Newspaper Page Text
1 \ v~ Attractive Investment Offerings OUR Bond Department monthly booklet of Investment Recommenda? tions is now ready. It describes attractive bonds and notes, including issues of: Governments Railroads Municipalities Public Utilities Industrials / Yielding from 3}6<fo t0 7?fo We shall be pleased to send this booklet on request, and to answer your inquiries for additional information regarding sound investment securities. 4 WFTOWN SERVICE TO INVESTORS For the convenience of our uptown custom? ers we maintain at our Fifth Avenue and Madison Avenue Offices completely equipped Bond Departments, adequate to meet your needs in every phase of in? vestment service. Guaranty Trust Company or New York 140 Broadway fifth avenue office madcon avenue office F?d? Aran? ?od 43-d 3*e_t Ma-Saoa. A-r-_oe and 60th Strea* Capital and Surplus - - $50,000,000 Resources more than ? $700,000,000 BUY?SELL PRODUCERS & REFINERS CORPORATION CIRCrW-B ON APPUCATION CARL H. PFORZHEirVSER & CO. DEALEKS IN STANDARD OIL, SECURITIES 25 BROAD STREET TeL Broad 4860-1-2-3-4 NEW YORK We have issued a circular on the ALASKA MINES CORPORATION This circular describes the company's'Properties, Opera? tions and Prospects. Available to investors upon request DAVIS & BAYLISS 60 Broadivay, New York Telephone Rector 8154 U. S. Now Second Maritime Nation Conditions in the shipping world have changed so greatly since the be? ginning of the war that only four out of twenty-eight maritime nations still hold their nre-war positions in rank of tonnage holdings. Most remarkable of all is the show? ing made by the United States, ac? cording to an article on "World Ship? ping in the Melting Pot,' by H. C. Wiltbank, in the current number of "The Rudder," the American grows ton? nage at the beginning of the war standing at 1,076,000 of steam ocean? going snipping, wheras it now amounts to 4,476,000. Before the war the United States held ninth place as an owner of shipping. Now the country ranks sec? ond. To gain this positon the United State spassed Italy, Holand, the Brit? ish colonies, Japan, France, Norway and Germany in turn. America's proportion of the world's trade fleet, which was only 2V_ percent at the beginning of the war, is now i about 11 per cent. Germany, it is stated, has not even the prospect of a position among the ' ten maritime leaders of the world for I years to come. Lumber Trade Active Buyers Are After All Woods at Firm Price? ST. LOUIS, Mo., Juno R.?In its weekly review of lumber trade condi? tions, "Lumber" to-morrow will say: "There are buyers in plenty for all woods; the sellers are becoming scarcer, many mills withdrawing from the market, not alone because they : have no lumber to sell, b_t because far-seeing manufacturers are sincere? ly trying to stabilize the market and put an end \o its evident disposition to 'run wild.' Stocks arc short every- : where, both at mills and in the distri? buting yards and centres. Prices con? tinue to advance wherever and when? ever lumber is sold. "Northern Pine manufacturers have held out against increasing price? longer than any other, their basic list &oi having been changed for several month?. Now comes the announcement of a general increase in the Northern Pin? Hit, to take effect within the week, thus making the price advance vnanimous and the upward tendency continues. Where it will stop remains to be seen, but there i* reason to be? lieve that when manufacturer? reach * basis of profitable operation satis? factory to them the end of rising prices will have been reached. It's itjrUtJy a Mile**? market and it? d?c ft___r is la t_4far i-ta-V* Trust and Surety Comp?hiies Bid. Ask.i Bid. Ask. Alliance .. 65 75j Lincoln T.. 175 185 Am Surety. ?7 70;Manuf'rs_ 160 ? Bank-? .. 430 427 Mer T'& D. 215 ? Bond ?- Mt<? 255 260i M> f ropol. . . 355 86?* Brooklyn... 490 510? Mtg Bond. . 93 98 Cent Union 455 465 M T of W. . 105 125 Columbia... 344 349.Vat Surety. 257 26? Commercial 105 110.N Y L I & T 785 800 Empire T.. 295 805 New York T 605 615 Equitable.. 480 485 X V Title.. 120 fl2.1 Fit! m I. & T. 455 46?; Peoples 290 310 Franklin .. 228 235 Queens Co. . 70 80 Fulton .... 240 200 Realty Asso 85 ? Fidelity ... 220 230; Scand'n ... 820 ? Guaranty.. 412 418 T G AT... 897 40S Hamilton.. 255 265 i Transat ... 170 180 Hudson T.. 130 140 l'n States.. 900 930 tlrvlng T. . 190 200?J S M & T.. 445 450 Kings Co.. 630 650 T.; S T Guar. 60 ? Lawyers M 130 135 Westch'ter. 180 140 Lawyers T. 140 145 W&B T&M. 185 176 ?Includes one-half share, Irving Trust. ?tSee Irving National Bank. ?Kx rights. Course of the Bond Market ims graph iiows the aver age prices of ten railroad, ten industrial and five public utility nonas on the first business day of each month from January, 1915, to December, 1918, and the weekly fluctuations since January 1, 1919. Government and Municipal Bonds Week's ,-1919?-, Sales (000 omitted). close. High. Low. 2560 U S L iberty 3V_s. . 99.BO 99.80 98.20 373 do 1st 4s. 95.60 96.00 92.50 1682 do 2d 4s. 94.38 96.00 92.10 538 do 4'4s. 95.90 96.64 94.20 4360 do 2d 4 V?s.94.74 95.36 93.20 8014 do 3d 4V*s .95.54 96.50 94.90 12500 do 4th 4V?s.94.94 95.72 93.12 10316 do Victory 4%s.. 100.00 100.02 99.98 715 do 3%s .100.02 100.20 99.98 1 do 2d 4V4a 1932.. 99.76 99.76 93.38 4 U S coup 1925.106' s 106/4 104% 7 do Panama 3s coup BOA. 91 87'/_ 130 Am For Gov Sec 5s.. 991? 100 99ft 927 Anglo-French 5-yr 6s 99% 99% 96% 3 Argentine Gov 5?. .. . 86% 93 82% 10 Chinese Gov Ry 5s... 71 72% 70 lu _nineso uov ny os. .. 1 \ ??/a 157 City of Bordeaux 6s.. 99% 10214 99 City of Lyons 6s.99% 102% Cil ni*.. ~e 1-1 n __n?Tl__ C ?QS7 -fAoiA 99 99 91 City of Marseilles 6s. 89% 102t_ 99 riiwoy? 34 Dom of Can 5b 1921.. 98% 99 109 City of Paris 6s.97% 100'% 96'/= 98% 96% 98 B6( ?; 39 do 5s 1926.98? 62 do 5s 1931 . 97% 98" 96{'s 8 Imp Jap 1st scr 4 Via. 91% 92% 86% 10 do 2d ser 4V_s.92 93 86% 20 do 2d-4V_3 Ger etp. 87% 89" 84 2 Rep of Cuba 5a 1904. 99% 100 92% 11 do 6s 1914. 92 93(/2 90% . 5 do 4V_8 . 83% 85 82 113 UK of GB&I 5VzS '19.100 101 99/* 475 do 6Vis 1921.99 99'/? 97*% 126 do 6 Vis 1937.99% 10134 98% 1 U S of Mexico 5s-66/4 79% 61 1 do 4s ..53 61 60 1 N Y C 4Vis '57 May.102% 102% 100% 2 do 4'_s 1957 Nov. .102% 102% 100% 1 do 4 Vis 1963.102'/4 102% 100 26 do 4Vas 1965.102% 102% 100% 19 do 4Vis 1960.97/? 97% 96 5 do 4V4a 1964.97% 98 96 I 2 do 4s 1955 reg.92% 92% 9014 6 do 4s 1959. 92(/_ 92% 90% State Bonds 1 N Y State 4s 1958... 98"/_ 98% 98% 15 Va df 6s Br Bra ctfs 66 74?4, 63 Railway, Industrial and Miscel? laneous Issues 1 Adams Exp col tr 4s.. 65% 67% 59 4 Alabama Midland 5s.. 98% 98% 96'.4 I Albany & Susq 3V_s. ? 77 79% 73% 17 Amer Ag Ch 1st cvt 5s-.99'/8 102% 98 49 do deb 5s .110 112% 100 11 Amer Cotton Oil 5s... 89% 89% 87 15 Amer Hide & Leath 6s. 100 101 99% 28 Amer Smelting 5s_90% 93 89'/-. i 20 Amer Tel & T col tr 4s 84% 85/2 83% I 16 do cvt 4 Vis . 91 91 85% ; 216 do cvt 6s .103% 104% 100% | 66 do col 5s . 92/s 94 90 12 Amcr Wr Paper 5s ctfs 90 90/2 84 1 Ann Arbor 4:< .55'/_ 58 54% < 52 A T & S F cvt 5s 1917 88% 88% 86 83 do gen 4s . 82% 85/2 81% 1 do adj 4s . 76 80% 74% 3 do ndj 4s stamped... 76% 78% 74 1 do cvt 4s 1955. 76% 77 74 54 do cvt 4s 1960.101% 102% 93% 1 Atlanta & Rirm 4s_ 77 80 74 6 Atl & Danville 1st 4s.. 74 74 74 6 Atl Coast L 1st con 4s 82 89'/8 80% 8 do unified 4V_s . 833/4 87 82 II do L & U col tr 4s.. 77 78/3 73% 47 Bait & Ohio rfg 5s- 793/4 82/2 763/4 116 do cvt 4Vis . 791/2 80 73 22 do gold 4s . 76?/2 C2/2 75 22 do prior lien 3Vis_ 89% 89% 88 4 do 3V48 Southw div. 84/a 86% 83 1 Beth Stoel 1st ext 5s.. 96 96'/a 95/2 16 do rfg 5s . 89% 90 87 147 do p m 5s. 88% 89 80 19 Braden Copper 6s _ 96% 92 92/2 3 Bway & 7th Av con 5s 70 85 63 12 Brooklyn Rap Tran Ts. 84 84% 73 11 do 7s ctfs. 78% 78/2 78% 6 do 5s . 65% 76 62 5 do 4s . 45 53 43 2 Bklyn Union El 1st 5s. 79 79% 72 2 do 1st 5s stpd. 78 79'-'s 713/4 4 Buff Roch & Pitts 4 Vis 83 88% 87/2 1 Bush Terminal 5s- 80% 85% 80 1 Cal Gas <_ Elec 5s- 93% 96% 92% 1 Cen Dist Telegraph 5s. 98 98 96 10 Cen Foundry s f 6s... 30 82 78 10 Cen of Ga Ry con 6s.. 91% 93% 89 10 do_xon 6s reg.106 1C6 106 9 Cen Leather gon 5s- 97/2 97% 95% 4 Cen Pa:ific gtd 4s_ 30% 83 73 8 do gtd 3 Vis . 83% 85% 82% 3 Con R R of N J 5s_103 105 102 1 do 5s reg .101% 101% 100% 5 Ches & Ohio con 5s.. 93 99% 97% 622 do cvt 5s . 91 91% 84% 28 do gen 414s . 80% 83% 77 78 do cvt 4 Vis . 84% 85% 78 2 Chicago & Alton 3s... 523,4 53 50 17 do 3V4.8. 38 40 35% 8C B & Q gen 4s. 82% 83% 80 16 do 4s, 111 Div. 84% 85% 82% 2. do 3Vis, 111 Div_ 75% 76% 73% 10 do ext 4s, Neb Div.. 93% 93% 91% 327 do joint 4s. 96% 96% 95% 20 C & E I ref & imp is. 35 35% 25 in do rfg 4s, Tr Co ctfs. 34 37% 22 23 C Gt West 4s. 62 63% 59 7C I & L 1st rfg R?.. 101% 103 100% 3 C & N W deb 5s 1921. . 98% 98% 98 60 do gen 5s .100 100% 98'% 3 do gen 4s . 82% 83% 81 Week'i ,-1919-, Sales (000 omitted}, ?lose. High. Low. 64 C M & St P cv 5s B. 79% 81 Va 74% 10 do gen 4'/2 s . 82 84% 80 81 do cv 4?4b . 78*4 81 ?/o 75 19 do rfg 4MiS . 71 74% 68 20 do 4s 1925. 84% 85 81 Vz 4 do deb 4s 1934.71(4 73% 70% 2 do r.s C & L & L Div. 98% 98% 98% 15 Chicago Rys Co 5s.. 77 81 71<4 2 C R I A P Ry gn 4s.. 75 79('a 74 28 do rfg 4s . 73% 75 68^2 2 C St P M & O con 6s. .107 107 105 12 Chi Un Sta 4V-9 ser A. 85*4 89 85 2 Chi & W Ind fis.104% 104'4 102% 1 do 4b .... 64% 65 61 51 Chile Cop cv 7s.120 120% 103% 170 do col tr 6s. 92% 93U. 81% 28 ?o 6s rets pt paid.. 52?4 93 -g 82% 10-C O 0 A St Ij deb 4 'fcs 80% 801? 76 10 do gen 4s. 71 72% 67% 2 do 4s O W A M Div. 70 70 67% 2 Colo F A I gen 5s-91 91 88 7 Colo Industrial 6s.... 79'/2 79', 73% 2 Colo A South 1st 43.. 86 89% 89 fl do rfg 4 i4_s ,. 801/4 80</4 77(/4 6 Col Gas A Elee 5s... 89 89 82 20 Comp-Tab Itee 6s.... 84% 85 82 186 Cons Gas cv 6s.103 104% 100 1 Corn Prods s t 5s 1934.100 100% 99% 33 Del A Kud cv 5s. 93 95% 90% 1 do equip 4', ?9 . 97 97 96 3 do rfg 4s . 84% 85'% 83% 43 D A R G rfg 5s. 57(5 59 45 28 do con 4s ..,. 74 75% 66?/? ? Detroit City Gas 5s.. 96?,-2 96% 96*4 1 Detroit Ed Co rfg 5s 40 93% 94 93 3 Det Un Ry 4%s- 77 81% 71 10 Dist Sees Corp 5s- 92% 92% 89% SDuPont de N Pow 4'/2s. 94 94 92% 8 Erie prior lien 4s.... 68 70% 65 83 do gen lien 4s. 56' a 57(/a 62''? 13 do conv 4s ser A... 50% 52 461/2 34 do -conv 43 ser B.. 51 52 46 65 do conv 4s ser D.. 62% 5?i 48 lErle-Penna col tr Is.. 82 62 77% lFla E Const 4',6s-83 85 81 10 Gen Elee deb 5s. 681/3 101 97% 5 Gt Northern 4Us _ 86% 89 85 127 G Bay A W deb B... 13% 14% 6% 7 Hock Vny 1st con 4?%s 79% 83 77 150 Hud & Man rfs 5a A. 62(4, 65 54% 213 do ad inc 6s . 19 19(4 14 1 I C A 0 St LNO jt 5s A 90% 94% 82'? 4 do ref 4s . 81% 84% 78% 0 do 4s 1953 . 7CC4 77% 73 3 Illinois Steel deb 4 14s.. 85% 86 82/4 26 Indiana Steel 5s. 93 98% 93 440 Inr.erboro-Met 4Vis. 41% 43% 27% 40 du 4V.S ctfs. 40 40' 4 30 481 Inter Rap Tr ref 5s... 75% 75'/a 65 17 Inter Agricultural 6a.. 82% 83 76% 1027 fnt Mer Mar s f 6s. . .100% 105% 97 2 Int Paper cvt 5a. 98 98 98 32 Iowa Central rfg is... 48'/3 43% "2 2 Kan A Mich 2d 4s.88% 91 88 8 K C Ft S A M 4b. 7I 76',?', 65'/8 8 Kan Cily So 1st 3b-60'/8 64% 60 12 do 5s. 86% 88% 81% 4 Kan City Term 1st 4s. 80% 81 76 26 Lack Steel 6s 1923- 96% 983/4 96 33 do 5b 1950*. 96% 97 86 1 L K it W 1st fis. 88% 90 88 ?, L S A M So gen 3V2B. . 74 74 71% 2 do deb 4s 1928. 89% 90 861/5 3 do deb 4b 1931. 87 89'/, 86 37 Lehlgh Valley Ob.102'/4 102% 101% 4 Lehigh Val Term 5?. ...100 100% 93(4 8 Liggett A Myers 7?.... 114% 114% 111 29 do 5s. 94(/2 95 90 8 Long Island deb 5b 1937 76 84 74% ? 2 Lung Island gen 4s- 79 80 78(4 i 2 do ref 4s. 77 78 75 2 Lorillard Co 7s.113 113'/21C9%i 2 do 5s. 93% 931/0 83% i 7 Lou A Naoh unified 4s. . ?3 88% 83% ! I do SANA con 5s 1936 96'/2 96'-2 92% 5 do So Ky Mon jt. 'Is. .72 73 71 5 do 4Vis L C & L div. S3'/2 93% 93'/a 6 Manhauun Ry can 4s.. 71 72% 65'/2 4 do 4s tax exempt. ... 70 7'% 69 5 Mich Cent deb-Is 1929. . 84 85 82 109 Midvale Steel cvt 5b_ 90'4 C0% 86 9 Minn A St L con 5s.. 77% 78?4 76 5 do rfg A ext 5b. 46'/2 4(5% 14 6 do 1st rfg 4s. 49 49 41% 10 M StPAS S M 1st con 4s 85% 69 83% 1 do Chic Term In. 03% 94t 2 92 S MK&T s f 4Vj8 TCo ctfs 31(4 31% 27 10 do 2d 1 h. 35(/2 37-?/a 29 ?1 do 2d 4s Tr Co ctfs. 36 36 28% 5 Mo Taclllc rfg fia 1923. . 94!? 94% 91 '4 4 du rfg 5s 1926. 91 % 92 88% 2 do 6s 1965. 87 87% 83% 343 do gen 4?. 63 63% 6734 16 Mont Pwr Co 5s ser A. 92% 95 91 23 Morris & Co 1st 41/38.. 87 88% 87?/2 2 N C & St L con 5a_ 99 10-0 38% 2 Nassau Electric 4s. 63 (54% 50 15 Nat. En cm & S'-Tnp fis. . S3 9? 93 3 New Oricans Term 4c. 67% 68% 68% 3 N O T & Mex 6b ser A 95 97% 94 139 -do inc 5s. 59?/s 62(4 50 40? N V C A II R deb 6b. .100'/3 103% 9* .'I do rfg & imp 4'.??s... 85 86 81 24 do dob 4s 1934. 84% S6 81% 34 do rfg 3M..S. 71% 73 70 II do L Sh col tr 3M?s.. 67% 68 64% M0 do Mich C col tr 3^8. 67% 70 65 12 N Y C A St L 1st 4s. . 84 84 80 20 do deb 4s. 74?/, 75 71 4 N Y Conn Itwys 4 V?s. . 85% 863/4 84 13 N Y G K L H & P col 5s 92% 94 91 6 d? Pur m 4s. 74 74 69 1 N Y L & W 1st 6s_100% 100% 100% 1 do Term A Imp 4s.. 95 P5 92' ', 13 NY N H&H cvt 6s 1948 83 88 80 I do dob 3'?b 1954_ 50 52 50 57 N Y Rways rfg 4s. 46 46 39 ISO do adj 5s . 15% 16'.', 10'', 164 do adj fis ctfa. 15% 16% 11% 29 N Y Telep gen 4 Us... 89 91% 87% 8 N Y W A. Bn 4>^s. 52% 54 42% 8 Norfolk So 5s ser A... 66 69' A 67% 28? Norf-'A W cvt ?s.109 110% 105'/*; 50 do con "Is. 8?' 4 SO'/-. 81 3? Nor P;i<- prior lien 4s. .. 82% C6 ' 53% 29 do gen 3s . 59% 61% 58% 6 Nor States Pwr 1st 5s. 89% 91 ' 87% 10 Oregon A Cal 1st 5s... 99 99% 96 Week's ,-1919-n Sales (000 omitted). slose. High. Low. 8 Ore Ry A Nav con 4s.. 82 85% 773/i 5 Oregon S L 1st 6s.101% 101% 100% do rfg 4s . 863,4 4 Ore W R R & N 4s.... 77 15 Pac Gas & Elec 6s.86% 1 Pac Teleg A Tel 53, .. . 91% 3 Penn R R con 4 Vis. .. . 95% 42 do gen 4 Vis.i 87% 14 do gtd 4',.8 1921.97% 122 do con 5s 1968. 95% 1 do 4s 1943 . 88 3 Peo Gas & C of C 5s... 75 79% 88 95% 86f% 89% 98% 97% 88 77% 3 Peor?a & E 1st 4s. 60% 60% 20 do Inc 4s .30 30 16 Tere Marquette gtd 5s.. 89 90 10 do rfg 4s ...71 72/4 20Phila Co deb 5s 1922.. 93% 94 11 Pierce OH Gs 1920.127% 145 113 do 6s 1924 .107 112/4 G Pocnhontas Coll 5s.88 90 4 Prov Sec Corp deb 4s. . 40 40 13 Public Serv of N J 5s. 77 80 39 Reading gen 4s .8314. 86% 82? 8 Pep I & S col 5s 1940. 95% 96/4 92V 84% 75'% 85% 9014 93/? ? 94 86% 73 50 12 83% 68/S 91 100 80 87% 40 78 69 71 69 73% 73% 63% 101 102 100 102 101 10O3/4 70% 72 67 63 64 60 82% 77 VI 64 81 77% 63% 77 72'/i 59 1, ?t a I' p 1 ?S 8 i\ . O _ '/? Dt o? do 5s ser B.76% 79% 73ft lo adj (is . 69% 71 63 Jo inc. 6s .64 58 40% 68% 1 Richmond A Meek 4s. 17 Rio Gr A W 1st 4s.... 42 Roch & Pitts con 6s. . J do 1st 6s . 7 R I Ark & L 4V_s 1 St Jo & Gr I 1st 4s... 25 St L I M A S rfg 4s.. 6 do 4s R A G div_ 150 St L & S F p 1 4s s A 73 do 96 d. 547 do 4 St Louis Sv.*n Term 6s.. 63% 64% 8 do 1st 4s . 72 74 10 do con 4s. 65 65% 5 StP A KC Short L 4 Vas 69% 71 3 StP MAM 5s, Mon 0 d 98% 89% 1 StP A Nor Pac 6s.103% 103% 11 San A A Ar P 1st 4s, . 67 68 3 Seaboard A L gold 4s. . 72 72 23 do ndj 5s. 62 53'% 6 do 4s stamped. 72% 74 15 do rfg 4s..... 68% 60 80 Sinclair Oil a*f 7s.100 100 4 do with stk wrnts.,. .160 6 So Pell Tel A Tel 5s... 92 84 t Southern Pacific cvt 6s. 112 2979 do cvt 4b. 86 12 do col tr 4s. 75V 98 do rfg 4s. 81 C do San Fr Term 4s.. 77' 30 Southern Ry? con 6s. ;. 134 do gen 4s. 2 do 4s M A O div... 1 do 4s St L div. 2 Tenn C I A RR gen 5s 93 3 Tenn Copper 6s. 96 1 Ter RR A of St L con 5s 93 27 Texas Company cvt 6s. 102'% 103 4 Texas A Pac 1st 5s_ 91% 92 87/^ 1 2 Third Av rfg 4s. 67 68*4 50 25 do adj fis. 41 42% 25 6 TSt L A W 50-yr 4b '50 55 66 45 23 Union Pacific 1st 4s .\ . 86% 89% 84% 30 do 6s.103 106 102% 20 do cvt 4s. 88% 89% 85% 63 do rfg 4s. 81 83% 79 5 United Fuel Gas 6s_96% 98 95 162% 93% 116 88 5% 77 VA 83% '% 803/1 </. flftsZ 94w 68% 68% 74 98=, 69 683,4 68% ?6 67% 66'% 93 102 04/ 70'/ 47 70 67 85 88% 80 100 n% 79% 82% 66 64 74% 70% 93 98 98% 91%, 91 93 101% T?A l60UnRRof SF 4s TrCo ct 33% 34% 22 1 Un Ry In 1st " -. 1 Un Rys of St 1 Un Ry In 1st f>n Pitts I 70(/4 70% 70'% L 4s_ 60% 62% 48/4 22 U S Realty A Imp 5s.. 763/4 77!/_ 60 2? U S Rubber 7s.103% 104 10234 145 do 5s . 89% 89% 85% 22 U S Smelt RAM Gs..104% 105% 97% 160 U S Steel s f 5s.100 101% 99% 1 Utah & Northern 5s... 98 98 90 25 Utah Pwr & Lt 5s_ 90 90 38 5 Va Car Ch cvt deb 6s. .101% 102'% 100'/4 1 doss . 97% 97% 95'% 2 Va Midland eren 5s_ 90% 96% 96 5 do SsJier ?. 03% 93% 93% 12 Virginian Ry 5s. 92% 94% 89% 9 Wabash 1st 5s. 96 9S% 933/8 4 do 2d 5s. 871/4 89 83 5 Western Electric 5s_ 97% 99% 97 10 Western Maryland 4b.. 61% 63 57% lOWt-atern Pacific 5s. 84% 86% 81% 2 West Union re eat 4 Vis 80% 87% 86 2 West Shore 4s. 79% 81% 75 1 do 4? reg. 76 78 74 151 Wilson Co Gs.100% 101% 963,4 1 Winston S Sthbd 4s... 76 77 75 2 Wisconsin Centl gen 4s 77 80 76 2 do 4s Sup A D div... 76 77 7234 )27 Wilson Co cvt 6s.103% 104% 993,4 .NEW YORK BANK STOC Bid. Ask America Ulantlc .. . \m Exch . . latti ry . . . 3owery . . . ?ryant P . . ?'way C. . . >ronx N't . lutch & D.. 'hase . ."at & V . .. 'h* is u a Ex . 'hemlcal . . :itz Nat . .. 'l'y . 'oal & Iron. ommerce. ?olonlal . .. 'ontlnental. 'olunibla 'orn Ex ... osmop'l't'n 'orn mer'1 E om'nw'ltn. uha . ?ast HIvor. 'tfth Nnf. . Ifth Ave. trat Nat .. 'or'n T'r B. 610 1"?o 255 200 420 151) 140 ino 27 490 410 115 515 310 440 230 247 350 107 163 378 I 10 390 220 178 148 200 I0!K) 1010 127 ? ?arfleld .. l80!Gotham * ?4 Greenwich 212[Harrlman . ?I Hanover .. 1WI Im & Trad . . 150 Irving Nat. lflOlLiberty _ 85|Lin<-o'n . . . 500; M'nh't Co. . 120 Mech & M. . Metrop'l'n. . Mutual" Merchants. . New Neth's. INBA.. N Y Co_ Park . Pacific . Produce Ex. Public . ?eaboard . . Second .. . . jtate . ISS!'.''!.! Ward. . ? U States ... 220 fJnlon V.x . . iimolwash Hts. . --lYorkvlllc. . . 1321 125 ?mo 22B 255 KS Bid. Ask. I 192 20?! 200 220 .376 ? ! 340 360 776 7901 500 580 345 ? 635 675 I ? 299 210 220 385 395 180 ? 200 210 1 430 450I 140 145 700 723 135 350 240 520 305 415 132% ? 130 140 100 170 190 ? 350 ? 310 310 >00 Bourse Closed To-day PARIS, June 7. -The Bourse will he losed on Monday on account of it eing a holiday. Price Trend on the New York Stock Market The graph ?hove ?how? average price of twenty railroad stocks in one line and thirty industrial stocks in the other on the first business day of each month from January, 1915, to December, 1918, and the weekly high, low and closing average prices *Js_ce January 1? 1919. $4,600,000 The Northern Ohio Traction & light Co. Seven Year 6% Secured Gold Bonds Dated June 1, 1919 Dee June 1,1926 Interest payable June 1 and December 1 in New York -without deduction for normal Federal income taxes op to. 2%. Coupon bonds in denominations of $1,000, i $500 and $100. Redeemable as a whole or in part at 101% of face jjgt, valne and accrued interest at 30 days' notice. N /??trance authorised by The Publie Utilities CommUHon mi Ohio The Northern Ohio Traction & Light Company famishes power to one of the most highly developed, important, and growing industrial district?. It furnishes light to thousands of homes, ?business house? and factories? It furnishes banspoftatioa to cities and rural districts m northern Ohio, with a population of over 1,200,000. This issue will be secured by the pledge of $5,750,000 of the Com? pany's First Lien and Refunding Mortgage 5% Gold Bonds. The net earnings of the Company are nearly two and one-half times annual bond interest charges and it pays drvid?ends on $14,533,090 outstanding capital stock. w We offer these bonds if, as, and when issued and received by us at 96 and interest, to yield about 6%%. Complete circular upon request Delivery of bonds in definitive form is expected about June 19 The National City Company ^T Main Office?National City Bank Building. Uptown Office?Fifth Ave. and 43rd St. Correspondent Offices in SO Cities. The ?.bov? statements ?and statistics are derived from official sources or those which vie regard as reliable. AVe do not guarantee but believe them to be correct. Consolidated Exchange i_________ [Unit of trade on this exchange, 10 shares] Following table gives total transactions for the week ended June 7, with the high, low and closing prices: Sales. High. Low. Last. 180 Ajax Rubber . 94'% 90% 94 300 Alaska Gold Mines... 3% 3% 3'% 300 Alaska Juneau . 2% 2% 2% 1760 AlliB-Chalmers Mfg..46 43 44% 120 Am Agr Chemical. . .112/4 111% 111% *-*250 Am Beet Sugar. 90 83'/2 88% 7105 American Can . 60 57 59% 8<J0 Am Car A Foundry..109 103 106% 1170 Am Cotton Oil.63% 57% 63% 40 Am Druggists Synd.. 13% 12% 13'% 2050 Am Hide A Leather. 38^8 35 35% 1930 do pf .128% 122% 12C% 5430 American Ice .763/4 61% 74 100 do pf .74% 74% 74% G280 Am International .. .114% 105% 114/8 450 American Linseed ... 73% 663/4 73 2260 Am Locomotive. 87% 82 85 460 American Malting . .. 3% 2% 2% 4910 Am Smelting A Ref. 84i-"2 80% 83% 740 Am Steel Foundries. 39% 36 38% 1090 Am Sugar Ref.139 13014 137'% 1460 Am Sumatra Tob. . ..110% 106% 109 160 do rights . 5% 3% 434 445 Am Tclep A Teleg. ..103'% 106 107/4 4180 American Woolen.... 132 104% 117/4 400 Am Writ Paper pf... 50'% 45% 50/4 2290 Am Zinc L A S. 22% 18% 22% 10425 Anaconda Copper.... 72% 69% 72% 110 Associated Dry Goods 55% 55% 55% 615 Atch Top ASF_102% IOO/4 101% 1110 Atl Gulf A W 1.188% 162 188% 17690 Baldwin Loco.107% 101% 103% 815 Bait A Ohio .54% 53% 54 10 Barrett Co .135% 135% 135/, 78-?O Beth Stocl Class B. .. 87 81% 85'/J 425 Booth Fisheries _22% 21% 21% 4805 Brooklyn Rap Tr_ 32 27 32 440 Butte Copper A Z... 13% 12% 13% 2725 Butte A Superior-31% 27% 30% 820 Caddo Oil . 52% 49'% 51 220 California Packing... 70% 68 70% 3740 Calif Petroleum _36'% 31% 35% 40 do pf . 82 81 82 100 Canadian Pacific_164% 163% 164'% 8435 Central Leather .109% 96% 107% 610 Cerro de Pasco Cop.. 48% 45% 48 340 Ches A Ohio. 68% 66% 67% 50 Chic Gt West pref. . . 28/4 28'% 28/4 1260 Chic Mil A St P-47% 45 46 110 do preferred. 72% 71% 72% 470 C R I & Pac. 31% 29% 30% 3275 Chile Copper. 26 24% 253,4 730 Chino Copper. 43% 40 43 3300 Col Fuel & Iron. 52'% 48% 50% 140 Col Gas A Blec. 55% 53% 54'% 10 Consol Gas.100% 1003,4 1003/4 320 Com; Can.101 91% 101 2340 Corn Prod Ref. 68/4 64% G7% 6305 Crucible Steel. 97% 86% 94'% 3185 Cuba Cane Sugar_ 37 34'% 35% 100 Denv & R Gr pref... 10% 10% 10% 2615 Erie . 20 18% 19% 470 do 1st preferred... 32'% 29% 30% 540 Gaston Wm A Wig.. 36% 34% 35% 530 General Cigar. 84% 79% 83 -, ?-._^,i-ij ?. 11/4 tTo-va 4785 Goodrich (B F) Co.. 873/4 77% 83% 281 Great Northern pref. 99'% 9734 98JA 1290 do ctfs for ore prop 48% 45% 48 10 Greene Can Cop.42% 42% 42*4 2,*)10 Inspiration Copper.. ?60 56% 59% 1740 Jnterboro Consol. 9'/a 734 8% 1720 do preferred. 30% 28 29% 30 Inter Aerieult. 27 26% 27 10420 Int. Mer Marin*. 50% 413/4 50% 3870 do preferred.124*4 119 121% 1755 Inter Nickel. 28% 27% 28% 24SO Inter Paper. 62% 56% 62 170 Kansas City So.24% 22% 22!A 80 Kelly-SprinKf Tire. ..129% 123% 125'/2 l'?i'O Kennecott Copper ... 33% 35% 39 102" Keyrftone Tiro .100% 92 93% 320 Larkawanna Steel . . 88 84% 87% 8L'0 Lee Rubber & Tire.. 37% 33% 35% 500 Lehijrh Valley . 59% 54% 55% 3i'30 Maxwell Motors .58 51% 54% 31 "60 Mexican Petroleum. .20534 188% 191% 360 Miami Copper .28 27 28 3160 M id vale Steel . 53% 61% 62% 30 Mo Kan & Texas- 9% 9% 93,4 20 do pf . 19% 19% 19% 8985 Missouri Pacific .34(/4 31% 33% 1450 Nati Conduit <t C... 22 20% 21% 370 Nati Enamel & Stpgr. 88% 70% 87 62?) National Lead . 84% 7934 84% 145 Nevada Con Copper.. 18% 13 18% 150 N Y Air Bruke.122% 122% 122% 1035 N Y Central .84 81% 82% 1253 NYNH&H. 34% 31% 33% 50 N Y Ont & W.22% 22% 22% 20 Norfolk & Western. .103% 103% 108% 62 Northern Pacific .... 99% 98% 99% 16337 Ohio Cities Gas. 60'% 54?4 W/s 260 Ontario Mining . 8% 8% 8% 12585 Okla Prod & Ref- 12 11 IVA 260 Pacific Mail . 41% 37% 4114 13040 Pan-Am Pet & Jr...104 96% 101%* 508 Pennsylvania R R... 48 47 47?? 80 People's Gns. Chic... 55% 51% 54 50 P?re Marquette .23% 23% 23'/4 170 Philadelphia Co. 40% 39% 40 12810 Pierce-Arrow .66% 60 64 2635 Pierce Oil. 20% 25% 25'/ 600 Pittaburfrh Coal. 66 63 65 2770 Pitt* & West' Va-43% 38% 43'-; 190 Pressed Steel Car... 88 82 86^, 220 Railway,Steel Spring. 95% 91% 93l< 236 Ray Consol Copper.. 23% 22% 23'/ 18355 Readin? . 93% 87% 91* 520 Rep Iron & Steel- 91% 88% 90?/ 80 Royal Dutch Am-116'% 113% 114 6S10 do New York.118 112 114'/ 770 St L & S F.23%' 21 23?/ Il50 Saxon Motor. 14 11 123/ 12385 Sinclair Oll Ref. 68% 64% 681/ '.'710 Southern Pacifie.115% 109% 11 ?-I 1610 Southern Ry. 32'% 30% 3*4 13310 Studebaker .124 107 116? 1070 Stutz Motor. 72% 67% 72'/ 219." Tenn Cop & Chem.. . 15% 14% 150 90 Tcxss Co.281% 275% 281*1 9310 Taxa? & Pacific. 56 51% 64 190 Third Avenue. 24% 22% 241 6125 Tobacco Prod.106 95% 103? 585 Union Pacific.136% 133'A 135 2805 Un Cl*ar Stores ....141% 132% 1401 10 On RVy la-m*..... la? W3& 1? Brandon, Gordon & Waddell 89 Liberty Street Ground Floor, Singer Building Telephone 3183 Cortlandt We announce the formation of-the above partnership for the purpose of dealing in Municipal Bonds MR. BRANDON has been associated with Messrs. Spitzer, Rorick & Company for nearly twenty years, the past ten as Manager of their New York office. MR. GORDON lias just returned from Overseas service, prior to which time he was for a nunjber of years the New England representative of Messrs. Spitzer, Rorick & Company. MR. WADDELL has been for the past ten years the New York State representative of Messrs. Spitzer, Rorick & Company. We are prepared to render every service consistent with conservative investment banking business. New York City, JOHN ROBERT BRANDON, June 9, 1919 axkxandkr ?-o^don. DONALD \V. WADDELL. __!e_ HlgY Low. Last. 160 U S C I P A F. 28% 28 28% 4310 U S Food Prod. 79% 75 78% 2750 U S Ind Alcohol.. .165% 156 160% SS15 U S Rubber.120% 110% 118% 171180 U S Steel.112 106% 110% 2440 Utah Copper. 85% 80% 83% 230Va-Car Chemical_ 80 73% 78% 40Wabash . 11% 11% 11% 50 do preferred A_ 35% 35% 35% 35'Western Maryland... 13 12% 13 4490Westingh E & M_583/4 563^ 58 1 40 White Motors. 62% 60% 61 % 790 Wilson A Co. 98% 90% 9G3,4 9560 Willys-Overland . 40% 37 38% 220 Worthing?? Pump.. 86 79 86 LIBERTY BONOS $1000 Liberty 3d 4%s... 95.52 95.52 95.52 100 do 4th 4%s. 95.00 95.00 95.00 Short Term Notes Security, rate arrd maturity. Bid. Ask. Tl^H. Am Bch MgCorp 7s. 1D21-22.100% J01V? 6.i? Amer Cotton Oil. 7s 1 31 A 1110V, 10ft&? 4 ?ft .amer cotton Uli, 6s. 1D19.. 99% 100 5.00 Amer Tel & Tel 6s. 1024..100 100% 5.90 American Thread Ss. 192S . . 101% 102% 5.05 American Tobacco 7s, 1919. 100% 100% 6.26 American Tobacco 7s, 1020.101% 102% 6.45 American Tobacco 7s, 1021 .102V? 102% 570 American Tobacco 7s, 1022 .103% 103% 5.80 American Tobacco 7s, 1 923 .103% 104% 5 95 Anaconda Copper fis. 1929.. ?9% 100 6.00 Armour 6s. 1910.102 10>% - Armour 6s. 1020.10'i 102% - Armour 6s, 1921.102 103 - Armour fis, 1922.10* 103 - Armour 6s. 1923.102% 103% - Armour 6s. 1024.102% 103% - Bait & Ohio R R 5s. 1919... ?9% 90% 680 Beth Steel Corp 7s, 1919... 100 100% 5.50 Beth Steel Corp 7?, 1320... 101 101% 5 55 Beth Steel Corp 7b. 1 021 . . . 101% 101% 0.00 Both Steel Corp 7s. 1922... 102% 102% 6.00 Beth Steel Corp 7s. 1 92.3 ... 102% 102% 0.20 Canadian Pac R R fis, 1924.101 101% 5.70 Cerr Argentine Rv 6s. 1927. 92 08 7.15 Cen of Georgia Ry 6s. 1029. 98% 09% 0.10 Chi, Bur & Qulncy 4s, 1021. 00 00% 6.10 Ch. R I & Pac Ry 6s. 1922. 98% 99% 0.30 Chi Pneu Tool 6s. 1929... 99 100 6.00 Chi Pneu Tool 6s, 1921... 99 100 0.20 Chi Pneu Tool 6s. 1922... ?8% 99 6.50 Chi Pneu Tool 6s, 1923... 97% 9?H 6.40 Cons Gas & P of B 7s. 1922.100% 101% 0.50 Cuban Amer Sugar 6s, 1920. 99% 100% 5.40 Cuban Amer Sugar 6s, 1921. 99% 100% 5.75 Oudahv Pack's Co 7s, 192.3.102% 102% 0.20 Del & Hud R R 6s. 1920.. 99% 90% 5.50 Duqu-sne Light 6s, 1921.. 99% 100% 5,85 1><1 Sugar R.-f 5s. 1920... i)R% 90% 6.00 Ornerai Electric 6s. 1 019 .. 100% 100% 5.25 ' General Electric fis, .1920. Groat North Rv 5s. 1920. Hocking Val R R fin. 102?. Interhorough R Tr 7s, 1921. 90 91 Kansas City Tor fis. 1 92.3 .. 100% 101 5.70! Lnclede Gas I.fght 7s. 191.3.100V* 100% ??5' r.lg & Myer? Tob 6s. 1921.. 100% 100% 5.75 N T Central R R r.s, 1919. 99% 00% 5.25 1 Philadelphia 6s. 1922. 97% OH (?.90 ! Pennsylvania 4'-is, 1921... 97% 97% 5.85 j P'burgh A Sh K R 63, 1920. 99% 100V4 5.75 ? Procter A Gamble 7s, 1920.100% 101% 5.00) Procter _-. Gamble 7s, 1921.102% 102% 5.60' Proctor & Gamble 7s, 1922.102% 103 5 00 Procter A Gamble 7s. 1 92.3 .103% 104% 5.80. P S?rv Cor of N J 7a, 1922. 1)7% 97% *-70' Roch Ry A Lt. 7s. 1921...100 101 (1.55 Southern Ry ?s, 1922. 99% 99% ?.16 ? St P Union l?ep C'/?s, 192.3. 99% 99% 5.65 i Studebakor Corp Vs. 1921.. 100% 101 (1.25; Studobukor Corp 7s, 1 929 . . 100% 101 % 6 80 ' Shan-lntgitn \V & P 6s, 1919.108 109 - Swift 6a, 1921.109% 100% 5.35 Utah Secur Corp 6s, 1022.. 91% 92% 8.201 Wont'houso Ml Mfg ?s. 1920.100% 10t>%- 5.-5 ! . iwn iwttn .">.?.?>. .100% 100% 5.35 I 99% 99% 5.10 98% 98% (> 30 ; DISSOLUTION NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON Juno .30th. 1919, m the dffloe of Thomp? son Property Company, llO West 34th Siroet, Borough of Manhattan. City of Now Tork. at 2 P. M., a meeting will bo held of the stockholders of Thompson Property Company for the purpose, of vot? ing upon a proposition that such corpora? tion b? forthwith dissolved. .- - FJRBD 8. TAL?, 8_or?tary of Thompson Property Company. (_ DIVIDEND NOTICES American Woolen Company (Massachusetts Corporation) QUARTERLY DIVIDEND!-;. Notice Ik hereby given that th? regular quarterly dividends of One Dollar an" S?ven ty-Flve Cents ($1.75) per yhare on th.- Pre ferrc?'^ Stock and One Dollar and Twenty Klve Cent- i$1.25i p?r ?share on the Common stock of this Company will b? paid <m July 16. 19!!?. to Stockholders of record June 16. 1319. Transfer books will be rlosrr! at th? cleps Of business June 16. 1919, anl will !?? r? oivned at the opening of bonnes* June 27. 1919. WM. H. rnVELLT, Treasurer. Boston. Mass., June 6. 1919. UNITED DTEWOOD OOBPORATION. N'eu' Ynrlf June 2. 1919. Preferred Capital Stock Dividend No. IL , Common Capital Stock Dividend No. 11. The following dividends have been declared ? on the stocks of this Corporation: a dividend : of $1.75 per share (from a sum r-et aside for j the payment of $7.00 por share ior the year 1919) on the Preferred stock; a dividend of i $150 per Phare on the Common stock: both payable .'uly I, 1919. to stockholders of rec? ord of Preferred and Common stocks at th? close of business Saturday, June 14. 1919. ? The transfer books will not be closed. Checks will be mailed by The New York : Tru.-t Company of New York DeWlTT CLINTON JONES, Treasurer. THE NIAGARA FAUS I'llWKS COMPANY Niagara Falls. N. Y. June 6, 191?. Preferred Stock Dividend No. 8. At a meet ins of the Board of Directors of this Company held this Cth day of June. 1019, a dividend of One Dollar and Seventy-five Cents ($1.76) per share was declared on the preferred shares of the capital stock of this Company, payable on the 15th day of July. 1919, to holders of preferred stock of record at the close of business on the 30th dav of June, 1919. FREDERICK L. LOVELACE. Secretary. THE NIAOA RA FALLS POWER COMPANY Niagara Falls. N. Y.. June 6. 1919. Common Mock Dividend No. 2. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of this Company held this 6th dav of Jun,\ 1919, a dividend of one Dollar (?1.0") per share was declared on the common shares of the eapitar stock of th!.? Com? pany, ?payable June 16. 191?. to holder? of common stock of record at the cloae of business on the 10th dav of June. 1*1* FREDERICK L. LOVELACE. SecretaiT. CUBA (ANE SI (?AH CORPORATION Preferred Stock Dividend. A quarterly dividend of $1.75 per share ha? this d ly been declared upon the Pre? ferred Stock of thl.i Corporation for th? quarter ending June "0th, 1919, payable July 1st. 1919. to stockholders of record at the close of business June i6th. 19!'.' ... II. F. KROYEH. Treasurer. DISSOLUTION notice STATE OP NEW YORK OFFICB OF THE SECRETARY' OF STATE-??: THIS CERTIFICATE, Issued in duplicate. hereby ce?irte? that the v. s. kitten HOUSE. INC., a domestic stork corpora? tion, ha.? rtk?d In this office, on the 4th day of Jan?, 1919. papers for the volun? tary dissolution of such corporation under Section ::'l of the General Corporation Law. and that It appears therefrom that such corporation has compiled with said section In order to be dissolved. WITNESS my hand and seal of offlc? of the Secretary of State, ?t the City at Albany, this 4th day of June, one thou? ?and nine hundred and nineteen. m _ ; C. W. HAFT. Second Deputy Secretary of Stats* )