Newspaper Page Text
?agi-, FOUND AND BEWABP8 ?*"^ LOST. v?tir* i? hereby ar?v*n t?*t common stock 'Vtifirat? of. the Crucible Ste# Co. or ??ra NO. N. T. A. l7.?8?. I???? May ?> iM?, in the nain? of Florence Wallace ! Sward*. In the amount of $1,00?, has ' {_,? lost and ail persons arp warned ?Enst^*ft*oM?tln? salt? certificate. Ap? plication ha." been made for duplicate cer {_i-?to. Signo?. Florence Wallace Edwards. ??RPiN?Lost. diamond barptn, Bltlnge ?s?at?r, or going 1? taxi from there to ?tTWcat 4l?t st.. or in taxlcah between ?u* ??. en-i M We,t ?,h Bt- February 4: I ??0? reward. R. S. Olli. 21 West 8th st!; llajTesaa^S?S^_ ! t.nsT?Geld ring. Inscription *'Mlsp*h"; *ward. Chariot ?. Johnstono, 7 West ;7th ?<? Oreeley it_ ' ' LOST~B VNKBOOKS tf)c-_Pari!<:-ook No S8I.0?8 of Bank for CSO Fourth ave.. New Tork. Pay? ment ?tcpr'.i "Pisase, return book to bank. rrj^r?Bankbook No. 1.068.367 of Bonk for ? Savins?. :>u Fourth ave, New York. Pay mftit *to*ip?,<-'i- Please return book to bank. ?/^.-?Bankbook No. 1.115,164 of Bank for Savin-*. ISO fourth ave.. New York- Pay Kin: ?topped I'teasf1 return book to ha.ik. FURNISH E?> rooms to let titTH ToT WEST. ? Large sunny room, adjoining bath; adults; ground floor ' front, reference*_^^_ _MTH ST . IK W.?Furniahad rooms for couple or two gentler-ef yjwij FURNii-HKD ROOM, with private bai:., to doctor's residence; also single ?on; with hot and cold water. Telephone Baden? US?._ ? R1YEBS1DE DRIVE. 650.?Ea,rge room. tarn? pri'.-:.. ?s* reasonable, gentlemen: tti:y Pn* ne 631 Morhtngslde. THIRD AVE., 100? (near 6Sth. )?Wonder ral, large, sunny back parlor and single looms; kitchen privil?ges; ladies, business coujile._ WEST mftt AVE. SIS dOOth st.) ?Laige1 :"ror.; room; twin beds; very homelike sur- : (OU_~3g*. Phone'Je 480a __.-??- - _ i FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET BEAUTIFULLY furnished 7-room apart- | mi nt. - ? ' Rivet i >rlve; " to 4 Btonths; 1300 per month. Tel River ;'2S7. ' ?7TH ST.. ?7 V,. ? Duplex apartment, liv? ing room, bedroom, dining room, kitch snette; lor.? or short lease; 54!i4 Plaaa. WANTED : i rent one or two rooms with bath, furnished api., rent up to $100 Lesser, 133 West 113th st BOARDERS WANTKTJ BMALL privat? tor refined, elderly persona si ??? :::vj,>!h an.i convalescents; ?umber Un ted; exery home comfort; nurses ca: -. r i immeuded by patrons and physicians terms moderate. For full par ttculara a i ! esa Mrs. A. MacMillan, 662 JU;n st., Hack nsa ... N. J. Phon? Hack? ensack 202$. 11V> ST, -2? W. ? Eievator, steam heat. e-iectrici*.} , large room; bath. Colum? bus -' '" HELP WANTED MALE INM11I < ITON AUTO INSTRUKTION WE TEACH REPAIRING AND DRIV? ING EN SHORT TIME; LICENSE GUAR? ANTEED LADIES' CLASSER AMERI? CAN ?OTO 6<.'riOOL, 726 Lexington ave. ?Wthl. P.>tza 4016. AUTO INSTRUCTION, *1S. Single Lessons, Jlj Cadillac, Studebaker A liltchfl!. B ?- M Co.. 1303 Islington ave. : . DING CONSTRUCTION Trepare : for ?i better Job in the raring estimating, drafting, concrete, sirucsr:-.! engineering; classes now form in? Gall for : ook let. Y M O A School of Building Construc? tion. 154 -East SCth st., New York; Lenox MS! ' CARPENTERS Prep:?-s now for more responsible posi? tions, estimators, draftsmen, foremen with pre 'xperieve in big demand. Call for uni ..i-.ts now forming. Y M ' A S hool of Building Construction, ! ? .. ith Street, N. V. Lenox 6051. DRAFTING AND MACHINE DESIGN. Soi . u:, I most efficient course in New Vor? li - will be ready for a responsible j l< weeks. Thorough work in me ? Irafting, muthematics and blue prii adlng, Call for particulars. Y. M ??' A School of Muchine Design. '.'.< '.. . ??, .! St., New York. Lenox 6051. LEARN TO BE A CHAUFFEUR?Pleasant and profitable work: day and evening clae.-es Send for frje booklet and visitor's M?s West t?.de li. M. C. A., 396 West MECHANICS 12 v.'- al course in all matbe matlci ed in daily engineering and shop '??: ncludlng algebra, geometry and trlgon ? ss now forming. Write it cal foi dai ? It ulars. V. M CT A Se hool of Machine Design, 154 East 66th st., N. Y. Lenox 6G51. MEN.?Good paying proposition to operate moving picture machine in theater; ex? po-. ? : essary. Call day or evening, Ameri an Theatre Building, entrance 644 Ith at i : st.). 'Phone Brvant 1519. PLAN* READING AND ESTIMATING; is the entering wedge to money mal?lng j posil big building boom now under way; in1 ;ns . . practical course. Call for ; Information. > V. M C. A. School of Building Construe- | tion, 154 East ist-ih st., New York; Lenox 6051. 8HA1X I STAY? SHALL I GO ? Before making a change, find out if you are en the right track. To know what >our llfewi rk should be is a start tn the right direction. The trained analyst will know fr m a study of your face the voca? tion for yog. This study is baaed on known scientific laws. No psychological lasts; no l a le tests. Ask us ail about It. Booklet ' L" on request. Merton Insti? tute. Inc.. ?S Fifth Ave. (at 15th at-), N. T. Te,. Cl.eis-a 4ri**4 SHOP MATHEMATICS for m?ch?n?rs. shop foremen, builders, ?to, ?thorough, practical work; classes now forming. Call for particulars. Y. M. C. A. School of Building Construc? tion, 154 Eist 86th st.. New York; Lenox ?061. HELP WANTED MALE ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A CHANCE TO MAKE GOOD? Success in life does not come through hoping or wishing, but through effort. I DO NOT CARE WHO OR WHAT YOU ARE, If you are honest, ambitious and Indus? trious. ag"fl L'l to 3?, we have an opening for you, with excellent pay and a wonder? ful future: act quickly. Write T., 930 Tribuns Building. New Tork. ASSISTANT PURCHASING AGENT EXPERIENCED TN LIGHT METAL MANUFACTURING L1NIC: MIST HAVE HAD AT LEAST TWO YEAR? AS AN ASSISTANT IN BXECUTIVE CONTROL OF PURCHASING DEPARTMENT TN SIMILAR EINE. STATE AGB. SALAR? AND EXPERIENCIA. AGENT, BOX 48. LONG ISLAND CITY. BOT HERES A DANDY JOB FOR A REAL BOT Wv want a wide-awake boy to assist ?rounl ou* office, and we aro willing to Pay the price; previous experience- not nec *?aary; a >outig fellow lust out of Grammar tabool U what wo want; every opportunity pven for rapid advancement. B 630, Tribune. 8?YS, r.,.at ambitious, to run errands and learn (,-ood business; start $11; good ???wmi.intty for advancement. Worthing ?f^j^ayniond, 71 Murray st, *0*. 14 to li, in law office; ne experience _"*????*ry; good salary. Ramsey 4s Mor S5_*_JK*ch*ngo Place, New York. *** ?anted for general office work in S-?".'"1!!8 Insurance office. Apply 1J ' "ankU. JUii & Co.. 6? Beaver sL lo B, ?Ti' ,'? b" useful in machine shop, Bmra _^W Btlaunei, ii08 W. Broadway. Compositor?Good two-thirderj feed B?Z? fh*-s ready; small Gordon; perma ^iManhattan Drug Co., 6? WWreo et. V?_:_'.~*** '? ??????? ?<? m m ii ?il ' a.?? ii *i!L,CI'ERs--Am?rU?? arm require* ? i--** ?""re men on nng?. plus mad HELP WANTED MALE DRAFTSMAN COMPETENT DRAFTSMAN, EXPE WBffttp ON ELHCTKICAL SUB? STATION DESIGN. STATS ?XPE ?US5??\. A?it) OAXARV desired, ADDRESS DRAFTSMAN. BOX 1*. Long island city. EMPLOYMENT AND PERSONNEL MAN ONE EXPERIENCED IN MANU? FACTURING LINKS EMPLOY ING BOTH MALES AND FE? MALES, HAVING HAD CON? TROL OF -WELFARE AND PERSONAL WORK; AULB TO TAKE OVER COMPLETE CHARGE OF EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT: PREFER MAN OVER THIRTY, AND MUST HAVE HAD AT LEAST TWO YEARS' EXPB?RIENCE. STATE AGE, SALARY AND EXPERI? ENCE "PERSONNEL.'' BOX *8. LONG ISLAND CITY. SALESMEN, who know oil and appreciate ? real oil security to sell ; Company backed by bankers and oil operators of long expe? rience: large production, low capitalization : large cash and stock dividends; liberal com? mission to salesmen. Call Room 2220, 61 Broadway SALESMEN HIGH CLASS SECCRlTV MEN WHO CAN SELL ON FIRST CLASS LEADS. ROOM 24. 61 MAIDEN LANE. TYPIST, beginner acceptable: must be neat and reliable; excel'ent opportunity. Apply Room 809, 302 Broadway. UNLISTED SECURITY MANAGER must have experience and ability to manage department; references required; good ?alary and commission to right party. Room 24, 61 Maiden Lane WANTED?Office boy; salary, $18'to start. Call New Jersey Zinc Co., 160 Front st New York. tr?r.r? HELP WANTED FEMALE BILLING MACHINE OPERATOR.?A rare opportunity for a person of ability. Apply Room 1108, 71 West 23d si. BRIGHT GIRLS to learn fine enameling .on jewelry; $10 at start. Wm. Fehl habsr, 47 Ann at., N. Y. CLERKS in an organization as 5roung and large as this the opportunities to advance are exceptional You can begin as INDEXERS FILERS PR?CERS GENERAL CLERKS Minimum pay $13.00 per week. Rapid advancement assured. Applicants must be over 16 years of age. Call or write THE CHARLES WILLIAM STORES, 25 Washington Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. CLERICAL WORK See Miss Files Third floor 46 West 23rd ENTRY' CLERK, for targe offUe ; a rare op? portunity for a person of ability. Room 1108, 71 West 23d st. FILE CLERK?Young lady, file clerk and office assistant; apply by letter, stating salary and experience. Huil-Grippen Com? pany, 310 Third ave. FILE CLERK (Library Bureau) for large office; a rare opportunity for a person of ability. Room 1108, 71 West 23d et. GIRLS AS TYPISTS. Girls, age 17 and over, wanted as typists. Permanent posi? tions. Large financial institu? tion. Hours 9 to 4:30. Satur d: half holiday. Luncheon served free. Opportunity to study stenography and opera? tion of dictaphone without ex? pense. Salary $12. Call after 9 A. M., room 5030 Metr?poli tan Life Building. Fourth Ave fiue & 23rd Street, New York. GIRLS AS CLERKS. Girls, age 17 and over, wanted as clerks. Permanent positions. Large financial institution. Hours 9 to 4:30. Saturday half holiday. Luncheon served free. Opportunity to study typewrit? ing, stenography and dicta? phone without expense. Salary to start $12. Call after 9 A. M., room 5030 Metropolitan Life Building, 4th Avenue & 23rd Street, New York City. GIRLS $15.00 A WEEK TO START. $850.00 TO $1,500.00 A YEAR. FASCINATING WORK REFINED ASSOCIATES PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY Apply Sunday, 12 to 4 ?[?? m Week days, 9 a. m. to 8 p. in. 1158 Broadway. Manhattan 453 E. Tremont Ave., Bronx 8.1 Wllloughby St.. Brooklyn ?GIRLS AS OFFICE ASSISTANTS: PUB? LISHING HOUSE HAS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS INTEREST? ED IN DEVELOPING; GOOD. PERMA? NENT POSITIONS IN PLEASANT SUR? ROUNDINGS AND CONGENIAL CLERI? CAL WORK; HOURS fl TO 5 ; HALF DAY SATURDAY: PAY lr-5 PER MONTH, WITH BONUS STARTING IMMEDIATE? LY AND ADVANCEMENT. APPLY L A. HOUGH. 8TH FLOOR, 23? WEST S9TH ST. GIRLS : neat, clean, light work ; good salary- Man ' hattRO Drug, 60 \Warren st. _ HOUSEWORK-Neat, willing white wom? an for general housework. Including laundry; small suburban bouse with young ? refined couple having two ?Whter-. ? and ? years ; $ 65. Writ* or ?J?Mf%?7& a? Pratt st., New Roehelie; phone 39H-W. HOUSEWORK?Olrl for ?enera? house? work; good eool?. Ap*ir ?ftar U. Apt. 42. 819 We?t li?d.a*- _ mkWmmB MILLINERS EXPERIENCED. ACCUSTOMED TO UNLOCK SATURDAYS. MAX LITTWITZ, T BAST 47TH BT. en 13 and Oodaii. HELP WANTED FEMALE _-, LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE OPERATORS WANTED. Ambitious young women, 17 to 25 years, can obtain permanent employment with excellent prospects for advancement. No experience necessary ; pay while learning; ANNUAL VACATIONS WITH FULL PAY. SICK BENEFITS, ETC.. ARE PROVIDED. Hot lunches are served at cost. This is a wonderful opportunity for young women entering business life today. SEE OUR MANAGER, ANY TIME BETWEEN a A. M. AND 6 P. M. at Room 530, 24 Lispenard St., (IT'S JUST BELOW CANAL ST.). THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE,& TELEGRAPH COxMPANY. MILLINERS Experienced hands. Lichtenstein Mlly. Co., 584-58G 5th Ave. SALESWOMEN. Vacancies for first class shoe Saleswomen : those with experience preferred ; good salary. Apply Man? ager, Shoe Department, 2d floor. HEARN, 14th St., near 5th Av. STENOGRAPHER EXPERIENCED. BY LARGE PUBLIC UTILITY CORPORATION, QUEENS BORO BRIDGE PLAZA, LONG ISLAND CITY. 'WRITE. STATIN'', QUALIFICA? TIONS AND SALARY DESIRED. AD? DRESS STENOGRAPHER, BOX 48, LONG ISLAND CITY. TYPISTS See Miss Files Third floor 46 West 23rd TYPIST to make out bills and orders ; also cut stencils and use aMriressinii machine, will? ing, ambitious girl desired. Harriet Hubbard Ayer, SS3 EAST 34TH ST. TYPIST?A refined Christian girl, capable I o? assuming responsible duties: high i school gradu?t? preferred; ability will ? gain quick recognition and advancement; to, the right girl we arc willing to pay tilt right salary. A., Box 781, Tribune. VIOLIN TEACHER?Lar?? conservatory! deBlres to engage services of experienced I class teacher; a satisfying future is as- I aured successful applicant. Call 10X5 Gates I Av., Brooklyn. **. WANTED.?Man and wife as housekeep ers in doctor's residence. Telephone Har? lem 1320. WAITRESS. 7 to 10:30 a. m. and G to 8:30 p. in. Studio Club, 35 East 62d st. "women"" middle aped, for examining and boxing no- ! lions; steady position? ail year, experience j unnecessary; good pay. bonne and profit Sharing. Smith, 121 West 17th st. WOMEN LIVING near 8th ave. and 17th st., to do vnrk at home on notions, no sewing, clean and easy; steady all year; Apply by letter only. Gilman B. Smith, 121 W. 17th st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE -;-;? BACHELOR'S manservant, neat, refined, thoroughly experienced; young- Filipino; exceptionally well recommended; very de? sirable; $90. Mason's Agency, 131 \Y. 4-d. Bryant 5?33. BUTLER-valet, first class, thoroughly ex? perienced, very best references; city or country; $B0. Mrs. Mason's Agency, 131 West 42d st. Bryant 6033. BUTLER?Capable, good-appearing Cana? dian, $85; city or country; well recom? mended. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 E. 41st. Murray Hill 6774. CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC, married, 14 years' experience, desires position; city or country. Lamb, Box ?58, Palisades Park, N. J. CHEF, long experience, wishes position, club or restaurant; city or country; n?f. Wm. Giachino. 426 AY. 27th st.. New York. COUPLE?Butler, usoful, cook, entire work pf small country family; foreigners; mOHt capable; $150; fine references. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 E. 41st. Murray Hill 6774. COUPLE?Capable, Intelligent foreigners; butler, chambermaid, parlormaid, $140; three years' references. . Miss Shea's Agency, 6 E. 41st. Murray Hill 0774. ELECTRICIAN, 23 years' practical experi? ence, everything electrical, wishes posi? tion maintenance and installation, A C and D C, with industrial plant, best references. L. Stock, 221.Brook Av., Passai c, N. .). FA^mI?a?AgER OR SUPERINTENDENT of gentleman's country estate (married), capable of taking full charge and produc? ing results; 16 years' experience; best of | reierences. Box 305, Princeton, N. .). ! GROOM with hunters, polo ponies, (?addle horses; headman; married. Box 78, Far j Hills. N. J. _ HOUSKCLEANING. ? General vacuum cleaner. A. Francis, 36 West 137tb ?t. j Harlem C707. ' JAPANESE cook, butler, mod?rale fee; all first class help furnished. Ill West I ?2d at. Bryant 7787. _ ! YOUNG MAN, with five yoars' experience m wood construction and knowledge of archi? tectural drawing, wishes^ position with eon ! structlon compuny. B. Grllfln, 189 Tremper | ?ve., Kingston. N. Y'. YOUNG man (20), energetic, high school graduate, experienced, a* assistant book? keeper; nominal salary. B.. Box ?30, Tribune. YOUNG MAN (18), Stuyvesant High School graduate, wishes connection with aroh ! Itectural firm. Pert, 243 S. 2d St., Brooklyn. ' YOUNG MAN, 18, wishes position; chance for advancement. 1'osnt.r, 335 Last | 68th at._. YOUNG MAN wish"? position as eiectrl ?cian'e helper. Leonard. 309 East 90th Bt. SITUATIONS WANTED FE3?ALE ? XTA1SAJ* V1WTWO THACHBR wiif"^ * ttl?iaa Ittpona. Signos-lea Bart, u* Bast HELP WANTED FEMALE THINGS YOU WANT WHEN YOU ENTER BUSINESS Permanent employment. Good pay from tllG start with regular and frequent increases. Annual Vacations with full pay. Liberal sick benefits, medical advice and pensions without cost to you. Work and recreation rooms that are large, well ventilated and comfortably fur? nished. Lunch rooms, where hot meals are provided at less than cost. THERE THINGS YOU HAVE WHEN YOU ENTER TELEPHONE OPERATING. Positions in this occupa? tion are now open to young women and girls over. IG, with or without previous tele? phone experience. Positions are also open for all night work at extra pay for those who prefer this work. MAIN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE : 27th Street and Broadway, Man? hattan. BRANCH EMPLOY? MENT OFFICES OS W. Houston St., Manhattan. 44 Pearl St., Manhat? tan (11 A. M. to 2 P. M.). 453 E. Tremont Ave., Bronx, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. (Except Tues? days and Fridays, 12 M. to 9 P. M.). Ana in Brooklyn, 81 Willoughby St. and 1336 Broadway. If unable to come to an employment office, telephone Miss Brem? er, "Madison Square 12000" (free call) for further information. NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A. A.?CHILD'S NURSE?Young Irish Catholic; excellent 2Va years' reference; child under 5 year old; $B5-$70. Q.. Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d at, 3d floor. Telephone S347 Murray Hill. CHAJVIBBRMAID OR WAITRESS?Neat, nice young Irish girl; thoroughly experi? enced; excellent references; hou?!- pre? ferred; $55. Mrs. Mason's Agency, 131 W. 4M at. CHAMBERMAID?First class; very neat; thoroughly experienced ; good seamstress; most highly recommended ; $ 55. Mrs. Mason's Agency, 15 1 W. 4-d et. Bryant 56.13. CHILD'S NURSE or lady's maid; young Norwegian, inexperienced; city family. O., Misa Hofmayer's Agency, 10 Eaat 43d st., 3d floor. Tel. 8947 Murray Hill. COOK?American Protestant; excellent city references; $60-$65. P., Misa Hof? mayer's Agency, J11 Bast 43d st, 3a floor. Tel. 8847 Murray Hill. COOK?Scotch Protestant; city or sub? urbs; excellent cook; $t>5-$70. K., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 Bust 43d' at, 3d floor. Tel. 81)47 Murray Hill. COOK?Capable young Irish girl; $65; city or country; well recommended. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 Bust 41at, Murray Hill 6774, DAY'S WORKER, excellent cook, cleaner; n<-at, reliable, highly recommended young man: t?.tst Side; 5 ".. 0 0. Mason's Agency, 131, West 42d. Bryant 563;). HOUSEWORKER?Neat, reliable, experi? enced colored girl, three y-ars last place; no Sundays; best references; $15. Mason's Agency, 131 W. 4M st. Bryant, 6633. LADY'S MAID?Canadian; experienced maid; good seam, *ress, packer, ere.: $50. C , -Miss Hofmayer'fc Agency, 10 Bast 43d St., 3d floor. Tel. S947 Murray Hill. NURSE (Scotch Protestant)?.Neat, intel? ligent young girl, experienced growing child, wishes position South; excellent ref? erences; $56. Mason's Agency, LSI W. 42d. NURSERY GOVERNESS or young ladlea' maid; refined, nice-appearing young Frenchwoman; good seamstress; excellent references; $65. Mason's Agency, 131 W. 43d st. TWO COLORED GIRLS?Cook. $66; waltress-\3liambermaid, $50; both most capable; country preferred! excellent ref , crences. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 East 41st, Murray Hill 6774. WOMAN, elderly, wishing to go down South or to a warm climate, to do light house ? work or take caro of children; is also handy in sewing. Call on A. Denfeld. 235 Bust Siith st.. New York. MISCELLANEOUS SENSIBLE^ SALTJS LETTERS; REAL man-to-man messages that go straight to the prospects' self-interest without waste moliun; ask for an ounce of evi? dence and draw your own conclusions. JED SCARBORO, 65|A Halsey st., Brook ; lyn. SURROGATES' NOTICES LANE, EFFIE ISABELLE.?In pursuance i of an order of Honorablo John P. i Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice Is hereby given to all persons having claim? agslnst Effle Isabella Lane, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the samo, with vouchers thtreof, to the subscribers, at their place of transacting buslneite, at ths office of Edwards, O'Loughlin Ac Georg?, their attorneys, at No. 20 Nassau Street, In the Borough of Manhattan, in the City i of N;w York, State of New vork. on or before the 1st day of July, 1920, next. Dated New York, the 22d day of . December, 1919. LOUIS D. STANTON, EDMUND C. STANTON. Executors. EDWARD*, O'LOUGHLlii & GEORGE, Attorneys for Executors, office and P. O. address, 28, Nassau Street, Bor j ough of Manhattan. Now Tork City. j WELLS. HENRY C?IN PURSUANCE OP an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan, I a Surrogate of the County of New York, j notice is hereby given to all perauns hav i tng claims against Henry C. Wells, late of ! the County of New York, deceased, to pre? sent the same, with vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, at their place of trans? acting business, at lb* office of Curtis, ! Mallet-Pirevost & Colt, thetr attorneys, No. ' 30 Broad Sireet, itl the Borough of Man ? hattan. City of Nuw YdVk, on or before the 30th day of June. 1920. Dated, December 27th, 1919. HARRIS D. COLT. i RICHARD C. COLT, (Bxecutora CUBTM. MALLBT-PBEV08T * COLT. Attorneys for ExjteutorF. JO Broad Street, Borough of Manhattan, Meet I Tor* City. . _- -^ ~-^ BUSINESS CARDS 500 Rugs?WUton, 2xm?_?__ ai?lni_"" Brussels. 6x9, 8x10 oil" uf>' U I7t20 eolor'?? i?, ?? ?oat,nl,';;V PUt"1 <"? ?ordered all' '?""'"' *I?..oO to $!>,> up; ,1 000 ?nt'fl? fine I. Ils. ?taira, showrooms, offi, on. $1.2%yurd MEN'S CLOTHING ???EN'S HIGH GRADE SUITS AND BXCEITIONAL VALUES AT ?:I0 and $30. Save _ I ! y-"" Troubles." A. ? D. CLOTILEJ? SHOP 62 West 33d St.. OjppoaJU AleAlpltt. COME UP! WHERE PRICES ARE DOWN Ruy a Stich Suit ur Overcoat direct from maker to wearer and save retailor's profit. Wonderful value?. ?25 to $38.50. Stich Co.. 6-1 Broadway, eighth fiuor. Ble-xkur street subway or "L station ORIENTAL RUGS *?>; ?fnAition. tlty bought for highest cash; appValsl'ng1* specla.ty; call or write. Basnajlan. 3? West 46th at. "Phone G101 Bryant. PATENTS. Over 70 years' practice; all romrmintca tlon* strictly confidential; handbook on patents fi"e on request; special facilities for office consultations. Mnnn * Co., paient at? torneys 611 Wodlworth Building, New York. UNIVERSALLY FAMOUS?The only two ' oioi ink to intain n I >i g ne ral use, $5; agents worterl Nopulitau Pen Co. World Bldg, Room i" York Order One of Our DELICIOUS SMITHFlELD HAMS. C. I. Robinson, No. 515 West ;i2d ?treat. It I- linrohd, \ Lrglnla, HIGHEST PRICES paio for furnltureTa?" ti(ju?s. pianos, bric-a-brac, buoKs, art, ?to. OABAY, t8 University Place. 'Phon? 8tuyv?.saiit 23V7. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY BOt'GHT FOR CASH, estates appraised, pur? chased. BENNETT, j75 Broadway.upstaira WANTED.?-Second hand player piano. Send . .\>- a:?d particulars. A., Bos 765. Tribune Office. BIO BARGAIN.?New and used wardrobe trunks. B06 Sixth av-, bat ;iutli-3lst sts. SURROGATES' NOTICES IN PURSUANCE OF ORDER OF Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE Is herebj given to all persons l-avi'.ig claims against Henry A. J Wflkens, late ?f thi County of New York, dei ????'. to present 11.u wit h vouch? rs there f to thi sub? scriber, .it pi.i , of transacting business, No 120 Broadway, in the City gf New Y"rk, "ii oi before the twenty-sixth day of June next. Dated, New York, the 24th day of De? cember. I ??:'.). WALTER B. DBVEREUX, JR., EDWARD M. McILVAIN, Executors.. JOHN C. TOMLINSON, JR., Attorney for Executors, 16 Broad St., N. V. City. At u Surrogates' Court, held In and for the County of New York, on (lie 18th day of December, in thi year one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, Present, Hon- ; orable Jo)j.n P. Cohalan. Surrogate. In the matter of the estate of Henry A. J. Wll kena. deceased. On application of Wal-, 1er 3. Bevereux, Jr., and Edward M. Melt vain, setting forth tuat they were ap? pointed the Executors of said deceased, and that they are desirous of living such notlc to the creditors of said deceased to present their claims as is authorized by law, and praying that tho Surrogate would make an order directing such notice pub? lished in such newspapers ?s he might ? ?.???m nee- ssary to give notice to said cred? itors. It is ordered that said executors Inse/rt a notice* once In each week for six months, in the New York Law Journal and also in the New York Tribun- re? quiring all persons having claims against said deceased to present the same, with the vouchers thereof, to said Executors, at a place to he specified in such notice, on or before a day therein mentioned, which shall be at least six con: lis from the day . of the first publication of said notice. JOHN P. COHALAN, Surrogate. BROWNING, JOHN SCOTT.?IN PUR3U an^e of an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New i York, notice is hereby given to all persons , having claim!) against John Scott Brown? ing, lata of tho County of New York, de- : ceased, to presen! the same with vouchers '. thereof to subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at the office o? Kose & Paskus, their attorneys, at No. 12S j Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in the City of New Yotrk. State of New York, on or beforo the 30tb day of June, ; 1920. next. Dated, Now York, tho 16th day of De? cember. 1919. WILLIAM HULL BROWNING, ELIZABETH HAYS BROWNING, JOHN SCOTT BROWNING Jr., Executors. ROSE & PASKUS, Attorneys for Execu- ? tors, Ofllce and P. O. Address, 123 Broadway, Borough i,f Mauhattan, New York City. LOTT, GURNET E.?-IN PURSUANCE OF an order of Honorable John P, Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice is hereby given to all persons hav? ing claims against Gurney E. Loft, late of tho County of New York, deceased, to i present the same, with vouchers thereof, ? to the subscriber, at her place uf transact- . ing business, at the oilioe of R. A. Mans? field Hobba, her attorney, at No. 15 Will? iam Street, In the Borough of Manhattan, In the City of New York, State of New York, on or before the 23d day of June, : 1020, next. Dated New York, the 16th day of Da cember, 1919. CLARA W. LOTT, Executrix. R. A. MANSFIELD HOBBS, Attorney i fo'r Executrix, Office and P. O. address, i 15 William Street, Borough of Man? hattan, New York City. DOWNES. SAMUEL B.?In pursuance of an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan, a. Surrogate of the County cX New York. notice Is hereby given to ail fiersons having claims against Samuel B. >ownes, lalu of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same, with voj :h- I ers thereof, to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at the office of their attorneys. Travis, Spence & Hop? kins, No. <>'J Wall Street, In the City of .New York, on or beforo the first day of , July next. Dated New York, the 24th day of ! December, 1919. HARRY R. DOWNES, . FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, Er.ecutors. TRAVIS, SPENCE & HOPKINS, Attor- , n.-vs for Executors, 60 Wall Street. ? New York City. MJCHELHAM, FIRST BARON?IN PURSU anee of an order of Hon. John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New. York, no- j lice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against Herbert First Baron Michel ham of Hellingly, late of the City of London, United Kingdom o? Great Britain and Ire. land, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscriber at its ; l?ace of transa.ting business. No, Hi Wall1 Street. Borough of Manhattan, in the City of New York, on or beforo the 10th day of August, 1920, Duted. New York, the 6th day of Febru? ary, 1920. BANKERS TRUST COMPANY, Ancillary Administrator. BARRY. WAINWRRHIT. T11ACHEU 4 SYMMERS, Attorneys for Ancillary Ad- i minlstrator, 6!) Waii Street, Borough of Manhattan, New York. ROBINSON, GEORGE H.?IN PURSUANCB of an o?d i of Hon. John P. Cohalan. a Surrogate of he County of New iiork, notice is hereby i-iven to all persons having claims against GEORGE H. ROBINSON, late of the County of New . o.-k, deceased, to present the tame with vouchers thereof to the subscrlb- : ers at their place of transacting business at the office of Olney & Comstock, their attor? neys, at 63 William Street. Borough of Man hattan, in the City of New York, on or before the 2?th day of April, 1920. Dated, New York, tbe day of October, m9' RUTH ROBINSON DONNELL. SARAH D. ROBINSON. Ex?cutrices, OLNEY ?- C'OMSTOCK, Attorneys for Ex ecutrlces Office and Postoflice Address 61 i William Street, Borough of Manhattan, New York City._. ! IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER of Honor able John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the ; County of New York, NOTICE is hereby gnea to all ?persons having claims against | Mary Augusta Kemp, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscribers, at I their place of transacting husiness, at the | office of their attorneys, Evarts. Choate, Sherman & Leon. No. o? Wall Street, in the City of New York, .on or before the 20th day Dated, New York, the 12th day of Decem ***' EDWARD CHARI.F.S MEARS KEMP, HERBERT J. B1CKFORD, EVARTS, CHOATE, SHERfiAN & LEON, 60 Wall Street, Borough of Manhattan, . New Y'ork City. Attorneys for Executors, j ?CHRE?TBR? ?Si?RYTFORMERLr JCNQW? i a* Heinrich Schreiter.?in pursuance O? ?9 I ?rder o? Honorable John P. ?ohaian. a Sur. i rotate of tho County of New York, notice I? ; hereby given to all persons having claim? crainst Henry Hchrelter, rormerly known a* Heinrich Schreiter, late of the County of New York deceased, to present the same, with vouchers i hereof, to the subscribers at their nlace of transacting business, at the office of their attorneys, Lord. Day & Lord, No. 4? Wall Street, Borough of Manhattan, in the i"itv of New "ork. on or beforo tbe 27th day of ABA? 1?*0 Dated, Ne" ?"ork, the lith day ?? October. lM' HARRIETT A. acHRBITJEB. LORD. DAY * LORD. Attorney? foi ??? Unite in Fight Against Higher Material Costs Dealers and Manufactur? ers Seek to Prevent m Further Increase in the C?8t of Construction Resumption Seems Near Late Reports of Work Be? ginning on New Buildings Reveal Unusual Activity Dealers and manufacturera of build-1 ing materials and. equipment have be- : come ho decided a unit in protest against further general building ma- ; ter,inl price and construction cost in- ; creases lhat owners and architects are : relinquishing construction projects' that in the recent past have been put aside indefinitely pending more stable cost conditions, according to "The Dow . Service Daily Building Reports" to- j There are several ways for gauging this change. One is by the volume of materials that have moved out of j building material dealers' yards in this city and vicinity to fro into actual con- I struction work. The difference be-1 tween January 1919 and January 1920! in the volume of business handled by dealers in New York is more than 870 \ per cent in the aggregate. The differ- ; once between the totals reported for : last summer and December is nearly 4*>0 per cent. January reports ure uot yet compiled, but the percentage is j likely to be record-breaking for this ! time of the year, and February, although temporarily handicapped in i fiel ivories by the storm last week, doubtless, will head the list for activ- ' ity. Reports Indicate Activity Current reports of new building work .starting reveal unusual activity. There hfs be?n a tendency to take bids on projected new work and then defer the work pending decision on the part of the owner regarding the flow of i prices. It is dangerous now to defer | projected buildings, because delivery '?. and manufacturing conditions have | heretofore affected prices. Orders j have been booked for building mate- j rials and supplies at almost any price to. get them placed, in the general be-: lief that the consumer will be willing; to pay. But the day dawned several months ago when the prospective builder made it evident that he could j not nor would not pay a price beyond the bounds of good business policy, merely to proceed with building plans. Hence the heavy withdrawal of new ; building and alteration projects in Oc- i tober. November, December and almost \ all of January. Against Higher Material Cost To-day, the condition is wholly dif- \ forent. Here is the actual quotation j of a certain building material manu- ; facturer, in a trade letter sent to all j his customers, dated January 31, the ! firm being among the largest of its j kind, doing a national business. "Present prices are entirely too high. We advise, for the present, against purchasing . . . products unless re? quired for immediate use in actual con? struction work. Don't try to cover your future requirements. Prices are sure to come down if the trade will heed this note of warning. The time has arrived to apply the brakes." Various building material associa? tions are circularizing their trades re? garding the danger line of building material price inflation. The language of some of these trade letters says that with the 1920 building season barely a month away, the trade is already in the danger zone, unless price inflation can be stopped. Other letters point out the fact that while there is a gen? erous amount of vitally necessary con? struction work in project that will go ahead regardless of cost, the record breaking potential construction market that would bring prosperity for half a decade or more, can be narrowed down to a fitful construction era for a year or eighteen months, wherein a few big contractors and building material supply firms would flourish, while the general building material and con? tracting industries would not be as well off as they are to-day, which is only slightly removed from the stress of war time. Against Limitation of Market The broadest sentiment in the East? ern construction market to-day is pro? nouncedly against any limitation to the building market of the future, and or the first time in more than a gen oration there is a unanimity of thought in the building industry that seeks to create a market for the greatest good for the greatest number rathe.r than to foster the sort of a market that ! will pander only to one certain trade or interest or industry. The underlying thought in.the East ern building industry to-day is that, there easily can be sufficient business ; for every one for the best part of ten years if trade temptations can be fore gone during the remaining of the re adjustment period, such as cornering of supply, stampeding prices, hoarding against demand, curtailment of produc- ! tion and "sub" baiting. It is toward this point the building industry is ; being drawn by dominant leaders, and ; it has the indorsement ,of financiers, owners, architects, contractors, sub contractors and the best balanced man? ufacturers. There are some price changes cur? rent in the market this week. Window glass discounts have shrunk another point. There is an increase in the price of expanded metal lath, probably reflecting the dearth of wood lath, and official listings are made in the cur? rent price bulletin of the new prices of hollow tile, which have been in ef? fect nominally in this market for some time. These new quotations, reported for the first time officially to-day, will cover this fireprooiing material until April 30, when, if conditions warrant it, reaction may occur. .. ? n ii '. Hollings C. Renton Opens ' Realty Office in 44th Street Hollings C, Renton has opened a real estate and insurance office at 3 East Forty-fourth Street, specializing in the management of business prop? erties, having formerly been associated with the Equitable Life Assurance So? ciety for about six years ia the man? agement of its properties. Mr. Ren? ton announces, the lease made by him to the Dixie "Doughnut Company of the first and second floors at 324 West Fifty-second Street. Rents Home at Searsdale Pease & Elliman have leased for ? term of years, furnished, to Dudley Sicher, of New York, the large Bradford Rhodes house, with several aeres, gar? age and outbuildings, on the ?ast cid? of Weaver Street, Searsdale. . ?? ? ???>?. George McFadden Purchases Plot at Searsdale The Sscarsdale Estates, Robert E. Farley, president, has sold a plot on Fountain Terrace, in the Greenacres section of Searsdale, to George McFad? den, of this city. _ Grove Street Realty Buyer . Ale? A. Olsen hos ?eld ST and 69 ?rotv-Stveai,. twe> three-etcr* bo?d inga, to tit? jCondit Trader?. j I 50 Years Added to Life of Buildings Before the zoning law went into effect the average life of buildings for the purpose for which they were built was about thirty years, al? though their materials and con? struction would warrant eighty years. Sometimes they cotrld not perform the functions for which they were intended more than ten years, because a change in the char? acter of the neighborhood would either cause them to be torn down or altered for some o*her use. Be? fore the zoning law no man could aay what locality would remain resi? dential for a period of ev?Pn five or ten years.?Edward M. Bassett. Hotel Suites Rented Unfurnished at Big Profit Milwaukee Proprietor Gets 25% More for Rooms Unfurnished Than Furnished Space, no matter where located, has value these days. There is a hotel in Milwaukee which had two floors vacant until recently. The section did not warrant the furnishing of these floors until the shortage of housing facilities had developed and then the cost of fitting up the rooms was so great as to be prohibitive. The rooms were then offered unfur? nished. In a short time every suite was taken and at rentals 25 per cent over what they would bring if rented a? hotel accommodation. The floors net the hotel proprietors $5,000 a month. It wouid cost $27,000 to fur? nish the rooms. Their tenants supply the furniture and they give a limited amount of service. Every suite is rented i$)i three months. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOB SALS HOMES WITHIN THE HOUR ALL SECTIONS $6,000 to $50,000 J. CLARENCE DAVIES U NASSAU ST. JOHN 6094 WESTCHEHTER COUNTY COI'NTBY ESTATES FAKMS, FCKNISHED HOUSES. ? ALONG HUDSON RIVER NICHOLS & HOBB1E, 7 East 42d St. NEW JERSEY ) ENGLEW00D,N.J.-;<JS H. Weatherby & Co., Englewood, N.J. BHACHWOOD-For Sale, Lots Nos. 5 3 to 56, -"lock A-37, Plat A. D. ; near station; cash ottered. Reply A., Box 773, Trib? une ffice. TO LET FOR BUSINESS rURFOSES THIRD AVE., 1003 (near 59th st.).?Won? derful large and small iront rooms; heat; one flight up; suitable dentist, doctor par? lor or light business. SURROGATES' NOTICES IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER O? Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York. NOTICE li hereby given to all persona having claims against Emma Swan, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof, to the sub I scriber. at his place of transacting bust ! ness, at the office of William C. Orr, Esq.. ; his attorney, at No. 61 Chambers Street, ? In the Borough of Manhattan, in the City ; ef New York, State oC New York, on or i before the 14th day of February next. Dated. New York, the 8th day of August ltl?. SEYMOUR SWAN, Executor. WILLIAM C. ORR, Attorney for Execu? tor, Office and P. O. Address. No. tl Chambers Street. Borough of Manhat? tan. New York City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of 1 the County of New York, aotice Is hereby : glwen to all persons having claims against Annie T. Lang, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same with ! vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at placo : of transacting business at the office of t Hawkins, Deiafleld & Longfellow, their attor ? neys, at No. 20 Exchango Place, in the City of New York, on or before the 17th day of May, next. Dated, New York, the 3rd day of Novem? ber, 1919. ISABELLA G. B. LOTHROP, CHARLES G. TAYLOR. Executors. HAWKINS, DELAFIELD it LONGFEL? LOW, Attorneys for Executors. 2? Ex? change P'.ace. New York City. ; ROBERTSON. ROBERT H?In pursuance of an order of Hon. John P. Cohalan, a ? Surrogate of the County of New York, notice ? is hereby given'to all persons having claims against Robert H. Robertson, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present I the same, with vouchers thereof, to the sub- I I scriber, at his place of transacting business, , I at the office of Tunis G. Bergen, his an or- : ney. at No. 2 Rector Street, in the Borough ; I of Manhattan, in the City of New York. ! j State of New York, on or before the 17th j ! day of March. lO'.'O. next. Dated, New York, August 2?st. 1919. THOMAS MABKOE ROBERTSON, Executor. i I TUNIS G. BERGEN, Attorney for Execu tor. Office and Postottiee Address, Z ? Rector Street. Borough of Manhattan. New York City. WAD?, LUCY JOHNSON'.?TN PUR3? ance oi an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New < York, notice is hereby given to all per? son? having claims against LUCY JOHN- ; ?-ON WADS, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same with voucher? thereof" to the subscriber, at Its principal place of transacting business, No. 60 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, in the City of New York, on or before the first day of July next. Dated, New York, the lSth day of De- ; cember, 1919. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Temporary Administrator. H. A. CUSHING, Attorney for Tern- ' porary Administrator, 43 Cedar Street, Borough of Manhattan. New York City. WILKINSON, ALICB STROTtO?IN PUR auanee of an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice is hereby given to all per? sons having claims against Alice Strong Wilkinson, late of the Covnty of New York, deceased, to present the same with vouch? er* thereof to the subscribir, a* hi? place o? transacting business. No. 44 Wall Street, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on or before the s?t>?.h day ot April next. Dated, New York, the 16th day of Octo? ber. 1919. FREDERIC De PEYSTER FOSTER, Executor. WILLIAM A. ALCOCK, Attorney for Executor, 44 Wall Street, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York. ? IN PURSUANCE OP aS ORDER OF Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate 1 of the County of New York. NOTICE 1? : hereby given to all persona having claims ! against Almira A. Nash, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the) ? same with vouchers thereof to the sub- > : scriber, at his place of transacting busi? ness, at the offices of Engelhard, Poilak, Pitcher & Stern, hi? attorneys, No. Ill Broadway. Manhattan. In the City of New , York, on or before toe 1st day of July next. Dated, New York, the 16th day of De? cember, 1919. ', DANIEL W. HARNETT. Executor. HNGELHARD, POLLAK. PITCHER & STERN. Attorney? for Executor, 111 Broadway. Manhattan. New York City. LEWIS, ALPHO?N8.?IN PURSUANCE OF an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons ' having claims against Alphons Lewis, late ', of the County of New York, deceased, to i present the same with vouchers thereof t? i the ?ubscribetra, at their place of transact i ing business, the office o* their attorneys, ? Shearman & Sterling, No. 65 Wall Street. in the City of New York, on or before the 10th day of July next. Dated, New York, ta? 2d day ef Jan? uary, 1820. EtrOBNE LEWIS, WILLIAM S. KAHMWXILBR, Executors. HARRIS. EMMET.?IN PURSUANCE OF an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogats of the County of New York, notice U hereby given to all persons having claims against Emmet Harris, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same with vouchers the eof to vbe subscribers, at their place of transacting business. No. 64 Wall Street, in the City of New York, oa or beforo the 16th day of May next. Dated New York, the 3rd day ?f No- : vswteex. 1?1?. MORTON PBRKIN8, __ LSWJg CAW LEDYARD- ?U York Ctt* DANCING INSTRUCTION OVELLS <557 MADISONAV? Cor. 59th St I kB* .?>? S? wit?' ??ttia?. ** ?troction for ? BV. 9 LESSONS, $5 PRIVATE LESSONS, 19 A M. M U P M., without appolBtaMBt. INSTRUCTION Witt r4?i S C H O O L J ^"3/ v vew b-y .. 'J t.en.-j i. ^i*. ?low Yori.- 7 2 ??arU A??., bat. 3 t?roocijrn? Corc?r ; raaiclia a..d Jefferson ???um ? 3 Examinations *W#$r F?in? -? Annapolis gepdfpt* ?* c I? Exasp." New Term jus; beginning. PIERCE i,?V*&?A SHORTHAND -BUS.NES5 ? SECRETARIAL CRAOUATtS PLACED in GOOD POSITIONS PMT m*. iCHOOL. 6? Wetl 4Srt> * Secretarial i-?:rir.i -cdnHosi is? ?li.-.'jt Dar m.Xi STORAGE NOTICES W^^IJSEMAN'S SMJB OF ii?ODS FOR INPA?D CHARGES. In accordai nr] h the provl* r>n of law, there I ng a < iiar*res. for ? the m ; M Stewart, is entiil : et arehousemaB, on tbe goods hereinafter described; end due ? an given to ali parties '?'? -:' i : h< sqela and the time specif] d in euch notice for payment of such charges having expired there wlU be soli at pul auction, ..? Nos 438-442 West "'? -' ? on Thursday February 19th, at 10:3? A. M, the ?mij'u ,ng property : Carpets, can lugs and mat 3 held fa ol Mr*. M L. M s. Ai Marie M. ts. Mrs. Greei Mrs M. Israel, '? ' Mi y v- .\Io-l?y Mr M. P M Mrs. E C Redding, hUs- H. M. Rocke. M '. Kr?. R. c. Watson Jr.; their Interests nvc!.y appear. O:! painting, j,.;.;<>r cabinet, ?lining room svoodeji 1, .. ?:, bed, ?ireaaer, pia!u.;n. held tor the account ?. :" Mrs. Anna M Sad ;? r. Theatrical properties, five boxea said to contain pictures, trunk, no contents; four chairs, one table, 'vares, three spot lights. ; It ?sidelight?, held tor the account ol Zimmerman, Jr. All being now si *Rh said T. M, Stewart in his warehouse, and all to be more specifically announced and described at time o? said Bale T. M. STEWART, NOS ?88-448 WES? WSX STREET. Februa NEW VOKK tlTY. TO Mrs. iford, C. A. Booking Office, Mr?. M. Johnson, Jacob Levy A. P. T'.iiiy and Mrs. L Woiford: You and each of you . :- . fled thai the time for payment of our lien up n the property here inafter described having expired, a'.'er du.> notice thereof ..-?.; given you. we wi.l causo si buffets, books cases, couch s, sofas, dressers, chiffoniers. chairs, ewtng machines, rockers, commodi s, .Is springe, matrresses, pillows, c :.'?:.. ns. tiling cabinets, desks, cos tumers, ... towel racks, hanging brackets, medicine cabinets, rugs, carpets, carpet Bweepers, clothes u ringer?, painting?. pictures, oil stoves, bookshelves, electric lamp? and shades, ntar.:-rl mirrors, window serins, window Shades, jardinieres, oil? cloth, laundry utensils, contents of bureau, chiffonier, buffet and. other drawers, boxes, suit cases, trunks, baskets, boilers, hampers, i barrels, shirt waist boxes,- chests, etc.. sup j posed to contain bedding, linen, hangings, silverware, china, bric-a-brac, books, kitchen j ware, personal effects, etc., stored by you ! or in ?ao\ff name, or on your account (or in I whielfsyou have an interest) in Cooke's Stor? age Warehouse. Inc.. 209-211 East. l_25th ! Street, New York City, to be sold at public I auction at Cooke's Auction Rooms, Inc., 209 2ii Kasi I26ih St? New York City, on Wednesday, '' ISth, 1'j2\>. a: 10:30 Ai M-, according to the statute la ??n.-ii .is? made and provided, and u' sale thereof is not completed on said .late the same will h-? continued at .lie same place on each and every Wednesday thereafter, beginning at ; 10:30 A. M- and continuing until all the goods are sold, or until ail liens are satisfied. : COOKE'S STUIlAdE WAREHOUSE. INC. jos KP n WTELAR, Secretary. SUMMONS SI'PREMR COURT. WESTCHB?TER COUNTY?OTTO SCHULTZ and LOUISE SCHULTZ Plaintiffs against EDGEHTYN COMPANY, INC.. "JOHN DOB" and 'MARY I>"X.' re HN DOE" and 'MARY DOE" being h< persons intended hr-ing the tenai ts ol ? remises ?? nicht to be foreclosed in this action. Defendants. To the above named defendants and each of them YOL ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to an? swer the comj . ; r:..- LCtlon, and to serve a copy of on the plain? tiff's attorney within twentj days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the. day of service, an i In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment wid be taken against you i lefault for th-= relief de? manded in tbe eornps liu, ba>,d, New York", November 17th. 1919. JEAN V. LUTZ. Attorney for Plaintiff, Office & P.' O. Ad? dress 27 Cedar Street, !'...rough of Man* hattan, City Of New York. To the Defendant, EDGEltTYN COMPANT. !N<" : The tor tmons !? served t;p.>n yo.j by publication, pursuant to an order by Hon. William P. Platt, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the Stats of New York, dated the !G;h of January, 1920. and filed with the compl Un? in the office of the Clerk of the County of Westchester, in the Count} Court House, ?n the < - y of Whit? Plains, Slat? of New York. on the iCih day **fT January. 1920, Dated, New York, Januarv j'h, 1920. .??CAN V. LUTE, Plaintiff's Attorney. ?SUPREME COURT OK THE STATE Of* NEW YQRK,?Trial desired in New York County.? ELEONORA WROBLEVTSKI. Plaintiff against KRANK , WROBLEW SKi, Defendant. Summons. Action 1? annul marriage. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: Yul. ARK HEREBY SUMMONED to an? swer the complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your ans?er on the plain? tiff's attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusiva of the day of service: and in case of your failure, to appear, or answer, judgment w'Ul be taken against yo:j by default for the relief de? mande J in the < oiar. Dated, New York December 31st, 191S. FRANCIS X. WA/.ETER. Attorney for Plaintiff, Offi'-f i Pus:office Address. I4S Broadway, Borough of Manhattan. New York City. TO FRANK WROBLEWSKX DEFENDANT: The foregoing ?- tramons is served upon you by publi atl< ' pursuant to an onier ui Hon. Edward P. Finch, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of th* State of New York, dated the 23rd day Of January. 1929, and filed with the compiaJiJt, in the office of tbe Cltrk of New Stork Cc-uniy. at the Cou*ty Cour- II. -..-. In the lioruish of Manhattan. City and State of New tori, on the 2?h day of January. 11*2r>. Dated, New York, January 24th. 19tt. HUM.';.-.' X. V\A/KTER. Attorney for Plaint Iff. 54S Broadway, Manhattan, New Ve! k City. SURROGATES' NOTICES_ IN PURSUANCE OF AN OKDSR OF Honorable John .". Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of -New York, NuTICE la hereby given to s.!i itwons having claims against CHARLES H. STEINWAY. late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof, to the stil>scrib?rs. at. their place of transacting business at the office of Solinger &. Soiinger, attorneys, at No. 179 Broadway, in t?? Borough of Mato- . hattan, in the City of New York. State pf New York, on or before ?be 2Jt* day of June, 1920, ..est Dated. New York, the 12th day of Decem? ber, 1919. _ WILLIAM R, HTEINWAT. PALL H. SCHMIDT. WALTER B. SOLINGER. Executors. BOLINGER & SOLINGER, Attorneys for Exs-cutors, Office and P. O- Addreo? Ht Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, New York Oy , ROTCB. MINNIE C.??N PtTUrUANC? of an orde,r of Honorable John JP. Co? halan. a Surrogate of the County of Wow York, notice i* hereby give? to all per? sons having claims agaiast Minais C Royce, l?t? of the County of New York. deceased, to presefit the same, with vouch? ers thereof, to the subscriber, ?t ble piaee of transat ting bustoess, at the office of Butler, Wyckoff & Campbell, bl? attorney?. i at No. 54 Wall Street, in the Borough of 1 Manhattan, Inxhe City of New York. State of New ?VrkAn er before the 2kib day of J?m?. 1'j2?, T?ext. Dated NV-W York, the 10th day of Dp comber, 1919. FREDERICK B. CAMPBELL, Executor. BUTLER, WYCKOFF * CAMPBwt_. Attorneys for Executor, Office and ?", O. address, il Wall ?treol. BoroAUlt *i MaabAttas. Mow Tark Cttjw ^