Newspaper Page Text
C?a HOST. FOUND AND REWARDS 1 *55*T?-Brown leather can? containing 2 black !??? tliT book!, with typewritten herd ihfetn; lott m ta\t taken at 23d b!. an.l itreadwav going to West 14th Ft.. Frida) rvening between 5 and 6:SO. Kinder pira.-.* ommtini'a.c. telephone 2170 Gramercy or dielsea 540?._^^_ yOST.?Monday a. nv, in MeCreery*? de? partment store, lady'? liand hag contain ?n? ht,>-'* *ni' Uberty bond coupon book, -ifth issue. I'i'.'.il'r please communicate ?ith L 8. Dumesnil, 149 Broadway, Cort ?amlt 1*04._ _?,%?-[?.?Small female I'eklncese do? which has been ihe companion of a helpless In? valid. I liver? 1 reward ?ill b* paid for re . irn to MacKellar, 361 West 11th at. LOST BANKBOOKS LOST.-?Bankbook No. 744.136 of the Union Dime Savings Bank Is missing. Any person t'.av?nK a claim to it is hereby ?alied upon to present the same within ? en days or submit to having said pass? book cancelled and a new one Issued. LOST.?Bankbook No. 786,075 of the Union Dime Savings Bank Is missing. Any ?tenon ha\l:ig a claim to it is hereby ? upon to present the Bamo within ten <Ja>.? or submit to having said pas.*1 ix-ok cancelled and a n"w on.* Issued. IX1ST.? Bankbook No. 3 C G. .*> n 9 of the F*r.-mk':'.:i Savings Bank. Issued to Itowan ? Ftamfay Payment stopped, ['lease re? turn to B&nk 6jS Eighth Avenue. New York City All persons are cautioned not to purchase or negotiate aamr. ;/*._?**-- Bankbook No. 66,0*>** of the IT. S. Savings Rink of N. Y. Payment stopped. PIea*o return liook to bank. JjOst?Bankbook No. 64S.9?7. The Greenwich Savings Bank. 146 1- 248 Sixth ave., N. Y. City. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET PERRT ST., ?7.?Large front room, suitable g| ? housekeeping. Telephone 3279 Watfcl_ WF!ST END AVE., 818 (100th .?t.).?Large -oom with kitchenette; also large front c lome comforts. Phone Hlverslde 4909. WARM sunny, comfortable, single room; gentlemen. Apt. 66, 180 Clarernont ave. 0TH ST., 60 WEST.?Front room for one or two; $10 weekly. BOARD WANTED ?RENCH gentleman, learning EngHsh, wishes In congenial American family, New ork. Hardy, l'rench Line, 17 State st. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET .ETWEEN Madison ave. and Fifth. Apt. Ho*"'. Four rooms; maid servie?; J200 ' month, until October. Tel. 360 Lenox. HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION ARB YOU A SQUARE PEO s round hol"? Thousands are In wrong ? s. They do not know, their capa ules. Our vocational analysis will de - ;.e your qualifications and the voca n in which you will achieve greatest . . ?ss. Call here for full details. Book "L" sent on request. Merton Instl .?e. Inc., 9b rifth ave. tat lath st.), N. Y. T. 1. Chelsea 4054. AUTO INSTRUCTION, ?1S. SIng> i^f-sons, $1 ; Cadillac, Studebaker Je i Mitchell, B. & M. Co.. 1303 Lexington ave. (.EARN To BE A CHAUFFEUR.?Pleasant and profitable work; day and evening ' -laaaes. ? Send forfrce booklet and visitor's paaa. Ver Side Y. M. C. A.. 80S West *.,'h et. ?HOP MATHEMATICS, mechanical and architectural drawing and typewriting are etlll available for registration it Bi >klyn central Y. M. C. A., ?& Han ace, Brooklyn. - HELP WANTED MALE B? v - ' nowlng a trade will be the success of ?ti? future: boys 1? arid over pportunity le-irnlng tiie jewelers' tiade; 14-hour week; ?12 at start. W. haber, '7 Ann st. BO'S WANTED In large advertising agene; . chance for advancement. Ap r Walter Thompson <_'o., 244 Madison ave., New York City. BOY wanted in office of wholesale hosiery >? !?? experience, In filing and good -.. ^ iod salary. Call Esco Hoeleiy . SS0 Broadway. ; \ real opportunity with a real com a bricht boy; hours '.? ta 4:30, Ban ?0. Call American Surety Co., Bi ad way. - Good opportunity, bright willing beginners; office and messenger work. '? H. Ingersoll ?-. Uro??.. 316 Fourth av. ne about 15, In offlco of piano manu? facturer; good opportunity for bright Boy. Weser Bros., Inc.. 621 West 43d at. BO^tS wanted (2) for dental laboratory. BI man, 32 East 1 lib st. BRASS FINISHERS wanted. George Tay !;:.!>?-' and Bronzo Workh, P7-99 Cliff ST. COMPOSITORS?Two-thlrdeis, $35; stnadv. Unlqu^Trade Printing Co.. 9S Fulton ?t. DRAUGHTSMAN *t:h Uno"le/!ge et a-rchiteoture. Apuly 9np*rlnten?e-nt*?? offie*, tt* floor. ?AMrs Mccnr.F.RY * co . Jaih fi-reet employees' Entrance, N T. DRAUGHTSMAN TOrva MAN. 20 23 Y KARS OF AGE WITH Tin OR THREE YEARS' EX PFRI1 XCE IN MECHANICAL WORK TO DEVELOP IN DRAWING SMALL STEEL (''"'IS *\" D DROP FORGED PRODUCTS; liOOl OPPORTUNITY POR DEPEND ? '. BI i. *?'. ORK ER Al'l'I.V J. H. WILLIAMS & CO., 152 Hamilton Ave., Brooklyn. James McCreery & Co. r?-qiiirf1 tho sen ices of 100 Men's Clothing Salesmen for special sales. Apply Supt.'s office, 8th tloor. MTH HT. EMPLOYEES' ENTRANCE. JANITOR or flrirt ola*? fireman, licensed; good references, all around man; colored. I'm eon. TO Cross it., Montclalr, N. J. "BWBLER8 on ?Ing?. pins and badges; 100 per cent. American firm; good pay. ?toady Ti-orU; onlv "square deal" men ?'anted; 44-hour week W. Fehlhaber, 47 Snn at. TUE SALESMAN W HO CONNECTS WITH US T** ?NSl RED A HIGHLY FROF tTABLE CAREER. BEGINNING IMMEDIATELY. AT ANNUAL HARNINOS UP TO $10,000, AND ' WRTALNTY ?'?F PROMOTION PREFERMENT M' THE HANDS uf nils \\ i;LL REPl TED FI? NANCIAL HorsE OF RECOG? NIZED INTEGRITY. ARE YOU INTERESTED? NONE BCT MHN OF BACK? BONE FROM 26 TO 60 NEED APPLY. CALL AFTER 10 A. M 1 It? NASSAU ST , ROOM 1002. vACHrNIfiT8 to work on speed lathes. ??'Il0lJLft Baylor Brani and Bronro Works. ?t ?t ?mi? st. i M ssif ied HELP WANTED MALE MEN! THIS IS FOR YOU IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A RIGGER FIELD AND LARliER EARNINGS h?r* 1? an opportunity for real men with alum and ambitions for the future?-men who believe In them? selves?who work to attain their desire?. We're a financial organi? zation of long ?landing, with a reputation second to none, for hon? esty and earnest endeavor. We are on the eve of a great expansion, and to men who measure up to our high standards unlimited future Is Husured. f CALL AT ROOM 1017. 22? FIFTH AVE., N. Y,. AFTER 10 A. M. 'OFFICE BOY in architect's office; good | wages and opportunity for advancement. Trowbridge St. Livingston, 527 6th ave. SALESMEN ~ The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. The growth of the company demands a corresponding ex? pansion of our sales force. The services of several well edu j cated, dependable, successful ? salesmen, who have had at least ; live years' experience selling ? goods at wholesale (cannot con | sider men whose experience ! has been in the cloak and suit, | dress goods and allied lines), j are needed for territory cov | ered by our New York City and j New York State branches. Only salesmen of recognized ability whose selling records will stand the closest investiga? tion and who are desirous of growing with our organization will be considered. Opportu? nity is limited only to the indi? vidual's industry, ambitions and producing ability. Pre? vious rubber experience not es? sential. Training in the com? pany's merchandising methods provided. Telephone Mr. Bedford, Co? lumbus 9210, today, 6:30 P. M. to 9:30 P. M. only. SALESMEN HIGH CLAPS SECURITY SALEPMAN; 1 LIBERAL COMMISSION. ROOM 24, 51 1 MAIDEN LANE. STOCK SALESMAN Telephone experience; producers only; sal? ary and liberal commission. Suite 80, 3? Court st., Brooklyn. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. YOUNG MEN, 18 to 21. $65 to Start; Rapid, scheduled advance? ment to $1,200 to $1.700 per year. *"" WESTERN UNION, 24 Walker St., Room 1702. NEAR CANAL AND BROADWAY BET. 3 A. M. AND 4 l*. M - YOUNG live man wanted with nom? ex? p?rience in classified advertising Rame to j conneet with rapidly growing foreign paper; good opportunity, real money. Ap ! Ply. World Building, room 936. HELP WANTED FEMALE INSTRUCTION WANAMAKER BEAUTY SCHOOL, 383 Fifth Ave., Near 36th St. Leading School of America. EARN $25 WEEKLY. Hairdressing, Manicuring, Marcel Waving. All Branches Taught, REGISTER NOW FOR HIGH CLASS POSITION; WE CAN? NOT SUPPLY THE DEMAND. REACH OPT FOR XVi'CEH* IN AN ENVIRONMENT OF WEALTH AND REFINEMENT; PAY AND EVENING CLASSES. Plume 1176 Vanderbllt. HELP WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT bookkeeper, knowledge of typewriting, neat, accurate, willing worker. (Harriet Hubbard Ayer, 323 E. 34th St. BOOKKEEPER.- DOUBLE ENTRY; COM? PET?.NT. APPLY BliTWEKN 9 AND 11 A M. HOOVERS BROS., 3D FLOOR, USE STAIRS TO LEFT OP ENTRANCE, 100 SCHERMERHORN ST., BROOKLYN CLERKS. In in organization as young and large as this, the opportunities to advance are exceptional. You can begin as INDEXERS FILERS PR1CERS GENERAL CLERKS at food pay and advance as too qualify. Applicants must he over 1? years of age. CALL OR WRITE ?THE CHARLES WILLIAM STORES, 25 Washington Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. HOUSEKEEPER?Mo-n and wife ?lb botjse keeper for a dootor. Telephon? Harlem ItSt. --Vdvertisi HELP WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERMAID, white, experienced; high class apartment hotel. Franklin Arms. 66 Orange at., Hrjoklyn. CHILD'S NURSE; children under five j. years; Now Jersey preferred. |66 to $70 : ixcellent long references. T., Miss Hof 1 mayer's Agency, hi ftaet 43d st., 3d floor, telephone, 8947 Murray Hill. ; CLERK, Christian, for filing and offlee 1 routine work; good opportunity for ad I vancement. Call ofTlee foinmonwealth Color anil Chemical Co., Nevins and Butler st.-?.. Brooklyn. COMPTOMETER OPERATORS UNEMPLOYED WANTED, F. Muriel Ranson, 30 Church Rt. Room ?.'23E, 2d Floor. T?l. M 70 Cort. COOK, CHAMBERMAID. LAUNDRESS; Scotch or English; good home, good wages; references required. Address Box A, 740 Tribuir? Office. GENERAL HOU8EWORKER?No laun? dry; two in family; references required. Phono mornings before 11 o'clock. Plaza 7144. GIRLS AS TYPISTS. Girls, age 17 and over,-wanted as typists. Permanent posi? tions. Large financial institu? tion. Hours 9 to 4:30. Satur? day half holiday. Luncheon served free. Opportunity to study stenography and opera? tion of dictaphone without ex? pense. Salary $12. Call after 9 A. M., room 5030 Metr?poli-' tan Life Building, Fourth Ave nue ?fe 23rd, Street, New York. G?RLS AS CLERKS. Girls, age 17 and over, wanted | as clerks. Permanent positions. 1 Large financial institution. I Hours 9 to 4:30. Saturday half j holiday. Luncheon served free. j Opportunity to study typewrit ? ing, stenography and dicta ? phone without expense. Salary I to start $12. Call after 9 A. M., room 5030 Metropolitan Life Building, 4th Avenue & 23rd Street, New York City. GIRLS?GIRLS WITH GENERAL OFFICE EX? PERIENCE PREFERRED, FOR PERMANENT POSITION IN OUR MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT; GOOD SALARY AND RAPID ADVANCEMENT TO THOSE WHO QUAI.IFV. APPLY SU? PERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, A. A. VANTINE & CO., INC. FIFTH AVE. AND 39TH ST. GIRL, small, wanted In larce advertising agency; une who ia familiar with oper? ating mimeograph. Apply J. Walter Thompson Co.,'244 Madison av., New York. HOUSEWORKER--Competent girl for gen? eral housework In apartment; small family. Call, 0 to 2, 119 W. 71st it, apt. 6A. Phone t'olumbus 9561. HOUSEKEEPER (white*), piain cooking; four in family; go to the country later. 3745 Weft 10th Bt. Bensonhur&t 6010. LONG DISTANCE I TELEPHONE OPERATORS WANTED. Ambitious young women. 17 to 25 years, can obtain permanent employment with excellent prospects for advancement. No experience necessary ; pay while learning; ANNUAL VACATIONS WITH FULL PAT. SICK BENEFITS, ETC, ARE PROVIDED. Hot lunches are served at cost. This is a wonderful opportunity for young women entering business life today. SEE OTJR MANAGER ANL TIME BETWEEN 9 A.M. AND S P.M. at Room 530. 24 Lispenard St. (IT'S JUST H FLOW CANAL ST.). THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY. MODELS. SIZE 16. Several stylish young ladies for ?how room; steady positions; good pay. ROSE?SCHE1N BROS., Jl EAST I6TII ST. NURSEMAID for two children, aged 2 and 3; good ?alary for capable and agreeable person. Wadsvrorth 4309. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. Young Women, lb to 25; $65 to start; rapid, scheduled advance? ment to $1.200 to $1700 per year. Come in and talk it over. WESTERN UNION, 24 Walker St., Room 1702, NEAR ?CANAL AND RROADWAT. BET. 9 A M. AND 4 P. M. WANTED?Woman for general housework In Weetoheater county; good home; smaJl family. Mrs. C S. Proctor. 51 Cat?-, vills av. Rronxvll'e, N T. ng Colui HELP WANTED FEMALB PERMANENT ! POSITIONS FOR YOUNG WOMEN $900 to $1,400 a Year Working conditions and opportunities for pro? motion are excellent. ? Call at 1158 P>roadway, N. Y. C, and see Miss F. G. Carncross, who will give you full par ; ticulars or Fill in and mail the blank below: Please communicate with me about the posi? tion which you advertised. Name .... Address .... Telephone No Age . I STENOGRAPHER, experienced taking dic? tation rapidly and nccurately, transcribe notes; must b" competent and neat ap l pearing; permanent position. B. C. Mc Gulre Company. 245 West 65th at. THINGS YOU WANT WHEN YOU ENTER BUSINESS Permanent employment. Good pay from the start with regular and frequent increases. Annual vacations with full pay. Liberal sick benefits, medical advice and pen? sions without cost to you. Work and recreation rooms that are large, well ventilated and comfortably famished. Lunch rooms where hot meals are provided at lese than cost. THESE THINGS YOU HAVE WHEN YOU EN? TER TELEPHONE OP? ERATING. Positions in this occupa? tion are now open to young women and girls overU6, with or without previous telephone experience. Positions are also open for all night work at extra, pay for those who prefer this work. MAIN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE : 27th Street and Broadway, Manhattan. BRANCH EMPLOY? MENT OFFICES?58 W. Houston St., Manhattan; 453 E. Tremont Ave., Bronx (Tuesdays and Fri? days, 12 M. to 9 P. M.), and in Brooklyn. 81 Wil loughby St. and 1336 Broadway. If unable to come to an employment office, tele? phone Miss Bremer, "Mad? ison Square 12000" (free call), for further informa? tion. NEW YORK TELE? PHONE COMPANY NURSE, for boy of 8, assist with others when other nursa Is out; amiable und cheerful person ?vanted; good wages to right party and permanent place; best o? references ab?>!u'"lv essential. Write or? e-all at 126 East 80th ?t. OPERATORS Wlllcov *. Glbbs niH' htnes, plain eewing ; il.'i and bonus start; piece workers earn over $25 and bonus; also profit sharing; steady work; no dull -season. Smith, 121 W. 17th SEAMSTRESS (motherly, white), over 25, under 60 years, hearing and sight f*'*?'i. do everything for lady teacher In studio apartment. Phone Schuyler 6(>S6 or call 64 Riverside Drive, 8 to 10 a. m. TYPTST! TYPIST! TYPIST! EXPERIENCED ON INDERWOOD MA PERMANENT POSITION ; Good salary HOOVEN SERVICE, INC., 387 FOURTH AVE. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE A, A. Butler and chambermaid or parlor? maid; Scotch couple; excellent long city reference; both excellent servants; $ 150. a., Miss Hofmaycr'B Agency. 10 East 43d st.; 3d door. BUTLER?Scotch-Canadian; fine refer? ences, good appearance, most capabl?, $85: go anywhere Miss Shea's Agency, 6 East 41st st. Murray Hill 6774. BUTLER. ? English, experienced; refer? ences; 190. F.. Miss Hofmayer'a Agency. 10 East 43d st., 3d floor; telephone S947 Murray Hill. COLORED couple, useful, butler, cook, housewurker; young. intelligent, efTl elent; line references; ?120; country. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 East 41st st. Murray Hill 6774. COUPLE?Scandinavians; man outdoor and generally useful inside; wif? cook, house worker, exceptional pair, ?140; country only. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 East 41st st. Murray Hill 6774. COUPLE (Finnish-English), cook and chauffeur, cook and butler; reference?. Lehti's Agency, 77 ii. 125th St. Harlem COOK and waitress and houseworkera (Finnish-English', girls, good reference* lihtl's Agency, 77 E. 126th St. Harlem 5515. EX-SOLDIER, married, wishes position, anything; handy with toils. Slebcr, 9?G Forest a v. MAN d'.sir.s position, business, wholesale he use, Boat IS, 27S Wyckoff ?\e., Brooklyn, USEFUL MAN. II, ?Ingle, prefers travel ?rig Wm. Pohor?l>- 151 Avervie A. Tins SITUATIONS WANTED MALE YOUN(. man, 21, wishes con? nection with able firm with chance fo-- ancement. B? Box 481, T. YOUNC, MAN. 10 years exponen, e. In charge of factory office of largest gold sod plati? num Jewelry manufacturing concern, will change for position where soiling opportun? ity is available, n . Box 176. Tribuna Office. : SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A.?A.?COOK. ? Young Norwegian; excel? lent cook; good city references; with two other servants; J60; II. Miss Hof- ? mayor's Agency, 10 E. 43,1 st., 3d floor. Telephone 8347 Murray Hill. ACCOUNTANT, office manager. book-! keeper; 20 years' experience; permanent! or day work, month; highest references. 172 Ilerklmer et.. Brooklyn. CHAMBERMAID.?Young French girl; I city or country; good five months refer? ence; R. Miss Hofmayers Agency, 10 E. 43d st., 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray I Hill. COOK; Knglish Protestant over middle ; age.; Strong, clean, excellent cook; city, or country; splendid references; $40. Misai Shea's Agem y. 6 East 41st st.; Murray Mill 6774. COOK. ? Young, Finn; excellent cook; economical; good manager; I75-J80; good long reference; H. Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 E. 4 3d st., 3d floor. Telephone S947 Murray Hill. COOK; splendid young Irish girl; four years last position; $65; city or short distance in country. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 East 41st st.; Murray Hill 6774. COOK and WAITRESS and HOUSEWORK- | ER9 (Finnish-English), girls; good refer? ence-*. Lehtl's Agency, 77 East 126th st. Harlem ?515. ? GENERAL HOUSEWORK ? Uolorcd girl, capable, neat, refined; sleep In or out; city apartment; $60. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 East 41st st.; Murray Hill 6774. LADY'S MAID.?Very reliable and capable; excellent long city reference; $60; B. ; Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 E. 43d at., 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. | MOTHER'S HELPER ? Refined French Amertcan widow; well recommended; '$50; city or country. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 East 41st st.; Murray Hill 6774. WAITRESS, CHAMBERMAID, friends. , two excellent young Irish girls, most desirable, splendid references, to go west or California logct her. Miss Shea'i Agency, h East list st.. Murray Hill 6774. WAITRESS-PARLOR MAID.?City apart? ment; $55; good city reference; K. Miss 1 Hofmayer's Agency, 10 E. 43d st., 3d floor. I Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES HELP WANTED?MALE EQUITABLE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE For high grade men and women You get personal confidential serv? ice from reliable experienced and competent advisers. Scores of positions for executives, account? ants, bookkeepers, stenographers and clerks; also professional and technical listings. Equitable Industrial Relations Serbie*. Inc. i Agency) Suite 1503 IT I Madison Avenue At 33rd Street All Subways. BUSINESS CARDS Carpeta A.XMINSTER, SLOANS, WILTONS. WHITTALLS.?Carpets, all colors, all prices, all sl/.es, $1 yard up; for parlor, bedroom, halls, stairs, showrooms, offices (slightly used at one-third cost of cheap grades); Rugs, sUc.s 6x3 to 11x20 (also smaller and larger), from $5 to $65 up, seamed or seamless, with or without bor der; Orientals, Killm's, hand-tufted Rugs; making over, cleaning, laying, dyeing; reasonable, beautiful. STILLINGS, INC., ?30-61:8 Madison ave. (59th). Plaza 8835. Carpet Cleaning BE WING?MAKING OVER?CLEANING. 600 carpets, rugs, portieres (all sizes), pistil Orient?! vulUU. MllghUv Used. At 1-3 original price. 200 yds. of inlaid lino? leum. $1 zt. GEORGE 1037 3D AVE.. (?1ST ST. 4264 PLAZA Diamonds DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY BOUGHT i FOU CASH, estates appraised, pur- j chased. BENNETT, 1 75 Broadway, upstaira Furnitur? HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture, an- : tiques, planos, bric-a-brac, books, art, ?to. GABAT, 88 University Place. 'Phon* etuyvesam 2377. Menu Clothing A.?We buy gentiemen-s discarded cloth? ing, business suits, overcoats, fur lined , coats, full dress, Tuxedos, pants, shoes of ? very description ; positively pay more than , others. Call, write or phone. MEYEB HOKOWITZ, 448 7th ave. Greeley 1425. Trank? BIG BARGAIN.?New and used wardrobe trunks. 506 sixth ave., bet HOth-Slst sts. AUCTION SALES A FINE collection of postage stamp? will be sold at the Collectors' Club. 130 West 43th st.. on .Ian. 29iti. .it X p. m. WALTER S, SCOTT. PERSONAL RILLTE CALKINS -Mother wants to hear from you ; Is lonely. Everything is all right. Please come homo or write. Corl land 3, Davenport, .SURROGATES' NOTICES STILL, GEORGE E.?In pursuance of an order of Hon. John P. Cohalan, a Surro? gate of the County of New York, notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against George E. Still, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same, with vouchers thereof, >?> ihe United State i Mortgage <fc Trust Company, one of the sub? scribers, at Its place of transacting busi? ness, No. 55 Cedar Street, Borough of Man? hattan, in the City of New York, on or before the 21st day of June next. Dated, New York, the 13th day of Decem? ber, 1919. LILLIAN MAY STILL, UNITED STATUS MORTGAGE *? TRUST COMPANY, Executors. VICTOR c. CORMIER. Attorney for Lillian May Still, Executrix, 3 Rector Street, New York City. PATTERSON, GREENOUGH, EAGLE * DAY, Attorneys for United States Mort gago & Trust Company, Executor, 120 Broadway. Naw Y'ork City. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In pursuance of an order ci Hon. Jona P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against Herman W. ? raun, l&te of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same with vouch? ers thereof to the subscribers at their of transacting business at the office of Rounds, Hatch, Diliingham & Deb? valse, No. 62 Cedar Street, in the Borough ? f Manhattan,^.'ity uf New York, on or before the 13tl??ay of February next. Dated, New York. August 6th, 1919. HEDWIG BRAUN, THEODORE C. WEYOANDT, Executor?. ROUNDS, HATCH. DILLINOHAM ?ft DEBEVOISE, Attorneys for Biscutorn, (2 Cedar Street, Borough of ManUattan, New Tork City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER of Honor able JOHN P COHALAN a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons having claims against MARGABETHA M FESER, late of the <_'ounty of New York, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to tha sub? scriber, at th-< office or Robert E. Moffett, No. 894 Broadway, Rorotigh of Brooklyn, In the City of N>w Y'ork, on or before the 16th j day o* June r, xt. FREDERK'K WEISRROD. JR., Administrator, C. T. A. Dated. New York, the I-th via., of Decem? ber. 1919. ROBERT E MOFFETT, Attorney for Ad- ; mlnistrator c T. A.. 894 Broadwaj, I Brooklyn. N. Y. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OP ! Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogat? I of the County of New York, notice Is hereby given to all persons having claim? against Cornelia S. Williams, late of th? I County of New Tork. deceased, to present : the same with vouchers thereof to th? ! subscriber, at its place of transacting bust n . \". 17,' Montague Street, Borough of Brooklyn, in the City uf New York, on o.r before the 3d day of May rieit Dated. New York, the 27th day of Octo- ? ber, 191?. BROOKLYN TRUST OOMPANT. Executor. Children Seeking Employment Must ? Pass Physical Test Labor Department Names Permanent Committee to Bar From Industry All Who Are Unfitted for It The imperative need of physical tests for children about to enter em? ployment and of continous supervision over the health of children at work has received national recognition in the organization by the Children's Bureau of the United States Department, of Labor of a permanent committee to de? termine physical standards for working children. Little has been done up to the pres? ent time in the United States to pre? vent children from going into work for which they are ptlysically unfit and practically no study has been made cd' the effects of early labor on the growth of the body. Yet the children who be? gin work between the ages of fourteen and eighteen, and in many instances as early as twelve, or even younger, are the children of least resistance in the community. They are in general the children of the poor, and in conse? quence are likely to be the ill-nour i ished, the undersized and the anemic. Already handicapped, their growing j bodies can put up no resistance to the ! exacting demands of industry on : muscle and nerves. During these ma ; turing years* they are peculiarly liable to injury from overstrain and pecu? liarly sensitive to all sorts of indus? ! trial hazards. Work Unfit for Them ! A great deal of the work done by I children is, moreover, totally unfit for | them. It often involves too much sit i ting or too much standing, the carry I ing of weights beyond the child's j strength, the overexercising of one set j of muscles at the expense of another, i and, in certain occupations, the loss of sleep. Foreign investigations have ! shown that the sickness rate among j juvenile laborers is alarming, especial? ly during the second year of working I life, when the injurious effects of early labor upon already undeveloped bodies ', have had time to make themselves felt. A "physical minimum" for children l entering employment was provided in the standards adopted by the Chil ! dren's Bureau conferences held in : Washington and other large cities in , May and June, 1919. This minimum ? declared that "a child shall not be al? lowed to go to work until he has had a physical examination by a public ; school physician or other medical of | ficer especially appointed for that pur ! pose by the agency charged with the enforcement of the law and has been found to be of normal development for a child of his age and physically tit for the work at which he is to be em [ ployed." Tt provided also that "there i shall be an annual physical examina I tion of all working children who are i less than eighteen years old." To Provide Standards I But what constitutes "normal devel ! opment" for boys and girls of different I ages, and what indicates that a child ! is "physically tit" for the employment which he is about, to enter? Only through exact observation and measure? ment can it bo demonstrated that a child is unlit for certain kinds of work. or that too early and too exacting labor is endangering his physical develop? ment. The standards to ho ?ppiiod constitute a. vit?-Hy important part of the problem of child labor. The committee appointed by the Chil? dren's Bureau will undertake to pro? vide those standards. The committee consists of Dr. George P. Barth, di? rector of hygiene, City Health Depart? ment, Milwaukee, chairman; Dr. Emma M. Appel, employment certificate de? partment, Chicago Board of Education; Dr. S. Josephine Baker, chief, bureau of child hvgtene, Department of Health, New York City; Dr. C. Ward Cramp ton, dean, Normal School of Physical Education. Battle Creek. Mich.; Dr. D. L. Edsall, dean, Harvard Medical School; Dr. George W. Goler, health officer, Ro? chester, N. Y.; Dr. Harry Linenthal, di? rector of industrial clinic. Massachu? setts General Hospital; Dr. Anna E. Rude, director, hygiene division, United States Children's Bureau; Dr. Thomas D. Wood, chairman on health problems and Education, Columbia University, New York City. Where Grass Fiber Brows Ramie fiber (also known as China grass or vegetable fiber), is prin? cipally obtained from the Provinces of Hunan and Hupeh. There are three crops, the first being marketed in June and July; the second in August and September, and the third in October and November. SURROGATES' NOTICES DU BOIS, MART R. J.?THE PEOPLE OF TUIO STATE OF NEW TORK?BY THE GRACE UK COD FREE AND INDEPEND ' ENT.- Tp Arthur M. Du Rois. Robert O. Du Hoi?. Helen J. Kobb?, Ernest Du Bol?, Henry A. Du Bola, Hannah E. Du Bois, Emily B. Reerl, T'nlon and New Haven Trust Company, the heirs and next o( kin of Mary R. .1. Du Bola, deceased, SEND GREETING: WHEREAS. Alexander T. Mason, sola * : - vivlng executor name I in the lasi will and testament of said deceased, who resides at No. ~S West Tin', ?street. Borough of Man? hattan, In the City of New York, ha? lately applied to the Surrogates" Court of our County of New York to have a certain in? strument In writing, bearing date the fifth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, and relating to both real and : uersonal property duly proved as the last will and testament of Mary R. J. Du Bois, who wan at the time or tier dentil a reaident of the Borough of Manhattan, in the County of New York, deceased. THEREFORE, you and each of you are ' cited to show causo before the Surrogates' Court of our County of New York, at the Hal) of Records, In the County of New York, ; on the 5th day of February, one thousand [ nine hundred and twenty, at half-past ten '. o'clock In tho forenoon of that day, why the 1 said vrln and testament should not be ad? mitted to probate as a will of real and per I sonal property. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF we have caused the seal of the Surrogates' Court of ] the said County of New York to be hereunto aftixed. WITNESS, Honorable JOHN P. COHALAN, a .Surrogate of our said County i of New York, at said County, tho thirty-first day of December, In the year o*r our Lord Une thousand nine hundred and nineteen. (L. S.) DANIEL J. DOWDNEY, Clerk of tho Surrogates' Court. I DALY, HOYT & MASON, Attorneys for Petitioner, IG William Street, New York City. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. RY THE ('.RACE OF GOD FREE AMI INDEPENDENT To Harrtet L. Fuilam, an Executrix of Don P. Fuilam, deceased, a legatee and benefi? ciary; Tho Title Guarantee and Trust Co., as Trustee of a fund created under the terms of the will; Kitty Scully O'Brien, legatee an-i beneficiary, and to ail persons Interested as creditors, legatees, next of kin or otherwise, in the Estate of Margaret D. Fuilam, de? ceased, who at the time of her death was a resident of the City and County of New York, SEND GREETING: I'pon the petition of William Frederic Layton, residing at Huntington. Suffolk County. New Y'ork. you and each of you are hereby cited to ih? ? a ? - before the Sur? rogates' Court of New York County, held at the Hall of Records. In the County of N'ew York, on the fith day of February, 1920, at half-past ten oi lock in the forenoon of that dav, why the account of proceedings of Will lam Frederic Layton. as Executor of the Last Will and Testament of said deceased, ?should not be Judicial,;' ?ettled. IN TESTIMONY' WHEREOF, We hav? caused the Seal of the Surrogates' Court of tho said County of Now Tork to be hereunto affixed. II. r* 1 WITNESS HONORABLE JOHN P. COHALAN, a Surrogate < : our -all County, ii' the County of New ' i the 22d das of December, In the year of our Lord one thou?<.nd nine hundred and nine? teen DANIEL J. DOWDNEY. Clerk of trie Surrogates' Court. RESORTS RESORTS .\TI.\\T*r CITT, v. u ATLANTIC CITY. I?. S. ?'?j?i-Tf?'*'' '.'ii&ti mmm Only 3 Hours From New York, where outdoor life can be fully enjoyed in an atmosphere of thorough invigoration and health. You can promenade, or ride in *h? always popular rolling chair, on *he> famous mann-* boulevard?the Boardwalk: ride beside the ocean wave?, plav go!f. bathe ?n real s*-* water, in? doors, attend the theatres, linger on the piers, in fart reallv forget that winter is here. The hotels offer a charm of complete comfort and attractive asso? ciations. Reservations may be made by 'phone, wire, or mail. THE LEADING HOUSES ARE ALWAYS OPEN i Hotels are all American Pan. unless otherwise notodi Marlborough Blenheim American and European Plans JosiahWhlte&SonsCo. Hotel Chelsea .T.B.Thompson & Co. The Shelburne J Weikel Mgr. Galen Hal! Galen Hall Co The Holmhurst A. H. Pami.ii Hotel Dennis Walter J. Buzby Hotel St. Charles Edw.ird E. Grosscup Trustee Seaside House Hotel Strand V B. Off and H. C. BdwaHs The Wiltihir?. Rstnii?! Fillip. Ow-ner F. P. Cook's ?ods. N. J. Collins. Mgr Through Pnllman s-irvtre, without change. Thone loeal ticket agents for complete train Information. WmterDa 'ays a ON THE BEACH AND THE BOARDWALK Not winter days at all?but like the first mild days of Spring?sound and sight of sea tempt you out-of-doors. Take a few days off at Atlantic City now. It's one of New York's be6t Winter habite*. it la a real Investment assuring great profits In health, pleasure and rest. Golf on fine links practically every day. New Ufe and Interest on fascinating Boardwalk And of course stop at CHALFONTE OR HADDON HALL AMERICAN PLAN ATLANTIC C?tT'n .?. ?| AivAmei-icaix Plan. Hotel ?* of Disthiciio?ir^ResiLComt?rx | riRBPBf?** OARAT.? I IT l^Y>10RE.ATlANTlCCnT: WRLD'S GREATEST HOTEL SUCCESS ; ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Unsurpassed for nealth/ul rest and recreattsa NEW YORK. STATTE HOT E JU 1RAMATAH minutes .nom. Orand Central. ilectric trains daily. City con ?encea m ?lie country. Winter rts, Sa,Kile Horses. Daily certs. DANCING. ItOTKl. ?1 RAM ATAN Br.onxvllle, N. T. GEORGIA Hotel Bon Air ACCrSTA, GA. A convenient and delightful place to ?pel3 your holidays, Good driving and motoring, ex -ellent saddle horses, two golf courses and all outdoor ?sport?. Address C. G. Trusscil, Manager. HOTEL CL?RENDON ?1?Sk?&?. and cottages. Directly .on ocean, 18-hole Bolt' cours.. Now opon. Booklets on application. I ISO Broadway, New York. INSTRUCTION 72 Park Av. bet. 38-39 Sis. DWiGHT SCHOOL Collogo & Regent?, West l'oint A-. Amiapolis. ?,0th jr. Athletics under profes?Uonal iper\ lo? Hakes a studg of ti-c individual ituaent. New Term Begins January li?. SPANISH?FRENCH?ITALIAN CORTINA ACADEMY It East 4?tli St T?sl. Vanderbilt -MM ML'SK'AL INSTRUMENTS "Infallible Method of Memorizing" T. ANTOINETTE PIANO 111 A Kin HARMONY CONCENTRATION Bf Mil U Ml M (ill Y DEVELOPED TRAINED Sclentlfiu Tono Production?Technical Freedom THOHuUGHLY MUSICAL INTERPRETATION F^EE INTERVIEWS DAILY FROM 3 TO 4 Studio Recital? Friday? at 3. Public Invited. ?&-!? Van ^^ Studios ??&? FURNITURK FOR SALE GGGGGGGGGGGGGGCGGGGGGGGGGGGGGQ ? FACTORY SAMPLES AT S g LESS THAN WHOLESALE 3 S Our buyers have recently return??* a 3 frnm**6RAN'D RAPIDS and adjacent !i a furniture market, having purchased & ? many of tho samples exhibited there, g WThls merchandise represents the x O FINEST PERIOD DESIGNS for U? r? EVERY ROOM and are being offered a rj *t d'-cided price reductions Also a O rj full line 0f FURNITURE, RUGS and Ci O BEDDING AT A THIRD LESS THAN 2 O ELSEWHERE. ' ? 'J Cataljg No t1* on request. g THE BIG "G" FURNITURE WORKS, n rj 203-^05 East 76th Street. O U 17c discount to ex-service men. ~ U open Evening till 6.30. 2 g Saturdays 10 P. M. 'r\ cggggggggggggggggggggggggggcg? TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ! TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: BE IT KNOWN that GEM i'oi'NTAtN CORPORATION, with principal me- a) MO Nassau .-v.- York i Ity, naa adopted for t sole use, pursuant to lh* "Gen :.,. Bualnc-a? La? o? ;h> .->tat=j of New V ?rk. a. trademark described a? fol .?WS The oid "G sm," superimposed on a field oi vertical ?{old stripes, figure bounded by an octagonal blue border; Im : mediately above "Gem.'' in smaller let? ters the word? "Soda" and "Luncheon," one above tho other Immediately beiow "Gem" -i cup containing a steaming liquid and Muc-v. a 'Mied ?oda glass In a holder ??d ?? di.*.ti com nil . ? , nd ? ich and doughnut. The same has been used bv G?ni Koun tain Con -?? m since Mai 1st. I"!? OEM FOUNTAIN CORPORATION Bi EDMUND B AYMAR. I Pre*i1en*. LAKKWOOD, N. J. LAUREL HOUSE LAKEWOOD, N. J. TAKE THE CURE in the health giving pine air of Lakewood. Completely equipped Hydro Therapeutic Department in the Hotel. Booklet "Down Through the ii ears" on request. First c!a*s Amer? ican plan. Noted for excellent < unine and social charm. Auxiliary healing with ?-.pen wood fires. Slock Exchange Broker? \\ inter sports, weathet permitting. ANDREW ,1. MURPHY, Mgt. Laurel in the Pines Lakewood, N. J. EQUABLE CLIMATIC CONDI riONS. COU*. RIDINC ANO SHELTERED WALKS. DAILY CONCERTS AND DANCING BRANCH OFFICE, GEO. A. HUHN ,"v SONS, BROKERS. maaaui hank f. suuxk, ^<-^?ssam LAKEWOOD. N. J. XuTtZThZ York, reached be fretjuent fast expresses of the N. J. Central K'?va>. for booklet. In? cluding hotel information, add:?ss ToWB ship Committee. Lakewood. WASHINGTON, ?. C. Burlington Hotel \merican and liiropeao HOMELIKE!, CLEAN. l'ERFECT CUISIN? 1180 Kouni- vsiili Hath $3 to $5 l-*I\ K MINUTES ERO?l EVERYTHING ?ashington, D. C. INSTKI < TIO\ REGENTS AND EVENING COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL The 23d St. Y. M. C. A. announces the opening of the Spring Terin Monday Evening, Feb. 2 i ......., -, red '':? g ?? ' l>en this w. Send li - ad on card to art B . ten i--..Il Prin - .< lohi 13 !'.. Educational Dir?ector ?M St. Y. M. C. A. 215 \V. 23d St.. New York ? [SCHOOL! ..?'V?jr Oma/?n? Ev&nlna ?.pt?. New York?7*2 Park A??., bet. 38-S9 ?I?. Brooklyn??Joro?r traoklio sad Jefferson A ?*? KCXjELrl I w Examinations oW&sr Pcinr -??Annapolis Send for Catalog and "Soeessa in R-gents Film. ** New Term l'.?'gin?! January *?6. BERKELEY-IRVING SCHOOL 311 W?sf gS'l Street FOKTIETH YEAR "From Frtmary to College" F'r-psres boys for all colleges, technics?, schools and All grades Tho - ough work. Small classes unc? individu! instruction. Gymnasium U;.".: ? - innig Pool?Hoof Playground?all on prsm? ?ses Boys eared loi from 8 30 A. M. te 6 f M if d'-airoii. LOUIls F?. KAY, Pli. n.. H-admastef Telephone Schuyler li36 ^PROF.POHREirS^ J?Famous Beauty 5ch<?ra ^> mnwrt aaSsmSOaa ta ? fnr*? J L ?ten ofi-tei Miarla from IN ? I f?O ????)! Vnllra".?* appoftunltlM / I tas stteblUlUBS fvur am busUMsh * HAipORCSSIMO MANKCUWNfJ . ?^r?-V?rsxsuasscssMja *-* ??ff t/o?u. on wtatTg 119 W*j+ ?*2-* %f JZ NEW BISTRE TAK1AJ. i l a*-, I di;*-ll.*.., Sir InvtjnicttH BALIAKD Qrt?rtffl Ont?? TC.W.C. \. pVHUUb ?ta I.e*. Ave., at ?3d ?t. ACCOUNTANCY. New Mid-Wluter Classes a-.* now ( %, ! ? - . ? . .*??." fr.r helpful h .kl ' '*Yo Post-Wa Optw .* tU .'??. ' l! .!! \* l"\< B ft l*\( K, .10 < Lurch ht.. New Vorig DAXTON -U'MMINO SCIKMJl. *08 West Sfttb **?r.*. ? !? West Hth 8tr???