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ALL MERCHANDISE ADVERTISED IN THE TRIBUNE IS GUARANTEED _ _ _ . '? 3Xfan$(rrl{ First to Last ? rh Vol. XXXIX No. 26,744 I Copyright, leso, >ow York Tribute Inc.J > ^^tTruth: rinusnw News Editorials Advertisements i s:UiUAin :K 1920 Srxbtmt THE WEATHER Snow to-day; to-morrow fair and warmer; fresh northwest winds Fall Report on r.a?t Paxn * * * * T-?m7i? ...... , ; --? ????_..<? Now York uni] I TWO tE?TH , within commuting distance | ) In Greater TIIRF.F DEMfl f.l?f?!liTf Coal Famine Threatens to Darken City: Possibility of Thousands Forced to Walk Unless Traction and Lighting Systems Get Relief Soon Fuel Conference Called by Nixon Slorm Retards Movement to Replenish Supplies; Car Shortage Is Acute New York faces the possibility rot only of walking to and from business, but of walking in darkened street?, unless an immediate solu? tion of the city's fuel problem is found. An official canvass of the coal bins of the transportation, gas and elec? tric companies, made by Public Serv? ice Commissioner Nixon during the day, revealed the seriousness of the i situation and resulted in the calling of a conference this morning. The figures on stocks of coal on hand, according to the Commissioner, indicate that at least a partial crip? pling of transportation and lighting facilities is highly probable, with the complete tie-up of some avenues of travel within the city being a more remot" possibility. Fuel Difficulties Increase Along with Mr. Nixon's report came a heavy snow storm which not only enveloped the city, but retarded the movement of fur! throughout the coal fields and actually closed some avenues from which coai has been reaching the city. Because of weather conditions it is expected that car shortage, which has resulted in the working of gangs at certain '.nines but one hour a day, probably would become more acute. The Interborough Railroad last night had loss than a three-day supply of itiel in its bins. The Brooklyn Rapid Transit lines had considerably loss ? han this amount, while some surface lines face an even more serious threat of a shutdown. At this morning's conference repre? sentatives of all of the public utility corporations will discuss the furl sit? uation with Mr. Nixon. It is hoped 'hat some means will bo found of get 'ing ships loaded with coal to the citj t'rom Hampton Roads, such as has beer, accomplished by the New York Edison Company, thus making it possible to escape from the conditions brought about by the car shortage. Tie-Vp of City Threatened "The limited quantity of cent in the ? tocks of the interborough and the B, R. T., as well as the shortage faced by 'he gas and electrical companies, might cause no' only the shutdown of the transit lmes. but would seriously af? fect the lighting and heating com? panies as well," said Mr. Nixon. "To these obstacles must be added the great difficulty of bringring coal from the mines to New York on ac count of car shortage and the obstacles in the way o: handling coal barges ?hile the harbor is filled with ice floes." Th? report,- on file with the commis ion show that the Interborough com? pany has 7.'i"1 tons of coal on hand. It consumes 2,-00 tons a day. At its two power houses the company is com? pelled to maintain a reserve of not ? ? than '.'.onn tons at all [f the supply of coal should go below 2,000 ions a' each station it would bo impos? sible to get coal out of the bunkers in time to maintain a pressure which Would h'1 powerful enough to generate electricity for the movement of the 'fains. The Brooklyn Rapid Transit Com? pany has in its bunkers, according to reports to the commission, 3,500 ton.-, of coal. Daily consumption i- about 1,400 tons. The company, however, has 1,700 tons on the water, and if harbor conditions are favorable, may be ablf to replenish its supply before its bunk? ers become empty. The New York Edison Company, which supplies the current not only for lighting the city's streets and resi? dences, but also furnishes power to manufacturing plants, the Third Ave? nue Railway, the New York. New Haven & Hart 'ord and the high pres? sure pumping station, which is used for fire protection, has on hand to-day 55,000 tons. Its daily consumption is about 4,000 tons. Thus the coal on hand will last only two weeks. Car Shortage Continues With the obstacles offered by the elements came reports of an even preater car shortage, leaving mountains of coal on the ground in the mine fields awaiting delivery to the city Many big mines reported no cars at all for the day, while others showed bj their mine records that they had been obtaining from 10 to 20 per cent of their normal quota of cars during tin last week. "When you remember this situatior follows closely a period of six week? during which about 25 per cent of the normal coal supply was mined, it is ?'?sy to see the disastrous results of ?*ueh a situation," said one coal expert yesterday. "Of course, it is impossible vr any mine to produce 100 per cent of its capacity for fifty-two weeks of the year, but for that very reason a shortage of 25 per cent of cars required to haul the amount mined is far mon serious than would at first appear." The Bulah mines, owned by the Bulah Mining Company, with offices at 120 Broadway, are believed to be peculiarly well situated for delivery, because they ?re located on branches of both the New York Central and Pennsylvania railroads. In spite of this fact neither *oad supplied tne mines with any cars yesterday. For the preceding week the Continued on page three ?OOD MORNING) If you <1)<ln't K?t Just the right help for th? poRltion why not eall th<> flood Morn ?"it Cilrl, Bcekman 3000, and ln*e? . an ad vertl??tn?nt in to-morroWs Tribune 7?Advt He Would Ride Rocket to Mars Philadelphia Flyer Asks That Trial Projectile Be Landed on Planet First -1_ Special Correspondence ? PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 4.?Captain Claude R. Collins, president of the ? Aviators' Club of Pennsylvania, an? nounced to-night that he is willing to ?go to Mars by the rocket route under ; certain conditions, which, he thinks, jean be met without difficulty. ? He declared his faith in the project i of sending a gigantic rocket beyond the ; bounds of theearth's atmosphere, and while the plan of the originator of the idea was merely to attach instruments to the projectile which would record , atmospheric conditions, Captain Collins ! believes that the rocket can be sent entirely beyond the earth's influence and so directed as to land on any planet desired. in.-tead of attaching instruments to ; the rocket he would attach himself. First, however, he wants his expenses I paid on a tour of the United States to arouse interest in aviation. He in? sists also on participation in the con? struction of t|ie rocket on which he is to be a passenger. Captain Collins will be ready to start, he says, as <oun as communication with : Mars has been established and after a rocket similar to the one on which he would take passage, has been sent to , Mars. He wants his life insured also for $10,000. What Captain Collins con? siders hip most difficult condition follows: "A board of ten prominent scientists shall agree to the practicability of the completed rocket and possible success of the same in reaching the planet with me safely." Shakeup of Irish Officials Predicted Clean Sweep in Dublin Castle Seen as Result of the Division of Counsels LONDON, Feb. 4. The Dublin corre? spondent of "The Daily Mail," tele? graphing reports of impending change: in the Irish government, says there is firm belief in a coming reconstitution r.i Dublin Castle, based on the convic? tion that there is n serious division in counsels there. It is known, the correspondent says, that Viscount French, Lord Lieutenant : o;' Ireland, and Under Secretary James ; MacMahon, who is the deputy of Jam?a ? Ian Macpherson, Chief Secretary for ! Dcland, do not see eve to eye many important administrative matters, and it is now suggested that Sir James Campbell, Irish Lord Chancellor, is de? veloping doubts. A clean sweep of the Castle, according to the correspondent, is constantly being urged as the only i escape from the bog of confusion sur? rounding the seat of government. DUNDALK, Ireland. Feb. 4. Ten ar? rests were made to-day in a round-up of persons) supposed to be connected with the Sinn Fein movement. Among those arrested were three members of one family and Michael Carolan, who was recently elected to the Urban Dis? trict Council from the Shankill Divi? sion of Belfast. The latter was held on a charge of "unlawful assembly." Hindenburg to Publish His Memoirs of War Book is Expected Jo Appear Late in March; Pre-War. History Revived New York Tribune Sj>erial Cable Service, Copyrlcht. 1920, Now Vork Tribune Inc.) BERLIN, Feb. 4. General von Hin denburg will follow General Ludendorff, Von Tirpitz and others who have pub? lished their memoirs of the war with his reminiscences, which are expected to come off the press about the end of next month. The former Germany military idol has been engaged recently in writing a sort of autobiography for his own family and not intended for publica? tion. His forthcoming volume gives much space to the period antedating the war. The book closes with words ad? dressed to the German youth designed to "inspire with unshaken faith in German power," as one Pan-German puts it. The book will appear, besides the preneral edition, in two other forms one a special de luxe edition of 100 copies, which already have been taken, and the other a serialed preferred edition. "Dry" Law Compelled Sale of German Liners Board Held It Useless to Com? pete With Private-Owned Ships That Sold Liquors WASHINGTON, Feb. 4.?Sale of the former German passenger liners seized at the outbreak of the war was forced on the Shipping Board by the operation of ihr national prohibition law, Chair? man Payne is understood to have told President Wilson. Mr. Pavne was said to have written the President that the government could not operate the liners on which intoxicants were not sold in competi? tion with privately owned ships on which wine and other liquors were served. He was understood to have said that after the board announced that in? toxicants would not be carried on its liners plying to South America and elsewhere' practically all bookings for those ships had been cancelled. ? American Flyers Released By Mexico, Message Says Carranza Asks Report on Land? ing, Threatening to Protest Against "'Invasion" ATTICA, Ohio, Feb. 4.? Lieutenant L. M. Wolfe, who, with Lieutenant G. L. U?her. was taken intocustody by Mexi? can offlcinls Monday, after their air? plane made a forced landing in Mexico, ha? been released, according to a mes? sage received late to-day by Mrs. Adelia E. Wolfe, mother of Lieutenant Wolfe. MEXICO CITY, Feb. 4.?Details con? cerning the landing at Naeozari, Sonora, of Lieutenants Usher and v, olfe, Amer? ican aviators, have been requested by the Foreign Office for the purpose of an energetic protest to the United States government. Data already have been collected regarding previous land? ings in Guerrero, and it will be con? tended that they have been, in effect invasions of Mexican territory by armed Americ?* i*HW* City Gripped By Ice, Then Snow Bound Worst Storm of Winter Ties Up Traffic for Hours on Surface, 'L,' Subway; Trains Late Trucks Useless on Ice-Coated Streets 400 Men and 150 Plows Fight Vainly in Wind and Sleet to Clear Way New York City was first sheathed in ice and then burled in snow yesterday i by the heaviest storm of the winter. Four hundred men were at work last night trying to clear the streets, ac? cording to Street Cleaning Commis? sioner Arnold B. MacStay. That was the entire force put to work to fight against one of the worst storms that has enveloped the city this year. The handful of men op? erated for the most part the 150 snow plowa and strove to keep the main arteries of traffic open. Trucks Useless on Ice Commissioner MacStay said that he had pressed into service 300 trucks to aid in the work of snow removal, but i that the streets were too slippery for i them to be used. The storm that was still rushing ' through the city late last night de j seen'ded upon it early yesterday niorn ! ing. It began as rain, which made sloppy streets and sidewalks even more slushy, but after a half hour changed , to hail. A drop in the temperature : encased the entire city in ice, and by i dawn this glassy surface was buried beneath a covering of snow. Driven in from the sea by a forty mile gale, snow continued to fall in blinding clouds all day long. Ry nine o'clock last night, the "Weather Bureau said that three inches had fallen. To j day, it. was predicted, the weather will be clearing and colder. All day long, surface and elevated lines operated under difficulties, but the worst tie-ups occurred earlj in the morning. Conditions were most serious in Queens. For some time during the rush hour yesterday morning, the Queensboro Bridge was barred to trol? ley traffic. No trains ran over the Brighton . Beach division from 5:30 until 7 a. m. ? The Canarsie and Fulton Street ele , vated lines were also delayed. 1 The Hudson Tubes service was ! blocked during the rush hour. Con? gestion in the Jersey City stations of < the system became so heavy that police ! reserves were called out to handle the ; crowds. Hundreds Walk Staten Island's rapid transit system ; was almost paralyzed by the storm last night. Not a trolley car was able ! to run, and the 20,000 commuters from : Mi nhattan were forced to wait for a ! rare municipal bus, a rarer steam train or else walk home. Municipal ferries were running from twenty minutes to a half hour behind ; schedule. Trains of the Staten Island ? steam railway were able throughout i the day to operate on twenty-minute i headway. Last night the snow was -o I deep that trains were run at. only at ?ninety-minute intervals. The tnunici Cal bus lines were disrupted. Pew usses ran, and these were over? whelmed with passengers. The full moon and the high wind piled up a high tide along the south ! shore of the island last night. It was i feared that many of the bungalow I colonies would be swept away before j morning. In Manhattan, after nightfall, the storm began to thwart the efforts of the street railway companies to keep their lines clear. First the First Ave? nue and then the Second Avenue sur? face lines were snowed under. The Third Avenue, made attempts to con ! tinue service, but. these were far from I effective. Sixth and Eighth Avenue surface ? iines were blocked for more than ai ? hour last evening, but later r?sumer ! service. A short circuit that occurred ! in front of the Postoffice Building, on ? Park Row, crippled the Fourth aiv. ! Madison Avenue line for some time, i The Broadway surface line was kenl i onen, but cars only crept along. Tin ] storm also delayed trains from the ; West from one to six hours. Tube? Are Thronged At 11 o'clock last night surface ca? I traffic across Queensboro Bridge was ' tied up again, and it was nearly an ! hour before the cars resumed. At about the same time the Lexington Avenue : surface line withdrew its cars and al ' lowed the snow that it. had been light , ing all day to drift unhindered over ?t? : tracks. The tie-up of most of the surface i lines in Manhattan resulted in abnor | mal crowds flocking to subway ant I elevated stations, chiefly the former > All evening long both East and Wesi I side tubes were packed as though stil | in the midst of the rush hour. ! The telephone service wherever wire! ! are carried overhead was almost com i pletely broken down by the storm. Ica ! clung to the wires and gradually in ; creased until the copper strand; ' snapped. i ?_?? Stolen Truck Is Found; $75,000 in Silks Gone Empty Vehicle Left in Wesi 125th Street; No Clew to Identity of Thieves Abandoned and emptied of its orig inal load of $75,000 worth of finishet i silks an automobile truck of tin ? Thomas Penshall Silk Finishing Com ' pany, of 44 Railroad Avenue, Paterson , N. J., was found standing in Wes 1 125th Street late yesterday afternoon ! No clew has been discovered whicl j would lead to the identity of tht ? thieves. The truck, with 22,000 yards of sill on board, was left standing at tin corner of Twenty-third Street am Fourth Avenue Monday morning b; Herman Vanderveld, the driver. Van derveld left his son Cornelius on th( driver's ?eat while he went into tin building to deliver some goods. / taxi chauffeur had some trouble witl his car a short distance, from th< > truck and young Vanderveld went t? his assistance. When they had fixei > the "trouble" with the taxi the bo; 1 returned to find the truck had disap peared. Qj Geddes Suggests Exile for Kaiser LONDON, Feb. 4.?Sir Auck? land Geddes, Minister of National Service and Reconstruction, speak? ing at Andover to-day, said the government intended to put the former German Emperor on trial and carry out whatever penalty was provided. But, he added, if Holland defi? nitely declared her intention, on the basis of* international law, to provide asylum for him within Dutch territory, then he must say the former ruler could not. reside on Dutch territory in Europe and Holland must put him on some island belonging to her outside of Europe. Conferees Agree on Rail Return Bill Measure Calls for Com? petitive Private Opera? tion With Guaranteed Earnings of 5 1-2 P. C. New York Tribune Washington Bureau WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. Legislation i for the return of the railroads to prl ; vnte ownership nnd operation on Marci I 1, when the period of Federal opera? tion will end, was agreed upon to-day The conferrees of the Senate am House who have been meeting dailj for a month in an effort to compos! the differences between the Esch bill passed by the House and the Cummin; bill, passed by the Semite, conclude! their work, and will report the confer encc committee's bill to the two house: of Congress within four or five days. The measure will be given the righ of way in both houses, the conferred declared. Present Hates to Stand Briefly, the conference committee*: bill provides for competitive privai operation of the roads, under contro of the Interstate Commerce Commis - ion. with a guaranteed earning 01 actual property values of ?'-_. por een nnd with present rates standing for i definite period, after which the com mission is given power to revise Lheni Voluntary instead of compulsory eon solidation of the roads into comp'eUtivi systems is provided for. A revolving fund of ?SOO.OOO.OOO i appropriated to aid the roads durin? the period of transition. The conferee also provided for the refunding of .h toads' indebtedness to the Federal ro' ernment during a period of ten year: The drastic anti-strike provision of the Cummins bill were eliminate? and in theii place a clause vas adopte creating regional wage and laboi ad justment boards, with a central boni te he named by the President and ap proved by the Senate having the ^.in? decision. N'o penalty is provided fo failure to abide by the decisions o the labor hoards. The Sena'te was forced to yield o many important points in the Cummin liil! and to consent to nui erous mod lications of its originifl program. Set ator Cummins, however, did not vie! ori the much disputed Section (i, whic provides for a fixed guaranteed op< i ating income to the railroads rlurin the transition period following Feder: op?r?t ion. Readjustment Period Fixed Section ti remains virtually as adop ed by the Senate. Provision is mad for readjustment of freight and pa: senger rates by groups on such a has as will guarantee to the roads in eac rate-making group an annual guarai teed net operating income of 5V? pi cent on the value of the actual pro] erty used or held for the transport: tion service. The period during whic the existing compensation paiil ? !' carriers by the Federal government : rental shall continue was changed fro one year to si.\ months. The first rate revision nccessan ?maintain the 5 V? per cent return is' take place either one year after tl expiration o\' the guaranteed compe sation now being paid or two years a ter the passage of the bill. The co ferees have yet to aeree on this poii . While the anti-strike provision w erased, the conferees did not clin nate all labor clauses, as hail bei forecast in some quarters. The ! sets up a series of regional adjustme hoards and a central tribunal to whii all appeals will go. Whenever the r gional hoards are deadlocked the di p?tes will go to the appeal board ?i tomatically and when there is ; agreement the decisions as to wage i creases will have to he approved by t central tribunal. The regional boar will be composed of repr?sent?t i\ of the employers and the classifi workers. The appeal hoard will be official Federal commision s< lected the President and approved by t Senate, (t. probably will be compos of five members. This detail has n been worked out No Enforcement Provision Made The boards will have power to rnvi tigate and to render decisions on cq troversies relating to wages and woi ing conditions, but the bill will car in penal provisions for enforcement the decisions. The transportation board, an a miiiistrative body, erected by the Se ate bill, was knocked out. and House plan to have the Interstate Coi merce Commission permit consolid tions of rai'roads was approved. The changes were^jinnounced several da ago. A pro^ sioii of importance to the ra road executives, especially in view the controversy between Judge Kobi S. Lovett, of the Union Pacific, a Daniel Willard, of the Baltimore Ohio, relates to the disposition of t surplus earnings of carriers under ; 5M? per cent guaranteed operating come. The Senate bill provided or innlly for a shifting ratio'"of divisi of the excess earnings between the c rier and the government, the latte portion to be held as a trust fund aiding weaker roads not earning ? per cent under the rate adjustmen As agreed upon by the conferees th' is to be a straight-out half-and-half vision between the earning carrier ?i the government. '* The conferees agreed upon $300,0(1 OO?i as the amount of the revolvi fund with which the government w aid the carriers durin?? the transit! period. The Senate bill provided SFOO.000,000 and the House bill 52"?0,0O0,000. Berlin Gets List of 896 War Guiltv _ ?/ Names Sent Directly to German Government When von Lersner Re? signs Rallier Than Act Paris Would Waive Revenge for Coal Allies Explain Firmness Is Necessary to Hold the Teutons to Peace Pact BERLIN, Feb. ?) (By The Associated Press). Despite the refusal of Baron Kurt von Lersner, Cern?an representa? tive at Paris, to transmit to Berlin the list of Germans whoso extradition is demanded by the Allies, the list began to arrive hero over the official wire from the French capital at 11 o'clock this morning The first name tickec off was that of Duke Albrecht o1 Wurtemberg who is charged wit! massacres at Namur. A mooting of the Cabinet was calle? for early this afternoon. Meanwhib no official declarations on the subjec i of the extraditions will be made. Thi ' list will not be published in the pr?s 1 efore to-morrow, but the governmen will make public at once the text o its last note to the Allies on the ex i radii ion issue. Baron von Lersner, it is staled, hai received explicit orders to transmi the expected Allied note on extraditio demands to his government. He wa relieved of his office to-day at his ow request. ? \ Returned List to Millerand I he finiente note was handed vo Lersner yesterday, and the Gerinn representative, although he had n ceived on Saturday last formal in struct ions simply to transmit it to t'n Minister for Foreign Affairs, relurne ii to Premier Millerand. declaring hi conscience would not permit him t be a participant in the surrender ( Germans (o the Allies. Von Lersner lorn mef that he be relieved of his oflic .': - ! ! iweel. , PA PIS, Feb. 1 : |{y The Associate Press). Km i von Lersner, head of :l Crinan peace delegation here, has r turned to Premier Millerand the li containing th.- name.- of Germans who; extradition is demanded b\ the Allie which was handed lo him last night, at informed the Premier to-day thai I ha? resigned. He departed for Bcrl lo-n ighl. Immediately after receiving the li von Lersner addressed the followit letter io Premier Millerand: "Your excellency has transmitted t< me a note containing the names o Germans 'lioso extradition is demand id by the Allied powers. In th course of the last three months I hav most sariously laid before representa lives of if" Allied and associate' governments, ten times in writing am thirteen turns orally, the reasons i was impossible lo comply with sue a request, no matter what the socia rank of the accused persons might be "i remind your excellency of m constantly r peated declarations tha no Gorman functionary would be dis posed to be in any way whateve : ? umeiital in t he real iza I ?on of th demand for their extradition, should be instrumental in it if were to forward to the German go\ err.m i ! the note of your excellencj 1 therefore send it back herewith. "1 have made it known to my gov rnment that I cannot remain in of fice, and that ! shall leave Paris h i '? ;? noxl train. "FREIHERR VON LERSNER." \ mi Lersner Explains Attitude Baron \ on la rsner told the con sponelent his decision was in line wi the attitude he had maintain throughout regarding the question extradition, lie declared he had h< ?'"ai no German official could be strui lental in carrying out the extra tion clauses of the treaty, and con qucnlly the matter having come up a definite, final form there was nothi left for him to do but to resign a go home. The Allied Council of Ambassaeb was called into extraordinary sessi this morning to discuss the situati created by the resignation of Kurt \ Lersner, and the following statemi later was issued; ?'The list of war criminals havii been presented to Baron von Lersm for transmission by him to his go eminent, the president of the Germt delegation returned the list with ; intimation to the president of tl conference that he had submitted h resignation to his government ai was leaving Paris. The decision the Allies will be communicated c rect to the government at Berlin." Wallace Present in Council Hugh C. Wallace, the Amero Ambassador, attended the coui meeting, but he declined to make statement after adjournment. In connection with the persistent termination of the Allies to require surrender of the Germans on the tradition list, it was explained official circles that the feeling ? that despite the general indiff?re on the extradition question manifes by the public there was an import reason why the Allies should in upon the execution of the clause the treaty relating to the accused C mans. The impression is strong official French quarters, it was clared, that the Germans are dispe to make use of every possible prel to avoid the execution not only of but of other clauses of the treaty, if the Allies gave way on this pi it would be considered in Berlin a precedent on which to found dema for further modifications. Premier Millerand declared to to the Foreign Affairs Commission the Chamber of Deputies that the ^ sailles treaty gave the authority compel the Germans to fulfill treaty requirements and that all m ures would be taken to insure execution of the demands. Extradition of 890 Germans acc\ of violations of the laws of war is manded in the list handed Von L ner. England demands 97 for t France and Belgium 334 each, Italy Poland 57, Rumania 41 and Serbi Continued on next page Wilson Considers Protest To British Foreign Office Against the Grey Letter "Allies Are Abandoning Wilsons Says Paris Press of Treaty Fight PARIS, Feb. 4.?Commenting- upon the letter of Viscount Grey, British Ambassador to the United States, to "The Times" with regard to the American position on the peace treaty, the "Echo de Paris," under a heavy headline, says: "The Allies are abandoning President Wilson." The newspaper adds that Viscount Grey succeeded in persuading Premier Lloyd George of Great Britain and former Premier Clemen? ceau to adopt his viewpoint when in Paris some weeks ago, and the letter to "The Times" will, it asserts, probably be followed by an official note along the same lines from the French and British cabinets. "Our friends beyond the Atlantic cannot fail to understand the significance of the language they have just heard," the "Echo de Paris" continues. "It simply means that the Allies are abandoning President Wilson and are trying to come to terms with the majority in the ? American Congress." Britain to Call World Parley On Exchange ! International Financial Con? ference Will Be Held Within a Month, a Lon? don Dispatch Asserts New York Tribuna European Bureau (Copyright, lf'2'1, New York Tribune Inc.) LONDON, Feb. 4. An international 'conference to discuss the question of ; foreign exchange will be held here I probably within a month, it was learned to-day. No artificial means i will be used to increase the value of i the pound sterling in American mar j kets, although an improvement is not j expected for some time. In fact, a j further decline is anticipated here. That the treasury will take steps to improve the financial situation seemed probable, however. Rumors persisted I to-day that a reduction in paper cur? rency flotation by ?20,000,000 had been .decided on. This would have the ef : r'ect of compelling both public and , private economy. An embargo curtailing all except absolutely essential imports from : America may be expected at any time. Instead of supplying American mar , kets, far-sighted British merchants ! have sent goods to Russia, Greece and ' China, in the hope of controlling ! future trade in those sections, contend ; ing that the American exchange is only i temporarily unfavorable. , The press generally has dropped i criticism of the United States on the i ground that it is the duty of all to j assist England. Hankers Refuse Advances LONDON, Feb. 1 (By The Associated , Press i. At yesterday's conference ! with Chancellor of the Exchequer i Chamberlain some of the leading bank? ers intimated they hail agreed to de? cline further advances, either national ', or international, until the situation had ; improed. It had already been decided | that the Bank of England would limit : its issue of paper money during the ! present year to the amount issued i in 1919. Much satisfaction is felt that the ? revelation of the British government's intimation to the Washington govern? ment that it is not proposed to seek ; further loans in the United States was | made before the statement of Secre : tary of the Treasury Glass. One effect of the adverse American exchange is that it will be used tu stimulate trade with France, Germany and other European countries, where exchange favors England, and this course already has been recommended by the Board of Trade. The difficulty, however, is that these countries lack raw materials, being hardly able to fsupply their own home demands. The position in Lancashire, owing to i the stoppage of cotton imports, is like? ly to be serious if the stoppage is long continued. Estimates vary as to the amount of cotton stocks, but the high? est is put at nine or ten weeks' supply There also is a considerable quantity estimated at more than 500,000 bales at sea. Cessation in imports is e.\ pected to result in sensational ad , vanees in prices. The difficulty may be met tempo ! rarily by resorting to short time worl in the mills. The situation, it is be lieved. will assist in the agitatiot favorable to the promotion of a fun< for the fostering of cotton growinj , within the empire in order to rende: I Lancashire more independent of Amer ican cotton. Nitti States Italy's Position MANCHESTER. Feb. 4. "The Man i ehester Guardian's" Liverpool marke i report says the fall in American ex ; change "is putting an effective an' ! very definite stop o nany ideas of im porting cotton under the ruling condi i tions." "The extreme seriousness of th j situation," the article continues, "ca i more readily be understood when it i i realized that experime- ts now are be , ing made to ship cotton back fror i Liverpool to the United States. In fac ! this operation is now considered prac | tical owing to the exchange questior | It emphasizes the extent of the diffi ; culties under which merchants ar j working on this side." ROME, Feb. 4 (By The Associate I Press).?Premier Nitti, in a length | statement to the correspondent to-da ! on the economic situation, said: "I agree with many points in the let i ter of Secretary of the Treasury Gla3: ' addressed to the American chambers c commerce. Europe must be animate ! by the spirit of peace. The preser ! state of mind cannot continue long, bu Continued on next page \_._ I PR1NT1NG--Qua!ity Plus Kept Proml?? 1 Give Best fWult?. The Arco Pre?a, 32 West 39th. Bryant 33S2-in?S.?A.dvt. GirPs Attack ?n Socialist Stays in Record Blocli Tries in Vain to Have Miss Chivers's Tes? timony About Alleged Flag Insult Ruled Out Staff Correspondence ALBANY, Feb. 4. A motion on the part of Assemblyman Maurice Bloch, Democrat, of New York City, a member of the Judiciary Committee, to strike the entire testimony of Miss Ellen B. ( hivers, the seventeen-year-old Brook? lyn stenographer, from the record as utterly absurd was one of the numer? ous exciting incidents in to-day's trial of the five ousted Socialist Assembly? men. Miss Chivers testified yesterday that two and a half years ago, when she was fifteen \ears old, she saw Assem? blyman Charles Solomon, one of the men on trial, spit on the American flag in the presence of three uniformed members of the New York police force and a large crowd of American citizens, and also that Solomon had insulted fifteen American soldiers who were re? cruiting. She further testified that neither the .soldiers nor the police re? sented Solomon's alleged conduct. Bloch, addressing Chairman Louis M. Martin, said: "I fully realize that under the rules of evidence the testimony of any wit? ness, unless a party to the crime, is admissible without corroboration. Story Called Impossible "However, the story related under oath yesterday by the girl Chivers was obviously impossible. "It is incredible that a man before an American audience, during war times and in the presence of three members of the uniformed police force of the City of New York, would dare spit on the American flag. It is mirac? ulous that he lives to-day. It is so utterly absurd that it needs no fur? ther characterization. "Her statements under oath that fif? teen United States soldiers meekly and j humbly accepted insults to their flag, j their uniform or to themselves stagger belief. It does not seem credible. It I shows that the witness romanced. I I therefore move that the testimony of ; the girl Chivers be stricken from the record." * . j Rowe Makes Protest Chairman Martin denied the motion. This was just as the committee was adjourning for luncheon. When the investigation was resumed in the after? noon Assemblvman George Rowe, Re? publican, of Buffalo, moved that As? semblyman Bloch's references to the testimony of Miss^Chivers be expunged from the record. "I wish, Mr. Chairman," said Mr. Rowe, "that the record indicate my protest against the unwarranted state? ments made by Assemblyman Bloch at this morning's session in reference to Miss Chivers's testimony. "His arrogance in attempting to formulate the opinion of that part of the evidence for the members of the. committee is what I object to. "Mr. Chairman. I for one feel that this committee and its individual mem? bers are as capable of determining the probability of evidence and the credi? bility of witnesses as is Mr. Bloch. "I protest against his characteriza? tion at this time of the evidence as absurd, or of a romancing nature. "I also wish to state that Mr. Bloch's statements preliminary to his motion are a reflection on the commit? tee and the innumerable members of the Assembly who are sitting in this chamber. "I therefore move that the state? ments made by Mr. Bloch in connec? tion with Miss Chivers's testimony be expunged from the record." 12 to 1 Against Bloch The chairman put the motion to a vote, which was carried 12 to 1, Bloch alone voting in the negative. The objections raised to Mr. Bloch's remarks were that as a member of the committee he should not, at this time, give expression to his views on any testimony adduced. If the prosecution, which does not Continued on page three Platform Contest The colleges of the country are now coming to the front in The Tribune's National Re? publican Platform Contest. Planks entered for prizes now total 1,328. The story of the progress of the contest will be found on Pago 11. r The Envoy's Statement Is Seen as "Gratuitous At? tempt" by English to Meddle in the Senate Llovd George Put In Uneasy Position Lodge Reported to Have His Message Upholding Ambassador's Attitude fitvB Ycrlc Tribune Washington Bureau WASHINGTON', Feb. 4?Angered by the publication of the letter of Viscount Grey, British Ambassador to the United States, announcing th? willingness of Great Britain to ac? cept the Lodge reservations to the peace treaty, President Wilson, it was reliably reported to-night, is ? considering informal representa? tions of protest to the British For | eign Office. It is asserted in quarters close to i the President that he regards the publication of the Grey letter a ? gratuitous attempt on the part of : the British authorities to inject themselves into the political situa I tion in the Senate growing out of j the peace treaty fight. I Secretary of State Lansing, when ; approached on the matter to-day, re? fused to affirm or deny that the in ! cident had provoked the President or I that the matter has been, or will be, ; taken up informally with the British ' government. | Breach of Proprieties If made, these representations, it ; is indicated, will leave the way open ! for Premier Lloyd George to an | nounce publicly that the statements i of Lord Grey were not authorized by the British government and can not be considered in the light of ai I official statement of that, govern j ment's position. Admittedly such a suggestion migh prove embarrassing to the British Pre mier, if. ss reported in Senate circle! | a personal telegram from Lloyd George addressed to Senator Lodge and' con veying virtually the same assurance; as those contained in the publisher 1 letter of Lord Grey, has been shown by Senator Lodge to colleagues on th? i Senate Committee on Foreign Lela ? tions. President Wilson is sad to feel thai ; Lord Grey committed a gross breach i of the proprieties, and that the silence I of the British government in face oi I the publication of the Grey lettei merely tended to confirm the inference I that the British authorities deliberately I adopted this method of approaching tin Senate mid the people of the Unite< States over the head of the Presiden! It is everywhere apparent in Wash ington that the publication of the Grey letter has thrown the ranks ol the Administration Senators into con fusion by making known the fact that the British government, in order to ge: the United States into the league of na tions, is willing to admit her on anj terms which the American Senate maj prescribe, thus contradicting the con stant and emphatic assertions of the President that, adoption of the Lodge reservations would not be accepted bj the other powers and would requite ? reopening of the entire peace confer ence. Failed to See President Contributing to the displeasure o' Mr. Wilson, it is said, is the informa tion conveyed to him that during hi residence at Washington Lord Gre> acting presumably under instruction from his government, communicate Great Britain's altitude to Senato Lodge and other Republican member of the committee. ? In diplomatic circles it is asserte that before seeing these Senators Lor Grey tried repeatedly to get to th President with this information, i order that he might modify Mr. Wi son's uncompromising attitude towar the Lodge reservations, but that, his e forts in this direction met with no sui cess. Mr. Wilson, it is stated, does not r gard this excuse as a tenable on pointing out that Lord Grey con easily have communicated with hi through the State Department, whi< is the ordinary medium through whii ambassadors and ministers commun cate with the head of the governmer Members of the diplomatic corj however, have been impressed with t evidence frequently displayed that A Lansing himself no longer has acce to the President and that it is almc '? futile for them to attempt to reach A ' Wilson in this way. Juaaerand in Same Boat During the tame period that Lc i Grey was seeking to obtain an au i ence with Mr. Wilson similar efforts, i i? known, were being made by M. J> '. serand, the French Ambassador, w ! likewise had been instructed by 1 government to make known to Mr. \* son the willingness of France to aco '. the Lodge program. Likewise, it is stated, the French A I bassador, after finding the doors of White House closed to him, underte to make known the views of his g ernment to members of the Senate F i eign Relations Committee. I*, was ; cause he had been fortified by such j surances from the two ambassadors ? is said, that Senator Lodge was able I tell the Senat? repeatedly that ad tion of nis reservations, the Presid to the contrary notwithstanding, wo not wreck the peace treat?. At the same time it is underst thnt Senator Lodge was making plain to both Ambassador Grey Ambassador Jusserond that the cc dential assurances which, they v giving him as to the attitude of t governments would avail nothing