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?9*= W.F.Ladd&Co. Ttta?7. tam?A A Co. Investment Securities New York ?ESSES i ? I Raritan Refining j Corporation I 7% and Participating 10-year Gold Bonds At 975/3 these bonds yield approximately 7.18%, without taking into consideration par? ticipating dividends. Further information on Request HEUWIGftREUTTER Members Nev Yorl( Stock Exchange 25 Broad Street, New York TeL Broad 6230 Oil Industry Send for iat-st edition of this pamphlet, which contains details of many oil companies, general condi? tions o? the industry, &c. Special articles of interest to those interested in the Ajax Oil Company. Pamphlet O. T. B. on reqoest. Farson, Son & Co. Members New York Stock Exchange US Broadway, New York Federal Adding Machine J.K.R?ce9Jr.&Co. nattes 4000 to 491? John. IS Wall St.. N.T. U. S. Government Transactions Sales. Liberty 3%s, 1947. $468,000 do 1st 48. 1947. 116.000 do 2*1 4s. 1942. 341,000 do 1st 4%e. 1947. 39,000 do 2d 41.4s, 1942_ 989,000 do 3d 444s. 1928...... 2,114.000 do 4th 4%s. 1938.3.009,000 Victory 4%a, 1923.2.506,000 do 8%s. 1923. 496.000 Quotations Liberty 3 %s .. do 1st -is_ do 2d 4s. do 1st 4%a.. do 2d 4Vis... do l!d 4%s.. . do 4th 4%s., Victory 4%i .. do 3\a. 99.20 Bid and Asked Yield. 3.4B 4.40 4.56 4.66 4.76 4.94 4.83 6.00 4.00 +.12 Quotations Liberty loans : 34s. 1947 .... 1st 4?, 1947.... 3d 4s?. 1942. ist 4 Us, 194 2d 4%s, 1942. 3d 4143, 1928. 4th 4 Vis, 1938 Vte 4%s, 1?23 do 3%a. 1923 99.08? 99.14 Pre-war issues: Closing Closing Yesterday. Saturday. 99.98@100.00 100.00@100.10 93.30(iii 93.60 93.40? 93.48 92.20? 92.30 98.60? 93.64 92.70? 92.74 94.70(P> 94.76 92.82? 92.96 99.08? 99 16 .100 .100 89 39 2a re?. '30. 2s coup, *30 2s reg, '46. 3s coup. '46 4b reg, '25. 4s coup, '25.105% 2s Pan. c, '36. . 2s Pan, r. '36.. 23 Pan, c, "38.. 2s Pan, r, *3S.. 3s Pan, reg 3s Pan, coup. Phil 4s. '34.. do 4s, '35.92 do 4s, '30. 92 v, .... ... ?, -~ D Col 3s, '66.... S7 ? ? 97 % ? J Foreign Govt. and Municipal Bonds (Interest to be Added) Bid. Anglo-French Extern 5a, 1920.. 96% Argentine Intern 5s, 1945. 1.0% Canada? Dom of, 5s, 1921. 97% do 192?. 92% do 1931 . 91 Chines- Gv Hu Kug Ry 5s, 1951 52% Cuba Extern 5s, 1944. 90% do Extern 5s. S?r A, 1949_85% do Extern 4%s, 1949. 74% Dominican Rep 5s, 1958.? City of Lyons 15-yr 6s. 1934.. . 92% City of Marseilles 15-yr e?, 1934 92% City of Bordeaux 15-yr 6s. 1934. 92% City of Paris 6s. 1921. Jap Gov 4%s, sterling In, 1925 do 4 %s, 2d ser. 1925. do 4s, sterling In, 193,1. City of Tokio 5s, 1952. U K G B & I 5-yr 5%s, 1921. do 3-yr 54s. 1922. do 10-yr 5?is, 1929. 95% do 20-yr ?'-s, 1937. 90 Mex Extern strl 5s of '99, 1945. ? do Extern gold 4s of '04, 1954 35 (Sales) U S 4s coupon |Jap 2d ser 44s 814 78% 69% 59 96% Asked 96% 70% 97% 93% B8 91% 87 76% 87 93% 92% 92% 92 % 32% 80 70% 66% 96 4 95% 96% 90% 39% 44% 5,000.105% Anglo-Frenc}? 5s 255,000.96% 2.000.: 96%! 16.000. 96% 3,000. 96i"?! 4,000 1,000 German stmp 10,000. 76% do stlg loan 4s 1,000. 69% English strop 2,000. 66 96%! Rep of Cuba 5s 1904 96tV, 2,000. 91% 90% 5,000...... 98%! 2,000 10.000.: 96 ,V do 44s 17,000. 964 1.000. 75 19.000. 96% i U K of Gt Britain 01,000. 964: &? I 54s 1921 25.000. 96% 5,000. 9(i*,k 82,000. 96% " """ 96?T Argentine 1.000. 72 City of Bordeaux Gs 2,000.92% City of Lyons 6a 2.0?0. 92% City of Marseilles 6s ' 1.000. 92%' City of Paris 6s j L0.0O0. 92%, 1.000. 9?; 8,000. :.-... 92% j City of Tokio 5s. I l.OOO. 60 ' 10.000.59 V 19.000...... 61 - . Dom Canada 5s 1921 2 000 ..'.'.. B7%| 1,000. 97%; 2,000. 97 41' 5,000... ... 97%' 6,000. 96% 16,000. 96% 5,000. 96 l.OOo. 96% 1,000. 96% 4.000. 96V; 3.O00. 96%^ 2.000. 94}% 10,000. 964 do 54s 1922 8.00Q. 95% 1.000. 95 32.OOO;. 95% do 54? 1929 15,000. 95% i-,000... :.'. 95 % .5.000. 954 3,000. 95% 25.000:_. 95% do 5%s 1937 13,000. 89=1 29,000. 89% Dom Canada 6s 1921 I 1.000.97% do ?s 1931 1.000. 5.000. 7.000. Jap^ 1st ?er 4%s 2.000...... 4.000.81 10,000. 83 1,000.82V do 2d ser 4%s . 4,000. 80 do German stmp 15.000.76% iff? va #?1% 81% 81% 1.000. 5,000. UKofGt Britain * I 6%s 1987 30,000. 89% 27.000. 89% 5.000. 89% 15,000. 90 89% 25.000. 89$ 36.000. 90 12,000. 90% 5.000. 90 3,000. 90* , >??:::::: 8 1,000. 90 2,000. 90% N Y Citar 4%s 1960 2,000. 93 Railway, Other Corporations Am Ag Ch cvt 5s 3.000.98% Am Smelting 5s 2,000..;... 86 14,000.86 10,000.86 Am T ft T cvt 6s 5,000.. 3,000.. jS.OOO.. dir* col 4s 1,000. .5,000...... 15.000..:*%.. 5,000. Tm. 31,000. 79% J 1,000. 78% do col 5s 80,000. 81 3,000. 81% 1.000. 81% 5,00?. 81% Am W P s f 7s 2,000. 83% 13.000. 83% Armour Co 4%s 5,000_7. 83 A T & S F gen 4? 1.000. 82 5,000. 81% 12,000. 81% 10.000. 81 2,000. 81% 1,000...... 81 do cvt 4s 1960 1,000. 89% do adj 4s stamped 12.000. 70J.?? 2,000. TlVfei A? C L 1st con 4s ' 11,000. 80 8,000. 79? 1,000. 80 do uni 4'?'?s 1.000..*... 76%! do L ft N 4s 5.000. 72 i Bait ft O tem 6s Lake Shore 4s 1828 , 8.090.86% do 4s 1931 * Long Island 4,000.. 2,000.. do sen 4s 1,000. uni ff* nt L ft N unified 4s 73 16.090...... 83% 2,000.82% Manhattan By 4s 7,600. 60 Midvale Steel 5s 1,000.|5 2.000.86% 6,000. 86 Mil L S ft W 6s Mich di?* 1,000.100% M St P ft S S M 4s 0,000. 82 M K ft T l?t 4s 18,000.60% 1.000. 60% 3,000. 60% Mo Pacific tren 4? 1,000.58% i.000.68% 10,000.59 1,000.68% 4,000.58% 2,000...... 59 2.000. 58% Mobile ft O ex 6s . 1.000. 95% Montana Power 5s t.OOO. 83 Mor Lou ft T 6s 2.000.98% National Tube 5s 2,000.93% New Orl Term 4s 1.000.63% ,N Y Air Brake 6s M 5,000. 90 1??OOO..^."."89%?N Y Central deb 6? 6,000. 90 1 39.000. 92% do rfg 5s g|^B -.000. 92U 3,000. 67U! 10,000. 67% 18.000. 69 ! 15,000. 57?! _, 5.000. 67?5! do cvt 4%s 34,000.."_ 64%! 10,000. 64?!; 13,000. 64%! 12,000. 65 I 2.000. 65%! W 921 92% 78 78% 2,000. 5,000_ 5.000_ do rfgr 4 Vis 1,000.... 2.000_ do 4s 1934 2.000. Sl% 2.000. 82 do rfpr 3% 9 3.000. 69% do L S 31 ,'.3 1.000..'7.. . 61V'. 3.000. 65% IN Y G E L H ft P 5,000 3.000 2.000 7,000 7.000 50% 83 1.000. 65%' 2.000. 65 U ; 2.000. 64%! 2.000. 651?! 11.000. 65 : do gold 4s 1 8.000. 69 i 2*2S?. 69%! 4.000. ?g '? 8.000. 69 ! ! ?o T ft C 4s 2,000. do r> 1 3u3 ! 17.000.7... do Sw 3 Us I 1.000.."... 3.000. 1 ' 1.000. do Pitta L E W Va 4s 3.000. 1.000. 61 . ! Beth Steel 1st 5s ! I 1,000. 96%! i do o m 5s ! 7.000. 86%! Brook'"" Rap T 7s ' 5,000. 46 I dn crfs of deposit 20.000. 43 L Ceo of Ga Ry 6s I 2,000.93%!? ! Central Leather ",* ' 1,000.97%) 1,000. 97 ' I 2,000.96%' 66 ' I P m 4sl_ 65%! "000. 63 66 IN Y Rys ndj 5s 65% i 2.000. 6% 65%! 20.00S. 7 ? 5,ooo\. :_ 7% do ctfs of deposit 5.000.? 6% 14.000. 7?. N Y Te' deb 6* ?.O00. 9? U 4.000. 1,000. , 9.-,:;', 1.000. 95% ?'.OOO. 95% 2.000. 96 3.000. 96% do4U? 3.000. 80% l.noo. si 24.000. sos; 2MfiO?... soi:. 5.000. 80% N Y W A Bn 4%? 2.000. SOU 9 000. 37 Norfolk * W cvt rts 4.000.IO41.', 5.000.104% do eo*v 4s 4.000. 79% ; do dlv <s I 10.000. 77% Nor PsMflc Term *? 1.000.10714 ' do 4? i.nno. 7??V4 25.000. Tsjt/, 9.000. 7H?4 9.000. 79% & 60 Cea Pacific gtd 4a 2,000...... 78 2,000 22 000. Ches ft O cvt 5s 16.000 5,000. ?? 10.000. 8?% AS:::::: 3* 2,000. 75V4 6.000. n% . 8.000.. 75* 9.000. 76V4 2,000. i\n 6.000. 7?u 1,000 2,06o caa??sp'i<?'3? . 5,000.4714 do 3%. "* : A:::::: 3| do Denver 4a * L0O0... 96 ^Aoiaii' . 2.000. 84 *? A0'9 **? 5,000. 75 do joint 4b 1.000. ?Sai 16.000.. lia ".000.. ??a 27.000. ?? 2f? 5-??0-.. " lis 3-000.. "i* g.000. s, - ?5,000... a7ay 6T000.. 1,000., " 2.000. 8.000.." ?.ooo..; ^ 2.000.,.' ?uoo.::' do cvt 44? 3.000. |; M-*i 4.000.. -9* ?.0Q0. J 2,000..: ?o1 ri?; 41^ l?:-:: i 4.000..; ?a 4s 1925 iNor Pacific Term 3s 3,000.66% 1,000..56% J.0OO.6pg 4,000.55% Ore Short Line 6a 8t000.93 do 4a 4.000.8414' ^Am.m Ore W R R ft N 4a 1.000. 71% 1.000. 7B% Pacific G ft E 5a 6,000. 82 Penn 6a 1968 4,000. 93% 1,000. 93% 22,000. 93% 1,000. 98 1,000. 93% do eos 4%. 1.006. 93% 9.000. 934 10,000. 92% * f!oV?B 71% es 84% ?. -j.-,-.?4% Pera Matettette Sa 4,000.87 5.000.86% 1,000. 87 10,000. 86% do 4a 1.006.7 Pub Ser of N J 5a 8?000.69 Reading Sen 4a 12.0OT.81 8,000. 1.000. 1,000. 2,060. do C N J 4? 5.000. Republic I ft S 7,000,.... St L I M ft S gen St 43,000. 92 do 4k 3.000.74% 1,000. 78% do 4s Riv ft G dlv ?000. 72 St L ft 8 F gen 5a 2,000.91 4a *er A 3,000.59% 1,000. 69 T 1,000. 59)4 81 80% 5a 96 do 3,000. 59* 6814 *8%i eon! 60 fi! 61 I 60 941 so?: ? 15,000... -n do --- ? ' * '" ?en 4s :454. ' d?iodoVB 193%. 23,000.. *' g" _ ? 2.00O_ ?kg.T do?s--^ crITp'.*> 1.000.. do rig 4a 11,000_ 67?-! 1.000.. :; Us 13.000.... 67* ? ?30.000.; 6Ti? CSt PM ft O 6s' . 1-000.105 do .is 1 ? _ 5,000_ ?71, .Chicago Un Station^: 44a ser A 1 L .. 1^000. 82 l C ft Wext Ind 4s LfcA000."60% I Chile Cooper 7s 1.00C/. .?..103U do 6a I 5-000. 844! 5,000. S4 ' _ ?X'm. 85 C C C ft 3t L ?en 4s ' 3.000.'. 1?| 2,000. ?s?; 1,000. CH^ de 4s C W ft M d?v! I 1,000...... 62 I Col industria] 5s '? 1,000. 72 1 i Col ft So 1st 4a i l.Ono-.. 85% do4Hs I 2.000 ^^^ ,000 3.000... ??::: 2,000... do 5a ?ir B l'.OQO... 12,060... 1,000... 2,000... do adj 6a 1,000... 3.000... 2 000... 5,000... 1.O00... 15.000... 7.000... 1,000... do inc 6b _ 19.000.43 jfJU'St L Swn 1st 4a " -? 3.?06. 62% do con 4a 1.000. 52 8.000. 51% ??.OOO. 51U St P M ft M 4%a 3.000. 91% Seaboard A L 4a stp 5.000.60" 2.000. dp rfjr 4a *30,000. 39% 54.000. 40 59 59% 59 ? 59% 59 714 71 714 71% a* 61% 62 61% as 61% 60% 604 39% 3,000. do adj 5s 6X000... 1,000... So Bell T ft 1.000,.. 1,000... So Pacific cvt 5s 3.000.103 1,000.1054 do ovt 4a 10,000. 81% 4.000. 81 36% 38% 984% 81% ?IS T*?ft 79% 79 78% ! Con Gas cvt 6a I 10,000. 96?ii l.OflO S.000 do rfx 4a 1,000. 1.000. 7,000. i'.OOO. do col 4s 20.000.. 72 Southern Ry 3s 5.000. 87 19.000. 864 2,000. S8sti 8.000. 86% 2,000.S?"? Con? Pr 5? 1?34 n , i.ogo.100% Del ft H rfg is 3.000.81 O*? * B G rfg 5? 8,000 10,000.. ,11.000.. do ?on i? 1.000.. 3,000.. 3,000.. 2.000.. ?.000.. ?**? Is* eon 7s 1,000 45 66% SI* 96 do prior ?en 4? 13.000."64% , 30.000.64 do gen lien 4s 10,000.43 10,000.43 3,000.43 . 12.000.42% do en i? ser A 2,000.37 do ert 4s ser B 10,000. 36 do cvt 4? ser t} ?i?::::::S K W ft p c 6s 4,000.97 Oca Else deb 6s _ .4.006...... 9J*A ' , 6,000.73 Hud ft M rfg 6s 7.000..7... 59% 5,000.69% 5,000.. 12,^00.. 2,000.. do lue 6s ISoutborn Ry 4s 1 3,000.61 i 22.000.60 I 3,000.60% do 4s Mob ft O div 2,000..57 Tenn Copper 6s 2,000.94% 1,000.95 T R R A of St L 4%s 6,000.82 do4s _ LODO. 70% Texas ft P 1st 5s 1.000.84% ? .23.000.84% Teaus Co cvt 6s _;. ?8,?oo.101% Third Av rfg 4s 7,000.50% Toi St L * W 4s 10,000.44% Union Paeiftc 6s 1,000.102% 5,000.103 do 1st 4s 1.000.85 1.0?O. 85%' 3,000.85 5,000.84% *? rtfin ai il 2.006. 93% a? 3,000 1,000. do cvt 4s 2.000. 1,000. 1,000. do rfg 4? 8,000. Un Rd of S F 4s 84% 85 87% 88% 88% 81 !,00< 111 Central 8%s ?,000. do rfg 4? 10,000.76 do 4s 1952 1,000.. 2,009... do 4s 1953 _ 1.000.71%i Illinois Steel i%? 5.0?0. 83%|U Interboro-Met i%s 31.000. 16%: 3.000. 16%' 15,000. 16?! do ctfs of deposit 5.000 Interbore R 16% Trfg5?l 16.000.16% I 21,000.55 i 55%! 5? 6.000. 2,000. 6.000. 55 ctfs of deposit 3.000. 26 U S Realty ft I 5s 10,000. 78 10.000.79 2.000.78% 5,000.78U 5,000. 79? 15,000. 78 ? U S Rubber 5s 2,000. 88 2,000.88% 1,000.88% 2,000. 88% 1,000.88 1,000. 88% 3.000.89 4.000. 38 % S Steel s f 5s 25,000.97% 1.000_.. 97% 10,000. 97 U 2.000. 07% 1.000. 97% 11,000.98 4.000. 97% 5.000. 97% 21,000.98 5,000. 97% do registered ? 7.000. 97 1,194,910,330 Dimes In the stores of the P. W. Wool worth Company, which ar* among th? few places where the nickel ana the dime are still objecta of respect, record-breaking sales were made dur? ing the year which ended on De? cember 31, 1919. Total receipts in the busiest year in the history of the company amounted to 1,194,910, 330 dimes. The addition of forty-five new stores to the chain helped stimulate sales. The number in operation is now 1,084. The aggregate sales in all stores reached $119,491,033, an increase of 512,310,137 over the 1918 receipts. The founder of the com? pany died in the year when the peak in gross income was attained. \ n. i,. " i i.i m ' Int Agricultural 5s I Utah Power & L 5s 1,000.83%! 1,000. 82% Int Mer Marine 6? I 1,000. 83% 3.000. 95% Virginiau Ry 5s 20.000.95 5,000.85 1,000. 94%!Wabash 1st 5s 1.000.94%! 3,000.91 20.000.95 ! do 2d 5s K C Ft S ft M 4? ( 2,000.83 5,000.66%! West Maryland 4s Kansas City So 3s I 1,000. 50% 3,000.59 I 12.000.50 do 5? (West Pacific 5? 1,000. 74 25,000.84% 1.000.73 16.000.84% 28.000. 74 West Shore 4s Kan City Term 4s 1.000. 74 2,000.76%! 2.000..'_ 74% 2,000.76%!Western Union 4%s 6.000. 76%! 1,000. 81L. Lack Steel 5s 1950 ?Wilkes ft East 5s 10,000.99 I 1,000. 55 1,000. 99%! Wilson Co cvt 6s 5,000.99 ; 5,000.96% do 5s 1923 1,000.95 L',000.93%' 6.000. 96% Stocks JEx Dividend Jan. 7?American Drug Syndicate.... 2-5 Jan. 9?American Ice. 1 Jan. 9?American Ice pf. 1 M Jan. 9?Central Leather.1U & 2 ex. Jan. 6?Great Northern Ry pf. 1% Jan. 9?Inspiration Cons. Copper. \M? Jan. 9?International Paper pf. \l.i Jsn. 9?internat. Paper stpd pf. 1% Jan. 8?M&honing Coal R R. B Jan. 8?Naiional Cloak & Suit. 1% Pan. 9?Pittsburgh Coal. 1 % Jan. 9?Pittsburgh. Coal pf...i. 1% Jan. 8?United Alloy Steel. 1 December Sales Of Copper Reached 500,000,000 Pounds i i # German Purchases of the Metal Financed Through Leading Banks; Export Price Above 20 Cents An important buying nibvement in the copper market is under way for the first time since the signing of the armistice and large quantities of tr.? meta, are going abroad, principally to Japan, France and Germany. Total sales for December ware estimated yesterday by an official of a leading selling agency at 500,000,000 pounds, or at an annual rate of 6,000,000,000 pounds. The normal output of copper in the United States is about 2,000,000,000 pounds. Copper being bought here by German firms, it was learned, is being paid for in dollars from the prcceeds of credits arranged with leading NewJCork bank? ing institutions. The Guaranty Trust Company, the Chase National Bank and the National City Bank are said to be among the banks that have under? taken to finance German purchases of copper from the Copper Export Asso ! ciation, which body was organized 1 under the Webb law to handle the for I eign business of the important pro . ducers. Sales Not Large "Buying of copper here by German i firms," said an official of the Copper I Export Association yesterday, "is a : development of the last two or three I weeks. The amount being sold thus ] far is to supply the urgent needs of | manufacturers of German electrical I goods. With the present depreciation | of the mark, the Germans are paying | the equivalent of S3 a pound for our copper, but owing to the fact that Ger? many is paying its labor in marks manufacturer? could probably under? sell their European competitors he-? cause of the low coats of production. "American copper producers have been asked to accept German good exchange for copper, but for the very reason that they can be manufacture.! cheaper than American goods it wh? determined not to accept them. When the peac? treaty has been signed s bit; increase in the ?Serman buying move? ment is expected." Approximately 50 per cent of the copper now being shipped abroad is for Japanese account. France is taking large quantities of copper wire to bo used in the electrification of her rail? roads. The current export price f??r copper is above 30 cents a pound. The domestic market opened the week strong yesterday with an advance of another % cent a pound, making the price for first-quarter deliver-..? 19% cents. Producers, because of the improved outlook for business, an re? fusing to quote on second quarter de? liveries. George W. Stevens to Head Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad George W. Stevens, Federal manager and former president of the Chesa? peake & Ohio Railroad, will be elected president of the road at a meeting of the directors here later in the month, it was learned to-day. Mr. Stevens ex? pects to be relieved of his Federal du? ties within two or three weeks, and his election aa president will follow, it was ; said. Frank Trumbull, chairman of the I board of directors, has been acting us president since Mr. Stevens entered government service. Bolivia Legalises Gold LA PAZ, Bolivia, Jan. 5.?Congre** to-day passed a hill legalizing the cir? culation of gold aa a medium of ex? change. Following this action the gov? ernment will issue a decree fixing the equivalences between American gold standards and Bolivian money. Great financial and economic im? portance is attributed to this unifica? tion. The Bolivian Congress on September 14, 190?, passed a monetary law "pro? viding for the adoption of a gold stand ard. Until recently, however, no Bo? livian gold was in circulation. New Issue $7,500,000 Canadian Northern Railway Equipment Trust 6% Gold Certificate? Serie* D, 1919 ISSUED UNDER THE PHILADELPHIA PLAN D?ted December 1, 1919 Total Authorized $7,500,000 Due in semi-annual instalments of $375,000 each, ' June 1, 1920, to December 1, 1929, inclusire The company aeree? to pay the Normal United States Income Tax up le 2% if exemption U not claimed by the Certificate holder. In coupon form of $1,000, with previstos, for registration of principal. Principal and dividends (June 1 and December 1) payable at the office of the Fidelity Trust Company, Philadelphie, Trustee. Th* information given below is summarized from a letter from Mr. D. B. H?nna, Pr?ii dent of the Canadian northern Railway: These Certif?catela are issued against new railway equipment costing $10,02^,995, the railway company thus making an initial payment of $2,528,995 or over 25% of the cash contract co?t. With tbe retirement of 10% of the Certificates each year, over 50% of the equipment cost will have been paid within 3^2 years. Title to all equipment remains vested in the Trustee for the benefit of the Certificate hoiderw. The equipment is leased to the railway company for rentals equal to the principal ?ml dividends of tbe certificates and the guaranty of the railway as to payment of both principal and dividends is endorsed on each certificate. Under the provisions of the Statutes of Canada relating to the Canadian North? ern Railway Company, the rentals payable by the company under the lease of the equipment pledged rank as a working expenditure of the railway and constitute a claim against the railway company's earnings prior to both principal and interest of all its mortgage debt. . The Canadian Northern Railway fa owned by the Government of the Dominion of Canada through acquisition of its-capital stock under authority of Acts of the Dominion Parliament. This issue is subject to approval of legality by Meiers. Morgan, L?icts ? B??kht? and Messrs. Duane, Morris ? Heckscher of Philadelphia, and Messrs. Blake, lAeh, Anglin ? Cor? sets of Toronto, Canada. Prices: June 1920 to December 1921 Maturities, 6%% Basis June 1922 to pecember 1929 Maturities, 6V4% Bsiii Wm. A. Read & Co. Nassau and Cedar Streets New York fc Chicago Philadelphia Boston ?a M?n?ft?ra ?<t?t*ta?4 is m? severe? ?aMat tas tote ??Ula*<t from tewm whtet we nmM? rtlUMs. WWW set ?feeffatiset. it is ?etseta? fr et sa ajeara.*. 140,000 Shares Atlantic Fruit Company Common Stock (No par Value) CAPITALIZATION (Upon completion of present financing) , Authorized To be Outstanding 7% Sinking Fund Convertible Debentures $20,000,000 $10,000,000 Common Stock (no par value) 1,000,000 shares 395,000 shares 200,000 shares reserved for conversion of Debentures. 200,000 shares reserved for any further conversion. Transfer Agent: , Registrar: THE CHEMICAL NATIONAL BANK CENTRAL UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK OF NEW YORK If' e summarize as foliotes from letter of Mr. .V. A. Macleod, President of the Company., and the report of Messrs, Arthur Young cf Co., Certified Public Accountants: BUSINESS. Atlantic Fruit Company and its predecessor companies for many years have been engaged in growing, shipping and selling bananas, cocoanuts and other tropical fruit. It now acquires from interests identified with The Cuban-American Sugar Co., by payment in Common Stock, two sugar plantations in Cuba aggregating 63,000 acres, and adjoining its present estates. By 1921 it should be producing raw sugar from its new mill. PROPERTY. Upon completion of plans now to be carried out with the proceeds of this financing, the Company will own approximately 153,600 acres ' of land in Cuba, suitable for the cultivation of fruit, cocoanuts, sugar cane and other products; 24,000 acres of plantations in Jamaica; 132,000 acres of undeveloped land in Nicaragua; a 300,000-bag sugar mill in Cuba; about 35 miles of railroad, wharves, docks, warehouses, etc., and a fleet of twelve ocean? going steamships, with additional steamships under charter. MANAGEMENT. Those who have been responsible for the success of the Company since 1915 will continue to operate the property without substantial - change in policy. They have associated with themselves strong financial,* shipping and sugar interests which will be represented on the Board of Directors by W. A. Harriman of W. A. Harriman & Co., Inc., Marine Securi? ties; H. O. Havemeyer of Havemeyer & Elder, Inc.; Thomas A. Howellr Vice-President, The Cuban-American Sugar Co.; Sir John Pringle, K. C. M. G., Jamaica, W. I. ; P. A. Rockefeller, 26 Broadway. EARNINGS. Operating profits as certified to by Messrs. Arthur Young & Co., for the four years and nine months ended September 30, 1919, havq averaged over $1,470,000 per annum. For the last nine months of this period operating profits were $2,641,720, and for the calendar year 1920 are estimated at approximately $3,500,000 without allowance for any return in that year on the money to be invested in such sugar properties. This would leave a balance after provision for interest and taxes of about $5 per share on the outstanding Common Stock, Price $35 Per Share When, as and if issued and received by us temporary certificates will be delivered on or about January 12th, exchangeable for permanent engraved certificates when ready Application will be made to list this Common Stock on the New York Stock Exchange Potter Brothers & Co. 5 Nassau Street, New York White, Weld & Co, t W. A. Harriman & Co., Inc. 14 Wall Street Marine Securities Chicago New York Boston Boston New York This information and these statistics are not guaranteed, but have been obtained from sources we believe to be accurate. J