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MARWICX MITCHELL 6- CO. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS macice that they have admitted to partnership ,n their firm. Mr. Melville C, Woosier, who for^ merly vs as Manager of their P.ttsburgh Office and for the past few years has been with the Federal Trade Commission. Mr. Wooster will be resi^ dent in New York. y Wall Street. New York. January, 1920. 1.000 Drop {n Profits Asserted Bv Morris & Co. ?_, Chicago Packer Gives Net ggrnings as $703,641 in 1919, an Eighth of a Cent on Every Dollar of Sales CHICAGO. Jan 25- The net earn j|j of Morrrs & Co., packers, for the ;1: ending November 1, 1919, were f{J,Ml.?5, according to the cora ,t?y'j financial report to stockholders -Ji p'?b'c.c to-night. This repre? ssed a return of 1.25 per cent on a aaiui investment of $5G,025,6?4, or ?is than one-eighth of a cent on every ???:!ar of sales. :no'uding by-products, :a si y'se eompany's volume of sales ikmred an increase over the previous ^4r, it- was stated, but profits de atut? $C.5<-,.'.''!"''. ?-ie, it was asserted. a agitation against tire packers and D a dee?ea*" m the price of products. Edward Murrrs, president of the ME?any, in a s'atement accompanying ??inaneial report, said. ?fie poor showing that ws have ?net in our business this year has H?a due to agitation against us and ??a ieavy decline m the price of our ??story products while under the jwceis of manufacture. The low price if foreign exchange has had a bad ef ?Kt boot, ou- export business." Cash' in bank was given as more than ?7.M0.0O?. aboul -he same as the pre? nons year, and current liabilities de *?ase.i aboul 56,000,000, Stockholders ?ere pad 1300.000 m dividends, and 14?O.0?U was added to the company's ?stbIus. The tota'. :ncome during 1919 was &?45.471 and expenditures |6,141,829. Aiset? on November 1 were placed at UU,?ei,?7u. Mr. Morris -aid that additional bonds if $6.250.000 were issued during the year and that a large portion of these ^id been purchased by employees :nr(iufjB a profit-sharing pljm. The traplajees srho had become participa? tor! ::. till ?? ai , he said, had received sheek? equivalent to 10 per cent of their subscript ons, and. in view of the ?'ac: rfrar c 'leetions were not made ???n jufcjcriptions until September, it 'id mean? a return to them on money nve?ted or more than 60 per cent. "WWje 'he prices, of all other prod :ls !iav<> been advancing." Mr. Morris ?vd, "c.:rs are the outstanding excep !'?JBs. the wholesale prices on meats be ?? 5- pel' cent less than last spring. ui ?e are in this respect on a sound r.t-war r.ji-ls: more so. no doubt, than c.i airier industry." Judgments Filed "h? f .-...- j-, Igi ? ?? ?* were filed Sat ;^ay, ?.:.. first name being that of the uiut: In New York County MtHRa! ? -? :'? a : : ? !o., Inc. -.' A: - ????-it . $750.00 ?rv?ey. . : ? ople, etc.., *r*n E and 9 ?? I? Broa?: : Producing 1,196.88 ?F. E. V boldt Tl7 t 7 .'.".WV ? ..;: ? N*w V .. . '8! ?7.. 70 ' i.T. ' Bessie Cohen, Isl '.'-? 7" ? ? . ph Henrod _-Sa~..- . . 113.90 JM-.u.?? . . inc. ?: ;. . 7 4n - ? i.M.-.A in . '? ? ai na e ?i. > "2 Uwier. Patk?Park 627.71 ?**"*. V ?. Can. C? . . .-s; *il M ;.. B?b.'J ^"t'rscji. ?School ?' a?r . ... : 4 '. " ?'. ?w. Alfre ; r hard ij ??'i#iier - iff M ;?,. 733.20 170.20 '-.Vil, *sns*r, EeJwi: ' ? Columbia unge : 07.70 ?-t.?. ; David B. Can. '-Wile a:. i.-o- :. , *?*?+- \. . 1S3.70 ?auMrmai - a'^ Indua '???*, C . :. In lirons County .?'-'i''' n h. Smith J27.20 ' -? !?- ?!.. Baii?lier _l?r * 7,2 47 ?'?r?r? , Rue ?*:-- ?? ? ... 17 70 nat Co 944 \: *??? !.. -.: . y: :.:.;?) 11 ? '? . -' ? . "? B -. ? . . 26.41 ?/'*?. W .... - ? ? -, . ?.3 mnor. - Wntlai .. ... B^r.-.j. Satiafied Judgment? TU r-* < ? ?.? aebtor, *'?**?? ? -, mo ? I ??*" Ib Ne* York <ount> 'i'1- ? . !.. Lazar ti? i ?HC. 17. I?!, :, ? ? - ' ?: : ,. r?6,?06.2? -*>?-'< ?. , . ;? PubllO '??- ...?:??? '??e*. .. .&? 70 "; '?"?-? - ? :?? : KHI il - ? :'.'.. In f'.ronx f'ounty ?-?1-r... . ,... .. . ,. t "*-**?? . ., . 1 ? Business Volume Continues Hiph le Middle West Seventh Reserve District Re ports Trade in Peculiar Pocket, Due to Price Pro test* and Scant Production CHICAGO, Jan, 25.?The general volume of business in the Middle West continues at a high level and bulling operations and other activities will be sufficient to sustain the movement for the immediate future, according to a report of business conditions in the Seventh Federa^ Reserve District, made public to-night. The report states, however, that despite this general show of prosperity business is in "a peculiar pocket." "On one side," it says, "there are forays against high prices, society women engineering film propaganda and quasi-boycotts against this or that commodity at the prevailing price, or else p'eriging themselves to refrain from buying until concessions are made. On the other side, there is the obstinate fact that demand for com? modities outruns any possibility of pro? viding a supply; that production is low in volume because labor is inefficient and because raw materials are avail? able in quantities much below neces? sary requirements. These factors, com? bined with a car shortage, motive power famine, inadequate transporta? tion facilities and strike rumors, con? stitute a total of risky elements, against which he average business mar. dreads to pit I is capital." Crowning all of the difficulties, says the report, is the foreign exchange situation, which is declared to be the most unfavorable in its bearings on American business hopes. Agricultural conditions in all parts of th< 7th Federal Reserve District were it-ported to be favorable, while industrial conditions over tho dis? trict reflect counter-currents at work. These include uncertainty caused by threats of strikes, inadequate produc? tion of coal, iron and basic materials, ! and "fickleness and consequent ineffi c ei ,"v of labor. Coal is declared to be scarce, steel i almost impossible to obtain, structural trades running at one-half normal hi eed, brick extremely scarce and at a prohibitive price, cotton and wool of the better grades scarce and leather stocks scant. The loan item in the mid-Western banks continues to reflect the rather .liberal use of credit in all lires of endeavor. Municipal extravagance con? tinues to be complained of. Individual banks continue to show substantial growth in individual deposits, as com? pared with a month ago and a year ago. B u y ers Buyers are invited to register in this column by telephoning Ileekman 8243 between 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. ? Fairchild Service / '.-' ?i iNA Pa . SIB ern an By g >ods, el O u m 1 . i u : ALZONIA Iowa I' H .rs; Miss F MiHei readj l? v.- ???? Mi A pin A ?"DERSON, Ir, - The Fair Department Stop . Lewis !.. Simon, reads to wear; A ANDERSON, S. C?-B Flnischman & S - s i li ?s? I -u ready lo wear; 1161 : , ?'?.? n & Pro ATLANTA Chaml i in Johnson A Du bo i? A H. Bei nar I, c? tton pie? e g ?ods, ,.? :? b Arla? i ? ? pie e goods; care 35 u ??-? Th ? ? '? foui ? t -? ? ??' AI ?l STA Oa .1 B V\ hite Co : II. B Smith ribbon leather goods, cara 23 East Twen y -b I x t h .-: i > Al ',i 9TA, Ga I. B White A ?~T<x ; Mrs D ??'. \ ... v art ? ??? ' ? '??? ?: k, art g? la and i lui East T? ni sixth Street BA ?.'l'i M? I ?' - ' hu irt?berg, mil aran ,K.?KE -?Stewart A Co : ? '. Il '? . ,?:.;. goods s,.?h, h.,' : :. ?? and ve I vets ? vv'i si Thlrt! -. i nth Street B ,' , M? iR? A Bi iah & Brn . A. Bra.ih wl -?..?? cl il ng; M? Alpin. BALTIMORE H VVela A Son; Charles ca? pets Pennsj Ivai ! - BA ?.'. - rii ??:. v' ho al? C ir poration F (juellriiala, cotton piece goods; H .- M ; nanl C. Il ?a-rlty, hardware tools; ' M. McDanl Is, house furnishing? i ; Pnurt h A v? nue. ;?? I.T1MOR1 B itzier Bros. Co.; il. | n, hoys' i loi h Ins Navarre, BALT1M ?RE?-S. .( SUbert, pleoo gonds. Peni ?. i BEARDHT?. >WN ' Kuhl D G Co.. Prank K?hl, ii;.i-m, :? ng; 1133 Broadway; Pi [INCH ' M, ?? a - Drennen Co De? nt ."'.,?? I? McEvoy, notions el .- ? Mrs y I. River?, ii. n t? ??- ? room 408 BIHHOPVILLE, -. C- B. Levlnaon, dry ? I? n shrx ., Pennsyi ?. u t. ?a. BLYTHE Cailt I (1 Eweil, clothing an mena furnishings; ?'hiI? Avenue ;??, STO.N lordan Marsh Co. ; C, Ross, ai . . ?. (32 Fourth Av enue. BOSTON .,. ? . Ma ? '. i 'o . M : K'.ss. - \.r..i.i, Jersey suits foi ladies; 4 ? Fourth . . ' '. 10 BOZE?tAN, y.'i.i Chamber? Flshoi ''., Mra < ? ?'? :? ? ? ? ? ? goods, gen ti.i merchan ?? Pi nna? ^anla liROWNWOWi, Te* R 11 Rogers, dry good :???]; ??> ?.ur, 11 &0 Broaeiv.., , Course of the Bond Market ]<j\'t. . J?fi-- . I-;, , \^f K,? , \?m , J??r JuK 1920 si ,;?,?, : : : KBfc"*in-i,n--***?-7')tt , ? ; t^.*-r.j-?'V-??"? ??j?^. %^*.,.,?-,./ Bi l?A *** ' ' ' ; ' ' '? .,,... ?,, i?**?^wii|,|^ ; ; ? : ?*?: 7 i ?~~ . ' ,: ; : : : : : : ; : : : ; ; : : ; Jt^-'i T .,,.....,.,,.,.,>?' <? ? . ? ? ? i ? ; ;!.':''!!. ? Ion. Fell ? Mar ? - *|ir ins ?; ?.,,?.?? ? . ?i |?,? , '*\\ 105 ?"KK) r : i ;;?:??!?.!?:.;. i i-s> :;:::: ?: ? i. : : : : -~'. tt :"!' ?""':'t !-rr-rrr"85 :?:::: : : : i : j : t ill :?'.' ", .1 i . ?! . I. BO . -1 j ! ? ? Sctct ! i i .'!?;: i i , i . - j ? : : m I ; : : ? : I : : i : ? ?"! i1 i ! :?r !'!' ,11'! l'l1'" IM!.;::;;::::::; ?hi* grapfa *how* the averag? prie?? of ten railroad, ten industrial and five public utility on the fuht busiiteii r);<y of fmli month from January, 1917, to December, 1918, and P weekly floettuiUoni ?ince January J, 1919. Trude Cottons LIGHTENING up of credits and the -*- adoption of conservative buying and selling policies in manv quarters of ; the cotton goods trade followed the an j nouncement of the advance in redis ? count rates by the Federal Reserve ! Bank last week. On the two days fol ' lowing the announcement, tho gray or ; unfinished goods market was easier, although prices held fairly firm. Some ; speculators began offering their goods more freely. The trade expects the ? tight money market indicated by the ? advanced discount rates will force ! liquidation by many speculators and ! smaller operators who depend largely on bank loans to carry on their busi? ness. Early in the week great confidence ; in the market was apparent and some , mills took on contracts running into ? the second half of the year. .Some of the larger producer? of cot ! ton flannels last week named new prices on the production for the com? ing fall, which were considered high ? by some of the trade. Silks Further advances in prices of raw silks and finished goods were made last , week, despite a lessened demand for , goods for immediate use. As usual, the bulk of the business in finished goods ; WH3 carried on by the smaller jobbers, who traded among themselves and took their profits from such transactions. The big producers, except in two or : three cases, are making no effort to market their new production. Mills are i running day and night in many cases i to fill the orders still on the books and ; the mill agents say they need no new business to keep their looms going. . ^ Raw silk continued its upward climb. Each new cable from .la?an reported : a fresh, advance in the Yokohama mar ? ket. Importers moved up their prices here to conform with Japanese quota? tions, but advised local users to con? fine purchases to actual requirements. New record prices of ? 17.70 to $18.20 a pound were made in best. Japanese grades against a range of $16.85 to $!7.;>0 the week before. The high prices have checked business and the big mills are waiting for further develop? ments in the raw market before going ? ahead with plans for the next produc? tion season. Woolens Manufacturers of men's clothing were in the market last week in large numbers looking for opportunities to place orders for woolens and worsted for use in next fall's suits and over? coats, without finding mills ready to take on such business. The opening of the fall selling season in woolens is much delayed. Rumors say that he American Woolen Company, the trade leader, will open its lines some time during tiro present week and that this wil! inaugurate the new season, other selling agents arc awaiting action on ti e par? vi tho big company, whose pi-ice policy will determine largely the trend of the entire market. Higher prices appear imminent, but pressure against too high prices is great. Clothing manufacturers are telling -.!>?? cloth sellers that new ad? vances, if too severe, will check con? sumer demand. Clothing retailers, in both men's and women's lines, are coming forward with testimony that high prices arg at the peak, so far as the consuming public O concerned and that consumption already has fallen off considerably, Fur? The annual winter fur auction opens ;r S'. Louis next week with the ninr ket ?'i: the highest, price level in i"s history. Most of the trade expects ad? vances over the market to !??? made at the sale. It is certa -i that the sale prices will show largo percentages of increase, compared with the sale lasl fall, or with the winter sale a year ait'.? Local business last Week was re? stricted largely to tho dealers. Thf demands of fur workers for increased wages for the January-July period, or for the >i::n^ wage-; thai prevailed for thp last July-January season, are hold ing ;?o the plans of the manufacturing furriers and delaying their purchases of new stocks. The manufacturera are determined that tiie worker- snail ac A rrived BUTLER Mo - Samuel Levy Mercantile ?' Paul .-: Levy, ready to wear, dry go? ds Pi nnsj I '. ania. CARNEGIE, Okla.?M. Rolmlck, dry : I ????>.-.?? \ .- ?lid. . ?; ,]? !.!?:???:> ? Mo.?Bucl ner. Ragsda'.e ;.:?.-. . ? , c i,. :; ig ?dal? . g? neral 1 in, - ha >: ' - ? . Bre , ifBJA?! i?J, I.evine shoes Continental HILLSBORO Tex - L. Filing! n, di s , go ?'.- ? '? Breslln CHICAGO -Car.' n Pirji & Scott I' H renkin mden ur; 404 F ?ui th A. enuo CIIICAO? '?1! Grei nberg ? ?? ?'? Gold ' man, mnfi - clothing The Annex. CHICAGO B Shai iro, fui mture; Broad? way ? em A ?JO?M j er Rosi nthal. di y goodq :;. , . ...... Broadwaj Central , ni? a? l< ? Chicago M? anti ?? ? 'o H u milliner: ' Fi I ,.??. m lliner? . ? .. ' BI a J :.i - ' CHICAGO '? Klein; Air MI? ? ? . .. ids; Miss Die nson, ? aists nery : Mi Berl 1? :. ... . . usa Broailway. Fellows. i Koths :.. i C. R. ? ' Ber wanger, ladies coals, dresses, skirts; -i c) Court 1 '? ?. ' n. ue. CHI' i'i? Marshall Fi? Id Mrs. M. ..? ns, ml.!? rj silks; J. M. .. ?,en's cl? hing uniforms; IV. i ? ? ,; enson, wash dress goods; \\ A Boet ?.;., | k,d gloves Mr?. F. Skinner -??? . ?,; Carrol ? omen s custom . ; pur? ? ? i Broad wi '? i [N'i : %:? ATI - H. S Ko p A Co.; Miss . b, suii s, w ?' ?/' ? '? - 70 Broa d ? ,i ?. n 5OS , . . \ ATI ' " r.ton ? 0 : Miss '.sum ?. .. ,,,. , basi m? nl suits and r.oatsi 12' 0 iva CJLE\ i-i.-CI' V\ B. Davis C? : E. R. Scovill? bo ling and fui nlslilngs, Fifth Avi nue. CLEVELAND M Q ? en 'o ; W. Mc ; -, . nifrs skirts; M? Alpin CLE\ ELAND P. H. San.pliner & Co , ?,.;"r , worn? n s, 1 ?es' sull cloaks: McA ? [.EVELAM - Wm. T u lor hop * ' - 1 , ? ?.,-' n? hi i.a ? mbroldi : ies trii . lng all i ri? ar Miss C Hen ?n , | ?., ..... , i,., -..-'. ent runs' n un li ; wea ' Fifth Avi iuu i i ?.'.? iHADi ', T? x I- M. Bui nt dry ! Rriuar? ru.\, i 'hin Da' Id Davidorf: M ? 'a\ ? rea ? ' - wear; IS ?V ? ' iwenty-llrsl Street, ?th fl I i, ..? Ti ; W '? ' Ireen C ... A ! niankrnshln (.mestice flann? la. lining??, '.' ' . . ? s, velvet s ; York ? ,- \ - T? * '? ildsmith i ? G Co : bloUH? ?, me?..i wear, fan. y ;.-.,, iwuy, room 723. R e v i e w cept the usual "slack season" rates of pay dur:ng the first six months this year, as they have in past yean. Retailers are closing out their winter stocks now, with reductions in price that appear to be smaller than nsuai. Apparel The buying representatives of retail? ers of women's garment- in a!! section* of the country were plentiful in the wholesale markets last week, but they pursued a conservative policy in plac? ing orders for ?spring stocks. The manufacturers are making fewer "scar? city" arguments to induce the buvers to load up early, and it is unlikely that such arguments would have any effect. The ready-to-wear business was not particularly prosperous, from a retail standpoint, last fall, and is in a stump at present,?because of high prices or for other reasons, Retailers are mak? ing declarations that business has fallen off because of the high prices, and are laying in their stocks of spring goods with the expectation of still fur? ther reductions in the number of gar? ments they can Bell their customers. A! present dresses appear to be in greater demand than most of the other articles of women's wear. Waists aro not particularly active and coats and suits are moving slowly. Sport skirts are fairly active, but the' retailers are not "buying their heads off" even on these. Activity in men's clothing was slight last week. Some cancelations of spring garments continue to come in from the retailers, but manufacturers' are not worried about these so far. Palm Beach, tropical worsted and other real summer clothing has been ordered by the retailers in good quantities and ?de? liveries will begin soon Leather Last week witnessed a decided change in the tone of the domestic and foreign hide markets, which have turned fn.m a state of depression to one of conspicuous buoyancy. With the broadening demand for upper leather that has lately de-.??-loped light? weight native bides showed tlU"? great? est strength, but price advances ex? tended to all varieties, and there were reports of speculative purchasing by dealers. The skin market ;\:so was firm dur? ing the week. Prices, despite tlie di? minished activity, were strong, city skins closing at $10 to $10.50 for nine to twelve pounds, $0 to $9.50 for seven to nine pounds and $7.51) to $7.25 for five to seven pounds. The supply of calf skins ?n the local market was far from plentiful, and buyers were in the majority over sellers, Deer and ?!k skins were in fair demand at steady prices. Some imports of these skins were reported during the week, but the demand exceeded the shipments, and the week closed vv th few good sk ns available. The feature "r the selling last week was the hire?1 amounts of low grade upper leather purchasi d by shoi re? pair men. Owing to the high costs of first grade material shoemakers pre? fer to buy .., i gradi i rather than increase the pri?e of repair work Jewelry Retail jewelers from out of town ?finding it necessary to replenish their ? cks, visited the local market in un? usually large numbers last week. Jobbers and manufacturers asserted that the influx of buyers anxious to place orders was greater than ever before at that time of the year. Some attributed the rush to the continued st rike in the jewelry industry while others declared that the enormous ?? iness transacted in 1919, which cleared all sur;;.us stocka away, was responsil I? i ncreas? - v. < re made during the .-. eek n the prici of all jew< lry con? tain! ng sma II dii mo ,; -. 'I'!, e adv covers all stones up t? one-quarter carat in ;-:.. and ; - due, manufac? turers say, to the h gher prices asked for diamond - by the British syncl ? ? owing the i el un of ?50 st rik ing jew? ? r? r< cent . 100 ad litional ? reran d to their b? nch< s last week, A . the return ng workers came back on the 44-hour week basis ami the prim < >? ? ;' an '?pen shop. #j DALLAS T? ? M Is] nvltz, ready to wear 1 Is2 I ? ?adwaj PA LA; . ?. il V ?.:?'<., I H '?- eil), spring ? ? gs h 170 Fourth Avon m 1 >A NVILI i-; i a Robpi taon, dry gOOli.H mil IH'ti? ? ? - ? ? i >EN\ r-:i . . ? ? ? f?; Mrs. .'?!. .'-.;? , junlni II Skirt!, . I i, i ?t Street : UN i'KH Denver D '1 Co V - ! >un rl . ..-. ... - :?'. i: u?si II ?? ? =--? ?i. ???-?. i : ? ? ? )< i 'E - y. iI.VKf tnw.i Hurrls-Ei :I v ' ' '..!??' Br \ !??,,?? 1 . >E'l ? ? . A us n .v ? 'ohen Co . :. , ? .? . iv Me Al pin KnlT l'rowle; \ Un? r Co.; Jainei ? ? ? suite o verront a ?. .. .i au trousers . n kn .- m-boi .?? . - nri'l 1j ;* ...... .... ; . ? ? e ? unit - ' ? A. Fui UKT1 ?? Krolik ? :. ?: i (iannela i ??? l>K MUT le .- a? ? il, Cap.'an Co.; Mr Cupial ready tu weur; 14 East Twenty thil :??...? 11? .1 i,i..'is, Art,: r.evj Broa : ? G. Co . ? ' I.-'.'. i i.'. i ?. .-.i r I IS" Broa.! waj , Mitti ni ha ?V BAI il,AIRE W .s Ros mthal & ? ..;? . i Caplai readj tu wear ; -H ??dual i ?' ', t) ? . : Slrefct !?:.. I 'Ar ? i, T, k i man Krup il Ki ijpp, ??..n?. i .. . h: nd ? ??? .? j. Mleh.- I- ?s :?!..! Co . Mr R reads ta v ? , ? illas Patl arson i h Atar, . ? East Twcntj thii I F' 'UT W? iR'l ?;. '!"? ? ? Gilbert & Co. ; i. 'l ? '? .'????. ! ? ? nier coats V\ ? Kt Tw ni ?? ai? h Si i ? "t Ben 1.? \ 1s. FFI.Ti ? v ?? hrli Lian S ? . ? ...- i .;? Si H K. Cl 11] S m e r a h a n ? FUI-TON, Mo iVi ! Iry goods neral mei cha. -? Bivslln ? VST IN1A, N ' ..;-?-? T. S. M? ? ? ? women's) wtai l'ern --. , ? . ? GRAND RAPID* Mli i El Ur: Goods Co s: C 1 ri? : i an ulnaks, suits bathing suils; 1150 Broad? way, I7ih Ho . URB?NSBORG Ga. - Bickers-Goodwin ? ? ? ; ? ?... Iwin, gentral merchan Usa . ! . IHR] 3BURG C i B ? ?erstner. furs; : i H >. ?, n--. iRD, ' ? nn '?'? is ?Smil n ?s ' a : F I W in ? :. i lUse fun hing 3 '?!?? :. . ETON i . .-' Hern n stal nor y il: ..... . ELE.' ... ?lont 12 Fllgi man, dry g i, ; und w? men ?veai : ni . ?- ai la IIEL1?XA, A:.. The Shop ' : J A aoutei ail : i - l'ennsylvapta. li? ,;:? . '. . ? ? : ' aeln, piece guinls Ci-1 ylvania :?:.,;. women s clo liing; Albi INDIANAPOLIS Lake ?t Strassiiei (Th Ladies Hat Shi , ? . Miss !.. Lake, E'ennuyl vanta lOH MS n iVV.N i ? i liablnowltz ' '?? > Rabinowil z, i i n'a v. ai ; Bruadwa ? en ? . ?? i'Y Tetii : ? ? ';. N. Du4.-t.M-. ?Iry b'*-"1'' ? : i: Iry ?O'nls, niiUoi r Ihiuli KANSAS C m M ' ? ? ?? ' ?? i -, i .i Minoi iai-e curtains Mi A : pin M .? ' Boj -- . - ?tu, hais KAN'.- Vl ' ?' : "? :";' r)r>' ; ? . ' M o?? )?' C. Kell; ?Ulis; ! ? ? . ? : :'-' , , , ! : A M Emoi Bird ? Th y ei '?! Zi:llman n ' ailles ? ?? d ? ,i 'i'\? Ma Ils m Avenue h Ni iX\ ILLE : mi ?:???? rson Dutin \ ? n ? , i ?i J '?' v'arni i ? ?? ?? ? !?J ?" aj ?' ' " ;V " i i . i. ??; ? IAKLEri I.? ' Jai ob ? i ,. ,, ., rl, u ng an .. ? . ? Cunii ih u?a fJn .. a . n u? i UvE CHAULES La Ja? I- I?., u\m Ir) ..?:-?. Ijmi ?? ' ? i.ANOA 'I ICH l*?? Wan 4 Shnn.l Mist v n : . un . ribbon . ? : . an ,,. . 132 b hui ':? A ? n 1 | ri : !?; ?. iCK, Ark Itlffl Ci r Stlffl ? ?. : K H? ?? K, Al '? ' ! ;:"' '? , K?i*huI e??-- :' "? ''?, \y\. ..-. Broadway Dep, . . ? , lELEri liruud? i ? y |i Hhml, "'.?? l,ul '" --? ? , . ' ,,' ., rlpps-R'.3 , J, If , ....... 11113 U.? idway Pel ? . MADISON, O1.-T. Trammeil Co.; L. ! rrramme dry goods and notions; Walllok. . MADISON. Wla.?Standard Fur Co.; M. ? N. Kriha, ready to wear dresses, waists, skirts, salts, underwear, hosiery, giove*. sweaters, p?:tlcoa:s., fane. 00Hare; Pennsylvania. MAN18TIQUB, Mich.?M Blurcrosea eft Sons; M. Biumrosen, ready to wear, 44 Last Twenty-third Street. MARION, Ind.?Strauss D O Co.; Na than Strauss, r'-ady to wear; Astor McKEESPORT. Pa. ? BlauneF?; L. Bla'tner, women'?, misses' coate, suits, waists, muslin underwear; Mc Alpln Annex. MEMPHIS?F. Herman, women's weajri Aberdeen. MEMPHIS?B. Lowenstetn & Bros.. Ina; Paraskl, knit ^rwear and hosier-.': i. ? urrie upholstery and draperv, fioor :overings; 220 Fifth Avenu*. MILLEDQEVILLB, Ga. ? E. E. Beil, ready to wear; 38 West Thirty-second s reel, room 1507. MILES CITV, Mont.?C. Epstein, wom en a wear; Br.'s?n. MILWAUKEE?E. Goldberg Co.; E. ' dberg, general merchandise?; Broadwav ' '? m : ?. _ MILWAUKEE, Wis?Crown Tailoring thtngi L Levy, manager; Broad ?'?'?. ? ? entrai MINNEAPOLIS ? Famous Hat Shop is? hwartz A Goldberg); J. Goldberg, m?ii's ??? - ??? ps? .\ iVrt-re. MONTGOMERY Ala?Montgomery Fair H. Danziger, knit underwear: ?3 East sixth Street. . MoNTREAL-r-D. Rosen, piisce ?goods ' ..? ', rural. REAL?M Rosen, Jobs of woolens Bres in 'REAL Can.?L. Bass, furs: Bres NAS1 VILLE Tenn ?Castner, Knott D ?' -: Don hue china, silverware, ' ,u ' ?'?? ni Ing goods - East Twei ty H ral - iar? NASHVILLE, Tenn.?Ph lllps & Ruttorff 0; A. ?.'. Smith, china, glassware;! ? Hid .-' iu?r, NEW ORLEANS?Jaubert Bros.; F. ? ?? "bei : jr.. dry goods; Mr Alpin. ' ORLEANS?M Cohen, women's Navarre ? RLEANS?Maison Blanche Co.; ?welry, leather goods, etc. ; care 12U Thirty-second Hire,-!.. NEW ORLEANS?D. H. Holme? & Co. ; Miss Smith, art gools. 16 Fast Twenty . ( 1 Street NORWALK, Ohio?Sanger ?S-, Bros'.us; C. ? urger, general merchandise, carpets, 1 . Montlcello ?? i :? ^: A CITV. otila.?Kerr Dry ?'? Is Co.; E E Rewlck, gloves, ribbons, 5>j ??. adwa? OLYMPIA, Wash.?Harris D O. Co.; S '??? Harris, ready to wear, millinery; : . ?. V\ 1 si Th? ? y-s? eon 1 Sti eel A Fantl. ' i.MAHA M. E. B: ith Co : T .1. Mc Phane, ribbons, notions Jewelry; ?00 F:i:!i A -. ? ?. n OMAHA?Eldredge-Reynolds Co.; E. M ?:' .'? . s, su ts, 8k:"s. popular priced merchandise tor annex; Miss :. Gardner, silk and muslin underwear, kimonas, petticoats, negligees, women s, children's sweaters; Minx J. Law, women's r isea; i 17? Broadway, ruom t.uT, Frank \V. Minnl f. OWENS BORO, Ky.?McAtee, Lyddane 4 Ray; c. j-', Gensel, ready to wear, 141 Madigon Avenue. PHNDLETON, Ore.?W, Thon.a?, worn en s w , ,i r. Breslln PEOR?A, Ci. -Clarke A Co.; Mrs. Col? lins in/ants' department; .Miss Baker, reud> to wear; Ed. F. McLlden, toys, J ?? rlpps, mer handis? department; 1133 li id ??? a ; Fellu ., .?? Pn n ??.- ? leorge. ? SKEY, Mi? h ?S Rosenthal & Sons; Rosenthal, readj to wear; 44 Ea.-it ?. ,vi ntj ' bird Strei - PHOENIX, ?riz R. Korrlck A Bro ; Mn i.. C Hill, ' ady to wear: .Mrs. M. Walker, corsets Infanta' wear, musiln un dearweai 111 SVesi ?Thirty-second Street : : '. 1 ? P [ILA! 'ELPHI? - r. Cohen Co.; I '? In ?. w? men m ready to wear, Broadway PI ILADELPHIA?L. Stern 4- Son; H Si 1 ?llinerj Broadway ?'entre.. PHILADELPHIA ?S. Lew. mitions: I vu; Central PINE BLUFF, Ark.?Isaac Dreyfus Co . 1 su ic Dr? i . ,1- ami ? ?. I' 1 neyfus, clot! ng : ? 11 ? - fun il ' g - Bresl i TTS?UH .Ta? li Shapiro, clothing : ? ? ? 1 S(| II .1 ---? rSHURi ill Mon a Sh ipil :>, loth ni? d mem - f irnishings; Herald Square. PI TTS BURGH Kaui man's Dept Si : ? E 1. Dreyfus, ready to wear I?61 i ,?: V RTLAND, Ore ?Meier A- Frank; A. Jasn.a , china glasswar A. .1 :.!i";:. repre ? : ? ng; : ' . I .ft h A '-? nue. PORTLAND Or Olds, Wortman * King; .1 '!' Kennedy, basement general m? r ne ndise 432 Fourth A 1 enue PORTLAND, Ore I.lpman, Wolfe & Co.; .1 .1 Dolan, millinery; 1123 Broadway, : w? Ifl h : PORTSMOUTH, Va M. GoldbeFg, mll In ? Br??R?l wii y 1 'enwa ' PROVIDENCE ? Nlcoll's Sample Suit M. ; . A N'ic?ll S ?r' M rs, A. Ni oil, suits, i iu j. dresses; Breslin. RAYNB, La.- Kahn M, ''o ; T.. E Kahn. ? ,. di 56 1 !hur? h Str ? ? r >om 10. ?,? 11 'K ISi.ANl '. '? i. .- > abe & r., Miss F. fi. Rendit?, read; to-wear; rbockei Hotel 1. ? ? '. : [.LE, i. -1 lee ? ? Little Co.; D un ?' ?r, representing; 1133 Broad wa: fei luv <AN l'l f.' ?? '. Calif.- A Blumberg won ? . ? ir; Com neiil a SAN FRANCISCO il Livingston, won '? ?? ' ?/ivaiua SAN FRANCIS ? Banner Bros.; H. T. Curs skins Pennsyivai .1 . FRANCIS' O Th. En ri ir um : J H ' a r ' _. .". r ? ! i ; A \ ? .. ? 1 ? . N FRANCISCO I leal Cl lM & Suit M. 1 ?per, ready-to-wear; Pennsyl v.inin ? VN A '?"'.' 'NU ', Ti X ? W ?' 1 ..?:,'.! mil im : y Pi 1 naj 1 va 1 -...V A VNA H : ? 'P' ? :. A 1er C11 ? ? IL ; .. . . n, r? v? ingi ' !. ::? adwu; SELMA \.lii L i'pi I Bros. ; N Lien ?I 1, . mil mllliut-rv : Cont u ; ' ? " 1. : - Gol . Mine ; N'athai Kaufman, ready-to-wear; Mi ? ir ... ? listant, ready-i ? ir ; Astor I m , S i'a ,1 lurd .'. Rogers Co. ; ???? Wal c- ird, ? oats suits, silks Wa - SPAin ANBURG .- ?' -W Gaffn? >' ? ? I'ifmberlan r E.S BOR? 1 Ga. ?Bi 01 ks S P mm ns ;?(>.: 1 C Manrr, genei s 1 mercha :. lis ?.?.-?? I l.oIMS Style tit PV irt ? o N Bhani,.. coi in and h iol( n i?!'- t goods; Cor.i H -\ lliam S h ?' A Sons Gai ? I-I ?: I.-''-' COatS : 1RS ta an?! li . M A pin Ji iSEPH Mo ownaend, Wyatl & V ... Miss 1101.. I; iinsbai ker 1- and suit?, waists, fura 1261 Broad ,\ ? ST LOUIS- R Godl ve, women's wear: AI 1 rdei ST. LOUIS?J. Godlove Mrs J, God lov? ready to v,t,-..i Aberdeen, 1 L'L 'i Sommers & Co. . F. J : , ,,: : n piei goods, china and fe . isswai ? Broa lwaj ??T I'.- ' L : ,ln Ike Warner *- Co. ; A n 1 unk? is flanni Is; H F Warner, El lad .. , ' Fii :h, ' .: S yctr A M . . ? La ?? ' ??' I '? Williams 1 arpets; .-e Broad? ??, TAC 'MA, Wash Stone-Fisher Co V. .1 ? ..-:. . genei al m ?rchan ..h-- 1170 Broadway, "?? ? TAMJ A ? ... -- .M..?1- Bros ; George !.. housefurnishings, carpels, tape? :,. 1 l?fl Broa : was B n 1 & Lilleni hal TOLEDA- U L. Mllnei Co.; Miss R M Jensan, mi inery; 116 West Thirty-second - ? \ Fantl ? ? K ? .. ? v, r. 7>! Iner 1 la ; R. .'..' A, v>, m?a mens furnishings, ladies chil? dren s knil underwear hosiery, umbr? is 1 lti \?, ,-? ?i, rt> sauorrd Stret I; \. I- . :.' . :;?',;? . inada Hun .? Rosi 1. Co ?: i. sen, furs; Bres I'RAVERSE CITY, Mill?A. Rosentha ,\ Rosenth ,. readj 1 ? wear. 44 East . : ut? tl Ird Street. ?. . LEV 1 1TY, N I ?Strauss Clothing H stei n, ? loi hing Penna> \\ anla V< ..SHlNGTi '- -Ci pii .11 5 and 10 -cenl gi r?; s V\ . \\ ulpofl dept si ?:.? goods; i :. WH 'HITA Kan ? Danl 'I? -? 01 Co. Miss : D Cantilln ... millliu ri \t aldorf WI'MIITA ?an -1 ?am r h ?c ill Co M ... m wise and Miss H Mi.-iii'.. ready to ?\ ? .1 r kVlCIUTA Kan Th? Fern; >::ss G . , ? ? - ' ? I ? ? '; ? WH li ITA, Kan .ige : Inni s Co W. P. lanes, supervisor e,f party, Great Non lie 11 \ C UTA, Kan -G< tk-i !'. Innes Co losi-ph I' Si ' ? ns. imported wa:?h goo de Va 1 WICHITA. Kan ?George P. lanes Co. Mis 1. . , . nery; ;i G i! Comas ? Iks .' I-.-', basement goods Berber!. Uru ? . 'ii.i^ ?? no' i ns P< 1 i.r.v l\ anla. WICHITA, Kall.^Georgo i'. lunea Co.. M. , Ola Hah suits; Mus M Passwalei .. - accessories Miss :. Shot makei nts weal Schs rmerhorn, draperi? s , ; ? M. J Kelle; . furnil uro >' . I. ? .. ,1: . G real Northern WORCESTER Mass.?S. Sshwartg, rur WILMINGTON v' ' - ' I ! ', nil . ; Danneulmu spring 1 0 its suits, l"i 1 n tvenui - - lomon. \ a i-. L'.M Hass, dry goods an?! gen? a I : I a e Breslin Buyers Ojminjr LOI ISVILLE -Besten & ??ar.ten A. \? Hand 1 .n. rj . U aldorf, is 1 icpe ted I-'tb French industries Recoverinc Of 1,986 French industrial concerns devastated by the war 1,385 had re? sumed operations, either in part or in full, on November 1, 1919, as a??alnst 1,278 "ii September 1 and 335 on Au gust 1. Of Ihi personne*l in these fac? tories in It'M i^U had returned by la<t Siovember. The proportion of i^rurn ng work?'!- shows ?e rapid increase moni h 1 '? moni h. The t? Aile indus tries particularly show a returned per ionnel of il-'.'. The highest propor? tion has been reached in the woolen ? lustry, ivith ?8?2 per cent returned. Bond Thomas Dead at 56 End Attributed in Part to Phase of Sleeping Sickness Bond Thomas, fifty-six, manager of the Bedell Company, of this city, died yesterday at his home, 826 Third Place, Plainfield, X. J. He su?ere?.: for three weeks from whs: physicians called a phase of sleeping sickness. He died of pneumonia, which developed las: Satur? day af:er inflammation of the brain, vyhich came from a nervous breakdown due to overwork. During h:s illness Mr. Thomas was treated bv his brother. Professor Henry M. Thomas, of :he neurology department of Johns Hop? kins University, and his brother-in-law, Dr. Simon Flexner, of the Rockefeller Inst itute. Mr. Thomas was the son of the '..?ce Dr. an,-] Mrs. Carey Thomas, of Balti? more, where he was born. He was graduated from Haverford College, and for several years was manager of ti e TitTany Studio tr this city. Mr. Thomas is survived by his w I v , a daughter, a brother and a sister, Miss Carey Thomas, president of Bryn Mawr Col? lege, who is now in Europe. Thi 'uneral will take piace ;n Baltimore Tu-eday. _ ."Mayor and City Ofiicials Attend (ri'amer Funeral Mayor John F. Hyian, members of 'he Hoard ?f Estimate and the Hoard of Aldermen, many judge?, lawyers, p? ? :ians and newspapermen ?a- nded the futiera! yesterday afterno i ? ?' William A. Gramer, <!<'!?i ?f the City Hal] newspaper report? rs. Mr. Gramer died suddenly Fridi y n orn ing ??? cho-pneumonia. The funeral wa from the Campbell Funernal Church. Mr. Gramer was City Hall reporter for "The Globe" for twenty-eight years His body whs taken to New Versey, a I ere it v . b? cre? ated I -day. Brady Funeral This Afternoon The fun? ral o ?S? the Rev. Dr Cyrus end Brad}-, the author, w h ? il . .; ? -. -at I h a in Yonkei'i be held this afternoon at 2 <?' lock an?l not ? <??- n orrow ar'- ri oon as stat The Tribune yesterday. The fu?era will be held in St. Stephen's Pr I tsnt Episcopal Church. West Sixty ninth Street, where Dr. Brady had been delivering a series of Sundaj aft r noon sermons. Interment will take place i-j Sleepv Hollow Cemetery, TarrytO'.vn. The funeral services will be con ducted by the i ev, Nathan A. Seagle, rector oi Si Stephen , a -'? I Rev. Dr. Mark Ericson, of St. John's, Yonkers. tt :- expected that Bishop Charles Sumner Bure', also will be present. The pallbearers include the Rev. Dr. George R. Van De Water, Her? bert Shipman, Jarren and Edward II?.lid. publish is. Rii hard Si ??.?? d? n, Edwin D Jon? -. Reai Admiral P. F. Harrington, retired, tit?,I Dr Herwood. CHARLES i!. REY?OI DS Charles 1!. Reynolds, fifty-: .. coal merchant and I ea : of the firm of i :harles H. Reynold S ? [Satur? day a. the Peck Men pital Brook yn, of gang! : ? ming. M r. R ynolds was inj u i ed a mont h ago ? : . '. he il ?pped and scrape I th? from hi - knee. He v i bon ii lyn, the son of the late Charles 11 ami Naomi Vandewater Reynolds. '1 coal firm of which he was the head, was ou : ?? b. - r- a t- i in I860 by his father, Mr. Reynolds was a Mason and a '????? er of the Knights Templars, Scott - -h Rites, Kisn ? ? Tern] h ?? ' Nellies of the Mystic Shrine. He was a bachelor and is su ??? ved I y i h n < brothers and two sisters JUDGE SIMON SHORE CHICAGO, -lau. 24. - Judge - in ?. Shope, eight ;. five, an tit ati frii rid of Abraham Lincoln, died Friday in Lake View Hospital of myoca . I ?llov ng ai automob ? ace lent si x weeks ago Por nil ? ; en ? ' Ige Shope was a iust ice of the Suj; reme Court of Illi lois and he served as (Ihief Ju il ice for several years. He war- born oi a farm in Ohio and -1 n !, . early ? ea -? ?n farmi ng. ti?' mi i b - -, Li no Si phen A, Douglas later when - family moved to Ottawa, 111., where his father kept a hotel ARTHUR C. BRACKETT Arthur Chester Brackett, th rty thre? a member of the editorial staif of "The Evenii . died y? mor? : ng of pneumon a at his homi 15G Quit man Si eet, N'ewark, after i i illness of less t han a w< ek M r. Br kett formerb ?vi telegri ? ?? ? "The Cleveland Plain Di .??-." ami had a so wi tten for i ewspapers - - . ' ? : Mass., ind Prot Il wid ?w, Mrs, Mj, rtle Forbi - Bracl- tt, and a s x-montl s . ' son i v i him MATT KEEFE Mai ? K??? ?'? . ? ?'? . ?' .;-. yo?ier ai I strel man, di manj iars a m m ? a? ? ? ?' : Bart ' ? ? . Saturday in 1 a Th ! ? ; -. was sent to the ( lampbell Ft 1 'h Lirch n this i ty, 1er servi es w i be hold to n w morn : nz at 10 o'clock, tinder the < .-.- ces ' th? N' ? ? ,. Vaude1 Vrtists Association Mr Keef play? part witl i ? Dockstader, Pr nose and West, A. G. Fields and Niel O'Brien it? minstrel shows. REV. J. G. D. FINDLAY The Rev. J. G. D. Findlay, for ftft> ?-ears easier of the United Presby torian Chu rch. died yester lay a*, lis home . ' STev bur<rh. N. Y. He was born in Butler County, Pa., and iva- a veteran of th? Civil War, in which he served with General Sheridan in the \ irginia raid '? "? ? Ri Mr. Fin ? lay was moderator of the Synod of New York in L?8<3 and ser ed foui unes as a delegati to t he i ral .: sombly of t he Pre?? yteria Church from the Synod of \"ew York. OBITUARY NOTES LEOPOLD R STINUS, fifty-four for fif ?.??:?- coi ni '---: ' h in,- Exchai ge Buffet Lui -i. Company as -a hier, ?s dead He uns born her? ti ??? i of ' .! Stinus, a i, came - Lhis ounti witl Franz Si ig? Services will be held at thi Cam bell Funeral ? Ihurc ti at ?, 11 i moi-nina WILLIAM COX Mil ! ;.-- ? '? ne. died yesterday of ii fluenza at thi '?'? i I i -Ast ir?a Hotel. He *;,. a.? son of a wealthy rner hanl at Mar. 'i ?i?., where he was i/? rr Mr. M,!i.?r waa in this citj on a hort : . . r,i-M~ tri] The body was taken to th< Cami he Funeral Church and will be Bent t M aeon. Ga. MERI ERT a Mil LI R ? rtj a I itel dec? orator died yesterday Th? Ixidy waa taken ?. the . ? mi bell i n eial Ch ir h M r, Mill? r d?cor?t?! many hot Is throughout New Eng ii ? ai i in th ? m painting business m this city for many years. Ml:- KENT COOPER, wife of the chief if thi tralf ? lepartment of The Associated I'ress, ?i? a: yesterday ol pneumonia after ai .... i of thr?ae ? eeli I . . ate fun? ra serv? ices will ?? held at her home in Brooklyn. llurial will tak,' place in Indianapolis. GEORGE E. M'CUSKER, thirty, an em f the Nev YoH r. ? ? t the Ameri ?an I'eleph : ?? and 1 h ? in.: tny, di??d yesterday at his h me in Plainfield N J. 1 HEODORE HOLLENBACH, eighty-five, formerlj in charg? ? : thi ed I : partaient of A. '1. Stewart for twenty-five years, di?ed Saturday at hia home, 77 Thirty-second St re< A Bn oklj a. al Lei a si ort n . -. H-?. wa.-. a veteran of thi W?ar, during which he wrved in the 8th Regiment, New York Infantry. DR. JOHN AUSTIN KANE, n physieian, who practiced in ti- Bay Ridge section o( Brooklyn for th?? last fifteen years died un ? v. ?...-. :.y Friday at Ida home, .Vj;'. Ftfty ?ixth Stre-t, Brook yn. Ha was graduated from Harvard Medical School an.t w ;?? a nietnb.-r of the Knifr- County af?d Hay H dge MeiHeal iociei es. He sv?v consulting phy? sician tu the Angel Guardian Home. CHARLES R. WAENTTG, .- xty-ftve, a re? tired linen merchant, - dead after a short illness it nil I i I First "?:v.-- ?Brook? lyn. He was a men of the ( rea?ent .VI ., ? le pi il and the G? rn v.j Club. PATRICK CAMPBELL, forty-nine, em ployed by th? B .ard ( Education for th-. h?,t ten >?ar.-., . dead ..' hia hume, iZ" ? Prospect i'lu'-e. Brook yn. H< L survived ' ;.?, fwur ??in=, and two daughters. BIRTHS GEIST?Mr. and Mrs. Lionel S. Geist, of \ 1333 Merriam av.. announce the arrivai of ; a daughter (Betsie Heien i on Saturday, i January 24, 1920. LAUBHEIM.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. ?nee ' - ' lia Newraarlf) announce the birth of a , sor st . Last 7th st., Fiatbush, January 24, r .'-? MARCUS?To Mr. and Mrs. Charle? Marcuj (nee Laurine Copland?, of 254 Park Place. Brookljrn, R son. Saturday. January 24,1 I !20 at Methodist Episcopal Hospital. STVKK To Mr. and Mr*. A. B. Stark (n?f? Minnette K. Stem. ?, of 76 Fort Washington | av., on Saturday. January _' i. b daughter, Fair.'1 Babette, at Lying-in B '-; ital. WIDDER?Mr. ami Mr.. Samuel Widder, 137 Hewes st., Brooklyn, annconce the birth of another lucky girl Saturday, January 24 - ENGAGEMENTS_ PeJtFTZIN?YOHALEM?Mr and Mrs. Mi ;:. Yohalem of 72Q Riverside Drive, an iui ??? the engagement of their d.i. Julia, to Mr. Samuel C. Dretzin, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Dretrin. At home Sunday. February S, from 3 to 6 No .-ard~. GOLDSTEIN ? SCBAAP ? Mr. and Mrs Charira Schapp of 572 5th st, Bro ai ? once the betrothal of their daughter, ? Helen, to Arthur S. Goldstein, son of Mr. and Mrs E A. Goldstein, oi Brooklyn, Reception 3 to <' at the Hotel Bossert, Sunday February 8. No cards. - GREENBEBG?SIMON Carrie Q . daughter of Mr and Mrs. Louis Simon, of 209 West 118th st., to Samuel A. Greenberg. Re? ception Saturday evening, February 14, at ? ? ', >.i\ ignj . 17.29 Lenox av. LAVINE? LEVY?Mr. and Mrs David J. I Simon announce the betrothal of their \ sister, Ida Lavine, to Mr Samuel P. Levy Harrison, N. V Reception Sunday, Feb? ruary 1 '??'-? 2 to 6, the Elsmere, 80 Y\ r>?. 1 _??!ri. st. LEVY?WEIL -Mr. and. Mrs. Jul-M Well, of rcn nt a? . am unce the engage : ? ? of their ? Slighter I.enure, ?.. i Leo e ? son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Levj , 1 '0 West End av. Itefception will lie held at Hotel Astor on th? afternoon of Sun I ebruarj '.'-. LOVENSON?SHEDLIN Mr Harris Shed ;: Mott av., I ar Rockaway, N. Y. announces the engagement of l.;s ?laugh? ter, Helen, to Alph nse Leon Lov?nson, S ? v'est Ei ; ?i. Recepti? n Hotel Mar * ? .??. February ., after S p. m. No cards MENDELSOHN?MEYER Mrs. M. Meyn - *. Nicholas av.. announces the engagement ?if her daughter, 1 to Mr Marcy Mendelsohn. Reception Wal? lace Hal : - We st 152d st Pebruarj S, from 3 to ?' No earils. 8HANE?WAR8HAWER?Mr. and Mrs. M War hawei ? .7 Manhattan av., Brooklyn. announce the engagement of then Dorothy K. to Samuel 11. Shane R? eption February 22 Vienna Mansion Brooklyn TANNENBAUM?DENKER?Mr. and Mm : .??? - ? Prospect av., wish to am ice the of their daughter Ce . ? Dr. I -an .Tannenbaum, of :?? !? ? ? ? ? .,'. il. ?eption will bo held at H t? Savoy, Sunday, February S, ?'; '?. II to G ;. ?? MARRIAGES BELL WILKES Saturday, January H" Miss M irium Bal V i ;? -.. i f Buffnl? . to Dr Denni 13? i Yoi ... ?.-. N Y. STONE?WENDELL Mi Wend? f her dau ' ? V ? to Lieutenant ... Inert Marshall Stone, r'r ?ted - at, at - ' East ;if?th s1 oi Saturday, ary 24, al VAN IDERSTINE? HAMILTON -Robert Id?. ?r. to !.. nise Hai.n ? lift) . ; in New York City DEATHS BABBITT- On Saturday January 24, 1920, It. B : ? Lucy C Bab I n ... , .. .. ,? :? Q ' hui ? . Pa '??. a. and 50th si.. Mon? is; afternoon, January 2G, 1920, at 3:30 o'clock. Interment private, Bl ELI. Mrs. Hattie Baeion, mother of Leon ! Huell, at her horn? C I West 13Dth st. ! ?day, January Ifl, at I :30 \* m. Buried :?' Sim burj Conn., on T iesda> January Amstei-dam iN V ? Simsbury (I |)tt| ? i .- use copy. BOISSE On Saturday. January -4. Pierre Seth Boisse in his 38th year Euneral serv e :.' his re ?dence Douglas Manor, L. I., lay, January 2(5, ar 12:15 o clock BRADY?On January 22, Alma E., daugh . . and the late Elizabi I. .' B. ' ,.- 'ne. ' h-.': sister of John '. . . :' A ifre I R J uneral from hei late rice 36] East 188th Bt., Bronx, on VI. ... - ..' . ','. a m. . thenee :..;. .. ?: Merry Qhurcl BUCKHOUT On January 25 1920 *.rt? . belovi d husban 1 of Kath? rim C. Col n m. I -? n of ?' il -. D. ;? d ti e late Harriel Wtfeks Buckhout. Innara; serv .- al i . ate res ?del ?> . 2f<ti Loi ng av.. Pelham li'r.>-f u 'J ?esday n: 11 o'clock. CANTV ELI nnie 1 ?Kinn? f the late? Richard Can1 -? residence, 313 ?.-?-' 51sl st Funeral hence to CI in ?. .-'? uhi the I ? . ? , ? ?'. vi hei - ;i solej n . . ? ? re<] for the repose of he ? soul CORRELL On Saturday January 24, a! hi . L? . ?' . n ??'. ? , ! : lei Corn ?'? I ? 4tb yea . I- in.Ta! s<yv eld at the : ': rch .?f t ?? '?' ??? 0 ?I? ?? ??? iv : . f Madi son a\ ?? W ;?????? . January 28 at j 1 ! : ?? nt al '.'? ooi ?awe COYNE ' ". s, nn January 24. Services ,'ERAI CHI RCH (Frank E ' an ?bell B' #aj . ?.- th ?t., Tue .?a;-. 11 :. - COZZENS On Saturday, January .4. 1920 ..???? - I! ? pital Henrj W . husband ? 1 ertha Wood and on ?it the late Hei ???. W i ? ? ei - Cozzens, of Newport, R I V . ? ? at St Vlary . - ..? ? .'. New B .' ?. V ? . ? at p. i l< ase omi'. flow- r I) 'Ci Al Stamf Conn on Sunda: ... : .,? 'n d I! son of G< ra : . M ; 'guei ite Ra . ey !ia!j : ..:.? .. ..?r - ?EDWARDS Beatrice ' on January 24 ' ?:: ! UNERAL CHURCH (Frank II Campbell Broadwaj b'Cth January p. rn. ?FETIIERSTON Elizabeth January :4. at her i -.-.- ?dence 55 \ .,? 1er! ;t -.. .-. ,.? 1 II .-.'?. yea. . i i from -? ; ? Ihur New Bri '.-.? on Tu??sday, Januarj 7" at 10:3 ii. n: FI OGAUS Ro ?? ee . ?sterl, Saturday, -?? . ??- " irai Januar; 10 a. m., froi 51 East 141st sl mem Fairlawn emeten iiir;im Road. GILBERT At her home ' Woodward av.. rford, 7:7 J., January 23 7via-:a '.. igl ?? r of Richard ? .? :;? . , ?? !?:?!.- G ? ? ? ii bei 1 ? ? private GLOVER ' Sat Lai - : ? ;;? ? ".::-? . ? ? lera servi e : !...-r late resid??--..?re 241 ? , Broo ?? N. Y Tuesday, .. lary _7 at - p. m. HALPORN?Alfred, on Saturday, January after a short ?1 aess, devoted brother E s Gold '? i an?i son of tl-.e late Ed? ward and Charl te Halpon Funeral from hi.s late r.'-idem-e, G . Riven ?da 1 .:.e. Tuesday, 10 a. m. HAVILAND- On January 21. 1920 Eben e... r Haviland, husband of Litit a John . : Funeral services a' his la-, n i ...? ?. 106 W?ss1 ? .Id Bt . Monday 8 p. m. HELLIWELL Joseph Webster, of Leed and, r... . and of G. ... ..i ?an ?... land Januarj _ Ser\-ic? i ?..? 1 - ? al Chui '. Lan,,.hell Building, Broad? way, a' 66th Bl 'lue.cay. January Z1, at - i m DEATHS BEA LEV? St C?cile Lodge. Ne 561, F and A M f Brethren -Ton are n?MHi?"--t?M! to atterd th* Mai??: . funeral se-vices f.-r our tat.? broth?" Martin Healey ?>n Monday .Th? uary 26, ;n '.he ?t\.:??r-.?: K.kib at the Mv? ??pie >n:? .?. at y n-. By order of Claude R Fot r.?i?'.e- William R Tino?*. S.'.-r, ?..'-, ? HEIM -Ros? P.. on Saturday. January Mj wi :, ? of the lat? Daniel Heim, ?moth?.- or Joseph and Jacob, grandmother of MiltaM . Haioid ami Jerome Hcmr, Kunera! Mon? day January -f' at 10:80 a. m.. from fc ?? ? late re.-fieiu'?? W ?-. I '.J tt, Member? of Concordia Chapter is and Hebcvci? Lodge a.e a-AiU-J to attend. HOBNMANN? Members of live .Society of America?! M?agieians arc hereby Fiimnutifd to t?? last tributa u> our dedaaaad comport* at Winterbot tow'? funeral parlors on Mon<U> 26th ins t., at S p m. ("eorgo u ii . : . i Vice-Pr?sident Hl ?MBERT At, Montelair N J . on Janu? ary ."?. 1 ?:" Rose ?Sophie, wife of H?i-r Humbert, in her 74th ><?!?!- Punaral *ei-\ i. e- ?: ?bit bald ut ?the i? ?me of her (*>t . K.chard E Humbert, -t St Luke'* Piac?. Monday afternoon at Z o'eloek. IK\ IN?January :;t, 1850. .'ul-.a Bwan I. ?.. te da ug 1er ol the late Kev Wi' i?m and Julia Poet Irvui and granddaughter of the late Edward H. Swan, of Ojrater Bay, at ??;' Fx~t 19th *t limerai ?*er\ ? tl ? Presbyterian Chun h In ' i - ?. reity i'M-.-e. corner I th st.. Monday. a. m, JOHN.SON Suddenly, al ?t Luke? H.w pita'.. Nf? York t. t> .?n Sunday Januar?? Annie W. Johnaon, vifa of the ?at?? Wi:f?<-.t Johnaon, in th? 61st year .f he.' age. Funeral tervteaa at 1 ? Ctnestnut at . Westfield, N. J al S 0 p at., Tut-?<la). Jal lar) ?7. Philadelphia paper? j.ieaae .? )?. KIM. SB TRY -Nathan Corning, ?suddenly at hi? raideni-r. 39 ?East 66th ?t . N"w Yo? ?; City t'uriv Saturday January 24, 18 >,..,,..,.. nt the ?Collegiate Church. 48th ?t. and 5th u? . Monday, January ?b. at ' lock. MACLEAN- On Saturday January Ci, 1 .? Edward A. MacLean, ?be ?s?-?l frtUier ?' Mia I rank Rorm. Funeral ?er\ .?.?pa a St Paul'a Church corner of Clinton and Carr? '. ?ts . Brooklyn, on Morid?*?, a?ta noon at 3 o'clock MANDER 54 Louisa, ?rido? iif th?- a,!?? Henry Mander and beloved mother of Mr?. Louis Bender ?n her KtVt>> y?sar Funeral lei t?ea .?? her late r<*? - ?. ?.???? ! A. ! r-t ?m Monday of - ng ft B - lock. liitfimri.t at Wood .... en?ce of family. MILLER?Herbert N on January ?4. THK FUNERAJ CHURCH 'Frank E. Camp . 1. way, 66th at, January 2f?. H p m. MILNE At Albany, N V . on Saturday i January .i 1' I < ;t>a <",Ht???, ? ,?i.??? ,' the Ut- t> William (i Milne F u narrai service? a; her late residence, 25 E k ?t Ml . ?. Mi lay afternoon at 2:80 - MORRIS Suddenly, on January *:r,, W. H. IVetn.?? -n ,.f thi? late John J ar?l Charlotte M irrt? in i?i? ? -?i year. I unoret ser ..-.- privat? on ?Tuesday, Janutiy I . NORTH V Clifton Sprinn N Y Janu a Verpl inck ?la ightei nf the at? .. < ? iia?t and E:..-ai>el.l? ."--i' 1 tie ., ?- ut St .lau??" * Met? Ii : !.. iscopal Church, 126tft ?? and on ?\ New York, i?i 1 SO i> m . on ay, January 26. Interment private. PHII.!.ITS On Januarj .;. 1920, Florenz A., wife ??f Charlea Plae? Pbilllpi } . ervicra h- her home. 128 1 nion a. M int Veruon, N V . Monday ?aveu ng PIN? HBECK Frieda ?beloved wif?. of J. *.. ' rhbeck an?! m.,'lwr of Jrvinc \ Pin? hbeel on Januai y L'A al 12 :2?> ii in Services St i.? ? lau ??? ?? ?-..?? Bravoort si K? \> Gard? o? L I . on B3 afternoon at 2:46 Train (?aavea Pi - ? ? a Statioi at . 06 t- m. Hal. um???" Md., and Richmond, Va. paper?! I ? aae copy. PRII E January 23, Jane, widow of the lat? Richai Edwin Prie? Funeral Mrviee? . ? ne? : ? Map ? a? . Kdfc'" \\a-.,r. N .! Monday evening Janupry a- 8 o'eloek. Interment Ken?K<? ?Ceinc ?? ? : on : ??'--day. RANI) Edward M on January C?l hoaband of Grace 11. Rand. Funeral *or\ ice? ?ts - .?'< n dene?. ! '.".'? H?>in-yweil av ? u Mnndaj 8 p m Interment on Tum al Wood lawn at 2 p to REYNOLDS Suddenly at her late rej.|. Weal .-? ? s) . New Y , :??? January 22 I u. \ I. uil,,? p* Davi I ira !:-. ol Is, da . -? ??- of ?? ?? ite '- Jamen Brooks Kiseam and It. wif.-. tl ?? ????? Mai .- Margar? l Butiei Ki am. ?'?"'? .... .,-/? r?- iden '?i Monda: Janua ' ?.. al a. m. ROSE Moi January li. ?belm-rd ? , : and - Ma y and fath? ?' Mi ?> i'- ' i Ralph ? :. ? ? ? ? \\ -?>? ' . '?'? |A ! ?i .. SI 'KIN-; .. ,.,? Saturday, Fanuary I. ai ? ? eai of hia ace ? ? ' Ihurch on Tu?day. January 27, at. 10 :30 a. m SAMUELSON On January 24, nt her ro?.?. ' ? ' ? ? tj J?ne Augusta, In her 76th M-a- Funeral .-,?.--...?? at the home of hei ter, S i ird P. Aiokbii ' ' '-. Hingt a N. J , or. '! i???Uv nuary al ? m. 1- ???? ? \ S( HLINKER nuary 24 after a ?i.- h' I '?? I ? ll foot of J38tl * and North Ri er, '? on?day ti? i p. m rid, J :i V., a : i ? i ? SEYMOl U ?ther H daughter >-\ David ... ? . . ? W I nderh . n Ju^'..?ir?/ "4 at Y Fui eral at her iate r< ? I;. ? ? p. m. SKARREN ? len . I - ; . :.?:'-. ? . . ...,--. . ? i ;. ! . on Monday, January . m El . :-.. -? Orat -- ?: J . ?add )W of We ? ' ? ?" ? - ? - S] .-i M? ' lay, .!:?.??? '.a.T 'J6. at ick i m. TAY!'?R i:. Grace on January 24. THE ' ? ? CHI I- Camp B'waj th at Lying I ftatc. TERH ?? ???'? D "?' January 25 'IHK ? A rank E Cunp firottd a. ? ??'- st ?'a.'iuary 26, 11 ;. m THOMAS ;: - ' ??? v re dence in Plaln N J - -i di f n rning tl r Di and T?'-v Jam???. < n?-? -. 'i r,a of !!:? ' more. He Is ?tir . .,?: g '?? fe and daughter, liurtai it? Ba fit re THOMPSON?At South Norwalk, Cor-n.. or ir> 24, Andre? '?'h?)mtnrf?n Fu?era e home 178 i- ax Hill road, on . at ?'- p m Interment private. THOMPSON- <>r. January 24, suddenly, of :.t his residence, Mon>?m?tre, N J Ma ? nv j1 Thompson, aged 33; ... ? irter Oil Compaajr; ?son o? Ma tl . M ' ompsen. Funeral private, : Tl HI N'OB . or January 24. Servie? FI '?. RAL CHURCH (Frank E. Campbell), i.: way, 66th it.. Tu??tday. 19:80 WALTERS ? Ea t Orange, N 3 Wolf Walter.?. ... - r V ?- at hia -r?. 147 i .... ; a.?- ? Irai ;?? S J on 27. al : ?? t at convei ? ? : mfly. WEINGART?Joseph, ai;?^l 47, ?beloved hu? ,.r.d ?(Wid i inoral ?m w?r? ?late ? ideno . . S I I - WOOD <>' Hackentack. N. J . Januarv 24, ;.. ?-t I : ?? . Hart ^-.?1 "i of !' .! allai a- . Jem .-? ! A ?--, ? I ?'???'?? | late residence, . -.' n Is . at '.', n. in. >>??,:? .5 i FUNERAL ARRANGEMENT once plated in our hands mean? attention to every detail, no matter hoir seemingly unimportant The Superior "CAMPBELL SERVICE" is the result of years of experience combined with the proper selec? tion of materials at the right price. Call "Columbus #200." Anv Hour Dav or Sight. FRANK E.CAMPBELL "THE FUNERAL CHURCH "?? t ?NO? S fc Broadway at 66* St. XMfe? 2i"* Strict at ?thAve \n?sti<. funeral Dt-kigtiK ?iir \|?,\.il.v i.uckings, Bender & Schutte, Inc LM. *^ wooi>?lawn clmetkbt, l'M'KIlTAKER?- Chape! A Show Rooms. ' Loi?'of ?n.Jn ' "'" .r:k:,i aKd b> I*oU?J 111 Amsterdam Alt*. Tel. 3?j ltiv.rsld?, ' nm,l .,, t-'."?. J,?H1T. ^. _ OtBc*. a j BMt zid"?i.. N. X.