Newspaper Page Text
Against Rise In Building Material Costs fjjofir Interested Unite in ProiV?-?inc' Any Further Advance, Declaring It Will Curtail Operation? 4wait New Freight Rates ?vent Exported to Bring Relief ami End Boosting of Construction Prices Greater stability of cost to the con? sumer of building materials and equip? ments is tho rn<"0 being exacted by ir.ancial interests when considering applications for building loans, says "The Dow Fen-ice Dnily Building r.fports" to-day. The situation is becoming serious. Some interests term tho outlook criti? cal and have already taken forward positions to try to stem the prie?; uovenient in its heedless course up? ward. I* IS t:me ^or strong minds and ?tvel heads to step in and save a situa? tion thai now begina to assume threat? ening: aspects toward a year's building program' that has tremendous possi? bilities, but which may easily be turned into one of only mediocre votara*1. Certain powerful Influences have already deferred decisions on pending applications for now building projects of great importance in New York un? i after the new freight rates ?re announced in the expectation that that event will mark the practical close of the most spectacular rise in build in? material and construction costs that the country has ever known. Unite Agalinst Price Advances Dealers, manufactur?is, contractors tad especially the architecte aro a unit in protesting any further advancing of building material prices upon the simple plea that if prices go further upward building will be jrreatly cur? tailed. Those whoso position in ttio building world is close Cenough to the source of most building projects to know ar,?i understand tho controlling influences actuating new building projects have realized for some time that the price situation regarding building materials and construction costs has reached a point beyond which it ,; actually dangerous to g?e. It is even generally known in the building tri .'?? that the banks or finan? cial interests have already set a posi? tive dead line beyond which they will not go. it canni t be any longer denied that there is a certain hesitation in financia; circles regarding the immedi? ate future r.r.d that tne forthcoming Presidential campaign is a good time to apply some counteracting influt-nce against the now worn out theory that people will pay art y tjr;ce and put up with any inconvenience in order to get whal thej w M The plain facts in the present I uilding situation as ap? plied to building finance is that there is now a well deSned point beyond bui d ng finance will not bo pro vided and that that point will have been reached when the new freight rares are announced. Steel Cost to Kemain the Same Judge tiary t;et the paco for the building industry when he announced that the United States Steel Corpo? ration".^ prie?? on steel would remain ?chern ?t was. .Since then the cement, industry has accepted the position that further prie.' advances would be more harmful than beneficial. Hudson River brickhas heen whipped to a $25 mar? ket, hut at that point this commodity -s being shipped by rail into this city and the brick on "barge at dock has been allowed to await purchasers, with every week bringing tho opening of navigation nearer. It is quite likely that there will be no further price ad? vance in this commodity, and the pos? sibility of a slight recession in price is not remote. The biggest minds in REAL ESTATE \\ ;.r>l( III>1 EB COVSTX -I AK.-1'AI.K. V Y. I MM "Al.I.V ATTRACTIVE ? nial f?n | it lOOxlSO i ?life liorna is ?p-to-ilal very respect. Meal loca? tion, i' ? ait t Ivc NEAR COl'NTKS i 1.1'H, frame l?. ! ?sjr. i ? r Situation pood. House ? r .. : ;..??'? ;. a ? able? W oil) FASHIONED IHIMIMItil, ? I . : ??-.. s In. ? iv ne I ll - : J 1 ?,?:.-. -j With .?.-- 11 t?0 *r OVKRHI?.I. SECTION, r v stucco and "' . ? ?- ? 1 ! .M?- ? ro ?ins ? :. . bat?. ... I'KTItli'Mil i; I/OCATTON. I? iu:: c ?? ? n . w . r. ?> i n I I.I EPIIOXE SI \H>I? \l 1 32SS3I1IEI PfBlJI?toAtOWl -S?-'-JCOTTACitS" ? r?PVOTS?mr-. -, ? ?-^jcn.cA&C ... .E.FARL?V ORGANIZATION yi$&w*!**3ij&&* ? (?-,& '???? ? I.Nil l'.M ?U EU APARTMENT JO LET West Point View Apartments 575 Riverside Drive, Cor. 135th St. ,.?"-'??? i ' ? ?'!?"?-?; ? '-' riVB; VAf'ANT FEB 1 ' ? ; : on . ? i ?? ; ? ; ".::??'. ? n ? - - - i ?th > ? ,. ? .-?,,?? ? . : ,.,..,;. u ' t ?? ' - ptlonatly larKi rooms v.-n h ?' ? - . -:.:.'.-!in-.- possession: 1625 **r roor - ,....,... ;;..,. ?uper ? ? ? Clrelo 6420 '?_ - i i kitchen ist on!> ' ' _' a, ii . : an?! ?-.'?'.. i'hone llar REAI. F>TATK Ft)R ?AI.K HOMES WITHIN THE HOUR ALL SECTIONS iO.000 to $.',0,000 J. CLARENCE DAVIES S NASSAU ST. JOHN 6094 **?.y SE.?/ JERSEY -' ? in s. ? w.U ground, ail ' ? ?: ?? ? ? . ? ? ? r. fru ' t: ? ??>. ,- ''?-'?- . . ?i ft n? , . ' ? ? ?, 7 piKH, ? ,- Is easily worth ; ; ? ...... i. . , , . ?. *- I * - ? . .... . ... I ... -It..... ? lia ? - a. t. -:!ni/ii ; '. ?"?,',! ? . .-.-Il',. , V? ' .- [' ? ? . ; ? II 1 iH 6th m.i .. Or?os . /it. ?SlTXGA T OW ' ")?..- ? ? * ., ... -:' ' ???-:?, avi.ils? . ft^j,. ' - i-... : Irin ?2 ' ' . . minutes ?: ? - ?ij. . . . . ...... -. .- -,-. I* " ?? m. WAW.THCil rVORHON A KflKMIV, ' . ?? / I'.t'itor IliH. ?_' ? ? ? . ? ? . , ?. , , J71''' . '???:,:. i<) qSll ."* ? ? ' ? ..-,'."<? .. dl?' '?* ' i' .1 tirfiry. WANTED ? m 1*slr? ?e ' 100 to ? - ? Ha ./? .,;.... i i - - . llM ? ***tKU i.,ii ,u -im.-, j-r tlfOHK "Sa ?2? ? ? i * /- -,* /. the Hudson River brick industry see, the danger of keeping the price of bnck at $25 u thousaini wholesale. Tho market for this material is already get tine extremely narrow. Upon inquiry in tho cement industry and among experienced dealers it would seem that some of the hading minds ? among the manufacturers and distrib? utors are niakinp* an earnest endeavor to stabilize Portland cement price?. T?be industry feels, almost to a man, that all forms of building and other ? construction work should be encour? aged. The broadminded men of the in ; dustry arc looking, two, three and five years ahead nr.d arc spending vast sums 1 of money to educate the people into tho economical use of ami new uses for cement. Great Shipments of Oment Provision has already been made for ?tremendous volumes, of this material. ' December in Portland cement ship ? ments into this market was great.;r than any December in ten yearn. Ship ? ments were 80 per cent over December of 1918 and To per cent over December of 1917. As tor production, more than ? 3,000,000 barrels were made in Decem? ber over and above either 1918 or 1917. : Tho stock on hand at the end of the ? I year was 1,?)U0,000 barrels less than in j 1918. There is to-day less stock of [ ; cement on hand for use in this market :| than there has been in any year in a | decade. Hero ?3 shown tho result of stabiliza? tion of price. The cement industry has a peculiarly ?tronf? record for evenness of prices covering the recent critical period that the. country ha? passed j through. There seems to be a feeling j union;; owners, contractors and dealers that there will be a shortage of cement duimg 1920 or some advance in price, i or both. Tho cement, interests are nl . ready arranging for tremendous pro? duction, striving to reach the total of 46,000,000 barrels for the two zones supplying this district, whereas 30,000, OOU is the greatest volume ever pro? duced for New York consumption. As ? for this coming year there is actually the ability and a will to overproduce if restrictions are not placed on the movement of coah Hm?. stone, empty 'cars and or. the finished products. Prices Still Advancing i To-day's building material price list , shows still further advances in some \ lines, despite tho attitude of banking interests against this constantly up? ward tendency. All prices on piaster, , neat or sanded, were withdrawn at the week-end and advances of $1 and ?30 cents in both classifications were re? ported. Plate glass prices show a dia i count running from 65 to 68 per cent : otf official lists, piaster board moved ' up a cent, and second-hand brick costs $48 a truck load'of 3,000 delivered be? low Forty-second Street and $54 above 110th Street. Many Large Loans Made on Keal Kstate Charles ii. \ an Valen Flares $4,000,000 on City and Suburban Properties Charles B. Van Valen, Inc., has placed $4,000,000 on real estate mort? gage loans duriny recent months. While the prevailing ruto of interest is '?'??: to G pe? cent, 60 per cent of these loans were placed at 5 per cent. 26 2-3 per cent were placed at 5 1-5 to 5V? per cent and 13 1-,'J per cent at ti per cent Brooklyn Realty Buying Samuel Galitzka and J. Lacov have sold for Matilda W. Magaw the entire block front on Avenue ,T, Ocean Avenue : and East Nineteenth Street, consisting of twenty lots. A builder will at once improve the site with one-family houses. Albeit K. Kelly has sold for James Nelson to Hartman Specht 14.VJ Pacifie ; Street, a four-story dwelling, on lot ? 20x100. The Bulkley & Horton Company has sold 2C?2 Sixty-seventh Street, a two family house, for Mrs. Linda. M. Ber trinini. Realty Notes Joseph G. Abramson, representing I several tenants now occupying the premises, purchased from George Grote the seven-story factory and loft . at 502 to "'06 East Seventy-fourth ? Street, 75x102, held at ?lOO.OOp. The apartment house at 510 \Ve3t 112th Street, sold recently, is to be taken over by the 510 West 112th Street Oornoration, formed at Albany on f ridaj last, with L Bleich, W. A. Werner and W. I'. Riley as directors. (New Jersey ?Homes Sold .]. ( larence Davie.s has sold the stucco r? iidence ;.- 2:' Macopia Street, Upper Montclair, X. J.. in conjunction with W. S. Denson and Mabel A. Corby to L. B. Donohu?; a! o the residence at. :'.? Elliott I";-:'.-.?, East Orange, X. ?I., to '1, E. Hait:?? for W !.. Goeltz; also, in i conjunction with Mabel A. Corby and William !'. Denson, to William li. Sinending? . M Prescott Avenue, Mont lair, a ? '- : 1,250, I Riverside Drive Deal Pending Negotiations are pending for a ?esale of tht block 'ront on Riverside Drive, between 109th and 1 I fit h streets, pur? chased Tuesday at the auction sale of ? t... ,Sage !???;.te by Robert Si.non and : erl J E. Dowling for .$435,000. 1; . ronl !'. - I f let on the Drive, 265 fe< I on I09tl Street and 222 feet on Cathe? dral Parkway. ? House Built by Fate Ex-Mayor \t Far Roekaway Sold John I-'. Scott has sold for Mrs. T. 1 A. Bibby her hou3C, built by her father, ex-Mayor Gilroy, on' Franklin Place, Ocean ? rcijt, Ear Roekaway, L. I.; for William G. Hovey hia house on West Broadway, Hewlett, L, I., and for E. S, !.. 'a his house on Wyekoff Place, Wood m< re, L. I., to a clicnl for investment. Sales at Ridgewood .'. S. Walstrum, Gordon ?6 Forman have Hold for the estate of Pa! rick F. Vaughan the residence 17 Valley View Avenue, Ridgewood, N, .T., to George \ Vatea, of Brooklyn; for Samuel A. I Dunn 4 Went Dayton Street to Henry W, Eells, and for August LaChappollo J03 'lircle Avenue to Thomas E. Pren dcrgast, of Astoria, L. J Flats in 11.5th Street Sold Koppe! Brothers have sold for the I^andoff Realty Corporation 110 and 111-' West 115th Street, two five-story apart m?nts, on plot 50x100, to Kent. & Kent, 71 ,. ?ame hrpkers have sold for | Charle? Schatakin two four-story flats at 823 and 827 Fox Street on plot. 66x ? 100. Buys FJot at Searsdale Tho Sc?rsdalo Ent?tes, Robert E. Farley pr? lent, hafl sold u plot on Grconacrcu Avenue, in the Grcenacrcs ; eection of Scar dale, .'?'. V*., to James Juri'ian, ..." Searsda e. Cockran Fropwty incased Cock? & Willets have leased lo Mai , CAjlm V Sloane, of th n city, a house . | . : ,., on tho W Bourl ?? I Cock ran estate, at Port Washington, : ?Long Laland. M?echanies1 Lienfl \l anli, ? ? ?i v, ! t. M ! . ?: ... <??? ? ?ir-, ....... ?,, ,.-,. ., .'(/ ??,.??,: -,.w ? ? ',.'-' ' ? "?? K '"I " '' '" ' ' ;' A ? ?- I'. ?? ?? ?...:-.' '?I, I . , . HTI1 H'l i IS. J' : . .' ?g, A,,- i- flftli? Tool I ? , ??? ? ' ' A ?? y till ?#??*' '?' ?'. coati m Lpslasrs Quarters for O?iee Furniture Firm. Dealers Relieve Innovation Will Re Followed by Others in the Trade An innovation is about to he in j troduced in the office furniture dis ; trict by Cobb, Macey-Dohme, Inc., who ' will give up the lower part of the building tl a- now occupy at 412 Broad I way and locate in the four upper ' floors. A lease for these quarters has been made for twenty-one years at ai aggregate rental of $130,000 through the Charles F. Noyes Company , from Frank 1). \\ hito und G. F. Heu ? blein. Tl e upper floors have met with suc? cess in other trades, particularly | clothing, and Adolph F. Dohn-.e, presi? dent of the furniture concern, is of the opinion that th? re ? no reason why upstairs quarters should not enjoy the ; same success in his business. Com? menting ? n the lease just made, .Mr. ? Dohme said yesterday: ''?'"r busint s ht , grown largely at 412 Broadway and we Und that we have ' outgrown for showroom purposes the ; store and basement that we have been occupying. Double the space was re? quired, so the lease that we have ?ust ; made gives us over 20,000 square feet. , "Ground .'loor space in New York City has become so expensive for mer? chants that the price is prohibitive to | those firms which sell goods on a close i margin. It. is my prediction that- with? in fifteen years the leading firms in '? our line of business will he trans? acting their business above the ground i floor, and this is right along tin? lines of economy and exactly the same as is being done in several Western cities, I such as Chicago, with its Republic Building filled with retail firms of high standing, and in St. Louis. i "Not only do ?arge upstairs sales I rooms permit of economy in opera i tion, but ti." premises are better for i salesroom purpose! on account of bet? ter ventilafion, better light and bet 1 ter facilities for showing otir prod? uct." Apartments for Homescekers Vnd Builders at This Sale Byran !.. Kcnnelly will offer on spe? cial salesday, February 11, several dwelling ? .- id plot i . hat are now i ? ady ?for improvements, Some of the prop i orties listed for sale are 2358-230-1 Je? rome A vet?.! A-, two and one-half story hotel and the two two-story dwellings abutting on Walton Avenue, for the : estate of Ellen A. Ashman: 120-128 Hester Street, two six-story tenement >, for the e.-t tte of Tore sa SI, J. O'Dono hue; the three-story dwelling ai 1201 1207 t'utnan Av? nue, norl hen t cor ner of Kensingl m Avenue, Plainfi ': X. ,T.; ivcral d- ?Dings af Hie north we .: coi ner of !? ri? '-y and Bens? n ave nue ; ; va du t ! ;'?:? at 1 lie north cor? ner of Sh? ce R( : '. .< ! Seventj ninl I? St reet, ' ' : ? ?klyn. and i plol of I ont one lots .'. , a f? r a provemeni ?a ???? factory site on Whitlock Avenue, 1?? tween' : 1-lth and 1 tOth streets, Il on . Assignment? of Mortgages ? nliiil tun Keeorded Letises , Manhattan Satisfied -V?rehanies' Lien i.i??i ? ,.,,,.. . ....... Ha.rH ? ri M? ,.-..., I - . - ? ?? ? ; Real Estate Records Recorded Transfers Downtown BT'.OAl) ST, SO, s w cor Exchange pi, 5? ex '??>? s N'ev st xS 7. lOx : ! ? 10 . Broad '-'. 38, ??v p, 88.J s Exchange pi. 20 x " i 7 -,. | ?? -. t 10: New st. 36, e u, 150 3 a Ex? .. .-.v.- pi, ..; ., - ; ? ?i -, ff; n,.w ., ?'?? " '?. 87.10 b Exchange p!. 31.2x47.3x 25x5] 1. with rlfi.M.e !.. iur-i in rear for light .,:.-i -, - ; | iroad st, 4 I, w s, i-.?.; :I Kxohange pi, 2 2x99.lOx Irrf-e-, also In rip n s s of al ive . t and 76 8 ? Bt ;i '?.--.. < v- !2.6x s 2x?x e 13 4 i- g, contains ! 7 superfl ?.::', feet - .' : ? ? Fon -? to .!? ri?eron i.-, , ft ? Id Spring Ilarb r, I. I, and '? ? ' ? : ?resl . PlaiNfie Id, X .[ Deo 25; attys, li.? Fore it ' ?-' '??? ??'?'?'-.SI C1.1FE h r, se .-.. : :? t, u Fuit? ' ' xOO r ..-??.. ?-; ?.?. ?;.? to Hy von !, rn, -; Y; atty, Walt?r ??'-.- ??? .ji CI.IFF r, 30, 8 .. ... :??- ? ?. - ? -; ? 10 of tho rear of lot 255 J th. ? ? par Is now en. iosed us 0 ' :'': r; .--ar;. to sam. ; Jan 22; z.:t.-, " .?.il RJ3A '17 ?: " n j h. 25x75; Robt Gair to : ? ?'? : li tig Co, 161 Chan : TS st; D. . , atty, Title Ciuar ?i T ' o, 11 r ? v .;? M '? D ? r; . t, r-.:. n s. : .'? ? ?: Louis H ??';:- us " i Met? 0].tan Sav Bank, 59 .: ' ' R mare E; tntgi $15 500; Jan 2.:. ys, A .s ?i YV Hutchins, 84 William .$1 MA DOUOAL, 3T, 50, e s, 25x100; Brnesl d ? . ' ? r; isina, his wife '425 Pros "??"'t ? ". Bronx; intge $25,000; atty, t. !!' ? "?-', -? . ?way .$1 ?East Si.!? | CNTVJ3T! rrr v... w ??. io : s I2th Bt, ss."x 39.9; 90 University PI Ci rpn to ? ? ' ? ??mirai Ola isware Co. Rn Pu? le ! " . : : - ?? S 22,000 , Jan 23 ; at i y, Edw S Se h n - ? Pu rl-t R w.$i'H) i 25TTI ST, s s, 1 ?? i - : | a .-. 25. 1x98.9; R A Brou .,:. I ano, trustpe, to Fonl ? arusos ? '. ' Il -- ' ' s. :.? .-ir.. $18,260; .Tan 22; iitty, .Ino Ma,.;?.-i. 407 H 1 Ith st. .??r.-. 30T1I :: .', .; Il, m s, 20x9S '' ; 30th St, S E), " 1x9.1 9; N Y Lifo Ins Co to Jos imuels, 19 Park av, Mount Vornon, - 1 ; b und s .-iri?l o a g. Jan 2:i; atty, '? '?" Tit a & Mortgage Co. 135 Broail ??.J125..000 ?I" : ST, - ? 165 ???? 2d ? v, 16 8X?8.9; o film k, gdn, tn Lillian Hof, 164 iTtli .?st; ill title; Jan 19; atty, Title 1 uar & T Co, 17.1 Bway.$7..) 4< ST n .--'. 1 -.. w :: i av, 20x 100 5 ; Philip .' Funn, ref, to New Amstorda ?rl ' 74 Bway rorei los Jan 22 ' ' Til lo Ouar A T Co, 176 Broad? way .$18,750 SAME PHOI? N'( v- Ainst? r.lam Mort ' 'o . l'ui I? Bay .;? ding Co, 3(1 IT. 58th ' . I and .i ii 22; pit v, same.$1 217' i.,', 1422, e s, 22 n 74th Bt, 20xS0; '-'? Id i Realty Co t ? Leon Langsam, 1424 2d av; mi ?;.- f S 500; ntl y, Lawyei s Title ,'.- T Co, ttio Hw ty .$i"" SAME PROP; C.e.o Foster to same; migo -'- 500 Jan .' . . atty, sa ne.SI 30 II .- r, 122 E. ;; s, IS.4x1' J 2; Ell: .? C.oldst ?th to Albin S Sv ens. n, nt Sho I Ulis, X .' . tmg ? IS .: Jan 22 ; atty, ? ? V Xorl ii.. -, ..i Nassi u st.$100 96T?1 BT, n s, 140 w 1st iv :; .xlOO S : Eliii - . .Ipsliii.-. ?.. ' gnai 7. -:.. ilotf, ! ? - Miinh :? ', P.klj ;:. and I eldor ? I.lpnhitz, 12' S i'iirlc a\ X Y C; mtgj $19.? 50 . I. and . ran li i Shul .fl. 182 Alanh a v, ! Li;\ AV, - -, ., n : ...l st, 40.1x47 ',: ?'.;' ?:? .n and .... exrs, etc, to .Si olo M u .... : ..-? T..-X av, and uro ; ?. -...,.; : ? ?. 102d st; mtf!? i; Jan 13 ; airy B F s. h wat tz. 1 i? uva ,- .?i ?,000 , 31 - \ ' . ..-. , .in.. Manning to Win vr.'ennini; : ; i ? . -, i trust fot par? i m.l Rlehd Manning and ml .:.. ughl ? ?? ..i ;-.- ity I ? ' ? ? , - ? lan .. : att} i . F MeCal . ... il 10TTII H'l 1 ? ??? ] ?O.l 1 Fila .- .lu ? ? ? ;.- : i 2041 7th u\ : ??? 5,500 lan S ; attys, IvUl .?.man .-. I ir?,a?I. i '"' SAME PR' PEU TV. Me'ii lid Si % ? rraan '?? n 1 ) Rol ...,.tv ; ; 10 li)7th st ; mi ?? ? -..; Jan ; ;,:". A 1 Spiru, 1 . ....... .......... .$100 Uosl Sidu BTI! AA iv i ?.'.xluO; 1- V'- . *.?. II '?? - ? ? ; ',.-,. :, '!'. usl ' ? 204 5t)i . . : iltiry Vsn 1 im n S and ;rpool, 0 ? .- . ? . .I...I 1 " , a! : ? ?? lli-l.l .? |t, ni ? ', ?lav si . . 51 S.\ li. i BltTl Lincoln Trust ? . ??ml u us ..'i . tu i : ?, i -. n nd ...... ? ii i?. 141 K ??.?':? st ; b an.! ?- ? .li. n .. . L. ? Blei 10 ? Ipdai s $10.OUO I Cl" l ". , - r- i -. ? ?: ?> I Anna d ? i , ? : : , i;. Is, 200 v: 14th - il . hui l'.i; atty, J E Duross. ? '.'. I Ith si .SI'-" 2! ' r und 115 W, n s, runs n 197 ..... si \ 75x s 98.9x w 25x ! ,'j ? 21. t x w ?O :.. bog : ? >na? ; .. : i .. ? ? . i nilly K raus.? 159 ). :?? ?1 i ; Jmii 22, ii' iv, I'll .-? . , ?an nreo * Ti a ? i'.., ir?; : -...-? . i :? ?? 20 ?? .-.???!.???.: v-.: ; "?: \\ ? ? ? !, .- r ? ? ? ' . i?, i ri i '. wil ?'? l ,p? . .- ? .'..-.,..'.,??.,? ..-i ? \\ SMli 11 $142 50(1 , N iv . :.-.; Ai \! 12.1 lUvav 5A.M? I'.' 'l'KI'.?l ian R Kl'-ltl .??.?1 il i R.-ait; i'ii 115 Bwaj n - 5,000 :??"..?? :.. ?? ? : ? ' .7 I .-'!', 22 1 '?',' n s, .2x98 :' ; Bern] . -.-. I al Max Hllil, 1031 il--,;- ? . . - il; nitg ? - i Juin 1 . . : ? CuaranU ? A Trust Co, 17? ..$100 ?C. ? .-;..:, a . .?.'.-?::?? ? .'!"- r.,-, li r .f, u Mu V ..- . SI 1.000 5. - .. - - 21x100.5, L lui i I? . I ? husbatn - ? ?? : : . ..?:,-?. ; .' !?.?;..-. ; . ??'? n ;?. 1' nxlOO : . . l.awjci -..i.. Mm - '-, 241 L L. i d h; .lui '. atty, It i; It'.l,. i'.'i 1 ;.. ? . 1 . I ST. A -' ixio.i.l ! ; Ai'lhut . . ? - Eus .r -- Ri-a.:i - ? ..: ? ' . -t. ? .. ni Max J Klein, : MI ; ' ?-, . :?-.. 12 I'll n s, 18 7 ITf, v.'.th n .., Ri ...I . ?',. t.. 1.1,U W ?2-ltll .- i . , ? ? T i.l A T ' '??. : $1' ! I'll . Il ! ? t,, .M] ? ,-, Ri-?i ! il , > R illv . ', . ;.- W ... .-? : . ,' . . .?.. i ? i;-.-; - . . I . . .', n s, I7.1'\r?9. 1 1 Piim . Eighth ??? Lui 1 ..$100 12 il . i ?' . n s, i '???.'?'? : : - : : ? Marlh 1: . ?..?-. ' '?', " : 111 2 t . ? ; i: ' n s. 35.10.' ?:? . . ni 5 ' i9.1 ; Alfred E ni .. ? ? ist?"'s lo Nial)? I ' .-?1 i- ? ' ' \ li ? -, ii? adlng, i i . . ?..,?? h nid -, ? and , L>?-. a I ' i ? . - .-. I ;.' vv? .: n i. ;. 12 'It ST '. II s. 35.11x99.11 itl : '.\ n ? ;.?;?.::. Al? : - - . i Full ? . Tr . ? Co as r . ? ? \l lud A j'.olui, 61 i V\ . . i. !. i.!ii i:, ! i; inn half pa rl .In n .... c t ' . ? ; . SA C I'Biti son ?. . ' : ..'.??, r ?. , ,'C llwnv . i 00 13 . - bx99.1 I ; Alary K .. Rn 11 Cru ? 1er 208 W 132.1 : Jan utty. T (J & , ?'-.. 17'i n?;t . '?'? 13 'II ?, -I'.' :. Seventh H : ? ? ' ,ibl . BUi., :.. ? :- ? ; e.f V i ' Anna \ Smith, 936 S si '. \\ '. .,..!.. . ? ? . ? . i' lan 1 atty, 13 M '.? ? y, -, l'ai -. Row. l?'.'TH S'l ? '. t e Eighth av, 18x99.1 ? !?? It Alliier, 210 W 13 3.1 s Jan I ti ?Cat A Levy, 3t l'ai Eriin\ FRANKLIN A' ni 4 s from n e ? i ? ? ..:.:...?'? ? ? : map Moi r 9 nia .-??. ' ' arenco '?? Hart, Z&0 i i s i ? ' ? K J, tn.l i Uiiar A r Co, 170 .SI SA..1E l'Rdl'l i .(Ige tn i : :. '.. ; ??? .. ' l Bryanl iv, nud an? In 31, 1919 ut t II lo ? luar A; T ' ? . ? 1 'a : .-.-.. ; . ?? \ .. . ; ? . h .M ..:-.. 1 , 2.1 ? . - ' ; Jan 2 atly. Till? i ; ,v . Hwii i i-mu? $100 SA ME PR? ?l'.ERT i ?ail " an l - 1719 Itathgat?! av; mtg? '.. ; ... " '???.?: ?'? '? -..? . . . : i. ? PI V ? ' ? . ; : - I. !:??-.-?:? Ml Perth le.y, N J , n-.tge $7 11 - : ; ? Ltys. Mm .' .,?: und ?!0 If M w Park H 20?tl I; l'li?i ' ' : >?'.-:..-'.: ; atty, M J ....?l ( ; ? . . . '. : , 122.2 II Hostet :. ? ; tx .:-'... Il x c -, i . Il "il ? ? ?.lilla '?' ? er, : - '. Onu; Marfil 21 I'hen i ? ? i . : i " i :. - : 141 Ml - -???'.!: Mullet 1 B , K -. i - ? I Ith i ' .1 Ian il ty, E 1, ... , ? : , ? c ami $H M< ? I : J : I ? ..'-?? i. ? : ... Muiihi 11 !.. J,,hn ',1 n In .. tge $; . wij ?' ii ml $100 T,( ni m.ii? \ an Coi mit Esl , ... ; ,.;, ,|,| . , , , H 'Jill l, miel i M ., l'?l ... i 7?. H li'illt Ml iiiuinil 1.1 i .?. n.N AV, n ?? ? I'iih ' ; . : ? .?.. . i test ?i .?? ??...? :, V. I'll I -..,!-.. , , . \ : , -, I . Httv, I ? ificlfl I-, -.. c.rl.i?. .....$l 15j . . IV, I??I? 87 Mild 18, n..,t> |{, ,,.,s I .1 ' .... . d tu ..-.v.. i Real Est?t? ?- Bids Co, 7 E 4?.1 sx : rr.tge $6,892; Jan 19; atty, Crawford Heal Estate & Bldg Co, 7 E 4 2?! st.S too SAME property; Crawford Real Esta:e : Idg Co to Ella Crawford, 252 W 73d Ht; mtg 15.692; Jan 19; attv, H J Crnw for I 7 E 43d et .oc and $100 COCRTLANI T AY, 929, W e, 24.11x13 A. . 1x137.S; Jos V McKee, ref. to Sarah ? i Hi llinshead, 255 Henrj st, Bklyn; Dec 11, 1919; atty, B Wlutlock, 2 Rector st j-g 000 SAME property; Sarah .7 Holllnshe ? ?? leric ?. ?A.^iiri'., 989 Courtlandt av; ? 19; atty, sane?.119,236.74 3POFFORD AV. b w o narretto st, E??':-. 1 - Caroline Porco to Prank J Bastone, 872 kVhttii ?. i?v. mtg $1,500; May I; attvs, ? K & R, Sal E 149th st.ft HEATH AV, e s, lot 140. may Maria ? -i '???; also lota 15 to IS. map BonJ Richardson; '"has E nuchif:', ref, to John Pir.k, 3095 Heath av; Jan 12; att: s ??'? mlall & II, 120 Bway. '<? . 16 I'll ?-'.". 459 E, n s, 27x100; Hugh H Brady to Patk Hopkins. 1236 Brook av; mtg S5.S00; Jan ': I . atty, Thus P Me? in ? n J , 25 Broad st.. . .o c and $100 ANTHONY AV, 1G78, ?? s, 16.8x70.lxlti.Sx '?? 1; Frances Renz to Sarah Lapchln ' -' Madison av, and ano; n tfi ?_..,? ? Dec 31), '19; atty, Lawyers T & T ''??. ISO Bway .$1,0C ! 23 ill ST, s w r Johnson av, 53.7x10:1 < 74.10x100; Helen 1' McKelvey to Mary ?Vhaley, 46 Union s?., Montclalr, N J; ?' ti 15; atty, Lawyers T A i' Co, ' Bway.$7, 14- I'M ~r, n b, 376.2 w Morris av, 16.8x100; a, wife, of John P Krebs, to Willy F5kernhaus, 43 Bra Ihurst av, and ano; rut ? $2,100; .i,in 1920; atty, E A Polak y Co, 6 ; Park Row .$100 WEBSTER AV, e s, n 168th 6t, 12' "': ? '?.as Charcowsky t-> Peerless Candy <'??>, 103 W 119th st; mtg $2i.o?jn: .1 ? ?, 22; atty, N* V T & Mtg Co, 135 Bway o c and $1 00 CP.ESTON AV. 274?\ <? ?--. 25x91.10x25.1x94; ''arl Xi'iiimanii to tVcllla I, Qulnlan, ? Marlon av; mtg $4,000; Jan 23; ' y, Titlo Guar & T Co, 1T6 Bv ay o c and $ 100 LOTS .i nrl 30, map Von Cortlandt ? i tate; Leopold Segal to Harry Lipschutz. 200 W lllth si; mtg $2,S00; Jun 20; atty, Leo Segal, 70 E 96th at.$1 IE'1 II AV, s .-?, w one-third !?>t, 551 Wa.ko tleld, 13.4x111; Maro.dla M Oakes et al t? Pasquale Ambrino, 740 E 229th si; mtg 5 ,250; Sept 2. '10; atty, Title Ou-ir ??? T ? '.., ; .?j Bway.oc und *H?i Reeorded Mortgage*? Downtown Br.riAH RT, 2t. n w c Exchanga pi, ',?;?> 73.hx Irreg; .inn 2:.; Sussex Really ? ?? '.) Mutual Life Ins Co of N Y; due 1 ? '? I i25; ".'.j p c; party 2d part holds pr mtge $600,000; address 59 Cedar ft. ?65? 10 LEWIS RT '.a. <> s. Z5x100; p in; Jan 15; Uli ' liordon' Lo Jacob Larehan, .".. 0 v 147th st; 1 yrs, ? p , . pr mtge $20,0 ?"? .tt -, I Appel, 209 Bway ."4.0 U O?A'H.V !t|i ST ' :' er, 25x05 : leas? hold .1 ,i :i 15 Reo ?. c' Llty Shop - n Mori is V, ? ?- In, IM.'? . 'I. av; I -. r.-. ? , w -s'A ?? Steinhart, ?... itti av_$5,000 CLINTON ST, Iti, ?? - 25x100.2; s? -.-ui-.-s ? I'l of m ::. uf 7?; Lewis at; Jan 15; A (lonlon ??i Jacob a.m. 510 VV 147th st ; 5 yrs, 6 P c; pr mtge $33,000; atty, l \ |.f ?I. 29!) Bway .i-'.1' 10 BLEECKElt ST, 13 17, ri ?, 75x74.3x75* '. 1.4 : .t .n 22; Welvo Corp to the H S ?i. ? I ? ? ? a ?.- Co, 317 i; 3d st : 1 moa, ?i t? any, Nathan Ereedman, 309 Bway.$20,? to BLI5ECKER ST u w ? Leroy st; runtj ?? ' i n .- ? '.i : mine st x w JOOx n t ? .- i et y st x n 100 to beg; 3d av, 828 34 a ?. 20 s 51st, 80x80, a t; also prop? In, L I. and In Campbell ' . S.i Dak? t.., l? -.- .- : Frodk A Morris t..? erly V Norr s, .* 1 W 69th st . I ? .. G P c ; attys, Bru?h ,v ?i>, ? ??) Broad st, $14 221 I.ilM Side ? 1 . ; .- i * ?. 102 e Avenu? i> i 0x2 Ix - ;..;.,.'. I.i?uls S? belnhultz to Mai - ? . ? ., sun ? Co; 15 n ont hs, '? P <? : att y, '. ? ? I! r ita.-ho, 100 William st. .$1 0' U? a- ERSITV I'L, w h 40.3 .s l.lth Kt, a , ? '??'?. ; i \ ;. \i, i ?,? : p ?;. jan 23 ; i nlon ? ' i.?- -. - leal ? . ; is! ware Co lo 90 Cnlversll y Place I'orpti. .: Hector st ; E yr.o, >> p ? ?; pr nits ? ! A ..-? ?? . ati\ i, Ess ?1st yn ,<- 1 r. J Re tru? st .* S, O 0II 30 i H sa i; i.;, B ? 20x38.9 . ;:0tli st, 5 15 c F, 2Dx9? a ;? n ,lnn 23; Jos H Sa . . i.. X Y Life Ins Cf., due Bec 10, 1929, - a ?, ... atty, N v T .<? M ?-.?. ! ? A,-i.. Jit 0,000 PR? iSPECT PL 51, ?? .-- n 42d st I ?.t \ :.? ; p n. ; .i.m 2 Mar; ?-' Han ? A .--. i Ine ? ' ? lardnei 55 Pro?pe?-t ; : . duo Jun '. 192 ?'. ?. p ??: pr ir t?e $3, (ni ttys '.'.' .-..?i. B * W, 4s Wall s?. . $1,500 431) ST, 157-159 Ii, leasehold and chati ; .Ian 21; Stephen .1 Fatseas :.?,' E -; - i st, un.i nno. to Chan McDermott, In 9 15 4 ?rl st : ?A, ? N.iv 1 1921, ( | - ntty, Patrick J O'Beirne, 112 Nassau - ii"t ??-. $20,000 4ST?I ST, 241 15, n s. 20x100.? ; p in ' ? ' . Turtle Bay Holding l'o to Title llunr .-. Trust Co, 176 Bway; due and Int .. ? ? ? I .$100,1 I 0 107TII RT : I E n 8, lG.xlOO.l 1 ; p i .; j u \|. d-l Sliver m nn to Ell? Salomon . : I !?: 71st ??' ? due !?'-?). ; 1925, 5 Mi P ? A s i- ui a. .n .?.- ?-' 25 Broad h: ,?5,5 SA IE I'll? H'ERTY, |i in . .lan 2' ; Kaiman ? ? Bal Im ?:. ; ? M? rnl"l S?iverinan y y i. .. ?- due Keb ! 1922, ..'? j p ?-. pr ? 500 attys sa me $1.0tii Wt-st Side ??'i'K AV, t :. w n 17 CxtOO : p m; J?in 2.1 Han . and Louis Or? enstein t ? Lincoln Ti ust - '.? 204 5th in at -1 ano tru i ?? - ? :.,?? Jan 1 1923 :, a ?, . . :, ? ? , ... \,\ ?.., .. I.i- .ok .-. B, 16 Cedar si. fi.Oi-0 151 If ST ... W, s ??. 25x09.1 I ?:.'.. a. A ? Ullss n Je Co to ... ,? v.-,-?. :.;?;. ? ? Liberty st; 3 yrs; ti p i ?? . . i 20TII r, ? I, . ?. ?til .?? . 50x92 i : .Ian :a 'Abas Realty Co to Lillian H i ; :? m, ;. ! I \V ?Sth hi; i yrs; ti p c ; pi ; $i35,000; atty, r ? i ,v T ? 'o, l '.,?. . . . . .?? 22. ? ST, 1 ?- f. n : 114 W, s s. 98.9x7 ?x lrreg; n , .A- n - I. limll Krauss t.. Til;? ? ; na i & Ti n.? i Co, 170 Bwa . , dui a; ige is ; i i. . . $150.000 CTI1 AV 471 ; leas Land ;. m . Iiatt ! mtge 1 . ? . M - ' Bloom to Mlnnl.Id i, ? ??. t L'd ;. ?? ; ?lue as notes ; 4 ji <: ally, lifrsoii y Voung, 105 Bway. A..? 9TII \ v. s ? . 39th st, IS.ox?iJ; Jan ; ? , ytnii Kst ites ? '? i p to S mil Wi il .- ? ,ii :-.- X V. trustee; 3 ? . . ?-. p . atty -, ' 'ad -.?...... der, W ,?t- T, m A\ all SI.$1 ?loo 54*1 'I ST, j: W, a . : '. :.'? ? " . Jan 20; Ma rloi .-' Irwin Martl i? to Emigra lit 1 .i.i' ah Bank; : yrs; :?'??, v ' ..if-.? ] ; J ? i'l lorma n, 61 Chaml : . . ; 14 ' ii :-' '. :. ! W, :? ?, 20.x A?: . . . .A. I?: ' '. -.1 ? ill?; to Bower.?, s? . ? Bwaj - due r. b 1, 1925 . ? . , . ? . . vdwal id? .-. v- & S, ? ? ?., .? . 10 A i ST : ? W u s. 1 ?Jxl 00 II; ;? ? . . Jai Mi : - Bors di lo Lawj ??: a Til X ? i. .- ? , 1 60 B .va .-. .. yrs : ' . ;. ?? S12,i !.: t'l'il ST. 57 \". ?. s, 17 .??.'?''.; 1 , ? :...'???. . ::. M. bel tt Mohn lo Eu I ton Trust ' '-? i.? Bway, y ? omm of h ^ M Hot ? ..,-? : 1924; .'. H P . . attys, Km ? , i ? ,v If, 13 ? 'edar st. .'..$6,0 i ' 127T1I ST, 0! '.',-, n j. 17 9x99 11; ; in; ..A i? ?' Louis Riege and wife to Martha . .. -,: ?.. : ,i W 149th ?t: .; yrs; ? ; ? . ,,-?-., T G ?A T Co, 170 lAvuy. . . A ? 12 Ai ?1 ST, 01 him! ?-.:. \'.', i s, 2 lots each , . ??? : ? ! ?-: 119 I I : 2 p m; i:.l^.? $6,000 ci !i; ,i 22; M ibel A Mohn to Alfred A M ? hug, ", W 47th st .? nd .? no, trui ? - . p ?.?; all y, V Cl * T ? '??. ' '. ' ",-,?;.-. . . 1,1:?TI 1 SI n s, 1 .'.' i ?? M'n av. .???.?' : m; Ja i : , Credit II Miller to i. . nil , '. .? r.ii'. \ssur -?.?:??! y of C S; ; p ? . attva Alexander A- Grei : - ? H way . .59.50? 13 ? I IS A .. -, - ? 6 w .'lu av; p in; Jan 1; \ nna V Smlt ii to Sat le ; 5 yrs ; I p ? uttys, Same . $3,700 Bronx 23- '1'lf ST, ? ?? cor Ji ht non iv ? prr p sed ?, A- txl"2.S; Mary .7 Whaley to Helen F MoK.-lvey, Suffern, X V, Jan 15 6 yrs, . : , a a v. .1 .! McKelvey, IB C?dai : ^ . $ ,? ? 0 WEBSTER AV, 127S-12SI ? s -,-. . -;..; , i 'andy Co to Ha rry Gollin, 5C3 > A-. st, Bklyn, and ano; pr tg? ?..-., . an 22; 6 yi i. i p c; atty. A V I itl? -. M-.go ? -.. : 5 Bway. 11 ? MIST H i', 32 ' E, ?? s. 25.6\ : "? r, ti i ! ?? Mu.1er, Cn.'. E 170th st; .Un 22; o yrs, :,-?< p ? atty, A B? . Alexander ai.'? ? . t '??'."< M? L'ERE .' .y-' 21 - :. w s. 60.! x97 10; , . ? Rosen berg ? '. al t.? Stoin i . ||.?ft|t\' l'u 1 A ! av; pr mtgo $37,700 . ,,i. : - as?ais, ?' i . . .?iiys,. Vogel .\ M 16 l.ibi r'--- s?.$4,1 1>A KK A V t 53, w n, 1 ?> 3x120 : Sura 11 Mil man to M -A- A W. :m. 526 ' . : . ),. nitg. t ,500; Jan . '. Instal ?. ? i . a ? -, T ?..'?? '?' ? ' 11?' Bway ! ,6i LIVINGSTON VV. n ? - - ??'?' i. A 125.9x ' i vi ? rus 1 Brady I ' ? -laliel . !-. ? , . .. ir ?i Jar. 10; 2 yrs, 6 p c, ait ] ,. . i Ki ' .- . 27 ?' ?dar Et. . .$12 64? f,OTi! 2'J ? n t 30, map Van Cortlsn ;;.???.. Ilarr; Lips huts to L? ?pi : I i .?,..,; f? i; '??'!; ~- . .1 ?n 20; 1 yr, i p ? uttj , 1, u Segi I, "0 E :--,Ai st . .$1.200 FRANKLIN AV, n ?? part lot 131 ? ai . lorrls .:.;? ix88x30x?6, IA-: ! W an ; i h ?.-i V.' '0 Sadl? V I%rtr1dge, 22 ? 1 ?-??.. . Ma ; lewood, X .1, and i ... Meo 01 1911 . yrs. 6 p c; atty, -, .? .. . ; .,, - ? 1 u. 1 "ti Bway. 14,.. 0 ??i i. :l.,v NDT AV, -. -, ! A'- ; n 162d k , ?j4.ll.xl ' Fredericks Howard ? ? i rai II,,?.-: Ai.-.? i. trust ???', L . i i enry st, r i n i.ia : 9 ; "? yi.i. 5 Va p c; ally, ' V :,.ti.?-.(. ?"? Rector st. $16.000 WESTi 'HISS I'EII AV, .. R, 07.1 - t.'aj -, ;? ' i ?'?- . A Hefter, Ine, t. ? , . -. !. .-.-. I? E l ?3d s- Jan i. yr? ? p ? , Atty, Title ?iuiir * T '? ' ? 1 ;.; Bway .?.$5,Ci i Krokers in Maiden Lane Sal?* 'I he i'io--* & Brown Company the br ?;?.? r ??>r the Interstate Lund HoldinR Company to a group o? well known; Boston ?nvostora of the Mcy?fa Build-; in?-, n twelve-story structure, at -17 n"?>! I ?lit Maiden Lane, tho salo of which waa ? animuncL-d in Sttturduy'a Iribuno. j ; Action Sought at Once ! On Harbor Improvement Immediate coflper&tion of Confess i and tho Legislatures of New York ar.i New Jersey is sought by tha Harb?rr : Development Commission of the two states in carrying out the proposed re | construction or" New York Harbor. In a statement just forwarded to the Board of Eitimaie the commission calls attention to the fact that action now will,prevent at least a year's waste of time ir: bringing the New York and Jersey harbor facilities under one controlling bod.v and permit ;v start on the work of improving the : harbor. Under the proposed plan it is recog? nized that tho territory in and around the Port of New York is commercially united in one district and that its af? fairs should be so administered. Better terminal facilities, public markets and additional docks are to be constructed, the work to be carried on by a com? mission made u?i of members from both states. '"The Port of New York Authority" is tho name under which the will be known. It will consist of six mem? bers, throe from New York State and tl '??".' from New Jersey. Approval of the Hoard of Estimate of the plan as it now stands is be? ing sought, so that action of the New Vork Legislature may be asked. After such approval of the lawmaking .bodies 'nave bee", obtained, it is peited to work out the proposed con i tract arrangement with Mi-w Jersey, following which the lina! details of .':;.' port improvements will be planned. American Surgeons to Show I*<?hv .Wwcst War Surgery WARSAW, Jan. 25.- A new Ameri? can military hospital lias been opened a'. Vilna, Northwest Poland. This ; the first institut:?'!', of its kind ii' l.'.t it? em Europe and was established by the American Red Cross to demonstrate ?to Polish army doctors :.l! of tin- lar est levelopments .?f military surgery as practiced during the war on the E? ern front. Detachments of Polish sur geons will take.three-month courses of instruction at th.' hospital under the auspices of th?' University of Vilna. The courses will be conducted by Major !?'. Black, of the Ann rican Red Cn - - AUCTION SALES Guardian Storage & Transfer Co. ? 1)0 ?-.!'., I ???,?:?? ', - I ? ? , ? :?.. un en h .ir: ! . - ry M .n?ln there ifle - ginning at 1?> A. Al ... sal.? i-.nple te.l Guardian Storage & Transfer Co. SUMMONS i.I. S'eiN York, I '??? eml,? : :11st, 19ID FRANCIS X H V/CETEfc, Al .??::.? i : r tiff Olliee 41 PostutHi' ? \ ?I-1 res.-., 141! Hro;i li..,- . .?:? . ?. i f Manna tan, 71- ?.?, Cork <?'?:?? CHATIONS 'i 11,-; PE' iPLE < il?' Til ' ; '- '. ATI : ? IF NEW 'ii.UK BY TUN (??RACE OF UOD fltKK A NU INDEPENDENT. '. .. MAI? "i L STUK ,::" and to ail pet .-.:> test, il as urcll'.or k?ateei ? v. ? ?" ? : .:!..:? lue, In : nc- Estate ... Harris Fahiieut ? ?..??.?.??? .n- ?'., ?ho at ? i.-- '. tm - o? . - I, util . si le : n ' . h? ? '< inty of N ?w 1 o;... Stat. .-i New York, SEND URE?TIN' 1 . pon ; h ? ??i ? I Ion of Willi . r. ti residing at Bat? ; a N??w \ ork, i.-, i Hu rls t ahneato Ic, real li:,;: at N" : Bas! :?-..- t, !???:? Llgtl ? ' M; '; - ? 'il y ( t _'. . ? ? ' , ; ou ind eai'h ot . ,.: ., i -.- t . ? ? . .. cil 1 to show cause l.ef.iic Iho Surrogate*' Ci ?? ot New i ork ' oui ty, Il '-I ai Un 1? . Itecoids, In i! : of Ne? York i -, ! i ? : ?..? li day of January. 19-20 ? ' h , o'clock in tii i'? nu? ?' ? .iaj ,. . . ; .r of prov? .:- i - ??: Will u :n F in Kti : nul Harri: tVuhnosio. . u Executor? ?.. . '. runt - ?; of ? h? I...-' V> ' . .i i T stair., n of said decease i lio il l nol -.- tiled . ?i res? ' mot . \\ lereof, We have tho seal of lie Surrogates' Court o? he said .. ? - oi ' v York to bo here ir.t? altb W1-I.-1S, Hoaorati - John P ?'??? - halan, v Surrogate of our n I ? '. it /. ,i- ?.... ? ouiiiy of Ne Yorl the, 1 Oth daj ol i >??..-.:. -r .:. ;. ? yeai if oui Lord one thousand i in hundred and nineteen. DANIEL J DOWDNEY, Clerk of the Sut : oc ites Courl TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN TO '? ?'??? WH? .7.1 IT MAY '?' l.N'i 1ERN BH IT KNOWN that ?IBM FOUNTAIN CORi'OKATluN, with pnneip ill ?u 14-. Nassau Street, New York City, has ad. pled ii r is sole u^.-, t jrsuant .. ;..? ??I lern i... Busin ve La n " .... the State ! New V ?.'.... a trademark ?; s r.bed as fol? lows: The ord "Gem," superimposed n h field oi vertical Kold strip? -, figura bounded by an octag-onal blue border; im? mediately above "Gem." In u?..t ti-rs the worda "Soda" and Lun h o i." one hIm.v-.. the other: Immedial l> lwlow "ileni" a cup containing; a steaming liquid ?.ad saucer, a filled soda sUsh ?r, a. .?older aad u dish containiui; ;- sandwich and d lunhnut. The same has been used bv Gem Foun? tain Corporation sin e Vas' 1st !'? 1?. '.EM FOUNTAIN CORPORATION t?y EDMUND H ATMAR, President. SURROGATES' NOTKIES IN PURSUANCE OF AN ... IBK I ? .'? Honora ble John i ' ol alan, i flurrot of ? ?? Co ml y of New "> ork, N? ?Tl' 'E - I ereb> ? ve :. to all i>- i son i hat lug la i. . ? ''?!-. .??? ,1. ?' ' . ken - lat i ..- ? ? ?; .? York, dec .,?,'.; t h? -.- '. ? v. i -. -. ucher thereof t ?li.. sul n rlb?.*r ?'. ?? plfl ?? ul I rat - tlni? busine - - No : ; ? llroad ivay, In the ? Uy i f ."? y.irk, on ? ;-? : th? tw ?nt: . xth daj of Jun? .. !?.,?. d, N ?w York, the 24th da . ot De cinl , 13 19 U ALI ER P DEVEREtW, JR , BDW ARD II. M ! 1.? AIN, JOHN . ' TOM1.1 '?'.-' ?N JR., Vtl l'rri f ?? E\ ? '?:? -- : " Broad SI . N. Y Cil ? At a > ??-. ..:.??;-s l'ou ? Id in ' ! ' the ? ' un . ? of New '. :......: he lii . da of ! '.???'?m!>.- -. In : ' year . ? thousai i ???? hund '? I .. ? ? ' In en J'- sent, l ! . orable John -P. Cohalan, Su crate. In tl natl of tho ? late of lie nt j A. .1. Wll I,- n-? il?, eased. ? 'n -.; pit' ition 1er B. !??? - u> '. nn ! Edw Rid M Mel . ? .. f-.fl : ... : lliej were np ; ? i , ...- !?:>?'? 'H ????? ? ?' ??-? 1.1 ... : t.-.. t ?....-.. ? ii-i is uf Slvlng i :. >tl ?- to th? credit rs o?I ?al ! dei ?-;. le ! ! present i hei' i lims ? - . - h ut h? rlzcd b law, and ?./iiyii.;; that tl ?Sun gal mal an order d? Unit su h notice pub llalli I lu su? ;i n? v.--; .i pet ? .. de? ?:. n.-. ? .... irj to bIvb n e ild : - .1 I lora It i ? ord? reel thai Id - utoi . "?. ? .i ir. 11 .-. on ?? In -i h ' ????-. f r s. n uiiths, In t:io N? iv York Law J ? .. und" In '. ... New York . ? .'? i:.- r ' i... ; . ill pel ' ng la ? :?.. Id ?le ? . --?? 1 lo i-???': ? th? ? ? ? ?? -. ? ' liso vouchers thereof, i o I '? ? ?. i i pin?'? In In pcdfleii In bu ... lice, ?' ? ? ? <ln therein mentl ;.? i, n lu ? h it .ntha f. the, da . f : he firs! publlratlni ( ? ii '?! i ??'. !??*. JOHN !' ? '?.'ii.\LA.\. Surr? .; to SURROGATES' NOTICE BTURGES, ARTHUR PBMBERTON ?IN pursuance of an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of tr.e .:.?;? of New York. NOTICE la hereby given to ali persona ?-?????-.. .... ? s asa-.nat Arthur Pe btn :: St urges, late of the County of New ?ork deceased, to present tt.?* s..: -r with ?? a. -s ::?? . -, : to tr.? subscribers, .a. then ;. ... - k : transacting business, at the office o? t.-, Ouarant: Trust Company ?'? New York, at No. 140 Broadway, in ' of Manhattan, in the Cltv of New Yo Stats ?ji N?w York, en i bef u the . ..; ,;*; of Feo ruary. 192< next Dated. New fork, tha 3C?'.':i day of .Vi'^. 391-J. POR1 ' -'.'-?: ;T >N. GUARANTY Tfi 'ST COMPANY i A NEW ? i. .. Flte-U'or?. ALEXANDER .? GREEN, Attorneys fo? Bxecut r". I"'' i! ?ad's i . A' .?>.;.;.i ci Manhattan. New York City. IN PURSUANCE OH ?.N ORDER OF li? ?.\ JOI - ?' CoHALAN a Sun ??,??-? fst the County of New York, NOTICE 19 HEREBY ??? VEN to all persons ..-. ng rial - >:~ : :??? WILLI ?VM Ol SEI E Y ROOSEVELT. Ute o? the County of New York, sed, > present the . ime wit h jfou?-h^'? '.'?.??: -: to i n sub ber?*, st their place o? transacting business, a: tho off! e of Roosevelt .v Son, No. 80 Pins n -. ? Bon ug i < Mai .attan, et the City of New Yoi -.. ou ^r bei o m tl?# 2d day f February, 1920, Dated \\w York, the 24th day of July lSia. .'? ?HN I" ROOSEVELT s-id W EMLEN ROOSEVELT, T , v ? n ist ra tora ROOSEVELT & KOBBE Attorneys fo? Temp? ' .-'..;? -? tors, Xos ?4 Al Wall Borough of Man .jt?x New i . ? i. City A ,? 1 i. a RO ? ? R? IN. ? EUJ CE H IN 1 I I'A.N ! . .-. A . ,. ..... 17th day of ? ?? tober, ; TH 11 ON donne; IX I'll ! I ?Ell or Hi nor - : ?if tho Coin ? r. i - . ; ,- - . ? ..?;-?? ' t KE11P :?? 5 ..', Al 'A- ? I VI . ? 1KKMAN & .... '. ? .? v, r Ma nl SURROGATES* NOTICES ARNOULD, DENIS ?THE PEOPLE OF1 the State of New \<?rk. bv tlie Grace of God Fre? und Independent To Irving Trusit Company, ???Trustee. 223 Broadway, New I ork, N. Y.. Alexander Sanders, 61 ? ss St.. .'?is.? City, N .1 . Mr??. .. \;.- r 167? West :-r,\ SI . y ? ,...-?. N Y . Yrs. Susan Lud In. e a Mrs. los phlne Aber, 1572 West 3rd St., Brooklyn, N Y : Mrs. Florence Lane, t* Ireenl .1 Road. Seven Sisters Koa?:. s it i rotten ham, I on I? a. Eng in? Frank A. Copln. S4S Central Av . We : H< n, N. J.. Mis* Catherine ArnouUi. 156S Ave. A, New Yock, N. Y Felix Arnould 1 ! At . A. New Y rk. N T N ma .\ ? 656 W? st 171st St . New Yo k, N. 1*.; Ueorge F. Copin, ?? * Spring St. West I! boken. N. J.; Mrs Marie Lehman, all Frankiya :?:, Town * Union, N J.. Mrs, Adeline Smith. < 1 ? St., Town of ?Union, N, J.; Mrs, Veronica McGough, 623 Tyler Place. Y\'? - N? w S ork, V. .< : Bm.II ? Copln, 1 A-. , N< -a i ork, N. Y . Bend ? .*? ? ?:< - - Petition ? f Ir\ Ing Trust Coi - pany, who resides at ;.'.? Broadway, New - N Y the executor of the Estate of Dei a A n -.;.-. deceas? 1 : v. : and -...-ii of you n?-e hereby cited to show cause before our Surrogate of the : New York, At the Surrogate?' Court ol said Count*, held at the ?Hall of . - .. il ho Count y if New V. * . ? ' ?-. day of !Vt>ru.iTv, lyi-o. at half past ; n o'clock In the forenoon of that ??Ai., why the accounts of Irving Trust ; ;:?-.. the e\ ecut ? r, name I : Testament of DENIS ARNOl LD, ... at l be i -.m, o? his ? :- ? ?i New York Couuty, should not ?>? - ? . ? -j (tied. EST1MONY WHEREOF, We have ,-aused the Seal of the Surrogates' Court ,; the said 'ouui> of New York I ? b? ' v ? \\ ITNESS. UON - ORABLE JOHN P. COHALAN, a gate ? our naM t 'oun the C un of New York, the 2nd day of In the year of o?.ir Lord one th? isand nine hundred aud twent> PAN [EL .' 1? >W 1'NKV. Clerk ot tho Surrogat? s' Court BROWNING, J? UN SCOTT -IN fff.sT ..ii ??> ? an ordi r of Honorable John P , ii Surrogate of the County ? I New .! her? by given to ill .- rsons : .. tig claims against John Scott Brown te of tlu. County .?t N^w Y..:,., de ri'ased. !.. present the same with vouebere lit reel to pubscril ?rs, at t heir pla transa l ug busim is, .? the ottlce ??i Bos* a 1 ' is;.., -, : lie i ttorneys, ut No, : : \ Broad? i%. in the u. .i >.f Man! att in ??i the City of New York, State ol New York, ?ii or before the 30th, U.?> of June, 1930, next " Dated, N sv York, the 16th day ?if D?. cembi ! 19 w II.Ll \M HULL BRI IWNING, K ? ' IHKTH 11 \ YS hi;? iWNING, . '. SCOTT ?BROWNING, Jr . ? X eo ut ora ROSE .'t PASICUS, .\tti.>ii-.evs fur Exe I i-H Office and P O., 12S . a?.i?., Borough of Manhattan. New York City LANE, EFFIE ISABELLE.?In pi rauailc? <?f an order of Honorable John P ? ?, ilan, .?- Sun ..i i he * lount y . ' N iv \ rk, i ?tico Is hereby given to ;? ? having ? lalms aga Effix aa b ,.,!,. late ol th.? County of New ceased, to present the same, with vou hers tnereof, t?> tho subscribers, n. iheir place of transacting business ? ufll ? :' Edwards, O'Loughlin ,<? G'torg?, their attorneys, ul No. 20 Nassau Street, ? n the borough of Manhattan, In ill? <'it> -i. v. i ork, St ?'..? o? New "? ork, ??i> or before the 1st day ?f July, 1920, next. i'dA.l New York, tho ;'.d da) o" December, IStlfl LOUIS D S r.W'l? IN EDMUND C. STANTON. i a irs EDWARDS, O'LOUGHLIN ?V GEORGE, \tl rneys for Ex? uiors, office and U. <i. mldretis. 20 Nassau Street, i< ?r ?.ugli nf Manhattan. New York City, ' s , AK. . .\n. '; ? ???? \ N ORDER OP i;. ? ral le John 1" Cohalan, o Surrogate e' hi Count} .r New York, NOTICE Is herehy given - - .??i pe? ions having claims against CHARLE! U ST1 INWAY. late ??t the I ounty oi NY? Ymk, deceased, lo present the same ....;.. i thureol t? the ? lb -, ? lb? rs, ?> ,. -.?- pla ?? of transacting business al tin ? | Soltnger .-;? Sollngi , attorneys, a -, ?? |7'J Hi ?... Iwa | . In c.<- Itorough of Ma : , " ?- the Cil y ? t New Yoi .. ; lat? ?.r -., .?, York, ,.'i or before the 25lh day ?>.' ,iext i. I, Ne? York, ihe I !th day of Deccm . -, ,.?.!?. WILLIAM B STEINWAY. PAUL H SCHMIDT. WALTER B SOLINGER, i.-..- u SOLINGER ,t SOLINGER, Attorneys for ? . , utors, ? Uli ?? and P O - Idi ? . it i:? ad? iy, Borough ?f Manhattan, New Yori City. ROYCE, MINNIE C IN PURSUANCE of an order of Honoi able John P Co of the ? 'ounl ??i New notice I' bei eby given to all per - ,: claims tiRulnal Minnie H . .?. !.. .. .-f the ? 'outil ?( Ne? ".?r i. . i, to pr?s? it the same, with louili i-rs ther.'of, I ? Ih subscriber, ;? i his ,->I? n ?' transact Ing business. ?, ? i ho oil Butler, Wyckoff <? Campbell, his all ?.-nay? at Mi ..I V\ ill Street, in tho Borough of Lull i ( lie City oi New -i r. ?.? I . ..-..'. be foro the . ? ' ? . .,; , . .- . , . next. 11. , ?? .. ii k, the 10th day of De , . :..:, : . ? . KEDER1? K it CAMPBELL. Ex? ?,t,ir. .?'?;. vVYCK IFF & CAMPBELL, ? ? ,?? foi 1. .- i iftl ?? .. -,.| I" ? ? ..?; ress, .i '?'. ... Itreet, ?Jorojgh of :?.) nhattan, Ne .?? v ui .i ? ?ty. ?? ... ' ? ' . I . PUR: INCK l '??* an . . . ? .: P. Coha ?... il i. - ? ..:.. . .'??w Y'-rk. .-. : ?? !?-. , ? i all j in .'? y of S ... i pr? ..?.?: : Rame, with , A. i? . -, i i, .. ' tl trans Curtis, .-..?'?...- .v ??'?? : ul ;. ti . Man bat?an, i of New , on oi u- r?.?:u ?-'... A . .... : ? i i ? . ia HARD i i -a . ha Lian ? KDER OF ' ... .m. .. . int.- ? -? .??' ? reb; pi .-? : i i... ing '- . ? i , ill ng, late ? ' ? -?? '?. ? )-???? :. ? -.r ? . .-,- -? . . ..-.?-. subscrlbi'i, at p;-' n g ... : .. ti office : . . . , 20 Exchang.? Pince, the of N fork, on or b?.for, .:.._? 17th day of Mi . . ' ?? i ? . the T.. i .;a> of Noven?. b .. 1319 ISABELLA G K LOTHROP, ?. HABLES G. TA i LOR, Executors HAV ZINS, DELAFIELD K LONOFEL :?-.-. .*? orneya ' : Executors, 20 Ex chat ,; >' ace. New York Cliy. It-. ! R ' *NCB "I- AN ORDER OP HON. ./"HN I*. COHALAN, ? -?un ?sga'.?? . Count; of New NOTICE 19 HBREB1 GIVEN to u!l persona having . ?gainst JAMES A. RO'JSEvHLT. ;?t" ? : the County of New York deceased, to pn 10 nme with vouchers thereof tu ihe subscribe.-a, at tuen place of trans ? ? e bu new. ?i the office o? Roo se v; it * S? n 30 Pina Street. In l!-e Korouih ...' Manhattan, o? the City o* New Yor*. ou \ir before xhg 2d day of February, l??t0. Dated New York, the 24th day of Jxtlr. VJ IS. GE ROB B. P.O'iSKVEl.T and \'.-. EULEN ItOOSEVELT, Executor* ROOSEVELT &. KOBBB, Af.o-nevs for E - utors. Noo. ti <i Wall Strret. Borough of il?riiiaitan. Nsw Yo--U CJty. JN PUR ANCB Of an- ioRDBH ?F Honon - ?. P y-j\.\.:n, a Surrogate o? the County of New York. NOTICE !t hereby given U> all p-r-'oris having ?-talm* i: ma Sv-?::, late of the ? uni ? New Yoi leceas? !. to pr^s?-: ?. the same with vouchers ttereof. to the sub ? s? : be , al his place of I . nsa< ting hu?i ? ness, at the offict of William C Otr, n.?-t . ' ? attorney, at No. 51 Chambers Street, In the Boroug-h of Manhattan, in the ?::ty ?<' *?? ' A.-:. State : New York, ? or ?before the 14th ..'.,> of February next. lated. New Tork, tl ?? 8th day of Auycst. I?1S. bii?i?iJt it SWAN. Bxec ?: ?r " ' LIAM C. ORB. Attornej for ;;?.?-? t? - ? l?ce ?rid 1? O. Address. No 11 i han ?era Street B? . jus.-h u* Manhat? tan. New Y...K t ty ALFH? INS IN PURBUA; OF il -?,-. C-iunty of New York. NOTICE hei ?,..-: I? ? ?? ??;-., la**? ? - ?? .v Y : k. de? sed ( ? present ame with vouchers th -A. a' ;'?.: ;.:.i ? ??'. : - n iti ?, . ? ? -. i Wall a,.. ,, '?' ' ? "? ?i ?-.. m? ur b?..rijro th* f July next N ? i rk, :h"i ': \ dsy ct Jan ua ..... j l.i O ENE LEWIS, V ILLIAM 3. KAHMTWEILER, Sx I .I'.rr?. !N PURSUANCE OK AN ORDER OF Hon rs le John P Cohalan, n Surroga ?? of tue ?ounty oi New T'.rk. N'OTIC? ?V her? :? given to all p?-:?,?ns having lalm? agutna; Elizabeth B. Hoyt. late of th? Count} of New '??--... deceased, t?i i ??? ? . the s.? e iMth vouchers thereof t ? th* subscritor, at Iah pla.f tra?i business, a* the ?i?T..e of l.ts attorney E Dudle) Barlow No. S2 Liberty s-.r-?et'. In (he ? ?ty ol New Y.'tt. on or before the seventh dai ??!' February next. Duted. New V<??',<, i !.-? 28th d.iv o' Julr 181?. OEORGE HALL. HOTT. B. DUDLET BARLOW. Attorney^fof Enrui?r "t Street. Borough et J?lanhj,ttan. JNsw Tork Cliy.