Newspaper Page Text
Classified Advertisin IfiST VTil'ND AM) REWARDS HELP WANTED MME HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED FEMALE LOST.?Lady's Nb--k velvet hand ha? ?Sun? day afternoon between ?Oi West i?s.i ?"' ?Mth m sn?l n oadwaj Finder notlf> abo\?? address. (Vud bon 334 l??->r BANKUOtfB.8 LOOT._Bankbook No 608.071 of ihe Unto Plrne Savings Rank I? mls.'i?? _a?" Pf_' ig h dB ., u horero mil hs\i.?g ??!?< v?'??,.k "' ' ' ' ' l,n |..?i?0. Fi RJ?ISHED ROOMS TO LI 0T WEST END AVI ill (100th ?> ' Lmge ,?.? r l?b klt?-here ??? a's" large fron rcom horn.nforts Fhone B_l ?"-<?> ?' ? Tn , w j i rq tve i i ? ?nl ? now f >i ""* . J!" weoki} FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET RETT. . v m? = ~n ?T, ?p.I Fifth, Ar?. ! ,|?,0i Fniir ,o.-,,?- ,..o? ' .,.".???. 1-10 P?r monih ... '" O? tob-r '-' ??* ' """ HIll p \\ ?VNTED MALE l?ei ni < non , P t- -,,.i- \ pQi \ r p" rr'i ?* . round h"l?? Thoussnd? ?'" '" *'""' .. , . . .. a i h?>. .1. no? kilo ? iheli ? ? on ?.?',,i., ,..,, ,..,?.....(.1 enalyst.? will ?'?" ,., . ? ?? ? oui n'ia ""' "' ' ' " "'"' ".* ,!,,? m ?... '. ton ? Ml " 'i'? ??**? E'',"'"" .,, , ?? i ?:. here f~ full details Book al . i ,r?i r.n request Merton Insil !,,,? i..,, a,, i f?h ave ial IMh si i. ?'? v Tr| Chf'.fP 4054 >!-T<-? INSTRUCTION, repairing, driving ? i,.,p wnru. evening classes; complet? ,-o..i<.. license guaranteed; reduction to service ? en American Ant.-. School. ?2? ?Lexington ave, (69th) A i T. , tNSTRL'i 'TION, ?'6. pine'? ippsone 11 ; ? ?? ' ? . Studebaker A Mlt?-h"ll '* * M Co., 1S03 1-exlngton eve IP ARN TO BK A cHA'TFElTt ?Tleasant tnrl rrofiiab!? work; day and evening r\r*t,K Send for free booklet ?.-id vlnltor'e pnte. VV ?.??'. Side Y. M. C. A.. aOR West ?.7th at. _ MBN?Oood paying proposition to operate moving picture machine In t?r>atir. ?x peH?nr* unnecessary fall day or evening. Arne, lean Theatre R'liMing, entrance ??44 Klh RV (42d St.). Thunt Bryant 1619. HELP WANTED MALE ASSEMBLERS wanted on light machinery Apply between 9 and 11 a. in. Hoovers Bros . 100 Schermerhorn st.. Brooklyn, third rloor. BOT wnntfd In the office, of large wholesale gro.e-ry house who wants to l?earn our busi? ness splendid opportunity f ?r en?rgetlc. ambitious boy to Attain thorough busln?-es edu atlon, with excellent opportunities for the future See Mr. Delanoy, Lewis De Grofl & Son, Beach and Washington sis., N Y BOV. 16. public school graduate. In mailing room of publishing houso; good opportu? nity for ambitious young f.>ilow. A^ply Amerl. ?in Monthly, 202 Last 42d st. BOT ' WANTED In larg? advertising agency; chance for advancement. A;> ply J. Walter Thompson Co., 244 Madison ??., New York City. BOT wanted to run ?rramls and make himself generally useful; Hilary 110. Harvey, Pilgrim A Co.. Ltd., 23-25 East 21 th st., city. U??Y. bright, to make himself useful In engraving plant, Christian preferred. ? t: ?i ,U Engraving Company. 15 ilur BOY in Insurance <?:!!? ? ; good future. Wm. H. Kenzel Co . 19 Libertj Bt BOYS wanted (2) for dental laboratory. ' Shi rman, l!2 East 14ih ?". IRONWORKERS, Finishers and Helpers. 67? ?las'. 133d 81. M? iroso -4.19. IEWELERS, on rings, pins and b?lge?, 44-huur week; American firm; good pay, steady work. Call or write W, Fehlnaber, ?17 At,n st. JEW ELERS.?-BOYS with some ex; .-rtenc?, ?: hour week; American firm Cail or write. W Fehiha-ber, 47 Ann st. MEN! THIS IS FOR YOU 'F yccr are looking fop. a BIGGER FIELD AND i.AHiiliK EARNINGS here !?? an opportunity for real men wit! alms and ambitions for the .-. ?n-.en who believe In them ?..;,...??who work tu attain th-lr leiire?. We're a financial organl zatli n of Ionic standing, with a reputation second to nohe, foi hon? esty and earnest endeavor We are ??? ;l.e eve of a gnat expansion, H..? to men who measure up iu our stundairda unlimited future is assured. CALL AT RuOM I0!T 225 FIFTH A\ E . N. y' AFTER 19 A. M. OFFICE HOY In architects office; good ivagea an.! opportunity for advancement. ? brl :??? A Livingston, 7.27 6th ave. SALESMEN The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. The growth of the company demands a corresponding ex? tension of our sales force. The services of several well edu cated, dependable, successful salesmen, who have had at least five years' experience selling goods at wholesale (cannot con? sider men whose experience has been in the cloak and suit, dress goods and allied lines) are needed for territory cov ered by our New York City anc New York State branches. Only salesmen of recognizec ability whose selling records will stand the closest investiga tion and who are desirous oJ growing with our organizatioi will be considered. Opportu nity is limited only to the indi viduals industry, ambitions and producing ability. Pre vious nibber experience not es sential. Training in the com pany s merchandising methods provided. Telephone Mr. Bedford Co? lumbus 9210, Tuesday, 6:30 P M. to 9:30 P.M. only. SALESMEN1 '. .'.'".:;' ' "? ' ? ' ORPOriATION Ri ' ? ? -, - :m o t? V Kl ? 4 I li 11 -1 -:rai -? .. -.;J',v- .,,V? Ml .,,,.,,, ???, ;? ? . da? .-, ,, ;., : . " '?'; ? ?:? - iNn INIil HTRY FOI ; ' ' ? ; "? -"ALI ON I r || SET 14 ' ' ? t- ? ? ,5!?.".,' ' * ; w''' ' l'i"r HALK8MAN ' '" ' '? " " ?? ???nted ... ,???,., h|m?| *''?'?? "? ' r> s .,--,.. ? ?' ' ? ' ' ' ???'??-?'?. * i - , i,.-1 , *,.r, i an< M ? ?? ''-?-.- .... ,, ??.,,., i,, Heiner mer horn si j. * . n Stock Salesman Wanted '"????'? '?int min i.?-. w. en 2i ?n^ " ?bU ' ?- ? i ?.??.. i..?.. ?... i, ?-.,., , h. ? > ? ' * ?* ?? - eu . ,, . . , ., .,,..? , .,,, CM r *?m m ,*ry r, - ;., r / In ? '..,- t ? ? ? ? ..,--,? , .... Wlon : . rtslilner A Co -. . ) ? , . ' ? ? ' *' .... - ?r ? ' > ,i, ?.m, ?<li .'.!', ?*' Ote 'J*. |9t fteivtnU? ? <%, UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. YOUNG MKN, I?S t?. 21. f,(.S ir. Surf; Rapid, ^ liTJulfH advance? ment to f1,'"<i to $1,700 prt \ r.t i . \\ I - I ERN ' fNION, 24 Walket St.. Room 1 70 '? ? A.-- ai am? BBOAPWAI PR t 0 \ M A.ND 4 F M l<- SA t.KPMA '' ion--?. rr,..-tilror?| onlr. ?B I ? commission Pull? ?0, 2* ?i . R.klvn HELP WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT bookkeeper, knowledge of typewriting, neat, accurate, willing worker. Harriet Hubbard Ayer, 323 10. 34th St. pnoK K V. EF ER ?DOUBLE ENTRY: COM? PETENT APPI.V BETWEEN ? AND 11 A M ROOVERS HUns. 31' FLOOR, USE STAIRS TO LEFT OF ENTRANCE, 100 8CHERMERHORN ST. BROOKLYN. CLERKS. In an organlratlon aa young and large aa thla, the opportunities to advance are exceptional. You can begin aa INDEXERS FILERS PRICERS GENERAL CLERKS at good pay and advance a* you qualify. Applicants muit be over 1? year? of age. CALI. OR WRITB THE CHARLES WILLIAM STORES, 25 Washington Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. CLERK, Christian, for filing and office routine work; goo'l opportunity for a?l vam-ement. Call office Commonwealth Color and ? 'homlcal Co., Nevlna and But'.er ?ts , Brooklyn. COMPTOMETER OPERATORS, unem? ployed, vvanud F. Muriel Ranson, 30 Church st., Room 2^3-E, second floor. Phone 6170 Cortlandt. COOK. CHAMBERMAID, LAUNDRESS; Scotch or English; good home, good wage.s; refenmces required. Address Box A, 740 Tribun? Office. DOMESTIC SERVICE, waiting, etc., ?for pri? vate famllj . .-?'- an,l t-.i-cp out ; ?10c an hour, or $17 flo for 44-hour week. Telephone to: appointment, Rhlnelander t?7;4. fiimih. GENERAL IlOl'SEWORKER?No laun? dry; two In family; references required. Phone mornings before 11 o'clock, Plaza 7144. GIRLS AS TYPISTS. Girls, age 17 and over, wanted as typists. Permanent posi? tions. Large financial institu? tion. Hours 9 to 4:30. Satur? day half holiday. Luncheon served free. Opportunity to study stenography and opera? tion of dictaphone without ex? pense. Salary S12. Call after 9 A. M., room 5030 Metropoli? tan Life Building, Fourth Ave? nue & 23rd Street, New York. GIRLS AS CLERKS. Girls, age 17 and over, wanted as clerks. Permanent positions. Large financial institution. | Hours 9 to 4:30. Saturday half : holiday. Luncheon served free. ? Opportunity to study typewrit? ing, stenography and dicta : phone without expense. Salary 1 to start $12. Call after 9 A. M?, room 5030 Metropolitan * Life Building, 4th Avenue & - 23rd Street, New York City. f_ i GIRLS?GIRLS WITH OBNERAL OFFICE EX ? PEM1BNCE PREFERRED, FOR PERMANENT POSITION IN OUR MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT; O' OD SA LA RY AM) I'.A IMP ADVANCEMENT T? > THOSE WHO QUALIFY. APPLY SU i ' t : i : i \t i?; NI ? i ; NT'S ? > v iac B. 1 A. A. VANTINE & CO., INC. FIFTH AVE. AND ?9TH ST. GIRL want ?d to handle classified advertising In 'thai.Ing paper Write full particu? lars, A H Gilbert, 4,6 Tenth ave, City OIRl, ????" wanted In large advertising ^ agency on? ?> . i? '..- , :.?r with oper "' ?- ?.'graph A pply .1 Walter '?'"?:? n Co "14 Madison >. v . New York HOUPEWORKER ' '-?m: ? ? -." gl-1 for g?n t ??! ? I Ii??.:.?,? woi Ii ? u ? moni . prniCl ?'????? '? Call, '? lo 2. 1 l'i W 71?t et, apt 1 ?A Phi ; ? Col imb is PC-61 . HOl'SBKBEPER (wlilteV piam cooking; ' ' In fan II; . go A. ?ti? country later . 174-1 ?A>?i loih ?t Kcnsonhursl 6010 N'URSEMAID for two children, aged 2 and 3; good ?.alary f?i- rHpable and agreeable f person W*.h ? ? -, J OPERATORS 0 "' ? "' * nibhs 'i'!.? hin?'?, plntn .r??-ir(r JH and >..-:.. ?u, ? ,,?.... ,,,. earn ov?v U . and b? - i? . also profit sharh g stead) ? orh no d ill ?-?-? .- : rnlih ; M W lit h 1 BKAMflTRBKS (motherly, while) over 7 S un.lei ->?:.?- ? ., rig atol night good . do everything foi lad) i < n I??- In atudi? aparimeni Chum? K.-huyler c.? oi . ?; ?ii .,.-.1,1, ,. ..,,-,? ?-??'.?,r ? i Mi-?: p,|i, rl.-ii.-ed Ink lot dl ? ?,???? ....... -,,,.? ,,..,'i rii ,.? sp i- ?ring i ?? , ?.,? .,? paillon j? i >,[? 4. id. <?,,,,,??/. Ml 'y ?hi fcfclh St. LONG-DI STANCE TTJ.l'.l'll? )NE OPERAT< >KS WANTED. Ambitious voting women, 1/ t" 25 ycai 5, ' ?;tt! obtain j ? r t n l a t ! r 111 r 111 ? ? I ? ? \ 111 ?" 111 with excellent prospects foi ,t 11 -, .mi r 111 c 111. ,\'ii experience nece^'*?Hiy \ pay ^ \ ? i i 1 <~ leai nine ; ANNUAL VACATIONS WITH ' ' LI. PAT, ??U? h BENEFITS. IGT?'.. AUE PROVIDED. I Int lijtn lies are ?sei ved at ? or,t. This ia a woudn f',:l opportunity for young women * ? entering business I iff- today. SEE OUR MANAGER ANL TIME BETWEEN 9 A.M. AND 6 P.M. at Room 530, 24 Lispenard St. (IT'S JUST BELOW CANAL ST.), Till-: A M F.RICA X TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY. MODELS. STYLISH YOUNG LADIES Fut'. SHOWROOM, SIZE 16; EXPE? RIENCED FOR CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE. GETSKAY & DANN, 1 EAST ?8TH ?T. MODELS, SIZE 16. Several stylish young ladies for show room; steady positions; Rood pay. ROSENSCHEIN BROS., 11 EAST 26111 ST. PERMANENT POSITIONS EOR YOUNG WOMEN $900 to $1,400 a Year Working conditions and opportunities for pro? motion are excellent. Call at 1158 Broadway, N. Y. C, and see Miss F. G. Carncross, who will give you full par? ticulars or Fill in and mail the blank below: Please communicate with me about the posi? tion which you advertised. Name . Address Telephone No Age SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A.?A.?COOK.?Young Nerweglan excel? lent cook, good cltl .-'-("mii ea; with two other servants; $60; II. Miss Hof mayer's Agency-, 10 E. 4 Id st., 3d (loor. Telephone SO'7 Murray iilli CHAMBERMAID.?Young Ercnoh girl; city or country, good rive months refer? ence; R. jliss Hofmayers Agency, 10 E. 4:td st., 3d tloor. Telephone SJ47 Murray Hill. COOK; English Protestant over middle age. strong, clean, excellent cook; city or country; splenilid references; $4?i Miis Shea's Agency, ti East 41st st.; Murru) Mil! 6774. COOK.?-Young, rinn excellent cook; economical; good manager: S7i, Jso, goud long reference, II Miss Hofmayei s Agency. 10 E. 4:;d a'.., 3d floor. Telephone !>ii47 Murray Hill. COOK; splendid young Irish girl; four years last position; (65 : city s ut distance In country. Miss Shea's Agency, ? liast 41st st.; Murray II111 6774 COOK, very n<-at, thoroughly experienced, economical, good manager; ?-\. lient ref ? rences; city for suiiimei J60 Mason's Agency, 131 West 4M st. Bryant 56 COOK (Swedish), first class, thoroughly expei !? in e<! . acconi modales b da or week, hifflilj . imend iU ." ?? Mason's Agency, 131 West 4M st. Bryant 6?;3;i. <'<>"K and WAITRESS and IIOl'SKWORK ERS (Klnnlsh-Engllsh), girls; good refer? ences L?-lit-,'a Agency, 77 l-?i.-u 125th at. Harlem 651? DAY'S WORKER, cooking or cleaning, by vei y n? ..?. ipetenl. trust woi thj . me man; highly recommondeil S '' Mason's Agen y, 1.11 W ??-t I'M a I! vaut 66 ; : W A IT II E l'Ai- ? . i : ' I N il ? I'D .,;,,? THINGS YOU WANT WHEN YOU ENTER BUSINESS Pcrmanenl employment. ( ?ood pay from the start with regular and frequent increases. Annual vacations with full pay. i .ibera! sic!< beuefils, mec? ?cal ad1 i(''- and p??n sions wil li'.id cos? lo you. Work aurj recreation rooms thai are large, well veni dated and comfortably furnished. 1 ,nMili rooms v.Ihto but. meals aro provided ;ii lesr I h:m cost. TH??SE THINGS YOU 1TAVE WHEN YOU 10N TER TELEPHONE OP? ERATING. Posil ions in this occupa? tion are now open to young women and girls over 1.6, with or without previous telephone experience. Positions are also open for all night, work at extra pay for those who prefer this work. MAIN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE: 27th Street and Broadway, Manhattan. B R A N C TT EMPLOY? MENT OFFICES?58 W. Houston St., Manhattan; 453 E. Tremont Ave., Bronx (Tuesdays and Fri? days, 12 M. to 0 P. M.), and in Brooklyn. 81 Wil loughby St. and 1336 Broadway. If unable to come to an employment office, tele? phone Miss Bremer, "Mad? ison Square 12000" (free call), for further informa? tion. NEW YORK TELE? PHONE COMPANY TYPIST! TYPIST! TYPIST! EXPERIENCED ON INDERWOOD MA FERMA N ENT POSITION ; Good salary. HOOVEX SERVICE, INC., 387 FOURTH AVE. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. Young Women, 16 to 25; $65 to start; rapid, scheduled advance? ment to $1,200 to $1,700 per year. Come in and talk it mer. WESTERN UNION, 24 Walker St., Room 1702, NEAP . ANA I. A.M. BROADWAY. BET. ? A M AND 4 P. M SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ,1 ? ?? -?'- ; ; . ? ? mhr-ri l?l < parlor ma!.'.; Scotch couple; excellent long olty ri : lu h ? ? cell, ni m rvants; $150. H Miss liofn.ayer'fl Agency, 10 East 43d a!. ; 3(1 lio : Bl'TI.KR-VAl ET, first class, very neat, thoroughly experienced; exceptionally well i.'.'??' ? - ' ?'- ilrable ?'?0 Mason's Agency, 131 West 42d at. Bryant 6633. Bl'TI.ER Scot i-i madlan; fine refer ii, pa, gno?l h ppea r.-? n ??-. most capable; $- :. i: anv-whei Ml - S! ? a'a Agency, ?j East I Jut ?l Mu? ray HUI C771. B1*TI,EI! or cook, by ????'. ? it, ' ipab e, competent', conscientious youirg Filipino <?? clli'ui 1...-..M j". Mason's. Agency 131 \\ ?-??' I2.I -I Urj .?til . ? Bl'TI.ER Kngllsh, experienced; refer, i-nccs 1"' ! . M as llofmayer'a Agency, 10 Eusi ; .1 a- , 3d ?lour, telephone ?947 Murra> 11.11 ?'A ! ' \ I'. '. i-l man seeks, position n? secretary anil i-.-.i uier; ; i, year.s experience In h in al ?? ! in Is uruierstanilf bu I artli ! and finance from A lo '/? ? r . ' the A iiierl? .<:; I nslll ute ol Final . Address Johntry, 2?u4 HathgAt?. a v . N ? w V or It City. COLORED couple, useful, butler, cook, I iHi-woi 1er; young, Intelligent, effi? cient; line ferences; $120; country. Mise Shea's \ .-? ?:.. ., U 1-Iasi 4 ; st st. Murray Ulli 6774 COl'PI.E Scandinavians; man outdoor nn?l generally useful lnsi?le; wife cook, house woi ken ? ? pi mil puh. tito, countn only. Ml i'b Agency, 6 East 4lu st Murray Hill 6774. COI !'?.!1. col red, cook, butler, useful you ? roi p? tent , references, Mr? Coi : ? : a Agency, 6G7 Sixth ave. EX-SOLDIER, married, wishes position anything; handy with tool?. Sleber, ?6? For?ai a? UOl'SEWORIvER, cook uni wait, ven neat, i pa bl? highly r.-.-oiiimended young Filipino $- '. Mrs Mason'a Agency 111 We ' r:.: I Bryant 6G33. MAN ?! -hlK-H position, huslness, wholesal? Il ??se Box 1 J, 378 WvckofT a- e II.klyn YOUNC num. 21, wishes con neetion with reliable firir with chance for advancement B., Box '181, Ti ?bunc. VOI Ml MAN 10 years experience, In chars? "f r?? loi ' '".r lingesi gold an I plail num Ir.welry m nuil ?, ,,, i?K . on, e,,, -.. || ? '.??"?.? f-r (ionium ?!?-.- re?lllng i p|iorl in " ?- n III . le II |l..x I,.',. 'I ?ll}|,-? riiorosAL.s I'll? TOP M H fer lli? (, ... I .,.,. ,.f ?,,.,, hi on n ????.. nlnR Iiiiiss un mu. i. m, hi,, ?. " ?el' 'I r" i.ils ?Mil l,n re reived n ? ? II- ? . r 11,. \ ? ? ? > ,,n I'm, i, , In? \g? n' I hi I i. ?,.,ni . ' . 24 Him, ?"? "' ' ? ' . ??? ' n mill r .>lo, i. ?i m ,lnn .', r, ? ? . i .. i, n,,, . ni? ivll he ?I In I I' f"l Ji lilli.lng III ?-.,.. . '"'.?" . I" .Ill ,..: I -. ..|.,?,,',','. '.'I ?I. ii"l ' Uli ? " E Hull? ? il'?id. A ?vlu'uii? I'm? lnc'njc Agent. The Tribune Almanac Weather Report Sun rije?.. 7 :13 ?. m.'Sun sets. .. 5:06 p.m. Moon rDes. > : IT? a. m : Moon gels.11:07 p. m, Loral Forecast.?Fair and continued cold to-day : to-morrow Increasing cloudinMS and warmer; moderate north-ant to southeast winds. Lor?! Official Record. -The following of? ficial record shown irmppminr? during ?he | int twenty-four hours, lu comparison with | the corr?ponding dale "f last year: |i"n 191!? I !'?'" 19ir? *) a to.. n 27 3 p. m... 13 17 fi n m n ? K ! R r m I fi i 3 1 i p ,n 17 31 1 3 p. m... 1" ?1 ! (j ?oon n 3S f in p. m.. 3 u Hltrh?~t, "1 decrees, flt " "n i1 m ? low??*t? i Hoer *" ?i in p m . average, 15 degrtw; ?v^age -.m? da? last yean 36 d-gre? : Bverag? ???"-* ^?," rr"- thirty Ihre? year?. 3? RnmldltT R . m_82 ! 1 p m ?4 | * p to-7-1 Rmnmrlri Rrnrllrn? S ? m "i" ft I p. m..30.31 S p m ..T.I iditinni ?;, F.v.-rt>l ?I mie; from ?I. ?th General Weather WASHINGTON ..Ian : Hoi ids high pre ?hi-?- r plains gild we?l Gulf ?U?te.?? <-'<-?< ward. - ' U,e rrrii over Ontario There has. however. ; i,,.,-,, a decided fall from the Mississippi Valley westward, with s well defined depres Mon over Montana. It Is much coble,- m the Atlantic states and continue?, rold in he inle region, ?be central valleys and the Gulf r?ales In U-e West ?t in warmer, very . much so in Nebraska, South Dakota, Men. tana, Wyoming arfd Eastern Colorado, whore the temporal tires nre from 20 decrees to li-l degrees higher than on Saturday. Their were (relierai rnins and snows in the At Isntic and east Gulf states, the snow ev. tending into North Cn?-olina. There were light Hitovn and rains in the extreme North west an?l in the north Pacific states. Else? where the weather was fair. With the eastward movement of the Northwest disturbance snow may be ex ported Monday and Tuesday in the upper I lake region, and Monday night or Tuesday ? In the Ohio Valley anil lower lake region, probably extending as far as western New Englnnd by Tuesday night. To the south? ward the weather will be generally fair Monday nnd Tuesday, except in the south Atlantic states, where rains are probable Monday. It will be colder Monday in Florida and warmer in the upper lake re? gion and the lower Ohio Valley, and gen? erally warmer Tuesday east of the Missis? sippi River, except in south Florida. Storm warnings are displayed on the Atlantic coast, from the Virginia Capes to Jackson? ville. Forecasts for Special Districts. Eastern New York, fuir, not ?juite s.? cold to-day; to-morrow cloudy, probably snow by after? noon or night. Western New York, fair and not quite bo cold to-day ; to-morrow snow and warmer. Southern New England, fair und continued I cold to-day ; to-morrow increasing cloudiness un?! slightly warmer. 1 New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania and I Delaware, fair nnd continued cold to-day; , to-morrow increasing cloudiness und warmer. ! Western Pennsylvania, partly cloudy and ? blightly warmer to-day; to-morrow snow and ! u armer. Coing On Today DAY Metropolitan Museum of Art. Admission -0 cents. American Museum of Natural History. Admission free. American Museum of Safety. Admission L'? e r tltS. l'an <\jitlan?lt Park Museum. Admission 2j rents. The Aquarium. Admission free. Zoological IVric. Admission tree. Conference on "Dyes ami the American Homes." Academy of MualcxBrooklyn, 2:30 y. m. Lecture bv Charles Bowman H?tchen?, on "Birds." Academy of Music, Brooklyn, 4 p. m. Me.-ting und luncheon of the Minerva t.'iub, Waldorf-Astoria, it h. m. : Meeting of the Knickerbocker Chapter, D. A. R., Waldorf-Astoria, - p, m. Bntei-ialnment?L>ay Nursery of N?w fork, Hotel Amur, 2 p. m. i Meeting of the Clio Club, Hotel Astor, : BUSINESS CARDS Accountant ACCOUNT ANT? Income tax reporta pre? pared. Bool'.? <?prn, u1. closed an?i audited; systems Installed, K?igln, 132? Broadway. Telephone Creeley 4118. Carpets AVMINSTER. SLOANS. WILTONS. WHITTAI.l.H?Carpets, nil colon-?, all price?, ull .'?Izi-s, $1 yard op. for parlor, bedroom, halls, sialrs. showrooms, offices (slightly used o: one third cost of cheap grades); Rugs, sizes 6x9 to D-cCO tulsu .-?.?.?.u lier and larger), f^oiu $5 to $5? up, seamed or seamless, with or without bor? der; Orientals, ICIUm's. hand tufte,i Rugs, t:;aklnn over, cleaning, laying, dyeing, reasonable, beautiful. STi l.l.l MIS. INC., L^y li.-j Madison avo. (BUlh). Plaza ?335. Diamonds DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY BOUGHT FOR CASH, estates appraised, pur? chased. BENNETT, i75 Broad way, upstair?, Furnitur? HIGHEST PRICKS paid for furniture, an? tiques, pianos, bric-a-brac, books, art. tt.. GABAT. ?s University Place. 'Pbon* Stuyvesant 2J77. Men's Clothing COME UP! WHERE PRICES ARE DOWN Buy a Stich Suit or Overcoat direct from maker to wearer and save retailer's piortt. Wonderful values, S-i> to ?38.50. Such Co.. ?21 Broadway, eighth iluui. Ble^cker street subway or "?." station. MEN'S CLOTHING MEN'S HIGH GRADE SUITS AND OVERCOATS- maile by ;..nli class tailor?. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES AT J.J0 and J3?. Save "Try-on Troubles." A. & B. CLO MIL'S SHOP, 62 West ;<?3d St., opposite McAlpln. BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS S-U-l-T-S O-V-E-R-C-O-A-T-S For men and young men Closing out entire stock Wonderful values. ONLY ?2-1 BO AND ?32.BO KOHAN KLOTHES SHOPPK 1416 Broadway, cor. 30th St., N. Y. A.? \> ? buy gentlemen s uiscarcted cloth? ing, business suits, overcoats, fur lined coats, full dress, Tuxedos, pants, shoes of every description; positively pay more than others. Call, write oi phone. MEYEH HOROWITZ. 44S 7th ave Greeley 1425. Patents PATENTS. Over 70 years' practice; all mmmunlr*. tlon? strictly confidential; handbook on patents free on request; special facilities for ofllce consultations. Munn & Co., patent at? torneys. 611 Woolwortb Building, New York. Rugs " ORIENTALRUCS ?* ^n<1f],tu,a?n1: iny bought for highest rash, appraising a specialty: cull er write. Basnajian, 30 U.-oi 4Cih st. 'Phone 6101 Bryant. Trunk? HI?; BARGAIN - New trunk .'?"'?' Sixth n\ i?l used ward roh? bet :ifUh-3Ist St.*. PERSONAL HILLIE CALKINS Mother '.van's to hear from you; Is lonolj Everything Is all right Please i-omo homo or wrilo Corl Innd 3, Davenport FURNITURE FOR SALE ?GGGOGOGOGOOGGCGOi i ?GOOGGCCGGGG g FACTORY SAMPLES AT S 8 LESS THAN WHOLESALE 8 o n U''ui- buyers Iihv? recently returned ?~) U from ORAND RAPIDS und R?IJa?ent O ? urnltiire mark?! having purchased -~> U ????un of Mi" sampled PTlilbit'-d Hier.- Q ? i mm morehBiidln? repr?a?*nla the ?? gl-'INI?ST PERIOD DESIGNS for , (_-, ! ; '. 1-. 11 Y ROOM no.I a? being offered ?I ?J M ?I- elded Pi I '? l? ?lu? I.m Al..?,, ? O C . Une of Fl'ir-.t i t I' HI, Hi OH and O '-' BEDDING ITA I II I I; D I,I..-I.I THAN C1 U I.I SEW II l-'.H K n . !:?, mi. big "(V ?:urn?tu?<f,,,works, a I?* "?I. .,'...' .'. ,,,.n Q ? ?!?? I, I. ? oil, . III! I. 1?X, 5 o 'M.u>* m i- m ? lGGGGGGGGGGGGGGyGGCGGGGGGGGGGOO All day -enow of the Peking*?? Club of America, Hotel Plaza. Lecture by Professor Charle? Zueblln. on "Secession?Abraham Lincoln." Car? negie Hall. 1) a in. Meeting of the Horse Aid 8oclety. Hotel Pennsvlvunla, 2"0 p. m. Meeting of the Board of Education, halt of the board. Fifty-ninth Street and Park Avenue, 4 p. m. \fe.ulng of th? Women'? Rnr.lAtv for Ethi? cal I'ylmre, 2 West Stxtv-fourth Street, .1 p. ?Ai. Mating of the Ai-M^mv of Fplltl?*al Science, 1"0 Ka?t Twenty n?.-ond S're?t. 4 P m. NIGHT Moeiiny of th? Rocky Mountain Club, Hotel Blltmore, * i? m. Meeting of tho prthi.-?l Culture Prh?">l, 2 West Sixty fourth Street, ? '* r ni. Lecture by Albert 1 llmann. on "History an?i Romane* of Fifth Avenue." New Vork Historical Society, Seventy-altth sin.'-t a,.,I ?'.ni i ?.i Parle West addresses t>v .lohn ?' Murphv a"d '"U'in"1 ?- ptein, on "Th? Housing Crisis ?"" New Vorl. I ?t S" I 'lob. S 1 S p 111. i.?--tore b?. B. n Baumgardt, on "Th? Rhlns and tb<- Army of ?~>."-?.r9'iop American Institute of th? Cltj of n?j' Toi-k. ? IS p ?v.. Dinner of the l-'l?M Artillery Tt?a?rv. forpc Hotel -Astor, 7 p. ni Donee of the .1 .1 Donnelln 1'ns?. ykmerl mil l.'g'-'o. Meeting or I I I iil.lic Sehe Eight? fifth Dinner of th? v., 1.1. Fort\ it? ^i Tari Community Council, H. Madison Aven'.e and ? oi. S:)f. p m. ipi-ine riuh, e.'af? Tlolllo t Street and Broadway, M< Ming of the KlevHtot MlartTs' and Op .?ratone Cul?n ?'entrai Opera Ho???. Seventy-seventh Street and Third Ave Dinner of the Long Island Bsptle? Social i nlon. Hotel Bossert, 7 p. in. Meeting of the First Church of Plidne Scl?nce. Waldorf Astoria, 8 p. m. Lecture by Lorado Taft, on "Ramble? In Burgundy." Academy of Music. Brook ly, 8:15 p. m. BOARD OF FIM CATION 1,F.CTI7BES MANHATTAN "Industrial Problems In the Cnited State?." by Professor Nelson P. Mead. Washing? ton Irving HlKh School, Irving Place and Sixteenth Street. "Homes, llnblts and History of the French People," by Professor Henry E. Northrop. Public School 46, 158th Street and St. Nicholas Av.-nue; Illustrated. "Hunting Pulp In Labrador." by Lieuten? ant .1. H. 11. IMutrhcad. Public School 63, 228 East Fifty-seventh Street; lllus iinti-ii "Centralization of State Power and Founda? tion of an Empire?Russia," by Nicholas M. Lublrnov. Public School 62, Hester and Ess.-x streets "Alaska To-day," bv Frederick L. Peder son. Public School 157. St. Nicholas Avenue and 127th Street; Illustrated. "Colorado and the Old Southwest." by Rob? ert O. Weyh. ' Public School 165, 225 West lOSth Street; Illustrated. "With Allenby in Palestine." by Graham C. Hunter. Pilgrim Hall. Fifty-sixth Street an?! Broadway; Illustrated. "A Cry In th? Wilderness," by Arthur J. Wcstermayer. St. Columba Hall, 24.! Went Twentv-flfth Street. "Current History," by George A. ILiBtings; aiao special French war motion pictures. Public ?chool 631, 18Sth Street, Flndlay and Teller avenues, Bronx. Shipping News x?lOn WATER AM PM Sandy Hook .105S U:34 Governor'? Island .10:53 11:34 Hell Uale .12:47 1:06 ARRIVED YKSTF.RDA'? Vea:i*l Port Departu I Cate lonler.Antwerp .Jan j West ? 'arnlfax.?.a I'alllee ..Ian West Wauneke. . . . Flushing. Jan -, Runa.Fayii I .Jan i Hulaco.Port Lu boa ... .Jan ? He Ion.San Juan .Jan i H o ven.Tampico .Jan i El ll?renlo.Curacao .Jan Spartan Prince.I'lil ladelphla . ...Ian I Mani-hioneal.Pli'la. I cipria . . . Jan El Mar.Niw Orleans ...Jan ; lira lln.jn.).Louisberg I NS. ) Jan | Cult y li link.New ? irleana . . .Jan i Cherokee.Brunswick .Jan Fluor Spar.Calcutta .Duo Otterstad.Genoa .lire Clock ?on.Philadelphia . . .Jan INCOMING STKAMSHir? t To-dujr I Port Departure re.Havre .Jan 7 n . . ? Ant werp .Jan 2 RESORTS LONG ISLAND Hotel Garden City, Long Island An exclusive American plan hotel, evltli a la ..irte restaurant for motorists Frequent el? ctrlc trains from I'eiin. Station. Special Winter Rates Nov. to May IANNIS CO., Prop?. wmEmEEEMmEUsmasmtmamm ATLANTIC CIT?, y>?r%2?? ATLAiMTlC ?JTY.N.J. Ai\Airier icarv Plan Hotel I of Distinction wd Re??Con\?ort r 1KB PROOF ClARAC*. VIRGINIA OLD POINT COMFORT HOTEL CKAMBERLIN FINE WINTER GOLF y~^V Kw,mn??'?* l'Cu'- Seafood 5C 5? ?fi?r Cuisine. Krery European jff ?3JL K"11' ?"?I Treatment. Writ? . ^X. ?4 ^^| GEO F. ADAMS. Manaaer.XxL ,Xrf Fortress Munroe, Va. ^?? *"^ WASHINGTON, D. c. Burlington Hotel American an?) European HOMELIKE, CLEAN. PERFECT CUISINE IHO Remit?s with ItiKh S3 to $5 FIVE MINI TBS FROM EVERYTHING Washington, D. C. PORTO RICO Condn?lo-ViiiHlerhilt lintel HAN .11 AN, PORTO RICO Newly completed, and open for the time t)il?e season Direct steamer service from New York every Saturday. FLORIDA A DEMGIITPI 1. WINTER? FLORIDA WEST COAST. INSTRUCTION CHOOL/ .-}lVYe>ar' Dei? n.-io tvein'mj I'?| t?. New York -72 Park Awo., bet. 38-38 St?. Broonlyn ?Corner i laoklin and JeftVrton At?do? IlLAiO 1 I +r Examinatiori: *>wesr Pcinr - Annapoli s Send forCntnloer and "Succcbb n R-icenla F.iamie " New Term Devins .lunuary 28. $25. MONDAY, JAN 26 Pay. for SHOR? SECRETARIAL COURSP m STENOGRAPHY and TYPEWRITING 35th WAR. DAY OR NIGHT. NIW HR\] P< ISITION GUARAN I F.F.D IELEGRAPHY, Ga??cy's School, 3 E. 3">t!i St. near DWIGHT SCHOOL 72P"kA ?br?. 38-39 St?. College ? Urgent.?. V?m l'oint A Annapoli?. ?Oil? tt. Aihle?i,i. under pinfesnlnuHl ?uperviHion l?uA-r? o ?Ok/ij ,.' th' lndMduu\ student. Ne\> Te i en HorIii . January 26 PIFRfF school * * JL-i ?^ V-. *-. 6f>6 w lgli| S| SHORTHAND BUSINf-SS SF.CRF.TARIAI CRADHATF.S PI.ACF.D in GOOD POSITIONS PRATT J.CHOCH ?>J We,? 4Mt. ?!?? I ?I irnintci. ?mtinduM ta ?uiimion. Vtj. ?tvulBij. Santiago.Rouen .Jan 2 Ptujet Sound.Barcelona .Jan 3 Horten?jlU8.Fowey .Jan 7 West Eldarm.Liverpool .Jan 9 Cartb.Matanza? .Jan 18 Belvedere.Naple? .Jan 9 "West Orama.Genoa .Jan 9 Mauretanla.Southampton . ...Tan 1 9 Mexlro......Havana .Jan 21 Calsmare?. .Cristobal ...... ...Ian 1? W au besa.Antwerp .Jan 11 Doe To-morrow T.a Parole.flavr? .Jan. 1? Rotterdam.TRotterilam .Ian 1 * (\uburn,.Antwerp ..Tan 14 Bovlc.Manch- st er .Jan. 14 n"83ltnd.Halifax .Jan. 26 Uti? Wednesday if?lt!fj- f>la?.Copenhagen ... ..tan it Arnertra.Vflple?. .Ipittt, Dante AHghl?rt.Naples.ten 14 M uns mar,.N'r?s .Jan 21 Pt??e Thiiradar ?3?n n-orglo. ... G?no? .Jan it TJAi Luckenb&cb. - It-,H?r^?,n .tijniT \t8neh?irie . Southampton Jon SM OUTGOING STEAMSHIP'S ??11 To <*.?t t~. v ????ii?. Cap? Town.lO nn AM i "?r^t rnrt?"?!^ di?i ??? .iBn?!?"?. 6:30 AM to.nfi im Moro Castle Wm-in- . ? 30 VM ' " nri ^' tiiiron. Turk's '-'"n't . 9:30 AM IS 00 M ?l,cfliian HI?. ?ir .Ton elm . . ,.1? "n M :< :00 PM "Jgll Tn-morrmr r;,-h"?Soe!, tlnmhnr? .. !" "1 AM j; "i M i'h?t??Pj Ptra--?i? .10'00 AM 1 n r-u C'edrlc. Liverpool.11:00 AM 1 nn t*m N Brunswick fni?t?l.t' :?tn M 3 O" tm ?'?rlllo Cristobal ? ? T t'lAM 1" nn ?M Prlns Willem I. '"tiprsn 10:00 AM 1:0? PM Cien. W. C l?'.rpss. Crls tohn I .12:00 M S n rst Glenarchy, Pars .12:00 M >:"?rM riorldlsn, ArfronMrr* . IT 0" M S?TM hAll Wednrxduj ?'au'n Lisbon . 9 00 AM trniM West. Sagina?-. Acera. 10:00 AM 1 0" ni ?Ion Mho William, Cap? Town .12:0" M 8:00PM Tort Hamilton Ber? muda . g : 01 AM 11-00 AM t'aracaa. Curacao . 9:30 AM 12:10 M Hal" Thursday Monterey Vera Cruz . 8:30 AM 12:HM Alllanca. Cristobal ....12:00 M 3:01 I'M Manoa, Trinidad .12:00 M 3:00 I'M AMERICAN PORTS BOSTON, Jan 25 ?Arrived: Strs Sun? shine, Tampico; Lake Inaha, Norfolk; Cur rl?>rr Port Arthur, Tex. Sailed: Strs Gloucester, Norfolk and Baltimore; Cretan, Philadelphia ; Lake Gravity, Savannah; Garfleld, Sagua and Matanzas. CHARLESTON, S. C, Jan 26?Arrived: Strs Trematon (Br), Havre, AI A Flagg, from Europe. Sailed: Strs Ayaha Maru (Jap), from Iquique for British ports: Themiston fliutch), far lioca Grande; La we C?lvenla, for Florida; I,?nape, for Jacksonville. DELAWARE BREAKWATER. Del, Jan 25?Passed out: Strs George Q Henry, Chester, Pa, f?ir Tampico; C A Canil-Id, Wilmington, Del., for Tampico; Massasoit (Br), Philadelphia for Bombay; Atalaia (Braz), Philadelphia for Nant?-s via New York. UALVESTON. Jan 2r.?Arrived: Tug Gulfport, towing barge Badger, Tampico; tug K'ech nnd barg??, Beaumont. Sailed: Str El Rio, New York; yacht Caslana, Tam? pico. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Jan 2;.?Arrived: Strs Tames!, Tampico; Lake Licking, New York (for r-palrs); Lake Glaseo, Havana. Sailed: Str Apache. Now York; #)ake Cana? veral, Gothenburg. PHILADELPHIA. Jan 2",?Arrived: Strs 1-Cazembe (Br), New York: Deva, New York; Frederick Tuckenbach, New York; Balsam, N'? w York; Taizan Maru (Jap), New York; Ang?-lo Toso (Ital), New York; Contoocook, Cardenas. PORT ARTHUR, Tex, Jan 25?Arrived: Sir Gulf Queen, New York Silled: Strs Gulf Tra.le. Providence; Virginia. Provl di n?-??; Communche ? Br). London; Lell Ington (Nor), Tampico; Iveechle, and barge, Tampico. PORT La?, ?a Jan 'J6 ? Arrived: Str? Coppename, Tela; Inca. Dominican Re? public; Indore iBn, Galveston; Mount Vi?rnon (Nor), Progreso; Parlsmlna, Port Limon; Rochelle (Br). Havana. Sailed: Strs ?ola. Progreso Oxonian (Br), Liver? pool; Sarmacca, Port Barrios via Bell.:e; Igalpa ( lloml i. Ceiba PORTLAND, Me, Jan 25?Sailed: Str? Lake Ltllieuson, Sagua, Amerl? a, Norfolk; Cot alee, Norfolk. PORT TAMPA. Jan 25?Sailed Str Miami. Havana via Kev West. REEDY ISLAND. Del. Jan 25 Passed down from Philadelphia: Str? Gulfmaid, Port Arthur. Coperas, Sagua la Grande; TRAVEL H. C. Folger, Bordeaux and T ? i> , Mitchell, St Na/.alre; Aidera PuJ,1'1''! SAND KEY. Jan ?S-Pa.Ye* lreT?t\ ??r'"; 25th- L1?ht*?"? .D??^ SAVANNAH. .Tan. ?6 ? Arrive,! Jhbee Jacksonville. Bmnbay Mftru ,.--. New York. City of ?^u-?bui? n.*?'' Sailed: Sirs Trltonla .Hr) l|v,\!1 r .l.miH'a Jacksonville ''??erp^i TAMPA. Jan 26?Arrived: H,r , L Farlstell. Mobile for New Tork J,'1" Str Sapona. New York. Bal?*l FOREIGN TORTS ANTWERr. Jan ?8?-Balled si, - nervt. St lohn N M 8'r Wt| BELFAST, Jan T? ? Arrived Ri- , nnwnshlr? (Br). Paiiii..,.. ' '?H N-?N' -Un ': ?- - De,M Oc^nM^fh ?Bn rlrA:'^\ fa, raeus an.i Saloniki '?' ?. -.n* ,"??'" ; John. N B tor ?Pireua ? K< HONG KONQ ian ,? , ? . n?ta Maru ?Japi r M*. MMVV,;'VMf.'V;n.,.,",n "4 "-^ J MANU A. ij>n -n Arrlv.d -, ,, rBri, NeW York <i> i .v ,?,. ' r1?*???!? p?r. Biombo .nd F???. RIO DE IA1 EIRO les ?0 s... ? Bront? ? Hell. New v-, -. * ei K" :AN rOS Jen 20 Arrived s?. >, .in, New ven. ,,? :, rh , str Moect. lan?dro * p'" ?e. . IERRE t EONE, i.? 1: R.,u, Be odn ? Mi , ?from :<?. - ,, , c" Phi? ' *'? !K| ". 1 railSpaclfic M?S?* ?vie? , onne . ting mails >,,., ?, ., ?.Ht postoffioe end ?M,.. Hall coal??? ,"1 tlon \eW yorki ?, , ; l ?ottIM ... Ilawall. Ma San Frenelarn * Men..?. to-da< ' it*an>?hi> Hawaii, ili'iiein .ni Blberi? ,? F^soo. vnlted Bta,e.S?p?^ *? Febrpar" 2. rRnc'"Co' ">?n?hlp Kc?.?]* Wllhelmlna, Febrpary :2n'M*"". "'-amiMp Hawaii, 1 m l?land? New '.., , Australia. ? l? \a,. ' "''M ?W B C, steamship Niagara ??"?,. ^???ita, Jaran, Corea and Slb-'rl? .-? ? '0 ?teamahip Empreaa of Aala, Februar^u*1 Mail for Manila Burned On Transport i. i>arj|ic Correspondents Advised to l)u plicate Lettern Sent on the Great Northern Announcement was made vesterd?, by the Philippine Commercial lgenc, that nearly all of the first claM mail on the army transport Great Northern' | bound from San Francisco to Manila' had been destroyed by fire All net' ; ,on8 who had mail on the v? ?i"". , advised by the agency to dupl c.t. their correspondence. K "? ; The statement said, in part: "Ann . occurred on board the Great Northern j during a typhoon, and, due to the cor ; sequent flooding of the hold in which ; the mail was stored, only about 1 ne'r ? cent of first class matter ?ras saved ? The, Gt?.\ Northern carried all of th? mail which was received in San Fran cisco at 9 a. m. November 25 I'M 9 t0 and including November 29 The niai! matter which arrived in San Ftanctsc* prior to Novembe 25 wU3 disponed . on the Empress of Russia." Printing Concern Heads to Dine The heads of more than 600 priming ? concern- in this vicinity will attend t dinner and meeting this evening at the Hotel Astor, arranged by the United Typotheta; of America as a prelimi? nary to a survey of the printing indus? try in New York which will 6tart to? morrow. i Among the speakers this evening will . be Joseph A. Horden, general secretary j of the United Typothetae of Amor?a, ! and Charles L. Estey, its general sec? retary atid advertising director. TRAVEL mmmmh?mmt(Micym ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Passenger and Freight Servi? e* ^^^^^^^^^^^ Royal George.New York to Plymoulh, Havre and Soulhampton . ....Jan Larmania .New loik " Liverpool . |,? : Mauretania .New York ] Pannonta.New York Columbia ..New York Saxonia .New K. A. Victoria.New Carmania .New ; Imperator .New York York York York ?bfa .New York ?M | Roya! George .New Mauretania .New Saxonia.New _ K. A. Victoria.New York Carmania .New ; Royal George.New pool ^i^i^?^?'?^?'?^?^?^?'?"?^H.. Cherbourg and Southampton.Jin. Patr.if. Dubrovnik and I riesle.Jan. Londonderry and Glasgow.Feb. Plymouth, Havre and London.Fob. Plymouth, Cherbourg and Liverpool ... .Feb. Liverpool .M?r. Cherbourg and Southampt >n.M?r. Londomlei ry and Glasgow.Mat. Plymouth, Havre and Southampton."*r. Cherbourg and Southampton.Mar. Plymouth, Havre and London.M?r. Liverpool .Mar? Liverpool.V Plymouth, Havre and Southampton.Apr. For Inter ?ailing? apply to 21-24 STALE STREET. NEW YORK York York York lork York 16 DAY CRUISE ?IOC AND A!X ?EXPENSES tj> i Z D UP "lila ral? covera ?II ueoeatary expensM of ..-ils and sta'.rrQ'.in: accomm . Jatl au fer entire rr.i.30 to ??ad uound Hi.? Island Bn clun; m ?an and return '.o New Tori WARD LINE Dir??ct ?e?nrice on fast twin-?crew ?tt.arr.ers from New York to HAVANA | WEEKLY MEXICO (SAILINGS T? Progre?o, V?jr? Cra? and Templeo. R?euUr Sailing? to Ntuuu, Bahamu. Literature and full injo-mathn en N?rw York and Cub? Mall S. S. Ce r?HI of W.ll Stroot. New York. IMMUNES AMERICAN LINE Faul Mall Steamers NE'J YORK?PLYMOUTH CHERBOU* G S 01 i 11 \MPT0N New York . ..12 No, Feb. 7 Mar. ? St. Paul .12 No? Feb. 14 Mar. 13 Philadelphia . . 12 Nooi Ffb. 21 ?Mar.21 NEW YORK HAMBURG Manchuria .? ; ... F*b. 11 Mongolia . _ Feb. 2S RED STAR LINE NEW YORK PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG jypp Lapland . Feb. 23 Mir. 30 Apr. 4 WHITE STAR LINE N Y.?CHERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON Adriatic. ...2 1 M Feb. 14 Mar. 2C Apr. 24 i Lapland .Feb. 25 Mar. 30 Apr. 4 ??Call? ut Plj-month, Omit? ?otithampto? NEW YORK?LIVERPOOL Cednc. . . '-? P "Jan. 27 -? Baltic. 3 r. M Jan. 31 Mar. 13 Apr. 17 Orte?a .Feb. 7 ' Cedric .Feb. 28 Apr. 3 -' Celtic .Mar. 6 Apr. 10 May ?? ?SEA YORK?AZORES GIBRALTAR NAPLES-GENOA Canopic .a P M ?***'" internaHonai Mercantile Marine Connu?! 9 Broadway New York "THF prit! ir nr pleab??" COLONIAL LINE BOSTON ?? $4.40 PROVIDENCE , "V, S2.97 .'d.LUI IMlll. isTAXliUUOM'?*l.MW**' Both Price? include it ar To* Peal U??cj Pier 38. North H.U.t Dali? 4 *" . M Phoni* bprine >?91 __ NEW YORK ?HAVRE I A ?SAVOIK JAN. 31, H.H. Z?, MAK. ??\ III! It ?INK ? i.ii |0, M \l( KIM IIXMHKAI .FEB. 14, MAR, 16. Vl'tt. I \l \\ Kill . IK I? I.\ I.OKKA1NK \|.|( NEW YORK?BORDEAUX M Ui.MU tl'-roin Pier M s It i JAN. < "II U.O. i- . , m ? ? ,.-,,? COMPANY'S OITH'K. I? STATIC ST . N RED "D" LINE ru 11 Fool M -Mtnue Bi i|<t. V'lH I'ollTo III?'?? I l ILA? A<> nut \ KNK/i Kl.a. ' nra??aa im> It m,<<h? .?ib.i |i*eb I liiiH?|elp|,iv I ..|. I I '.nil* RUSH PALLET! X ?i Oui Mir?.. Thru?? .'.no HaiioTti ? Wall -Urt?t ?imbaxaador M"!?-!? In -XMantle City, Ne? I Vorb. bHiit? 'llitil.ttrw Hllil l??n Ai??el?K\ ITorreKler.M-l ? l'r,ni?i.?i."l"'',1|-;?',| Ol TWDE -T M I.HOOM-. *>"* * 'y I>? 11 >. hi lud "K Sun laj S ,'1 . ,.?.,,. FaU River Line To BOSTON - I rom un n. \. K . I nUv? ><?? ? M r OrrliMlra ?" ' ?? h Ho,!:c, it?. Miff I.OMIIIN iNOKHIlll ' '. .' ii') It?. P. 40 N P. Houston Rl wW? ? r1* III ?,M i.v Pr. ?o. B?. ?M 3t* * J ^ CENTRAL HUDSON MNf III D-ON ?II VTI? IMV ? "N' t'Hi light .?-ni- m. HudWU ?' llliiie.1 (or th? ??????'??>?