Newspaper Page Text
Jfleiaani? indifference of Government Delays Bid". 5fanufaclnrer9 Unable to Get Railroad Cars for the Shipment of Materials Forced to Close Plants Local Drillers Seek Relief Position of Car, Preference Be Changed From Last to First apparent Federal indifference to the ,.a{ioa?s Increasing need for moro ." :*, Bpac< ?3 held responsible for ?nnstant'.y increasing price of build . materia - ' this ai : other market? ?h? constantly advancing cost of! and lBt . , ..... Building eonstru tion, says the Dow Serric? Daily Building Reports" to-day. ; 'the situation has reached a point ?iera building material manufacturing ?vjuhmeri - have already closed estiuiis.? ? ; because they cannot get cars to hin mat?.-:?: ? from overloaded ware- ? q have withdrawn t'nelr men. They have all the labor they ? - They have more business in ? ' ... ,- than the mills can take care ' ?ffor almost half a year, but still they | .?yeto-ahut down because the railroad; administration has kept the building Mttrial industry at the bottom of the nreferred list for car accommodation. h no building material ( ?a be moved by rail until all other, weferrad Industries have had car ser-? vico and there are cars to spare for the ; building trades. Apparent Prejudice Shown The appar. nt pi u lice against ; building materials and building eon- ' struction is not only holding back, construction work all over the country both is causing a stampede for the, small quantity of building material I available in distrib "? rs' hands. Stam? pedes occur when buyers are willing i to pay premiums ft r prompt delivery i o? needed bui d ?..ater?ais from ; vrindling building material reserves.! There is at present a temporary' famine in brick, pi ;ter board and cement In Buffalo plaster board mills 1 hava actually closed with warehouses, ful! and a!! the labor needed to operate ; a tremendous mill capacity, all be-! cause they cann ; . I cars to ship this material to th 9 market. In the mean tim? this market is practically barren of plaster boar 1, except what can be furnished by c rtain small hand-made plaster board ?hops in this city. In cdentally. ' price advanced two nts a boar i . . I week. The building material dealers of New York have taken the lead in their de? mands for having the position of car rrer'erer.e-'1 on the railroad administra? tion's Hit taken from the last to the rat place, ?n winning the-cooperation f the Mi rchants' Association in this :.atter the dealers pointed out that the lousing shortage and rent profiteering REAL ESTATE BOROUGH OP MANHATTAN" ABOVE 145th STREET, OVERLOOK? ING HUDSON RIVER. Elegant Ioca lioD, I Ine corner. Apartment house. iNo elevator.) RentH $2.*,500, very low. will bo i'7.000?Oi-tober. Trico 1185,000. VICINITY DROADWAY-157th ST. F.ltRant location; cod (aturo. Two ? ?ti.ry apartment houses, I nnd 5 room-*. K*nt-. $i). "ii each. Price $56,500 each. Al?o other bargains, l;ir?re aiul small. What do you want? H. T. WOOD, 220 Broadway BOROUGH OF THE BKONX NEW COK' ? - S'ESS BUILDING rren i-.-r.a-' ?"' ???? nts furnish own a:; r?r.t |7.4v( I i asea for five. an. Prie? ?? '.>: Mtg { ' ? ? 5V4 o for 3 years. :.-.l Mtg r. . -' for 3 ; ears. J. <??, 2 DAV1ES, :;?? ? 3rJ Ave TO LET FOR ill >IM>S ITREOSES OR ?IATMiMMMi ARGUS BUILDING " 11 1VI -T l.'ri.i hT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION WALTER J. SALMON, m YObR BUSINESS tor*Jor, ?? b lalneas local It Bio< klyi er Ir '<,rr.,atlon ?r ?'- ?'? ?I ... ?aj ?:.-nt Com f^y, 3 West :? ? st . New York City. BOW Rt)i " ? spare, good loca ?'? aza '<'??? 'js. Co., ? - iteenth st. LONG ISLAND 100 ACRES. .? ?EI '-? - PORTION ' ffHEAl ? ?;,, EQUAL. Joifv ii k hie jiii.r, W ! - i ii KV, !.. I. HE-11 HESTER f Ol NT? M?dale and Vicinity, N. Y. ??ACTIVE COI VTKV home., l( acre? . . ?' 21 rooms, X~ ?'? ' hauffcur's and ,r:'?r> . "AM krunj DESIGN, 3 ACRES, 13 ??*u?-11 lit .rche., ,7. ??" ? '" .lbs -. A'-E-VKAR-ROINO IIO.MK, 7 ?''..' "-? ?'? room? t it.'.'.'. *' i- ... I tenal? r,?ar. ,'" -' M '?-I ( OTI M.I-., 2 ? :r?s, ? . ? : bath; all *5??k?'lk 1 Uiinioi -E, ?? acre?. I ? lif\ . :.'/-j?o, ?deal >"n: ?RAME HOI HE, BO acre?, 10 ?5?* ' i i ? a delightful W. J. AOKERMAN, *ggjjggl,|CT3?r|.T _ new rochell?" ' t?, ?wo . ,. ... . ? :>:>:?> : li t, I'rlco ?EYNAKD ?X KRAFT, ?'?litsc' ' ? ' ' ?. Phon? 2841, NEW .11.j- -f v ?<IT!,1:".BRTTHBHIDK "? ?.-.?-'"' . ' ? ' ' " ? i fash -..?,'? I for year ' 1-? ?-rl ' " Hit>* ?*rvl<.B, ' ' , ? , - rooo ?. . v 1 . '? - ?' * ' '? ' "'s './ train; - to d. ???.<; . . ' "-:?'--t' . '"??.. ???/?. ,.,, ? ?i ? a ,-. 0*i ..?.?- rlkht? to in ' ' ' ?WttHEO AfARTMKSX TO LET , r* jpf "?? imm I ?- '?''"? ? THK Ort/iORNB, lt&r?:'i ;''.-'^,v:i^;':,,:;i |W v '. - ' ? / a/?* room?, Iv.**1 "->.?.,', -, '".:-'*'* t/''*W??.of,. ? ?.ave already constituted n national! menace to business prosperity. Join in Relief Movement The Associated General Contractors of America, the National Limo Manu? facturers, various lumber interests, building stone, crushed stone, sand and gravel manufacturers have all taken up the fight to wring from the government bureaus recognition of the absolute necessity of lifting the war-time re strictions on the movement of building materia!-; by rail, and thus put tho Ail-. ministration on record as helping to' solve tho menacing house famine ? throughout, the country, instead of ; hindering it. The financial institutions are the latest tc join the protest against exist? ing conditions by threatening to refuse further loans in such an unstable build? ing material price market, yet this week's building material price list shows common brick rated at $25 a thousand wholesale, or approximately $50 a 'housand laid in a wall, Brooklyn or The same list shows a further , in hollow brick from $20 to $23 a thousand, and fu?her price advances threatened in many other ! lines depending upon railroads for sup- ' ply to this market. r | Best Heads Building Managers' Association All Fresen* Officers Re-elected at Annual Meeting, Held Last Week The Building Managers and Owners' Association of New York at its annual meeting held at the Advertising' Club last week reflected all of its officers for the ensuing year as follows: Charles B. Best, president; Clarence T. Coley, vice-president; J. Clydesdale Cushman, secretary, and Lee T. Smith, treasurer. Arthur C. Bang, Douglas M. Cruik shank and Arthur W. Warner were re elected to serve for three years on the | executive committee, while Marion H. Gaillard and E. Everett Thorp? were elected to fill vacancies on tha ex? ecutive committee for three years. Trading in Brooklyn The Berkshire Realty Company has sold 407 Ocean Avenue, on plot 39x110, a four-story apartment house. The B. F. Knowles Company has sold 135 and 137 Keap Street, four story eight-family apartment houses, on plot 20x100 each, to A. Barlow6ky. The Burling Realty Company has sold for W. B. Colson, executor, the two one-family brick houses at 31 and ;i3 Greene Avenue, on lot 20.10x75 each. E. T. Newman has sold the two story dwelling at 469 Second Street for Henry Kelly jr. Charles Partridge has sold the three story apartment house 242 Linden Ave? nue for Michael O'Connell. United Real Estate Owners To Hold Annual Dinner The United Real Estate Owners'Asso- j ciation, an organization with more than j 10,000 members, will hold its annual ' dinner at the Hotel Astor on Saturday,! January 24, at 7 p. m. Governor Smith will be among the speakers, while other guests expected to be present are two United States \ Senators, an ex-American ambassador, i representatives of the bench, bar, finance and commerce and industries. ? At least 200 women guests will be ? present. -. New Jersey Resident To Build at Bronxville Burke Stone Inc. and G. K. Laird i have sold a plot on Oriole Avenue for ! Mrs. Louis Bossard to Mrs. Alexander Hirshler, of Hackensack, N. J. Mrs. ' Ilirshler will erect a residence for her own occupancy. Sale of Ossining Estate Chauncey B. Griffen & Co. have sold , for Mrs. B. Hogan her residence in | Ossining Road, Pleasantville, to Mrs. i E. Amundson. The property consists i of a private dwelling with half-acre i plot. Sale of Apartments On Old Broadway Price Offered for Houses Too Attractive To Be Refused; Other Flats Sold The two iivo story apartment houses at 12 to 18 Old Broadway, built seven years ago as an investment by Alfred Coburn and Caroline Cummlngs, were sold yesterday to Harry W Gen nerich, through Byrne & Bowman. The price offered was too tempting apparently to be refused. The houses cover a sito 75 feet wide and 118 feet deep. Marlborough In New Hands Edward C. H. Vogler has sold for the Apartment Equities Corporation the Marlborough, a seven story apart? ment at BIG and 518 West 151st Street, on plot 50x100; also for the 102 West Hi'th Street Corporation the five story apartment at 102 West Eighty-ninth Street, on plot 32x100 x irregular to Edward Unterman, and resold for James S. Maher tho three story dwell? ing at 161 West Ninety-first Street. Sale in 176th Street Charles Wynne and Louis H. Low have resold 578 and 5.S0 West 17fith Street, a five story apartment, on plot 75x88. The purchaser is Nicholas Celia and the brokers were Harry Su gem?an and Benjamin Tepper. Other Sales in Harlem Tho Lloyd Winthrop Companf ha; sold for Bridget A. Proal. 116 Wes 100th Street, a five-storv fiat, on lot 25^ 100, to the 110 West lO'oth Street Cor poration, which plans to make ex tensive improvements. J. S. Maxwell has sold for the Poronu Realty Company to the Romar Realt; Company < Lewis Schlecter, president the live-story apartment at 136 and 13, West 111th Street, on plot 37.6x100. B. H. Weisker has sold for th George W. Dibble Estate to Charles R Earuolo, 42-44 Broome Street, a six story modern tenement, with stores, o? plot 39x75 ft. ? m Joins Pease & Elliman Forces Peaso & Elliman announco ths George Brisbane is connected with th company in the rental and sales d< partmont of their downtown office ? 55 Liberty Street. Recorded Leases Manhattan CHAMBERS ST, n s, 2.r..7i e Ohur.-h st, al Mary H Blddle, Individ and trustee, t linker, Murray & Imrle, Inr; in y from May 1, 1920; atty, Herman Gol. mun, 120 Bwav; first year, $27.000, at: then .$17.000 to $20.01 22I> ST. HO W. sir and front e: l'aulli linger to Sigmund Buller, 114 \V 21st s 3 8-12 yrs from June 1, 1910; atty, Lou Schr?g. 142 V,' 2Utl st.$1,8' PARK BOW, 177., all; Edw T Gates BenJ Taub, 41 K 31st st ; 6 yrs fro Mav 1, 1920; uttv, Moses II Rothstel 1.12 Nassau st .$3,2 6TII AV, n w cor 31th st, cor b str; C lumbla Trust Co to Braus, Ine, 308 0 av; 10 yrs from May 1, lt.20; Be Braus, 358 6th av .$13.0 44TII ST. 14 EJ, ? and b; Berpol Heal Corpn to "Wilbur Ann Butiten, 44 00th st; from Jan 15, 1920, to April ; 1940 .$15.0 COLUMBIA ST, 81, b str; Saml Kobak Abr Ceslowitz, on the premises; 3 ;. from March 1, 1920; atty, Julius Ilar 124 Rivlngtun st .$7 6TH AY, 648, part str, ?x30; Grabe Bunch Corpn to Manuel Dlmond, 502 140th st; 3 yrs from July 1, 1919; 3 3 renewal at $3,700; atty, Louis M Wc 1 10 W 4,"'th st .$3,t 1ST1I ST, 608 B, all; Magdalen Stetten Vogel Cabinet Co: 10 yrs from May 1020: uttv, H Goldstein, 37 Liberty taxes, etc, and .$4,250 to $3,1 RIV1NGTON ST, 101, cor str and 2d from corner; Esther Rledler to Slrr Siegel, 247 Broome st ; 6 yrs from } 3, i:,20; attv, Julius Rledler, 239 Broi v.ay.IS. ?1ST AV. 149, s b store; Manuel B B kowltz to Joe Cook and Ike Taback, E 9th st; 3 yrs from May 1, 1920; at Louis Yankowitz, 411 E 9th si.$ 34TH ST, 218-20 \V, all, tenants to al at $20,000; Schult" Realty Co to 11a SUverman, 324 \V 61st st, and a 20 1-12 yrs; attys, Sohleslnger .fc L, Wall st; taxes, etc, and net $7,jOO-$10, Bronx 187TH ST, 568 E, all; Glusepplna Sant. gelo and ano to Giovanni Caputo, K 137th st, and an.,, 5 yrs from Or 1919; atty, M J Dlserlo, 2344 Grot av.I*i ARTHUR AV, 2380, south store; Rf Giordano to Donato Agostlnelll, ! Arthur av; 3 yrs from Jan 1, 1920; a -Ti?t.n IVnnetto. 035 Tremont av.1 REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION DEAL ESTATE speculators, investors and home-seekers will meet on common ground at the Absolute Auction Sale to close the estate of MRS. RUSSELL SAGE Your dollar will be worth just as much as any other man's dollar TO-MORROW When the valuable New York City Real Estate acquired by the late Russell Sage will be sold for whatever it may bring. 604 Fifth Ave. (Between 4*th and 49th Bts.) 4-story dwelling, EO x 100. N.E. Cor. Fifth Ave. and 15th St. 11-story modern loft building; 38 6 x 115 x 100 x irrrg. 632 Fifth Ave. (Between 60th and list Street?) Columbia College leasehold. 6-story business bulldlrtg, with ele? vator . 2?1 K x 131. 1325 Park Ave. (Adjoining N. E. ror. E 100th ft.) ;, story tenement; size 26.11 x 101. S.E. Cor. Park Ave. and 98th St. l-'.-.e 6-story tenements; sizes 25.S x "... ?t 25 x 75 ; 26.3 x 76 and 25 x 100 11. N. E. Cor. Madison Ave. and 64th St. Five 4-n'ory dwellings, to be ?old ixn one pan el, 100.6 x no. 515-517 East 76th St. .kee PI.) Far Rockav/ay, N. Y. C. iir ' ??J trf north or Central Avenu?) - , t< ?:? il veiling .- plot. 100 x 137.5. Block front Wri-i Bute of Hu'le Ht. . j. ;. ni John Ht to Central Avo.) v..- r, large ?? i'...-.' plot, Mi 30 fe?t ori il . ? ? : 36 fe I on .lohn Ht. c ; ; : ,"i feet on Central Ave. ? ; j. i'..i. ( r. r..: Ave and Hamilton place Vacant plot, 160x100. Kul ' .:?) of fi" uilton 1'lao?, 160 fe?t north of Central Ave. Vacant I'lot, 75x1*7 !.. Riverside Dr., 109th to 110th St. Vacant Block Front 178.4% f. on KlverHldo Drive. ?B5 fi on I09th St., 222 1 '16 ft. on Cathedral Parkway (110th St 1 N. W. Cor. Lexington Ave. and 100th St. 5-storv tenements, -with Ptores ; to besohl ?ipnratcly; rslzen, 25 to 23.11 x 100 to 100 II. 113-U5-UV-121-129 and 131 West 117th St. (Between I.ennx and 7th Aves.1 Six 5 Moiv dwellings to he sold separately. Sizes, IS to 19 x 100.11. N. W. Cor. Central Park West and 102d St. Two 6-story elevator apartments, to be sold separately; sizes 40xioo and CO x 100. 117 West 54th St. (Between Olli and 7lh Aves.1 8-story brick gitrnge, with 2-story extension : size 25.6 x JO'i 5. 103-107-109 East 100th St. (Between Pork und Lexington Av?i.) Three 5-story tenements, to be sold separately Sizes (2), 25x75, and Mi 26.0 x 100.11. 45-47 West 125th St. (Bet. r.'h and L? nox Aves.) 4-story tenement, with ntores; 40x98,11, Lonjj Island City. (Corner Proepocl St. and Hunter Ave.) Two story frame hull.Hug com? prising C dwellings and 1 two-fam lly house with ?toro, to be sold as one parcel: Hlze of entire plot. 111.11 >/i x C9.5 '/j x 1 'i *J. 4 ':?? x 11 -i Vi. De FOREST BROS., Attorney?, 30 Broad St., New York 60% at 5 % Send for Bookmap 70% at 5y2% M?y remain on mortis*? Title Policies Free from Title Guarantee & Big Building Projects Planned for Newark Larger Sites Bought for Tailor? ing Plants and for Theater to Cost ?1,000,000 Louis Schlcpinger, Inc., has sold to! Giorgio Brothers, Luigi Do Bones and | Dominico Iannselli 207 to 213 South j Orange Avenue, 102.8x100, for Mrs. ? Marjorie Heath Connolly and others; i also 223 to 241 Morris Avenue, 244.9x 100, for the Union Building Company. | The two parcels will give the manu- ? facturcrs a total area of approximately I 30,000 square feet, which they will im- | prove with a three-story structure of! reinforced concrete for the exclusive i use of Giorgio Brothers, who are I tailors; or six stories, allowing three additional floors for tne occupancy of another clothing manufacturer, ! One of the largest deals closed in i Newark, N. J., was the sublease of 635 to 641 Broad Street and 2 to 20 New Street for sixty-three years and the leasing for the same period of 22 and 24 New Street, adjoining. Louis Kamm, Inc., leased it to Marcus Loew, who will erect a theater and mercantile building, to cost about $1,000,000. The theater will seat 2,500 people. Thomas W. Lamb will be the architect. Harding'? Boomers Buy Headquarters in Jersey The two-story building and seven lotg on Bacot Place opposite the Sum? mit Avenue tube station in Jersey City have been bought by an association headed by David J. Allen for $50,000. The building Is now used as an or? phans' home, which is to move to High? lands, N. Y, Mr. Allen, who was a former Alderman, said the building would bo used as a clubhouse for the forty-two American Legion post3 of New Jersey and the headquarters for the men of New Jersey who will boom United States Senator Warren G. Harding, of Ohio, for the Republican Presidential nomination. Assignments of Mortgages Manhattan 146TH FT, s s, 180 w Amsterdam av; a, t; New York Lifo Ins Co to Lawyers Mort Co, 09 Liberty st; 2 assns.$38,009 .SAME property; Com d.) F Haynes et al, cxiii, to Lawyers Mort Co, 59 Liberty st .$33,000 97TH HT, 61 E; Jos B Render Co to Emll Reich, 53 1st av; atty, Herman Gottlelb, 299 Broadway .$100 WOOSTER ST, 208-210; Burden Realty Corpn to Gustave Bloch, 9 W 21st st; atty, K.-nneth Newman, 3* Parir row.$100 STH ST, 309-301 K; Louis Manhelm to Ja? cob Maurer, 000 Alabama av, Brooklyn; atty, M H Reuben, 120 Broadway. .$100 122D ST, n 3, 100 w Amsterdam av; Law? yers Mort Co to the Republic of Pana? ma; address, 03 Liberty st .$3.0.000 BROOME ST, s e, 137.6 w Essex st ; half part; Moses H?chster to Auk Ruff. 12 \V 120th st; atty?, Gettner, H & A, 299 Broadway .$1 25TH ST, 127-131 W; New York T A. M Co to Excelsior Sav Bk, 79 AV 23.1 st ; ad? dress, 135 Broadway .$200,000 COLUMBUS AV. n o c 89th st ; Atnerlean Trust Co to Creator New York Sav Bk, 498 Oth av, Brooklyn; atty, New York T & M Co .$90,000 79TH ST, 106 E; Julius Tlshman & Sons to Norman R E Corpn, 170 Broadway; atty. Wali.-r M Wechsler, 170 Broadway.... $1 ?I1ST ST, ::47 E; Chas Spielmann to Law? yers T & T Co. 100 Broadway. .. .$10,000 S1ST ST, Bfi E; Title O &? T Co to National Sav Bk of Albany (70 State al) ; address, 170 Broadway .$20,000 FULTON ST, 82-88; Mutual Life Ins Co to Harlem Sav Bk, 124 E 120th st ; atty, Title O & T Co, 170 Broadway. .. .$90,000 9T1I AV, 687; Hobt M Ferguson, exr, to John C Sohaeftcr, 28 Elinor pi, Yonkers, N Y, and min. exrs; atty. Title G s.-. T Co, 170 Broadway .court order LENOX AV. 370-378; John P Munn and an... exrs Russell Safe to Jos .1 Sloetim, 791 Madison av, et al, exrs Margaret Olivia Sage; attys, Do Forest Bros, 30 Broad st .$1 PINEHURST AV, sec 180th st: Benenson Realty Co to Oeo Mandel, Grantwood, N ,T; atty. Title U & T Co. 170 Broad? way .$20,000 CHARLES' ST, 51; Marcia B Beals to Jno Oberender, .''.07 70th st, Brooklyn; atty, R M Kelley, 26G Broadway_$5,019.02 9TH ST, 720-727 E; Mildred Stone to Leo Weinman, 171 Van Buren st. Brooklyn; atty, I.oUis A Sable. 01 Chambers. . 0,800 103D ST, 10 3 W; S Chas Welsh to Emi? grant Savff Bank; atty, T Q & T Co', 17(i Bway .$6,800 , HOUSTON ST, 2S-32 E; Barclay Holdg , Corp to Ethel Garten, 3681 Bway; atty, A Landau, 040 Bway .$1 DELANCEY ST. 40-42; Dividen,I Realty Corp to Leo Levy and ano, 1452 Presl dent st, Bkyn; attys, Levy, G &? G, 215 Montague st, Bkyn .$1 , 721) ST. 36 W; Frertk W Rothschild to I Law T & T Co, 160 Hwav.$33,000 ST NICH AV, 165; Corbett Holdg Co to Ella T Tully, 1850 2d av.$109 Bronx ? TELLER AV, w s, 40 n 163d st, 40x100; Adolph Reisenberg et al to Adolph Heis? enberg; 1920 7t h av; attv, Law Mtg c,, 09 Liberty st .$28,000 SAME property; Adolph Relsehbcrg to Law Mtg Co. 5!) Liberty st ; atty. sain-. $20.000 WASHINGTON AV, * s, 00 s 174th st, O'jxfiO; Joshua B Wright to Bowery Savg Bank. 128 Bowery .$27.000 LOTS 249 to 203, mop Hunts Point Esls; ! Freak Johnson to Jos M Levine, 932 Manida et; atty J M Levine, 20 E 42d si rcet .$1 L'?T 210, mop Seton Homestead; Hc.nry Stevens to (Mara Morris, Ft Schuyler rd Throggs Nock; atty, D H Moris, 68 Broad street.$1,600 SIMPSON ST, 964 Dumbla Realty Co to Morris Rand?ll. 62 Park row; atty, Max SI!versteln, 3091. Bway .$100 SIMPSON ST, 90S; same, to Plnkus Mnrk off. 22 E lOSth st ; atty, same.$100 100T1I ST, 631 E; Josephine Etsenhauer to Carolina Blsenhauer, 163 E 378th st.; atty T G & T Co, 176 Bway.$i3.ono CHISHOLM ST, 1290; Barbara Lopard to Loren/. Strack, 147 E 92,1 ?t; atty. Tit Im Ouar & T Co, 17? Bway.$2,700 SOUTHERN BLVD. 849; Wm L Condlt to .Mabel H Sherman, 261 Central Park W ; ally, N Y Title, & Mtgo Co, 130 Broad? way .*ioo SAME PROP; aaiiiM and ano, exrs, to John V. Duly, Mt. Klsco, N Y, and ano; atty, same .$36.000 COURTLANDT AV, 617; Robt. S Fergu? son, exr, to Minnlo Sohaoffer, 201 W 13<Uh st ; atty, Title Guar & T Co, 176 Bway .$ 1 F1NDLAY AV, II 10; John LI Benedetto to Rudolph ReiseheU, 758 Me I rose av; attv, t: A Furthman, 3d av and 148th st '.$1 MORRIS AV, w s,( 298.0 n 184th st, 120.11 X170.2 to Walton av; John Fleming to Francis J Ryan, 2113 Grand av; atty, Lawyers Till- fe T Co, 160 Bway.. $0,000 ST LAWRENCE AV, 1510; Chas A l'un I,,,.an t., Hy W Rlesalch, 1929 Ben e ii, t av; attv, .' A Furthman, 2,1 av and 148th M .?1 DAVIDSON AV, w s, 295,4 s 190th st, 75 X98.S; Guaranteed Mtg? Co to Helen F Ormlston, 225 W 86th st, and ano, exrs; attvs, Carrlngton ?-. P, 200 Broad v...,.,. . .$60.412.7.0 D1TMARS ST, s s, lot 31, map Ellz A B King, Cltv Island; Win Peters to Patk J Fanning, 1^21 Waterloo pi; atty, F H Brosuan. 391 E 149th st.$1 I?AL KSTATE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN Recorded Transfers Downtown WATER ST. n w s, :i2 n e P1ne st, 25x M.llx Irreg, Btonemor Realty Co to Sam Oreenstein. 220 W 98th st ; Jan 9; mvge ?90,000, atty, Simon Rasch. Woolworth Building .$100 BROADWAY, 829-331, ?wo Worth st (No 90); 4?.SX101.11* irregl r t and 1 to gore on w s; Gertrude O B U'.mar. et al to Bendrow Realty Corpn; Jac 15; attya, Rosenberg 4 B, 74 Bway.$285,000 CHE3RRY ST, n s, 63.2 ? Oliver st, runs ? 25 n 100.1 w 24.5 s 99.10 to beg; Car? mins De Reso to Mary Tammero: b anJ s. 25 Oak st: Jan 16; atty, Mary Tarn- i mero, 25 Oak st. $1 BROADWAY, 464. e s, 25x500; Philip i Herolzhelmor, as Chamberlain of N Y City, to Berney Bond Holding Corpn, 30) I Bway; Jan 15; atty. Edw A Acker, 2^? Bway .?100 ? BOWERY, 266. w s, 223.1 s Houston st, runs w 98.2 s 16.6 e 96.9 to Bowery n 16.6 to beg; Corbett Holding Co, Inn, | 1*56 2d av, to Ella T Tully. 1855 2d av; ? Jan 14; mtge $12,000; atty, Ella T Tully. I 1855 3d av.$100 ? COLUMBIA ST, 132, e s, 24.11x100', Aaron i Sarner to Ida Burner, on the premises; mtge ?34.600: i, part.?1 BLEECKKIt ST, ."13-37, n s, 375 w Bowery, runs r. 71.4 w 75 s 74.3 to st e 75 to beg: Equitable Ufe Assurance Society of the U S to Welve Corpn, 12 5th av; b and a; Jan 12; attys, Middlebrook & B, 4<i Cedar st.$1 SUM-IVAN ST, 209-211. e s, 125 n Bleecher st, runs n 50 e 100 s 75 w 50 n 'J5 w 50 to beg; Mary E Bleecker (formerly Mc Creery Estate) to Ralecom Realty Co. 171 Wooster st: Jan 15; mtge ?39.000; \ atty. N Y T & M Co. 135 Bway.. ?58,000 FORSYTH ST, 43. w s, 150.2 n Canal st. runs w 100 n 24.10 ? 99.8 to st s 25 to bei?; Annie Verschlelser to Max Versch lelser, Vi part, 1S4 E 72d st ; July 8, 1013 ; atty, B A Verschlelser, 205 E 07th st.$1 SPRING- ST, n s, 65.1.1 e Sullivan st, 16.9x 100; Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank; to Sam Manick, 110 Delancey st ; Jan ? 14; atty, David I Shapiro, 99 Nassau i et .$100 8TII ST OR ST MARKS PL, e s, 300 xv 1st av, 25x93.6; John Cluttman to Harry! Hallarinan, 310 B 9th et; mtge ?15.000; Jan 8; atty, N Y T & Mtge Co, 135 Bway.$100 i Lust Side 2D AV. ?7-89, n w c 6th st, 48.6x100; Bsrt-j hold Hahn to Annie Goldlng, 68 Lenox av; Vi part; mtge $102,000; all liens; Jan 8; atty, S II Goldlng, 135 Bway. $100 : 6TH ST, 712 E, s s, 25x96 (Tor?elos); Geo C Norton, ref, to Robert J Mocher, 1325 Carroll st. Bklyn; mtge $22,000; Jan 9; atty, Sol S Schwartz, 44 Court st, Bklyn .$5,0^0 7TH ST, 33 n s. 225 w 2d av, 25x70.10; Margaret S Heydt (formerly Sullivan) to T?sale Lie vina and Lena Kleinberg, both, 33 7th st; Jan 15; mtge ?118,000; atty, N Y T & M Co, 135 Bway.$1 16TII ST, 104-106 E, s s, 125 e Union Square, 46xl25x irreg; Merchants' Ex? change Realty Corp to Winter Realties, Inc. 2299 Bway; mtge $435,000; Jan 15; atty, Morris E Garrett, 261 Bway...$100 ?0TH ST, 30-32 E, s a, 260 w 4th av, 40x 92; Edwin H Hesa to District Holding Corp; b ar?l s; corrected deed, dated March 28, 1819, 907 Bway; Jan 9; atty, E S Schwartz, 63 Park Row.$100 20TH ST, 30-32 K, s s, 260 w 4th av, 40x 92; District Holding Corp to Union Chemical Glassware, Inc., 63 Park Row; Jan 15; atty. E 8 Schwartz, 63 Park Row; mtge $130,000.$100 ! PARK AV, 94, w 8, 32.11 h 40th Bt, 16.5x 80; Elizabeth L McC Turner to Marcel ? Dougcron, 94 Park av; b & s; Jan 12; atty, L T & T Co, 160 Bway.$100 ? MADISON AV, 333, w s, 50.5 n 43d st, 25x 95; Florence A Alker, Great N', Nas? sau Co, N Y, to Madison Ave Offices, , Inc, 33 W 42d st ; Jan 14; atty, L. T & T Co, 160 Bway.$100 j MADISON AV. n w cor 43d st, 25.5x95; Oceanlo Investing Co to Madison Ave Of ? tices, Inc; b & s; 83 W 42d st; Jan 13; atty, L T & T Co, 160 Bway.$100 i 43D ST. n s, 95 w Madison av, 88.8xl00x irreg; Henry Phipp estate, 787 6th av, to Madison Av Offices, Ino, 33 W 4'Jd st; Jan 14; a|ty, L T & T Co, 160 Broad? wav .$100 MADISON AV, s w cor 44th st, 100.6x145; rector, etc, of St Bartholomew's Church in the City of N Y to Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist, Borough of Manhattan, City of N Y; b & s; o a g; 33 W 42d st ; Jun 12; atty. L T & T Co, 160 Broad wuy .".. ,$1,525,000 MADISON AV, s w cor 44th et, 105x145; Fifth Church of Christ. Scientist, Bor? ough of Manhattan, City of N Y, to MudlHon Avo Offices, Inc, b & B; c a g, S3 W 42d st; Jan 16; atty, L T & T Co, 1'iO Bway .$1,525,000 C4TH ST, 37 E, n s, 130 e Madison av. 20x 100.5; Jos J Slocuni et al, exrs, to Jos J Ploenm. 791 Madlcon av; Jan 16; attvs, Do Forrest Bro.w, 30 Broad st..... ?50,000 64TH ST, 45 E. n s, 210 e Madison av, 20x 100.5: Jos J Sloeurn et al. exrs, to Jos J Slocum, 791 Madison av ; Jan 16; attvs, De Forest Broa, 30 Broad Bt.?60,000 74TH ST, 10 E, a a. 56.3 e Lexington av, 11.9.xlis. 2 ; Concourse Estates Corp to Harris Mandelbaum, 12 W K7th st, and Fisher Le wine, 150 E 72d st; b & s: c a g: Jan 15; atty. T G & T Co, 176 Bway .?1 74TH ST, 150 E, name property; Wm J I.oderer to Concourse Estate t'orpn, 135 Bway; Jan 13; mtgn $12,600; atty, Title Guar ft T Co, 178 Bway.$100 S7TH HT, 4 24 E, s h. 25x100.8; Fredk J Feurbach to Church of St Joseph of Yorkville, 421 E 86th st ; atty, Jno C Hoenntnger, 5 Beekman st.$100 88TI? ST, 170 E, s s, 169.8 w 3d av 17.7.\ H'0.8: Bridget Farley to Philip M Harry. 137 E 4S?1 st; Jan 16; mtge $6,"00; atty, N Y T & M Co. 135 Bway. .Omitted 2D AV, w s, 75.7 n 95th st. 25x100; Cor? bett Holding Co, inc. 1S55 2d av. to Ella T Tully. 1855 2d av; Jan 14: mtge ?17. 000; atty, Ella T Tullv, 1555 2d av..?100 118TH ST, 228 E, s s, 231 w 2d av, 27.5x ino.ll; Maria A Carman to l*rank I'orso Realty Co, Inc, 1S1 E 121st st ; Jan 15; atty, Title G & T Co, 116 Bway....?100 11STH ST, 346 E, a fl. 25x100.10; Csth M Conklln to Lucia Aclto, 2224 Valentine av, Bronx; Jan 14; attys, Strasbourger & S, 74 Bway .$ I 11STH ST, .146 E, s B, 100 w 1st av, 25x 100.10; Lodger Realty Corpn to Cath? arine M Conklln, 130 McDonough st. Bklyn; Juno 1, 191?: mtge $10,000; attys, Strasbourger & S, 74 Bway.*$1 322D ST, 65 E, n s, 252 w Bark av, 27x 10". 11; Jacob Koenlg et al to Jos Snider. 146S 6th av; Jan 14; mtgo ?20,250; atty, Frank M Mauldln, 309? Bway.?100 LEXINGTON AV. n e c 125th st, 59.Sx 99.1 Ix irreg; Weiss Lamleon Holding Corpn to Thos J Bannon, 2040 7th av; Jan 15; mtg? $19",000; atty. Title Guar &. T Co, 176 Bway.$100 West Sid? 18TH ST, 10 W, s s, 252 w 6th av, 28x92; Mar.tohn Realty Co, Inc, 35 Nassau at, to Mury B Merrltt, 264 Riverside Drive; Jan 2; mtgo $81,000; p m $16,000; atty. A I Sire, 83 Nnssau st.$100 19TII ST, 20-32 W, s s, 400 e 6th av, 60x92; Chas Realty Corpn to Jacob Steinberg, 1181 43d st, Brooklyn; Sam Falchuk, 1025 41st st, Brooklyn; Jan 15; mtge $66,600; otty, Julius Hahn, 124 Riving ton st .$100 21ST ST, 411 W, n s, 22x9?; P Chauncoy Anderson, exr and trustee to Leonard Morgan, 2464 Pevoe Te.rraco; mtge $?. 000; Jan 15; atty, Title G & T Co. 176 Broadway .$13,500 ("/I'll AV, 362, o s, 61.9 n 22tl st, 22.4x62; Chas S Phillips, trustee of Waiter S Law? rence to Mark Harvus, b and s, c n g. 615 \V 110th st ; Jan 10; mtgo $84.000. atty, Chas Elno, 61 Chambers St.. $53,500 29TII ST, n s, 224.6 w 5th av, 74.6x98.9; Edw H Van Ingen to 210 W 66th St Co; Jan 13; mtge $230,'i00, attys, Butcher. T & F. 1 Madison av .?100 6TH AV, 649, w a, 24.8 s 38th st, 24.8x60: Jos J O'Donahue Jr et al, exr, to estate of Charles Mederlck Hoffman, 258 REAL ESTATE BOBOCGII OF MANHATTAN FOR RENT LARGE FLOOR AREA New Building Containing Over 500,000 Sq. Ft. Fifth Ave.; Below 34th St. 40,000 Sq. Ft. Possession Apr. 1 New Fireproof Building Fifth Ave. near 23rd St. 100% Sprinklered 907 Broadway ?l'??S3?'l Phone Gr?nercy?45052 Broadway; Jan 15; atty, Mlddlebrook A B. 46 Cedar st .$100 ( 50TH ST 48 W. s s. ?35 e 6th av. 20x100; Cabrilla M Dexter to Margaret M Carey, 62 Hoyt st. Brooklyn; Jan 15; attv. Law- ; yers TAT Co. ICO Broadway.$100 i 59TH ST. n s. 230 w Broadway, 18x100.5; mtge $20,000; also 59th st. n s. 199 w i Broadway, 36x100.0, mtge $30.000; Chas; H Jones et al. ?xr tr, Gotham National , Bank of New York. 1819 Broadway; Jan ! 15; atty, Title G & T Co, 176 Broad- . way.$180,000 73-D ST. 167 W, n a. 152 e Amsterdam av. I 16x102.2; Frances C Stearng et al. heirs of Rose McC Coleman to John Wahern, 612 \V 178th st, Jan 13; atty New York , T & M Co. 135 Broadway; mtg* $13,000.$1 7CTH ST. s s 275 w Central Park West. 25x102.2; Chas A Wimpfhelmer tr .Khr, P Orege, 60 W S5th st; b and b; Jan 14; atty, Title G & T Co, 17? Broadway..$1 S1ST ST. 106-160 W, a s, 256.3 9 Amster? dam av, 56.3x102.2; 158 W 81st st Corp. 15 William st. to West 81st St Corpn, 135 Broadway; Jan 16; tinge $212.001: ? atty, Spire & A, 135 Broadway.$100 I?TH ST, 202 W, 8 s, 100 n Amsterdam av, 17x100 e, Harry Hardestv to ,"'io Realty Corp. 3S Park Row; Jan 2; atty, Gao A Marshall, 3! Park Row.S100 ?7TH ST. 332 W, a 9, 300 w Rlvarslde Drive, 20x100.!; Harriet S Cromble to Emma H Slade. 332 W 87th st ; May 26, 1S13; attys, Dum & D, 261 Bway.$1 93D ST, 8 W. g a, 175 w Central Park West. 25x100.8; Jos J Slocum et al, exr, to Jos J Slocum, 791 Madison av; Jan 16; attys, Be Forest Bros, 30 Broad st.$20.000 9ETH ST, 122 W, s s. 030 e Amsterdam av; runs s 100.8, e 13.3, n lO? 9 to st. w to beg, Howard A Raymond, lOi Sussex av, E Grange, N J, to Mary A McDermott,- 6 W 97th st; Jan 3. mtg* $12,000, atty, N V T & M Co, 135 Bway .$100 MANHATTAN AV, n e cor 112th St. 41x 70; also Manhattan av, o a, 61 n 112th st 39.11x70; Smith N Penfield to Georgia M Penfield; b and 6, c a g, 290 Man? hattan av; Nov 26, 1919; atty, C Walter Cushner. 32 Bway .$1 113TH ST. 5? W, s s, 317 e Lenox av. I7x 100.11; Url Felshln, 3 W 112th st, to Israll Horowitz, 50 E 112th st ; Jan 15; mtge $0.500; itty, N Y T & M Co, 130 Ruay .$1 115TH ST. a s, 308 e Lenox av, 19x100.11; A brain Faer, 1743 Madison av, to Jos and Philip Snider, 1468 6th av; Jan 14; mtge $142,500; attv. Frank M Franklin, 309 Bway.$100 116TH ST. 16-17 W, n s, 40.6x100 4; Abr Miller to Jos Blum. 92 St Nicholas av; mtge $45,000; Jan 15; atty, Bernard Bogart, 61 Park Row.$10C 123TH ST, 641 W, n s, 200 e Boulevard oi Public Drive, 26x99.11; Catharine ? Hunter to Peerless Candy Co, Inc. lOf W 119th st ; Jan 13; atty, Nathan 1 Shapiro, 892 Bway.$17.25( 131ST ST, 31 W, n s, 368.4 w 5th av, 16.8> 99.11; Vorkey E Rice to Chas A Walcott 31 W 131st st mtge $4,000; Jan 15; atty T O & T Co, 176 Bway .$10i 137TH ST, s s. 220 o 7th av. 60x61.31 ?x99.1; Clarence H Kelsey. adrar Man G Plnthey to trus for Corp of Africa! ) Methodist Episcopal Church of City o New York (known as Zlon Church), 1 ? ??i?ir a, 151 W 136th st; Deo 30, 1919 ? atty, T G & T Co, 170 Bway.$9.50' ' 142D ST. n s, 335 w Bway, 16x99.11; Her bert A Canter to Saille B Lawinger, I and s, 2 W 72d st ; April 14, 1915; attys Goldsmith, C C & W, 101 Bway.$ 147TH ST, 460 W, 8 s, 100 tp Atiist a\ 125x99.11; Mary E Hastings to Evely I Realty Corp, 702 W 181st st, Jan 15 mtg $133,750; attys, Stoddard &. M, 12 Bway.$ ' ST NICHOLAS AV, ?52, e b. 16 s 15St st, 16x>58x Irreg; Edw Ryan and anc Lako Mahopac, N Y, to Maud Reit fannncht and Susan Relnwald, l.,,th 96 St NIch av; Jan 15; mtg $8,000; a.tts Peter A Measrher, 13-58 Bway.$10 : 159TH ST, 601 W, n s, 310 o Bway, 1 x99.ll; Jas L Van Sant to Benjaml Horowitz, 623 W 156th ?t ; Jan 16; ml $5,375; attv, Danl Dra?gle, 90 Rlvlns ton st .$10 \ HAVEN AV. w s, 612.1 8 181st st, 50 j 106; Augusta G Wormser and ano t Rose, wife A O Wormser, 644 Rivers!,! dr, and C?cile, wife Mark E Morri 360 Rlvereldo dr; all liens; Jan 2; att; Abr Brill, 299 Bway .5 i ST NICHOLAS AV, n e cor lB7lh s 05x75; Kate M Norton, 662 W 171,' fit, to Lotgold Corp, 215 Montaguo s Bkyn; Jan 10; mtg $50,000; attys, Spei & A, 135 Bway .$B ? 183D ST, n s, ISO e ^St NIch av. 20x99.1. Allen T Miner, 435 W 119th st, to Chi Sparaco, b and s, c a g, 065 W 182 st; Jan 16; atty, T O & T Co, 176 Broa. way .*!' . ST NICHOLAS AV, n e cor 187th st, ( x75; Lotgold Corp, 215 Montague s Bklyn, to Chas A Strauss. 280 W 161 st; Jan 15; mtg $50,000; attys, Spero A, 135 Bway .?*}' WADSWORTH AV, 303, w s, 200 n 1001 st 00x98; also Wadsworth av, 300, w 250 n 190th st, 60x98x?-x98; Pub! Square Realty Co to Louis Silverma 1038 Bryant av, Bronx; Jan 10; mtj $67,500; atty, Adolph Waxenbaum, 2 Bway .*' WADSWORTH AV, 358; also Wadswor av. 360; same property; Louis Silvorma 1538 Bryant av, Bronx, to Isidor Silbe berg, 'i part, 954 Hoe av, Bronx; J? 16; mtge $71,750; atty, Adolph Waxei haum, 277 Bway .?$!' WADSWORTH AV, n w s, 685.4 n e 1901 st, if projected, 113.2x98x?x98: Jot Robort'/on and ano, 2210 St Andrew av, Bronx, to Huyler Real Estate Corp SO Chureh st; Jan 14; mtge $130,00 attv, Jos G Abramson, 30 Church st..$]i WADSWORTH AV, n s, 685.4 n e 19<Uh s same properly; Huyler Real Estate Cor 30 i'hurch st, to Plough & Fox Co, 6: Court landt av. Bronx; Jan 16; mt| $195.000; attvs, Stoddard & M, 1 Bway .$1 AMSTERDAM AV, n e c 208th st. 10, ?9.11; Max Altmayer, ref, to Broadwa West. End Co, 165 Bway; Jan 10: att Tltio G & T Co. 176 Bway.$19.0 10TH AV, sec 211th st, 100x99.11. Jol Mullholland, rof, to Broadway-West Et Co, 160 Bway; Jan 15; foreclosed; at! Title G & T Co, 176 Bway.$15,0 Bronx LOTS 970 and 97!. map Bronx Termlr Corporation; Bronx Terminal Corpoi tion to Snmuel Goldensher, 417 E 170 st, and imio; Deo 4, 1919; atty. Lawy T Co, 160 Bwav.$1,1 SAME PROP; Samuel Goldensher at al Hilda Miller, 763 E 156th st , mtge $?4 Jan 8: at same . LOTS 240 to 251, map Bronx Termlr | Corporation; Bronx Terminal Corpoi tion to Abr Adler, 1361 Brook av, a nno: Dec 4, 1919; attv. Lawyers T ( 160 Bwav .$l,i LOTS 44 to 61. Bronx Terminal Corpoi tion; Bronx Ternilnal Corporation Morris 1, Llckumovltz, 1060 Lafayc av; Dec 1, 1919; atty, Lawyers T Co, 1 Bway .$8.< GRANT AV, n w c l?3d st. 05.9x95.2; U, ton Road Coast Co to Aaron Marcus, 2 Willis av; mtge $63,000; Jan 10; atty. G <fc T CO, 176 Bway...o C and |1 OSGOOD AV, e P. 33.4 s 243d st, B?.8xH Rose. Eggort to Laura A Mapes, Ruth ford, N J; Jan 3; atty, Lawyers T ( 16n Bway .o c and $ SAME PROP; Laura A Mapea to Roso i Strong, -?723 ?Richardson av; Jan atty, samo .o c and $ i CLAY AV. e s, 09.8 s lG7th st, 39x Mortimer Herzog to Arthur Herzog. I1 Clay av; mtge $18,500; Jan 14; atty, (i & T Co 176 Bway. 1 SAME PROP; Arthur Herzog to Abr < doff, 201 E 08th st, and ano; mtg<* $1 760; Jan 15; atty, T G ?- T Co, Bway .o c and $ I INTERVALE AV, w s. 216 n Freeman 00x105; John F Onvenda to Annie M chin, 1619 Bathgote av, and ano; Jl 19. 1919; atty, Antin. 299 Broudw 0 c and.$ CAMBRF.LT.\'G AV, 2330. e s. 50x1 Mary E Gl:ason to Agnesa Campos cone, 2319 Hughes av; mtge $1,000; . 16: attv, John B M Permette. 730 T mont av .oc and $ 1 CITY ISLAND AV. o s, 965.? n l'Ilot 60x430 to mean h w mark L I Souri, 60x444 City Island; City Island Hon 1 ne, to H y B Nevrns, 33 Tier av, ( Jslnnd .$ SUTHERLAND ST, s s. 125 e King 60x100; City Island Homes Inc, to W' Hnllock, 1338 Shakespeare av ; . 15; atty, Title Guar Co, 176 Bro way .o c and $ SOt'THERN BOULEVARD, 1631, w s. 100; Harry Sllvcrstein to Ma Schwartz; mtge $37,900: Jan 14; a Title Guar Co. 176 Bwav .$ ROGERS PU 900, s e cor, 100x72; C J B Realty Co to Anna Lurla, 1 Madison av; mtge $74.910, Jan 15; a Title Guar Co, 17? Bway ..o c and J WHITLOCK AV, 925, w s, 26x100; Nat: Schwartz to Jacob Kaplan. 1024 St John, and ano; mtgo $6,000; 10; atty. Title Guar Co, 176 Bro way .o c and j 6TH AV. a a cor 4th st, 105x60. W? field; Peter A Zan-dll to Bertha man, 337 E 9th st ; mtge $6,000; 15; attys, Kappelman & W, 144 Rlvl ton st. 178TH ST, n s, 83.4 e Park av, 16.8: Frank M Patterson to John J Wail. 713 E 178th Ft; mtg? $3,000; Jan atty, Frank M Patterson, 66 Lib. Kf .1 GRAND AV, 2001. w s, 20x100; Fordl Automobile Exchange Inc, to Fatini Pearlberg, 2163 Morris av; mtge $7,, Jan 14, atty, M T & M Co, 130 Br. ??vay .o c and ! 1821) ST. 740-6 B, s s, 75x70; Edge H Ing Co to Tlcbout Ave Co, 141? l'ai av; mtgo $[..000; Jan 16; atty, f> T A M Co, 130 Bway .! 134TH ST, 530-32 B. s s, 60x100. Peyser to Hyman, Job ?nd Sam'! St 607 E 137th st; Jan 15; atty, N ' & M Co, 130 Bwav .o c and : TIFFANY ST, 937. w s, 36x106: Nal Schr'ihman to Snm'I I.lchtenatMn, 1st av; mtgo $20,000; Jan 14; t Sm'l I.lchensteln 1656 1st av.... WEST FARMS III), n w s, lots 80x36. i Wm E Crowther, 46x100x35x193. J? Green to Chas S Frank, 92 St NIch av; mtgo $20,000; Jan 6. atty. I vers T Co, 160 Bway . ...o c and HIGHES AV,.. 2310, ?es, 20*100; Al AI Yuzzollno to Harry B??k?rm?n, Lorillard pi: -Ian 14; atty, Lawyers' T Co 160 Bway .o c and $100 MORRIS AV, w s. ?9S.? n 184th st. 12$\llx 170.2x130x179.2; John Fleming to Bessiej Mlnsell, 1782 Eastb-irn av; mtge *l!.-;: 000; Jan 10; atty, Lawyers T Co. 1?0 Bway ? c a,,i' * SOUTH ELIZABETH ST. n s. 300 w City Island av. S75 I. W Mack, Eastchester Bay x!00x254xl0?; Peter A Abels, re., -n Evelyn L Wood, 410 Riverside Drive Dec 5, 1919; attys. StoddarJ & W 128 P, ???>' .?13."0 0 j 17->D ST 869 E. w s. 40x100 7; Kamen ? Really Co to Bella F'-loman. 211 W 111th I st; mtge ?35 500; Jan 15: attys, Geltner, S A A. 23? Bway .?.. ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?*! I ??IP ST, *72 E. w s, 40x100: Kamen Realty Co to Abr Tanar.baum, 144 Wales av; mtge ?35.500: Jan 15; attys, D Geg? ner. ? & A, 29? Bway.?1 2021) ST. 230 E, s a. 25x100; Helen Nelson to Rose Davis, 865 Fox st ; ??tse $2,000: Jan 14: atty, Abr Herman, 100 Broad? way .oo an.l $100 OL1NVILLB AV, 3^24, e s, 40x100; Arthur A Austin to Nicholas GleS. IS?? Anthony av. mtge $:'.500: Jan 15; atty, H A Eberhard?.. 37 Libert <t-o o and $100 HONEYWELL AV, 2070, s e s, 50 llxJ4.ll: Arthur W Meyers to Celia Malsei, 1418 Prospect av: mtge $8.000; Jan 16; atty. M B Gossett, 261 Bway.$1 CLAY AV, 1248, e s. 40.3x50; Carrie Cull mann to Morris Besdlne, 1375 "Washlng ton av, and ano; mtgo ?18,500; Jan 15; attv. O Frey, 342? 3d av.?1 HOFFMAN ST. 2451. w ?, 16.3x97.5; Ma? tilda Seligbann to Menslo Cruurmeri. 2414 Huffman st; mtge ?2.300; Jan 15; atty. A De Ciclo, 37 Liberty st...o c and $100 VYSE AV, 1219, w s. 18.9x100; Morris Is man et al to Jos Taper. 336 Henry st ; mtge ?6.000; Jan 12; attys, Rect & R, 309 Broadway .Jl 165TH ST. n s, 158 e Longfellow av. 39x 100: Samuel Stone to John Wllllenbrok, 3:i Clifford av. I'elham Wood, N Y; mtge ?19,500; Jan 14; atty, G A Steinmuller, 1511 3d av.o c and ?100 JENNING ST. 805, n s. 25x178.6x25x177. Wm Norman and ano to Morris Berger. 8 02 Jennings st ; mtge ?3.000; Jan 16: atty. M Perlman, 66 Liberty st..o c and ?100 LONGWOOD AV. 871, n b. 39x100: R L S R.-alty Corpn to Kiesler Realty Co. 1730 Marion av; mtgo ?23.500; Jan 14, atty, P D Shapiro. 119 Nassau st.Si00 LOTS 74 to 76, Bronx Termtnal Corpn; Hronx Terminal Corpn to R Clarence Dorsett, 53 W 70lh Ft: Dec 4, 1919; atty. Lawyers T Co, 100 Broadway.$1,520 WASHINGTON AV, 1517-1519, w B. 60x 104.3; Integrity Realty Co to Flora Hart man Miller, 784 Eastern Parkway; mtg( ?41,000; Jan 16; atty, Lawyers T Co. 16C Broad way .? 1 ROAD, street or avenue leading from liar lern Bridge to St Peter's Church, n s ai w a land Nowarlate; Louis Schenider, i 165x w 60.8x s 165 to rd x e 66 to bet Jeannette Wacht and ano to Tyndal Realty Co, 149 Broadway; mtge $4.000 Dec 24, 1519; attys, Merchant & M, 14 Broadway. .o c and $10i i RANDALL AV, s s, 50 o Montlcello av, 50: I 100; Guido C Mencacci to Fram-eno. Albano, 110 Park 1>!; Jan 10; attys, Pal mlerl & W, Cl Park Row.? iFIELDSTON RD. e s, 655 8 250th st, 75 152 9x64.1x155.2: Dolatleld Est?t? Corp i to Wm E Freeman, on e s Fieldston r. n of 246th st; Dec 31, 1919; atty. Del? field Estate Corpn, 27 Cedar si.? SILVER ST. 1509, n s, 25 w Roselle, 25 98.11x25x97.1; Sarah A Williamson t ? Lewis A und Annie Miller, 376 Bron Park av; Jan 16; attys, Lewis A Annie Miller, 378 Bronx Park av.. $7,Of ? LOT 11, block 2?, map Morris Park; Th. Gutman to Isldor Mnrcovitz, 67 Stuyv. i sant av, Bklyn; Deo XI, 1919; attys, Lev C it G, 215 Montague st, Bklyn. Omitt? ?SOCTHERN AV, IOS?, Q s, 40x100; Samu Weiser to Geo Pankln, 1237 4Kth f Bklyn; mtge $34.750; Jan 15; atty, San Kramer, 309 Bway.ocand$H PART LOT 17, map Morrlsanla, 25x10 also 222d at, n 8. at e s lot 908, Walt field, n 108.x w 50x s 108 to st x o 60 beg; Mary F Ward to John Ward, Lot Branch, N J; Dec 29, 1919; atty, H i Morford, Long Brunch, N' JT. ST LAWRENCE AV, 1218, o s, 25x10 ? Samuel Cohn to G & G Realty Corp 468 85th st, Bklyn; mtge $6,000; Jan 1 attys, Gold X- B, 291 Bway...oc and $1 SAME PROPERTY; G & G Realty Cor; to Etta Cobe, 29 W 3 19th st; mtj ?6,000; Jan 15; attys, Gold & B, 2 Bway . 163D ST, 979 E, n s, 62.4x78; Louis Sutk et al to Solomon Autokoletz, 979 E 16 Bt; mtge $42,000; Dec 30, 1919; att J A Seirtmtin, 61 Park Row.$17,0 16.3D ST, ?79 E, n s. 62.4x78, also Kel Bt, e h, 99.1 n 167th st e 105.Sx n 25. n 25.lx w 106.2 to st x 8 50 to beg; a: Powers av, 348, e s, 60 s 142d st, 50x9? Solomon Autokoletz to Autokoletz Rea Co. 979 E 163d Bt; Jan 14; attv, J Seldman, 61 Park Row. ? ?. Recorded Mortgages Downtown I CHERRY ST. 181, s s, 21x60.7; p m : .7 14; Carmine Caggiano to Abr Gold. 181 Cherry at; 3 yrs, 6 p c; attys. ttav & S, 141 Bway .ji'j PRINCE ST. 148-6. n o c West Bwav. X71.3; p m; Jan 15; Hauport Rea: Corprr to Marjohn Realty Co, 35 Mass st; 6 yrs, 6 p c; pr mtge $50,000; att Cass dt- Appel, 36 Nassau st_$20,0 SAME PROPERTY; v m: Jan 15; samo Saml D Mun*.y, 397 West st ; 1 yr, p c; pr mtge ?50,000; atty, Jacob l'p< man, 346 Bway .$10 0 GREENE ST , 163, w s. 25x100. p m; J 9: Samuel L Wallerstein to N'atw Corpn, 115 Bway; due Jan I, 1923; p c; pr mtge $30,000, atty, Herman Goi Heb, 233 ?way .$8,0 BROADWAY, 454, e s, 25x100; p m, J J5; Berney Bond Holding Corpn Philip Berolzhelmer, as Chamberle City of N Y. at Municipal Bldg, N Y 5 yrs. 6 p c. 170 l BLBBCKER ST. tr ?1, 375 w Bowery, 75 alley x74.3x75x71.4; p in; Jan 12; Wei Corpn to the Equitable Life Assur t ciety of the 1" S; due Jan ), 19^5; 5 p attys, Alexander &. G, 120 Bway; gold $105.( DELANCEY ST, 150. n s. 22x50; Suffolk 96, e s, 25x44- Jan 10; 150 Dclancev Realty Co to Yetta Broadwin, 305 Bwi Bklyn; atty, I L Broadwin, 65 Libe; I st .$i5,i : SPRING ST, n s, 65.U c Sullivan st. 1 xlOO; p m; Jan 15; Saml Manick Emigrant Indust Sav Bank; 10 yrs, p c; attys, R & E J O'Gormair, 51 cha bets Bt.$10, Kast hid?? LEXINGTON AV. w s, 51.2 h 102d 16.7x75; p m; Jan 16; Nlcolo MukhIc; to Society for Relief 0f p..or Widu With Small Children, 114 E 65th " yrs, 51, per cent; attys, Miller. K A T, 80 Bway. t4 1 112TH ST, 14 E, s 8, 25x100.11; Jan' Dorothy E Mugler to Jos Fi.?chl, 1 3d av; due Jan 1, 1922, 6 per cent; ut ? Geo A Steinmuller, 1511 3d av.$3. I BTH AV n e cor 116th st, 100.11x1 Jan 16; Ancient Order of Hlbernl; to Wm R Seigle, Orienta Point. Mar roneck, N" Y; due Jan 1, 192::. ?J cent; atty. Rie lui E U'eldon, 1475 Bro. I way.?13. ' 118TH ST, 346 E, a s, 25x100.10; p Jan 16; Lucia Acito to Margt McC aughy, 136 4 Lex av; 6 yrs, 6 per ce attys, Strasbourger & S, 74 Bway.$5, 1 118TH ST, 228 E, s s, 27.5x100.4; p Jan 16; Frank l'orco Realty Co to Ma A Carman, at Hot?l Buckingham, ! Louis, Mo; 5 yrs, 5 per cent, atty, 1 A T Co, 170 Bwav.$16, . 125TH ST, 337 E, 11 s. 25x99.11; Jun Jacob Chamowitz to N Y & Mtg 135 Bway; 3 yrs. 5 Vs per cent...?10. , 12TH gT( 216 E s 8 21.6x106.6; p 1 Jan 16; People's Hospital to Carl Wae ter. 125 E 24th st ; 5 yrs, 5 per or attv, Arthur G Bosch, 23 Bway.. $15, 1STH ST, 104-1?? E, n s, runs e 40 103.Sx w 4I?X n ? to point 52 s : st x w 125 to e s Union aq x n 20 126x n 26 to beg: p in; Jan 15; Wii Realties to Merchants Exoh Realty C 32 Union so,; 6 yrs, 6 per cent; pr : i $4 35,000; attys, Gettner, ? & A, Bway .?127 PARK AV, 94, w s, 32.11 s 40th st, xSO; p m; Jan 12; Marcel J Rougi to Ella L McC Turner, No Henning Vt; 6 vrs, Int as bond; atty. Hall I McCullough. 15 Broad st.$65 MADISON ST, n w cor 43d st, runs n x w 36x21x25x ? 95 to w s ave x n w ?5x n 2f.x o 95 to w s avo x n 1 to a s 44th st x w 145x s 10u.6) 34x s 100.1 to n s 43d st x e 170O beg; bldg loan and trust mtge, Jan Mad Ave Officers to Nicholas Robi 1 62 Franklin pi. Montclalr. N J, irus bondh ilders; loan by 8 VV Straui Co; 1". yrs, 6 per cent; S AV Strau Co 160 Bway; 1st mtg gold bond, $5,600 SAME property; p m; bldg loan; Jan same to Guar T Co of N Y, 140 Bi as trus for bondholders; due Jan 1942, 6 per cent; pr mtg $5,600,000 mtg gold bonds $2,000,000; atty, L T Co, 160 Bway; amt advanced, ?I.25C 61ST ST. 238 E, s s. 20x100.5; Jan 15, . R Green to Dry Dock Sav Instn, Bowery; due and Int as bond; atty, Tlchenor, 3S Purk Row .$i West Pule 18TH ST, 10 W, s s, 28x92; Jan 14; ? E Merritt to Marjohn Realty Co, 35 sau st ; a years, Ope, pr mtgo Si! attys. Caes & Apfel. 2 5 Nassau st.?li 19TH ST. .10-32 W, s 8. 50x?2; p m, Jar Jaren Steinberg and ano to rh? i Realty Corpn. 165-167 W 25th st. ins 1 6 p c, pr mtge $66,600, attys, Hirsch & R, 1475 Broadway; notes.?1 '65TII ST, 48 W, n s, 20x100.6; p m. I 15; M M Carey to New Tor T Ce Broad at; 3 yrs. 5 p c; attys, Zah S & K, 49 Wall st.$3 86TH ST, n s. 500 e Riverside Dr. 20x1 ! Jan 15, Aurora Constr Co to Union I Sav Dk, 701 6th av; due and int as h attys. Butcher, T A F, 1 Mai av .?;; ?8TII ST. 2u2 W. s s. 17x100 8; p m; 2. Clio Realty Corpn to Harry Hard ? 1 Newton Square, Delaware Co, P years, f. i? p c; atty, Wm S F?rst, 5 Exchange IJIdg .$2 BROADWAY, s e c ?3th st (216 W), 1 320 Bwayj ty, Jacob I .$A.RO? 61.9x10$.6x80.0; p m: Jan 15; Colleae H ' ng Co to Rookery Investing Co, '.3 Broadway; due Ja'n 2. 1930 6 p c: rr mtge $380,000; attys Davis, W. 11 A- B. 34 Nassau et .fl?$.000 BROADWAY, s ?? c l*tb st . same prop? erty; p in. Jan 17, same to Gotunore, Holding Co, 29$ Broadway; 2 years * p c. pr mtge $575.000. atty, Herman Gottlieb. '.'!-:? Broadway .$20..>"0 90TH ST. 122 W. s s. 80x100.9; p m. Ja:? 3. Mary A Mcl>ermoU to Jas H Cruik shank, Freeport L I, l yr, 6 p c, pr mtge $12.000; atty. N Y T & M Co. IJS Bway .$2.500 113TH ST 06 W, s s, 17x100 11; y m. Jan 15; Israel Horwui to L'rl Felsktrt. 2 W U2th st. inst?is 6 p c; pr mtg" $6.?"0; atty, Herman Roth?tein, 1400 5th .-.\ $3.009 110TH ST. 15-17 W. ti s. 45.6x100.4; y mj Jan 10; Jos Blum to Abr Miller. $10 \v V4th s: 6 ys. 6 p c. pr rijtge $45.00l): atty, lrfO Levy, 90 Wall st .... $20,000 1S6TH ST. 6-11 W. n s, 28x99 11. p m: Jan n, Peerleaa Candy Co to Farmers' Loan \- Trust Co, 22 William st. 3 yrs, b-i p o; atty?, Geller, H A Blanc, ?3 Exchango pi .$14,000 131ST ST. 81 W. n a, 16 8x99.11; Jan 16; Chas A Walcott to Torkey E Rice. 71 W 137th st ; urstals t> p c, atty, T t? * T Co, 176 Bway .$709 147TB ST, 460 W. s s. 126x99.11; p m; Jan 10; Evelyn Realty Corpn to Mary K Hastings, 1 Oriole av, Bronxvllle, N Y 10 n;s, 6 p c; pr mtg? $133.700; attys. K.i><-, MoD & S, 149 Bway. $60.000 10:'I'll ST, 501 W, n s, 15x99.11; p m ; Jan, 15; B Horowlt? to Jiis L Van Sant. Wood, rest a v. White Plains, N Y; due. July 10, 1921; 6 p c, pr mtge $0,370; Hity. M F Johnson. Ill Bwav. . $1,875 137TH ST, a s, 220 e 7th av. 60x61.Sx- x 99,1; p m; Dec 81; Trustees for th* Corpn of the African M E CttUdh of N Y (Zlon Church) to Clarence H Kel sev. East Orange, N J, arlmr; due Jar? 1, 192?; 61-j p c; atty, T O & T Co. 17<J Bwav .$8.000 ST NICHOLAS AV, 95?, e s, 16 ? 158th ?t. 10.6x03.10x10x68; Jan 10; Maud R. if farrtiach and ano to Kdw and Mary Ryan, Lake Mahopar. N Y ; 3 yr?, 5 V. P c; atty, T O & T Co. 176 Bway . .$4.000 1S3D ST, n s. ?80 e St Nicholas av. 20x99.4; J..n 15; Chas Spsracs to Allen T Mln.-o, 430 W 119th st; 0 yrs. b p c, ally, T O * T Co. 176 Bway .$* 500 ST NICHOLAS AV. nee 187th et, 16x46; p in; Jan 16; Lotgold Corpn to Kate M Norton, 062 W I7iet ut; due July 16, 1931; 6 p c; pr mtge $50,000. atty. N Y T ft M Co, 135 Bway.$30,000 WADSWORTH AV, 358-360, w s, 200x!*a n 190th st, 2 lots, each 50x98. 2 p nil mtges $4,250 each, each subj to pp mtge $-; Jan 15; I^.ui? Sllvernia'i to Public Square Realty Co, 330 Bway duo July 16, 1921; 6 p c, atty BermaiT. 346 Bwav . . . ?WADSWORTH AV. n w s. 680 4 n ? 190th. st. 113.2x98*?x98; p In: Jan 14. Buy lee R E Corpn to Jno Robertson, 2210 An? drews av. and ano; 10 vrs, 6 p c; p? mtg $130.OOu; attya, Roa? ?A $?, \i$ Broadway .,.$6?l.tiOO 10TH AV, s e s, ut n e s 208th st, 99 11 x: 100; p in: Jan 10; Broadway-West End Go to Robert W Perkins. 407 W 153d st : 3 yrs; ti p c. ; atty, T O & T Co. 17? Broadway ..414.010 , 10TH AV, sec 211th st, 99 llxlUc, p m ; Jan 16; same to lame; .'.u..- Jan 2, 1923; 6 p c; 407 W 103d st. atl>. same. .$11.000 Bronx LOTS 44 to 47, map Bronx Terminal; Mor? ris Llcklnnovltz to Itronx Terminal Corp. 30 E 42d st; Dec 4, 1919. 3 yrs; .', p <? ; atty, S B FerriSB, 160 Bway_$2,21-6.60 LOTS 48 to 01, sume map; same to same; Dec 4, 1919; 3 yrs; 6 p >, attv. same .$2,275, LOTS 970 to 971, same map; Sam Golden sher and ano to samo; Dec 4. 1U19; -l yrs, 6pc, atty, same.$840 LOTS 240 to 261, sum? map; Abr Adler and uno to sume, 6 miga, euch $224, Dec 4, 1919; 3 yrs; 6 p c, ally. M.rno .$1.344 HCGHES AV, 2310. H e h. 175 n e ISSri st. 2 0MOO; Harry Beckermsn to Theo Flsh b.rg, 809 Munida st ; Jan 14. 3 yrs. ? p c; atty, L T & T Co, 160 Bvtoy. $0.000 ,156TB ST, 839 H, n ?. 20x104 11: Amelia. Weiss to Louis Kaemrraarcr, B001 Brigg? i av; pr mtg $12.000; Jan 15; 4 yrs; 6 p c; atty, B Bchaefer, ill Br.mdway. . $?.600 -TIXTON AV. 892, e s, 20.4x170. Alfonso Prisco to Wm H Kruse. Harrison, N. Y : pr mtg $2.000: Jan 14: .3 yrs; C p <?. j atty, R C Schulder, 111 Broadway.. $2.000 ' 134TB ST, 630-2 E, 8 s, 60x100; Hymn? Steur et al to Jos Peyser, 2388 2d hv; pr mtge $20,700: Jan lf>; 5 yrs ? p ?t atty, N Y Title & Mtge Co . 18f. Bway .$10,n0? ?CAMBREL1.ENG AV, 2330, e 8. 00*100, Mm nps Camposarono to Mary E Gleusnn. 2?O* av; Jan 16; due March 1, J02.S; 6 p c; atty. Jos I Berry, 264? Webster av .$6, INTERVALE AV, 1331. w s. 60x10b. Fannle Mlrrhln and ano to John F Oavenda, 21 E 127th st ; pr mtge $36.000. Jan 10; 6 yrs, 6 p c; atty, ?has Brandi. 99 Nassau st.$9.0'i'J GRAND AV. 2001, w h, 20x100; Fsnnie G Pearelberg to Fordham Automobile Exch, Inc. 2007 Grand av; Jan 14. .?L yrs, 6 p c; atty, N Y Title & Migo C?, 130 Bway . $2.600 17STH ST, n s, 83.4 * Park uv. 16 8x78. John J Wallace to Frank M Patterson. ?0 Liberty st ; pr rntge $3,000; Jan J?. 3 yrs, 6 p o; atty. N Y Title it Iftga Co, ISO Bway .$1.009 MollRlS AV, w s, 298.6 n 184th at, 129 II X1702 to Walton av. Hessle Munsell lo John Fleming, 2073 Morris av, pr mtg? $18.000; Jan 10; due. etc as p.-r bond; atty, L T * T Co, 160 Bway.$5,000 WEST FARMS RD, n w 8, lot? 36 and 3?. map Wm Crowther, 40xl'.0; chua 1' Frank to Jus .; Orun, 2169 Glebe a-.. pr mtge $;:,000, Jan ?; 4 yrs, 6 p < . atty, L T <fc T Co, 160 Bwuy.$3,000 SUTBERLAND AV. s *. 120 e King a v. 60s in... .;i-y Island; Jas w Hullock to Frank J Butler, :.".,66 Decatur av; Jan 16: :: yrs, ."> pc; atty, T G St. T Co. 37? Bwav .$6,00'? TIFFANY ST. v.- s, MO s Douglas av, Zbx. 100, Samuel Lichtenstein to Nathan Sohrelbman, !0.: W :;7th st ; Jan 15; 2 yrs, 6 p <-, atty, N Schrolbman, 102 v/ 87th st .$1.500 SILVER ST. 101''. n s. 20x38 11; Lewis A Miller to ShiuIi a Williamson, 112 North Bway, White Plains. N Y, extrx; Jan 16; 3 v:s, D'/4 p c. atty, Arthur Bell. 364 Alexander av.$3.000 HONEYWELL AV, 207", se?. 06.11x98 1.1. Celia Maiscl to Arthur W A Weyerc 2070 Honeywell av; Jan 16; 6 yrs. 6 n <:, atty. Geo U Taylor, 51 Chamber? it. $3.0'10 J63D ST. 979 E, n s, 62.4x78; Solomon Autokoletz io L"uls S-itker. Savannah, Oa. et ai. exrs: pr rr'g? $42,000, Jsn ?: 7 yrx. 6 p c; attv, M S lllisrhberg. 27 Cedar *t .$18,000 168D ST, B99 B, n s. 62.11x7':. siso K?' s'. - s, 59.1 n 167th st. (.0x100 8. also Powers ;iv. 348, e s, 60x99.2, autokoletz Realty < ?? ; ? Harold Nolaon, *?i E l9Ul St. and a:i'.,. Jan 14; 1 yr, 6 p ? ? '? . J A Seidman, 63 Par Row. .. $12,000 ("LAY AV, 1248, e s. 4f,.3xh0; Morris R'? dine et al to CaTle Cullman, 1248 ^uy av; Jan 10. due, >tc, as per bond, attv-, Saiter &? S, 140 Nssuu st. ...$7.099 | LONG WOOD AV. 871, n a, 39x100; W ? R< a;: y Co to R L S !<<?:,.- . ? Hudson Bt; pr mtge $23.600; Jan 16. R yrs, ?: p c; attya, Kendall & II. ir> Broadway .$12.600 LOT ' map L'ndercliff Ter. j.-,s F M - !. ughlln lo En,?nett McLoughlln. 43t w 147th m. ..'an 1?. demand, 6 p i atty, L McLoughlln, 2'i? Bway..$2.300 LOTS 127 to :..?, n,.. p Cran? es'ate. H" gina Goldstein and ano, to Ernestine A Kuhn-. ;>0 '.V 119th si; pr mtge $2.000. Jan 0; 1 yr, 6 p ,;, atty. A Gross. 123 | Na isa i st.$1,800 FBLDSTONE RD, e ?, 605 ? 200th st, 75x 152.9; Wm E Freeman to Delatleid E? I t?te, a corpn, 27 Celar st, Jan f,; 5 yr?, ? 5 p c. atty, Delafleld Est?t?, 27 Cedar fit .$9.610 DAWSON ST, w ?. 71 n 15*th at, 39x106.4; Louis liubenstetn and ano. to Mary Ryan. 7 0". Dawson st; pr mtge $22.500; Jan 10: inst?is. 6 p c; atty. J J Fitzgerald, 2 Rector et .$7.500 JENNINGS ST, ti s. 137.2 w Bristow st, 25x170; .Morris Berger to Wm Norman. 805 Jennings st ; Jan 6: Installs, 6 p c. atty, Jos F Cndon, 1215 Boston I rd .$2.626 Lis Penden? Ma nil at tan STANTON ST, nee Orchard ?t. 9fx*8; Ju?u? Ruff et u! aart Simon Eng?! ? ? Kl ( torce'..sur- of t.-.or'gag") ; attys, Gett Simon & Asher. BROOME ST, - - 37.6 w Essex st. 24.6x 64.3; Julius Ruff et a? agt Simon Eng'1 et al (foreclousure of n rtgagej; attya, Gettner, Simon ? Asher. Krronx ? 2D AV, 3375; Francia I' Garvan. as Auen Property Custodian, agt Philip B Riser '? ,1 I foret -". 'sure of mortgag.-si; attya, | Beekman, Menken ft Grlacom LOT 27'., map of 370 1< ts. kr.,,wn aa the M?Oraw Estate, situated near Van Nest Station; Albert Anderson agt Catherine B?rge et a! (.foreoloeur* of mortgage); atty, .L W. Robertson. WATERLOO Place, e a, 176 e Woodruff av, zOxOO; Jos A.'.clson agt Annie Solo i i,.-,.n et al (foreclosure of niortgago); atty. C Warner WALTON AV, 2176; Ebllng Brewing Co ?,??'. William Murphy et al (foreclosure of mortgage), atty, E. Conn. Buys Hilder Property At Far Rockaway The Lewis II. May Company has sold at Far Rockaway, Long Island, for Moritz Ili?dor property on the south? west comer of Central Avenue and Oak Street, consisting of a 2'.?-story Colo? nini dwelling, with garage, on plot 13i)x 150, to Abraham Rosenberg;. The prop? erty faces the Sage Memorial Church property, and ia in the park section of Far Rockaway.