Newspaper Page Text
Qui KNIT GOODS ,.? Underwear?-Ladies' Summer Vests and Bodices?Pink and White. ?fJdies1 C" ?'" Sin*8- Cuffs, Lnce and Shell Knee. Predominant styles ^pink and ^ ?' 'r ?knity I'tidernoar Co., Inc. ?o adc" ?.ttcaters, slip-overs, hhakers, jumboa. For men, women and ? - ilicr.. Latest styles. Best workmanship guaranteed. Columbia fcnitt?<*?- & Mfg*. Company. ?I,?* and Mi>se*>' Novelty Slip-orers. Fishtail and ripple creations, o8FPv numbers, prices ranging from $30.00 up. Also ladies' sport coats. 'Quick deliveries. Crown Knitting Mills, eral L?nr of H>Rrade Knit Goods. Filets, Slip-overs. Zephyr Tuxedos. \u?> women's ki tted bathing s?.ii's m various color combinations. friedman- I>*v h.v knitting (.0., Inc. ???lets. $c.T") each and up. Sweaters, slip-ons, Jersey coats, $30.00 dozen . For v -i - ai i children. In silk, fibre, camel's hair, alpaca ird wool yar (..?.than* Knitting Mills. Vohvr and Woolen Slip-on^ ? For women, misses and children, full line of ??eaters foi spring and fall delivery, dur line meets the approval of ilar. C.oph**r Knitting Works. ;-.e mos. '?idos. Slip-overs, Sweaters and Scarfs in exclusive models for Spring irte Southern wear. Made uf cashmere, alpaca, camel's hair, zephyr and worsted yarns. Groblue Knitting Mills. Complete Showing of Sweaters and Knitted Novelties -Beautiful new t,,!or combi Prompt deliveries, Great Western Knitting Co. iiiit Goods of quality comprising novelties in Links and Flat Rnit, Slip ov*rs, Ripph ;in,i Tuxedos. lour inspection will be appreciated. Her? cules Knitting Company. idles' lull fash oned slip-ons and sweater coats. Exclusive styles, All ?fjteltie* Handsome line of pure t-ilk coat?, S2?.00 to $45.00. Wool <-?<. je S19.00. Royal Ascot Knitting Mills. 'opnlar priced line of Men's Wooicn Sweaters, Women's Slip-overs and Kaveltiei A.1 0 ?* high grade line of Woolen Bathing Suits. Shepherd Knittintr Mills. ?le hrittin? Mills Manufacturers of high-grade ladies' and misses' ! .-r.- ne s irf atin bathing suits for ladies. FOLLOWING' LTNES DISPLAYED SOON ! sited Knit V car Mills-.* complete showing of Knit goods, ?.line of Men's Knit G?*vods you have long been looking for. Our mer \ -gri':'.'~ attract nev customers and automatically stimulates sales. 1 laverite Knitting Mill? LACES AND EMBROIDERIES |*m1 Irish I a< es. '.? ce::*. t -.,,, 1 i - '?!? 'lo . :-?' ' -, p'*, !'? I* - F. Parre. Real Filet, Peal Valenciennes, Peal Venise; ( arrickmacross, Limerick and Real Irish LUGGAGE AND LEATHER GOODS Mtl . 1007, soft boarded cowhide in rich brown shade, four pockets gold plated lock. $12.50 each. Many other styles. Enter? prise Tourist ?ase Company. ?elf??. 1 ai ' Childten's, 1v to 3 iriches wide. T.cathor piped edgen * I colors, patent leather and sheepskin. All wanted shades, 'tOO ( taries .loscpht-on Cu. .n-lisli Leather ?,oods Ladies' handbags, writing case?, gift book?. *>>;. card and Onotc ink pencils from the London workshops of ilessr*- rhomas Mr La Ltd. riei ' ises. iocrctary casos, in uranee cases, music bags and satchels, masi< . ing r and double Fabrikoid and leather. Made to "turn wer'' ' pid al g.1 profil . Keystone Leather Goods Co. ?difn' Patent Leather Belts, $2.00 to $8.00 per dozen. High class silk .bag*-. $30.00 to $96.00 per dozen. Perfection Belt Mfg. Co. Ve. 141. ,**ilk Moire bug with changeable poplin lining. Dutch silver a ?'. Outside ?.r handkerchiof, $59.00 dozen. S. & (,. Leather Goods Company. MILLINERY AND SUPPLIES t\H ' loi?! ornament s Ik 'assel attached -all millinery shades, J21.0" ? ! ?.! imings, tassels, fringes, fancies, ornaments, new artistic Bovelt J. V. Greenberg Co., Inc. ?tilhnen Goods I lowers, Fancies, Trimmed and Cut rimmed Hats, Braids, ?rname : . etc. Phe best assortment of up-to-date Novelties at the bli prici (hurles .1. Levy Company. Har-Jel Primmed Hats?Hand made throughout of ?be belter materials. cannot bo equalled when quality and workmanship are con clu ive model,'' protetetion guaranteed, Mar-.let Co. i Move Complete Than Ever Merchants, Monday. February 2, 1920. Uewenst Mv. Co. n ' '? , ! ne ''.;?-. ' Ce. Co., Tb? Hctal Kit. C ibinet Co. Mot! Iroi \\ >rl ?. .1 I anil < 'an ' o. Kttional I '?!??..- ? ? I .ame ' o. Sen : ? -, [?ing ?"o Korthland i Co. Odorifiv Inrii er&tor Co. Operollo I honograph O Ov*.rh.?a<! i. ? ' ? u Dryei 'aa-ar i ( Par-Po M'?. Co. Peabo-iy ,v Co., Henry W. Pionw Mfj Co Pitta Boap snd Products Co. nttubur-'li Water Heater Co. PlU-O Lite I "rodii,-. Rale? Co . Tim Ritaintha ? .loin Rut??-!] Moci as?n i ... \V. C Ro ii 11800 < labinet Mfg Co. Sanit?r}' Receiver Co. Su-. e-O-Produeta Corp. Savoy Mfg. Co. Satisfaction Guaranteed, A Corp. Sechrist Mfg. Co. Shea ?Jar Co. Shoemaker <"c Busch Smith, Kline ,*.'- French State Mfg. Co. Stick-On-Windo-c* Lock Co. Stronpliart Co. fate Mfg Co. Thomas Mfg. Co. 'lie Co. 1 ottle, Wm. A-, Co., Inc. t'nitea Rojaltle? Corp. Van Mfg. Co. Victory Chemical Co. V-'aage Electrio Co. Wulden-Worcenter. lor. Walker Kr?n. Co. Weir Stov? Co. Western Electric Co. Weatinghouae Elec and 1%?far. Co. White-Seldenmann Co. Whitely Exerciser Co. Variety of Products ?"*?! W,r? '**** ira.-* (teiaotrto) ': Platea , trie) - ? V - . ~-? ' - Mi I ? in v "?'?ichn i'...??- ?-. uttiat tabes Kit? - ??*'? ? ?)'?, ii!*. <>,? ?w ii , w ?ur.15 . T ? ? i I. .. ! ? ' f .. v. " ' low) ' ? ??.?in-. '-??? ;.. '?' ' ' :?* .a . ?- ,?,,f i :. '- ?I * P?P Baja ??Ma iCaJt?) W* i'. ao-raph " ' > -?? '*, ?Wa-mu-f. ..I.) -. et.- > ' Ml ioK?r> ' 0? ? . ii?.1 [roo i "' ?? ?g? ??L >M?i*I. Diarj Cora ? 'v? kjr ? - * ?n?r) ?-;4D""' *-' iSaVint) r.T-, Pana ??? anil HlKl Idlng anJ eiil 1*;.-. I.a.- ShelD Paper Doilies Paper ? rol e I i iper ?apK?J? Paper NorelUea Parquet tHo : * P . italj Percolators n'offet ? T?a) Percolator? fCoffe? Tea. Ki?*tri.-.) Psrrnlatori, ? i-tTe? an.t Taa lilla??/ Percolator Cilaaaaa Perrolator StotM riioiiograplia i ograpti Neeil'.oa Platos (Dinner) p.uios (.Pie) Planks I Klah er Hleak) Pnliali (Furniture) Pollstutf (Metal) Pol Cotera o, i? Coffee and Teal ; Clot! e? Une) Pump? (Korce) Racks ?Display) Racks Susan II ,1 -K)IM Rangea i Ele irl I Raj j?e? IG is! p. i ..m ? Bafi ? i., ? ICloUie? Un?) [(.efrlgerat ri I Vursary) lu.iLiier, (Steel) s., ! Irons i Lirotrle) Bow (Crumb, Kg?, T?a) s 'altse ; llousehola) Koalei ? 11 lah) Bcrtper I Ketl ? ana Pat) S opa i e) Shell Pap? r - IT? ? *' ' 'umlnuai anil Tin) M'liafing I>lsh) (t'nibreUa) Spittoons Spoon * Spoons ?-"poons Stands HtJ'.ts Stoves Heaters and Ranjea (Coal) B i * Hfalrra and TUnx?? Rleclrlc) Heater? and rtangai its ? ) ?.. t A -. ': M Iver Pia * I War? Skatet tlce-BoMcr) si,:, lets Sllcera lEgg) Sciokr-r? I Anl ?!??) LlBhth tl*?i Btores Heiter? and R?-ite? (Oil) Strainers (Sink) Strainers (Tea and Coff??) Stretcherg (Curtalni s'i tlon a--id Per-? r\ipa s.?a!'ers .Fly) Xablts (Kitchen Knaratl) Tl \ Halls rea Pots 111!? lire T>asi ers Toaster? (Electric) Collet Paper Tools ((larden) Tope (Table Bnarael) ; ???' s . Kitchen and Glan/ Towels iPai>i-r) I ? 6 Traps (Fly) '1'raps (Roach) Trays Ir?.;, iSandwi-h) l*ubs ?Coot-Wash) Vaet,uni Bottles Vases \ acuum t ree/er? Waft!? Irons Waffl? Iron? (Bltctrle) Wan? (Hirtol) Ware, llou-l (laectrte) Winning Pad? iBlectrle) Waiher? (Dlati) Washing Maciutie? Washing Machine? HT!?ctrl?) Water i Cooler?) Water lleatera Uli.Ps (Kgg) WUIsks n\ ?iwiin ii h | m lock? Wire Qood? Woodenware Wringer? iMop) 130 West k ck Way MEN'S AND BOYS' APPAREL Bp"t2?.8" SuSpender*' London Garters, Belts, Neckwear. Hewes & Baten?icedc Brand" B<?JS' f'o-hin*-?Made of fine materials in latest styles, prices r?aKe-D,r?.m *100 to **22'00 a suit' Impossible to match at price*,, Garfield Brothers. H>KiRadntivtne ?f 8h,irts for everv occasion?line consists of Percales, Madras, silk mixture and pure silk. Commodore Shirt Co., Inc. he?dw??.,.L^dI?5.g ?anTen--e Hatters. Makers of Roys' and Children's eHiov, ;, lhe ,m7 ?trades. Men's and Hoys' Caps Specialty. Spot delnery in season. Levy, Weiner & Co. ICRove*Wttair. r?mp*nv ?f A"-eri<* showing a complete line of Men's and ol r'.r .I., e P.?PulaT Prlce<- ???*? better grades. Buckle novelties ot our own manufacture. Hie'i,hr,?<-Kad0\Uniol1'emade1 0ve----*-*- ?n*- Work Shirts, bottom prices; gen ?1.? iXi,f ' l'einf0rccd seams. Special indigo gum denims at $18.00. also other colors. Boys'. $9.00 and $12.00. National Overall Company. ,m ^arrk"!Uu1 a,''d.,cut si-k* A'*? mufliers?knitted and cut Silk. Now on^display in BuBh terminal Sales Building. Max Orloff. "1fr>J't*raV<,,?" Ela8tic Kni- Jackets?An all-the-year jacket. A substitu-e ior heavier and medium sweater. Will make a big feature for early spring trade. Peckham-Fureman. Inc. '?Stylkraft" Clothes?Men's and young men's hand tailored suits for spring. jVM ei/.es and styles. Knie worsted.-;, cashmeres, cheviots. Stylecraft Co., I nique Cap Mfg. Co., Inc. A complete line of children's headwear, to ? cner with ? large assortment of men's and boys' cfeps and cloth hats. FOLLOWING LINES DISPLAYED SOON Arbetter &. Richman? Manufacturers of overalls -have their merchandise on display in the Bush Terminal Sales Building for your inspection. ^ccknear that Men Wear in silk, knitted and washable fabrics at popular prices. Also complete line of Boys' Neckwear, The Ornstcin AL Hire Co. Jicns and Bo>s' Cloves. Oar complete line being shown. Wc specialize in work gioves. C. 1). (>,borne Company. Marathon Belts not leather -no*, rubber?but flexyde. A new belting made by a new process which permits washing of the belts. Marathon I ire and Kubbrr Company. Marathon Flexyde A\ ashablc Belts. Not leather -not rubber -but flexyde. ??"?lew belting made by a new process which permits the washing of the belts. A complete Une of sweaters of all descriptions to meet every need Koper Knitting Company. \n extensive line of men's shirts in percales, madia:-, silk mixtures and pure silks at prices which picase the buyer. Weinberg & Weinberg. MISSES' AND JUNIORS' f WAV j 1 WEAR Dress No. 464- Parkhill gingham, smocked front, patch pockets trimmed with pearl buttons, white organdy collars and cuffs, pointed effect, belted back. Bloomer, $39; nit bout. $30. Brown & Gordon. Assortment K -6 charming dresses in 1 clever styles. Amoskcag Fast Color Gingham?6 distinct patterns in checks, plaids, stripes, in assorted colors. Cadillac Garment Company. Imm-Fss Manufacturing Co., makers of the Hotter Kind of Coats, for Gir sizes seven to sixteen; also .Junior Suits. "n-f n-thr-miniiie styles, white linfforio dresses, fi to 14. %?).!'> to $7. to 14, $3.75 to $7.7.:.. Regulation, Stock I .... . sizes seven to sixteen; also Junior Sun Up-to-the-minute styles, white lingc. Intermedia-i, $5.75 to $8.75. Taffeta, 10 to 16, at $13.i 13 to IS. M. Her/stcin K Co. Mats for ?.rowing Girls, ages 3 to 1.0 years. Ai $9.00 to $84.00 dozen. on hand fo> immediate delivery. Sable Brothers. Girl's Coat, No. 1203 Sizes s to It. All wool poplin, with chenille stitching on cuffs, pocket.: and belt buck. Latcsl model, all shades. Joseph W in Aim uigaiiuit* irti1-' A. W. Wolf Companj 1! 7(10?Dress, linen finished suiting "lar and cuffs; mercerized ti * ? ? *?? ?. 'i i- ??-??*' - .. ... . ?. . ,- ... srhafter. iirls' White Dresses Sizes 6 to 14. Nea1 tailored effects in lawns, voiles and organdies large assortment to select from. Price, $24.00 and up A. W. Wolf Company. ! 7(10?Dress, linen finished suiting; copen blue; white braid trimmed, sailor collar and cuffs; mercerized tie tab; pockets; plaited skirt, 8 to 14?$24.00 doz. 2/30. Yankee Maid Dress < o. < hildren's and Misses' Dresses and Middies?Firing Manufacturing Com? pany. NOTIONS Hair Net * of ? Nets made Buttons and European Novelties Wc present a new and complete showing of staple and fancy buttons and novelties. Importers and manufacturers. BailpN, Green & F.igcr. Muff bed s and Furriers' Supplies All style- and color Muffbeds suitable for both counter trade sind fur departments, i oinplctc line of fur trim? mings, chains, button-, buckles, etc. Samuel Bauer. \side "from clastic goods; etc., wc arc receiving not ons from abroad. Those consist of pins, needles, etc. Wc are. opening a new factory for men's garter: . Samuel Buyer & Company. Consolidated American Fastener Co.'s, Inc.- Manufacturers of the Standard Advertised American Brands, SO-E-Z, Tcneo und Kouck Snap Dies Fasteners. A. L. Clark & Co.. Inc. De Long Hooks and eye press buttons, safety pins, toilet pins, hair pin* (rolls and cabinets." "Atlas" hooks and eyes. Do Long Hook & Eye Company. S. S. Hair Curler Retails for 15, 2.'>. 30 and 35c. waves and curls the hair in 20 minutes. Brown, Black and White. E. Z. On Collar Supporter and Novelty Company. Dress Snaps "Harmony"-- with the Forget-Me Not shape. "Finery" the best ?"? cent. ..nap made. "Twinity" for export trade. Write for samples and prices. Federal Snap Fastener Corp. Hair Nets Hair Goods ? Hair Rolls Import?is Exporters. " Quality." Importers of the well-known "Sister Susie" Haii r.f human hair, The B. Franke! Company, Buttons, braids, dress trimmings, tassels and ornaments of e\cry descrip? tion. Now being shown for ?spring. Popular priced goods. Open order* respectfully solicited. Elite Works (S. Katz & Co.). "Ivy" brand sewing scissors, shears, manicure scissors, liles, twccnerv buffers and imported implements and set?. Manufactured and imported by Sam Hecht & Son. Pipe??-Italian Briar with vulcanite mouthpieces. Chesterfield, $3.50 per dos. up: Italia, $9 do?..; Kaywoodie, $20 doz. up; Bakelite, plain and fancy mountings, $8.50 do/., up. Kaufmann Bros. & Bondy. "Kleanet" brand hair nets (human), absolutely guaranteed. Advertised in rashion magazines and newspapers. In sealed, patented "window" envel? opes which show color. Cosmos Trading Company. Satin Ribbons Immediate delivery on satin Taffeta Ribbon No. 16 *o No 250, at Be. a line. Complete color line. This is the scarce.-., item today m ribbons. Lion & Company. McKinley Music Company, world's largest, music house. Publishers, job? bers, sheet music, music books. McKinley ten cent edition thousitld selections. Pool, popular and standard songs, including Sweet Hawaiian Moonlight. Heads, pearls, jewels, ornaments, etc. We are Importers. Nelson Bead Company. Notions -Stewart's Duplex Safety Pin. Duplex and Sonora Snap Fasteners Guardian Crochet Hook Bias Seam Tflpe Stickcril. Pick Pack Braids. Eagle Crochet Cotton, Pratt ?V: Farmer Company. Smith's Neckband Cambric Linen finish, cambric, pongee. Boys' Fan*? Bands. Boned inside belting, repp, percaline, duck and crinoline. Gil man B. Smith Co.. Inc. Exclusive beach and bathing caps for Palm Beach trade. Rubber sheetings. sanitary ?prons, belts, rubberized household aprons, baby pants, diapers, bibs. Saniton Specialty Company. "Apron Envelope." The only pcrlect sanitary arl cle of ils kind. Takes the place of sanitary apron, rubberized silk in flesh, cream and white Samples on request. The Schafuss Corporation. "I'nicum" Real Human Hair Nets Feature them and watch sales increase -Hill pi I Popular sellers: "Fitrite" Cap, "Tennis" Friijgc. mailed upon request. Theo. H. Gary Company. \\ right's Tap**? and Trimmings for home sewers. True bias; full white, black and fast; thirteen widths, Wright's E-Z Trim style garments. Wm. E, Wright & Sons Company. Beads -All kinds and for all purpose:-. Beads foi costumes, f for shoes, etc. At interesting prices. A. & H. Vcith. quotations elasticity : for middv PIECE GOODS AND BEDDING Ccnuine Irish Linens, including tablecloths, napkins, am and dres? linens, all widths. Crash and glass toweling. Nationally advertised, distrib? uted by exclusive agencies. Derryvale Linen Co., Inc. Printed Bed Spreads In six colors on sheeting and rippellette. Bolsters to match from $.'.75 to $8.00. Some with cut corners. Thomas W. Lewis. Cotton Piece Goods Wholesale distributors of remnants, mill end, ?econds and irregular dry goods of every description, Mannypenny-Van Hart & Baker, Versailles Comforters represent standard quality and value. Make all grades, cheapest to best. Also specialize in blankets, sheets, pillow cases, spreads and household dry goods. Fred H. Nadler. inc. 42nd Street, to SHOES AND SHOE ACCESSORIES 11 stock for immediate delivery. In black. S L.N0. In red Less 2 per cent ten days. Sizes -'?? to 8. The Baker Boudoir Slippers and tan, $1.75. Shoe Company. Ven's Dress Shoe?100 per cent leather. Oak sole leather inner sole. liest quality sole leather counter, solid leather heel, solid box, full length vamp, immediate aelivery. J. Ralph Baker Shoe Company. Ladies?' Low Shoes Ribbon tie effects in the new spring styles and pa' terns in turns only, are unusually attractive. Bliss & Perry Company. Shoes?Men's and boys' medium priced line. Goodyear welt. Also stand? ardized line of scout and work shoes. A. H. Crafts Co., Inc. Shoes-Infant-'. Children's and Misses. Philadelphia made turns for im? mediate delivery, Patent leather and white canvas. Mary Janes in stock a specialty. The Donald Shoe Company. Shoe Ornaments?Complete line genuine beaded, rhinestore, metal and imitation beaded buckles. Highest grade. Popular prices. Immediate delivery. French Beading & Novelty Co. Shoes for Export?Women's Mediums in McKays and Turns White Shoe Novelties, whites that arc winners, Hartman Shoe Company. Men's and Ladies' High-Class Puttees?Genuine cordovan cowhide, calf? skin and split leather. Strap and spring style. Popular prices. Also sandals and children's shoes. Emil Kaufman, i.ockhart Spiral Puttees "Regular" Men's. "Scout" boys'. Regulation wool, olive drab and marine. $18.00 to $30.00 do/.en. Prices on special color and material-.. I.ockhart Spiral Service Leggin, Inc. Buckles that will doublo shoe profits. Buckles of all qualities, styles and prices. Buckles you cannot afford to be without. Overgaiters (Cloth, Felt) with leather in-facing. M. B. Martine, Inc. When you handle Honorbilt Shoes you handle the best and receive ad? vertising help that Rets the bulk of the shoe business for you in your locality. F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co. '?> W's Lenox Shoes 'carried in siocki for Women, Growing Girls, Misses, Children and Infants. TURNS?all leathers Button and Lace, also Sandals McKAY SEWED?aii leathers. Lenox Shoe Company. Shoe Buckles and Enameled Jewelry. Wiiie range of prices, ?standard line, well advertised and known to all whe use this class of merchandise. The Rikcr Company. "Shoo Soap" Dressing. "Paine" kid and calf. "Shoe Soap" kid and calf an* "Service" kid and calf. Sold up. When normal times return we will talk business. George H. Paine. The Stetson Shoe embodies all the desirable essentials of a High Grade Product. Fine Footwear for Men-?Tailored Boots for Women. The Stetson Shoe Company, Inc. Buckles for Ladies' Shoes?High grade and medium cut steel and brotii.e. Attractive designs and patterns, $1.25 to $30.00 per pair. Immediate ? ?"livery. A. & H. Veith. Bathing Shoes Regardless of increased prices of materials and labor w? are exhibiting tin* most complete line in canvas, sateen and satin at exceptionally low prices, (?encrai Footwear Company, SILK AND MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Negligees and Underwear?Custom made. Three-piece bridal set. night gown, teddy and camisole, georgette or crepe de chine, trimmed with hand-made filet and tine( val*. Bessie Damsey. Muslin Underwear. Style, workmanship and materials nre the be.:. With general line, we aro showing our special "Caminickers." Quality un? surpassed deliveries guaranteed. Home Made Underwear Company. , \n exceptional showing of all hand-made Undergarments, Beautiful in design and workman hip. Novelty Art Lingerie Company. Women's Undergarments?Satin, georgette and crepe. Something different in lacy und tailored effects makes our '.;it<* exclusive. No. '>!'.', our "Wonder Trousseau Set." for f*i;i. Re\ Underwear Co., Inc. Silk Petticoats and Bloomers. lafVotus, Messalines, Belding Satins, Silk Jerseys, 'leu days to two weeks deliveries. All color.-; in materials in lock. Belding Satins guaranteed. \Y. H. Rogers Company, .1. Rosenberg <V Co., a popular priced line of Silk and Cotton Undcr-Gar ments, excellent fot* Special Sales. Special Quality Heavy Crepe de Chine I nderwear, giving universal satis? faction; ? ?ghtgowns, $7.iin to $13.00; envelope chemise and novelties, $i.0u to $10.00; kimonos and negligees. $14.00 to $23.00. A. Rothkrug, i Ladies' High-Grade Silk I nderwear?Envelope Ohemisc, gown*, skirt?, camisoles, bloomers, Oriental kimonos. Billie Burkes and Pajamas. Sinr Silk Undergarment Co. Silk Underwear?Specializing Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise, S.'!9.00 to $60.00; Bloomers. $39.00 to $60.00. Special vah?os that will surely get you business. Western (?arment Company. FOLLOWING LINES DISPLAYED .SOON Novelty Silk Underwear?Latest styles and creations, featuring attractive brocade and metallic camisoles. It will be to your advantage to in spict our samples. Grossbcrg, Leapold &. Company. Ivatzonslein. Good Company, manufacturers of fine Undermuslius for Chil? dren, announce the location of their now sales display in tin* Bush Terminal Sales Building for your convenience, V'our inspection is invited. Women's Silk Undergarments?Victory Mfg. Company. STATIONERY AND OFFICE SUPPLIES "Distinctive" Quill Pen, Writing Sets. Pare Quills?All colors. Crystal Shot Holders to mulch quills. C. M. Coopersr.iith At- Co., Inc. Valentines, Easter Cards, wedding congratulations, birthday cards, plac? and tally card.*, "'-jc to 25c each. New publications, popular lines Leubrie & Elkus, Inc. ituhber stamp, stencils, signs, paid cashier stamps, check protectors, num bering machines, :ime clocks, telephone brackets, stapling machines, ilcanized wastcbaskets, work organizers. Samuel H. Mor*?. TOILET GOODS AND PERFUMES Vrmand Cold (ream Powder. Most remarkable success in the face powder world Being a powder, its novelty, originality and merit have made il a world seller. The Armand Company. Austinol Guaranteed Dandruff Eradicator. We will refund five times pur i lase price in any case where Austinol fails to permanently eradicate dandruff. The largest and most intensive consumer advertising cam? paign that has ever been put back of a dandruff remedy will begin January 25th, and will be carried through continuously and consistently. 1 ull details of the campaign will be sent to any dealer on request. \ustlnol Chemical Co.. Inc. Baldwin's New Perfumes and Toilet Articles. We have ju-i opened a showroom with a beautiful line. Baldwin Perfumery Company. Freckel Ointment. Positively remove? freckles. Retails for 65c. Our "Kremola" makes the skin beautiful. Dr. C. il. Berry Company. \ fry attractive and neat packages and general line of perfumery prettiest packages o*? the market. E. Burnhain. "Calista" Cream. " oz. jars, to retail at 35c. A product of purest scientific perfection, (alista Shaving Cream Soap to retail at 50c "The Cream o :" Shaving Soaps." Established 179-1. Schieffelin & Company. '"Creme Elcaya." The toilet cream of d - i ction. Used by the beat people Sold by the best trade. Two sizes, 30c and 60c. Elcaya Company. Liquid Rouge, 50c, $1.50, $5.00, less one-th rd. Powders aii - lades, 7:... >1.">0, less one-thud. The distinctive qualities of our imported product! win the fav r of women everywhere. \. Darsey. Toilet Preparations. A line of superior quality, but nopulur prices, witi j known reputation as excelli ".'. repeater? Inspect our samples and prices. Denney Al Denney. Limo Face Cr?ant* an.) lace Powders. Moderately priced?rsuccessfully onstratcd : the leading department tores throughout the United States, Elmo. Inc. I'eatheredge Rubber Sponges?Highest quality- quick sellers wherever gen eral merchandise is sold. A *izs for every purpose to retail at price". upwards from 10? Featheredge Rubber Company, Inc. old Established Well-Known Eine High-Grade Toilet Preparations??nclud ?tig soaps and perfumery, displayed in Perfumery and Toilet Goods Divi? sion. Gervaise Graham. i.encrai line of toilet preparations. Very neat package, attractive bottles. Special! ng oi freckle cream. Exodor and beautifier. Also Larayne, face powd? . nd *? ile cream. Gordon Gordon. \s). About Hermo Hair-Luster, the popular Hair Dressing for Men and Women, It is a big seller, good repeater, well advertised, and all livo dealer stock it. Benno Co. Malvina for the complexion! Malvina Cream, Lotion and Ichthyol Soap ?r? recommended for freckles, tan. pin.pies, moth, patches, liver mole? and ?ringworms. Goods shipped prepaid. Prof. I. Hubert. Toilet'preparation under private label 100 per cent profit. We make every ismetic known, well put up, complete line under your private label or any single preparation. Ideal Laboratories Company. "Jeune Lille" talc, poudre and rouge. Exquisite odor. Beautiful roui ami gold boxes, Herbert Skinner ? lark. Soaps of all kinds. Specializing in 'he Jap Rose lap Rose Soap. Jap Rose ia:.. and Perfume also laundry soaps and toilet and bi-,*h -. 'sp> James S. Kirk & Co. New York TOILET GOODS AND PERFUMES Continued "Laco." Imported pure and genuine castile soap Froi Old < astile. Spain. The accepted and recognized ?'es*. "Lai " s< ected virgin vive >'? sunny Spa;,-. Lockwood, Bracket! & Company. Dr. Wernet's Powder?F.aise * '*'? ,a antiseptic. Gold Medal Haarl." < -"? ' ' kidney, bladder, and uric acid troubles. H. R. Lathrop ?V ? <>.. Inc. Originators of Cold Creamed Face Powder la Meda. have wanted for rears. Stays on Deri? lat. cold, rain, wind or * ( perspiration. No'substitute for * la Ved? Mfg. Company. "Lash-Brow-Ine." Pur-* croa:: foi . pr?parai li?tes and promotes .he natural growth, of eyelash? . yebrows '? toc:- j Extensively ad e ???:. Maybell Laboratories. "Liquid Razor." For Milady Neatly 5 the hail "Liqu I Dre ? Shield." Positively preven perspiral and 0 i*. Lndorsed oy u?aj Duff Gordon (Lucile). Oneitja Corporation. Pebeco Tooth Paste, Lvsol Disinfectant, Lysol S sviug 1 ream, Lysol Soap, Henna-San. Powders P<. mci ' Vrti es?Pharmaceuti cals. Lehn ?. Fink, Inc. The Luxtone Company announces thai theii line is now being **ho**n. Lu\tonc < ompany . "i.uxuria." Harriet. Hubbard Ayer. 'i?its-?t'' torn Remedy. E. reme & 1 ompany ?or ?Ugh class tone preparations haw not been shown in New York before. ?larrow Manufacturing Co. , , ?erv popular i;n.* number of new style, packages very original ana odd. Arti in ? : di * <:" ??' ? - ape. Melba Mfg. Company. -Moon Kiss" Talc?The *en latest 11 Tales New design package odor thai is both 'aseinating 1 d lasting. Retails 15. Our prices allow fin? profit. Page, Perfumer. El-Rado?the "Womanly" Way to Remove Hair. \ sanitary lotion that re? moves hair bv washing it off. Entirel; ha. Money-back guarantee. $5 00 to $9.00'dozen Retails COc and U.O0 Pilgrim Manufacturing ?. o. Permanent Hair-waving by the N'estb - VU kinds of appliance*. The only ?teaming proce * existenl ad erl *cd and well represented throughout tnc world Patented in all countries ?.. Nestle Co. "Odo-Ro-No." Die most wid !y advcrl sed pors* ration corrective, the necessarv toile' requisite of 1 : ? 30c, 60c ?no *?l.l Liberal discounts, paid aeliverv. The Odorono to. "Pussywillow" Talc de Luxe. Retails il l!5c; ? desale $33.00 per groas. A handy and jnique can. The newesl um bei of the Henry ret?o** line. Henrv letlo?' Company. "Rovilla" and "Dianthe" Perfumes. Toilet ?penalties. Complete line? in those fragrai and litsti ig odors Dabrook Perlume Company. San-Knit-Arv Knitted Towels and Wash Cloths in ?eale?*l germ proof -,;,,:...... Every towi . needed in the ;. >u old for 'ace. m-th ana kite ? \lso desk cloths San-Knitary Textile Mills. "Sanozone" Liquid Soap. "Sanozone" Pine Oil Disinfectant. Sanozone Deodorants for ornes, theati .offices. Why use mutations 1 itead 0 the original? Sanozone Chemical Company. Parfum l'Amuse.'tc?P. udre I'Amu tl . '". : de Toilette Vimi ette, s*^ PAmusette, Poudre do Toilette I'Amusette, Creme I'Amusette Steams Parfumeur, Detroit. , "Spearmint" Tooth Paste has 11 chai icier "The < leai >;ng Paste with Via Pleasant Taste." A little goes a long way. \\ rtgloy Pharmaceutical Co Notions' and'Toilet Specialties, including West Electric Japanned and Midget Hair Curlers. West Hair Puffers, West Hair Nets and Veils. Softcx Hair Shampoo. West Electric Hair Curler Co. Popular Price Perfumes?10c to 30c, retailed value. .Ve sell the jobbing ami department store trade. Items combine qual ty and fancy package. Spencer Perfume Company. Stillman Freckle Cream?Marketed for I vent; ? years and known all o'er the world Quality goods, moderate;;, priced Try Su [man's Talcum? Powder, Rouge, Tooth Paste, Soap. Stillman Freckle Cream -ompany. \ acuum Bottles, fi 1 d jar .,.-... y nickel blai * bra steel bai rel. nick? I plate l ?? >es, 'ai rette, cat ei . dm * Mot? r restaurant: for I people, $21.00. Simple*. Vacuum Mlg. to Vacuum Remover and Masseur?!.-.' u vacui n principle Re ive? dandruff, beautifies the hair, massages th< seal)) one operation : ...... da'ip '"o is tonics, leave liair glo >. Vacuum Dandruff Remover & Masseur Company. "White ? ros-, ?ream" Perfect ansing i . massage cream ai sk n food, removes wrinkle? and scars, even smallpox pits. Heals skin trouble?. The White Cross Toilet & Medicine ( omnany. "' horlax" tooth paste. Nulyne Laboratorio?. TOYS . .. com inercial and ndustria i 1 \\ a tor color |)an; art ist? and chool Paste . paper-?*ovprt*d pencils, etc. I'm suit' nui -ipec ali - \merican Crayon t ompany. AB C Line Mwh - b tier constructs Children-! Vehicles, V\ 10 e To; The A B C Takapari Wagon, Combinat on Express Wagon Coaster uid Scooter. McLaren-Sleight Corp. Pester Doll-, The doll for quick turnovei Better than the ''"';'. '?' - the Hester Doll. ?Jester Doll (ompany. The Popular Baltimore Toy and Felt Novelty Line. Your stork will not be complete unless this line is included. The items are exceptionally at tractive in appcaranc? and price. Chesxler Company. Children's Slides and Toy Wagons- Th< kind liai children will play with and their pare! . Children's Playtime Equipment Company. Fairy Play Boxes?Gifts foi chug en, am veiy ?1 ;ed - th verse, to delight bi am he baby. Bath dolls, Rattles, Puzzle Cut-Ual?, (Jell loid To; . M - ? .. Toys. Fairy Gift Company. Model Aeroplanes?The omy comple .. d> ?a mode of aeroplanes. The , ?nd .... ' ? fly. Flying Model Veroplanc Corporation. Gerlin** Dolls Vr. voi d ovci Tin dolls that children demand. 1 ierling Toy < 'onina ny . The Wonderful Haber Doll?In . ?sorted tyles and costumes. 'The com? plete line. Haber Toy Company. Incorporated. Children's Books Not ist a t'?8y, but u Died 1111 of education The typ? of books that an 1 so d. Harper Bros., Inc. Sparklers For Ml Seasons of the Vear. No celebration complete without sparklers. International Sparkler Company. "Kakylo" Egyptian Lancing Dull Decorated wooden Marionette, ?as: y manipulated with string. Novelty just introduced; $13."20 per dozen. Unusual wooden and stuffed to; Vcademy Toy Makers. "Konstructo" -Constructive, instructive toy building blocks. Over 2 doz. * models may be buill l?ese blocks. Konstructor Company. No Toy Stock Is Complete Without Those Wonderful Marks Dolls. Mark? Brothers (ompany. Skypalong that interest I ihildren. Skates for the grown people as well as lin1 children. A twelve month in th< year item The Liberty Pressed Met al 1 ompany . Mar Jean Doll Jewelry Toy . ?? ?oil toys America's mosl '.v 11 lei 'ul toy ?!.-;? ay, the M ;- Toy I ity I y the Mar-Jean Toy Makers oi ihe Mealy Manutacturin? < <i. "Nelke Dollies" foi |Mayt and bedt in? Hand ;>?? nted faces; oft a I over; clo 11 .1 on ; no pins ?0.00-$2'.0) ? ei I ilk Knit? ting M ills ( lompany. Tons?Dulls S'ovi ' -' ?.'? ? 'in ' .. und Doll anitary, washable, salable. Join Buiiny, Im i:.: Kat, Kitty Ka*. Mury Jane, Topsy nd .. .others S. Craix Preston .t Company. Si'lls ( ir? us Animal Soft Toys?-An 01 fe-like. Tl ??; aie the k dd; '- "li ve; toy " Stock Sells Anim: 11 ' ij 01 infant wear departmei I The Sells ( orp. (.ames The in ti ctivi t pi 01 game, permitted *?? oi'ts I) miniature?. ? iiiith. hline .<. French. Dolls- Join' Limb, Human Hair, Moving Eye> I weight; 18 Inches, .'' ?nein ?and inch? I'rego Doll Mfg. Company, "lirypto" the Mystic Disc?Retail for $1.00 ? ,; p opens the door to "Sp ritland.1 I ve permanent messag? ??. K. Thomas. ( hall, and W ax ( ra\ on Showing NOW for SPRING 1920 W MOLEi-vM I. DM' Coats - - Suits - - Dresses - Skirts - - - $10.50 to $50.00 - $11.50 to $50.00 - $ 4.50 to $45.00 - $ 2.50 to $18.50 Visit this department FIRST?smart styles?big values ?quick selling?profitable mi rchandise. H ire open orders tor immediate attention. fi?>n?li purchased in this Departm?t?i? ?hipiird mol billed ?>> i he Bij?,h 'IVrmiiial ? ?? THE EXCLUSIVE GARMENT DEPARTMENT BUSH TERMINAL SALES BUILDING. 130 WEST 42ND STREET, NEW YORK.