Newspaper Page Text
News $??amg Delayed Throrsgh Barge Captains' Strike fovcnior Sraiih May Be Asked to Help ia Adjust? ing Grievance? Men Are Seeking $175 a Mouth gi&iotri c? Sum L'a efforts to ocioai?' the brick industry of New York ??ci vicinity in 1903 with ?ta i ?jarea weoks of iota! tie-up of builti- : h* ?r.r.ti?ction ha^p. fallen upon the av *?- *?to moment whsti the bousing nnble-z- M?iw* t0 '0? at a P?ict o?* solu? tion through cooperation of financial inters?** and building material distri? buter?, according to "The Dow Service paily Build:::? Eepor+s" to-day. Tie blunt fact rereals that the brick barge captains, as intimated in this column ?a March, have left their boats ?for a new wage of '$175 a month in gtead of $125, the unloadera have struck for $1 a thousand instead of 80 cents, the brick manufactur? ers, unwilling to go to the pros ?aectiv? customers with the neces? sary price advance of from S2 to $3 a thousand, wholesale, have decided to ?top sending brick to this market, resulting in ?til! further checking Bianfacture of this essential build? ing commodity up the river; barge I ovraers will unload their boats and . turn them over to general freight j handling in this and other harboi-3, j ?nd when the. 2.000.000 brick now in ! the market are loaded and distributed ' building must stop, except in so far as reinforced concrete arid lumber can i supply the building needs. Strike Shoots l"p Cost The price of Hudson common brick ill ordinary grade in this market to-day ' is $15? a thousand, to which price the j consumer must pay cartage, handling | costs and 10 per cent. Before the war j the price of this commodity was $5 to i $6 a thousand. If the new wage went into ) effect the base price to manufacturers, | with not more than 6 per cent profit ; to manufacturers, would be in excess , of $16.50, wholesale dock. The six harge'oads of brick still un- j loaded in this city will last the present ; market only about ten days. There is always recourse to sending in brick by rail, but the cost will register much higher than the present dock price of $15. It will represent to the builder between $35 and S40 a thousand, laid in the wall in lower Manhattan or cen? tral Brooklyn. Refuse to Unload Boats Cnloade-s on Saturday were refus? ing to lighten boats that had no cap-I tairas. The tie-up is complete, with danger of sympathetic strikes deveiop- ; REAL ESTATE BOKOCGU OF MANHATTAN TO "BOTLE ESTATE, E. 76th at., Manhat- ! tan, ' ?brlcki good renter: for tu'., par.. . ipply Samuel J. Comfort, ! 126 Broadway, Brook'.-.-.. LONG ISLAND Beautiful Seven-Acre Tract at Miller Place, Long Island W the i irasch of t he :. g Wand : . eared high and dry ? land. 6tj :t:..~^ eut of Pon . $1,409. k? :-- .. ;.- ;-.... h?re, L. I BESTER COIMY WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. CI.NTf,1 T LN'S 1 -T ITE OF 10 ACRES. lings, fruits. large -'. ? " ? iwn and ? ???? ?SOUTHERN COLONIAL r-TYLE, ?atacco tau hous*. * - llldlng; up to late PKK E $20,000. RKVOI ITIO.NAMV ( OI.OMAI. HOISE, modern. . ? : bath, ! PRICE S 13.500. AT ?M.'iM.Y ? ?RM, I r-dat ? -': s; 50x100; ?"?"?t*?- - l?ate. PKI Cf. |U WILL BCI1T MODERN HOCSE, & 2 baths, every Impro? Mar i PRICE $18 500. DCBIRABLE RESIDENCE, ?very mod '" " ' ? I hath, n*>?*.-:y ??eorate'i or gi 50x125 ?"???at?: : PRH E $7,800. *S*VGI.I-H ?3TCCCO COTTAGE, attrac "**? s - ?-? ? -V Irr.prove m*a?t; ?! - <mt ? near BB?L*?d o; EARLY POS ?MWO?. PRH E $8.000. Mf'^LKS ?TTRACTIVE SEMI-BCN?A ~".-. ? ' "a-., bath, ?ateam heat, e . "?* -: ??"?i*- : PRICE $8,000. TERMS! H VI g, MoKIiLI.I.. IM . OPP. DEPOT, WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. TEL. 12??. TIME WA- M.U.!; MORE OPPORTUNE ? ? ? nd I rue ?how y. how you can rn , ames? tings, *?' a few minutes' o an : foi mln . ttt? of , w B?XVESTEB PKOflOrK, I Madtoop ..- '. Cltj 1 . 2577 Gram. SOEW JERSEY ?*fJttD6EW0OD, N J.?Attractive little ?or*. : .- room?. 3 U-<'.-ooms?, bath, Z**m ?' ! noon, all tm, i ?*at5. th 5" WaNtrnm-fiordon ?1 Forman. w groe . Y. ?Rector 771?. '^^__j' ?. J. Tel. ?565. BACKL.v-i.r k, \. j.: ? room bou*?; hpt .,..*. ? >i Price only Jgj^ SHAFFER, 72? Mala Bt.. Hmo \ c 2 . i minute?; ! iVeat 4iat ?t. V??M WANTED NhVV JOKK bTATE *AtJt SL V ! :'.'.' work on ?t?, * ?'?" --'?' *<1 "''??"" On? ??glected I Wi*a':. "'' D0' P*/ pro-? 1 ?"*- "? C ; .RBIXL. R. r. t>. 1, hi' ?? ??. ~-/:5r !0,< B?rSiNESfi I'titPoSE4* ^25* fini r .'.t'--'.-" ola?i ; U'il--' ' '' 'ft ?t/>'"'''"1 rwni .?<:UY I FT. I ^^J^I?Si./y. rsfC, '/O ?> -: 42D ?iT. "I ?UN':Si!Ki-' ii'ABTMEWTS TO LET SSO RiVEBSiDE DH1VE J Boom:, ? E5rBS, $2,000 ^^????i,^ i^'.ojauijy. Apply ??recul??? and Co ?ng. Contractors having rash jobs were discussing Saturday the possibility of bringing brick here by a chain system of motor trucks, but this alternative would force the price of brick to for? midable levels. The brick barge cap? tains aro not associated in any way with the harbor bout captains, whose recent strike held up tra?ne in the har? bor. The fact that the state Legislature is represented by a committee here studying way? and means of meeting the housing ?hor'-age, and with Federal officials keenly alert to speedy alle ?ietioa at Ute housing , -tress 'this coming winter, word was heard Satur? day in fnancial and building circles regarding the matter of formally call in*:; the utrtention of Govenor Smith and the Federal authorities to the effect this strike will have upon further ag* gravatlon of the housebuilding pro? gramme in time to meet even In part next winter'? demands, and urging him to take steps at once to either adjust the present wage ?lomands of the men or remove the ^stigma that has been imputed to brioc manufacturers that they have been profiteering. One prom? inent manufacturer said Saturday he would close his plant rather than grant the demand of the men, because it would make the price of brick so high in this market that the consumer would not understand the cause. Price advances last week showed a sharp jump in the price of linseed oil to SI.76 in lots of less than five bar? rels and $1.73 for lots of five barrels or more. Price advances have also oc? curred in plate glass. Other price move? ments are upward. ? ? i Trading in Brooklyn Bulkley & Horton Co. have sold, In conjunction with William F. Taylor Realty Company, 1155 Dean Street, a modern sixteen-famUy apartment, for Mrs. Annvernette M. Crombie to a client for investment. The MeiBter Builders, Inc., have sold 6102 to 6110 Twentieth Avenue, a plot 100x800, five two-family brick houses, to a client for occupancy. The Realty Trust Company has sold three one-family houses, at 2125, 2127 and 2132 Sixty-sixth Street, Brooklyn, to Harry Leon and Sara Jacobs re? spectively. | s Wright Estate Sells Property The Duross Company has sold for the William H. Wright estate, a ten room house in Ashford Avenue, near Stone Street, Dobbs Ferry, on a plot 46 by 175 feet, to Charles E- Miller for occupancy: also the Margaret Crowl.y place at Elmsford, Westchester County, to James Grover Taylor. The Duross Ccmpany has sold in con? junction with John F. Burke, for Clif? ford Van Schurman, to Dr. George W. Averel!, the northeast corner of Thirty ninth Street and Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, plot 70 by 100 feet, with old buildings. The buyer is having plans prepared for store and apartment house to cover the plot. -? West 137th Street Home Sold B. W. Smith has sold for A- M. Rob? inson to a client for occupancy the four-story American basement dwelling at 284 West 137th Street, on a lot 16.8 by 100 feet. ... Parsons Now With Ouikshank Wa?ter B. Parsons, who has been conducting a general real estate busi? ness at 7 East Forty-second Street, has become associated with Wm. Cruikshank Sons, in charge of the brokerage department. Recorded Mortgages East Side 31ST, 12-16 E. 75x58.8 x Irreg. r> m; June ',; 12 East Slst St Hotel. In", to Ellz M Anderson, SO W 40th st; mtgee ho:_3 pr mtge $277,250 and with this to he consider---'-! as one rr.tge for $360,000: atty, Title G & T Co, 171 Bway. .$72.750 LEXINGTON AV, w s. 30 5 n 70th st. -Ox 80; June ?'! ; John Wolfe to Fredk J Ster? ner. 48 E Mth st ; flue and Int a? per bond; pr mtge $20.000; address, 569 5th av .$5,000 West Side 83D ST. 25 W, n b, 21 3x50; p m: May 26; John J Finnerty and Victor Thomas to Alwell Realty Co. 4-3 Cedar st ; du? and Int as per bond; pr mtge $10.000; atty. W H Brlnckerhoff, 46 Cedar st....$2,5Q0 115TH ST, 31-35 VV, n s, 74.5x100.11; June '., Leopold Weiss Ft & C Co to tho. Stat-i Ban?':, 378 Grand st ; due June 1, 1034: 6 p c .$ 7 5 0 :"'??' 5T, 87 w, n s, 18x100 11; p m;..Iune =? HeJtel to Morris H Block, S7 W 115th st. 2 yars; 6 p c ; pr mtge $8,000: atty, Tttle G & T Co. 17>; Broudway.$l,500 120TH ST, 324 W. s s. iC ?xl00 4 ; p in: " En ella D'An!? ' o 'o the Hud Coi .i. 7 VV 45th st: due May 20. 1927; . p c; pr mtge $4,000.$1,500 Bronx HOME ST. n ?. 86.5 e Longfellow av, OOx 100: Celia Smuilan to Hy Mueller, or Moiler. 104.4 Bryant av ; pr mtge $28,000; June 1; 3 y:?., i p c ; atty, Title Guar & . '. T? Bway .$3.000 MONROE AV. s e cor 173d gt. 96x25; Duo Ci to Ida V Price, 1650 Mt Hope av; pr mtge $13,000; June 6; due Dec 6. 6 p c, atty, Title Guar & T Co, 176 Bw p.y .$ :.OG0 FINDLAY AV. 1366, w s, 37xl01.9x irr**: Mamie Siegel to Medelirre A Carey, 1359 av; pr mtge $21,000; May 31: Ope; any, F X K'-'.'.y, 391 E .$5,000 ARTHUR AV. s e cor I76*h ft, 17.11x96.?; . >: to Max Schiff, 1S84 June 1; Install, r, p e; J I Berman. 346 Bwav.$5.000 ' BRYANT AV, 1502, e 8. 25x100; Gosln Kendall to Nora H Heisterhagen, 150? ??'??. pr mtge $5,000; June 6:1 ? ?'?. as per bond; atty. Title Guar & r Co, 173 Bway .$2,500 RYER AV, e ?, 143.9 n 180th st, 18.9x104; Alfonso De Francisco to Kath O'Connor, 20 i Ryei av; pr mtge $4.000; Jun* 6; ??, 6 p c; atty, Title Guar & T ' i, ; :>; ??v.-ay .%\ 400 Li: VA NT AV. 1343, e s, 20x100; Pauli? Yucht to Till? Guar A T Co. 176 Bway; June 6, due, etc, aa per bond; atty, Title I Guar ?? T Co, 176 Bway.$3 300 336TH FT. a s. 230 w White Plains av, 52x '? ?14; John Koniio to Josephine C Tassl, 670 E 235th st. June 6. 5 yrs. 514 P e? atty, Title Guar & T Co, 176 Bway, 14.150 91) AV. ne cor 169th ?t, 80 Kx Irreg; W C P Birig Co to Greater N V Savings Bank. 498 6th av, Bklyn; June 6; demand ? p c; atty N Y Title & Mtge Co, 135 iiv:*v.$S,600 BELMON? AV, 2310. <? ?. 60x100; W & M ? -, Coi pn t > Isldor Klein, 117 .?i Ht, H of. Q, N Y. pr mtg. $28,000; .''.jr.?-, 5; du? Dec 8, 1920. 6 per cunt; ': Ule ','iir & T Co, 176 Bway.$8,000 WEBSTER AV, 1996-7, w ?, 60.11x99.4; Denwood Realty Co to Fanny Roseff, i 113 W 4th ut. Mt Vernon, N Y; pr j mtg, $32,000; May 28; 7 yra, 6 per cent; atty, Fanny Rose?, 22 W 1st st. Mt | V ' ? .'.. N Y.?7,000 ! WASHINGTON AV, 2621, w ?, 21.6x100; ? N'ur.xlo Manlacl to Peter Ross, 611 ? 183d st , June 4; 6 yrs, 6 per cent; fctty, P Rosa, 134 Nassau at.$2,000 16?.TH HT. ? s, 62.7, a Interval? av Di.8x | irreg; isaac A Ileneqult to Paui Han- 1 seo, 92? B !-(th St; Jun* ?1. due and as per bond; ?.I'!', Du'in <_ 1>, 261 llwiiy, ; $730 ; .IC'HEGAN AV, n * c. llOlh ?t, 73x70. Ai,_u?f Oo?cli?r, set, to Max Simons. ?51 W ??!?tn *?, pr rntg, $'0,000; May ?/;?; 2 yrs, S per cent; atty, <i A Lew:s, 10 Courl ?t. Bkiyn.M.00? INTERVALE AV. ?$?, ? a. 137.2? irreg;, .!_?-,o VHij?n 1; ?iii?'l M Berlin. 945 B| 1.3d ?t; pr mtg. $71,750; June 1; 2 yr?. ' . ;,??!' cent; -<iv, Ham I H-lilngar. 30? fiw-y.$6.000 LOT 20. m_B iii Rayru-nd p-rn: IVm f-..'<f? to Wm Torpey, 1480 Ericsson 1 t/i iA*.y fj; duo, *1<, as per bo:id, ' -?iy. Max Menfiled. %%% Bony_$3.000 L!"j'/K AV, 74?, w ?. 40*90 2, T?lt/. Ro* ally Co ti? H?rn*l W-i;, :\v? Lenox rv, exi?; Jun* t; 3 yrs, 6 :', per <-<(nt; ally, Lawyors' Tit!? ?t T Co, K,0 Bway, 132.006 BROOK AV, 74?, w m, ^?IZA; wm? 10 I ?am*- Jnix? *} t yra, ?& pttt cent; atty. i if ?Mil mment < I Wesfcchester Appeal? j To New York Buyers j Purchase Houses There While Others Get Plots and Plan To Erect Homes The Robert E Farley Organization has sold for the. Estates of Tappan Zee j a large plot-on the corner of Millard j and Bellwood avenues, at Philipse Manor, to G. E. Ogihde, "of this city. Mr. Ogilvie expects to build a home for | his own occupancy Immediately. The Cooley Realty Company has sold j for William E. Taylor his Corcoran Manor residence, on Magmolia Avenue, ! I Oakwood Heights, Mount Vernon, to ! I Everett L. Nourse. I | H. W. Sullivan has sold for the Peo- ! j pie's Savings Bank of Yonkers two lots j ? ?At 838 Sou'?h Broadway to Vincent j Crete; for Dr. McCormick, the three) family dwelling at 340 South Broadway j to Dr. Longworth; for Dr. Becker, the property at 110 Bradford Street to Dr.; Belcher, of Yonkers; for Dr. McCor mack, the apartment at 76 Livingston I Avenue to Dr. Moell; for J. Frank Cur- ? ran, property at 218 South Broadway, 8Sxl50, to Albert Mauser. Bowles & Co. have sold for Mrs. Jo? sephine Senf her house on Allaire Ave? nue, Leonia, to John R. Reinhart, of this city, and a plot at Longview Ave? nue and Brook Terrace to John H. Mil? ler, also of this city, who will build a bungalow. Burke Stone, Inc., Bronxville, has sold for Hudson P. Rose a house with large plot in Bronxville Road to C. De j Marquis, and for A. W. Lawrence a j plot at Tuckahoe, on the Eastchesteiv ! Realty tract, to John Lawlor. L. Covert has sold for Louise M. An j drews a two-acre estate at Ellen Street j and Merrick Road, Amityville, Long j Island, to George Cobb, who will im ; prove the property with small bunga? lows. The residence of W. R. Coffee at Maple Terrace, Chappaqua, has been sold to Charles Batchellor, of Erasmus Hall High School, this city. George Howe was the broker. Assignments of Mortgages Manhattan BEOOME ST, n w o Wooster ?at; Robert S Clark 'o MorlancJ Mortgage Co. 12"? Bway; attys, Alexander <Sr Green. 120 Bway .$66,000 ?NAGLE AV. nee Arden at; mtge $RO,ooo. Tyndall Realtv Co an?1 ano to Samuel Wacht, 790 Riverside Drive. SI ! LIBERTY ST, 114-118; Cedar Ft. 119-121: nitp? $450,00"; Gustav A and Fredk W Senff, exrs, to Dry Dock Sav Instn, 341 Bowery: atty. Frank M Tlchenor. 38 Park Row.$250.000 CANAL ST. 70-72: Allen st, 13: $55.000: John W Raymond, Kdn. to Elsie K Powell: atty, Wilson M Powell. Wall st: Intereat of.$7 9TH AV, 271: mtjge $22,500: Fanny A Park to N Y Title and Mortgage Co 1.' " Bway .$19,000 43D ST. 458 W; Lottie E Grady, Individ and extx, to P G Becker, 145 W 80th st ; atty, Raymond J Riley, 251 Broad? way .$3.500 r'4TH ST. 274 W; rr.tge $:!5,000; Jennie R Kalish et al to N Y Title and Mortgage Co, 13$ Broadway.$100 ll'JTH ST, 11 W; mtge $2! 000; Alfred Gardner to Central Sav Bank, loo E 14th st; atty. Lawyer.-)' T ft. T Co. 160 Bway .$14.000 7TH ?V, 2465-67: mtge $6,000; >?_. part Dorothy Li" to Isaac Evanson. 31 W 139th St; atty, Benj M Levy, 38 Park Row. . .$1 BROADWAY. 1430, Edward ? '"lark to N Y fa?; Bank. 81 8th av; att . Lawyers' T g.- T Co, 160 Bway.$90,000 WEPT PT. 172: mtge $18.000; Samuel Kronsky to Lawyers' Title and Trust Co, 160 Bway.$1 Bronx y INTERVALE AV. 1335: Arrow Holding Corpn to Julius II Zieser, 666 Greene av, Bklvn: atty, J H "iieser, 257 Bwav....$l SIMPSON PT, w s. 335 n Winchester av. 25x100; John C Travis, trus. to Minnie B Cronkhite, 4 Birch av. Glen Falls. N Y; atty. C L Clirr:e, 32 Nassau ?jt..$6,000 BECK ST. s s, 200 w Av St John. 100x125; Leah E Swem to Ethel A Urquhart, $37 W 148th st; att.ys. Morrison & S, 320 Bway .$1 BECK ST. 566-32; Rennen Realties Co 'o One Hundred Six East 85th Pt Corpn, 111 Bway; attys, Blkus, V G & P. Ill Bwav .$100 UNION AV, 070?Classic Realty Co to Michl Salit, 1O0 Pineapple st, Bkn; atty, Jacob S Kahn. 90 Pinehurst av.$1 COLRTLANDT AV, nee 149th st, 65x100: N Y Trust Co to City Mte Co, 15 Wall st; atty, N Y Title ?r. Mtg Co, 135 P.way $1 SAME PROPERTY; City Mtg Co to Em- I pire City Sav Bank, 231 W 125th at; I atty, same .$150,000 BECiT ST. s s, LOO -,v Av St John. 1 ."! Ekln Holding Co to One Hundred Six East S5th St Corpn. 6 W S2d 8t, attys, Morrison & S. 320 Bway.$5,000 139TH ST. 591 E; Hv Heme to John Fuchs. 531 E 156th st; atty, Title Guar & T Co, 176 Bway.$10.000 HUGHES AV, o s, 36 n 184th st, ?x?; Lawyers Mtg Co to Clara G Rost, 34" Halsey st, Bklyn; atty, Lawyers Mtg Co, 59 Liberty st.$3,600 Recorded Leases Manhattan BLEECKER ST, 261-263, all; Isaac Lead? er and ano. to G Mlsuraca, 25a Bleecker st; ext lease: 3 yrs from May 1, 3 yrs ren; atty. D Picallo. 507 5th av..$7,200 LEXINGTON AV. 1287, so str &? part b; Wilson Marshall to Sam Schwartz an? ano, 40 W U6th st ; 6 yrs from June 1; attv, Alex Levlne, 309 Bway.$3,000 SOUTH ST. 5; sir & b; Meyer Pecorney to William Lowensteln, 919 Forest av; 7 yrs and 11 mos from June 1, 1918; atty Louis Julier., 116 Nassau at. .$3,600 6TKAV, LSI. s?r 4 b; Rhineland R E Co to Louis Horowitz, 191 6: h av, and .ano: 4 yrs and S mos from June 1; atty, Louis Julien, 116 Nassau st.$3.000 7TH AV, n w c 34th st. 20x4.6; Si Suit.: Realty Co to Peter Theodore, 34 Madi? son st. arid ano; from July 1, 1919 to June 1, 102,".$2,400 BROADWAY, 1401. s w 0 43d st. 200-202 YV all; T E Fitzgerald to St Regis Restaurant, 1400 Bway, 10 mos and 25 days from June 6; atty, J G Abram son, 30 Church st.$25.000 6T1I AV, 369-371, store; Jacob Lieber and ano to J H Dreyer, 304 10th st. Bklyn, and ano: 3 yrs from May 1: ad? dress 37 L 6th av.$1,800 and $2,oOO Satisfied Mortgages Manhattan S5TH ST. 134 E, Ella Rosenblatt to Lina R Whltehead. 215 W 78th st; attys, Hoadly, L & J, 120 Bway; July 10. 1896.$14,000 112TH ST, 212 W; Leonott Realty Co. 140 8t Nicholas av; Benj Sel, Nutley, N J; atty, N Friedman. 303 Bway; Nov 2?, 191?.$7.000 THOMPSON ST, 230.32; Jessie K Berrlek to N Y County National Bank, 79 Sth av; atty, F B Colton, 62 Wall at; D*<? f.. 1911 .$5.000 THOMPSON ST. 230-236; Ahr and Ida Kassel to same; atty, san:?', D? ! 2?, 1910.$20 000 107TH ST, 63 E; Berths Freund to Ed? mund Coffin, Geo Notman and Archibald Douglas, exrs will Ja? Douglas; attys, ciuyatle, Brlghtman & Douglas, ?0 Bu y : .Ian 7. 1905 .$8.oOO THOMPSON ST, 230-32: Abr and Ida Kas? sel to Bertha and Hars/ey N Kuttn'sr and By Jones and Chas Kafka, truto* will Morris Kultner: uttv. I J Dauziger ?1 Liberty st; June 1. 190S.$10,000 100TH ST, 170 E; Max and Ann!? Gilef ?'i-.v to Louts I Clierey. 464 Grand st ; atty, 1 M L?9rner, 69 Delancey st; Oct. i, 1912 .$1,000 Mechanics' Liens Manhattan MAIDEN LANE, JO; Jncobson * Co ?gt Fire Companies Building corrn. oiv!i*t?-. ??' Y Quebracho KxtracUns Co fin 1 I. Warcuttfl & Co, contractors.$0?0 36 PARK ROW, 181 to IS7; Felnbcrj: tic Feln borjf, Inc, agt De'Wltt, Joseph W, Bertha and Paulino Fox, owners; Hoiicrnh'? Bon C'onstr Co, contractor.fS??.?O ? ? . ... ? Lis Pen dens Manhattan ?5TH ST-, S4t-r,80 W; Wm II Buchtimin ?t ?1 agi Gustave W Cshen et al, ioreclos ure of mtg?; attys, Mlddlehrool* * B??r l?:id. AVENUE A. n a n st, i>6.6x798; Cen? tral Raving? Bank In the City of N?W York; af( Hermann Lens et al ?oreco? *f mi?? i ??jr. X Auwbach, -if City Big Rentals for Stores At Sixth Avenue Corner $48.50 a Square Foot for Space in Building at 42d St.? Business leases J. Arthur Fischer has leased to Rudinger, Berkman & Co., Inc., cigars, A. Levy, president, the southwest cor? ner of Forty-second Street and Six'o Avenue, 13^_x20, at an aggregate rentai of $65,000 for the term. The rental obtained ig approximately $48.50 per square foot. The same broker has also leased on the Sixth Avenue front of the property a store to Frederick Brett ner fora term of years at an aggregate rental of $55,000. The Charles F. Noyes Company has leased the store and basement at 90 Fulton Street to the St. Clair Bakery and Lunch, Inc., for ten years at an aggregate rental of $30,000; the build? ing at 550 Pearl Street for Anna M. Oberly to E. B. Latham & Co.; a floor i at. 89 Fulton Street to McKesson & Robbing, and ppace in the Fulton Cham berg Building to Wolf & Bellman. Pease & Elliman have leased for McDevitt-Wilson's, Inc., the first floor at 55 Vesey Street to Ida M. Schill. Cushman & Wakefield have leased offices at 51 East Forty-second Street to the L. N. Godfrey Company, and offices in the Bryant Park Building to the Farmers' Bureau. White-Goodman have leased for a long term of years the building at 35 West Twenty-sixth Street, formerly the home of William H. Morgan. The West Twenty-sixth Street Corporation, pres? ent owners, have agreed to make exten? sive alterations by extending the front and rear of the building with store and hasement and manufacturing lofts above. The lessees are Ellman & Gitelman. A. A. Hagemari has leased from Seth H. Moaeley the building at 41 West Thirty-fifth Street for a term of twen? ty-one years. The building will be ex? tensively altered into small stores and non-housekeeping apartments. Recorded Transfer? Downtown CHAMBERS .ST. n 8, 361.6 o Bway. 76.2X 160.5 to s s Reade. st; Samuel P Blood, as prest of the American News Co, a iotnt .stock assoc, to 'he American News Co, Inc. 0-15 Park n!, attv, F B Sen ford, 166 Bway .$100 East Side - 9TH ST. 630 B 27.6x93.11; Wllhelmtne Garnjo-t. indival and extrx. to Harry GrossbarcI, S74E 17th av, Bklyn, and Abr E Whitman. 633 E Pth st, N Y C; mtg, $20,000; all lien?. June 6; atty, 1> New? man, 4S Wall st .ill'". iOTH ST, 412-14 E. s s, 40x92 1; Pauline Istein to F Olli . 31 w l7Sth st . mtg, 137,760; ail II ns; .Tune 7; attv, M M Phi llps, 261 Bway. *1 31ST ST. 12-16 E, s .e. 76x63.2x Irreg . Bllz M Anderson to the 12 East 31st S*re*t Hotel. Inc, IS E 31st st. b & s. Mav 28; atty, T G & T Co, 176 Bway. $100 100TH ST, HI E, n s, 37.1x100.11; Metro? politan Sav Bank to Owners' H 'lite 1 pn 17 Cedar st: all Hens: .1 uns 6 atty, rhi'lp Manner. 2596 Bedford av. Brooklyn . .'. 5! 10 I'D ST, 235 E. n s, 37 6x100 ; M Rosenberg- to Sol Freidus, 894 Rlvi drive, and ano; atty, B M Lei Fark row . . $1 120TH ST. 324 E. s s, 16.8x100.11; Hud win Corpn to Ewiella D' Vmiello. ' . I-: 117th st ; all liens, I ' -. 1 '? 000 M \ - . SI West Side 22D ST, n 3. part lot 427. mar C C Moore. 16.S_98.9? Maxlow Holding Co to Mari? s ;-.mpson. :;sj w 3 th st; mtg : 11 ) all lien?, June 6; .atty, T G & T Co, 176 Bway. 100 83D ST. 25 XV, n a, 81.3x80 . ? ' ? '? iti '< Bozsman to Jno J Flr.unrty, 119? ?d ?v, _ \ ?tor Thomaa, 208 E 73d st; mtg. SI 0.000; atty, T G & T Co. 176 Bway....$l 11STII ST, 87 W, 11 a, 18x100.11: Morris H. Block to Rose Heltel, 041 Intervale av, Eronx; mtgs. $0.50(1. June 2; :iltv. T G & T Co, 176 Busy.$100 12STB ST. 43 W, n s, 20.10x99.11; Annie F. Stanford to .Ino W Nolan, 'j*' Frank? lin st, Springfield, Mass: rntg. $5,000; q c; all liens, May IT; atty.?. Gardner & White. 141 Bway.$1 STH AV, 2445 w s, 220.10 n 130th st, 26.9x120 itore. ?os. April 30, 1919); Phoe? nix Ingraham, ref, to Wm .1 Overocker, 361 W 2*3th st : Juna 4; attys, O D _? H V Dike, 220 w 42d st.$19,800 156TH ST. S46-4S W, s s, 50x99.11; Millie 1 senberg to Dorothy Llebman, 646 W 156th Bt; all 11? ns, June i. atty, M -I Katz, o20 Bway.?1 Bronx SIMPSON* ST, 1004, e p. 38x100; Jos V Mc !-."? ?-, r :". to Jai 5b Marx, 1T0 VV 74th Bt; mtg, $23,750, May 13; atty, Title Guar 4: T Co, 176 Bway. S?.--5 SAME PROPERTY; Jacob Ma*-* to Dor : F.eall Co, 299 Bit Iy, i_ ano; mtg, $23,50 .t u le 4 . atty same.$100 M< IN Rt IE \ V, :; e 0 173d st, 95x25 Ida V Price to Duo Co, "Til E 149th Bt; mtg, $13,000, June 5; atty. Title Guar & T 1 ' ' '. T-. 1 iwa y.*f 1 PIER st. s w c Emily st. 25x100 Wm .1 Bailey to Edw C Bernlus, 2151 Wash? ington av; April 11; atty. Title Guar & T Co, ::?'. Bway.$1 FINDLAY AV, 1355, w s, 37x101.9x irreg; C J Ca ? ?- Bldg ( lo ? Mam ?Sieg I, 13! 5 Fii llaj av; mtg, $21 ,000, May 31 ; atty, Title Guar & T Co, ITS Bway.$100 FREEMAN ST. a w c Chisholm st, 24x75; Cath Milne to Barbara Lopard, 822 Jen? nings *t; mtfr. $13,000, J..'iv- p, atty, B Lopard, 822 Jennings si..$100 HEATH AV. w s, 440.10 a Klngsbridge rrt, 25x100; 1 Camp So Harry Cahn, 2540 Grand a--, and ano; mtg $4,000; Jur:-. 2; atty, T G & T Co, 176 Broad? way .$100 HOME ST. n s, 86.6 0 Longfellow av, 50 xlOO; l!v Moeller or M?ller to Celia S;; ullail, 24 E 90th st ; mtg $28,000; June 1; atty, T G & T Co. 176 Bway..$l 158TH ST. n s, 22". w Courtlandt n\. 61x 100; Ella Goodall to Christopher Stein? kamp, 2S0 Claremont av. Mt Vernon; mtg $7,000; June 6; atty. T G _-. T Co. 176 Bway .$100 1391 II ST. 591 E, n .n. 26x100; Fred Loe loff to Wm B Hat nssler : T ! E I40th s;, mtg $8,000; May 31; atty, T G & T 1 1, i 76 Bway .$100 BOSTON RD, a e 1. ID2 9 ?? from an angle pi int In s s Boston - " opposite Jeffer? son pi. 25xl00x75xV] 10 Sa; 1 Mendel hn "t al to Jai b ' ' delsohn 216 W 69th st; May 28; any, Mendel? sohn, 150 Water 3t.$1 WEBSTER AV, 1996-7, w s. 49 S s ITOth st, 50.11x28.4x50.4x101; Fanny Rose ff to Dan wood Rlty Co, 609 Willi? av; mtg $32,000; May 28; atty, Denwood Realty Co, 509 W?lia av.$100 INTERVALE AV, 98?, e s, 100 sw 163d street, e S6.2 x s 4 5.1 x w 2 2.1 to avenue, w 137.2 to beg; Sam') H Ber? lin to Jaeob Berlin, 863 Fox st; mtg $71,760; June 6; atty, S S Isaacs, 115 Columbia at .$1 SOUTHERN BLVD. 1213. w s. 26x100; Frieda M Suss to Angelo Gonnello, 1428 Vyso av; mtg $4.000; Nov 16, 1017; atty, Angelo GorineUo, 142S Vyae a/. $100 HONEYWELL AV. a e cor 170th st. 32.Cx 36, Waiter J Hampton to Lillian Hamp? ton, 900 E 178th st. mtg $26.000; June 5; atty, Lillian Hampton, 900 E 179th ? ? ; .$K0 W 11TLOCK AV, 80$, ? s, 37.6x100: Wal? ls;- .1 11.1:: ?.ion to Lillian Hampton, ttou 1; 179th st; Junt 5; uttv, Lillian Hamp t ,_. 900 E IT Ith- s(.$100 I.< T block 4;. map Morris Park, Fredk ? ?.' r_ to .lohn Hartmet, 41 E Houston : , ?ate $6,700; June 3; atty, C H Baeoh i. 1126 E Tren.ont av.$100 LOTS 8H2 to ?95, 900 to 903 ?nd B46 to 0 19, map L; Spencer Kasper Lindenfeld to Richard !U_?J?rn. 189? 1st av; May 26; atty, E J King, Jr, 150 Nassau st $100 LOTS 174 and 178. map Jacksonville. lOOx 100; Clara M Johnson ?to Loretta J Loh man, 5"onker_, N Y; Feb 27; atty, Mor nain & R. Mt Ktaco.$1 LOTd 251 to 257, in?;' Lotihauer I'ark; Bujh H Kkelly to Frank Cesana, 67 Clarkson st ; Mar 28; atty, Frank Ce? sano, 67 Clarkaon at.$100 BVURMOTJNT AV or 176TH ST, n w c Waterloo pi, 2?.9x82.8x28x7? 0; Mar uuolte Cousin Co to KassBl Edelson, 864 E 17-tb st, and ano: mtg. $} 0,000; Jun? 1; stty, Max Mon/rled, 2:.0 Bway..$100 3D AV. e ?, 100.1 :. l.Tith Bt, :i _ r< I OS gx,*14 7 xllO; Gertrudi London to Ida Wolbaraht, | 24 East Bway; intii, $29,500; June 2; atty, L rto-c'iber-, Il? Nassau.$100 K. I rON .V, 1239, w?, 24xllJ.9x24.6x101; oiivoi i-; 1.1 .-in to v\':,i E Baker, 1215 Tlnton av; mtff, $3,500; Juno i: attv. Max Monfrl.d, 2p9 Bway .$100 JIO.VKYVVELL AV, 1970-1078, ?; s. 50x60.1; Anna. :.T Kr.utar to Anthony Av Realty t:<j, f. l-,i-i-kmuri st; intg. {17,;>ti0, Juno' r,, attv, price Bro?, 271 Bway.$100 I KMU.y BT, 717, n w c, 110*40, Mary N'a thanann to Davln L Mai-hlowlt?. 624 E !tth st ; mtif. $24.000, Mfiy 27; atty, Bam Frank, 299 Bway.,.$100 BAMA) PROPERTY j ?Lor*?* _- Hierin- ta and Sut Building Constru?ction Is Rapidly Increasing Private Reports Show Improve? ment in Every Section ; Fear of Higher Cost Spurring Builders "Reports from the principal business centres of the country show that the resumption of building on an extensive vca!e has begun, and there is reason to believe that the present month may? be the best Jnne in the history of the country in point of building contracts let, unless labor disturbances or some other unfavorable circumstance pre? vents," S. W. Straus, of S. W. Straus & Co., said yesterday. "The improved conditions in the building industry are based on the real? ization by all interests that construc? tion prices, instead of receding, will go higher. It has become generally recog? nized that labor costs in this country are more likely to advance than to be modified, and this, in the final anal? ysis, is the deciding factor, for the rea? son that about 40 per cent of the cost of a building is for labor employed in erection work and 35 per cent is for labor in the manufacture of materials. "While constructive activities are now gaining headway rapidly, with every indication of reaching unprece? dented proportions as the summer ad? vances, there is no likelihood that any? thing approaching normal housing con? ditions will be attained. Neither the physical equipment of builders nor the supply of unskilled labor is sufficient to make it possible to reach a condi? tion of normality for a number of years." Apartments for East Orange The Hussey estate, of East Orange, N. J., has sold the southeast corner of Grove Street and Park Avenue, plot 110x120, and the southwest corner of Park Avenue and Stockton Place, 8Sx 101, to the Harrison Improvement Company, which plans the erection of apartments on both sites. J. L. Feibie man & Co. were the brokers. Geo L O'Hare, Tea neck, N J; June 3; arty, same.$1 BROOK AV. 741-740, w a. 100 w if.tith et, runs n 16S to 157th st x 96.3 x s ? x ? s 110 x e 04.8 to be?; Bernhard Mayer to Teitz R?alty Co. 33 Greene st ; mtg, $74.0i"V June 6; atty, Lawyers' Title Co. 160 Bway .$1 SAME PROPERTY; Sam Well et al, exrs. to same; mtg, $74,000; June 6; atty, Bame .$03,000 MONTGOMERY AV, 1793, n w c, l?5.9x S2.ixl00xl8.1; Denwood Realty Co to Iwig E Trand, at ''--dar Kr.oii?. Bronxville, N Y: mtg, $46.000; June 5, atty, Title Guar * T Co, 176 Bway..$100 RYER AV, e ??. 143.9 n 180th at, 104x18.2x104.2; Kathryn O'Connor to Alphonse De Francesco, 2357 Crot?n av; mtge, $4,000: June ?'?. atty, Title ?, & 'i' Co, i"6 Bwa:.$100 235TH ST, . - 230 w White Plains av. 114 ' sephine C Tassy to John '? o, 161 I" 118th st; June 5; atty, Title ?; S T Co, 176 B-.vay.$1 r;? \ ?.-.?:- v.v 1502, s s. 2'?xl00; Nora H igen 'o '.'lussie Kar.'a!, 658 "Jeff n plac? mtge, $5.000: June :?>. atty, 0 ,-. t Co. 1*6 B'.vav.?1 W . .- e c 17?th St, 3 7 11x96 f. X to 1' i . ' Flnkel "' ? !? i White Plain*. N Y; I .: ? 2 ?tty, Tit G 4 ; ??; Bway .$100 ? i- ?? f 20x10 Daisj E ? .. Paulii Tuant, ? Bleeker st: /,,, Title G ? T Co. 17?; \1 .$1 :- ?. ?? . ? st. w 23.7: fx s 68.7 to b?? . Hedw g . ? i . Co, -. ' '? : ??-.-? lune ti Co, 609 Willis av. . ?lrto : A V AV, ISO I, w s, - ?xlOO 11x11 4:; Harry Hargrave : Emma Roese, i . itge, 14.50 ' ...? 6; :.'?> Title G & T Co, 176 Bway.$100 GRAND AV. w b. 242 11 n 176th at, 60x 58.11x50x81 1; Barnthal Realty Ci Gustav.. J Fuerth, 1715 Grand av; June 6. atty. Title G & T Co, 176 Bway..$100 ' DIVISION AV. n w s at e s Pierce, s w 1?T 4x s e 133 to Av x 213* to beet: Cath Beekmann to Wm F and Edw H Beekmann ar.d ano. Spuyten DuyvU. N Y; Aoril 12; atty, H B Lent, Spuyten DuyvU, N Y.|1 FOX PT. 634, sec, 100x75: Mllhar Realtv Co to Annie Spiegel. 213 E llth st; mtge, ? $82,000; June 5. atty. j I Berman, 34:' ? Bway .$100 BEDFORD BLVD. n r c Jerome av 114x164 11x100x50; Wllton . Holding Corpn to Bainbridge Construction Co, 52 Vanderbilt av; mtge, $6,000; June 6; atty, O Englander, 302 Bway.$100 : 3D AV, 3890, e s; Abe Frank to Dub Realty Corpn, 170 Bway; mtge, $15,000 June 3; atty, W M Kiloullen, 170 Bway ..?.$1 SURROGATES' NOTICES IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable John P. Coha'.an, a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons having claims againnt Danie! J. H~ede, also known as Daniel Heede, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same, with vouchers thereot, to the subscriber, at his place of transacting business, at the office of Louis Boehm, his attorney, at No. 15 William Street, in the Borough of Manhat? tan, In the City of New York. State of New York, on or btfora the l?th day of October, 1919, next. Dated New York, the 31st day of March, 1919. EMIL JANOVIC. Executor. LOUIS BOEHM. Attorney for Executor. Office t-r.d P. O. Address, 15 William Street, Borough 'of Manhattan, New York. City. BAYLIS, WILLIAM.?IN PURSUANCE OF an order of Ho.iorable JOHN P. CO HALAN, a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE Is hereby given to all per? sons having claims against WILLIAM BAYLIS, lato of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at the offlcd of -Baylis & Co., No. 15 Wall Street. In : he City of New York, on or before the 17th day of September next. lia ted. New York, tha third day of March. 1019. WILLIAM BAYLIS. GEOKGE U. WHITE, ALFRED R. KIM BALL, Executors. JOHN MASON KNOX. Attorney for Ex ecutors. 19 Liberty Street, New York. GROSSMaTER. FANN?E. ? IN PURSU ance of an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan. a Surrogate of the County of New York. NOTICE is hereby given to all per? sons having claims against Fannte Gross? ma ver, lat?= of the County of New York. deceased, to present the same with vouch? er* thereof to the subscriber, at Its place pi transacting business, No. SO Broauway. Borough of Manhattan. In the City of New York, on or before '.he 19th day of July nrxt. Dated, New York, the 13th day of Jan "^CENTRAL UNION TRUST COM? PANY OF NEU' YORK, Executor. MILLER, KING, LANE & TRAFFORD, Attorneys foi Executor, SO Broadway. Borough of Manhattan. New York City. MICHAELIS, HENRIETTA.-T-1N PURSU aii'-e of an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims agaihsi Henrietta Michaelis, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same, with vouchers thereof, to th? subscriber, at hla place of transacting business, at the office of Louis J. Altkrug, No. 931 Broadway, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York. on or before the 26th day of November, 1919, next. Dated Brooklyn. New York, the 18th day of May. 1019 HARRY' MICHAELIS, Administrator. LOUIS J. ALTKRUG, Attorney for Ad minist rator. No. 931 Broadway, Brooklyn. New York. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York. ?NOTICE :.i hereby given to all persona having claim? against Virginia Purdy Bacon, lato <?! tha County of New Y'ork, deceased, to present the sain?', with vouchers thereof, to the subscribir st its principal place of trans? acting business, at No, 22 William Street, in the Borough of Manhattan, In Che City of New York, State of New York, on or before the ISth day of December next. Dated, New Y'ork, the 29th day ot May, loin. THE FARMERS' LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY, Temporary Administrator. GELLER. ROL.-1TON 4 HORAN, Attor? ney? for Temporary Administrator, %% HUoJaan*? Placa, ~ti?V Tork. H, X. ?urban Realty Market REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION -_*??-K*_---_?-?__i^ ? ,;'-?VA??!WWs?V 5^ Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of V. 3. Steel Corporation. HON. ELBERT H. GARY recently said: "I predict the next five years in this country will be the most progressive, prosperous and successful of any like period in our history; the results will astonish even the most optimistic of today." For the last three weeks I have been telling you about the James Gordon Bennett Estate S:ilo Now note these facts:? ROBERT E. DOWLING, Ties. City In? vesting Co.. recommended this as a good purchase THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY is guaranteeing the titles. MAX MARX, Real Estate Operator, made profits on his investments immediately south of here. HYMAN SONN, Real Estate Operator. made profits on his investments immediately south of here. J. ROMAINE BROWN, ALEXANDER P. W. KINNAN, President of the Union Dime Savings Bank, and SAMUEL E. JACOBS. Vice President Hudson Realty Co., were some of the people who owned the property immediately south, which I sold at auction in April, 1909, I have shown you a picture of that property covered with mag? nificent, tall apartments. FRANKLIN PETTIT,Building Operator, said this is the location for Man? hattan's next bitr building operations. DR. CHARLES V. PATERNO, himself a Building Operator, showed his faith in the property by building his celebrated Paterno Castle, just ad? joining. LAURENCE McGUIRE, President United States Realty and Im? provement Co. and recently President of the Real Estate Board of New York, says that this is a rare opportunity for the public. HARRIS MANDELBAUM, one of the oldest Apartment House Operators, says this is one of the best buys in the market for the small investor or the builder. Many others have expressed the same thoughts, but I have neither time nor space to set them forth. You now have the sound judgment of the wisest men in Real Estate in Xew York. "A Word to the Wise Is Sufficient." The lots will go at the price you make. cu 111! Resell Them at the Price that New York's Growing Population Will Make. ? i PV Corne to the sale TOMORROW and BUY! 1 Sale starts at i J2 o'clock noon. I Exchange Salesroom, --w^ / auctioneer j li Vesey Street. 8* Nassau Street. | Telephone 0500 Hector. ? Savings Bank books, also Liberty Bonds at market value, will be taken as '$ deposit. -.?. ? Remember the James Gordon Bennett Estate is in New York City and a 5 cent fare take? you to it. {^JW^j^O^a^i^^m^^^^^^JQl^^^^j^^^^^^^^. .; v .'.:,-AiIJi.'i.^.'i-iULiLU-^.VJ^.^-:. .1 !, \ii, am.?l^Uj-^^.. . .? -, .?.. m m SURROGATES' NOTICES SCHOTT, CHARLES M, JR.?IN 1= is? suance of an order o? Honorable John P. Co halan, a. Surrogate of the County of New York. NOT?CB is hereby v ven to all persons having claims against CHARLES M. SCHOTT, Jr., late of the County o? New York, deceased, to present the same with , vouchers thereof to the subscribers, at ! their place of transacting business at I ? office of their attorney. Alex. H. Jackson, No-, 2 Rector Street, Manhattan, in the ? City of New York, on or before the 20th I day of November next. Dated, New York, the 13th day of May. | 1919. RALPH P. SCHOTT, WILLIAM W. ?CHOMP, HUBERT M. SCHOTT, Executors. i ALEXANDER H. JACKSON. Attorney ! i for Executors, 2 Rectcy Street, New ? York City. ? ____,-__ IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDEF. OF. Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate : of the County of New York. NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons having clatm_ against Edward Lansing Satterlee, late of the Counti of New York, deceased, to pn sent the same with vouchers thereof to the ! subscriber, at his place of transacting busi neas, at the office cf Messrs. Satterlee, Can- ? field & Stone, No. 49 Wail Street, In the City of New York, on or before the 4th day of August next. D_ted, New York, the 3rd day of Feb- ; ruary, 1919. GEORGE REESE SATTERLEE. Executor. 6ATTERl.EE, CANFIELD & STONE. Attorneys for Executor, 49 Wall Street, i , Borough of Manhattan, City of-New York. ! IN PUR - ANCE OF AN ORDER OF' Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE Is I hereby given to all persona bavin_ claims against Grace Howe McClure, ?ate of the Cotintv of New York, deceased, to present | the same with vouchers thereof to the sub- ; ! sentier, at his place o? transacting bual 1 ness, No. HO Leonard Street, jn the Bor I ough of Manhattan. City of Nf w York, on I or before the 20th day of Juiy next. Dated, New York, th- 10th day of Jan? uary, 1919. WILLIAM C. McCLURE. Administrator. CHOATE. LAROCQU'E & MITCHELL. 40 Wall Street. Manhattan, New Yorji City. . CUSHMAN, JOSEPH RATHRORNE?IN pursuance of an order of Honorable John i P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of ; I New York. NOTICE is hereby given to all , persons bavin, claims against Joseph Rath ; borne Cushman, ?ate of the County of New ?York, deceased, to present the same, with ? : vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at her place of transacting business of the execu . trix. care St tson Jennings & Russell. No. 15 Broad Sneer In the Citj of New York, on or ! before the first day of December next. Dated, New York, the 21st day of May. ; 1919.. FRANCES J. CUSHMAN, Executrix. STETSON, JENNINGS _. RUSSELL At? torneys for Executrix, 15 Broad Street, New X'ork City. i PEARSON, CAROLINE ROSS.?IN PUR suance of an order of Honorable John P. ! Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New ; York, NOTICE is herehy given to all per ! sons having claims against CAROLINE-. ?ROSS PEARSON, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscriber. -I pla?a of transacting business, the offi?*. of hta attorney. No. 4S Exchange Place, In the City of New York, on or before th? first day of October next. Dated. New York, the -7th day of March, 1919. CLIFFORD C. PEARSON. Jr. WILLIAM P. MAI.ONEY. Attorney for '? Executor. 4J Wall Street and 43 Ex chance Place. New York. BOSCHEN, WILLIAM <'.?IN PURSU anee of an order of Honorable John P. | Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of Nev? i York, NOTICE la hereby given to all per I so..s ha\lng claims against WILLIAM C. j BOSCHEN. late of the County of New YorK, d-cetised. to present th? samo with vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at It* ', place of transacting business, No :'_ Will- : lam Street, in the City of New York, on or ' before the Hth day of June next. Dated. New Turk, December Sfd, 1918. THE FARMERS' LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Executor. GELLER, KOLSTON & HORAN. Attor? ney? for Executor, -_ Exohangs PUo?. _ Ir-v ?ar_. w. y. * SURROGATES' NOTICES IN PURSUANCE! OF AN ORDER OF ral I? John P. Cohalsn, a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having claims against Grace O Day Macpherson. late of ; the i unty of New York, deceased, to pre? sent the sa'ne with voucher* thereof ta ' t.-.- subscnbera, *' their pla-.e of transact- . lng1 business at the offiee of Messrs Mur? ray. Prentice &. Howland. their attorneys, at No. 37 Wall S'reet, in the Borough of Manhattan, in the City of New Fork, State of New York, on or before the 20th day of , her. 101'j. next. Dated, New York, the 8th day o? May. ' 1919. EDWIN ALLAN MACPHERSON THE EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY Of NEW Y'':'K, Administrate rs MURRAY. PRENTICE K- HOWLAND ? attorneys for administrators Offl ? and P. O. a'idress, ::7 War Street. ? Borough of Manhattan, N-w York ! City. IN P KSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON o:r,:;. John P Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York. Notice is hereby given to ail persons having claims against Aar-'-n P. i;.ar.-k, lu:e of the County of New Ycrk, deceased, to present he same, ?rvlth vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at the offlc? of Richard J. Lewis, their attorney, at No. 68 William Street, in 'ne Borough of Man? hattan. In the City of New York. State of New York, on or before the 1st day of No? vember, 1919. next. Dated, New York, the ISth Cay of A^rll. 1919. THOMAS J. BLANCK. CORNELIUS W. EERDAN. Execute ; RICHARD .1 LEWIS. Attorney (or Ex? ecutors. Off.oe and P. O Address. 6? William Street, Borough of Manhattan, ?vew -?orl: City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON orable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE is h re by given to a!l persons hav.r.g claims against John Egrnont Scherrnerhorn. Late of the County of New Y??rk. deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, at their piac? of transact? ing business, at the offki- of Alfred E. Schermerhorn. at No. 7 East 42nd Street, !n the Borough of Manhattan, in the City of New Ycrk. State of New York, on or be? fore the 1st day of November. 1919, next. Dat?d. New York, the lit day of Apr!', 1919. ALFRED E. SCHERMERHORN. GEORGE C. KOBBE. Executors ROOSEVELT & KOBBE, Attorneys tot Executors, Office and P. O Address, Nos 44 and 46 Wall .'?'ree?, Borough of Manhattan. New York City. HAUSELT, MARIE?IN PURSUANCE o? an order of Honorable John P. ? ? haiun. a Surrogate ot the County of New York, NOTICE is hereby piven to,?11 per? sona having claims against Man* Hauselt. late of the City of Zurich. Republic of Switzerland, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscriber. at his place of transacting business, at the office of his attorneys. Hunt. Hill & Betts. No. 120 Broadway. Borough of Manhattan, in the City of New York, on or before ths? 15th day of December next. Dated, New York, the 20th day ot May, 1919. GEO. WHITEFIELD BETTS. Jr.. Temporary Administrator. HUNT. HILL & BETTS. Attorneys for Administrator, 120 Broadway. Man? hattan, New York City. PECK, JULIA BLANCHE.?IN PUR8?- '< anco of an order of Honorable Jobn P. i Cobalan. a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE Is hereby given to all ixtr sons having claims against Jutla Blench* : Peck, late of the County of New York, de? ceased, to present the same with voucher? thereof to the subscriber, at Its place ot , transacting business, at the vflc? of Emmet * Parish, Its attorneys. No. ?>1 Wall .Street, Borough of Manhattan, to tbe City of New York, on or bet?re thej tub i day of August nest. Dated, New York, th? 23rd day of Jae- ; uary, 1913 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, Executor. EMMET & PARISH. Attorney? tor tta ?cutor. ?9 Wall Street. Borough ill , Manhattan. New Tork OU?. ,. , SURROGATES' NOTICE? IN PURSTAN "E OF AN ORDER Honorable John F ? gi. , ? Is h?ret. . ? persons claim? against V I act 11 e i ..-.i eat Murr-v. i N ? ' Manhatti N ? W Tor ll . Dated, New ' lay EDITH MURRAY. ; I I P < ' A out- .. f Ms ' i HOT! E TO i Kl B ORDER Jilo.??- 4-.. Act ti| Surrogate. Notic? i? _? rdtag to law, to a ; ? against Jame? C P__t.I1, ?ate of the Itp of Albany, it ?*?_, 'r.-t th?y ?re ? ? ?)>? ?ami. with the v .?cher? in ? ?.-. , tn* sub.'cr r. the execurix of .rl ? r. ber pi? exi i ' ' ' ' ?? J. . ;J-ate ?rre.t. la the : Cor? tha it__ ?J. , . t /Dair-d. Albany, V Y. tua ?.*h day -_ Janua ADY FAR' * CH AR1 i - ecu': 5 M Y. _ . FRENCH. SARAH E ?IN P:'! ? ANCg* t an order of 11, a ? York. NOTICE per. sons hi Yor_. net eased, to p- ' era thereof i the sui cf tr_r .-? . : ' ? execu*. ?* t New York, at So ? ? Borough of Man nan - ' * York;, St - r bel re it__ l $ t h t Dated, New . r_ da-j of April, 191?. 'RAI, UNION TRUST COM! MILLER, KING LAN1 . At'i.:: - ?:-. Office ?. V. O A-:-. ? ... . . ?;_ of Ms;- bat?an ' ? ? IN P?R1 -Nt B < F AN ORDElt OF HoncrabW .... P. Cohalan, ? of the Count) of t_< 1 _, > ? ? hereby (Ivan t a ? against Frederick Mead, tats of *..f County." 01 N'W Vork. drceaaed, to prese: t -. * with vouoti-r? thereof to ih* ?uM ?>, at their pla m of transacting .uilnoep. _c the office of Slmpaon. Thaobar _ Bartlett, their attorneys, at No. 62 Cvdar Sir- t. in the Borough cf Manhattan, m the City ot New York. State of New York, on or be? fe r.- the -let day of July Dated. New Y.rk. tha 14t_ day cf Jan? uary, l?l!>. THOMAS THA'-RFIR, PH1UP G. BARTLETT. FIMPSON, THACH-R & BAHT! I "r T. Attorneys for Executors, ?3 Cedar ___ New York City. CAVALL1. MAXIM!!-TAN G.?IN PITRSTJ? anee of an ..f Honorable John P. Cohalan, a _urro__.c at _?? County of New fork. NOT?CK I? Ban - to at! -..--? ?one having claim? aaVinst Maximilian i*. - Cavalli, ?ate at th- Count) of N>? lorH." deceased, to pies<nt tl\-> ?-in? with ti ?r? thereof ti th? ?ubsr ribera ?t tl place .f transacting businc??, Rao m 104)1?, No. 1*1 Broadway, Manhattan Boro_gh> New York Cit>, ou or befor. the ?tu day of August next. Dated, N<w York, the _*th day of Jan? I uary, 191?. i THE FARMERS LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. .'AMI M B KTL-TIKIMER. Exer-utar? DUTTON * KTLSHEIMBR. Attorney? ten Executor?. 19* Broadway, Alan natta* 1 Borough. New York Qtxr