2115 tax map; Geo E Welles, ref, to Ann.? It Crossln, 1446 E 5th si. Bklyn; April 17; atty, T C, & T <'o. 170 Bway .$100 LOT 124. map Mount Eden; P J Keelan to II Swam. HT.o Concourse; June 4; atty, T G & T Co, 176 Bway.$100 WALTON AV, e ?, U16.4 n 165th Bt, s 7, n o Ml] !.. Grand Hlvd and Concourse x26x w 241.2 to avenu.? x s 20 to begn, Sepam Really Corpn to C F Bradbury. 2534 Orand Blvd; mtg $3,000; June 2. atty, T G & T Co, 176 Bwav.$100 BECK ST. 660-8, s 8, 200x125; peauben Realti Corpn to College Holding Co; mtg $S0.nn0; June 4; atty, Morrison & S. 320 Bwa?,.$100 SAME PROFBRTX; College Holding Co t.. Shenk Roalty & Consln Co, 118 W 120th st. nng $240,000. June 4, ally. sain.- .$100 PROSPECT AV. e ?, 44n n 187th st, 20x ?T.; Farmers I.nan & T Co. trusts.-s, to Mary Grasso. 2144 Prospect av ; Juno 4; atty, Saml Rabonowltz, 14? Bway .. $6,500 LOTH 25S and 259, may Bradisb Johnson estate, Eh;-. Sangree lo Morrl: Brenner. 304 Monmouth, Jersey City; April 25; atty, Morris Brenner, 304 Monmouth. Jereoy City .$125 SOUTHERN BLVD. 966, e s, 42x150. Han? nah Schapiro io Mary Blum, 168 Hooper st. Bklyn; mtg $6.000; Sept 4. 1918: atty, Ja.3 L Lefowltz, 303 Bwnv....$100 BECK ST, 001-5, w 8. 73x100: Sydney R.-se to Barclay Holding Corpn. 217 Bway; mtg $58,000; May 7; atty, J H "?l?ser, 217 Bwav.$100 UNION AV, n e C, 166th st, 40x100; Ralph F Baxter to Arrow Holding Corpn, 217 Bway; mtg $?1.000; May 6; atty, J H Zleser, 217 Bway.$100 LOTS ! & 2, Blk 8, map Morris Park; Fannie Choilosh to Agnes A Hahn, 625 Ferry st. Woodhaven, L I; Feb 11; atty. Jos A Hahn, 2875 Atlantic av, BUIvn..$l LOT 150, may bldg lots near Wsbrtdge Station; . Sebastiano Delusa. Jr. to Giuseppe Manclnl, 255 13 150th st : June 5; atty, Tims C Patterson. 290 Bway. $100 LOT 31, may Claaon's Pt, 2 20-100 acres; Win F A Kur:-, lo Frank V Taylor, 428 Tecumseh av, Mt Vernon, N V . mtg $27.000; nitty, Do La Mare & M. 140 Nas? sau 3t.$100 WASHINGTON AV, 1457. w s, 18.9x160; Balllsla Sganla. to Vincent Erll'o. 1457 Washington av; June ], attv, Vincent Erlfo, 1457 Washington av.$1 COMMONWEALTH AV, e s, 160 n Man sion st, 25x100; Morris Avon to Service Realty Co, 7 E 42.1 st ; mtg $2.600; May 29; atty, McLaughlin & S, 15 William st.$1 LOTS 47 & 4S. map Undercllff Terrace; Philip Heiper.-ihausdn to Fredk Helper shausen, 2 Broomo st ; June 3, attys, Amend & A, llfl Nassau st.$1 LOTS 40 .t 50, same map; Fredk Heiper shausen to Philip llelperahausen, 4 18 W 146th st, June 3; attys. Amend & A, 118 Nassau st .$1 OLINV1LLE AV, w s. 100 n 2d st, 50x100; Win R Crump to Eth<-1 II. wife of Wm R crump. 3711 Ollnvllle av; iiitg" $3,500; May 10; attv. Win A Keallng, 398S White Plains rd .$1 LoT 482, map Van Nest Park. Jacoh Mun stermnnn lo Anna Nevel, 366 W 116th st ; mtgn $2,800; June 3; atty, O'Crady Uros, 277 Broadway .$100 WASHINGTON AV, n s, lots 12 and 13, map Thos Ba'sBford, 91x?; Anna F Luwler, BOO W i ,s 71 h ct. May 20, atty, T.I Whalen, 60 Broadway .$1,00(1 ST, LAWRENCE AV. 1210, lot 223. map Glcnson property; August E Scebeck to H'idwill Corpn. 7 W 45ih st ; mtge $<,. 000; May 14, atty, New York T * M Co, I3S Broadway .$100 I!AINHRIDCE AV, 3012, ? B, 33.6x131.Ox .",3 4x130 6; Anna R Ottagan, Indlv, to Ferdinand A O Hngnn and as ?-sr to l.iuls Meshekow. I r, n-J Crotona Park E; June 6; atty. Lawyers TAT Co. 160 Bway.$12,500 JEROME AV. w p. ]'? n North (ft. Ifx79 11; Enrilei A- Smith. Inc. to John B and SHlvator? Sqaugn, 1457 Washington av; June. 6; out. N V T & M Co. 136 Broad? way .$100 I?8TH ST. 303 E. s ?. 39x8-3, Schnrn Co to Arrow HoMg Co, 217 Bwny. nit? $10,760; June 3; atty. O'Orady Bros, 277 Bway .....110? and Sub ?Flats North of Park Bought by Investors El More Court, in 124th Street,: Sold; Sales in 115th and 127th Streets The Winter & Wilkes Realty Com pany has bought from John Palmer, i El More Court, a six-story apartment, j on plot 108x100. at 541 West 124th Street, through M. H. Gaillard & Co., N. 'A. Berwin & Co. and M. Noch manson. I Investor Buys in 115th Street John R. Davidson has sold for James Baird the five-story apartments at 352 ! West 115th Street, and at 8 Morning I side Avenue, a corner plot 75xl00x I irregular. Sale of 127th Street House Benjamin Florsheim purchased from j the estate of Lewis A. London for ' i investment the six-story apartment on ? plot 50x100, at 409-411 West 127th i Street. I Buys in 107th Street The Union Chemical Glassware Com-, pany has bought from the Trouville Holding Company the seven-story ?elevator apartment house at 64 West 107th Street, on plot 48.10x100. Bloom; ' & Schegter were the brokers. East and West Side Flats Sold The Henry M. Weill Company has sold to Henry Hencken, 342 West Eighteenth Street, a five-story doubh fiat; also sold 2447 and 2449 Eighth Avenue, two five-story flats, to John F Felcher, for the Franklin Saving3 Bank; also sold 353 East 133d Street, i a four-story flat, on lot 20x100, for a Mrs. Thompson. SAME PROPERTY: Arrow Holds Corpn to Ja? M Roehe. 263 E Tremont av; mli $19,750; June 3. attvs, O'Grady Bros, 277 Bway.$100 ! SECOND AV, see. 110 a w Devoe av, SO xl2r>; map Clarernont, John C Holahan to Sarah H Holahan, 1430 .Tessup av; June 6, attys, O'Grady Bros, 277 Broad? way- .$100 JESSUP AV, 100.9 s Featherbed lane. 76x110: .lohn C Hrlahnn to Sarah Hi Holahan, 1430 Jessp av; June 6; attys, j O'Grady Bros, 211 Broadway . $100 ? LOTS 60 and 51, map University Hoithts. | n s; Anne. E Carroll to Wm C Bergen, . 1 " XV IROth ?! . mtg $7.000; June 4: i attys, O'Grady Bros, 277 Broadway... $1 j TROTONA AV, ?? s, 90 s lS7th st, 20x100; Rose Werthelmer to Assunda Laraja. I 350 E 119th st : img $7,500; June 5: -'iHy. Lawyers T & T ('o, 160 Bway...SI ! CHARLOTTE ST, 1505, w .-. 37.6x100; Ellz P.eed to Bernard Nichthauser, 590 W 172d st ; mtg? llS.ono. May 31; any. Lawyers T &- T Co, 160 Broadway. .$100 WHITE PLAINS P.D. e s, S4.4 n Crnnford av, 27.6x100.2x25x111.9; also Whit? Plains rd. e s, lot 28, map 1. So Vernon Park. 25x140x25x150; John O'Brien Really Co to Geo O Glendinlng, 2578 Briggs av; mte; $11,000; June 4. atty. i Title Guar.,?. T Co, 176 Bway. $100 i LOT 11. blk 2837, tax map Abr Simonoff. ref, to Anno p. Crossin. 541 W 164th st i May 28; atty, Title Ciuar A- T Co, 176 | Bway .$100 - SAME PROPERTY; Anna R Crossin to Harold Swain, 1650 Concourse; May 28; atty, same .$1 ' LOT 85, blk 2M5. mx map: On E Weiler, ref, w Anno R Crossin, 1446 E 6th St. Bklyn; April 17. '16. aUv, Title (luar &. T Co. 176 Bway . $lon * BRAi'II AV. w ?. 26.6 n Dawson st. 24 10 xlOO: Louis W Markel to Leah Markel. 104 W 120th st; mist. $8.000. June 4; attv. E c Mulligarr, 135 Bway.$1 GAINSBORG AV, w 3, 200 n Tremont rd. Mix 100, Louis W Mnrk^l to Leah Markel. 104 W 120th st; June 4. atty, C E Mul? ligan, 1 36 Bway.$1 ! WHITLOCK AV. o?7, w s. 25x100; Simon Vermont to Nathan Schwartz, 925 Whlt loek av; mtg. $8,600, June 6; attys, Ken? nedy ,t- \V, ::02 Bway .$100 147TH ST. 466 E. s ?. 25x100; Emil E Achren to John Gelkie, 326 E 40ih st; mtg, $17.000. May 29; atty. J Leo Brvan, 326 E 40th st.$1 SCOFI?LD ST. ?= e c William st, 50x108, City Island; Win H Booth to Marv T Kyle, 63 Bay st, City Island, mtg. $4, 860, June 4, atty, Lawyers T & T Co, 160 Bway .$100 Recorded Mortgages Downtown ; PEARL ST, 112, s s, 23.3x70.3x Irreg; p m; May 21'.; Morris Krim to Louisa ?. Klip stein, 378 West End av, June 2, 1923; 61? P c; any, Tit!. G & T Co, 176 Broad ? way .$4 I WEST ST, 172, e S, 26.6x87.8; Ma;. 28; G Lewkowltz lo SnmuM ?vronsky, 170 \v 74lh st; due May 1, 1924, 5 ?.j p c; atty, C W Galor, 30 Pine st.$18,000 I WATER ST. a s, 50.9 e Catherine slip, 40x 72.9; p in: June 5; Michael J Campbell lo Marin L Vanderpoel, Summit, N J . 1 year; 6 p c; attys, Reeves & Todd. 165 Broadwuy j CLINTON ST, 6T. w s. 20 2xr.o, ,, m; June 2, Jacob II Matfus to Aetna Casualty & 5 Co of Hartford, Conn. 100 William st; due and int as per bond; any. Title G &? T Co, 176 Broadway .$15,000 East Side : 2D AY, w s, 50 n 7th st. '.'5x100, p m; June 1; David Elfenbein to 123 2d Av Realty Co, 220 Broadway; 5 years, 6 p c; pr nitge $l?,O00; atty, Lawyers T & T Co, 160 Broad wav .$ IS.750 64TH ST. s t. 233.4 w 3d av, .",0.10x100.5; P m; June 4; Jas W Bulmer to Rosa Palm. 172 E 64th st, et al; 6 years; 5 p c; atty, Lawyers T & T Co, 160 Broad? way.$28,000 107TH ST. 232 E, s s. 25x100.11; p m, June 3 ; Tomasse Maclerio to E Louise Sands, 11 F; S4th si; 5 years. 5 p <? ; attys, Mtddlebrook & Borland, 46 Cedar I st .'.$7,000 U8TH ST, s s. 181.S e 2d av, 21.8x100.10; , May 15. G Tito to Fulvia Rlnaldi, 206 E ! 116th st ; 2 years after April 15, 1920; 6 i P c; atty. F J Rinalut, 167 E 121st st .$2,400 W est Side 26TH ST', n s. 45^.4 n- 6lh av. 16.8x98.9; i June 6; Clara B McGInnlS to Warwirk ? S.-iv Bank. Warwick, N Y. 1 yr; 5 V? per ; rent, atty, Jno J Beattie, Warwick, N Y.$15.000 ? 75TH ST. 44 W. s s. 20x102.2; p m; June 6. Jessie Q Para lo Harry E Wolff, 17::0 Bway. 3 yrs; .'.'j per cent; pr mtg ?; atty, Warren Hastings. 141 Bwav .$ ; 75TH ST, 41 W. s s. 20x102.2; p m; Junej 2: Jessie Q Para to Tule linar & T Co, 176 Bway; 3 yrs; 5''3 per cent; .. .$18,000 112TH ST. 212 W. s 3, 17x100.11; p m; June 5; Chas Cohen to Title Guar ,t T Co, 176 Bway; due and Int as per bond .'.$5,000 SAME PROPERTY; i> m; Juno 5; same lo Merit Really Corpn, 115 Bway; In? stallments; 6 per cent; pr mtg $5.000; attys, Eisman, L C & !.. 135 Bway $2.000 130TH ST. 164 W, s s, 20x90; p m; May 27; Percy C Mundin to Den G Glover, i 164 W l,;oth st; dus and int as per bund: pr mig $3,000; any, Tillo Guar 6 T Co, 176 Bway.$4,000 136TH ST. 203 W. n s, 17x99.11; p m ; June 5. Wm Ewart Davis to Broadway Sav Instn, 5 Park pi. due Aug 1, 1924? 5Vy per cent, atty, Rich'd B Kelly, 2?:t ! Bway .$7.000 | 146TH ST, s s, 300 w 7th av, 37.6x99.11; | June 6; G M Holding Corpn lo Herman Riehter, 1115 S Villa st. Richmond Hill, L I ; due June 1, 1920; 6 per cent. .$6,600 ST NICHOLAS AV. s w ,? 157th *t, 103 :x ; 172.3x99.11x144 9. p ?n; May 31; Louis Katz and ano to Lehlgh Bldg Corpn, 103 | Pnik av; 5 yrs. 6 per cent: pr mtgj $210,000; attys, BUman, L C &. L, 1?5 Bwav .$47/00 i FORT WASHINGTON AX", s w c ITOlh st. 100x150; Fort Washington av. n w ri Ihilth st. 97 ?x98 5x96.7x111.6: June 6, Tyndal! Realty Co lo Saml Wacht, 7P0 ? Riverside Drive; du? Jun? 7. 1921; 6 per | cei.t; atty, Stoddard & M. 128 Broad? way . $60,0001 IS0TH ST, 550 W, s s. 7.'xl00, p m , June. .. ; Rockville Holding Co to Annie Moss, .1)175 Bway; due June 1. 1925. 6 per cent; pr mtg $60.000, atty, Moses D MOSS, l!i4 Nassau st.$26.000 Bronx WH1TTOCK AV '.'1,'. w s. 25x100; Nathan Schwartz to Simon Vermont, 214 School! st, Bklvn: June fi ; Install? 6 per cent; attv. Warner & K, oOl' Bway.. .$2.600 1 WHITE PLAINS RD, e s, m C n Cranford nv. 27.6x100.2; also White Plains rd e sj Lot 28, Map No 1, So Vernon Park; I Geo o Glendeiiing to John O'Brien Realty Co. 3700 Ollnvllle av; June 4;| due as per bond; utty, Title Gunr & T i Co. 176 Bway.$4.350 1 BA1NBRIDGE AV, 3012. e s. 33.6x128.9; Louis Meshkow to Anns R O'Hagan, | 29.16 Balnbndge av. extrx. June 6; 3 yrs. f>'i per cent; atty, J .1 O'Grady, 277 Bwsy . $8.500 ! ST LAWRENCE AV. 1210: Hud will Corpn to Aurjusi C Seebeck, 314 W 103d ?t; Mav 14. X vrs. 6 per (?nt; atty. N Y j Title f.- Mtg Go, I".'. Bw?y .$4',00o ? 1??TH ST, n ?, 21 e Tlebout av 3SxS3 u. ' J4B M Roche to Arrow Holding Corpn urban. Realty Market REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION l REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION I REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION ?SSSSEH^^^^S^^SS. &+*tt+++&i?4'+#*+++ 55^4* W 4- ??-??-^?????^ftt +**+? 3t Nassau St. New York City. As you have noticed, we have been running this series of advertising with portraits of different prominent people. Cut this adver? tisement out. Keep it with the series that has been running. If you are fortunate enough to be the successful buyer of one or more of the lots at the James Gordon Ben uett Estate, absolute auction sale, have your photograph taken, insert it in the circle at the left, and put it away with this series. A full copy of this scries of advertisements will he sent any one upon request. Five years from now you will thank me for In? teresting you lu tills sale through ?iis unique por? trait advertising campaign, and you will feel proud to be tn with the group of prominent people who have been mentioned In connection with this absolute auction sale. Don't misa this opportunity to buy at your own price these 500 lots, each sold separately, located on Broadway, Fort Washington av.. Bennett ??., Pine hurst av.. Northern av., Riverside Drive. Just north of lSlst st., ut the Absolute Auction Sale of the Jumes Gordon Bennett Estate, Tuesday, Jnne 10, at 12 o'clock, in the Exchange Salesroom. 14 Vesey Bt Any one with a little money can own a lot, as the terms are most liberal; ftt>% at 4Vu%. 60% at 6%. 70% at 5%%, may remain on mortgage for three years Savings bank books, also Liberty Bonds at their market value will be taken as deposit at this sale. <;<> visit this property today. Take? any Inter boro Broadway Subway car. Get off at 181st street. Auctioneer, f*i f ? ft j~j Send for looklet. 217 Bway; pr mtg $9,750; June S ; 2 yrs, 6 per cent; atty, J H Zleser, 217 Bway. $4.760 CHARLOTTE ST. 1505, w s 37 6x100; Bernard Niehthauser to Elii Reed. 2171 Bathgate av; pr mtg $18.000; May 31; due June 1, 1925; 6 per cent; atty, j Wilson B &? W, 18 Wall si .$9,000 ! BECK ST, 566-82, s s. ? o o x ? 2 ;,. Bhenk Realty & Constn Co to Liberal Finance I Corpn, 40 \v 27th Ft, pr mtg $340,000; | June 4, installs 6 per cent, attys, Mor- : & S. 320 Bwav .$18.0 10 ' CROTONA AV, e s. 00 s lS7th st. 20x100 A Laraja to Rose Werihelmer, 657 W 16ls! st ; June 5. 3 yrs, 6 p c. alt vs. j Israel S- S, 51 Chambers st. S- 500 i COURTLANDT AV, n e c 149th st. 55x| 100; People's Bis Mark'i, Inc. to Realty i operating Co, 15 Wall st.; pr mtg, $215.- ! 000; June 5; demand 6 p o ; attys, Snow I * S, 15 Wall ft.$4,000 ' JEROME AV, w s. 18 n North. 18x79.11; J. B. Aquaga to N Y Title & Mtg Co. 135 j Bway; June 6; 3 yrB, 5 >? p c; atty. N Y Title &? Mlg Co, 136 Bway.$4,500 SAME PROP, same to Ennis &? Sinnott. I liu . pr mtg, $4.500; June ?; 3 yrs, 6 p c; i atty, same . $ ! BECK ST, 566-82. s s. 2 lot?, each lnovi?-, ; j 2 mtgs, each $40.000; College Holding Co to Benensen Realty Corpn, 140 Nas? sau at; 2 pr mtgs. $.8n,noo each; June 5. installs 6 p c; attys, Elkus G & P. Ill Bway .$;0,00O Recorded Leases Manhattan r/ri-I AV, s w cor 20th st, str floor, LiU'an I Slegman to State Lunch Co, 150 5th av, j from Jan 1. 1919. to April .10, 1923; atty, E s Klausner, 80 Delancey st.$4,625 CANAL ST. 41; T.udlow st. 5-7, all; Wal- | ton I. Clark to Raphael Kelman, 250 i East Bwav. if. yrs from July 1, 1919; atty, V V '?ipiis, 309 Bwav.$6.not, ! FULTON ST, 116, s and b; 114 and 116.' Fulton Si. Inc. to Rector's Catering Co. from Feb 1, 191?. to April 30. 1921;! atty, S X.ipris 50? Bwav , . . . $4.000-$4.5OO ? SAME PROPERTY; Rector's Catering Co ] to E & H Restaurant Co, from June 2. ? 191?. to April 30. 1924; atty, S ?ipris. 309 Bwav .$8,100 to $11.000 I7ROV?: ST. 74, all: Florence H Murphy to Isidor Bllowit, 105 E 10Sth st : lo yrs | from Julv 15, 1919; atty, M Breakstone, . 6027 Tyndle av. Bronx.$2.750 STH ST. 359-61, all, H & J Sehlesslncr to Adolph Slaller. 359 E 8th st : 3 yrs from Mnv 1. 1?1<; attv, N N Lichtblat. b:: Park row .$6.250 READS ST. 144. all; Gertrude C Ludlum et al to Morris Sllberman, 2? B 1st st; 1" yrs from May 1, 1913. address. 16 2d street.$3,600 Satisfied Mechanics' Liens Manhattan ! 71ST ST. 31 W; Kahn Window ! Shade Co, Inc, riRt Parked? Operating Co, Inc, et al; Nov 4. 10 IK .$ 746.00 GOLD ST. S9; John ,T Woods agi ; Nil Surer-- Co et al; May 23, 1919 (bv bond) . 400.00 BROADWAY, 1137-1133; Theo? dor? W Morris & Co agt Wal '. ? i- F Hopper, ft al , Feb 1<>, ! ill? . 1,404.0(1 : SAME PROP; Sachary I Fein l.erR agt same; Fib 15, 1918.. 1,300.00 ' SAME PROP; Broadway, 1237 1239 and 6th av, 503 it 504; Pittsburgh Plate Cla.=s Co agt ?ame; Feh 17, 1916. 325.00 BROADWAY, 1137-1139 and 8th av, 502-504; F?-inbBrg ft Fem herg, Inc. agt same; Feb 17. I 1910 . 1.472.60 SAME PROP; McNulty Bros, Inc. ngt same; Feh 0. 1918. 3,006 7 0 BROADWAY, 1237-1239; Ameil con Malameln Works, Inc, agt same, Feb 1 .' 1 ill 6. 834 00 SAME PROP; Od*rwald Iron Works, Inc. agt sain?1, Feb 17, 1916 . 1,450.00 SAME PROP. Herrmann ft Grace Co agt same, Fib 17. 1916.... 4,535.75 SAME PROP; I-ee Heating Co agt same; Feh 1?. 1916. 2,337.20 - ? ? Satisfied Mortgages Manhattan 73D ST, s s, IM n Madison av. 20x102?; Ethel K ?nderten io N Y Title ft Mort Co, 135 Bway; atty, N T Title & Mort Co, 135 Bway; April 11. 1916.... $32,000 11STH ST. 357-59 W. Marie Schwarz, 871 Tiffany st. Bronx, to Fannie Todd, 8 W 107th st; atty, C V Falliste?-, 233 Bway; May 1, 1015.(6,000 166TK ST, n s. ion ?? Amsterdam av. 25x 95; Joanna McSorley and Alex, her hus band, to Robt .1 McCl?nahan, 79 St Nicholas pi; atty, W V Simpson, 41 Park Row; Dec 28. 1893.?2,600 11! Til ST, s s. 163.4 w Park av. 17 lx ion ?i; Jos Chlesa and uno lo Hudson P Rope Co, 7 W 48t.h st. atty. Lawyers T ft T Co, 160 Bway, Fob 2. 1*17... ?700 61ST ST, ri s. 160 e West End av, 25x100.5; .1 Braun to Adele Kneelsnd, extrx, an?" nno. atty. My L Bogen. 37 Nassau s-. dun* 10, 1905.?5.000 19TH ST. n s. 236 e 1st av 20x92; MU hele Rl;ialdl, 403 E 12th it. to Felice Maldarl, 152 Baxter at; atty. Felice Maldari, 152 Baxter st ; June 1, 1912.?1 600 LENOX AV, 470; Rachel S Alexander to Chas TfK-hanett. fil? W 14?lh st , atty. Hummel ft H. 1571 2d av, June 1, 1913. ?4.000 GR')VE ST. 25: Lawrence & Mamie Davis, Newark. N J. to Bessie Goldberg, attv. C i-i Fenwill. 35 Nassau st ; Julv 15, 1318 .?5,000 -1 Jacobs Brothers Buy Large ?Vlidtown Building I. Randolph and Everett Jacobs have purchased the Braendor Builamg, at 26-?J West Seventeenth Street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues, a twelve story loft building, 93.6x92, from Max N. Natanson. The building has been held at $175,000. This is directly opposite the Susrjii."-* hanna Building, sold by Messrs. Jacobs last week to E. J. Bedell, and is the third purchase made by them on the same street recently. The building was erected in 1906 by the late Philip Braender, and was purchased by Mr. Natanson a few months ago. Harry B. Cutner was the broker in the sal? and Stoddard & Mark represented the purchaser*. Mr. N'atanson being repre? sented by Walter M. Wechsler. ?-? ?, Charles Hyde Rent? His Estate Charles H. Hyde has leased his coun? try estate on Manhasset. Bay, Port Washington, to Walter L Richard. Pell & Tibbeta were tho broker?. PORT CHESTER, N. Y. AUSTIN, KNAPP & WAKEF?ELD COMPANY PUBLIC1 AUCTION On the Premises, To-morrow, Saturday, JUNE 7TH, 1919, AT 2:30 P. M. About eighty let-;, which vary in size from 50x104 to 100x160, In Port Chester'? best residential section in order to close out ull the remaining unsold loti lu this development, ?t lei.s than 50?i of talue. Colonial Rid?c has sewer, water, g oh, electricity and cement sidewalks. AUSTIN, KNAPP & WAKEF?ELD CO. 126 N. Mam St., Port Chester, N. Y. J Telephone 993. REAL ESTATE LONG ISLAND REA!, ESTATE NG ISLAND An extraordinary opportunity is offered city dwellers to own their own homes in the attractive and desirable V/est End section of Long Beach. The climate is ideal?cool in Summer, mild in Winter. You have the Atlantic Ocean at your front door and New York City only forty minutes away by railroad. A refined, comfortable all-the-year-round place to live in. luildmsr Lois ,?^v to $ly? With Titles Guaranteed Sold on easy monthly payments or liberal discount for cash. Water, gas, electricity, sewers and paved streets. Write for full particulars or call in person at property or our New York City offices. ?ungaiows, inc. 130 West 42ncJ St., N. Y. Owner's representative, J. W. P.YCKMAN, on the property at V/est End, Long Beach. Demand for Queens Lots To Be Tested To-day i Strength of the demand for Queens ] lots will bo severely tested to-day by I the sale at auction of 213 lots at Eim- j hurst for the Simonson estate by ii'.2 : Jere Johnson, Jr., Company. The sale j will be held on the property, starting at 2 o'clock. The property has been j held for years by the estate. It is on the town's principal streets and con- I r.ected by trolley service with all parts of Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan. Suite for Dr. Samuel Swift Douglas L. Elliman &. Co., Inc.. | have leased an apartment at 540 Park Avenue, corner Sixty-first Street, to Dr. Samuel Swift; apartments at 108 East Eighty-second Street to Daniel E. Koahland; at 21 West Forty-ninth Street to Miss A. Berg; at 812 Lexing? ton Avenue to Miss A. M. Simonet; 274 Madison Avenue to Mrs. J. G. Berry. Dwellings in Brooklyn Sold The Bulkley & Horton Company ha3 , sold 252 Ninetieth Street, a one family dwelling, on a lot 20x100, for L, Brown. The Meister Builders. Inc., have sold 1672 Eighty-third Street, a one family brick house. F. C. Sauter has sold for the Real Estate Company of Brooklyn to Will? iam McElroy the two story and base? ment dwelling at 238 Seventh Street, Cigar Stores Companies Get Choice Corner Sites Schulte Rent? Propertv a! 6th Av. a:u3 23d St.; Bronx Prop? erty for the United Through Herbert Hecht & Co. the Schu te Cigar S'ores Company h:c '.eased the building at B15 Sixth Ave? nue, at the northwest corner of Forty sixth Street, and the building adjoin? ing at 103 West Forty-sixth Street. The Cro?.- & Brown Company han lease?! to Ruth Be'mon- space at R and 10 West Forty fifth Street; s loft at S Greene Street to the crescent Color Company; the five-story bu.lding at 252 and 254 West Sixty-eighth Street to Healy & Co. for five years for Charles A. Miller; a floor at 606 Fifth Avenue for a term of years to Ben netl Travel Bureau. Inc. William A. White & Sons ana Tanen baum. Strauss & Co. have leased a loft at 158 and 160 Greene Street to Harry A. Wailman, Charles Owen and Arthur Levine; a loft at 6 Reade Street to Aaron Ost and Nathan Granet. The Duross Company has leased tha store and basement at 295 Pearl Street to Block & Co. and the third and fourth lofts to Joshua <" combe & Co.; the store and basement at 53 Grand Street to Strahl Meu] Company.