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4a Invest a 1 Noted Athletes March to Aid Scouts' Drive Baseball, Football and Box? ing Stars of Past and Present in Line With Nation's Future .Leaders Gty Campaign Lagging Committee Seeks to Stir Enthusiasm for Last Effort at Over the Top U G I. E S cleared Fifth Avenue of traffic at.10 o'clock yesterday morning. Then from the Washington Arch started the long planned athletic parade of the Boy Scouts. There were ; more than five hundred great ath? letes, stars of track, prize ring, gridiron and base? ball diamond, and more than 9,000 Boy Scouts in the long, well-formed column that tramped up the avenue until it had passed the reviewing stand in i'ront of the Public Library. Once more the broad avenue was . illed with olive drab figures, flags and pennants. But these were not sol ? iiers retuming from the war. Rather they were America's hope of security in the next war that may come, and .he wide-shouldered athletes who .-miled as they marched with them suggested the possibilities in the alender limbs of these athletes of to morrow. Untanned Knees in Unison Bare, untanned knees, the knees of city boys, were lifted in unison as the scouts marched ahead in a column of 'louble squads. Row upon row of lads with purple neck scarves, stamped their left feet hard on the asphalt to the cadence of the band, and were fol? lowed by other rows with scarlet scarves and yet others with shoulders j v.vathed in yellow, followed by rows I and rows of scouts who favored green. { Up at the head of the marching col- j ?:nn was William G. McAdoo, former. 'ecretary of the Treasury and now chairman of the National Citizen's Committee of Scouts. He carried a -irge American flag and in the halts that occurred once or twice he "marked time" with. the same seriops mien as he quartet of diminutive Scout cubs who flanked him as a color guard. Then came "Big Bill" Edwards, col lollar in Boyhood to Build Manhood 95 Scouts Bear illied Flags U~o Avenue Copyright, Unuerwoou aru! Underwood Flags of Allied Nations Being Carried up Fifth Avenue Past the Public Library by Scouts as a Part of the Bij Boy "Sticrut Parade. lector of internal revenue. He marched in a dual role. The big orange and black flag that he carried testified that he was there as an athlete, one of the huskiest football players that ever had a place in the Princeton line. He was also there as the chairman of the Greater New York Citizens' committee of Scouts. He, too, had a guard of Scout cubs, chaps so small that they seemed east for thc. role'of Liliputians, with Mr. Edwards playing Gulliver. Citizens' Committee In Line Then marched the citizens' commit? tee, Martin Vogel, Assistant Treasurer of the United States; Guy Emerson, a member of the executive committee of the Boy Scouts drive; R. A. C. Smith, -former Dock Commissioner, ahd G. Sel-mer Fougner, director of pub licity for the drive. After this group marched the police band and then fifty Boy Scouts carry? ing American flags, followed by the rest of the parade, unrolling itself as an ever interesting alternation of athletes, marching Scouts, floats show ing athlctic events, both outdoors and in, and r\'\ne other bands. Scattered through it all were myriads of flags, so that the avenue seemed again like the river of color that it was in the Liberty Loan parades. If some of the Scouts near the head of the line t-rod on the heels of the Scouts ahead of them it was not fjom a lack of consideration for their fel lows, but ra.her it was due to their effort to get a better view of the base? ball players who marched just ahead of them. Baseball Players March Miller Huggins was there in uni? form, but without his, and the rest of his Yankeps in mufti tramped ahead of Hughey Jennings and the Detroit Tigers. Ty Cobb and Bobby Beach marched, too, and if the Scouts behind them maintained their distances it was nothing less than a modern miracle. Mike Donlin, and John M. Ward -marched at the head of a group cf baseball players whose playing days are over, and in those frequently cheered and oft-applauded rows of marchers were Keene Fitzpatrick, Princeton's athletic trainer, and Bill Clark, now the baseball coach at the same university. Bill Reed, former Harvard star, was march ing besidc "Pooch" Donovan and tho Harvard 'varsity baseball team. Yale was represented by a large delegation of baseball players an track men, all led by "Dutch" Cai-ter, one of the best pitchers Yale ever had. Then came the dusky "Lincoln Gi? ants-?World's Colored Champions." lifting their feet smartly to the tune of "Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here," played by the Street-Cleaning Depart? ment band. Football Stars Present In the baseball division there was a ball ten feet in diarneter, but at that it wasn't as large as the huge football that was the most sensational object of the division containing the players of that game. Foster Sanford, football coach of Rutgers, led a big delegation wearing red and white hat bands. Yale, Prince? ton, Harvard and most of the big Eastern universities were represented by old gridiron stars. Among these were: Walter Camp, iVyllis Terry, Eugene Richards, House Janeway, "Bummy" Booth, "Shep" Homans, Jack Gates, Ted Coy, Charley Brickley, Brink Thorn,. Billy .Ford, Bill Smith, George Lancon, Howard Ameli, Walter Cosgrave, Elmer E. Thompson, Ross and Stevc McClave, Dave Fultz, Donald McFayden, Harold Short, Harry Kers berg, Colonel Reed KiipaVick, Ford Murphy, Tom Thorpe, Irv Withington, Dick Hodge, Tracy Harris and Herbert L. Pratt. Judge Henry A. Gildersleeve led a section of the parade that was com posed exelusively of members of the New York Athletic club. Boxing Float Cheered. A boxing float that carried Benny Leonard, lightweight champion, and Ted "Kid" Lewis was cheered all along the line of march, while these two boxers _ took turns punching a bag. This section of the parade was under, the direction of "Kid" McPartland, a former boxer, who is now connected with Collector Edwards's office. The biggest hit of all was the float labelled "The 01' Swimmin' Hole." This included a tank of water covered on the sides by canvas "rocks." A Boy Scout in a bathing suit, who had volun , teered to "tread" water all the way ! from Washington Square to the point i of disbanding at Fifty-ninth Street, found the bath too cold after he had travelled a few blocks immersed to the neck. Thereafter he sat on tho side, l and in response to rjueries, "How's the water?" he'd shiveringly reply: "F-f-f-f-fine!" Hylan Backs Cause At the Public Library Mr. McAdoo, Mr. Vogel and Mr. Edwards fell out ot' the parade and joined Mayor Hylan in the reviewing stand. The Mayor, inci dentally, at the invitation of Mr. Mc? Adoo, gave $10 and became an asso? ciate Scout. That $10 was needed, too, for it was discovered yesterday that with the $1,000,000 Boy Scout drive half over only $130,170 has been officially re? ported. This was made known at a luncheon of team captains at the Bank? ers' Club. The total should have been $250,000. A. B. Leach, chairman ofthe Manhattan canvass committee, told those et the luncheon that if they slackened their efforts the drive might meet with a disastrously poor finish. It was announced that $25,800 addi tional had been raised since Tuesday noon, of which amount $15,860 was sub scribed by individuals, while the rest comprised adult memberships. Subscriptions to Fund The subscribers and the amounts were: Western Union Telegraph Company, 55,000; Henry C. Frick, $5,000; E. C. Converse, $1,000; Jacob H. SchifF, $1,000; Harold T. Pratt, $1,000; Fred? erick B. Pratt, $1,000; Franklin Simon, $1,000; John T. Pratt, $250; Herbert A. Pratt, $250; Columbus O'D. Iselin, $200; Wolcott G. Lane, $1,000; Ralph D. Mershon, $50, and John F. Hylan, $10. Franklin Simon, besides a personal contribution of $1,000, sent word that 1,000 workers in his department store had agreed to become adult members. . Thc team captain carrying on the drive in traction circles said he had received assurapecs from officials of the Fifth Avenue Coach Company that every member of the organization would join the cause. The largest amount reported by a team captain was $1,535, and the next largest was $1,198. These amounts all represented $1 mem? berships. Miss Mildred Fitzgerald, the only girl present, raised $160 in $1 member? ships during the noon hour yesterday in the financial district. She has been averaging $100 every day during the lunch hour since the opening of the campaip;n. Pleads for More Dollars "We have three more days," Mr. Leach said, "and we have not arrived. If the l?oy Scout story,were told prop erly, nine persons out of ten would gladly give a dollar. Perhaps we are too modest in asking only a dollar. Persons that limit their interest in boyhood to one dollar are not giving the. necessary thought to the impor? tance of this movement for the better ment of America's youth." Mr. Leach referred to men of in? fluence and money in the city who have not resnonded promptly to the appeal. Hc pointed out that a special committee had been formed to reach individuals who are not giving the cause the support it merits. Mr. Leach also said: "Of course we havG been working under high pressure, and it would be quite impos? sible to keep up the pace. No doubt our campaign will wind up with a whirlwind rush, as was the case with the last Victory Loan. Noticeable Apathy "Another matter brought to my at? tention by workers is that many per? sons seem to be apathetic?do not seein to have thc proper interest in our boyhood. Although we expected the machine to slow up, we did not expect it to come practically to a halt. Now this has to do only with large subscriptions, not the ono dollar adurt memberships. "A flying squadron will be formed to oooperate with the Rainbow Division of the committee in the prosecution of Programme for To-day In Boy Scout Drive TVTOON, Sub-Treasury?Friars "Day: .Speakers, Martin \ogel, Assist ant Treasurer United States; Captain John J. Gleason, Lieu? tenant J. C. Y'orke, twenty juvenile Friars, with Jack "Gold? berg, Jess Dandy and the Friars' mascot, ""Cognac"; Police Com? missioner Enright; Representa? tive of the American Red Cross Mischa Applebaum; Will Robins, singer, and Police Department Band and Glee Club. 12:30, luncheon, Rotary Club, Hotel McAlpin. Speakers: William G. McAdoo, Chairman Citizens'.Na? tional Committee, and L. W. Barclay. 1 p. m., luncheon?Team captains, Bankers* Club, 120 Broadway; subscription reports. Speakers: A. B. Leach, chairman Manhattan canvass committee; James E. West, chief Scout executive. All day?Camps in fifteen public parks throughout the city; Boy Scouts' demonstration of Scout life under canvas. Drills, ex? ercises, cooking and routine. 12-2 p. m.?Meetings: Pennsylvania Station, Grand Central Terminal, Public Library, Madison Square and Union Square; speaking and special attractions. 8-9:30 p. m.?Outdoor meeting: Long acre Square, Forty-seventh Street and Broadway, speakers and en? tertainment. 8rllp. m.?Outdoor meetings: Nine? tyvsixth Street and Broadway, 125th Street and Seventh Ave fiue and 181st Street and "St. Nicholas Avenue, speaking and entertainment. 9:30-11 p. m.?Outdoor meeting: Co? lumbus Circle, Fifty-ninth Street and Broadwaty, speakers and en? tertainment. their work among the big financiers, to whom we must look for .aid if we are to attain the $1,000,000 fund. This . squadron will be composed of six mem I bcrs of the leading men in financial ! circles." Although the campaign has taken a j turn for the worse, the air of opti mism that has been the dominating ; characteristic of the officials of Scout | dom is still as great as ever. It was pointed out by Mr. McAdoo that reac . tion of the nature in question marked | ali the loan campaigns. "That has to be expected," he said, j "and more r.o in .this drive than in any i of the previous drives. Solicitations jhave been the order of the day, and peopie are a little tired, but before the campaign winds up the nation will dem : onstrate beyond question its interest I in America's boyhood. If we do not ; love our youngsters well enough to {make sacrifices in Nieir behalf to in sure not only their future welfare, but j also the future welfare of the country, | we have no right here and we are not ' worthy of the name American." The Record They Wrote?IV ?4|?EEP up the morale of the people back of the front," was the continuous plea of -American generals abroad throughout the war. They Tealized malicious stories circulated by German propa gandists here had to be met convincingiy. Literature xd-all sorts was prepared at Washington in order to keep the various nationalities in the United States informed as to conditions in the countries these newly-made Americans had ' [?? behind them. .In many cases the names of the people whom it ^vu most important to reach were not readily obtainable. The J3oy Scouts again! The committee on Public Informatioi like every other department at Washington, called upon the natioo.' I auxiliary army, turned the task of reaching every man and woajai ' in the United States over to it, and asked the Scouts to deliver thi important literature. The Scouts delivered many millions of pieee; and, by their cheerful and patriotic demeanor, are credited with doin< much to keep up the morale of the country. British Biplane to Make 5-Hour Test Before Sea Flight Handley-Page Machine to Take Last Tryout To-day Preparatory to Start From St. John's for Irish Coast * Nete York Tribune Special Cable Service (Copyrisht. 1019. New York Tribune Inc.) ST. JOHN'S, N. F., June 11.?The giant Handley-Page biplane, which yes? terday made its first test flight for the transatlantic voyage, will take thc air again to-morrow for its last tryout be? fore starting aeross the ocean. It will remain aloft about five hours, testing the petrol consumption under conditions approximating those of the transoceanic flight and also to test out thoroughly the directional wireless equipment of the machine and de termine its efficiency. After these tests the biplane will be ready to start for | England at the first opportunity the : weather affords. Captain Frederick P. Baynham, whos Martinsyde plane was damaged in a crash when he attempted to start l aeross the Atlantic with Harry Haw | ker several weeks ago, announced to I day a new engine for his repaired plane is aboard the steamship Graci ana, which reported by wireless to? day that .she likely would arrive heTe to-morrow forenoon. Captain Ra?n 1 ham said the new engine would be in '? stalled at. once, test flights would b# j made within a few days and he hoped i to make another start aeross the ocean | by the first of next week. Captain Raynham said he was un j able to give out -yet the name of the ; navigator who will accompany him, but the impression exists in some quarters ! that_ he .has chosen the man who is j now oh his way here. Others doubt | this, saying that Raynham will start | with another capable airman aiow in , St. John's. The Vimy-Vickers officials promise a start before the week-end if weat; conditions are favorable. Their bi *" cial supply of gasolene ordered t'i\ l England will arrive on the Graciana. -. Rodman Wanamaker in Battlesite Corporatir i, Rodman Wanamaker, it wa? I nounced yesterday, has contribue j per cent of the purchase price .. Fort Washington site. It is ,, stood a corporation will t>e forn', take over and preserve the hi locahty. It comprises eighteen 1< i the north side of lS3d Street. bc Fort Washington and Pinehurst . mies, and is part of the James G >i Bennett estate, all of which is ., sold at auction by Joseph P. Day One of the fiercest battles "o Revolution was fought on the site i it was at the instigation'of a number l patriotic citizens that it was purch . I as a whole Tuesday instead of d< ... sold in parcels to individuals, as i;: thi remainder of the estate. Another group of elgnteen lots which held the home of James Gordon' Bennett and his father, has T.een pl?ced by the purchaser at the disposal of aa association that will build some euit able improvement upon it as a tribute to the memory of James Gordon Ben nett. It was intimated yesterday that this probably would take the form of the home for newspaper men provided for in the Bennett will. Rodman Wana? maker has contributed 10 per cent of the price for this tract also. "" *? >? ' ? ????? ?-_ Officer and $121^250 Gone COBLENZ, June 11 (By The Asaocl ated Press).~G3rman army and police authorities in the unoccu-,;ied terrifcor. oppositc the Cobler.z bridgehead hav* been requested by American intelli gence officers to keep a lookout for aa American disbursing officer who has disappeared with 4S5.000 nark. ($121,250). "? The money was ir.tended to be Daii to the men of the Fifth Field ArtillTry of the lst Division, which holds th? outermost post of the bridgehead In telhgence officers have reported ta Ihird Army Headquarters that t?? missing officer was suspected of enter taimng German sympathies, and that this had led them to believe that he had gone in the drrection of Berlin tt^T5-^ ?fficer ijW?nder bond toth. United Mates government boys? Boy Scout influence extends into every home, school, factory and business office in the country. Read This: THE SCOUT OATH THE SCOUT LAW Before he becomes a scout a boy must promise: On my honor I "will do my best: 1. To do rny duty to God and my coun? try, and to ohey the Scout Law; 2. To help other people ai all times; \ 3. To keep myself physically strong, mentalty awake, and morally straight fe& This advertisement is paid for by friends of the Boy Scouts. L !. A SCOUT IS TRUSTWORTHY. A scout's hon.or is to be trusted. If he were to violate his honor bv tell ing a lie, or by cheating, or by not doing exactly a given task, when trusted on his honor, he may be directed to hand over his scout badge. 2. A SCOUT IS LOYAL. Ile is loyal to all to whom loyalty is due; his scout leader, his home, and parents ar.d country. 3. A SCOUT IS HELPFUL. He must be prepared at any time to save life, help injured persons, and ehare the home duties. He must do at least one good turn to somebody every day. 4. A SCOUT IS FRIENDLY. IIe is a friend to all and a brother to every other scout. 5. A SCOUT IS COURTEOUS. Hc is polite to al!, especially to women, children, old peopie, and the weak and helpless. He must not take pay for being helpful or courteous. 6. A SCOUT IS KIND. Hc is a friend to animals. He will not kill nor hurt any living creature needlessly, but will stiive to save and protect all harmless life. 7. A SCOUT IS OBEDIENT. He obeys his parents, scoutmaster, patrol leader, and all other dulv constituted authorities. y 8. A SCOUT IS CHEERFUL. He smiles whenever he can. His obedience to orders is prornpt and cheery. He never shirks nor grumbles at hardships. 9. A SCOUT IS THRIFTY. He does not wantonly destroy property. He works faithfullv wastes nothing and makes thc best use of his opportunities. He saves his monev so that he may pay his own way, bc generous to those in need, and helnful to worthy objects. He mcy vork for pay, but must not receive tUs foi courtesies or good turns. r ' 10. A SCOUT IS BRAVE. He has the courage to face dangcr in spitc of fear, and has to stand up for the right against the coaxmgs of friends or the jeers or threats of cnernies, and defeat does not down him. * ""c^ia oi 11. A SCOUT IS CLEAN. He keeps clean ir. body and thought, stands for clean speech clean sport, clean habirs, and travels with a clean crowd. 12. A SCOUT IS REVERENT. # He isTcvcrcnt toward God. He is faithfu! in his religious duties and respects the conviction of others in matters 0f custom andl reUgion The motto of the Boy Scout Movement is "Be Prepared" fcach Boy Scout is required to do a good turn daily. Sign this: Nation Wide Campaign for 1,000,000 Associate Members 250 500 1,000 2,500 5,000 Boy Scouts of America natiio83!r#oJi?c5f ^Si&^^LS^i&SSSSSt ? THE SSS^a^ AGREE TO PAY ^ SSS^ iS^SS^&?J^ .Cash .Check Herewith, $. .PLEDGE: To be paid before June 30. 1920, aa follows: Name ... .eh.sce.-C*.. ? ? ? Address .?. Make check. Payable to Geor?e D. Pratt, Trea.urer 200 Flfth Ave., New York City