Newspaper Page Text
J? *H ART NEEDLEWORK ? ?t l.ace Scarfs"?and table cover? on "linen and fancy materials, baby pillow -lips in lace and filet combinations," covers for chair backs, etc.. new and attractive designs. J. F. Dwyer. Tico-Solid-Cotton-Forms"? Circle Monogram Design Assortment*: One one and one half, tv*o and one-half, and four inch $18.00. Slo.00, $25.00 and $86.00. Ihr Initial Company. BATHING SUITS Offer, Six 8nlt?-two bloomers, $28, in**ludiBg 1 ^ PJ?f"" ?uit, 6 Olga ?urfcloth suit? (1 gimgham trimmed, 4 witb colored pipings) and 2 different style? sureloth bloomers. Olga, Inc Ik .Poplin Suit $51?bloomers to natch. $3?. Olga snrfelotb bloomers, $22; surfcloth bloomers of good quality, $13. Hand-painted satin inon, $108. Terms 3/10. Olpa, Inc. BATIKS fc ????l ..Im Beach Novelties.O ay hats, scarfs, bags in batik. Gay colored hat? ith batik crowns, facings, or ribbon bands. Rags and scarfs to mater. for Palm Beach wear. Betty Bonner. I he "Norma" Straight piece negligee, $45.00. Batik negligees, blouse* and pur es, wall hangings, also the Peter Mi jet Batik Outfit. Oriental theatrical costumes a specialty. Dorothy Armstrong. BLOUSES AND WAISTS . nilored Silk Waists Crepe de Chine, Georgettes, Striped and Plain Tub Silk, Fancy and Plain Satins. The A mermaid Mfg. Co. Kxdnsive Binases Original designs trimmed -with real Irish and tilet lace*, also linen hand-made and beautifully embroidered waists for exclusive (ride. Amin Beder & Company. \rod Waists" Original tailored novelty designs. Georgettes, $6.60-$18.00. Bozart Blouses" "All Hand Made." Sheer batiste and imported voile. S3.75-$7.50. Isadore Helitzer, Inr. ilousemakers. Inc.- Makers of the "Town Blouse" In novelty styles and fabrics. Nationally advertised. The Blonsemakers, Inc. ?o. 530?Special Bronner Vain?*? Georgette silk inside, button effect and bead embroidery in contrasting shades. Thrcc-qua-rUr hemstitched nov elty sleeves, $6.00. Bronner IMfg. Co. 1 -?(ton Waists We specialize In $24.00 per dozen and upward cotton waist?, und arc daily producing the best of its kind in both quality and style. Cambridge Waist Company. Women's White Volle Blouses Exclusively?Domestic voile, $24.00 to $ Imported French voile, $-15.00 to $78.00. Stylish stouts, $36.00 to $713.00. < ohen & hat/, Inc. Wand Painted, Waists?In Satins, Georgettes and Crepe de Chin?. Braided and beaded effects. Some two-toned. Very dainty and practical Deliveries one to two weeks. Ellanor Waist Company. Waists! Big values Rt $5.60, $6 00 and $6.75. Georgette and crepe de chine. The new paste] shades for spring business. Lace trimmed and tailored models, .lack Goldeton. Vo. 2008?French Voil<* Waist, kimono sleeve, daintily trimmed w-ltb filet open work embroidery. $3.75. 8/10. Bay h Waist Company. the Hirsch-Strans Company, manufacturers of Goorgette Waists, announe? '"he opening of their new sales display In th<* Rush Terminal Sa'es Build? ing a:* ?n added convenience for buyers, loel Isaacs & Sons, Inc., are showing at the Bush Terimnal Sales Build 'V their now Spring line of Novelty Blouses consisting of the latest materials in silks and cotton novelties. Stock on hand for immediate deliveries, ? otton Waists, $12.00 to $24.Of? dozen: values guaranteed. Extra sites * ?pecialty. 2,000 dozen in stock for rush shipments. Open orders solicited Samples on request. lauter & Wan?. a '? ?dies' waists and blouses ranging 'rom $1.50 to $10.00 each 1n silks and cottons. Novelties our big item. I n Rose Waist Company. Vovelty Georgettes popularly priced from $5.75 to $13.75 each l.eberman, Goldberg <S Dorfman. Distinctive blouses of georgette and crepe de chine All new pastel shade.? Immediate delivery? from $5.50 to $12.50. Open orders given prompt at tentibn. Al Levy & Bro. \ complete line featuring stouts only. H. S. I,yon. Inc. ? otton Waists-Style and workmanship guaranteed. $18.00 to $27.00. Prompt deliveries. II. ?V L. Markowitz. Maxine Blouse"?Our line contains voiles, organdies and georgettes from $3.00 to $35.00. tine hundred and twenty-live numbers to select from. Supreme in quality. Maxine Manufacturing Company. t?ur line of popular-priced merchandise is now on display in the Bush Terminal Sales Building. We invite your inspection. ' H. Melsler & Company. i.eorgelte, Embroidered and Beaded Waists?Popular-priced line of mer rhandise. Now ready for your inspection. Metropolitan Dress & Waist Company. strictly Tailored Waist? -Voiles, linens, madrases, organdies, silk and '?otton mixtures, novelty plaids and stripes. Individually boxed. Popularly priced. Quick deliveries Milgrim Manufacturing Company, '?etjrgette Waists Special numbers from $5.50 to $10.00. All popula; shades. Other numbers in Jap silk, crepe de chine and French voiles Ost Brothers. Popular price line 0f up to-date Waists consisting of cottons, silks geor? gettes, etc. ? hurles Raab. Tailor Made Silk. Georgette, Crepe de I hine and Cotton waists. Our 11 n? will give a touch of distinction to your Waist Department. Reed Brothers. Inc. Georgette Blouses Blouses of the better kind featuring the new .spring shade? as well us nil standard colors. Price range $7.50 to $25 00 Max Roth, Inc. ' otton blouses in batiste, voile, madras, dimity and fancies, $24.00 to $33.00 dozen. French voile waists, w th Irish ?ace, $4.00 to $8.50 each. Imm?diat? delivery. Extra sizes. Rnthman Brothers. Waidtg?we are specialists in hand-made imported Cuban and Porto Rica* Waists Batiste and voiles, $3.50 to $10.,.0. Many trimmed with let a; d Irish lace. Storyk Bros.. Inc. Striped Plaid Voile Waists?Style 1067, $24.00 dozen Fine organdie colla' \e?,t and cuffs. M<? a choice lino of Jap Si k Waists, $''4.00 do-en Th? Three B Waist Co. Georgette Waists ,\ distinctive line of hi nbi ?dered Filet trimmed ?0U,M oftutho '" ' d arc hfind1' '"? the representative ?oncerns throughout the united Stat, Louis Leiserson, Inc. ?*peclali-ang Cotton Waists?Fine hand-embroidered French voiles and tSmC?* pBta Sprin-r ,ine -*0* bowing. The Max Ci. Wer ''?T^ortbnu?8" .An eXC,lufiv? "ne featuring our latest model, No VISIT AK BLOUSES AND WAISTS Continued FOLLOWING LINES DISPLAYED SOON Bvgrade line of cotton waists that will greatly add to your Waist Depart? ment. See our samples in the Bush Terminal Sales Buildinc- Einhorn Brothers. f.eorgctle Waisls at $f>,00 each and up. Cotton wa;sts, voile and organdie at $18.00 tier dozen and up. Goldhaher & Harris. Regent Waist Co. Blouses of appealing styles. Vale Waist Co. Cotton waists popularly priced, $M.B0 a dozen up. CORSETS AND DRESS FORMS Admiration Brand?Corset laces, shoe laces and middy laces. Max Levison & Company. "Atlas Brand" Corset Laces, tuhular and flat, cotton, mercerized silk; color?, ?white, pink and blue. Our large stock makes possible prompt deliv? eries. William B. Bliss, Jr.. & Company. Roberta Laced-in-Front Corsets Roberta Designing -created a figure line hitherto unknown in Laced-in-Front. Corsets. Roberta self-adjusting Shield. $33.00 to $150.00 dozen. Roberta Corsei Co. ircl mean more home dressmaking, with in II: i Borcl oi't Dress Forma allow 10 pel High cost-, ol >'?' ai ing ;\}ir ci ? ?;,. ed d : maud ?'or dress forms. cen? profit. Hall-Borchcrl Dress Form Company lil?aaa DECORATIVE ARTS AND INDUSTRIES ? hoicest Art Lampshades?Original and exclusive designs and shapes Hand colored and decorated. Novel glazed effect on either parchment or silk. Moderate prices. K. Art Studio. Art Lampshades?Hand-decorated' Crystalline effects. All sizes and de? signs. Special designs adapted to different interiors. Granite Mfg. Co. Rare Prints?$1.50 up. Reproduction? 10c. to $1.00. Modern and rare old textiles for interior decorating, mandarin coats, etc. Artists' materials, decorative ail specialties. E. T. Shima. FOLLOWING LINES DISPLAYED SOON French Wax Figures of every description for every purpose. French Wax Figure Company. floor, table, bridge and boudoir lamps, torehieres. candlesticks, book-ends, sconces and wall brackets. Pure period designs, hand-carved in solid mahogany, gold or polychrome. E, Kopriwa Company. \rt Materials and Novelties?"Enamelac" for enameling. "Permodello" for making jewelry, "Bateeko Dyes" for batik work, watcrcolors, crayons, "Stixit" and "Modelit." The Prang Company. Lamp and Lamp Shade* that are unusual m design and quality. Ar. ex? tensive line for a discriminating trade. Ramsey, Lyon ft Humphreys, Inc. FANCY GOODS "Artamo" embroidery package outfits. 1920 Spring line not*- showing. We have boohed twice the amount of business than in any previous season. (.. Reis & Bros.. Inc. Dress Trimmings?Manufacturer? and Mill Representatives. ARROW BRAND Braids, soutaches, rat tail, pig tail, fur chains, cords and no? tion specialties. Bennetl & Ryerson. "Crest Brand" ladies' neckwear. Fiat Venice lace points featured in 50 numbers, $8.00 to $18.00. High neck cloth vests. $4.00 to $12.50 each. Jabots, $12.00 to $72.00 dozen. A. Phillips. Real Laces All descriptions and widths. Excellent qualities. Mod?r?t? price... Real Irish, Venise, Valenciennes, Bianche, Point, do Paris, Bruges, Limerick. Aleencon, Bretton, etc. Henry Ganzcl. ",L C."?America's Best Ribbons?One for every purpose. New and ev elusive patterns in Jacquards and broad Tinsels for forthcoming seasons, satins, taffetas, etc. Johnson, Cowdin ft Co., Inc. Art fiovclties of the latest creation, featuring No. 41, a special silk pin cushion with imported doll center. $5.00 dozen. Very attractive and a positive uuick seller. KayiniH Manufacturing Co. Satin Ribbons?immediate uelivcry on Satin Taft'eta KHibon T\*o. 16 to No. 250 at 8c. a line. Complete color line. This is the scarcest item today in ribbon*. Linn ft Company. Ladies' and .Men's Handkerchiefs All descriptions: cotton, linen and silk: attractive embroidered designs; packed one-halt and one-quarter dozen to a box. Manhattan Handkerchief Company, Inc. 1 Uli passementerie line of silk tassels, fringes, girdles, braids, soutache?, etc. Read girdles No. 1222 at $3.00; No. 1215, No. 1266 at $4.50 in cora. black, navy, brown, taupe. National Trimming Co. Decorative Art Linens?The celebrated V. R. Hooks and metal embroidery Hoops. Nouons l'or the art. needle trad". Stamped centers, scarfs, How tops. \ an Blankensteyn & Hennings. SA'erbro Ribbons are not commonplace. The world's best designers ores" our novi ?ties. Staples are niade in all widths and colors. Large stocks assure immediate deliver;.. V\ rrthcimer Brothers. FURS Sealine, Nearseats, Ponies. Marmots, Conies?The popular-priced fur cost house. Hesscl, Weinberg ft Hertz. Neckpiect-s and Muffs in Dop. Wolf and Skunk; ?Uo Fur ?oats. Nadler ft Grichewsky. 'oats, Scarfs, Muffs, Srts. Morris H. Siegel. Will be displayed soon. GIFT NOVELTIES oveltj Bead Necklaces and Abalone Pearl Jewelry, Manicure Sets, Dressed Kcwpie I ?oils, India:! Charactei Dolls, Sweet Grass Basketa and Moccasin*, Souvenir Leather Goods, Engraved Aluminum Souvenirs. Nrrow Novelty Co., Inc. \ unity Bags??24 gross to $25 dozen. Party and Opera Bar*?. $15 dor,eri to S^O dozen. Ribbon novelties, ladies' garters, pin cushion"-, cos' Hangers and sachets. Alph-Omega Ribbon Craft. Hand Decorated Fired Candlestick?$3.25 to ?-16.?0 pair. Hand Decorated Art Candles. $2.40 dozen up. Ro'xed Gifts, Baskets, Incense, Pottery, Glass, Leather, Metal. Butterworlh ft. Company. Novelties for Exclusive Shop.*.. In Leather, Fine Woods, and Metals, Krames. Twine Holders, Scissor Sets, Telephone Lists, Desk Sets, Letter Trays, Hook Fnds, Engagement Lists, Favors, Book Clivers. Edward J Cadigan. Hand Woven Tunic Sport Suits. In gold and yellow, also blue and white, $20. Arden Crafts. Boudoir Sets in crepe and linen, $7.00 to $10.00. Also boxed gifts, begs, desk sets, baskets and dolls. N. S. Day Associates. Miniature Booklets 2-Vi x 2 7,*s inclus. Nursery Rhymes, Fairy Tales, Bed !ime Stories, beautifully illustrated in colors; sets of 8 packed in at? tractive boxes, retail. 25c. John II. Eggers Co., Inc. Hand Decorated ^iifts? Coat Hangers, all sizes, napkin rings, telephon? dolls. These three items wood or mat board. Toys, costumera, door stops, window wedges, hat stands. Gifts Company] "Har.drawt Products" Articles for the Gift. Shop that are unique and artistic. Wendell H. Abbott. Engraved ?.reeling Cards for AH Occasions?Convincing in Style and Qualitj exceptional in designs. A comprehensive assortment of Birth day and other occasion designs for $26.00. The heating Co. Nut Bowls, Photo Frames, polychrono book end, table lamps, an unusual display of new numbers. H. Lieber < oinpanv. Holland Ware Vases?$4.00 pair. Italian Antique Candle Sticks and Book (.ruts, Bronze and Bra,s No ties, Incense, and Burners. Die Stamped und engraved Greeting Card I', L. Morgan Companv. Decorated baskets tor all purposes Hand painted novelties, fans, neck wear. Hand embroidered handkerchief*. Margaret McCul'ock. '?lit Shop Novelties?For your ham. Goods and Art Needlework Depart mont. Man?, numbers to select from. S. Craig Preston & Company, i in Cushions, yellow satin trimmed with lace and gold cord Gold cord bows on tour corners. $35.00 dozen. Large and small sachets ami flower bouquets. Schroeder & Winkle. Vrm-wood Baskets of Goodies?Decorated glass. Artistic potterv un ?suallj beautiful placqucs and many other unusual novelties. Howard ?>elden. I.elici l-Jngraving?Process eliminating use of plate or die for Wedding. social, i ommercml, Calling and Business Card engraving requirement spec? ; adapted for Christmas Gt-?elii?g Card?. Turner ft Porter. ii.inrt l>-e<< und hand woven bag--. to $0.60; habv blinke*-. $7 ft?* Origina designa m table runner*'. So.50 up. Dyed and : '"i* roi in. The Tenafly Weavers. Decorated Glassware Plain -lasses?colored glasses. A shop line. Westmoreland Specialty Co. u . _. FOLLOWING LINES DISPLAYED SOON ? ork. Shopping Opera. Dance and Vanity Bags. Work, Candv. Glove and Handkerchief Bom*-. Powder ?"'? . Powder Ta? Sachets Pin Cushion, < Mengo Society of Art Needlework. woven to bli 1 wonderful ?? GLOVES \ complete showing of our glove line may now he seen In the Bush Ter? minal Salen Building. Tear & White. Goessling ft Ferre, Inc., Kid Glove Importers. New York City, show ? handsome display of the various qualities and new wanted styles lor 1020 that is well worth inspection Line for 1920 is roady. Headquarters for 12, 16 and 20-inch French Muskateer Gloves. Also latest strap wrists, guantlets and novelty gloves, future delivery. Rosrnbaum Company. HOUSEFURNISHING Pure White -the Japanese crepe paper, softer than worn linen. 'I he roll is tissue wrapped for sanitation. Pure White satisfies the most exacting standards. A. P. W. Paper Co. Scale-. "Health-O-Meter,' For Bath room.?. Nurseries. Boudoir?. Phy ( i rile Gymnasiums. "Stone Sf Continental Scale Work Dabi kale, Ph; Auti '.cat' Hol Water Supplj?convenient, cheap- for ail buildings- Humphrey malic Gas Water Heaters are used the world over -complete hoi ? ??tist'action guaranteed- see display. Humphrey Company. "The Japana Cut Flower Holder." A perforated solid block of glass with circulation for water. Shows flowers as nature grows, them. Japana Specialty Company. For complete line see special announcement in this advertisement. HOSIERY Cadet Scientific Stockings. For men, women and children in pure silk, artificial silk mercerized and combed cotton. Manufactured and originated by Cadet Hosiery Company. FOLLOWING LINES DISPLAYED SOON Miller Socks, cotton and mercerized, feature the IRON HEEL and TOE, distinctive and superior wearing qualities, knit to si?e, fast colors. Miller Hosiery Mills. HOUSE GARMENTS, APRONS AND KIMONOS Honse Dresses. Best of materials, good workmanship. Line now bein? shown Bush Termina'. Sales Building. Criterion Specialty Co. House and Porch Dresses. Complete showing. Popular priced. Elias ft Lowenstein Company. "Dresi-al Apron" No. 881, price $33.50. Attractively trimmed in contrast? ing colors. Bungalow aprons; Percales, Indigo and Gingham. A. F. (, erlach M fg. Co. \pron-* exclusively. C. A. Neuburger & Co. Spring House and P<ych Bo-esses. \ry\%, 36 to H?, at $24.00 to $48.00 dozen. Delivery two to three weeks. Future January. February and March. I. Reinish ft Son. Aprons and Apron Dresses. Shearston-Lowell Mfg. Co., Inc. Rib and Band Aprons?-In Scout, Percale and Amoskeag Staple Gingham, plain or trimmed with binding and ric-rac. Well made prices $4.25 to $8.50 dozen. H. S. Weil Company. FOLLOWING LINES DISPLAYED SOON Imported Japanese sii?r kimonos, vests, etc. Choicest selection, medium priced. Large stock always on hand. We guarantee all prices on import orders. Feltman.Bros, ft Herme!, Inc. \proris -Complete line for all uses. M. E. Willson Mfg. Company. INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR No. 517?Meiccrized P- plin Romper In White, Pink and Blue, with whit? ruffled edge collar and cuffs- new shallow embroidery. Very pretty and serviceable, price S.MT.OO dozen. Blakeslee Company, Inc. Specialist In Hand-made Infants' Wear. Sacques, long wrappers, caps of lace, organdy and batiste. Dresses and creepers, pillow cases and bro? cade carriage covers. Long Gertrudes, long baby dresses. Beder Bros. Bunny Playsults. Tub Cloth. Simulates a rabbit, smiling face, ears fasten? ing in shoulder, pocket., like paws. $16.50 dozen. Hats to match, $8.00 dozen. Mistress Patty Comfort. An essential line for Infants' Wear Department, consisting of Bibs of Terry, Swiss embroidered. Madeira, Quilted. Pillow slips, towels arid face cloths. Frederick Wm. Cordes. Frocks for Children?Six months to ten years. Smocked and embroidered models in flaxon, dimity, chambray, dotted Swiss, English prints and printed satine. The Adelaide T. Crapsey Co. Infants' Novelties -Bibs. Play Pen Rugs, etc. Daisy Novelties. Infants' Knit Shirts and Bands? children's shirts, pantalets and union .,,.=? Size-, from birth to 6 year*. Complete price range in all fabric?. Thomas Dalby Company, < bildren's Play Clothe?;. Practical, dainty and individual. Be sure to se? our "Peggy 1'rue." Made of printed Flaxon. $18.00 per doren. Don? nelly (,arment Company. Mattress Protestors, sizes I" i 18 to 68 x 76. The Betay Ross "Ironing Board Pad," 30 x 10 to 72 * 16. Immediate deliveries. Exrelsior Quilting < ompany. "1 olio?- the Chalk Lin**" for distinctive novelty Infants' dresses?2 to 6 ;,ea.i'j. Ask for our No. 712 at $6.50. It tells the story. Two weeks' delivery. Chalk's Children's Wear. Don't fail to look at our Creepers, Rompers, Oliver Twist Suits and Middy Suits amongst, which are Hand Smocked novelties and Cretonne Aprons at reasonable prices. A. Cilman & Son. Infants' Celluloid and Ribbon Novelties, Baby Caps, Shoes and Knit Goods of distinctive merit. Hob Mfg. Company. "hlddie Kat" Dress?Fitchburg chambray?wide sash. $30.00 dozen. Com? plete line colored dresses; children's, 2 to 0 years, 6 to 14 years. Flappers izes P."-? to L6J?. The Berk Company. Hand-made Trimmed Hats. Georgette lining, hand shirred. Also Black Hat... Prices from $36 up. L. Lyman & Co. Children's Creepers.Rompers and Dresses, fn Seersucker, Chambra*.', Poplin ami Gingham. All fabrics guaranteed as to color. Workman -hip thoroughly guaranteed. E, W. Marvin Company. infants' and Intermediates' ?"oats, 3??es H utos, to 10 years. Leadinc favorite materials. Largest variety of hand and machine embroidered Infants' coal- and capes, $3 to S-'l each. Mirsky & Lewis.. Sunshine Dresses. Inc.. announce their 1020 showing for immediate de? livery, comprising organdies, voiles, crepes and ginghams; sizes 2 to 14 Price rang- $24.00 to $108.00 the dozen. "Sani-Dri" Sanitary [niants' Wear, Diaper-, Crib Sheets, Pants. Can b? boiled ana roved without injury. Non-heating, nor, irritant, nor rubber. Fully guaranteed by the Waterproof Fabric Company. and hand embro'derc infants' High (.rade Touts and Capes. Machin? Made ol cashmere, wool, crepe and silks. Also pique and silk carnage sets. Sylvia Infants' Coat Company. ? ? Creeper? and Rompers. $22.50?$39.00. Also be sure to see our full line of Piayettes and Play Aprons. Practical designs and careful workman? ship. Prompt delivery. Mrs. Harriet Tonnencn. "ne Creepers, Rompers ami Little Hoy*' Wash Suits. Made for particular buyers for particular customers by particular manufacturers. The hoi --? or service .,;..; value. Woodward & Bowman. i hildren's Dresses?sizes 2 to 6. Special range No. 700 includes all fancv novelties in cloths and styles, hand embroidered. $18.00 donen * garments made with bound seams. L. Wohl & Company. Berkshire Knit Cnods offerings - Rooteeg, Sacques, Leggings, Sweater Set" rams. Hockeys, Aviators, etc. Immediate delivery. Yorkshire Knlttins Crt^ far. ALE fERS INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR Continued Simple Simon M??? Sheets s-i S lit B?; Creepers?Rompers?Little Boys' Oliver Twi facturing Company. High Grade Rubber Sanitary Gotids Belts, Aprons an Sheeting. Novelties in Dainty Bags. Play Apron-, Ha* etc. The "Papekin" paper Diapers. The Solvos Companj FOLLOWING LINES DISPLAYED SOON Children's Flappers* and Little ?.*mwi- Coats. The right trlr.d, ?'- ?-. gives tone to your department, at the right nrice. Theodore Bear. Minneapolis "M" Infants and Children's Underwear Infant?' Shirt? a Bands; Children's Knit. Cambric and Pajama Check Waists ?H Ws?. Union Suits. The ??Nationally advertised cl Idren's anderwear )!??'* Minneapolis Knitting Works. JEWELRY por v. er. rolled A. H. Bliss & Co. ? --f*U?v 5 '""?'. ?- i very descrip! ?n Adler & Heine. specialty. Als, ?. < bains. Our line coi tail _* rd i,, : ,.,.? ,. i.. ,i ,,;, In go! chu , le Jewelry. Diamond rings of better class of gold jewelry. No. 450?14 Kt. White Gold Ring, exclusive pat'era; reproduction of pi**' num, single stone mounting. 20 kt. stone plate sets ?uniond, Wrta ?' advantages of platinum mounting. Hudson Jewelry Mf*r. Co. 18 Kt. Green Gold Wedding Ring. Heavily encased on outside with War. fully hand carved platinum. Gold show3 on inside. Four ?t*\sntt tfcri, widths. Alfred Humbert & Son. "Marvello" Cigarette Case?Match safe for paper raatehe**; whltestoae St? eins, and pendants, in sterling and pl-tinoid, faithfully reproduit; diamond and platinum work. French Ivory and Metal Corp. Unusual Jewelry. Oriental filigree de.-igns. Beautiful color combiaat?er? in ten and fourteen karat gold. Made in, pendants, brooch?, bat pins, etc. Payton & Kelley Company. "Sadler" Gold Filled Jewelry. Snappy, artistic. exc!u~.'.Y? designa. Beg.' t i fully finished. Exceptional value, "?"?ulderlc^s locke*?, rings, brooch*.. pendants, tie clasps, scarf. The F. H. Sadler Co. Men's Jewelry?A complete line in plate, sterling and solid -{old. n? specialize in 10 to 14k Cuff Links and full dress sets. S.-hoe?lnfr af Horbach Mfg. Company. " Shaw's name is synonymous with populsr-pnced jewelry, known ev-tJH where. Be the first in your community to advertise ?"d sell Shad's jewelry. See Bush Sales Service. "Luxelite" Clocks. Three hundred styles of white ivory and four style* of popular-priced alarm clocks. All American movements. Imm?diat! delivery. Popular prices. Sidney Simon Co. Silver Glow?''Best Silver Polish in the World." 15c and 35c retail Cood profit to dealer. Refinishes Platinum, Silver, Gold, Ivory etc, ,< jewelers do it. Silver-Glow Mfg. Company. Ladies' Jewelry. Exclus;'.'- ! ne of enameled jcwelrs suitable for all or. sions. Particularly adaptable for export, 'rale. Also soft-cuff links inS collar pit's. <". (). Sweet & Son Company. Signet Rings that are different. Combination gold rings. Bevel one color, body another. Patent ponding. An absolute innovation at special price?. Triangle Ring Mfg. Company. Victor Pearl Necklaces -Earrings and Hat Pins. Imitation Sapphire, Amber. Amethyst, Topaz, Olivine, Jet and Colored Neckiaces; Earrings and Hi Pins in plated Sterling and solid Gold mountings. Victor Company. Jewelry and Perfumery Boxes. We manufacture high grade paper . * for the trade. Also silverware cases and display pads. ?ouni; Broth/rt. FOLLOWING LINES DISPLAYED SOON Hand Painted?enameled and encrusted glassware, exclusive ?In?. Mad*. in our factories, consisting of 150 items in lt> new decoration?. Fron S18 to $36 dozen. John J. Hines. "A Time Piece for Peace Time" This line needs no introduction. Bu??. Terminal will have a most comprehensive line for your convenience R. H. Ingersoll & Bro. Links, Cuff, Bar and f*carf-pins, Broaches. 14 kt i;reen and yellow. ! ai-*?1 and baby rings; substa workmen. Finis ed :, highest degree of perfection. Charles H. Eulhardt. Re-Rent Pearl Necklaces. The finer soit. Diamond, platinum, or god clasps. All lengths. $25.00 each and up. Selection upon request. Albert Lorsch ?t Co., Inc. For the convenience of all buyers who purchase belt buckles we ?r? showing a complete line of leather belts ail grades, all ieW'hers, com? plete prie? range. LeatiVrwear Co. of America. Housefiirnishing Division Will Be Ready to Serve Buyers and V-me Mfg. Co. Albaugh-Dover Co. Allen & Rollens Aluminum Cooking C'enstl G American Pairv Supply Co. American Ironing Machine G Anunidon & Co. \. P. W. Paper Co. V rtiflcia.1 i 'aylighting ? 'o . '? Auto Vacuum ' reezer Co. Belcanto Co., 1'he HeHaire. Enamel Co., Biglow Bruch Co. Bison-Fibre Co. Kito-Em-Rato Co Brett Mfg. Co ! urdette Mfg;. Co. ti rol. a? -Eden < o ape 'or) Pbop i I ?cago ? ui tain Si rel chir i hicago Metallic Mfg. ? e. i oldv el! Lawn Mower Co, i oleman, Allen J Colgate Soap Chips Columbia Cheniira.1 Co. i . i inental Scale Works r*roy. Mae Savell I Mi < -jrtm Corp.. John Criterion Textile Mftt Co. Th? Til' ii -, -i. Dust? ' i. Di Mfg. Co. ' sundry ixtulp. Cera. a!'- ? y Raror ?'* ; ??? d 0 en Co. ? Edisi ! ? Appliance Ce. ; Mfg. Cu. Farber I M * ind Range Co i.:.-. I '. ? ' ' P. Creenberg & ' Haj :, ii Holmi I < I - .? ? . ? F" ei -? ? ? eep<? Co. . ?i i tmp? ? ' ' ' rk? rnt? n?a mal Fio Mae' r" .!,,-., | ? . . . -,, 1 ; ai pi ? Cl I . *-ei.? K.v ? . - : ? ? ic. La i ??? . Mi tor Co. i -, !. Landers, }? i-a>-.' ? (.'??ri? I.. H.-.., m H' rj fi wter Co. Sa il A<l-ertls1i r. v""!''.? A. oho! 1 imps ?!rol | SI in ? ???? s m.]-!?!) \ Ware ' Donifa A:,- ? r.'i! btriied) > \ Wear *,? ?ans Kags 1.1 mdryI . l'upr-; Dl - "ai Offering this Wide . ?. < ? ? i at? >.- a ; '-.i- >g? i 3 .*> i I i at??? i od BHre, 1 s ? ? < - ? ? - t, .- rB rbaflnf P?-?*?*? ? !. ? i la % i . ISa*ki U ! ? *? . ' ' ? IMl '.rs.'Sl Baih T*,b-, Hxifani and I ' < ? * * ? I ???,. V??-?i Poll I KxruM -?ho!') et* tiUut) a,., turna ' H (? il W ? ? i ? Paper) ? . U ."- Il- ? i i ,i i ???j l'. i-. I,i Howla ' ,.? . Hoie? Palt, f-r'.'e at? ) M -.. -i ? ?e.; Wire) Rrcx . i ?- 4 l !' /e- i ? 1 ' * -** v ? hin?) Brut M r!pri0W|?Wall i?l i - ** aotl Toi V'-unUh IVhltrw !.. - Metal w ; I, UM) -iA (K [j-l iw ' | . . - , ? . M : - .1 15 D ? i liest, 0 A In I I - i .?....? t"fr II tt *?*' - ? l i .'ii ? tata. ?letal ? ' '"?. n.-th n Um li " - . >., lab? ?i ir? ^M1 na? r-a?1 3