LXX?X No. 2(>,7ll
[Copy rieht. 19t?,
New ?ork Tribune Inc.?
First to Last-the Truth: ii.w.rtditnr^. Adver?seZnt's
Fair and colder to-day; to-morrow fair
with slowly rising temperatare;
fresh northwest winds.
Fall Report ?n Vug* 15
* * * *: .
Tnn r,-v.. S In Greater Xrw York and
*"? C**KTS ? with!? ?wauaatlnc ?U?*nee
,000 Arrested in Nation
Palmer Directs Raids
Wide Round-Up o. ___
in 35 Cities: 650 Seized Here
Renate Plans
treaty Action
??adere Agree on Com?
promise Program, and
ll?t&?ock Says Presi
jjent Will Approve It
Eo3ge Reservations
To Serve as Basis
Senators to Con
5 ?iidNegot?ations, With
Democrats as Sponsors
New York Tribune
Washington Bureau
? FASHINGTON, Jan. 2.?Definite
gctbn for a compromise on the peace
treaty with Germany will be taken
?/hen Congress reconvenes next
W?|, Republican and Democratic
leaders in the Senate predicted to?
day after numerous conferences had
teen held.
*'M the Senators who participated
8 the informal discussions, includ
fc? Senator Lodge, chairman of the
Fer?gn Relations Committee, and
Senator Hitchcock, leader of the Ad
tttiniBtration forces in the Senate, as
ttrted to-night that prospects for an
agreement that will make ratifica?
ba of the treaty possible are very
? The Democrats in the Senate will
f?ropoae the compromise, but it will
fet^onsored by the group of "mild
rtservationists'' on the Republican
side when it is formally laid before
the Senate. Senator Hitchcock said
{be "mild reservationists" had been
triced to take charge of negotiating
fee compromise because "whatever
Iroposition they would make would
lot smack of partisanship."
s Action Nest Week Predicted
?The move for a compromise on res
tmiions will be made publicly within
? few days after the Senate meets
??pin, it was said. The Senators who
fill make this move stated it could
?? looked for before the end of next
? The plan for launching the proposi?
tan for an agreement was worked out
?the informal discussions which have
taken place between individual Sen?
ator? since the holiday recess of Con
P*u began. Should it fail, both Sen?
ator Lodge and Senator Hitchcock say,
V? ^PP**" to be no possibility of
jWiwatton unless President Wilson
Wmwlf proposes a compromise.
The President will accept any com
jWwaiM that the Senate works out,
j? the opinion of the Administration
go?, but Mr. Wilson's failure to send
?Wo to the Democratic Senators that
w?y ?onld go ahead and arrange terms
g ? agreement with the Republicans
?"Prevented ratification of the treaty
? ?ate, Senator Hitchcock said.
?Haldent'a Silence Embarrassing
t?fc 'tt? ^<en verv embarrassing not
*wehad some word from the PreBi
*y .*? to how he regards a com
??*"*?. said Senator Hitchcock. "The
2*?**"^? Senators have not known
iff"? to feel free to proceed with a
?gWttis?, or if the President would
?9?*tt ratification if they should agree
???UL' ??P??Mieana and get the treaty
woaga the Senate.
^belitre that the President will ac
"E^y, ???promise that would not
F2j*f. .the treaty. His position has
3? ??ply that he signed a contract
{???? representatives ?* other na
,v5? v?rsailles and he is not in a
2*2JW? to suggest changes in that
25***t- He would be breaking faith
JuLi?"? ?ther signers. He has main
^^that the treaty is still before
2-?***f? .aftd ttt?t it must remain
|77 "?W the Senate has acted finally.
S-!*T. tb* treaty has received only
""??my votes in the Senat?.
. ? ?H?v? the President wants us to
SL2* to ?ft in order to get the
*oeaa." *? *h* Senate in. any WBy
; "*dte Consents to Pia?
at u^l Loi?Kf' *arly to-day conferred
O?-?*? Vth S?nator McNary, of
?Wg leader ?i the "mild reserva
sZi? , ^"?tor McNary obtained
9*aato* |J7"" ?v.-H?ry ooutmca
?Hh t?L idge? ?*n?*nt to proceed
^w* plan? for launching the corn
that tnL*Murin*' the majority leader
*?!?* tfe??? * move ,8 wad<> without
S?sats tJ ,*r1 ?BOU*b votes in the
?etSa ait. 1<rpl lh" '''?"krwood rt-so
I? MbShL* . CTtaiin9 * committee
pjJ^iiMwn ta arrange a compru
**?*Li?? if AT. ??"f?"-ed with
*^fc? ?^ * Wisconsin, another
frCsjsJ^*/*!??*1*0?*'*?'''' ??? -
W^W?^?^ Ka"?a?. one Of the
iSfc^S^li/oup of Republican
^JJPMKratic coHeaga? of Sanator
g? ?? the roirrtgn Relations
?? JSSgJ **n??d that there
"'BLs^ ?<T *w??son saw Hm.
"^STdUsJ?* .????* ** th?
J^Jfcgator Htehcock'?
Yonkers Legion
Open to Malone
Half of Crot?n Repre?
sented at Rejection, Says
Bid for Membership
Dudley Field Malone, formerly Col?
lector of the Port ?f New York, whose
application for membership in the
Crot?n Post' of the American Legion re?
cently was rejected on the grounds of
Mr. Malone's alleged radical opinions,
received the following letter yesterday
from Cook Post, S21, of the American
Leg%>n, in Yonkers :
"It was with regret that I read in
this morning's Tribune of the action
taken by the Westchester County
American Legion in indorsing the atti?
tude of Fox Post in rejecting your
application. This action was taken at
a noonday meeting of the county com?
mittee, at which less than half the
posts in the county were represented,
our own being among those missing.
"We would be pleased to receive
your application for membership and
would consider it from the viewpoint
of service, ability and sincerity, which,
in your case, would, I am sure, be sat?
"It also occurred to me that you
might be willing to come up and ad?
dress our post at one of our semi?
monthly meetings, which are held on
the first and third Thursdays of each
month. Any date you might select will
be agreeable to us and the topic we
would, leave to you.
"Hoping that we may have .the pleas?
ure of hearing from you op the subject,
I am, yours very sincerely,
Mr. Williams said last night that
some of the membership committee of
the post had been talking about Mr.
Malone's case and had decided that it
would be the fair thing to give him
{ a chance to address the post. If Mr.
Malone was not revolutionary and if
his war service entitled him to mem?
bership in the legion, Mr. Williams
said, the post might decide to elect
him a member.
The members who suggested writing
the letter, he added, were not seeking
Mr. Malone or notoriety, but they
didn't want Mr. Malone or any one else
to think that -$he Legion. was refuse
ing a possible member a hearing. The
next meeting will be January 16. The
post has 300 members. !
Irish Leader Hints at
Secret Ocean Passage
O'Doherty Says He, Like de Va
lera, Crossed Without
Boarding a Ship
Special Corre*pondence
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 2.?Seamus
O'Doherty, one of the leaders of the
Irish republican movement and
escaped prisoner from Mount Joy
prison, Dublin, and who was "President
of the Irish Republic," pro tern, while
Eamon de Valera was in jail, was
arrested in Philadelphia to-day.
O'Doherty denied he had crossed tho
Atlantic Ocean "by ship, boat or float?
ing vessel of any description." Whether
he reached America in an airplane,
a dirigible or a submarine he refused
to disclose.
"I came over in the same way
de Valera did," O'Doherty said. "Did
you ever find out how he crossed the
"No," O'Doherty was told.
"And you never will," he said. "At
any rate, I will not tell you or any one
else. It readily can be seen how that
would spoil everything for tho many
other Irish republicans, under British
suspicion or sentence, who undoubted?
ly will follow me."
O'Doherty was the leader of a prison
riot in Mount Joy early last October.
Subdued by the guards and placed in
solitary confinement, he and his fifty
followers went on a "hunger strike"
which, he ?aid, was maintained for
seven days. After his temporary
release O'Doherty succeeded in escap?
ing to America. He arrived in this
country less than a week ago.
Mrs. Norris Named to
Complete Curran's Term
Mayor Names Tammany Assist?
ant Secretary to $8,000
Mr?. Jf^an H. Norris, .who was ap
' pointed a temporary magistrate by
i Mayor Hylan two months ago, was ap?
pointed yesterday to complete the un
explred. term of Henry H. Curran, for?
mer city- magistrate, now President
of the Borough of Manhattan, which
has until April, 1927, to run. The sal?
ary is $8,000 a year. Mrs. Norria i?
assistant secretary of Tammany Hall
(and co-leader with George W. Olva
ney, of the 10th Assembly District of
j Manhattan.
Miss Rose Pedrick, who waa secre?
tary to Robert L. Moran, ex-President
of the Board of Aldermen, was named
'?secretary to Daniel L. Ryan, Deputy
? Transit Commissioner. Her salary will
be $3,000 a year.
District Attorney Swann appointed
J. Krank Wheuton and Thomas F. Mc
: Outre/Deputy Assistant District Attor
Iney?; Their salaries 'have not been
iflxed. Mr. McGuire, until his recent
?admission to the bar, was a drafts?
man in the District Attorney's office,
j Wheaton is a negro lawyer, who, bi?
ff ore coming to this city fifteen years
ago, nerved as a legislator in Minne?
Planter'? Wife Like? Cigars
Smoked Them All the Way on
Rough Voyage
Th? Vnited Stat*?, of the Scandina
viftfi-Amrrican Lin*, which docked yes?
terday at Hoboken, had a rough
p**?*ge from Copenhagen, but Mrs.
Carl Hereupon, on? of the passenger?,
didn't mind it a bit. Sh? nmoked cigars
all the way,
"Other women smoke cigarette?," ?he
??id; "i ptetet eig?r?."
Bh# wan accompanied by her ho?
Hirsch Quits
Rent Board;
Warns Hylan
Chairman of Mayor's
Committee on Profiteer?
ing-Says Promise to Sup?
ply Funds Was Broken]
Poor Will Suffer,
His Parting Fear
Urges Continuation of
Campaign Against Goug?
ing Landlords in City
Nathan Hirsch, chairman of the
Mayor's Committee on Rent Profiteer?
ing, yesterday charged Mayor Hylan
with refusing to provide money for
the work of the committee and ten?
dered his resignation.
In announcing his resignation Mr.
Hirsch made public correspondence
which passed between him and the
Mayor during the last six weeks, show
ign that he had on two other occa?
sions tendered his resignation be?
cause of the Mayor's neglect to pro?
vide the committee with money.
"My most earnest wish," said Mr.
Hirsch last night, "is that the Mayor
will move immediately to provide
funds so that the work of the rent i
profiteering committee will be con?
tinued. It would be a calamity to take !
away from the poor the only agency
which has stood between them and ex?
tortion by unscrupulous landlords.
Poor To Be Sufferers
"What has been accomplished by the
committee easily can be undone. The
principal sufferers in that event would
be the poor, and I do not believe the
Mayor wants to take that responsi?
Mr. Hirsch was at, a loss, he said, to
; explain the Mayor's failure to give his
! committee an appropriation, likewise
his failure t^ reply to his letter of
December 28, in which he for the third
time tendered his resignation and in
which he reminded the Mayor of his
broken promises.
"On December 14 last the Mayor at-j
tended the benefit performance given j
at the Century Theater to add to a
contingent fund to be used to alleviate
distress caused by evictions among the I
poor," read a statement issued last
night at Mr. Hirsch's office.
"Between the acts the Mayor caused
Captain Charles A. Goldsmith, of the
committee, to announce on his behalf
that a part of the $300,000 fund
gained by the city through overcharg?
ing for army food would be used to
further the work of the Rent Profiteer?
ing Committee.
"In spite of the Mayor's public
promise, Mr. Hirsch was told that the
poor he represented would get no part
of the fund."
Blame Put on Mayor .
This phase of the situation was
elaborated on in Mr. Hirsch'? letter
to the Mayor of December 26. In his
letter Mr. Hirsch ?ays the failure on
the part of the Mayor to make good
his promise "places us, and may I sug
! gest, even your honor, in a most
\ awkward and humiliating position."
Then the Jetter continued:
"As a matter of altruism and civic
duty, it seems to me that it is obliga?
tory on the members of the Board
of Estimate and Apportionment for the
O'Malley committee to give, us money
whereby we can properly continue
work equally, if not more, important
than distributing coal, ice and milk."
After reviewing the entire situation,
Mr. Hirsch declared that if $80,000
was not appropriated he would resign
as he had no desire to be associated
with anything that is doomed to be
recorded in the annals of failures.
He asked for a reply before January
1, go that he could guide himself
accordingly. None boing forthcoming,
Mr. Hirsch last night mad? public
announcement of his resignation and
gave out copie? of his correspondence
with the Mayor.
Settled Many Dispute*
From the time of his appointment
last spring up to November 1 Mr.
' Hirsch personally met all the cxnenwos
of the committee. The amount he de?
clined to reveal. Since then the Board
of Estimate appropriated $10,600, of
which $7,600 has been spent. The bal?
ance is needed to pay extra help hired
during the rent strikes of last fall.
Mr. Hirsch said the committee has
adjusted more then 80,000 rent dis?
putes, has saved over $1,000,000 for j
that number of families, and caused
the land sharks and the tax lien sharks
to disgorge cash or realty in excess of :
$6,000,000? to their victims.
Mr. Hirsch declared there was a large '
amount of work yet to be done, and i
that there were now pending before the |
committee scores of cases.
Italian Recognition
Sought by Bolsheviki
"Black Sea Coast Capture Im?
minent," Soviet Minister
Declare? in Note
LONDON, Jan. 2.?M. Tchitcherin,
Bolshevik Foreign Minister, has pro
? tosed to Italy a resumption of rela?
tons between that country and Soviet
Russia, pointing out that the "immi?
nent capture of the Black Sea coast by
the Soviet? will open the Black Sea
route to Italy," says a Moscow wireless
meaoaf*, xee?Iv?d ?era?^
New York Leads in
Radical Arrests
Incomplete reports from raid?
ers of radical headquarters
all over the country last night
indicated that about 3,000 had
been arrested. Reports from the
larger cities follow:
New York City. 650
Detroit.,. 300
Philadelphia . 208
Chicago. 200
Newark '. 150
Nashua, N. H. 150
Boston. 100
Springfield, Mass. 100
Cleveland. ?. 100
Trenton, N. J. 75
Bayonne, N. J. 75
Passaic . 50
Worcester. 50
Lynn, Mass. 46
Manchester, N. H. 45
Berlin, Conn. 40
Milwaukee . 30
Lowell, Mass. ...'... 30
Jersey City . 25
English Fails
Him on Stage
Poet Tries Vainly to Make
Himself Understood at
Carnegie Hall and Aids
Can't Read His 'Phonetics'
Maurice Maeterlinck's English broke
down completely under the test of his
first public lecture last night at Car?
negie Hall. Dr. Merle St. Croix Wright
jumped into the breach and translated
the Belgian poet's words as he spoke
them, for the benefit of an audience
which scarcely knew whether to be
amused, indignant or sympathetic.
After half an hour of this "duet," as
the poet himself laughingly termed it,
a messenger arrived breathless with a
copy of the address in English, which
Dr. Wright read.
The remaining lectures of Maeter?
linck's American tour will be given in
French, it was stated last night by his
friend, Henry Russell. Carnegio Hall i
has already been sold out for next;
Tuesday night. Mr. Russell also said !
that Maeterlinck was "very cross" with
J. B. Pond, of the Pond Lyceum Bureau, j
who had persuaded him to speak in'
English against his own better judg- i
Carnegie Hall Packed
Carnegie Hall was filled to the top?
most gallery with friends and admirers
of the poet. This audience was toi- j
erant of the Maeterlinck accent per- j
haps longer than the average American :
audience would have bean, but it was !
only a few moments before there were !
cries from the audience, "En Fran- '
?aise!" and "We can't understand a'
Dr. Wright took a look over the
poet's Rhoulder when he began to have
difficulty making himself understood,
intending to read the manuscript of the
lecture for him, then shrugged his
shoulders and said:
"It's the queerest looking jargon 1
ever saw. Looks like Chinese to me.
Mr. Maeterlinck says it's 'phonetic,
English.' 1 can't read it."
Maeterlinck tried again, but in vain.
Finally, with the aid of most of the
distinguished diplomats and authors
and financiers who sat in an imposing
row on the platform, a system was
evolved by which Mr. Maeterlinck pro?
nounced slowly and cautiously to Dr.
Wright the,words of his lecture, and
Dr. Wright then repeated them to the
His System Fails
The system of ''phonetic FJngiish"
seemed to have been developed in the
following method: The poet had writ?
ten his lecture in French ? it had then
been translated into English and writ?
ten out by a secretary; the typewritten
copy had then been read aloud to the
poet, who had written it down in the
French equivalent of the English
As an example, Dr. Wright explained
to the much amused audience that the
word "issues" was spelled in the poet's
language "ichiouse." and "ended" was
"ainedide." ? -,
Even when the real EngltBh manu?
script and the real French manuscript
arrived the disturbances in the pro?
gram were not ended.
"Let the public have its choice as
to whether Mr. Maeterlinck will read in
French or I in English," cried out one
?of the many assistant masters of cere?
monies on the platform. The French
aide of the house raised up loud voices,
but they were drowned out by the Eng?
lish-speaking three-quarters of the
meeting, who pounded on the floor and
yelled and roared their preference for
something they could understand.
A little; woman in the front of the
house then rose.
"Please," she hegged, "we are no
anxious to h$ar Mr. Maeterlinck's won?
derful French; just let him speak in
French for a littl?."
? English Finally Wins
So thei-f* was another ps.go of Maeter?
linck in French, and then tho evening
was Dr. Wright's. Throughout the
course of the lecture, however, the
poet stood at his side, listening care?
fully to hi? pronunciation as he fol?
lowed it page by page on his 'phonetic
manuscript, maintaining all the whtle
s calm and unperturbed demeanor,
Continued on page three
__- ^
Declared Aim
Of Radicals!
_ . i
All Seized Are Aliens
Charged With Advocat?
ing Overthrow of U. S. j
Government by Force j
Prisoners Belong to j
Commuiiist Parties
Propaganda to Organize,
Negroes Is Revealed;
and Trouble Is Feared j
New York Tribune
Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2.?A. Mitchell
Palmer, Attorney General, personally
directed the raids made to-night in rad?
ical centers throughout the country.
The round-up had been carefully
i planned for three months. Promptly at
9 o'clock agents of the department
swooped down upon nests of the radi?
cals simultaneously in nearly 60 cities
in all parts of the country. They were
armed with warrants issued in ad?
All of those arrested were aliens,
and* all were members of the Com?
munist party or the Communist Labor
party of this country. They were
charged with advocating and teaching
the overthrow of the United States
government by force and violence.
Both the Communist party arid tho
Communist Labor party subscribed to
the manifesto of the Third Interna- !
tional, which was organized by L?nine ?
ai-1 Trotzky in Moscow, March 2 to 6, >
1919, for the purpose of advocating a
world revolution, according to depart?
ment officials.
All Slated for Deportation
Russians, Germans and Austrian?,
predominated among the aliens caught
in the dragnet to-night, although
nearly every nationality was repre?
sented. They will be turned over to
the immigration officials of the De?
partment of Labor for deportation; j
together with the proof of their activ?
ities, obtained by William J. Flynn
and his agents in the Division of In?
vestigation of the Department of Jus?
tice. Decision relative to .whether the j
radicals will be deported rests with
the immigration officials.
Only the alien radicals could be i
gathered in by the Department of Jus- i
tice, it was explained, under the pres?
ent law. Several states have laws tak- ?
ing care of radicals who are American I
citizens, and the arrests made in Chi- I
cago this week were made under an ?
| Illinois law, it was explained. j
Government's Overthrow Advocated
The Department of Justice issued i
the following statement soon after the \
raids started.
"Agents of the Department of Jus?
tice took into custody to-night several
hundred members of the Communist :
party and the Communist Labor party
of this country, located in thirty-five !
cities, on the charge that these organi- 1
zations advocate and teach the over-!
throw of the United States government j
by force and violence. The only dif- !
ference between the Communist party j
and the Communist Labor party is one ;
of leadership. Both of these parties, i
since their organization early last Sep
tember, have been endeavoring to ?
! bring about the establishment of a ;
Soviet form of government in this |
country similar to that which now ;
obtains in Russia."
Revolutionary Plot Charged
i Francis T. Garvan, Assistant Attor
j ney General, in discussing the raids, j
i held that, the two parties had been I
i working hand in hand to gain the same
| end and planned eventually to unite in j
| revolution. To show the effort of the '
| party leaders to strengthen their influ- '
j ence, Mr. Garvan revealed attempts ?
! made by the radicals to organize the !
i negro population of the United States;
| to assist in establishing the Soviet gov-?
eminent. He held that as a result of j
j this propaganda some disorders among.
negroes might be expected. Amongthej
documents seized by Federal agents
bearing on the effort to organize the
j negroes was the following:
"In close connection with the un
j skilled workers is the problem.of the
I negro.. The negro presents a political
I and economic problem. The racial op
! pression of the negro is simply the
expression of his economic bondage
and oppression, each intensifying the
other. This complicates the negro
problem, but does not alter its prole?
tarian character. The Communist party
will carry on ajritation among the
negro workers to unite them with all
class-conscious workers."
"Proposes to End Capitalism"
An example of the kind* of propa-1
ganda used by the radicals among the
working classes is the following pam?
phlet issued by the Communist party
and made public by the Department of
"The Communist party of America
is the party of the working class. The
Communist party of America proposas
to end capitalism and organize a work?
ers' industrial republic.
"The workers must control industrry
and dispose of the products of indus?
try. The Communist party is a party
realizing tho limitations of all existing
workers' organizations and proposes to
develop th? revolutionary movement
necessary to free the workers from the
oppression of capitalism. The Com?
munist party insists that the problems
of American workers are identical with
tho problems of the workers of the
"The Communist party is the con
j Continued on neast page
\ i ?m?g?m??mftrnm??w?r?w? i.mi?,
He Directs "Red" Raids
SBfFT c-x - - ' - "?<*?}
.a. Mitchell Palmer
United States Attorney General,
who is directing a nation-wide
round-up of radicals.
U. S. Rail Loss
In 23 Months
Is 548 Millions
November Deficit of $64,-j
500,000 Brings High To
tal; Net Operating Income
Estimated Under $20,
WASHINGTON. Jan. 2.- The govern- j
ment deficit from railroad operation |
during November will be approxi- j
mately $64,500,000. a low record for !
the year, according to figure? compiled '
and made public to-night by the bureau j
of railway economics. Net operating j
income for the month was estimated i
to have fallen below $20,000,000, which1
the bureau of economics declared to j
be the lowest in thirty years when
computed on a basis of percentage of j
Gross revenues for the month were |
estimated at close to $436,000,000.
This figure is only slightly below the
high mark of a year ago, but the heavy J
expenses, due in part to the coal strike, ?
which also reduced the revenues, left j
as net little of the operating revenues. ?
The government's net loss, the i
bureau estimated, on the basis of j
Interstate Commerce Commission fig- J
ures, has reached $543,000,000 in the j
twenty-threo months of railroad ?
operation. The bureau placed the loss )
for the eleven months of 1919 at more
than $380,000,000.
December returns on the rail opera?
tion were forecast as bringing another
decline in the statement issued a few
days ago by Director General Hines,
who pointed to the inevitable loss in
revenuet? incident to the coal strike.
The November earnings, as com?
puted by the bureau with compara- !
tive figures for the corresponding (
month in 1918, follow:
1919. 1918.
Revenues .?436,000,000 $140,400,000
Expenses and Uses. 417.000.000 383.900.000 |
Net income. IW.000.000 56,500,000
While the November revenues were,
said by the bureau to show an increase!
of $149,200,000 as compared with the !
average for the month in the three-:
year test ?eriod before the war, ex-1
penses and taxes have also increased
more than $213,000,000. The increase
in opeiating revenues was traceable j
largely to the heavy passenger traffic,
which was represented to have been
about 10 per cent higher than the
November average of the test period.
Freight traffic, however, was estimated
tu have dropped several per cent.
The Eastern roads, which in other
months have offset losses accumulated
by lines in. other sections, were un?
able to meet their actual operating ex?
penses and taxes for the month, the
bureau of economics figures revealed.
Expenses and taxes of the Eastern lines
were shown to have been $4,200,000 in
excess of operating revenues.
Lines in the West, however, did bet?
ter in' earnings than in most previous
months, owing to the heavy grain
movement and also to the fact that
they did not suffer from loss of
revenue through the closing of mines.
Their earnings were placed at, about
? s
Five Die in Explosion
At du Pont Powder Mill
Wilmington and Country /or
Thirty Miles Around Shaken;
Many Houses Damaged
WILMINGTON Del., Jan. 2.?One of
the grinding mills of the Hagley. plant
of the du Pont Powder Company blew
up this morning. Five workmen were
killed ?n8 one was injux*ed. The build?
ing was of flimsy construction. The
plant is on Brandywinc Creek, three
miles from here.
Wilmington and the ?surrounding
country for thirty miles were violently
shaken. Some houses in the immediate
vicinity of the plant were badly dam?
aged. The home of former Federal
Judge Edward G. Bradford, about half
a mile from the mill, was partially
wrecked. All ef the doors and windows
were broken and other damage was
done, Judge Bradford was recovering
froistsW?Wf ?UJ|?a%_.__._
> -.-1
1,530 Warrants Issued in New York City
and Vicinity; Plans for Gigantic Drive
Under Way Three Months
150 Seized in Brooklyn Drive
Seventy-five Police Aid Chief Flynn in Round-Up;
Newark and Jersey Gty Jails Are
Crowded With Suspects
The Department of Justice., after three months of preparation?
launched last night a nation-wide round-up of members of the Communist
and Communist Lalpr parties.
In New York City alone 880 warrants were issued for leaders amona;
those who are attempting to introduce a soviet government in the United
States. By 2 o'clock this morning 650 men and women had been taken
from various parts of the greater city to Department of Justice headquar?
ters at 21 Park Row.
A. Mitchell Palmer, Attorney General, is in charge of this, tho
greatest offensive ever instituted by the government against radicals. 1?*
.scope extends from coast to coast. Three thousand arrests were reported
during the evening. More than three thousand warrants had been issued.
Chief William J. Flynn is directing the activities of the 115 Federal
agents and police charged with serving warrants and arresting all
suspects here. . '
Score of Cities Are Raided in the East
In the East the government forces moved against the "Reds" in a
score of cities at 9 o'clock last evening. The agents in Jersey City were
armed with 410 warrants. In Newark they were charged with serving
320. Raids also were carried on in Paterson, Passaic, New Brunswick,
Trenton, Camden and a half dozen smaller communities in Jersey.
Prisoners were likewise taken in New Haven, Hartford, Springfield.
New London and other New England towns. Every known headquarter?
of the Communist and Communist Labor parties was visited.
It is understood all aliens named in the warrants will be deported as
soon as possible. Citizens arrested are to be turned over to the county
nrnsu?pnt.r?va fnr trial.
In New England \
Large Quantities of Lit-\
etature Taken in U. S, j
Raids in Many'Townsi
BOSTON, Jan. 2.?Nearly five hun?
dred "Reds" had been arrested in New !
England at midnight to-night, in raids
carried out by agents of the Depart- ;
ment of Justice assisted by the police
in twenty cities.
Among the places in which arrests j
were made and the number of prisoners ,
taken were:
Nashua, N. H., 150; Manchester, N.
H., 65; Springfield, Mass., 100; Lynn, I
Mass., 46; Holyoke, 20; Worcester, 65; j
Lowell, 30; Lawrence, 8; Boston 75; j
Haverhill, 21; Providence, 50; Water
bury, Conn., 7; Bridgeport, 16; Berlin,
N. H., 40; Chicopee, Mass., 16.
In all the raids large quantities of'
literature were seized. Many more j
arrests were expected before morning.
In Nashua where the greatest num?
ber of pi'isoners was taken, the al?
leged radicals were captured in a raid
on a Communist meeting. Among them
were 23 women.
The principal speaker of the evening
was arrested by the Federal agents be?
fore the meeting began the officers
said. The president of the local organ- '
ization was reported to have been
"tipped otf" that the raid was coming,
as he left the hall on the run just be?
fore the Department of Justice agents
arrived and was captured only after a
When the prisoners were taken to
police headquarters the women joined
in singing "My Country 'Tin of Thee"
and Russian songs.
In Lawrence, the dragnet caught se -
eral persons who took a prominent part j !
in the textile strike last spring. Among | :
these were Ime Kaplan, who had pre- ;
vioualy been arrested on a charge of I
distributing radical literature; Frank j
Coco, Solerno and Frank Szjna, an j
organizer for the Amalgamated Textile j
Workers of America <
In Holyoke most of the raids were
made on private homes, where it was
i known that the "Reds" had gathered |
?frequently. Quantities of papers and j
i books were taken to the police station. |
j In Boston twenty-four were arrested t
! at the Communist party headquarters 1
and thirty, all Russians, in one group in
a Staniford Street hall. Among the :
j leaders imprisoned were Anafros Kara- '
I lius, of Chicago, a Communist party j
organizer, who was supposed to have i
addressed the meeting at Nashua, and j
j Adam Dulski, secretary of the Cam
bridge branch of the party.
' In Springfield several women were
arrested. The Federal agents con-1
j fined their attentions chiefly to pri- ;
i vate % residences and carried out the,
j raids without meeting resistance. Sev- j
eral patrol wagon loads of prisoners :
I were carried away from the headquar- j
| ters of the Russian Club in Liberty
I Hall.
Bryan's Michigan Friends !
To Enter Him in Primary j
! "Musi Be a Mistake; Tve Heard j
Nothing of It," Commoner
Says at Miami, Fla.
DETROIT, Jan. 2.?William Jennings
Bryan will be entered in Michigan's
Presidential preference primary as a
candidate for indorsement as Demo?
cratic nominee for President, accord?
ing to local friends of the former Sec?
retary of State.
Petition? in his favor, which will re?
quire only 100 names, will be in circu
i lation shortly, it Etas said. The pri?
maries will be hel^April 5.
MIAMI, Fla., Jan. 2.?"It must be a
mistake, for I hnve heard nothing of
it," William Jennings Bryan said to?
day regarding the statement from De?
troit that his name would be entered
in the Michigan Presidential prefer^-1
ence primaries. Mr. end Mr?. Bryan
are span ding the winter ?t their home
> Forty agents of the Department ot
Justice, assisted by seventy-five police?
man in civilian clothes, conducted the
raids in greater New York. They were
| directed by William J. Flynn, chief of
the department's bureau o? investiga
tion; George F. Lamb, local superin?
tendent of the bureau, and Charles F.
Scully, head of the Federal bomb squad.
Four Hundred Arrested Here
Within an hour after the raiders had
left Mr. Flynn's office at 15 Park Row
in army trucks and automobiles thev
reported that, out of 800 for whom
warrants had been iasucd 400 had been
taken into custody. Mr. Flynn said the
number taken into custody would ex?
ceed 800 before the round-up was com?
Conspicuous among those taken vs.
the raids was a man who said he was a
city employee and that he believed in
the overthrow of the government by
He gave bis name as Julius Codkind,
of 1333 East Ninety-seventh Street,
Brooklyn, and declared he worked in
the bureau of collections of the De?
partment of Assessments and Arrears,
in Brooklyn. His association with the
Communist party began yesterday, he
declared, when he was elected secre?
tary of the Harlem branch of the or?
According to Federal agents tMa
man asserted: "I was born in the.
United States. I believe in the over?
throw of this government by force, if
necessary. I believe the time soon
will come when the whole United
States will be under Bolshevik rule."
Mr. Flynn said the man will be held
for the state authorities.
All night long, the process ot ques?
tioning and sorting out the captives
went on at the office of the Depart?
ment of Justice. Early to-day fifty
four men had been locked up at Police
Headquarters. It is understood that
most of these will be sent to Ellis
Island this morning.
Looking over the heads of the motlej
crowd jammed into the offices yf the
Department of Justice at midnight Mr
Flynn said, "This is the breaking ot
the backbone of radicalism in America/
Green light was the prevailing colo) ,
in the office. It came from a giganti?
radium bulb used in photography. Ii'
was the first thing that popped int*.
the eyes of the startled men and women
as they straggled out of the elevator.
Women Aged 16 to 60
Sixty to sixteen were the ages given
by the women temporarily made pris?
oners. Just before midnight six old
women, some of them with white hair,
appeared umong the file escorted in by
agents. Men. women and girls, and
with them all the paraphernalia taken
from the places where they were found,
were crowded into the elevator and
quickly carried upward.
The paraphernalia consisted of red
banners, books, papers and large framed
portraits of Marx, Trotaky, Bebe! and
other radical leader?.
One hundred, or about 20 per cent of
those detained, were released after
they had been examined in Mr. Flynn's
office. It was found there was no evi?
dence on which to hold them.
Many Destroyed Cards
Some of those taken are declared to?
have destroyed their membership
cards in the Communist party whil?
the government agents were entering
the meeting places. In a number o:'
instances, it was said, the cards were
found crumpled up in shoes, lining?
of coats and other place? of conceal?
These cards, when identified as be?
longing to the persons who held them,
were taken as sufficient evidence to
warrant deportation or criminal an?
archy proceedings against those who
held them.
Plans for the raids had been in
preparation for more than a month.
Printed instructions sent from Wash
; ington were read to eaeh raider. These
i specified that no violence was to be
Squads of agent* were sent to each
place designated for a raid so that
all the raids would take place simuN
taneouely. Promptly "at 8:80 o'clock
eaeh squad walked into the place ap?
pointed for it? scene of action. AU
the occupants of the place were Hnedj
up against a wall and searched. The*
were then eseerteoi to an army truck
and taken to the Department of Jut
tlee heedquartertv to Park .Row.
i Mm ?? Wm frkn obriwwly wer?