Newspaper Page Text
Pun riacs.. 5:2-i c aalSun sets... f:2"p. m. Moon riaes. 7 -.42 v. m Moon Bets.. % :3o a. m. Local Forecast.?Fair to-day and to-mor *ow -. tittle in temperature; gentle to ttedarate fouthr::.-t Winds. Local Official Kecord.?The fe'.lowing of Sciai reco:d shows u.>niperatures during the la&t tweaty-:our hours in compariscn with the corrcsponUing <iate of last year: CITATIOXS THE PEC?!.S Or THE .-TATE OF NEW TORK, 15V THE URACE OF OOD, FREB AMl INDBFEXDENT: To SAM UEL MALTIN QRBBN, Indlvidually ana as E\pcut~r of ?nd Trust'ae under tho La?t WIII rnd Te.-uarnent ot Anclrew Has well 0:vc:~. deceased, and as Administra tor with -he Will Annexed of Martin Green. de.-eased: T1MOTHV RUQGLES GREL'N. tn-*|v|dualiy and as Executor of ? nc T.-U3tec under the Last V>';il ancl Tes of Andrew Haswell Green, de? ceased; WILLIAM OGDEX OREE.V, in dividually ai,.i as Executor of and Trustee under the Last Will and Testarrient of Andrew Kaawell Gre^n. deceased; NATHAN WILLIAMS GRSEN. individual ly and as Executor of and Trustee under the Last YVtU an 1 Testament of An:irsw Haswell Green. deceased; JL'LU ELIZA BBiH GRP.EN: MARY RUOQLES ?5553 OWEX; MARY POMEROY GREEN; ANRKEW HUGH ORBBN: WaRNER GHSEX BA1RD. KATHAR1NK BAIRD TRKAT. and to a'.l persons inter estcd as cred.'*ors, legatees, neitt of :;in or otherwise ;n the Estate of Andraw Easwell Green. deceased, who at the time pf h;s death resided at City, County and 6tata of New York, SEXD GREETIXGS: V pon the petitinn. nated March 31. 391ft. of TIMOTHY RUGGLES GREEN. res.dir.g at ls Franconla Street, V.'orces *??? ^i.^'achujetts; WILLIAM OGDEN GREEN, residing at lail Astor Street, Chicago, Llin-Ms; SAMUEL MARTIN GREEN. residins at 325 Long Hill Street. fJWP/r.l?; M.iasaohusetis. and NATHAN WU.LIAMS GREEX, resid'.ng at 15'> West btreet. Xew York City. Now York: You and each of you are hereby clted to show cause before our Surrogate of the County of New York. ;;t the Surrogato's Court of said County. heid at the Hall of Records in the County of New York on the 24th day of June. 1919, at hnlf past ten o'elock ln tho forenoon of that dav ^.^r^i!^,1000""1 drlted March 31. 1010. of TIMOTHY KUGGLES GREEN. WILLIAM OGDEX GREEX. SAMUEL MARTIN GREEX and NATHAN WILLIAM9 OREEX, as Survivlng Truetees under the Last will and Te.stament of said dei caased. from July 31, U>17. to and includ lns March 31, 1919, should not bc judl c:a".y settled. IX W1TNESS WHEREOF, we have caused the sea! ot the Surrogato's Court of the aaid County of New York to bo her?unto afilxed. ? WITNESS, Honorab'e JOHN" P. CO? HALAN, a Surrogate of our said County, at the County of New York, the 12th day of May, in the year of our Lord Cr.o UkOttsand nine hundred and nineteen. DANIEL T. DOWDXET, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. [Seal of Surrogate's Court. New York County.] FORECLOSURE SALES NEW YORK SUF-REME COURT, COUNTY OF NEW YORK.--CORNELL UNIVER BITY. PUintiff, against TROW L'TREC TORY PRINTING AXD BOOKBIXDIXG COMPANY, ED.WARD H. TITUS and JOHN B. JOHN3TOX, as ReceiverB of Trow Directory Printing and Bookbinding Company; METROPOLITAN TRUST COMPANY OP THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AS TRUSTEE. and MORRIS HEL JTR. Defendants. In pursuance of a Judirment of fore closure and sale !n the Hbove cntltled ac? tlon, datad June 'Jth, 1310, an,i entered ln the offtcu of the Clork of the County of Ne.v York on June Cth, 131?, I. the under f>.%:.-..:. the Referee In said judgment naned, will seil at pub.ic auction at the Exthanpe Sales Room, Nos, 14-1* \>scy 8tre-Jt, in the Borough of Manhattan, City .?f Xew York. on the first day of July, 1819, at tweive o'elock noon, by Joseph P. Bay, aucti&noer, the premisea directed by ?a'.d juagment to be sold and thereln de ?cnbel as tollowe: FIRST PARCEL. A'l those certaln lots, pleces or parcels Of !and, situate in tho Borough of Man? hattan. City ar,d Ptate of New York, more partltularly des-iribed as foliows, that is to say: FIRST: ALL those five certaln lots, pleces or parce'.s of ground sltuate, lylng and being in the Sevtnteenth Ward of tho ,a oi ^t;" Vork. on the northeasterly ?ld? of Twe'.fth Street, between the Sec? ond ar.d Third Avor.ues, known and deslg atted by the letter F and by the numbers 1*4 (ono hundred and elghty-four), 185 (one hundred and eighty-flve), 1S6 (one hundred and eighty-slx), 187 (one hun? dred and elghty-sevtn) and 1S8 (one hun ared and Ughty-eight) upon a certaln *'*P .fl^d in the Offlce of the Reglster of lt, Plty and County ot New York, en tttled "A Map of the residuary Real Es? tate of Paer Oerard BtUyVisant, deceased. ln the City of New York, aa purutioned by the Commlssloners appolnted bv the Su? preme Court ot the State of New York in tne ault of Garard Btuyvesant agalnet ?arni,'.or. fish ar.d RuthorfOrd Stu> ^asant, dated October 24th. 1?1?.-' which *l*P is certified by the Baid Commlsslon ?rs and a copy wheraof 1? annexed to the Kapurt of the said ConmiiMlonera filed In Vbi Office of the Clerk of the County of 2>>aw York, which said lots, taken together. fj/a hounded as foiiows, to wit: BEGIX ,'^P at a P?'nt on the northeasterly Blde or Tweifth Street dlatant live hundred and tan (olOj feet nonl,westwardly from tha Beeond Avenua and running thence north ?aetwardly on a llne parallel with aald Avenues cne hundred ar.d three (103) feet ?nd three (3) inches; thence aoutheaat ?ward'.y on a llne parallel with tho aald Street one hundred and twenty-fiva (125) ieet ; thence K'juthwestwardly on a llne parallel with tha said Avenue one hundred *ud three (103) feet and three (3) inchas to Tweifth Str-et, and thence northweat *rardly along TwtUth Street ona hundred knd (138) faat to the placo of paglr.nlng. aceording to tha meaaurement liBed by tho Con.mlaslonera for laylng out Streeth and roads ln the City of New York tender tho Act of the Lagislatura of tha 6tate of New York passed Aprll 3, 1807. S?-.;ng the same premlsea conveyad to Charlolte B. Wiibour by Sidney J. Cowen, Referee, by tieed dated November 11th, llT'j. and recorded ln lhe Cffica of the Ragistor of tha City and County of New xork in Llber i<20 of Conv-.yances at page l on tha aam* aay. logethor with a!l flxtures and articles *t*i hed to or used ln connection with aald ?prexin-s, togather with tiie appurtanancea *r''j ail the eatata and rights of the Ha'.d Trow Lirect'.ry Printing and Bookbindlng vorf.par.y in aod to aatd pr'-mlaea. SECOND PARCEL. A?l thoiw enrtaln leaa?a, laa?aho!d? and ***?ed premlMa ln tha Borough of Man r-'-"*r. C:\y ar.d State of New York, more Parli'.ulaf.y <j?*;rsbed aa foliowa, that la to ?,i y; SECOND: ALL that certain leasa dated **}y 10. liOJ. rcada by Ntcholaa Flah and otf'*ri, Eie^u-ors of tha wlil of Hair.lUon jTlah. deceased, to the mortgagor hereln. Trow L.rect.ry Printing and B<Vjkblndtng company, and racordad tn tha Office of wo Reetytar of tha County of Naw York ?? ><tr-.h Jlat, 1*04, a.'.d aia^. ali that cer **'? :ea*<s d?t*,j DacamOer 11. 1^14, mada or namllton Fi?h Corporatlon to tha aaid ?Mrtgagor, ??<??! or ?.-id last mentloned ****'" domlflnn and lettlng ai! that c?r **>n wt, pjec; or partel of ground altuate. /?!.'"' }*? l"iir'S ln tho 17th Ward of the -?/ of New Y'-rk, b'/ur.ded as foiiows, to *"?? BSOINMXNO at a point on the aouth "**i*c/ aide of the Third Avenue dtstant wwaty-flv* feet and alx lnchea northeaat '-??'/ Jrom Tweifth fetreet, and running 5555 ? a^uthaaatward:-/ on a llne parallel w"? tne aaid gtreet one hundrad feet; **???? outhwastwardiy on * llne parallel Zj, ''" ?*w3 Avanua twanty-flva feet and ** -<:-.e? Uj Twaifth 5i!raa?, thanca north ?a*:w?rdiy on a litie along tha aaid ?.-?" ^.:-.e h'jr;C.-e4 feer, and ?hen'? north jastwif-iiy ;)ong tha ?4'.d Avanu* twenty. ? ?? ..-.t aad tin inahas t<> i:>?. plooo of ba EW*- *'<--<tWt-P. to tha maa?ur?war.t "??u t,/ ?),? ComrnUoioiMra for uying out ??et? ?r,d ro*d? ir. tha City of Naw York gdat th. AH ^t tna L?gt?utura of tha Tlu'ir''*!,'{"'il P??aad Aprll Zd, U07. ZQnary %*,. \v>z. m*4o by Charlaa N. Ztf !?*,% Z'd ,v''"i?"'"'>n* Warrlng, Ex K5.VL&*.***'!?**" Liractory Printing and tmt '!? ",i Cofi>>T??? ??4 raeord?d in tha vaV!- " ?n *?aio? t, Llber ?3, of Con tu, Z'JSZZZ tm *Xn* *" that certaln laaa* i 1919 8( "18, 19101 l.)18. 3 a. m... ;?9 63 S p. m . . . 5S 6 a. m... 5i 61 6 p. m.. 59 9 a. m... 5>5 70! ;? p, ra 59 7-j 12 noon.. 56 80:10 p. m!!! 59 71 H ghest temperature. 82 (at 12:20 r. m i lowost. 01) (at ( a. m.) ; average. 71 ? a??raBi same dato last year. 58; nverage same'dal. for ihntv-three years, 68. R a. m. *. m. Huraidily 91 1 p m- 63;3 p. m_ f>: Baromcter Readlngs 30.36J1 p. m. . 30.35.8 p. m. 30. Other Pccpls's ^"calhar WASHINGTON. June 11.?Althouch press ure is generally high in the central vnlleys I tho lake regions, the East and Sauth, ghower. i and tnunderstorms ojcuned over th? greute I portion of this area, except in the lowe ! lake region and the Atlantic states as fa : south a? North Carolina. There were als. ' ?oc"1 showers in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas ; Now Mexico and Mor.tana. Temperatures are gonerally above the sea 1 sonal average over the northorn diatrict . east of the Rocky Mountains. except alorij the Atlantic coast, and somewhat. below wes 1 of the Rooky Mountains. In the South tre were generally normal. Thundcr shower are probable Thursday in the Ohio Valiey rennessee, the western lower lake region th. I B0"th1 Atlantic and tho south portion of th , middle Atlantic district. followed by gener , ally fair weather Friday, except in Florida ln the upper lake and eastern lower lak regions, New England and the north portioi of the middle Atlantic districta the weathe will be generally fair Thursday and Friday Temperatures will change but little. rorecasts for Special Distriets.?Easterr New York and Southern New England ren erally fair to-day ar.d to-morrow; ' li'ttii change :n temperature. Western Pennsylvania. !o:nl thunder show? ers to-day; to-morrow -robably fair; Httl< chance in temperature. Western New York, generally fair to-daj and to-morrow; little change in temperature New Jersey, Delaware and Eastern Penn sylvania, partly cloudy to-day and to-mor? row ; little change in temperature. Going On To-day DAY Free admiaslon to Metropolitan Museum ol Art, American Museum of Natural Mis tory, American Mus&um of Safety and the Aquarlum Lecture, Perfleld Summer School Mussc Besslona, Hotel Astor, 6 a. m. Mei tlng, National Association Kheet Music Dealers, Hotel McAlpln, & a. m. .Meeting W'all Pap( r Manufacturers, Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, 10 a. ni. Luncheon. Rotary Club, Hotel McAlpln. 12:30 p. 111. Meeting, Women's National League. Hotel Pennsylvania. LUNCHEON. Moutessorl Alumnl, Hotel McAlpin. 1:30 p. m. Canadian War Memorial Exhlbitlon, Ander son Gallery, FIfth'y-ninth Street and Park Avenue, 10 a. m. to 10. EVEXIXtt Dinner. New York Sectlon Atlantic Coast Shipbullders, Hotel McAlpin, 6:'.I0 p. 111. Dinner. Foreign Kxchange Club, Hotel McAlpin, 7 p. m. FORECLOSURE SALES easterly side of Third Avenue, between Twelt'th and Thlrteenth Streels, and known as Number i'.i Third Avenue and bounded as follows, to wlt: BBGTNNING at a point on the easterly side of Third Avenue distant twenty-flve feet slx inches northerly from Twelftli Street. and run? nlng thence easterly on a line parallel with Twelfth Street one hundred feet; thenre northerly on a lino parallel with Third Avenue twenty-six feet; thence wcsterly 011 a line parallel with Twelfth Street one hundred feet to Third Avenue. and thence southerly along Third Avenue twenty-six feet to the place of beginning, acording to the measuremeiU used by the Coiv.n-.issloners for laylng out streets and roads in tho City of New York under the Act of thu Legislature of the State of New York passed April 3, 1807. FOURTH; ALL that certain lease dated April 13, 1806, made by Nlcholas Fish and others, Executors of the Will of Hamllton Fish, deceased, to Charles Sohonowald, and by mesne apslgnments from the lattei to the mortgagor herein. Trow Dlrectory Printing and Bookbinding Company, as algned and recorded in the Offlce of the Rc-glster of the County of New York in Section 2. I.iber 47. of Conveyances, page 474, Block 488, on December 19, 1898, and also all that certain lease dated Decem? ber 11, 1014, made by Hamllton Fish Cor? poration to the said mortgagor herein, each of said last mentioned leases demis Ing and lettlng: ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of ground situate, lylng and being in the Seventeenth Ward of the City of New York, on tho easterly side of Third Avenue, between Twelfth and Thlr? teenth Street*, and bounde* as follows, to wlt': BEGrNNING at a point on the east? erly side ot Third Avenue distant flfty-ono feet slx Inches northerly from Twelfth Street, ar.d runnlng thence easterly on a line parallel with Twelfth Street one hun? dred teet; thence northerly on a line parallel with Third Avenue twenty-six feet; thence westerly on a line parallel with Twelfth Street ona hundred feet to Third Avenue, and thence southerly along Third Avenue twenty-six feet to the place of beglnning, according to tho measure uient used by the Commissioners for lay? lng out Streets and rcjr.ds ln the City c?e New York, under the Act of the Legis? lature of the State of New York passed April 3. 1807. Together with all flxtures and articles attached to or used ln connection with said premlses, together with the appur tenances and all the estate and rlghts of the said Trow Dlrectory Prlnting and Bookbinding Company in and to eaid premlses. Pursuant to said Judgment, I will eell the above descrlbed premlses as follows: I w-ill flrst offer for sale the mortgaged premlses as a whole, and then offer for sale that portion of tho said mortgaged premlses above descrlbed, deslgnated 'J-IRfif." as one separat.j parcel, and the remainder of said mortgaged premlses, ?.U'1^tod SECOND,.nilKD" and KJIRIH, ' as another suparate parcel; if the amount of the highest bid for tho ?aid mortgaged premlses rb a whole equals or exceods the total of tho amounte of tho hlghe:,t blds for said two separato par oels, I will accept said highest bid for said mortgaged premls<-a as a whole and s<Ml the eaid 'mortgaged premli'-s accordlngly but. ir the total of the amounts ot the highest blds tor said two s<--parate parcels <rxce*d3 the amount of said highest bid for said mortgnged premlses as a whole I will accept said highest blds for said two srparate parcels and sell the samo accord? lngly. The above descrlbed premlses will bo sold subject to any stato of facts which an aecurate surv-ey may show; the por? tion thereof hertinabove referred to ??? "FIRST PARCEL" will be sold Kubject to covenants and reslrictlons contalnod ln deed recorded m the Offlce of the Keg. ister of the County of New York ln Llbor 642 of Conveyances, at pago 670; and the portion thereof hereinabove referred to as "8BCOND PARCEL" will be sold subject to any and all rlghts acqulred by any elo vated railroad company for the operation o,f sn elevated railroad ln Third Avenue Dated. New York, Juno 7th. l&ia. IfOWARD C. KELLY. ReW?e 0ACXBTT, CHAPMAN & STEVENS. At? torneys for Plalntlfr, 154 Nasaau Btrt-M (The Tribune Building), New York. The following Is a dlagram of the prop? erty to be sold; Its street numbers are S7, *? *nd 91 Third Avenue and 201 to 213, ln clusive. East Twelfth Street: IOO ?VT* ...\y,v 1A V IOO FlfiSf. X ./2&Sr#?Ef 12s The *pproxlm$fe emount of the lien or ehar??, to satisfy which the above d? ?ertbed property i? to b? sold, is One hun dr"l *nd nineteen thoutand two hundred and s*venty-?lx ?nd ?7/l00 Dollars (1113, 27? *7), with Interest theree-n from May 27th, 1>1>, lofether with the costs and al lowances. arnoutttlnK to JJ40.08. wlth in ??rt?t fr?m June ?th, 101 ft, together wlth the ?jponic-K ?f vtie ??)e. The approxlmat* amount of the t&XOS, n-.oi'-Bsments and water rat*-* or other llens whleh are to he sllowed to the purchwor out of the pur? chase mon?-y. or paid by the Refere*., Is 83,774 and Interest on "FIRKT PARCEL" *n4 IL4S0 ?nd intorest on "flBCOND PARCEL." There are also baek rsntale 4ue unA p?y*b!e on "SECOND PARCEL." the tpproxlmate amount of which !? 18,100. D?te<J, New York, June Iftli, 1019. HC'WARD C, KHLLY. R*fere?, ! Meeting. United Cloak and Suit Deslgnera, i j Hotel McAlpln. 7 p. m. ' Dinner. Society to Hejp Devastated Churches France. Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, ; ' p. m. ; Eruertainment and dance, benefit of Span loh Hospltal, Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, 8 I P- m. | Meeting. Gold Pen Manufacturers' Assocla I tion. Hotel McAlpin, 8 p. m. I oupper, Alpha Fhi, Hotel McAlpln, 11:16 I p. m. ART EXHTBITIONS I Academy Art Shop, 153 West Flfty-sev . | ^nth Street. Batilt show. I ; Art Alliarice ot American Galleries, 10 j | East Forty-seventh Street, foreign hand L icraft exhibitlon. to June 21. , Dudenalng Galleries. paintings and water _ colors, by W. S. Bucklln. to June 14. ; Ehi-lch Print Gallery. exhibitlon of old '. \ English prints. i Gr?,'*r c'"b. 47 East Slxtteth Street. ex i hlbltion of bookblndlngs, to June 15. Kennedy & Co., 613 Flfth Avenuo, exhibi? tlon ot old naval prints. through Juna. Mh.-h Galleries. New York street scentS and flag pictures. by Childe Hassam, through Juno. Shipping News High Water e M A.M. P.M. Snndy Hook . 7:30 7:58 Governors Island . S:20 8:31 He'.l Gate .10:23 10:18 Arrived Yesterday Vessel. Port. Departure. Lapland.Liverpool ....June 2 Cap Flnisterre.Brest .June 1 Carolyn.Fowey .Mav 27 Ploneer.Stock'holm . . ..May 21 Thorgerd.Barry .May 26 Dallaa.Barry .May 24 Ocean.Barry .May 31 Dirlo.Antwerp .May 24 Polycarp.Liverpool .May 2? T'o-.-t Dondo.Llsbon .May 2t) Puget Sound.Montevldeo_May 13 Erdely.Glbraltar .May 22 l.ake. Wilson.Crlstobal .June 1 Katherlne Park.Swansea .May 22 Munorway.Norfolk .June 9 W. H. Tiet'ord.London .May 20 G. R. Crowe.Lobos .Alay 2S Lampasas.Galve'ston .June 4 Mohawk.Jacksonville.. ..June 8 Deerfleld.Rotterdam.May 28 Lake Janet.Sagua .June 2 IXCOMING STEAMERS Due To-day Vessel. Port. Departure. Rambler .Brest .May 21 Lake Pepln .St. Nazalre .May 15 Dante Aliglerl ...Marsellles .May 20 Anacortes .Antwerp .May 28 Leviathan .Brest .June ? Charles .Brest .May 31 Nopatln .Brest .May 31 Due Friday Madonna..Marseilles .May 30 OUTGOING STKAMSHIPS To-day MAIL VESSEL CLOSES SAILS Rotterdam, Rotter? dam .10:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. Sta vangerf.iord Christiania .10:00 A.M. 2:00P.M. United States, Chrls- ) tlansand .10:.-i0A.M. 2:00 P.M. La Savoie. Havre... 8:30 A.M. 12:00 M. Leopold II, Antwerp 8:00 A.M. 12:00 M. Chieago, Bordeaux.11:30 A.M. 3:00 P.M. Vitallia, Glasgow ...-? 12:00 M. ; Pretorla. Brest . ?- 12:00 M. ? Santa Cecilia, Brest.-12:00 M. Puehio (war). Brest-10:00 A.M. Phlda. Buenos Ayres 6:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. West Galeta, Buenos Ayres . 0:00 A.M. 12:00 M. Colon, Pt. au Prinre.12:30 P.M. 4:00 P.M. C. Savanah, Savanah - 3:00P.M. Milwaukee Bridge, Llsbon . 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Friday Madawaska, Brest . - 11:00 A.M. Benedict, Para ....10:00 A.M. 12:00 M. Saturday Mauretanla. South ampton . 8:00 A.M. u :00 A.M. D d'Aosta, Genoa. . 8:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. West Caruth. Accra 8:00 A. M. 11:00 A. M. P. der Nederlanden, Hayti . 8:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Coalmo, San Juan. . h:3X> A. M. 12:00 M. Monterey, Vera Cruas 0:00 A. M. 12:00 M. AMERICAN PORTS DELAWARE BREAKW^TER, Del. June ll.?Passed up: Steamers Kremlin (Br.), Genoa for Philadelphia: Galllpoll (Br.), Norfolk for Philadelphia. Passed out: Steamers Kasbek (Belg.). Philadel? phia for Antwerp; Bermuda (Br.), Phila? delphia for Falmouth (for orders); liuna, (Nor.), Philadelphia for Port Antonlo; Arttgone (Br.), Philadelphia for Genoa; Jess (Nor.). Philadelphia for Port Anto nio; .1, C. Donnell, Philadelphia for Port Lobos. Salled: Steamers Ravenstone (Br.). from Glbraltar to Boston. GALVESTON, Juno 11.?Arrlved: Motor SUMMONS SUPREME COURT, NEW YORK COUNTY. ?JACOB TABOLT. Plaintiff, against JOHN MARRON and "MARY" MARRON, his wife; JAMES MARRON and "ANN" MARRON, his wife. the namea "MARY" and "ANN" being flctltlous. real Christian names ot said defendants being unknown to plaintiff; MARY MARRON, BRIDGET MARRON'.. JULlA DALY. KATHERINE MARRON, MARY RAI-TERTY, ELLA O'GORMAN STANTON". as Committee of the Person and Eelato of MARY RAFFERTY, an alleged ln - eompetent person; MtCHAEL O'NEiLL. no-.v ' or iate of Braganstown, Ireland; M1CHAEL : u'NEILL, now or Iate of Priorstate, Ire? land; PATR1CK FINNEGAN; all persons I unknown, being the helrs at law. grantees, i devlsees, credltors, lienors, legal representft ! tives or successors in Interest of FRANCIS j J. O'NEILL. deceased, and their husbands, i wlves or widows, lf any, ano all persons un I known having, or olalming to have, any ea tate, dower, right, tltle, claim or Interest In, or?geiiernl or speclflC lien upon the real prop? erty descrlbed in the complalnt In this actlon. through or under eitnei or any of said un? known helrs at law, devlsees. cred? ltors. lienors. legal representatlves or uuc cesEOra i-i interest of aaid FRANCIS J. O'NEILL. deceased, a!l of whom and whose names are unknown to plaintiff, and all of : whom are herein deslgnated as unknown de? fendants; THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORlv. AL1EN PROPERTY CUS , TODIAN. WAR TRADE BOARD. THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Defendants, TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: i YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO an ! swer the complalnt ln this actlon and to I serve a copy of your answer on the Plaintiff's I Attorney within twenty days after the ser j vice of this summons. excluslve Of the day of service. and ln case of your failure to : appear or answer, Judgment will bo taken 1 against you by default for the rellef de ! manded in the complalnt. Dated, New York, June 13th, 1918. WILLIAM F. CLARE, Attorney for Plaintiff. Offlce and Post Offlce Address, 135 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, New York City. TO: JOHN MARRON and "MARY" MAR? RON, his wife; JAMES MARRON and : "ANN" MARRON, his wife, the names : "MARY" and "ANN" being flctltlous, real ? Christian names ot said defendants being unknown to plaintlrf; MARY MARRON, BRIDGET MARRON, JULlA DALY, KATH 1 ERINE MARRON, MICHAEL O'NEILL, i now or Iate of Braganstown, Ireland; MI? CHAEL O'NEILL, now or Iate of Priorstate, : Ireland; PATRICK FINNEGAN; all persons I unknown, being the helrs at law, grantees, 1 devlsees, credltors. lienors, legal representa i tives or successors ln interest of FRANCIS J. O'NEILL, deceased. and their husbands, > wlves or widows, lf any. and all persons un - known having, or clalming to have, any es tate, dower, right. tltle, clalm or interest ln, i or general or specific lien upon, the real i property descrlbed ln the complalnt ln this i actlon, through or under elther or any of - said unknown helrs at law, grantees, de ; vlseos, credltors. lienors, legal repreeenta I tlves or successors in interest of said FRANCIS J. O'NEILL, deceased, all of i whom and whosa names are unknown to i plaintiff, and all of whorn are herein desig ; nated as unknown defendants. The foregolng sumrnons is aerved upon you by publicatlon, putsuant to on order of Honorable Bartow S. Weeke. a Justlce of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. dated the 10th day of May, 1919, and filed i with tho complalnt In the offlce of the Clerk i of tho County of New York at the County Court House, Borough of Manhattan, City, ; County and State of New York. WILLIAM F. CLARE, Attorney for Plaintiff. Offlce and Post Offlce Address, ] L'!5 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, 1 <;i.'y JSLJJSS^iSlSL_ i SUPrUmE COURT. COUNTY OF NEW j YORK.----Fultcn Trust Company of New York, as committee of the property ot Claia A. Downey, an lncompetent person, plaimiff, agj-lnst Miry E. Wood, Indlvidually ond also I ?b axecutrlx of the last will and teeiair.eni of ; virglnla Wo6d, deceased; Georgo Haas, and the People of the State of New York, de ; fernlant*.?Summons.?Trlal desired In the i County of New York. To the above named defendants and each of them: You are hereny eummoned to answer the complalnt ln this actlon, and to serve a copy of your answe>- on the plaintiff's attorneys within twenty days after the service of this suiniiions exclusive of the day of service. and ln c??e of your failure to appear or answer ludgmenl will bo taken against .vou by default for tho rellef demanded ln the complaint. Dnt*<! May 1, 1S1I. KNEELaSD, HARISON ft HEWITT, At? torney for Plaintiff. Offlce and Post Offlce address, 43 Cedar Btreet. Borough ot Manhattan. New York City, N. Y. ? To the above named defendant, Mary X. vvvid. Indlvidually ard also as executrlx of the last will and testament of Vlrglnl* Wood, deceased: The foregfiirjr summons Is served upon you by publicatlon, pursuant to an order of Hon. Bartow fi. Weeka, a Justlce of the Hupreme C(,Urt of the State of New York. dated the 12th day of May. 161?, and ftled with th* complalnt ln the offlce of the Clerk or the County of New York. at the County (ouit Uousft. ln the Borouah of Manhattan. City, County and fitate of New York. KtMrt s*w Vorkt Hw "? *?y> KNEKLAND. HAR18QN * HEWYTT. At wu-nays for Flalotlk, Offlce and Ton Omce address, 43 C?er Btreet, Borou?h * of Manhattan. New Tork City. ship Pennant, Tampico. Salled: Steam? ers Tapton (Br.), Genoa via New Orleana Comai, Xew York. JACKSONVILLE, June 11.?Arrived: Steamer Apache. Xew York via Charlea ton; schooner Willla'm-H. Sumner, Havana Sailed: Stamer Van, Mlami. MARCUS HOOK, Pa., June 11.?Paeaed down: Steamers Andalusia, Philadelphia for Liverpool; Dorchester, Philadelphia for Boston: Lake Calera, Fhilauelphia. for Newport Xewa. MOBILE, Ala.. June? 11.?Arrived Steamer Eanaran, Mosh Point; schooner Lehorae, Grand Caymarn; steamer Lake DAILY, INCLUDING SUNDAY "Waahinglon Irvlng," "Hendriclc Hudson." "Roberl Fulton," "Albany." Dlrect Rail Connectlona to all points North, East and West. Ail through rail tickets between New York and Albany accepted. Music. Restaurant. Ideal one-day outingi. Leav? Desbrosscs St., S:40 A. M.; W. 42d I St., 9:00; W. 123th St., 9:20; Yonkara, 9:50; j Etopping at tBear Mountain, tWest Point (except Sunday), tNewburgh, tPough i keepsie. Kingston Point (connecting daily ! with Ulster & Delawara R, P?). Catsklll. j Hudson ;;nd Albany. I AI30 on and after June 14 steamer leaves Desbrofses St. 10:00 A M. r W. 42d St., 10:20 A. M.; W. 129th St., 10:10 A. M.; Yonkers, 11:10 A. M., for * Uear Mountain, tWest Point (exc. Sunday), tCornwall, fNewburgh and fPoughkeepsle. tReturn steamer same day from points marked t Telephone: Canal 0300 Hudson"!" River ai:<l Freight Services NEW YOKK to LIVERPOOL Vasari .june 16 Vestris .June 21 Koyal George.June 24 Orduna .June 2a Caronia .july 5 Carmania .July 12 Eoyal George.july 26 Orduna .Aug. 2 Caronia .Aug. 9 Carmania .Aug. 16 Royal George.'.Aug. 30 NEW YORK to SOUTHAMPT0N Mauretania.June 14 aquitania .June 28 Mauretania .july 8 Aquitania .July 28 Mauretania .Aug. 5 Aquitana .Aug. 23 NEW YORK. to P1RAEUS Pannonia .June 13 BOSTON T0 GLASGOW Massilia .July 12 NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH, HAVRE and LONDON Saxonia .July 17 21-24 STATE STREET. NEW YORK MERCANTIiE MARINE .'. L1NES rUILADLLPUIA?LIVERPOOn. llavrrford.July 10 BOSTON?LIVERPOOL Only One Class Cnbln Wlnlfredian. June 19 Wfnifredlan. ..Tuly 20 Bohemian.. . July 12|Bohemian.... Aug. 26 OLYMPSCjsKu?hXS^ofnax NEW YOKK?LIVERPOOL Adrlatie..Itme 10 Balt Ic.Inly 1 Lapljnd.Juno 2l|Celtio.July 5 Gffices,. 9 Broadway, - New York NEW YORK?FRANCi*; WKBKLY DEPARTUF.SS ramnsnr'<; fiffirw ,0 8ta,, st- Ur? Vw* HONOLULU SUVA, NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRAUA The Palatlal Passenger Steamers R. M. S. ?'Niagara*" R. M. S. "Makura" 20,000 Tons 13.500 Tons Sail from Vancouver, lS. C. For farea and sailings apply Canadlan Pao. Ry., 1,231 Broadway, N. Y., or to Canadlan Austrailan Royal Mail Llne, 410 Seymour St., Vancouver, B. C. REI'D'LIRE FHE11 11. FT. MONTAOC1 ST.. B'KLYN. AT NOOh. For Pirrto Rico. Curacso A Yenezuela. K. H. Grecian. Wedneeday, June IS, at 1 P. M. S. S. Philadelphia, Wed., July 2, at 1 P. M. S S. Zulla, Wednesday, Juno 25. at 1 P M. S. S. Maracaibo, July 9, at 1 P. M. Suptnor AccouHiuxiauous for i'ajucngers. BLISS. DALLETT & CO.. Oenl. il?r?. Phone 5170 Hinover. 8J Wall Street "THE FUBLTO BM PLEASED." PROVlDENCE^lt $2.9*. ALL OLTSIDE STATEROOMS $1.03 to $3.24 Bo'.h Priree Include War Tax. Boat Leaves Pier 30. Nerth Rlver. Daily A Sunday. at 5-J'J P M. 'Phant Sprlns ?4?l. Woreeater.S3.82. Providence dlrect,$2.50 STATEROOMS, S1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 D&ily. Includl/is Sunday, 5 30 I'. M. From l'ler 18, K. II. Thonc 2700 Beekman, Tickets at l'ler or Conaolidated tiekot offlcea. Metr o p oli t an Lino 41) the wev bi, water. Atwav? 4n ?<(?ht of lani. To BOSTON Tl" Ttvnir I?lanrt RnrmrJ. Iluzznrda Bay an# Cape Cod Canal Daylipht Thiough the Canal Both Waya. Leave Pier 18, Foot of Murray Bt., Daily (Bundays Ine.luJed) at 6:00 P. M. Far* %? )| (Including War T*x) Tickets and Informa? tion a*. Wharf. Telephone Barclay 6000. ?0~Meal?. B'.ateroooia Alwnyi tha Baau 3fnm jgtemnboat ?o CONEY ISLAND Prhediile Subject to Change Wlthont Notloe. Lv. W. 129 8t.. 8;40. 10:40. 11:40, 12:40, 2,3,4.11 0:30. 7:30, 8.30 Pier I, N. R.. 10:20, 11 25. 12:25. 1:25. 2:45, 8:45. 4:45, 5:45. 7, 820 8:30 Coney, 11:25, 12:25. 1:25, IM. 8:45, 4:45, 6:45 S:55. 8:25. 8:25. K:3^. Tel. Wliltehalt 1279. Niagara To The tsea.?For llluatratad gulda. addrnaa John F. Pleree. Oep't 1*1, Canada Staamahiv Llnea. Montreal. Canada, BEAJR MOtJNTATlT^BOATFi DaJly Bervlee beglne Saturday Juna 14th. RESORTS RESORTS RESORTS RESORTS All Expenset Included On Steamers Don't miss this most , unusual, t exhilarating "and teconomical 8 to 11 Day "Trip From New York every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday The trip includes 1650 mile cruiae along the Atlantic Coast permitting shore tokus at Charleston-famoui home s of old Southcrn Aristocracy, Cathedrals, Forts Moyltrie and Sumpter of eonfederate fame, Navy Yard, etc At Jacksonville?Metropolis and Gateway to enchanted land of Ponce de Leon. Ottrich farm. eur\o shops, sight seeing tiolley and automobile tripa, beachea, cte. ? Also 400 milea of luxuriant acenery by dayljght and searchlight. On the Q*. I^lei*-*. frThe American Beautiful Ol. JOullS Nile The most fascinating and interesting inland water trip in America. with gli-npsea of alhgators, rropica! birds, marvelous water fohage and quaint native settlements. Every conver.ieiice and comfort in ocean travel: sociarhalls, music room; open air shelter. sun parlor. wide promenade decks; incomparable dirW service with party tables for two, four or eight persons. meals being served during hours at paase-.get'e convemence. Drawing Roomaccornmodations,cons?sting of large bedrooms with rwin bcds and private bath; Koomswith double bed and private bath; Room* en suite or wngly. without bath. but with private lavatory; may be obtained at moderate additionai cost or you na\ ae)ert a more modrstly appointed?but none the less comfortable?stateroom or berth witliout arlditionn! room charge. EXPENSES . The etght day trtp can be made an certain steamer* without necessJfy of stcpf)!n% trver at ang pnM, for $68.52 Induding transportatton, meals and minimum priced stateroom acmrc.modatioi $ t. hotjt Jiree'tions ?although higher priced rooms are available if desired. On other steamers there is a stop-sier o; -r:e to three days at Jacksonville?dependent upon schedule. in which case shore. axpenta are tc be burie 031 tf>e patsenger; but in any event, cost 0/ tbe entire trip of from eight ir eleven .jay* mcy bc fcafti jpell within $100 per person. All fare* are subject to 8 per cent. war tax. Uptown Ticket Off ice, 489 Flfth Avenue Oppos.te Public Library At 42nd Street pho*c VanderblU 3371 Clyde Line, Pier 36, North River, New York m L$l Pf k ?'?'JvM M '?"'?'??*!?'?''??'?'-'.'?.-?.-???'.?.?.??-?...?--??...:??....-..????,.....-..-..--.-???'??.?^..-.-?-??-v-. 1 C0NNECT2CCX. ?iAS'i'EKW i'GiNI NEW LONDON, CONN, Finest Seashore Resort in America A La Carte Grill for Motorist* OPEN JUNE 12 to OCTOBER John McE. Bowman, Earle E. Carley, Prosidcnt Vico President ' New York Office 305 Fifth Ave. or The Bilrmore Edgewood Inn Greenwich, Conn. 46 mlnutes from Grand Central Station^ Under management of ^ MISSE3 QILLslN & EDWARDS. ^Also mers. Tiie Becchwood, ^ummit, N. LENOX, MASS. High and Cool in the Derl^shirea A HOTEL O'- DIST1NCT10N Opens June 14. Elevation 1,400 feet, Dosirabla Cottases \vit li Hotel Service HOWE 4TWOROGEK, Mun.ieeVs Winter Resort, Prlncess Hotel. Beriauda. Stockbridge, Mass. NOW OPEN Golf S1 Roads in Excellent Condition Route Books and Clrculara on Request Iurnlshed Cottage ?ar Inn for Rent ? ALLEN T. TREADWAY *-?. heatonT hall STOCKBRIDGE, MASS OPENS JUNE 16th Delightfully. located, aplendid lS-holo *olf course. Musio of exeeptional merlt Wrlte for Road Map and Booklet. W. G, HAVILL, MGR. NEW MAMrSHIKE Booklng Office THE BALSAMS DIXVILI.E NOTCH, N. H. In the Northern pWhlto Mountalna 8 WEST 40TII ST., NEW YORK htv Telephone Vandcrbilt?223CL PASSACONAWAY INN rotr* YOKK CLIFFS, MAINE. OPEN JUNE*!* O. A. HAY, Mgr N. Y. Booking Offlce. 1180 Broadway MTSKOKA LAKES, CANADA. Oat Jawiw to tiipptaest?*w?y to the aflnre-festlnik piae-V.fCiad, eleep-giving air of the Muakoka Lakea. ?. n> There vou will flnd this Hotel, ciieery rooms. good food, >,olf. Erery room -"???- a fixed rate. lllustrated Booklet. fl?y?l luiicihtfittal P.O., Lake Reuean, Oat TRAVEL FOR mOHXANDS, OCEANIC and _ RED BANK. Woctf uu>a Lvc. 1-raiihlin Bt, l'ler 24. 8:30 a. m.. 2.4J p m. liattery l'ler, 8:55 a. m., 3:15 p. m. 6UNDAYB. Franklin St.. 8:30. Battery, g:5S a. m. HUDSON RIVER NIGHT LINES From Pier 82, N. R., foot Canal 8t.. woekdaya, 6 and 7 P. M., Sundays and Holldays. 6 and 9 P. M.; Weat 132nd St., half hour later. Due Albany 6 o'elock fol lowlng morning. A MERICAN EXPRESS -TRAVEL DEPARTMENT Tickets Toura. Travelcra' Caequea. COASTWLSE STEAMSHIP LINES?For all polnta South. Old Domlnion, Savannah, Southarn Paclflo' Llnaa?For passenger in? formation apply to Conaolldated Railway ticket offlces or Companies' offlces. *~ BOCTH AMERICA The Royal Mall Steani Parket Oe. The Pariflo Steam Navigatloa C*. The Nelnon Lines. ?OCTII AFMCA? Union Caatle Llne. Banilerson & Son. Gan'l Agte.. 28 B'way. N.T. RAYMOND-WHTYCOMB TROT7BLEI,EH8 TRAVEL Da 1,1X1 To Anywhere For Anytlme 888 Flflh A??.. New York. Paclflo Caait. ALA4SKA?Mldnlaht Sua CANADLAN I'ACIFIC RAILWAY r. R. PKIJRY, O. A. Pau Dapt.. 1111 Inr. IV. T. NEW YORK STATE Notict to former Patroiu The O-te-sa-ga on Otsego Lake Cooperstown, N. Y. will open June 21st and close October 1st C. B. Knott, Proprietor and Manager The Place for Your Summer Home or to Spend Your Vacation. CATSKILL MOUNTAIN HOUSE Opens Jnne 26th. Altitude 2230 Feet. j?,nni'? ? ^My pralaed tablo. frX nerJ10t an(i ?old water. Electrlo Hgnts. New and Sanitary plumblng. Picturesque 9-Hole Golf Conr?e Every amusement. Tennis, Boatlng. Flshlng. Motoring. Bowllng. BUllards and Dancing. Orchestra. For reservatlona address JOHN K. VAN WAGONEN. AIanarer CATSKILL, N. Y. S ILLBROOK INN MILLBROOK, N. Y. NOW OPEN Stop and enjoy good golf on the well kept, sporly course adjolnlng the Inn. A pleasant place to spend a week-end or a season. Rooms, slngle or en nulte, with or without bath. 88 mlles from New York. Booklet and road map on applicatlon. Phone 8 Millbrook. M. E. SNTFFEN. Proprletor Hotel La Salle, 80 East 60th at.. New York;. ^nilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiU: sTHOUSAND ISLAND HOUSE= ZZ Fine Flshlng, Jlotor Boatlng." Oolf = ~ and Tennls. - ? ~ The startlng point of all prlnclpal ? ;j water sports. 5 -; FInest auto roads from all points ~ ?. Ea?t or West. Opens June 16. ~ = WILLIAM H. WARBt'RTON. ? ZS Proprletor. ? =Tf 1111111! 11 ? 11111111111 f 11 f 1111M11111111 f 111117? &affijord#Xatskills *& Swopt by Bealthful Mountain Breeaaa Baa I ? la'KJ adrt. Sunday papers. BookleU and ln |L# fo.-maUon at Kcaort Bureaus aod N Y r*<~ Offlce, 4S9 5th ave., nr. 42nd iBabson Offlee)! MRS. FORD'S HOMeT for tuberculous patienta, Liberty, N. Y. Private baths. eleeplng porches. Rates $20 to $30 woekly. NEW R.VRA>*AC INN, Cpper Saranao Laka. Certlfied milk. All sports.?Booklet. Mlnen Top notel, Pawllng, N. T. PHILIP H. NOLAN, Holland House, N.Y.C. LONO IS1..AN15. PROSPECT HOUSE Shelter Island Heights, L. I., N. T. Opens June 26th. ahore and Country. All Sports. Acc. 300. Booklet C. gpecial July 4th Week-end Booklng Office. Hotel McAlpin. N. Y. PENNSYLVANIA. THE CENTRAL Delaware Water Gap, Pa. Electrlc lights, hot and cold running water, baths on each floor. Tennls, Qolf, Boatlng, Bathing, Flshlng. Capaclty 100. Private Garage_/" JOS. II. GRAVES. VERMONT. HYDB MANOR tSSSB&Xim. Golf in the lake region of Vermont. U* luatratad Booklet. _Address A. W. HYDp A 80M. LONO BRANCH. HOTEL NAB8AU LONO BEACH Dlrec-tlon 6f ~r!SSLJ'AHU H- BARSE OPBN AFTER JUNE 2ITH. POINT PUBA8ANT. N. J. PICTCrREHQUJft POINT PLEABANT. N. 3. rue Deicrlptlre Booklet Addraaa Borough Oat*. NORTH ASBl'KT PARB, 2?. ,|. ii NEW "11 MONTEREY HOTBL The Ideal Resort Hotel. OPENING JtNE 2* Dlrectly cn Ocean. All outslde roems; hot snd cold salt ?-at?r ln litithrooms. NEW MONTKKKA GKILJ, EJntlrely new?servi i n la i arte and dancing?largewt and m .-. beaullful on the Jersey C'<-1 .t. Ideal for motnrlsts. 6HERMAN 1IENNIS. Mfln?g<M New York OfflVe, 8 West 4"th St. 'Pl-one Vanderhllt -J290. McDonuell & Company Members New York Stock Bxch NortK Asbvxrjy Park _N.J. SPRING LAKE HLACIt ESSEX & SUSSEX Hotel and Cottages Spring Lake Beach, N. J. Directly on the Ocean America's Finest Resort Hotel Hot and Cold Sea Water Opens June 18th New York Officet 8 West 40th Street, or PI?. Hotel F. T. KEATING - - Manager THE WARR?N~ ON TIIE OCEAV SPRING LAKE BEACH, N. J A. house that's ?'dlfferenl" ln it, fi,,', ?? pointmente, unusual and artlstto d>A* tions. homelika itmoiphm fnd tV^lcV : Surrounded by green lawne and gV,dVn-" i at the edge of the eea. tv b st -nn'o ' Prop.. N. V. Offlos Nor.ce HalL r^nh Bchuyler. '? '1*9 ' The Monmouth nlZT Open June ls. N T. Booklng Offlce. s W. 40th Ht _ TUE SnOREHAM Fprlng Lake Itearh, N. J. E. E. Spangenberg. Prop. NEW JTEK8ET?Boonton. PUDDING IfONE INN Located ln the midst of 12 it>i of big trees. fine vlewa; thlrty miles on Lacka wanna; ten mlnutes to station; electrle llghted, steam heat. runnlng water la rooms; elevation 650. Open ail ytar. Booklet. G. N. VINCENT, BOONTON. N. J. BK1.MAR, N. J. The New Columbia On tbe Ocean Front, Belmar. N J Caterlng to the Best Clientele. to ?rB-rtni-^aiPacUy 800; mu,lc; *Uvator? to street level; jr.rage; write for booklet. H. B. CIIURCHULL. Mg" Brown's MIlIs-in-the-Flnea, X. J. ?""?MALLOW8" THE PIG'N WHISTLE INN Brown's MIUs-ln-th?.Pines. N J Moaern ln every way L?r?? >,.i,.j. Boatlng. Bathing. Ftahln^ ifidlK'aol? nfJI2"? ^M?W?> Hoste.s Houm>tor Olrls. For partlculars. New ToikOBr. >0?-510 Tlmes Blda. PhnnTl ijo' Brlanfr A8BURY PARK. X. J. THE LAFAYETTE MOXMOtTTH, X. J. The North Jersey Shore Resorts of Mn. moutn County Bid ToniWeTom. ATLANTIC CITT. X. J. " RALEIGH, Atlantic City'* Popular Hotel. Amerietu. PUn. $4 ?fc SS per Day. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. | Origbfest and Best in the carly .Summor d?vi.. v.brn the satcs of thr Ooean are thrnwn opes to th') batiting entbuaaMta of the world. Atlantic Citya bearhea are wotuUrfid, and early Sinimrr with its mild but invigoratin;; (>unshine,ij the best tiiur; to r-njoy thrm. Come, your* or old. weak or strong, there'a enjoyxnent to apare ? every body. Golf or ' tr>i uk-ruting, miK boats or rollmfi chmin, Ji*k/n# or moiorinc. tfteatrwa or coiu c?rts,*urf halhniff <>r twimming pooh, pimn or oatinot?the lut ts a long one. Corrw. and enjoy thrm all Tha Iftading Kausas Ara afwaya Oaa* ?d.I will ,-i- II, ? u,l tac.. uj?,n raaaasl <1J I '.: C. UJiiftM MarieercBrli-Rlcnawsi Aa>eHaaau?s lur'v~,n l'.?oa loaubViiiieSSouCa. Hotel Dennb llorej Sf. Chartes *'aa- A. IsMtch. Mgr. rlot-J Chthtm I. B. Tbaanp*oo b C*. The HoSmhrirst A. 11. I ei:.,!J fuli m.hesaaatasv '?>?. ?'I' ?e tll Amnrieaa '.V.wur n?tea> Oeien Hai Bau>l in.i -tuinrlmm < rfilfn ksli Cs> The Shefbtjnit J wataal asg*. Hotel Strand H C l.L??j i* Se??9?"de House r. r. CMk'i i?t The. Wiltahirc *-"-1-laaVati ff iimiaaa ilbiJ ho .in. nwtjfe boJ scka tcuu *.^jt*jrs ? Opeaat all^casoivs i Tof tlYC Yea r. 1 .A. rvcoarvLWd ?,star\<iard 1 oCejcceUence. (CaMC.iv600. WAUERJ.BVZSir. THE LEAD1V". RL$ORr FOl'SE 0FTHEW0JOD ATLANTIC CITY. N. J UTBE SATJOS'S HBALTHSBOP" . ,.,' HEALTH IS KrriCICNCV \ w A Germicide Ciimate and Ciean S'teeta No Duat. No Ditt. lanamerablc Oetioar Xrcreation* ai.i Indoor latcrtsiMMMI Ownership Managemes* Jotiah White atSoaafJaV ? oolea* ui.d Moal Att.rar-.ite Loca.iua HOTEL auSPLAJNADE WHOLE BL4KK. OCEAN FRONT DIrectly on the Boardwalk. Boaton to 8?? erelgn Ave.. ln axcluslva Cheiaea aectlaa; capaxity 600. Fresh and sea water batha. prlvata and public. and e?er> upo'.ntment. Modere nydro-tharapeutlc department. Orchestra. Dancing. Auto twja rneeta taalns. Booklet. Ownerehtp dlrect. W. F. 6M/.W. HOTEL BILTMORE (Formerly Wntraont) Rhode Ialand Ave., ne&r J.iardwalk. All outalde roomi Euites wltn ba?4?. Orcheatra. Dancing. Capaclty SlA Ho? and cr.ld eea r.-M.ter batha Cnder new management. BILTMORE HOTEL CO. -1- - - ii _ GRAND ATLANTIC Virginla Ave., jjear Beach.?Capaclty ?ea strlctly moderru*?rlvato batha, elevator. mt Notat>!e tnlile;lf M? up daily; ly. Booklat. Auto meata tralna , ?pe<-la' we#v W. F. ftaUW.