Newspaper Page Text
UTS. Attorney ilcis VauUiwc Against Hoarders of Woo! Food Administrator Doubts trresta W ill Be Made, as Htr Believes Holdings Will Be Put on Market Soon 1-x !cra] F.i administrator Arthur y, . , a, ? meet, yesterday that he ha.i turned ov< r to the United States y'a office here evi lence against ? i I<-? ;_c?-.-1.i wool hoai ; rs. He' declar? thai Federal operatives v re at work on information given by ? . .Is manufacturer, who ha ' " i material under ? , -. v : ?eh indicated clearly thai ibber was hoarding. ' Mr. W il ms : aid that it hud not been dctermii ?1 whether or not the is v ou . be arrested. If they were arrested, he said, prosecutions ; low under the Lever act, ami . mai -. ? ? rst for the hoarding j of a commodity othei han foodstuffs. ??1 .?:, inclined t, ink il will not be necessary to make arrests," Mr. Wil said. "I beli? ;c that as soon as ; . , n en ' arn I hat they are in danger of arrest tl ?? immediately release ?js at moderate prices. If prii ? th?1! d? mand are excessive, we can hold them on charges of prof? it? ?i in?; ii' not hoarding. In banger of Losses '?The hoarders are in danger of sus seri? osses if ' hey think l) ? w "1 prici due for \ big advance. From my dis? ons v\ th woolen goods i ien I i..'.1. ?? made c? vain that t he . veeping pvi, aereases predicted are nol ed oi fa? I ." M r. W '??', a - mnounced that he had d I to drop all ? harges of profiteer ii g ... ainsi : I , xi m oi A. 11. Lamborn, of ixj [?'rout Street, sugar dealers. H. ? oh? x. United States .Attor? ney at Hartford, ? lonn., informed Mr. V am i last i ioi I h I hat the Connecti? cut Beef ' ompanj had paid 15 cents a : for 100 tons of sugar purchased '??mi company. Tho gov , pri?e th n was 11 cents a On ? ? on it was learned that th? Lamborn Company had paid nine I for the sugar and had 100 I ??: in addition, also at to cents .i pound. This transaction it can ?1, hi ! netted the company . a clear prolit of $133,440. Had to Drop Proceedings Mr. Lamborn, at Mr. Williams's re q ? jin nl I ii i'ii?'1.' on the trans? acts Its iosv? i that he had been : ?. . . by K. H. Costello. of Sugar equalization Hoard, and [low . , a Deputy United State* .VI orn? : < in ? a I, to dispose of the sugar ai 15 cei : a pound. The sugar. g wil 000 ad litional tons, had ? been purchased oj the Lamborn Com panv : T expoi t. Wh? , the - irtage became apparent l-.-ro i h. offered to ,lispo.-e | ,,f 1,000 to oi the sugar at the si i ? pr ce el ! wa; obtaining iti :... e> port mark, ? cents a pound. t or this r? ??son, tc? >rd i s t<( the brief, ihr? governmi I >ffi ials had approved of the pi permitted the ?lo- j i ;, h c sale of 'i," sugar, notwith ing the extraordinary profit made by the company. ' Mr. W -ai,! that since other goveri ntal .?'.?:?- had accepted ? had no alternative except ??? di ,.;i further proceedings. Attempt to Cut High Price of Butter Fails Foreign Product Which Would Reduce Cost ?-* Rejected h) Many Dealers -, . i> has been crying t the hij ? -i of living and ask ? he reduced, and various ? ifl c Is have been making . ? ous ? ffoi ts to cut down - when we obtain oppor ? dent in the high cost ng we don't a?.j r it," r< n arked I ii Icombe, an importer^ '?J : -? a few days ago, for in , a lot o Dai h butter t eacl ed -, . ? Ypproximat? ly 150,000 this pi odpci v ? : c received, nee :. ai which it ?derably less thai th? ? : pi oducl sells for. iN.-l ?M ( TION REGENTS AND EVENING COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL The 23?! St. Y. M. C. A. announces opening of the Spring T? : m Monday Evening, Feb. 2 i : ? ? : ?? i it ration ? p"-\ i ? fur nil .? wit ': admls f. ? . : i ami prlvll.go of III !??:?.:, X : ? M IS ,rr IW. Educational Director 23d St. V. M. C. A. 21.1 \V. :"?l St., Ne? York mI a c h o o L i ' ?? Yrar if j: a Cv^nlng L pH,. New York 72 Pnrk Avo., bet. 38.30 Si?. Brooklyn -Coro?? I -u?kiiri and J?;ffrri?,..n >v?nuet QEG?NTS'WGE rVl?\3!,.T.81 a <J Examinations ^Wfrsr Point ?? Annapolis i >iial(>(tnli Kami." Se? l.roi ju?t beginning. DWIGHT SCHOOL ;;.*? ' ? * X .. - . ???.. ,? ?. :.. ? ^ A: U?0 . ?. *0tb Jt. k I * ?...'!-... ?-. lutlint. ???? ?'?? ' ? . ? Klnnlni DANCING INSTRUCTIONS 637 Kadison aVb. Con. 59* St. truetim, tur 9 LESSONS, .$5 PRIVAT ,-: LEI KON! ; i a m : !?[.-.: ? m? r f ll:M'l [HE K)H <\i E OGGC,C,t x.',.-,' - CiC.C,C,QCOO 6 F \CTORY SAMPLES AT ?:-: 8 LESS THAN WHOLESALE r. .'? ? , ;. . nil) el timed r. '; ?- . ,-::. .--.? x ? ?<-,| -i .,,.?. / ? >, ? I -,l.-r. r, O -. r??ir? *' '.ti i h? 2 ,'. !?>?; ION I for ^ Q ;, ? ? t.. Ing I ffl "?'! Q ? '- i : . t lo? ? il? 1 S KB, RI '. -. and P O UK ? ?? '. ?r,i::i i.V..-, I HAN ? - r 4? i ?. r- -i M ' '; ME h!', G" FURNITURf: WORKS, .. . l.,,' i;'i. "i-' ;. tj IX .,.?.,<? ,-?. V ?? i.. nln? un ? Vi : "? g 10 P. M cj (KKKKKKiCC(Xi?<-?Ki?Oa(i<iaC????<rOOO According to the government experts, this Danish butter was superior to American-made butter, scoring from 90 to 95, and while the arrival of the for? eign product caused the market price to drop a little less than two cents a pound, the manipulators immediately set t?i work to find a way to cut off future shipments from Denmark. Some dealers refused to handle the butter, and they gave as a reason that after the supply was . ??one they would not be nble to ?jet more when needed, and their cusotmers wouldn't lie satistied in future, because the domestic product would not be as good as the foreign product. This certainly casts a se? rious reflection upon the quality of our own butter. I "It occurs to me that this ought to give our investigators a clew where they should start in their efforts to re? duce the cost, of livng. The truth is that it is the middleman who is keeping up prices, and if he can continue to keep them big hhe is going to do it, the Department of Justice, investiga? tions and everything else to the con? trary notwithstanding." Washington Post. Liner Halted by Radio For Stowaways' Transfer Ten Aboard the Dante Alighieri, Bound Here, Shifted to the Verdi in Mid-Ocean Captain Angelo Sturlese, master of the Italian liner Dante Alighieri, has no use for stowaways. He proved it in the Mediterranean January 12 on the run from Genoa to this port, which ended yesterday. When a day out of Naples the chief officer informed Captain Sturlese that there were ten stowaways on board, ranging in age from sixteen to thirty years. "Very well," said the skipper. ''Lock 'em up." Then lie sent word to his radio operator to ptfk up the east bound Italian lined Giuseppe Verdi. The next ray the operator got in touch with the Verdi and Captain Sturlese advised the master of his position and asked that the Verdi take the stowaways back to Naples. The vessels jnet at noon on January 12. Although the sen was choppy a lifeboat was made ready and ten amazed stowaways were lowered over the side. An hour later the Dante's lifeboat came back, was hauled aboard and the liner proceeded on her course. Among the passengers on the Dante Aleghieri was John W. BischofT, who brought over two paintings which he said were valued at $60.000. One is the head of a man, by Titian; the other 'The Holy Family," by Reubens. The paintings were brought here for Achille Starace, an Italian merchant of this city. Jewelry Failures in 1919 Smallest on Record Few Embarrassments Attributed to Nation-Wide Prosperity and Prompter Cash Payments Coupled with the eno mous business transacted in the jewelry trade of the country throughout 1919 comes report from the mercantile agencies to the ef? fect that the financial condition of the retail jeweler is in accord with the business he has done and that fail? ures among the dealers in watches and clocks during the last year have been the lowe3t ever recorded in any twelve months period. According to statistics compiled by 11. G. Dun & Co., there were but sev? enty-three failures in the jewelry ?n dustry in 1919, and the total liabilities of all these dealers were $699,733. These figures are much less than half of the record-breaking ligures of 1918, which showed 178 failures among the Amer? ican jewelry dealers, with total lia? bilities of ' $1,644,854. To get the proper comparisons, however, the 1919 figures should be compared with those for 1017. 1916 and 1915. In 1917 222 failures, with liabilities of S1.7R7.0l'?'., were reported, compared with 293 fail? ure., with liabilities of $2,790,861, in 1916 and 494 failures in 1915, with lia? bilities of 55,822,430. The showing of the retail trade Is no less remarkable than that of the wholesale trade, for, according to sta? tistics compiled by the Manufacturing Jewelers' Board of Trade, there were but six failures among the wholesale dealers in jewelry in the entire United States and Canada in 1919, and the total of the liabilities was but $140,700, compared with twenty-four in 1916, when the liabilities were $750,560. In commenting on this remarkably good showing the secretary of the Manufacturing Jewelers' Board of Trade attributed it to a large extent to the prosperity enjoyed at present, hut at the same time pointed to the fact that the prosperity in the trade also was due to the change in cnmli tion from a buyer's to a seller's mar? ket, which has put tho manufacturer in a position to shorten his time limit on payments and strictly enforce cash discount regulations. Romltav Discount Rate Raised BOMBAY. Jan. 29. The rate of dis? count of the Bank of Bombay was raised yesterday from ? to 6 per cent. Business Items The New York State Retail Clothiers' Association will hobl Its annual conven Mon at the Hotel McAlpin on Februar> II The trend ..7 prices will he outlined hy William Goldman, of Cohen, Goldman S: ?'" clothing manufacturers, and the im diatc business outlook In clothing will be discussed by Ludwig Stein, vice presiden! of I! Kuppenhelmer ?- Co. v. Ham Wood, presidan! of tho Ameri? can Woolen Company will be ..n? of the prln pal speak? : h al the oon\ entlpn of the National Association ?if Clothiers, ?? pos. l of pron Inent men's clothing manufacturers fron all sections of t h o country, al the Hotel Astor on February 17 and : - Ai on? 11 e topics set for rtis ? h 11 . proposition to conduct ??< na ? . advertlsl ?: ai paign t.Iu?at<? ihe public In the reasons for the i?r?'senl ! ;:?. pr!. ? ?- ol clotl lug The annual ?. ? ?tliu- of the New Kng ind .-:.?. und Leather Association was lioston n Wednesday. Th'- pro grai Included iiv annual address of Pres? ident Harr> I. Thayer, reports of th. Hec retarj and treasurer and committees ami I - u Blon of ? h.- general economic and nsportatlon situation Percy it. Todd rtlutrl ? llrector of th>- New Kng : ' railroads was one of the speakers. The twenty ninth annual banquet of '!,? ?? rn Shoe Salesmen's Asiwiclatlon was I? ' In th? ifi.' the Hoxton Shoe Tradex Club Wednesday evening ?i r, i. M Chai pi ?dit ? nul piib ?-;. ? of "The National Mag ,??>.' was ' the speakers Ft H !'? ck, ?nor? handii.i rig : a?,| ? ? ? vice | resident of Lord ,<7 Taj 1er will ? head of the merchandise ,,,i, |sol s ' '??? s nd second \ I. c pn-sldenl ol Imnn & Co . h.'n'r nlng ?ai ! : ling t<? ? aim iun. eni?m y, ?<:? rda v '?'? Frs ? .i. - M ? I'pi k ? i : ..,,?.. ?1 S Ta> loi on F?bi ua? v 1 and talt? .. ui ? . I{< . a.n Loi I S. ?? !?"? bruai y, ;'? : 7 . . Hogg Huhl [???? nil irgh r?ml!i rs ?-? hep ? " ?-?? n? nil ? anagei II. li .... best iiown nier, handii ? i n ? he depart n en? ?Ion (I, Id K. unklln ? * ft, have In-, n In ? r ?? ,v blood ' ? el? organisai ? ?.mm h* ntl) ? ? go ????! Fran? .? J liest, ??' ???? rtlslng . H nugei foi u M ?*? ' '?? . aa udvi ; ' lug dll ector 'I i ? annual m< ? ting .,' ? ,,- \, .... .... ,. -.- ? sn'l :.-..:). . \ ...., im ion ??.. '? Hoston yesterday, Th? progrnn . I 'l Ih? annual ?ddress of l'r? ?I. ? nl ? ' Thti .?? ? i . ; .,r?? ?f l(,?>. ?? ?? ? and . m mitt? - ? .....I ,i ills of the genera! i-conoml. nltuittlo? l-.r. : n ? |,| '?" :'?' f"?trlct rtlreclo. of the s-,, Km ? ?? -i railroads, was on? of the speaker?. '?? twenty ninth annual banquet of ih? Kotithern Bhos Sslesnvnn Association ws h< ' In th? room? of tho Hoston Sho? J rade? ' :Uh yesterday evening ,.. i, ? ? J. M Oi?i,p;.., ...,. .,,,, pub rhe National Magazine." v. ., ?'<?? of tin ?psaki rs ' I? C ?? y vit ? president of the Chi cago Mllwaukei * HI |\,?| Hallway hfl ? ' '"' ?? ?'?'??? ???? r,t thi Am-, y ate, ng ? oinpanl? n In? . the new ?? '.. u larve ,i.,u[. ,,t . loctrl? Welding communie*. Shippin HUill WATER AM PM Sandy I look. 2:40 3:09 Governor's Island. 2:57 3:30 Hell ??at?-. 4:29 5:10 ARRIVED YRSTERDAV Vessel Tort Departure Niagara.f'aruna .Ian IT Dante Alighieri.St. Michaels. ...Jan. 20 Casco.Gibraltar .Ian. l ."? Whoaton.Antw.-rp .Ian. 14 Muscdgee..Messina .Jan. 11 Cunborg.Gothenburg ...Ian. 1 City of Florence.London .'an. i 3 , Amolco.Guantanamo ,. Jan. -'- ' Palmas.Ian. 11 Frontera.I't. Antonio.Ian. 22 Munoway.Puerto Padre. . .Jan. 22 Ivlowa. . ...Gibraltar .Ian. 13 Georgeanna Weems.Algiers .?-? I.MKM Hurst .Nuevltas ....? Eldorado.Norfolk . City of St. Louis. ...Savannah . .. I.a It?. Ciiyuga.Matanzas . . . . I Cerro (ionio.Cardenas . . . - Lynchburg. Mobil,. .-, West Arrow.I.a Pallice. . . Ogontz.Accra .? Jamestown.Newp't News. Lampasas.Galveston . - ?V M. Burton .luti.n Rouge.-?? Gulf of Mexico.Port Arthur. National Bridge . . .Colon . - I Walter D. Munson. .Colon . INCOMIN.4- STKAMSIIIPS Due To-day Port .Manches .Havre . .Ant w< irtur? .Jan. . Jan. .Jan. Barcelona .fa Bovlc. Wegmere. . . America n . . . . Puget Sound. .Vest Eld ara.Liverpool .Jan. Waubesa.Ant werp .Ian. Auburn.Antwerp .Ian. Heilig O lav.? 'ope nh agi? n ... .Jan. .San (liorgio.Genoa .Jan Mil. Luckenbach .... Rotterdam .Ian. Manchuria.Southampton ...Ian. C liera ba.Pern am buco . . Jan. Tlvlves.Cristobal .Ian. Maracaibo.Curacao .Jan. Mayaro.Trinidad .Ian. Algonquin.Turk?-- Island. ..Jan. Lenapc.Jacksonville . ..Ian. Due To-morrow America .Naples.Ian Belvedere.St. Michaels ...Jan. ' M in nek ahila.London .Ian. Guantanamo.Payai .Ian. Guiana.St. Thomas.Ian. Francisco.Hull .Ian. Leon XIII .Havana .Ian j Due Sunday ! Saranac.London Jan. A mi??.tro...Ant werp : Remus.Brest . Arapahoe.Jacksonville Due Monday ? Columbia.Glasgow . . Pastores.Cristoba I (?en. Ernst.Cristo!,a 1 . ?Ponce.San J uan . . . Norfolk.Cardenas ? Fort Hamilton. Bermuda Jan. Jan. Jan. 2 4 Jan 22 Jan. 24 Jan. 2S Jan. 2S .Jan. 31 OUTGOING .STE.VMSHIPS Sail To-day Mail Ye.? loses Noordani, Rotterdam.. 8:00AM Matura. Grenada .... 6:00AM Catalu?a. C?diz . >> :0? AM ? ant,. Lisbon . 9:00 AM New Brunswick, Dakar 9X10 AM Caledonler, Antwerp...-. Valdura, Antwerp.-?? Milwaukee Bridge, Bel? fast .-? Sail To-morrow La Savoie, Havre. H::i0 AM Maiiretania. Southamp? ton . S:.'l0 AM Catalu?a, Cadiz. 8:00 AM Baltic. Liverpool. 8:00 AM Stockholm. ??othenb'g. 10:30 AM Byron, Santos . 6:30 AM Santa Luisa, V.lp'aiso. 7:00 AM Coamo, Sun Juan. 11:30 AM Helen, San Juan. H:30 AM Clan Ma?-William, CHpe Town .12:00 M Rosalind. St. Johns.. . . 7:0,1 AM Calamares. Cristobal... S :00 AM Niagara. Boraeaux . . . . ? Pannonla, Tri.sie. Westmohno, Glasgow.. Saluda, Avonmouth. . Liverpool... Burmese Prince, Havre Horlensius, Cape Town Chvrok.e. Kingston.... Sail Sunday ? San Paulo, Valparaiso. sail Monday Vitoilia, Glasgow .... | Consort, Rotterdam ...--? Mane?,, Iquttoa. City uf Norwich, Shanghai . - sails 12:00 M !?:00 AM 1 1 :00 AM :::00 I'M 2:00 I'M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12.00 M 1. .00 M 12:00 M 2:00 PM 2:00 I'M 10:00 AM 11 :00 AM 12:00 M 12:00 M 3:00 PM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M ? 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12.00 M AMERICAN PORTS BALTIMORE, Jan 29 Arrived Singa pore Maru (Jap), Norfolk; Jufuku Maru (Jap), Norfolk; Lake Traverse, Port Tampa; Overbrook, Tuxpan; Coelleda, ? Philadelphia; Manhattan (Br), New York; 'Lake Bridge, Boca Grade; Alaskan. Rot? terdam. Cleared: Allentown. Norfolk: Manchester Port (Br), Manchester. Sailed . Strs Proctor, Boston; Western Star. I.?,n j don via Norfolk and Newport News. Eel- | | beck, San Francisco; Lake liar::?, Boca Grande; motor schooner Chiqulmula, Jack sonvllle: sirs Lake Winona, New Orleans; I Lake l.aka 1.1,la. Norfolk; Keiiew. Ham burg via Philadelphia; Nelson. Tuxpan. Llanberls (Br), Trieste; Salto (Urug), ; Buenos Ayres and Montevideo: Copen ! hagen ? Br), London. HUSTON, Jan 29 Arrived: Str Syduc I (Swed., Cahutta and Colombo; In,lian, Philadelphia. Sailed: Str j 11 Devereux, ' Norfolk. Atlantus, Norfolk. Kershaw, Nor? folk: Lake l>ur.more, Norfolk. CAPE HENRY, Va. Jan 29 Passed in! for Hait im?,re : strs Corcoran, Philadel? phia; Lake Gravity, Boston Evangelos till?. Norfolk. Passed oui from Balti? more Sirs West Kasson, San Pedro an I San Francisco; Reading (Br), Dunkirk; Winnebago. Rotterdam; Donato (Span), Mars .liles. CHARLESTON, S f, Jan 29 Arrived Str Lenape, from Jacksonville (and sailed for New York); Faribult from Boston Sailed Strs Norfolk, from Clenfuegos for New ^ ... i . S.. (Oil for Havana GAI.VESTON, Jan :,r? Arrived: Str SI,:.ion. Neu Vori Sailed Sirs Ta.smanlc (Swed), Christiania an?* ,.,?t tn-nburg ; Con N? V ?Arrl? Str JACKSONVILLE, Jan Lake Elsmere, Boston. MARCUS HOOK, Jan 29 Passed down 1 from Philadelphia: Str Vanada. Marseilles via Norfolk. M?.? in I.E. Jan 29 Arrived: Str Ajax (Pu). Key W est. NEW ORLEANS, Jan 2f??Cleared Strs Bnladan, Fort de France, Martinique; Lake ??.?san, Cuban ports; Omoa (Hond), union \ la Polt ? 'on,/. NEWP?JRT NEWS, Jan 29 Arrived: Sim Issaquena. Havr? . Talzan Maru Lliu). Philadelphia; Walonwan, Philadelphia; Ed? ward Pore, ??iiioa Sailed: Strs Inspectoi ?Norfolk. Evangelos (Oreek), Baltimore; ' Huyo Main (Jap), Charleston; bark Celcil P. stew.hi. Lisbon. NOFOLK, Jan. 29? Arrived: Strs Port - ; field (Br), New York ; Cushnoc, West Glas? gow; Aberdeen, Newport News; Inspector, I Newport News; N'ewaster (Br), Gibraltar; Cranford, Wilmington, Westboro; La l'al? lie-: War Spray (Br), Iqulque; Vlnoleaf IBr). Tampleu; Easttei n.-r, La Paille. Sailed: ..Sirs Win Spray (Br), Falmouth; Vineleaf (Br), Hull. West Indian. Rio ?l? Janeiro; R-xmor?. (B), Newport News; , 'rauf ?: ?.I, tliilv? ston ; Molton Hin, La Plata. Forilunlan, Clenfuegos; bark Eliza? beth ? Pel u i Buenos A>r?? I'K.XSA?1? H.A. Fla, Jan 29 Arrived Sir Nubian (Br). (?alveston. Sailed: Str Tilla mook li uell? : !s PHILADELPHIA, Jan 29 -Arrived Sirs Hanau (Nor), Port Anton!.,. Boden (Swed), 'Narvik. Mar Harbor, .lucaro; Klcka,. Smyrna; Tonduco, Fayal via Bermuda; Manhum, Seattle, West Vkica, San Fran DI?LAWARB BREAKWATER, Del, Jan -"?' Pas.I uut from I'hilailelphla Strs Talzan Maru (Jap), Newporl News t'a serti? ?lt:,i,. ?;.?...., ?nil Na)>l"s, Con-oran, Baltimore; Nervier tBelg), Antwerp; Lake Hemlock. Tamps; Walter A l.uckenbai-h, Rotterdam; Kcnowls, New, Orleans An? chored off Sehr Aviator. Piraeus for Philadelphia REBDY ISLAND. Del, Jan 29 -Passe.l down from Piulad. Ii.Ina sits Hin (Swed) C.othenburg; Rayonne, New York. Cor N? Y PORT ARTHPK, Tex, Jan 29 Arrived sirs Charles M Everest. Philadelphia; War Khagaru (Br,. Immlnhain; Lutetian (Br), Halifax Sailed Strs Llghtburne, Norfolk. (?uilfoll, Gibson Point; Chestnuthill, Pauls boro; Bessemer, Tampico; Sunbcan, Mar cus Ho,.k. Win Khan (Br), Dutch ports via St Call,,,-:. , for orders). PORT HALS. La, Jan 29 Arrive?! sirs Co I un lo., l'oit Cabello; Hudson , |.?r), V'ei ? ?'ru-/ La lie ? 'at hcrlne, ? 'ape Gra? las; Tlpfon, T'-ia Sailed Sirs Basteape, Han, burg via Nnrfolk, Antwerp ,n,! Ghent I A B. stwlel New York, Okesa, List. \ In Hampton llnnils. PORTLAND Me, Jan 29 Ai/iv.d Str Hralgr, .-. nl .'orfoll? Balled si, Lake Cannoi burg NorfolM PORT TAMPA Jhii 2?J Sailed Sir Mil I IA.ND K BY, Jh i Pus?.-.I ,-?m Ti-xa? weal. 29lh, A i' Snider; AshtMbulii ( Br) 20ih, Ventura .!? Larrlnagn (Br), Hort. lad ? Nor), Hequoya ? It, ? Radio!? Ine ? Fr i Geoi ge ? ' Henry, ? ihai I? s E Ihn .?.i H, ir < H, | SAVANNAH J;,,, 2fl \rilv.d sii ?hooters Island, Buono? Ayres Clear?-?! Mil Bombay Maru (Jap), Kobe and Yoko? hama Bulled' su- CtAy of Columbus Boston TAMPA. Jan 29 Arrived Bohr c n I IH-i.tli ?Hand l'ii?miin via K?v West | Halle?!. Hchr U V brtv? (.Br), CU-ntu???.?, g 'News FOB F.I G N PORTS Arrivals From New York >ulh?S. S. Kaiserin Auguste Vic ihoina?S. Klrin Maru, Gothic Rotterdam?S. S. Sierra Quemada. l.'ayal -H. S. Neponsel Naples -t?. S. Mariquita. Koperslk S S. Hu- land. IJ? i...., H. S. Abiansi I port au Pril.?S. S. Adrance. I lelagoa Hay S. s Goyle. Bu. nos Ayr? s S. s. Vasari, Liverpool S. S. Zeppelin. Departures for New York Avonmouthv? S. s. Luise Ntelson, V. stwego Portland -S, S. Siberian Prince, rirei len s. s. Guaro. }?,,,:, -S. S. Euclid. ,\: twerp?S, S. lCllpatriclf. Singapore -S. S. Knlght T.-tupiar. Havre S. S. La Toura inn. liio Janeiro S S, Hronte. London ?S. S. Port Lyttelton. i :.,,?; : ::. s Aril?towan. Hull S. S Idaho. N. v port. Kng S. S. .Ia?nu A i .loss,m S. s. Suwanee. London -S. S. Knglewood. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS The connecting malls close at the General I'ostofl'iio and City Hull postofl'lce ela? tion. New Wirk, ill ? p. m. (registered articles for closes lulling on Sunday must he m,?iled not Inter Iban Pi |>. m. Sat? urday night l, us foll?os: Hawaii, ?lu.un and Siberia, via San Francisco, L'nlted States transport, Jan? uar? 31. Japan Corea, China, Slam, Siberia, Co? chin China and Netherlands East Indies, .?.i San Francisco, steamship Ecuador, I??? hruary :'. Hawaii, via San Francisco, steamship Wilhelmina, February 2. Tahiti, Marquesas, Cook Islands, New Zealond and specially addressed mall for Australia, via San Francisco, steamship Tofua, February 4. / Miman. Fiji Islands, New Zealand and >l ? ill-, nil.h-s.--il mail for Australia, via ?,'iiin-ouver and Victoria, B. ?', steamship Niagara, February 10, fiai ail, Hainoan Islands. Australia and specially addressed mail for New /.-aland, -,:?i San Francisco, steamship Ventura, 1 2, Japan, ?'..roa. China. Siam, Siberia, Co chin China. Netherlands l-last Indies an., Philippine Islands, via Vancouver and Vic? toria, li. ?'., steamship Empress of Asia, February 14. Army Orders .Wir Vor/, Tribune Washington Bureau WASH INTOX, Jan. 29. Army orders issued to-day follow: Infantry Leee, 1st Lt. W. C, to 4Gth Infantry, Camp Jackson, South Carolina. Doyle.-Int Lt. C. J., to llth Infantry, Camp Gordon, Georgia. Von Gramp, 2d Lt. W. W., to 3d Battalion. ?Jlst Infantrv, Fort Douglas. Utah. Bres?ler, 1st Lt D. I... to ?14th Infantry, Camp Funston, Kansas. Dav'isen, LI. Col. P. W., to the adjutant general's department, Washington. Rosenbaum, Lt. Col. O. B., to the adjutant general'B department, Washington. Rock, ('apt. L. N., to judge advocate gen? eral of the army. Washington. Thompson, Capt. C. F., to Infantry School, Camp Henning, Georgia. Brosius, Capt. C. W., to Infantry School. Camp Henning, Georgia. Leman, Ist Lt. B. W., to Infantry School, ?.'amp Benning, Ga. Connor, lit Li. K. H. jr., to .'ITth Infantry, Fort .Melt,tosh, Texas. Hvnl. Maj. G. It.. to Pcekskill Military Academy, Pcekskill, N. Y. Pence, 1st Lt. A. B.. to 3d Battalion, 21st Infantry, Port Douglas, Utah. Clcwell, 1st Lt. E, 1... to New York to con? fer with head of War ?'amp Community Service on community cooperation. (?uartermaster Corps Martin, 1st Lt. J. W., to Marfa, Tex. Hallaban, 1st Lt. II. T.. tn Columbus, Ohio. Markel, Capt. P. I... to Quartermaster gen? eral, director of purchase and ?storage, Washington. Leuthold, ?'apt. C. A., to director of finance. Washington. Cavalry Howie. Capt. II.. to Genera! Hospital, Fort Sheridsn, Illinois, treatment, iiabcock. Col. C. S., to Paris, France, as military attach?'. American Embassy. Shell, Capt. V. M., to small arms ballistic station, Day tonn. Pia. Maxwell, Isi Lt. K. R., U> small arms bal? listic station, Daytona, Fia. Honorably Discharged Pell?n. Capt. C. IL, field artillery. Law ton, Ist Lt. C. B.. infantry. Duffy. 1st Lt. C. Il . Ordnance Department. Merriman, Ist Lt. F., air service (aeronau? tics! . Melendy, Capt. R. P., chemical warfare ser? vice. Kochli, Cap!. P., infantry. Allen, Lt. Col. H. W., judge advocate gen? eral's department. Ragland, Capt, R. F., engineers. Van Houlen, Capt. L. H., Sanitary Corps. Cryderman, Cap?, W. A., (juiytermaster HUM O'Connor, 1st Lt. P.. B., infantry. Breen, Capt. V. C, infantry. Poolc. 2d Lt. C. O.. infantry. Devereux, 1st Lt. H. H., fielil artillery. Johnson, 2d Lt. K. K.. infantry. Aidag. 7'd Lt. H. W., U. S. guards. Solomon. Col. G. R. Cole, 2d Lt. O. K., infantrv. Weirick, Capt. A. ?!., M?dirai Corps. Miscellaneous Klug, Maj. 17. adjutant general's depart? ment. to Camp Sherman, Ohio. O'foole, Capt. J., transportation corps, to Vladivostok, as assistant port transporta? tion officer in connection with the em? barkation of Czecho-Slovaks. Aurand, MuJ. H. S., Ordnance Department, to chief of ordnance, Washington, for Domes. Col. W. U . Coast Arl.ill.-ry Corps, to the adjutant general of th? army, Wash? ington. At wood, Maj. li. K., Coast Artillery Corps, io command I nited State-. Army mine planter .,.n,ia? John M. Schofield. Walton, C|ipt. G. VV., motor transport corps, to Camp Holabird, Maryland. King, Lt. Col. C. T., Medical Corps, to lerman General Hospital, San Francisco, for treatri>it. Cudlipp, \* Lt. R. I... Medical Corps, to Panama Canal /.one. Kelley, Col. W? Corps ?f Engineers, to chief of engine? rs, Washington. Navy Orders New York Tribune Washington Bureau WASHINGTON', .Ian. 29. The Bu? reau of Navigation to-day issued the following; navy orders: Braun, Lt, C, to subchaser Division ". Brown, Lt. J. !'., to U. S. S. Case as cx ? cutive officer. Hr: ant, Gun. F. '17. to U. S. S. Ohio. Dunne, Lt (j. pr.) C. P., to !'. s. s. Bridge Kvnns. Lt. ti. B., \t mmand U. S. S. llit ?rn. Gates, I.t. N. N., to U. S. S. McKean. Gruelick, Lt. K. W., to 17. S. S. K-2. ?Inrdcsty, Lt. ?j. g.i p. A., to C. S. S. Panther. Mersey, I.t. Com. M. I... to U. S. S. Mich ?gan. Kinyon, Ens. G. 17.. to U. S. S, Humphreys when commissioned. Lang, I i. .j. gj A. 17. to U. S. S. Eagle ::'-'. M? Hdows, I.t. p. I... t,, u. S. S. Moody Paddock. Lt. II. K.. to 1. S. s. Blakeley as executive officer. Parsons, Coin. A. I... t. Bureau of Yarda and Docks, Navy Department, Washington. Service, Ens. G. H., t., V. S. S. Hiilheit when commissioned. Shadburn, Ap. Clk. A. ('.. to U. S. S. Kan Smith. Ens. A. I'... to c. s. S. R-:<. Smith, Bos'n W. .1., !.. !'. S. S Grebe Suit..n. I.t. ij. t-.i I.. .).. t? !'. s. s. Lardner. Taylor, En*. E.. to C. S. S. Hubert when commissioned. fieman, 1,1. (j. g.) 17. J., >o 1'. S. S. Wnin wright. I'l m. Lt, Ij. g.i .1. lt.. t.. ti. S. S. Breck. Ullmnn, Eus. D. I... to U. S. S. Brutus. Underwood, Fus. H. I'.. tu P. s. s. Converse when . i.inrnissiunecl. CrolTor.i, Lt. ?j. g.) W. N , m C s S. Jason. Griffin, En . C II., In II. s S. Alameda. !'<-"w?.i, LI, J ... !.. I S. s. |,?.ng Bench. l'?ge. Ens H M., t,, naval air station, liorknwiiy lleach, I,. I White, L?. ?j g.l H. H., t.. naval dispen? sary, Washington. W. oih.ll, Kns C. W . i,, !'. S. S. Jason. ?Metropolitan I-M?mih'? War Operating revenues of the Metropoli? tan Kdison Company for the year ended December :?l, l!)I9, amounted to $2,219, 855, winch comparen with :>'.',n.'M,405 in the preceding year. After operating exp-iise.s ?f $|,8G2,87fi had been de? ducted, operating income was $8Bfl,082, an increaso of 27.15 per cent over 101?. Red Proclamation Dooms All Russian Capitalists "They Are Responsible for Bloodshed and Prolongation of Civil War," Ii Says LONDON', Jan. 29 ?By The Asso? ciated Press). Boshevist proclamation, which ;- being spread among the "Red" soldiers in North Russia ostensibly to halt the unnecessary killing of prison? ers, especially Cossacks, has been re? ceived by the Rritish War Office after having come into the hands of the North Russian government. The proclamation divided the "Whites" into two categories the ? first, designated as the real enemies : of the Soviet republic, such as capital ? ists, their sons und officers; the second, those who fight against the Soviets . only because they are either forced to do so or are ignorant. "Red" soldiers are warned not to kill those : in the second category, because "then 'White' soldiers would be afraid to desert to us." Regarding the first category the proclamation declares : "Naturally. mercy to officers, big landowners or capitalists, who all are permanently ?>r consciously enemies of ours, is out o? the question. Death to these scoundrels, who are responsible for the bloodshed now and the prolongation of civil war. There is no mercy for them, nor can there be any." Papal Minion for Paris ! Vatican May Send Envoys to Prepare for Restored Relations ROME, Jan. 29. The Pope, according to the "Epoca," may send a special mis? sion to prepare for the restoration of diplomatic relations between France and the Holy See. The mission prob? ably.will be headed by Mgr. Vassalo or Mgr. NictWra, The present Nuncio at ; Brussels will be sent as Nuncio to j . Paris. | The "Epoca" also says that in March : i or May the Pope will hold a consistory. ? I creating as cardinals Mgr. Ragone.-i. Nuncio at Madrid; Mgr. Schulte, Arch- j bishop of Cologne, and Mgr. Taoci, papal major domo. Jugo-Slav Government Urged To Defy Ultimatum of Allies ;_ ROME, Jan. 29.?A dispatch from Triest says demonstrations have taken ; place at Belgrade, Laibach and Agram in which the Jugo-Slav government '. was urged to resist the "ultimatum" j of the Allies with regard to the Ad ! riatic controversy. The dispatch adds that the news ' paper comment on the attitude of Italy I in the premises is of a most unfriendly) j nature. November (ieni Imports ', Total imports of diamonds into the I United States during the month of No | vember amounted to $6,589,461. The 1 total value of cut diamonds imported j was placed at $5,134,576, the bulk of 1 which came from Amsterdam, the , Netherlands being credited with send? ing sa.nt?.'t,:: *?. Antwerp is evidently . growing more active as a diamond cutting center, for the importations are given as $578,547. England ranks third, having sent out diamonds to ? the amount of $367,107, and France | fourth, with a total of $223,163. Marine Corps Orders Ni w York Tribune Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. Marine1 Corps orders issued to-day follow: Smith, Quartermaster Clerk H. .!.. to marine barracks. Cavit?, P. I. Denig, Maj. R. L., to marin?? barracks, Portsmouth. N. II. McVey, 2d Lt. -1. !?'.. to first advanced base I force, Philadelphia. Williams, "Jd Lt. IL D., honorabiv discharged. Milles, 1st Lt. W. ?.. to United States. llamr?nn?i. Capt. E. B., to recruiting office, Portland, Ore. Hunt. Cap?. L. P.. to marine barracks, Quantico, Va. Cli?Toni. lid Lt. P. I... t?. marine barrack*. naval torpedo station, Newport, R. I. Main, "?I Lt. W.. honorably discharged. Resignations Accepted Burwcll, Capt. P. O. B. Hughes, 2d Lt. It. R. Evans, 1st Lt. R. D. RESORT.S 4-VTLANTM CITY, N. .1. ! CigaretteJRiots in Madrid 1 Crowds Loot Shops as Strikes Curtail Tobacco Supply MADRID. Jan 29. Public impatience at the continued lack of cigarettes .owing to strikes throughout the coun ' try is increasing daily. an?l disorders ?outside of the shops having a limited supply are becoming more frequent I and more serious. The shops are besieged by thous? ands, and extra police are needed to keep the lines of men and boys in or? der, but often they become unmanage? able, as was the case last night when a group forced its way through the crowd and cleared out the, whole stock of a tobacconist. Prohibition Repeal Sought Bill to Petition Congress To Be Introduced at Albany ALBANY. Jan. 29. -A bill petitioning Congress to call a national constitu tional convention to repeal the Federal prohibition amendment will be intro- ? , diiced in the Legislature to-morrow by Assemblyman Louis A. Cuvillier, it was announced to-night. Americans to Open Three Negro Schools in Africa [BOSTON. Jan. 29 Plans for the es? tablishment of three large industrial j training schools for negroes in Africa were announced to-day by the Rev. J. t. Bartholomew, centenary secretary of the Methodist Episcopal Church for this district. The estimated cost will be $225,000. which has been appropri- j at.ed by the centenary conservation committee out of the $113,000,000 of- j fering raised last summer. The schools will be modeled after Tuskegec Institute. Alabama, and sim? ilar institutions in this country, and will be at Inha m bance. Portuguese East Africa; old I'mtali. Rhodesia, and Angola, on the west coast. Th ; courses of studj; will lay special stress upon agriculture. Cbilds Company Profits Larger The Chi Ids Company returned profits after taxes for the year ended Novem? ber 30, 1919, of $1,537,373, equivalent after the deduction of 7 per cent pre? ferred dividends, to $30.75 a share, par | value $100, earned on the $3,999,800 ; common stock, which compares with $415,109, or $2.70 a share on the $3, 999,755 common stock in 1918. Holders : of the stock shared $467,089 in divi dends, leaving a $1,070,284 surplus. To that amount previous surplus of $655, 921 was added, bringing the total to $1,726,205. After depreciation and other reserves of $346,814 had been de-- j ducted, profit and loss surplus was $1,379,391. Financial Items I he Guaranty Trust Company, the First N:?i ?onal ? 'orporal ion I 1..' Shaw :i at ? lor- : :. i ?ml !?: dabrook & ? '??. of Koston are offering at 100 and accrued dividends 57,500,. \\ lili:?;.. Whitman .? Co., (ne . S ; per cent preferred slock. The coi ipanj is one of t lo- ii, rgest of its kind in the j country, engaged in lii- marketing of ; w ool, cotton and silk fabrics, i I c, Tho Merhani? ? and M? tais Nal lonal I Hunk has been appointed registrar of the I capital BotcU of the Lincoln Motor Coin : Ralph Dawson, vice-president of tin Guaranty Trusi Company of New- Vor!; has I,.en elected n dir.'.tor of the China Society of America The Guaranty Ti us: ?' ,n ,.. n; ,,r x?,. Voi ? , bi'?'ii ? .; i m i,... m. i. , sin ;-. ing fun?! gol?! de?,- i:i oi.. bonos Rlytli. Witt, r & ? 'oi ,,. n , ai ?? off, rinc f.-'f.".'" y-'- bach l'un r' l'on pan> ol i nliforma, . n ????:,! . unuilative pre ferred stock. The .ipany ?naiiui'artur??.? papers and tissues, paper products ami , '.vin.-. RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY, NX J Winter Days a^ ATLA ON THE BEACH AND THE BOARDWALK Not winter days at all?but like the first mild days of Spring?sound and sight of sea tempt you out-of-doors. Take a few days off at Atlantic City now. It's oneof New York'.* best Winter habits. It is a real investment assuring <?raat profits In health, pleasure wn?. tost. Golf on fine links practically ewry day. New life and Interest on fascinating Boardwalk And of course stop at Am OR AMERICAN PLAN ATLANTIC ?JTY.N.J. { AivAmeiMcaaPlaR Hotel fe of Dwlmcticmand-RfialComlort 1 rmiPRcorOAKAci. I n?anDoroin^niKim THF. LEADING RESOR-l HOUSE OF?HE WORLD ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. "THE NATION'S HEALiH SH IP" HEALTH IS ErriCICNCV A Germicide C'lim?le and Cle?n S'leetl Ho Du ,!. Ko Dirt. Innnmerthir Outdo?* Rrcretllon? ?nd Indoor InferttintnenM Ownership M.inic?m?nt JoMih While & Sontj?W AxibnsMiilor Hotels ?n Atlantic City, New York, bantu Itnrbiiru und I .o* Afifjccle?. SOUTH (AHOI.INA. THE KIRKW000 ON CAMDEN IIEIUIITS SOUTH CAROLINA OVEN IASUAHY It) MA S 1SI10LE GOUT I'OI-O JIII'I.m; CI.I.UATB T. BDMUND KUUMBIIOL.Z H'AMIIMiTON, I). C. Burlington Hotel \ii)i-rli'iiii nuil I nroptmn HOMKI-IKID, ?'I,MAN, I'KllKKCT CUISINB ?HO ho,mi- i\ Kb Uni!. #;i to $."> F?VIS MIM'TBH I'lli'M KVPJH VTHINO \Vnnliii?i;tiiii. I>. (7 I'OKTl) HICO fon.liKlo \ iinilrrblll lintel NAN ,11 AN, roimi HICO Niivrly completed und opon foi the fir M linio i in? Mc&voii I'll".? ?learner lervk? from Now York ?vary Hulwday. Garden City. Long Island An exclusive American plan hotel, with a l.i carte restaurant for motorists Frequent electric trains from Pcnn Station Special Winter Raies Nov. ;o Maj .1. .1. LAN MM (?).. Props. Qedney Farm Hotel WHITE PLAINS. N. Y. Edwiurd H. Crandall Open All Year l*rivr?V> Motor Huh Service Without Chart? VIRGINIA OLD POINT COMFORT HOTEL CHAiVSGERLIN FINE WINTER GOLF ins I'..I Seal t?aii ' ' I'lror., Kiiroi i ul ilnc I Hull? .in,! To .?.m Unto GEO F. ADAMS. Man.uj I ortr?,?, Munrn?. V.i T I.O KI DA A DI'I.K.IITII I HINTKR? H.GKIUA WEST COAST. TRAVEL TRAVEL GUNARD ANCHOR rskhM-ngrr and iTelfbt Service* Pannonia .New York to Patras, Dubrovnik and Trieste Mauretania .New York " Cherbourg and Southampton.. ? ?J"**""* Columbia .New York " Londonderry and Glasgow " ~ ~-""?"? * Sfwonia r.New York " Plymouth, Havre and London "?-? K. A. Victoria.New York " Plymouth, Cherbourg and Liverpool""*" Carmania.New York " Liverpool . ?-?-.? Imperator .New York " Cherbourg and Southampton" Royal George .New York " Plymouth, Havre and South Columbia.NW York " " Mauretania .New York Saxoma-,.New York K. A. Victoria.New York Carmania .New York Royal George.New York ^^^^^^^^^^ ampton.n. Lonaonderry and Glasgow.._ Cherbourg and Southampton.?, Plymouth, Havre and London..] Liverpool . Liverpool . Plymouth, Havre and Southampton,, Mauretania .New York " Cherbourg and Southampton Columbia .New York " Londonderry and Glasgow. . For later sailing? apply to 21-24 STATE STREET. NEW YORK. Feb. ? Feb. 2 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 25 Mar. 2 Mar. 6 Mar. ??. Mar. 1* Mar. 20 Mar. 21 Mar, 2? Apr. i? Apr. I 7 Apr. H Apr. J) WEST COAST SOUTH AMERICA (& to Buenos A.vres ria Transandino K. K.) DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE FROM HAVANA via Cristobal. S. S. "VICTORIA" FEB. 29 S. S. "ORIANA" MARCH 10 FROM NEW YORK m?l Cristobf 3. S. "EBRO" MARCH 20 PACIFIC LINE I The Pacific Steam Navigation Co ) SANDKRSON ?v. SUN, ??nil Agents, 26 Broadway, N. V. Tel. Broad 23?>0. or Any Steamship Ticket Agent. WARD LINE Direct service on fust twin-??Tew ?te amer? fi'om New York to HAVANA ) WEEKLY MEXICO f sailings To rr.ijra.4?, V??ra Croa ???I Tmyiao. RoguUi Sailings to Naisati, Bahama*. Ll?era?i/re and full information on rtquut. New York an?! Co.?? Mall 8. S. Co. r.o? ?? Wall Sir??-.. Now ?orki I COKPA&NIE G?N?RAL?, ?RAN5 ATLAMTiQ?E B tfrprcsa Pofi?t? *?37*-'?c9 ?HB NEW YORK?HAVRE IV SAVOIE. ...IAN. Ill, FEB. 1.,8, MAR. LA TOCK.WNK.FEB. 10, MAK. IKXHAMBEAL'.l I.H. II,-MAIL I?!. AIM.. I \FAYETTE . FEB. IKA.N? I .MAIL LA LOKKAINt:.\I'K. NEW YORK?BORDEAUX -. I\?.\'IA I From Pier -14. NX It.) . .I-'i I). ?Ill? A?.O . Fron I'ior SI, N. ii.l. .FEB. ? .Mi'ANY'f- OFFICE. 19 STATE ST.. N. Travel Se rv?ce COVKK.S IHK milllli THOS. COOK & SON ?45 BAVAY 561 HITH AVE. RED "D" UNE Vle' ^A??natw* i I'll! rollT?) UK'?' CI HA' A" i? I V.KNKZI la.A /.ijli'ii.i-1, b. 41 1'iii! id? Ipiiia.I". b. ' 1 Maraeaibo. . .Fcb 18|Carai:as.l-x b. 2? bliss, dali.ett &-- CO.. ?;? n1! Ms?-?? IX.on?? R170 Hanover. 82 Wall Stieet. COASTWISE STEAMSHIP LINES Fnr all points south. ?M.I Dominion, Savnannah, Southern Pacific Lines For passenger in formation apply to Consolidated Railway ticket offices ur Companies' offices. LEGAL NOTICES 61TREME COURT OF THE STATE OK i NEW YORK. COUNTY OF NEW YORK - ?-.PANSCH ?<? R?CH. Plaintiff, vs. WILLARD ?1 IA?NET and NEW YORK CENTRAL .'.? :? ??SON RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY i ?, ndants si MM? INS PO 'IT-IE A'lOYE NAMED DISFENDANTS VOL1 ,\11E UEREIiY SUMMONED a s wer tha eomplaint In this ai-tion and : ? s irve a copy of your answer on Ihe Plaiii liff's Attorney wil hin v nt> ?..? ? ;??''? ( ? ???i. ?? of this Ruminons, exul ?siv? of iho ?Jay of service, and in case of v? m .... .. apt ar or answer, judgment will be taken a-gain.-il you by default for Hie relief de? manded i:i ?he complaint. Dated New York. October 27lh, 1319. CLARENCE McMlLLAN. Attorney for Plaintiff, > >fli. ?? and P. O Address No 283 Broadway, Borough ?,f Manhattan, City of New York. TO THF ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT. Wild.ARD R RAUNET: The foregoing summons is served upon you ?v publication, pursuant to an order of Hen. JOSEPH E NEWBURGER. a Justine of the Supreme Court of tli" State of New York, ?ted -iie 3rd day of December, 1919, a:-..'. filed '.?Hi ill" complaint in th-- office of tho Clerk of Ihe ?."otinty of New York. ,4; tho 1 ountj Court House, in the Borough of Man? hattan, City. Com in?! Slate of New York CLARENCE McMlLLAN, Attorney for Plaintiff, Office and P. O. Address No 233 Broiidway, Borough of Manhattan. New Yoik City. SURROGATES' NOTICES PARROTT. JULIA PAULDINO.?IN PUR suance ot an order of Honorable John 1. Cohalan, a Surrogat?? ot T11 ?- County of New York. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having claims against Julia Pauld ing Parrott, lat.? of the County of New tork. deceased, *.o present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at the office of Sullivan & Cromwell, their attor? neys, at No. 40 Wall street, in the Borough of Manhattan, in th? City of New York, statu of New York, on or before th? 1st day of Mai, 1020, next. Dated, New Yo ... the t'<l dav of Octo? ber. 1319. MADELEINE PR! ?'E OEORGE IX PAkSOTT, Ex- utors. BULLTVAN .\- CROMWELL, Attorneys for Executors ?'tli,'.' and P. O. Ad? dress, 49 Wall Street, Borough of Man? hattan. New York City. ARNOLD. WILLIAM H. IN PURSUANCE of an order of Honorable JOHN P. CO HALAN, a Surrogate of the County of N? w York, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against WILLIAM Ii ARNOLD, late of the County of New fork, deceased, to present th>- same with vouch? ers thereof to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at the office of their attorneys, Messrs. Spencer, ?>rd way & Wlerum, Mo. 27 William Street, Borough of .Manhattan, CItj of New York, uu ur bcfoi.- tho 7th day of July. next. Dated New York. January 2nd l?^0 WILLIAM B. AUN, ILD, GEOnOB L. CHENEY. SPENCER. ?MID-WAY ,t W1BRUM?' At? torneys for Executors, 27 William Street. Now Yotrlt ?.'Ity. KINO, BENNETT J. -IN PURSUANCE of an older of Honorable John IX ?X, balan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, Notice Is hereby given to all per sons having claims against Bennett J. King, lat-> of the County of New York. deceased, to present tho samo with vouch er? the??.of t?? th?> subscriber, at his place i)f transacting business, at the Office of his Attorney, William c. Orr, I3a?j , No. 61 Chambers Street, Bo-rough of Manhattan. City of New York, on or before the ISttl ?in> of June next. Dated, New York, the Ulli day of De? cember, 191.1. BDWARD B. KINO, Executor. WILLIAM O. ORR. Attorney for Kxec.u tor. No, ?l ChainlieiH Street, Borough of Manhattan. City ot New York. IMMUNES AMERICAN LINE Fast Mull Steamer? NE'*' YORK?PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG- SOUTHAMPTON New York .12 Noon Feb. 14 Mar. 13 St. Paul .12 Noon Feb. 21 Mar. 20 Philadelphia.12 Noon Feb. 28 Mar. 27 NEW YORK?HAMBURC Manchoria . 4 '? \i Feb. 11 Mongolia .Feb. ?> RED STAR LINE NEW YORK SOUTHAMPTON - CHERBOURG- -ANTWERP Lapland.2 P. M., Feb. 7 N. Y. -SOUTHAMPTON ANTWERP Krooniand .Mat. 3 Apr. 10 May 15 Finland .Mar. 10 Apr. 17 May 2?. Zeeland .May 29 Lapland .Apr. 3 May 8 June 12 WHITE STAR LINE N. V.?CHERBOURG -SOUTHAMPTON Adriatic_2 1 m Feb. 14 Mar. 20 Apr. 24 i Lapland . . 2 P. M Feb. 25-. vi o Southampton, Cherbourg. Intwerp. "Lapland .Apr. 3 Mav 8 June 12 To Southampton ami Intwerp, NEW YORK- LIVERPOOL Baltic.-' P. M. Jan. 31 Mar. 13 Apr. 17 Ortega ....12 noon Feb. 7 \ ?? Cedric . . . IS noon Mar. G Apr. 3 Celtic ?7i.,, Apr. 10 May 15-. NEW YORK?AZORES -GIBRALTAR NAPLES--GENOA Canopic.:t V. M. Mar. 18 Crptic.3 P m Mar.2< International Mercantil* Marine Comrriry P Broadway New York "TI1F. ITIIi-IC BF. PI.KAHED" COLONIAL LINE BOSTON ?'*4.40 PROVIDENCE ?, $2.97 Ml. Ol I'SIDK ?STATEROOMS $1 08to$3.M :;,,,:, 1 re: ! ? ? lud. H at Vaj Boat Leaves Pier 7.9, North H'ver. Dslly &. Sunday. at 5 P M Phone Soring 9-191. lVorcPKter,?4.l3. Providence Himt.J.'.Tn. OUTSIDE STATEROOMS, $1.08*52.10. Dal!; in? hiding Sunda\ . '?? f?0 l M From Pier If'. 13 K 'Phon : Tickets al Pier or (Consolidated TiekH Offices I'HftOI ' ? ?i CALIFORNIA by AUTO nail Pm- I? s. !'?? si llotc Pi .? , FRANK TOURIST CO., 189 I'ifl h Ave., ?iev CENTRAL HUDSON LINE S< ,-lco dlscoiilinu'-'? for HI DSON RIVER DAT MM!. Daylieht service up tlio !l idson 1 ^con? tinued for the Bea? Sliort und Ideal Route ??> Orient from Seattle. Fust. Paliilial Passenger Steam? ships. Nippon Vusen Kaisha, flit Rway, N.V. CANADIAN PACIFIC I1M1HU Hoi? I" :-.-- ' oni n n( . Ml i'eai l?o it? Pass. l^^^H^^^HH SURROGATES' NOTICES LIVINGSTON. OSCAR P.?TUB PEOPTB OF THE STATE ?IF NEW YORK, BY Til E ORA? 17 ? ?!' HOD FREE VND INDE PENDENT Tu .1 !" 1.1 A I, BIBBY, CORA I. ADM \LAPER 177' \IA B ' '? DWALA PER. Il'l.l AN It ? ADV \LAPER M.AR1H ? kPWALAPER. MARGARET O <'A1> \ ?. i \ PEU FRANCE? ? HANDLER, .1 \ 7117- 11 CLEW us E ? : r I El r 7.. ? 1 E\\ S, CHI ?'LIVER HELEN ?ATI! FERGt'SPN : ? '?J? ?PER, FTP 17!. I K \'i'. ' \ :.'. H BA I! K A NET !'. ANNA K ,|i i VCK \NTIi<> '?' : '? ?T? F7 CAPE P. T. JOYCE, CHARLES !? JOTCK ? LARA .1. ?Y? E K.MI!.Y P .lOYC K. GE? ?ROE T .'? YCE. ISABEL J? ?YCE LIVINGSTON" JOY? ?7 MARY JOYCE ROBERTS JOYCE. IVIIJJAJI L.JOYCE, WILLIAM W. JOYCE ISABELLA E LUTHER. PACE I' MOTTELA1 PAUL !.. MOTTELAY, MATH.PA R S< HOON MAKER, VIRGINIA NCHOONMAKER, MARIE !.. STRONG, SEND GREETING: Ppi n ? he pctiiioi ? ?: TITLE GUARAN? TEE X TRUST COMPANY, doing business bi So 17.; ?roadwai In the Borough of Manhattan, Clt> of New York, 7-' V. Yon i.ii.l ?aril nf you an hereto; I ? 8l ? . .. ?i ? bi ? ??? our Sui rogal. ? > unt of New York, a? the Surrogates Court of said C. mtj . In Id a? the Ball ? I Record? m lh" Count . at New York ? I he 20th day of F< bi uai i. I ?- al Iiali past ten ?: ! ? ? . .re?.m of thai day, why the accoui TITLE ill'A RAN I'EE * TRUST I'O.MPANY. as substituted Truste? under : he Last ? und T< ?tain? nl of OSCAR !' : IVINGSTON deceased who nt ! !;.? I inn nf his . all ?.. .. ? - - nt of i lie Cuui . . i ? dd not be udlci; ;. If,?,] m,l a a ? : ?N TEST!.' ?>NY WHEREOF, We have . aui ? i: : i ? ? 17 1 Surrogates' ? url ! . ? ntv ?f .New 1 ? I. S i ? nixed ? ITNESS. II? ?N? ?RAGLE JOHN (' C? ?HA L A N. a S u r r ? ) s h ... I ? '..'rr n? Ni-w Yoi i he -?-? : ?.. ? . ; ?"' ? :? b??i ' ' ? ? . ? ? oui ; j sand ii in. laindr I nd nin? l e DANIEL J 1 '? it\ ! ?NET, Clerk if tha Surrogates' Court. RODMAN. IIARRIETTE MASON.?IN pu: - .,i : ?- ? ider of Hon. John P Co ha la ii, .< s :: ? <.r ol the Count v ' New York, N nice is .. r? b; given to all per sons ?having lai s ?tvainst Harriett? Ma .?-',,11 1; dinan, foi km wn . i... ette S Mason, . eti u-s l.nuwii us Han ette M. Rod? Lin, Harrielte S, M. Rodman and Harrlette S. Rodman, :.?te of the County of Neu York deceased, t.> present the same, with v uchei-s thereof, to the sub ?cribor, .i n? place jI transa :;ng busi? ness. -7 Iho ufl'.c? of .;? irgo 7 Howard. ?ils a?t ii. >, in Broadway, in the City of N. x'. Vorl.. .il or bt-f.iro the l*t day of M .. ^ i . . Dated, New York the 17th ? !??? of Orto ber, 1319 Al'GL'STIN DERBY, Adti Inistrator c. T. A. GEORGE C cow \i:p. V t tome? for Ad ministra:..! C f A. No ill Broad TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN uld ?Id?? _ and o UK LII lit The name has been used b> Oero F"eun tain Corporation m|u. .- Mac 1st. I?lt. UKM FOUNTAIN CORPORATION By liliMI'M) B. AY MA" President.