Newspaper Page Text
Mexico Oil Corporation Has large property in best reserve oil territory of Mexico, ?elected by noted Geologists and other oil Experts. Has seacoast srminal property, a very valuable asset because no more terminal sites are available on the Mexico Gulf near the oil region. Has complete drilling equipment and experienced men who hold records for quick completion of wells, one record in Chinampa of 1,526 feet in 26 days. This Stock Bought Sold Quoted C. W. POPE & CO. 25 Broad Street Telephone 7110 Broad Metex Petroleum Corporation PAR VAI.UE $5.00 Circular upon request Specialists Wm. C. Orton & Co. C. F. Ne H s on 25 Broad St., N. Y. Telephones 7160-1-2 Broad Bought Sold Quoted Mexico Oil Corporation W? S. Banks & Co. 2!> ?road St., N. Y. Tel. 6125 Broad LIBERTY BONDS All denomination? boustht for ra.ih Bas?'] on the closing: we pay: 849.16 for ii S.10??{Vis"? ?ond, .">o Coupon? *J.">.4" for n S">0?^M^*. Iionil, I Coupon Wli.!Uti.rus:.0?3d 4?.,?. Ilond, 1 Coupon M .".6.1 for u $.?0??III 4'?'??? Ilond. 2 Coupons $40.0? for u $50?5th 4%% Bond, < Coupon-. Flkui & CO., Tel. John ?174-5-0-7. 154 I'm?- St.. ?*. V. Curb Market - H ? Industrial? Net Pali's. Hiyh. Low. Last Chpre. 6300 Acme Coal... 1 % 1'* P. - % STOO ?Aetna Bxp... 8% 8 8 - ? % 3800 ?Alum Mfy... I" 36% 37% ? COO Air Reduction. 48 47 47% - % 2600 'Ama! Tire Co 16% 15% 15%? % 2900 Am Foreign C 16?a M 14-' 9800 Am-La Fr En. 14% 13% 13%? % 32501) Am Safety Raz 17?. lti?4 16?.? ?4 lOd Am W Paper. 12 12 12 ' 10O Austin-Nichols. 27 27 27 - 1?. 410 do pref. 92?4 92 92% 2600 ?Br-Am Ch C. S% 9 9%4- % 6200 ?Br-Am Tob o ':S;: 27 '4 28Vs4 1 3900 do rfcgd. 28 27'. 2S 1 100 Bucyrua . 30 30 30 2500 'Car 1, & Pwr 3 3% 2%? U 125 Cen Aguirre S 95 94 94 ? 1 5300 Edmund & J. 37 82 :;2 '. - 300 Farrell Coal... IS 17 47 - 32000 ?Cen Asphalt. 128 111 117, -10 285CQ ?Gen Motors.. 34% 31% Uli... .3 3860(1 ?Goldwyn Pict. 34 32 33 - 10500 Grape-Ola _ 1% 1% 1% ?? 2800 do pref. 1 % 1% 1% 40,! Havana Tob. . . 2% 2?/_ 2%. 500 do pref. 1 l1-. 10 10 - - 2 lOOHaynes Knit.. 25% 25% 25%? %? MO Hick Val P.. 13% 13% 13%*-j isr.0 ?Huydcn Chem. 5% 5 5%+ % 9500 Hupp Mot Car 16% 15% 15% ? % 3700 ?Hydraulic Stl 42 40% 41%? 1% 200 do pref.1"" 99% 100 t 1100 Inter Rubber.. 16 1!% 14%- 1%' 3400 Pack... 18% 17% 17% - 1% 1100 Imp Tobacco.. 13 12% 12% ? S5o0 Kay Co Gas.. 2% 2 2 >,. 11300 Lake Tor Boat 4. 3?. 3% ? '/4 100 'L)b McN & L 28 28 28 9100 ?Loco new w i 25 24% 2ii T0OO ?Lioew. Inc_ 33 31 31 ?i \ 18800 Marc, ni of Am 6% 5% 5% ?. 1000 ?Mercer Mot.. 36 33 33?4 3:;i 13400 Mont Ward... 40% 38 38%- ?4 500 Nat Leather... 17?. 17 17 - 18500 N Am P & P 6% 5% 5% ? % 900 ?Nunnally Can 22 21% 21%? 1 lOOOh.o Blower... 32% 32% 32% 500 Patchngue Ply. 41 40% 40?,. % 6900 Perfect on Tire 1 3% 1 ? \ 15o0?Pyrene MI'k . 12% 12% 12% 15900 'Radio Co w 1. 3% 1?600 ?do pref. w i 5 ?4 3 ' 13300 ?Rip Rubber.. 5% 1% 7> ? % 450 Re?a Robert... 2s 27? 2,' - 180? Snows. Inc.... 13 12 12% ?? 2700Spicer Mfg....ll0 109 llu - 2 30OO ?do pref_113% 111% 112 f 1 2400 ?Slanw. od Hub IS 17% 17% ?. 300 Stand G .\ E. 26% 26 26%-4 '?? 100 ?do pref... 41% 41% 4l%-(- 1% 160)0 Sub Boat. 17% 15 15% l7* 300 ?Tern C ft V I' IS 47% 48 ?- '?? 2400 Tob Prod Exp. 30 29 29 1 1O0 ?Todd Shipyds.193 196 195 - 0 4000 Tob Pr. duct?. 9 6% r.7_ - 1300 Till?te... M'?.. 25% 25 25 1 11800 Trian?!.- Film. % % %-f .'. 1000 U S Lt & li :; ?<, 3% 3% 24200 I n Profit Sh. 3>_ 2% 2% V'K? V S Diatrib. . .1 50 51 21000 ?C R S Candy I- 16 16% 1 ?4 1 :i::> ?u s 11 s T . 31 u 27 31% ? -1 17300 L S Steamship 1 3% .: j_ % 49O0 U S I ransport : 1 ' ? Kt% ! 1 % 11800 Uidd "I -. . 4 ; | 9800 ?C Piel Wr C 18 , 16 16% - 1.. 700 ?V Vivaud, Inc . 20% - :<>_ 1710-, Vanad S' ri 1.4 |% 3 ' 200 Van Raai'e pf. 45 47, 45 _" 100 Warren Uro... 7" 70 70_ 12100 Wayne Coal . 5 4'-. 1% 900 Wi.'Krn lia. I ' . f . 4', 20.) White Rock W . " 6% 6% 600 ?Willy* Corp. . 26?/. 25% 26 ? 3200 Will ft Bourn.- 31 " 29 " 29 -.3 Standard Oils 5100 Anglo-Am Oil. 30% 28% 29%? % 20 Stand O (Cal?.328 320 320 % 365 Stand O (N Vi ?60 145 445 --13 860 Stand O N J , 7 ? . 760 765 - 10 40 So Penn OIL ,345 340 340 ? 1 20 Vacuum Oil...428 437 427 ?3 lndi-pi-iidf-nt Oil? 100 Alto /) <v G . 3 '.'. 3 8?70O ?All O ft H . 16% 16 16% % ;<*20oo ?Aihcd o ; % % % j>, 4900Ann.b.l Wy . 70 69 70 3900 ?Am*l? Roy. . I % % % MM'Ark N?' Caa.~39% 31% 33% 6% 4300 ?Atwoc Oil. 2 !'?? 1 '* % 9JO0 Bell Pe . 2 3 % -< 21000. Boon? O I 7% 8 6% 1% 1700 Boston M< ? ? . -' - ::' . % 43000 ftoHton Wyo . , ! I j, % 2&00 'hrmum O I C 21 21 21'.- 2% '92f)0 Burk Van Ci . 2% ;j474 Carib Hyn ii I % 11%, 7, ?, I5OO0 Can Am O & G % U 800 C,rel? Oil C . :?s700Cit.?e? Service. M 42% 12% 1% 110 do pref. 72% 72?A 72?? 10722 Col Ettterald... 21 17% lh:t 2% 8 do old 1000 ?60 . 12000 ?C'^d't. ft Co. 9% ? % '.000 'CMBlnii P?t.. 1% 2% 2% ' 2400 ?Lorn, ni on Oil ::t-''* 22 2., 11 Z84KI *1>ttqtic?n? OIL 9% 8% ?T? 2100 ?Elk BiMir. Pet 8% K;, 8% 14 490 Kmnne#T? !'?-?. 2% 11. | % % ;?o00 ?BrUJ Oil . . 2% 2 2% 4W0 ?Er.rr, O ft G., '? -, 't W04 ?K?d<-ra! OU <% ?% , 2000 F?Mland OU 6% '?'? W ?i, H?l.nd O -, i": 17 IWOO *'?? r?? ?' 113 98% !-?) 12 .#.-/' ^ .^ /-r-i?t,,.^ -.7 -i 1,1/ ?f> Net High. Low. Chge. 1O80O ?filpTirock Oil. 374 3% 3% - 12700 tHome Pet of I) 32 30 ?l ? 3 fiftO ?Houston Oil..148 133 135 ?12 1430O ?Hudson Oil ?? 1 % ft~ l* 9200 Home O R & T. 7 6% 5%? l'Vi .Mill ?Hughes Pet .. 10% 10 10 ? % 22400 Invincible Oil. 39 33 34?6 12600 ?Internat Pet. 71 87 68%? 2% 7600 ?Island O & T 6% 0% *>%? % 24300 King Pet C.. 2% 2% 2% - 7100 Livingston Oil. 2% 1% 2 ? H 6900 Manhattan Oil 40 36 37?2 32000 Mnitna O & R. 8Vfe 6 7 ? % 2900 Marshall O & G 121-? 12 12 - 730U "Maracailio Oil 26 21% 22 ? 4% UuO'i ?Merritt Oil Cp 21% 19% 19%? 1% 21500 Metex Oil _ 4% 4% 4% 16500 Mexico Oil .. AM 3% 3% nun Mt-x-Panuco Oil 20 16 16?4 12700 Met Pet . 3% 3ft 3%+ % 3750 ?Midwest Ref. 165 159 164 ? 6 100 ?Nat Oil & R.. S 7% 8 + M 2525 New En F Oil. 82 79 82 - 3400 North Am Oil. 5 4% 4% 800 Nor Tex Oil. .. 2% - 2% -' ?6600 Ohio Ranger... Ia? 1% 1% + M 4900 ?O N O S Ine ''s % % - :.Omar O & O. 7% 7% ">Ms TU" Panhandle pf.. 90 87 S9 ?? 300 Panhan P & R 24 23 23 - ; !. Penn Cat,. 42 38 40 -4-6 1700 Ponnock Oil... 9 8V4 8%? M ?5200 ?Phillips Pet.. 89% 84% 84%? 4% 14000 ?Prod & Ref.. 10 9% 9%? % 3100 ?Red Rock Oil. 1% 1% 1% 2"800 Republic Oil... 2'* 1% 2 l900*Rickard T Co 2 1% 2 110500 Ryan Pet_ 4% 3-% 4%? % 7.? -Salt, Crk Prod ."3 47 47 ? 5*4 3200 Salt Cr Cons. 23 20% 20% 870') Seo O & R. . . M; fa % + fa 17SO0 ?Skelly Oil.... 13 11% 11% ? 1 1370O ?Simms Pet... 70 AC ".2 ? 1T% B8000 ?do rights... [% 1 274?6% non So O .<.- Tr... TM d'? 6%? % 1700 So States Con. 1% IV, 1 %? M 7900 Spencer Pet C 19% 18'^ 19 ? % tr.fli (I \-t;,|. ?.-, Oil. . \ '??? ?'? - - 1100 Superior Oil.. 16% 16 16 - 100 Texas Pacific. 101 101 101 - 500 Texana . fa fa fa - ?OCTexken . 3', 3% 3% - 2100 ?Tex Chief Oil 47% 41 41 ? 6Vs 16500 Texas Co w i. 56% 50 50 -- 6 52500 Tex-R P & R. Is? 1 1%~ M 9400 ?Tr?pica! Oil.. 22 19% 20 ? 1% 1148uO ?Texon O & I. 1'-3 74 IV*? M 12500 ?Thraman Oil. 2% IM 1??? IVi 4:00 ?Trinity Oil. . . 7? V 74+ H 52600 *Un Texa-s Pet 1% l'a 1% - 3600 ?Vulcan Oil... 9 7% 8% + % 3700 ?Victoria Oil.. 1% 1 % 1*4 1400 ?Wh K O & R. 24 23 23 ? 1 1700 Way O & G.. 4% 4% 4%-4- M 128500 ?White Oil.. 47% 36 37%?11 500 Whelan Oil.... 7? 74 % 2200Woodburn Oil. 8% 7 7%? 1 DS.'i'ii, Wyoming Cons 40 35 40+1 4900 "1" Oil & G.. '; % % + ? Mining Stock? 17700 AJoak-Br C M. 1,', % if? V 1500 Ara H Min C. 5% 1% 5%f+ B 89300 ?Am T & T... Ifa -r? l-r? + i i - no ?Am Mines_ 1 rt 1 r1? 1 r? ? S090O ?t Atlanta .... 3 2 2%? \ ^ViOn *+ Belch D iv>). 26 15 21 ? 2 51550 ?tBclch Ex (pi 46 32 38 ? 1 S600 Big Litige. % fa M 12500 * + Booth . 6 5 6. ? 29000 tBost & Mon. 71 72 73 + 1 22500 ?tCaledonia .. 42 37 40+2 6600 Canada Copper 1% 1% 1%? ' 2:!. ?Candelaria Sil }J % % ? < 22700 ?tCashboy .... 8 7 7 ? 5075 Carson H Gold 39'i 35% 36?3 1575 ?Cons Va Silv. 8% 7% "94? ' 1700 Cresson Con O 2% 2 2% ? 3900 Con? Cop Min 5% 4% 474 ? loo Davis Daly.... 13% 13% 13% ~ 1 11700 'Divide Ext. . 1% 7fc ??? . 23IK1 El Salvador S. 3% 3% 3% ? 27400 ?Eureka C M C 11?? 1}? 1?0 -t- . 1800 ?tEureka Holly 75 72 75 ' S000 ?Forty-nine M. 1% 1% 1%? 34500 ?tGold /. Div. 39 34 36?4 10900 ?Golden Cate.. 174 114 1%? 26486 ?tGoldfleld Con 15 14 14 ? ?~ ! 10400 ?tGoldfield Dev 11 9 10-| .77011 ?tGoldfleld Mer 4 2 3?1 6 '00 ?fGreat Bend.. 2% 2 3 542?Hecla Mining. 4% 4 4%~ fa 12400 ?tJim Butler.. 24 22 24+1 9500 tJumbo Exten. 8 6 8 1200 Iron Blossom.. % ft A 1800 Kerr Lake ... A% 4 U 4*4? 14 77110 ?vKpwanas ... 3% 2 3 - 9200 ?rKoox Divide. 15 14 15 4- % 10500 La Rose Ltd.. fa % si? M 34500 Louisiana Con \ r'n \l f 14 1!'7i>ii Magma Chief. . fa fa fa-t- fa 31200 ?tMarsh Min.. 24 20 22 ?2 1 "<Ki Mason Valley.. 27? 2% 2'%+ % 33. ?tMacN Cr M 34 28 29 ? 1 72.1'vMacNam M. 80 6;i 70 ?9 300 McKinlcy-Dar.. 61 61 61?3 2800 Mother L Cop. ?! 574 574 -? 84U0 Mur-M M Ltd. 77 7.". 7:"> ?8 5100 'Nat Tin Corp 13?? 12}? 13 ? H 5980 Nipissing Min. 11% 1114 11% - 7400 Nixon Nev.... 22 18 IS - 25300 Nevada Ophlr. 35 29 34 -f 4 22800 Prince Cons... \fa 1 1% - :.'.Ophir Silv M. . 1 ??, ? iv4 - 5400 Rund Min Ltd ?OVi 4u 4u -- 14 2500O tRex (.'011s.... 10% 9 9%? 1 16100 Roper-Gr M Co /, A fV?? rO0'Silver Dol M. '??. % % 850 Seneca Copper. 17% lfi^ 17 ? 1% 00 Seven Metals.. fa % M ?? 2O000 Silv K of An? {} tf %? I fa 99O0 ?'?Silver K Div 8 7 8 - 4 : - mi ' Silver Pick. . 0 3 4?1 ::.?So \m <; & p 8V? 7% 7?4-- % '" Stand Silver I. 14 '4 M - IV50O ?tSuccess Mtn. 6% 3*3 6%-f 21 "." "' Sum? rland D.. 4 3 3% '? 11600 Stewart Mfg.. 19 17% 17?4-" ? ' " I n,i !!? Irnont 3 '4 2% .'! - % ? Ti nopah Div. 374 3% 3% 3675 Tonopah Ext.. 2TH 2% 2 ?'?>, ? % 1920 ?Tonopah Min. 24S 2'/t 2:'4 - fa, Ir>50 United Eastern 4% 1 4%4 fa ;.,..?, -?. (? s C.n! M 9% 8 9 - % 900 Unity Cold M. 9 8% 9 -" 17'in ?Utah Rev . . 2 I ? 1 ??.* i? ? 00 V i'-tory Divido. 18 L", 17-1 West End Con 2.", 148 2 ? % '00 Wh Knob i-f. . 1& lft lfa- - fa 16400 l-Wh Caps Min 11 8 10 4- 1 ? W Cap E(ap) :i 2.2 00 Wilberl Mining 7% 7 7 _ 700 Yukon Cold. .1 % 74. Bondn Net Sale? ?000 omitted). High Low. Last. Chge $126 Allied Par,-. 6s, 81', 84 85 ? 1 200 Am T * T 0? '22 97>4 9?s? 97 ? % ? 123 tlo *,< 1924 . 96(4 ''*> ?6% - L'f. Belg Gov *;?. 1'< 1 100 100% ? 10 Beth Si! 7k '23.101% 100% 1(10% ? 13 ?Anaconda 6* . ?7% 97 97% - % ! . 'inn <; 0%s '21 86 9^4 96 ? 2\ 32 ?d 6%? 1929 98% 95% 96 f \ ? 1 01 Cas . . . 101 ',*, loo 101% - ?4 Cuba Cane 7k. 101 100 100% ? 143 *CCC*3lL6?.'29. 88% 87% 88 ? % 48 ?Cop 5%? '41 wi 81 82% 83 .: ?(;. of Sweden ?a 96 9.'. 96 1 Can Motor? 7?. 93 90 92 86 ?Inl 'Hi Hap Tr 71% 72% 73 - 1 ::7 ?Km Gov 5%?, . 80 26 32 f 4 ?'? ?do K>, . :::: 2? ::-. > 2 1 J-/... toe * <; 7?. 101 dm joi ""???.; f. ' ? .. ?'?? '<o% 91 ? 1 "4 PnMic rumie? Bid. Aelted. I Am Light * Traction.200 204 ? Am Light A Traction pf. SO *-4 I Adirondack Blec Power. 14 1? i Adirondack Blec Power pf. . . 75 88 Am Gas & Electric.126 130 do pf . 40 4t Am Power * Light. 65 70 do pf . 71 75 i Am Public rtlUtles. 8 1 " . Am Public Utilities pf. 22 27 Am Waterworks Elpctrtc. 2 4 An W W * E partie, pf. 4 I : Am W W A E 1st pf. 45 6? Carolina Power & Llgnt. 31 88 Cities Service .413 ?19 ! do pf . 74 75 I Cities Service bankers ctfs.... 45 47 ?Cities Ser 7 pc ?er C, 1966_164 ? i Colorado Power. 18 18 I Colorado Power pf. 90 95 ! Com Pr Ry A I.. 18 21 do pf. 44 4S Hen Cas A Ele.- gr-n 5s. 87 S3 i Blectrlo Bond A Shar* pf- tl ?? Empire District Electric pf.. 71 74 UPederal Light ?:- Traction. 6 !? i Federal Light A Traction pf. . 41 4? t?as A Bl-ctrlc Securities.380 ?8? ' Gas A Electric Securities pf.. 88 85 ! Northern Ohio Electric.? 28 Northern Ohio Electric pf. 51 66 , Nor Ontario Light A Power.. 11 1? Northern Ontario t.t A Pow pf 52 ?7 Northern States Power... 60 ?4 Northern States Power pf. 87 80 Pacific Gas & Electric pi. 88 88 Republic Ity Light Co. 11 13 do pf . 42 45 1 ?outhern California Edison... ? * 8f Southern California Edison pf.100 ?04 Standard (?as & Electric. 25 27 do pf. 40 48 renn Ry Light A Power. 2 Tenn Ry Light A Power yf.. 6 8 United Light & Ry?. 28 32 do 1st pf. 60 64 Western Power . 21 23 do 1st pf. 71 74 Bond* Appalsch Power l?t (?. 87 Cincinnati ?as A Elcc 5? 'S? Coi Gas & Eleo Es '27. Col Power, '53 . Dalla? Else 5? '22. 8a?t Texas Blec 6? '48. d? 7? '21. ?1 Paso Bleo col 6?. (.reat West Power 5s '46. 8:1 "4 Midwest irtll 6? "25. SS Miss River Power 1st 5a. 74 Northern Ont Light A. P 8?.. 76 Northern 3tatea Power 6s '2i. 18 Pacific Oas A Blec 6? "Cl.... ?8 Puget Bound Trac L A P 7?.. ?b Twin City C & K 5h. 7.'. Cn Light A It 1st 6h '82. 4? 4.b ?a. '86. Sugar Stocks Bid. Asked. Hid. Asked. 7* ?2 il TV 7? ??% 7? US a. ?? Card-Am.. 20 do pref. 70 C Aguirre. 99 Fajardo ..132 Gt West..410 do pref.115 Gunta'mo. 78 Mat-Am . 10 10" 135 440 118 80 15 Bid. Mat-Am pf 60 Michigan.. 12 National .146 N Niquero.226 83 80 36 87 S Cecelia. do pref. Savannah. do pref. Chemie?! Stocks Am Cyan. SO do pref. 54 By-Prod ..106 Casein Co. 15 Dow Ch.. .17 35 60 115 50 200 Hook ?lcc. 65 do pref. 67, Ky Solvay. 90 Merc Co p 96 Merrimac. Du P C pf 9% 10>,.Mulford Co 55 Fed Chem.100 ? Mutual C.150 do pref. ? 10O Ni*? Alk p 96 GriiselH ..159 175 Semet'C. .165 do pref. 100 101 Solv To?. .190 Tobacco Stocks , A Tob dvs.180 186 Porte R-A T.137. ?8 I ?8 88 tl 91 ?6 ?7 ?S Asked. 70 13 149 87 75 75 115 98 94 60 100 175 Con ley Foil. 325 G W Holme?. 155 do pref. . 98 J S Young. 130 do pref. . 95 MacA & Fh.160 New York Bank Stocks 350R .1 Reyn A.525 165 do bit B.460 102 do pref.. 106 138Weyman-B .168 195 do pref. . 98 140: 560 ?:85 108 175 101; .405 .245 .350 .243 .200 .475 America .. .625 Atlantic ...215 Am Exch.. .295 Battery ...210 Bowery .. ..420 Bryant P.. 150 Bway Cent. 150 Bronx Nat. 150 Butch & T>. 35 Chase .485 Chat & P. .320 Chelsea Ex. 12 5 Chemical . .585 Cltz Nat...255 City . Coal & I. Colonial . . Commerce Columbia Corn Exch.. Cosmop'ton .110 Com'cial E.415 Com'wealth.221 Cuba .170 East River. 150 Fifth Nat.. 150 Fifth Ave..90O First Nat..985 Foreign T B ? Trust and Alliance ... 81 tAm Trunt Am Surety Banker* Bond & M.230 Bklyn T Co.500 Cent Union .4 50 Columbia. . ..360 Commercial 15U Empire Tr.290 Equitable ..298 Farm L&T.4 40 Franklin ..250 Fulton _250 Fidelity .. Guaranty Hamilton Hudson T Kinifs Co . 82 .305 230 395 130 640 Lawyers M. 120 ? Garfield N. .237. -?-Gotham _200 235: ? Greenwich .375 ? 220Harrim?n .370 400 ?Hanover ...820 840 160Industrial ..205 ? 160]m & Trad.590 610 160?Irving Not.390 400] -Liberty ....460 475 ! 495Lincoln ....280 295 330Manhat Co..245 ? -Mech ft M. . 160 471 ; Metrop'titn .310 36 ) j ?Mutual ....400 420 1 415Merchants .235 245 ? New Neth. .200 210 ?N Y N B A.435 247Park .740 760 --Pacific _135 ?Produce Ex.375 ? ? Public .337? ?Seaboard ...627, 230Secnnd . . . .400 ISOState .230 17023d Ward..130 ?I'n States.. 170 950Union Ex.. .185 10i:,.Wehef>rer A.200 166Yorkville ..325 ? Security Companies ?Lawyers T. . 130 137 -Lincoln Tr. 175 ? 86Manufuc'cr8.205 ? 405Mercantile .290 ?JlOMctropol .. .75110 515Mtge Bond. 04 ?8 460Mut Tof W.105 127, 37<i Nat Suretv. 210 220 160;:N Y Title. 142 150 ?N York T. .62." 305N Y L I&T.725 745 I?OPeoplcs ..-..290 310, 260Really Asso.110 1 20 j 260Scand;nav'n.890 910 . 240Title G A T.-lOO 410 j 405 Un States. .S50 88'.i 265U S M & T.415 427, 14017 S T Guar SO 85 140 125W& B T&M.165 175 425 240 140 19." tSec New York Title and Mortptasre. ?Owna ail Amercan Trust Company. Insurance Companies Am Alliance.260 City of N Y. 120 Com'nwlth. .200 Continental. 8'J Fid & Phoe.700 Franklin ... S.> (?lobe & R.100'1 Great Am .42" 400 Miscellaneous Stocks Am Chicle 88 90 I inia L pi 95 do pref. 80 85 Nat Cash.115 Am Leath 71 75 N .1 Z wst.268 r,t Am rts .160 130Hanover ... 80 325 IL me .580 85Nat Liberty.170 74'iNiaKara ...225 94Stuyvesan*.. .'.0 ? Westehester. 28 165 610 257, ! 75 41 ! do pr.-f 92 r'0 N Co 1 pM03 104 Am Mfg..l8l 185 O'Neill pf. 98 92% do pref. 87 90 Phelps D.240 2^0 Am M&F.100 - Phjl J Cor 58 65 Am Typ F 45 5C do pref. 93 9.. A O TNJ 25 35 P ft W pf. 95 ? A D C pf 08 9<%R Reis&C 2o _S Atlas P C 70 ? doPreTtV,.n ,-r, B BAS 1 p 88 92 Ry Bak P.140 ?..0 do 3d pf 70 ? do pref. 92 9b Bor C Mk.116 118 Singer Mer-165 1.0 Bush f pf 77% 85 S L IM&S 12 48 Celluloid..143 147 StoUSpf.102 105 Child? Co. *3 87 S D W pf.102?/. 103% do pref. 9? 98 Stern B p.105 1"8 ? City Inves 75 80 TftPCftOn.115 125 Col E Sy.950 1050 Valvol pf. 104 10, i Crk W pf. 96 10! V Raalt In 40 15 ! D L & W.1P8 172 do rref 82 ;?0 i F R 1st pf 97 100 W C Kerr. 50 5o I Draper C 141 145 do pref. 80 8n i Int Sil pf. 95 100 VV ft B pf.ioo 103 Leh V S C 87 90 Yale ft T.263 275 Steel and Ordnance Stocks : Am Brass.223 228 Fast Steel. 37 39 .Atlas Pw.150 155 Kmp S & I 25 35 do pref. 89 91 do pref. 65 70 '? Bab & W.120 125 ?Here P. .223 228 : Bliss. EW.420 450 6> pref. 107 109 do pref. 62 68 Niles R-P.10S 112 I Can F&F.185 195 do pref.107 110 Carb St!.. 100 110 Scov Mfg.395 410 do 1 pf.!07 110 Thorn Iron 30 .35 do 2d pf 70 75 Win Cor..275 Colls Ams 58 62 Woodward, 44% 49 D P Pow.370 380 ?Ex dividend. Standard Oil Stocks Bid Ask.-.I Anglo-American OH Co, Ltd.. 28 2r. Atli.ntl.- Refining Co.1600 1675 do pfd. new Issue. 113 115 Porne-Scrvmsor Co . 440 46.) Buckeye Pipe Line. 98 100 Chescbrough Mfg Co, cons.... 2fr. 280 do pf . 107 110 ; Continental Oil < 'o. 510 660 : Crescent Pip.- Lino.'35 38 Cumberland Pipe Line. 120 140 ?Eureka Pipe Line.ISO 155 LGalena-Slgnal Oil Co pf, new.. 103 106 do pf, old. I'i8 113 do com . S S 9 2 Illinois Pipe Line. 172 177 Imperial Oil, Ltd. 125 135 Indiana Pipe Linn. 99 101 International Pet Co. Ltd. 67 ?9 New York Transit. 171 179 National Transit Co. .36 .;6 .Northern Pipe Line Co.-. 102 106 Ohio Oil Co. 365 375 Penn-Mex Fuel Co. 70 74 Prairie Oil A Ur?. . 655 665 Prairie Pipe Line . 266 270 South Penn Oil Co. 337 343 Solar Refining Co . 370 ::!.o Southern Pipe Line. 165 170 Southwest Penn Pipe Lines... 98 1 oo Standard <H! of California.... 316 320 do of Indiana. 7.7, 7?.'> do of Kansas. 660 6!'0 do of Kentucky. 455 470 do of Nebraska. 525 650 do of New Jersey . 767. 775 do pfd . 115 115% do of New York . 4 10 445 do of uhio. 635 556 do of Ohio rfd. 112 lit Swan A Finch. 100 115 Union Tank Cd.r Co. 125 129 Miscellaneous Oil Companies Atlantic Lobos Oll Co, com... 6? 70 Atlantic Lobos Oil pfd. 120 140 ( 'osilen & Co. 9 !" % Elk Basin Petroleum Co. 8% 8% Houston . ii! Co, Ltd. 130 140 Magnolia Petroleum Co. 435 460, Merrltl Oil Corporation. 19 20 Midwest Refining Ci. K,l i63 National Fuel & Gas Co. 145 155 North? est Oil Co. 35 -III Pierce Oil . !? t 96 Producers Refining Co. 9% 9% Bapulpa Refining Co. 6% 6"?. New York State Ilond* Security, rnte, maturity. Bid Ask Yield Inter 4%?, June. 1965_ 99% 100% 4.4? do 4 ?is. July. 1967. 9')% 100% 4.49 do 4'.s, March, 1963... 99% 100% 4.49 r.o 4%s AI A N. 1967.. 99% 100% 4 49 do ?'.%>, April. 196G_ 94 95 1.51 do t;.s. March, 1964... 94 95 -1 52 do 4%s, March. 1962... 94 96 4.62 do 4UjS, Sept, I960. 94 96 4.63 do 4I.S, M. l'.?60, op 30. 94 96 4.6? <io 4%s. May, "1959. 89V. 90'. 4.61 do 4s May, 1968. A9 >/_ 90% 4.81 do 4s, .May, 1957. 89>/_ 5)0?. 4.51 Pey Is. Nov. 1955-56. 89 90% 4.54 do 4s. Nov. 1936. 93% '.'1% ?.47 Inter 3%s, Nov. 1951_81 83 4.47 Coup .",%?, May, 1954.... 81 83 4.47 Reg 3%s. 1950-'54, Inc.. S2V? S3% 4.43 do 3%s; N 1 ? 10-7,0. inc.470 - - Reg A Coup (serial) 4;?s. June. l919-'30, Inc.467,- - do 4%a, Apr, 1919-"31. lnc.4G5 do 4%, July, 191"-'32, Inc.465 - - New Y. k City Bunds Can ?nip 4%8, Jan, 1964.. 107 108% 4.07 High Imp 4%s, Sept, 1963.107 1 OS % 4.07 Canal Imp 4'/is. Jan 1965.102- ? High Imp 4'4s, Mar 3 965.103 - - B Can Ter 4'ts, Jan. 194 5. 1 0J- - High Imp 4s, Mar 19*7.. 91% - ?? Hlrh Imp 4s, Mar ?S60 '62 lnc. 9-.? - ? ? do 4s. M A S 1903... 98% 100 4.00 Canal Imp Is, .1 A J 1060 Jan 13 13-16. 98 ?? Pal S Park 4s, Mar 1961.. 98% ? Federal Farm Loan Honds 4%s Nov 1938 op 1821. 99% 10?% Ciiu 1930 op 1924. 99% 100% ?>_? Mav 1937 op 1923. 99V* 100% (? May P.*2S op 17,3 3.101 192 Short Term Securities Am Couon Oil fis, 19?4.. 9? 9S% 6.35 Am Tel A Tel 5s, 1922... 96% 96% 7.30 do Rs. 1924. 95% 96'.< 7.00 Am Thread 6s. 1928.... 100 % 101?,. ,">.8D Am Tobacco 7s, 1920. ... 100 \ 101% 6.46 do 7s. IU21.IOC | >.il ., 5.S5 do 7s, 1922.101 H 102% 605 do 7s, 1923.M" \ I02?4 6.20 Anaconda i'".i 6s, 1929... '."'. % '.-7'?<. 6.40 Armour A Co conv, 1920.110% ill1* - Armour A Co conv, 1921.110'i 1 I I't - Armour A Co conv, 1922.1I0?i IIP, - Armour A Co conv 192.1.110% 1111* - Armour A Co conv, 1924.110% ill'.; - ? Beth Steel fis, 1921.KM 101% 6.7.5 Can Pac Ry fis. 1924.... :>7'j 98 6.65 Cen Argentina Ry 6s. '37. - i 86 N.70 C. P. A Q ';- 4s. 1921.... 95% 96% 7.05 Chl Pneu Tool 6s. 1U20... !>9->t 106 % C.40 do fis. lHi'l. 99% 100 6.0 do 6a. 19'J2. 9:i 1 00 6.0 Cuba Am Sugar ?s. 1921.-100% 100% 5 35 Cudahy Pack 7s. 1922... 101 101 % 6.50 Security, rate, maturity Ubi Ask Yield Del A Hudson 5s, 1920. . . 99 99 '?. 6.05 Fed Sugar Ref 5s. 1924.. '?<'U 97% 6.55 General Blec 6s, 1920.... 98% ?.re* 0.20 Ot Nor Ry 5s, P'L'fi. 99 99% 6.0 Hooking Valley R R. 1924. 93 96 J-1^ I Gulf Oll Corp ?s, 1922_ 39 ?9% **? \ lut Rap Trans Ta, 1920... 72 74 ??? J Dold Dark 7s, 1921. .. .100 101 ^.io ?o 7s 1922 . . . 1"0 I'll % 6-4? do 7s. 1923........100 101'V 6-56 Kan City T.-1 Itv 6s, 1922. 98% '?':' '? hr" Liggett & Myers lis, 1921 99 % 99% 6.15 Moline Flow 7s, 1920....100 101 ? do 7s, 1921.1U0 101'a 6.20 do 7s, 1923.100 102s* 5-s0 ; do 7s, 1924.100 101!** 6.80 N Y Central 6s, 1920. 99% 100% 0.90 Philadelphia Co ?s. 1922. 96 97 ?? , Penra Co 4%?, 1921. 97>4 97% ?.?f ! Pitts & C col tr 6s, 1920.. ?9% 100 V? 4.8* ? Proct & Cambio 7s, 1920.100 100% 415 ! do 7s, J921.101 101% 6.26 dn 7s, 1922.101% 102% E.J0 do 7s. 1923.102% 103% ? ?? Public S N .1. Xov 7, 1922 84 61 T" ! R J Reynolds Tob 6s, 1922 99% 99% ?.It ! Southern Ry 6s. 1922- 95 95% ??*? St 1* U D gen 6%s, 1923. 98% ?9 , ?-l?. Studebaker 7s. 1921. 99% 9'J% 6.05 do 7s. 1920. 98 % 9''' *lr) Swift A Co 6s, 1921. 99'i ?9% ?30 West India ? Fin 7s. 1920. 98 100 7.1 o I Utah .s..- fis. 1922. Sfi S7% 11.00 fis, 1920....100 100% 6.2o Buyers Arrived Buyers are invited to register in this ? ; column by telephoning Beekman 8213 i I between 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. Futrrhild Service AKRON, Ohio?M. O'Nell Co.; I.. L. Os borno, shoos; 37 West Twenty-sixth Street. Mil (lour. ? , AKiliiV Ohio?f?onion Co.; M. Gordon, clothing and furnishing goods; Broadway i Vnt ral. ATLANTA ? Chamberlln, Johnson. Du Bose Co i'. Y. Rose, women's neckwear, ribbons, 'veilings, boys' dept. and men's furnishings; Colllngwood., A'T L A N" T A?Chamberlin-Johnson-Du ' Rose Co.; i? II. Jones, carpeta, rugs, up? holstery, draperies; A. J. Ooleman. dry goods, etc.; care 36 West Thirty-fourth i st i.t. ALLENTOWN, Pa.?S. Ellas Co.; S. Elia?, general mdse.: Broadway Central. ALEX AX I'll I A. La. Weiss & Goldrlng; j M. Weiss, men's and women's furnishings, i Pennsylvania. ACHURA. Ill ?Weil's; M. E.Weil, ready ' to wear; Rothschild. BALTIMORE ? 1. Greenthal Co.; 1, Grcenthal, wholesale clothing; Broadway : Central. BALTIMORE!?D. Miller Co.; II. Miller. piece goods; Walllck. BALTIMORE- J. Silverman, piece goods; York. BALTIMORE -S Levin, mfrs. men's, bins' clothing; York. BALTIMi 'UK ?American Wholesale Cor? poration; IL S. Messersmitll, remnants; I F. Quellmnlz, cotton pose goods; 30 1 ?'mit 11) A vi nue BIRMINGHAM, Ala. Burger Dry Goo.Is I'n ; Louis Hlrsh, notions, handkerchiefs uni neckwear; Leon K. Burger, repre? sentative; 1150 Broadway, BOISE. Idaho?C. C. Anderson <t- Co.; W. E. Graham, knit goods and under? wear; cure llfi West Thirty-second Street. BOSTON?-American Slipper Mfg. Co.; s. Sacks, mfrs. carpets, velvets and felt slippers. Albeit. BOSTON -Johnston ?- Slattery; Miss K. A. .lohnslon, millinery; Somerset. BOSTON?D. Stern, piece goods; Broad-? way Central. BUFFALO . S. Rose,,, knit goods; Broa lwa> Cenlral. BOSTON It (Colman, wholesale tailor's trimmings: Bark Avenue. BOSTON Jordan, Marsh Co.; Miss M. E. Knight, women's coats, suits, 1. Mc? Carthy, waists; 432 Fourth Avenue. BL'TTE. Mone. O. Broughton K- Sons: P Broughton, dry goods and general m lsc : Na varre. J I'ASI'ER, Wyo. Blakey A Co.; I'. Blakey women's garments; Herald Squarp. CATSKILL, X. Y. -Lerner lU'u- . I. Ler? ner. 5. 10 and 19-cenl st.,re; Broadway I ? 'enl ral. CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa Ktilian Co.; U it . Lawrence, china, glassware, etc.; care 7 t! rand Si reel. CHELSEA, Mass.? S. Levin's Dept. ?tore; .t. Levin, furniture, etc.; Navarre. CHICAGO?S. L. Greensteln Co.; S L. irc-ensteln, manufacturers of dresses and kins: Broadway Centtal. CHICAGO?!.. Perlman, tailoring goods; Grand. CHICAGO M. Davidson, general mdse.; | Aberdeen. CHICAGO?P. Goodman, tailoring goods; \V .illicit. CHICAGO- M. Alnbinder & Co.; M, Ain- j binder, jobs of suits, serge dresses, etc.; urn Broadway, room 619. CHICAGO- Rothschild & Co.: J. Wciner, cigars, smokers' anieles; o. j. Lowen bnrg. notions, gloves, handkerchiefs, um? brellas, leather goods; A. M. Kiste hier, ladies' neckwear, veilings, laces, em? broideries: J. A. Alblez, carpets, rugs, linoleums; W. B, Leddy, curtains, draper? ies, upholstery goods; .Miss L, Griffin, i i\ aisls; 470 Four! h A t enue. CHICAGO Spero, Kujavski &? Sporo; X. Kujavskl, mfrs. cloaks, suits, skins; Al I ben. j CHICAGO- J. V. Farwell Co.: J. A. Johnson, neckwear; 72 Leonard Street. CHICAGO?Carson, Plrle & Scott; Miss Block, ladies' neckwear, ln4 Fourth Ave 1 Illle. CHICAGO- Marshall Field; 11. C. But - 1er, house furnishings; J. II. Johnson, wholesale blankets; R. Schwartz, assistant ; U a 7 Hi.I way. CHICAGO- Rothschild & Co.; Miss E. Thai, misses', juniors', children's coats, | suits, dresses; Miss E. Cozad, muslin un lerwear, ia lies' sweaters, kimonos, dress , ing sacques, house dresses; Mrs. G. Dol i man, Infants' wear; Miss A. G.Inittii, ?corsets, brassieres; Mr. Gross, automobile i accessories; .1 Xewman, stationery, favors; i I7H Fouit h A venue. ] CINCINNATI- J. Levy Sons; J. Lew, textiles: Pennsylvania. ' CINCINNATI John FT. Hibben Dry Goods Co.; 11. A. Lowes, blankets and | omforts; 1 170 Broadway. I CINCINNATI -.lohn Shilllto Co.; Miss Catherine Fitzgerald, silk and muslin un? derwear, corsets and brassieres; 4::j l'oint b Avenue. CINCINNATI - Loch. Co.; Joseph I Lopb, millinery; 220 Fifth Avenue, room ? 910. CINCINNATI Lewis ?? Neblett Co.; I china, glassware; C. Meyer, vice-president. i Penas-- ' CLXi i \.\ATI Scliwartz-Arnpergor Co.; 1 G Gores , uthlng; Breslln ; Cl.EUI ItX, Tex. Bradbury Clothing Co.; W, T. Bradbury, clothing, furnishing i i.Is; Rn slm. I CLEVELAND- The May Co.; S. E. Wll ? klnson, women's shoes; 117 West Twenty j tlxth Si te, t I CLEVELAND?Krongold c>< : M. Kron gold and W. Krongold, shoes; Continental. I COLCMDl'S, Ohio /.. L. White Co.; U. ? . Moon, ready to wear; 1270 Broadway. DALLAS, Tex.?Sanger Bros.; C. C. Mllllngton, toys, books, stationery, pic- i turcs, frames, economy basement good?;; A. G. Beckman, hosiery; 19 East Twenty fourth Street. DALLAS. Tex. S?nger Uros.; R. J. Hill, shoes; Mr. Wheeler, shoes; Morris Levy, men's furnishings, knit urrderwear; Mr. Ullman. millinery, Miss Miller, ready to wear; IS? East Twenty-fourth Street. SALLAS, Tex.?Volk Bros.; L. Yolk, hosiery and shoes. Pennsylvania. DECATUR, HI. ? Linn & Scruggs Carpet Co.; C. A. Gills, general merchandise; 1133 U roadway. DETROIT?J. L. Hudson Co.; E. H. Griffith, hats; Mr Thompson, shoes; 225 Fifth Avenue; Associated Merchandising Corporation. DETROIT?Crowley-Mllner Co.; Miss A. G. Anderson, muslin, silk underwear, petticoats; Miss Amanda Heckes, assist? ant, muslin underwear, silk underwear, petticoats; 116 West Thirty-second Street; A. Fantl. J DETROIT?Colonial Clothes Shop, ladles' lingerie arid ladles' coats and dresses; Sam Goldberg, men's suits: Commodore. DILLOX, S. c--Miss .1 Watson, wom? en's ready to wear; Grand. DUBLIN, Tex. ? C. C. Baxter, dry goods, etc. ; ( '.rend. BARTON, Pa.?Rubin Bros.; S. Rubin. tailoring roc's nnl men's furnishings; furnishings; Broadway Central. EAST ST LOUIS. III.?Seidel Mercan? til- i'o ; M-s. D. Langsom, ladles' ready to wear, millinery; Aberdeen. EL PASO, Tex?Popular Dry Goods Co.: J. 55elman, drv goods, general merchan? dise: 117,0 Broadway. 17th floor. FRACKVILLE. Pa.?S. Greenberg Co.; S. Greenberg, .lewelry; Broadway Central. FA YKTTEVILI.H. N. C?B. Sykes, women's readv to wear; Herald Square. .FORT WAYNE. Ind.?C. Snowbergor, women's wear; Breslln. GARLAND, Tex.?Hudson-Davis Co.; G. S. Davis, drv poods, clothing; Penn sylvanla. GREENVILLE, S t\ ?Hnbh? Dry Goods Co ; C. O. Hobbs. wholesale dry goods; Gregorian. GREENWOOD, Miss. ? W. T. Fountain; Mixs S. Taylor and P. DeLorch, dry goods, etc ; Gregorian. HANNIBAL, Mo?L. Rubenst'ln A Co.; ; M. Goldstein, garments: 39 West Thirty second Street. HARTFORD?WIs?. Smith A Co.; H. Ashelm, dresses, coats and suits; 404 Fourth Avenue HATTIERBURG. Miss.? Davidson Co., : dry goods, general merchandise; L. L. Mul ? ?iniii.v. merchandise manager; 334 Fourth Avenue . ' iregorian. ! HOBART, Okla.? Dixie Mercantile Co.; J. Sinner, general merchandise; The A nnex. HOLYOKE, Mass.? McAuslan A Wak? | Un Co.; R. C. Goehrlng, upholstery and drapery, furniture; Grand. HONEYGROVE, Tex.?J. Zldell, dry goods; Pennsylvania. ? HOUSTON. Tox.?W. C. Munn Co: W. C. Munn, general dept. mdse. ; Pennsyl ; vnnla. HOUSTON, Tex.?H. J. Cohn Co.: H. J. ?Colin, wholesale clothing and furnishings; I Pennsylvania. HOUSTON, Tex.?Peyton A Jarvls; L. II. ! Jarvls, women's ready to wear: Aberdeen. INDIANAPOLIS ? Whitman's; S- B. W'hltinan, ready to wear, furs, mllllnerv; ?Alcazar. JACKSONVILLE, Fla.?Mrs. M. John? son, milliner] . Grand. JONE3SBORO, Ark. C. Grossman : ready to wear; J. (irossman, coats.- suits, mil linery; 39 West Thirty-second Street, room 60S. KANSAS CITY. Mo.?Emery, Bird A Thayer; Miss K. Kalterman, .juniors', misse?' wear; F. West, perfumes, notions; 2? Madison Avenu.-. KANSAS CITY', Mo.?Emery, Bird A Thayer D. (!. Co.; Mr. Keven, carpets, rugs; 25 Madison Avenue. KANSAS CITY. Mo. -Burnhani. Monger A Root: Willis B. Mutiger, dress goods, silks, wash goo,Is, prints, linings; 43 Le?n ar? Street . R. R. Miner. K.NOXV1LLE, Tenn.?Cowan-Tate c,.. ; D. 17. Taw-, woolen pi. goods; Breslln. LA CROSSE, WIs o. J. Oyen Co.; O. J. Oven, art goods; Breslln. LE MALS. Iowa M. Burg; M. Burg, ladies', misses' roa*?, suits, dresses, lin gerie, georgette blouses, wash frock?, chil? dren's c, silk sweaters, 6 West Thirty second Street. I.EOMINSTBR, Mass.?S. M. Kalirr, tailoring goods: Broadway Central. LOS ANGELES- Broadway Dept. Store; Mrs. L. Hoff, assistant buyer dresses; Com? modore. LOS ANGELES- Broadwaj Dept. Store; G E. Moore, upstairs coals, suits, dresse.. Breslln. LOS ANGELES Broadway Dop?. Store; S. It. Vann," dress silks, velvets; Vandorblli. I.os ANGELES?Hamburger's; Dr. Col? lins, drug department; 225 Fifth Avenu?. LOS ANGELES Bullocks; Miss G. Pow? ers; notions for upstairs; 225 Fifth Ave? nu. . LOS ANGELES?-J. SI. Hale Co.; T. Qulnlan, merchandise manager, c. R. .row. silks. 5^ L'nlon Square, 700m 14o;;. LOS AN,?ELKS Bullock's: Mr. Bennett, shoes; 225 Fifth Avenue; Associated Mer? chandising , orporation. LINCOLN, Neb.- Herpolshelmor Co.; 1170 Broadway. LYNCHBURG, Va. H. Coffman, milli? nery goo,is, Gregorian. MADlLL, Okla.?A. P. Brown, ladies' ready to ?ear and piece goods: Robert Fulton Hotel. MALDEN, Mass.?Sogarman Co.; St. Sugarman, dry goods: Bruadwat Central. MEMPHIS J. Goldsmith A Sons Co. ; F E. Rosamond, men's hats; 1150 Broad MILES CITY, Slont.?Lleberman A Go??l stein; L. Goldstein, men's clothing, fur? nishing goods, liais, women's ready to wear; children's wear, 39 West Thlrty se. ond Si re. I MILWAUKEE. Wie.?Ga chart - Price Co.; Stiss Neil Hayes, model (hats. Prince ' ico rge. .MINNEAPOLIS .Herman Jobbing Co.; M. Herman and J, i >. Letinsky, wholesale general merchandise; Broadway central. MINNEAPOLIS?L S. Donaldson Co.; G. S. Roth, shoes; 230 Fifth Avenue. MINNEAPOLIS?B. .1. Locker Co., Inc.; Miss .'. 11. Locker, knitted silk camisoles, bloomers, underwear, petticoats, notions, drug sundries and fancy goods; Hotel Thorn lylie. .MOBILE D. R. Dunlop Mercantile Co.; E. O., dress goods, piece goods; J. 11. Symonds, dress goods, piece goods; 250 Broadway, room sil MONTREAL?P. Rablnovitch, furs; Walllck. .MONTREAL, Can.?S. Harrison Co.; S. Harrison, dry goods: Broadway Central. MONTREAL. Can.?Acme Hal Co.; S. Levlne, hats; Aberdeen. NEWBERG, N. C?S, Copi?n A Sons, C. Copl?n, dry goods, etc.; Marlborough. Price Trend on the New York Stock Market I he graph ahove ?how? average price ol twenty railroad slocks ?? ???. ,ino and thin ?he first bus.nessday of each month from January, 1918, lo December, 1919, and the we prises ?icce January 1, 1919. y industrial stocks in the other on ekly Itigh, low and closing average M'COMB, Misa?E. H. Martin Shoe Co.; E. H. Martin, shoes; Marlborough. MEXICO, Mo.?J. Stelnman & Son; G. St?inman, shoes; Cumberland. NASHVILLE. Tenn.?B. & A. Cohen; A. Cohen, wholesale hats: Alcazar. NEWBUBGH, N Y.?H. Cohen: A. goods: Pennsylvania. XEW ORLEANS?Economy i'o.: w. A. Bloom, coats, suits, etc.. M. Scher:, rep? resentative: 1150 Broadway. NEW ORLEANS?D. H. Holmes te; Miss L. M. Cronan. millinery; Miss C. Mat? thews, ladles' underwear, handkerchiefs; 16 East Twenty-sixth Street. NEW ORLEANS?D. H. Holmes Co.; E. Egr.el linens; R. M. Wright, housefur nlshin'gs. china. glassware: 16 East Twenty-sixth street. NEW ORLEANS?Economy Store; W. A. Bloom, general merchandise; 1150 Broad wav; J. M. Biggins. NOK WICH, Conn. -Norwich Overall Co.; B. Davidson, piece goods, Breslln. OAKLAND, Calif.?Kahn Bros.; F. S. Betton, millinery; 116 West Thirty-second Street; A. Fantl. OGDEN. Utah?W. H. Wright Sons: Miss Conroy, ready to wear; 404 Fourth Avt nue. 7th floor. OGDEN, 1'tah-John Scowcroft Son; Mi Douglass, notions, J7." Broadway; Seaman & Friedman. <iKI.AHO.MA ?TTY. Okla.?Kerr Dry Goods Co.; L. D. Aldrich, shoes; 1150 Broadway. PEOR?A. 111.?Block iS- Kuhl; C. J. Stevens. Mr. Ben.1a.mirr. shoes, 1270 Broad? way; Stanley C. Macree. PHILADELPHIA?B. F. Dewees; \. J. Carney, veils and veilings, handkerchiefs and neckwear; Grand. PHILADELPHIA ? Michael \\ aldman, furniture; Albert. PHILADELPHIA?X Benjam?n, fur? nishing goods; Breslln. PHILADELPHIA?L. I-reedman to.: !.. Freedman. Installment goods. Broadway Central. , PHILADELPHIA ? J. Kaplan. dry goods; Pennsylvania. PITTSBURGH?Escovltz Bros.; S. Esco | vltz, dry goods and notions; Broadway ! Cent ral. PITTSBURGH?IIcnry Simon, tailoring goods. Broztell., . PITTSBURGH?H. Sattler, jobs of sta? tionery; Pennsylvania. PITTSBURGH ? M. Rosenblum, luis, Breslln. PITTSBURGH?Kaufman's Department Store; H. Hey man. misses' coats; 1261 Broadway. PITTSBURGH?Roaenbaum Co. (bargain basement): S. M. Jacobs, merchandise, manager: Joseph Kahn, men's, boys' clothing, Miss a. Thomas, aklrts; Miss M. tirastcniield. waists, ohlldren's wear. Miss F. Grastenfield, coats, suits, dresses; Mrs. Belie Abels, millinery; 116 West Thirty second Street; A. Fantl. PORTLAND, Ore-Meier & Frank; J. Jacobson, millinery (basement); J. A- Beck, basement merchandise; Miss F. Co?, flannels; 212 Fifth Avenu?. PORTLAND, Ore.?Meier & Frank; Miss : E. 7. Ball, cloaks, suits; 212 Fifth i Avenue. RALEIGH, X. C.?Taylor Furnishing Co.; J. T. Taylor, ready to wear; Aioazar. RANGER, Tex. -Weiss Broa. & Co.; D. B. Weiss, mena furnishings; Pennsyl? vania. RICHMOND, Va.?J. Cohen Ai Co.; J. Cohen, dry goods, clothing, shoes. Broad? way Central. ROSWELL, N. M.?Joyce-Prult Co.: F. : J. Thielen, dry goods, notions, ready t.. ; wear, John Umfleel, representative, 11 ,MJ Broadway. RUTLAND. Vt.?Kamber-Frank Co.; H. II. W?lk, general merchandise; Samuel Frank, representative; Breslin. SACRAMENTO?-Hale Bios.. Inc.: Miss Lillian Boedfleld, millinery, Miss Minnie E. Leonard, representative; 6o L'nion Square. SAGINA W, Mich.?P. Bernhard, dry goods; Marlborough. SALT LAKE CITY -Paris Millinery Co.; L. Simon; S. Simon, ready lu wear; Ansonia. SALT LAKE CITY.The Boston Store; J. Kindling, jobs plush coats; )j East Twenty-sixth Street, room 1910 SAN DIEGO. Calif. A. Blu iberg, coats, suns, dresses; ?1 13 Broadway; Fel? lows Buying Asso SAN FRANCISCO?L. Goldstein, cloth? ing; Longaore. SAN FRANCISCO?Silberstein & Soir; B. Silberstein, piece goods; Broztell. SAX FRANCISCO Tin Emporium; Mr. Jacobs, general mdse.; 225 Fit'tn Avenue SAN FRANCISCO?Raphael, Weill Co.; Miss Jacobs, hooks. Mrs. Stone, basement millinery, 15 East Twenty-sixth Street. SAX FRANCISCO Hale Bros., li. .1. Mayers, silverware, jewelry. Lather goods, toilet goods. 60 l'nion Square. SAN FRANCISCO - Hale Bros.; II. Shalef, iron's furnishings; Continental. SAN FRANCISCO Emporium; Miss Mabel jBarrett, women's, children's muslin underwear; Miss .1. Jackson, jewelr} 225 Fifth Avenue. SANTE FE. New M ex.?The White House; Miss A. Blatl, ready to wear: 1150 Broadway; Baer A- Lillenthal. SAVANNAH?M. Kaplin, tailoring g.Is; Broadw ay l'entrai. SEATTLE, Wash. ? Fleishman, Lukov & Co.; Jacob Lukuv, fall mdse; Broadway Cen? ral. SEATTLE. Wash Seattle D. G Co Mis? D. Pfuhl, glove?, umbrellas; V. D. Burton. wash domestics. liions; Miss M. Brown, corsets, muslin underwear, infants' wear, sweaters; C. t;. Morse, mer? chandise manager, 4 4 0 Fourth Avenui 14th floor. SHREVEP.ORT, La.?J. E. Peyton, dry goods; Aberdeen. SIOUX CITY. Iowa Hicks, Fu |. r f! Piersan; .Miss M. A. Link, ready to wear; 'i21i Broadwav; Fergusun a;- Melvimn^ SPOKANE. Was... Miss D Rogel!, ready to wear; 1133 Broadway, room 1. SPOKANE, Wash. ? Culberton, Grot-, Rankin Co.; J. S. Heintzelman, I,.,,.:. basement merchantlise ; 11 6 West Thlrly s. ? nip] St rei t : A. Fantl. SPRINGFIELD. .Mass. ?Rubin Bros.; E. Rubin. i:r> goods, clothing and shoes; Broadway Central. S : . JOSEPH, Alo.?Lehman Uros.; M. II. Lehman, ladles' coats, suits; ,E ;,;. Moss waists, underwear, dresses; 1150 Broadwav; Baer A> Lillenthal. ST. LOUIS?Rubin Tolchln, dry goods: Grand, ST. LOUIS?I. Rosenberg, shoes; Breslin. ST. Li iCIS- !.. Hei ;og a. Hi o E. Her? zog, silks, velvets, etc.; S74 Bway FINANCIAL MEETINGS THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK of the CITY r* NEW YORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tli t n: a meeting of the shareholders of The Mer? chants National Banlt of the City of ... ??. Yorl;. held on January 13, IT'20, if was voted that the aid Bank go into liquida? tion and be closed and dissolved. All holders of not"S and other ?"redito'-s of said Banking Association are hereby notified to present such notes and otheT claims against the A,sso lation for pav tnent at Its Banking House, Number 42 Wall Street, New Yo-k City, until Febru? ary 2S. 1920, and thereafter to its liqui? dating agent, the President and Directors of the Manhattan Company, at Number 40 Wall Street, Xew York City. By order of the Board of Directors <). E. PAYNTEK. Cashier. Dated New York, Januarj 13. 1920 THE MERCHANTS NAT?0WAL BANK of the C!TY of NEW Y?n : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting of the shareholtlers of Tin v.-. hants National Banlt ol the City of New York, held on January 13, 1S20, It was determined to take such proceedings ?? may be necoasary?or onvcnlen) tti or? ganize this Banking Association as an In? corporated bap;;: of the St tie N. w York h> the name ,.; The Merchants 1; in - of the City of New York; and als when this Bank shall have been on m '?' < as an incorporated bank of the Stale Of New York proceedings be taken to ? ? ?', it with the President ?nd Dii , t, .-. ,,? the Manhattan Company. By order ol the Board of Din ct >rs ? , h n- ?? E' pAY>'TEB. Cashier. Dated New York, January LI, 1920 KN?v, "A1;.< ?,>,,AN v- ??COBP?KATED ??Olli b, 111- ANN I .i|. Mi .,S,,r,'i- "j herobj given thai ihe l,? : Meeting of the stockholdi n of ;. VOX COMPANY. INCORPORATED ? .'.. .1 the Olli, e of ih llil n. No ?!',. . ?. . Avenue. Borough ?: M nhatian S'e'w Y ' ''>>'? N V., on t'n 2nd da\ of Fi i 1920, at 12 o'clo, y ?ooi for' the ele, i n , Directors for the ensuing year, and.h transaction of sin li other business as ??? properly com- before ihe m.?tig Transfer Books foi th.. transfer ol ., ?asses of stock ?? 111 , los.- at 2 13 o |. P. M on Janunr.v 19. ia20 ai I i\ II re open February 3. 1920, .. 10 o'i lod< \ M URAYTi IN W1THERELL, NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai i meeting of the mem ers , :' the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF MASTERS, MAILS \M> PILOTS ulll I..- held at Ebben Hotel W h ngton. D c w, k i... inning on ih ? 20th day of January, 1920, for the purp.: voting upo,, ,,, . ,,,.. ..?,., ,,,. ,.,,,,,_. ng nam ol the ?raid . orporatb n to ih N \ TIONAL ORGANIZATION MASTERS MATES AND PILOTS OF AMERICA, INC.' Dated, Decembi ? lui h. 1919 Jl >L'^ !' l'ltl ETT, National Presld nt, American As ?? ? lation of Masters, Mates m I Pilots. (SEAL) M D TENNISWOOD, ? National Secretary, American Asso elation of Masters, Mates and Pilots. METROPOLITA IS TRUST COMPANY of the City of New York. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company for the election of Directors will he held r.t the office of the Company, 80 Wall Street, at twelve o'clock noon on the iwenty-flrst day of January, 1920 The sie, k transfer books will he closed at 3 P M January 9th and reopened al M A M Janunrj 22nd 192 GKORGK \ IIAKTM.YNN. Secretary. ST. LOUIS?Schwartz Importing Co ? T Schwartz, waists; 1372 Broadway " ST. LOUlS-Carlton D. G. Co.'; Georr, \\ Adams, prints, ginghams; S W cf. mond, domestics. 329 Broadway; Fergus?? ? McKi nny. "SUson ST. LOUIS?Fixman'a Stores. S. FUman ladies ready to wear and millinery; Aber ST. LOI'IS?American Fashion Shon Sirs. C. H. Blusteln; ladies' ready to wel; and mlliinery; Ab-rdeen. ST. PAIL, Minn. Finch. Van Slvck A McConville; SI. Jennings, hosiery _f> -rt Pederson, ladles' ready to wear ' ?_? Broadway, room 912. ' SUNBURY Pa.?The Ohrbach Store? C? ? M. J. o'c. bach, ready to wear; 14 2? Fourteenth Street. In New York all we?. TAMPA. Fla ?Slaas Bros ; Ernest Maa?. ready to wear, skirts, blouses. 1150 Brc-a.i way Baer A Li'denthal. TERRE HAUTE. Ind.?Root Drv Goorii Co.; 11. D. Matthews, millinery, handktr < hlefs. neckwear; 23 East Twentv-xixth Street. TWIN FALLS, Idaho?The Oem Gar ment Co . H A. Jacobs. ready p, wear; 9 Went Thirty-first Street, care Mat ropolilaii Maid *V VALDOSTA, Ga Sirs. C. Whtttlngton women's furnishings; Grand VANCOI-VER. B C- tSanford Manu facturlng Co.; s. Sanford, wholesale cloth, i rrg : H : ? - il VICTORIA, Tex ?Haller Dry Goods Ce J. SI. Haller, dry gooJs.V. C. Rucker r"?o^ resenting, York. ? WASHIXTON?M. RosenWum, tailorln. goods. Pennsylvania. WASHINGTON ? C King & Sons- H King, dry goods, ready to wear; .Miss >r Kin 1er, ready to wear, corsets, etc : Cur !.. ' , n WASHINGTON. D, C Lansburgh & Uro, stanl ? Lansburgh mena furnish? ings, women's hosiery and sweaters Jro Fil th Avenu WASHINGTON S. Kann Sons fn , _?j? A. Hag;,:,, dresses only. 432 Fourth Av?. : nue. room WATERBFRY, Conn. -The nun,,.., Stores Co s il Fi ?? ? ready to wear- H Ei si Fou I nth Street . in New York'mi week WICHITA, Kas.?Bitting Jewelry Co ? \V. Billing, jewelry, Breslln. ..,;.- BARRE Justin Beygman; B millinery; 37 West Twenty-sixth Street ,. LL1AMS1 OR !'. Pa The oh-bacii ; Stores Co.; Otto W. Brcsser, ready to wear , 14 East Fourteenth Street; in .New York I all week. WOODRUFF. S. C- W S Gray & s?r. F. W. Gray. ,:.;, goods and notion?; Abei .deen WORCESTER. Mass VVolperl A Co H. Wolpert, unis, of pants Broadway Central ,\ i iRCESTER .1. Kat7. Co , .! Kali, clothing. Broadwaj Central. Buyers ("oimng CHICA,',* .1 , Farwell Co.; A Rob? ertson, linens; 72 l.-onaid Street: Is tl lie, I d Fob .; : ? . 22. CHICAGO J V. Farwell Co.. E. ] Fogarty, white goods. 73 Leonard Street is ? xpected .1 an :.. i \ 20. LITTLE ROCK, Ark.?Ou? Blas. Ce A. E. Sparling, ready to wear; 1150 Broad? way; Haer & Lilienthal Is expected Jar lia: v 20. ST. JOSEPH. Mo ?The Prince?? Bhor 1,. Feltenstein; li Feltensteln, ladle? ready to .oar. Pennsylvania; Is expect?. January 22. Offer. Block of 83.000,000 Greelock Company Notes l.-op. Higginson & Co. are offering an issue of $5.000,000 7 por cent 5-year collateral trust convertible notes of the Greelock Company, dated January 1, 1920, .lue January 1. 1025, interest payable semi-annually. The Greelock Company is a holding company own? ing- stock in the Pacific Mills, Lan? caster Mills, International Cotton Mills. Winnsboro Mills, Lawton Mills and the Luxbury Carpet Company. Th: sock owned has a par value of $P. 832,500 and a present market value of $14,465,562. The notes ale convertible at the holders' option, nftei Via; 1, 1920, o' the basis of five shares, par value $500. of the new stock and non-voting preferred stock, and four shares, $400 par value, of common stock, for. ear $1,000 on notes. Proceeds of the sak will be used to retire short term loar^ lo complete payment for such share? of mill stock as have been recently subscribed for. DIVIDEND NOTICES At a meeting of the Board of Director? of this Company held in London today it wa? decided to recommend to the shareholder! at the Annual Meeting fixed to be held Jan? uary 27, 1920, payment on that day of fin?1 dividend of 6 per cent, free of British in? come tax upon the Ordinary Sharei. Nil profits for the year after deducting fc charges a:;d expenses for management, ?? cetera and providin? for income tax and ?>? limited excels pruhts duty for the year ?re 0,776.507-13-0 as a?ainit ?3,140,174-840 for the previous year. Alter paying fini! dividend of 6 per cent, carry forward will be .4,400.311-12-1!. The Directors bav a!so decided t ) pay on January 27, 1920. with final dividend for past year, an interim dividend of 6 per cen?. 1er the year 1919 1920 on the Ordinary Shares of the Coff> pany free of British income ta\. Proposed r?solutions to increase c?pit?J and offer :,hares read as fo:!ows? 1. Trot th.- capital of the Company he increased from ?"14.500.000 to '20 000.000 by the creation of 5,500.000 additional (bi? nary i-ppres of ?1 each nt-kin? f',r dividero and in aT --'her respects pari psssu with ta? existing Ordinary Shares ot the Company. 2. That out of the said additional sb?r<> and the other unissued Ordinary Shares for the time beins of the company there ?ha? on or about the 10th day o. February, 1920. '-?e offered ta the members of the reeister of Ordinary Shareholders on the 28th diy ?* January, 1920, and the holders of Shite Warrants to Bearer for Ordinary Share? on the same date, new shares in the propor? tion of one share for every two existing Ordinary Shares (ignoring shares which ?'? not cr.mriete mu'tiples of two and not ?JJow ?nr, re;ijtered s'.iares and share warrant? to bearer be . '.r,J. t -. e^?.e* ? .r the purpo.e of acceptance) held by them at the price <"i tl per share, payable to one of the bar.ktr; of the company in London on the acceptant? , [he oiler, viz.: on the 7th dsy of Apri ?20, and that :-urh offer he made a? t-> holders of re-'s'ered Ordinary Share? by lotice srieciiyin tlie number of shares to which the member is entitled and statins that if it is not accepied and payment a??* on or before the above mentioned dal* ?? will be deemed to be declined, and as 1? holders of share warrants to bearer to? Ordinary Shares by such advertisement as the Directors ?hail deem advisable. S?c? advertisement shall stale that holders of ihare warrants to bearer for Ordinary Skare? must in the hrst instance and on or beh" the 7th day o? April, 1920. deposit with on? of the bankers in Londan. and the ?ppf* priate coupon (to be indicated by the direc? tors) as evidence of ownership, provided e. ways thai the dates in all or ?ny of the be? fore mentioned cases may be extended lo ? 'aler date in the absolute discretion of the Directors. Upon such deposit being bi?<" ihe company sba!l be deemed to make to th? depositors an offer of the number of shire? to which he is entitled, ?nd the ?dverti?ement shall require the depositor in every c?*? '* forthwith sirn a form of acceptance for ??* hares, which will be supplied for the p?'" pose, and to pay the sum of ?\ in re?p?ct ?' cich share accepted, if in any c??e ? ?hare holder sh..i! not signify his acceptance ana .-iahe payment of the ?aid ?um within ?? lime ?peciried. or such extended time ?? ?*** be fixed by the Directors as aforesaid, tk? ?iffer wi!! be deemed to be declined ?nd <?? Director? may d$po?e of all ?hare? B<>l.*c! cepted and paid for within the prescribe? lime in response to such offers in ?uck ??*' ner as they may consider expedient i? "? interests of the company. The ?aid ???**? ?hall rank for dividend a? from the 7th di* of April. 1920, or the date of JMue of tk? particular shares, whichever ?hau h? \*W BRITISH-AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY, LIMITED