Newspaper Page Text
SECURITIES WANTED AND OFFERED ?*??' - " ?i-??? Goorjyear 1st Pfd. FirestoBelst Pfd. Packard Motor Pfd. Continental Motor Pfd. Eisenlohr Com. & Pfd. National Motor Schulte Retail Stores American Light & Traction Cities Service Com. & Pfd. Commonwealth Power Ry. & Lt. Morton Lachenbruch & Co. PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK Land Title B'.dg. 42 Broad St. Tei. Spruce L'Sl Tel. Broad 7309 JL K. Rice, Jr. & Co. Will Buy } 100 Amer. Piano Com. A Pfd. 100 Air Reduction 60 American Meter 500 Rrooklyn City Railroad 60 Continental insurance 100 Corn Exchange Rank "Rights" 2B Crowell Publish. Com. 50 1:4311 it ?b le Trust 50 Hocking Vnlley Rwy. 100 Int. Motor Track Com. 100 Mohawk Valley Co. 100 N. Y. State Ryu. Com. ft Pfd. 100 Xlles-Bement-Pond Com. 33 -Northern Sec. Stubs 100 R. J. Reynolds Tob. Pfd. 33 Texas Pa<iUe Coal S? Oil J. K. Rice, Jr. & Co. Will Sell 100 Amer. Chicle Com. ft Pfd. SO Burroughs Adding Mach. 100 Crowell Publish. Pfd. 35 Colombia Trust 500 Federal Add. Mach. Com. 100 tienrral Baking Pfd. 50 Great Amer. Insurance "Rights" 35 Lehigh Valley Coal Sules ]00 Limn Locomotive Com. 200 McCall Corp. Com. 35 Metropolitan Trust 100 N. ?. State Rys.?Com. ?5 Niles-llemrnl-Pond Com. 37 Richmond Radiator Pfd. 35 Texas Pacific Coal ft Oil i 6 J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co. Phones 4000 to 4010 John. 36 Wall St.. N. Y. BUY?SELL MIDWEST REFINING CO. MER RITT OIL CORPORATION ELK BASIN PETROLEUM CO. INTERNATIONAL PETROLEUM IMPERIAL OIL CO., LTD. SAPULPA REFINING CO. HOUSTON OIL CO. ATLANTIC LOBOS OIL MAGNOLIA PETROLEUM CO. NATIONAL FUEL GAS CO. HUMBLE OIL & REFINING CO. COSDEN & CO. GULF OIL CORP. PRODUCERS & REFINERS CORP. CARL H.PF0RZHEIMER & CCt Dealers in Standard- Oil .Srcnrttie* Phone? 4880-1-2-8.t Broad. 25 Broad St. N. V. Central Aguirre Sugar ? (Old and New Stock) BOUGHT AND SOLD DaW&ON ?l@. 40 Wa? St. Te!. John 6444 Tex. Pac. Coal & Oil Carib Trading Co. Colombian Emerald Central Aguirre Sugar (Old and New) ,C.C.Kcrr&Co. ! 2 Wafl St, N. T. 'Phone 6780 Rector 'SS//S////s///0//////s//////S///s///////////S////f//////. public Btilitg ?erarltit? 111 Sroafcumtj, N. f. United Lt. & Rwys. Co. 5s 1932 Utah Securities Corp. 6s 1922 Virginia Ry. & Pr. Co. 3s 1934 Privat* vhoaat Is Philadelphia a Betton Arkansas Natural Gas Kiely & Horton 40 WaH St, N. T. Phon? John ?330 City Inverting ?araqua Sugar Lone Star Ga? FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. K0lixh?Mird ?MU, Vtwtve HrHor MHO. U ffwuy. X*w York. Wir? 1 'im.,?-un,*.tu*'/*,, fittest'! A I'hl)ul*lf*tiU. ?Eattman Kodsk Guaraanr 'Trust City tovesling CcAlrel Aguirre Suger ! &?$** Maaig, Sevaitjpah Sugar j Stone, Prosaer & Doty MWmsmSH. ?aaarer 7733? Public Utilities run. Ask?>d. I Am Llsht * Traction... :.2<>0 !fl?> i Am Light & Traction pf. PI W Adirondack Power. 14 17 Arttroirtar!? Klee Power pf. . . 75 S* Am Oas A ETeetrlc.. f..'...... 120 126 Mm Oas * Electric pf. 39 H ?' Am Piw?r * Llffht. ?S ?>T 1 Am Power * I.tjrht pf. 73 "J : Am Public Utilities.;.... ? 12 : Am Public Utilities pf. 23 ie Am Waterworks Electric. 1 * , ArM W W * B partie, pf. < ' i Am W \V ? B. 1st pf.. 35 42 'Carolina Power & Lignt. 31 ' Cities Service.41" I do pf.'. "3 i Cities "?ervtco bankers ct's ... (.1 i Cities Ser 7 p c ser C. 1966...K>i Colorado Power. IS Colorado Power pf. 90 Com Pr Ry * L. 17 do pfd .. 4 4 l?en Oas & Klee ?en 5s. 8" Electric Bond & Share pf,... 91 Bmplr? D1-?Hct Electric pf.. 70 ! Federal I.lfrht & Trnction. 7 j Federal l.lffht & Traction pf.. 41 Oas & Electric Securities.380 , Orb &, Electric Securities pf- ? 80 I Northern Ohio Electric.? Northern Ohio Electric pf.... 57 Nor Ontario Light & Power.. 11 Northern Ontario l.t A Pow pf r>2 Northern States Power. 63 Northern States Power pf.... 89 Pacific Qas & Blectrlc pf.... 88 Republic Ry & Light Co pf.. 11 Southern California Bdlaon... IS (Southern California EMson pf.100 Standard Gas & Blectrlc. 26 Standard C?na & Electric pf.. 40 Tenn Ry Light & Power. IVt Tenn Ry Light & Power pf.. 6 Wilted Light ft Kys.? United Light & Rys, 1st pf... 57 Western Power . SI do pf. 70 Bonds Appaiach Power 1st 6s. 67 Cincinnati Gas A Eke 5s '66.. 86 Col Oas & Elec 5s '27. 79 Col Power. '63 .78 l'.allaa Blee fis '23. 99\ bust Texas Bloc 6a '42. 76 no Va 21.?S Bl Paso Blco col 6s. 16 ' reat West Power 5s '46. ?:i '/a Midwest Util Us '26,..?n Miss River Power 1st 5s. 76 Vi Northern Out Light ft P 8s.. 76 Northsrn States Power 6b '28. IS Pacific Oas A Etec 6a 'Dl_ I? Puget Sound Trac L A P 7s.. 95 Twin City C A E 5b. 75 Un Light A R 1st 5s '32. 71 do deb 6a '26. i* Sugar Stocks Bid. Asked. | Bid. Mat-Am pf 60 85 21 47 93 ?4 7? 10 20 CO 14 67 G 5 ?2 It 13 I? 104 21 42 3 8 II 63 24 73 70 92 (il 12 100 ?0 85 Mfc 77 81 92 95 97 78 75 If Card-Am.. 20 do pref. 70 C Aguirre.410 Fajardo . 130 Gt West..410 do pref. 115 Gunta'mo. 79 Mat-Am . 10 425 134 440 118 82 15 Michigan.. IS National ..146 N Niquero.225 S Cecelia. do pref. Savannah.. do pref. Am Cyan do pref By-Prod. . 106 Ca8sin Co. 45 Dow Ch...l75 Du P C pf 9 Fed Chem.lOO do pref. ? Graseili . .100 do pref. 100 Chemical Stocks 30 54 35 60 115 50 200 10 1?? 101 Hook Elec. 65 do pref. 65 Ky Solvay. 90 Merc Co p. 96 Mcrrimac.. 92 Mulford Co 55 Mutual Ci.150 Nisg Alk p 96 Semet C...165 Solv Proe..i90 Asked. 70 14 149 88 82 39 ?9 115 98 94 60 100 175 Tobacco Stocks A Tob dvs.186 192IPorto R-A T.122 137 Conley Foil.325 350?R J Reyn A.500 515 G WHo.mes.155 165? do ser B. .455 485 do pref.. 98 102? do pref... 105 107 J S Young. 130 140| 175 do pref.. 95 105 do pref... 98 ' 101 Mac A & Fb.160 170] Miscellaneous Stocks Am Chicle 88 do pref. 80 Am Leath 76 do pref. 95 Am M?K..180 do pref. 87 Am M&F.100 Am Typ F 47 A P T NJ 25 A W C pf 94 Atlas P C 65 B B?-.S 1 p 88 do 2d pf 70 Bor C Mk.U2 Bush T pf 77% Celluloid.. 144 Childs Co. 83 do pref. 94 City Inves 65 Col E Sy.1000 Crk W pf. 9? D L & W.163 F B 1st pf 97 Draper C.141% 144 Int Sil pf. 9b 100 LehVSC87 90 100 92 | Lima L pf 97 SB ?Nat Cash.. 115 ? 85 N J Z wst.268 274 US N Co 1 pf.l0:2% -- 183V?O'Neill pi. 98 99Va i *90 ? D..240 250 I jPhil J Cor 65 70 ! do pref. 94% 95% ; Pr & W pf ?5 ? ! R Reis & C 26 28 ' dn pref. 91 95 Ry flaw- P. 140 150 do pref. S'i 96 | Singer Mg.168 172 S L IM&P 12 48 I Stoll C pf.i02 105 S D W pf.102% 103% ! Stern B p. 110 112 I T&PC&On.laO 140 Valvol pf.104 107 V Raalt In 40 50 ?do pref. 80 93% ! W C Kerr. 50 55 i do pref. 80 to \ W&Bpf.lOO 103 ? I Yale & T..265 275 50 85 9? 70 02 115 85 155 87 98 75 1200 101 170 100 Steel and Ordnance Stocks Am Brass.225 Atlas Pw.150 do pref. 90 Bab & W.1?7 .Bliss. EW.420 do pref. 62 Can F&F.185 Carb StL.110 do 1 pf.102 do 2d pf 70 Colts Ams 57 D P Pow.370 228 | East Steel. 37 155 lEmp S & I 25 92 I do pref. 65 121 (?Here P...223 450 | do pref.107% 109% 68 INiles B-P.110 115 195 I do pref. 107 115 JScov Mfg.395 110 | Thorn iron 30 75 Win Cor..375 ? 60 (Woodward. 44% 49 380 I 30 35 70 228 110 415 ?Ex dividend. New York Bank Stocks America ...625 Atlantic ...215 Am Exch..2D5 Battery ...210 Bowery ...420 Brant P...150 Bwsy Cent. 150 Bronx Nat. 150 'Butch & D. 33 Chase .440 Chat & P..320 Chelsea Ex.125 Chemical ..585 CUz Nat...255 City .415 Coal & I..245 Colonial ...850 Commerce . 245 Columbia ..200 Corn Exch.470 Cosmop'tan.110 Com'c?al E.415 Com'wealth.221 Cuba ......170 East River. 150 Fifth Nat. .160 Fifth Ave..900 : First Nat..986 , Foreign T B ? 200 376 365 820 200 ?jGarfield N..235 ?I Gotham .. ? Greenwich 2201 Harr iman ?(Hanover .. 1601 Industrial 160]Im & Trad.590 160 ?Irving Nat.390 ?I Liberty ....405 460; Lincoln _280 330 Manhat Co..240 Mech & M..490 Metrop'tan .340 Mutual -400 430?Merchants ..235 ??New Neth..200 ? N YNB A.435 250] Park .740 Pacific .135 Produce Ex.375 Public .280 Seaboard .. . fi25 Second.400 SUte .230 23d Ward.. 130 Un States... 170 Union Ex... 185 W'chcster A.200 York ville ...325 480 230 180 170 960 1016 166 225 400 840 215 610 400 .475 295 470 360 4?0 246 210 760 425 240 I 140 ! ? 195| Trust and Security Companies Bid. Asked. ? Bid. Aslted.l Alliance ... 81 I iAm Trust. ? I Am ?Surety. 82 | Bankers ,..400 . Bond & M.230 | Bklyn T Co.500 ! Cent Union.4"0 Columbia ..368 Commercial 150 Empire Tr.290 [Equitable ..285 I Farm L&T.440 ! Franklin ..250 | Fulton _250 ? Fidelity ...230 ! Guaranty ! Hamilton ; Hudson T King* Co..610 Lawyers M.120 .403 255 130 ?Lawyers T.. 135 ??Lincoln'5 88| Manuf ac'ers .205 405,Mercantile ..290 240 Metropol .. .300 515iMtge Bond,. S4 460|Mut T of W.105 375'Nat Surety.210 1601?N Y Title. 140 ? N York T..625 290! N Y LIAT.750 4501 Peoples _290 260 Realty Aseo. 110 260 Scand'nav'n.890 240 Title G & T.410 4081 Un States...850 265 USM A T.415 U S T Gusr 80 Wcstchester.. 130 W&B T&M.165 140 665 125 145 320 98 125 220 150 770 310 120 910 420 900 425 85 140 175 fSee New York T'Ue and Mortgage. tOwns all American Trust Company. Insurance Companies ni'l. A*ked Am AUiance.260 City of N Y.120 13( Corn'nwlth..300 32.' Continental. 82 8: Fid & Phoe.700 75< Franklin ..86 9< Globe & R.1000 - Great Am.. .450 Hanover ... 80 Home.595 Nat Liberty. 1?0 Niagara ...215 Stuyvesant . 50 Wcstchester. 38 ?11. A?ki-<1.! 615 1 SECURITIES WANTED AND OFFERED D. L. & W. Coal Co. Central Aguirre Sugar ? Mercantile Stores Stock-~l^?dV--Scrip Wm. C. Orion & Co. 25 Brosd St., N. Y. Phone 7160-1-2 Broad Intl Gt. No. 5% Nt?. '14 Dcf. Hale & Kllburn Michigan State Tel. Pfd. New York Stute Ky?. Pfd. Han?on5Hanjsok 74 Broadway ~ New> \fcrfo JbfofahoHo i Ractcr liu, Standard Oil Stocks BUI. Asked. Anglo-American Oll Co, Ltd.. 39 ?0% Atlantic; Refining Co.1630 1600 do pf, new issue. i : < l: 5 Rnrns'-Sci'vnvsor, ;,'o. 4'!0 4?0 Buckeye ? Pipa Line. 93 96 Ch'-sebrougH Mfg Co, cons.... 200 ? ;c;? do pf . ;07 1!? do rlffMs . ? ? i Cont!n?ntal 01! Co ?. ESO 67> Crescent Hipo Line Co. 35 3! Eureka Pipo Line. 130 . 160 Galena-Signal Oi! Co pf. new 104 108 do pf old. :07 : : : dc coin; . S* 90 Illinois Pipo Line. '. T'l l" Imperial Oil Co, Ltd. 134 ?35 Indiana Pipo Lino. 97 109 International Pol Co, Ltd.... 74 79 New York Transit. 170 17j Na'lonn'. Transit Co. .."i.? 3C Northern Pipe Line Co. 10'} 1<>7 Ohio Oil Co. 3?? 293 Pen n-Moa Fuel Co. ~i 71 Prairie Oil * 3as. S73 685 Prairie Pipe Line. 27-t 2"S South P'enn Ol! Co. 3"0 S90 Solar Refining Co. 337 31S Southern Pipe Lino . 164 I?J Southwest Penn Pipe Linos. . 9 7 100 Standard Oil of California.... 330 33 5 do of Indiana. 746 7'iO do of Kansas. 675 710 do of Kentucky. 470 485 do of Nebraska. 520 550 do of New Jersey. 738 743 do pfd . 115 116% do of Now York. 413 448 do of Ohio. 640 500 Swan ?- Pinch..-. 99 115 Union Tank Car Co. 127 130 Vacuum Oil Co. 433 438 Washington Oil Co. 35 43 Miscellaneous Oil Companies k Bid. Asked Atlantic Lobos Oil Co, com... 60 70 Cosdon & Co.? 10 10% Elk Basin Petroleum Co. 8 % 8 S Houston Oil Co. Ltd. 145 165 Magnolia Petroleum Co. 440 460 Merritt Oil Corporation. 21 22 Midwest Reflninp Co. 175 177' National Fuel & Gas Co. 145 156 Northwest Ol) Co. 30 40 Pierce Oil . 94 96 Pro'ueors Wetlninrr Co. 9 974, Sapulpa Refining Co. 7 7% Short Term Securities Security, rate, maturity Bid Ask Yield Am Cotton Oil 0s. 1924.. 98 98% 6.35 Am Tel & Tel 5b. 1923... 9$ ?6% do 6s. 1924. 95% 96% Am Threa'l 6s, 1320 19 101 do 6s. 1928.100% 101 Ame Tobacco ,7s, 1920....101 % 102 do 7s, 1921.102 102% do 7s. 1922. 96 % 97 do 7s. 1923.101 ^?, 102% Anaconda Con 6s 1922.? .109 110 do conv 6s, 1923.109 110 - do conv t?a. 1324.,109 110 - Both Steel 6s, 1923.'lO? 110 - do 7s, 1923.109 110 Can Pac Ry 6s, 1924....100% 100% 6.65 Cen Argentine Ry 0s. '27. .100% 100% 6.80 Ctn Argentine Ry 6s. 1927 97 9'R ?a 6.40 C B & Q ?lit 4s, 1921_ SI 84 S.90 Chi Pneu Too! 6s-, 1920... 97% 97% 6.65 dt 6s, 1921. 99 % 100 6.0* do 6?. 1922. 9? 100 t.t? Cuba Am Sugar fis, 1920. 99 100 6.00 Markets in Baltimore Rales. Open. High. Low. La?t. li'OO Atlantic Petr.. 3% i 3% I 50 Arundel Corp. . 4? 40 40 40 209 Con Tor Sug pf L<% 10% 10% 10% 820Cosden . 10% 10% 10 10 ISOCosden pf. 4% 4% 4% 4% 500 Celestina . 3.?5 3.40 3.25 3.40 100 Celestino rights 11 Vi 11% ??? 11% f. Citizens Bank. 47 47 47 47 4350 Cons Coal. 81 82 SI 82 25 Eqult Trust... 44% 44% 44% 44% 3 Fidel & Dep...129% 129% 129% 129% 65 Houston Oil pf 93 93 93 9 ! 60 Tnd'ohoma .... 9% 9% il % 9% 30 M &M F N B. 30% 30% 30% 30% 3 M f.- M v t ctfs 60 60 tin ?0 15 Mt Ver M pf.. 94% 95' 94% 95 385 Maryl Cas_.109 109 108 108 26 New Am Cas.; 25 25 25 . 2.. 15 Nat'Bk Bal...190 190 19?) 190 9 Pa Wat Power 80 80 80 80 Ronda $48000 Cos 6S "B".. 98 98 98 9 8 1000 City Bal 3%s. 73 79 79 79 10000 Chf Rys 7s_ 66% 6?.% 66% 66% 2000 Cons Pow 4%s 7?% 77% 77% i7% 6000 Dav Sul 6s-95 95 95 95 lOOOElkhorn 6s_ 95% 95% 9i>% 9:.% 6000 Pa Wut Pow 5s 8'i 86 86 86 8000 Un Ry inc 4s.. 48% 48% 48% 48% 1000 W B & A 5s.. 90% 96% 96% 96% Boston 100 Am inc. 17% 17% 17% 17% 2A0 Adventure. 1% IV* IV* ?V4 85 Ahmeek. 77 .7 . i ?7 20 Alaska. 1 'A l '/? ' W J ?4 15 Allouez. 37% 3S 37% ..S 240Anac: . 65% 65% 63% 64% 405 Ariz Com'i_ 16% 16% 15% 15% 520 Big Heart. 9 ? ^ 9 HOBIngham. 7'.r, 7% 7% 7% 200 Butte & Sup... 26% 26% 26% 26% 145Calu & Ariz... ?S 68 67 67 9Calu & Hecla..409 409 401 405 580 Carson. 3.6% 37 36% 36% 50 Centennial_ 16% 16% 16 16 6j Centennial_ 16% 16% 16 16 620 Cop Range.... 48% 48% 47% 48% 25 Daly West. 3 S 3 1440 Davis Daly.... 14% 14% 14 14 1125 East Butte. 16% 1? 15% 15% 25 Franklin. 3% 3% 3% 3% 690 Helvetia. .... . 3% 3% 3% .!% PO IslandCreek. . . 46% 45% 44? 44% 16 do p?d. 79% 80 7!)% 80 JH. laie Royale.... 37 37 36% 36% 38 Kerr Lake_ 4% 4% 4 V? 4% 150 Keweenaw. . .. 2% 2% 1% 1% 165 Lake Copper.. 4% 4% 4% 4% 136 Mass con. 5% 5% 6% 5% 2295 Mayflower OCll% 11% 10% 10% 60 Michigan. 7% 7% 7% 7% 215 Mohawk . 70 70% 69% 70% 380 New Arcadian. 6 5 4% 4% 135 New Cornelia.. 23% 24 23% 23% f.O Now Idrla<... 7% 7% 7% 7% 10 New River pf. 83 83 83 83 , 105 Nlplssing . 12% 12% 12% 12% 5! 0 North Butte .18 18% 17% 18% 626 Osceola . 68 68 57 67 20 Old Dominion. 37% 27% 37% 37% 126 Pond Creek .. 26% 26% 26% 26% 39 Qulncy . 64% 64 Vi 63 64 50 Ray con . 23 23 23 23 19208eneca . 17 18 17 17% 60 i,h? nnon . 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 165 .St Mary's Land 67 57 65 66 260 Superior (.'op . 5% 6% 5% 6% VU Sup & BOBt... 6>? 6% 4A 4,?? 1150 Tuolumrre ... 1% 1% 1% 1% 20 U S Smelters. 74% 74% 74 74 30 do pf . 47% 47% 47% 47 Vi 100 Utah Apex ... 2% 2% 2% 2% 1A0 Utah con .... 9 9 8% 9 410 Utah Metal .. 3% 3% 3% 3% 200 Victoria . 3 3% 3 3% 260Wlnona . 1% 1% 1% 1% 165 Wolverine_ 21% 22V* 18 18 Railroad? 60 Bost & AlbanjM24 124% 124 124 65 Boston Elev.. 67 67 67 ?7 40 do pf . 86% 86% 86% 86% 12 Bost & Maine. 37 37 36% 36% 12 do pf, Class A 50 50 49 49 10 Chi .let pf.80 86 86 8ft 4 Me Central- 60% 60% 60 Vi 60% 230 Mass Elec pf.. 12% 12% 11% 11% 10 Miss Klv pf. . 61 51 51 61 105 N Y N H & H. 27% 27% 27% 27% 80 Old Colony_ 80 80 79% 80 66 West End..... 45 45 14% 44% 15 do pf . 65 65 65 66 Miscellaneous 106Am Agr ..... 94% 94% 94% .94% 38 do pf . 97 97 97 97 520 Am Oil & Eng 6% 6% 6%' 6% ?51 Ainoskeag -145 146 ,146 146 10 do pf . 82 82 82 82 30 Am P B 2d .pf 7% 7% 7% 7% 126 Ain Sugar pf..H8 118 118 118 DDOAra T&T..,. 97% 97% 96% 97% 45 Am Wool pf. .104% 104% 104 104 35 Anglo Am Cinl 19 1? 19 19 1800 Bos Mex Pet.. 3% 3% 3% 3% 20 Booth . 13% 18V? 13% 13% 266 Century Steel. 6 V* 7 6% 7 1460 Eastern Mfg-. 36% 36% #0 36% 100 hi Boston Land 5% 6% 6% 6% ! 276 Eastern H a... 23 23 22% 22% * 169 Edison .162 163 162 152 250 Elder . 36Vi 35% 36% 35% 1210 Cray . 49% 60 48% 48%' 6 Jnt Cot M pf. . 96 06 95 . 95 75 Int Portland.. 26% 26% 26% 25% 70 Int Products.. 42 42% 42 42% 80 Island OH- 6% 6% 6% 6% 86 Llbby . 29% 30 29% 30 446 Mas? Gas. 76 76 73 76 27 do pf . 61% Hl% 61% ?1% 85 McElw. 1st ?f.101 101 1U1 101 10 Mergenthaler.,137 137 187 137 891 Mex T & T_70 70 70 70 160 Mex IllV . 60 b0 49% 00 220 Mulling Body.. 48 48% 48 48% 315 Nat Leather..'18% 18% 18% 18% 32 N" B Tel . ?9 89 88% 88% 32 Pad lie Mill?..174 174 I'M 174 5 Punta Sugar.. 92% 92% 92% ?2% 50 (liant pf .... 98 08 98 98 360 Root .....64% 64% 54 64 00 Reeco Button. 16% 16% 16% 16% lO-Slmms Magnet 18 18 17% 17% "Ohtuwart . 48 48 48 48 F.OOSwifl ....-132% 132% 132 132% 180 do Int. 68% 68 V* 68 68% 2(1 Un Drug (at pf 63 53 53 63 120 Un Fruit-.202 202 201 201 846 Un Sho* .... 49 49 48% 48% 115 do pf. 26% 26 26% 2? 1420 Ventura . 16% j?% 10% 16% 406 Waldorf . 21% 21% 20% 20% 145 Wuth Watch.. 33% 34% 33"% 31% 485 Watworth .... 23% 23% 23 28% Hum? 14000 A O W M 6H.. 80 81 80 80 ?000 Carson 7? ....?30 130 130 130 8?o? c?*nt Ver 4g... 60 50 60 6o 2000 Chicago Jot 4? 70 70 70 70 300? Miss Rlv J'o l,s 70 76 76 78 4000 Swift 5? . 83% ?3% 1)3% 1/3% Bouton Curb Bid Askedl ?id Asked 141k Hawk..96c 98c |Mc* Metals. 3 8 ?ohoml* - . 1% i%Mld Moan., ,'01 71 Hun A ?vfon.71 72 *.!Ml/iJ Tungat.,10 13 ;alav?/?g..# 1% 3, (Mbnaroh ...97 90 ??faamploa..* I ? {Nat L?Z. 3 T . too .-? .100'4 . 98% .ioo% 9? % 9? \'i 92 74 . 91 .10? .100 .100 1 do Tu. 1S21. ! Cudahv PftcT? 75. 1923. . Del ft lTudsor 6a, 1920.. Fed ?-U??r.r Kef Sa, 1920. i (".?tiercl H?ec 6s. 1920... . -J' .Vor Ry 5a, 1920. I do 6s, 1923. I Oulf Oil fis, 1921. (.Ulf OI! Com Cs, 1922 .. Hock Val R vR 6s, 1924. Int Rap Trans 7s. 1920.. Hock Val R R 6?. 1924. . Trit Rap Trans 7s, 1920. J Dold Pack 7s, 1920.. do 7<> 1-921. ?? 7?, 1922. Kar. City Tel Ry 6s. 1923 9?',i I.Ik?T'.-h * Myers 6a, 1921 "': ?H Mollne Plow 7s, 1D20_ 99% 99 do 7s, i92t.100 101 do 7s 1923.MO M2 do 7s 1924.100 103 N "" Central Cs, 1920_99 V4 ?9 Philadelphia Co 6a, 1922 96 96 Penna Cc 4Vis, ?921 ... ?0% 99 Pitts ?? C ool tr 6s, 1920.. 100 100 Proct & Gamble 7s. 1920.100V* 100' i* 7s. 1921.101% 101 ad 7s. 1922. J02 102 Public S N J. Nov 7. 1922 82 14 i R J Reynolds Tob 6?. 1922 99% 99 ? ?Southern Rv ?s. 1922 . 93 94 8* P U D gen 6V4s, 1922 98VI 99 Studebaker 7s. 1921_.. 99H 89 ?lo 7s, M20.W. 98 Vi 99 Swift ft Co Os. 1921. 99 VI 99 West India S Fin 7s, 1920 98' 100 Utah Sec 6s, 1922. 86 87 Westinghouae Cs, 1920_100 100 New York State Bonds Inter 4?,is, June, 1065.. do 4 %s, July, 1967. do 4V?S, March, 1963. .. do 4Vis, M & N, 1957. . do 4%s, April, 1I1G6_ do 4'.28. March, 1964... do 4 V?s, Marc!. 19C2. . . do 4 Vi s. Sept, I960. do 4V4S, M. 1960, op 30 do 4 Vi s. May, 1959. do 4a, May. 1968. do 4a, May, 1957. Res; 4a, Nov, '35B-66_ do 4s, Nov, 1936 . Inter 3V4s, Nov. .1954_ Coup SVia, May, 1964. Reg 3V*a, 1960-'6 4, Inc.. ?Jo 3 Vas, N 1940-50, Inc. Rep ft coup (serial) 4%s, June 1919-*30, Inc. 4.60 - do 4%s, Apr 1919-'31. Inc 4.60 - do 4%s, July 1919-'32, ij?, 4.60 - New York City Bonds Can Imp 4V?s, Jan, 1964.. 107V4 10? High Imp 4 Via, Sept, 1925.107V? 10? Canal Imp 4',4a, Jan 1965.102 - 99 ?2Vi 82 Vi 82% 4 es 4.S? 4.81 HiKh Imp 4 Vis. Mar 1965.102 B Can Ter 4%s, Jan 1945.10? 02 98Vs High Imp 4s, Mar 1967 High Imp 4s, Mar 1960 '62 inc. 98 Vi ds 4s. M ft S 1963. ?8 Va Canal Imp 4s, J ft J 1980 ?62 Inc. 98 V4 - Jan 1942-'46. tl - Pal S Park 4a, Mar 1961.98 Vi - Battre Canal Terminal 4a,, Federal Farm Loan Bonds 4 Vis Nov 1938 op 1923. 99 4 Via 1930 op 1924. 99 4 Vsa May 1937 op 1 ?38. 99 6s May 1938 op 1923.100 103% 4.02' 18? 4.8? 100 100 v. 101 103 Other Cities Bid Chief Con.. 5 Con Copper 5 Crown Rsv.30 I'enblgh ...46 E ft B B. 2 1 Fortuna ... 1 G clsden ... 2 liorna .15 Houghton ..65 Iron Bloss.,25 Iron Cap.. .11 La Rose ... 35 Majestic ...15 Asked.' Bid. Asked. Vi OVilNev Doub.. .10 16% i<? 6 INew Baltic. 4 4% 50 iNlxon .16 20 50 ?Onondaga . .20 30 16 2 V?. Pilgrim ....42 45 Pioneer .... IVi 1% 2% 17 80 35 14 45 22 Rngr Petrl. .26 27 Rainier ....1 1-16 1% Sev Metals.. 26 28 S W Ml f p. 3 4 Texana ... 43 45 Un Vrde Ex.41 42% Yukon .S8c 1% Chicago Sales. Opon. 20 Am Radiator. 355 1600 Armour pf_110Vi 500 Booth Fish. .. 13Va 50 do pf. 73 210 Brlscoe . 74 10 Beaver Board 51 45 Butler Bros. ..309 490 Chi C &<C pf. .. 7V4 425 Chi L Rys pf. . 3 Vi 206 Chi P Tool rts 2 135Cudahy .104 423 Comw Edison. 108 3000 Cont Motors.. 14V? 36 Dia Match. ... 127 Vi 70 Beere pf.100 Vi 250 Godchaux .... 60% 175 H St Boula ?Sus: 19 100 Haytian Amn. 28 50 Hart ?S & M. . 97 700 Hupp Motors.. 15% 290 Hartman .100Vi 300 J I Case Plow 23'/. 25 do 2d pf_ 98 Vi 10 K C Rys pf. . . 18 3050 I.ibby . 30 Vi 170 Lindsay Light. 8 100 Montjry Ward. 41 127 Mid W Util pf. 42 265 Mitchell . 46 Vi 2200 Nat Leather.. 18Vi 31 9 Peoples Gas. . 72 Quak Oats pC 300 Reo Motor. . . 30 Repub Truck. 325 Sears Roebuck.239 136,Shaw .27 5 6500 Stew Warner.. 43% 100 Stewart Alfg. . 48 25 Sd Uas & El pf-' 40Vi 1700 Swift Int. 58% 1500 Swift ft. Co_132% 100 Thompson_ 49 Vi 60 do pfd .108 Vi 245 Tern Pro "A". 47 3 58 HOVi 13% High. Low. 350 109% 13 70 74 61 306 7Vi 3Vi ?10 97 29% 6 6 51 309 8 3% 2Vi 104?. 108 % 14V? 127V? lOOVi 63 19 Vi 28 97 15V? 100% 2414 9814 18 30 14 8 41 42 47 1814 40 Vi 97 V? 29% 55 240 276 43% 48 40% 59 132% 49 Vi 10814 49 104 108 14 127V? 100 V4 60% 19 28 97 1614 100 23% 9814 18 30 7% 39% 42 45% 18 40 97 28% 66 239 275 42% 48 40' 68 131% 49V4 108% Last. 358 109% 13 70 74 61 306 8 3% 2% 104% 108% 14% 12714 100% 63 19% 28 97 16% 100 24% 98% 18 30% 8 40% \u 18% 40 97% 28% 56 240 276 43 48 40% 58% 132% 49% 108% 49 THE OILS In the current issue of our Market Review are dis? cussed a number of oil stocks, among which are Merritt Oil Anglo-American Oil Pennok Oil Elk Basin Petroleum Simms Petroleum Sent on request /or ?-481 HUGHES & DIER Stocks?Bonds?Grain fPhlla. Stock Exchangs Members-^ Pitts. Stock knchange ^Chicago Board of Trad? 50 Broad St., New York Eulte 612-620. Tel. Broad 514?. Fifth Avenue Office 509 Fifth Ave. Tel. Vanderbllt 9533 Uptown Office, 67 W. 125th St. Philadelphia. 1435 Walnut. StrssL C. W. Pope & Co. London Stock Exchange Issue? Bought - Sold - Quoted We have prepared a special letter covering profit possibilities in present Foreign Exchange situation. DeBeers Cons, (Hearer Shares) Oroville Dredging, Lid. Argentin? Railway? Mexican Kugle Oll Klo Tinto (Bearer Shares) Kl Ont Mining & Kiillwnjr Tomboy Esperanza Camp Itlrtl Ltd. Santa (Jertnulls English Marconi (Bearer Shares) This house specialized for years prior to the war In English Securities and is prepared to give all the service possible with present mail and cable facilities. C. W. Pope & Co. 25 Broad St. New York Phone 7110 Broad Sales. Open. High. Low. Last. 3800 Union Carbd.. 78% 78% 77% 78% 20? United Pprbd. 28 28 28 28 121 Wahl . 47 47 40 46 60 WilHua pfd.... 99V? 99% 99 , 99% 90 Wrigley . 81 " 82 81 S3 Bonds 3000 Ch Gs Lt&Ck oh 75 75 75 75 1000 Ch Ry Ser. A,5s 45% 45% 45% 45% Detroit 100 Columbia. 20 20 20 ' .20 1900 Cont'. Motors.. 10% 19% :9% 19% 50 Detroit Ertlsn.113% 113% 113% 113% 40 Eon! of Can.. 430 430 42S 428 1700 Packd M Car.. 27% 27% 27% 27% 25 do pf . 95 ?15 96 95 000 Reo Motor Car 29% 29% 28% 28% Philadelphia 395 Am Stores ... 40 40% 40 40 5 7 Am Gas . 50 50 ?o 50 36 Am Railw .... 69% 59% 59 59 26 Brill. 50 60 50 50 372 Elec Stor Baty..140% 141 140 140 20 Giant Prtld C.. 5 5 5 5 25 Geni Asphalt..120 120 120 120 30 do pf .190 190 190 190 ' 3 Ins Co Nr Am. 36 36 36 36 1040 Lake Supr 'Crp 21% 21% 21% 21% 442 Lehgh Xavg... 64 64% 64 64% 10 Penn Ntl Bk..300 300 300 300 814 Phlla Elec . 25 25% 24% 24% 40 PhRpTr trctfs 27%'27% 27% 27% 225 PhlCo 6% cu pf 34 34% P.4 34% 20 Phlla Trctn... 63 03 63 63 100 Readng Trctn. 23% 23% 23% 23% 3350 Tonop Mng ... 2% 2% 2TV 2% 10a Union Trctn .. 36% 36% 36% 36% 837 Untd Gas Imp. 65 65% 65 65% 60 York Rys pf.. 31 ,31 31 31 ..-.? Bonds $1000 Keys Te! 1st 6s ?5 85 85 85 3000 I,k Su Cp Inc 5s 53 63 63 63 1000 Lh V, Coat 5s.. 98% 98% 98% 98% 1000 Lh Vy Coal 5s. 9S% 9R% 98% 98 13000 LhV gnl con 4s. T0% 70% 70 V? 70?i 10000 PhWsh&Bit 4s. 97 97 97 97 1000 PhCo con 5s gtp 78 78 78 78 18000 Ph El 1st 5s... 92% 92% 92 92 r4^nnR,<llnK,ge^ 4s ? ? 81 * 81 * 81 * 81 V* 5000Rdng-Jr Cnt 4s SO 80 80 80 Pittsburgh 60 Am W G Mch.127 127 127 1*7 ?>r,5? . d?vP' ?;.???? 94* 9S "? 94 r1n?rk N,at?G?s-- 41 43* *? 42% 6?EarJ?8d?fU,Cor- 4t?'? i7 4?UJ 47 20Curbo Hydro.. 3% 3% 3,{ 3l/ 160 Carneg L & Z. 10% 10% 10 ?A 10 V. 6946 Guffey 3111.... 38 39 37% 38 260 Ind Brewing.. 3% 3% 3% 3% ^Ka^c^?as:::1^ xli ?? l$ "i??;6SI ..'* ai $ ?\ } I''reproof- 8% 8% 8% 8% 365 do pf . 15 151/ 1R'J .?/? 235 0hio Fuel Oil.. 31% 32 31U, W* H&Ohio'fluelSup. 6l? 51% 6 %" 61% ISOklaGas. 43 41 ?nu. .7,7? KpiA-Smu-.v.:?* 1$ 5* ?& iK.? &*#.*?: 27 H H H 100 Trans L'ont O.. 37*4 37H4 "litvi ,L 10 Union Gas.129 * 129 iSn* i?* 10 West Alrbko.,117% 117% 117% 117% 220 West Elec. 54% 55 54% 65% $2000 Ind Brew 6s .^""s* 55 55 55 ' i Toronto ! Bid Asked I Bid Asked I Adanac . . 4 7 iKeora.15 19 i Apex . I 3 ?Lake Shore...?.00 1.25 ?Atlas.32 37 Mclntyre. 1.87% 2.25 I Bailey .... 3 6 ?Mn Crp Can.1.60 2.00 I Beaver Con48 65 I Ncwray .... 6 18 Cham Ker!.. 9 14 ?Ptrsn Lake. 15 22 Coniagas ..2.00 S.OQiPorc Crown.23 30 Crown Rsv.38 48 Pore Imp... 1 3 Davidson ..65 75 Pr?s E D....12 16 Domo Ext. .30 25 j Tk Hughes... 15 20 Dome Lake.10 14 Temlskg ....45 60 I Gold Reef... 2 5 ] Thorn. Krist,.. 3 7 GrNorthn.. 2 3 i Vacuum G..18 2G Hollinger ...6.10 6.S5| Wasaplka ..40 60 Hargraves . 2 6 ?West Dome. 7 Hi ?- ( Dissolution of Oklahoma Producing and Refining Urged The circular to the stockholders of the Oklahoma Producing and Refining Company notifying them of the offer of the Ohio Cities Gas Company to purchase 63 per cent of the Union des Petrols states the oish price which would hfi realized from the sale would be $5,688,000, after deducting commis? sions to bankers. The Union Company, it is stated, cost the Oklahoma con? cern $4,735,000. It is recommended that the present holding company be dissolved and that its assets be dis? tributed to stockholders. "Upon such distribution.^? says the circular, "each holder of* your com? pany's stock can expect to receive per share about $2.30 in cash and about cne and one-fourth shares of the com? mon stock of the Oklahoma Producing and Refining Corporation of America." German Trade Growing WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. ? Growing trade with Germany was shown in the November report issued to-day by the Department of Commerce. Imports from Germany in November amounted to $3,228,919, compared with $2,157,608 in October, and exports totaled $23, 044,142, against $20,663,521. American imports from Europe in November were valued at $110,422,781, from South America $81,915,698 and from Asia $112,183,618. Exports to Europe for the month amounted to $489,183,812 and to South merica $34,118,683. Mid-Continent Crude Oil Up TULSA, Okla., Jan. 5.?The Sinclair Oil and Gas Company announced a price of $3 a barrel for Mid-Continent, Burkburnett and Ranger crude oil to? day. This is a record price for Mid Continent crude oil. Commodities Cotton There was a further sharp advance and broadening of Interest In the market dur? ing yesterday's early trading. January de? liveries madea new high record for the season, while March sold up to 37.21, or within 6 points of the high price touched on the advance of early November. This price attracted a good deal of realizing, however, while there was also considerable Southern selling which caused ' reactions during the middle of the day. with March selling off to 36.5 5c, or 20 points net lower. A renewal of trade buying led to closing rallies of some 26 to 40 points from the lowest, however, i with March closing at 36.83. and with the general list closing steady at a net advance of 8 to 77 points. The market opened Arm at an advance fo 30 to 59 points, In response to the higher Liverpool cables and a renewal of Satur? day's buying movement. Late months were relatively Arm on buying by Liverpool and other foreign trade interests, with Octo? ber selling up to 31.09 before the end of the morning, or 91 points net higher, while other months showed net advances of 40 to 67 points. After the close of Liverpool the buying became less active, leaving the market more sensitive to reactionary senti? ment around the ring, and the nearer months sold 6 to 20 points net lower dur? ing the early afternoon. Later deliveries were better sustained and there was a re? newal of foreign trade buying before the close. Liverpool cables said the advance there was due to accumulation of buying orders over the holidays, and part of the foreign buying here was supposed to be agalnsr forward sales of goods. The fact that it fell off so sharply after the close of Liver? pool, however, suggested that a good part of it had been to undo old straddle ac? counts. The late rally was promoted by the continued heavy export movement, and the Southern selling here was supposed to be largely to liquidate hedges against an Increased spot business. The iocal spot market was steady and unchanged at 39.25c for middling. No sales were reported. The range of prices follows: Saturday's Open. High. Low. Close. Close. Jan.... 38.60 38.70 38.16 38.40@38.50 38.30 March.. 37.00 37.21 36.56 36.83@36.85 S6.76 May.... 35.50 35.66 36.10 35.40@36.45 36.16 June... - - - 34.25?- 33.80 July_33.85 33.96 33.36 33.75@33.82 33.29 Aug_ - - - 32.35?- 31.60 Sept.... 31.15 31.60 31.15 31.70?- 30.93 Dec... 30.15 30.15 30.16 30.30?30.50 29.53 Southern Spot Markets?Augusta steady, 25 points higher, at 40.60; sales, 1,676 balea Memphis steady, unchanged, at 40.50; sales, 3,606. St. Louis steady, un? changed, at 40,50; sales, nil. Houston steady, unchanged, at 42c; sales, 1,598. Dallas steady, 60 points lower, at 42.76; sales, 8,883. Montgomery Arm, unchanged, at 30.75; sales, 679 bales. Fort Worth steady, unchanged, at 42.60; sales, 4,200. Gal veston steady, unchanged, at 43c; sales, 4.204. New Orleans steady, 75 points higher, at 41c; sales, 3,914. Savan - :. nah qniet. unchanged ??<? T/"""*"""*"* 813. Charlestonrteady "?J!.**: a? 40c; sales. 1,000. Nbrfott ?^*^?<r!5 higher, at 39c; al\?? S?*^?? nil. Wilmington quiet, 26 ^i.t^HE? at 38.75; sales, nil? 6 Pobn? ??Jg* COTTON STATISTICS Tester- Last ? a*y- wej*. ??* Port receipts... 26,044 ??,, **?. g*P?rts . 70,656 mS?? ??B Bxports season.2.918.292 2 68??H . **4U N.T.Stocks... 69 292 '"f'..! UUfi Port stocks....1,613,931 1.668 Mt , ?lM| Int. receipts... 23)550 2it\\ ^?M? Int. shipments. 20,200 22fiRi H* N. T. arrival... ?602 ?^ USJ Liverpool Cables?Spot cot??? ?_ <'U' demand at 82 polnu advance ?? .!? t** of 29.9S? for middling? sSj^? American 6.000. Imports 30 nnS .^M.*H 27,000 Futures opined?? $V* 93 points advance Closed st?Ji? *? b to 67 points advance. JanaLi* !* ? March, 26.60; May. 24.76; j??^fc.,** tober, 20.60. Manchester: V.?*-.,5:0c? cloths, l?ge business doing. we "??;. Cereals / Wheat?The wheat Dositlon su L strong yesterday. The reauei??-ter? British commission for offer? ifbr * through individual firms broulhf \J*?* little grain, as, owing to thi ?e???"^ ods of handling export buslnew?k??^ the Grain Corporation and ths^?"* agent for the Allies, very llttls ?hJ?^ been held in trade channels, andL-S?S?S. **?? portera began to make Inquiries i*, ?" open market, holders tightened u? T* prices in the Northwest advanced i ?M< per bushel, while in the Southweti .1? markets were also very strong. Then Corporation was apparently offerin* iS? or no wheat for,sale, and It was th? ^ vailing opinion that the greater ?u?* the vlslb'e supply has already beenLo? If farmers have any large quantitiiTi wheat held back they are not offert? ? freely, and at the moment the su???,i appears very tight. It was believed K? ever, that the action of the British ??" mission} in asking for bids was IsrreiV tL'i the forth? of a feeler to arrive at a ?J? prehenslve understanding of the iusm? at large. "??*? Corn?The receipts of corn at prim?? pointa were disappointing and, u .{? trade had sold heavily last week on u? promises of more cars and larger il celpts, there was a very active cover.? movement which resulted in a shan b? turn in values which left the market ft to 2%c net higher. Predictions of ?? settled weather and a further advunct s ll*e bogs also had a bullish influence n the market, while reports of export uh of oats and rye helped to revive eoit dence in prevailing prices. The ret.? advance In wheat has undoubtedly h? considerable influence on sentiment u( at the close of the market yesterdtr r, was the consensus of opinion that It ?g require an actual Increase in the da!> receipts to bring about a sustained d? cllne. The visible supply Increased 2M,N bushels for the week, bringing the toti Continued on next page $15,000,000 Mexico Oil Corporation Incorporated under the laws of the State of Maine Par Value of Shares $10.00 Each No Preferred Stock Full Paid and Non-Assessable No Indebtedness From a letter of the President, Mr. John M. Patterson, and from other sources of information we regard as reliable, we summarize as follows: PROPERTIES The Mexico Oil Corporation through consolidation of its various interests has acquired control of approximately 40,000 acres of the best available reserve oil territory in the Mexican fields. 1. Properties of Cia. Nueva de Petr?leo Mexicana, S. A., as follows: Aerea San Miguel, (120 hectares). 296.40 Comales, fraction of Lot No. 29, (?55 hectares). 135.85 Comales, Lot 28, (599 hectares). 1,481.18 Chocoy .. 4,468.00 / Chontla, Lots 281 and 28C, (16 hectares). 39.53 2. One-half Capital Stock of C?a. Mexicana de Petr?leo La Vencedora whose properties are: Chila Cortaza, including Santa Maria Ixcatepec, and Santa Clara. .24,701,40 Camalote, (500 hectares). 1,235.07 Amatlan, Lot 74, (37.95 hectares). 93.78 Agua Dulce, Lots 6 and 7. 854.00 3. Properties of Nfeunlhoffer 8c Co.: Chontla, Lots 234-240 and 249-254, inclusive, (total approximately 100 hectares). 247.10 Nopal, (29.16 hectares).. 72.06 4. Two-thirds interest in Metlaltoyuca district. 6.142.00 Total.,....-.39,766.37 In order of proximity to extensive developments these properties include: 1,617 acres in Comales, the district where wells m interest is owned by the Island Oil & Transport Corpo? drilled by the Natiqnal Oil Company and the Island Oil ration; & Transport Corporation are now making heavy show? ings of oil; One-half interest in 24,701 acres in Chila Cortaza . <_, . upon which are located two of the oil formations regarded 4,468 acres in Chocoy, one of the best marked domes * as most promising in the Central Mexican field. The in Mexico north of the heavy oil district near Tampico; other one_half of this property is owned by A. B. Leach the Tampico-Monterey railroad passes through this large & Company, property; 286 acres of best selected leases in Chontla, where r ^he corporation has acquired property in Nopal extensive seepages are found ; Camalote Amatlan and in San Migue , the last mentioned r & being perhaps the most important oil structure regarded Two-thirds interest in 6,142 acres in the well defined as unaffected by the salt water encroachments near the structures of Metlaltoyuca, of which the other one-third coast, though only a few miles north of the Tepetate pool These properties were acquired only after having been carefully selected, examined and approved by a large staff of experienced petroleum geologists, who include : Eugene Stebbinger and Arthur Fath, Geologists of the United vStates Geological Survey ; H. Harper McKee, of Brokaw, Donnelly, Garner & McKee, Geologists, 120 Broadway, New York, and Roy M. Butters, of Adams & Butters, Petroleum and Mining Geologists, Tampico, Mexico. The incorporation and organization of the Mexico Oil Corporation have been examined and approved by the law firms: Messrs. Earle & Todd, New York; Messrs. Whitman, Ottinger & Ransom, New York; and Messrs. Verrill. Hale, Booth & Ives, Portland, Me. Title to the Company's properties has been examined and approved by Messrs. Earle & Todd, New York. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN M. PATTERSON, Pittsburgh, Pa., President and Director. Mr. Patterson has been identified with petroleum development and production since 1877. GEORGE A. BURRELL, President of Island Refining Corporation, ALEXANDER JAY FERBER, No. 25 Broad Street, New York, No. 120 Broadway, New York: Vice-President and Director. ... D .. . c . ? iv . Col. Burrell was Chief of the Research Division, Chemical V,ce-Pres.dent, Secretary and Dtfector. Warfare Service, U. S. A. EDWARD JONES, No. 120 Broadway, Assistant Treasurer. Director. retary. i New York offices, Mexico Oil Corporation, No. "120 Broadway, New York; Tampico, Mes* ico, Representative, William Neunhoffer, Edificio Gran Hotel, Apartado, 340, Callea Comercio y Muelles; City of Mexico, Representative. J. P. S. Mennet, Avenida Chapultepec 384 The Corporation's entire stock has been issued to acquire the above properties. The owners of this stock have authorized us to offer 100,000 shares for public subscription at $4.00 per share. The principal purpose of this offering is to provide funds which will be given to the Corporation for the immediate development of these properties APPLICATION HAS BEEN MADE FOR LISTING ON THE NEW YORK CURB Allotment will be made in the order in which applications are received HELLWIG A REUTTER Members New York Stock Exchange 25 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK The information and figures used in this announcement are from sources which wie consider trustworthy, and, while not guaranteed, are considered reliable by vs. sM