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Features of the News and Personalities Reactions to the News of the Week PART VII TWELVE PACES SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1919 PART VIT TWELVE PAGES At Last Prohibition Clamps the Lid on Tight PROHIBITION, so far as New ! York City is concerned, ! poems to bo a game that can be played with considerable ; pleasure by a large number of peo _______ pie. The events ?j**S__~g3fc_*J>*' of the last w? x jFi which has been a ,. ' u' hectic one, have ? JL given more defini j^Zr?xX ti?n t? t*">e rules of jflrf (>v\ the frame and mfrwsa AI '!IVC cramped the j y'.._!l mBJ *y*e 0,? some of j _H?_____B__?i____r : ;u> players, but j jr. '..'. .- still paramountly a sport and so accepted by the drink-1 ing men if not the dealers in the pri atest c ty on the face of the earth. -\ chronological study of the ef fort seeking to exterminate the ancient demon establishes more of farce than tragedy, more of hard drinks than soft, so far as New York City is concerned. There have been, in effect, three : different stages of prohibition in New York since July 1. The first -was the approximately dry state from July ! to In. the second the ap pro ately wet stage from July 15 te O ber 29, and the third the ex tai proxirnately "bone-dry" pe h has obtained since mid ? week, on the advice of William D. Hirsl unsel for the liquor inter? ests. How does New York look dry? -i question difficult to an sw< r, because New York has not ber*; genuinely dry at any time? isn't i now, since men can still mix their own drinks?and all that passes as prohibition is, in a sense, more apparent than real. It might be bette r to ask how New York looks wher it is superficially or at best only * early dry. summer the bars of the big hotels 1 ave been the most conspicu? ous examples of the dry state. They still are. Instead of the noisy hum that n< w and again breaks into boii ? ness under a wet regimen these bar? have been models of decoi I sobriety; for the most part the hotel writing room. !* ?sary for the oldest inhal recall the far-famed \ny one can do that. N ? the ktail hour is gone? "shot," ??? ??????? put it. Whatever else tl ere was in the thin glass and its orang -.led content, appar? ently th( re was something that made for ty and stimulated con? vers?t i for without the cocktail the ' c? '? ur" has vanished. Bari em to recall that a few bra\- ;ouls Tied to perpetuate this celebrated Broadway hour without the regular "ammunition," but it ha? not worked out. Attendance fell off, u ' ;. ; it has between the acts during the theater hours. The hotel bar me distinctly second in importance to the cigar stand, once Its ad inet. tittle (hange Th? refore, when the dry wave hit New York in midweek, with the re? port that Colonel Porter was bur? nishing his arms for target practice, there was no change at all in New York's appearance so far as the bars of its leading hotels were concerned, Mve that 2.To beer was not served. In the saloons, caf?s and on the roof gardens there still was among drinl ing men the will to gaiety and the desire to procure strong drink on the "Q. T.," but it could not be done. There was nothing to be but sober. As one bartender said: "If you see a drunken man now he isn't drunk. He's drugged!" lie meant that any <me who showed the effects of liquor ,hal undoubtedly been served inferior *>V-ff by a bootlegger. It was noticeable that the usual ?low of good feeling on the roof gar? das and in cabarets and the rather happy intimacy between the player and the spectator were lacking and a man who operates two roof gardens ?nade the outright statement that on :'ie basis of last week's prohibition -fie roof gardens might as well lock -**. up and go out of business?unless, and here is the point that has been outstanding since July 1, the spec? tator had remembered to bring his flask. The flask dodge is one that the Anti-Saloon League has yet to deal with. Rut New Yrork has been outwardly ?Viber since last July and since none but the bars that were willing to take a chance and pay if caught have been celling "hard stuff" since About All the Liquor Dealers Ask Now Is To Be Given tween Now and Januar < Retire "Graceful }f New York i__^_^^^^ 16 to .*>?> y __ j The White Ligias Are Still Bright, but the Hearts Are Heavy -? ..-_b^_-~_p**--- y?-?'^^???'V-^' -VfV ?jrw~^ ^^_J2_i_?_____ tf hat Did ?t Mean? Everybody limited to Know the advent of war-timo prohibition, ; there was naturally nothing to as ! tonish the eye after last midweek. It is rather an erroneous opinion that a few ?lays, a week or even a i month of "bone dry" prohibition ran , greatly alter the appearance of j any city. Habit leads the drinking ! man into his regular haunts, even , though he is not served as usual, and , there is, as a consequence, no great : change in the looks of any saloon, j however chastened it may be in . spirit. For two weeks after the war-time ! prohibition of July 1 went into ef ! feet New York City was dry. The ', big hotels took the lead in this di | rection, and most of them have since stood pat on a dry policy. There ! have been capitulations. Up to last j week one well known hotel which ? displayed large placareis, "No in j toxicating liquors sold here," prob i ably considered these signs in the light of ornamentation. At any rate, hard drinks were going over the bar day after day and night after -night for the asking?-and the paying. This hotel was not alune; it only happened to be more conspicuous. There are a great many others which have adopted the public policy of "on with the dance," and the private policy of on with the drinks. Intelligence Service liy July 15 the average saloon i keeper and caf? proprietor had ar : rived at the conclusion that if the government intended to take active enforcement measures it was mak? ing a mighty poor job of it. The intelligence service that is main? tained by the liquor interests could find no obstacle in the way of re? suming the sale of liquor to friends, , claiming that as a matter of ab? stract justice they had a right to do this. In consequence the sale of hard stuff was resumed in all the five boroughs of the greater city. The amount of caution with which the goods were dispensed depended en? tirely upon the personality of the proprietor. If he took a don't-give a-damn attitude he served whiskey ' cpenly and at advanced prices t<7 any one and found the traffic sr. profitable that the investigator will discover cases of saloonkeepers try? ing to buy back casks of whiskej from customers to whom they sol? them the last week in June. If tht ' customer were persuaded to put bac! into common circulation the liquic treasure he had stored in his celia: it may be assume?! he did so at ? nice profit. Not every saloon sold to all com ers. In fact, most of them vio lated the law on the basis of friendl; : connections, the deduction bein. that the keeper never had so man; friends ?a his life as he has had during the past three months. .irrest Without Detention Hero and there there were ar? rests. But what came of them? How many bartenders are now in ; jail for selling liquor? The saloon gentry has escaped virtually un scathed. A bartender haled into court paid $50 in fine and was re? leased with a judicial warning to commit no further violations. The saloonkeeper who employed the bar? tender was not gathered in the toils. If by any chance he was brought to court he offered ttie in? genious explanation that he didn't know what his bartender was do? ing. That this was the result of a preconceived plan seems evident from the fact that the bartender who faced a judge in the morning was invariably back on the job at night. Under these circumstances the ancient d?mon again became a mem? ber in good standing. Operators of cabarets and revues who had been crying bankruptcy in June merely cut down their shows and took in as much as $1.30 a high? ball. The contradiction in fact was obvious to every Broadwayite. The caf? proprietor declared he was I forced to cut down his revue bo cause of prohibition?many of the ;cuts ranging from 81,000 to $2,000 a week?when as a matter of fact 1 he was getting twice as much for a highball as he ever received be? fore and was selling an inferior product. As an answer o this the pro? prietor claims that he sells only to his friends and that his patronage has been immeasurably reduced ?particularly amo?g out-of-towners because of the generally accept?e theory that prohibition is a fact As to the first it is significant thai any one who has the "right look' could, up toVast Tuesday, be servec W-4 with hard liquor in any one of a great number of cafes in the down? town theatrical section and tin* out? lying districts of New York. The "friend" business has been apocry? phal and overdone. As to the sec ond claim, those who visit New Vork from out of town?and there are 000,000 a day?have invariably been shocked at the open tratfic in liquor in New York City, although some of them not to the extent that they have not. gayly participated in the unexpected boon. The expres? sion of a famous surgeon visiting the recent convention of surgeons at the Waldorf-Astoria was that he was dumfounded by the open man? ner in which the liquor traffic was conducted in New York, and that he had particularly observed that at banquets ami dinners the usual quota liad not been diminished. Sei hing Quality It was this situation that made of prohibition a game that any one could play. The game became in the end a matter not of finding places where hard stuff was sold? that was easy- but of finding a place where there was an estab? lished quality in the output. The New Yorker had become'soured on taking a drink of "synthetic," head? achy booze merely for the pleasure of beating the game. He must have good booze. A certain party of convivial souls taxied from Times Square to a saloon on 125th Street to quaff what were said to be a few of the final remaining drops of genuine Scotch in New York. The price was 45 | cents a drink, a saving over White Way costs of a sufficient amount to more than pay the taxi bill, in addi? tion to being assured the genuine ! thing in drink. ! A certain restaurant on Sixth Avenue has gained more fame than ever it could in orrlinan* charnel? by letting it be known that dr'nki are to be hud at all hours and that the quality is of pro prohibition quality. This caf?, in consequence has done a landoffico business. The is all that its owi er fur it, it is Berved without ??;?? mysterious hocus-pocus; hu? result the caf? has k.'pt all old customers, in addition to adding more new ones than it can accom modate. This paten*: violation has been almost laudable in its above the-boardness; yet nothing done about it. To instance even the majority I the places, many of them old wtsli tutions, where liquor might have have been had up to last V.'e<lne? d.iy, would consume no ^nd of space. Ir suffices to say that from July 15 to October 2S when the word went out from the Retail Li?juor Dealers' Association to clamp on the lid?no thirsty man could in all faith presume to say that he was imposed upon by prohi? bition conditions as they have twer? worked out in New York If ther? has been imposition it has been in the matter of quality, not of scarc? ity. Waiters Profit Some of the byproducts >f this situation have been amusing For one thing it has made necessary at> increased vigilance in dealing with waiters. If the proprietor main tained his 'rallie ?>n a friendly basis no "ueh nice distinction de terred the waiter. Waiters b*?gan setting themselves up in business They obtained whiskey of <i?>ubtfu. pedigree and confidentially advised the customer that h<? could be served on a cash basis, whatever the atti tude ?if the caf? might be toward the customer and prohibition. In this manner, wherein the waiter evaded the checker and sold his own booze for cash and profit, th.<* caf*1? became a victim of negative fraud at the hands of its own help. Some waiters finessed tins practice to the extent that miniature serving tray, with slots to hold small whiskey glasses, were secreted in their coat p ick?ts. It is needless to add that the '? ili "ing waiter received a satis factory sum for his doubly deceiT ing service. Bellboys likewise profited by boot? legging, and in some of the verj hotels that prohibited liquor traffic investigation proved bellboys were on the quiet getting as much as $15 a quart for rye and Bourbon whis key. Good Scotch was, as it ha? always been, almost priceless. Such had been the spectacle in New York during the alleged <\r wave, and which lasted up to I feat of the Presidei t's veto on the Volstead act last Tuesday. What ever,has been the situation in othei towns and cities, this metropolis has taken its liquor stand in its owi hands, and on the ba-.???, with soni" notable exceptions, of business a? usual. Last week when the President'? veto was overridden by both house-* of < longress affairs to k ai *'? t turn. At the time the Re i Dealers' Association was in session, and the word went forth that noth , ing containing more than ?.tie-half <?f 1 per cent of alcohol in volume , should be sold. The word of the av sociation is law, and the lid was actually clamped on, at least among ? the six thousand association mem Continv-gd on page two