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labor Declares tyar on Bill to Crush Sedition federation in Statement Is? sued by Compere Says \0t Would **Rob Peo? ple of Five Government" WASHING rOX. ; ". IS Kormal an ??oBcemeni i American Federa ( Labor ivou - oso "with what ;rer power nac? ( { - bills now *ndiiu? in ' ' - i ..... - ? S mi oi Gom -ra pr?s ? ' ;' ?'?tton. The nttRc!. ?? labor, I t' direct? d -artmll: M ri'"- bill, ...... . Senate, and ... the Gi ?? ? based on 'rgesuoi General ?.,-,. :. ' "i by the ?ouie Rules ' [or a special .. | to exp' Rl I'.::" tioi ? te i-sures \Ir. dei Ian ri ' ? Ktment wou ' he (' :i- itu- j ',*,"?:.u rol '? American otto j, 0.; rheir i -' ' '-"' and basic , tirantees oi ' - eut." '"'??f the An ' d, in fact ? majority of tl mbera of Con- I res?." ^!r Compels ; ted, "u ere : ?trgk? to th( i"s concealed in this ? .' | a 5torm of nation w ou'd sweep I lie nal i n I Tree Soeeeh in Danger ???t has bei ? ? dv? rtised that i measui prot tee -? eeeh fully, \ ?re? enti ' of foi cible revo jtion, Bolsl '? anarchy. In would ? ' ;'" an autocratic ?na'orship o\ ' entire American ^eSj. i- ca ; ><i to kill free necch and roe ? mb'y, !: sSrikes ?"(^aui> blow a timate organiza gene of ???:1" ' ' ' : progressive ?ovement for I ttei ment of the usses "? hiel e iipposed by the idvocates of pr . ind reaction. "We yield to in. '?"? public office jr eut, in oui lo the ( onstitu ?:on and instil oi thi* Republic. Ko self-respeci i has questioned if dare question thai loyalty. We are (?evolution, i i revolution; for bal? ote, not bullets: for a majority rule, tot cla? dictatorship of Bolshevism, plutocracy oi o1 protiteor. "We oppose ' is bill because every legitimate purpo i for which it is iramed is air idy covered by existing iws, Its illeiril mate features, which .?ompos'.' two-thirds of the draft, are itterly autoci i i . imperialistic and un American." Autocratic Powers Charged Referni'.ir - i "Attorney General Palmer"s cont ntion thai new laws are lecessary to reach the individual who advocate.- ? | | ition to the govern ?aent by violence," Mr. Gompers cited Section J of tl ? IV nal Code, and asked: "if revolution is afoot, why has not tie Department ol Justice made prose? cutions under that section?" ectior, .i of the bill, unbelievable u it may seem," he continued, "may ?easily construed to mean, if indeed ; does not make it a crime, so vague ud involved is the terminology, to :?r in public any button of an organi ition whose purpose it i- to secure i amendment to the Constitution of ?Un ted S'.at- s on any existing Fed li Ih.t. "Section 6 perpetuates the censor :;p of the Postmaster General over .'. newspapers and printed matter. At so-called Bojah amendment, pro? ving a court review of the Postmaster I General's act ton, is sound in principle !>u; is inadequate to afford protection as ti practical mut ter to a publisher against the autocratic action of the Postmaster General. '"More amazing still, the proviso sets up u> censorship over any man' private correspondence by the Post muster General, h would be criminal, for example, for ti man to send a letter advocating resistance to nti in? junction issued by u Federal judge ordering workers on strike to go bacn to work. "Moreover, this section can be used to prevent the organization of colored labor on the grounds of inciting racial pr?judice, the intended or probable result of which appeal is to cause rioting, etc' No doubt advocacy of, or opposition to, the cause of Irish freedom, in some sections, would be prohibited. "Section 7 would exclude from this country, even for libraries and investi? gators, a large portion of the labor IK* erature of Europe. "Sections !'. lu and 11 contain a grave threat aimed at labor. Section 0 makes unlawful every association which seeks 'directly or indirectly' to make a political change by injury to private property. "It is unhappily true that even a legitimate strike may result in indi? rect injury to the employers' private property right in his business. The re? cent steel and coal strikes were both falsely heralded as attempts to over? throw our government. "If a hostile Federal judge should de? cide that any particular strike has a political end in view and the striking union is 'affiliated' with the American Federation of Labor, the American Federation of Labor would be com? pelled at once to expel the striking union or itself become unlawful. And it would at once become a crime pun? ishable by up to twenty years' impris? onment, or up to $20,000 tine, or both. for any person anywhere in the nation to rent a hall or business oflice to any labor organization affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, or to give or lonn it money to send strike relief to staving women and children." Efficiency Society lo Dine The National Efficiency Society will have its ninth annual meeting at the Aldine Club, in the Fifth Avenue Build? ing, January 30. There will he a dinner in the evening and a discussion of the industrial tribunal plan proposed by the President's second industrial con? ference. The speakers will he repre? sentative of capital, labor and the pub? lic. .;._T?___^j : ".; >v TT TT Tr_?rji"?rjTjr?'J_j?j Heave i,-?! Rundir up in warm wraps and shovel off m the snow from the front walk. What' Lost or pi misplaced the shovel you ?had two years ago? \? Well, lots more here, in great assortment of shapes arid makes and prices as usual lowest in-the-citv. Get one now for the heaps of snow predicted for this winter! "D" Ha. ile drove] 7 ,: blade. Straight . ?, I 13 in tip. . i. wood blade a 10 in. 44c wood blade, folded steel 123 ? ' pressed gaivan '" ? ? rrugated t Hi ? ? wired edge "'? 'ring ,? c - ? fiffnes . rouni .;-.- bra< cs give :-':'' I ? gth where ? ?'??'' ' ? ? are v ral 21 1.72 Combinai on ?eraper. 'J *'**! fa ?steel point folded over the side edge for scraping. Rent hardwood handle protected with galvanized iron shoe. 1.96 Double-handled ?hovel with galvanized steel blade. De? signed to prevent turning in the hand when the shovel is ?now-laden. Blade size, 2.\ in. x 16 in. 1.79 Steel snow shovel v.iih long, round handle; best tor those who like them best. 1.04 iree-plj maple vith flat heavi Sidewalk irapci -, 57c and 83c ? llawmrat, 36th Street, Heat a W.,fl Square At* ?inc.? *??? ??.- .:?,?'?',:<:srmmrmirmwnxcivm* York -3 Broadwav Bay & Company In the Heart of New York, Direct by Subway, Tube and "L" At 34th St. r% For One Day Only? Women's New CamePs Hair Polo Coats at $69.50 $$?fy $ iM?? Spring, bea fe/| :|'^V^Iu,,y dovelo The smartest >f all Sports Coats for early Spring, beauti ped ~ m soft, silky Camel's Hair Polo Cloth of the finest qual? ity. Belted and Semi - Belted Stvles as pictured, in new shades of Natural, Beaver, Rose, Tan, Grey and Blue Bird. Each coat hand? somely lined with novelty silks. Sizes 34 to 46. Women's Winter Coats in the most successful materials, strictly tailleur or fur trimmed Liberally Reduced $59.50 to $69.50 Coats.Now- $39.50 $75.00 to $95.00 Coats.Now $58.00 $95.00 to $125.00 Coats.Now $75.00 $129.00 to $1?00 Coats.Now $95.00 $195.00 to $250.00 Coats.Now $125.00 $225.00 to $295.00 Coats.Now $150.00 None Sent C. O. D.., Exchanged or On Approval Individual Fittings of The New Binner Corsets will be given this week in the Saks Corset Department by Miss? Burleigh, Expert Binner Corsetiere Miss Burleigh is one of the most able Corsetieres n America, and her advice will prove highly valuable n the selection of your neu Corset. Let Miss JBur ieigh explain to you the many exclusive features of Binner Corsets and help you in the choice of a Corset especially suited to your requirements. Appointments may be made either by telephone or mail Third Floor. Monday?On the Third Floor Sale of Silk Petticoats of a quality very seldom seen At ?7.95 To select one of these beautiful petticoats will mean that you have secured the best value in a high grade silk petticoat it has been our privilege to present. Tucked flounce model, finished with tiny ruffle, made of excellent quality radium silk or satin. Also?A Limited Quantity of Smart Petticoats at $3 Splendid value. Heatherbloom top petticoats with Taffeta flounces, in all the most successful street shades. Extra sizes in the same model, until present as- ) toA sortment is depleted. Special j W * Flowered Sateen Petticoats Special, $1.45 fashioned of black sateen, with pink floral design. Tucked ana ruffled flounce model. Splendid values make your selections early. Third Floor. Women's Handsome Fui* Coats, Scarfs and Sets At Substantial Savings The present scarcity of every kind of pelt is a Mire indication of much higher prices for all kinds of fur garments next season. The handsome Fur Coats. Scarfs and Muffs offered at the following very special prices mean a Saving of at least 30% on Present Retail Values to say nothing of the savings on ticji season's prices. You cannot do better than buy your furs note! Squirrel Sport Coats.Now only $275 Natural Black Muskrat Coats.Now only $215 Natural Black Muskrat Coats with Skunk Collar and Cuffs.Now only $295 Hudson Seal Coats, 30-iuch model..Now only $275 French Seal Coats, with large Cuffs and Collar of Beaver, Skunk or Squirrel.Now only $265 Hudson Seal Coats, with large Beaver or Skunk Collar and Cuffs.Now only $345 French Seal Coats.Now only $135 Skunk Scarfs.Reg. $65.Now $49.50 Beaver Scarfs.Reg. $65_._Now $47.50 Squirrel Scarfs.Reg. $50.Now $40.00 Fox Sets.Reg. $75.Now $45.00 Wolf Sets.Reg. $135.Now $105.00 Wolf Scarfs.Reg. $45.Now $27.50 Muffs to match at correspondingly lote prices! Sixth Floor. Make a Substantial Saving by Selecting One of Our Higher - Cost Winter Frocks Today At Much Below Regular Just one of a kind left, but all are most remarkable values $135 and $150 Frocks.Now $89.50 $69.50 Frocks.Now% $49.50 $59.50 Frocks .Now $39.50 None Newer?None More Charming Women's Chiffon Taffeta Frocks as pictured At $35 Simple, yet very smart frock?, with the new short sleeves and modish two-tier skirt, reproduc? ing with marked fidelity all the charm and originality of a much costlier import. Developed in a soft, lustrous taffeta, that will give excellent service. To be had in Navy Bine, Brown, Copenhagen Blue, and Black. Sizes 31 to 42 For Immediate Wear and Early Spring Women's Ultra-Smart Tailleur Suits Very Special At $49.50 Advance Spring model suits of rare charm, devel? oped in materials suitable for immediate wear. Some are severely tai? lored, others demi-tailleur, and many are in stunning belted effects. Tailored with much care in Yalama Cloth, and soft Velours, in every fashion lble shade. Seldom equaled at $49.50 Monday Only? Brassieres and Bandeaux Regularly $2.50 to $7 At $1.25, 2.00 and 2.50 Incomplete sizes. Dainty, beautifully made Brassieres and Bandeaux, produced in Satin, Pussy Willow Silk, Muslin, and Crepe de Chine, prettily trimmed with lace. Third Floor. FINE QUALITY Hair Goods For This Week Only Reduced 25*c All our fine Switches a n d Transformations have been reduced 25'o to increase the momen turn of .January busi? ness. Select any hair piece in our stock and pay 25(o less t h a n the price marked upon it. All Shades. Including Grey Third Floor. W We Have Just Received a Choice Collection of Hand-Made French-Voile and Batiste Blouses and will place them on sale today At $6.95 to S16.50 One of the largest collec? tions of real hand-made Blouses to be seen in the city, in a wide range of very clever styles. Every stitch in each model has been worked by hand, giv? ing to them an individual? ly and finish equaled only >y very costly imported land-made Blouses. Made of filmy French Voiles and Batiste, elaborated with (wenuine Filet Lace and Tiny Tucks. Three Styles pictured Third Floor.