Newspaper Page Text
U. S. Lets 4Booze Ship' Go, Seizes 4 Whisky Cars j Release of the Yarmouth's $4,000,000 Cargo Con? signed to Havana Result of W rashington Advice Kentucky Shipment Held New Director Here to Issue Permits ; Drug Store Liquor May Be Cheaper The moment that James P. Shevlln, prohibition enforcement superintendent, loft Manhattan to look over the situa? tion in Connecticut and Rhode Island a flood of happenings which threatened to swamp hia department broke loose. Yesterday was the busiest day for the Internal Revenue agents since the lid really went on. First, tie "booze ship" Yarmouth, the Black Star boat which belongs to the North American Steamship Corpora? tion, was released and permitted to continue on her cruise to Cuba, where the Eighteenth Amendment doesn't "take." Then Frank de Mayo's little black bag was investigated by George A. Bar ron, a Custom House guard. Frank und his satchel wire taking the air in Battery Place, and inside the satchel were two gallons of wine. They are not there now. "Olive Oil" Shipment Seized Half an hour later two patrolmen uncovered a cargo labelled "olive oil" on a motor truck at 157th Street and Third Avenue. There were nineteen live-gallon cans on board, and the lot was confiscated when the patrolmen got olfactory evidence that the labels were camouflage. And, on top of all this, Assistant Su? pervisor Quigley seized four carloads of whisky on Pier 22, North River. The day brought the refusal of Po? lice Commissioner Fnright to make any statement regarding the part the city police will play in enforcing the law. and, at the same time, Charles R. O'Connor. Federal prohibition director for New York, city ?nd state, opened his oificc at 28 West Twenty-third Street. Mr. O'Connor will issue the necessary permits for the sale of al? cohol. Tn New Jersey three saloon keepers were arrested ou a charge of having whisky on their premises at Perth Amboy, and Orange bobbed up with a new low record for arrests during the. month of January, only three persons registering at the Orange jail, and only one arrest being made for intoxication. Among all the activities, the Yar? mouth held first consideration with the enforcement officers. United States At- : torney, Francis G. Caffney talked over I the telephone with Prohibition Commis- , sioner Kramer in Washington, and with i Superintendent Shevlin at New Haven,1 before the announcement was made by Mr. Quigley that the Yarmouth would b? permitted to continue to Cuba with her $4,000,000 cargo of whisky and wine. It was .. in that the Washington authorities decided the Yarmouth could not be held in view of the fact that she originally left I'nited States juris- ; diction prior to the advent of the Eighteenth Amendment, and was obliged to return to the "dry" zone because of accident. The craft lies at the West Eightieth Street pier, -.?.here she will take on coal for the voyage South. She is expected to sail to-morrow. No attempt was made yesterday by the enforcement squad to unload her, but she is heavily guarded. Promoter Before Grand Jury ? r. e of the Yarmouth's cargo did not end the problems of Marcus; Carvev, net;re promoter and president of the Biaek Star Line. The Federal; Grand Jury, which is investigating the alleged disappearance of several gallons : of whisky from the ship's hold, called1 Garvey as a witness, but the shipowner refused to produce the ship's manifest : nd other documents regarding hid en? terprise which the jury called for. He was taken before Federal Judge John C. Knox, who ordered him to bring in all the papers and advised him that while his corporation could not claim immunity it woukl be his privilege to submit a claim for personal immunity. Frank de Mayo, whose little black satchel was seized in Battery Park, was arraigned before United States Com misssioner Hitchcock and held in ?>?U0 bail for having liquor in his possession and transporting it. John B. Martucci, chauffeur, of 496 Fast 189th Street, and Renato Sabella, truckman, of 2395 Bclmont Avenue, The Bronx, who were arrested by Patrolmen John Lutkin and Charles Nickess, of the Morrisania station, when their truck with its load of "olive oil" stalled at Third Avenue and 157th Street, were held by Commissioner Hitchcock in $500 / hail each. The patrolmen became sus? picious when they found the "olive oil" cargo was in feed bags. The men stated that they had been engaged by a stranger to take the "olive oil" to an address in The Bronx. They are charged with possessing and trans? porting. T!u- seizure made by Assistant Super? visor Quigley was shipped from Louis? ville and ?s consigned to "order." Jt is marked "for medicinal purposes," but it is charged that-the law was violated by failure to obtain a permit for trans portation. The contents of the four ^ ears were taken to a bonded warehouse. ^ and each truckload was accompanied by B an armed guard, and trailed by a pro wf cession of wistful spectators. Mr. K. O'Connor signalized his ap? pearance by a statement to the public in which he emphasizes the necessity of every dealer in liquor possessing ? permit. ? Good Whisky To Be Cheaper in another statement issued from Mr. Shevlin's office the public is informed that "the average citizen is indeed fool? ish to buy either moonshine or bootleg whisky," and druggists are urged to apply for permits to handle liquor on prescription. If druggists comply with the law, the statement says, they may distribute, under physicians' prescrip? tions, "better whisky and at a more moderate price than was possible under former conditions." Luigi Orsi, ?l Fast Sixty-first Street, was arraigned before Commissioner Hitchcock, charged with having six bar? rels of wino in his possession. Detec? tive Thomas C. Dowd, of the r>th In? spection District, made the arrest. Orsi was held in $500 bail. ?frailar disposition was made by the Commissioner of the cases of Dominick Rabbuffu, a saloonkeeper, of 140 West End Avenue, and his bartender; of Mrs. Kittin Moore, charged as the owner of a saloon at 1,400 Unionport Road, and of Adolph Rehu?, 259 City Island Ave? nue, -who were all charged with viola? tion of the Eighteenth Amendment. At Perth Amboy David Wolfson. Abe Lazerowitz and Steve Loekton were ar? raigned before United States Commis-' sioner Delaney and held for the Fed? eral grand jury. Bail in Wolfson's ease was fixed" at $2,500 and in the other cases at $1,500 each. The au? thorities allege that eight five-gallon cana of alcohol, 195 proof, three forty frallon casks of whisky and a twenty flve-gallon cask of whisky were fov.-d I on Wolfson'? premise?, I Army Orders New York Trihnne Washington Bureau WASHINGTON. Feb. 4.-Th? War De partment to-day m?d?? public tin? following army ordern : MiiiccUan?N)us Hensley, Col. W. N. jr.. air nenie??, to direc? tor of military intelligence. Washington. Smith. Maj. C. C, adjutant general's depart? ment, to Camp Dodge. Met.-alfe. Capt B., TJ. S. A., to Detroit. Speth. Cap?, E., Philippine Scout? (retired), placed on active duty and assigned to re cruitlng office, El Taso, Tex. Reed. 1st I.t. O. R., dental corps, to Kelly Field, San Antonio. Tex. 1 Houlihan. Chaplain .1. F., TJ. S. A., to the adjutant general, Washington. Coast Artillery Rucgles, Col. .1. A., to Kort Williams, Maine. Sarcker, 1st. I.t, C. E., appointment made permanent. Veterinary Corps Cramer, Capt. E. J., to Fort P. A. Russell. Hrower, Capt. G. W., to Camp Podge. Wright, Capt. V. B., to Chicago. Feaiell, Cd l,t. G. 1-'., appointment made per? manent. Motor Transport Corps Pierce, Col. O. C, to Governor's Island. Ireland, Col. M. I,., to Fort Sam Houston. Puringlon, Col. G. A., to Camp Zachary Taylor, Brinks, (.'apt, W.. to JefTei-sonville, Ind. Medical Corps Bristow, Maj. W. J., to Cnmp .larVson. Snyder, Capt. O. K.. discharge revoked. Williams. 1st Lt. J. H., to Hot Springe. Ark. Blackburn, 1st I.t, L. L., appointment re? called. Culvert, l*t I.t, L. C. to Cincinnati. Quartermaster Corps B<M??ley, Maj. O. E., to director of finance, Washington. ! Brown, Maj. I). M.. to New Orleans. Kngineers .lackson. Col. T. H., to Boston. Reos, Col. T. H.. to San Francisco. Jadwin, Col. E., to Fort Sam Houstoji. Field Artillery Anderson, I.t. Col. .1. B., to Aberdeen. Md. Blakeley. 1st I.t. H. W., to Washington. Corridon, 1st Lt. ,1. H., to Cnmp Grant. Davis, 1st Lt. R. 1... to Portland, Mc. Infantry Finzer, I.t. Col. W. E., to Camp Travis. Sharon, Maj. G. R.. to Camp Holabird. Canoe, Capt. W. A., to chief of staff, Wash? ington. .Tocelyn. Capt. S. P. jr.. to Fort Jay. Gregg, Capt. L. L., to Camp Dodge. Withers, Capt. A. P., appointment made per? manent. Sutherland. 1st Lt. C. F., to Camp Cranl. Lugton, 1st I.t. C. R.. to Camp .larkson. Walcott. 1st Lt. J.. to Camp Grant. White. 1st Lt. E. R., to Camp .lesup. F.llmaker, 1st Lt, C. F.. discharge revoked. Koalier, 2d I.t. J. L., to Camp Meade. Resignations Accepted Wood, Capt. J. R., cavalry. Clark. Capt. S. F., field artillery. Delamer, Capt. G. N.. field artillery. Davis. Capt. .1. 1... dental corps. Dear. 1st Lt. L. W.. infantry Hates, 1st Lt. G. M.. infantry. Nauts. 1st Lt. H. W., field artillery. Heidenreich, 1st Lt, G. .. cavalry. Honoraby Discharged Roville. Maj. F. W.. Dental Corps. ? Lindbaum. Maj. R. IL. infantry. Robbjns, Capt. C. B., infantry. King. Capt. H. O, Medical Corps. Spradling. Capt. .1. W? Quartermaster Corpa, j Ballowe, Capt. H. I... Medical Corps. Irvin. Capt, H. C. Medical Corps. Howaer, Capt- J. P., Medical Corps-^ Burnley, (.'apt . T., Quartermaster Corps. MiGarr. Capt. T. E., engineers. Montgomery, Caj>t. T. ('.. army service corps. Dingier. 1st Lt. J. T.. air service. Dillon. 1st Lt. L. J., engineers. Dicker, 1st Lt. H. D., Signal Corps. Parker, 1st Lt- F. R.. infantry. Hamm. 1st Lt G. W., infantry. Oliver. 1st Lt. L. H., Medical Corps. Batson, 1st Lt. S. IL. infantry. Beale. 1st T.t. F. F., railroad trans corps. Kiessling,^??L Lt. F. O., engineers. Adams, L'tTTt. W. C, Tank Corps. Pierce, 2d Lt- L. E., air Hervir?. Pearl. 2d Lt. J. I., infantry. Gifford, 2d Lt. C. I,., field artillery. Kellar. 2d Lt. C. IL, cavalry. Blaikie, 2d Lt. H. M., Quarmaster Corps. Gardiner. 2d Lt. J. L., l'y S. \. Abbott, 2d I.t. E. H., infantry. Navv Orders ? jVch- York Tribune Washington Bureau WASHINGTON. Feb. 4.- -The Bureau of Navigation to-day issued the follow? ing: navy orders: Ballinger, Lt. .1. T., to engineering duty, sub? marino division J. Brayton. Lt. H. R., to U. S. S. Dispatch when commissioned. Davis, Lt, Com. E., to U. S. S. Parrot, aa executive when commissioned. Deams. Lt M. A., to TJ. S. S. Fulton. France, Lt. A. F.. to U. S. S. Fulton. Hill. Ens. R. D., to U. S? S. Brooklyn. Huntoon, Lt. .1. G., to U. S. S. 0-13, Jupp, Lt. S. p., to V. S. S. Fulton. Knowles, Lt H. B., to U. S. S. Fulton. Mail. Lt F. M? to U. S. S. Grt?er as execu? tive. Murphy, Lt V. R., to TJ. S. O-ll. Norton. Lt. S. C, to tl. S. S. 0-16. Ryan, Lt. D. L., to l'. S. S. Parroi -when commissioned. Snaders, Gun. H. J., to U. S. S. Partridge. Scott, Com. D. A., to command TJ. S. S. Parrot when commission??!. Stevens, Lt (j. g.) G. M., to TJ. S. S. Chat? tanooga. Stoneetreet Lt. M. B., to romman U. S. S. H-0. Trayer, Lt J. S., to navy yard. Mare Island. Cal. McClare, Ens. T. H., to naval air station, Rockaway Beach, L. I. Meriweather, Com. H. T., to command U. S. S. Sepulga when commissioned. Perez, I.t. (j. gJ P. E., to U. S. S. Nero. Three New York City Boys Named as West Point Cadets New ?fork Tribune Vt'ashi'nutrin WASHINGTON, Feb. 4.- Three New York city youths were designated to , day by the War Department for ad i mission to West Point Military Acad? emy as follows: George Mickel jr., 1988 Metropolitan Aveuue, Brooklyn; Charles G. Stevenson jr., 47f> Thirteenth Street, Brooklyn, and David .I. Schwartz, j 240 Fast. 105th Street New York. Other New York boys authorized to take the examination for entrance to the Military Academy with the June ciass include Doiitild 1). Parke, Sche nectady; Raymond S. Frazier, Platts ? bur^; William il. Hamlin, Champlain; ' Wolcolt Dudley, Port Henry, and Dixon ; C. Smith, North Lawrence. Twelve-Story Hotel Gerard, In West 44th Street, Resold The Hotel Gerard, twelve- stories, at | 123 to 129 West Forty-fourth Street, | on plot 100x100, has been resold by I William S. Sussman for Gilbert & Kra ; mer and S. Morrill Banner, who bought ! it last November. Samuel K. Jacob?, the new owner, gave cash for the prop I ?rty. -* Old Broad Street Holding Sold The five-story building at 105 Broad Street, northwest corner of Water Street, which has been owned for 12?> ? vears by the family of Alletta M. liegeman, has been bought by a client of Horace S. Ely & Co. The house was remodeled in 1882, but retained eon ? siderablo of the older structure, built I in 1746. Recorded Mortgages Continued from page twenty-one of rtty of N T to Chan Fiedler. 163 W 129th at: 5 yr?, 6 p c; attya. Price Broa, 271 Bway .$13.500 LENOX AV. 420, n e cor 13]at at. 17xSr.. p tn ; Feb 2; Philip HcrshkovtU and ano to Harry Berg, 107 W U7th at; Instala. 6 P c; pr mtge $2?\00U; attv Title (?uar ft T Co. 17? Bway.... $2,000 SAME PROP; p m: Fob 2: same to Isaac Nelson. 46 W K7th st, exr; 7 yrs, E14 p <? ; aildress, 17? Bwav..$20,000 RIVBRSIDH PR1VB, s' e cor 136th st, 102.7x132.2x99.11x109.4; p tn ; ?-vp 2; Crausman Realty Co to Lowell Realty Co. 606 6th av; 6 vrs, 6 p c-, pr nttge $200,000; atty?, M H A I s Isaacs, 52 William st .$50,00t> ST NICHOLAS AV, s w cor 150th st. runs w 75.10* s 99.llx e 50x n 49.Us e. 36.1 to av x n 51.1 to be?; p m; Feb 2; Ash ford Conatr Co to Michael A Hoffman, 321 Convent av ; 5 yr.?. 6 P c; attvs. Amend ft A. 119 Nassau ft.$110.000 167TH ST. s s. 125 s Bway. 75x99.11; p m; Feb 2; Angelina l>'Aloi?t and uno to College Holding Co. US W 120th :? i : due Auk 1, 1920. ? p c; pr mtge $1<>5,000; aty?, Morrison A 8. $10 Bway. . $! ?.00P 170T?I ?T. 607 AV. n s, 60x100; p m; .Tan 2; Lusonray Molding Co <o David Maas, '.'2h \V 8KII1 ?t. exr; ? yrs, ? n c; pr mtg-o $40,000; altvs. Kam row It?. ?- Un iiTur. svo TUviiv .$H.noo 1?0TII ST. MCI W, ti s, J.0.X 100. p m: Jatl 2; Lusonray Molding Co to David Huas, 2?6 W X6t h ni. cir; f. > rs. Il p c; pr min?- $14.000, ?iiixn, Kantrowllz X- BJ, ."(20 Bway .'..$14,000 FOUT WASHINGTON AV, a o oor ISIsl ut, H0.6x173.lOx irvrK, p m; Feb 2; Fllbe.n Realty Cornu lo Nathan Halo Corpn, :i-.'i B 2Mb al; duo Oct 1. 1928, 8 p c; pr intRo $31?,333.33 : Hlly.M, Marks & M, 6? l'art, Row .$97,600 SAME PROP; Fob :'. simio to Nnilu.ii .\ Komme), al the "Twin," n w cor 93d at und Central Park W: i yr. ,; v e; atly, Jacob I Bcrinun. 316 Bwaj .$25,000 Dr on m UNIVERSITY AV. 1630, n a, 56.9x108.-I : fi ?- C Realty Co to Werner V Kranken berc, 498 Wont Knd ?v; pr mlR $42,600; Fob 2; 5 vrs. 6 p c; ally, llv E Franken bersr, i.2 Broadway .$12,600 SAME) PROPERTY/; sanio lo Anna M ?Ionen, 2463 Valentino ?v; pr mlR $55, 000. l-'cb " ; ?< yrs, 8 p c; atly, I. V Eberl, 111 Broadway .$ TJNIVBRS1TY AV. 1610 and 1616. o s, lois, each 66.5x104.10;'3 intRs, each $12. t>00; ^ vu- niiKs $42.r,0"; same to Werner a- Frankenbcrir, 498 West Hind av; Keb 2; fi vrs. ? p c; atty. lly K FrankenberK, 63 Broadway .$2.'.,0fot SA MB PROPERTY; same to Anna M .iones. 216:; Valentino uv; 2 mlgs, eacli $in.000; 2 pr mtgs, each $r>.'.,nnn; Peb 2; r, vrs. 6 p <?: allv. 1. N' Bbert. Ill Broad way .i.$26,. Si) BLVD. .ver Lincoln av, 100x200 i i 1H2d st ; Summit. Holding Co to Thos Simpson, 2.r' So Broadway, While Plains. N Y; pr mtE $50,000; .Ian 20: 5 yrs. B n c; atly, T G K- T Co, 176 Broad? way .$15.000 TIFFANY ST, 9;>2, e g, 40x104.9; Mcrris Miller to Rosemond Realty Co, 105 K 29th at; pr mlR $21.750; Feb 2; 5 vis. G p e; attv. H Olasaer, 291 Bway..$7,00fl TIFFANY ST. 966. e a. 40x104 7. same lo same; pr nit? $21,750; Peb 2; 6 yrs, 6 p c; atty. sanio .$7,000 180TH ST. n s, 70.9 w Arthur av, ^5.;lx 95.6; Jacob Shustek to Mary E Bropliy, M4 toih av; pr mtg $6,600; Peb 2; 6 \rs; 6 per r-oni ; nit v. Tille Guar .V T Co, 176 Bway .$2.900 SA MB PROPERTY; same to Tommaso Giordano. 864 B ISOth si; pr mtK $<r,ooo, Feb 2; due Auk 2, 1920; 6 per cent; ally, same.$500 LORING PIj, 2::'17. 25x100; Anna Buchman to Meta K Jewell, |i Melrose av. Mt Vornon, N Y, el al, adnvx; Feb 2; yrs, 6 >-? per rent; atty, Tltlo (luar ?- T Co, 176 Bwav.$7,000 SAMR PROPERTY; same to Margt M F.-aly. 2307 Coring pi; pr mtg $>fl; February 2; installs; U per ,cent; atty, samo .$3.000 136TH ST. K22 B. s s, 26x100; David Butensky and ano to Louis Bpstein, 146 Lenox av; pr mtg $9,000; Pi b '.'. installs; i". per cr-nl ; atty, Tltlo Guar <C- T Co, l"ii Bwav .$5,000 ROi?ERS PL, 967, a s. 17.5x70.10; David Kalnens to .las ("5 Bonnett, 1627 Wale.? av; pr mtg $4,600; .Ian 30; 5 yrs; 6 por cent; atty, Tlth Linar \- T Co, 176 Bwav . . .'..$l,9.S|i ROGERS PL. fitiT'-.., w s, 17x70 f1 : Morris Kamens to same; pr mtg $4,;>00: Jan 30; ."> vrs; fl per cent; attv. same..$2,450 BRONX PALE AV, lir,::. Jos Del Gindiee to Enill N Sorgenfrei. '??'" Morris Turk av: pr mtg $4,000; Feb 2; Installs; 6 P?r cent; attys, Wm FVtera & Co, 1044 B Tremont av.$1,400 CLINTON AV, 2123, ? s, 20x99.2; Lawik Plsetzner to Lorach Peckar, 1384 Steh bins av; pr mtg $6,500; Feb 2; due ?Vug 2, 1922: 6 per rent; atty, Title (luar ? T Co. 176 Bway.$1,000 EAGLE AV, s e s. 516.8 s Cllft st, 16.8x 100; Harry Brodsky to Sarah M McKay. 810 Eligle av; pr mtg $4,500; Feb ;; , 3 yrs; II per cent, atty, Title Guar \ T Co. 1 76 Bway.$]. MIO lTfiTII ST, 607 ?. n s. 20x72; Samuel I,osen to Louise p Mornhin-wt'g, J3X S nth av, Mt Vernon, N Y. Jan 31; 3 years, 6 p e; am. Win C lark. Ml Vernon N V.$1,500 133D ST, 697 B, n s, 18x103.7; Adolph Kraus, and ano (o Ida Heller, ?179 1-7 133d et; pr mtge $2,oi>0; Peb 2; I years, 6 p <? ; attv, 1. Landes, 370 B 1 191 h s( .$2,000 17STH ST. 910 B, s s, 40.3x81.4; Max Schecher In Boris Feltelson, 1523, Av A. pr mtge $16,000; Jan 30; 4 years, 6 p e; atty, Benj Kronenberg, 302 Bway.$4,000 220TH ST, 755 B; Wm Bitscher to Bmma W( Ik, 547 W 129th ?t . Jan 22; dui . i I . as p?r bonil . ally .1 I. Zoet zl, 4102 White Plains av ... . '. ... . $6.000 HONEYWELL AV, s e s. 120 s w Samuel st, 25x9S.11: Louis Gershowitz to Noi b<*rt Leibe!, 20SC, Honeywell av; pr mtge $3,500; Fob '.', 3 years, R p c; atty, M Kaufman, 299 Broadway. $3,500 VALENTINE AY, 2392, e s, 49.11x116; Abr Fellerman and ano to R * D Realtj o, 3013 3d av; pr mtge $42,000; Feb 2; .'. years, 6 p c, atty. Prince & X. 19 Cedar vt .$13.000 DALY AV. 2117. 76.4x65.3; Max Tniolf and n-nn lo Wally Constr Co, 350 Broadway; Feb 2; inst?is, 6 p c; atty. Tltlo G *? T Co, 176 Broadway .$3,000 WEBSTER AV, 3544, e s, IS.74.3; Harr> Schuster to N'athl Fink. 20 B 112th st. and ano: pr mtge $4.07r. ; Fob 3; 3 years, 6 p c; atty, Title G & T Co, 176 Broad? way .$1,176 SIMPSON ST. 969. w b, 42x109.1; Gustav Schrot to John It Barnharl, -'ll/O Morris av. pr mtge $31.000; .ian 2S ; Inst?is, ti p c; attv, Title G <?- T Co, 176 Broad way .$10.000 PROSPECT AV, 958, e s. 37.6x125; Solo mon Gershman to Gottlob H Stuber, 263 E 233d st ; pr mtge $21.00; Fob 2; du? ets as per bond; atty, Title li A- T Co, 176 Broadway .$9,1. 136TH ST. 432 E. s s. 15x100; Carrie J Gunn to Helen W Allen. 432 B 131st si; pr mtge $4.250; Feb 2; 3 years, 6 p . attv. Title G <v T Co, 176 Bway..$3.250 TELLER AV. 1039, w s. 20x100; Abraham Froedman and ano to Martin 11 Bohle. 2786 Brlgf-'s av; pr mtge $7,0o0, Feb 2; 5 vrn, 6 p e ; atty, T <"? & T Co, 170 Bwav .$2,500 142D ST. 498 K. s s, 16.8x100; Morris Smith to Louis Lederer, 498 B 152d >?: , Feb 2; 3 yrs, 6 p c; atty, T < ; & T r.o, ;;>?> Bway .$2,000 GRAND CONCOURSE, e s, 02.1 s 166th st, runs n 92.7 to 166th st x e 164.8 to ("nr roll pi x s 92.Sx n w 166.9 to hog; Julius Weiss et al to Jeunotte C? Adams, 107 1 Carroll st ; pr mtge $10.000. Jan 27. due July 1, 1924; 6 p c, atty. H C Allen, 32 Liberty si.$25,000 DAVIDSON AV, 2386, e s, 60x115; Thyra Prohorg to Dennis W Moran, 249 Echo pi; Feb 3; 5 yrs. 5'2 p c; atty, E .1 Martin. 507 Tremont av.$7,500 CROTONA Ai;, w s. 33.1 n 1 lot ?i st. 37.6> 100; Geo lilak.-s to Theo ltolhrs, ?^7 Morris av; Peb 2. :! yrs, 6 '*, p c; ally, INSTRUCTION l?CH?OLJ 31? Yfar Day .lud Evenlna P?pt*. Now York-72 Park Ano., bet. 38-30 Sts. Brooklyn?Corner franklin and Jotfereon Av?iiuos Examinations *?Wesr Foinr?? Annapo?i? Send fort'?'?1?? ?.n? "Siiccnsii in Rigents Bxbd)?." New Term Just beginning. FRENCH COURSES ALLIANCE FRAN?AISE do NEW YORK In ? i peratIon with COLLEGE of the CITY OF NEW YORK, COLLEGE OF COMMERCE, HUNTER COLLEGE or the CITY OK NEW V< IRK. Afternoon and Evening elementary arid all-around classes. Special classes f..r. h?? ll ren. All classes begin the week of Peb. 9th. Opvn to all on payment of .i tan regis? tration fee. Registration begins week of Fob. 2d, except Saturday. For further in? formation atldroHN ALLIANCE FRAN? ?AISE, COLLEGE OF THE CITY OF MEW YORK PROF TOURER'S! Famous Beauty Sebear KiMTt tasiroedaa h ? Pr?r*? ftno offfiiBa ?ularj? farm Ht ta $60 wMkl) TJoUiarud oliporUmlH?? M ttt Mtabuaoln? jour own fccmnt.,*. vl iESSING mAHtCUfthNO ^"?^r?CEiiidW?UP ?"? ^ <a ^.-bitb !I9 Wtoj-r -4?<* Hi. ACCOUNTANCY New Mid-Winter Classes are now forming Day or early evening sessions Write for helpful booklet. "Your Post-War Oppor tunlty," and Bulletin N r.\t F. ? rACE, 34? Church St., New York. BERKELEY-IRVING SCHOOL 311 West SS? Street FORTIETH YEAR "From Primary to College" Prepares boys for all colleges, technical ?chools and business. Ali ri arles Thor ?vth work. Small classes and Individual iiist.njction. Gymnasium Building?Swim mine I*ool?Roof Playground--all on pram? i?es Boys car-d for from 8 30 A. M. ;? ? P. M. If desired. I-Ol'IS U. KAY, Ph. D.. Headrna??? Telephone Schuyler 4S36 ??AYT ATlTa NKW SECRETARIAL ^. ?u ? a-. ?* i! '? oonello, Instrucior. QfTHii^i^!- Central Branch Y.W.C.A. aVllUOll 610 I ex. Ave., at 33d St. SPANISH?FRENCH?ITALIAN CORTINA ACADEMY I? EKtt ?Sth St Tel. \nmlerhllt tin ?WIGHT SCHOOL &???. Cclleio A ItPKonUi. Went l'oint & ?nnapolis. 4?in ji AtnletlcF under profehsiona! supervision, At ukrs o Btudu of the individual stiidfrtt. New Term Just beginning. t*f*?T*T 6CH00L n Wm1 4JS,h **"** KKD I I ??cretirlal u-aliiliig. tartHlduu i> I UM I I MnM?oo. Du; waaloa. I<? ,r Martin, 507 Tremont av.$26,000 lfifiTH ST, 655 EJ, n s,; Abr Lotbowlt? I" .'os Lally, 655 10 Itiolh et. pr mtge J4.50O; ivb ?:: :i yr?, ? p o; atty, Lawyer* T ft T Co, 160 Bwaj.Il.noo Il Al ,1. PL, W a, I 19.1 I n Ifi?th st, 25x10?!. Il ; David l,i ? In i" Chan A Clark, I I? u' RStli st; l'"h 2; duo as por bond; 6 p o; atlv , C. A Ciarle. 1,1 C? dar :.|.$2.000 WASHINGTON AV, e s. 112.11 n Kl 3d st. 2fix$0..t; Sparta Really Co to Lawyers lit 1 ? ft T Co, 160 Bway . .Ian 30; D > rs, ;, t.. p i-, alt} . L T .v- T Co, 160 nrniul was. .$1 l.?'"0 U?- X >1>V CREST AV, 1183-1 I v.. w s, 50.1 x 116 l . ThOB Lvu. h and an. Hosu Iteall.v i '". Rl Hei kiniiii nl . pr ml?'' I $2.500; Ceh ". du< N'ov I. 1922; 6 p c; ally, T <1 it T Co, I ;>; Hway . . . .$4.500 Mi ITT W . '? H, 12.1 n loOlh st, 25x1 14.1". Mu-.- M InlittMti.ii lo \nne 1! Mort-If. Hotel l 'halfonte, AI Innl I. i 'it v. N J : Jan 2?; 3 J l-H, ?? '- l> ' . atlv, T C K T I 'o, 176 Bway.$6.500 BEAUMONT AV, 2333, w a, 30.6yl00; Nicola d'Agoslino t.. Mbertlna Scho.ll hammer. 39 \v cmati Parkwav . .1? rsey i'iiv . N .' . Feb :? vra. 5 '-. p c; ntty, Title Ouar .v- T Co, 176 Bway . . .$4,500 WYATT ST, 1171; Frank A Weber to Urn II Booth, ?992 Bnnedlel av; Ceb 2; fi v ra, 5 i< c; stty, Title Ouar <t- T Co, I7H Bway .$2.200 LA FONTAINE A\ 2114, n s. ? x : Marie Todero to Harris Lovlne, 2114 La Con lalne av; Feb 2: Instala 6 p c ; atty. Title Guar & T ? 'o, 176 IHv.iv .-, .<::.">on Mi HUMS AV. n w -? 165th r.t, 50.10x102.8; Mi mis Sehachrlvow el .,1 to Pen?'.I Realty t n. 609 Willis ,iv .Imii 2: 3 > rs, ti p c; iitty, Denwood Realty Co, 609 Willis av . . $6,000 ?l?BBK AV. 2-170, s s. :.n\inn. Peter ?(as? untasen lo Marie Hubacli. 237 71sl ft.; r migo $2,000; Fch 2; Inst?is 6 p ? , al iv. Til le Ollar .< T < 'o, 176 Hwaj .$2,non M? i Mi? 110 AV, 17 1!'. u- :. 26x96; Katll Mullln to Cari Bohruler, 1751 Monroe av: pr mtge $6,000; h'i b 2: Instala ?; |. i . attv. Til I- (,ii.<r & T Co, 17t? Bwav .$1,700 N KW BOLD AV. s s. 2110 o Pugialey av, 25x1 OS; Sophie 10 Kuelin to Chas Aal, 20; ? Now-bold a\ , pr mtgo $5,000; !?'? b 2 . due, eh . ;(;-. por bond ; .i i (v, Tltlo Guar ,V T Co I ?6 Bway .$2.200 CROTONA VV, 2308. r s, 50x100: Farrnie Waxenbaum t" Wilhelminii K Gronhnlz. 211 So nth si, Bklyn; pr intg?' $40.660; Feb 2; 3 vra: p e as per bond; atty, \ Waxenbaum. 277 Rw av . - .$ H?K A V, n m .? Aldus, 12x106; Harris Minimou-Hz lo [largo Really ?'o, i r S Bway; pr mlge $-14,000; Fob '.'; B yrs, >. p c; attys, Rose ,v> I'. 128 Bway. $15,000 HOB \ V 1005. w a, 12x106; same tn saine; pr intq.- $29,000; Fob 2; .'? yrs, 6 p c; alty, same .$12,600 I8STH ST, 261 E. w s, 50x102.9; Samuel Belklnd to,m- Realtj Corp, 12 Nassau st. pr m|go $35.000; Fob 2; due Am; I, 1921 ; 6 p c; attv, ,1 Moran, 132 Nassau si .3-7,000 CROTONA AV. 2315, w s. 37.6x80: May M w . Is. I lo Th?s .1 Mu? pin . 6 15 w ; 76th st. und ario, mi : .Inri ::l . due Dec 30, 1921, 5 p .?. ally, G .1 Glllesplc, 20 V. .s. y si.$14,000 I73D ST, 333 K, n s. 19.2x110.7; Nathan Stein to .1 u ii i um .1 Pittman. 2524 Preston av; pr mtge. $."., 100; .Tan 31 ; Installs, 6 U c; atty, Il H Patlon, 27 Cedar si. .$J.'",rin IlOK AV, 1163, w s, 25x100; M'adora Realty Corp I" Shim Sporn, 547 IS I78th si . pr mlge $1 7,000; .Ian I , I yrs, 5 '?? u ,? ; ? alty, M T Barows. 203 Bwav.$6.500 1S7T1I ST, 770-772, -? s, 10. Ils irrej? ; Meyor Ospovul to Isidoro Crestaldl, 77.' E lS7th al . h'eb ! . installs, 'I |. c; atty. .1 Sautora, 1175 Bway .$5.50? WHTTLOCK AV, 867, w s, 25x100; Char lotte Gold lo llavid .1' islowil ?.. 859 Whlt lock av; pr mtge $8,600; Fob 2. .'! yrs, (i p c; attys, Spiro K- A, 135 Bway.$3,800 I55TH ST, 834 K : Loula Epstein to Lewis Dorfman, 7?l Prospect av; pr mtge $10.000; Feb 2. I yrs. 6 p c ; atty, M Monfried, 200 Bway.$3 7?." MAPES AV. 2120, o s. 66x100; Annie Amt io Wilhelmina Bertenbiirg, 2120 Mapes av; Feb 2; 6 yrs, 6 p c; atty, II Stuckall. 'Jon Broadway.$23,000 SIMPSON ST. ws, 42x110.5; Murshu Realty I Corp to Sarah Dreier. New Brunswick, N .1. et al : Feb 3 ; I yr, 6 p c ; alty, .1 Krone. 21 fi Broadway .$.12,000 TINTON AV. nee 150th st. 30x100: Philip Krtibiner lo David Gutman, 1990 "th av ; I pr mtg $2.ri,000 ; Feb 1 ; I yrs, 6 P c: alf.y. S Rasch. 233 Broadway..fO.riiio l-l.'ID ST, i s, I*:..7 w 3d av, 15.1x100: Sanil .1 Levine to Mary .1 Hartley, 50 F. 196th st : Jan 24; 3 yrs, R p c; atty, E E I. Hammer. 280S 3d av.$4.000; CLINTON AV. w s. 132.2 n Boston nl, 31.6x nrec: Nathan Burner and ano to Anna Weiler. 348 E 20 Uh st : pr mtg $16.000; I Jan 29; installs, 6 p c; atty, Theo Sattler 147 Uli av .$2,000 (?RANT AV. w s, 155.9 n 163d at, 20x95.2; Geo Prince and ano to Teresa G Ohmeis. 953 Grant av ; pr mtg $7,500: Jan 31 ; j 5 yrs. 6 p c; atty, H C Knoepfel, 5 Reek rnan st .$3,000 LEGAL NOTICES AT A SPECIAL TERM, PART I. of the Supreme ? 'ourt of tho State of New York, luid In and for th? fount-, of New v.?!?)<. at thf fount} Court House in the Borough of Manhattan of the ? 'it v- of New York, mi the sth day of January, 1920. Present; HON EDWARD A. FINCH, Justice, in tin m..lier of the applh-at inn of CHIRIQL'I ELECTRIC CORPORATION, ;, corporation, for voluntary dissolution. On reading and tiling the petition of j Enrique Halphen, Jacob B. Fldanque, Ralph James M. Bullowa, George A. Con roj and Aloxander B<-gir. a majority of tho directora of Chlrlqui Electric Corpora? tion, n corporation created under t h? laws of this State and having Its principal oflleo located m Um Borough of Manhattan, of the ?'itv of New York, in the County of New York, and the schedule thereto an? nexed, dulv verified by the pet It inner!; on Ihe IMh and 29th .?ays of December, 1919, from which petition it appears that the caso is one of thosi specified In se,-tion 17? of Hi General Corporation Law. and It further appearing lo the satisfaction of the Court, from said petition, that the said corporation is Insolvent, .iiul on reading and tiling tho notice of this application, dated December ' 30th, 1919. with proof of due service thereof, and of such peti? tion and schedule and of a copy of this order upon the Attorney General; And after hearing Lawrence E. Rrnwn, of counsel foi ihe petitioners, and no one representing the Attorney General in oppo? se Ion ; Now on motion or Bullowa X Bullowa, attorneys for t;.>- petitioners, it is ORDERED that all persons Interested In j said corporation show cause at Special Term Pan I of. this Court lo bo held at the County Court House In t ho Borough of Manhattan or' the ?.'Ity ol New York on the 20th day ..f February. ' 129, at 10:15 o'clock in the forenoon, why? the said cor? poration should mu lu- dissolved and II is l IK gi ER ORDERED I hal a copy ol '.rder be published at least once in each of thr ?? ? ? '.s Immediately preceding said 20th day of February, 1920, In the New Vorl. Lav Journal and The New Vor;, Tribune, newspapers published in the i County ?'! New Vork, I * Enter EDWARD R. FINCH J. S. C. SURROGATES' NOTICES SUERKBN, JOHN ?.?IN P?RSUANCB I of an order of Honorable .lohn P. Co halan, a Surrogate uf the County of New York, NOTICE is hereby given to all per? sons having clalm8 against John P. Sucr keri. late of the County of New York, de? ceased, to present the .samo with vouchers thereof ???> the subscribers, ;,t. their place of transacting business, at the onlco of t netr attorneys, Guggonhelmer, Untermyer ,fe Marshall, No. 12u Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, City of New loi;., un ur be tu?re the 2 1st day of June next. Dated, New York, the Jut h day of De ce i i)":-. I'.'l.'. ELISE KA ETHIC S ?ER KEN HERMAN P. SUERKEN, Executori. GUGGENHEIMER, CNTERMYER ?s M'AtKSHALL, Attorneys lor l-JxtioUtor?, ?20 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, New YoiK City. WELLBROCK, WILLIAM HENRY-?in pur? suance of an otdii of Honorable John P. Cuhalan, a Surrogate of tho County of New York, notice it here'oj given U' a I p?t sons having clalmi- against William Henry Wsll broclc. late of the County of New York, de ,t-h9ed, to pr?sent ihe same with vouchers thereof ;o the aubscrlber, at his place of transacting business at tho office of Hendrick k- Hendrick, No. 2 Hector Street, In tb? City ot New York, on or before the 10;b day of Ma;, 1S20 Dated. Nev. York, the 6th day of Novem? ber 1 S i ? A.RTHIR C WELLBROCK, Executor. HENDRICK &? HENDRICK, Attorney? for Executor. 2 Redor St., New York City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Hon. John P. Cohalan, a surrogate of Ihe ?-ounty of New York. NOTICE ?a here? by given to ail peraona having clalmi hgaitm Georgianna B. Wright, late of the County of New York, deceased, to pre ?ent the same with vouchers thereof t? the subscriber, at his place of transacting business, at the office of his attorney!. Carier. Ledyard * Milburn. No. 64 Wall Street, In the City of New Y'ork. on or before the M day ol' February, li'20. next D.ied Nil? York, the 21st day of July ISIS, HORACE E. DEMING. Executor. CARTER, LEDYARD & MILBURN. At torneys for E.\< uto: . i Wal! .street Borout ?' Mat'.l can New Vork City ' WALKER. ELISHA ROBB?NS.?IN PUR suance of an o-iler of Hon. John P cohalan. Surrogate of th? County of New York, notice is herebv glvn to all per? Bons bavins ilaitns acainst Ellsha Robblnc Walker, lato of the County of New York. deceased t i present the 'a- .?. with vouch? ers thereof, to ill* subscriber, a: his place of transacting business, No. Ki Broadway. In the City of Now York, on or befo e the 2:'th day of April next. Dated. Now York, the 23rd day ot Octo? ber. 1?19. ' JOSEPH WALKER. Jr.. Ad:. Inlstrator. ROUNDS, HATCH. D1LLINOHAM ?k, Attorneys for Adminis? trator. <2 Cedar Street. Now York City. LOST, FOUND ANT? REWARDS LOST. . , Notice Is hereby ?Ivan that common ??ok cerilflcate of the Crucible Steel Co. of , America, No. N. T. A. 27,?88, Issued May 20, m 19. In the name of Florence Wallace I Edwards, In the amount of ?2.000. has | b"-n lost and all persons ?re warned against negotiating said certificate. Ap? plication has been made for dupllcute cer , t?llente. Signed. Flor?noo Wallace Edwards. i LOST, Near at, John's ^ti? Divino Cathedral or in laxtcuh Episcopal ring, amethyst surrounded by 18 diamonds, .-roes on each side Liberal reward. Return Mother Superior. ! Misericordia Hospital, 631 East 86th st. LOST BANKBOOKS ? LOST Bankbook No. 110.110. North River Saving-, Bank. Payment stopped. Kind lv return to bank, 31 West 34th St., New York. LOST liHnkhooK No. 19?;,;,7 1. Tho Greenwich Savings Hank. 246 R 218 SKth ave.. N. Y. City, Payment stopped. Please return to bank. LOST Hnnkl ook No 586,584 or Hank for Savings, 280 Fourth avo., New York. Pay? ment slopped. Please return book to bank. LOST -Bankbook No. 250.721 of the Frank Mo Savings Hank. Issued to Stinger S. Carlesou. Payment stopped. Please return to I lank, 668 Eighth ave.. New York City. All persons arc cautioned not to purchafe or negotiate same. LOST.- -Hankhook No. 69,263 of the U. S. Savings Hank of N. V. Payment stopped. Please return hook to bank. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET : 70TII. 32n WEST. -Double room, private bath; all conveniences, reasonable; private WEST END AVE., 818 ilOOth St.).?Large front rdbm ; twin beds; very homelike sur : rounding?. Phone Riverside 4909._ FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED GENTLEMAN desires furnlsherl room vicin? ity ?ut h st., Lexington av.?. Tel. Cort. 2044. HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION CARPESTEUS Prepare now for more responsible posi? tions, estimators, draftsmen, foremen with practical In big demand. Call for particulars classes now forming. Y M C A. School of Building Construct ion. l.M ?. 8?th Street, X. Y. Lenox 605L_ TRAINED CORRESPONDENTS NEEDED. There is an urgent demand in all com? mercial fields for men and women to fill highly responsible positions as Correspond? ence ' Supervisors, Correspondence Critics. House Correspondents, Sales, Collection and ?\diustment Correspondence, etc.. paying $1,800 TO $10,000 A YEAR More and mor? business transactions are being initiated, followed up and consum? mated by effective business Letters. *o* of the country's business is now done in this way. , ,. We can fill in ? limited wn)- only the many rruuests being received by us for TRAINED CORRESPONDENTS at salaries nK$35r?TO $100 WEEKLY. Applicants who are accepted will be thoroughly trained In 100 to 150 hourn of their spare time at home by the famous CASE METHOD to master the special knowledge anrl practical procedure neces sar> to qualify them for this important work. l-'iiR INTERVIEW WRITE, GIVING PO? SITION AND TELEPHONE NUMBER, OR CALL oN E. A. MANCHESTER, REGISTRAR, 112 Y\ F.ST 12" ST.. NEW YORK. Telephone 8922-- Bryant. Open Evaning?. LEARN TO RE A CHAITf'EUn.-Pleasant and profitable work; day and evening classes. Send for free booklet and visitor's pass West Side Y. M. C. A, 306 West 17th st. SHALL T STAY? SHALL I GO? B?fore making a change, find out If you .ir-- on the right track. To know ?ha -.our Bhould be Is a start, in the right direction. The trained analyst will know from a study of your face the voca? tion for you. This study Is baaed on known scientific laws. No psychological tests; no trade tests. Ask us ail about It. Booklet "L" on request. Merton Insti? tute Inc., 96 Fifth Ave. (at 15th st.), N. Y. Tel. Chelsea. 4054 SHOP MATHEMATICS, mechanical and architectural drawing and typewriting courses are still available for registration ? t Brooklyn Central T. M. C. A., 56 Han ton Place. Brooklyn. HELP WANTED MALE RO-\ work; good opening for bright hoy. Room .110 Flatlron Building, Broad? way and 23d st. BOY in office of large automobile concern; state age, salary expected; good oppor? tunity Box 206. S.-.2 Columbus ave. BOY wanted to work-in office of garage. Apply 20th Street Garage, 516 West 20th st. \Ut\ wanted in large advertising agency; chance for advancement. Apply J. Walter Thompson Co., 244 Madison ave.. New York City. luiVS TO TYPEWRITE BILLS AND GEN? ERAL OFFICE WORK; OPPORTCNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. SPEYER BROS, 41 i NION SQL ARE. HOY wanted to run errands and make him? self generally useful; bring working papers price to start $12. Davidson Press. 2."> New i hamhers st. D !?: SI G N E R 3?DR AFTSME N?E N GIN EER S. ?Permanent positions available for high ??rade mon with technical training in power plain, steam or electrical, healing and ven tilatlng, conveyor, engineers, icol designers. Desirable openings, fo ? young mechanical engineers. Single men biiwoen asrea 25 and 30 preferred. Address Factory Office Em? ployment Dept., The Goudyear Tire & Rub? ber Co.. Akron. Ohio. ENGINEER Licensed, eight-hour watch; steady employment for reliable man. Apply at once. J. H. : Williams & Co., 152 Hamilton Ave., Brooklyn. engineer" Reliable American citizen ; licensed ; to assume entire charge in large Brooklyn manu-; facturing industry. State fully previous connections and ex? perience. If now employed, write us in full confidence, stat? ing salary desired. P. O. Box No. 30, Sta. P., Brooklyn. MEN! VOL" ARE looking fop. A BIG OER FIELD AND LARGER EARN HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. ?.'.'?? orer an opportunity to real rntn alms and ambitions for th? uture -men wh.o believe in them? selves? who work to attain iheir ? -'sires Were a financial organi? sation of long standing, with \ reputation second to none for hon? esty srd earnest endeavor. We are on the eve of a great expansion, and to men who measure up to our .711 standards unlimited future Is assured. CALL AT ROOM 1017. --.) FIFTH AVE.. N T , AFTER 10 A. M. MEN AND WOMEN NEEDED VS TRAINED CORRESPONDENT?: LETTER EXECUTIVES MAIL SALES DIRECTORS AI TO ? YEARLY ic"edls .I'VeV^" ?e,ial, '??"?respondence y ?? " f?> *lu?ns. ?alea. adjustments, etc.), n sal Li les i unnlng u-om ' i *::> TO ? too WEEKLY Ambitious men and women can train re. the' famous CASE METHOD in a fev jf "th'p r Particulars from B- A ^MANCHESTER. REGISTRAR I 1 *. i i 42'' St" New y<"-k Telephone Br.ant S930 HFXP WAl?TED MALE_ OnOOM. with hunter?, Pjlo ponies, saddle homes; headman: married. Box 7i. F?r TTIlla, N. J. _[_ MEN Here Is an opporlunity for mon of ? ?Hi tlnct personality, with alms for the futur-, men who bolleo In themselves. We nro a financial organization, hiitnan and big-hoarted. with an Inter?* In every emPlove We want a few real salesmen to Increase our business. To mail who measure up to our high standard we have a prapN1 Hon that produce, results for workers, which means thai you ?rain an opportunity for financial Independence c.M.L AFTER 10 A. M.. Suite 1002, lib Nassau St., or phone Beekman 7834 for appointment/ SALESMAN enl prominent bond house. ill Informal ion. Box r762, Tribune Offi?;e. SALESMEN A large Now York corporation with established branch offices has openings for several high grade salesmen, must be well dressed and furnish good references; city and road work; throe days' train? ing; position permanent to men of ability and Industry. For Interview raU nn I. F. Runey, 141 West 3?th at., sixth floor. SALESMEN, experienced, one for ohemloals. another foodstuffs, another Iron, steel, etc., on com in Ins Ion basis two weeks; If satis? factory, drawing aocount against rnmml? sions. Apply Monday 9-9:30 A. M. all week after 0:3". 164 Nassau st . Room 1003. SALESMAN for engineering specialty; Christian; sell yourself In your letter, giving age, experience, qualifications, etc.; salary and expenses when traveling. A., Box 767, Tribune ?jfllce. STOCK AND BOND SALESMAN. Competent to sollrlt personally postal eard Inquiries >n New York City. These leads are the results of a. publicity campaign on be? half of a financial corporation that will in? crease its working capital to $ this year. Its personnel ia of the highest. Its bus? iness Is profitable and timely. Applicants must bo experienced security salesmen and work on commission, but will be hacked up by special help necessary to make them quick producers. "We prefer salesmen 36 to 55 years of age, of unquestioned character and references, I See Sherwood TTod?on. aith ?"liirenre Hodaon II Co., Brokers. Established 1893. Room 603, 2b Cortlandt st. STENOGRAPHER wanted; salary $ 18 - $ 3 5. Security Employment Exchange Agency. 51 East 42d st. PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Must be thoroughly experi? enced in gottlng out produc? tion und be experienced in high class instrument making. Position will pay $60 to $"5 per week to start. Must be oven- 30 years of age and hi'V-e a record for efficiency and unusual ability that will stand a strict personal in? vestigation such as will be made. To the man that gets this position there is an op? portunity offered that ts of the hiKhcst type In future possibilities from a. supervision standpoint and no ordinary niB.n can be accepted. THIS IS A PRODUCTION PP.iiPO SITION AND NOT A MAT? TER OF MECHANICAL SKILL. Write, giving . ag?. experi? ence, religion. height and weight?kindly have your let? ter typewritten. 1'. S . Box 100, Tribune Office. SI ' P B R I N T E N D F-NT ? >P CHEMISTRY PLATINO ?Qualifications for this pos! tion consist of a thorough knowledge of chemistry and electro plating as well as ex? ecutive ability. This require? a thoroughly practical man and ono who has had con? siderable experience In both chemistry and plating. The position will pay $50 to $76 per week, depending on the calibro of the man. you have t^e quali? fications noted above and are above the average in Intelli? gence and make-up It will not b?- possible for you to get bv or to make the future for your? self that awaits the right "man Reply, mentioning your age, education, religion and experi? ence in detail. If you can send a. typewritten letter It will be given speedy consideration Address S. O. C, 8S10 Broad si . Newark, N. J. SUPERVISOR OF PERSONNEL. College and business iralned man now in charge of employment, welfare and Ameri canlzatlon work with a platit emplnvlng 3.000 desires change. Labor tun-over reduced ige- ]a?t yt-ar on what was considered a low basis. Position desired with industry where progressive Ideas and the square deal oolic> prevails. AddfcWs A . Box 711, Tribune ? ifflc.e. WANTED. -Experienced architectural drafts? man. Lewis Colt Albro. 2 West 47th st. YOUNG BOY wanted to run errands and do general office work; chance for advance? ment. Apply The Lassner Company, 6 Maiden Lane. New York City. HELP WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT bookkeeper, knowledge of typewriting, neat, accurate, willing worker. Harriet Hubbard Ayer, 323 E. 34th St. BBLLEVUB HOSPITAL, psy-opathic serv? ice8- graduate nurses needed; worn??, _*?5; men, $70; full maintenance, CLERKS wanted; salary $1S-$3T Securltv Kmployment Exchange Agency. :>] E. 4^d BOOKKEEPER thoroughly experienced, to handle a complete set of books for manufacturers. Must under? stand distribution and voucher register Brooklyn resident preferred. Hours S:30 to 5. Salary $20. U. M., Rox 209. Cable BJdg. C H AM B E RM AI D; hours. 8 4; no wateh, ? ?6 and private room; 40 and room out ?roadway Central Hotel. Broadway and DICTAPHONE OPERATOR EXPERIENCED, BY PUBLIC SER ; ICE CORPORATION, QCEENS MORO BRIDGE PLAZA, LONG ?SLANT) CITY WRITE. STAT? ING QUALIFICATIONS AND SAL? ARY DESIRED. ADDRESS DIl"' rAPHONE, BOX 48, LONG ISLAND CITY. ' CLERICAL WORKERS Must have had some high school training good at figures; $15 to start. Bristol Myers -?" -*' ''leene ave., Brooklyn. ,'(;?.1''R^,,':s'-t; "> take entire charge of S r.ii?Ki schoolboy; must he experienced, ft?v?rt ;?ra.nd havP references. Telephone ?road 2959, or write Mrs. Brunn, 21 Beaver st., New ,ork f'ltv GIRLS! GIRLS! ^rHp'.;Uil'':MX('' BOTTLES AND PB VE\'t r>V,^,.>ArKu;Ksi ETC.; PERM lUf'lli t T|,'N-': G?OD SALARY A> RAPID ADVANCEMENT. APPLY A- A. VANTINE & CO., FIFTH AVE. AND 89TH ST., .. _, OR i- ,LNTRR S R?INT AVB., LONG ISLAND"CITT. ER A AND HELP WANTED FEMALE_ CHAMBERMAID In private f>i?iy. Apply 136 Eaet 78th ?t. Rhlnelender ?426. / | FILING CLERKS for publishing house. j Phone Chelsea HS9Z. ?GIRLR for light ttctorr work: ? phou.r^ iteady; half day Saturday; ?1? start. 4?4 W?l 33d ?t., 2d floor. j GIRLS AS TYPISTS. Girls, age 17 and over, wanted ! as typists. Permanent posi? tions. Large financial institu? tion. Hours 9 to 4:30. Satur? day half holiday. Luncheon served free. Opportunity to study stenography and opera? tion of dictaphone without ex? pense. Salary $12. Call after 9 A. M., room 5030 Metropoli? tan Life Building, Fourth Ave nue & 23rd Street, New York. OIRLS for light factory work: pleasant working condition?; 15 minut?e from Orend Central Station. -Take QueenHboro subway at 42d st. ar.d got off at 11th st. METROPOLITAN Ef.ECTRfC MANUFACTURING COMPANY, BOULEVARD AND HTH ST, LONG ISLAND CITY. GIRLS FOR PERFUMERY WORK; SALARY $12 WEEKLY; QUICK AND STEADY ADVANCEMENT; BONUS FOR FAST WORKERS. A. SIMONSON, 506 5TH AV. GIRLS AS CLERKS. Girls, age 17 and over, wanted as clerks. Permanent positions. Large financial institution. Hours 9 to 4:30. Saturday half holiday. Luncheon served free. Opportunity to study typewrit? ing, stenography and dicta? phone without expense. Salary to start $12. Call after 9 A. M., room 5030 Metropolitan Life Building, 4th Avenue & 23rd Street, New York City. OTRTi. small, wanted in large advertising agency; ono who Is familiar with operat? ing mimeograph. Apply J. Walter Thomp? son. 24 1 Madison ave., New York. GOVERNESS.?French or English; part time or all day: railroad fare paid. Address Mrs. A. Goadby, 390 l'nlon ave.. Lvnbrook, L. I. HOUSEKEEPER.?Middle aged colored wom? an. reOried. tak? care of household for small family; pleasant surroundings; good salarv for rl{cht party. Mrs. Wolnicker, 355 Vernon avp.. Bklyn. or phone Buehwlck B319. HOCSEVVORKER. after 1 :30 p. m . and to cook and servo dinner: $50 monthly, refer? ences. Call 9-10 mornings, 125 West !2th st , Apt. 4F. MILLINERS EXPERIENCED. ACCUSTOMED TO FINEST WORK; HIGHEST SALARIES PAID; YEARLY POSITIONS. El O'CLOCK SATURDAYS. MAX LITTWITZ, 7 BAST 4 7TH ST. THINGS YOU WANT WHEN YOU ENTER BUSINESS Permanent employment. Good pay from the rstart with regular and Vaquent increases. Annual vacations with full pay. Liberal sick benefits, medical advice and pensions without cost to you. Work and recreation rooms that are large, well ventilated and comfortably fur? nished. Lunch rooms, where hot meals are provided at less than cost. THESE THINGS YOU HAVE WHEN YOU ENTER TELEPHONE OPERATING. Positions in this occupa? tion are now open to . young women and girls over 16, with or without previous tele? phone experience. Positions are also open for all night work at extra pay for those who prefer this work. MAIN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE : 27th Street and Broadway, Man? hattan. BRANCH EMPLOY? MENT OFFICES? 58 W. Houston St., Manhattan. 44 Pearl St., Manhat? tan (11 A. M. to 2 P. M.). 453 E. Tremont Ave., Bronx, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. (Except Tues? days and Fridays, 12 M. to 9 P. M.). And in Brooklyn. 81 Willoughby St. and 1336 Broadway. If unable to come to an employment office, telephone Miss Brem? er, "Madison Square 12000" (free call) for further information. NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY. [?NURSE whl(<\ tr?ineA. ">mc"-nt; refer? p,? ??? for two children " years old aud 1? months old; 20 minutes from New Tar1', ?bA-Vi.: $70 to 17b per mom>,. if I -;.r,rth I'. Telephone Bay*!? f>r,r'[\ or Co?;. I lug i.ireen Hr.XO i orHRATrinn. experienced in ??'ii?ri; ?t??.dv position end iwl pa; '-7 Nos trend ?ve!. Brooklyn. Prospect Knit j Urn; Mill?_ BT??OORAPHER. by 'arge corporation, ij.jcenst.oro Rr.da? pla/.a, Island I r*lt? ? mo?' have a' less* in? ;?ar> ??xDe rleiice" w r?t". s'a-tlriK r;nallil'-i?nonr. j -j i salary' desired Addresa S B., Box 4S, i I^'OI? Island City STBT?OGRAPHER wanteC. aleo a typiat, ' /llrtsphorie experience wo"'d ootmt : ?* cp?lonallv ple?sai.t work under eon?erlaJ surroundings: salary accordingto ???'lit* yppiv National Automobile <.h?rnb?r of Commerce. ? East 42d ?' LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE OPERATORS WANTED. Ambitious young women, 17 to 25 years, can obtain permanent employment with excellent prospects for advancement. No experience necessary ; pay while learning; ANNUAL VACATIONS WITH FULL PAT. 8ICK BENEFITS. ETC, ARE PROVIDED. Hot lunches are served at cost. This is a wonderful -opportunity for young women I entering business life today. i PEE OUR MANAGER ! ANY TIME BETWEEN ? A. M AND ?> P |b at Room 530, 24 Lispenard St., ?IT'S JUST BELOW CANAL ST). THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY. STENOGRAPHER and lyplet, offl.;e assist? ant (Christian), unde-stands filing. 3 or more \ ears' experience; n?at in appear? ance, accurate In work; p<-mi?n'tit posi? tion: $20 to SJ', -a week. Ft. Tyson White's. Sons, 320 Bridge si . Brooklyn. TYPIST, by large corporation, Queensbor? Bridge plaza. T,ong Is and City; muet have some experience; write, sta-ingr tmI ? locations and salary desired. Address T. T.. Box 48. Long Island <~ity. TYPIST to make out bills and orders; aleo 'Ot stencils and use addressing machine; will-' ing. ambitious girl desired. Harriet Hubbard Ayer, S23 EAST ,ilTH ST. WANTED. Nurse. Kmrllsh preferred, best references 16 months' old. baby. Mr?. T. W. Jan'eway. 215 Manor Road. Ptaren Island, N. Y. Phono West Brighton 40*. WAITRESS wanted. Irish preferred; il apartment; none wlthoul good reference? need apply. <'all. Thursday, h?foi? I ?. m. or between 1 and 3 p. m . Mrs. D. A 130 East f!7th St. WANTED, man and wife or woman ai housekeepers for a doctor. TMeph.on Harlem 1320. TOUNG lady or girl. Christian, to as?is- n analytical laboratory; ??xperienc urn? essary: salary $11 per week. T^ienhona 47-S John. YOUNG WOMAN for Ugh' housekeeping ir family of two and to assist ?vitl IVa ? ? old baby. A., Pox 76?. Tribune Office WAITRESS and chambermaid in priva-? house for a family of two. Call Columbus ITS before 1 1 :30. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE COOK, BUTLER; moderate fee. Japans?? Employment Bureau. HI West 42d et Bryant 77S7 HOUSECLEANING. -- General vacuum cleaner. A. Erancts, 26 West 137th at Harlem 670?. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A. ?A.- Child's nurse or 'alie- ' maid ' ? voung Norwegians: Inexperienced; .-* v, ???ij< English and sew nicel> O.. M<?s Hof? maytn .Agency. 10 East 13d si i Telephone "-it Murra> 71.: ? HI LD'S NCRDE i Ihild undei 4 - - - long references; '?'?' to $70, T Miss Hof m;:.v.-rs Agency, 10 r.<i-: 43d SI Telephone ">?4T Murra> ?'."' COOK.- Scotch womp.n cit; or sCourv?; re? quires gas range: highly recommended; $70 to $70 M. Miss Hofmayer's Agency. 1'' Kast 43d st., 3d floor. Telephone S:<-17 Mu? rai Hill. KITCHENMAID. First class; cit; family; only $?o to $65. A . Miss Hofmayer s Agency, lu East 4.iii st., 3d Telephone S947 Murray Hill. MAX wants work in Ute e\ening; anything: hours 6-12. J K. I'. . 235 West 4th st.. cit: YOUNG MAN. with live years' experience in wood construction and knowledge of archi? tectural drawing, ? ishes position with con? struction company. B. Griffin. 189 Tremper a vu . Kingston, X. V. woman, elderly, wishing to go down South or to a warm climate, to do light house work or take cHr.. ,,f children is also handy in sewing, ?'all on a. Denfeld, 2S? Last ."'Mil s( . \.,w. Vori, PERSONAL BILI.IK CALKINS. Mother wa-i:-> to hear from you; is lonely. Everything la all right Please ("?if home or write. Cop? land 3. Uavenport. LOUISE ELLIOTT, or other colored malda employed by Mrs. Minnie Allen, at 2754 Broadway, from vear 190? to 1913. Pleas* s<-nd address t.. Legal. Box A. 760. care New York Tribun". BUSINESS CARDS BEAUTIFUL RUGS, ORIENTAL PATTERNS all sizes, a|i prices, all colors; Wilton. At mln*!er. Whlttall, Brussels. Sloans, seamed or seamless, like new isllghtly used!. $7 P* '? ??'?* up S'arlor. bedroom. " halls, stair?. ehowrorm office carpets, all colors, all mal'eF. ?.-d ii,.; Orientals hand tufted rugs. KH lim ma Mug oxer, cleaning, laving, dyeing. reasonable STILLINi.S, Ln'c .?20-62* Madison ave. (?9th st.i. Pla?a ?S36. IKWi:>"G- MARINO OVBR-CLBANIN?. 300 carpet?, rugs, portiere? (all ?is?*). plain Oriental color?. Slightly used. At 3-3 original price. 200 yd?, of inlaid line? leum. $126. GEORGE 1037 3?> AVE.. 618T ST. 4264 PLAZA HIGHE8T PRICES patd for furniture. ??? tiques, pianos, br'.e-a-hrac. book*, ?rt. etc GA8AT. ?g University Place. Poods Btuyveaant 2377. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRT BOUGHT FOR CASH, estates appraised. pur? chased. BENNETT. 176 Broadway, upstair?. BIG BARGAIN.- New and used wardrobe _trunks, sor, sixth ave., bet 30th-8lst at?. ? >r.|?r One of Our DELICIOUS SMITHFIKLD HAM?. C. I. Robinson, No. 615 West 2d Street, Richmond, Virginia WANTED. -Second hand player piano. S?nd pink? and particulars, A. Boi 7S.i. Tribune Office.