Newspaper Page Text
-s- Active Securities -: Record of Stock and Bond Average* < tapyrlght. 1319. . Yester? day. CC Railroads . 75.70 30 lnduMrials . 107.20 50 Stock.* . 94.60 10 Railroad* . 80.50 10 Irw.nstr.a-s . 95.42 5 U-Uittes . 85.42 2s Bonds . 87.46 Summarv of Stock* Exchange Dealings p>r;_r!it. 191 , New Y Stocks Yesterdav's Transactions in Listed Stocks All stocks r;aotcd dollars a share Annual dividend rate. also in dollars ? share. is based on tast regular payment. IIicrh and low prices of 1919 an* based only on transactions o/* 100 shares or more. High. Lcvv. Div. _s'et J019. 1919. Kate. Sales. Open. Hleh. Low. Close. ch;:.. Bid. Ask. 64 2?% ? Adams Express _ 2C0 53 53 51'/8 51%? 7% 51 53 *6 21 ? Advance Rumely ... 6000 42% 43% 42 43'/2+ '2 43% 43% i 76 56r 2 6 Advance Kumely pr. 2200 74% 75 74 74%? % 74% 74% 95 66 6 Ajax Rubber ...... 1800 83 89 86% 88%? 1%> 89 89% 4; 4 3'a ? Alaska G!J M. 600 3% 3% 3% 3%?? Z\\ 3'/2 I 2% '% ? Alaska Juneau . 700 2% 2% 2'4 2% + l/a 2% 2% 46'2 30 ? Atlis-Chalmers Co... 7200 45 43 4313 44 ? % 44 44'j 1C5 84% 6 Am Bosch Mag. 1000 99 90'4 98; 2 99%? 34 99% 10012 113% 98 8 Am Agx Chem. 160C 108% 108% 107'3 1C81 2 f '/4 108% 108% 103 9S 6 Am Acr Chem pr... 300 100 100% 100 100%+ % 99% 100' 4 50 62 8 Am Beet Sugar. 3400 87 87'4 86 87 -j- % 86% 87 61 42% ? Am Can Co . 9800 57% 57% 56 57'/4- 57 57'/* 107 r3% 7 Am Can Co pr. 100 107 107 107 107 + ' 2 106% 107' 2 108% :JI3 8 Am Car & Fdry Co. 2100 106' 2 106% 105'/2 106%+ % 106% 1C6% 14% 10% .80 Am Drugs . 1600 12% 12% 12% 12%-- '4 12% 12% 6-1 39% 4 Am Cotton Oil. *8400 60% 61'4 58% 61'4- % 61 61 % 28% 13%? Am Hidc & I.eath.. 9200 34% 24% 33% 34 - 34 34% 128% 71% 7 Am Hide & I.eath pr 5SC0 125 127% 123% 127 + 1% 126% 127% 76' 3 28 ? American Ire . 4700 71% 71% 67 71 ? % 70 70% 76% 5434 6 American Ice pr.... 100 73 75% 75 75%? 2% 75 75% 114% 52% 4.80 Am Int Corp. 15100 1C3% 100 107 1C81 a? % 102% 1C8% 73 44a ? Am I.inseed . 2400 71 " 71 70 70%? % 70 ? 2 71 98% 85 7 Am Linseed pr. 200 95% 93% 95% 95%? 1!a 95% 96'4 87' 4 53 5 Am Locomotive ... 8G00 82% 83% 81% S2%? % 32' 2 83 62! 2 51 ? Arn Malt 1st pr stpd 400 61 61 61 61 ? '4 63% G1 SS 62'3 4 America Smehinz .. 12600 81 84% 82! 4 83%,? % 83 C31 4 109 103 7 Amer Smeltinpr pr... 200 106% 106% 1C0% 106"/2+ % 105% 107 130 1C5 12 American Snuff . 200 125 126 125 125 ? 1% 124% 126% 39 33% 3 Amer Steel Fdy. 13100 37 37% 36% 37%? % 37% 37%. *39% 111% 7 American Sugar ... 2200 135% 135% 132% 134%? % 134% 124% 119 113% 7 Amer Sujrar pr .... 100 118% 113% 118% 113%? % 113 119 *2C% 96% 10 American Sumatra .. 33600 117 " 120% 116% 118%- 2% 118 118% 100 93 7 Am Sum Tob pr. . . . 200 96 96 96 ~ 95 - 93 95 63, 59 5 Am Td & Cab. . 100 59 59 53 59 ? 2% 09 65 108% 98% 8 Am Tel & Tel. 700 100% 106% 106 1063% + % 1C6 100% 221% 191% 20 American Tobacco .. 400 216; 4 216' 4 2 16' 4 2K\ 4? 3% 216 219 106 96% 6 Am Tob pr new. 200 102 102 1C2 102 - 1 101 102% 130 45 4 5 American Wool .... 6200 115' > 115% 110% 113 - 115 113 116% 94% 7 Amer Wool pr. 200 1C81 2 108% 108% 108%? % 107 108% 51 2 27% ? Am Writ Paper pr. . 42C0 48% 48: a 46% -18%- 48''. 49 25% 11 ? Am Zinc & Lead- 4400 24% 24% 22% 24 ? % 23% Z\ 63 4 40 6 Am Zinc &. Lead pr. 600 60% 60% 60 60%? 1% 60 62 -_.. 5Si/_ 4 Anaconda . 14800 72% 73% 71% 731 a - % 73% 73% '74 ? Dry Goods.... 800 56 56 54 54 "- 54 55 ? . 68 5 A3S0 Oil . 100 61 91 91 91 - 90% 92 6 Atchison . 5100 100% 1C0% 99 95%? % 99% 99% r0 . 85 5 Atchison Jjr .,,...... 200 83 83 S3 88 + ' , 87% 89. 5 ? At, B & Ati....- 200 9 3 9 9 ? 'I 9' 11 107 95 7 Atlantic Coast Line.. 200 104 104 103% 103%? % 10?% 10i% 188% 92 10 A li & W 1. 9100 173 179 172%, 178 ? % 177% 178 1 64% ? Baldwm Loco Co. . . . 24100 100% 101 98% 100%? % 100% 101 . 44 4 Eaiti.T.ore & Ohio... 4200 52% 52% 50% 51 ? 1% 50% 51 4 Ha'.t & Ohio pr. 400 57% 08 57's 57%? 1% 67 58 8 Barrett t'o . 1300 134% 136'% 134% 135' 4- % 125% 137'-, 7 I.arrett Co pr . 200 118% 118% 118% 118%? % 118 119 4? Batopilas Mininjr.... 200 17a 1% 1% 1%- 1% 1% 1 ' -; 55% 8 Bethlehem Steel - 400 38% 90% ?8% 90%+ 2% 90% 90% 90% 55% 3 Beth Stee.l. Class B.. 58600 .39 90% 88 90%- 1% ? ? ' 5 90% 7 lieth Steel 7th pr. . . 200 105 105 105 105 - ? ? V3 101% 8 Beth Steel 8th pr . . 1400 114% 114% 114% 114% + >3 ? _ 32 j t8% ? Bklyn Rap Trnn. 4100 30% 30% 29% 30 - ' 30 3C% 2'i 19% ? Bklyn Rap Tr ctfa... 200 26% 26% 20% 26%? % 26% 27 24% "3 4 2 Booih Fisherles Co.. 4400 23 ?_. 23% 23 23%? % 23 23% 166 138 10 I.urns Broa . 1000 149% 149% 149% 149%? 1% 148 152 "4 8% ? Brunswick . 200 9; 4 0 4 9' 4 6%? '2 9% 10 5'b % Botte (oo & Zinc... 2S00 12 4 13% 12% 13 ? % 13 13% *'-'?- '?: 4 ? Butte & Sup Cop.... 3400 29% 29% 29 29%? % 23% 29% 34% 6 ? Bntterick (o . 200 31% 3'% 31 21 ? 2 23% 31 71% 48% 4 < aliforr.ia Parking. . . 2300 70 70? 68% 63%? % 69 69% 39% 20% ? California Petroleum. 4100 38% 38 4 36% 37%- 37% 38 84 2 64% 7 California Petrol pr.. 2300 82% 83% 82% 83 ? % 83 83% 1""- ,. "55% 10 Canadian Pacific. 2000 161%. 162% 161 162%+ 1% 161% 162 -? , 4a% ? Caddo Oil . 1200 49% 50 48% 48%? 34 c,^ 49 50% 30 . 4 Cartainteed . 200 43'/a 43% 43% 43%+ % 42 45 28 21 t- Centrai Foondry ... 100 21'/2 21% 21% 21%? % 21% 22 52% 27 5 Central Fdrv pr.... 200 45 47 46 47 ? 1 46 -IS 100% 56% 5 Central Leather ... 25100 103 104% 100 103 + % 103 103% 1"2% 104% 7 Central Leather. pr. 200 111% 111% 111% 411%+ % 111 ? 52 31 4 Cerro De Pasco.. .. 15100 51% 51% 49% 50%? a3 50% D0% 203 103 13 Chandlfr Molcrs ... 900 108 203| , 103 203% ~ 2% 201 ' 204 63% 53% 4 Chea & Ohio. 2800 66% 60% 66 66%- 66% 66% ll'/a 4 ? Chi? F. 111 pr. 200 10 10 10 10 ? % 10 12 11% IVa ? Chie Gt West. 700 9% 9% 9% 9%? % 934 10 30% 23% 2 Chic Gt West pr- 400 28% 281 2 28% 23' 2- 28% 28% 47% 34! 2 ? Chic M & St P. 2400 44% 45% '4% 45 - 44% 45 74% 65%? Chic M & St P pr.. 700 69% 70 69% 60%? % 69% 70 105 93% 7 Chic & N'weat. 600 101% 101% 100% 101%- 101% 101% 21 22%? Chic K l & Pac. 2300 28% 28% 27% 26%? % 28% 28% 72 6' 3 6 Chic R I & P 6?. pr 4200 66 69% 60 69%+ 2% 68% 69 84 73% 7 Chic R I & P 7% pr 2500 77 70% 77 79%+ 2% 78% 79% 54% 32 ?? C C C & St L. 1000 52 52 51% 51%? 34 51 % 52 27% 17% ? Chile Copper . 7000 25 26-- 25 4 26%- % 26% 26% 43 8 -2% 3 Chino Con Copper.. 4800 46 46 44'/4 45%? % 45% 46 87% 60% 6 Cluett Peabody .... 1300 84% 89 84% 86 ? 1% 81 86% 62 34% 3 Col Fuel & Iron_ 2001 48% 49 47% 40-' 49 491' 57% 39 4 4 Col Gas & Elec. 2300 56 50 54% 55%? % 553a 5534 ! . <_% ? Col & South. 200 25% 20% 25% 20%? 2 25'o 27% 62% 37'% 4 (,'omp Tab . 6.0 50 r,"> 50 50 '- 48 ' 51 103% 87'8 7 Consol Gaa . 300 101% 101% 101% 101%? % 101 101% 10% 5% 3 Cona Int Call Min... 1600 10% 10% 10 4 10%- 10% 10% 103% 65% 6 Con Can . 2420 96% 97% 96 97'2- 97% 97% 74 53 5 Con Insurance Co- 100 73 73 73 73 V Vz 73 71 6g?/a 415 ? Corn Produet.i . 11200 65% 66 64% 65%? % 65% 66 108 4 102 7 Corn Products pr- 200 107% 107% 107%. 107%- ?_ 107 103 97% 52' 3 ? Crueible Steel . 14800 92 53 90% 02%? % 92% 92% 25% 20% ? Cubi Cane 2600 35% 36% 34% 36%+ % 35% 35% 2. ... 69% 7 Cuba Cane Huirar pr. 1700 84% 84% 8'.% 84%+ % 84% 85 3% ? Drorer * Sto Gr- 600 7% 7% 7% 7%+ % 7% 8 13 1 6 3 ? Denver & KioGpr.. 1100 10 10% 10 10 - 10 10% 18% 1.%? Dome Mines . 700 14% 14% 14% 14'%- 14% 14% 40% 2' 3 Elk H?rn Coal. 2330 38% 38% 36% 30 ? % 373% 38 34 28%? Kmerson Brandt. 400 31 32 31 32 + 1% 32 32% 20 4 15,? Krie . 2800 18% 18% 13 13 ? % 18 18% 22% 24%? Krie 1_t pr. 600 30 30 29% 29%? 38 29% 30 117 110 ? Famous Play . 3000 113 115 112 114%-- 2'% 114'%, 115 38% ? H?her Body . 1400 92% 02% 83 90 +2 89 90 '. 25% 4 Gaaton Willlama .... 4300 34% 35% 34% 35 4- % 35% 35% 102% fc Gen Cheoi Co pr_ 20C 103% 104 103% 104 -1- 1 103 107% at 4 General Cigar . 9800 82% 84% 81% 84 + 1% 84 84% , . 3 General Lleetrlc Co. 600 163% 133% 162% 16-2%? 1% 162 164 ^ . .??/?? General Motors .... 15800 227 227 220% 223%? 3% 223% 224 J.2 6 General Moton pr.. 700 92% 93% 93% 93%r- 93 93% >.?. -. fl <.-r\ Moton deb. 1100 90% 90% 90 90 - 90 90% 56% 4 Goodrich B V. 9100 80% 80% 77% 79%? % 79% 79% 22 ' 94 5 Granby Mining . 1400 74% 74% 71% 72%~ 2% 72 73% 89% 7 Gt Northern pr. 3200 97 97 80% 96%? % 98% 97 48 . 31% 4 f.i. North Or* sub* . 8300 46% 47% 45% 47%. % 47% 47% ?% ? Green* Can Cop. 400 43% 43% 43% 43%? % 43%* 44 81 "" 49%? Gulf Btate ?t??l ... 1100 6G% 67 66 67 ? % 66% 68 ?,S 40 4 Haskeli *? Barker . . 8600 61% 65 60 63% + 2% 63% 64 27% W/ ? intl Agrlcal . 600 24% 25 * 24% 25 - 24% 25 *?% 48 5 Internat Agrleul pr 800 85% 85% 84 84?2 84% 89% 61% 42% 6 In?piratl?n Copper . 12900 60 00 ?8% 90 + % 59% 60 9% V/m ? Interbar-Con Corp .. 1300 7% 7% 7% 7%? l/a 7% 7% Int*rbor-Con C'?rp pr "*4C0 28% 29 2?% 29 - 29% 29% 14496 110/4 ? '"< Bwtaata* Ca... 10800 141% 144% 139 144%-| 3% 144 144% Hi 7 Int Harvest Corp pr 100 120 120 120 120 + 4 119 .:. . 21%? Int Merean Mar ... 8S400 62% 52% 80% 61%? 1%; 51% 62 '. : . %% 9 Int Merran Mar pr 4200 119% H?% 1'8% 11?%? % 118% H9 62% 30*4? Internat Paper ... 6700 53'2 88% 56% 57%? 1% 67% 67% //% 62 8 Jnt*r Paper pr stpd. 400 76% 76% 76% 76%? % 73 77 3291 24% ? Internat Nlcket .... 10200 23 29 20 28%? % 28% 28% 48 28 ? Jewell Tea . 1400 40% 41% 39 40 ? 39% 40% 26% 14%? Kanaaa Ctty Bogtb . 800 22% 23 22% 23 + % 22% 23% 129% 98 4 K*lfy Hprlnzfirld , . 2800 122 122 HO 122 ?1 121% 123 69% 34 7 K.Wy Wheel Co . . 600 57 57 67 67 - 64 57 40% 29% 2 Ktnntro't Copper . . 4*00 39 39% 38% 39%^- 39% 39% 109 86% 1.20 Keystone Tlr. . 109CJ 102% 103% 100% 103 + % 103 103% 66% 62% ? Bteel .. 24C0 ?9'/? 85% 84'% 65?1 89 86 63 66%? iMUfie Ua* . 100 66 68 68 B8 ? 1 68 89 69% 63% V/t l-eh.Kk Valtef . 2600 64% 84% 54% 64%? % 64% 64% W/t "*>% ? Iawsw mio* Biscuit . 600 71 71 69 69?1 68% 69 m 147% 13 L*riU-.?, Irlatrm.... ?100 190 196 189% 1M% r 4% 190 194% Sale.-. Open. High. Mackay Co pr. 100 ?3% 63% Maxwell Molor . 48C0 50 50 Max Motor 1st pr... 600 78 73 Maxwell Mot 2d pr.. 200 38% 38% May Dept Stores... 2900 103% 106 Mexican Petroleum.. 16900 187 187% Miami Con Copper... 1300 28% 23% Midvale Steel . 6800 61% 51% Minn & St L new... 9000 17 19% Mo, Kan & Texas... 2100 9% 9% Missouri Pacific. 6200 32 22% Missouri Pacific pr.. 900 36% 56% Mor.tana Power . 1700 81 81 National Acmc . 200 26' 4 36' 4 Nati Bl.--cuU pr. 100 119 119 Nati Con & Cabl?... 2830 21% 21% NntI Enam &? Stajnp 6500 79% 81% National Lead . 1000 81% 32 Nat R R of M 2d pr. 400 9: I 9% Ncv Con Copper- 1100 19% 19% N O T & M. 800 41 41% N Y Air Brake. 200 120 120% N Y Central. 5200 80% 89% N Y C _. St L 1st pr 100 70 70 N Y C & S L 2d pr. 100 50 50 * N Y Dock pr. 200 52 52 N Y N II ft II. 4000 31% 31 J N Y O & W. 100 23 23 Nor & Wr-.?. _.oo 100 100 Ncrthrrn Pactfic . . . 3700 08 93 Nova Scotiii Steel . . 3100 33 83 ?hio Fuel . 200 52 52% Ohio Ga.* . 30600 57 57% Ontario Silver . 100 8% 8'. Oucns Bottling - 700 58% 59% Okla Prod . 9100 11 11 Pacific Mail . 3100 40% 40% Pan Am Pet. 0800 99% 937. Pan Am Pet pr - 100 168% 168% Penn R R. 2300 46% 46% !'cor;a & Post. 600 14 14' Peo G & Coke. noo 53% 55 Pere Marqueite . _3.00 24% 26 ? Per.' Mnrcj r>rior pr. 1400 63' 2 6." - Pere Marq pr. 500 <!8 "" -3 Ph'.la Co . 4 00 30 3. P C C & S L. 100 65 l: Penn Seab Steel - 800 36' a 36' , Piercc Arro-v . 6600 62' 2 62% Pierce Oil . 10900 2434 25 Pittsbursrh Coal pr. . 2C00 63% 63% Punta Alecre . 300 61 61 Pitts & West Va.... 8100 42% 42% Pitts & W Va pr.... 100 82 82 Pond Creek Coal. 4000 21 21% Pre.ised Steel Car... 600 82% 83'. Railway Steel Spring:. 1400 91% 92'4 P.ay Con Copper. 300 24% 24% Readins: . 8900 89' 4 89% Rep Iron & Steel.... 2100 88% 88% Rrp Iron & Stl pr... 100 104',; 104% P-oj-r.', Dutch . 8300 110% 116% Roy Dtch, N Y sh... 33100 110% 117% St Joseph Lead. 100 14% 141/. Paxon Motors . 200 11 WA St Lou & Snn Fran.. 3100 21% 21% St Lou & San Fr pr. 200 22% 32% Sraboar.1 Air Line... 200 9% 93.. Heab Air Line pr ... .300 20% 20% Scars P.?-I".:cl. . 100 203' 2 205' 2 S^-ar; Rocbuck pr... 100 120 120 Shattuck Ariz . 1000 15 15% Sir-clair Oil . 33200 63 65 Sloss-Shcf Stl & Iron. 700 G41 a 64' 2 Sou'.hc-rn Pacific .... 42100 109%'109% Southern R lt. 6000 30% 30% Puper Steel pr. 100 103 103 Studcbaker . 43200 108% 108% Studebalter pr . 100 103 100 Stutz Motors . 2800 70 71 Superior Mtcel . 900 50 50 Slrombcre Carb .... 1400 59 59 Tenn Copper Chem.. 3200 14% 14% Texas __ Pariiic. 4-'1C0 32' -? 52% Tfj.- & Pac Lt! Trust 36 460 <60 Texas Company . .. 2400 273% 273% Third Axe R R. 200 23% 23% Tob Products . 21600 100% 105% Tob Products pr.. . 1309 109 ~ 110', Trans & Wills Stcei 100 57 57 I'nion Pacific . 7600 133% 133% United Alloy Steel.. 1300 02% 52% Cnitcd Cik-ar Store;. 23600 144 149 1'nited Druir . 600 125 123 Cnitcd Drus 1st pr. 100 5 4 54 l nited Fruit . 1400 188% 138% l S Food Pr-jd. 6803 76% 77% V B C,I P & F.... 1O300 33% 34 U S C I P & F pr. . 403 65' 2 00' -> V S Ind Alcohol ... 3703 159% 159& l S Realty & imp... 7,00 40 " 46% U B Rubber. 13303 113% I 14| , U 9 Rubber 1st pr. . 000 114 . 114% 1 S Cmclt & Ref .. 2100 68% 68% ' S Steel. 183100 103% 108' -. V S Steel pr. 400 116 2 116' 2 Ctith Copper . 4203 S7% 83 Ciaii See Corp. 10300 10 21% Va Carolina ("hem.. 1500 75 76' > Va Curolina Ch pr . 200 114 114 Wabaah . 600 11% 11% Wabash pr A . 1400 26 30 Wabash pr 55 . 300 23 23 West Mar; land .... 700 12% 12% Pacific . 400 20% 24 W?st Pacific pr . . . 400 56% 57 West T'nion Tel .... 1100 89% 89% Westlnj; Air Brake. 900 116% 117 Wc:-.lin;rhou3c Mfg .. 12800 57% 57% Wilson Co . 1300 93 94% Wheel & L E . 620 10% 11 White Motors . 800 59 60 Willys Overland - 21300 36% 30% Woolworth . 400 123% 120% Worth I'ump & Mach 803 00 CO Worth P & M pr A 100 96% 9C % Worth P & M pr B 300 77' -. 75 Bid and Asked Quotations The following table gives the closing bid and a3ked quotations for stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchango but not traded in yesterday: Bid. Asked.] Am Bl li Note 44 46 j pr 47 ?t S i>r. _U A C <fc K pr.117 Aui ( ..iii ... 45 A I ol Oil Bt 92 Am Ex press.. 89 Am i-oco pr. 107 Ain Sli.puidg. 114 Am ^m pr A 93 Am BnUff pr. 95 Am Hugitr pr.117 Ara 10. 117'j Lak ? K A W. IU' II 10 24 . Ligg & M T. .220 2.7 dj pr . ...113 115 Loulsv ? X. 117 120 Mackajr Cos. .. 75 7!) iMmnmt Beach % 3'/i iManhat El .... 88 90 |Mat Al W... 35 40 May De Rt rr. 103". i!0 Mex Pet pr .108". 110 Mi.ii Central 93 .5 IM!*!'* ss M 02 94 i ilo pr .i04 107 do :.. i Him.. 6i ea AJonl 1'ow p. 107''. ? IMiirrls * Kb. 70". ? I.Nssh A Oiat.HB'.. 120 .N_t CT ft B. 80 83 Uo pr .105 108 !K E A S pr.102 104 iN'at I-'A.I lir. 108 110 N itlt Al Ut pr 17 25', _ N Y C A S i, 29 32 X r Dock... 30H 31 M Y I. & W 92 BS 0 ft K UL. 6% 7'/? OweiM not rr.102 C ft N w pr.iso 132 Pacioc t.onst.. 41 fl A rilts. . 67','. BO ' C8P M A O 74 70 i do pr _105 115 CCCAS. I, nr 70'.4 74 105 47 100 70 125 t'lueti r Co] K A l pr. 103 c A s lst pr 58 ilo -tl pr. . . 48 c ii i: l, * imio Cent Can pr.109 Clc-x. Uarpel . . 5. t'ulia Am Sn 180 rio pr .. ..104 P \. A W_203 Det Kdlson. .117 Det fi tm 100 D 8 S ft A. 4!' do pr .. .. a Elofl 8t Hat. 75 RUthorn C pr. ? 47 IM -I ft S I3'? 18 .'" pr . 4.1 11. ? r |tv pr.100 Q.u Chem 130 fien CIIU pr 105 QOodrich pr 105 Q M A No. 10 lst pr do -il pr... 50 Pao T & T pr 82 I'elli -Mulll. ... 30 PltU Coal pt 92% B3 P !?' \V A (129% 139 Vi 58'/.? Pitts St. pr. II) flil 64 112 115 200 107 205 122 100'/, 6 10 4 3 ino',, I!)'! II!) ?it Car i-r. (02 104 ar rr.I K C N .1 . 82 Ity Sl Spr pr. I08'? IC'9'7 do _il pr. S I, Sw _ 20 do pr . 38 8-8 S A I pr 90 N P II Sugar. 185 do pr .112 HtamUnl Mill. 131 ilo pr .... 92 Hdewnti-r "1! 243 l, & W 4 roi ri i, . do .lf:. do nr. flf. pr 18 Twln Clt. II T 45 l.% 94 175 125 144 54' 21 85 124 180 pr 3H' O M H Itt pr 94 Hartman Corp 82 ll'.inr-iiitk- .. $8 lnl P.per pr. 153 110 !t .....ierwood T. 177 38'/,: ilo pr .I09V4 120 98 Tn J'.ag A P. 90 83 83'/.il'ii P.y Inreet. II'/. 12 97 | ilo pr . 25 25',. ' 8 V.x prewi. . 28% 30 Int Niekel pr. ?3'/4 WfMV * l Al pf 108 109'/' Ft S !.<ovatt haa heen eleeted a dl r*etr>r nf fh* Cleve'.tnd C!r.e!rirt?'t, fhl -ai,<- * Ht. I^oula Kanroa.1 ?'.'ompuny, ew~ i .a.dnirf C. li. totger, raelf quU. i ?id and Asked Prices -for Oil Stocks Standard OU Companlen Stocks. Bid, Asked. Anglo-American Oil ro., Ltd. 23% 24% Atlantio Refining Co.1370 1300 Borne-Scrymser Co.4!)D 510 Buckeye Plpe Line . 101 103 Cheabrough Mfg. Co., Cona... 315 83o Cont nental ( >i: Co. 00!) 685 Cre'sceni Plpe Line Co. 35 37 Cumberland Plpe Line Co . . . 21 ."> 230 Eureka Plpe Line Co. 170 175 Ualena-Slgnal Oil Co. pr, now. 105 llo Oalena-Stgnai (ill Co. pf, old, 115 180 Oi! Co. com .. 115 120 i ? ??? Plpe Line Co. 177 182 Indlana Plpi. cr.. 102 10.1 International Petrol. Co., Ltd. 29% HOVi National Transit Co. 23 23% New Vm'k Transit Co. 183 jsh Northern Plpe I.m<' Co. 110 115 <?hlo Oil Co. 370 380 Penn-Mexlean Fuel Co.. Os 70 Pralrle i >'.! and d:is Co. 7."i0 700 Prairie Plpe Line Co. 2!>:> 300 Solar Rudning Co.885 SUB Southern Plpe Line Co. 108 173 $outh Penn (MI Co.. 320 330 Southwest Penna. Plpe Lln??. 107 110 Stanilard OU Co. of Callforrrta. 275 280.. Standard Oil Co. of Indlana... 780 800.. Standard '".1 Co. or Kaniaa, .. 600 615' Standard OU Co. of Kentnrlijr. 485 450 Btandard Oil Co. of N'ebraska 000 570 Standard ';il Co. of N". J. 720 730 Btandard Oil Co. of N>w York. 380 385 Standard Oil Co of Ohio. 505 520 Bwan .ft Flnch Co. 100 llo Union Tank Line Co. 133 .3(1 Vaniiim Oil Co. 430 435 Washington Oil Co. 43 4H Misoelianeoas OU Companies'n A Oo..\. tayH n Klk ltasln Prtroleum Co. 10% 10% .loiinton on Co., rom. 120 130 Imperial Oil Co., Ltd. 425 435 M.ignolia Petroleum Co.420 410 Merrltt OU c.irporatiorr.. 2014 oytu Mldwc-at Herining Co.182 183 N0rthwc.1t oil Co. CH 70 Sapulpa Refining Co. 8V4 8% 1'ruducers and Rertnera Corp. 8^i 9 (.aaton, Williams & Wigmore Eamcd $4.20 a Share Last Year The ortnual report of the Gaston, Williams &. Wigmore Companies for tho fiscal year ended April 30, 1919, discloses net income after charges and taxes of $1,262,401, equivalent to $4.20 a share earned on the 300,000 shares of capital stock of no par value, against S1.29M87. or $4.32 a ahare earned in the preceding year. Durinr the ypar holders of the stock shared $1,050,000 in dividend distribu tions, compared with $1,275,000 received the year before. Balunoe of $212,402 wns nrldod to prcvious surplu* of $1, 408,686, mnking a profit and loss sur? plus lor Ihe year of $1,620,933. Curb Market , ..^0*???The Tribune as.umes no reapoii-i btlity for the accuracy or authexiticity ci curb market Qucta_iar__. Transactions anu prices yesterday were reported a_ roilows: Industrials Sa!"- Open. High. Low. Last. l 1300'Aetna Explos. 10% 10%' 10% 10% 200 'Am Ch Pr Co 1ft 1% 1ft 1% 200 "Am Malt & G 45'-, 46 45% 46 1500 ?Anglo-A C C. 18% 18% 18'<? 18% '00'Br-A ChetaC. 9% 9% 9% 9% 400Br-A Tb C cpn 23 23 2234 223* o00 do rt_ . 6 6% 6 6 4 2000 *Chaimers Mot- 10 10' a 9% 10 2500'C.aib & A Fy 5 6 5 6 30'i0'Conti Candv.. 7'\ 7% 7 7 200 'Cramp Shipb..132 134 132 13 1500 *DuP Chem pf. 11 14 11 >j i500'Farrell Coal.. 57 53 56 56' > 000'FUkETwi. 34% 3514 34*? SsOl 1000 *Genl Asphalt. 72', 72% 70 71 600 Grnpe-Ola. % [f 3.. [J 900 do Pf . ,? Ift %S 1% 400'HavTobpf... 5% 6 5', 6 ..000'Heyden Chem. 7% 7% c% 7 .800 Hupp Mot Car. 9% 9% T% 9'a 2<00Int Rubber ... 26 27 25% 26',1 ?10o*Jones Br Tea. 26 26 26 26 600'Lib M<-N & L 31% 3114 _C% 8! 600 *Lima Loco .. 52'/a 52'. 2 52% 52% 100'Manh Sh w i. 34 34 34 34 2000 Marconi of A.. 4% 5 4% 5 3200 'Mart P C w i. 28$ 29 28% 233-4 500 ?Nat An & Ch. 37 37 36 35 -''?'?Nat Coal & 1. 79 70 78 73 12000 N A Pulp & P 6% 63% C% 6% i00 N Y Shipbldg. 44 45 .3 45 ?>"' 'Pearson Coal. 3 3% 3 3'B LOO Peerless Tr & M SS^'a 39'. 3S) '-. 391, 5000 Perfection T & K 1ft 1% 'I A, 1% 61 I -Hem Typewr.. 75 75 74 74' t 3000 *Savo.d Tire.. 59 CO 53 59 1500'Savold (N Y) 54% 56 54 54/2 6700 'Savold (Ohio). 31 32% 30 31 3000 Sub Boat vtc. .17 17'. 15'4 17 800'Swift Internat 57i/2 57% 57 57 600 *TJnion Carbide 73 73 72 72 100 *Unit ?<! Motors 50 50 50 5'' l<.: Unil ? Prof Sh 2% 2% 2 '. 2% 1"(1"" *Uail . .1 wi 77' 2 79% 77'% 79% i. U S S 1 tship. 3% 3/4 3/a 3% 300 ?Warr n Broa 50 50 48 <&'<? 100 >Wei er & Heil 10; 2 16' 2 15' . IG! . Soon ?Wr-M Aircraft 5% 5% ?% 5 _ Standard Oil Sa'?- Open. High. Low. Las 10 'Stan O (Cal). ? 278 278 278 15 'Stan O (N J ,. ? 728 725 723 10 *Stan O (N Y) ? 385 385 385 Other Oil Stocks Sa'ex- Open. High. Lo? 2500 'Alien OU .... 3% 3% 3' 1150 'Alliance O ft tt 5 . 2. 'Amalga Roy. 1% 10900 'rAm \ent Oil 6 1200 'Barnett O & G ft 800 'Boone Oil . . 1 1% 8500 'tBoat-Wyo Oil 60 700 'Circle Oil . . . 4% 200 'Cit Ser B T sh. 39 3000 *Cmwlth Pet wi 60 5500 Continental Ref 143,; 5600 *Coaden Jt Co. 11% 400 'Currman Pet. 1 2000 'Elforcl Oil . . % 3, 100 *Elk Baain Pet 1C ? 10% 10' ? 10% 'i rtel Oil .... 7>Z 7% 7% vi '?''?'' -V. moralda O. 17 11 16 16 : r00 ?Federal Oil . . 3% 3l/_ 3% 3% 33 ?? 'Glenrock Oil. 6%. C%" 6] , 6' 1.800 TGuifportO&R 42 4:_ 33 " 4j * 950 ?Gum Cove Oil.122 122 120 121 !'. "Here Pet Cl A 11'. 12 1"., 12 2000 "Home Oii R wi 28' a 23' 3 2+ " 24 7500 'Hudson Oi. . . 1% 1 ? ., 1% 11, 12 Internat Pet.. 30 30 ~ 28' 29 3000 * Island Oil & T 7% 8% 7% 8 200 Ken Oil & Ref 26 25 2. 26 4500 *Lance Cr Roy 1% 1', .14 1 y. 4000 'Livingston Oil 1' , 1 J'a ' s 1 I. 1800 *McCoombsP&B 1% 1% iu i? 1000 *Merritt Oil .. 29% 20% 29 " 29 3000 Metropol Pet.. 3% 3'. 3% : 1400 *Mex-Panuco O 13 1.7 13 13' 2000 *Middlc SL Oil. .13% v3 \y, 1 . 250) 'Midwesl Ref 133 1S3 179 13? 23' ? IVlidwi st-Ti ??: O 1% 1% 1% 13. - ' 'Morton i' of Me 4 4% 4 *? | 0 fNthwest Oil. 62 70 60 63 8000 *Ohio Ranger.. 1% 1% V ? 1' 10 I *Okla & Tex O 2 2 2 2 ' 6000 tOmar Oii & G 56 56 53 55 13"i? 'Orient O &, G 5% 5% 5 5 3000 *Os N O S Inc 1 & 1% 1% 1 >. 20 1'Pennock Oil.. 15:a 131 2 15 1_!! 4500'Pitt-bg-Tex .. 10% 10% 10 10' 15000 'i-in i ci Ref. . 8-a 9' 4 8' , 9 3000 'tQueen Oi! . . 13 13' 13 '" 13 2100 'Rangebur Oil. % % % ' 1700 'Ran-H O (a p) % % <, s. I 1000 'Ranger Oi! . . % 1 % 1 400 'Rickd Tex Co. 173.5 18 17 % 18 .r.',';.', 'Rock (J (a p) % % ^,, 30 I ! 'Ryan Pet .. . . 5% 6% 5% G 100 "-Sailler O ii G. 1 ,*, ;'j 1 60l ''Salt Crk Pr. . 59 59'', 53', 59 250 l Sequoyah O&R. ft [J f. 5 13 'Sinci Con O.. 52 52 49'' 50 6000 'Sinci Gulf ('.. 62 02 60' . 61' 5.0 tSthwest Oil... 80' 80 68 " 68 ! '?' I Sthwn Pr &. R 5% 5% 5 5 7600 'Stanton Oil.. . 1% !' , VA ''? LOO'Sterling O&R. 21/. 2H'2 21% 2' 2000 Tcx-Ken Oil... 5' 7% 5 T 4% 5" 1800 ? T,-x Nat Pet. \s % Z 3/ 3i 00 "Tex-Ran P&R. 4^-j 5 ? J . E 61-0 'tTexana O&R. j "8 I 10 'tTex t'r .>.- R. 8 S% S G , 3100 *Tox Steer Oil. '4 1 J', rj i'. xon O & l.d ' -> ' -. % 4300 "Tex-York Pr.. 2 2% 2 ?' ' 1500 *Tri-State O&R 2: , 2% 2' - z\ 19000 *tUn Tex Pete. 61 C4 58 " " 200 Valvde O P In. 7% 73, 7% " 1. 'Ventura C Oil 15% 15% 15% 15W 1100'Vict O new st 2^4 2% 2% 2'-' 1000 "Vir Tex O&G. 1 ?? 1 1 4000 *WSt O&L new 7% 7% 6% 7': 4700 *"Y" Oil & G. % tf % 7/, Mining Stocks Sale?. Open. High. Lo-.v. !..-.. 23350 AI-Br Col Met. 2 2 1% 1|| 4000 Alaska M Corn [3 r.i 3. 3.2 100 tAl Zc&C (a p) % 7g 7/- 7 700 ?tAllied GoJd. . 1% 1% 1] a 1' a 1700'AmHMCwi 1% 1% 1% 1% 100 'Amer Mines. . 3l % % 1. 700 *tAria Butt.e... 60 60 57 58 6000 *tAriz Silver.. % jl 3. 11 3000 *t Atlanta _ 3% 3% 3 3', 600'Atlantic O&R. 1% 1A 1% 1A 1200 Big Ledge .... % % V>. ft 12700 *1 Belt h D (a p) 50 . 55 43 50 4500'tBelch B (a 1-) 35 36 32 34 1800 tllo^ & Mont.. 77 77 75 76 3500 'fCaledonla ... 39 40 39 39 8600 'Calumet vt J. 3.8 ,r_ 3- .:. 16000'fCandelarla S. 2 2 1% 1% 4900'Caseade Silver..1% 1H 1% 1Ja 1500 tCashboy - 8% 9 8 , 9 4000 *Cerbat S M&M 4'2 4% 4% 43a 1200 Con Ariz Smelt 1ft 1ft 1% 1% 1CO0 Cresson Con Gd 4 4' 3 4 4 1000 ' + Div Charter. 13 18 18 13 1000 El Salvador Sil. 4% 4', 4% 4% 4"0 'Kureka Cr Min 1% 13-4 1% 134 400 'tFlorence Silv 80 80 30 80 8000 'Fortuna Con. 60 60 55 60 6500 ?Gad3den Cop. 3% 3% 35a 3%. 2500'Golden Gate.. 3% 3% 3% 33g 1000 tGoldfield Con. 19 19 18 18 13200 'tGoldfield Dev 14 15 14 15 r,'"'0 'HamiltonM&S. 1% 1ft 1*8 1ft 3100 'tHarmill Div. 20 20 15 20 14O0'tHasbrouck D17 17 17 17 935 Hecla Mining.. 5% 5% 5% 5ft 1600 *tJin. Butler.. 35 35 35 35 1000 tjumbo Exten. 12 12 12 12 36500 'tKnox Divide. 27 28 22 23 500 La Ro.e Ltd.. % % % 3^ 2000'tl.ibBellDiap) 12 12 12 12 6000 't.MacN Cres M 29 29 28 29 25000 ?tMarNam Min 87 88 86 87 1000 *tMM of A (ap) Vz Vz Vz % -Masrma Copper 38 38 37 37% 200 Ma^on Valley.. 3% 3% 3% 3% 8000 TMeKin!ey-Dar. 62 64 62 64 2300 'fMother Lode. 44 44 41 43 2000 'Nat Tin Corp. 4% 4'% 4 4' 8 6000 *tNev Div (ap) 15 15 15 15 6000 *tNev Ophir M 42 43 38 40 3000 Nipiesing Min. 1134 11% 11% 1P4 22000 f Nixon Nev .. 23 23 20 22 400 'Onond Mines.. 3' g 3'? 3'.?? 3% 1200 *Red War Mng -% 3^ *a 3_. F.000 'tRoyal Divide 20 20 19 19 37.00 Seneca Cop C. 23 25% 23 24% 7800'Silv Dollar M. 1% 1% V/2 1% 4?00 'tSilv K Div. . 26 7000 Silv Kg of Ar. 1 tV 500 Stand Siiv-Ld.. ^ S500 tStewart .29 100 'Tonopah Bel.. 3H 3000 'Tonopah Div.. 8% 800 Tonopah Exten. 23,a 900 United Eastern. 4!| 0500 Un Mines r,f M 3% 4300 ?fu S Cont M. 14% 8000 Unity G M Co. 3 6500 'Virt Div (a pl 44 200O tWash Q Qtz.. 72 12i?0 jWest End Con 1% 10OO Iwh CapR Mng 21 1700'Wilaon Sil M. 1% Bonds Sale* (OOOomitted). Onen. High. Low. Last. ' $75'Am Sumatra 7s.117 120 117 120 3'Anaronda 6s ... 993-i 100 99H 100 25 'Hraden 6a 1031. 95% 90 95% 95 -"Can Govt 5a_ 99% 993-4 99% 99% 5 On of Ga 0s '39. 99 99 99 99 1 'III Cent 5%_.. . . 97% 97% <>?? 4 97% 1 'Int Rap Tr la. . 90 90 90 90 10'Ital L C, 5a "18.120 120 1710 120 68 *NY Tel Co db 6a..01% 10UB 101% 101% 15'Ruaa Gov fi^.s.. 59 50 63 S<i ?L-Uisted. tSelk oetnta per tbare. TAX FREE $10,000,000 Joint Stock Land Bank 5% Bonds ISSUEO UNDER TrTE FEDEILAL FAXM LOAN ACT Dated Mav I, 1919 Due Mar 1, 1939 Optional May 1, 1924 Rct-eerr.abie at par and accroed tnt-TeK on any trrrerest date after fr** tt__t? rrotn ?Yata of baoc ruily registrablc aad intrrchangeab-le. Deaocainabons, $1,000 and #$00. IntcreaC payable ktcxy anfittally, Mav ik ar.d Norember tst Prindpal and bternc nvabk aa that bmsk. of taaua or at The EcjoitabVe Trust' Co, Ntrw York Cxj. T/ie* Issuir.g Banks are as Fo&otm.x Arkansas Joint Stock Land Bank, Memphts, Tlnra. Bankers' Joint Stock Land Bank, IMilwauxee, Wis. Des Moines Joint Stock Land Bank, Des Motnes, Iowa First Joint Stock Land Bank, Chicago, IixiNtas First Joint Stock Land Bank, Fort Waynb, Indiana Iowa Joint Stock Land Bank, Sroux Crnr. .Iowa Liberty Joint Stock Land Bank, Sauna, Kansiw Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank, Lincoln, Neb. Mississippi Joint Stock L\nd Bank, Memphis, Tenn, Montana Joint Stock Land Bank, Helena, Mont. Virginian Joint Stock Land Bank, Charleston, VV. Va, AND OTHER BANKS Exempt from all Federal, State, Mimicifal aTid Local Taxaticm excepting only Inheritanc* Taxes Attention is called to the following investment qna.ities of these Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds. (T) of the United States Government. (2) Legal investment for all Trust and Fiduciary Funds under Federal Jurisdiction. (3) Acceptable as security for Government Deposits, including Postal Savings Deposits. (4) Secured by first farm mortgages made under Federai supervision or by U. S. Government Bonds or Certificates. (?) The Attorney General of the United States has rendered ?an opinion approvingtheconstitutionaJityof theact afid the validity of the provisions,exempting the bonds from taxation. Price 102 and Interest, yielding about 4>J3c/c t0 optional maturity?5Gj0 thereafter Send for ear bookirt "Joint Steek Land Bank Konds" which cuthnes tbe investment qualities of these bonds Halsey, Stuart & Co. William R. Compton Co. Incorporat.d? Socceasoxs to N. W. HALSEY & CO.. Chicago H WALL STREET N 49 WALL ST., NEW YORK NEW YORK The Equitable Trust Co. $f New York BOND DJ_l?A?TaCtr-T 37 WALL STREET NEW YORK The statements contained herein are not iriiaran.eed btrt are bvtaed npon information which ire belU-'e to be reKable. Consolidated Exchange [Unit of trade on this exchange, 10 shares j rransactioi.a and prices yesterdai" for the more active share. folIowJ Sales. Open. Hi?h. Low. I,as-.. 30 American Can. 57% 6.7' . 56% 57 .. : ? ? Am ??? Hide & L 33% 34% i.-;e 34 " 0 Amer Ic<_ ....70% 7.' , 67 '.. 110 Am Smell & R 83% 34 82 _-!" An; Sum Tob. . 116% 120 116% 1 . . \m Ti I & Tel. 105% 106 2 1C5% 10. 0 do pf .113' 2 119%' 118' 4 119 330 Kennecott Cop. 38% 39% 38% 38^ 5' 0 Keystone Tire. .100% 102% 100] -> ".2 2340 Mexican Pet ..187 187% 184% 136 910 Midvale Steel.. 51% 51;. _C% 51 1130 Mo Pacific ... 32'3 32% 31% 32 1 .7" Oklahoma Oil. . 10% 11 1080 Pan-A P & T.100 100' 850 Pere Marquette 24% 26' 2130 Pieree-Arrow. . 62 62? 1040 Pierce Oil . . . 24% 24" 835 Pitts & W Va. 41% 41". 1470 Reading . 89% 89^ 2060 Roy Dutch NY.116% 117% 115!% 116'/, 1020 Sinclair Oil ...65 05" 63% 64% 2340 Southern I'ac.109% 109% 107% 108% 810 Southern Ry .. 30''. 30', 30 30/, 6460 Studebaker .. .108% 103% 104. 107" 1550 Tenn Copper .. 14 14 13% 13% 600 do ri^ht-s ... % 7a % 3, 1460 Texas & Pac. 52% 52% 51% 52% 1845 Tobacco Prod.. 105% 106!% 103' 2 105% 590 Union Pacific.132% 132% 131% 132 1290 United Ci? S...144' 4 149% 143' 4,149% 7.70 U S Caat I Pipe 33% 34 33% 33% 1610 U, S Food Prod 77' 4 77'% 75% 77 950 U S Ind Alco.159 159 157 158'/, 1150 U S Rubber.. 113'', 114% 112'. 2 114% 29910'U S Steel_108% 103% 107% 103% 760 Utah Copper .. 88 83% 86% 83% 11M Westinghouse E 57% 57% 56% 57% 3:60 Wiily. Overland 37 37 35' 4 36' . Securities at Auction Tho following ..ecuritiea were sold at the auction salesrooms of Adrian H. Muller yesterday. For account of truatee: pr.--9 172 shares Oriental Bank !n HquMatlon. ($100 each).lot $100 For account of executors: 5 shares Scarsdale Oolf Club. ($100 each) lot I2S5 5 shares Oehrlng Publlshlngr Co. ($100 each) .lot $52 5 shares X. Y. Knlf. Co. ($100 each) lot $306 $500 Arkwrlffht f"!ub 4 per c?nt rlua 1325. ($25 ea.-h).lut $200 240 shares H. W. Baker Linen Co. ($100 each .125 6 shares Hale & Kllburn Co, common vot Ing trust certificates. ($100 eaoh)....25 40 shares The General Maoifold it Print? ing <"o., common. ($50 each). I .( $50 25 shares Home Bureau Co., preferred. 1 $50 each) .per share $25 4 shares Arunrtel Golf Club. <$25 each) P*r ahare S.i 211 sharos Caldwell I.and A Lumber Co. lot $1,000 50 shares Sunday School Tlrrif.i. (SiOO ^ach) .E0 Fnr account of whom It ir.av concem: $,91.8 Rh.-r^s Hammorateln Amuaemenf Ca, ($29 f-ach) .lot $60.432.5. .00 shares Brookljw I'ulon o.-.s Ca <S:n) each) .A,.?, 7_. 1,000 ahares Vnfted Copper Co , preferred. We Specialize In nited Retail Stores Corporation Bamberger. Loeb & Co. 25 Broad Street New York Ce&tral Trust Co. certificates of deposit. ' Two asse33ment_i paid, 20c and 20c. lot |33 300 aharea Aero Alarm Co. ($25 K..rh> iot -1 $150,000 MUnourl, K..i<-.i * T.>iss Rail way . per cent notea, undepoalted. $.~e 102 eharea Tatt Producer Co. <$!00 eai h) Sol j 81 shares Bull i*rvrorth-2 uliton Corponilnr.. ; r.-:'err>"l .$9 F'uhert T rt-rson *m e>-tf.) pror.'? ? f tho F v. VToolworUj Compan* i at ihe orgaclssallou tDfeeUng of tae d'. : rectora yeatTday, aurceedlna; the late i j W. Woolworth. P H Wi-ilworth -w. . Mected chairman of fhe boar-1. >-???>? ' Bacha, of Ooldmam, Paena ?. Cook ar..t k W. \\"?',-r a-are *'?-; ?-_. ar.d r f Valentlce wt. a,^ ?ecretary and !rra?ur?r. ?u ?.-.-???.? '*~stt . Paraun '.n ;h/? lalter .(.>.( V. 8 fTarknea*. Car! <..r?" a - ave rn* ( tha %Vi .* 'n H . B. Seger .nu C-e Uta II _; I I