Newspaper Page Text
THE SIGN OF SERVICE . The dealers listed below carry So-CO-ny Motor Gasoline. Manhattan and Bronx AIrJ.aii.lrr A>?. U3d Si.. Aifiiiu^r Av?. Garage. Alien St. 69. EldrMge Alien Garar? Ce. Aanaterdnm A?e. 133 Amsterdam (..?rus?. 1 3? 1. Krtnit Garage Avenue A. ?70, Interborough UeUrery Ce. Avanue B. ?09, Q^oU Garage. Aveaue D. t?, Atidui D Garage. Bailey At?. Sli?, j Whalen'a Garage. 3131. Whelan ? Garant. Bol.ibrlds? Aie. ?611 Bahrenbsrg's Gas auii ??r\ h c P"k:. u. Bar ret to Ht. & Wim lock Ave. Barrette Garage. Barro., ?t no, .Urrcw Street Contraer cial u?rt|,e. BeliDXMt A?e. 1?:\ l.ton G\rsir?. Ino. l*er?r>? Av*. ?.. Bronx Co Au o Co. lluuor A>e. 143?, Fei ?acea G*rage. Bouton Road. lOtS, iti* Speler Gar., Inc. 1253. Roaent>lru? i??r se i l'agi Co., Inc. 12t?, Jetterai n Pi?. c Garage. 4t>6? J, Schunkt. 4061. Adolph i ? ;?.,ufn. ? 1910 >. /bel T. Watts, J-.2?. B way Ch-lj. Inc. >444 Keabec ^k ? . pany. 1906, ctmoiti t?aru^D Company. ??40. Krati: Gt> Station. 1251. Ciaremont Garage. 434?. Greater Nov. v-?,? K Garage. 4JS0. The Arte ir Garage Inc. 4SI&. Lange? Auto Suppilea 4420. Inwoed Gasi ? vlc? Station. I01S. Brickner a Au.o Pi p Co . Inc. and I96th Pi Par Rub? r Co Broadway and 5-ltti St. Reo Motor Car Co. Broadway and 65th St. Line \n Pq Gar. Broadway and G.oli St, Edw Uorrla Broadway and 70th St, Wlnton Company. Hinttilvta? and Ii?li .m. Aeoi Broadway ami i ?? i St. 1 Corp Broad?ay i tlKth St. S Hirt b Gas Sia, liruek We. 2:2 Bell h Garaje 1*94 tVm & Tl Itters - ! -:.!-r Brown Pince. 144, Uieterleh IS?nardi Co. Cannon, I.ewl? ? Delancey Sts., rannen and Lewis St Garage, taut le HUI Ave. 1166 Est ling's Garage B Catherine St. 34. 'atherim H' i natt. Cherry St. 2?4 Sternaker Garage Cliryetle St. 47 ". ' M? Newa Co. Content Ave. ?2 Brunswick Gai ig Are. B?l 162ml and 163riS P-* Metros? Station i Cretona Ave. 1967, Crotona unrag?. Daly Ave. ?070, Individual Garag?, Inc. Delaner? 8t, ! '. 8, 1 S.v.; Lttui.i. St. 135 Louis Gold rsr. Bownlne St. 4? Downing Garage Co. 1)? el. m ii n St. 2??. -age. Aud a way. McParlHna Gas station. E. ti St. 79. Aorni na:'af E. * h St. 31 -3o. Crest tarage, Ina E. ( a f-t. * l. >'-' v< re Gars ?je K. ", il St. Cor Lewis Si . 7lh St Garage. E. I h H. 411. E B'hth SI ;., -a,-.? ? ?tb St- 210 .N>* Kuya! kja,?s-|. 224, 9'h Pt liaras?. ?06. F Colll - S??. S, F Ci Uns. E. lOth St. 4 :' Ren?e flsmti. E. Ilth St. 732. I ? .. Dock ?.arage. 710, Minute Garage E. l?th St. 19 Cl and BambL T. l?th Ml. I. l '' Garage Co E. I6th St. ! 13 F 1 ' E. 19th ?>'t. S 7 Co 1 Sert ? Gavage. E. _'0th St. 23 i I oi I Sen < C 3 E. 21?t St. 22E Ne H ?:. e Gf-rtse. SI 6 Stuv veaa B. ?4th St. 160, Heremele Broa 2 i6. Poinier Garn f" E. 28th St. 319 East 26 h St '"?.rage. E. Slat St. ?33 B ue Sprocket Garage 411. Ex;-resu ? ; -, a.?. M. S7th St. 23? S7th St. Curage. ?JcCook A Co. E/ 38?h St. St*. F.a?x S'th St Garage. E. 40th St. 27 M irray Hill Garage. I?, McPermott Garage. E. 41at St. Comm m -ee'th Gamce. 1?7, 41st St Gai ? .-e inc. 144, Republli G :*g* E. 43d St. 23! Ea.i 43d St Garage. E. 44ih St. SIT 331, Commodore-tiiltmore Co., Inc E. 47th St, Blltn or* Gar., Inc., JOS to il? ?22-2?. 47th St G?rige. & 54th 8t. 21? Mereedea Garage. 416 Knickerbocker Garage E. ?5th St. 4 ? C W. Cavanagh. E. set h St. 215 Almo Garage Co. E. 57th St. l&S S7th St. Garas?, John J. O'Hare E. 5*th St. 16. Wlllett & Co. E. 89th St. 418 tiieiror'? Oarage. C. A. Olrg?r. E. ?"!d St. ?19. Central Garage ?. *3d St. Anil St" uDd Ave, Meadow Brook Garaire. and 2d Ave. Motor Inn Garage. 11*. S'n'? Garsp* E. 641h St. 157 Graymoor i'i?r,u? Corp. a-id 2ml Avp Terraoe Garage E. 60th St. 2?t Palcyoi Garage, Ino. 142 Tuxedo Park Garage. ' ?44. Rhloi-iander 43t> D?!awar? Onrure. E- ?flth St. II? 66lh St. Gnrajr?. E. 67th St. 221-223, B?r*H:k ,ar Co.. Inc 2?S S Blum E. 10th St. 1?4. Cor ?d Av?., Plnehurat Oarage. E 7?d St. E. Rtv?r Auto Club of Arnerica. E'. 7Sd St. 192. Brook? Gara ce. E. 7?th Ht, 112 Urban Garage. 116, Ppeng'wr Auto Compa?a", E. 7?th St. SV Ely-"? Gara*?. 423 Lind A Co , Out E. 77th St. 159. Ar;?l<-y Garaje?. E. 7f?th St. 406 Seventy-ninth Si Tar?g?. E, *C'h St. 6?? Manhattan Vahlcl? Co. E. nlM St. ?OS.^voi Garaye E. ?4th St. 115 Belmont '"-arag?. IS* Graymoor Garage Corp 117. Oryx Garar" E. ?-Vh m. 2T4 P-r?h'ng G??*-?. E. ?6fh St. ?C5 Torkvl-le Central Garage. E. H?;h St. 67 Fifth Ave. Garage. M TVn'son rtub Garage Inc M. ?f)*h St. 67 S'naurn Gp.rare X. 90th St. 431'e G .r?re. and First Av?.. ?Oth St. & Flrai Are. Onrnr:?. B. *!4th Pt. ?M ?ttb f* Gar Co.. Ina K ??ith St. t'pton Garage. B. ??th St. Gor Kth Ave Parkview Gar. ?10 J, P. Oarage X. ?Wh it. 61 Tlroly'a Tast Company. S1* Victor Onr.iK?. ? Inlet St. 4n3 \*]*< St. Oarnre Ift?rl St. 4"? tVIek?'? Gararr A. C. !04fh St. 4*7 Mv'-i Auto Garage. 4?? F A L.. Fagl? Oarare. 9 lOBth St. Cor. 6th Ave.. Michael T. Watta 1?? l"Sth St. Garage. X. 108th St. 65. Tvn?.' Oerag?, V. 401. lnit'h St. Gar*r?. tlflftth St. 416. I'i9th St Oarage. \ ItOth St. 40?. Aurora Garair* IHth St. If?. M. Burla <t Por?'? Oar. ttf'h St 2?n vVhtte Star Or-age. 117(li St. 2S? Tv-arren Gari-r? 120th St. 1S< Sfrathma n Aoto Ce. 1<t*-17? Arar.'-I Oarnre, Tne. titlet St S?7 F 171?' St Garage. ftttl S*. 4M v.??-??... r Garage. Ittth St. Cn**v B-othrrs ItStji St. ?"7 p^.t'. Oara'ga. JIT. TenVi i"t?h c' Garari" tirrtti St. J?7, Goorlnott Oarege, ttO'h St. 79 Tg rnjiwell ^.orCe. ISJtil Pt <" Pvr.? Carnee. f*? ttrrmi T?Mrs *? M?eh Po JB, |!t*?ri St. ?t T.In wood Garage. ^JK? trUM* Onrae X. l?Tth fW. ?5? tS?*h St Garage Corp ?. t4ltb M. til Trlun?Tle Oarag?. k. lio,? it. . . ..i ?-ih St.. Wih.i Ave. advice ?iatiou. K. N0.Ui St, H:. lioiiluiig Garage. t~ Uttlh St. 435, 1-ntb. St Uarag?. li... .Huerican Auto Repair Co. K. li.-i.ii .->!_ 43? Hub Uaao.ine Station ... <i j.tckson av?.. Troua ? lia? Stalloa. E. i?lnt St. 24?, Columoia tiara??. . L. tft?d St. Cor. Berge.. A vs., firoax Centro Gare??. R. Icsih su 770 Trio Oarag?. F. lC3d St. 4?C. Hubert? Oarag?, I- ? . .'nd St. ?.'fi Supreme iinr?|*. K. i '.'??>?? il st. 4u6. San,r? ijaiage. fc.. l ?4th St. 440, Claremont G a ra??. 1_ lt.uh St. 411 ?iewaon s iJui(i. 941, Coryell C.ra?e. K. 1771II Rt. 2231 H. A R. O Pratt, i,. 800th st. Cor, Park Ave., Bodford Park Gara?". ? B. 215th St. Gor. White Plain? Ave.. Ruff's Garage, ? ? Basteltest er Koul. And Boston Road. Jo?. McCi atn. East. Blvd. ?S l'elham PUwy. Frank Gent. Lujt TremOUt An. 1??6. Midway Inc. 1022, Higgler.? Gns Station. ' ?6 4 5. Bentley'? (?arase . Eleventh Ave. 440, New Vnrfc Herald Oar. : Fifth Ave, Cii e Gasoline St? at 119 St. i First Aie, ll.'S i'lynn Garage. 1293, Janovic, Emll. J?14, First Ave. Auto (Jaras?. Ino. j ?Toruuam Knad. 666 '"ban. L. Moor? Saina a -..i - rvb r Stal ion. t Rlalto Garnj-'e. : Forest Ave. 103S ,. Mer'? Geras?, For?at A ?? Garage, nan St. ! ' Freeman Pi Garag?. ! Front St. 363 "C". Henrdon Garas? ' Oer.ird Ave. l(?o Motor Car Co.. Gerard AIP .* 1601 1, St Ooereli St 7; Ea?tern Garage. irar.i Aie * E. Fordham Ud. Grand A v ? Garage Grund Coneouree. ! f ? 2. Plu? Ribbon Gar 1 3arag?. 245S Grand Concourse Garag*. lTGil s- M er'p Gas ?'at. Wm ISTth SI n 1 nd B ulev r ' Gara?;? ? ipp v Co.. ..rand Con 1 oui se ce: E h.. PI. | Grant Vie. 162d St. Grant Ave. G?rer?. Greenwich Av?. 71 -fi Greenwich i.V. Gar, t. ! St., Jacl..-?:, Sq. Garage, Hall's PI. < Huill'i PI. Garag?. Ha nlltoa PI. 1". Keabec, Salea Oo. ? ?......?, -fiver A tS3:l 8t. I. J. Sobel. Mu ??? St. G61 Sullivan * Dempaey. <i-ri: VI. S9 G-amere> Park Gars.g?. Jackson \\?. 600 Shafron'a Garage. I49th Pi Trottais G*? Station, lai . m. 89-9'. Flynn'a Jan? St Gnraf?, Jerome Are, 1934 Jerome Ave. Guasa, Cor I67tta S- l?rome Ave. Ga? StA. 189tti St., S es Garage Jume] PI. S3 Uurke's Garage. ?a Fontaine Ai?. 20S2. La .main? Av?. '..?rase. S F. .4 9. Garni;?. ?ai i. cite St. 14 Kiirfar Servio? Station St 3, Michael T Waua 302. L. Klingrnan. ' Lewis St. CO. Lewis St Gar??;?. I ineoln Ave. 3t 13' li St, Wllton Geratre ! I.oiigwood Ave. 1 ? ?"> Longwooi! Garag? Slfinjii'i St. 64. Hi~ip?nr au.ier Broa 7:. Helpenhauaer Broa. . Metropolitan Av?. 35' Metropolitan (l?r I Monroe -t. 15S, DtvUion Garage ?t Sior asp Co. I Morris Ave. 1096. H. J. Baiteer. ? ? ers' 9er7ice Station. Morris Parli Aro. Cor. Mullner Av., Morris Gai ase. Motl Ave. '-. . lSSd St., Lnr.gvtew Gar. and ? ? h :-? vValsl s 8er\ 1 1 Station. 461 Dolphin A Ute Wreck! us Co. Old Broadwaj and I30tri-8t. Manhattan l.'ii.. tlgl Garatee. Oliver St. 64 Down-Town Gera?;?. I22d St. * Eosl Kivor. Paiauono Motor . kins Co ' Pa li .*.?!?. 41?. Ranii rd Au'.o Company, i u -.-r i Co, : G u? Rotholz. . ?. ' ?''? t.?ai see, ' ' Libertj Garage, ? Aetna ' h age Co., Tna, . : It., Raj mond Schwelt?, ! ; . ? St.. Park A t Gaiag*. near 170th St., Park Ave Garajre, ' P St. 356 S? : rl Glrsi 11. 1 Pelbum I-.rivy * Wniebfls Rd. Morr!? Park (.lasc'ii? Station, i Pleasant Av?. 4 l'JT?d St. Pleaean; At?. 1 larage. ! PI mpton Ato. Cor. 172d St., Conway'e I'ro-peet Ave- ?16. Paramount Garage ? o Inc. 14 23 Day A N'tpht Garag?, 21.'2 T-ffany Gar?ge River Ave. RSS River Ave Garer?. Riverside Hriir. 510, Falrvlew (iarag?. Saint George Cr??rent. Cor. Van Cortlandt Ave Lord ? Gasoline Statton. tit. Nifholaa Avr. 231. Hurlberg Garag?. 236 Eureka Automobile Station. * ; 1 College? rape f 7, F- Kiel nia* Cnrag?. . . j$, Dorsina Curan?. South St. 210'*-211 East River Oaraar?. 384, A. & T. Garage, Southern Boulevard. 1133 Peerl??? BeuU v?rr? G.traf;?. 8???. Union S' rvlc? Station, R. OUaatead t3*. Allen GirEjt?. 1561. Anr m Garag?. 1773 Auto Eci nomv Aecessorle? Co. 19??? ftmiihi-rn Boulevard Auto Cflk J 173 ulevard Auto Company. 23!>7 Parkview Garag?. SiAnton St. 310 L Neiberg. Third Vvn. Cor I33d St.. California Oil ','V. rks 87G4. Bronx <nto Tail Servie? C?. 4190, Bronx 11 .rough Garag?. 4472. Third Am Garage. Thompson St. .2 1-, Greenwich Villar? Oar. Tiebout A\e. 2714 Overlook Gnrng?. Tompkhm Ht. t^l, Helpenhausei Bros. Trri'ient Aie. 9 7, Vv'e.-,t Farms Garag?. T--lplty Ave. 917 Trinity Gara ire 233d vt. * CarpTirer Av. Victory Gas Sta. rnlon Ave?, 104A Model GHrafic university Ate. 2614. K'nrsbrldsre Garag?. University Ave Garage. University Ave, nn.1 Kfth St. and MoComb? Rd., W. H. Stueblnger. Vestry St. 66 Mllb-rs Auto Pxprese Co. n'ash ne-ton Aie. ?(52 Voekel Broa. Corp. 1 60 W ..ihlnirton Ger?re Corp. 12n4 Bronx Superior Cnrag? ,Vu.shlnerton Sn South. 73. Waahtngton ??iiinri. Gerer?e Wash'n-ton Ct, 5*1. Washington Str??t Oarage. Wut<-r *-?. 409-41S East Rlv?r Oar*g?. gu? Clrker?. Sot. Vit'i St. 156. Gasino Onrar?. Welmfer Ave. 1360. Ktridermann * Bon? Gnr?i?re. 1818 Faylerr Ganga. 2!?S. Grart Garage, ttfii Tyrel! A Co Tn?.. O??. X. ?l"i p-anley Garage 5?'4 \v?h?ter Ave Okraf?. ti** Grant Garere iinri l!???h St . Bronr Par* Oaraf? and aOlat St.. Re'z Hcrtler Gar.. Ino. VT. Broadway. 856, W Broadway Oar. TV Bnd Aie. 70. Firestone Tir? A Rub her Gn g- q.^vlee Motor Truc* Ce. TT. ra-m? Rl v 1771b St. Junction Oa 1"2 Cnlted Garag?. W. 10th St. ?31. Villar? Oarac* TV. ir.(h ?t. 4?!4 FIftenth St. Oarage. | | \\. loiu St. !??'. Cheijeu '.arugi 130. iteliab'e G-?rrw:* A; Itepai; Co. tlu, Moranta Commercial Garaga W. linh ?t. 418, Rich.. Fltzpairlck. Vf. 20il? St. 141. S. A T Garuge, Ina 62u. Twentieth St. Garaae. Inc. W . 21st S4. 611-619, Meicuuntn Garage W. 24th ht. 16?. H. C. A I. Plercy Const. Cenipeny ? 646, W. ?-4 tb St. Commercial Oarnga ? W. I7th .St. 24&. Drveioy. J ; W. ?Olli St. 14? Penn. terminal Garaga 108, Service Gura*;?. Vf. 3!st ^t. HO Empire Coroga 164. Penn Gur^t> W. 3?>il SU 259, Keabec Bales Co. W. 37ti; S!. 137, .mili . ' Garaga 612. Peter Whlt? Gai a??. *?". 40U> St. HZ. International Oaraip?. 323. Time? tV-iirt Garage, K. A B. C?. 537. Uuugtieily '..arase ?Y. 41ht 8t. 22vi, Il , .?un Garage, 66u. .Dougherty Garage, 236. Packard l'ranarj .<.- Repair Ce?. *V. 42tl St. 34? 42 Si, Garage, 636. Pr:rno tijriist Co.. Inc. 621. broJley Packard Renting Co. \V. 441 h St. 307, Aator Garage, W. 4y.h St. 4-?. Interboro .Nf?i W. 4.tb PC 2E7. 1. & W Garage 60 1. Anchor I'rocking Co TV. -!S;li St. 21? Forty-?l?hth St. Oarag?. tV. 4?ith St. 132-1J4 Carlened Garaje. H7. Forty-nliUh Street i.arag?. 12 5 Bowman Aro Co npany. lui. Equitable A.;to Con o.iny. J27 Sal )? W leaba 1er, le >V. 60th -t. 1 2 Clrcl? Garage. ?18, Maaon Bros lue ?35. People? Garas?. 143. Clurk & McK- nna. W. 51st St. 131, Parker? Garera IV. 52ii St. 112, Joselyn Garaga 1 I 2 Calumet Gai at-?. 115-U7 O'Tooie Motor Renting Ca. 6 5!. McNulty Uros. i. : Bulck Motor Co T A Cnwan. IV. :,.<.! si. 612 ' " . -:' Garage \V. "tlti St. 114 Proud Taylor Elec. Ce. 1 Th? Corvan Ciras?. 1< Aviilau Garage 155. S. P. Garag? Inc J47, Auto C ' America. S?l, Union Garage 42G, K ine? Lu?a*?. TV. 55th St. I"? Ato Oaraga 411. Peerleaa Rental S-rviL?. 41". Steams Co 1 b u; N T. 419, Mitchell Motor Car '"ompany. Tf. ESlli St. 107, Park Garage. 114. Great Ni rthern Garage, 1S2, Loto? Garage. 12.1 Gem Gat up* Company, Ire. 152. No" pon ' rai , Co., M Buckley. 166. Flint Garag?, !.. H Corniah. ISO. D..> au .. ,, Il ? ?i ?lg. 23? tVUlet .4 Co., Inc Cor. tth Ave. Columbus Clrcl? Ott. A I li CO IV. ?;57 li ?t. 516 Clinton Oa-ng?. 60S. n?rrtiai n Motor Company. 63 i W hite C m pan) 642 Van Cortlandt Vehicle Co 67th and 12th Av* W. I B Motor T-'irk '"0. IV. fi'?'h St. 20 Hochkl?? Ms^hln? Co. 35 omo 'Co. oJ A rriTlft VI". r'?l St. 4 D? roll Cad lac Motor Co. 4. 64th St. 203, Grand oarage. Inc. Lr ?>. Kelly ; 5 c, lonlal On rage C'or. We ' End Ave International Motor Compa n v 3r7 A<*me f?trur?. \V. (18th Pt. 39 Kesbec Pale? C*. 2 : i Hudeon River Caiug?. 2' S M irle ?? minette S' s Vi w Yo; k Auto Garage. W BBMi St. 142 Joseph A Rya?. 7 Mi dern G irape Co 3 -, : Ray Veade Ga -a??. 252 Fconom'eaj Garage. 302. Klrst Albert, Inc. IV. 00th St. 244 B A B Garage. 2r! 255 Pyramid Garage, 263 Contl?enta Garage V4". 70th -'t. 320. W B Thorn. ST! Gnrrlt) Garage. j-t Mead Ray Co.. Ina 334 Bendlarh Cnrarre TV. 7.-.; h St. 207 75th St Garage. XV. 80;h St. 250. Belvedere Os.'irt. TV. - '?' Kt. 1(7 Cedarhural Garag?. !5i B-etton He I Garage TV. R7th St. 211. Up-to-date Oarage. 2r" As'or Guracr TV. Hith St. 133, Bailey Garag? Corn, 137 Monterey Ga aga if." [. .'.- K 'In-us--. 171 Champion 'lurnjra. TV. Pith St. 2. B A II Garag?. TV 0?d St. 65, Turin Garag? A Bupplj Co., Inc. TV. 9.1ih Ft 2"* ?5th St. Garasa 215 it eye I G?r:. ge TV. 01th St. ?16, Tne-dford's Garage. IV. 100th St. 9 M Century Garag?. 146 Uiircka Garag? Corp. TV. !07tl St. 274, Miller's Garage. J. TV. 10.1th St. 112. Consolidated Garage i Tar! Co. TV. 107th St. 1C2, Royal Gar.. Branch B TV. 10,t?h Pt. 1"6 Cluh Gii-n.s? 2"' ? Manchester Harase ;'o. TV. IGO'.h St. 251. Bona Vista Garage Co IV. IlOlh St. 1??. Cath?drai Park Garage Ire. an.; 8th Ave., Park Gaaollne Station. TV. 113th St. 65 Alhamhra Garag? Ca, TV. 120th St. 207. Pieper Oarage. TV. 12(5th St. 404. Stollak Garaga W. 177fh St. 6R! Olytupio Garage. 151 Kurdos Garate TV l""'h St. ?03 Th. i->1lo?n W. 130ih St, 4-4. Brunswlok Osraga TV. 131?t St. 673 77 Liberty Garage, 609 A-uaniaa Garare XV. 182d St. 163 Kln/;!vnod Gtriea XV. I*3d St. Cor 8t. Nicholas Ave.. Dal Broa XV 13?lh St. ?30. 135th St Oarage Con TV. 140th St. 20. 140th St Garag?. TV. lllit St. 49. 141st St. Garaea ?07, Walsh A Kranti IV. 144th St. 22. YV 144th St. Gar^ Ina. 80. Dolphin GirSB? 44, C. & F Garage. ?6, C. A. F. Garag?. TV. 14Sth St. 23?, O. K. Garage. I??. W. 1/J?Hh St. 457 Couvent Garnr? and 7th Ave- Single Oarag? Service C< TV. 152?! Si. 4?! Ma; Garage. Vf. 16?9t St. SI 2 The Apronta Gai aga 81?. Kay Be" Garftffe. itlC TV. 16Sil St. ?;? 54f> Jrtmel Oarsg?. TV. l?7th Si. 461 167th St Onrage TV 168th St. ?54 Washington Hgts Oa: XV. 170th 8*. Cor. B'way, K?sbeo Sal? CO., Nj, ?. Cer. Hairea Ar?., Hav?n Av?. Gar. XV. 174th St. S5t. Relloble 174th SL Oa; TV. ISlst., Bronx. H, Mount Hop? Ser Station. 812. J. B. Bearer 4 Son. W, 200th St. 4?2 Royd'a Inwood Oarag S. E. Cor. ?rt.1r<l St. A: ! Carpentei A.e Interborough Ga? Ptatlon TVhi'e Plans Ave. -44?, G W. Benjamli 8650, Ruff t Bird Garage Whtte Plains ltd. 7221 Gasoline Station trr TVIIHam.hrldge R-d. 14?J. Thompson'? Gi rage. .1 and T.tii'rrtg ?.,, (?,? p?iham Par? wayl, R, Wanson * Son. Brooklyn Aluminio Ave. 84, Alabama Garage. A. .i...! tve. Albany Oarag?, Arlington Ara Drcauen St., Morvroo4 uar age. AaUUui.i PI. 120, Ashtand Oas flr?U?a. /?Garnie Aie* 9i>i. VV a UrtdJ?tl?. ? . / Mu.i :, ?,.,- .??? (?,? N. Ptalow, 1(1, Blue Ivibbon Garaasa, ' ?76. DlugUid Hro?. 121)3, Wulfmann G arara, 131?, M iliai k Garag?, 1462, Mi rll Garage 1 - h tribu's Jurara, ; I ??: Hal ock Garage, j 2648-2662, 3, Blanon a -v-ua. ' I : "?>.',. G. J V llliam? i 2814, Van Sielen Garag?. ! 3 18, I. J. PfeufTer. ai.d Llnwood St.. K. Vender!. ?' hi;': Warwick .it., Warwick A at o Brrp ply Co. , Avenue Q, 1007, Irving Oirag?. Avenue 11. And Ocean Ave., Bam-sj 4k ' ' m art. Barrett o St.. ? WJiiUo. k Ave, ' Barrett? Garage. I Vu./ L... Aie. 24<5. Mlttnight Broa. 2l?1 Ed? In Garage. | IJay ?7vh st. AU .upsy Ave.. I>?vy Proa ! braver St. t?. Hotchklsa Garag | Bedford Ave. 3(8, Lowensteln oarig?, (*?. Bedford A" A.ito Taxi Co. Tii Kraemer ? Garag?. 838, llu? . Garage 167, Bedford Auto Garag?. II '. 9, O Si rtwarti. 1 366 I. C i-1 am, 1 : i Chevrolet Motor Co. 1644 !.>um Motor Servie?, ln?a ?C0?, ParkslUe Jasolln? SiatluaY. 203S P ivell i ?ai ige, 21-: S Ralph Tut'. . 239 ? .,;. SI a) ?In. ?? 1st St Be Iford Ave. Oarag?. and Wallah it St I! Arononowlia l>< i},.? St. i.t. Servi e ( a. age. '.' I ippern a n v Daniel, 1 " '.. Bergen G ? ? ?? su. 2130 Feldman Gai..g? '? ??'? ft No. Ist Sts. iWry St. Gar. Ina Berry St. 108. Northslde LlbTtv Gar. and ?'?) 2nd St B ?y Ford Servtu?. and So Sth St K & C, <.Jra;n. Rf.i'r ini PI. !7, R.'i-rum PI. Garag?. Brl-tol St. 65 67 Mi ijkoff .v Iso- a I- .Im i.v. i ? I' homy 'larage. Broad ?< > Penr, Oarage. Bushulok Ave. And Je'Trraon St.. L)e? . I) Garage.' 26 ????. Garag?. ar.d Myrtl? Ave., Rlrbman? Gasoline .--?',, I n Butler ? ' ' ? O'Connell. McLoughlln Tr . king ' 11.? roll St. 1 'ir Garag?. 123 Centi il u ...,e. : ' 9, Royal Ga rag ? fairer St. .'. < III' id PI. Anderson Garage. l . I, Garag?. CemraJ Ave. .., 'entrai Garuge. 169, Model ?arm i Chauncey St. ?59, Chauncey Gsrag?. Church Av*. 37. rch Ave. uaraga, emler t irage ;. Maple O i ?sra?a : :' 3 s, C.iur.'h A 3e ? . ? e. Clarendon Rd. 21 S Dor heater Garage. ( irk St. 63. St ,.? ?arag? j Clarkson Ave. 313, Bull Bros Clnseon Air. 819, Parkivaj Repatr?. ! f ! rm.iiit Aie. 482 C cru ni Av?, ti?r. ] t . ? i ?u ? la? e. : ; , ?><?-. larage, 197, Auto Lifo !.' enslon Co. CI: 'on St. 361 .' ?: lai ag?. rnev St, 1(1, W liam.'l n :?; Garaga L'oiiege '*'?? 3 2. Lll ? i larage. 22, Serve U Oat ? re Coi ? i .1 St. 4C, L. i ... a :ar*g?. Coney Island ne. ?S3, Prospect Park, outh Garage, Cor. A\e.. ?I. G Rq'.ston. 1201, Oj.kc.-rst and Ave. J . Economy OU A Ga? C?. 73? Cirtelj o' ' ... . r Coo; ?r St, 288, Cooper Garage. 32 ?, S. D. Work .lr 1714, Cypr. Garaue & Repair O?. Co.iUs I ane A Kail ou J Ave. W'sit End Garage. Cook St, 77 81, U. S. Garag? * Auto : -? ting Co 1 31, Ryu an'? Ga.-aga. : ? -? i rag. Cornrlla c ? 2319 Cornelia Garag? ft Re? pair Corp Cmirt St. ? I, t-a S Bushey Cran 11 rrj St, 23, Pioneer Garaga, I r. ?. >? it s ? ; ?Iphl ( larag?. | oi r r, C. ! We an Cropsey Ave. 1907. Bath Beach Oarage 4 Machine Co I7"2 A " P.edfern. : 3 i i L. I'.psteln. l>c Kalb Aie. :?<>. Buckinrhem Oarage 417 Peper Bros 7?6 D? Kalb Garag?, 81 ? '/ rv?rlln's r;a ? . ?.re. n?T- Burhvrlrk Ave., Bennett Garage. IVnn St. 1029 Robert Thetford. Decatur St. 1 ?1 1..atur Garag?. 2 ' : le ...tur Myrtl ? Garage. Dobbins St. Ormond Garage. W. L. Itin sel Prop. Donglne -I. 3?: Bulck Motor Gar Co. DtifTield '?!. 60, Extension Garag?. 7 " eld Garage. Kontern Pnrlcvrnji 1700, I Goodman. ? ?? ' Ben 1 Rohh ns. 1876 Intern'l Parkway Tar! Co Ci - Sterling P! . The S Iverman Oar. T-- tl?rl ' ?-. ve Damon I ? -i a- d Bo. -i: ' V v L R-rvln ?nil "".rrern Sr.. l?aatern f'rwkway Oar R. New Vo-k A'e. 17S0, E E. Rfetvart. And Ihrlst pher St.. R C, R Garag?. 7\ !) h -? :? : .'inr^nd in Gar?-.. E. 9 id St. A 1 P'.atlands Av?.. Canarsle, Ft ? S Fl mil g. E"! ford S't. 7'. Rokford Garafc?. Emerson PI. ?'n. Victory Garage. "- ? Wlllougl I y ?'???-! Co P'- !id \ve. "' ... On -srr lr.- i?"-!???-, ?? ve 7.'9 Red Sra! Carlf?. iii ? rc"n X Grove Sts. I.lnlen-Grov? Garn ire. lf"h 4ve, 44sii. K?nmor? Oaraga 65(9 Man'e'on Garage. 80th S-. United Auto p*rv * Vulo, Co. 1226, Van Pel? Manor ':?"?rn, Mfh St. *(t Ti-nm?. Pitbtarido. IMh St. 1?7 15rh St Oarage "Orb St. 1 ftfl-1 "S Victory O:.rara, "???th St. 187 Twenty n'-,v- St Girara ""??I St. 131? T-rrr!oal Oarag?, S7fh St. ?<? Bus' " - I' il Gaxag?. 4^h St. 1279 Berlr.lnslty, I 47th Si. 2??, Filbert Garaire. 'Kth Ht, ?1?-227 P'?nr*a-d 0?m?;a. 4f}iU St. 2?1. For'-errJ Auto Gara#a Bist St. 1S6 D ,T crr;!th. 5','<j ^t. ?47, W H. Bock. 10?L Ici. Ai'-ln 54i". St, S14 Sttnael Obrara 288, Fairdeal True! lnp? ? Carsgs CoirT. ftrt+Vi s. :<:,<.. Pev Rfdge Oarare ?o.|, cf, i?3<) Tiiv''.-r- Oe^ge F * ' ?f, 4-d 4th Ave.. ?'" ' "t. Gni-mre. Flathneh Ave. C"r Pia-* St.. Bklyn Rld Irr and Drirlriff Club. ? f? >frr,r^p ?tors.1 5TI4 > r Wlrsfletd. anrl trf?r,,.P r-. it T*. S??nh-n'a m-' Tfinr. HlrbTav Wm. Fletcher Ftatb'!?h Ave. Extension. 50, Suprem? en - ....?^0 r.. ?-ittlort, ?>" '. ' TS? .-?-. ^,V s- - ? w?,1.. -i .I,,. . ,. c?..-?r-,0 oh? c.ntton. ,?. r-..' nn gt g?,, A 0??dTnan. ?rn,ri),'r? ?-, ,-.- nf,..-,,. .-.^f,, a, . TTnleirerbocker Aves., Flushlnr Ar. Gara e?. ard i'.-rv ?v?? li]Ti?rin. r,<ir*r*. and Compklns Av?., Kretger*? Oarage. , yerra? Ava, 47, Forest Ave. Garera, ' ?... fini! Bru?. ; 1?. txiuuiiiou .He. ti?ov, P. it, JrDll. ?4jo. lui^rei Gaiue?. I iozu, uiagt? : I o.i?t A?t. ?v.. u.ptrott A Atleta, ?oil, iliuw?/ GaaollU? otai.wu. oU Ave. 1,1, u ?. u. Corp. >>U, ?lou., .j:iti:i/!i'n '. orjjw ' iMturill A.o. ?>.j .j rtunaue. i ?d?, Dr. J. r. uuieupie, .?1. T. U..?. ta*. aimaior? LoiuuardUL ?37, D. W. Meyer. i lvu?, KLrleger ik Guseinaav (902, J. J. McUarry. blu3, C, B Tenipieman. am Douglas St., lony /.appe. and Dougiaa St., aupieme Gas Station. 8901, Rainbow Garage. llGi An,, Cor. JSUi at.. 14lb Ave. Gar. Oui*, Tr?cenla Garage. LfiiU ave. 7515, S, A S. Auto Accessory Co. 4 Uli at. 134?, W. End Gar. ?t a uto Co. lru.iil.lin Aie. 170. Franklin Garag? and un Kalb Aves.. Day A Night Gar. Froet St. 6S, Schlllers oarage, , 100, Frank Donato. Falt?n St. 72, Goo Pool A So?, Gup. Lewis Ave., Fulton Park Garatea, and lora ala., Perunil Auto 1'rucatng 1 'o and Sackmnn Bts W O. ft R. Gar a? a, 950, B ulidTFPutiiam Garage. l,Gute? Ave. 614. Kaufmans Garaga. &..?. iiatea Ave. Garaga 661. Horn's Gara?e. ; Oerry Pt. 71, Gerry Garage, Ijh'iiniore Ave, S 1 j. B. lunger. !ui u?i," A\e. 1006, Royal Garage an-*. Machin? Co. Ore?n Lane. 4 3. De Vita's Garaga II Isej St. ?64, Htlm-y Garage Co.. Ina I 1?^..i.nun Ave. 12?, Krank bvsaa. ?40, Kilo Garage. 461, Maborfey G;.rage. 495, M, Kay LirL,*. Huncook St. 48?. Pupkl Auto Co, and Cypr?s? St.. Hancock Auto CorJ\ I ?I. Pi ?yes Garas?. N ?40, Brondway Jlanco'-k Garag?. ? 1710, Evergreen Garage. ' HemlixU St, 474 Henrj ?veiling, Jr. lit- i-im r St. 642 E ireka Garaga, li.glihuul Boulevard, (or. Bushvrick Are., F Stegman. Mope st. 120, Nassau Garage. Hopkins near Karcy Ave. Hopkins St. Garage. Hudson Ave. 135. PercntI AUtO Truckln? Company. Hughe? St. 2J7J, Hughe? Auto Repair Co. Hoinboldt St. 6S I.askey Motor Co . Inc. 352. 'irn-iit Qnrage. Irving Ave. 25, Irving" Arena? Garas?. Jamaica Ave. 634-?, Untada Auto Ht pair ? 802 Hovell's Gnrair?, Jeffcreon Are. 102, P. M. Mark*. t>!2. Nlenatadl Garage. Inc. Jnnius St. 238 24.1 Juntas Garag*. Belmont Ave I7needa Gara??, Kent Ai' f: Ta?*tor -r. W& labout Oar. K i m bail Ave 222.:, Chas Noirs?. Kir ?is Highway. 33. Geo Doyle. f'or Snyder Ave., Walter It. Fsllmar Ga-r,Re. P. nga St. 105, Redmond Garage, Knickerbocker Ave. 11? Kun-kerbocke Gara?-? 5?G Bush Garage Cor Moffat St Campbell's Garag?. Koscluslio St. 53. Martinique Garage. 1 i mvrence Ave. 191, Lawrence Garag?. Lafayette Ave. Detroit Cadillac Moto |-ar Co 1100. S K'elnman. I.i-nar I5d. 21, Private Owners Garage. Leonard St. in. Leonard Garage. Inc. 4 82. Lawrence Garage ( ewis tve. 720. !?' gl ?- - Garage Lexington Are. 7r? I. A. Disbrow. 375. Loto N'ostrr Garage, S34, Wa sh ? Ga rage. 4 ! 1 Lei 'nittoi G ra ir?. 7?^ gar ourt Ga rage. Liberty Ave. 40 Welcome Liberty Garag? 11 s L Mil h. I Iherf* ?it. 87. Ropnhllc Gs-ag?, I ?ring-ton St. I ~ ?'? I Kramer Lott Are. Lott Ave. A Watklna St. B. M Ptlzer Madison St. (173. Sylvan Garag?. '?'?i-ihatiun Ave. 323 ,1 R Pendgar. Marlon St. The "I " Oarasre. Ma rey Are. 633 ?'?-?? nrage. Mtinjer St. 714. Mauler Garaga M'-I'oiioneh St. ' ?' M Donough Garag? 679 Borough G ?: re MoKIbben St. ! V Progress Garage Mee (tor Are. Cor Van Dam St. Spat Gb= iline Stat Ion Metropolitan Are, 1 "i P ' chsrd Sr-hnihh? 1(39 Netiman's Metropolitan Cataire "-n'rofio Ave. 27. Lasky Motor Car Co. Morrrim Ave. for Meserole St.. Morgai A ve Garage Monltrl? St. 79 T. .7 Mr-Manna * Pom Myrtle Ave. Cor New Fresh Fond Road Rldr?woed A iv s Oarage 1054 niisr!'nn Rros Oarage. Kelson St. l?'1 Bronoales Ga-age New rtrerht Av? 6905, H, M Dlckor? Vnntrnrv.1 Ave. 1187. ITurl hor-v? drift. No Oxford St, 82 Van A ito Se-vioe No. 10th St. 225 Roebllng Garag? i T-nehlne Co No. f?*h St. 1"" Draco Os-s-e OnMnnd St. 80?, r?a'.'und Gsrar?. and Java St? Oreennolnt National Oal Orrai Are. 2042 O'ean Ave Garaga 3156 ?thee P? head Bay Hunirs Oc-on Parkway. 2. H V RTger. Fr.o> of '-"*<?> ho'irne Garage. t fir, ?., Oarstre. 2918 H Klejrman. 31 5fl Sheepshend l?a? lurte?. Cor P"-?r.?et Ave. F P. Welckv, Bid Nentans >v? M Lev-y rvi^-Sr,?,p St ?-7 riobo^n Oflrnee. Pa.-lfle <='. r"? Portlnn'd Garage. ?"4 M. B D. Oaraee. Pnrl< Are. ?19 F. W TT-,her, 378 R '? <~> ro-.,?..rclal f.arage. F?n r>Trit YVa],v rt h *,k- Park-Nos'-er-i Gara??. 7R?. S ? T4' C - .<?? ^^? r-llr-.or. I... n > * k Ar? Hsr ??oi rr,rvH<-rb!'t Aves.. Dovls Rros. Gai P--t PL 5"' ITianel Oar. Pi? l.ori ?-e. 7^5 ri"-"" Csr-"e r>ni'Ti"inin u?. ?s R, New 'rirk Osi P,"nn,.? frlenmore Avrs. ?>rp.o'-nn G?t PMl-?n Ave Hlrsdaie St., Quartln Ser vi"., ris-i?? ?.??si? C * L. TTnldt-vr Ca. T?nveeil <3f. ?71 Powell narnsre. r*. ?.,if?,..,t ?f, ii?n P'^M-nt ?> Osrag? r? ntr-rrt PL 731 R"?n'v Prosneet '"-ar. rYt-vnw Ar?, ins I'm??^ Motor Co. r* Brooklyn Auto Dnllvery, 1-??. P"^?virr.,v?r'. G-rage. 1814, PTopr?SB Oarsre. Onlnrv *?t. 8"". Center Os-a.e?. Palpli Are. Ill P-vlnh Oa-sirs. v-i-r.?,,^ ?f iti l^?oriarJ's nir?r?. ?rtehflr(tsnn St. C1 Ph?'"!! Oaraire. nidtrenond Ave. 29. Cypvesa Motor Sup r-'vr Co. Re?d \?-e. 2*n P-t?nSTi f!?-?M ""'?'nwir St. 7S? ""M-??- <" Osrag?. nr,r.l.f.v.?r. .?j,.. f.? f.n?v,.?BV Av. Qa, ??>^^??T er. 24 v-t1?r Caras-? RoeMlns- St. Diviston Ave.. Quick Sers ??vi North 8*h P*s.. tn^.o-'a fl.rtcB, and No-th ?th St., Roebllng Auto Sup nlv Co and So. 9th Bts., Plpoly Gasoline Sta I'll f'^more St.. RosbHng A Ftlemor r"!v.? ?n Rorem Ave-. 1S13 FTirtr? Osrstra <ii? pi-,?).?,?v, \?f? p,rv!e? rti ?pv>-\ af |i?t rjMH.^-e.Tt'wsy Oal ??n-'-etf o?. ?St Toi-or. >f orpenthalsr. r-t p ^^o<|or? Harare. St. !->,???= pi 1??7 St. John's Pt. Oai 1T?0 "?????, Garag?. Pt. Mnrlc's Ave 233. Court Oarage. B?. Srfarhi At?. SS9. Wm. H. Pratt. ??Ox, ?L?rsp ?.i?f<, ?j... .?lu-roi nut? oci vie?. boiuoru M. 2lu, naggerty atotur Truva It.? s-UIp. Saratoga Aie. 19, Htucco ijarage. bevvuih Ave, 5708, ?evantn Av?. Oarage. ?ulv. Victory Garage I7tu St, 511, Prospect Pk. West Garage bnoepniitad on; iiuail. 17*7, ?ta>a,ae ?ar. fehef?elvl Aie, 270, Sheffield Garag?. biagel mi. u?, Busawick Termuaai Gar. ..a St. 278, berg ?l ?eni. fiQih St. ?3?'?, Louis Balestrlno. i.ji. Ne* i .....j? I?jC, 8ut.l. St.. ua?ag---. 6?iU at. 4iij. Louj.i 0:ac!Gerotn. ?o.a st. 644, Unique uarage. Bl^dlaer Aie. J87, ,;?t,?u?r Garag?. 15, Atlantic Crossing uarage. boj der A va. 3 4, aujuer Ave,, Garage, ?&, J. J. bnyusr it sons. S. fciliott Phue. 73, Elliott Garag?. btugg at. 120, Stagg Garage. btal? ?t. ?O?, Daniel F. S. weary. 282, ExceUtor oarage. btei?ug Pia. e. 4 73, Colony Oarag?. 1 .. j Voll? Garage. 117, .5,-.-.uu KaaUall Cngluaarlag Oa, 474. f?:li ?:.i Garag?. 6t,0, Lrocker Garage. 1872. Sepper's Garage. 1880-92, H. 41c L. Garag? Oex, Ina. IS.'t. rS?tiiet Garage SG-,,ii<.i-r? Court. 3?. B. F. Staphena M one Am. 34, .Nrar Broadway. Ljx Gar. ?;S. .-;on? Ave. Garage. Stuyvesani Ave. 98, Si uyvesant Ht? Gar. suni..?r Ave. 144. Excelsior Garage, huiler Ave. 1000, B^rnara Schwenuan. Taue Pl. 61. Coluiubia Cenn-nt Co. Ten Kyck St. 3 3. D. W Kaatze lliuiiord Ave. 454. Thatford Garag?. ?i.cisjij St. & Whltlock Ave. H. Chirlo*. T?d?n Ave. 2222. Flatbush Au'.o C?. Throop .In, 4, Gayety Garage. 4?, Seplowltz Bros. and Myrtle Aves.. Federal Garag?. and Vprimn Aves., Federal Garag?. Troy Ave. IOS, 1 r .y Ave Garage, i ?50. Twin Star Garage. i 24?h Ave. 8827, T. !: ?ovce. , 2-iCi St. 237. American Gar. * Mach. I Wks ? 84th St. 139. 34th St. Garag?. i V Ave. * l.u?ie St. B Stickle. Colon St. '" S 4. Union Garag?. 111. Mclntosh Bros. I3S, M. Eckboff. 83?. Academy Garag?. ?20. '-irk Pla/.a Garag?. Cor Sutter Ave !.. ace Harare. Ctl.-a Ave. 28, ITtlcj Garage \ an lirunt St. 7i. White .--.j-r G?raga Van Buren St. 55g Waldorf b'.orag? Warehouse Garage. ? Vand?rbilt Ave. d,7 Vsnderbllt Garag?. \ornon Aie. 301, Keystone Garage. 27V Hohwelsner * Sons. Wallaboiit St. 234, S. * R. Garag?. Vint king st. i 11 F'scher Auto Co. 138. Public Garag 3K:, vVatklna .--r. ('.arare. P.avrrly Ave. 24 Merchant's Garag?. 332, Waverly Garage. Worrflejd St. 399 Fred B'inr?!'? Garng?. W. 17 r H St. 2778 Mlnlchello's Garage. W. lVGi St. A Vrptune Aie. Seventeenth Street Garage. W. 20?h St. & lt. R. Ave Somers Garden Ge ru ge I W. itT'h St. Mermaid Ave., S?agate fiar. ! IVIHougliby und Knickerbocker Aies., Wllloiighby Gn-age. and Nostrand Aves.. Wllloughby Auto Co IVoloott ft. 1?9 Sweeney Garag?. t?> (he \ve. ?ni. P ,1 O'Rourke. ,! 10, Wythe fe Garngr South 8th St., l?. & C. Garaga Queens Astoria. Astoria Gar.. Willow * Franklin. Charles An.iuia. 79 Fulton Ave. Paul Sa-r-hse, 177 Vanderi'enter Av?. M ti'-Bsnr. 989 Biuievard. ' isl Bros. Garage. 2r?S 8th Ave. Fa coner Gar. Co., 183 Jamaica A va Private Auto Hantai Servie? Co.. 12 Grand St. I.. Gaily. Broad - ay GarBf?. It) Broadway. Sheridan's Garag?, 370 11th Ave. Astoria On" 4 Oil Sta., 311 Astoria Av?. ? Bayslde, Reutlinger'a Garage. Auto Repair .<? Machine Go A Jost. Jr Gar Station. 30 Broadway. ; College Point. Collefe Point Garag?. Geo Duer, Kraenier's Expreais Co. ! Corona. Powell & Son. 1*3 W. Jackson S. K.iopersteln, Auto Acceesorlea Coney Island West E id Garag?. Cook*? Lan.? an 5 Railroad Ave Donelaston. Manor Ga^r? Llmhnrst. Mulier's Garag?. Klngstand Ave. Boulevard Garage, Queens Blvd. and Fit tins St H. C Drews, il Gorona Ava Max Gaener 17'1 Corona Ave. E F:ili--r Gaso Station, Jackson Art, A 25th St. J. Krais, Queens Blvd. * Caldwell Ava Brooks Arjto Snply Co Flushtnsr. Red I ion Oarag?. Flushing Auto Garage. 110 B'way. John Ge-'des MolrTs Garage. Now Broadway Fin-hi?a- Oarag?. Ban ford Aie 5- Broadway North Sbono Motor Salea Co. Qt)??nshorn Cam;?, ?9 Broadway. Rainier V tor i'orp.. Ft. Farrtnton at Wl'son'? Or ?ire Upner Ft-.i'hlng Oer.. 49 Murray St, Wllklns Gara -e, Ja.-kson Av?. it Sh?H Rd. .Tarrr-r Ave. Gar.. S .Tagger Av?. f"or.-?t irills. Continental Gar.. Cont1n?n ?n' A'-?, Forest TG'Is 0?-->e-e. Queens Blvd. Fred Frey, Vfetropol * Cooper Ara Glendnle. Wm. Runp fnop?r Av?. Central Garag? Goop?r Ave. L?ber'y Tire Work?. Cooper At?, and Dill Plaoe. 2904 Glcni'a'? Publie Oar?r?. F Per--it. 275 Coon?r Ave. II,.IPs. Hol?la Obso S??,., Fulton St.. Ras? sel] Yeanle P'r.p Tlewnril Reach. H Psulson. Jamaica. V^x. A Mehrten?. Hlllsld? and Goliimbus Av?s Autornob'le Reontrlng Jk WeMlng Ca, F'H'on St. .<- Gnliimbus A v? C M'-rrlns. Locust Av * Merrick Rd. Th?">'r? Oarage, Twombly PI, A Stand? ard at. Bnlt'r Bros.. Oarag? Co., Inc. It N?. Wa^hlnsrton St. Fra-'t Berman. !77 poo]<s.way Rd. pi^brow Pro? Ht 11 Sid? Ave. Reliable, 97 Queens Blvd. Fran'Gtn Garata 5 Kran?:'? .?tt. TntemaHonal Oa- re. s?rth St. Hiil.'Ae fiara" Hillside Ave. jfott T?ro? HlWulde Av. palm Ost. Hillside .i- FlTtshtrir Ave. W?"-?T's Cr.rnr? T'^len Hall St. Ptr^nr's At"o Oarags Co., Inc.. Fult?a at ?mi'li fit JpV.r. Valentl.' Hillside Ave. A Hoff??** Pouth ?'(1? herse-? Ht Sotifh St. Monarch Motor fervlce ?rid Supply CVv? <-nh?n Rofb Co., -\f?r'-k nr. South?; r>iT?-v'? Os-????? .10 tv .I3f1t-nn Are. .Tamal'a narsr? S Hooirnw-,v Road. Triar-'? n?rof? Pm'th ?- Puntlme 91?. Van Wyck? Oarsge. Van Wycke & Ja nss''-? A vea Kew Gnrdens. Colonial Garage, Queen? Blv-d , T.IttT?. VeeV Cornell's Garage. hi P. Wright. v. ? I Leer?; Island Ctty. IrcCartfcy Gae-ellna dtauon. Bridge P.a.* ? Clark's Gasoline Siauuo. Jackaon ana I 4lh Ave. AL T. 'wat's. Bridge Plaza. Delauey Auto Co., 382 Ave. Duiiipert, .?oun, 131 Ci escore. St_ Mouel Garage, 95 Paynior Avt. Tale?? Ctty 'jai age. i 19 First Ava Webster Ave, Gar, 4th A VS ebster Are, Shaps? A||lo Co., Briuge Plasa. Garag?, So. Washington Pl? , Piaza Garas?, 36J Jacitson Av?. Queen? Court Garage, Bridge Flassv I i.v ? & Co.. B:;dg? Piala Simplex Auto Co.. Ve.-:.on Av?. A l?t* St. I Everready Garag?, 809 Orescent SC Kaiser's Gasoline Station. Thompee* I Ave. Durv's Osrago, 10 Jackson Ave. Oakland Motor Car Co.. 297 1st ??. ' Mead?*? Mear Park. Meadow Mear Park uarage. i VLIC.??9 Village. Hirsch. Jacok. No:;!i Eeaeh. E. BottkL ' Orone Park. L. F Meiler?. Jsrom? Av< i August Schrempp. Kuckaway Road. ! Queens. Queen? Auto Repair 8hofj, Hempstead Ruad Captain Geo. G. Waldon. Queen? Read i A Hillside Ave. Chas. Lester, Rocky Hill Rd. and J?rl cho Turnpike Fulton St. & Jericho Turnpike, W. Z? * J T Caitister. Queens Gaso me Station. Jerteo Tura? pti-e and Creed Ave. i M:-.-!-a- V Alshelmer. Rocky Hill RdC and Queens Ave. Richmond Hill. Ape? Gar.. Leffart*. ar. 1 Jamaica Av?. Kew Gardens Gar . Metropolitas Ara. K. A S Garage and Repair Co.. Let? j ferta Ave. Jerome Gar.. Jerom? A Bedford Are. Greenwood Car. 2? ? .7arr,a;ce Av? Brooklyn Manor Garag?. Ja-nalca Av?, Mit1 h?il Garage. Jerom? Av?. A W?|. nut St . *aath O/.one Park. H Mijrch. Rocktwtf Bead and Lincoln Ave S. Woodman, tto.-kaway Road. Bprlngflell. XV. B Jone?, Merriest Roa? a' d :;pring<1e.d Ave. C. Higgens. Merrlck Road A Sprlnsj Beld Av? 8. Madsen. Baylas av?. erd Merrlek Road. i Wrttfe?tosie. O'Fee's Garage, ITH'taker Corp Beechhurst Garage. * ' Wlnilelcl. Queer.stewn Ante ami queens Blvd and Rarn?ey 3. '.?a ? A Williamson, Rowan St_ A Quc?na Blvd. S. A S. Auto Supply Co.. Queens Blvd. and I9tb St. ' vVoodharen. K. Keller. Rockaway Rd. i aud Ferry St. Slmwood Garage. Woodhaven Ave. neu Jamaica Ave. Five Point Gasoline Station. Rockswa] Rd and Bo.vd Ave Manor Garaee. 199S J?malo? Ave. I Woodhaven Garage, Jamaica and TA'ot dha ven A ves. Forest Pk (7-irsgf. 1C"7 Jamaica Av? Roika-.vav B vd Garaga. Jo?. Sohauil Prop, Rockaway Rd. Broadway Garaee. Jerome Av?. | WoodilnV. Ktinsr's Garsge. Flushing RX !H. Mlcco, Jackson Ave. arm 8th St. Woodslde Gar.. 4th St. aijvl Jacksos A v. Jackson Heights Garaee. .lurkeon Ava and Tralnsmeadr.? ltd. Jackson Ave ant 7th St., Pat_ Roemea ; Gasolin? Station. i Borough of Ricfmond! ei'ttr.a. 8ch :k's Oarage. 951 Bay St. ' H. C. Ernest Garag?. Bay St. A Town?. end Av.> Cotacord. Schenk'* Garage. 1*25 C|?v? Rd, ! Grans City. Midland M ?? r Car Corn easy, 2062 Richmond Ruad. ' OreCt Kills. Amboy Oarage, 3941 Amboy Road. Brorter. H S.. 897 Amboy Road. I Ltooleumvllle. Carteret Ferry Corpora? tion Mariners Harbor. Sparry, L.. Washing, ton Ave. i New Dorp. New Dorp Garag?. 2411 P' ? - ond R t Midland Motor Co.. 2083 Richmond Rd. New Springvllle. Gerald Darcey. Rich? mond arid Rnokland Avea. Oak wood Heights. Oakwood Heights 'iarape Guyon Ave Pleaf-e-'t Plains. Pleasant Plains Garaga. ! G449 Amboy R,i. D A MrNefll Amboy Road, D. A. McNeil, Amboy Road. ! Port Richmond. Richmond Garage. Rich. mond Ave. j Richmond, John Danker. 102 Richmond St. ! St. George. Caatleton Park Garag?. Cas> ! tleton Park I fitnpleton. Chttermole, C M., Sch. "Law renes," off foot of Vanderbllt Ave. S'a'iT, Island Garage. 21! Van Duser 8k Neumann Bros.. 3n RofT St Btapleton Garage. liav A Cnntnn St. I United Tire Co 14? Canal St. Jos. Borrln'a Garaee, Gorden St. Wagner's Garage. ?54 Richmond Roa it 1 TompklnsvUIe. St. Georg? Garag?. lit Pav S' J. D Kl?'an Auto Co . Ine S48 Bay St. VV t. M.-Adams. 8? Griffin St ' Tottenvtlle. P^io ,t- Bnyd 241 Main St Tottenville Garage. 21 Bentley Ava Johnson's Cirarr". Amboy Road. ? ftV'eet New Brlgliton. Cr.luT.hlan Auto A Motor Or CO 1"?' Pir-hmond Ter. Hunsdorfer Bros.. Jewett * Forest Avea Int?rborooirh Auto P?nalr A Suppig Co. Kim St a~d Richmond Terrace. Rowohlt Motor Car Co.. 1022 Castletoa Ave. A Sommer 178? Richmond Turn pitta Drl-nan's Garag?, Broadway and Hen ? d-r.or. Ave , L. StelnrnetB. ciov? Road and Rlck menrl T'irrnlV?. Hunsdorfer Bros., 425 Jewett Ave. Launch Naphtha Points In G eater New YorI? ; City Island. Robert Jacob* A. Malakp?, Joaqulm V'.daL B F Wood Booth's Oseara j Smith's Service Station. : New York City. The Anna Servtoe. If % Ts"h* Club ?r.r-hnras> Ft E ?id (M, C, F. Quinn. Ciasen Point John Rehm. Bronsklll? Boatheoa* ! F* of Walnut Ave. T. R. Welsh. Ft. W. l?0th 8t. 1 lUchmond. Cent r M. Cattarmol* Schooner "T^aw-enee," off Pt Vendar. bllt Ave.. Stapleton. ! Brooklyn. A L. Andersen. TJImer Pk Pu i C Po?nr. off Ft 6?tn 3t OaUiar-i-. ? -'ter Marine Equipment Ce? off stahl?'? Pier. Reiefcavrnv point. P H Re?d. Sheep?h?nrl Bar W Lsng. College Pn'nt Herman Erattnta Wm. Needham,