Newspaper Page Text
?Hiss Dougherty To Be Bride of Freiifli Major Francois Trives. of Paris, t<> Marrj Daughter of \li>. J. Haitfpden Dougherty, but ?Date Has Not Been S<t )|i^ Terriberry ?- Wed Debutante* ??> Sell Tickets for Charity Ball Next Tuesday at the Waldorf Announe? ctnt o. Eleanor 1 ??Uffbter ? r:v aro ??Jor Frai ' Dm iif part ?rty wie lit il Lntetia Ho .?i servi ff ?h? American P y?i an ou ? ? . . ? - - tbis conntrj F ?urne? ' ?' ">.'??. v ie Unit? e was sent oi . missioi but i r? ? ?" ?he Legic : America D. ... ?ttu, ? ??? wading. - ? her ianghti : ty-nintl Street. Miss Mai of Dr. and Mi berry, of 120 -, , ? ??s man ? r tirar. 1 rhorr.:.-. E. Thon relatives ?Tk'cr. was \ I Jsffersoi ' ' tnai ?. . . Mrs. Thon W est Serenty-I ' t after M hl. Mr:-. T ' ? ::ard. cl ard mar :r. the Avia! uring ??...:. Several del member i of vered to sell tic? hoteia s' to-dav an Bail to be h ? Waldorf-Asl Purser - . ? ? ? tmoi '? ? ? - - n, 1 \':^ Mary ?>'urrny. - Renee rRr\ rt. M in. Miss Virginia - ? . - ?. M Mi? Pell, Miss I'Brien and I A few of the '??ose? are st a snch demand that i ".-? I ? ? It O! '. Doane, ':-"'? r to 'Ve i ? . ? dexandi r. Street Fade i the au leana commirte? Au: ?iary of the Cathedra "vine, ? eSt of i' esterday - a -?_? ..-. i ? - .?-...-; " ' ; I ? ? ? ;? ? , ? Johi G reel ". '?. arles 3 Amy ? irs. Wil id Mra ista :asurer. On the e: ill oaf:. . i. Ha : T- ' - ' E ? Whin Y YV -' the 1 inion Se1 take s evening e one ?ful affairs ? - ? ? i r ? ' ? ' ' im? 690 Pb '*? sec? - ? horn? Mr. and ? ? ' Mr. and Mr ?.Vine? "Bert- ay ? *'i weeks. Sin ' ? - pave a d nner -ait nig! p.I - t . East Sixty -econ-i Street, ? " Drezel ? Sir. i ' ?' "?? ' ' - give a evening ? ' r Miss tibt-.r.. ' ? a - Mile? ( ? ? ' ? ?:? too - ? ? ?o the - M>. and Mra Hai ? ?v? . ? v'? Lawrence ; nan will g ve ? this ? Harbor it ?? Delays Liner war?*-- ( nable U? ' ivfi ? In tl>'- I'.;!.' !i ??'nable t< - ? - ? " ?- - ? '"'lib!, :? ' ... ... '?' -- - ? ? "?>_? low, .J': " ' : ' ? ? ? v. pro . "ay* ' " ? w*T retun ;** traveler Hoover-for-Prewidr-ni ?in!. Or?;}r?i<*-i| ;i? Virginia I niv. ?HARJ . ? ???. ? -, / '?? '? ?? -. ? ; ? V. ** " ., 1 . , . -, '?"'?? ': gg< .'"'?' -''"-?' ?-?,;><?>>. Miss Alice Triibee Dai ?soi: Sh? ne of ill most neuve and prominent youne women in the Mid VVi ? ? Ball ' b? given ;h:^ evening at the Ritz-Carlton. She if a lighter oi Mr. and Mr?. Henry I'. Davison, who will give a large dim ? lis eve. ng and take their guests on to tin- danc? Mrs. Spang Talked Of Beaux. Bais and -??* ??.- ''.s^ s ? ><!?<? ?or Aijetl V\ oman*!- Alicer Easily used and She Often ted to Love \ffairs 3 am, s. esimes . ? as " ? ?. S] :?';.' .vhill x .... tl r? guiar at ?' . ? messy? ' ?" ': - ? . ..' the trial ? T. Bra ?? ?. attornc ,' for Mi " ' ? ' ' g Ai ........ of t contestant of her had r? d all of " hi ?.'. as a ;ed ' ' ? ? ' nything more that 1 . d al ? iews ? mmer at tl age ral ailmen - Vlr.s. a i . . . ? and th? . atVaii lier ? (in one occasioi ?. ? at on? o 11 e i ?. ? ; il th? Wa' '? ia, wl re .', . id ai ending hi me ? ked : ? ? ? ore a mirro admi rig a n? vv Hov ke this ?" she Dr. Mcl ' ? hat 1\1 rs almost every bod; g I ?. w - mon? >he laid she ney for ,. . , ?x ng, Put ' irgh tee . ? ? rom ' ? est?t? Mrs. er I severa ., , ?. . ..,, ... ? '< ? ? day. Dr. McKenzi? at? A:. ? . spang entered th? ? ? ? ind and held h? ? fi : ger be ic if ho real y : .'? nd ?i '???? la> b h? inted to Mr. Spang and said, "isn't, he I of bones." : ?due of her to amount to i b it ? . !>d a i me for poor '. ? . nterest in chi! i rei I ?.' . : iki I >r Nagle, gave . x .'.? :.... Spai . v. a -?. ' nt le to-day -oiiig Oil To-dav I) \ Y Mu Satura! Hlstor uni ?f A-' ailmlsBlon : ? ?' '...'?'.. ?...': ': .- loi ., fri-4. ilfii n frei : ? ? : t ? Battery Co ? m ] rrg a' ?m an ! ! ! a MI 111 ? ? ?.: . . V M ' : ? .-..:? lit-OS . .? ? M . I? fallona! Efl I ??:? um : : ' \ I '. I! T r i . - !i Street Il? lia '. ? I .,..r.t ?in? .* I i I..-, llirr ...... . . ;, . ; ? I . ? ? . . : ?. . ? in ii I <r liorna.* . ' -"'i i into ? ? : ? )' ? > , ! I ? ? ' . X. '? ? Im kii'l T .,?,-.. t.. M h? ??? ?- ? i d n? I nx lllUN ? ?Inn? s The Sia??e Door Bed" u . ope t tin Flltii PI .-?:?.. ... i ? : ? or vie -- fu * '"? ? next ..'..., ? il ; ? the . ?? "Be John D. \ ?' : ?' ' in I : ' : ?? \ .11 ' ': : - Tuosdaj a fieri ?oi . of mi .- ? ? ? Hoi by a combina i c; i .'?' onda.i. icsdi ,\ ? ? I Friday at" ternoon ??til ? ?ml ? ?.. iiiii| performi : 1 ? " ' ' r ani: I Ai wo Through ?'.... ? ,, ?? *? ? p? ? The ? ' : ' | ? ? ??:; ol "The Stpim" ! ? ..... ' ? ? ? VI it ? . Ei .?. , - ....... i Id? . 11 . '-. \\ aniel!. m? v . ? ? '?':.'s "My C? i i ? he Nora B eater on ? i: i ?t to reviv? . - i? ?? ; Wizard ? tl v prol ably be ? '?-. ? ? i od ? : . ed" and pro duc d In Mr. '?'? aid? i. Fokii wii'i Vera third uu ro; lita iiwii : 1 .- ? e r, when '? ? l) We rhe Pas ' .:-. D Copela) or the .,,,...,.. . | ? . ?, ? -. ' x . ? ., ? ? ? . x? I ne w 11 ii i? '.'. x. L. tlrlangoi l r : clan d 01 i to hou3i the at ooki ? . ???. e a i in tende? to take t e place of t ? enue i ipe ra House and will e 'arly to open g A Ibe rt L. f?i I nanagei for I.'. W. Griffith, ??x he purchase by 'Ar. Griffith from Wi liam A. Brady ?>, - .?? mot oi pict r? ght to " Way Do?. East" or $175,0 Wilnei and Ron berg, pi oduc? rs of '?The Mi gic M? 1? ? :? ov, a ber.t, am ounc? ' i the; v?, .' : rod mm? ' x ?? . . ? i.x ?? .' ;. Ben I an . x ? irV ou and fUb? r1 i.?w is. s ; and Romberg have taken un opt ioi on al ! Orko\ ui u re plays. Elsi? .: : has r? covered from her rece?? n? u I wil i ume 1 i I r a! Springfield on Mondas night, with "her g ' ;' and th enterta i enl ? ? was g en at the ' lep-rge ?VI. h? x ] ? <?.. : .-r? ". ' 'harles Thoma? of "Api - Blossoms," now ai th? G obe. by ? i rangement with Charles Dillingham, is [?lam ? ' x , ?? concert at Aeolian llaii, Monday afternoon, February l?i. '('?'?her-. \ r Strike Threat Chicago Federation Demanda "HeaJth and Decency'" Wages i HiCA? O, Jai ?9 f I ?? C < : o ... 'Federal tc-da; !.. Lh, d y arid rf ..... x ? ' of man i wo make po < ? ? enfor? ?? ? ? - Th? ? ? wed t "; ? Board of ical i 1 : im salar; .. ? i i ? ? ? . ? ? ye ar. T h ? ? ? ' ? ' ' 10 x : ?imutn ol ?. ,-; ? ?; . . i ? ..x-?' sei Appi oxii ' ? fi.OOO ?. acl er? mei . pproved Germun Charge d'Affaires Rcceiv-ed by Millerand PAIUS. Jan. 29 Di Wilh . ? i i el ig? <!';,'! air? intcd ? ? i '?? dent : t <? Premier M il . en ng. Dr M ayer, v ho arrived il l'ai last Sat urday, will ,.,,..,. for Berlin this ? . nil?! for n f? ??? ?Ihj s' stay lo settle up h '? '?' rsonal ilfdir [ir .layer presented hin credentials ilillerand n i ccordancc wit ft ! he il nlornatic custom for charg?? d'af faire? to make themsolvo? officially known to^tho f'remier, and not to the j President of the Republic, as in th?* ,??>,<? wil i. rVi.': item and ambansadoi Choir of St. John's Cathedral Reveal? Diversified Talent l\ ork of School I uderDireo ?ion of i^lr. Farrow Shown in Recital Devoted to Four (liasses* <>i Sacred Music By H. ?.. Krehbiel j .' ton; oi | an of or te and ? ? recitals b; " .. : i- - . n bitio . ? ; detropolitai ?-. i ii . v. ,1 ? ? Aeolian ?tall ? ?'? ? \?? afternoon by an 1 our ;. : a lalf oi .-.. : e I inI ? ' ? cl . ' th? Cathedral :>: -? ? Jol i the Divine Jiidei the dii ction ?' ! ? ? ? . . - - and mastei >f the chor ? > : . ? ?? . -.? . ? ,.?? longed toa class o? ? . . ft'a ? ? which term ent. ? ,. : :..i : ? .''?-..: can c?rcel; ij ..... . a lui'i . ventilio - ? ? ? f curii y eil ' ively ii ' ok? d ti beha i of 1 h? \ a; cai Choristers, who visited i earl : th? seasoJ ? ? wa ?? not Iargelj attei . . Bui -, i ? .,? matter. The .. ; : ?'???: e of refinement a I ; erio inclin?t ?o? . ?? ? - purp? ? M? ? ? '? rov i? ose whai . ? acconi] - i~- a ? . ? . . ? r School - a - I ?? ist of pie? ??? embrai ed ? ? i - ?on i ? rom fou <. schoo s of ecc'esiast posil ; ? dissi brevis " .. ' >vo mot? - - i. ,? Ghost," ?un ! w i11 ma < " ? - ? i ?? ???.'?'.?? I . .<?'' b; Byrd, -':?' a ?!.;?:. ? ? , ?' b\ Orb ? is; the Dutch b; ?i - nticl? Ron ? Ii ," - . Swi e?in? k and tl Hus! at by Tschi . i w -??. H '? ;- ? ' . ? Thi ," Arkangei 1 ''??' ' h? ; v. Judt m? ;. " a i Creti :.:.' i : ?- ? ? ?,. thi V ? ?? thi Sea." 'I : ?? choii wa i ? mp? si : ' ' ? ' "in rr.ii ? hii < thii t; : ;;--? i'"7 of ?? ? . ? . .. ?? . i ? ?? . ? ? i-atures of th? ? g ?... ire ion ai ' ? Inttei particu ar .-.- conn en da the ..... un ' I It. ? ?? I ?ful motfct bj Byrd, whicl wer? sung in Lat in, Admi rabli ulw? v w . the qualit ?,; the teno and I oic? , whicl liki th? ? hies, w? re a ? ' ... ? ? ?? ai d ?tea. \ n tone. 'I he altos, prol . y beca f thi nt'usion of adult ve. es (baryti e lining ? ??;? m i had le hon og. ni ty, and were at ' ii unpl? a antlt v avering, not t? say "wabbly." The Palest rina piec? s wer? :; * he vai ietj of color, nuance ai d t? mpo, whicl came to us lik? a r? vel; '. i ?? x at ican ? ? ,. ? - - ' tradii m back oi thei '? ' ? ? ? " ? ? iVl ...... un expri c uttei i i thi tex! >'aya la iig? ? ol this beaut iful old music sounding : onotonous. . M i'. 1 arrow -i owed linei apprec i ,: : '??? ilelineative capacity ??? clesiasl ical musi? ii th'e Russian piece; ? and ah o in : r,e i nitch carol in i? th? ionorii ie - v ere produ with thrillii g, almost electrifying ef tect. The motif by Byrd was also e: mg but 1 he Gibl :at" wa re? d off in ai nnvar; p temp and ? : regard o pos b itie ??? cl iniat ion w hich "? as almost de i i'. Il ??'. oui i have beei inter? ring to heai ,ii:.:' lie ?ingers froi Rom? v ould r.;r. ?> done in the way or' "tri ? hetweei uch pa a ^ages as moi ?. ? - oi ' hem : ha? fe : Him" '?'?? hath ? ov ed trength wii h arn M hatl pm dow the from theii scat." As it was, ? il.n? nounded almost inane com ? he ovelini is of Byrd and ? . b ? ;. of F1?. ? Food Prices l..|?5()lo200 5% v Cent in Last 6 Y far* Wholesale Clothing Advanced ?.35 Per Cenl in Same Period. Government Report Says W s ::!:n C.T iX, ? !9 Incr? ase 'rom ???' to 200 )??'? cent in retail principa Food pi .-.'.; [id from Ti i i !00 : ? ? cei ? ' w hole sal? prices :.iring the last b?> years are shown fed I la; Bureau ; bor S? list . !:.. year 1913 ;.- the i ?rmal : I . com pa rativ? pi .. ... that by I" cember, 1919, r? ? ;. ; t.. ????? ' i eu i s had adva : ced ;. to -?? pei ceni o.'? i ' : on and ham led nci . - er cent ea? and tood nee . w itl - ? pe? But: - I " ; : er cent, eggs per cei t, h? ns 84 pei cent an ? .... per? Flour advanced 183 per cent, bread .oi cent, rice 103 p? i cent, ind per cent Coffee, tea and sho .:'?.:? ce? of ?? 1. 27 ?? d ? ? per c? nt, re pectiv? ly, ? ':??? : i? ? per cent, ami milk 38 per cent Wp desale clotl . ?; prices snowed an a .? of 235 per cent. House fur .'?? ? ;-,: - w nl ?.. . 208 per cent. Lumb? c ding mati rials . mbed 153 per ? ?? Book Sale Nets $10,277 George !>. Smith Makes Pur? chases ?it Huntington Exhibit The sa! <'r duplicates and selec ? ; ng iterature from the ? . !? Huntington ?? hich . ' ; -, ?. dai ; fternoon .' th? lerie bt aught a *"Tal of ,,._. he total foi i he sale to ,;.-,. $10,277. The ?? ?? ioi 'ins af .. ,,,-?11 c mpl? te the sale rge D. Smith, who brought iron; iid the min iat u.i e i dition of . .'? ' "Venu? and Adonis," for .i : :. "" 000, bi ught several , , t yest? rday" sale. Mr Smith purchased a 1671 edition of . .. Milton' "Paradise Regained" for .. ?..- mad? sev? ral other pur chi e - thou -and dollars was paid by 7 F Dri ki foi "The First I'..:' of . . ?-, mo." ? ? xtremely. ran- | a; b; Kyd, who also paid $1,000 for "You.i !'.'? Gallants," a play 1?; Thom ?... ? ? n, in an ? see? <?^:i!7: j i caree first edition of 1608. Braillard Motion Denied Application for Certificate of Doubt Held Premature \ , ;. ? : . - ?.- ice scheduled t? be ? ? n tin case of Clin Hrainard pr?s id? nt of Harp? : v thoi for publ . ition of "Ma I? , ..." which the ? ourt of Spe :ial I ? id was improper, former ., i ... VI Si ott, counsel for , [Jra : ard :.,,; ed to the 7;\.;:rvni<; Court cbterda cert nnbl? di :?:?? .'ust ce Platek d nied the motion, saying it was prema ,re and should not have been nade . 7 . ? tence ha ! I.i actuall; m posed ?? Brainard is secretary >.. the e, ? prand ?ui Hi -? attornej -,,',, lur.i ice I'lal iek ' hat he would no .. the postponement of argumen ?.eeding except for one rea j i \gt Rcol ' ild hi f? It that ' hoi ? .,..-,.p? istont in prosocutin Mr Brainard were anxious that h h , .:.! puss at least one day in pris., for the purpoR? of humiliating him Mr .Scott .?aid an appea.1 from the con ' victlon was c.-rtain. and he did not wan , .,., ? |0, ked op pending act ion Says Mysterious Wireless Calls May Be From Venus Smithsonian Institution Expert Declare^ Mars Is 100 Degrees Colder Than the Earth and No Form of Living Creature Could Exist There W A.-.Hl n i, ?._.., [a 29. .:" wir? less :- " ee -?: " being received on the from =ome other planet, as sug ' b; William Max;-..: it .- : ot ,; ? endii g the i ignals, b it inos '? - .- ?says Dr. CG Abbot, ' ?? Sm it ?son an Astro ! ?bservat n ; and assistant . ? ?. .. - ;., - ?oniai i ? - ? * u ? thai the n ? aterious ? .:?-..?-- - ??nais do n ? a lot her piarte1 ? ?. ?. - if i ey do Mtv-' .- - liminate 1 as a po ? ubi .: ? ? ? ->? ?? liona o that ? ' probabl; ? iule! ol p? emit t he ? -:-. - i ' in; Corn I i\ ?ng '-' - ' i ace," say - 1?: Abbot, . 'count of the greater distance, learh -wo a:,.i one-half limes less rud it on fron the sun reaches Mars r? ,. he the earth. It is probably early 100 per cent colder on tho aver ? that di' tant planet than i Km wing what low temperature^ M : ? irth in tiie eou ise ol thi ' ntei -? a ion, it will i ead .;. be ?d ?? hat ?nu degrees colder ? ould Scouts Murs ( anals Theory "Ii the se? ond pit ee, even any oi ... of life could wit hstand : hat Ii iee . : cold, .: is definitely known by ? investigations of Director Campbell bs? val . Lh&t i h ?Mx- is prac iio \?a?er vapor in the atmos ' i ? rrounding Mars which fact ' : ??lit . :' thai. " ??' ' uppornn?; any vegetat ion .?i I'm i I foi iving ci eat ures. "The nolar caps vhich are seei rn Murs may be eit. hoai frost from the minute traces i wat e ? -vapor ; n Martian atnv . ere or, what is quite as probabl? rozen urbonic acid fhe o called 'canals' of Mars are not existent except as indefinite mark? ings, according to surh telescopic i bserv? rs as Barnard, Hale and others who have observed with great tele ycopes under ??'11 nigh perfect eou .. ? o "But. ' is objected, there may be other strange forms of beings which ? : no ?vat? : or vegetation or heat. ' l.= o reduced to impossibility s he fa?: that all living thing-* are. u] lar| ' ifferent corn pounds ot carb?n. While '.he spectrum shows that then .- carbon on all heavenly ? chemical combinations of ? ement sud as. are required for if? mostl. require temperstures above . ? ent rigidity, So the ? ctremely low tempera ures on Mar-?, S?aehmanino?? Repeats Triumph in Coneerlo Success of Three Vi eeks Ago Is Duplicated ul Carnegie Hall to Capacity Audience Sergei Rachmaninoff was the soloist i,i yesterday afternoon's concert of the N?A Vork Symphony Society at Carnegie Hail. Mr. Rachmaninoff played again his own Concerto No. 3, x which he made i? stupendous tri ; vera weeks ago with the -x- :.? orchestra at Aeolian Flail. He was equally fine yesterday, and the work, the n? blest of modern compo ? : for the pianoforte, he played with surpassing color and brillian Mr. Damrosch furnished him with a i ? .'???? ac i ompaniment George W. Chadwick's tone poem "Aphrodite" is a wellmade ; t of writ? ing winch frankly owes more than a ; bowing acquaintance to Wagnei and Strauss, but it is effective and was ef? fect x. given. The opening number was the "Path?tique" symphony of i .xxx The audience wa i apacit v size "The Bine Bin!" Sung Again Composer Wields Baton at the Metropolitan Opera House Tl Maeterlinck-Wolff opera. "The Rlu?* Bird," was sung aguin at the Metropolitan Opera House las; night, w ith tl ? coi ios? . w elding the baton, tel ? nted score was heard with evident pleasure by a large audi '1 .?;? ;t was as it has been at pre? vious performances, with Mmes. Terini, Bast?n, Delaunois and Ellis and Messrs. Rothier and Couzinou in 'he ? - cipa] r?l. s. Perry Grainger, 111, Fail.? To Appear at Concert Owing to illness Percy Grainger did not appear at the Philharmonic So ty's concert last evening at Carnegie Hall, when he was to have played Liszt's Hungarian Fantasie and con ducted his work. "The Warriors," for the first time in New York. His piace was taken by Miss Guiomar Novaes, who played Schumann's Concerto in A minor, which she performed with the same orchestra last Sunday afternoon. The young Brazilian pianist also will "appear at the society's concert this aft ernoon. i loi.?mark's overture to "Prometheus : ui t." Rimsky - Korsakoff's Suite "Scheherazade" and Berlioz's Hun? garian March were the other numbers on last evening's program, ? Canadian Print Paper Now Moving Free?v to the I . S. jV'-ir Ven'. Tribunt IViiihtnoton Bureau WASHINGTON, Jan 29.- Print paper is moving freely to the United States and to Canadian publishers from (..'a?? ade, the State Department, was advised to day in a telegram from the American Consul General at Ottawa. The new paper controller of the '..'anadian go\ i rnment reached Ottawa from Port Francis yesterday ;nd informed the American Consul General that the em? bargo on shipments from Port Francis had beer, entirely lifted last Saturday, Ohio Democrats Appoint First ^ ???nan Delegate CLEVELAND, Jan. 29.?Mrs A. P. Pyke. r.' Lakewood, Ohio, chairman of the Women's Democratic Committee of ? .? ,i County the :;rst woman named as B ?Me?rate to a 1920 national I olit ical convention. ii r appointment wa-- announced to day by W. !'. Gongwer, active head of the Democratic organisation in Cleve and, vyho said that although several Western states have signified their in? tention of sending women delegates ? ? has t.n definitely named. Quebec Legislature to D?bale Woman Suffrage QUEBEC, Jan. 29. "Votes for Women" will !>?> debated for the f?rst ? timo in the history of tho Quebec Legis? lature within the next few days. .1. S. A Ashley, member from Laehtne, has presented a motion that "in the opinion of this House the time has come to study the desirability of giving . women the suffrage " probal y ne ?vould not allow the carbon impounds to ex ist in a c idit suitable for original ing life. Conditions on Venu?? 'The planel Venus, on the othei hand, s h ? w s ever; ndi n i ssa i rnaintainii g life Lt is i ear y 1 ?m? size as the eartl and is - ? near? r the sun than the earth 3 1'i - would uppart/:ti y maki nsidei ? ably hotte i \ - - ? i the fact tha he atmo sphere surroui !.-. g '? ? ' . ? uni? r?a cloud ss, b; ? ? ?:'? > ting > . .. ' ' om ? ' ? sun, du s the emperai i ?? to about thi aim inge is thai experii ni ed h? r? hi e*rth i ? . ? c .udiness also shows a ? .:'. . i ' * of water-vapor to -.;. : eg? tation and higher forms f ?? ? plan ? ' Venus " "A- regards the possibility ing ?a n . le ?sages from ? ai ? \ en is, at ir> nearest ..; to ' ? ?? earth, is 25,000,000 miles whereas Mara ia at least 50,000,011 : "Pi on tl . se considerations, it : i; be concluded that if any planet - ? i rtI . ' i Venus ( . not Mar-. It can be d?finit? ? ".ii: M?i s is tinsu ted ? . .. tain a " \ conceivable foi i ? conditions prevailing on Venus are - m h 1 hat : here - ev? -, i easoi i lieve tha: planet may be bp populated l... beings fairly sin ourselves." / eiv Thousand Miles as Nothing to Radii, Signals LONDON, Jan, uy : ? ? ? inform? " T1 D ai i 5 Mail" that th? ? ?? : ? . : tigi ' - ind .tight ? arii rt-les . pparattii ,vill incltide Apr .vhi Ma rs ? nea res I thi 1 irtl !!?? ?ays, however, tha; n I 1 ? 1 should noi b? placed on this a few ou sa 1 d 1 make an.v appreciable ditTerenc? n : ourdir:,.. ?ignal.-i Puzzling Records Taken By Wireless Laid to Sun STOCKHOLM, Jan 29, Prof? Arrhenius, of the ? ii of physics the Technical Institute, n a statemei to-day relativ? t? th sound hat ha : bi en re eived on t he wirele - pla England, says .ad a 0! a similai oci ,. ? ? ? be ?; press a year ag? He does not th? ory tha t he sounds come lanel wort hy of serious con derat oi believes ?1 in? re abie 1 ai the wireless appa ra ..: - , ?- 1. ?? ? flu? : ced by ? h? sun. "Love of Three Kino?"" Sung at the Lexington The Avilo of Edward Johnson is Feature of Chicago < !om pany's Evening Performance "The Love of Tine'.. Kim; " was re peated last night at the Lexii 1 I ?? Theater with the same ca I on the opening night, Mi - Marj Garden again gave her 1 ema <?'?? able, f m staken, ?mpersonatioi F ra, Mr. Baklanorf's Mai fn Ii and Mr. Lazzari' An hiba. ?? ? 1 e the tru<- tradition. The Avito of Ei wa lohnsoi however, the reall high 1 tin performance. Mr. Johnso Ht ion .:? adm ?1 able i 11 its grao ? on ' ' ' fervM ndeed, th is Ann ri? an tetn - a mai t act 01 of a h igh rdei a typ? n re. indeed, in these daj ol ? realism. In add il one, and one wh ich is ui pi. ssive. Mr, Mai inuz: aj b . and hud gauged mm1?.feci y 1 i e icon - ? rs of the auditoi : he 1 pei . .._? peri'01 Visitor Finds Death Here Spanish immigrant attempts to 'Walk on "?." Structure 1 elest .r:o Lopi z, a Spanish run ? to ???? . .:. N'ev V ork ' . dei :.?" ; of humanity ai g walked to his leatl ? adventure. W i th t wo ? . 1 ; - ' ' from a steamship at Foun em at noon. Walk ing : owai I th? Avenue elevated line, they in learning from p? ... was one o*' the city' ar1 pries of 1 So ' he th i ? ? ? d t fares walked out upon the plat Lopez, hu'-'. ? ? er. 1 1 nvi n :e I . pankms that this was 01 ly ai verb.? a structure upon which one might walk. With this i lea . cut, ?walking south fror:. Fourteenth Street. At Twelfth Street th re was a roar ling behind them. Two the thre? leaped aside and ? led ai tppi ing iouth-bound I ra in, But 1 .t too late, '.'? as irle? t ?? -tree! .-...nd instantly kille I 830.600 Canadian- Subscribed $682,032,000 to Victor) Loan OTTAWA, Jai 27 Fii retti the Canadian V: tor Loai" 19 have .:;ist been announced and . ? subscriptions of $682,032,000 b^r of subscribers was 330 ?00 the total number of subscrih . Ies3 than in the loan of : scriptions per capital ai great r an average of $821.70, : .1 with SG29.80. In ratio of appli? int - ; uj uiation Ontario led all tl pi with one in 5.5. British < ol second with or.e. in 7.5 Blasco lhanez ?* ill LOS ANGELES, Jan. 29.- Bla Ibanez, the author, was report -d to-day to be ill at his rooms ? in a con d it ion bordering 01 ? 01 ia. Ibanez was indisposed last ... but,recov? ered sufficient!; tc iar last nighl at a meeting in h s ? nor, where he ' spoke. His phys ... ed that h - ?exertion causait to-day's illneES. Sweel?and Mafic Chief Justice PROVIDENC E. ?<; ?:. - ? Judpe W iam 11. Sweetlan : 1 -? ? ? hief ! Justice of the Supremi ( t by th? General Assembly to laj He >? . 1 hief Justice C. Franl Parkhurst re : signed. Judge Sweetlai I has be? . 01 the suDremu be :i te SAVANNAH Georgia Twenty-four hour? from New York. Fine train service. Temperature 70. No rain. No influenza. Sporty golf courge?. Perfect motor road? through southern pines. DE SOTO HOTEL Telegraph for reservation?. Moderate rate?. Willard H. Barse, Manager. De L?mar Pictures Bring 855.435 at Hotel Plaza Sale Highest Price* Commanded bv Work;* of American Artista; Top Price S3.800. Paid by P. \V. Ron^ The sal? of eighty-seven pictures nd a series of decorative mural paint ings from the collection of the late J. K. P? L?mar brought a total of S55.435 the Plaza ballroom last night. Much of th? buying was i;tj'.:?i by dealers, but -.??e <aie w?? one which attracted a large aiui interested gathering If was noteworthy that .-??me of th?? pictures fetching the high? est prices were by American artist*. Top price was ?miii for "Th? Incom? ing Tide." by lehan C-eorgv* Vibert. P. W. Rouss bought it for $3,800. He also gave $1,525 for Rosa Bonheur's >' narch of the Forest." None of the pictures e\r..bited created more inter? est, however, than "A Dream of -the Orient," by Thomas Moran, an Ameri? can artist. Captain M McMillan bought it :nr $3,700. $10.000 Canvas for $l'.5t)0 "Love's Missile," by Alma-Tadema ha : originally belonged to the ?erkes collection, w..< bought by H. U. fark (agent) for $3,100. Adolf Schrey er's "Moorish Shei? and F.seort," pre viously in the liu?o Keisinger collee tion and valued at $10.000, was sold to If. Fairchild for $2,500, A charming French picture. "The Cleaners." by ?lules Pretor:, went to Howard Young, for $2,250. Trie most celebrated of Raimundo de ? :.. lrazo's pictures, "Sortie du Bal." fetched $2,000. John Bessert was the buyer. In l.^S it was bought from the William 11. Stewart collection for 51(\500. "A Bavarian Holiday," by Knaus, vs.'n* to Henry Schurtts for $2,500 H H. Park agent) paid $2,700 for Vibert's "Departure of Hia Eminence.' A good deal of surprise xpressed ??ver the low price paid for "The Legend of St. tleorge and the Dragon" by Burne-.Tones. It went to Roberl A. McCormick for $1,000. It had been ir. the Yerkes collection be ore i aptain De Lamai hough' :t. The series of decorative mural pamt oval, done by Will H. Low, N.A., fetched SOTS. Flach nation pictured in. the ligure of a young comai 'a 'h a characteristic musical rument. The series was done for ?..?- 'a--- William T. Evans, of New The Important Sales Th? mor? mportant of the .^aies ? ? . .? s follow s : - . -> ? i 'hess Id II ?i !.. i. ? (l <1 lela c- Blon le, ?o VV :; '.- r. h... n's Sheep and Land ? . ?; ol?an?! ? ;..:?? .s . 560 I . b ? a i lathering the Mux .? to I! D ?1 K ihlf? 31 ? Mnrcke'a "A Spring Day,' u> ... a(! .,,? (00 ? ? , ?:? reaiion in < ump ' to >; I,a Bran? h . rauii "l.ea Ha ifi." to Holland ?41)11 1)1 ? - Th ? Xl\ .t.l"l . ' 'i il n. .'-,??.. st;. . : . ... , Card 1 nulf to H ..;????? ??75 inery's ?'? ii lmals Feasting " to T. ? 725 skerclt's - immer :... nd ...... ' i !1 :v - ? U I - 425 : ?. - . ; s Have Theii Ipsi to Di ' ivai s 320 ., :.... xi..r1 d ? and iule to igenf I .... . .1,060 , lit - x h V atei Carriel " to ." II Pa rk ? agent I I.BOO Mudra so B The Letter,' to M RiiinUa .....640 I'errau ... Olli Resting " to 100 . ... .. ??? ?; Tn Danneuae Orientale." . ... ...... rlea '"' < Dril ing, ''. Hoi? rie Tl r< ?? Brol hi - ? . i .... 4 ; ;, r si \-.'i?..n . ? ... ' . ; . :, : .,., . ..! ? ?.;.?? . , , a, I ?.- ... intcii '? estier "Poi ; i . rguson ?- 0 I'ortrail ol La ' ?mi ss? . ,... ?. d . ? a? Isheim i ?J ... - I'ortrtiit ol h Lady " ? \'.. ?- 390 ... - : tie Piazza. Venice,' . . !'. .., . \ Ici : . f? ????U'-u ? Rudert I ag? r.t ? . 7'_J ...-,?? lo 11 C 1.S75 I'.ellucour's Tl ?x ba i lo H. H. G. R " TOO ? - . stat? Pro ession of Shah I! i ? i, Rohlfs . .975 Portrait if Louis XV,' : , ?I Rohlfs 47S Na\\ \viator Dies in Fall Admiral \S ilson Seen Accident Over (?iiantanumo Bav BOARD U. S. S. PENNSYL A, off tiuantanamo By Wireless A 90ciated Press), .Tan. 2?'. it ? ant Bernard Vanderbilt Eekhout .' .- fai illj injured yesterday morning flying over the r.aval aviation al G la tanamo Bay. His 'plane, . o ?eater N'ieuport machine, was ?-' Eekhout was alive when ? ?? from the wreckafte an?l rush? . tl e ho ipital .^hip .Solace, where he die?!. Admiral lienry B. Wilson, commar.l ? .?? the Atlantic fleet, witnessed the .. del x. whose cause is ni t known. Lieutenant Eekhout was graduated ? the S'aval Academy a* Annapolis 1917, and wa? assigned to avia board the battleship Ne? ll, . :\ i.-d at ' he home of his ther. Mrs John B Morton, Staten isiar.d. New York. Exhibition ?i Etchings by Whistler ARTHUR H. HAHLO & CO. .">(>*?> Fifth \vemie (Bet. 16th & 47th Sis.) ?New Hampshire to Vote Ou 7 State Amendments People to Decide Whether to Strike Word "Protestant" From Bill of Right-. Jan. T-'f. The Con adjourned to iuDinit seve '?? .it the nexl CONCORD, V ?I stitutional ? ? - day, havii g amendment to i regular state f ?< ,. The propositions which >?>.? to popnUi' vote arc: To require the I egislutnre to .mpose classified, gradua ed ind pr gressive taxes on income; i o requii ? similar action on property passing b> will or inheritance; to give th?' l?ov ernor power to veto separate items ii appropriation bills; to provide for re duc?on of the lion-- ol Representatives by adopting a basis on votes cast stead of population; to amend th? (> of right? by striking exemptioi from military service on the ??-rounds ol conscient ous objections; [*.o amend th bill of right? by striking Tout the word "Protestant" and the words "rightful! sounded on evangelical principles," and to amer..i tie bu! <>' rights bo that pen ?ions ?hall not be ??ranted more than one year at a time. The convention refused to submit I the people proposals to extend the full right of suffrage *?) women m a?tvanr of rational action; ?>. eliminate th. Governor's council; to abolish the Stat Seilte, and to indorse the nitiativ? and referendum. Juror. M hippe<l by Mob. Accepts Murder \ erdiet Kewenlmenl 1? < .an-ed by Fail? ure to Find a Negro Guilt) ?ION ROE 1.? . Jan. 29 B? cause ?? juryman failed to agree to a verdici of guilty in the case ol Uvin t'alhou: negro. ;iilefTf-?i ????:? i ? ' slaj i r of '"? E. Arnold, a young white farmer, > mob publicly whipped the recalcitrant juror anil th?-i, dipped him in ?? mu? hol>', san! reports read ing r.ere to night from Tallulah, where the ti was held. After his chas .nt th? report f.aid. the mud-covered juror ret . to the jury mom ami agreed to h vei diet of murder in the first degr?? II then was ordered to leave town I delegation of citizens. Pay $100 for Six Chair?. A tota! of $11,682.50 was realized yes terday at a sale of kalian Renaissant-? furniture at the American Art (ia. leries. Di Salvo Brothers made the largest single purchase, paying $400 fo a set of six beechwood chairs WE LAUNDER BY THE POUND and our special system ha proven highly popular with scores of housewives? SEMI-READY DRY STARCH WORK A.? ., cetilr pel ?, lake I :??? v ? . .,.-?? home W.' . !???".>? ? - -iron)r.? all fla? regular!> A '.1? me ai Telephons Plaza ? ? ' ?? ?urr/jfr? part Wallach Laundry 330 and 332 East 59th Strpp Branch '?tore or Rout? Mm aiwiijt near your 1mm??." V. Employers: Do you hace need for boys? ? ft b east to insert an advertisement that will fill your office, with professional job-hunters? toys of inferior quality-?but real, live, red blooded Americans?ah, that's different! How are you to secure boys of the right kind? We can show you one good way. Choose a newspaper circulating among men and women of intelligence and far-sightedness, who believe in Americanism and industrious effort, and then make your appeal to then, as parents of the tvpe of boys v?j" -vi-h to employ, showing the advantages and opportunities your concern offers to beginner-. Tin? plan lias been used with excellent re? sults in The New York. Tribune?a paper ex? celled by none for quality of circulation, appeal? ing, as it does, to 100% Americans. Why not try us on this method? Just phone the Good Morning Girl. Beektnan 3000?Classified De? partment?and dictate \onr ad. We'll bill \<>?i later.