Newspaper Page Text
^ECTRITIES WANTED AND OFFERED Gillette Safety Razor Grant Motors Com. & Pfd. Packard Motors Com. & Pfd. National Motors Goody ear 7% Pfd. Bucyrus Common Steams Bros. Pfd. Detroit Edison Amer. Light & Traction Detroit Edison 7s, 1928 Havana Tobacco 5s, 1922 Sierra & San Fran. P. 1st 5s, 1949 Morton Lachenbruch & Co. V H : LAO E LP HI.' NEW Y O R K Land Ti' !?? Bl Is 42 Broad St Tel. Spruce 281 .. Broad Y'JO* ??K. Rice Jr. & Co.Will Buy 160 American Cyaniuoid Pfd. 100 American Piano Ffd. ?00 Aetna Explosives Pfd. ?.*> 4 row el I Publish. Coin. 50 Caaeln 4?. .if America 23 Hudson Trust 1011 International suit 3s 100 Kerr Nmigutlon IH Mei-hani.* Hank of Brooklyn lOO S'oi"weglan-Ani?rr. 'Is- S.l Line loo v \. state ?>'??. < om. .v I'fd. 23 Nlagurit Insimule? 104) Porahonta? I n*-l tOOlSfiMidard ?lit of N. I. rf?l. l? L'nited sin??.?, lire In-.. ,-,n Texas Pacific ? <?;il .V till 1'?0 Muni Unking Pfd. J. h. Rice, Jr. ? Co. \Sill Sell -?of? tmerirau < ranamtd Pf?l. ."<? \merlran Meter ICO Min? Portland Omcni Com. :<> P.ank ?.f Amerle i 2.1 ? olumbla TruM 23 Franklin 1 rust liif? Ituilhon Insurance 55 H. W. Johns-Maiirille torn. 155 1ehlgh Valle> Coal Nales ?S Mergentlialer Linotype 100 Norweglan-Amer. (>. S.) Line '.'."> Midland '???ciiriiieM 100 V Y. sIaie t:,?. ? om. A Pfd. 23 Male Haul. "Rights" t?H> Texan I'm ill- < oal 4t Oil loo Ward Baking ( om. 100 ridewaler ???i "Itighti" J. K.Rice, Jr. & Co. ?j Texas Pacitic Coal & Oil Indian Refining: |j Centra) Agnirre Sugnr Fs.iardo Silbar Aetna Explosives 6s A? ?V B? Colombian Tmrrald Canioday Oil American Tobaren Scrip ce. 2 Wall St.. N. Y. Phone 6780 Rector ?????????????4?;mWlai m'mtl'muUHmmiHHUmmM-m Mark A. Nolile Theodore C. 4'orwin NOBLE & CORWIN 23 KroH<.l WL New ?nrt? Corn E.^cb. Bk. Stock & Rights ; J Great Am. Ins. Stock & Rights Fidelity & Cas. Stock & Rights reieptauoo 1111 Broad .1 ?r... 111 n?.i.HB__:i ?,JUL!?<.jail?l44U!llll.llljaBJ?ll'>Wb4^ STANDARD AVr.PKLV ?% WILL BB eLMMA?Y **?* il M?.KL) ON S TO ?n.ivrtARD 4)i?. J ?nrisTom ISSTK? jjf ?<> REQUEST CARL H.PFORZHEiMER & CO. l*t?o. 4?<>? 1 i ?? fcro*4i ij Br?'?,l Su. N Y. Tei?-. Par. C. & 0. Rank of Ameren City Investing Central AgtiirTe Sugar Empire St. & Ir. Pfd Fajardo Sugar Stone,Prosser & Doty I 52 William .St. Hanoyer 7733 J .Metropolitan Life Wakes New Insurance Record Report of Haley Kiske, president <><" '.'ne Metropolitan Life Insurance < om nan>, for 1919, disclose?! total placed buiiinr,-- of ?-!,','-.'-!.'.'.'.:, :? world's x?cor'J in the ii suraiicc indu try. ?>i that amount $910,091.0?\7 was ordinnr> ai'd $008,590,40 ? nduV.rial I The total Dov oui miding : . ?5.3 ?x, 602,434, h gain for Ulc year ..r ?9I 1,1 10, 618. fut? total business |?a.,| for showed an inercRie of $500,000,000 over the year 1918. For ?lie j.rat 1 me in the history o' the company claims r*:.i to ordinary polie?, holder ???? 1 e? ded those to in dustrial holders. 1'he influ?Mi: 1 ?-p', riemic of <t year ajro hit the larger p?o ry holdi'i I rii? total in ? om* ? :" l . vi ? '?:.,.:-, 942, an :? ??. ; ? I.50U.00 x Atlantic 4-oast Line ' .--. --.-. : i ?? 1 ; - J7SO.-52 1 ?...,,?.? -,'-;?. 'v. ? ??-? - ? 1 ? ??;? 1.-.. - ? : ? on? 1 ? ?. - - - ? ? - ? ? - '???Z I J' ? ,....., - , . ? , , . . Net up? ? 4.481,733 14 Chicago ?X North Western n?e?t.'.b?r groas.$11.? lilt Ii 1417 "?."?t ovftr ?le' tit. 1 . > '?' -? Month*1 Bron?13S . Ii IJ ? I " Hil?.'i?? aft"-- r.. 1 1 ?\'*t uper. .1 <?r<"at Northern Da? ?ml?? :.-??. 5 - ??? m ' ? . ? r,,?..,, .,.,..- ... .,....,,. . , ... \-?> r f- ??- ' -.-.,]. ? rti^^^H^^^B Louisvillp *K N;4*ii\ ill?' : . .?? , . ? j.... -. . j .-.??.'??? af 1 er 1 . atop? ?? ? ? : -, on? %to%?\ . 1x1 In C Cm;it.r - t ?? .4 . ? . . ?? 1 II Mobile 4.V Ohio ri?r?.-rt?r gtorm Z'.. . ' ' ' T'af.c'.t after tu? ?t or-?- ?;'? ? i .<i, j.^jj ; non'.!?*1 g.-?.- - ' Otfleit ?ftei ??? ? N*t <j??:-.: 'I--. I ... frit: " . 4? __ .New York Outrai ?"-*?"'?? ? ' ',,!.., J. ? j ; ?; ililar/e* ?f :rr > * ?. |,0I l/l ??'et 1,'S-' Incorru ? ? ? .' In? 1 b.0}7 lontb/r i-r.?x-': : ' . In ' - ? I?< after 1.. < . t : . ., ? 1 ' 'a! .,:.-? ?.-.,'.; ' i4.4H f'li?L-idflptii 1 Ok Reading ... , . ? ? -? ? . at o pi - ' 2 ri.'j..' r . ??? j '< , ' . , . /??ia/>'.e a."tr t?. / ??? ? I ' ?<?? ? ,.',.'.'?? t.?? ?i??, luto? i/jtj.iij JUao. 1,714,HI Mis? Public Utilities A"i T.'gl-.t ?- Traction.. do pr . Adirondack Klee Power. do pf . Ain ?Pis ?- Electric.1 do pf. Am Power & Light. P'V .ton . 88 . I 4 Asked. 195 1 ?1 66 no pr . a ??> Am Public rt?ltles. * 12 do pf . 23 27 i Ar? Waterworks Electric. 2 * Am W W Jfr K partie, pf_ 4 8 do 1st pf. 47 ? Carolina Power & Light...*.. "' :i8 Cl-les Service.400 40n do pf . 7?'? 7? i'':f:es Service bankers ctf?.... 42% 44 Cities Ser 7 pe ser C. 1966_l?H 1?2 Colorado Power. 17 20 Colorado Power pf. 90 95 Corn !?' Rv i L. 18 21 do pf . 4:! 48 n-n tla? * Blec gen ?Sa. ?7 83 Electric Pond & Share pf. 99 ?4 Empire District Electric pf... 70 7o Peder?! Light * Traction. 8 9 do pf. 4 ! 4T 'las ?- Electric Securities_310 4S0 P^* ?- Electric Securities pf. . 89 *?> Northern ?">hlo Electric. ? 20 Northern Ohio Electric pf.... 50 ?>6 Northern Ontario It ?? Power, H 14 .Vor* hern Ontario Lt <fc Vow pf 05 62 Northern States Power. 60 s* do pf . S7 ?1 Pacific Gas <v Electric pf. SO R* Republic Ry * Light Co. 15 17.. rio pf . 43 4 7 Sou''neru cal Edison. 87 "?> do pf .10'J 104 Standard Gas A: Electric. 25 "7 ? io pf. 40 42 Term Ry Light, k Power. t'/i ? Tonn Ry Light & Power pf... 6 ? United Light & Ry?. 28 ?2 do 1st pf. 60 6r? Western Power . 21 "* do ist pi. "1 ti Bond? Ar.paUeli Power 1st b*. . S7 '.? Cincinnati Cas & Kien os, '56.. 85 i1'.' Col Oa3 &: Elec os '27. 7'? sl ? ol Power '53. 7? 83 Palias Elec ?s, '22. 99?i ? East resas Elec 53. "42. 75 82 ,;n Th '21. 99 100 El Paso' Elec coi ?s. 85 90 Great West Power 5s '46. S?'i M',? Midwest t t:! 6s '25. S8 ?! Mina River Power 1st 5s. 7! 77 Northern Ont Light A P 6s... 73 77 Northern Stales Power bu '26. 8?' Kfl ra i'.' Gas <v Elec 6s .1. ** 95 Puge! Sound Tra? L* P 7s... 95 97 i Twin Cltv ?7 ?? B 6s. 75 78 ! Un Light R 1st 7s '32. 75 ., . ,i"b os '26. 80 Card-Am.. 20 do pi'ef. ,o C Aguirre. 95 fajardo . . 143 Gt West.. Vu ?io pref. 11? Guiita'mo. 7S Mat-Ara . 10 Sugar Stocks P.M. Asked, Mat-Am pf U Bid. Asked. Michigan.. 12 National .14,7 N Niquero.225 y Cecelia.. SO ! rio pref. 80 -Savannah.. 37 ! do pref. Si? Am Cyan. P.O do prep 50 By-Prod ..10? ?. ri-siu Co. 17 Dow Ch. .200 Pu P C v 0 ?cd Chem. i d?.' do pref. C raselli . .167 do prof.100 Chemical Stocks 0 85 .Kook Elec. 85 ?1 55 I do pref. t>5 ? 1 15 Ky Solvay. 90 V 53 : Merc Co p OS 0 Merrimac. 88 ii I OVi Mulford Co 53 ;..;. Nlsg Alk p 95 100 Semet C..165 172 Solv Poc. li'O 70 13 1 17 115 9 S 100 175 Tobacco Stocks Foil.."00 ?30? Porto R-A T.I30 ?, \V Kolniw.130 do pref. . 99 J S Young.ISO do pref. . 9? Mac A & F J60 HO ?ft .1 Reyn A.540 "'? I do ser B.P'O 138 do pref... 107 195 Weyman-B . 1*8 1 GT 1 ?io pref...*9S 109; 175 102 Steel and Ordnance Stock? do Pw. 1 ? \V Bal p -, EW.420 do pref. 62 Can F&F. 195 Carb St!. .K'O <:o 1 pf.107 do 2d pf 70 Colts \ms 'S p P Pow.370 ?E? dividen?. 157 '1 UM 450 '.18 20o 110 110 380 .East St?el. 3. ?"?> rjlTip S?" I 25 S3 do pref. 65 70 ??Here P..222 277 do pref. 107Va HO Niles B-P.106 110 do pref. 107 110 Scov Mfg.4'10 4 70 1Thorn Iron 30 35 Win Cor. .37 vVuodward. 4 ,0 Miscellaneous Stock? i 'hide S3 88 Lima L pf 93 85 Xa' Cash. 115 7 5 N .1 /. wst.272 ! , N Co 1;i IS2V4 ONe?l pi. 98 ??0 Phelps 11.240 Phil -1 ''or 67 18 do pref. do pref. SO \,o Leatli. *3 do pref. 94 Am Mfe. .1771 do pref. 87 Am MAI-M?O Am Typ K '? r, l> T N-T 25 \ n C pf 98 ..Mia.? P C 70 B B? - 1 P *"' ?lo 7i pf 70 For ? M- 116 t-c st? r pf . ','?/?? ?luloid l.'i'l fbilds Co. ?""> do pref. ?T. ?v love, 75 ol L Sv.75r' . -V W rf. o.; P T, ,t- \V. 1 ? 0 F P 1st pf P7H Di-ap-r C ! I ' Int Sil pf. 95 Loh V S G 8? W pf. 9 . ?? U p. Reis ?S C ' ? do pref S9 7.;. sRy F>P P. 141 ilo pref. 90 Pi 'Singer Mglt.5 85 S 1. IMfrS ?H 135 Stoll S rf.1V 95 .: P V ri'. 192 ? 100 "tern B p. 104 SO ,T#PC*On. 98 S50 Valvol pf.104 loi v Raalt in 17 do ?- -f. 34 100 \V ?? Kerr. 50 145 do pref. 84 K'O W f. B pf.100 ft'/ Yale <*? T.2?j; Standard Oil Stink? R.d ? ? L ?-? \ iT??riCaii OU i o. ' '.1 . . '? ? T M l'aiil li Vieflning <".'o.1 <5?1 rlo pf . 11"' Pe r ne Se rvm ser ' r. 4." ?i Bucke; c ripe Line. f7 Chesebrnugh Mfg Co, e(..\? ... Lu-, 276 104 ?i??i 167 P 10'. 1033} 108 103 107 89 103 773 1600 114; pf ??ni Pipe ' ???. ?-4 ' - i PI ;." 1 ,lne., 1 '. < r r--- Line . . . 11.; i -ignal ?.'?Il ?7o pf, ni?-.. r,i. .:. i'... :,'' ,?; .... ? :*. 1 OU, I.UI. na i "e pii-c. i ...(i... --. : Pet ? o. Lt S*w . " ? " ransit ?. ?ma! Transit Co . . "-? ? -? "i Pip? Lino Co. il . ' . un Ni'- Fuel Co. 60 rail OU & il..?. ?7.0 ii ,r;e Pipo I, ni. lit ml '. P? ." Oil ' . . :.:.'?? ' n !.??' lug Co . ? i ? r i.-.--. Plpn Line.167 .n Invest por.n ,; . ? ,; , . ' ,.f .f lui ? n a . .-?? lia ... ?< ? ' .. ..* : n u Pipe Lines ? 7i lifornia. .^'.Vrt.l * Union Ta ? ? Yo Plnrh ' 110 100 120 Miscellaneous Oil Companies ,tte r.? boa e,,; , ??_ ,.?m 115 125 OU C. ri .? ? i . ? |., g U pfd. Ltd. '. t ion. AnHec Ri 140 ri h verji ? ?il * Gas Co. P'O p ?? 71 Kit I" ? o'i. '?? . :\, ? ? k Co. Bapulpa Co. ?j New York Bank Stocks BM. America ...?7'. Atlantic .. . 2 ! > Am Exch.. . 77.1 Battery ...215 Bowery . . .4'-) Rrvant P.. 150 Bway C'eut. 1 0 ?'i '4 HS Ihn ?>'.; N-at. 130 ? .'.-h if.. D. ;;5 Cha^e .170 Coat .t: P. .220 Chelaea Kx.125 < hernii-al .. .585 ? i? ? '.'??i . . ?tjO City .400 Coal A- 1. .245 ? olon n! .. .:?:: 0 . ommerce . ?MO irnbi/? . ,20'J Corn K) p'ton 1 I " 1 ?' Cuba ..MO River..H0 I " . N?t...l.,0 ? ?fth *. e. .'??il i :? ' La- ' S ? rign T B - - i.a.-fie!,-) N. .235 -?- ?"iotliain .... 200 ? - Cireep.wich ."7 i 225 Harriman ..370 ? Hanover . . 820 l?O Indtwtrial ..205 160 Im A Trad.600 160 "Irving Nart.390 - - Lilveriy _455 41?') Lincoln _C80 350 Munhat Co..250 ? Mcch & M. .460 Metrop'tan .:? -40 7 TO Mutual ... .4710 4?0 Merchant? .225 >.'?' * Neth.,200 N Y N B A.435 ' '' Park . 750. Pacific ... I 7, : ? ?duc? K. r7, .'. 0 A01 Surely, 82 i;. ? : ., ? B? nd / M ' . IUlyrt 'I . ?? . , ) ' '?nt l riion .435 ' olumbi? . ,353 C?mmercUl 1 .0 Empire Tr.290 E?jultal;le . ,295 F?rm L&T.440 : ranklin ! 0 I ? -.o ? ,0 ' ri. m m ' -, I 1: !.. I ? - . M.1 e? f.-v? y> 215 400 840 G??j 4 00 ' 465 | 295 4i0 vi.. 210 ...,,i?,H,.,j ' : ?' econd . . 100 ,8 . ?'<.?, .? !?> i W'iird..l30 . '??e,. , PO 9 '. t ?ion Ex, .183 1015 V. 'cheater A. 70) '? 15 Yorkv:!!? . .375 Truat and Security Companies Mlianc? ... 81 90,t/awyer? T.130 Lincoln rl r I 75 88 Manufae'erg.20 ? '.'.:, Mercantile .290 240 Metropol .. ..'?00 516 Mtge Bond.. 94 4 15 Mit T ?.f W.IO . 7?.5 Nut Surety.??10 160 IN Y Tille.142 N York T. ?;,'7, 300 N Y L IAT.723 450 People* _290 360 Remlty A??o.1 10 260 Hcand!n?v'n.890 240 Trtie ?, K T.400 '? ' c ft*te?, ! , , ?' . ' M ?' I 115 M" I T G iiir 80 '. ' We?'ehe?l ' . 1 '7 '?'. A B i.7 M : , li'Je ?nd Mortgag?. ?g 140 I 195 I 337 93 i?: L.'i 745 i 310 I 20 1 910 410 1 ' S 7 ' MOI J.V ?Owuv,, ail Atntrlcao Truat Company, cellaneous Marl Insurance Companies Bid. Aslred. Blrt. Ai::ert.l Am Alliance.270 ? ?,t Am its. .1.'?-'! !<>* City of N Y.120 ?Hanover ... ?SO ? Com'nwlth..2ni, 325 Home .T.SO 610 Continental. TS S2Nat Liberty. 1T0 Fid <fc Phoe.700 710 Niagara ...225 ..eo Franklin ... So 94Stuyvesant. i>9 ?o Globe & n.1000 - - Wcstche?ter. 38 41 Great Am..420 460 4.DO 4.5? 4.60 4.55 4.66 4.?? 4.57 4.55 4.50 4.50 4.40 4.40 New York City Bonds Seeuritv. rat?, maturity. Bid Ask Yield infer 414a, June, 1965.... SO 100 flo 4'-"?, Julv, 1967. 99 100 do 41*?, March, 1963... 99 100 t?o 4V?n, .AI & M, 1957.. 91? 1?0 do ?'js, Apr!'. 10(16... 93 94 do 4i-,H, March, 1964.. 9:1 9 1 flo, 4'?s, .March. 1962... 9.) 94 do 4 Ha, Sept, 1960_ 9:1 9 1 rio 4'JB, M, 1960, op 30. 93 94 ?lo 4V4s. Mav, 1959_*8'4 "0 do 4s, Mav 1958. S3'4 SO -?O 4m, May, 1957. SS'n 90 Re? 4a, Nov. 1955-53_ I? 8 4.4 90 do 4b, Nov 1936. 92',i 93! Inter 4-in, Nov 1954. 791.4 V3 Coup 3'-jS, May 1954. 79',^ S3 R"C 3V4e, 1960-'64, Inc.470 do 3%s, N l!)40-'50, UK-.470 ?? Beg * Coup (serial) 4*4?. June, 1919-30. ino_463 New York State Bondi? Can Imp 4 4?. Jan, 196?.. 107 Mich Imp t'As, S-pt. 136 3.1 0? Canal l;np 4'..f., Jan 1965.101 High Imp 4'jR, Mar 1965.101 - 5'. Can Ter 4<~?. ,i?n. 1945.101 - Hicil Imp 4s, Mar 1967... 9S>4 - High Imp 4s. Mar 1960 '62 ino . 98'-, - do 4/?. M 4?; .S, 1963_ 98'A - Canal Imp 4s, .1 ?fc J, 1960-'6:; Ino . os i i -?? do Jan. 1942-19 46. Sf>A ?? Pal S l'ari; 4a, Mar. 1361. 98% - Federal Farm Loan Bonds 4'.4a Xov 193$ op 1923. 99 'A ?'*? 1930 op 1924. ?9<4 4Ha May 1937 op 193?. ?SV? 5s Muy 1938 op 1 923.101'-* Short Term Securities Security, rate, maturity. Bid. Am Cotton Oil 6a, 1924.. 98 10*14 4.07 108 1/4 4.07 98 ! 110-4 l?i4 19014 1 02 <? Yield. 6.46 45 Ala bam? C 50 T4a!'.i Bri?-:. 120 Onl Ter S .?4? Cosdeii . . . . 100 do pr_ Markets in Baltimore Open. High. Low. l.ns!. >1ps! it: 2.80 ?l? SO 4 *? 2 SO 99 2 '* 1014 S ?? 4-* XX S'j 6 4 il lUOl-'. IM', 1n'l 'i .89 S 9 R9 M'S Bow .;.; ? 'ons Coal 700 11?, vison . 35 :'5 Klkliorn . 25 10 Kid? lity I "i.... .139 2C6 India huma rts. 10 326 Kentucky ( ?11.. 4 l5Mor& M 1st X 29V4 -9\i 29'.-4 29 25 do Trust Co. 65 55 55 55 6 Marine Bank.. 4'.' 40 40 4?) lOOM'land Cas rts 17 4 17s4 17'i 17 40 .Seaboard p;x . . 131, 13T4 13;-<i 13 10 TJ H Fidelity. .128*4 12 8*?. 128*4 128a 300 Wayland Oll. . > !4 * '* 4 U 4' ?20 V.'ash Bai & A 19 19 19 19 Bond? $2000 ? 'ons Pn'.v I >4a 7S?4 2000 Blkhorn 6.a. ... 9", ' ? 4000 Pa Wat Pow 5s 86 '4 2000 United Ry 4s. . 67 Boston 1 2 9 Vj 13 9 >??., 129 ? 10 >' 6 VA \ *'-i 1 9.",', 9514 ?la. s0 Bis llearl. 100 Butte Bai. 35 Calu & Kr 11 Calu X- He 1 990 Carson. 55 Copper Range. 10 l?nlv Weal 255 Pa\ Is Hair. . . . x Franklin. Ci! rsland Creek.. 66 ?In pfd .... 460 Ma. flower ? ? x 1 " Mohaw). 115 New Arcadian. 100 New Cornelia.. 5 1 Nlpissing. I?1 North Bull f . . lo Ose?la. 10 Qulncy. ! ' 0 S?n??ea. 5 St Marys. 6S35 Sup & M?.?ion . I 6 U ?-i Smelting:. .10 ?.f.,. 4 6 ' 4 4 6' 1 1 -i 1 2 '. 44 4 1 SO'4 S.01 S U 8 ! ?: n ?., S i* .".i? etah 20 Cah ?ortaii 50 \ 1? tori 3 ij \\ i n o n i Railroads 17 Best ?- Albany.I2514 1 25 !?. 125U 1 - "> '4 137 Bos Blevated. 64*4 Ha ?4 64 :::, B Sr Maine pfA ". 4 ? 0 I 41 do pf B ... 73 M 73 73 .. Maine Cenral.. 64 64 64 6? .'? Mass Fli |?f . .. 11 <A 1 ! '4 1 1 's 11 V? 1 : - ? V. : 11 ,( n -'.. PS ' < y, ..' 1 v?.-t l, -,- 11 .". S.-i S5 S 4 '4 ? ; V, ?s? lin.) ?' ', -? x.. 1 : ??, 1 .- . Miscella?ieous ?'- Ain As; . .4 \m ' .' es g '.: A m -? iiga 0 Am T 1. 1, 117'4 14 :?>>--* - .i (-:??,. 1 .0 ?Jen ? .... .; . iO I Inn .'.'. I.ibl. 154% 153 ? X '? ' 4. X ? l'.O ? 67 i>0 .!?. pf . 61 ?0 MeKlwain 1st i?r 91 1 M? rgonthatei ..137 10 VI , -. < Ii ,n sin uns Mannet IS 11,0 Swift * ...... ;?;; ? 33 do lut m . . ..4' ; Torrlnglori .. 71 ?..: Un liruy le! pf 5 i 40 United I i-ult.. 1 95 : ! i;i it. i? shoe.. 4?; .?1 ?lo pf. 47 70 Ventura . 15 400 Wa ithmti .... 43 '4, ?'1 11,5 Wal wort U . . . . ? ". 1 i, Bonds 53000 Am T X- 'V 6s. '.?:? 9'. 5'i00 A 1; W 5s. . . . 79 .:? 3000 ' ai non T - ....!:," 3 ;;n SO 0 0 1 '.'iilr.-il \l ?is. SO S 0 2000 M,.,*-? ? ?as 4 ',s ?l 91 1 000 Miss Bivi r 6a. 75 '- ,.. 1000 M K Tel ...: . . . M M Hoislon Curb Bl'.r Hawk. Bohemia . . Boa <0 Sl?n. ? Xi lavera* . Champion . ? hlef ? on ion ? "opp?r. ' ?.1 Ilsv Benblgh . . JSagle Hi;, l-'ortuna . . ?.iadaden .. llonia . Housihl 311 Iron Bl >sa lr..ii i.'ap . .loruin? Vr? La Bos? . . Majf-stl.; .. 1 '-. Mex Metals, x "? 1 ': Mid Moss. . .65 70 74 Moj Tung... .10 12 1 '? Mona rch,. 27c 1.00 1. ?v. /,. . 7 ?'? 's X' .0 I 1 Baltic .Ol indaKf 214 Orpheutn 3 PUsri: : . 1 >4 I'lono? : 40 II | lia h le:- . . ?11 Mr;. S V. Ml f p Tex a na . . V. .10 42 VI' Sales. 1 7 0 A11 4910 Armour pfd 20 Bri ?0 Bui V u i Chicago Open. High. r.nw. Bast. ? 108 ?J 108 , 7 0 ', 0 15 15 1 : Cbl C <?-. i' pfd s'4 g s'4 0 100 Chi Blev By pf r, ? s ',-, 20 Chi Bneu Tool. 9.','4 9514 9,,ix 951-1 130 1 as.. Plow- 20T4 21 20'(, 31 ' 1330 Cont Motor... I :", 1314 1 :; : t 1314 J:'" Cudahy .103 102-, 101 'a 102% 83 Deere pfd.101 14 101 x,, 1 01 ioi 60 Diam'd Match. 134 V4 124'.4 ]34'4 12 4 Vi 100 Bdi .-1-1.1 J..n..s 33 ".: 3:; ?.-? >90 Hupp . Ii? 5 0 Hoi st 1, Sugar 11 r>6 15 .in 565 M mi ?> 11 1' 5 Nal I, ' . . Orpin u .'i '?.,!.:, p '?1 It. \l. .-'I', 10 Qua cm ? i..'- .3 10 d'l ! CI. 100 Hears Boe.3 8660 S h a <??! \cl. 36 Hte? Mi'K. 8377 S ?wan \\ ar.. 20 Rl and ?las. 10D0 Hwlft Int 1_ 426 S-.x ' t.- V.o. . .128 128 X. ! hoi p80 ; .OH 1.0 % 8S I ? 1 nloi ' 'arhlde. ', T-, , .: ?, ,.. United Pa p.-i ti i "i 24 du pfd.08 68 90 Wahl .?l'a 4 I j 935 Weal Knltl Ing, 23% 21.-t I0 Wilson . 76 40 do pfd. 99 99 ?>5 Wrlgley . 40 80 . . Itimds. 000 Swift 1st 6s- 9 1 ,i 91 \ Detroit 200 Chan ..:?1 Iron. 4 ' ? ? ', I ' 1 .?., pffl ... 1200 Cont* i Molur, I.'! S ' : ? 1 . . IO*?, 1 ? . . . ' - . 4 ". 1 12 4 4 14 2314 I, 1 I 1 I 1 1 91'* : OH ?. 1 I > ...;.'... " . 1.1} J ?-, 1 ? , 1.9., i'"> I-.,. . Mot i Jr. ? ::i ... ti inilPiuililni . 27',4 3??4 ?.v 14 ::7H: IDIItioilcitjrC.?. :r? 27 44 2t% 2744 1 ?ets Security, rate, maturity. Bid Ask field Am Tel ft Tel 5s. 19 = 3... ?<3H |?% J.30 do fis T>?4 . 9jt-4 ?1?1? ' I'1 Am Thread ?5?. 192?.lOOVi 101*4 *??? Ar1 Tobacco 7.?. 1930.100?s IIP, o.^O 70 .,. 1921..'.101 101 ?i 60 ,io 7s 1922.10154 102'4. 8-10 do 7*'. 1923.102 103?? S" Anarnmla Con 6s. 1929... 95 96 6.60 Armour & Co conv 1920.107'* 10?'* - rio 1921 .107V* 10S'* t? do 1922 .107* IOS'-? - do 1923 .10714 IOS ?i do 1921 .107'-? lOS'i ?? ?Beth Steel 5s. 152'.!.101 101 ?? 6.45 I Pan Pac Ry 6s, 1924... ._. 97'4 91 ?* 5 : Cen Argentina P.y 6 II', B&Q 1st 4s. 1921.... '.'*:? "i? '??"> ! Chi Pneu Tool 6a, 1920... 99*4 106Vj 649 i do 6s 1921. 99',?, 190 ?5.0? do 6b! 1922. 99 100 SO? j Cuba Am Sugar 6s. 1021.. 109 100'-i 5.50 Cudahv Pack 7s, 1923... 101 101 ?, 8.50 Del ft "Hudson 5s, 1920... 99*4 99V, ?.?5 1 Fed Sugar Rat 5a, 1924... 97V4 9? ???? I General Elec 6s. 1920... 99% 10')'* b.50 (it Nor Ry 5s, 1920. PS** 99?.i 6.?<> j Hocking Val P. U, 1924. S3 9o 7.46 . Pmon Tank Car Co. ?- 124 !-*,. I Gulf Oil f'orp 6s. 1922.... 00 !'"'< ""ia i Int P.ap Trans 7s, 1920.. ?S 70 ? lj Dold Pack Ts, 1921_100 100*4 6.20 i do 7s 1922.100 101 6.45 do Ts 19 23 .100 . 101'4 (.41 ! Kan City Toi Ry 6s, 1023 98% 90'* 6.30 : Laclado G 1st r 7s. 1920. 96% 98 7.7,0 Liggett & Myers Cs, 1921. 99*? 99"-4 6.25 Mollne Plow 7s. 1920....100 101 5.95 do 7=? 1021. ?_. . ? 1 00 101% 6.20 j do 7s, 1023.WR?. .100 101% 6.45 j do 7s, 1024.10O 101% 6.55 |N Y Centra,! 6s. 1020. 99% 99'? 6.25 ! Philadelphia < 5o 6s, 1922. 9("l :'T ?? , Penna Vo 4',A9. 1921. 97V4 9714 6.1? ! Pitts & ?' col tr ?a. 1020.. 99% 190 ?4 4.11 Proct ft Ca-.-ibl? 7?. 1910.100 100?.% 4.1? do 7s, 1921.1007? 101% 5.60 do 7s, 1922.101*4 102'4 ?.I? do 7s. 1923.102 103% 6.80 ; Public S N .1. Nov 7, 1922. 86 89 ?? ; R J Reynolds Tob 6s, 1922 99?, 99% 6.10 Southern Ry Cs. .1932.... 94 94% s.90 St P U I> gen 5?,-is, 1023.. 93 09'4 6.70 Studebaker 7s, 1921. sa?i lot)1,? 5.90 do 7.1, 1920. 98% 99 6.10 Swift ft ?""o 6s, 192!. 90", ICO ti.0(1 West India S Pin 7s, 1929 96 100 7.00 Utah .Sec 6s, 191-2. 86% 88 11.60 I Westinghouse fis. 1920. ...100 100% 6.25 Oilier Cities Philadelphia Sales. Open. High. Low, Last. 75 Am 'ins .1 51 ', 61 61% :' \m IP s pf. . . 60 60 ??0 60 ?? 7 Am St...res . . . 42 42 41% 4 1 % 50 Cambria Iron. 1'? % 40 39% Pi 20 Kleo Stora3??--127% 177', 127% 177'.. 1" (liant Prtld ?'. 5 16 Ins Co '77 Am. 34% 34% S4% : ?% 4 ." Lake Supr i'irp 20% 20% 20', 2"% 37 I.ehigh .\.iv .. 63% 6fi% 63% 63% " Xor P7; Wrnt.S 7S 28 38 28 79 Pha Co fi pc pf 35 S? 34% 34% 265 Blec ... J5% 25 14 35% 25% ".-.o I'll NtBk wrts.155 165 150 165 65 PCtlL cu pfwi. 42% 42% 4 2 7? 4 2% 5 Penna Salt M. 75% 75% 75 '. 75% 1280Philt? Up Tic- 24% 7.5 24% 24% 25 Tono Dlmnt... 2'4 '-'"? '-'-j :: r, 210L'nlted Gs Im. 54% 54% 54?? 61% >'. I'liicl Cmpns, ..186 186 185 1 7. 10 Wwick i Steel. 8% S*? S% i-"* Bonds ! 1000 Beth Steel Cs..1 10 110 l in 110 ??. ? Ii VI 6s 192a.100 100 lOtl [Oil 6000 Lit S Crp In?: 5a 5S% 5S% BS 5.? 5000 Nil Prior. 4--V. :,,i SO 30 30 2000 Reading gen ??? 79% 80 79% SO |6000URya inv cllt 6s 73% 7 3% 73% 73% 1000 Penn gen 4 %s S3 S2 S3 82 l'itt.sbursr,?\ 3610 Arkansas (Jas. 30 30% 29% ".?? * 50 r!o pf.105 1".. 105 |05 16S5 Barnsdall Corp 5:: 65% 52 ,.7. lOCarbohydro pf 4% 4% 4 ?4 4 :; 5 io uuff?y Gillesp. 34% S4% 3:;?? :m% 50 I lor v\ all-; pf .101 % 101 % 101 1"! 100 lud ?rowing.. :. 3 995 Kav ? :?> Gas. . . :: 2 :' 35 Labelln Iron. .112 112 II! 113 '"O't.oii- Star Gas 36% 36.% ..<',, :;?% IS90 Marlan<1 . K 6% 5% 6% 150 Mfra LI ft HI. 58% 5S% 58% 68% 115 Ohio Fuel Oil. 39% 29% 29% 29?; 40 ?il-,.., Pue] Sun 49% 49% 49% 49?? 90 Oklahoma ??:?s 40% 41 tO'-j 4.;"., 20 Pgh Brew i,;'.. ! 4 14.14 14 1500 P?h .lerome . 19c 19c lip ]9c 2000 Pch Ml Shasta 46c 46c 4 5o 45c 790 Pgh Oil ft ?'Pis 14% 15 14% 15 33 Pgh PI Glass.168 169 168 169 50 Weal A IP... ?15 115 1 1 4 % 11 4 % 70 West Blec. ... ?4 % hi % 54 54 lionils $1000 Inri Brew 6s... 55 55 55 65 Toronto Bid. Ai?, i R-..I. A,*. Aduna.-. ... 6 8 Keora .. .25 25% Ape-; .. . 3% 3 Lake Shore. 1.18 1.22 Baile?- . 6 6% Mclntvre... 3.10 2.12 F-. r ? -on.. .6; 69 Mn Cp Can.. 2.10 7 30 ??'i Perla nd .11 II Newray .... .12 it Conlagas 2.30 3.08 Pt ran Lake. 21 22 Crown Use 'l 44 Por?: Cro?vn.38 30 r?a\ idson ..71 73 ?Pore lrnprl. 1 % 3 I1..1.1- Hi...'.! 33 Pore: Ttsdale 1 1% Dm Mns. : 25 l : 7," Prs'r? k l>. . 3% :% 1 ..'.;ii- t.akr',14 17 1 k lluffhe?..)" 20 Gold Reef., \\-t .-, rer tskamg 46 47 ?ii Mori hn . . .'! .; '? rhoni Kris! 6 ?, , ITargiaves . 3 P< 'tasapika ..35 50 I??llin?ci . S.!"? 7.00 "West Pome., 9% 10 Srars. Itoc.Hirk 1919 Net Pro6ts Pass $18.000.000 Mark The annual statement of Sears, Roe? buck ?t- Co., for 1910, issued yesterday, disclosed net profits of $18,590,125. (?/?osa snips amounted to $207,900,025. ? Net sales were $233,982,584. Dividends on investments aggre? gated $25!).753 Purchases, including differences in inventories, wages, ir?t? eral and selling expenses, advertising am' al! administrative charges totaled in round numbers ?5206,000,000. Re pairs on plant and cQuipment, depre-? <:ia; ion on plant and other reserves! am? unted to $3,200,000. Payments to employees' savings and profit sharing pension fund were ? 1.200,000 and csti mated reserve for federal income and war ? ..'? 33 profits tax ?va.s placed at $4,870.000. Total surplus account for ?ho year is $33,575,000, compared with $20,616,000 for the year ending Decem bor 31, 1013. The surplus for last year is net profit minus J?;,."i00.0fii paid out in preferred ar.d common stock divi? dend, leaving $12,331,000. Canadian 1919 imports Increased S31,000,000 OTTAWA, Jan. 29. t anadian trade! statistics f'?>r the calendar year, made public here to-day, show a material increase over the previous year. Im? ports increased $3l.000,ono and exports bv $51.000,000. Aggregate imports to? taled $941.007,700 and exports $1,294, '.i'?0.?,1^'.. The duty collected amounted . to $!68.920.650. The ?no-it, striking increase was in imports from Cuba, due mainly to sugar. !n 1013 Cuban imports amount? ed to about $2.000,000; last, year the , amount was approximately $12,500,000. Imports from Cr?ai Britain increased bj $15.000.000. Other countries in ??hich export trade increased included the United States, $21,504,145; Australia. $2,225, 000; Argentina, $4,225.000; China. $2, 000,000; Italy, $7,226.000; the Nether? lands, $3,225,000, and New Zealand, $2, 775,000: Mexican Silver Production Shows Big Falling Off WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. Silver pro? duction in Mexico from January to September, 1919, amounted to 46,948, fi21 ounces, compared with 62,225,344 ounces for th?> year 1918, according to a report, to-day from Mexico City to ! the Department of Commerce. "No official statistics for tho entire I yea:- 1919 will bo available until April," the reporl said, "but a local exporter! of gold :?".d silver who is closely in touch with Hie situation estimates that the F.ilvcr productor] for 1919 amount-, ,0 io 75,000,000 ounce?. <.f which '.Y.\.? 000,000 ?.uncos were refined in Mexico, (if the latter amount 3,000,000 were re- ? t.iined in Mexico 1?v,- coinage purposes! and the remainder exported, practi- ? cally ail to tho United States." Associated Dry (roods Defers Action on Common Dmdctnl At. the meeting of the directors of the Associated Dry (?oods Company yester? day action on the common stock divi? dend was deferred until March 11. It waa explained that the company's earn ingH for lbe year have not yet been compiled arid placed in chape for official submission to tho hoard, and for this reason no action was taken in regard ? o ' iio common dividend. I' .' ors declared th?1 regular Quar? terly dividends of I'?? per cent on the ' 1 ' pre fened a nd 1i < per cent 0,1 tho second preferred stocks, both payable March I to stockholders of record February 9. ! Business News THE commercial paper market was unchanged yesterday and all discounting was done at 6 per cent, with the country banks the principal buyers. The volume of paper coming into the market is comparatively light. The stiffening of the call money market resulted in a quieter demand for bankers' acceptances. P.ates were unchanged. I COTTONS?Gray Goods Firm: Bank Restricting Jobbers Firmer prices are returning in the I gray or unfinished goods market, witl ! fewer offerings by second-hand holder? ? Some brokers are inclined to believ? i that the liquidation caused by the ad | vanee in the rediscount rates by th< ? Federal Reserve Bank has ceased anc i that the market is in for an indefinit? ] upward swing. However, although sec I ond-hand offerings have become ' slighter, big buyers aro not operating ! heavily now. In the ' nished goods end of the trade I retailers and jobbers continue to op j erate, but in some quarters a greatet conservatism is noticed. Some of the ! retailors and jobbers now in the mar j ket say that their banks already have i asked them to tako up some of theit | commercial paper and that this is rc jstricting their operations. j SILKS?Commission Weavers Looking for Business A great number of the small manu? facturers who have entered the silk producing field within the last yeai ', or so are now approaching the large producers and offering to weave silkf ; on commission. The high price of raw ? silk and silk yarns, plus the restrlc j tions put upon the trade by the banks has curtailed the power of these small I manufacturers to operate their plant? i as independent producing concerns. In j order to keen their machinery goiiii; and their help employed, the pro : prietors of these small plants, most ol '? them consisting of from five to ten . looms set up in mere "sheds" through : out New Jersey, have resorted to the j commission weaving method. Several of the largo producers who maintain offices in New York said yes? terday that these commission weavers drift into their o ill ees at the rate of ! three or four a day. Most of the bif: concerns have refused to give thorn i any business. j Many of these small plants are co ' operative affairs, in which the weavers i themselves own and run the business. . By combining their capita!, these wcav i ers, largely Syrians, have been able to 1 purchase a half dozen or more second ; hand looms, and to set up in business. I LEATHER?-Feiv Belgian Gloves Received by Importers The rumor in the trade that Belgium : is shipping gloves to this country in ; large quantities is not borne out by I reports of returning buyer.-1.. The buyer | of one large local leather goods com? pany stated yesterday that some small ? lots of Belgian gloves had been of i feretl him while abroad, but they were I of ;;n inferior quality and he refused ' to buy. Belgium has never been a glove pro? ducing country, Ibis buyer asseeted. The fine gloves, he explained, come from France, the heavy ones from Kng 1 land, an?! the cheaper grades f'-om Italy ! and Germany. It is no; anticipated by this authority that many German I gloves will find their way to this court '. try, becatise of the prejudice against "Made in Germany" products. In commenting on the glove industry, this buyer called attention to the ?'act ? that formerly the French glove labor i was exceedingly ?'heap, as gloves were i made by the peasants in between the I crape seasons. Inasmuch as this coun ; try, which has been a big importer of i French wines, has declared prohibition, i tho sale of these products will probablj : be curtailed, and more peasants will turn their attention !?? th" glove in 15 ti y e v s Buyers are invited to rcci?tor in (his rnlnlin by telephoning Bookman 821 .'? between 10 a. ni. and 7 p. ni. n o?. BP.OWNWOOD, Tex -P. B, Rogers, dry goods, ready to wear; 1100 Broadway, HI KKAMJ ?' N. A'lHUifi ?In : < ?. I1 Hr?-tt, Knit underwear; MIsh lie Ten pie, leather poo.In; 2 West Thirty-seventh Street; .?. ,s0r . Pry Oooda ? ??. BUFFALO I. Levy, clothing, etc.; Ilor BUFFAPO .1 NX Adam Co . t\ |.\ Rrett Kl?.? es lioaiT.-, und-i ?' - .'x West '/?hui- seventh Slro.M . \h. r.leen RUFFA l,i i |.'i anK ? >"i ?ortnaii A Su ?th ' ' > .1. IX Smith, iiifixi . lollilii? M? V11. ? i < PI PF M," Viaii . M fid? uni .v Audi ?, n !!. N Nts?. rugs, . :.rf-l i; 330 Fifth Avenu?. Il X' F F A I, O I .< ?? SI. i x, . -, milt* ??-alsts, drisses: 110 We?: Thirty-fourth St reft. C\ RIJON 1 ? v 1.1-;. P.-, - lv IX Hughes, Ren - enil mer lian?) ???. Abei d? ? n CARTIIAiiH, X > I. [Itirwll*, dry goods and general indue : Rrondwn ' > entrn i'A PSK II.I.. >; V. ' X P. Tinini rm.-in .. ito goodu .'?? m .'..: CIIARl.KKT? ?N, '? V"n ?"Mtarl? ston P-pt :? tin-. i '. i '. Sites ir^n.-i --?I ni r :... ndi a . . '.' "x ..i T . .v,i ?-?:-? h su ce? CHA RI.? ? I TE, X i '. Bi ,1 Pros : P. P. Starbrou, silks, lluenti; II. I-'. Matthews, general rnerehan??ise; Miss \ Auten, muslin and dolls; 110 West Thirty-sec? ond Htreel , A. Fiintl. CHATTANOOGA, T.nn -1?. 71 I.oveman <'.'... M ins H. Connor?, women's, Birla' to wem: 1P.0 Liroadway; Baor Ar Ullenthtv!, ?DII?-.>.(}0 _-.Te,.ph ?ray Co.; .ionsph Stay, ready to wmr; Albsrt, . dustry. In this event it is thought i that the glove workers will organize ' and, as is nearly always the case when : combinations are formed, wages will [ go up. The opinion was expressed in some 1 quarters that prices of gloves have ; readied their limit. ?>n this point one , manufacturer said there will be r.o chango for the next six months, as . prices are adjusted semi-annually. At \ present, this manufacturer said, whole , sale prices of gloves are identical with i present retail prices. The present prices of gloves are so high, according to a large retailer. ! that many conservative people cannot ! afford to "wear kid ones and are turn ? ing to those of wool and cloth. On l the other hand, he ?aid, people who i never before wore cloves are now buy? ing two or three pairs. As an ex? ample, he asserted that several labor? ers came into his store to purchase gloves, who said they had not worn a pair of cloves in ten years. ?The stores also report large sales of expensive gloves to working girls who never had been patrons of the store before. [JEWELRY?Big Demand for jet Follows if ar Mortalities The frightful mortality caused by the recent live years of warfare has resulted in an enormous demand from all parts of the country for jet orna? ments. Pins, necklaces and earrings made up of this mineral are in won? derful demand ami retailers have been forced to purchase large stocks for 1920. To be of the quality desirable for cutting jet must be black, of a uni? form color, and have a somewhat fatty lustre. The jet of commerce has for a ?eng time come chiefly from Eng? land. It.-, facility of obtaining a high polish, together with its homogeneity. permitting almost any kind of carving as well as turning on its surface, has added greatly to the mineral's popu? larity. The substitution by many manufac? turers of black onyx or black glass for jet has caused the latter to lose some popularity. As these stones can be prepared somewhat more cheaply than jet, many customers hesitate before buying the genuine. Hard rubber and celluloid also substituted for jet. The manufactured articles are usually given their form by being pressed in molds, and hy close inspection traces of the molds can be seen. FURS?Trade Actuary Advises Conservatism Hanks are preparing to refuse to lend as large amounts as formerly to fur dealers, according to Richard S. Otto, actuary of the Fur Merchants'As? sociation, who yesterday issued a statement to the trade calling for con? servatism and retrenchment. Not only does the action of the hanks call for a slowing down of the trade, said Mr. Otto, but indications are at hand that the oca!-- of prices consumers are will ?ng io nay for fur garments is at hand. Dealers in raw and dressed skins, ae? on; ding to Mr. Otto, made good profit?. i he smaller dealers, because of the small *:nn:ic^l risks they ran. having made a bigger percentage of profit on (he capita! invested than the larger ?Jcalers who operated more conserva? tively. Manufacturers also enjoyed prosperity ?luring the last year, al? though their prolits were cut, into by the high wages they had to pay to operators. Retailors in lare;e cities, he said, had a good year, bul the small ?own and rural retailers found their I business and prolits considerably cur? tailed by the abnormally high pries. r v i v e d IHK-Ana ' ' ' H"! r?? : r> T';'r- mann . i - .?; ;..,- i ? uns- Usuel HIPA?;?.? ? 'dr.-on, rii-i? * Seo't . Mr. I .,-. u.???.!.? : i.i. ? presenting; Mr. I.amnn.1 nur] Mr, Tosh. domestics, wash goods; if.? Kinn t1i \ ?nui. TI If AGO ' 'arson. Pirle f.- Pi ol < : Mils A. !. ?lili mi?in - ?04 Fourth A' ?nu?, PIIM'A?.;??? II. 1. Gllckinan '". : IT. Gliel: ni.-in, infra women's garments; I .um;-! Ill? '.;.. K i i lo. !?: Ilosi-rv Mills; \V. II. \\ HI -??': III Siei , \\ .?V Rid. ? 'II li ? P ;? i l.ti\or Mills; B. Rudwlser, II ?-..? ' '?'.,.. ClllfAGO- I. V. Co ; Thomas Chan ?.?? ? children's i oa ' --. 77 1 .rom id Si n ? CHICAGO ' "o!.-.:??? Novelty ?"loa?i Co. . Mi Germain, representing; 77 Leonard ?- oils f.-ill .!-.-..-.-?=; p Ma.l:?or? Avenue. CHICA?;?'! Marshall l-'i-ld. W. \V. Peas le. . win ?n'a ne kv -a . .1. P. .lohn, , l!ic|or. I Pi7 Mioadwa ??II IPA?;?;? Kmpor ?mi \'. orld Mlllin. ? , \ '?: Slii" er fr?n? merchandise .. ? ?::?-?? ? -i P?o irjwa- room IP . P!MPA?;0 Maudol Uros. ; Miss Ptai. sta .. : ???? . Sir Po-Mlloil. trillo?, roo,is: 10. Reale, :-!."; p. Past Twenty-second ?ill: ' IN NATI Wittkamper Woolen Co P n. WittJtamper, woolen piece goods ;??.?! tnnimins - : Pennsylvania. ClN'i'lNNATl -Roinn &-. Melss: Mai Lev!, fall i-loalis, furs: Ueon Meiss, white i'l,HVKI,A\|i !.. I. vy, clothing : ? ?rand. l'Uni' 111.I . T< ? Self !>r;- Goods Co. ; I-.. Self .->? poods and notions; Rreslin ' l.i-P IP.A M i Bailey Co . Mrs ?.-. Mos ????vies, s.i-.t?; ,- West Twenty-sixth Sir.-'t. , :wV> I.e\ is. ! CI.E\ Ki.ANP s ail"?' Pros. Co.; P. P. Swadry, men's, women's furnishings; . . ?. . ri CI.KVKI.AND-?Sterling ?7 Welch: M. ' I? ii.I'M HI S. >:? b Golden R?ile; A. K. Call?', ?cady tu wear; 11S2 Broadwav, J. ??? I eilllli.l, fiondhelnier, lace curtains, draperies, : li...' -, T hi : prowl, laoo curtains, dra peries; Manliat lau. : 1- \1 I. \.7 I'. . Pliek.Sharfsteiii Pr.. ; A!. lilli-lt. I '. d-, |,, v. ,.;,,- ; ({,... -, 1 iE.\ P p.. 'I , '\ ?lliams Stoie, v.. \\t' lin ins furnishings y.Is, clot inner. 6 "??? I hit-?; -ec ,?d St.. -l pip - Et! N. SU iker, it idy to wear; P? i - ? l I'l. : :.' 'I ?' (tool & Rosenberg; Nathan Hoot. tailoring poods; Grand. METIBUT- .1 i. Hudson Co.; ,T. K. Rarf :-!!. i|r?sses; 7 7, PPPi Avenue, <tli floor DETROIT Tuttle & Clark; G. J. Letter man, i lotor apparel. McAlpln. D? M '? ; i, as. A.ii.-. Levy Mrs- Goods Co.; J. Levy, ready to wear; US2 tlroailwav, .1. Mill, iiihal I'l ' : I'M i Ereimuth; P. p. Kalterbaeh, coats and suits, waists; 1170 Broadway. 13 AU it.AI IIP. Wis William Samuelson 1'? '??? ''" ? A. .1. Geskc, general mdse. ; Pa i . A ??? nue. v El'.NTIS, N? i, Golden Rule; A. 13. Cable, r?>ad> tu wear; is: Broadway, J. Mlt ti ntlial. EVANSVII.I.K, le,!. ?William Hughes; .! A, Mills, eoals suits, dresses; 621 Broad ..?1. E\ ANSVII.I.G. Ind. A. Schult.:, r--adv '" wear; ?03 Eifth Avenue, room I n07. EAIRRURY, N. I) (?olden Rule; A E ' ?iI'l' ? read: to v. car; MS2 Broadwav. J. .Mitt? nthal. FAIRMONT, \v. VB I'll? .lone., Garment ?" ' '?' " ? ,: ? ' .lorn ?, all !: ,?m v., nn a'a ir ind ? iiii ?:??? : McAlpin K'.'RT l1 uRTIi, ? . . Jangei Bros . ,1 \V ? ??:.'? ' i v ear; 19 East Twentv iii-i h SI ' ? ??! : Bristol. Ci'l'AM? ?R??A. \ ;. Mull.|o . \V. Mil' ;"'"- 'I >: "'da an ? K ?neral m? rehan GUHKNSBPRG, Ind George K Magee H -1 Mnsee general mdse.; the aihim' GPi-.KW 11,l.E, Ga. ? Stroxler ,<? Kreemati; W Sin ..ici, general morchandiso; Herald II Mi rhXJP.D. Conn Sage All?n; P ir V men s furnishings; 104 louu.i M MPI ? ?lit?, Conn Sage, Allen Co ? V .'' ?orli, iiien's voulus' and buys' cloth , '?K. " !- ' ;:-: nl.snins gi ,ds; St. .Ian os v ' '' ' ? notions hoHli : .- and un?l? r wear; llroailwaj Outrai HELENA, Ai !.. Hands Bros; I. a Cohen ?' " ..''' "'?'?? Mis., a. E, Chamberlain and Mrs. s. M Mc.Nutt, ready i,, wear 1 150 Broadway, M li floor I.. s Ayres Co.; Miss E. M. Geffen, dress,..: Miss E. Moran zt:riu?uottcZ[t "5 "'rth 'Vvcnue'; ' ' ' '' '? - 'i''1 'l B 17 Cohen dry goods; ; ' ' ' "' ? '? '?" ? t v. Rlri ilnshain ? ? ""? ; V ? '''' '):'-:;ii"-'. ''?> coo U und ' "' i": ? l ' nsylvsnla, JAOlvSONVIEEB, Ela -Covlngton Co- T -,\". ..""?r'">"' m?n'? furnishing?;;' 60 Morth Street. * KALAMAZOO, Mich.?Kalatnasoo Pants Co.: E. S. Rosenbaum and Sam Clark, piece goods; 44 East Twenty-fifth Street; Roth & Bloom. LAN?"ASTER. Pa.?Donovan Co.; M?t? C Hersh: waists, cloaks, suits, furs; lit "W Thirty-second ?street; Breslin. LAREDO. Tex.?A. C. Richter, g?nerai merchandise, ready to wear; Herald Stfuare. LOS ANOELES?M. Berenrwelg: J. Beren zweig. dry goods, men's furnishings and notions; Breslin. LOS ANGELES?Broadway Department Store: ??. R. Vient, women's, children's clothing, gloves, handkerchiefs, um? brellas, parasols, leather goods, belts, purses: fi.. Madison Avenue. LT.NTHBfRO, Va.?D. B. Ryland & Co. ; I) B. Ryland. jewelry; Aberdeen. MACON, tla.?Kaplan & Siretman; H. Kap tan. coats and nuits; Pennsylvania. MADISON, WIs.?A, Kornhauser & Co. A. Kornhauser, millinery; 1170 Broad way. MARIANNA. Fla.?Miss E. L. Kilpatrick, ? Irv goods nnd notions; Flandern. MERIDIAN, Miss?Winner. Kline & r0. Wiiliam Blum, ready to wear; 116 West Thlrtv-second Street; A. Fantl. MIAMI, Fla.?Quality Shop; Miss C. New? man, white Jersey suits; 1133 Broadwav, room :>03. MIDLAND, Tex-'-Wailley-Wilson Co.; A. VVadley. dry goods; Aberdeen. ? MILWAUKEE?Her/.feld Phlllipson Co. Walter Rows?, .?ilk underwear; 113: Proadwav. room 326. ' MINNEAPOLIS?Liberty Outfitting Co | 1Will?am Orenstein, ready to wear; Al tazar. MINNEAPOLIS- Powers Merchandise Co.; W. C. M. Pyke. trimmings, laces, cm - broideries, ribbons, handkerchiefs, neck? wear, dry goods: 3 West Thirty-seventh Street. Associated Dry Goods Co. i MONROE. N. C.?W. H. Belk .t- Bms. ; M. E. Redwlne, ladies' notions; 116 West Thlrtv-second Street; A. Fantl. ! MONTREAL? Wer.ler Co.; M. YVexler, mll linerv goods; Breslin. ' NEW HAVEN. Conn.?The Edward Malley Co.; J. C. Mizer, ribbons, notions, jew? elry, drugs: 404 Fourth Avenue. NEW HAVEN", Conn. ? Starin Bros.; A. L. Starln, woolen piece goo?}^, Bark 1 Avenue. NEW HAVEN. Conn. ? Lawrence Eck. woolen piece goods; Park Avenue. I NEW ORLEANS?W. B. Kohlman. hos? iery, underwear; 356 Church Street; Knickerbocker. NEW ORLEANS?Marks. Isaacs Co.; IP LaBiche. boys' clothing: 11. Bernstein, men's clothing; 1150 Broadway; Bacr ?- Lilienthal. 'NORFOLK Va.?H. ,T. Kandel. millinery: Grand. OAKLAND. Calif. ? T. Schlucter, household goods: Breslin. ?HI, CITY, Pa. -C. H. Smith Sons Co.; H. M. Pell, cloaks, suits, waists; TheAnnex. OTTUMM'A, 111.? Stanton Specialty Shop. W, S. Stanton, women's wear; Knicker? bocker. PHILADELPHIA?J. Feingold Co.: J. Feingold, nifrs. of skirti an?i dresse.". A Lazar. PHILADELPHIA?Meyer, ?'ravi.? ?- Sons; .T. ?'ravis, cotton anil ?woolen- piece goods: 33 West Thirty-fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA- Rand ?? Rand: J. Raml. woolen piece goods, silks, satins and velvets; Aberdeen. PHILADELPHIA?H. Weintraub Co.: IP Weinlraub, .jobs of cutum goods; Broajl way Central. PHILADELPHIA?Hahn, Seligman i- r?i. : .1. Fishor, trimmings and braids; I'enn sylvania. FINANCIAL FINANCIAL EXECUTIVE: Have had wide experience both as bank? ing an.I manufacturing executive, also as member New Vori: Stock Exchange firm; now in business for myself; will consider position with substantial im?rests offering possibilities. Ample references furnished i.n.l reason for ?hange given to responsible parties when nature of the business is dis? closed. Principals only. Address B., Box 503. Trili'Jiia Office. DIVIDEND NOTICES Continental Paper Bag Co. New Tork City, 17 Battery PI . Januarv 2Sth. 1920. 78TH CONSECUTIVE PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDEND. A quarterly dividend of one and one half ?P-i'x. per cent, on the preferred stock ha.-, been declared, payable Febru? ary 16th, 1930, to the Preferred Stock? holders of record at the .lose of busi? ness on February 9th. 133'J. Che'.Ls mailed. 58TH CONSECUTIVE COMMON STOCK DIVIDEND. LIMA HlOIMOrili: WOKKS, INC. THE ( IliVKI.AMi AMI PITTSBCRGH RAI1.KOM) CO. ? iKKI? K <JF TREASURER Cleveland, '?hie. .Ih.ii. 2Sth, 1929 DIYIDBNO NOTICE. The regular quar t.?;?;;. dividend of l \ T? on the Regular ?;u?ran?eed Stock, ?ml 1 r'c on the Special GuarantP"d Betternlent Stork of this ?"oni pan . payable March 1st. I :i20. will b? paid on and ri ft - x that d,?i" a?, the office <>l Messrs. V insio v. Lanier A- Companv, 59 ?Ydar Street. New V..r?4 ?.Ml y. to Stock holders.oi record .-? the close of business Februaw 10th, 1920. .1. E. KLOSF, Treas irer, , ,KK1'"K OF LOfRlVOOl), GRKENK & CO., Manager?. HUSTON, MASS. The Board ef Dire<-tors of i.ancastei Mi Is ha", declared ?he first ?juarterly dividend of 1\% on ? lie Preferred Stock of the Com? pany, payable February :: 1920. .<* the office of the New England Trust Company, Boston, Mass., to ail stockholders of r???-ord as at close of business January 26. 1920. LANCASTER MILLS. J. DEVEIIELX WiNSLOVV, Treasurer. AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY. A dividend ot 75?: per share OyA%1 on 'he Common Slock has been declared pasa hie February Ifith, 1920, to holders of record at the close of business February 2nd, 1920. Th.? transfer books will no! b- closed. OEO. il DANFOR'l l!. Secretary. X?-*- York, January 28th, 1920. \ FINANCIAL, MEETINGS THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK of the CITY of NEW YORK '?-'?TI? K IS HERER? GIVEN that at a meeting of the shareholders of The Me ?hauts National Bank ?if the ? Ity of New Tor':, held on January 13. J920. It wa? determined t., take such proceedings as may be necessary or convenient to or gran Ixe this Banking Association as an In? corporated bar,., of rhe Mate of New York by the name ,,?; The Mer.-bants Bank of 'he City of N?-w York; ajni als-, that when this Bank sha,I have been organized as mm incorporated bank ?,f the State of New York proceedings be taken to m?ne it with the President and Directors o? th? Manhattan Company. By order of tnc Board of llirfctors. O. t. IWYNTER, Cashier. Dated New York, January 13, 1920. THE MERC^HANfr~N?TiON?L BANK of the CITY of NEW YORK NOTICE IS IIEREBT GIVEN that at a meeting ,?f th? sliarehold.-ra of 'I'll? Mer rnants National Bank of the city of New York, held on January 13. P.-?0, it was voie,) tnnt the aid Hunk go tuto liquida? tion ard he cio?ed ami dissolved. All holders of notes and othsr rreditors of --Hiii Banking Association are hereby notified to present such notes and other claims against the Association for pa\ ment n? itn Banking House, Number ?2 V, all Street, New \ o-k ?'Ity, until Fcbru a- 2K, IS20. and thereafter to Its liqui? dating ago-iii. the Presldonl ?nd Directors of ?ha Manhattan Company, at Number 4? Wall Street, New York otr. By order of the Board of Directors O. E. IMYNTEK, < ??hier. Dated New York, January 13. 1920. TO THE STOCK HOLDERS OF M. VI TKLI.T .?. S? iN. IN? ' PLRA.SE TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the stockholders of L VitetJI f. S. Inc. will bo bold .<t t:.ffle? of the cor poratlon. Bt No 71 Nassau Street, In the I .eroiikIt of Manhattan, City of New York, oi? the lith day ?.f February. 1930, at 3 P. M . fur ?he purpose of ?-onsliP ring nnd passing opon the agreement ?nter?-?! into by the Boar?) <?f Directors ?,f this corpora? tion ?Mtii the Board of Directors of Vltelll I & Company, Inc., for the consolidation of 1. Vltelll & Son. lie . with Yltelli ,? Com? pany. In.- , nnd tlu terms a-.I cm.Hi ions of consolidations in.l such other business '? ??? relai. iii^i i i .,, tn.ij ui.iiii i, m.iii meeting' Dated, Neu Tork, la nun 15 37th 1920 BY ORDER Of THE BOARD OF DI? RECTORS. WILHELMINA VI TE T.LI, , . . Ssc retar;?*, I PHILADELPHIA?Kravit? Broa ? n . Kravltz. cotton goods; Commodore * B. S. Burrie, cloths, woolens, cassim.^?"1 Marlborough. ?-"??neresj PHILADELPHIA?Trio Waist -Co- n Kessler. manufacturers waists- j?'?."1 Thirty-second Street. ' We* PHILADELPHIA-S. Bacharach; A T Koppenheim, manufacturers men's w2 clothing; Netherland. * * "?5* PHILADELPHIA?Strawbridge & Cloth...? Mr. Walsh. housefurnlshings- ?V Powers, linens; 230 Fifth Avenue. PITTSBURGH ? William Sheinman Co William Sheinman, wholesale drv goodie Herald Square. ' ? PITTSBURGH ? Kaufman Department Store; J. W. Home, luggage and trunk? art goods ami pictures; 1261 Broadway' P1TTSFIELD. Mass.?England Bros: F r Mueller, upholstery goods, 404 Fn?wv Avenue; York. un? PITTSBURGH Rosenbaum Co.; Miss ? J. Trout.", Jobs drosses; 11 ?S West Thlrtyl second Street. Fantl, ' PITTSBURGH Russell Co . W. n?i?a.n g. neral mdse. ; \\ allick ' rONCA CITY, Okla. 1.. s. Barnes ? i1, Miss Juanita Bartley, dresses, coats am? suits, waists, skirts; II71 Bruadvtv PORT ARTHUR, Tex. -The Toggery Shop. A Bluestoin. ready ?.?? v.?*--. t??-ati?1 "' PROVIDENCE?Shepafd > ? n Bon? thai. boys1. ; .. i'h clothing, ha--, J Fifth Avenue, room nil. ' PROVIDENCE?Callender, MrAusltli A Troup; Mr. Abrahams, readv to ???? Miss Nixon, waists; Miss G?rant?, g;,.^., 330 Fifth Avenu? Syn. Tr lg Co RALEIGH, N C Kline ,>. I aca-U!, ,; Lazarus, genen?! merchandise; Grand READING. Ph. Brltton s; ?;. M. Britton cloaks an.i suits. Grand. ROCHESTER- McCurdy .?. Co ; P. H. t?,,! cloaks, suits. 6 West Thlrty-wcoB? street, care Leonard. ROCHESTER?Mrs. D. Brody, milliner? Breslin. SALT PAKE CITY -Zion ? ?operativ, Merc. Co.; R. Patrick, notions;.60 Worth Street. a SALT LAKE < ITY- Callaway, Hoock A Francis; E. T. Richardson, house'a nishings. toys, china, glassware; Breal-n SALT LAKE CITY?Walker Pros. D Q Co.; Mr. ?'aughtnan. sales manager ?i West Thirty-second Street; cure J.'-r Leonard. SAN FRANCISCO- Hale Pros.: T>. & Continued on next page FINANCIAL MEETINGS BRITISH-AMERICAN " TOBACCO COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF SHARE WAR. RANTS TO BEARER FOR ORDINARY SHARES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tbat it . Meeting of tbe Member? of the Company belt! on the Twenty-ieventh day of January, 1929, after the passing of a Resolution for incren ?ng the Capital of the Company by tbe crea? tion of additional Ordinary Sbarei, it vu resolved: That out of the sa-d additional Shifei ' ami the other unissued Ordinary ??har?>i for the time being of th? Company them ; ?hall on or about the Tenth dav ofFebn I ary, 1920. he offered to the Members on the Register of prdinary Shareholding on ;l,e Twenty-eighth day of January. 1?;?, and the holders of Share Warrants to Bearer for Ordinary shares on th ?s- ? \late new shares In the proportion of er? share for every two existing O., ins:? ; Shares (ignoring shares ??'Inch ar- r.nt . 01 plete multiples of two and not allowini Registwed Shares and Share ?A'arrants to Bearer to be ml,led together for th? p'ir pose ?f accepta.nce) held by them at th? ? price of ?1 per shore payable to on? of the Bankers if the Company In London on the acceptance of the uff?r namely on the Seventh day of April, 1020, and that such offer he mad? as to holders of , register",! ordinary shares b? notice ?-,?,. ; fying the number of shares t? n-hlch th?, 1. ember is entitled and stating th.,t if It , not ace?-;.'".I and pa' enl made in ; before the above-in^nt ,.? . ,i c'a:? II wil he deemed to h" de? lined, and es \i> : holders of Share Warrants :o Rr-srer for Ordinary Shares h such advertisement as the Directors shall deem adi-tsar... Such advertisement shall state tha- hold. era of Share Warrants I ? Bearer for Ordi? nal? Shares must in the first instance ar' ? 011 or before the :-'? /enth oay of April I'1-" deposit with 01 of the Bankers !t London an appropriate Coupon (to ti? In o.i-nt"! by the ' ... evldenco of ownership Pro\ ded a ?'ays thai thi ! dates in all or any of the before re?n. ? oned cases 1 iaj !??. extended to a later ?tat? in tlr- absolut? discretion of the Director*. Upon such deposit being 1 ? tie the ?orn-j pan? shall be deemed I ? : ake lo th?. TV- j positor an offei of the 1 j iber of ehar.i to -a I,ich ho is entitled an?l I h ? advert?? in ?u sha 11 ri pu- ? ? lie l ?- positor In every rase to forthwith Sign a form ef secept inco f,,r such Shares ch ??111 h? (tin plied f.- ihr- purpose ?? I 10 ; j the sun of -i -. ? =r"~ ' ??? ?- ?'?'?". a-^?rt?-" ir in an> cas? a ??? ' ??- shall not ?.igl 1 is ., 1 ?: ..? . .1 . ike pa: ,--.- ? ??? U said phi ? ? ? .s specified or sin '1 ntfiiij -.| | ? ,f , b? fix?d i. t h? "1 ?ir - ? - ? he off?? ? x: 1.. .; nied to I I i? ? - J ?-.? Dire tor.? n?; dispos? c- all Shares net accept, ,i ;...,; ,,..;.; ? ilhln th? pr? ?-lib.'.) tPn" m response '?? such off?rs Ir. j su?:h manner as the;, ,, ? consider en pedi ?nt ,; i he Int? rep? of the 1 tmiparr .The said shares shall -??'??? f?r dividend as from the S. ? en! , ' A;,-;!. 1320. or t he date of ?--?,?? of 1 h? parti rulai i .'-bar- ?-? -a hi, lie .-. -,.? | ). |, :., To cnabh 1 Shate '?' arrant? i o Bearer for Ordinal - - - ,.;.--. for t?? ?i- -? . ? - ? ? ' entl ? lie rnusi ii ? h? ? ?? ??--.<- ?? and on or ? ? ? . the Se- ?nth ?: of \ - ?'?'?? -? ? ???;? ? onp, No ;s atta - 1 ? . ca, h Wil : s ni I? Id 1 them a > of owi ?"r?.*1 P i si uno of lie 'o n ioned Hin 1, nainel: NATIONAL PROVINi I AT. * ' N'TON* BAXX "I' 1 i\, :t ,\'li MMITI D -a ? 1 irt, "-? f.- '?; si 1 nid i...- loi ??'? ? :: vr ii, 1 Isln psgate Lou ioi i , LI.? 11. I'.-1 BANK I.1MITP? WestmlnilH ! I..X-- , V.illhar,! W X c- 1 omrifd ?? : I ??' don. i. ?' ' th?: 1.?..; m?? .loiNi i'ity \: r? ir.> LAND HANK LIM ' V,1 sie si Ha W- -tniii rXr.-diineei.? Street Loi 1)0 : I1., i1 'ii \BANTV TRI .-T i'OMTANT "i' >'E^ v? iRK, : : inhard Street, London, t C. 3. I'pon such deposit -,g -a?? th? Cwa rz- v shall ' ?? leetned ? -???.?.. to ;h* de? positor an offer ..r >n, . ?? ?x- ?ry f lare in "*? .-p ?M of.1 exist! - 1 <t : nary Pria:?" held by th? deposit.g ?ring SI ire? whB ., ? p not , nmp ? ? ?? itif ... of two and *f: all.".~ I :? L! 1 - .- - ? ire ^i'1 rant! ?.. 1- . . ? ? 10 he get her for thi :,?;? poses of pi ind the depoaitw inn ' foi Ii ' ?? .: -:.i ? ' - eptance an. lay the sum o| ri '?? ea?-h r! re ??< eptM l'orma ..f : -, ? ill? ?so talned from th? ? 'onipai 'h ? ? '? - .? 1 tmii ster Hovt? '., Miilban!? S w ' or ? ? ompany's OS? nl 511, Plfth Avenue \> ? I 01 rotipons and ai-ceptsneee muet r.ot N transmitted 10 th? ? ' -1 * BaM*" through the post, b ? 1 ist lodged pe'j sonally 01 through a Ranker If anr '? on?? accompanied h: an h cTtance ?'* "?' *? ^ posited on or !.-'? ?? he Seventh ??ay f April next or ?? later t? a- the Boar? ? iaj in anv ?ase alio* th? ? ffer shall ? deemed to he dei-llned and ?he righ" .1 '? fpeel of such Share " ?n -? " to palPT*' off? ? ?haJ re3s? n etern Ine. a ? ,. ?,.|.,- thereof sh X . - 710 cla m ;_ . ., . et of 1 - ffei . ? the < "?;???"?? ,-,v Dire. ;?,rs ?hereof , The ??'? Sh ires wl en al o??ed ?? '? ??J course be issued as registered Shsres^ ?^ mai 1 ? ? hanged lat? - If desire 1 ??; Share Warrants lo Rearer upon paym?" ? , th^ usual fee an i stamp Registered SI ar ?...-? ^^'ar-a',', '* Rea-er rai ot ! - add? in, - p , ? -?T1-1 an, - ;? 11 poses BRITISH-AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY, MMITED. \ m RI? KARDS, SacreU-7 Mil bank. I/?4* ,,.,,,. i?.r',..- s.,? i ni?..? ,?,n BY ORDKR OK TUP. BOARD <-t Wll HKL.M1 s'A M v ,,?. S?KretaJT^ NOTICF is HEREBY given ?hat ?-1 '" . meeting of the stockholders cf Nor?!? and Marra. In. , ?111 be held a ;he offl?_ aald corporation at No SI New fiuvt'" ? ouBh or Manhattan, C'.ty of N'e* 1?.'^ the 9th .I.?-, of Kebmary, '.',-A ?? ' 0K P. M . for the purpose of voting UPM ? ?' ' . ?sltlon to . hange the name of the ?rpow , from Nordenholl and Marra. In?1 , to NO holt Corpa* ion. Dated. >.-? Vor! January Mtti ???? FRED G NORDEXHOM Pmaldtat. HERMAN ? NORDENHOLT sp^ ?ivMiNO ^DTirr: ?. Annual meeting ?f ?he a?i"" "J,,? tut?. Thursday, t'.imi.'v h* *"?"' , Watt 4?th at^. 3.30 p. ro. 1