Newspaper Page Text
Roosevelt Church plan Launched at Impressive Service1 Memorial Structure To Be Built on Long Island Is Discussed by Relatives and Friends of Colonel i The Inaugural meeting of the Roose? velt Church, to be erected somewhere .,i Lor.s Island a< a memorial to Amer .4's military representatives in the World War, was the occasion of an im rres?:ve ceremony yesterday afternoon - the Collegiate Church of St. Nicho? ls Fifth Avenue and Forty-eighth j:ree'., wh? e the .;>te Colonel Roose rf't's father worshipea. The Lev. Edward Lawrence Hunt, sinister of the Roosevelt Church. dr rected the services, assisted by the Rov. Dr. Malcolm Jame-. MacLeod. Miss Jalia Arthur recited "The Flag," "The Battle Hynn of the Republic" and a locm, " -.ore Roosevelt." Mme. Marie Xarelle, who sang for Colonel White House, sang "There Is No Death" and "A Mother's Prayer." Brief addresses were made by \<$er.-.: :? " ' ? eodore Roosevelt, Mrs. DQOglas Robin; ? . si ter of the late ex-Presid? and Lawrence Abbott, of "The Outlook ' I.awrenee Hunt, four leen year I wh? m Colonel Roose reit gave a 1 ? vhich killed ai ? ? a ca. read p?>r; ?ons of an ad dress ? lone! !: ?osevpli mad? to men - -i -. shortly .before ?*>? can tro? . - began going to France. ( burrh To Be Interdenominational ?Hio Roosevf ? ? hurch, with toe coo ter- e: ? ? ' ' ? ? I family, l?H* hern ., .nr;-;rated ui ? i th*> laws ol New Tori " itei denominat iona!, t: ag empb -- what all cli ur? hes - ? \ member of nny ??h--- ? - ' ' ?.re. ma; b< come " .?? ? - It ? e ?? rr'n e .?), ? ? ? ? ? thp other chui ;?r ;? ? ? red ?he . hui cb will be buill ' rone -uburb somewhere ivherea? the rp iq rip .,...- ? . |l .? r. ? pO] e ;? HUIS, <;? has been ??ported If suffi ->?? ? ^c_v... q . ? ??,.,: ,. similar church . eree'ed in Washington, P ? t??- ? er. : ; ? ? ? ? both i esi ij?nt3 and res 1er ; :- v.--. ? | ? -'? -a ? --vs. the church ? :" ikei : seme of '^Q *ore rjost rr-'?? - the world Their :l'i?ir: W?]1 ? ? ?- - ? ? . n o-eH peM ?e nil ??- -?--;. ? ember? Fer son s '*on ?.-. ; ?- ? mor?? to the churc h ?r.rcri amc c its andei 'hers Wning duriiig this r?r will !?< enrolled as charter mem Tr v. yesterday of >-oT he ne?3 ??a '- ? - el Roosevelt ?? th? "* -? He '? ? J quoted r pR? age from *.. - Bibb ? ; ich he consider? d ? i- g ? -?-- . - - ? ecy concerning hi ? oloi - 'Tl ou ba = i loved right ? ?OQsnes! and 1 ^'ri wickedness; there 'ore God, even our Clod, i-a'h anointed ?u?>?? with the oi] o?7 gladness even ?bore all others." A < the Colone1 left -o -Ar"- '?? ? ?said he turned and ;- - I will be a better man because if whai you hav? said." TV??i-riHnc Father's View? A?Ren;blyman Theodore Roosevelt -, ?? briefr, ii favor of the plan for the church, urging that those interested - the project -.'ans?ate their feelings Into action. "rather was fond of that old maxim 'Practice what you preach,'" he said. "He always told us no amount of high thinking won!:, amount to anything unless put into action. He did not believe in the kind of religion that you put in cotton wool on week days, or going to church for a mental mis s;.?'' of righteous feelings." Law rot:-.'o Abbott denied the accusa? tion that Colonel Roosevelt was "am I " lie had an "overmastering ambition for service" and not for him se f, Mr, Abbott declared. He also quoted the Colonel as saying that the | King of Italy was "the kind of man who would ca?! y his own precinct," and that "a king is often a cross be tween a vice-president and a leader of the 400." Mrs. Robinson's reminiscences of her brother moved the audience both to laughter and tears. She recited a po? ::.. "Sagamore," written on the day the Color.el died after a squadron of airplanes from the field where Quentin Roosevelt trained soared over Sagamore Hill out of respect to the C'uior.ei's memory. .- ? . Woman Plunges to Death From 11th Floor Window I - Husband Is Leaning From Sill j Watching Crowd When Identity I of Victim Is Phoned to Him Cries and shrieks from the street caused William Gubillier to open a win? dow of his apartment on the eleventh floor of 790 Riverside Drive last night and look out. lie saw several persons, amoni; them a patrolm'in. clustered around i'1" body of ;? woman that lay on the sidewalk beneath the window. A moment Inter his telephone rang and the superintendent of the house in formed him ihm his wife, Marie, twen ty two years old, was the woman on the Bide walk Per <????: passing 'Ik* hmj?? paw -th? ?v?'i?!i?n poised f'T un instant "n tho II of n window. She pitched for-, ward .:?H struck the sidewalk close to Patrnltna? LoughHn of ?he West 152d ??,-.? PoI'Ce Station '.'-h* wpe killed n\itright Th? police re?:ord?d iUo case ? : ti pu i "i de. il. r husband said Vo knew of no rea- | ?im, foi her to take he! life She had pn<-n talking t<? him p -f?w minutes ?? t i if ir- heard the shrieks outside, : ?aid and then hurl gone into siir'thcr WfUiirn Jurors r)iarussf-?| Anil-'?Miffi?2?P' ?Savs DutT Would T??o Irksome tu Tjestion o' jury service -for j-awoii was discussed 'as* night a* a meeting of - ' A- iociatinn ??; '-"nd Jurors ?' "ip Hotel * ter pjarj G Kilbtath, presiden' "f i,h< National ?Vssociation r>ppos'"l to .?. u ?? ? Suffrage, ? ? i ??' that women were p-.r-Tt, interested i" taking rar? of thcii homes thar in public afairs, s'iH jury noryirr? would p-t?>-'n irksome to them Mq sor?:) t?-, the novelty wore off. Rose Rothenberg, Assistant District Attorney, irhI that the jury system needed women te makp it mor? human?. Alfred .1 Talley, another Assistant Dis trict Attorney, declared that women's domestic duties were much more im? portant to the -t?te than their servi?-? on juries. Robert Adamson spoke in favor of feminine jurors. .?2.000 Prize for Essay? PARIS, Jan 26. ? The American Chamber of Commerce in Paris an nounces a prize contest of 10,000 francs I $2,000 i for the twj best essays on ''Tolerance in Economics, R-cligion and Pol tics." The prizes are offered by Henry Peartree, of Paris. 5,000 r'rancs for the best essay submitted in 1920 and 5,000 for the best one submitted in 1921. pii,-r.'i,i;iii'..i. ??n?'iT,:;r.-Trsii.,.;i!i,ii:i!i.,iiiii.iiiiiii!iiiHniieiMiiiiTirTTr!Tmi?rm7T7CT qA Slice From A Price oAlready The Lowest. | Clemons Ready-ToAVear Suits and Overcoats TAILORED BY A MERCHANT TAILOR NOT JUST RETAILED BY A RETAILER $50 Garments $60 Garments $70 Garments $80 Garments . now $39.50 . now $46.50 . now $54.50 ? now $62.50 IT IS prudent to wait till Clothing Prices come down to the plane of your pocketbook, but it is imprudent to wait too long. These values solve your Clothes Problem, but unless you put pep in your step, resolutions are not worth their salt. All Pat.'ems, Weights, Weaves, Colors, Models All This Season's Last Minute Style Touches QerngaZ 'Broadway at 39^Street YOU'LL "re-discover chocolate in IDEAL. The Flavor comes from 19 years of Knowing How. ?BEAU COCOA 'C? CH?CdtATC vCOM PANY NCvy^OA?1, M?'S-A-. -?.-.'i v '?'? WILLS: LITITZ -, PA. Broadway At 34th St. Beginning Tuesday, January 27th? Store Hours 9:30 A. 31. to 6 P. M. Exceptional Values? Women's Wool Velour Coats as pictured At ?65 The very latest model Coats for pres? ent and early Spring wear, skilfully pro? duced in rich Velour ? a soft, wool material of excellent service-giving quality, Fin^d t h m ugh oui with silk, and warmly interlined. All colors, and flizes 34 to 4?. ,S?nr?B W? piped OUI' Of" der ft?r tHese coals prices have advaufe?i considera' b?y. Tuis ssvi?g is yours! Women's Silvertip Chinchilla Coats a( $58 Swatrger belted model in tailleur effect, mad*: ?f fine quality silvertip chinchilla, lined with pond quality ? -ilk and warmly interlined. A.n. wanted colors, and sizes :?4 to 4?. ??'ninth Floor, fust Arrived? Women's Dainty Chiffon Taffeta Frocks Very Modestly Priced $39.50 1V - ?) ^ v 1 A Chiffon Taffeta Frock?well made?today at $39.50 is an excep- #* . 7, ? vjm, tion. We admit these to be excep- $J\j ' f ^h-.^ *nul *| j Jff Cleverly developed in Bouffant hip effect, showing several new and highly individual Spring style treatments. For afternoon wear a more charming frock cannot be had. Obtainable in Navy Blue, Taupe, Copenhagen Blue ?and Black. Sizes 34 to 40 Fourth Floo: An Opportunity of Opportunities Sale of Women's Smart Boots at a reduction of $4 a pair $9.45 Not footwear made especially for .sales purposes, but shoes from our regular stock, made expressly for a very critical clientele. The styles are very gracefully proportioned, and add beauty even to the most per? fect foot. Included are: 300 Pairs Fashionable Black Suede Boots Sizea 4 to 8; Width. AAA, AA, A, B. C, D 520 Pairs Beautiful Black Kidskin Boots Size? 4 to 7; Width? AAA, AA, A, B 630 Pairs Smart Button and Lace Boots Size* 4 to 8; Widths AAA, AA, A, B, ?nd C Welt soles, Louis XV, and some with military heels. Also?Just 48 pairs Children's One Buckle Arctics ) ? ?Goodyear brand. Sizes 11 to 1. Special.j $l.*o Second Floor. Save 30% by Selecting Your Furs Now in a Remarkable Sale of loals^ Scarfs and s lu lin- ;--.'<?? it ??ig gales of raw pelt o. skins of every kind sold ai higher prices than ever before recorded. This m n p M?- indication that prices for finished garments next season will I r~ al leas! no', higher ?than they ar*> today. We know that you cannol possibly duplicate the values offered in fhis sale, ?nd ad1 ?se you to make a substantial saving b\ selecting your fur garments now. Nqi.nti.~i Sport ( oats .,. Now only $275 Natural Bla? k Muskral f oats. .Now only $21T? .Natural Black Musk rat Coats with Skunk i ollai and ( uffs.Now only $295 Hudson Sca\ ( oats, ?0 inch modH.Now only $275 French Seal Coats, with large ( ufl? and Collar ol Beaver, Skunk or Squirrel.Now only $265 Hudson Seal Coats, with large Beaver or Skunk Collar and Cuffs.Now only $345 French Seal Coals.Now only $125 Skunk Scarfs.Reg. $65.Now $49.50 Beaver Scarfs.Reg. $65.Now $47.50 Fox Sets.Reg. $75.Now $45.00 Wolf Sets.Reg. $135.Now $105.00 Wolf Scarfs.Reg. $45.Now $27.50 Muffs to match at correspondingly lote prices! Furs listed as Hudson Seal are seal dyed muskrat. Sixth Floor. ?dm** ( iMSf^, Ff^ sW??M?W v '?'? 5?S ? * ?JH/l* '*?A "-tT * SAKS & COMPANY Direct Particular Attention to a Special Collection of Authentic Frocks for the Southland assembled on the fourth floor. The models are de? lightfully individual, authentic and admirably ex? press the new style themes for Spring. Fashioned of Matelasse, Trieolette, Chenois Satin. Beaded and Embroidered Georgette Crepe, Printed Georgette Crepe and Embroidered Lingerie Price*: $59.50 to $300 r^-j^i m mm l ? ' KiJ/ \i\\m v. ?K "-? _JE Miss Burleigh, Expert Corseticre, Is A orv Maying Individual Fittings of BEMVER CORSETS on the Third Floor Fashionable women all over America have long favored the Binner Corset, because of its superior con? struction and many exclusive features. Miss Burleigh is one of the best Corsetieres in America, and is worthy of your entire confidence. Put your corset problem into her hand.-. Appointments may be made either by telephone or mail ? Announcing an Important Presentation and Sale of New Spring Blouses Paris-inspired, and most exquisite in their skilful needlework At $7.50 to $22.50 They reflect Paris as aeeurately as n barometer re fleets the weather. Xno in every particular, furnish m^ a veritable host of clever si vie wrinkles typical of original fans models lor Spring. Kvery wanted color. Blur Dawu. Adriatic Blue, Orchid, League Gold. iSunset. Bisque. P?eacli Bloom. Jade. Aprle-?nt nnd Olil <.ol.| Some are elaborately hand beaded, others ?,<'r r|1 r?ched with trimming of Filet or Shadow traces. Third Floor. Fine Swilrlirs and Transformations Reduced 25% During January, a between eason month, we greatly reduce a'i our line Switches and Transformations to give added momentum to usual January business. Hence a saving of 25% ?nay be made by selecting your hair goods and accessories nowr. Third Floor. Monday and Tuesday Only An Important Sale of Toilet Requisites Al Very Special Prices Many items in this sale arc subject to war tax. Prices quoted include the tax. Albodon Tooth Paste.17c i Pebeco Tooth Paste.34c Forhan's. for the gums. . . .37c Chlorox Tooth Paste.19c Boriclor Tooth Paste.39c Pyorrhocide Tooth Powder. .74c Borine, Magnum size.$1.03 Listerine, large size.67c Lavoris, medium size.41c Glyco-Thymoline. large size..84c Dr. Gouraud's Oriental Cream, $1.20 Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, ,33c Odorono, small size.19c Odorono, med. size., . .38c Odorono, large size.. ..... .74c Neet. 50c size.36c Neet, $1.00 size.78c Mando Depilatory..59c Watkins' Mulsified Cocoanut Oil. 50c size.39c Amolin Powcier.19c La May Face Powder.34c Java Rice Powder.31c Carmen Face Powder.41c Lambs' Wool Puffs, 35c size.25c Lysol, 25c size.21c Lysol. $1.00 size.89c Queena! Talcum Powder.. . .lie Violet Sincera Talcum Pow? der, 1 lb. can.26c Mary Garden Talcum Powder, 49c Arthur's Eau de Quinine. . . 73c Pompeian Day Cream.36c Pompeian Night Cream. . . .36c "Gem" Peroxide Cream, 25c size .20c Gem Cold Cream, 25c size. .20c Theatrical Cold Cream, I-lb., reg. 75c.52c Pure Extract of Witch Hazel, 8-oz. bottle.22c Pure Extract <ff Witch Hazel. 16-oz. bottle.35c Pure Extract of Witch Haze!, 32-oz. bottle.60c Park 6c Tiliord Bay Rum, 8-oz. bottle.41c Park & Tilford Bay Rum. 13-oz. bottle.72c Absorbent Cotton, hospital grade, 1 lb.39c Peroxide of Hydrogen, 1-lb. bottle .18c Dioxogen, 19c size.l?c "Masco," complete w i t h mirror and brush.35c Johnson 6c Johnson Shaving Cream .24c Toilet Paper Cabinets, con? taining 3 rolls of 1.000 sheets each.39c Rubber Dressing Combs, reg. 50c to 75c.39c Rubber Bathing or Shower 'Caps .25c Rubberized Air Pillows... .59c Kodgman's Moulded Hot Water Botiies. highest grade .$2.00 1 lodgman's 2-quart Moulded Iountain Syringe, with fit? tings .$2.00 Shower Bath Sprays, large spray, long tubing, reg. 95c .69c \enuc Sanitary Napkins, 9 inch, dozen.$1.00 Scissors, or Shears, various lengths .39c "Sta-Wite" flexible Nail 1 iles, all sizes, reg. 25c. . .18c Silk Wash Cloth Cases, rub? berized, with wash cloth 19c Shaving Brushes, reg. 75c. 50c Mason Pearson Hair Brush, No. 225, at. $2.00 Mason Pearson Hair Brush, No. 300, at.$2.95 Ideal Hair Brush, No. 66. at $1.39 Prophvlactic Penetrator Hair Brush .65c Prophylactic Penetrator Hair Bruch, white bristles.. .$1.00 Prophylactic Tooth Brushes, adult.,' size.29c Zig Zag Tooth Brushes, simi? lar to the Rolling Tooth Brush .25c Tooth Bruch'-s, bone or trans? parent handle, reg. 35c. .25c Howard's Military Brushes. ebony backs, pair.$3.00 Nail or Hand Scrubs, reg. $1.00 .75c Nail or Hand Scrubs, reg. 75c .55c Whisk Brooms, reg. 39c. . . .25c Whisk Brooms, reg. ?60c. . . .39c Cloth Brushes, flexible leather backs .45c $5.00 Gillette Razors.$3.95 Gillette Razor Blades, pkge. of 6 blades for.39c S 1.00 Ever Ready Razors.. 79c Ever Ready Razors, pkge. of 6 blades.29c Sale of Toilet Soaps White Castile Soap, 2\Vlb. bar? .49c Fairy Soap. 3 cakes for. . . 22c Life Buoy Soap, 3 cakes. . . .22c Lux, 3 boxes for.32c Olivilo Soap, 3 cakes for. . .28c Tena Castile Soap, large bar, $1.95 Peroxide Bath Soap, 3 cakes for .29c Hardwater Soap, 3 cakes ! for i.29c Packer's Tar Soap, 3 cakes for .54c No Mail or Telephone Orders Filled. None C. O. D. We rese?e the right to limit quantities. MAIN FLOOR. I