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Old Sections Center of Day's Realty Trading] Speculators ant. Investors Raking Business Distriots for Property Not Sub-; iect to Lou'i Leases! ? Revival Is Interesting; I^rg ? Forgotten 1 ,oea!i:ies Now Hold Attractions for Many Buyers Wi'liam A. White & Sons have so?d fit Charles C. Madal to an investor 131 j Md 133 Cedar Street, two triree-story buil-ir.?-. on plot 36x54. The now ' cwner will construct an office building on the plot. The same brokers report felling to an ! ijvrfS;or the six-storv 'element house at ?-?* anu" ;^" Madison Street, on plot . 40j.9?>?>. Hubert E. Rogers was the at- ' torney for the owners. Cedar Street Corner Involved Elias 0. Cohen's Company "has bought from George LLmer the northeast or? ner of Cedar and Wcs: street?, a four story office building, on plot 46x_7. Irving' Wolfe was the broker. frdfit Comes Out of PrLnce Street Loft The Meister Builders. Inc., has re? sold to J. Resnick the seven -story loft building at 131, 133 and 13". Prince Street, 40 feet west of Wooster Street, on plot G0x71._. Wtftern Interests in Liapenard Street | Daniel Birdsall & Co. have sold for the St Louis Union Trust Company, j as tns'ee. the five-story building on j M 20x68.9 at 10 Lispenard Street to ! bar..? .-rennmer. Man Well Satisfied With Conditions ! Max Marx has purchased through ' George R. Read & Co. from the Mar garet _.. ??.in.mernian esiate, th ? sev?.n story and basement loft building at 32 North Moore Street, between Var- ! ick and Hudson streets, on lot 25x&7. ' The Cruikshank Company represented ; the seller. Negotiations are pending ? for the resale of the property. Mr. Marx also purchased 154 Cham- j ?ser? Street for W. D. Kiipatrick, a six- i story and basement building on lot 23x75. The Char'os F. Noves Com- I paay negotiated the sale. I Cohen Takes a White St. Parcel j The Broadway-John Street Corpora- ? tion, Elias A. Cohen president, bought i from George Burnham Orson 64 and j 66 White Street, a five-story building, j oa plot 47x110. occupied at present by I English commission houses. The prop- i erty is 80 feet west of Broadway. Her- ? bert A. Sherman was the broker. Prince Street Corner Deal Hall J. How & Co. and Warren & | Sicilian have sold for Sidney E. Milling- i ton to Quality Homes, Inc., 127-129 ] Prince Street, northwest corner of ? Wooster Street, a seven-story loft i building. - j Estate Sells Old Section Realty White-Goodman have sold for the eatate of Anna E. Leaycraft the six- ] story and basement loft building at 223 ! West Broadway, with an "L" to 8 North Moore Street, to a client of Foster & ?ntler, attorneys. Jay Street Storage Plant Buyer Horace S. Ely & Co. have sold for the Standard Cold Storage Company. 46 Jay Street, a live-story and basement mer eantile building, on plot 26.8x59.4, ir? regular, to George II. Stege. New Operators in Downtown Field 'The Lebertan Corporation has bought from the Ad.ims W. S. Codrane estate, 58 and 60 Vesey Street, two l?ve -tory store and loft buildings, on plot KfcdOi, for over $110,000, all cash. Hamid Lewis acted as broker for the ?oiler. Twenty-fourth St. Loft for Natanson Max N. Natanson has purchased from Marie Kahrs 149 and 155 West Twenty fourth Street, a six-story loft building, on plot 83x100. The building is fully rented. The transaction was for all cash. Byrne & Bowman were the bro kers it. the transaction. REAL ESTATE C5_T_.N-S1IEI> APARTMENTS TO LET JUST COMPLETED I Fordham Heights {? Select Location, jh 197th St & Crest?n Av. g; 3-4 Room Apartments, pi With Every Conceivable ?31 improvement ?g Near St. James and Poe Park*. % S minutes to King-bridge Sta j9 Jerome Av?. Subway. Kj' Seasonable Rentals. Inquire Premise? '? JUST COMPLETED Ready For Occupancy C GRAND ROOMS ** and Foyer With Bv?!ry Known Improvement. N. W. COR. 179 ST. AND CONCOURSE ??wl? of Burr?l'l" and Jerom? Ave. Sub a***o_?bl* ft. ritai?. Agi. on VremUxut 1?TH, 5<). V, ;:hT 'Vne 0-?t,ornr. corne* 7th -??)?Hov: ek<??pin3! apartment of 12 rooms *** * bAtha, additional rnald'* room?, ex? ceptionally Ski*- tcom?. with b'-zh ce.llnjf?; lma_)iat? pos????ion ; SC2- per nafnih :<> t*t> I or i(/M?.r S'-'j Supertntenoent or ttftttUSHED APAHTMKNTS VTANTEn *AXTBD,_<jroun4 floor In private hous?, ?ill? yard ;<,r Collie. Write, call. rfne M?: Lenox. 160 ?id tel. tu un roa Etusix?-? fckpokes ??poa nv.s7~mmmmmm _ar_? as?-. ?mail llarnt v."Ices m the ARGUS BU:LD-NQ ?,_ Il V. KVT ii?\ ST. "ith additional Entra?e? <>n <^'i st. IMMEDIATE POSSi-SStfr. WALTEf?"t SALMON, 17 WKMT 42*1 XT. MC\V JKI?SK? Home and Business! ^jj **??'????; 644 Dutch K-^ni- bot??-, wl'li !_????* 7-"** far-'! '*'*? *r<run??, ou moioi ?2? 5 Jo mlfiMU? '..?t, thai 1? on ideal ??? Hf/ta itr Ix-ardln? ho i>- propo-lUon. ii7 ***? >? ?*?rao.dSnary $i 600. "?*** GoWimitb, 63 Park Row -t. T?)?lw,f, ?tt'jt. IXiirr-iKf). ?AUUUvt t\*w Kornf* for ?*1? from ?w,?. ??,.?1 to ?II.2.M> m^*ertoto ?tui unte l'.n?, N. J. nuciere:,, r;;f,i(,T ?. ..,?,,ll, s j WtOBWA PALM BEACH ??s, ^^7** ?'?"Vil Jungte Trail" ?jj*"* ?**???-?*?? f*r Hmtm err I_nmh? , #omm j 0'i'*i*i *, rn inc. ? BEACH. TiS?HlOA. $5,500,000 Secured to Erect Church-Of fice Building Structure Will Be Twenty one Stories; Construc? tion To Be Started Soon Financing of the conrtruction of the twenty-one story office and church building which will be erected at the southwest corner cf Madison Avenue ?<nd Forty-fourth Street, the former ?"?to of the St.. Bartholomew's Church, ?>v the Madison Estates, Ire, and the Fifth Church of Christ Scientist was completed yesterday. The building in? terests have secured a loan of $3,500, 000. and work or, the church nnd trade ttructwre will be started just, as soon is it is possible to do so. The build :...?,- ??; be one of the largest and finest structures planned for Madison Ave? no since trade s'arted to push homes o IT that thoroughfare. It will contain the auditorium. Sun ?ay s-hool and. clerk's office of the Fifth Church. The improvement will be ow!i"d, erected and managed by the Madi on Avenue Estates, Inc. The structure will be of steel frame cons'ruction throughout, with an ex? terior of limestone and brick. The .-' urch auditorium 81 feet by 92 feet, Flat Buying on Heights And on the East Side So-ov, in 149ih Street, and W?'dsworth Court, in 180th Stveet. Amona; the Sales Charles Galew-ki has purchased from Bertram Barnett the six-story elevator apartment known as the Savoy, at 4?? ?o 456 West 149th Street, on plot 75 xlOO. The Elias Gussaroff Realty and Con? duction Company has sold to a client of Nathan Kosel Wadsworth Court, a six-story elevator apartment, on plot 75x100. at the southeast corner of Wadsworth Avenue and 180th Street Stewart Forshay was the broker. Audubon Avenue Corner Sale Max Cohen has bought the northeast corner of Audubon Avenue and 170th Street, two six-story apartment houes. containing three stores, on plot 120x 100. Samuei Wacht jr., attorney, acted for both parties. Sale in 176th Street Harry Sugarman and Benjamin Tep per have resold for Charles Wynne "nd Louise H. Low 578 and 580 West 176th Street, adjoining St. Nicholas Avenue, a five-storv apartment, on plot 75x88. , 169th Street Corner Deal Isaac Lowenfeld and William Prager ''ave purchased from Edward B. Corey 511 and 517 West 169th Street, adjoin? ing Audubon Avenue, two six-story apartments, on plot 50x82 each. Sales in 15Sth Street O'Reilly & Dahn have sold for A. Zauderer to A. Plotkin 512 to 518 West 156th Street, two five-story apartments, on plot 50x100 each. Upper 5th Avenue Flat Sold N. A. Berwin & Co. have sold for the United States Trust Company to a client of Jacob Neadle 1440 Fi th Ave? nue, northwest corner of 117th Street, j a five-storv flat, with stores, on lot 25.11 xlOO. Other Sales on East Side Ely Maran and Joseph Sager have bought the six-story apartment at 124 ' and 126 East Ninety-lirst Street, on plot | 42x100. j J. S. Maxwell has sold for the Po i como Realty Company the five-story i tenement at 213 East Seventy-third ? Street, on lot 25x100. MuMhill & Co. have resold for Abraham Mintzes the five-storv single fiat at 59 East 122d Street to D. Cohen. Van Vliet ? Place have sold for Bo nifazio Dirinzio 05 East Ninety-sev? enth Street, on lot 25x100. $800,000 Offered for Hotel Martha Washington The Hotel Martha Washington, at 27 to 31 East Twenty-ninth Street, through ' ; to 80 East Thirtieth Street, New York's ; first big'hotel for women, may be sold next week. Pease & Elliman have made ? an offer of $800,000 to the Woman's j Hotel Company, Arthur Coppell presi? dent, on behalf of an investing client, and brokers say that it has been ac cepted by the directors, subject to ap? proval by the stockholders at a meet? ing called for January 20. The property is under lease until ; February, 1927, to the Northern Hotel ? ; Company, which has operated it for ? many years as an exclusive women's hotel. The new owner is said to be a I well known investor, who will take the property subject to the existing lease. Hotel St. Louis in New Hand? Frederick Brown has resold to Michael Kaufman the Hotel St. Louis, the ten-story apartment hotel at 34 ' and 3?> East Thirty-second Street, on plot 40x98.9, between Madison and Park avenues. The property is leased for : wenty-one years at 325,000 a year, t"e lessees to pay all expenses except in ; terest. taxes and fire insurance. The structure contains 126 rooms. Mr. Brown recently acquired the property. -. 3.3d Street Lessees to Build The Markun Realty Corporation has ? leased for a term of twenty-one years I the property at 131 West Thirty-third ? Street from* the Sidem Building Com? pany. The tenant plans erecting a new building, and will occupy the store and basement for its business. The rental aggregates ?210,000. The Lewis L. Ro senthal Company was the broker. REAL ESTATE LONG ISLAM? \t Mine?la New Houses BW*mWSaXmWmaMmmWsW?*mm*r All modern, complete, with g unir uni iir' ??nRcmrnt?. Prices $6,300 to $12,500 Easy Term? can be arranged. RICHARD T. C?1ILDS, M West 31 th St. Greelev .340 ItOliOl tilt OK l|IKK>? IS M\n::t*a from Venn. Station. H<,u?,rH and Villa rioia for Sal?. SA E FOUNDATION HOMES CO. <; \V. .U?Ij hl., or Firent Ulli?. L. I. WKtJTCH K*l Kfl CO l. N T Y Olenworei Lodg??Two ?pWi'?ii mannten? link'i uwtUe.r; up-to-?Juto plumbing, dec o aliona electrification, fiirnlahlnge; delight full* ovar?iKiklnt I'uiUmii.H, Hudnon; ga ' iag..; h??lf (?ran.) Central; atreat car ! CiOM; airy tw>m*. privai? bath?; ?elect p#',i/!c; winter homo comfort?; beat ??rvlce, 17 year*' eapertenre ; aingl?, 130 t? l?0, d'.uM?, |<0 (o ?7& per wwn; reference? and ! interview r*aulrvd. Annie fan?, 3*0 Nona Hro?4way. rh?*? Vonkor? MM. NEW ROCHELLE At a ?acrlfic?. n?;w Colonial Home of 7 room? ?'"1 2 <>?,?ha. g*.? awl electricity, hot WStOT bast, Urg? Plot with heated garage; prig? 110,600. term? arranged. RgYNARD & KRAFT ?HJ? Hl'iil KNOT HT. I'hon* 2Mt, New Roti?aell*. Opea Sunday? with a height of 44 feet, will have a \ seating capacity of 1,800. The archi? tecture of both the interior and ex- ' terior of the church edifice will be ! Greek, the four' Ionic columns at the i entrance being o verd-an iquj marble. ! while the interior will contain eight ' free standing marble co.umns. The first three stories of the office build- ? nig wi.l be of stone, while the other stories will be faced with selected | brick, stone and terra cotta. It is ex? pected that the building will be ready for occupancv before January, 1921. : The financing of the building was ? arranged through S. W. Straus ? Co., who have underwritten an amortized ; first mortgage .?erial 6 per cent bond j issue for $5.f.00.000. The 'and and im- ; provement are va'ned at $8,500,000. The j first mortgage loan runs over a period of fifteen years, with maturities be^in- ? ning in July. 1922, and terminating! January IB, 1935.' j The Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist, j will raise $2,000,000 to be secured by ? second mortgage serial bonds bearing j 6 per cent interest, which wi!l be re? tired s?riaPy in twenty years from i 1923; Through this arrangement the | church will come eventually into pos- I session of a nincty-nine-year lease on j the properties. Trade Claims Another Madison Ave. Dwelling Investor to Alter Premises for Business; Wat?on Estate Sells Ten Houses Pease & Elliroan have sold for Lyraan C. Josephs 749 Madison Avenue, a four ;tiry and basement dwelling, on lot 10.8x60, to an investor who intends to Her it for b"siness purposes. The house has been owned by the seller since it was erected in 1881. Ten West 128th Street Houses Sold Wilcox & Shelton have sold for the estate of Charles W. Watson 126 to ! 138 West 128th Street, seven three- ! Story brownstone dwellings, on plot j 15x55x100 each. The purchaser is I James L. Van Sant, who was repre sented by Shaw & Co. The same brokers have sold for the j estate of Charles W. Watson 140 to 144 I West 128th Street, three-story dwell- i ings, on plot 15x55x100 each. The pur? chaser was a client of Ernest T. Bower. Another Sale by Clark Estate Tho Brown. Wheelock Company, Inc.. has sold for the Clark estate to Stephen Kellogg Watts, the present tenant, the four-story and basement dwelling at 23 West Seventy-third Street, on lot 22.6x102.2. This is the eighth sale in th?3 row by the same brokers for the estate. J. Palmer Bourkc and Charles J. H. i Hamilton have sold for Walter V. Rey- ? nolds to Fitzgerald Morris the three- ? story brownstone dwelling at 144 West j 132d Street, on lot 15x99.11. \ Charles A. Du Bois has sold for Dr. j Sigmund Braunfield to L. Lowenstein ! the dwelling at 543 West 147th Street, on plot 17x100. Margaret F. Barnes ha3 sold 431-433 West 146th Street, two three-story dwellings, 28.7x98.9. Henry Hof has sold for Hattie J. Trest the three-story and basement dwelling at 248 East Thirty-third Street to Mrs. Mary Grosjean. Gaines, Van Nostrand & Morrison have sold for L. C. Williams his resi? dence at 303 West Ninety-second Street, j The Everett M. Seixas Company has j sold for J. C. Crawford 138 West 118th Street to Herman Woog. Bronx Sales Show Demand For All Classes of Realty | Kurz & Uren, Inc., have sold for j Charles Hensle Company, to a client of James A. Atwater, two five-story I apartments at 1277 and 1279 Morris Avenue on plot 37.6x100 each. Ely Maran and Joseph Sager have | bought the northwest corner of Tre mont and Daly avenues, a five-story apartment on plot 43x115; also the ! northwest corner of Harrison Avenue ; and Morton Place, West Bronx, a four- ? ?tory flat on lot 25x100. Maran & ! Hager sold the five-story apartment at I the southwest corner of Crotona Park East and Suburban Place on plot i 40x100. Schwab & Co. have sold for Arthur' Herzog, the five-story, new apartment j at 1144 Clay Avenue on plot 39x80. Harry Cahn ha3 sold to Dr. David | Newman the five-story apartment on ; plot 37.0x100 at 808 Whitlock Avenue.; James Montgomery & Son have sold the three-story factory building on plot 200x100, comprising the block front on the east sido of Lincoln Ave? nue between 132d and 133d Streets. William J. Gabel has sold /or Walter K. Benjamin to the Rev. William N. Mac Neil! the three-story house at 783 Fairmount Place on lot 25x100. Adolph Lan? has sold for Lena Reicher, 863 Hornaday Place, a two family house, to Joseph Marel. Alexander Selkin has sold lot' John Perry, 1018 Prospect Avenue, north? east corner of 105th Street, a four story building, with store, on lot 25x85. -> ? $2,000,000 Rental Involved In Leases hy Browning Edward W. Brownintr has leased sev? enteen more of his buildings, the gross amount of these leases being in the neighborhood of $2,000,000. These leases incude 536 to 546 West 163d Street for a long term of years to the Jay Leasing Company, Inc., Morris Schlacter, presi? dent. * , Mr. Browning has leased to Charles Klein and Benjamin Rechson for a long ? rr m ye r ?04 'o 210 West 119th Street, 164 to 174 St. Nicholas Avenue, 205 to 209 West 118th Street, known as the Garden Court Apartment Houses, and 135 to 139 West Twentieth Street, to Katz Brothers Leather Goods Com? pany, for a term of years, and 141 West Twentieth Street to same company. Be? sides these, Mr. Browning has executed another lease for a term of years on premises at 7.18-722 East Eleventh Street to Benjamin Rechaon and Klein. Fine Greenwich House Sold GREENWICH, Conn., Jan. 15.?Prince & Rioley have sold for Mrs. Elsie W. Johnson, her estate on the Sound Hill Road to Arthur W. Lovering, of Scarsdale, N. Y. The property consists of about three acies, with a fine resi? dence. Recorded Transfers Downtown WATER ST, s w c Montgomery st, 185.10X j 70; David Down ?- Co to But well Bldg Corpn. 120 Broadway: mt&e $100 000; Jan I"3; attys. Middlebrook & B, 46 Cedar I ?t .$1 ! DEY ST. 5-7. a a, 100.8 w Broadway, 90.2| x52.3x Irreg; Broadway-John St Corpn to ? T A Giilrepic Co, 50 Church ?t; Jan 13; I atty. Title G & T Co. 176 Bway. .$1.000 I BROADWAY. 187. w s. 46.1 e Dey st, 25.5x 98.5x25.4x99.3: Broadway-John St Corpn to Herbert W Hanan. 118 8th av. Bklvn; Jan IS; atty. Title G A T Co. 176'Broad? way .$1,000 ! BROADWAY. 471, w ?, 26.4x200 to Mercer st i46): Clara L Cheeaman and ano, exr?, to Marx Wclsa, 564 W 160th at; Jan 5; atty, Title G & T Co. 176 Broadway.$100 SAME property, also 46 Mercer st; Kath Little to Little Estate Corpn, 435 E 24th st; q c, Jan 8; attys, Preek, A & M, 32 liberty st .$I&0 SAME property; Kate L Burllngham to Little Estate Corpn; q c; Jan S; atty?, same .$100 ! SAME property; Josephine R Little et al I to same, q c; Jan 8; attys, same. . .$100 ! SAME property; Louise S Thomson to ; same; q c; Jan 10; attys, same.$1 ? ALLEN ST. 22, e ?, 22.3x50.1; Morltz ! Gruensteln to Dora Kessler, 644 Wales av, ? Bronx; Dec 1; attys, Gruensteln & M. 230 Grand st .$1 MOTT ?ST, 161. w s. 150 n Grand st, 25x 100: Jennie Paley to Job L B Mayer, 63 E 74th Ht; Dec 29; attys, Gruensteln & M. 2:'0 Grand st .$1 CHRYSTIE ST, 184, e s, 25x100; Jenle Paley to Joe L B Mayer, 63 E 74th ?t; Dec 22; attys, Gruonsteln & M, 200 Orand st .$1 DIVISION ST 24T. s r ''','S: 0-."tt0 Alexander and ano to Simon Silrermaa, 1410 Wllklns av; Jan 9; M A Robino vitch, 200 Grand st .?io0 RUTGERS/Si", 2.;, e s, 22x61; Jere ?Uc Swecney to Max Boln and ano, 158 Clin? ton ?t; mtge $10.000; Jan 15; atty, J M Leibn'T, ?3 Park How .$100 4T11 ST, w a. GH.l e Horatio st, 74x92x lrreg; Henrietta F H Loardman to Nathan Garber, GL'S Hudson st; Jan 9; atty, Title G & T Co, 176 Broadway. $1 00 East Sido 4TI? AV,- 80-82, w s, 55.1 n 10th st, 50x92; Win Jacob? to Kapforth Realty Corpn, 31 Liberty st ; mtge $160,000; Jan 13; atty, Jos S Young. 31 Liberty at...$100 134TH ST, 16 E, s b, 22x 81.8x22.8x87.2, with a t to lane In rear; Moses S.hrelber to Samuel H Schreiber, 931 Stebblns av, Bronx; mtge $12,000; Dec 23; atty, Jno L Bernstein, 5 Beekman st.$100 23D ST, 30 B, s s, 25x98.9; BGB Realty > Co to Jatison Constr Co, 18 E 41st st ; mtge S224.000; Dec 31; attys, Stoddard j & V, 138 Bway .$100 SAME PROPERTY; Jatison Constr Co to JuHuh Tlshmaii & Sons, 18 E 41sl st ; mtge $22 1.000; Jan 14; attys, same, S100 ; 24TH ST. 146 B, s s. 26x 98.9; Louis Smith jr. to Minnie?Helfatein, 830 Manida Rt;| mtge $20.500; attys, Kllner, B & M, 299 Bway .$100 4TH AV, n e c 29th st, 66.2x80; C H Flskc ! Jr to Mkrie M Addtcks, 1339 University [ av; Dec 12; atty, Ronald K Brown, 3 20 Bway .$100 SAME PROPERTY; Marie M. Addtcks to Peter Pressman. 701 W 177th st, and Harry Jaffe, 1742 Madison av; mtge $236,000; Den 16.$100 31ST ST, n s, 140 e 2d av. 20x98.9; Jno C Clark & ano, exrs. etc, to Eva Spier, 59 McCombe pi; Doc 30; atty, BenJ Borger, 2:>9 Bway .$9,000 Year's First Special Sales Auction Well Attended Manv Operators and Speculators! j Bid for Realty, Moat of Which Was Offered by Estates Joseph P. Day conducted his initial j special sales day for the year 1920 yea- j terday in the Vesey Street Real Estate Salesroom. A large crowd faced the auctioneer when he called for bids on the first offering. Among the prospec? tive purchasers were many well known operators. The total amount realized at the sale was $325,000. The properties included in the sale comprised tene? ments, residences, business property and vacant property in Manhattan, the Bronx and Queens. Many of the parcels were put on the auction block to liqui? date estates. The results: 8TH AV. G40. nee 41st st. 6-story tene? ment. 24.8x100; trustee's sale; to Wm S Lalor for a client for.$85,000 llflTH ST. 74 K, 6-?tory flat. 20x100.11; executor's sale: to L Maler for... $1 5.750 421) ST. 557 W. 5-story tenement, 20x100.5; to Ernest T Wilkinson, for.$1-1.500 95TII ST, 11 W. 4-story dwelling, 18x100.3; executor'? sale; to B O Kabell for.$24,750 4TH ST. 94 B. 3-Htory tenement. 26x111; to Albert Soknlski for.$20,250 CAULDWELL AV, n w r. 164th st, 3-story frame dwelling, 18x59.9; executor's sale: to Charles E Nessle for.$8,200 JEROME AV. see 190th St. 2 H-story frame dwelling, 100x100; also two adja? cent parcels, vacant, 64.4x100 and 76.6x 158.5; executor's sale: 1st parcel to Philip Johann for... $19,600 id parcel to Lorenzo E Tripler for. $8.300 ;;d parcel to Edw F Coomb? for..$11,500 184TH ST, block front, n s. bet Valentine and Tiebout avs; executor's ?ale; knocked down at .$28,000 631) ST. 34 1 W. 275 e 9th av, 3-story frame dwelling. 26x50.6; vol ?ale; knocked down at ....'..So,100 By J. H. Mayers EAST BROADWAY, 209, 26x87.6, 4-story hall; due $34,710, taxes etc $2,600; to Margaret A Lundle, plaintiff, for, $30,000 By I. Lincoln Seide Co. ! ST NICHOLAS AV, c 5, 20 a 171st st, 76! 100, vacant; duo $13,620.09, taxes etc, $3, ! 24T.73; to Frederick Fourtn?, plaintiff, for .$30,000 Douglas L. Elliman & Co. To Hold Dinner To-night The stockholders of Douglas L. Elli ? man & Co., Inc., at its annual meeting I on Tuesday, re?lected the retiring i board of directors and officers for the : ensuing year. Leslie If. Moore, head I of the building management depart ? ment, was added to the directorate. ! The ninth annual dinner of the cor I poration will be held at the Hotel j Chatham this evening. On Wednesday night the women 1 employees of the firm held their i dinner at the Chatham, later attending the performance of D?class?e by Ethel I Barrymore at the Empire Theater. $700,000 34th Street Rental Albert A. Levi has leased to the 138 I West Thirtv-fourth Street Corporation the building at 138 West Thirty-fourth Street for a term of forty-two years at an aggregate rental of $700 000. The tenant plans spending $50,000 in re? the property. The Lewis L. Rosenthal Company was the broker. ? m I 27th Street Buildings Leased Ames & Co. have leased for Julia S. Kirby to Kloinman & Schwartz the four four-story buildings at 237 to 243 West Twenty-seventh Street for a term of year?. The same company has leased for Edward B. Sanford to Max Greenstein i the two four-story buildings at 243 and 245 West Twenty-ninth Street. ? I Builder Buys in 122d Street Florence Alker has sold the plot 50.4x146x120 on the west side of Broad? way, 15 feet north of 122d Street. A I builder is reported to be the buyer. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE A Few New Houses For January Occupancy Others Ncaring Completion GARDEN CITY ESTATES Nassau Boulevard Station, Long ?stand Railroad Offices of Garden City Development Corp., 185 Madison Ave., cor, 34th St., Manhattan. (Telephone Vanderbilt 8373.) Garden City office opposite Nassau Boulevard Station. ded Real Es *D. AV- 555. nr e. 59.4 s 31st st. 19.8x77: Amelia S Lansing, Individ, and wilow ?.?*"?E l-?n-?lnr. to Harria Feinstein. 328 B 2?th at; Dec 23; atty, T O & T Co, u? Bway . $1 48TH ST. n ?, 140 w 2i av, 20x100.5; 48th st. n a, ISO w 2d av. 2At100.S ifore closure Jan 8. 1<>20); Rudolph A Selig man. ref. to New Amsterdam Mort Co. 71 Bway; Jan 14; atty, T G & T Co, 176 Bway .$38,000 SAME PROPERTY; New Amsterdam Mort Co to Turtle Bay HoHing Co. 3? E 5<tth st; b St s; all liens; Jan 14; atty, T G & T Co. 17? Bway.".$i 50TH ST. 409 B. n s, 19.6x100 5: Jacob Newman to Jno T Large. 409 E 50th st ; mtge $6,000; Dec 1; atty, M O Connolly, 111 Bway .$100 2D AV, s w c. 65th st. 40.5x60: Angelina Sganga to Tina Tantlllo. 260 E 58th st; mtge $33,809; Jan 13; atty. A La Gnt tuta, 3ft?t Bway .$55.?00 SAME PROPERTY. Tina Tantillo to Thoa Tantlllo, 1305 3d av; 1-3 of all r t & I; mtge $33,800; all liens: Jan 13; atty, . ?ame .$7,666 3D AV, 125?. w s, 77.2 n 72d st, 25x100; Maurice D Barry and ano, exrs. etc, to Christopher Ahlert, 233 E 70th st; mtg $10.000; Jan 15; atty, Jno Good?, 95 4 ?d av.$24.000 S1ST ST, 515 E. n s. 25x102.2: Jos I, B Mayer to Jennie Paley. 616 Cauldwell av; attys, Gruensteln * M, 230 Grand street.$1 89TH ST. 220 E. s s. 25x100.8; Jennie Paley to M Gruensteln. 119 W 71st st. and ano: b and s and c a g; attvs, Gruensteln ft M, 230 Grand ?t.$1 101ST ST, 52 E, s s, 25x100.4; Jos L B Mayer to Jennie Paley, 6fS Cauldwetl av; Jan 3; attys, Gruensteln A M. 2'?o Grand st .$1 101ST ST. 54 E, s s. 25x100.4; Dora Kessler to Benj M Gruenstein, 114 W 71st sL and ano: mtg $15.000: Jan 10; attys. Gruenstein ft M. 230 Grand st.$100 113TH ST, 112 E, s s, 25x100.4; Dora Kessler to J H Donahue Contrac Co, 230 Grand st ; Jan 12; attys, Gruensteln & M, 230 Grand st.$1 114TH ST, 206 E, s s. 42.4x100.11: Annie Gol.llng to Max Ronzanow, Tannersville, ? N Y; mtg $37.000; Jan 8; atty. S II Goldtng. 135 Bway .$10u UNTH ST, 444 E, 0 s, 17x75.7; Llfr> Ins & T Co, trus. to G and Carolina Saler? no, 340 E 113th st; attys. Emmet & Parish, 62 Wall st.$6.000 SPRI'CE ST, 33, n w s, 23.10x74.11x24.1! x71; Alfred Hahn to Albert H Merrill, Hamilton, Mass; mtg $19,000; atty, T O ft T Co, 176 Bway.$100 120TH IT, s s. 100 e 2d av, 19.5x100.11; Lydia Maeder to Jno and Barbara VIvl anl, 30 E 120th st, as tenants, by en? tirety: rntg $S,000; Jan 1'2 ; atty F J Reinaldi, 167 E 121st st.$100 LEXINGTON AV, 201J. e s, 28.4 n 122! st, 14.5x60; Corn Exchange Bank to Wm F Mulcahy. 523 W 173d s?, Jan 12; attys, Scott, <> & B, 40 Cedar tsreet .$100 West Side 11TI? ST. 45-47 W, n s, 45.4x103.3; Zelast Re'alty ("orpn to .losain Realty Corpn, 220 Bway; mtjre 3167,000; Jan 12: atty, A ,1 Splro, 136* Bway.$100 12TH ST. 289 W, n 8, JL8x69; Karle Botel Co to Eber L Scripture, 156 W 21st st ; nitge $3,000; Jan 15; atty, A Kaltnsky. 1270 Bway .$100 20T1I ST, 9 W, n s. 28.6x92; Welchmun & Harte Realty Corpn to Bardale Realty Co, 220 Bway; mtges ?170,000; Jan 14; atty, Jos A Seidman, 61 Fuitt Row.$100 8TH AV. 292. e s. 27.4 a 25th st, 22x62; 125th st, 280 W, a e, 19x49.4; Chas A Runk and ano. exrs, to Jno Plsacano, Hillside, N J; Jan 5; atty, T G & T Co. 176 B'.vay .$32,000 9TH AV, 257. e s, 20 n 25th st; Aymar Van Buren to Benj Lowenateln, 485 Central Park W; mtge $5.000; Dec 16: atty, B Lowenateln, 252 9th av.$1S,000 26TH ST. 165-167 W, n s, 44x98.9; Geo C Flint Co to Julius Kossoff, 25L Fort Washington av; Jan 14; atty, T G & T Co, 176 Bway.$1 28TH ST, a s, 12.6 w lot 812 Rosa Hill Farm, 18.9x98.9; Cath E Moss and ano to Ro? man Catholic Orphan Asylum, 470 Madi? son av; a t, b and a. c a g; intge $5.000; atty. B H Daly, 62 Wall st.$1,075 8TH AV, 374. e s, 37.10 s 29th st, 18.1x65; ? Anna Moewes to Frank di Martino, 374 8th av; mtge $10,500; Jan 6; atty, An? drew C Morgan, 31 Nassau st.$1 11TH AV, sec 35th st, 24.9x100: An heuser-Busch Brewg Assn to H W Miller, 664 \V 51st st; Dec 30; atty, T G & T Co, 17S Bway .$100 ! 53D ST. s s. 175 e 8th av. 18.9x100.5; also. a t to strip adj; also 52d st, n s, 128 e Sth av, 100.5x28x irreg; Gao J Bacon to j .1 Arthur Flacher, 690 6th av; mtge i ?G7.000; b and s, c a g ; Jan 13; atty. 1. T & T Co, 160 Bway.$100 j SAME properly; J Arthur Fischer to Dalln Realty Corpn, 32 Liberty st; mtge $67, 000; b and s, c a g; Jan 14; atty, 8a me.$ 100 I 54TH ST, 304 W, s s, 25x175.8x25.2x178.4; l.'red S Duncan and ano, exrs. to Michael I Rchiavone, 38 Park av, Caldwell, N J. I and ano: mtge $40.000; Jan 14; atty. L Schiavonc ft Co, 304 W &4th st.$100 55TII ST. 19 W, n 8. 25x100.6; B1U K T.amont, Individ et al, trustees, to 19 W 65th St Corpn, 32 Liberty st ; Oct 30, '19; fUtys. Winthrop ft S, 32 Liberty st...$l 66TH ST. 233 W, n s, 25x100.5; Aries Corpn to Jno Hanast. 229 W CKth st; Jan 14: atty. M L Rosenberg, 299 Bway.$1 ; S8TII ST, 129 Vf, n s, 17x100.8; Lillian Bj Leavltt (Frlendlander) to Lenoro Sam- | uels, 1864 7th av; mtge $15,000; Jan S: ; atty, I,Ti T Co. 1G0 Bwav.$100 ' 95TH ST, 00 Vf, s s. lSxlOO.S; Jennie Pale I to Sophia Gruensteln, 60 Vf 95th st : b i ?nd s; Dec 3: atty. M Gruensteln, 230 Grand at.}1 95TH ST, 133 W, n s. 16.6x100.S ; Juan J Ariosa to Kat?e A Hubert, 265 W 99th I st; all liens; Jan It; altv, I, T St T Co, I 160 Bway .$100 i 5TH AV, 1474, s w c 119th st, 26.10x100; Jennie Paley to Moritz Gruensteln. 60 W ' 95th et; b & s; Dec 31; atty. M. Gruen- : stein, 320 Grand st.$1 '. 120TH ST. 28 W, s s, 25x92.1 to old Manh road x26x98.10; Isidore Calef to the I B, I D Realty Corpn, 646 Bway; mtge $12,000: ! Nuv 15, 1919; atty, David T Rosen, 546 i Bway.$23.500 I i 123D ST, s .i. 87 e Lenox av, 13x90.10 fore? closure Jan 6, 1920; Phoenix Iiigraham, ref to East River Sav Bank. 291 Bway; I Jan 14; atty, E R Vollmer, 293 Bwav .$10.000 ST NICHOLAS AV, 380. n e c 129th st. 18x11x125: E D Russell, admx to Andrew Ugazio. 380 St Nich av; Dec 31: au?', L T ft T Co, 160 Bway .$20,000 1S4TTT ST. 128 W, s s,; Ens Com? pany to Harry Meschenberg, 181 VV 129lh 8t ft ano: mtge $44.376; Jan 12. aft?. A C Cohen, 63 Park Row .$100 EDGBCOMBE AV. 201, w 8, 341.8 s 145th ?t 16.8x100; Lillian M Velter to Harry Bllcher ?* ano, 523 W 173d st ; mtge $6, 000; Jan- 12; atty?, Grossfleld Bros, 116 Nassau st.$100 148TH ST, n s. 155 o Convent av 20x99.11; Harrietts B Squires to .InoWAhern. 012 w 178th st; attys. Whaley, w * F. 27 William st .513,500 149TH ST, 202-4 Vf, s s, 50x99.11: Hickory Realty Corpn to Mercantil? Holding Co. 160 Bway; mtge S32.000; Jan 14; atty?. Stoddard ft M, 128 Bway.$1"0 SAME PROPERTY. Mercantile Holding Co to Dora Dayman, 300 W 109th hi. % par?s ?*? Sophia. Doctor, 697 West End av. \i part: mtgo $32.000; Jan 14; atty. T G & T Co, 176 Bway .$100 LOTS 431 and 432. map Bennett property. Fort Wash; Rodman Wnnamaker ft ano to .Ino Madden. 150 Liberty st; July 1, 1919; atty, T G ft T Co. 176 Bway..$2no I82D ST. s s, 100 w St Nlch ay 50x^0; Dora Kahn to David Shapiro. 265 E ith st; mtge $39.750; Jan 15; atty, Jacob Shapiro, 281 Bway .*' Bronx TELLER AV. n w c 187th st, 100x76; CUre mont Park Church (Congregational) to N Y Home Missionary Society. 287 4th av Jan 6; atty. Title Ouar ft T Co, I7i> Bway $1 L?RLING AV, w s. 360 n Tremont av. 2t>x 100- Rosn lacouccl to Fanny and Sarah Miller 2389 So Bvld: mtge $4,000; Jan 10: atty. Title G ft T Co, 176 Bway...$l ST RAYMOND'S ST. 2528, s e s, 20.9xl00x 3$ 3x100; Max Koch to Fred Berg, 1347 Clinton av; Jan 14: atty, Title Ouar St T Co. 1T6 Bway.o c and $100 172D ST n s, 93.5 e Tnwood av, 25x87.1; Julia H" Fitch to Nellie Skantz. 416 ?St Nicholas av. and ano; mtge $3,750; Jan 14; atty. Title Guar ft T Co, 176 Broad wav .o c and $100 SCOFIELD AV, n s. 74 e line bet lots 7 and 8, map Frodk Coons. City Island. $6x106.4x26x106; Francis J Bumiller to Emma C Dowe, 1010 Grand Blvd; Jan 6; atty, Emma C Dowe, 1010 Grand Blvd .? <? and $100 TELLER AV, 1073, w s. 20x100; .Christine M Hermansen to Pauline Rosenthal, 296 Cherry st: mtge $7,000; Jan 14; atty. H M Goodman, 299 Bway.$100 TELLER AV. h w c\ 166th st, 40x100; Louise Ebbllng to Rlcklef Jensen, 3205 Park av; mtge $29,000; Jan 1; atty, L Susman. 3208 3d av.$100 BEl.MONT AV. nee 187th st, o 19.10x n 54.8x n 16.3x w 19.6x s 70 to beg; Ebllng Co to Eliz Merlino. 661 B 187th st; mtge $4,500: Jan 9; atty. Lawyers T ft T Co, 160 Bway.'. .$1 WALTON KV, 2389. w s. 19.11x96.6; Bell A Davol to Benj Ullman, 2360 Davidson av; Jan 14; atty. Lawyers T ft T Co. 1(0 Bway .o c and $100 HOLLAND AV, 1836, e s, 25x100; Olgar C Morris and ano to Geo Gtloth, 1928 White Plains av; Jan 14; atty. C H Baechier, 1126 B Tremont av..o c and $100 1TCTH 8T, a a, 100 w So Blvd. ? 49x ? a 26x w 83 to e s Trafalgar pi x n 74 to st x e 26.9 to bes;; Raymond Rubin to Joe Edelson, 171 Broome st; mtge $23.000; Jan 6; atty, M Monfrled, 399 Bway .o c and $100 OVBRINO 8T, 15?4. n e s, 20x34.11: Richard H Arnold to Louis Levene, 1700 Washington av; mtge $6.000; Jan 12; attys, Drechsler. O ft L, 325 6th av. o o and $100 LOTB 13) and 883 Laconla Park; Emma M Crowell to Nico!? Ouastaferro. 639 B 138th at; Jan 14; atty, F B Holshan. 801 Tremont av .o o and $100 PROSPECT AV. ?ll-?2? ? s, 87.6x100; Bdecl? Realty Co to ?? West Houston ) St Corpn, Ml Ho? ay; mtge 121,000; late Transa? Dec 31, '19; atty. I Cohen, 141 Broad ? way .$100 WASHINGTON AV. e s. 176.4 ? 174th ?t. 41.3x109.?; L Zucker St Co to Gnsale and Louia Kesselhant. 1712 Washington av: mtge $28.500; Jan 7; atty. Max Winder. 299 Bway .o c and $100 UNION AV, e s. 50 s Jennings et. 60xl35.8x 53.11x115.5: Charlotte Hank to Saml Cohen, 220 Lincoln st. Wllkes-Barre, Pa; Jan 2; atty, Saml Handler. 912 Bway. Brooklyn .$1 VALENTINE AV. 211$. e a, 25.4xll9.9x 25.4x107.7; Ja? J Quirk to Isidore Har? ris. 545 W 166th at: mtge $5.000: Dec 15, 1919; atty. Title Guar Co. 176 Broad ?way .o c and $100 WASHINGTON AV. w a, 83.3 a 170th at, s 20.-:x w 141x n ^03.? to ITOth ?t x e ? to pt 90 w Washington av x ? 83.3X e 90 to bee. also 180th at. n ?. 102.1 e Crotona av. 66.1x135.2; Wm H Fols to Sasannah S Fola, at Bayslde. L. I; Dec 9, 19; atty. Title Guar Co, 17? Broad? way .?.$100 WASHINGTON AV, 1387, w ?. 20.8x89.3: Susannah 8 Fopi to BenJ J Shldlow, 103? Washington av and ano; mtge $$,500: Dec. 31. '19; atty. Title Guar Co, 17? Bway . .o c and $100 BATHGATE AV. 1888, e ?. 54x85.7; Ar? thur D Cahn to Isa-.. Blankfein. 1813 Brook av, and ano; mtge $38,950; Jan 14; atty. Title Guar Co. 178 Broad? way .o c and $100 CLINTON AV. 1998, s e cor. 20x100; Rosi Stelner to Michael Michelson, SU E 17 4th st; Jan 14; atty, Title Guar Co. 17? Bway .o c and $100 TINTON AV, 892. e s, 26.4x170x26.4x170; Wm II Kruse to Alfonso Puaio. 832 Tin ton av ; mtge $2.500; Jan 8; atty. Title Guar Co, 176 Bway .o c and $100 169TH ST. 314 E, s s, 60x100: Cedar Consta Co to John D Gossel, 1683 Park av; mtge $33,000; Jan 14; atty. Title Guar Co. 176 Bwa y.o c and $100 2221) ST. 730 E, s ?. 16.9x89.3; Martin J F Scurry to Geo W Pose sr, 720 E 222d st: Jan 14; atty. Title Guar A T Co, 17? Bway .$100 13'JTH ST, n a, 208 w St Ann"? av, 41.8x 100; Emma A Friedmann to Hermanie G Friedmann, 340 W 67th ?t ; mtg $34, 000: Oct 31, '19; atty. F G Friedmann, 37 Liberty ?t .oc and $100 HEATH AV. 2917, w s, 17.11x90; Hudwll! Corpn to Carrie F Clark, care H P Rose, 7 W 45th at .$1 DAVIDSON AV, n w c: Llllie L Rltten berg to Frank X Tuotl, 17 W 184th st; mtg $0,000; Dec 22, '19; atty, Wm C Rittenberg, 100 Bleecker st o c and $100 CARPENTER AV, e s, 438 S 240th at, 38x 100;; Domtnick Co?ombo to Dominico Colombo, 4534 Carpenter av; mtg $3,000; Jan 13; atty, F Wra Eggert, 4709 White Plains av .oc and $100 KING AV. e s, 200 n Bowne, 60x182 to L I Sound x 50x208 nity Island; Catherine ('??rev and ano to John B Elsey, 2440 Grand av; Nov 28. '19; atty, J Kadel, :!708 149th st .o c and $700 LOTS 615 and 616, map L Spencer et al: Edith F Phillips to Chester A Haase. 153 VermWyea av: Jan 12; atty, Chester A Haase, 153 Vermllyea av.$850 BRIGGS AV, 2861. n s. 25x100; Margaret R Cameron to George Cameron, 2861 Briggs av; mtg $5,000; Feb 20, 1914: atty, Julia A Galney, 3210 Third av o c and $100 MORRIS AV, e ?, 263.3 a 174th st, 23x86; Simpson Construction Co to John C Lary. 2218 University av: mtg $1,100; Jan 13; atty, John O Leary, -218 University av o c and $100 ROEBLING AV, 2865, n s, 50x100; John N Wolf to Max G Levitt, 1708 St Peter's av; mtg $1,000; Jan 14;- atty, ?Max G Levitt. 1708 St Peetrs av ...or and $100 160TH ST. 765-7 E, n s. 80x104.6; Iron Blil Realty Co to Selena Slmberknoff, 8 W 114th st, and ano; mtg $73,000; Dec 31, '19; atty, M A Rablnovltch, 230 Grand st .$100 -1 Recorded Mortgages Downtown WASHINGTON ST, 279, e s, 66.2 n Warren st, 36.3x76.6 to cart way; p m; Jan 14; McCormick, Hubbs & Co to David A Clarkson. K05 5th av; 6 yrs; 5 per cent: atty, C G Kidder. 65 Liberty st.. $37,500 ST MARK'S PL. 55, n s, 25x93.11; p m; , Jan 14; Barney Ershowsky to Louis Goldstein. 2189 University av. Bronx; inst?is; 6 per cent; pr mtg $22,000: atty, Leopold Frelman, 302 Bway.$1 East Side 4TH AV. S0-S2. w s. 55.1 n 10th st. 50x92; p m; Jan 14; Kapforth Realty Corp to Wm Jacobs, 475 W 158th st : Inst?is; 6 per cent: pr mtg $160,000; attys, Stod dart & M, 128 Bway.$20,000 23D ST, 30 E, s s. 25x98.9; p m; Dec 31; Jatison Construction Co to B G B Realty Co. 358 5th av; 5 yrs; 5 per cent; pr mtg $180,000; atty, Leon Braas, 358 6th av .$44,000 31ST ST, 311 B;. n s, 20x98.9; p m; Jan 10; Eva Spier to Jno C Clark. 225 W 8Gth st, and ano, exrs; 3 yrs: 5 V4 per cent; attys. Olln, C & P, 149 Bway.$7.000 2D AV, 555, w s. 69.4 s 31st st. 19.8x77; p m; Jan 9; Harris Felnsteln to Amelia S Lansing, 32 W 92d st; 5 yrss 5 \j? p*r cent; atty. Title Guar & T Co, 176 Bway .$10,000 4STH ST. 24.1 E. n ?. 20x105.5; p m ; Jan 9: Turtle Bay Holding Co to Title Guar i & T Co, 176 Bway; due and int as per bond .$10,000 48TH ST. 245 E, n s, 20x100.5; p m: Jan 9; same to same; due and int as per bond .$10.000 LBXINGTO.N AV, 796, e s, 120.5 n 61st st, 20x80; Jan 14; Luella W Elsenlohr to Titk> Guar & T Co, 176 Bway; due and Int as per bond.$12.600 64T1I ST, 179 E. n ??, 15x100.5: p m: Jan 14: Fanny A Smith to Louise D John- j son, IT:? E tj4ih st; 4 yrs; .'> per cent; atty, Norman G Johnson, 100 Broad? way.$2.-!.000 71ST ST. n s, 175 and 190 w id av: 2 lot?, each ?.5x102.2; 2 p in; mtges $5.500 each; ] Jan . ; Louise Schul? to Meta Young- ! ling and ano. 306 B 67th st; 6 jtb, 5 p c; atty, Henry Wendt, 99 Nassau i st .$11.000 ! SAME PROP; 2 pm; mtges $1,500 each; Jan 16; same to same; 3 yrs, 6 p c; : atty, same .$3.000 75TH ST. n s, 306.3 w 3d av, 102.2x18.llx irreg; p m; Jan 15; 75th St Syndicate to Ravenswood Co: 3 yrs, 5 p c; attys. Atwater & Co, 43 Cedar st.$13.600 75TII ST. n s, 287.6 w 3d av, 18.9x102.2; p m: Jan 16; same to same; 3 yrs. 5 p o; attys, same .$13,500 114T1I ST, 202-6 E. 8 s, 42.4x100.11 : p m: Jan 8: Max Romanow to Annie Goldlng. 68 Lenox av: inst?is, 6 p c; mtge $31. 000; atty, S H Golding, 135 Bway..$6,000 118TH ST, s s. 143 w Avenue A. 17x75.7: p m: Jan 14; Giuseppe and Carolina ?Salerno to N Y Life Ins and Trust. Co. 52 Wall st. trustee; 3 yrs. 5'_ p c; attys. Emmet & Parish, 52 Wall st-$4,600 ! 120TH ST, s s, 14)0 c ?d av. 19.5x100.11; p m; Jan 12; John Viviani to Lydia Malder. 123 W 121st st ; instala, 6 p c; mtge $5,000: atty, Aaron H Schwarz, 130 I Fulton st .$2,000 LEXINGTON AV, 2011. e s, 2S.9 n 122d st, 14.5x60: p m; Jan 12; Wm F Mul i cahy to Corn Exchango Baftk. 13 William st; due and Int as por bond; attys, Scott, G & B, 46 Ccdar st.$6,000 MADISON AV. 2073, w s. 16.8 s 131st ?t, 16.8x74.10; p m; Jan 14; Wm C Mat ; thews to Hudwill Corpn, 7 W 45th st : 3 yrs, 6 p c; pr mtgo $5,000; atty. Title Guar A T Co, 176 Bway.$2,000 West (Side ?11TII ST, 46-47 W, n s, 45.4x103.3; p m; i Jan 12; .Tosam Realty Corp to Zelart Realty Corp, 135 Bway; due May 15, i 1920; 6 per cent; pr mtg $152,000: atty, I A J Splro, 135 Bway.$15.000 i STH AV. 292, e s, 2*4 s 25th st, 62x81x Irreg; p m; Jan 14; Jno Pliacano to Title Ouar & T Co, 176 Bway; du? and Int ! as per bond .$15,000 ! 11TH AV, sec 35th st. 24.9x100; p m; Dec 30; II W Miller to Anheiser.BuJf'i Brewing Assn, St Louis, Mo; 5 yrs; ff-i per cent; atty, L T & T Co, 160 Broafl ! way .$30.000 i 42D ST, 136 W. leases, chattels, etc; Dec 12; Belnel Realty Corp to Corbln's Res? taurant, 136 AV 42d st; 2 yrs: 6 per cent and 3 per cent; chattel mtg $18,000: atty. Saml M Katz, 1475 Bway. .$13,000 63D ST. s s, 175 o 8th av, 18.9x100.5. with a t to 62d st, n a, 128 e 8th av. 100.5x 63.lx Irreg; Jan 14; Daim Realty Corp to J Arthur Fischer, 690 6th av; 1 yr; Int as per bond; pr mtg $67,000; atty. L T & T?Co, 160 Bway.$38,000 54TH ST. 304 W, s s, 25x175.6x25.2x178.4; p m; Jan 14; Michael Schlavone and ano to Fredk 8 Duncan, Englewood, N J, and ano, trustees; due Jan 1, 1923; 6i4j per cent; atty?, Duncan & Voorhls, 34 Pine at.$40,000 67TH ST, n s, 100 e 11th av, 25x100.5; Dec 29; Michael Roman to Wlldhart Realty Co. 20 Nassau st; due April 1, 1920; 6 per cent: pr mtg $13,600; atty, A E Hartcorn, 20 Nassau at. ..'... $826 66TH ST. 233 W, n ?, 26x100.5; p m; Jan 14; John Hanaa't to Aries Corp, 369 Fulton st, Bklyn; 6 yr8; 6 per cent; atty. Title Guar A T Co. 176 Bway.$9.000 70TH ST, 127 W, n ?, 20x100.6; Jan 13: Book Construction Co to U S Sav Bank, 606 Madlaon av; 5 yr?; 6ty per cent; attys, Merrill, R & T, 100 Bway. .$22.600 95TH ST, 133 W, n ?, 16.6x100.8; p m; Jan 14; Katie A Hilbert to Lawyer? Title & T Co, 160 Bway; 3 yr?; ? per cent .$9,000 127TH 8T, 273-75 W. n ?. 2 lot?, each 16.8 x99.ll; 2pm; mtg? $4.000 each; Jan 8; Reb I Dempewolf to N Y Title A Mort Co, 136 Bway; due Jan 12. 1923; S per cent .$8,000 8T NICHOLAS AV. 380. nee 129th ?t. 18.11x125; p m; Dec 31; Andrew Ugazlo to Euphemia D Russell, 376 Park av, exr, 3 yrs; 5 Mr per cent; atty, Jno H Judge, 26S Bway.$10.060 160TH ST. 624-26 W. a ?, 2 lot?, each 37.6 x98.ll; 2 p m ; mtg? $3,250 each; Jan 14; Bovina Realty Co to Mabel A Dreier, 340 E 8?th st; 3 yrs; 6 per cent; attys. Whaley, W A F. 27 William st_$4.500 Bronx TIBLLER AV. 1073. w b, 20x100; Paulin? Rosenthal to Christine M Hermansen, 1073 Teller av; pr mtge $7,000; Jan 14; Inst?is, 6 p c; atty, C M Hermansen, 1073 Taller av.$2,500 LURTINO AV, w a, 3S0 n Tremont av. 2 ? 100; Fanny and Sarah Millar to Rob? Iarouocl, 1637 Lurtlng av; pr miae $4,000: Jan 10; 3 yrs, ? p c- atty, Title Guar 3b T Co. 17? Bway.$73$ ?tions ST RAYMOND'S AV, 2528. ses, 20.9a 100; Fred Berg to Lina Koch. 2526 St Raymond's av; Jan 14; 3 yrs. 6 p c; atty. Title G ft T Co, 17? Bway..$3.000 SCOFIBLD PL, n s, 74 e Une bet lots 7 and 8. map Fredk Coons, City Island, 26x106.4; Emma C Dowe to Francis J Bumiller. 1124 Flndlay av; Jan 5; 3 yrs. 5ti p c; atty, F J Bumiller, 1124 Flndlay ar.$1,000 MORRIS AV. 3295. n w c 183d st. 47.6x 105: Aberholm Realty Co to Regina Hyman, 12 N Wavecrest av, Arvenrte, L I; pr mtge $47,000; Dec 31, 1919; due May 1, 1921, t p c: atty, S N Caplow, 132 Nassau st.$11,600 JACKSON AV. 884, e a. 19.9x84; Michael Bablts to Abr Letxky. 2S7 Madison st ; Jan 12; 3 yrs, 5% p c; attys. Fox ft S, 277 Bway.$I.?00 HOLLAND AV, 183?. e s, .25x100; Geo Giloth to Alga B Morris. 1826 Holland av; Jan 14; 5 yrs, 5tt p c; atty. C H Baechler, 112? B Tremont av_$3.300 SOUTHERN BLVD. 130?, e s, 25x100; Robt Kalender and ano to Rao leaser, ?00 W 113th st; pr mtge $8,050, Jan 9; inst?is, * p c; atty, R Lesser, ?00 W 113th st.$5,000 DAVIDSON AV. n w c 184th st, 80x1?.?; Frank H Tnotl to Llllie L Rittenberg. 351 W 93d st; pr mtge $6.000; Deo 23, 1919; 6 yrs, ? p c; atty. W C Rlttenberg. 100 Bleecker st.$1.700 WALTON AV, 2389, w s. 19.11x96.5; Benj Ullman to Bell A Davol. 487 Clinton av. Bklyn; Jan 14: 3 yrs, 6 \, p c; attys. Noble ft C, 2 Wall st. $?,000 159TH ST. 814 E. s s, 60x100; John D Gossel to Cedar Constr Co, 35 Nassau st; Jan 14; Inst?is, S p c: atty. Title Guar ft T Co. 17? Bway.$8,000 \ALENTINE AV, 2118. e a. 25.4x110.9; Isidore Harris to Jas J Quirk. 21'8 ?*l?nt'ne av; pr mtge $0.00?: Dec 1?. 1919; Instala, ? p c; atty, T G ft T Cj, 176 Bway .$3,000 PARK AV, n e c Gouverneur pi. 25.9x95: Peter B ft Chas A Hanson to Matilda Protzmann. 29? B I62d st; Jan 14; 5 yrs, p c as per bond; atty, T O ft T Co, 178 Bway .$1.600 C111^T0^ AV' 1998- " ? c "?th st. 20x 100; Mlchl Mlcbelson ft ano to Roste Steiner. 1998 Clinton av; Jan 14; 6 yrs. 5>4 p c; atty. T G ft T Co, 17? Broad? way .$8,000 220TH ST, 720 E, s a. 18.9x89.3; Geo W Rose sr. to Martin J F Scurry, 730 E 222d st; Jan 14; 3 yrs. 6Va P c; atty, T G ft T Co, 176 Bway.$3.000 BELMONT AV. n e c 187th st. 70x lrreg; Eliz Merlino to Bbllng Co. 760 St Ann's av; Jan 9; Inst?is, t^pc; atty, L T & T Co, 160 Bway.$2.500 PROSPECT AV. 618-20, e s. 37.6x100; 69 West Houston St Corpn to Edalo Realty Co. 22 W 32d st ; pr mtge $26, 000; Dec 31; 10 yrs, 6 p c; atty, I Cohen. 1411 Bway.$11.000 TELLER AV, n w c, 166th st. 40x100; Rlcklof Jensen to Louise Kbllng, 803 Eagle av; pr mtge $29,000; Jan 1; 3 years. 6 p c; atty. R E Bergman. 609 ! Willis av .$20,000 WASHINGTON AV. e a. 176.4 8 174th st. i 41.3x109.9; Gussle and Louis Kessel haut to L Zucker ft Co, 12 W 101st st : ! pr mtge $28.500; Jan 7: 3 years, 6 p c: atty, M Winder, 299 Broadway_$4,000 UNION AV W. 150 s Jtnning, 60xl35.?; Samuel Cohen to Charlotte Hank. 125 Bruce av. Yonkers, N Y; Jan 2; 4 years, 6 p c; atty, John T Fenton, 55 Liberty st .$14,000 WASHINGTON AV, w s, 83.3 s 170th st. 20x89.2; Benj J Shldlow and ano to Susannah S Folz. Bayside, L I; Dec 31. 1919; Inst?is, 6 p c; atty. Title G & T Co, 176 Broadway .$3.000 KING AV, e s. 200 n Bowne, 50x182 to L I Sound x50x208; John B Elsen to Oath Carey, 150 Sherman av; Jan 15; 3 years, 6 p c; atty, J Kadel, 370 E 149th st .$6,000 ROEBLING AV, 2863, n s. 50x100; Max G Levitt to John N Wolf, 1123 Calhoun av; pr mtge $1,000; Jan 14; du? etc as per bond; atty, J N Wolf, 1123 Calhoun av .$400 Assignments of Mortgages Manhattan 2D AV, S89; Jno M?ller, trustee will Peter M?ller, to Chas O and Helen M M?ller, extrx Chas O Moller, to Meta Renken et al and Meta Renken to C O Menken, 758 10th av; atty, B Von Pier, 35 Nas? sau st: 3 assns; each.Si 114TH ST, 166-8 E; 114th st, s 8, 78 o Lexington av; Lawyers Mort Co to | Lucille Kurtz and ano and Hauben ? Realty Co to E II Ogden Lumber Co; I assignment of three participation agree- ! ments for $4,000 each; attys, Wilson, B \ St W, 48 Wall st; 2 assns; each.$1 , 114TH ST. 166-8 E: 114th st, s s, 78 e Lexington av; P Chauncey Anderson and I ano. exrs, etc, to Lawyers Mort Co. I Lucille Kurtz to Fredk G Reed, 263 E I S6th st; all title In share ownership ! airr^ement : attys, same: 3 assns: each..$l 71ST ST, n s, 37.3 e Avenue A: Title Guar & Trust Co to Cnetral Sav Bank, 100 F 14th st; address, 176 Bway.$100.000 ST MARK'S PL. 27 and 55: Lawyers Title & Trust Co to Hy McC Bangs; H McC Bangs to Lawyers Mort Co; R ft A Zadek, adms, to Emigrant lndust Sav Bank; atty, W C Orr. 61 Chambers st: 3 assns.$32.000, $28,000, $22,000 107TH ST, 203 W; Empire City Mot ?gage ft Holding Co to James Corn, 21S River? side Drive; atty, J A Seldman, 61 Park Row .$25,000 FORT WASHINGTON AV. sec 179th st; mtg satisfied Jan 14, 1920; Samson Lach man and ano to Henry G Ingersoll, Srarsdale, N Y; attys, Stoddard ft M. 128 Bwav .$100 185TH ST, s s, 200 w Amsterdam av; St Nicholas av, s w. c 185th st ; Corinne It Robinson et al. exrs, to C R Robinson, party of tho second part, accepts this as her part of legacy for $300.000; attys. Wherry ft Mygath. 40 Wall st ..$45.900 87TH ST, 30 W; Title Guar ft Trust Co to Greenwich Savings Bank, 248 Sixth av ; attys, MIddlebrook & B, 46 Cedar st $16.000 CHARLTON ST, 45; Benj F Isaacs to Lawyers Mortgage Co, 53 Liberty st $7,000 53D ST. 266-62; 62d st, 261-63 W; all t in 53d st. 258 Vf; J Arthur Fischer to Geo J Bascom, 2-7 Langdon av, Mt Vernon, N Y; atty, L T ft T Co. ICO Bway..$100 44T1I ST, 407 W; Thos J Ryan to Elizabeth K Tracy, 385 E 193d Et ; atty T G ft T Co, 176 Bway .$1 103D ST, n s. 175 w Socond av: Sol Freidus to Wm Hyman. 528 W 175th st; attys. j Katz ft Levy, 38 Park Row.Ill 17STH ST, 570 W; Kyzo Realty Co to Rose Ladner. 20? W 115th st ; atty. Herman Gottlieb, 299 Bway .$1 40TH ST, 269-71 W; Archibald H M Sin? clair to Bowery Savings Bank; attys, Cadwalader, W ft T. 40 Wall st $30,000' AV C, 33-37; 2d st, 116 B; Sigmund Ash- j ner to Sol Sllverblatt; Mary B Rosen et | al to Louis Weinstein. 230 W 105th st; j atty, M Neckritz, 115 Bway; 2 assns, each.$1 I HOUSTON ST, 323 B; Pitt st, 28; Farmers' I Loan & T Co, exrs, etc. to Dry Dock I Sav Bank; Helen Weinberger to M Gold- j stein, 128 E 83d st ; 2 assns. .$15,000 & ? 40TH ST, 209-271 W; Archibald H N Sin- | clair to Bowery Sav Bank. 128 Bowery; I attys, Cadwalader, W & T. 40 Walt | st.,.$30.000 ? MOTT ST, 63, all titles: Sigmund Wyler ct al, exrs, etc. to Society for Preven- I tion of Crime; 60 Union sq.$25,000; Daisy J Judge (Meyler) to Citizen's Sav Bank; atty, L T & T Co. 160 Broad- ? way.$12,000 71ST ST. 126 E; Abr B Cox and ano to Title Guar & T Co, 170 Bway_$2.000 81ST ST. 303 E; Madison av. e s, 22.2 e 74th st; Sarah King to Saml Weil et al, exrs. etc; Alfred B Marling and ano, trustees, to Union Dime Sav Bank, * 701 6th av; attys. Butcher, F ft F. 1 Mad? ison av; 2 assns.$9.000 and $25,000 3D AV, 3 777; F de P Foster, trustees, to Edgar S Appleby. Glen Cove, L I. trus? tee; attys, Cannon ft C, 135 Broad? way.$8,000 113TH ST, 304 W; A Boyle to Emigrant lndust Sav Bank; atty, Bdw J McGulre. 61 Chambers st.$6,000 SURROGATES' NOTICES LIVINGSTON, OSCAR F.?THE PSOPLB OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, BY THE GRACE OF GOD FREE AND INDE? PENDENT. To JULIA L. BIBBY. CORA L. CADWALADER, EMMA B. CADWALA? DER. JULIAN R. CADWALADER, MARIE L. CADWALADER, MARGARET O. CAD? WALADER, FRANCES C. CHANDLER. JAMBS B. CLEWS, as Executor of LET A N. CLEWS, CELIA L. CLIVER. HELEN COLBATH, FERGUSON L. COOPER. ETHEL L. EATON, ALTHEA HEWLETT. ANNA K. JOYCE. ANTHONY K. JOYCE, CALBB T. JOYCE. CHARLES D. JOYCE. CLARA JOYCE. EMILY P. JOYCE. GEORGE T. JOYCE. ISABEL JOYCE. LIVINGSTON JOYCE. MARY JOYCE. ROBERT 9. JOYCE. WILLIAM L. JOYCE, WILLIAM W. JOYCE, ISABELLA E. LUTHER. PAUL F. MOTTELAY, PAUL L. MOTTELAY, MATILDA R. SCHOON MAKER, VIRGINIA SCHOONMAKER, MARIE L. STRONG, SEND GREETING: Upon the petition of TITLE GUARAN? TEE ft TRUST COMPANY, doing business at No. 176 Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan. City of New York. N. Y. You and each of you are hereby cited to show cause before our Surrogate of the County of New York, at the Surrogates' Court of said County, held at the Hall of Records In the County of New York, on the 20th day of February. 1920, at half-past ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, why the account of TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST COMPANY, as substituted Trustee under the Last Will and Testament of OSCAR F. LIVINGSTON, deceased, who at the time of his death was a resident of the County of New York, should not be Judicially settled and allowed. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. We have caused the Seal of the Surrogates' Court of the said County of New York to [L, S.] be hereunto affixed. WITNESS, HONORABLE JOHN P. COHA LAN, a Surrogate of our said County, at the County of New York, the 22nd day of De? cember, in the year of our Lord one thou nino hundred and nineteen. DANIEL J. DOWDNBY. Clerk of the Surrogate?' Court. STORAGE SOnCt? GLOBE STORAGE & CARPET CLEANING CO. SO*. MC MS m? SO? Bast ?M St, !.. T. To Peter F. Bak*r. Mm J. Brown. Misa Helen Borden, Mrs. Minnie Bier. Mr*. 8. A. Berlin. William Brice. Mr*. 8. A. Cun? ningham, lira Coaak, H. Coyne, P. G. Cunningham, Mrs. Margaret Cor.nell Mr?. R. Cavanaugh. Miss Laura Cheevsr, Mr?, Mary Croft?, W. Creamer. Alice O'Dough? erty, B. Dough >rty, Mr*. A. M. Dlttman. Miss D< fry, Mrs. F. J. Dion. M. Dunn. Misa Martha Evan?, Mr_ Enfer, Mrs. B. Firth, Miss S. Fullam. Mr*. D. L. Farnum. Mr?, Florence Fleming. Mr* F. Gonget, Mia* Griffin. Mr* M. Henry, Mia* M. L. Hoch ?trasser. Mia? Ellen Huffman. Albert C. Holmes, Laura Henry, Ml?? Ethel Hawkins, Mis? M. Haughey. H. ltahoft. Mr* L. K. Im ley. Mr?. G. C. Johnson. Mr* M. Jacob - aen, Mia? Margaret Kelly, Mrs. Clara Kahl, Mr* A. F. Kerahaw, Mr* A. Uncctn Krohn, Mr* Hannah Kutross. Robt. D. Lampoon, Harry Lee, lui?? H. Leonard. Mr* McDonald. Miss Sarah McGown. Mr*. M. L. McKey. Mr* J. McFall. Dr. H. B. Mclntyre, Mr*. J. W. MacKenzle. Isabella UcConnellogue. Mr* M. McCarthy. Mr. McDonald. Mr. McLaughlin. F. Middle brook. Mr* Terezlja Manejerice. Robt. Morrison. Patrick Mahoney. Mia? Kath. Moroney. Mr* Melville. Geo. S. Mey? ers. L. Meyer. M. Morton, Mr* Kath. Milne. National Lithographing Co. Mrs. M. Norton, Miss Edna Norton, Mrs. M. Nugent, Mr* J. J. O'Shea. Mr* Lean* Orr. Mrs. E. D. Olcott, Mr* B. Plckett. Mr* E. Parsball. Mr* B. Perkins. Rico Pappeldorf, W. Quinn, Mia* Mary Regan, Mr* C. L. Royer. Mr* Florence J. Robin? son. F. J. Re_d. Mr* Romaine. Ignats Stummer, Mr* M. Schalter, F. E 8chetl. Mr* A. M. Shea. Mr* W. Scott. Mrs. Marlon Thompson. Mr* Tlme?on. Th* Pa?r Po.. S. O. Theobold, Mr* H. A Tyler. Mr* S. Vaughan, Mr* M. Vowe. F. Oare. Mrs. Minnie Winklar Mr* M. Walah. Mr* B. Wallace. Mr* Walsh. Mr* W. Wilson. Mis? J. B. Wilkinson. M. C. Crutchfleld. Mr* M. Nelson. Edw. Dworak. Mr* Wolf, Mr. Peck, Mr* Ryan, Mr* Fogarty, Mr. Bjr num. Mr. Askln, Thorn** Mr. Bruen. Mr. Buck. Mr* Irvine. Mr. Morse. M. Brand wain, Mr. Precourt, Mr. Lamport, Mr. Dulgnam, Mr. Jacobs; You and each of you are hereby notified that the time for the payment of our lien upon the prop? erty hereinafter described having expired after due notice thereof has oeen given you. we will cause such property, to wfeg Household furniture, comprising bed* bed? ding, chiffon letra, bureaus, chair* settee* tablea, stand* sewing machines, china and glass closets, crockery, glassware, kitchen utensil* plated and silver ware, cutlery, portiere?, barrels of iron, curtains, dra? peries, carpets, rug* book* bookcases, brlc-s-brac, pianos, picture* trunks and content* linen, wearing apparel, desks and office furniture, partitions, books, per? sonal effects, m'-rchandise, etc.. as enumer? ated In the warehouse inventory Issued to you by this warehouse, stored by you. or In you- name, in the Globe Storage & Carpet Cleaning Company's Warehouses, to be sold at public auction, according tu the statute In such case made and pro? vlded, at No?. 305 and 307 East 61s-? Street. New York City. THURSDAY. JAN? UARY 22ND. 1320, AT 10:30 A. M.. and if the salo thereof Is not completed ou said date, the same will be continued ht the sanu place on THURSDAY, JANUARY 29TH. 1)20. BEGINNING AT 10:30 A. M. and continuing until the sale Is completed. GLOBE STORAGE & CARPET CLEAN 1NG CO. WAREHOUSE SALE OF GOODS FOR UNPAID CHARGES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISION of law, there being due and unpuid charges for which the undersigned Metropolis Storage Warehouse Is entitled to a lien us warehouseman on the goods hereinafter ? >?. icrlbed, and due notice having been given to ad parties known to claim an Interest ther* ? in, and the time specified in such notice for payment of such charges having expire-. there will be ?old at public auction at No. 31 West 138th St., New York City, on Saturday. January 81M, 1920, at 10:?? A. M., ?nd continuing on each and every Saturday thereafter, beginning at the same hour, until ?11 goods are sold, to wit: Hour? hold furniture consisting of parlor sulia. bedroom suits, dining room suits, library furniture, pianos, vlctrolaa. musical instrut rnent8. carpets, rugs, trunks. boxeB, barrel... suit cases, contents consisting of clothing. Unen, books, papers, stationery, picture?, bric-a-brac, china and glassware, silverware, bedding, draperies and materials and otrf: personal effects held for the account of : Mrs. J. Carey, Mrs. M. Murray, Mrs. Zul?me Jackson, MrB. Pearl Johnson, Mr. J. W. Sherard, Misa R. Montgomery, all being now Ftored in said Metropolis Storage Warehou-^. The good? will be on exhibition at the time and place of sale, and on each day of gal-. Metropolis Storage Warehouse Office. 50 Wert 133d Street. SURROGATES' NOTICES COOK. FREDERICK. F. -THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. BY TI?W GRACE OF GOD. FREE AND INDEPEN? DENT.? To SOPHIA KOCH. LOUIS E. KOCH, GEORGE J. KOCH, AUGUSTA FET? TES and ALBERT H. W1GG1N. as Treasurc of the United Hospital Fund, the heirs and next of kin and executor named in the Will of Frederick F. Cook, deceased, SEND GREI7. 1NG: WHEREAS, the UNITED HOSPITAL FUND OF NEW YORK, a -omestlo oorpora* tlon having It? principal office at No. 105 East 22nd Street, in the Borougn of Manhat? tan, of the City of New York, has lately up piled to the Surrogates' Court of our County of New York, to have a certain instrument in writing, relating to both real and person?; property, duly proved an ihe last wli! at:i testament of Fiederick F. Cook, who was ai the time of his death a resident of th? County of New York, deceased. THEREFORE, you and each of you a:? cited to show cause before the Surrogates' Court of our County of New York, at th? Hall of Records, In the County of New Sort . on the 3rd day of February, one thousand nine hundred and twenty, at half-past un o'clock in the forenoon of that day, why th* paid will and testament should not be ;? - mltted to probate as a will of real ?nd per? sonal property. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we hava caused the Heal of the Surrogates' Court of the said County of New York to he hereuntit affixed. WITNESS. HONORABLE [L. S.] JOHN P. COHALAN, a Surrogat? of our said County of New York, ?t said County, the 23rd day of De-.emb'.-r, In the year of our I/ord one thousand nlno hun? dred and nineteeti DANIEL J DOWDNET. Clerk of the Surrogates' Cou I BREED. ABBOTT * MORGAN. Attorne. % for Petitioner, 32 Liberty Street, New York City. RODMAN. HARRIETTE MASON.?IN pursuance of an order of Hon. John P Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York. Notice Is hereby given to ?11 per? sons having claim? ?rainst Harrlette Me? son Rodman, formerly known as Harrlette 8 Mason, sometimes known as Harriett* M. Rodman, Harrietts S. M. Rodman and Harriett? 8. Rodman, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present th? ?ame, with vouchers thereof, to the sub? scriber, at his place ot transacting busi? ness, *** the office of George C. Howard, his attorney. Ill Broadway, in the City of New York, on or before the 1st day of May next. Dated, New York, the 17th day of Octo? ber, lilt. AUGUSTIN DERBY. Administrator C. T. A. GEORGE C. HOWARD. Attorney for Ad? ministrator C. P- A.. No. Ill Broad? way, New York City. ARNOLD, WILLIAM H.?IN PURSUANCE of an order of Honorable JOHN P. CO? HALAN, a Surrogate of the Count" v New York notice is hereby given to all Praon? having claim? against WILLIAM H. ARNOLD, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same with vouch ' er? thereof to the ?nbscrlber?, at their place of transacting business, at th? office of their attorney* Mcssr* Spencer, Ord way A Wlerum. No. 27 William Street. Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on or before the 7th day of July. next. Dated New York. January 2nd, 1930. WILLIAM B. ARNOLD. GEORGE L. CHENEY. Executor* SPENCER. ORDWA. A WIBRUM, At? torney? for Execi? or* 27 Wllll?rr? Street, New YoTk City. KING, BENNETT J.?IN PURSUANCE of an order of Honorable John P. Co? nsten, ? Surrogate of the County of New York, Notice 1? hereby given to all per? son? having claim? against Bennett J. King, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the ?ame with vouch? ers thereof to the subscriber, at hi? place of transacting busines* at the Office of his Attorney, William C. Orr, __m.. No. SI Chamber? Street, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on or before the ISthr day of June next. Dated. New York, th* 11th day ot De? cember. 1S19. EDWARD B. KINO. Executor. WILLIAM C. ORR. Attorney tor Execu? tor, No. 61 Chambers Street, Borough ot Manhattan. City cf New York. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN! BB IT KNOWN that GEM FOUNTAIN COKPORATiON. with omce at I 140 Nassau Street, New York City, he? | adopted for t? ?oie use. pursuant to ths ? General Buslnes. Law" ot the State of ! New York, a trademark deacribed a* fol ; iows: The word -Gem." superimposed on a field of vertical gold ?tripe* figure bounded by *n octagonal blue border; Im? mediately above "Gem." In ?mailer let? ters the word? "Sod*V and "Luncheon. na ?bove the other: Immediately below "Gem" ? cup containing a steaming liquid ?nd saucer. * filled ?oda trias* In * holder ,nd a dish containing a sandwich and doughnut. _ _ The same has been used by Oere Fo*__ taln Corporation since May l-t.l*??. UEM FOUNTAIN CORPORATION By EDMUND B. AYMAR, ninipU