Newspaper Page Text
SECURITIES WANTED AND OFFEREE Rolls Royce Com. & Pfd. Famous Players Pfd. Peerless Motor Hayes Wire Wheel ?Lincoln Motors Moline Plow 1st Pfd. Gillette Safety Razor Packard Com. & Pfd. American Light & Traction united Light & Rys. American Tel. & Tel. 6s, 1922 CC.C.&St. Louis 6s, 1922 Morton Lachenbruch & Co. ?'HlLADKLl'IH.1 NEW YORK '.ami Till-- Bldg. '2 Broud St. Tel Spruce C*l Tel. Broad 7300 J.K.Rice, Jr.&Co.Buy&Sell Anirririin Piano loin. * I'fd. Aluminum ? <>. of America Atlas Portland Omrnt Com. Banker? Trust K. *?V. Bliss Com. .lames Butler Pfd. Burroughs Adding Machine ?"liilds (Rest.) torn. & Pfd, ? rowell Piilil. Com. * Pfd. Duple* Motor Co. Equitable Trust FidelHi -Pli'-ni v Insurance Great American Ins. Slk. ? "Rights" Guaranty Trust Home Insurance liml-oii Trusl Ilorkiut; \alleT Rnilrenv II. W. Jolins-.Manville Com. Int. Motor Truck Storks Ingersoil-Rand Com. Individual Drinking ( us? Knos Hal stocks Kerr Navigation Klrby l.unihcr Com. * Pfd. I^ehlgh \iilley Coal ?sale? Mohawk Vnllev Co. Norwegian-Amer. (.S. S.) Line >'ati?'iiiil Fuel <n?i Nut. Ice A. < oal l?e & 2nd Ffd, N. Y. State Ryu. Com. A Pfd. Niagara I iii' Insurance Pjwie Manufacturing Co. I'eiina. < ?>:il & Coke Richmond Radiator Com. <t Pfd. MiiKi-r Manufacturing Safety ? ar, Heat & Light Thompsoii-Starrell Com. * Pfd. Teia.s Pnrilic Coal i Oil Ward liuking Com. <V Pfd. J. K.Rice, Jr. & Co. Phones 4000 I 4010 John, 36 Wall St., N. T. Woodward Iron Com. Kirby Lumber Pfd. Davis Coal & Coke West Maryland 1 st Pfd. New Mexico & Arizona Land Mercantile Stores STOCKS?BONDS--SCRIP Chir. & East. II!. R. R. Co. Purchase Money 1st Ss Bought?Sold?Quoted Indiana & 111. Coal Corp. Common & Preferred f?ought?Sofd?Quoted Win. C. Orion & Co. 25 Broad St. N. Y. Phone 7160-1-2 Broad BUY?SELL MIDWEST REFINING CO. MERRITT OIL CORPORATION ELK BASIN PETROLEUM CO. INTERNATIONAL PETROLEUM IMPERIAL OIL CO., LTD. 5APULPA REFINING CO. HOUSTON OIL CO. ATLANTIC LODOS OIL MAGNOLIA PETROLEUM. CO. NATIONAL FUEL GAS CO. HUMBLE Oil. ?St REFINING CO. COSDEN &.CO. GULF OIL CORP. PRODUCERS & REFINERS CORP. CARL H.PFORZHEIMER & COL Dealers in Standard Oil .securities Phon"! 48S0-I-2-3-4 Brohd. 25 Broad 81. N. V. Investment Suggestions Sent on Request Dawsonc?.? 40 Wal! St. Tel. John 6444 Texas Pacific Coal & Oil Indian Refining Central Aguirre Sugar Aetna Explosives 6s As & Bs Colombian Emerald Standard Shipbuilding Co. CC.Kerr&Co. 2 Wa? St., N. Y. Phone 6780 Rector Carib Trading Corp. City Investing Co. General Baking National Ice & Coal (All issues) Kiely & Horion 40 WrJl St.. N. Y. Phoni Jobn W30 ? Lima Loco. Pfd. Great Am. Ins. Rts ?City Inresting Central Aguirre Sugar Empire St. A Ir. Pfd Fajardo Sugar Stone,Prosser & Doty 52 William Street, New York Public Utilities? Bid. .101 pf. .12? I Am T.tirht * Traction do pr . Adirondack K!<-c Pow? Adirondack Rico Pow \m Oft? ,v- Electric... do pf. 39 Am Power & Light. 6C do pf . 72 Am Public Utilities. " do pf . 22 ?Am Waterworks Bien trie. 3 Am W \V .t E partie, pf- 4 | Am W W * E 1st pf. ?B Carolina Power & Light. 31 Cities Service."t'1 ' do pf . 72 Cities Service hanker;, ctfs. ... 42 ' Cities Ser 7 pc aer C, 19(i?-169 Colorado Power. 17 Colorado Power pf. PO Com Pr Ry 4- L. Is do pf . 43 Pen Cas ft Klee, gen 6s. *7 Electric Pond ft Share pf... 91 Empire District Electric pf... 70 Federal Light ft Traction. < do pf . 42 ?Can & Electric Securities.... 3S0 ?las ft Electric Securities pf.. 80 Northern Ohio Electric. ' Northern Ohio Electric pf.... BO Northern ?Hitarlo Lt A Power. 11 Northern Ontario I.t ft Pow pf 66 Northern States Power. Northern Stater. Power pf. Pacific (las ft Bloctrlc pf... Republic Ry ft Light Co... do pf . Southern California Ellison Southern California Edison pf.100 Standard Cas & Electric. 26 do pf. 40 Trnn Ry Li?ht ft Power. 1 Tenu Ry Light ft Power pf. . ? United Light & Rvs. 28 do 1st pf. ?0 Western Power . ?l do 1st pf. 71 Bonds Asked. 198 ? America . i Atlantic . ! Am Euch. Battery . i Bowery .. Bryant P Bway Cent. 1-0 I Bronx Nat.lfiO I Butch ft D. 35 ?Chase .+80 I Chat ft P..320 I Chelsea Ex. 12 Chemical . : City. Nat. City . Coal & I. Colonial . : Commerce Columbia I Corn Exch..480 I Conmep'ton.110 Com'cial E..415 ? Com/wealth. 221 Cuba .170 : East River.. 160 - Fifth Nat..L".o ; Fifth Ave. .??00 New York Hank Stock? Bid. Ankert, i -.Carne!?! N "-ham .. reenwich . 21fi .295 . 2 15 AW . i.-.o .4?10 .245 .350 .243 .200 10C 100 160, 400 330 Bid. Asked. ':'"''i 21C .M1? Harntnan Hanover . Industrial ..??0G Im ft Trad.r.r'O ?Irving Nat.390 Li her! v _465 .280 ,250 .460 .340 . 190 Lincoln .. . Manhat Co. Mech ft M. Metrop'tan Mutual . . . 410lMerchanU .235 ? iNew Ncth. .20?i -~|n y n b a.43.". 247jl'ark .750 ?/Pacific _135 ? (Produce Ex.375 ? Public .335 ? Seaboard ...1.50 230 Second _,ft<? .8('| State .235 Bid , -0 .4711 Ask T1?H 521,4 4.60 466 87 8 6'.4 S* Appalach Pc Cincinnati Oi wer If 67 "66. Cincinnati fias ft Elec 6s, Col ?as ft Elec 6s '27. Col I'ower '63. Dallas Elec 6s, *22. East Texas Elec. 5s '42. do 7s "21. El Paso Elec col 5s. Great West Power 5s '46. .Midwest Util 6s '25. ?Miss River Power 1st Cs. Northern Onl Light ft P 6s. . Northern States Power 6s '26 Pacific Gas ft Elec 6s '31. . . .? Puget Sound Trac L ft V 7s.. Twin City C ft. E 6s. Un Light R 1st os '32. do deb 6s "26. Sugar Stocks Bid. Asked. 32 64 23 74 70 92 81 82 1 Ward.. 120 ? I'n State?. .170 950/Union E-t...lS5 First Nat..985 1015 W'chester A.200 Foreign T B - 16gIYorkville ..375 Trust and Security Companies1 Alliance ... 80 POiLawyers T.130 ?Am Trust.-- ?Lincoln Tr.175 Am Surety. 82 86 Manufac'crs.205 Bankers.390 395 Mercantile .290 Bond ft M.230 2.40 Metropol ...300 Bklyn T Co.500 5J?6 Mtge Bond.. 91 Cent Union.410 450 Mut T of W.105 Columbia . .360 370 Nat Surety.205 Commercial 150 160 JN Y Title.142 Empire Tr.290 -N York T. .625 Equitable ..295 SOON Y L I&T.72B ! Farm L& T.-I-IO 450?Peoples _290 Franklin ..250 260 Realty A.*so.1l0 Fulton ....250 260 Scandinav'n.Sf'O Fidelity _230 2-10 Title G ft T.400 Guaranty ..395 405 Un States..850 : Hamilton ..255 265 0 S M ft T.115 : Hudson T..130 140 u S T Guar 80 ! Kinpfl Co...640 665 Westchester.130 : Lawyers M.120 l?.V'V'ft H T&M.165 tSee New York Title and Mortgage. ?Owns all American Trust Company. Insurance Companies 4IM S40 610 400 465 470 360 245 210 700 425 140 195 137 OS 12.: 215 150 745 310 120 910 410 4.40 4.1" 4.07 4.07 100? ?eev? Security, rate, maturity. i 'oup ." 14 8, Ma v. 1 06 < ? Reg ."'-,". I960- 64, Ino do 3 lis, N 19 IO-'50, Il Bet; ft Coup (serial) 4 ! June, l919-'30, Inc. New York State H-'nd* , Can imp eV>s, Jan, 1964. .107 10?V4 High imp 414?. Sept. '^?'?jj' 1^J* Canal Imp 4',8. .Un }2^'l?? _ High Imp 4'?s. M?r 1SB5.0- _ p ran Ter 4*.s. Jan, lti*5A02_ High Imp 4*.. Mar 1967.. 99 M lu h I'"P 4a, Mar U'60- _ ?62 Ino . H _ do 42. M ft S, 1963. ...99 Canal Imp 4s, J ft J i960- _ '62 Ino .-,. II _ do Jan 1942-1946. 99 Pal S Pari: 4s. Mar 1961 . 99 Federal Farm Loan Bonds 4H? Nov 1938 op 1921. ?|J? <V4s 1930 op 1924. 99J4 4 H? May 1937 op 192?. V> * 0s May 1928 op 1923.101H Short Term Securities Security, rat.*, maturity. Bl?l. Ask. Yield Am Cotton ?*ll 6s, 192 1 Am Tel ?- Tel 6s, 1922. do 6?. 1924. Am Thread ?s, 1923... Am Tobacco 7s. 1930. . . do 7s, 1921. do 7s. P'22. do 7s. 1923. Anaconda Con 6s. 1929. Armour & Co conv, 1920.. 108 Vj, 101 do 1921. do 1322. do 1923. do 1924. Hot h Steel f.8, 1923. . Can Pao Ry 6s. 1924 l'en Argentina Ry 6s, i*. H ft Q 1st 4s, :i921- 94% 9&'/i CM Pneu Tool 6s. 1920... 99*4 10G><, do 6s. 191*1. 99'? 100 do 6s. 1922. 99 100 . I . 100 >-i 101 \'a . 100% l": '* . i o 1 101 **i .101% 102 "j, .102 102% . io* ' .108 Mi 10914 .1081/4 lo'" . MS 14 10914 .101 101 Va '?' " ?'* 7.40 7.00 6.80 6.05 6.60 6.31 6.40 6.0(1 6.00 Gub A i 1921. Pack 1923. 1920.. 76 14 86 Am Alliance.2,0 City of N Y.120 Com'nwlth. .200 Continental. SO Fid ft l*hoe.700 Franklin .. . 86 Globe ft R.1000 Great Am..42u ?? Gt Am rtfl. .155 ? illauovcr ... 80 325il-lome ..".SO 85 Nat Liberty.1 TO ', 10 Niagara . . .225 .' I SI uyvesant,. ?'*1 Westchester. 3 S 460l 7\"ew York City Ronds P!d Ask Card-Am.. 20 do pref. 70 C Aguirre. 93 l'ajardo ..134 (it West. .400 do prci.115 Gunta-mo. 78 Mat-Am . 10 ? Mat-Am pf 60 - I.Michigan.. 12 96 'National .146 136 Va IN Niquero.2 Am Cyan do pref. 50 By-Prod ..106 Cass in Co. 47 Dow Ch...2O0 Du P|C pf Fed Cl Jhem.lOO do pref. ? Grase! I i . . 167 do pref. 10 420 S Cecelia.. SO 118 do pref. 80 SO Savannah. 37 10 15 do pref. 89 Chemie?! Stocka 30 35 ?Hook Elec. 65 55 do pref. 6"> 115 Ky Solvay. 90 53 | Merc Co p 9S ? - iMerrimac. S S 10 l Mul ford Co 53 105 NiBg Alk p 95 100 ISemet C..165 172 Solv Poe. .190 Bid. Aiked. Security, rale, maturity. 70 inter 4 '->s, Juno, 1905. . . do 4 14s, .1 illy, 1 967. . . . do 4>?s, March, 1963. . do 4'-,?, M ft M, 1957. do 4 'as, April. 1966 . do 414s, March. I9?i4. do, 4V?s, March. 1962.. do 414s, Sept, 1960. .. . do 4 4s, M, I960, op 30 do 4'2?, May, 1959_ do 4s. May, 1968. do 4s, Mav, 1967. Reg. 4s. Nov, 1955-'66. . . do 4s, Nov, 1336. Inter 3 '2s, Nov, 1 964 . . . 13 149 83 82 39 91 115 9 S 92 .'.ti 100 175 ?i 2*i MO: 175 160 610 ! 4L Tt<*!d 4. no 4P0 4 ,'.0 4. CO 1.66 ,100 .101 . 9914 . 97!i .100 . 9S"-i 101 14 9914 1 10 Vi -? 12 4 99 . 68 .100 .100 .100 96 . 'udali: Del ft Hudso Fed Sugar Rot 6s, 1924. . Gem v.. i Elec 5s, 1920. . . Qt Nor Ry 5s, 1920. Hocking Val R 1*, 1924 I'irioii Tank Car Co. Gulf Oil Corp 6s, 1922. . . lut Pap Trans 7s, 1920. J Dold Pack 7s, 1921. . . do 7s. 1922. do 7s. 1923 . Kan City T.-l Ry 6s, 1923 La.!- de G 1st r 7s, l?'29. Liirgeti ft Myers 6s, 1921. 9'.' ??. Molino Plow 7s, 1920-100 do 7s, 1921.100 do 7s. 1929.100 do 7s. llia-1.100 N v Central 6s? 1920. 99% Philadelphia (Jo 6s, 1922. 95 Penna Co 4'3", 1921. 97 Vi Pitts ft C col tr 6s, 1920 . 99*-* 100'/* Proct ft (?amble 7s, 1920.100 1001% do 7s, 1921.100*4 101 ?4 ?i'.-.o ! do 7s, 1922.101** 10214 4 65 do 7s, 1923....102*4 10->'/4 4.55 i Public S N J, Nov 7, 1922. 86 S9 4.68 ? K -I Reynolds Tob 6s, 1922 99% 99% 4.56 Southern Ry 6s, 1922.... 94 14 4,56 j St P U D fen 5 1?s, 192;).. ?8% 4 60 Studebaker 7a. 1921. 99% do 7s, 1920. 93-14 Swift ft Co 6s, 1921. 99% West India S Fin 7s, 1229 96 I. tab. il OC lis, 1'.r??. 86 14 VVestinjihouso 6s, 1920_100 101 loi 14 10 1 10114 101 ?-j 1 o 114 100 97 .'% 6.50 6.05 6.45 5.50 6.90 7.45 128 6.35 6.20 6.45 6.45 6.95 6.20 6.45 6.5 5 6.00 ?.HJ 4.81 4.16 ?.50 ?.to 6.1? 6 10 4.60 99% 100',? 100 100 100% 6.00 7.00 11.60 Markets in Other Cities Tobacco Stocks Conlev Foil.300 G W Hoi mes. 150 do pi-of.. 99 J S YounK.130 do pref. . 05 Mac A ft F .160 ?30IPorto R-A T.13? 160 R ?' Reyn A.540 103 ?lo ser B.440 138| do pref.. .107 195 Weymiin-B .168 1671 do pref.. ? 98 1-10 570 470 109 175 102 Baltimore galea. Open. Hii-'h 10 Atlantic Pet. . 3% 3 30 A run ~* ft (Jr.. 40 40 6 Alabama Co. .. 90 HO 35 Central T S pf 10% 10 326 Cosden . 9 9 110 do pi' . -1 *? 4 ~\ in Steel and Ordnance Stock? East Steel. 37 Emp S ft I 25 do pref. 65 ?Here P. .222 do pref. 107 V? Niles B-P.10T do pref. 107 Scov Mfsr.400 Thorn Iron 30 Win Cor. .375 Woodward. 45 J2S 157 91 124 450 68 200 110 110 75 62 380 Am Beast,.223 Atlas Pw.152 do pref. 89 Bab ft W.120 Bliss, EW.420 do pref. 62 Can F&F.190 Carb S?..100 do 1 pf.107 do 2d pf 70 Colts Aim 58 D P Pow.370 ?Ex dividen?*?. M?scellan-sons Stocks Am Chicle 88 90 Tima L pf 9 do pref. 80 85 Nat Cash. 11 75 96 185 90 39 35 70 22 V no no no 415 35 7,0 100 .101 Am Leath. 68 do pref. 94 Am Ml'?.. 181 do pref. 87 Am M&F.100 Am Typ F 44 A P T NJ 2t; ! A D C pf 98 i Atlas P C 70 B BftS 1 p 8? do 2d pf 70 I Bor C Mk.116 Bush T pf 77V ' Celluloid. .143 Childs Co. 90 do pref. 95 City Inves 70 Col E Sy 850 Crk W pf. 96 D L ft. W.1.70 F R 1st pf 97 Draper C 141 Int Sil pf. 95 Leh V S C 87 N J Z wst.270 N Co 1 pf.103 O'Neill pf. 98 Phelps D.240 - Phil J Cor 65 48 do pref. 9:', 35 P ft W pf. 9r. 9K%R Reis ft C 25 do pref. SO Ry Bali P.140 do pref. 90 finder Mnrl63 S L JM&S 43 Stoll S pf.102 9? 118 85 147 95 lot) 80 950 101. 276 104 90 V? 250 66 94 U, 150 94 167 4 7 105 S D W pf.102 V? 102% .1450 430 96 Stern R p. 104 TftPCftOn.110 Valvol pf.104 V Raalt In 13 do pref. 8 4 100 W C Kerr. 50 1.45 do pref. 3>1 100 W ft. B pf.!00 90 Yale ft T.263 Standard Oil Stocks Bid An(-lo-Am?rlcan Oil Co. Ltd Atlantic. Keftnlng Co. do pf . Bo:-ne-**cryn'.Re-.- Ct. Buckeye Pip.* Lina. Chesebrouffh Mfs <'o. .on?.... 245 do pf . 107 i '..nt iitcnti? ? Oil Co.2i. i ? escenl Pipe Lice. 84 Cumberland Pipe Line. 118 Eureka. Pipe Line. 1 4 :; Galena-Signal <Jil Co pf, new.. 300 do pf, old. l(i& do com . sa Illinois Pipe Line. 172 imperial ?~>il, Ltd. H'< Indiana T*ip.? Line. "s International Pet Co, Ltd. '* New York Ttansit. ' * ? National Transit Co. 2, Northern Pipe Line Co. 1O0 Ohio Oil Co . 960 Penn-Mex Fuel Co.0 ''rairin OJ1 A Gas. 6c0 Prairie Pipe Line. 26 7 South Penn Oil Co. SiiO Polar Refining Co. '160 Soul hern Pip.. Line. . 1 <?'? Southwest Penn Pipe Line:*... 95 Standard ? >il of California.... li? do of Indiana. 715 do of Kansas . 670 do of . ?"5 do of Nebraslta. 625 do of New Jersey. do pfd . 116 do of New Vork . 425 do of Ohio pf . 11214 do of Ohio pfd. lia Swan ft Finch. 100 Union Tank Car Co. 1-6 Miscclluneous Oil Compani?*s Bid. / Atlantic Lobos Oil Co. com... 50 Atlantic Lobos Oll pfd. 120 Cosden <**? Co. Houston nil I ... Ltd. . . . Magnolia Petroleum Co. Merrltt Oil Corporation. Midwest Refining Co . . National t-'u.-l & fliu Co Northwest OH Co. Pierce -oil . Producers Refining Co.. Sapulpa Refining Co.... 10S 120 107 4 7 90 55 85 103 1500 I 114 14 166 Clt Bank its 1 0 < 'ons Power. 69 Cons Coal. 81 90 Klkhorn . 2? 29 Houston Oil pf .* ? 4 80 Mfrs Fin rts. . !i 45 M&M F Nat B 39 20 Mt V Mill? pf. 92 250 Mon Val Trac, lo 129 N Am Cas rts. 19 416 Pa Water Pow 781-i f.O United Rys. ... L 3 Va 10 f S Fidelity. . 129 '?; 100 Wayland ui!. . 414 Bonds J3000 Chi Rvn 6s. . .. 70 600'i Cons Pow I1,? 7R "a 3 000 < 'ons Power 7s 1 ? ? ? 7000 Blkhorn 6s.. . 95 Host on 26 Alloue",. 39 4 Rig Heart .... * 116 Cal ft A. 64 5 Cal ft. Hecla . B90 1710 Carson. 2\ 'fj 167 ? Copper Rango 40 472 Paly West ... 4 i ?73 0 Davis Daly 1 Granby . ... 100 Kerr Lake . 300 llaj tlower O 27. Michigan . 21? N^w Cornell 250 Nipisslng . 310 North Butte 200 OJlbway . . L 101 4% ino u, loo '.j 131?, 121 '4 !??>, 3 7% 58T?j 6S% 14 Salep. Open. HiKh. Ixiw. IjipL I06? Rarnsdall Corp 60 6014 60 50 150 Carnegie i. ft 7. 9 9 814 ? ln 150 do pf. 414 ''t 4 ''* 1 '<? 560 Guffej Gill. ... 33 -3 35 ?, : -A :% 35% If. Harb-Walker..ll8 1 is 11S _ 118 220 |\ i "ounty ' las 2 :.' ?i I one Star ? ?as 37 31 :!t 4775 ?Vlarland Ref. . 514 ??4 i . Mfrs L ft 11. . , 7k% 58% 100 N Fireproof pf 15 u, 1614 1 10 ? Ihio Fuel Sup 49 V? 49*4 213 Oklahoma Gas 4014 40"* 120 Okla P & Ref. 9'4 9V4 10 Pgh Brewing. 6 05 do pf. L"U l^1? to pKh Coal pf. . 9 2 9 2 500 Pgh Mt Shasta 46 45 150 Pgh Oil ft (las 14 II 000 Ross Mining. . 4 4 Houdi $2000 Pgh Brew 6s.. 75V4 75'4 2537 Armour pf.110 110 Va 49 Ms 40 1.1 ' 49*4 4 0 \ 9'? 109'n 21*4 ?V4 1514 1 '... m ?% t ; 11 14 49 ?1% 2 1 Vj Oi COl? 61 11 ?J 3 0 ?* 61 26 Qulncy.61 325 Seneca. 17% 19 16 St Mary's ... 54 57 4 60 Superior Coppr 5 Vi ?' '. ? 835 Sun ft Boston . '. ;> '?? '', 27 U S Smltrs.. . . 6f> ?s 7" 39 do pf. 47 47".' 3 25 Utah Apes.' 4 2", 60 Ft ah Con . 914 Utah Metals . 2 '?? 2 Railroads 21 Bos ft Albany. 128 3 2k 16 Ho? & Main1' . . ? ?'??' 4 3 Mans Flee pf. . 114 1 ' ' 100 N V N II . . ? -?'' ' i '?-'?'? 2 7 West End . ... 42, "4 -t? Miscell.iiieoun e, Am Agr pf 95 9". 24'..Am Oil ft Sng 5V4 ?'" 6 A moskeag ....143 142 3 10 Am :-UK pf..llS 11? 1 ?*. 4 % 1 7 % I ! I 5 I Irise 80 liuuf-. 17, 2.:hi CitftCn Ry. l 14 90 Chi F.l Ry pf.. 7 4 25 ?'ht Pneu Tool. 94 615 .1 1 Caso Plow. 21% 50 do rdd. 97 97 10 do 2d pfd. . . 98 4 98V4 155 Cudahy. 103 103 1024 102 215 ? '"lit Motors. 13% 1.( % 13% 13 200 Deere pfd.101 % loi ',4 101 V4 101 25 Consumers pfd. 92 92 92 92 650 Elder. .'!3'4 33V4 3314 33 SE Edmund & .Ion 32 32 32 32 40 Hupp. 15?4 16% L.'? 15 150 do pfd.102 304 302 F'? 20 Ills Brick. 80 ?0 *') 80 1 60 Hartman.104 104 10 I 104 IE Lindsay Light. 7 4 7 4 74 7 442 Libby. 27'a 27 4 27 27 65 M W Fill pf. . . 45 45 45 45 20 Mitch.dl Mots.. 43 43 43 42. 580 Montgom-Wrd. ?8V4 38% 38 3S 7;io Orpheum ? lire. 33 4 34 18 Nat Leather... 164 1037, A Pick. 4814 10 Pub Serv pf. . . 8* 100 Reo Motors. ... 26% 3 3'.j 1 -"? V 2 3 1514 4<U, Us |. 6% 127 127 324 324 143 118 70 S-ais Roebuck.22? 20 Standard Gas.. 2( 1985 Shaw w 1. ?. 60 do ox-divftrts28i 2600 Stewart Worn 1237 Swift ft Co. .. 1068 int'l Swift. . . 990 Union < larblde 360 Thompson .... 50 Stewart Mfp. 6ou Western Ktg 25 Wilson pfd . . 200 Wrigley. 1680 Wahl. ,'0 22;. 26 65 225 26 70 ?I? 2 * 5 * 41 '4 43% 43% 127? 126 127 54 4 ?I9 % 74 4S -34 ?V4 T T. 103 3>.5 r<80 3 7.1 99 25 Am Wool pf. .10.*. 25 Art Metal ? 30 183 Century Steel . 6 213 Clin "?>" Wire.. 33 in Eastern Mfg . 35 50 E Host Laud . . 6 1 5 East Steamship 20 !4 24 Edison loo;, Ellder 1 50 l'n irbanka 1 5 2 3 3 111 , ras ne, 40' Bonds $1000 Com w Ed 1st 7s *s 2000 Swift 1st in. . .. 92 \, 0 4 80 4 80 ?to 4 9 2 '?' ? 126 4 2?) 2 0 3 1C4 SECURITIES WANTED AM) OFFERED bob & Mon 184 Int Portland . 21 22 20 140 Island Oil ... 5 ., 5% 50 93 Libby . 27 27 27 6 Mass Gas .... f.", 724 71 ? If. do pf . 614 ''?! 4 61 637. Mex luv . ... 61 53 61 5 , 0 Nal Leal her . . 16 48 N P. Tel. 38 560 Ohio Body ...314 344 14! 50 Shaw Stmshlp. 29 29 128 Swift ?* rii. . . 126 % 127 % 126 125 do Internat.. 61% 64% 54' 26 Torrington ... 71 71 71 30 United Drug .142 144 143 37 do 1st id ... 52 r.2 30 United Fruit . 196 196 196 203 United Shoe . . 47 47 % 17 10 do p? . 26 36 . >j 2i . Ventura . 16% 15% ? :.: ! 57 5 Waldorf .9% 19% 19' 58 1 Walt 11 Watch.. 44 4 4 4 4 44 2090 AValworth .... 25% 25% 25 Bonds $5000 Carson Hill 7s. 114 115 111 *.000 Miss K Pow 6s , :. :-. ? ? *5 2000 n ??: ;'. i is. . - , ' ? -, S4 ' 0.10 Sw ?ft ft . 'o .? . ?? ' ' , '.;: I 000 Ventura '. - . . 15o Boston Curb Bid. -V-. ? Blk Hawk . I IHM irom ? \ rd La It ise . Ma estic M . M-tais. Toronto Bid. Ask. B'd A.1a nao .... 6 8 Reora ^P?x . 214 '?' La... Shore..1.15 Bailey . 5% 6 Mcintj re .. .2.10 Bvr Con....67 68 Mn Cp Can-. 2.10 .'!. Ferland 12 I314Newray . 12 Coniagas . .3.00 3.10Ptrson Luke22% Crown H.SV..43 46 Pore Crown "74 Davidson ...70 76 Pore lmpi-1 "14 : '" nc Ex . ..? p ;-,., Tfsd. . 1 : on Mo* . i :; , 0 14 ._?? Pies E D 84 Lake.14 16 TU notches..19 ? 4 4 6 T unlskmg . 48 2% 4 Thorn Krlst. 6% 3 3%Wasapika , 20 2\. 4 ! 25 dd Gt North. Hargravoi Hollinger \\< st D 25% I ii public ?Ultttj ?ttuc?ita 111 Srua?iuay. 5?. -?. it"e Specialize in Northern Texas Electric Company COMMON STOCK 3 lid Mi Chief Con . . : . 1% MoJ Tuns . ?'on Copjjr... -t ?? 5 onar. h Crown Res.35 50 .Ml I. ft Z Denbigh ev l'ou? Eat-le BB 2 I IB 2-4 N w Baltic Isden Ho: 1 % 1 ' 16 Ho UK h to u ..75? Iron 1!loss.. ..'?0 Iron Cap .. 11 ["exana C Ver le Ex.40 V ukon , ' 16 Orphi urn 00 40 Pe# :i: M. S Private Phone? to PlilladcIphla ? Doston ?MMMDMMMMMKIIWaHIIMMlMMn Murk A. Voble Theodore C. Corwin NOBLE & CORWIN 2S Broad Si. New Vork Corn Exch. Bk. Stock & Rights Great Am. Ins. Stock & Rights Fidelity & Cas. Stock & Rights Telephone 1111 Broad ?.1 ? mm wmrnu?i.a^maama?umaammmsaam?mm?mm Detroit Open. His ? .. 20 Del Bdison. 11 ] ; : 26 Federal IVui k 69% 69 : 0 Pord of Canada42i 1. 10 Noble ? . ft G pf. i 95 1 ! 200 Pack Mot Car. 20 4 26 6 0 R e 1 Motor? Philadelphia 60 American Gas. 62 Over 69 Per Ont of Crude Petroleum Produced in U. S. WASHINGTON, Jan. 26.?The United Stau.* has procured more than 61 per cent of the world's crude petroleum sine- the discovery of that product and at latest reports was producing more than 69 per cent of the world's an nual supply. Compilation of pron duction statistics just issued by the Geoogical Survey shows that from Is... to and including 1910 there produced throughout the world i".?03,1 il,!,.* barrels of crude petroleum, of which the United States supplied 4.608,571,719 barrels. Russia furnished almost -.. por cent, in the latest yearly statistics, those of 1910, the United States produced 355,927,716 barrels, while Mexico furnished moro than 12 per cent and Russia almost 8 per cent. Re<*ord Price for Oil PITTSBURGH, Jan. 26.?Pennsyl i vania crude oil advanced 25 cents a 1 barrel, to $5.25, by the principal pur? chasing agencie.? here to-day. Th?3 is the highest quotation for this grade ever posted in the Pittsburgh market, but it was said last week that oil had been commanding that price for .-orne time, as purchasers were willingly paying a bonus. Other grades of emule oil quoted in this market were unchanged. is Am du Pont Chemical Gulf Oil Baragua Sugar FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. Established 18S!? Phone Keetor 6.140. 74 B'way, New V?>r% ! *';.-? ik.n'i.?? ka?, CUkice *t rviUvIflyM? i : 00 . 'ambria ? ; on . 104 Klee Stor Bat . 1 100 Gt Port ?'? in. . : 00 Lit l'on Cem pf 13 ; 00 1 na < o ot N .\ : ? 0 Lake Sup Corp 20'.j f.0"Lan?ton Mono. *?' , : ' ' Phil & West. H 100 Phi) Co 6 po pf 35 1444 Ph Rh,. Tr ? 0 2 14 ' ? Phlla El? ctrtc. 2;. \ '0 Union Trac . 36 27 6 Uni Gas Imp . . ;-4 \ Bund* 1*.T*0 Leh Vul 8s, '23. !<n I 2000 L Val (,'en o 4s ?: ?? ? 000 Penn gen 6s ? ? 9 ?? '? . 1000 Ph Elee 1st Bs '."."?.. 3 /i".1 P. '.. ling ?--n 4t 79 , 1000 V.'. st N V ft PHtsburgh *>lo< Us lg Amv,' G Mach :? ? ! 1? <Jj pi. Hi : Stocks Ex Dividend Jan 30?Atch, Top. & Santu Fe Ry... 1V, i'1 Feb 2 I';.; 1 h Bros . 2*? . Jan - ? Central Ft it of N J. 2 ; :? Feb . Ch St P, M & O Ry. ?'j F b. '- do pf. 3->t, : ? Jan. 1 lonni 1 tlcut Ry ,t i.t,. j ', .Lin. 3 l -- do pf. 1 ij, ? -i ,lan 31- Con Exchange Bank. 5 -1 , Fob : -Goodrlch, L F, Co. 1 Feh. B- do . 1^ F. !.. - Kellj Hprintr?? Id Tire 8% pf. . 2 Jan. -'.. 1 ,'atl mal Hank. 2'4 ? Feb 2?Miami Copper. .. . 4 Jan. s: Norfolk ? u su :. adj pf_ 1 Dec. 31?Northern Pacifie R:. 1 \ ??"??b. 2?Pitts & West Virginia pf.... 1 '?, Jan. 31? Pullman Co. 2 '.UJ ];" Jan. 31? Sears-Roebuck & C.. 2 ; '? ** ? ' '? Jan. "i7?Shell Transport & \. I! ig ?'"'?-' '?"'"?! Co., Ltd., temp ctfs, Equi ^"??1 :; ' a Trust Co, N V. for 1-Va ? '? Am? rican Bhares. 74r Jan. 30 Sloss-Sheffleld Steel * Iron.. 1 ?-. -. w irt-W irner Spe ! nel er ' S ? r Steel 1st pf. 2 . ? . ? Product! ' ' ' '. ? I Fcb : Cull '? Slates Co (extra jn 21 ti uomoinn aiotii).^tJ.^,t.M?t..lZtj? ,4*-j I Stocks on Curb ' Improve, With Oils the Leaders lilies Lately Under Pres? sure Act Better; Carib Syndicale Up; American Safety Razor Earnings The. general run of stocks in the outside niarkei, displayed a much bot I ter tone yesterday. Oil shares were leaders in tho improvement and Bome 1 sharp rises occurred in isoues lately under the pressure of liquidation. Carib Syndicate wa3 one of the most conspicuous features of strength, ad? vancing from 42 to 4(3 on a turnover of 1,000 shares. Elk Basis was frac , tionally higher. Simnis Petroleum rose ? to R6ft at the peak of the day's move. i Announcement was made that the coni | pany has completed its Shaw No. 19 ' well, with an estimated flow of 10,000 ! barrels a day. This well is located in the Homer field on the Rowe Oil Cor i poration's property, which was recently 1 acquired by Simnis. Another well is being drilled on the same property. Phillip.*; Petroleum got up to 87, an advance of lft points over Saturday's close. Strength of the stock reflects the results of the company's drilling campaign, and the fact that the stock? holders of record February 2 are to receive an additional share of stock tor each share now held. Since De? cember 13 the company has completed thirty-one new wells, with an initial production of more than 9,000 barrels a day. The company now has more than 450 producing wells. American Safety Razor sold as high as 13ft. Joseph Kaufman, president of the company, said that the corpora? tion's business for the three months and twenty days since its organization, September 10, 1919, to December 31, 1319, had exceeded expectations. The consolidated balance sheet as of De? cember 31, 1919, shows a net surplus before taxes in excess of $800,000. He said that profits or" the export companj and of the subsidiary soap company. now in active operation, will add ma? terially to these earnings in the cur? rent year. ' Industrials Sales. Open. High. I,ow. Last '?no ?Aetna Explos. Sft ?Mi *ft 8ft 20n Air Reduction. 4,7 47 47 47 fiflO Am Candy.... 11. 11 ft 11 lift 5800 Am Safe Razor 13ft Lift 12% 13 801) ?Alum Mff-... 36ft 37ft 36ft 37 &20 ?Atlantic Fruit 35 35 35 35 200 Austin-Nichols 26 26 26 26 :. 'do rf. 90ft 90ft 9m,4 90ft 400 *Rr-Am Chem. 9 9 9 9 4500 *Br-AmTob cp 18ft 18ft IS 18ft 300 do res:. 18% 18% IX IS 11000 ?do rts. 6% 6% 6% 6% 700 ?Car Lt & Pwr 2% 2ft 2% 2% 700 ?Cleve Auto... 64 65 64 65 300 ?Farrell Coal.. 43 43 42 42 5000 *Gen Asphalt..117 120 115 118 4600 ?Gen Mot wi.. Hi' 32 31 32 1600 ?do deb 7s. . 90% 91 90 90 2100 ?Ooldwyn Pict. 31 32 31 31 100 Grape-Ola. 1ft lft 1ft lft 300 do pf. 1% 1% 1% 1% 1 I'D ?Havana Tob.. 2ft 2ft "2ft 2ft 100 ?do pf. lift lift lit*. 11*% 500 Hupp Mot Car. 15% 15ft 15% 15ft DO ?Hydraulic Stl 37 57 37 37 1500 ?Kay Co Gas... 2 2 2 2 1000 ?Lib McN & L. 2'i 27ft 27 27ft 100 Lima Loco_ 84 81 84 84 50 'do pf. '96 96 96 116 2200 ?Line M, Ci A. 51ft 52ft 51ft 52ft ? 700 "Locomob n wi 25 25 2-t :ft 25 2500 .Marconi of Am 5% 5% 5ft 5'L 100 ?Mercer Mi.tors 30 30 ' 30 ' 30 500 N Y Shipbldg. . 43 45 43 45 500 No Am P & P. 5ft 5% .".ft 5% 5000 ?Orpheum Cir. 33ft 35% 33% ;? :j i, L00 ?Patchogue-P wi 41 41 41 4L " 800 ?Penn C & C. 32 34 32 34 3750 Perfection Tir? 4ft 5ft 4ft bV4 800 ?Pressman T&R 2 2 lft l4 1000 ?Radio Co w 1 2ft 2% 2ft 2<H 1000 ?do p f w f. 3 3ft 3 3^ 6300 ?Republic Rub. 5 5% 5 5\ 200 *So Phosphate. 26 26 26 26 500 ?Spicer Mfg ..113 113 112 112 500 'Stanih-rd Ship 4ft 5ft 4ft 6'/? 1200 ?Stanwood Rub 17 17ft 17 ~ 17ft 1200 Submarine Boat 16 16 15% 16' in." ?Swift Inter... 54% 55 54% 55 1.00 ?Todd Shipyds.178 178 178 178 MOO ?Union Carbide 71% 71ft 73ft 741,' 8000 ?Un R St duly 16 16% 16 16V 300 ?U S H Sp Tool 34 34 34 34 1200 *Un Pic Prod.. 15% 16 15ft 16 1000 Un Prof Shar. 2ft 2% 2ft 2"** 1600 U S Steamship 1 " 4ft 4 4M 500 ?U S Transport 12 12% 12 12V. 1000 ?V Vivaudoulno 20 21 20 21 1000 Wayne Cual .. 4% 4% 4% 4% 300 William Davits 49% 49% 49 49 200 ?Willys 1st, pf. 100 100 100 100 Standard Oils Sales. Open. Hi(rh. Ixrw. Last 200 ?Anglo-Am Oil 28 28 28 28 3D ?Ohio Oil Co.. ? 365 362 363 in 'Stan O N V. - - 430 430 430 10 ?Vacuum Oil.. ? 425 425 425 Other Oils Sale-;. Open. High. Low. Las? 2f. ?Alien Oil ... l'A 1% I % in, "Alliance O & R 16 ft 16ft 16ft lt?V? 2500? ?Allied Oil_ %" {* ft ?> 1500 ?Amalgam Rt.y % % % -\ 8500 tA B Wyo Oil. 60 72' 69 71 100 ?Hell Pet _ 2 2 1% f,\ 4100 ?Boone Oil ... 6ft 7 6ft 61 500 ?Bos-Mex Oil 2% 2ft 2% 27? 8000 ?tBos-Wyo Oil L% 1-& 1% lfl 200 ?Brazos Oil Cp 2I1- 21% 21% 21f 1200 Burk V CI Oil. 2ft 2ft 3ft 2V4 1000 ?Carib Syn... 411 40 4L' 45V! 200 ?Circle Oil_ 5% 5% 5% oft 1000 ?Cities Ser Cm 43 43% 43 -IS1-' 1400 ?Columbia Em. 17% 17ft 17ft 17V 2500 ?Contin Ref. . . 4 4% 4 >', 1000 ?Cosden & c'n. 9 ?lft 9 ?1 1 100 ?Cushing Pet.. 3 3 2% ?. 4000 ?Dominion Oil. 25 25% 24ft 25r-. i: 10 ?Duquesne Oil. 7'-, 7% 7 7ft 2500 ?Elk Basin Pet 9% 9% 9% 9% 1500 Engineers Pet. 1% 1% L% 1 ?''?. 900 ?Ertel Oil. 1% 2 1 ft 2 1100 ?Esrfter O & C. V\ % % hi 1000 ?Federal Oil... 3% 3% 3ft 3'.< 300 ?Gilliland Oil.. 40 40 48ft 49 1"" ?do pr.102 102 102 102 700 ?Glenrock Oil. 3% 3% 3% 3**4 2700 ?Guf-Gil O com 33ft 35 33% 35 1". ?Cam Clove Oil 2 2 1% 1% 12000 ?Hercules Oil. .1 1% % 1 3200 tHome P of D. 51 33 31 32 3500 ?H O R Co of T 5 5 4 -I'-' 800 ?Houston Oil..127 127 125 125 3500 ?Hudson Oil... 1% 1ft I fV lft 8400 ?Interna Pet... OS 70 68 69% 120n ?Invincible Oil. 35 35 34 34ft L!.Id Oil & Tr. 6 '1 5% 5% 1200 ?Km? P C LOO 2ft 2ft 2% 2ft 5000 Livingston Oil 1 ft 1% 1 ft lft 1000 ?Magna Oil. .. 7% 7% .' 7 Merritt Oil... 21 21% 21 21 . 'M'etex Pet. ... 4ft 4% 4ft -IV ?. ... Met Petroleum. I- I 3% :;\ Midwrat-Texas ft <?'. '.. ft 10 North Am Oil. 4*.. 4ft 4% 4*>i 500 ?Ok P&RNY. 5% 5% 5% 5ft 4. ?Ohio Ranger. 1% 1% !% 1 ft 300 Omar 0<$*G. n. 6ft 6ft 6 ?T"i4 : lO "Pennok Oil.. . S ft S% S S 250 ' ?Phillips Pet.. 85 k7 84*v, 87 7500 ?Prod & Ref.. 9 10 8% 07s 700 ?Red Keck Oil 1% I?, lft 1% 6270 ?Ri public O&R 2 1' 1% l "? 500 ?Rickard Tex.. lft 1% I ft 1% 500 ?Ryan Pet. ... 3% 4 3% 4' 200 Salt Ck Cons.. 2n% 21 20ft 21 1200 ?Salt Ck Prod. 49 50 40 49 300 Seaboard O&G. 5% 5% 5 5 1000 S? quoyah O&R ;y % ,*, L' ' 10 "Skelly Oil. ... 12 12 11% W% i 'Simms Pet... 55 56% 54% ;..~.ft ?do rts. 1 |i" 4 -Cv 00 So Mut.-* Cons !% 1% *, % i;i, L700 Spencer Pet... 18% 19% L8% 19*4 300 ?Superior Oil.. 15% 15% 15 15% 2800 ?Texana Oit... u ?s A --? 100 ?Texas Chief.. 40 40 4/1* 40' 400 ?Texas Co wi.. 52 53 5L' 53 100 ?Tex-Ran P&R, 1% 1% 11? ??/ 7* I ?Texon O & L. 1% 1% 1 * 1* ?'. 'Trinity Oil.. . % % 7 7 700 *'l k pical Oil.. 21% 21% 21 "1 . ?Victoria Oil.. 1% 1% j ft i\ 1.' Vulcan Oil.. . 9 9 9 9 300 Oil. . 1 1 1 \ 500 ?White Oil.... 38 38ft 37% 38? . "... ?Woodburn Oil 7% 7% 7 7 Minina t'es. Open. High. Low. Last 2900 Alaska-Br C M j} 1 % ?. . ? Amer Hond M. 2 2 1% 1* "? 'America Min. 1% 1 ?t \ .\ \l ?Arizona Silver I 4 3ft ;.i i 00 ?fAtlanta ....'. :? ;; " 3 3250 ?tBelcher Dtapi 23 38 23 35 :-r. 1 ?tBelcher ElapJ 32 33 30 32 1600 Big Ledge .... % ft ;s "y, 1700 ?tBooth . 6 6 s ' 6' 5000 tBost & Mont. 72 72 ~,'? 7" 1500 ?tCaledonia ... 38 38 38 ? 800 Canada Copper 1% 1 ,Tr 1 .*, 1^ 41?" ?Candelaria Sil % % % a 1975 ?Carson Hill G 28 31? 28 31 5500 ?tCashboy .... 8ft 10" m, 9-. i0 ?Cons Vir SU. 7% 7% 7% 7??' 100 *D?s Beer Con M 12V. 42K. 42V 4"'' !50? ?Divida Liten. i? ? ?a jj Messrs. J. P. Morcan & Co., First National Bank, The National City Company, Guaranty Trust Company of New York, Bankers Tru Company, Messrs. Wm. A. Read & Co., ?Vhite, IVeld & Company, KkscI Kinnicutt tcCo., and Hayden, Stone & Company, all of New York a A the First Trust & Savings Bank, the Illinois Trust & Savings Bank and the Central Trust Company of Illinois, all of Chicago, o fer f subscription ' $15,000,000 Kennecott Copper Corporation Ten Year Secured 7% Gold Bonds to yield 7]/8% Dated February 1, 192? 870 MR. STEPHEN BIRCH, President of the Corporation, has summarized for us the following statement regarding this issue: 1 HESE bonds arc secured by the pledge of five hundred thou? sand shares of Utah Copper Com? pany stock having a present mar? ket value of $37,500,000. At the low t price quoted on the New York Stock Exchange during the last five years, the value of the pledged stock was $22,^00,000, and at the highest quotation it was $65,000,000. 1 HIS issue will repay $12, 000,000 note's due March ist and will then constitute the only obli? gation of Kennecott Copper Cor? poration. The interest charge is $r,050,000 per annum, while the revenue reported by the company in the least profitable of the last five years was $6,293,000, or about six times the present interest re? quirements. This was in the year 1919, when the demand for cop? per was at the lowest ebb in many years. In the most profitable of the last five years the company's revenue was about $28,000,000, or over twenty-five times its pres? ent interest requirements. 1 HE Kennecott Copper Cor? poration owns in fee mining prop? erties in Alaska which since April, 1915, have produced 360, 000,000 pounds of copper and 3,745,000 ounces of silver. The Alaskan mines of the Kennecott Copper Corporation are believed to be the lowest-cost producers of copper in the world. 1 HE Utah Copper Company (of whose outstanding stock Ken? necott Copper Corporation owns about 38%, of which live hundred thousand shares are pledged as se? curity for this bond issue) is the largest producer of porphyry cop? per in the world. Its proven re? serves on January 1, to?q, amount? ed to 374,000,000 tons of ore, which is sufficient to provide for thirty years at the company's present maximum rate of produc? tion. Since 191 o Utah has dis? tributed not less than $3 per share per annum on its stock. Its pres? ent dividend rate is $6 per share, producing on the pledged stock an income of $3,000.000 per annum as compared with the interest requirements of $1,050,000 on this issue, IN addition to its Alaskan prop? erties and its ownership in the Utah Company, the Kennecott Copper Corporation owns qo% of the Braden property in Soirh America, which is believed to be the third largest known bodv of proven copper ore in the world. 1 HE outlook for copper is promising, and at the present t?me the demand (at a price only one half cent per pound higher than that realized in ro?2) is in erc*?s of the current rate of production. We are offering this issue for subscription at oof4 and accrued in? terest to yield jlA%. The Corporation reserves the right ro redeem the bonds at a premium of 1 per cent, for each year or portion of a vear of unexpircd life; that is, at no during the first year, 109 during the ond vear, etc., in each case with accrued interest. jai.uury .-. , j?jo. For full if tails regarding this is tue, reference is m*?e ta the circular describing the issue mare fully. (Bf New York University |E'J?? WALL STREET DIVISION P^y announce? its removal from 25 Broad Street to P ^0 TRINITY PLACE where all classes will meet beginning February 1st, 1920. Courses will be held in Foreign Trade, Finance, Commercial Law, Trade and Transportation, Eco? nomics, Languages. ules. Open. Hi(fh. I.tiw. Last. 1200 El Salvador Sil 3% 3ft 3% S% 1000 ?Eureka Cr M. 1% 1 ft 1 ft p.% 1"?J0 ?tEureka Holly 73 73 73 73 1700 'Forty-nine M. 1 -ft I ft 1 ft lft 3800 -t*;o!d Zone D 35 35 33 34 700 ?Golden Gate.. 1% 1 ft, I ft 1% 2500 ??MioldfieM Con 14 14 13 14 3000 ?tGoldfteld Dev 9% 9% ??ft 9% 1500 ?tGoldtield Mer 4 4 3 4 350 Hecla Mining*.. 4% 4ft 4ft 4A 1300 ?tJim Butler.. 24 2.". 24 25 3000 tjurabo Exten. 7 7ft 7 7 6i. ?fKewanas ... 2% 3 2ft 3 3700 ?tKnox Divide. 11 11 10 11 1000 Louisiana Cons ft ft ft ft ..":. 'Magma Chief. ft ft ft ft 3700 ?fMarsh Min.. 23 23 22 23 5000 ?tMacNam Min ft ft ?i ti 1000 rMcKin-Dar . . 84 64 64 64 600 Motherlode Cop 59, ".ft .".ft 57/, lOOOMur-M M Ltd. 75 7.'. 75 75 6500 'Nevada ?phir. 35 38 35 38 300 Nipissinu Min. lift 11 % lift 11% ! r00 Ophir Sil M Co 1ft 1-ft 1ft 1ft' '00 Prince Con_ 40% 10ft 40% 4<>% 4300 Rand Min Ltd. 41 42 41 42 ' 100 tRex Cons. 9 9 9 9 tOO Roper-Gr M Co \ A A A 800 Seneca Copper. 18% 19 18ft 18% . ?Seven Metals. ft ft ft ft 1100 ?Silver Dol M. ,-, ? ft ? 5000 Silv K of Ariz. i, ft || ft : 3500 ?tSilv K Div. .7 8 G 7 2000 ?tSilver Pick.. 4 4 3 4 UMi ?So Am G & P 83, 8% *.ft S-ft | 3000 Stand Silv L. . % ft ft ft 3700 ?tSuccess Min. 5 <> 5 ?'?ft 150 ?Tono Belmont 3 :: 3 3 1200 ?Tonopah Div.. 3% 3ft 3ft '?'?"?? 160 Tonopah Kxt. . 2% -'ft 2ft 2ft . .?60 ?Tonopah Min. 2ft '-'ft 2-ft 2ft: 700 United Eastern 4 1 ft 3 ft 1 1700 ?|U S Cont M. 9 9 8% 9 125000 ?tVic D (a pi 18 21 18 19 1200 tWeat End Con 2 2 1/, l-j-f 3200-tWh Capa Min 10% 11 10% 11 1300 fWilbert Min.. 7 7 6% 7 Brazil Facilitating Immi-zration i RIO DE JANEIRO, Jan. 2.-The Brazilian government i3 endeavoring: o facilitate the coming of immigration xom Europe to Brazil. It has directed ; hat government owned vessels in Eu-! ?opean service shall brine on their re- i urn voyage .such immigrants as have *een vouched for by Brazilian con- ; mis. Immigration has recently1 been! ?necked because of high raten for third | passage from Europu. -c An Issue Of J?00.000 Detroit Pr?s? Steel ! Company <! por cent serial purchase money j : . rt;.-.?K" bonds ha? b-en un.ifrwr'.'.ten i McLaughlin, Rerolan & MacAfee, of I 'utsliuiKh, and W. < 1. Soudera J? Co of ; Itilcago The bonds mature from De 192] t. ? 126, Inclu live, and It Is ex tected an ..ft'--rir.g vrltl be iiiad-j next . FINANCIAL MEETINGS THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK of the CITY of NEW YORK NOTICE IP HEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting of -he shareholders of The Mer? chants National Hank of Uie City of New York, held on January 13, 1920. It wa* determined to take sunh proceeding? a? may be necessary or convenient to or? ganize this Banking Asso< dation its an In? corporate.1 baj?li of the State of New York by the name of The Merchants Bank of the City of New York; ami also that when this Bank shj.II have been organized as an incorporated bank of the State of New York proceeding?? be take.i to merge It with the President and Director? of the Manhattan Company. By order of the Board of Director?. O. E. PAVNTER. ?'??hier. Dated New York, January 13, 1320. THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK of the CITY of NEW YORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting ?if the shareholders of The Mer? chants National Bank of the City of New York, hold on January 13, 11,20, It w*i voted that the aid Bank go Into liquida? tion and be closed and dissolved. All holders of notes and other creditor? of ?aid Banking Awaoclatioh are hereby notified to present such note? and other claims against i ho Association for pay? ment at Its Banking Houae, Number 42 Wall .Street. New Yo-'a City, until F"brj ary 2">, 1920, and thereafter to Its liqui? dating agent, tne Presld.-rit and Directors of the Manhattan Company, at Number 40 Wall Street, New York City. By orde/r of the Board of Director?. O. E. PAVXTEB, (ashler. Dated New York. January 13, 1920. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a special meeting of the stockholders of Overland Head wear Co., Inc , will be held at the office of such corporation, No. 7.3 West Houston Street, In the Borough or Manhattan, City County and State of New York, on the 3rd Jay of February, 1920, at ? P. M. on that day for the purpose of voting or: a resolut!? :?> Increase the ?apnal stock of Overland Headwear Co . Inc., in the amount of !' I Thousand ?$15,000? Dollars, and to transact such other and further business In reference thereto as shall be found ne<*essarj Dated, New ?ork, January 2?5th 1920 DAVID WEINSTEIN, Presiden! HARRY SAFRAN, Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of The New York Edison Company for the election of Trustees for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting, will he held at the otlleo of the Company, lr\t;x Place and Fifteenth Street, New V-.rk City. Tuesday, February 10. 1920. at 12 o' I I noon. LEWIS B OAWTRY, geeretary MEETING NOTICE Annual meeting of the American '?'?? tute, Thursday February 5th, l?20, at Wefct l?tb a.;.. ?:20 p. ?a. FINAN' IAL ftl.Ll ..MiS CLEVELAND BRASS & COPPER MILLS, !\? OHI'Oli \ I : I? Notice of *\ util. I ll M.vt!:lf% "'? TIIK : < level and Bra--, A I upper Mill?. Inc. k'ou i to? . . . ??holder? of ? LE\ ELAND BRA -..--. - ? '. ?h? ? : .. :. T list '?'? ?.; .*'-"?' \*ew '. ty, : . ' ?-??? ? ? 1' at t? for the ptrp.'v f elect Ing dira Bee for IB? ensuing . ? -.< r and until iucc aav ulecte I m ' usad ' - os? as m? properl: ' ? You will also not le? th?? ; here w II be < -?; ? ? : ?'*' ""?" ? rid common stock I E\ Bl *3V BRASS <S C? tPPER Ml '? . *' -!l* in? e of The ? trop???! ',' v '., - - ? ir, on Toe? lay, Februai ? ? taking ?wing mi latf , ? , : of OC? :i - ur pal tSM ?* ? '"? :-,.,, Thou ?haro? to Two Hl* ?h-utjt iplj?" ,., ,..,. n Pf?? Hund? I and Fil ' ' -, reaei t, to TW? Million S. ' rhowM Dollars (?i (3) The t of the ? ert flc?rj ?'?' to P ????? such here? ' '- ??*?**" ? ttsmo ? i ? Ion of all or p?rt rn* hare? (5) Tl 17 and ??I* ?? the not * , , ...... mum, ??''"?' I per annu U| -.. live ? thereof, and .? pany n eal '' - .- - K- J ' ? the ?aim su h ?*? :a?r .:. : I . * the Boar.i time (6 ) be nee? er to oat the BY ? Kl >KR . ;* ?..'.'?' t? : DIRECT? '? - U. M. OAR leeret ilT. DATED .1 ... > DIV ?DIM' Nil I K ES ARIZONA SILVE? MINES GO. I.|\ HUM? N<|| I? B A monthly dividend of 3 p** cent will be paid February 15 1920, to stockholders of recorc February ?, L920. ARIZONA SILVER MINES CO 1 !>\V. S, 1 \N l'\< lv ITr?l<lrnt ITorid? E-Mt ? '??-I li.i.hci? < .?ni|.**y New * The Bo?u - ' East Coi . ?t of ???? nings f. ??' <"?e, 19!? -? .'. ? ? ' S ???me i% Fifty V-*r I * J-r'*w July 1st, 19''9 _ ?' !> ? T TIIK PI I I M \N COJtJPAMI k. quarl ?.-?"*" ? f ? .?? i ?a j. i. *....*,... taataiatS'