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SECURITIES WANTED AND OFFERED ? I J.K.Rice. Jr.&Co.Buy&Sel j II American Piano Com. & Vta. Aluminum Co. of America \1lns Portland t ?ment (era. ?Hanker* Tru-t K. IV. l*li???* Com. .lamen Hut 1er 1'fd. Burrotuchs Adding Mj*?,h'n<' Child* (Best.) <??'?. * l Pro. CroweU PubL Com. * I ta. Duplex Motor Co. Ktiuttuhle Trust FldelUy-Phenlx 1"""?"?% ..,,lphf? ?.rent American Ins. Stk. * Right* Guaranty Trust Home Insurance Hudson Trust HorkinK Valley Hallway Hit. Motor Truck stock? Ingcntoll-Rand Com. Individual Drinking Cup H. IV. Jolinn-ManvlUe ?torn. Knnx Hut Stock* Herr Navigation Kirhv Lumber Com. * rrd. l>liigli Valle* CoiU Sulea Mohawk Valley Co. Nor\v??gian-Amer. (S. h.) Une National Fuel <?"?? . _ . -,,. Nat. Ice ? Coal 1st * 2nd Pfd. N. \. State Rys. Com. & Pfd. Niagara Fire Insurance Pyre ne Muniifacturln* Co. IVnnu. Coal ?V Coke Kie lioion.l Radlntor Com. <B rid. >iiige*r Miinufuctiiring Safety Cur. Hent & Light Thornpson-Starrett Com. A rfd. TexilH Pacific < e?il \ Oil I IVurd linking Com. & Via. J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co. Phones 4000 t?) 4010 John. 36 Wall St.. N. Y. We Will Buy United Light & Railway 5's?1932 At 75 ?2 Merrill, Lynch&Co. Private wire) to Chicago, Cleveland", Detroit, Yottngstown and Grand Rapids Trudlnj,' Department 1 20 Broadway. New York Plieino* Hector 7683 to "092 Incl. STANDARD \YEKKLV 6V.MMAKY ON STANDARD Olf, ISSUE9 WILL HS MAILED TO INVESTORS ON REQUEST CARL HPFORZHElfdER & CO. ?rt?i.?J Um i-- --?? bro*u. -5 tireJA? 31.. -N. T. An Opportunity for Salesmen A high grade Municipal Bond House of many years' stand? ing has an opportunity for several good salesmen in va? rious sections of the country. Only high grade bonds handled, hxperienced sales? men desired, but men in other business lines who feel they can sell bonds will be con? sidered. Write, stating age, giving references in confi? dence to A-733, New York Tribune. 154 Nassau St., N. Y. C. > Pacific ('al)lc Repaired The Commercial Cable Company,'20 Mr..;i<! Struct, announced yesterday that -.ho Guam-Manila cable is repaired, and that cable communication with the Philippines, Hong Kong and China via San Francisco is restored. FINANCIAL MEETINGS THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK o? the GITY of NEW YORK NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting of the shareholders of The Mer? chants National Bank of the City of New ? ? .. I ?Id "n January 13, 1 :-20. It was voted that th? aid Bank go iruo lKiuiUa tlon and be : ?? : and dissolved. AU holdere of notes and other rrcditora of said Banking .w^ - iatlon are hereby notified ; ? i resent Buch notes and other olalms against the Assentation for pay I..? :.\ at Its Banking House, Number 42 Wall Street, New Yo-Vc City, until Febru? ary 2S, 1920, and thereafter t?> It? llqul ??.u'.r.^- ae? nt. the President and Directors of the Manhattan Company, at Number ?0 Wall Street, Now V. rk City. By order of the Board of Directors. (>. E. PAYNTER. Cashier. r>atcd New York, January 13. 1920. THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK of the CITY of NEW YORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at r mating ?<r th? shareholders <?' The Mer ?hauts National Bank of the City of New York, held on .January ?3. 1920, it was determined to tak;. suoll proceedings as may be necessary or convenient to or kan!?" this Banking Association as an In rorporate.1 ban of eh" State of N?w York l>y the name , f The Men hants Hank cf the City of N?w York and als-, that whTi tins Bank sh il have been organized an an Incorporated bank of the State of New York proceedings be taken to merge u w?th th? President %nd directors of th? Manhattan Company. By order of the Board of Directors r . . ?. ?' K' PA?NTER, Cashier. J'ated J\?w York, January 13, 1920. KNOX HAT (OMI-WV, INCORPORATED. NOTICE OK ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE ?. hereby *:%*,, that ih? Annual Mee;in? of the se? -;).,,'.,!..r- of KNOX HAT OMPANY, INCORPORATED, will be h? at the office of th?, e-orporatlon, .No <.:,; Fifth Avenue. Borough of Manhattan. Now v?r' ci'y? N. v- on (he 2nd daj of February U0 -?>? 12 o'clock nes.n. f.,r the election Directors for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may property ?otn* before the meetlnti Transfer Books foi the transfer of ?'. ''.?'?'?? of stock wl ; close at i .:. o'c?ocl g M, on January 19. 1920 and wll re-open February 3, I9r.'0. at 10 o'clock A M BRAYTON WITHERBLL. Bevretary. TOI, are hereby notified thai the annual mentir* of the Stockholders of the Harlem ::t',;ftge Wiir?>,.. -<- , ... . .^, , .. ,., ? , .., ?i.'lr (..T ?. . . ? KM) tgoth s .... . , ? .,., ;'??:. ?i^y of February, 1920, : 30 P v 'iorough of Manhattan City of s>w y,,, 'or the purisme of electing four t*> ,!!?<.?,,... for the enduing /?-?r a.;..) two {'?i ltiM?x-<t..rH of eletcUon to serve ut the next atiniml ii,??-t :rig. and for the transaction " IUI >, other hualnaea a* may properly be bro'jjfht lief?,.-?, ?.ai-I ui>-*'\ur. Polls w.n remain open for erne ho?ir. MjpTICB IS HKi-.KIiY GIVEN THAT TIIK hijimj.-i.' meeting ,f the stockholder? ?,f (he FLINT A IIOKNBR COMPANY IN? CORPORATED, will be held at the office e.f tno Company, 20 2 i ?. Weat '^.?ii .strf,.t. Borough of Manhattan, City of New York., en th* 2nd day of February, 1920, at twelve - -,-; noon, ttA the : u:>"*-- of electing I) rector* toi tho ensuing year and Inspec? tors of Election to iwve ?t th* next ?t. setlng, .?.???i t'-r the transaction of ??j-it other business h? may properly com* ? f ??> n*\\ meeting, Dated, New Yorx. Jannsry 39. 1126. JOHN VAN OUT, ??erstarr. | Miscellaneous Markets Investment ,i'f) Public Utilities Bl?l. Am Liaht & Traction.191 do pr . 8<) Adirondack Kleo Power. H Adirondack K!??o Power pf... 75 Am Gaa & Electric.l-f do i?f. 39 Am Power .t Light. 60 do pf . 72 Am Public Utilities. s do pf . -- Am Waterworks Electric... ? " Am W V,' <fc E partie, pf.... ?< Am W W A- E 1st pf. . . ;'.' Carolina Power ??? Light Cities Service . do pr . <Z Cltieq Service bankers ctfs.... 42$ Cities Ser 7 pe ser Ci. 1966....159 ? -olorado Power. 14 Colorado Power pf. 90 Cum Pr P.y & I. 'H do pf . ?;i Den ?,;;is & Elec gen 5s. *? Electric Bond A Share pf.... 01 Empire District Electric pf... 70 Federal Linht & Traction. ? do pf . 42 Gas & Electric Securities-380 Oas & Electric Securities pf. . 80 Northern Ohio Electric. ? Northern Ohio Electric pf.... 50 Northern Ontario Lt & Power. 11 Northern Ontario Lt ,fc I-ow pf 55 Northern States Power. 60 Northern States Power pf. . .. S7 Pacific Gas A.- Electric pf. SO?" Republic Ky A Ligrht Co. 13 ?1 o p f . 43 Southern California Edison... 88 Southern California Ellison pf.lOO 6tan?lard Gas & Electric. 25 do pi. 4 0 Tenn Ry Light & Power. I1 Tenn Ry Light & Power pi.. 6 United Light & Rvb. 28 do 1st pf. 60 Western Power . 21 do 1st Pf. "1 Bonds ksked. m c 102 17 43 48ft 85 2ft 14 64 90 8 8 lh 4? 00 ?04 42 3 S 32 64 23 74 0s. Appalach Power lut Cincinnati Gas & K!e? Col Cus A Elec Cs -_7. ? !ol Power '63. !>:.'. ?,is Elec r?s, '2 2. L'ast Texas Elec 5s '42. do Is '2 1. El Paso Elec col 6s. Creiit West P.?wer 5s '4'i. Midwest Util 6a '25. Miss River Power 1st 5s. Northern Ont Light & P 6s. . Northern states Power 6s '2d Pacific Gas & Elec 0s ':)!. Pu set Sound Trac L ?Xr P 7?. . Twin City <: & 13 5s. Un Light R 1st 5s '22. do ueb ?is '2>i. Sugar Stocka Rid. Asked, i B.d. Asked. Car.l-Am.. 2D -- ?Mat-Am pf 60 70 Michigan.. 12 13 97 ?National .146 143 do pref. 70 C Aguirre. 04 Fajardo ..loi Gt West..400 do pref.115 Gunta'mo. 78 Mat-Am . 10 lSGMi N Niquero.225 S Cecelia.. 80 do pref. 80 Savannah. S7 do pref. HI Chemical Stocks Am Cyan. 30 35 ?Hook Klec. 6 do pref. 50 55 I do pref. C 11C By-Prod ..106 Casein Co. 4 7 Pow Ch.. . 200 Du P C pf 0 Fed Chem.100 do pref. ? Grasel? . .167 do pref. 10 100 172 102 ?Ky Solvay. 90 | Merc Co p 05 Merrimac. 8S Mulford Co 53 NisK Alk p 95 i.Scmet C. .165 ?3o!v Poe. lf'0 115 98 92 50 100 175 Conlcy Foil.300 G W Holrmes.150 do pref.. 99 J 3 Young.L?O do pref.. 95 MacA & F J60 Tobacco Stocks 00 330!P**to R-A T.130 ltjd?K J Keyn A..'?40 103 do ser B.440 1381 do pref. ..107 195 Weym?n-B .168 1671 do pref... 9S 110 570 470 109 175 102 Steel and Ordnance Stocks Am Brass.223 2! Alias Pw.152 1? do pref. ?9 Bab & W .121 Bliss, EW.420 do prof. 62 Car, F&F.185 Carb SU.. 100 do 1 pf.107 do 2d pf 70 Co'.!s Aras 58 D P Pow.370 ?Ex dividend. Miscellaneous Stocks Am Chicle 88 90 I iroa L pf 9 oo pref. 80 85 ,Na-. Cash.1t 91 450 68 195 110 110 75 62 380 East. .Steel. 37 39 Emp S&I 2." 35 do pref. 65 70 ?Here P..222 227 do pref. 107Vs 110 Niles B,P.1U7 lift do prrf.P>7 HO Scov Mfg.400 Thorn Iron 30 Win Cor. .375 Woodward. 45 415 Am Lealh. OS do pref. 91 \m Mfg..l81 di? pref. 87 Am M&F.100 Am Typ F 45 ?\ I) T NJ 25 A I) C pf 9S Atlas P C 70 B B&S 1 p 88 do 2d pf 70 Bor C Mk.1 16 B?;sh ?' pf 77Va ... ? .,, , ,i Chi Ids Co. 87 do pref. 91 City inves 70 ' rk VV pf. .???? P I. tt W.I70 1 R 1st pf 97 Draper C 111 in! Sil pf. 95 Leh V S C 87 IN J Z wst.270 N C> 1 pf.103 O'Neill pf. 9S I Phelps D.24?J Phil J Cor 65 5C ! do pref. 93 35 P & W pf. Do 9?S% R Reis &C 25 do pref. 89 Ry Bak P.140 do pref. 92 Singer ?Mgl63 S L IM&S 43 Stoll S pf.102 S D \V pf.102% :-tr;-r. B p. 105 T&PC&On.HO Vnlvol pf.104 V Raalt In 13 do pref. 81 VV C Kerr. 50 do pref. SO w & n pf.loo 'Vale & T.26: 00 92 118 S5 147 100 270 104 ?CVi 250 tu; 91 1. 150 96 167 17 105 1033 108 120 107 103 .Standard Oil Stocks Bid Anclo American Oil <:o, Ltd . 28> Atlanti? Refining Co. 14o0 Asked . 28% 1500 Ufi pid, new Issue. 113 Borne-Hcrymser Co . 4"0 Buckeye Pipe Line. !?"> Chescbrough Mfg Co. con:?.... 24*. ?io pf . 107 Continental Oil Co. 525 < i? scent Pipe Line. 34 c.i nbei land Pipe Line. 11" Eureka Pip? Line. 145 Galena-Signal Oil Co pf, new.. 100 d?j pf, old. 108 ?I.? com . 82, Illinois Pip? Lino. . 170 lu perlai Oil, Ltd. 125 Indiana Pipe Line. 07 International Pet Co, Ltd.... <J,t> New York Transit. 18;> National T,-., nslt Co.:; '. Northern Pipe Un?> Co. 100 ? ?i,.?, Oil Co. 355 Pcnn-Mex Fuel Co. 70 Prairie Oil ?fc fl?s. 650 Prairie ."Ipe Lin?-. 2;, 7 South Penn Oil Co. 330 S"lar R. fining Co_. 360 Southern Pipe Line. 160 Southwest l'.'iin Pipo Lines... ;.s Standard Oil of California.... 318 do of Indiana. 715 do <>f Kansas . CO r!?? of Kentucky . 435 do ??r Nebraska. 525 do of New Jersey. 7.'.7 7?;2 do pfd . us 115 ?Vit do of New York. 42?! 4 2.? <:?> Of Ohio. -;?;, 605 do of Ohio pfd. 112 in 3wan ?. Fin? h. 100 115 Union Tank Car Co. 121. l 20 Miscellaneous Oil Companies Bid. Asked. 11?) 545 135 1 00 68 1!!0 24?. 103 "ii 660 262 240 ?,80 165 ;-.) 730 C80 455 Atls A.? I a nil.: Lobos Oll pM 120 ri ?: ?? 420 145 HOUSlon ? ?l| (',,. Lid. Magnolia Pel roleum Co.. Merrltl OH ? ' ? pora tloi Midwest R ?fining ?'??. National Fuel & Gas Co., Northwest ? Ml Co.-. 36 Pierce ? >:1 . P3 Prod icers Refining Co. 8 Sapulpa Refining ?'o. <-. New York Bank Stocks 65 1411 9 ', 4?f0 America Atlantic Arn Exil.. Battery Bowery .. Bryant P . 215 .295 .215 .420 .150 ???Gnrficld N. .235 ? -Gotham ... .200 ? Greenwich .275 225|flarriman ..370 Hanover ...820 lOCUndustrial ..205 400 ?.40 DIVIDEND NOTICES Phillips Petroleum Co, To all holden? of ?Phillip* Pftro li-iitn Company t.tork ?>f rreoril lui ?>f Krbrimrj 2. IU20. (?unnintv fnwt (uinnimy of New York will mail ?me ?linrr of uddll lonal ?nlork. ,'or euch share omii??I und of rec i.vd on that ?lute. Thi?? Ik in ae ordanrr wltli uelion (iikrn at the ?torkholdrrn' nirrtliiR ?if January I?. l??0. Stockholder? are re ur*ted to huve Htoeb trannferre?! their own imnn? uilhunt delay, II. K. KOOI'MAN, Treumrrr. KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRE CO. a Quarterly Dividend of TWO HOLLARS (?2.00) PICK .SHAKE or, th* Bight Iv'r ' nt. Preferred Stock of thl? Company ha? h< ?n declared payai,'.- February 10, PJ30 to Mtoekhoiiifm of record al the clos,, of IjuxineBM Kebvunry 2. f920 V, A SEAMAN. S.erolfy Nrw York, January ?. ::>20. : ISKMA.NN MAGNETO CORPOBATION DIVX?END NO 2 New Voit?. January 7. nzo A t'x-i'.ir quarterly dlvirtond of |1.7.', per ?:,:t* on til Preferred Capital Stock of thl? Company h->: \>i-<-n deciar?M. payable Kci.? ?, *ry 2 1920, to ?t?"?. kh..l?l??i n of r<- ?ir?J ut ilio. clone '?' Ijualneie Jntinary 20, 1020. r. H. JlOROMiS, Treanurer. r. Kiel. Asked. Bid. Asked. Bway Cent. 17.0 lCuiIm & Trad.590 bl<> ICO ?Irvine Nat.300 400 ? I Liberty ....455 4(!:i 4901 Lincoln ....US'.) 295 Bronx Nut. 150 Butch & D. 35 Chase .4*0 Chat & P..320 Chelsea Ex. 127, Chemical .. .585 Cit?. Nat...255 City .400 Coal & I. ..21." Colonial ...350 Commerce ..21.! Columbia . .200 Corn Exch..480 Coamnp'lon .1 10 Com'cial E..?ri? Com'weal th. 221 i Cuba .170 I East River.. 150 Fifth Nat. .10?) i Fifth Ave..900 I First Nat. .987. ! Foreign T B ? arx? 410 Mar.hat Co..24,'i Mech & M..46?. Metroo'tan .:'.4?> Mutual _490 Merchants .23.7 No?* Neth. .200 ? N Y N B A.435 247 Park .740 ? i Pacific .... 135 ? I Produce Ex.375 --.'Public .335 ? - Seaboard ...650 230 Second _400 .80, State .235 170 23d Ward..130 ? Un States.. 170 9501 Union Ex... 185 1015, W'chctiter A.200 I CCI York ville ..377? 470 360 247. 210 140 Trust and Security Companies Alliance . . 81 tAm Trust. - - Am Surety. S 2 Bankers.390 Bond A M.230 Bklyn T Co.500 Cent Union.440 Columbia . .360, Commercial 17,0 ; Empire Tr.290 i Reiuitable . .295 Farm L efe T.440 ! Franklin . .250 I Fulton . . . .27,0 [ Fidelity _230 : Guaranty . .395 Hamilton . .255 Hudson T..130 Kings Co...640 Lawyers M 120 Lawyers T. 130 ? ILincoln Tr.175 86 Manufac'ers.205 3!.T. Mercantile .290 240;Metropol ...300 515 Mtge Bond.. 94 450 Mut T of W.105 370 Nat Surety.205 160I1N Y Title. 142 -- N York T. .?125 300 N Y L I&T.725 450?Pcoples _290 260 Realty Asso.110 260!Scandinav'n.890 240 ?Title (,' & T.400 405?Un States..850 265 U S M A T.?tl? 140 U S T Guar 80 665 Westchostcr. 130 127,Jw<t B T&M.165 fSen New York Title and Mortgage. JOwna all American Trust Company. Insurance Companies Am Alliance.270 City of N Y.120 Com'nwlth. .200 Continental. 80 Fid & Phoe.700 Franklin ... KC Globe & R.1000 Great Am. .420 137 , 98: 125 i 215 . 1.50 747. 310 120 910 410 880 427. 85 110 177. 163 i (It Am rta. .157 - -'Hanover ... 80 - - ! 325 Home .580 610 S5!Nat Liberty.170 ? 740|Niagara ...225 2._>.j 94 Stuyvesant.. 50 75 -?IWestchester. 38 41 4C0 New York C7ity Bonds Security, rato, maturity. Bid Ash Yield Inter 4%s, June, I ?'31?.... 99 <? 1"0:, do 4VjS, July, 1967- 99% 100'i do 4'is. March, 1963. .. 99?4 do 4'?s. ?I A M, 195 7. do 4 Vis. April. 1966.. d?., 4 Vis, March, 1964. do 4 Vis, March, 1002. ?lo 4V,h, Sept, I960- 93 elo 4'<.s, M, 1960. op 30. 93 e!o 4'-??s, May, 1959. 89 do 4s, May, 1958. 80 do 4s, May 1357. 89 Rc-ir 4s. Nov. i966-'66.... so do 4s, Nov. 1936. 92 Inter 3'-'.s, Nov. 197,4.... SO Coup 3 Vis, May, 1954- 80 Beir 3'2s, 1950-'54, Inc..470 .do 8Vi8, N 1940-'50, ine.470 Reg * Coup (serial) 4 Via, June, 1919-MO, inc....463 New York State Bonds 99 'a 83 Can Imp 4V?s, Jan, 1964..107 108% High Imp 4Vjp, Sept. 1963.107 108V4 Canal Imp 4Vi?. J?n 196G.102 - H 1(5 h Imp 4 Vis, Mar 1965.102 - B Cr.n Ter 4V4s, Jun. 1945.102 High Imp 4s, Mar 1967.. 99 - H!nb Imp 4a, Mar '.569 '.12 Inc . 99 ? do 4a, M A S, 1963- 99 - Canal Imp 4s. J & J 196C ?C2 lnc . 99 - do Jan 1912-1946. 99 Pal S Park 4s, Mar 1061. 99 - Federal Farm Loan Bonds 4 Vis Nov 1938 op IS21. ?9V4 4V,s 1930 op 1924. 99% 4V,s Mav 1937 op. 192S. 99% 6s May 1923 op 1923.101% Short Term Securities Security, rate, maturity. Bid. Ask Am Cotton ?Ml 6s, 1924. . 9S 98V? Am Tel A Toi 53, 1922... 96% 96% do 6s, 1924. 95% 96V, Am Thread 6s, 192S.100% lOlVi Am Tobacco 7s, 1030.100% lOl'-a do 7s, 1921. 4.07 4.07 .101 .10 1 % do 7s, 1923.102 Anaconda Con 6h, 1929... 96 Armour A. Co conv, 1920. .108',5 do 1921.108 H do 1922.IOSWj do 192:;.108V? do 1924.108 Vi . .101 100% 100% 300% 102% Yield. 6.26 6.05 g . i ;. ?6% ion % 109 % 109 ' 1U1 ' . 99% 106-j . 99% 10U .99 100 ,100 JO.IV. .10 1 1 I.I 1 ' i . 100 124 101 101% 97 % Beth Steel us. 1922. . . . < an Pac By vs. 1924. . Cen Argentina By 6s, '2 ('. H A lj 1st 4s, 1921. . Chi Pneu Tool 6s, 1920. do 6s 19i'l. do 6s. 1922. Cuba Am Silfiir ds, 1921 t'udahy 1'aok 7-?, 1923. Del et Hudson 5s, 1920. I;v?l Sugar Bof 6s, 1921. General i:!???? 5s. 1920. . Gt Nor Ry 5s, 1920. 98? Hocking v'jj 1 B It. 1924. 92 ? nion 1'ank Car Co. ?iulf Oil Corp Hs, 1922 .... 9:1 Int Blip Trans 7s, 1920..' 18 J Dold Pack 7s, 1921 .... 100 do 7k. 1 922.1 00 do 7s. 1922 .100 Kan City Tel Ry 6s, 1923 98% Laclede G 1st r 7b, 1929. 96 Liggeil ,v Myers 6s, 1921. :?!?', Mi.line- Plow 7s. 1920. . . . 100 do 7---. 1921. 100 do 7 s, 1923.100 do 7s. 102 1.100 N V e '.-.:-,( ral 0s, 1 920. 95 % Philadelphia Co 0s, 1922. 95 Penna <'?> 4^5, 1921. 971.4 Pitts A t: col tr 6s, 1!>20.. ?9% 100% Proct &. Gamble 7?, 1940.100 100% ?I" 7s, 1021.MU", 101 ?% do 7s. 1922.101% 102% do 7s, 1923.102% 103'/? Public S N .1, Nov 7. 1922. 86 89 R .( Reynolds Tob 6s, 1922 99% 99% Southern By Cs, 1922.... 94 % 95 rft P U D een ?'-j?;, 1923 Studcbaker "j, 1921.... do 7..?, 192o. ?S'A Swift .'.? Co (is. 1921. r i?f m West India S Fin 7a, 1929 DO I tah Sec ?is. 1222. 86% SVestinghuuse 6s. 1 92'.?. . . . loo 6.35 6.05 5.40 6.00 6.00 C.i.O 6.05 C.45 : ?id 6.90 7.46 28 6.45 t; 10 7 .40 99% 101 101 ' 97% 99'. 100' 100 loor ?.10 4.86 4.16 6.50 t.fcu 6.8? Trade Keports Poor Season in Women's Shoes Popularity of Low Shot*. Causes Oversii pply of High Win? ter Models Owing to great demand /or on ford? and pumps manufacturers and jobbers of women's shoes hove had a poor winter season. Women have been wont to wear oxfords and pumps rather than footwear of the heavier make, ' with the result retailers have be ;n carrying heavier stocks than usual of high shoes, the slow movement of which has reacted on the makers. Re? ports from Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Pennsylvania all in? dicate that business in shoes is below normal for the winter season. On the other hand, manufacturers are expecting to do a larger business in spring and summer styles of foot? wear than ordinarily, as retailers, be? ing stocked up with heavier grades of winter shoes, have hesitated to buy spring goods in quantities much in ex? cess of their immediate needs. But they are starting to buy more freely now, and advance orders received this week provide a basis for the expecta? tion of a large spring business. In making recommendations for women's footwear for the fall and winter seasons of 1920 the National Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Associa? tion takes the position that trade con? ditions are such that conservative busi? ness must continue to be the rule, and stocks on the shelves of the retailers must be kept in a liquid state in order that the industry and the trade in gen? eral may be adjusted to arise after June 1, I9??0. 1919 Wholesale Totaleren N. \ . Commossion District Gross 1*111 at $2, MNM)00,000 Total gross annual sale? made Mas! year in Xew York's wholesale- commis? sion district, bounded by ami Canal streets. Broadway and the Hud? son, amounted to about $2,400,000,000, aec.'-ding to an estimate made bv Sam? uel S. Conovcr, president of the Fi? delity Trust Company. This is the first, estimate ever corn piled regarding the district's wealth as a whole, ft, is drawn f'om statements of various trade organizations, ;,,.- well as commercial bodies and leading mer? chants. Approximate annual gross Bales in the various trades are shown as follows: Cotton fabric .$1,GOO,001.0 Fruit un<) i>r?K?uro (estimated value of Kooeds arrivln? In Now York? . 400,000,000 Butter, ????:>, che???;, poultry.. 301!,500,000 Boots and shoes . 7-V.?. Grocerl??) . 100,000.001 J*iii<??r . 7.00",000 Total .$2,428, T Information In this department The Tribune will throw the, light of such information as is at its command on the invest? ment problems of its renders. The utmost care is used in the compila? tion and presentation of such in? formation and we believe it to be de? pendable. Dut we wish especially to emphasize to cur readers the fact that new developments of such im? portance as to greatly char.ff* ?he status of a security are constantly taking place. Therefore, as a matter of self-p?otcction, the investor should make it a. point to keep in close touch with the affairs of the companies whose securities ho has purchased and with general develovmento bear- I ing upon the value, of such securities, j Consiienf, watchfulness is the best I safeguard the investor can possibly ! have. j Questions of general interest to \ investors will be answered in iAi* column, in which case only initials will be used: Others will be an? swered by mail. Addrese all in? quiries, inclosing a. stamped, ad? dressed envelope to Financial Editor, The Tribune, 151 Nassau Street, New York City, Many Oils Become Inactivo Question?I am the owner of several hun- ! ilred shares of Northwestern Oil Company stock, bought at around 65 cents. I have not seen any sales of this stock reported in the daily papers during the last few months.. although the pamphlets of some brokers ' ?i ?mote the stock at around 35 cents, reporting ?ales around that figure. Can yon tell mo why this stock is apparently entirely in? active, after sales of several thousand shares daily a few months hack? What is the position of this stock? Mo you consider it advisable to double my holdings at the figure above quoted, if possible ??A. O. K. Answer?The stocks of a largo num? ber of oil companies whicrTTfTre floated when the tide of speculation in such securities was at its height a few months ago have since become inactive. Most of them, too, are selling far be-j low* the quotations at which the pub lie bought them. Some possibly have1 disappeared from the market, never to ; he heard from again. The "Northwest? ern Oil Company" does not appear among our records. Perhaps you mean Northwest Oil. If so, the stock, in. our opinion, is too speculative to haz? ard a guess as to what you would gain ! or lose by doubling your holdings. Calumet and Jerome Question Will you kindly give me what information you can on Calumet an<l Jerome Mining Company? I bought several shares about three years ag?> around $2 per share, but lwing orily street certificates, 1 do not get any reports from the ccn-pany. 1 think they are selling around ? at the present. 1 have been wondering if the mine is closed down. What are its prospects for the fu? ture';' Any information you can give me will be greatly appreciated. H. ,1. A. Answer Calumet and Jerome Copper Mining Company has, like most other copper companies, suffered from the ; depression "in the trade. Operating :-osts are high, and unless (he price of the metal is fairly high such companies as Calumet and Jerome cannot earn anything substantial. Should the metal advance materially, this company might ?jhow better results. American Real Estate Bonds Question- l have American Real rotate ?Hinds of the American Real Kstalo Com ?any of New York. Can you give me any information in regard to what we may on ??crt to receive on them and when we will receive it? i also have Overland at .'f.!11-... Missouri & Pacific at 2:?. Butte and Superior it -.o- .??.nd Oklahoma Producing and Refin? ing at" 11. I must have my money out of h.-*e by April 15. What do you advise ? l\ W. Si. Answer American Real Estate ? per? cent bonds have shown a slight ad? vance in price recently, to about 10 per cent, as the receivers hive been able to iispose of some property at higher fig? ures than have prevailed for some time. No announcement is forthcoming as to when the affairs of the company will : i>e wound up. We shall publish the; fact as soon as the announcement is ; made. AH the stocks you mention are ? rery sncculative in character, and prob-i tbly will follow the trend of the gen- j ?ral market. There are too many ele-! meats entering into stock speculation : l'or us to attempt to advise you what j lo do. Preferred Slocks Still Exchangeable Question -Will >? u please advise me what I he po,ilion is of on?, who ha; the following ireferred stocks, ami neve:- consented to the ?eorganization, and the valu? of such stocks it the preeent time: United State., Leather. ireferred (which was token over by the t'en- : ral Leather i ; Corn Products Company, pre ferred (which was taken over by the Corn ; Products Refining Company) ??W. W. S. Answer?Preferred stockholders of the United States Leather Company may, upon presenting their stocks to the Central Leather Company, receive for each $100 stock $50 in 5 per cent bonds of the Central Leather Company, with interest to ?late; ?.",0 in preferred ttock, with dividends to date; $23.50 in common stock and $10 in cash. Pre- I ferred stock holders of the Corn Prod ucts Company may, upon presenting their stock to the Corn Products Re- ' lining Company, receive for each three shares two shares of the preferred stock of the latter company, with divi? dends to date. I Maxwell Motors Question Can you give me any informa? tion concerning Maxwell Motors common? What is your opinion of the outlook for this ?tock ? It seem-, t?> me to be acting very badly of late, it appearH to have no buoy? ancy whatever and seems not. to act in sym- ! pathy with the other motor stocks at all. Can you tell me why there are so many issue;-of this stock and apparently so man> notes out? standing? I have been informed that tlii. company got in pretty badly on government contracts. Can you give me any informa? tion on this? I would also be glad to have your opinion on this proposed m ?rger with the Chalmer-i Company. What is it.; o.bjcct? If it i- a ?i ?al to enable the borrowing of more money, whal i ?. the object of this? These people <:,? not seem lo be growing so fast thai they require funds for expanding all the time. Where doe-? the money go ? i ;::ivi? considerable of this Btock bought near lie lop of the market. 1 will appreciate any? thing you may be able to tell me. -G. A. U. Answer I; would appear that Max tvel] .Motors is suffering from a some? what too largo capitalization. The jompany made money ?luring the war, laid considerable in dividends, passed Lhem, and now is attempting to effect ?. plan in which there does not. appear to be the liveliest of interest. The :ompany probably needs more working ?apital. Under the plan of consolida? tion with the Chalmers Company the Central Union Trust Company and the .'hase securities agreed to purchase pl'0,000,000 in 7 per cent notes by De ;cmber ?'!. 1 '. M t ?. This agreement bus lapsed, In (-his.? there had not been suf icient deposit, of stork under the plan if consolidation. The not income of Maxwell Motors from August 1, RMS. o June 30, 1919, was $1.559,309, while ?hat of Chalmers was $'J l.x.i?'.i. The :onr-olidation may be a good one for lhalmers, but we fail to se,? where it ,vili prove of any great value to Max veil. It is unofficially reported that he two companies are behind orders ind that the outlook is good. It. is dated that the government had not set led with the Maxwell company on its; v.-ir work and still owes some $10,000,- : 100. When this is cl -.-red up the com- i iany should be in a good finuneial po-! ?ilion. As we have slated already, the rouble would appear to be overeapi- | uM/.at ion. four full columns of in vestment questions utul an* swers ore published in The Tribune every Sunday. Curb Market 200?) ?Aetna Exp . . 8% 150?) "Alum Mfg ...37 100 Air Reduction. 48 1100 *Amal Tire Co 15V, 3000 Am Foreign C. 13% 50900 Am Safety Eaz 16% 1100 Austin-Nichols. -7 300. do pref - 92 % 1340 Atlantic Fruit. 35 800 Barnssdale _ 5100 ?Br-Am Ch C. 8000 ?BT-Am Tob c. 3700 do reg . 24000 do rts. 10220 do reg rts.. . 2100 "Car L ?S: Pwr 3300 Colonial Tire.. 200 Conley T Foil, 100 Edmund & J.. 2500 Farrell Coal .. 16600 "Gen Asphalt. 117 139?0 *Gen Motors .. 33 1000 Ham Play pf.. 98 20700 *Goldwyn Pict 34 900 Grape-Ola _ 1 '?j 1880 do pf . 1\ Industrials ?^H High. Low. Last. chge. ? 11% . 5% 16 391? 15 ?y. 36% 99% 14 17 12% 1% 68 49 24?% 1100 Havana Tob 1400 ?lo pref .... 400 ?Heyden Chem. 6300 Hupp Mot Car S00 'Hydraulic Stl. 500 do pref - 99% 200 Inter Rubber. . 14 2200 Indian Pack. . . 18 1800 Imp Tobacco.. . 13% 7,100 Kay Co Gas. . 2% 1200 Lake Tor Pout 3% 73500 Lincoln Mots. 53 6400 *I.oco new wi. 25 10600 Marconi of Am i! 5% 100 "Mercer Mot. . 22 32 2900 N Am P & P. 5% 5V? 2400 N Y Shipbldg. 16 41 39000 Orpheum C... 37 33 100 Ohio Blower .. 33% I'?::1; 000 Patchogue Ply 41 40 11000 Perfection Tire 5 4 2700 Penn Coal & C 175 Philip Jones. . 100 do pf . 95 2200 Pressman T R 31 10000 ?Radio Co w i 2 C600 ?do pref w i 2 5100 ?Rep Rubber. . 5 139 Rfis Robert. . . 2i! 6400 Spicer Mfg_ill 1000 ?do pref. ... 112 3300 ?Stanwood Rub 17 100 Stand G & E. 25 " 25 2100?? Sub Boat. 17 15M 400 Stand Shipbldg 4% 4 1500 swift int. 58% 56 1200 ?Tenn C & F P 4S 4 1 1100 Tob Prod F.xp. 29 28 50 ?Todd Shipyds.lSO 180 700 Tob P-od rts. . 7% &% 14200 Triangle Film. Tu % 2600 U S Lt & H. 3% 3 5600 Un Profit Sh. 2% 2% 1300 U S Dii.trib. .. 48 47 13900 ?URS Candy 17 16 7550 ?U S II s T.. 114 31 3S500 U S Steamship 4% ??% 4200 Uzold Tire_ 4 4 2510 11 S Transport 12% 11% 4900 ?U pict Pr C. 17% 16 100 Van Raalte pf. 45 45 lin) Warren Bros.. 70 70 2600 Wayne Coal... 4% 4% 1 100 William Pavics 40 -18 1000 Will & Boumer 29% 28% Standard Oils 100 Anglo-Am Oil. 28% 28% 265 Stand O (Call .225 313 175 Stand O IN Yl.4 18 420 170 Stand O (N J).770 715 20 So Penn Oil. .340 340 loi Union Tank L.12S 127 30 Vacuum Oil...427 425 14200 Ryan Pet 1000 Sapulpa . 7 5400 tSalt Crk Prod 5?% 1300 Salt Crk Cons 21 6400 Sen O & R. .. V? 1900 Scab O & G. . 5% 5400 ?SkeUy Oil_ 12 57500 ?Simms Pet... 55% 44500 ?do rights.. . t% 2600 So O & Tr. . . 7 5800 So States Con. 1% 6000 Spencer Pet C. 19 IOOiiO ?Stanton Oil. . % 3100 Superior Oil.. 10% 1000 ?Tex Chief Oil 41 Net High. low. Last. Chge. 3% 6% 20% 11 % 51 2 Ni 6 Vi 1 17% l'lT ?a; 1; 28 51 1% 20 1 1% 49% + 2-% 21 + % 11%+ '.8 55%+ 3% 1%*+ U* 6% 1%+ hi 18%?i % 161.4 4- % 39 ?2 4% 1% 8% 1% 22% 4% 37 - 74 ift ? 1% 7o 109% 11 112% 11 17 1 58 ? 47 v? 1ft S14 1 j It 1% 2 Vi ' 1 % os 'ft _ ?i 1% 1% 01 1% 13 ?1 2?% 2 S 180 "s T" 3 % .. 2% - 48 ? 16 ? 33% + 4 + 12 - 17 - 45 70 4% 40 28% 28% 2 20 433. - 70'.1 - 340 127 425 - Independent Oils lip; 43% 18 4 !>% 8 Vi 9700 Allen Oil _ 300 Alto O & G... 4500 ?All O & It.. 240000 ?Allied Oil.. . 6100 Annabel Wyo.. 12300 ?Amalg Roy.. . 2500 Ark Nat Gas. 210" ?Assoc Oil ... 2200 Hell Pet . 19100 Boone Oil _ 6300 Boston Me.x . . 1600 Boston Wyo... . 750 ?Brazos Oil C 4000 Burk van Cl. . 9500 Card, Svn. . . . i 500 Circle Oil _ 5000 Cities Service. 7 ?!>" Col Emerald... 1000 Cont Ref _ 10200 ?Cosden & Co. 2200 ?Cashing Pr>t. . ?3400 ?Dominion Oil. 3500 ?Duquesne Oil. 12000 ?Elk Basin Pet J68I0 Engineer Pel. 8300 ?Ertel Oil .... 3600 ?Esm O & G.. 4500 ?Federal Oil... 600 Fensiand Oil. . ?3500 ?Gilliland Oil. . 4500 ?do pref . . I IS00 Guffy-Gillespie. 2350 Gum Cove Oil. 5400 ?Glenrock Oil. 96011 fl-lome Pet of D 2500 ?Houston Oi!. . F5300 "Hudson Oil . . 6100 Home O R & T 70O ?Hughes Pet . . 7400 Invincible Oil.. 1100 ?Internat Pet.. I2O00 ?Island O & T 17300 King Pet C... ?8000 Livingston Oil M00 Manhattan Oil IS200 Magna O & R 1000 Marsball O & G 12 1200 ?Maraffelbo Oil 23 :1200 ?Merntt Oil Cp 21 3800/TVIetex oil . . 1 .4200 Mexico Oil ... ;; 200 Mex-Panuco Oil IS ?3200 Mes Pet . . -I 340?) Midwest Tex. . 2100 ?Midwest Ref. 160 100 ?Nat Oil & R. 7 600 New En I' Oil 82 3900 North Am Oil. 5 7800 Ohio Ranger.. 1 1000 Okla P & R. . 100?O N O S Inc. 1700 Omar O & G. 500 Panhandle pf.. 4011 I'anhan P & R 900 Pennock Oil .. 6200 'T'hillips Pet. . 0800 ?Prod & Ref.. 6400 ?Red Roc'; Oil. ?0550 Republic Oil.. 2100 ?Rickar.1 T Co ."? 1 ?". 106'-. 36V ?!'i 1% 16 % 69 . '?'* 'VA 6% 2 ?'% I ft 42% 16 ?I 8% 6% 15 100 16%+ Vi 26 "? 1% 21 '?? 2Vi 43 V 5% 42% 17% ?I .1 V4? l 3S0O Texas Co w i. 53 53011 Tex-R P & R. 1% 9500 ?Tropical OI,. 22% 57200 ?Texon O & L 1% 2600 ?Thraman Oil. 2 7800 ?Trinity Oil. . . 1 18200 ?Un Texas Pet 1% .".000 ?Vulcan Oil... ??V4 22600 ?Victoria Oil. . 2% 200 ?Wh E O ? R. 23 300 Way O & G. . 4% 2500" ?White Oil. ... 39% 3500 Whelan Oil_ 1 s 3200Woodburn Oil,. 7% 7 9000 Wyoming Cons. 40 35 Mining Stocks 121500 Alask-Br C M 2 < 5150 Am II Min C. 2% -1 77000 ?Am T & T. .. % > 3 8000 Arizona Sil... ." 1600 ?Am Mines ... 11500 ?tAtlanta .... : 28300 ?tBelch D (pi. 2?! 50900 ??Belch Ex (p) 3< 1300 ?Big Ledge. ... 10200 ?tBooth . ( 33100 tBost ?? Mon. . 7; 1300 Butte-NY .... 15600 ?I-Caledonia . . 4( 4600 Canada Cop... 10150 ?Candelaria Sil. 19000 ?tCashboy .... 8 4725 Carson H Gold 33 1275 ?Cons Va Silv. 220?) Cresson Con G. 2500 Cons Cop Min. 800 Cons Arizona. . 1040" De Beer Cons. 223750 ?Divide Ext. . S100 El Salvador S. 21200 'Eureka C M C 2000 ?1 Eureka Holly 22S50 ?Forty-nine M. 4000 Gadsden C. . . . 11900 ?fGold Z Div. ?"200 "Golden Gate. . 11900 ?tGoldfield Con 14 1700?) ?tGoldfield Dev 10 14700 ?tGoldfield Mer 4 7700 ?-?-Great Bend.. 3 2 V 2500 Hasbrouck .... ;> 5 3190 Hecla Mining. 4% 4 90O Iron Blossom.. % ? 2OS0O ?tJim Butler. . 25 22 10400 tJumbo Exten. 8 7 1000 Kerr Lake....? !% 4\i 10400 "tKewanas ... 3 2 21900 ?tKnox Divide 15 9U 4000 La Roso Ltd.. 29 80O0 Louisiana Con. H 7700 Maftma Chef. . i7?j 13900 ?tMarsh Min.. 23 1200 Mason Valley. . 2% 25500 ?tMacN Cr M 29 89000 ?tMacNam M. 75 5000 McKinleyDar. . 64 ; 2200 Mother L Cop. 6 16900 Mur-M M Ltd. 76 4 800 ?Nat Tin Corp 13 2500 Nipissing Min. 1 1 % 10f.O Nixon Nev ... 18 32800 Nevada Ophir. 38 2300 Ophir Silver.. 1% lO^.'.o Prince Cons .. 1 -\ 3900 Rand Min Ltd. 40% 13600 vUex Cons ... 10 51200 Roper-Gr M Co % 3200 ?Silver Dol M. ft 800 Seneca Copper. 18 12500 Silv K of Ark: % 171011 ?-?Silver K Div 8 I 30OI) ?-?-Silver Pick. . 4 4900 ?So Am G <& P S:m, 330c Stand Silver L % 16600 ?tSuccess Min. 7 12900 Sutherland D.. 7 3870 ?Tono Belmont 17065 ?Tonopah Div. 4950 Tonopah Ext.. 19501) ?Tonopah Min. 7208 United Plastern 16400 *tU S Cont M. 140?) Unity Gold M. 2700 ?Utah Rev . . . 16900 Victory Divid??. 18350 -?'? \Ve?l End Con 2% 12100 -rWh Caps Min 11 C500 tW Cap Elap) 2 10550 Wilbert Mining S R 5000 Yukon Gold... 1 % I' Bonds 28 21 2% 21 ' 61 61 n5% 12% 11% 18 30 1% \? 40 S1' 16 3 8% 1% 19 s 8 1% 15 ift 1 % 1% ? 21 + 1%? 114 .i % ? 1% + 9 J 1%-i 22% 4 Vj_ . .y? G " ? - 72 ? 1 % ? 38 ? 2 lft. ft % - % S ??- 1 28%? 7% 7% 2% - - - 4% % ? 43% 1 + A 3%+ % ?1H ? '1%+ "% 36 + 1 1 % 4- % 14 - 9%? % 3%? % 4%+ % % + ft 25 + 1 8 4%+ % 10 - 29 ? 7% M - %? ft 25 ? 4 75 -4- 5 6l?, " '? 5% 76+1 12%? % 11 Vi? % 18 - 35 -t- 1 1% 1 ? % 40%+ % 9 _ 1,2 IL _ ft? ft 17%+ % Ji 1 S% + % ? 5V>? 1 6%+ 3 3% + "I ??.... 2% - 4ft - 1% - ? ?IS + 1 11 + 1 Last. 3% 1ft r. 9 ' i, Sales (000 omitted). High Low. SI 13 Allied 'Pack 6s. 85 81 % 73 A T & T 6s '22 97 96% 96%? 21 do 6s 1921. . . 064 96 96% II Anaconda 6s... 96% 96% 96% 120 Atlantic Fr 7s. 97 97 97 368 Belg Gov 6fi '25 96% 95% 96% 1! : do 6s ?921 . . . 99% 98% 99 V 27 Beth Stl 7s '23.101 % 101 % 101 % + Net Chge. 8', 150 Cor. Gas. . 10 Cuba Cane 7s. . 60 ?CCC&Stl. 6s '29 13 ?Cop 5v.,? -it wi 23 ?Gv of Swed 6s. SO0 Gen Motors 7s. 132 ?Int Rap Tr. . . 60 Phil.i Elec 6s. . 68 ?Rus Gov 5 Vs. 95 ?do 6%s. ."... 3 ? ?Swiss Gov 5 '??.. 69% 34 91V 100 100 S7 69 '? 97% 31 31 : 1 v 4%. 162 " 1? ' % 81 4'4 I Va 5% S3 4 t.. 1% 5 % 1., 1', 1.". 87 "? 1% 1% 1 V *Unlist?ed. tSells cents a share. Forty Pounds of Cabbage tieetl Yield Texas Farmer S5,J)20 The sale of cabbage plants from three acres of ?and has netted H. 11. Wetegrove, of Mercedes, Tex., nearly $4,000 this season. In addition to the revenue he received from the aale of plants . to neighboring farmers Mr. Wetegrove obtained from the three acre tract enough plant3 to "set out" sixty acres of his own. Mr. Wetegrove purchased forty pounds of cabbage seed, which he planted on the three-acre tract. He sold his plants at a price which, The Following Fur Offerings will be placed on ctle and sold with? out resei*ve to the highest bidder at NEW YORK'S RAW FUR AUCTION SALE FEBRUARY 16th and the days following at MASONIC HALL, 71 West 23d St. New York City DOMESTIC 4350 450 3 7800 58000 20000 4000 9000 68000 500 600 750 6200 1300 Badger Bear Polar Bear Beaver Civet Cat House Cat Ringtail Cat Wild Cat Ermine Fisher Blue Fox Cross Fox Grey Fox Kitt Fox 27000 Red Fox 332 Silver Fox 2450 White Fox 800 Lynx 7709 Marten 41500 Mink 334000 Muskrat 5300 Muskrat (Black) 175000 Opossum 1500 Otter 73000 Raccoon 239030 Skunk 32500 Wolf 110 Wolverine FOREIGN 51000 Australian Fox 234000 Australian Opossum 160000 lbs. Australian Rabbit 118000 Australian Ringtail Opos? sum 2675 Baummarten 1050 Chinchilla 4400 Chinese Raccoon 12500 Chinese Weasel 38000 Fitch 9600 White Hare 2600 Japanese Flying Squirrel 2500 Japanese Marten 10300 Japanese Mink 2500 Kangaroo 16000 Kolinsky 195 Leopard 34600 Marmot 183000 Mole 72000 Nutria 1950 Russian Sable 1150 Hair Seal 325000 Squirrel 7200 Sionemarten 15900 Sundry Fox: (European Karagan Erzerum Patagonian South American) 21000 Wallaby 2000 Wombat Also sundries consisting of (600) Genette, (97) Tiger Cat, (1600) Guanaco, (2767) Chinchilla Rat, (469) Leopard Cat, (181) Spanish Cat, (336) Fawn, (74) Fonies, (400) Chinese Cat, (46) Panther, (408) Wallaroo, (321) Caracul, (860) Ja? panese Fox, (4450) Fox Tails, (1269) Persian Lamb, (81) Broadtail, (1390) Lamb, (1200) Mink Tails, (146) Viscacha, (339) Monkey. Goods will be on display at our warehouse, and catalogs will be issued February 11th. Australian Rabbit will be shown at 136 West 31st Street Purchasers ivill be allowed a discount of 1% on till amounts paid on or before Mardi 22nd, which is the Prompt Day for the coming sale. All aoods must be cleared and paid for on or before June 15th. i The New York Fur Auction Sales Corporation 48-50-52 Great Jones Street, N. Y. C. Transactions in Listed Stocks (Continued frovi page 12) Mitch 1920. 72% 1121-2 87 8% 24 ?> 2 56 11% 20 253-4 88 '/s 119 55'8 14 66% 32 93 B2' s 32% 130 11614 94*4 93 34 76 Date Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan low 1920. 65! g 110 79 7% 22 52% 103-4 17% 23% 86% 116 52 11% 58% 273/4 SO 74 29 9 6 2 13 6 *Ei dividend 125% 113 87% 92 70 Date Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jen Jan Jan Jon Jnn Jan Jan Jan Jun Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Div. in $. 23 4 14 8 17 6 15 ? 22 ? 19 ? 17 ? 6 ? 20 ? 24 7 14 7 17 4 22 ? 23 4 23 1 16 7 24 5 16 ? 14 S 22 7 9 ? 17 7 16 6 Safes. High. Va Car Chen;. 2600 66| ? 600 1 1 1 %g 200 73 800 8 do pr. Va Iron C & C Wabash . do ?ir A. 4 100 2?' 11'/; 20 WelLs Far go Kxp.. Western Maryland. do 2d pr. ...>.. . \\ cstrrn Pacific . Western Union Tel. V,'house- Air Brake Westinghouse Mfu Wheel & Lake Eric White Motors . Willys Overland do pr. Wilson Co . Wisconsin Central Woolworth . do pr. Worth Tump ?: Math 213C0 94 do pr A. 300 j? do pr B. 300 74 200 4200 400 400 ?4 1300 F-,8' -, 3C0 11? 47-00 52"f 1300 12 3400 61','s 56C0O 2r->t 300 90 1500 75. 1100 32:', 400 ?26'>, 20? 113 Lo 65% 110 79 7% 22 52'4 10% 19 2Vi 86% 117 62 11% 68% 2/% 90 ?74 , 30 : 12b 113 ?9' 92 71' I lo?e. 65", 111 79 Net chfc 22V 52?4 11 ? 20 24 - MM 60'. ?9 40 30 126 113 91? 92 72 - !' ? V.; f- ?? + 1 deducting: the cot?t of seed, yielded a : plants he used, which, if added to the profit of $3,820. These figures do not earning, would give a total of $5,020.? tukc into account the value of the I Philadelnhia i'ni.lir T^m-pr. Price Trend on the New York Stock Market ?i , , , '- ~? ? ? ? ?? i i i. ?.,?.i m i ? _i the graph ulmvc hIiow? avcni?p nrire of ii,?.nh? -.-i i . i ?-"? ' the first business ?lav of each ?nonlh from 1 ?o?i^ Btock? ?? ?>ne line and thirty industrial stocks in the other on prices ?i?cc January 1, 5?. * ^ l? DecciMber. ?W. ?d the wefcklv high, Ich and closing ?*??