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Phono, Rector 8000 Joscphthal & Co IM Broadway, New York Members New York Stock Exchange Foreign Government Bonds Private Wire? to Principal Cities Si MmetsmmmnmmmmmmoMUi PRICHITT #CO. MiM?tnt or NIV YO.IR ?TOOL IXCHAMOB INVESTMENT SECURITIES SIXTY- BROADWAY MEW YORK CITY ? ' ? i ??????????????? ???????sssssm? Oil Fields of Venezuela and Colombia with MAP Ash, for Cheviot A. 6 Geo. A. Huhn & Sons Member* New York Stock Exchange Philadelphia Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange New York Cotton Exchange 111 Broadway 1416 Walnut St. New York Philadelphia Butler Bros. New Stock ^Butler Bros., the largest Mail Order House in the world doing business exclusively with retail? ers, has announced an increase in its capitalization and a division of the old high-priced shares into shares of smaller par value. Holders of the old high-priced shares received five shares of the new stock for each share of the old stock so held, and in addition were accorded the right to pur? chase one share of the new stock from the Company for each ten shares of stock so held. Butler Bros, is perhaps the premier investment security in the city of Chicago. Sharehold? er! ox no concern have en? joyed larger dividends, both In cash and in the form of stock bonuses, etc. We heve in preparation an ana? lytical circular describing in detail Butler Bros, neto stock and setting forth our reasons for recommending purchase of the same. This will be meited to you upon request, F.A.Brewer&Co. 208 South LaSalle Street CHICAGO Odd Lots Write Dent. 19 (g?HOLM&(H^r*MAH Memoirs ttow Toris Stools Wmohemeo 7! Broodwa* New York City Uptown Office.J? MX ?in? it. Bursss? Office. lit Lenox Av.. cor. lift? *t froox Office..Ill K. Ultk It. areeklr* Office..M Court St Tenkers N Broadway Newark Office.777 Bread St. I i ? ii. .. i. i .,??;. : i i ',.,", i Jeeee Hort hae been appointed by Jacauelta dt De Coppet to represent them f n the New York, Stock Exchange, trading In odd lot* i Railroad Stocks Enjoy Greatest Boom in Months Spurt in Afternoon Carries Prices of Transportation Issues Up Nearly 3 Points on the Average Stimulated by the announcement that the House and Senate conferees had agreed on the provisions of the i railroad bill and that the mensure ' would be reported out of conference to-morrow, railroad shares yesterday enjoyed the greatest boom witnessed in that section of the market in months. | The movement started late in the after- | noon, when Texas Pacific soared under ; the impetus of a sudden and apparent? ly urgent demand,, and within a very! few minutes the whole railroad group i was advancing rapidly. For a time the ! rails presented a spectacle comparable ] with the movement of industrials at j the peak of the boom last November, i Prices climbed so rapidly that order* "at the market" were In many cases executed a point or two above the price reported on the ticker when the orders I were placed. The average gain in twenty representative railroad stocks, i all made in about a half hour of trad- I ing, was just short of 3 points, and in I individual issues the- gains ran up as ? high as 6% points, which was the net ? advance of Chesapeake & Ohio. South- j ern Pacific, which was up 4^4, and Union Pacific, up 5 points, were es pecially prominent in the advance once ? the movement got under way. At the high point of the day Union Pacific j showed a gain of 7% points over the ; ?ow price on Monday. Buying of the rails in the beginning apparently came from banking quar tera, in which a decided change in ; sentiment regarding the outlook for j the carriers was in evidence. But j before the movement had gone very far ; there was a rush of speculative buying ! for the turn. Some short covering was also reported, but it was rela- j tively unimportant in volume. The thort interest in the rails, brokers as? sert, has not been extensive at any time during the recent break. Rail? road stocks have undergone a tre? mendous liquidation, thousands of hold? ers having disposed of them owing ' to the uncertainty as to the outcome of government control. An interesting feature of the market was that the interest in the industrials died out at soon as the upward move- | ment of the rails began. Transactions ? in industrials were probably lighter j during the last half hour of trading ? than in any similar period in many ? weeks, and the trend was downward. [ During the earlier trading strength of the oil shares was the outstanding feature. The statement of oil experts that there was danger of a serious ] shortage of petroleum helped this sec- ; tion of the list. Other industrials ; moved erratically, with price changes ? unimportant except in the hich priced speculative issues. Crucible Steel was j weak and got well under 200 again, while General Motors, a ter selline at the low prices of the year, rallied ! ?harply and Closed with a net gain of 6 j points. j Money and Credit j For the first time since January 23 j the renewal rate for call money yes- j terday was 6 per cent, and that was the rate that obtained all day. Stock Ex- : change borrowers said there was mor? i money to be had than was needed. There was also some talk of easier time money, one broker reporting a ; loan at 7 per cent on all Liberty loan collateral. On all industrial collateral, however, the banks continued to ask 9V6 and 10 per cent. Banks were said to be in greater supply of money lend able on call because of deposits being made to be checked out later on income tax payments. The ruling rates for money yester? day, compared with a year ago, follow: Yester- Year Call money: day. ago. On mixed collateral. 6 5V4 . On indust'l collateral 6 6 Time money (mixed collateral) : Sixty days ....... 9%@10 Vk@:Wa Nirety days .9%@10 6V4<&5% Four months _9M?@10 ?V*(s.oM, Four to six months 9*4@10 B^tgSV? Bank Clearings ? Bank clearings in , New York and other cities yesterday were : Exchanges. Balances. New York.$968,918,457 $60,129,959 ' Baltimore. 14,960,135 4,602,444 ; Boston. 68,171,624 14,562,692 ! Philadelphia... 84,263,526 22,231,066! ?Pittsburgh. 25,545,012 6,682,270 Sub-Treasury?United States Federal , Reserve credit balance, $53,610,186. Silver ? London. 84%d; New York, $1.30; Mexican dollars, $1.00. The Dollar in Foreign Exchange Sterling, francs and lire turned a ! shade weaker yesterday, but the change i was slight. The day s trading was without definite trend, and operators I expected the market to remain steady for a while until some new factor ia introduced. However, they do not with any confidence feel that rates have become stabilized at the present level, which they regard as a tempo? rary resting place. Yesterday s rates, compared with those of a week ago, follow: (Quoted dollars to the pound.) Yester- Week day. ago. Sterling, demand.$3.85125 $3.3550 Sterling, cables. 8.36 8.8625 Sterling, sixty days... 8.8187B 3.62 Sterling, ninety days.. 8.3025 8.3025 (Quoted units to the dollar.) Francs, check?. 14.85 14.50 Francs, cables. 14.33 14.48 Belgium, francs, chks. 18.82 13.92 Belgium, francs, ebls.. 18.80 13.90 Lire, checks. 18.32 18.22 Lire, cables. 18.30 18.20 Swiss francs, chks.... 6.17 6.06 Swiss francs, cables... 6.15 6.04 (Quoted cents to the unit) Guilder., checks. 37,06 87.75 Guilders, cables. 37.125 37.875 Austrian, crowns, chks. .84 .31 Austrian crowns, cbles .35 .31 Sweden, checks. 18.30 18.45 Sweden, cables. 18.40 18.55 Denmark, checks. 14.40 14.50 Denmark, cables. 14.50 14.60 Norwav, checks. 17.05 17.15 Norway, cables. 17.15 17.25 Pesetas? checks. 17.17 17.47 Pesetas, cables. 17.26 17.65 Greece, ehecks. 11.47 12.11 Greece, cables. 11.49 12.12 Manila, checks. 48.75 48.75 Manila, cables. 49.00 49.00 India, fHpees, checks.. 46.50 45.25 India, rupees, cables.. 46.75 45.50 Japan, yen, checks_47.90 49.00 Japan, yen, cables-48.15 49JE5 Argentina, checks.102.60 102.60 Argentina, cables.102.10 102.10 Brazil, Rio, checks... 27.75 27.76 Brazil, Rio, cables_28.00 28.00 Marks, ehecks. 1.02 1.03 Marks, cables. 1.03 104 Czecho-?lovakia, chTis 2.8 2.8 ^- ? Pacifi? Mills Earned $33.93 A Share on Capital Stock The ?Seifie Mills in the year ended December 27, 1919, handled a total of $44,702^118 of net sales, compared with $67,044,066 In 1918 and $36,941,921 in 1917. After expenses, etc., n?t profits were $6,082,921, equivalent to $83.93 a 1 share ?sdrned on the outstanding $16, 746,360 rtock, compared with $8,7Sl,62?, 1 or 44.8? la she preceding year. ^v Transactions Yesterday in listed Stocks Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings Day before 01,200 6,903,000 787,600 Year ?BO 131.200 485600 616,800 1920 3,799,800 28,991,100 32,790,900 January 1 to dato 1919 1918 3,822,100 8,029,400 13,991,400 16,829,100 17,813,600 21,868,600 Testend ay Railroad stocks .... 174.800 Other stocks . 718.100 AH stocks . 892,900 Yesterday Dsy before Year aro 1920 191? U. S. nmnmsK bonds. $8,898.000 $7,629,000 $8,824 000 W44.961.000 ?314.119,000 Railroad bonds . 1,316,000 1,099,000 1,163,000 61.228,000 60,149,000 oXe?bonds ....... 2 374000 2,061.000 1,314,000 69,416,000 62,318,000 AllI bond. ....... . 12,588,000 10,789,000 11,301.000 665,606,000 427,286,000 Record of Stock and Bond Averages (Copyright, 1S2S, fiew Tork Tribuno Inc.) Range thas fsr 1920 Range f ,11 year 191?. Testerdsy. 20 Railroad stocks . 63.30 30 Industrial stocks . 92.13 60 Stocks . 8?-56 10 Railroad bonds . 71.86 10 Indnstrtsl bonds . 90.41 6 Utility bonds . 73.60 28 Bonds . 79.63 Bls-h. Low. DIt. 1920. 1920. Rate 33Va 25 ? 34'/4 ? 65!/4 6 1*4 ? 1% ~ 36/,? 82 8 76 8 8 45', 88% 2 2'/* 63ft 95 ?6% 128% 106 61% 42 ? 143% 1241/, 12 64% 43 4 11% 16!/, 101ft 30% 122 47 120'/, 86% 106% 30/, 72 100/4 16% 140/, 99 100% 74% 165'/2 21% 69>/2 65/4 14 67/a 125 85!/, 82 7% 93 Adams Express ... Advance Komely . A%z Rubber . Alaska (?old Mines Alaska Juncau .... AllU-Chaimers .. . Am A st Chemical... Am Beet Sugar. ?00 Am Bosch Magneto. American Can . Am Car A Foundry. Am Cotton Oil. 80 Am Drug Syndicate. Snlf*. 600 400 200 300 200 700 1000 56 93% 3S'/2 123/, 77 ?6(4 55/, 119% 15'/s ? 60 6 54 4 7 ? 48/,? 8900 200 3600 7100 3900 1400 1800 95 6 American Expresa.. 18% ? Am Hid? A. Leather 101% 7 Am Hide & L pr... 38 4 Am Ice Securities... 87 6 Am Inter Corp.... 74% 3 Americsn Linseed . 82 6 Amor loro . 16% ? Amer Ship & Com. Amer Smelting ... Amer Smelt pr.... Amer Steel Kdy... Amer Sugar . Amer Sumstra Tob. Amer Tel & Tel... Amer Tob Sec. American Woolen .. American Zinc .... American Zinc pr.. Anaconda . 5600 Ann Arbor ...._ 1300 Ahso Dry Goods!_ 2000 Associated Oil . Atch, Top & San Fe Atch, Top & S Fe pr Atl, Birm & Atl_ Atlantic Coast Line. Atlantic, Gulf & W I Atlantic Refining Net Open. High. Low. Clos?, chge. BM, 28Va 31 28/, 31 + 2/s 28 38'4 38'/a 38'/4 38"/4? % 38 69ft 69ft 69ft 69ft? % 69 1ft 1ft 1% 1%- 1H 1% 1% 1% 1%- 1% 38% 39/4 38% 39/4 + 1 39'/4 861/4 87/, 86'/4 87/,+ 1/a 87/, 81% 81% 80% 80%+ % 80% 2000 109 109 106/, 109 ? I'/i? 110 5100 42/4 43ft 42 43%+ 1 43/, 1400 128'/a 130/4 127/, 130/4+ 2% 130 300 44/4 44/4 44/4 44/4+ 1 43% 200 12 12% 12 12/,-f Va 12% 200 96ft 96ft 96ft 96ft -f % 96 1200 21% 21% 21/4 21/4- 21/a 2000 103 104 102 104 ? Va 104 300 40 40 40 40 -f Va 39/s 91/a 92/4 89% 92/,+ % 92 77/a 77/a 77/, 77/,? ft 77 86 91 86 90'/2+ 2/2 90 21/a 19% 21%+ 1% 21/, 62 Va 60% 61%? ft 61% 94/4 94/, 94/4? 3/4 94 42 40/a 42 + Va 41/, 124% 126 + 82% 83%+ ft 83 96% 97%+ % 97V 66% 58%+ 1/e 68? 119% 125/2+ 3/2 125 126% 126% 107 76 6 76 5 6/s ? 84 7 176/a 140/4 10 113/, 112/, 7 123/a 103/a 102/8 98/, 33/a 28/4 49 42 93 69ft 134ft 115 111/a IO5/4 19% 61ft 94/4 41 700 124% 128 1000 82% 83 /a 4900 97 97ft 3900 57/, 59% 21600 122/2 126 200 16 16 200 50 50 60 50?2 62/2 54 56/a 57 65/2 57 + /a 56/2 67/4 Il/a 14 11/a 14 +3 12/a 14 51/, 6IV4 49 60!'a? 1'/a 49% 50/2 200 113 113 113 113 + 4 113 118 6400 79 83 79 82/2+ 3/a 81 83 100 77 77 77 77 + ft 76/2 77/2 200 7/a 7/2 7/2 7/a+ % 7 7/2 1000 88 88ft 88 88ft+ 1 112/4 113/4 1900 142?/2 145/2 141% 145/2+ 2'/a 146 148 100 113/a 113/a 113/, 113/,+ Va H2/4 113/4 3/a Baldwin Locomo Co. 66100 IO8/4 108ft 105% IO8/4+ % 108/, 98/2- 98 31/a+ 2 31/4 44+2 43 /a 69ft?10/, 65 100 1700 600 300 98'/2 29/, 42/, 69ft 1 ? 1% 31ft 95/4 102/a 14% 10 15 120 8 11/a 29/4 27/4 28% 85/2 46 75'/? 68 134 100 97 104% 72 108/2 104/a 61% 45/4 62 47 144ft 118% 56% 47 6 9 25 38/2 54/4 87% 120% 113 IO6/2 82 28/4 72 61/, 45/4 21/4 41% 40% 44/a 24% 65/a 67 56 20% 93% 13% 00 107 31/4 17/a 81 6 84/2 5 10% ? 6% ? 10 ? 93 10 6% ? 7% 22 15 ? 17 ? 74/4 6 27% ? 65 7 59/2 4 115/4 10 7 6 7 4 4 8 4 4 ? 7 ? 21 2 30/4 ? 453/4 ? 700 600 200 16900 1000 16C0 800 1100 200 400 1200 200 1000 1600 76 23 /a 64/a 64 42 15/, 32/4 33% 36/4 20 36/a 52 46 1?% 78 11 76/4 101 Bald Locomo Co pr. Baltimore & Ohio... Baltimore & Ohio pr Barnett Leather . .. Barrett Company ... Barrett Company pr. Batopilas Mining Beth Motors . Beth Steel . Beth Steel Class B. . Bklyn Rap Tran... Bklyn Rap Tran ctfs. Booth Fisheries Co.. Burns Bros . Brunswick . /a Butte Cop & Zinc... Butte & Sup Cop_ Butterick Co . Caddo Oil . Calif Packing . Calif Petrol . 2000 3V/ Calif Petrol pr. 200 69 Calumet sV Arizona... 200 61 Canadian Pacific_ 3800 118 Case, J I, pr. 200 97 Central Leather. 3900 76'. Cent Leather pr. Cerro de Pasco. Certalnteed Corp .... Chandler Motors .... Chesapeake & Ohio... Chic & East 111 pr... Chic Gt Western. Chic Gt West pr. Chi M & St P. Chic, M&.8tPpr.. Chic & Northw'n_ Chic St Nwn pr. Chic Pneum Tool_ Chic, R I & Pac_ Ch, R I & P 7% pr.. Ch, R I & P 6% pr.. C, C C & St Louis. Chile Copper . Chino Consol Copper 400 115/g 116/a 115/, 116/,? % 115/a 116% 200 IO5/4 106 IO6/4 106- 106 106 /a 1 21 81/a 87% 12/a 9% 10% 105 6ft 8% 24 19 20. 79% 33 69 61 121 97 97 97 ? /a 78/4 76/a 78 + '/, 200 104/a 104/a 104/a 104/, 1400 48'/a 49 48 49 + /a 300 49% 4934 4934 4974? 1/4 6600 125/4 12934 124/4 129/4+ 2 1500 4934 55/4 49?4 55/4+ 7 117/, 109 7 National Aniline pr. 6 Nat Cloak ft Suit... ? Nat Con & Cable. . . 6 Nst Ensmel & Stpg. 5 Nstlonsl Lead . 7 National Lead pr... ? N R R of Mex 2d pr 1/e Nevada Consol Corp. ? Now Or, Tex ft Mex 10 New York Air Brake S New York Central.. ? NY, Chi ft St Louis 2?/, Now York Dock. 5 New York Dock pr.. ? N Y, N H ft H. 10900 1 N Y, Ont ft West... 4600 7 Norfolk ft West_ 1200 7 North Pacific . 6600 6 Nova Scotia Steel ... 700 4 Ohio Gas . 2000 /, Okla Prod ft Rofln.. 1500 ? Ontario Silver . 1000 ? Otis Steel . 3 Owens Bot Msch... 6 Pac Gss ft Elec 6 Pan-Amer Petrol . .. 7 Pan-Amer Pet B 3 Parish A Binghsm.. 3 Penn R R. ? Penn Sesb Steel ? Peo Gas ft Coke ? P?re Marquette .... ? P?re Marquette pr. . 5 Pere Marq prior pr. 3 Philadelhpia Co .... 4 Pitts, C C ft St L. . ? Pierce Arrow . 8 Pierce Arrow pr.... ? Pierce Oil . 8 Pierce Oil pr. ? Pitts ft West Va... 6 Pitt? ft West Va pr 1 Pond Creek Coal_ 8 Pressed Steel Car... 8 Pullman Pal Car... 5 Punta Alegre Sugar. 8 Railway Steel Spring 2 Ray Consol Copper.. 4 Reading . 8900 2 Reading 2d pr. 200 ? Rem Typewriter. 400 7 Rem Type'r 1st pr. .. 700 117/4 120/,+ 1/4 120 103ft 106 48/a 49/a 900 4 300 8 300 22 500 32 400 50 2000 78'/ 200 116 300 83 6000 253 2000 67 700 58 300 45 700 16' 1000 353 Coca Cola . 2600 Col Fuel & Iron_ 300 Col & Southern_ 600 Columbia Gr.iph .... 4600 Col Gas & Electric. . 200 Comp Tab Record... 200 Consol Int Calla Min 74900 Continental Can ... 6C0 Continental Candy . 400 Corn Products . 7600 26/a - 233/a 191 12 100 54/a 85 96 19.1 9 13% 4/4 28 39 29 147 13ft 21/a 15 95 89/a 33ft 48 36/2 19/2 100 75% 94% 346 89?4 85/4 90 85ft 102% 65/2 49% 81 Va 41 38/, 84ft 62% 108 38/4 18 90 22/2 61% 4/4 135 61ft 111ft 69/a 26% 89/, 5 61/a 16/t 47 /a 152/a 106 90 33% 48/a 91% 19% 38ft 44/a 18 32 28 70 183% 160 1121/2 98 64 61 136/4 10? 48 33/a 36% 131 ?22 26 71% 62% 14 ?ft 14 28ft 43 ?9/t 00% 38ft 25 72ft 97 7 40/4 ? 79/a 7 89% 9 165 10 6 ? 9 ? 3'/i ? 20/2 ? 35 3 20 ? 108 5 9/a ? 17% ? 12/a ? 65/, 8 85 8 26/4 2 33 ? 21 ? 12 ? 98 68/, 85 225/2 73/a 69/a 84 66/4 ?94/, 37 ? 32 2 68 /a 7 33 4 29% ? 68% ? 60 4 88 7 35 ? 13 1 80ft 7 13/, ? 50/, 6 3% ? 114 6 27% ? 76/, 6 60 7 19% ? 72/a ? 5 ? 397/, ? 13ft ? 44 4 108 4 96 8 87 ? 27% 2 6 6 7 12 6 6 7 6 7 Corn Products pr. Con Textile . 700 27 Crucible Steel . 35900 197 Crucible Steel pr_ 200 98 Cuba Cane Sugar.. . 8900 43 Cuba Cane Sugar pr 700 80% Delaware & Hudson. 3600 90'/4 Del, Lack ft West.. 400 170 Den ft Rio Grande.. 1600 6% Den ft Rio Grande pr 1200 10/4 Dul, So Shore ft Atl 100 4 Elk Horn Coal. 400 21/4 Elk Horn Coal pr. .. 200 33 Emerson-Brandt _ 200 22/4 Endicott-Johnson Erie . 2400 12 13!/ Erie 1st pr. 29C0 18% 20!/ Erie 2d pr. 500 12% 14 Famous Players ... 2600 70% 72'/ Famous Players pr.. 400 86/2 87 Fed Min & Smelt pr. 200 28>/2 28! Fisk Rubber Tire_ 4000 34'/, 34^ Freeport Texas _ 1400 23/, 24 Gaston Wms ft Wig. 2600 13 13'/ Gen Chem Co pr... 200 98 98 General Cigar . 2000 65/2 65? Gen Cigar pr deb_ 200 85/8 85! General Motors . 319C0 225% 2?8 4 ? 1 8%? /? 23 + 1 36 + 3% 63+3 81/a+ 2/a 116 + 3 82?2 29 + 3/4 70 + 2ft 64 + 6/4 45 + I/a 163/4+ '/, 36 + 1 39 + 1 38/4? Va 23+3 42/4+ 1/a 56 ? Va 47 + 1 18%+ /, 80 - 11/s? /s 80/,+ '/, 61800 100% 101 124% 98/a 6 Repub Iron ft Steel 10634 IOO/4 7 Rep Ir ft S.teel pr.. 110% 93ft 6.20 Roy Dtch, N Y sh. 21% 13%? Saxon Motors . 1000 15/, 19% 15% ? St Lou & San Fran.. 6800 17/a 27 23/2 ? St Lou & San Fr pr. 400 26% 14 11 ? St Louis Swn . 200 13 25/a 21 ? St Louis Swn pr_ 300 24 7/a 6/a ? Seaboard Air Lino. . . 2900 7/4 I5/4 123/4 ? Sesb Air Line pr_ 400 14 12ft 10% 1 Shsttuck ft Aril. 800 11% 90/4 75/a % Shell Trans Ter. 10800 80 4834 343/4 ? Sinclair Oil . 39900 38/4 82',4 64 6 Sloss-Shef St ft Iron. 200 69 105% 88/, 6 Southern Pacific_ 13100 92/, 23 18 ? Southern Railroad .. 3100 20/4 56/2 50 6 Southern Rail pr .. 300 52ft 86/2 60 4 Stromberg Carb _ 2600 58/4 115% 8I/4 7 Studebaker . 29100 85/4 137/a 100% 5 Stutz Motors . 600 111 12/4 9/4 ? Tenn Cop ft Chen?.. 2200 10 231 166/, 10 Texss Company 43% 25 ? Texas ft Pacific 98/, IOO/4? 1/a 100'/. 100% 200 100ft 100ft 100ft 100ft? /, IOO/2 102 9100 96/4 IOO/4 96/4 IOO/4+ 3ft 100 100/4 Texas Co 30% pd 9600 178/4 183% 177 3000 28 32 27% 200 IO4/4 104% 104/4 IO434 + 33,4 195/4 196 110%? 3/4 112/a 113% 63 48% 53 40/a 204/a 176 6 Tobacco Prod . 3900 67 7 Tobacco Prod pr_ 200 92</2 ? Tobacco Prod rts .. 2000 % ? Trsn Con Oil. 10600 22/4 6 Trsnsue W Steel_ 200 55/2 8 Underwood Type Co. 300 172 8 Union Bag & Paper. 200 88/2 ? Union OU . 15900 29/, 10 Union Pacific . 16200 115 4 Union Pacific pr. ... 400 66 3/2 United Drug 1st pr.. 300 49% 4 United Alloy . 700 44 12 United Fruit . 400 182 ? United Ry Invest... 300 9/2 ? US Cast I P ft Fo. 200 5 U 8 C I P ft F pr.. 400 2 US Food Prod . 1600 9 US Industrial Alcoh 11200 11534 109ft 80% 68% U S Realty ft Imp .. Un Retail Stores.... Un States Rubber.. . U S Rubber 1st pr... U 8 Smelt ft Ref_ U 8 Smelt ft Ref pr U 8 Steel . 100 12900 24100 18 45 58% 82 45 68 97 /a 100 173/a 173/a 173/2 173/s 200 110/4 HO/4 HO/4 HO/4? 1/a HO/4 111 300 64 64 64 200 45/2 45/2 451/2 61900 971/2 98% 961/4 U 8 Steel pr. 1600 1103/a 110/3 110 Utah Copper . 800 69% 71% 69% Vanadium Steel _ 100 Vs-Carolina Chem . 400 V? Ir, Coal & Coke. 200 Wabaeh . 1000 Wabash pr A . 1600 Wabash pr B . 400 West Maryland _ 2000 West Msry 2d pr ... 500 West Pacific . 2000 48 6234 77 7/a 22/a 15 9/a 15 23 58 Va 84/a West Pacific pr_ 100 West Union Tel _ 200 Westing Air Brake.. 100 110 Westinghouse Mfg . 1600 50 Wilson Co . 200 Wheeling ft L E ... 5100 Wheeling & L E pr. 100 White Motors . 1000 Willys Overland ... 15600 Willy? Overland pr.. 300 68 101/4 19/2 53 2434 88 48 63 77 8/a 24 15 10/2 17% 24/a 58I.-2 841/a 110 50/4 68 12/, 19/2 53'/2 25 88 63 64% 45/2 46 /a 98/2 98% HOI/2 111 71/4 7U 47 62/a 77 8 23?4 15 IO/2 17/a 24 57 84 109/a 50/, 67 11% 19 63 24ft 87 ?Ex dividend, Woolworth . 300 122/, 122/, 122/, 122/?+ 1% 122 Worth Pump ft M.. 1000 74/2 75ft 74/2 75ft+ 3 75/a /* 48 63/a 82 8/4 24 16 10% 20 2434 60 85 110 50/4 69 12 20 54 25 89 125 77 3000 80'/ 200 60 3900 20? 800 743, 300 5 400 42 200 15 400 44 800 114 200 98 General Motors pr. . 400 Gen Motors 6% deb. 2600 Gen Motors 7% deb. 200 Goodrich, B F. 3600 Goodrich, B F, pr. .. 800 Granby Mining . 400 Gray Davis . 200 Great Northern pr. . 2600 Gt North Ore subs.. 1400 Greene Can Copper. 200 Gulf State Steel. 200 Hask ft Bark Car Co 300 Hartman Corp . 200 Hendoe . 200 Hupp Motor . 700 Illinois Central - 1900 Int Agricul . 200 Inspiration Copper . 3800 Interbor-Con Corp .. 800 Internat Harvester . Int Mer Marino...... Int Mer Marine pr.. Int Mot Truck 2d pr. Internst'l Nickel .... Internat! Paper. Iowa Central . Iron Products . Kansas City South... Kan City South pr... Kelly Springfield - ?Kelly Spfd 8% pr. ... Kelsey Wheel . 300 Kennecott Copper ... 3600 24ft 1.20 Keystone Tiro . 4600 68 6 Lackawanna Steel .. 3900 16 ? Lake Erie & W pr. 300 28 ? Le? Rubber ft Tire.. 400 40/a 3/a Lehigh Valley . 1000 14/, ? Lig ft M Tob Co rts. 9100 25/a 2 Loews, Ino . 1600 17/, ? Loft Candy . 1400 46 ? Loose-Wiles Bis _ 1000 12 7 4 10 3?% 7 2?/a - 18/a ? 117ft 7 161/, 10 21/4 2 22% 43/, 4 9 ? 6 ? 8% 21 ? 36 ? 62 S 99 7 SS/* 31 HO/4 7 44 ? 233/a 234/a 76/a 76 % 31?2 62 - 64 + 1 88+2 38+8 14 + Va 87/4+ 3/4 16 - 1/4 53/4+ /, 3%? V* 82/a+ 1% 60?6 20%+ I/, 76/,+ 1/, 42/a+ Va 16/2+ 1% 45 + /, Bid and Asked Bid. Asked. Allis-Chal pr.. hi) fiHi'iM Am Bk Note. 40 45 lue dour. ii% 45H? ?o lu pr... Am Bl Su? pr 88 91 iiut. papor pr Am 11 S & F 87 lOOVsUct SilM.ll pr . do pr . ? 200 -lut Suit Am Cm pr... 95 ?8 luw? Centrai" Am ? * f pr.ll?Vi lH*U?oi Va?. Am Co* OH or ? 87 l do pr Am lea Sea pr M 60 IJotiu? Ta? Am La France 12% 13}?!.) Kajier Am Unseed pr 94 96 iKt'Vts Am Loco or...102 lut! Am Malt & Ur 3014 aa Am Slupbld,.. ? 12S Am Bm pr A.. 79 ?l Am Suuff ur.. 82 00 Am St Kdy pr 91 92 Am Suaar pr. .11? 118 Am Sum TVpr. 83ft 80 Am T>ji it C.. 59 55 Tobacco...223 Bid. Asked. Harr pr .111% 113 Mot Truck ? 120 4h do i pr new.. 93U .6 Woolen pr.lOllS 103 115% 113 115^4+ % 116 98 98 98+1 98 Lorillard, P . 200 164/, 164/a 154/2 154/a+ 4/2 162 200 34100 Louisv & Nsshv. Mackay Cos pr.... Manat? Sugar .... Man Elevated .... Manhattan Shirt .. Maxwell Motor Co.. May Dep't Stores... Mexican Petroleum. Miami Cons Copper. 1,20 Middle SUtes Oll . M id vale Steel . 4800 Minn ft St Lou new. 300 Mo, Ksn * Texss_ 3900 Mo, Kan ft Tex pr... 200 Missouri Pacific . 8900 Missouri Pacific pr... 1000 Montana Power. 400 Montana Power pr... 200 National Acras . National Biscuit National Aniline 1600 100/, 900 62 200 111 400 46 ft 300 29/2 200 22/, 100/, 62 111 47 30/, 24 l'a 100 62 110 46/4 29/a 22/, 100 + 62 + 1 110 ? 4 47 - 30^+ % 24/a+ 27/4 20 49 155 Va 101% 103 62 62/, 102/a 103 46 49 29 /, 30 23 27 100 117ft 117ft 117ft 117ft? % 117ft 11814 19600 167/a 174% 166 171/4+ 2% 171/4 172 22 34/a 45/* 11 7/a 11ft 23 89/, 63 99/, 300 361/4 300 111 2000 61 22 36 46 I2/4 8/4 13/a 26/4 41 63% 99/, 361/4 112 63% 22 33% 46 11 7ft 11ft 23 39^ 63 99ft 36/4 111 ?1 22 ? 1/4 34%+ /, 46 + 1/4 12/4+ 1% 8/,+ V/a 13/a+ 2% 26 + 3/4 41 + 2ft M%+ 1% ?9/,+ /, 36/4+ ?/? 112 + 1% 110 ?3%+ 2% B3J/, 22 ?"7B 46 12 8ft 13 28% 40ft 63 ?9 36/a 22% 34% 46ft 12ft 8ft 14 26ft 41ft 63ft 100 36ft 112 MM Ann Arbor pr. 23 Aaeeu Keailz. . 3 H A D O 1st or 69 do 2d pr ... 68 A Q A W I pr 60 Auto Sales Cor U% do pr . 2?2 Bald Loco pr. 98 Bam Leath pr ?0 Beta 8t 7th pr 97 Bklyn Edison.. 91 Bklyn U C?a?.. 62 Brown Shoe... 90 do pr . 9? Bums Bros pr 99 Buff RAP.. 46Vs do pr .? Buff A 8uaq. ? do pr .? Bush Term .. ? Cal Pao? pr..lir 73 70 16 28 hi 85* 4 16 24 ,, .,,.1U6 KCKtS&M pr.. 52 ivoi ?uriiyj ur 93 lvuiat>> Wu ur Uli Kook A 1> it 8 ?do pr . 20 Krrago S 8... 126 ''o ?X .lui kj-oa? & Ob... 78 , do ur .luo Liclodt? Gas... 3? 1. K i We4t. Ug? i M Tob. 157 T do pr .100 L-H B lit pr. 98 do 2d UT....110 Xjorlllaxd F pr.104 Mackay Cos . m Manat? Bug pr S)5 M an hat Boach V Mar Kockwaii. 60 100 90 70 8 17 ih 115 63 M% 9b 5 Bid. i Tide Wstor O.160 Tt>ii,&\V ctfs.. 10 do pr ctf?., 15 Twin City U T 30 do pr . ? Vnd IVpew pr ? U C 8 of Am. 160 do pr .108 United Drug...l;;0 do 2d pr. .130 OBI Aleo pr oy U S S A It pr. 46* 22 3H4 104 Bid. Asked. Utah Sao Corp i>% 10 Va-Car Ch pr.100 107 Vul Dettnulng. 24 26 do pr . 88 90 W-Pargo Ex.. 47 60 W Mfg, 1st pr 62Vfc 6? Wilson Co pr. 95 9$ Willys-Over pr 25 34 Woolworth prill 113 W P&M pr A ? 9? , do pr B.... ?? Tl Stock Ex Dividend 19 Acme Tea 1st pf. 1* 8!4 100 09 110 60 100 70 100 125 0 ?J pr:: 8 Can South .. 41U Cent Fdry ... 20 ? do pr ...... 80 ? Cent of N ?..163 ?10 0 A S A Tel. 110 114 Ow Cor Ul pr 84? Chlo A Alton ? do pr . 9 8 s K la pr, S St T U AC do pr . ??C?JKL _. Ctast8-Poabod> 85 do_pe .1*1 Col ?A I pr. ? C A B l?t pr 41 do 2d pr_ 40 Col Graph pr ? O? Os-r pr. TTH Con Ou _ T6 Coot Can pr. .104 Com Incur ...ft On* Carpes.. So Cub-A Buxsf..8?0 do pr . p9 Ootr Edison...108 T>etr V R R.. ? Diana Malen.. 118 p S B A A pr i Durh Hosiery. 86 do pr .98 Bm-Brsndt pr 8?H . Math Alk .. ... ?'S May D St pr.104 Mex l'oiroi pr ?i Mich Cwitml. S2 M?tl'&SSM pr ?0 , d? i 1. 50 MorrU & E?s. 7,jia Mullina Body. 40 do pr . 97 N'a?h A Chat. 100 Nat Biscuit pr.llO N Clk & 3 pr.100 -N'at B &. H pr.101 NBJlofM 1st pr ? NVC&StL 1 pr 63 do 2d pr- 42 Y L, & W.. 85 N'orfolf Bouth. 10 Norf & W pr. 89 Ohio Fuel ... 4S Oti* Elevator. 120 do pr ..110 O?a Steel pr.. ? Owens B M pr ? Paolflo Coaat.. 15 io 24 pr.... 45 Pacific Develop 85 Pactno Mall ., 25 Pacific I? la Pan-A Pet pr.175 Ponn I C pr.. 91 JVorla A East 11 Pettlbofie Mulll S3 rtirbsaks .. red \Oa A 8 11 ?laher Body..183 do pr . 80 Gen Cham .,. 180 On Cigar W.. 62 Gulf MAN.. 7 do pr . is In* Asrteult pr ?s 10? 75 55 440 105 if?* 100 128 8 ?4 103 ??Vi ? Ti do Ut pr P Ft W A C.122H 131 107% 48 10 176 110 100 120 107 70 100 70 25 110 100 40% ULI 112 103 U 70 49 127 1?7 PttU Steel pr. Pr 8tl Car pr.101 P B O of N J. 65 Ry St! Bpg pr.102 Reading 1st pr 34 H Rep Mot Trunk 45 Hoara-Roeb .215 81-8 8 A I pr 90 S P R Sugar. 200 do pr .110 Stand Mining. 120 do j? . 80 Stew Warner.. 40 Studabakor pr. 90 18* 18S 10? 185 8 ?Super 8teel i>r.l?0<a ??5 80?, T A P Ld Tr.240 350 T? iTturd A? R B Uta 11 Feb. Feb. 28 American Expross ....'.'.' ? ?T Feb. 27 Am Smert & Ref.. .. 1 Feb. 20 Brown Shoe . . iac Feb. 20 Cerro de Panco Copper:"" 1 36 Delaware St Hudson . 314 Feb Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb Feb. Feb Feb 28 Diamond Match 20 General Chemical 34 " 24 General Cigar pf. i%? 20 Green Bay & West R ?..'.'. t 21 Harbison-Walker Refract.!... 1>4 28 Int Motor Truck temp 1st pf! S'A 28 do 2d pf . a2 Feb. 21 Manhattan Shirt .!.?3 4in Feb. 18 Martin Parry Corp . iT Feb. 20 Middle Statea Oil temp. ! ! ! '. '.2 atk Feb. 20 do Feb. 20 National Cloak ? "suit" of Feb. 20 National Lead pf . Feb. 28 Norfolk & Western liy Feb. 20 Pitts, Young & Ash By pf" Feb. 18 Pressed Steel Car . . Feb. 20 Reading Company Ist'pir" lie 1% 1% 1% Mi Feb. 18 S'.andard Mining" . . '"''"" , Feb. 18 do pf . _;.!. ji, Feb. 20 Studebaker Corporation" !."! ! l2 Feb. ?o Ar. ^r ' ? ? 7* Feb. Feb. Feb. do pf . j?. United Cigar Stores pf. 1 a? United Drug 2d pf . 1 ? L'nitod Drug 2d pf. 11^ . -?-??-. Dividends Extras St. Joseph Lead Company?An extra dividend of 16 cents a share has been de? clared In addition to the regular quarterly dividend of 28 cents a shara, both payable March JO to stockholders of rooord March 8. Regular Declarations American Tel A Tel . Calumet Arts. Crip Ck Ct R R pfd 1 Colorado Pawer pfd 1 % Ps- Pay Rats rlod able Orany A Davis_ Ooodyear TAR... Holllnger-Mln Ltd. Mergenthaler Lino. Nat Anl A C pf d.. Oft-il -Fl Mills pfd. Quaker Oats com.. do pfd . Roch O 4? B pfd... Lnlon Bag A p. . ,|2 Un Auto Strs pfd. 2 do pfd.2 Weber A Hellbi'nr 60a Willy, Cp 1st pfd..$2 National Bursty_? 5 0c S 1 2% 1 1% 3 .1* Holders of rec. Apr 15 Mar II Mar2J Mar 8 Mar 1 Feb 16 Mar 16 Feb 28 Mar 1 Feb 24 Mar 1 Feb14 Feb 26 Feb 14 Mar 31 Mar 8 Apr 1 Mar 15 Mar 1 Feb 28 Apr 16 Apr 1 May 2? May 1 Mar 1 Feb It Mar 15 Mar t Mar 1 Dec 1 Mar 1 Feb 3 Apr 1 Mar 16 Feb 1 Mar 1 Apr 3 Mar It In Wall Street Another Rise In Discount Rate?? The financial community was given to understand yesterday that big things were under discussion before the quar? terly session of the Federal Reserve Board and the advisory council at Washington. It was taken for granted that the chief topic of discussion was the credit crisis. It would not sur ! prise Wall Street to see another ad? vance in Reserve Bank discount rates before many days. There was talk yes? terday of a rise in the rate by the local bank before the end of the current week. Rails to the Front Wall Street is given to .quick shifts in sentiment. Changes in its mental attitude are oftentimes kaleidoscopic. Bulls turn bears and bears turn bulls with amazing rapidity at times. Ac? customed as the financial community is to such rapid-fire changes in feeling the reversal in form in the market for railroad stocks was so sudden and so unexpected yesterday that it fairly took the jireath away. Up until yesterday I afternoon railroad stocks were classed among the "undesirables," either for investment or speculation. A few j houses continued to insist that the rails were good things to buy because they I had few friends, but in the main the I feeling has been right along that the ! rails were in too uncertain a position because of doubt about their future to be "good things to buy." So the ag? gressive buying that developed in the rails in the afternoon came out of a clear sky. Floating Supply Small Buying of railroad stockB, since the sharp break of a week ago which car ' ried the whole group to the,lowest level j in over twenty years, has been much I better than the selling, according to ex j pert market observers. Evidently enough investors had confidence in the future of the carriers to take a chance particularly with prices at such low, levels, and the buying from this quar- j ter resulted in reducing the floating supply, which was never large even during the recent liquidation. Natur? ally any important expansion in the demand would be expected to put price up with a rush. This happened yester? day. With the feeling growing around the financial district that the compro? mise railroad bill, which it was report? ed would come out of conference to? day, will be favorable to the roads in the long run, a substantial increase in buying came into the market. Prices ! began to march ahead and as the word i went the rounds of the district that a | real "move" was on in the rails the buying power was augmented consid-, ; erably. At that it did not take a whole ! lot of buying to push the rails ahead. < Chesapeake & Ohio, for example, ! moved up 6% pointa on orders aggre-. '' gating not more than 6,000 shares. ; The turnover in Union Pacific, which ; advanced 5 points, was only 11,400 ! shares. It took only 1,500 shares to j j put St. Paul common up nearly 4? I points. Money and the Market Discussing the money situation, a] leading broker says: "A careful study j j of the returns of the New York Clear- j ! ing House institutions and of the local | ] branch of the Federal Reserve, coupled j | with the statement of the entire Fed ? eral Reserve system, indicates no i reason to look for a removal in any de- j j partment of the ban upon speculative j expansion. It is not to be inferred j that Wall Street is to be put through a further severe purging process; on the* j other hand, the banking authority j j seems to feel that the Stock Exchange ? has nobly recognized its responsibility j and curtailed its borrowings so that no | special restrictive measures, aimed i directly at it, will be necessary so long as the call for credit does not greatly j exceed the present total. There is no j reason why, with favorable news in the | railroad labor situation and with re j spect to the bill for railroad govern-1 ' ment, the money situation should | stand In the way of a further better- ! ment of prices. If there is no great ? i increase in the volume of business the , i average of prices might be advanced a J j few points without any serious en-1 croachment upon the credi? situation, i for the short interest is still of un- j usual proportions." Baldwin Locomotive Baldwin Locomotive, which was ! pounded down to 103 Vs on the recent setback, rallied to 108% yesterday af- ! ter selling as low as 105% on the early dip. A special reason is being given for the fall in the stock during the last week or so. It was reported yes? terday that a large block of Baldwin, some 60,000 shares, had been over? hanging the market. Part of it had been sold through the exchange and part had been placed at private sale. This stock was held in the account of a large operator, the Street report has it, who had lost heavily in the break in the high-priced motors and was com? pelled to jettison a lot of other stuff he was carrying to keep from being swamped. Massachusetts Pays High The^Commonwealth of Massachusetts had to pay close to 6 per cent for of two issues of short term notes. Salomon Bros.' Hutzler took a $7.000 000 issue yesterday, dated February 18, 1920 and maturing February 19, 1921 and an issue of $3,000,000 matur? ing November 18th next on a basis of I 5.85 per cent. An additional $2,700,- j 000 of notes is to be sold by the state. ? The proceeds of the notes will be used to pay the expenses arising out of the j police strike and to take care of bonus? es voted to soldiers. Premium on Steel Products i Judging from trade reports the de- j mand for steel and steel products ! shows no signs of slackening. In many cases consumers of steel are said to j be offering big premiums in order to j obtain a more rapid delivery. Auto-1 mobile makers are reported to be offer- j ing premiums ranging from $40 to ! $80 a ton for certain grades of alloy steel. The situation in making de liveries is aggravated by the scarcity ' : of railroad cars to carry the steel away from the mills. - California Packing A director of the California Pack? ing Corporation said yesterday there is no reason to worry over possible curtailment of the company's export business while the demand maintains its present proportions. Official es? timates indicate that the total billings ! for the fiscal vear ending this month ? will run from $7,000,000 to $10,000,000 j in excess of the $70,000,000 figure made ! i the other day by Vice-president Bent ley. The "Strong Interests?* Floor traders who had their troubles yesterday in trying to keep prices down sent out word from the exchange long about mid-day that certain "strong interests" who have not favored con? structive operations for a month back, have taken an optimistic stand and are mildly bullish. This could not be-con flrmed. New York Telephone Deo. oper. rev-$6,818.453 Ino. 11,941,88? I Net oper, revenue. 2,021.882 Inc. 843.954 , Oper. Income .... 1,628,378 Ino. 168.288 ? Twelve moa tTOBS.72.63B,67-4 Ino. 1.170.67?! Net revenue.21,294.621 Ino. 841019: Operating Income. 16,981,990 Ino. 808,908 American Tel. & Tel. Deo. oper. rev-14.454,691 Ino. 81.156,15? ? Net oper. revenue. 8,185.888 Ino. 863,18? Oper. Income_ 1,908,611 Ino. 1.229,891 18 moa oper. rev.46,493.108 Ino. 9.440,860 Net revenue .80,943,188 Ino. 2,014,769 OparaUng lnoome.17,688,??? Inc. 2,J70,638 , The Bedrock Security of Municipal Bonds demonstrated by the experience of a prominent insurance eon> pany in these investments. Income derived therefrom Free from Income Tax and worry Booklet and List No. B-f |0 of Municipal Bonds Yielding 4V2% to S%% | Sent Upon Request Spitzer, Rorick & Company Established 1371 Equitable Bldg., New York Toledo Cbicigt, Adverse Factors and Some Remedies Discussed in this wetk's issue of THE BACHE REVIEW The REVIEW is issued ?echona Copies ma)) be had upon request J.S.Bache &Co. ESTABLISHED 1688 Uembers Sew York Stock Sxchsngs 42 Broadway New York B-anches and Correspondente throue'iuul the United fciaret. "Bankers' Road," so called, in splendid condition?should be? come a contender for market leadership? UNION PACIFIC a concise analysis and timely discussion?also data on? 5 LOW PRICED RAILS gplei-ted for their poas?billM?? et doing bf-tter marketwiae under pri? vate ownership. FOREIGN CREDITS a brit-f wrttcle and a summary of ? few companies that are benefiting from the Webb-Pomerene Law. Cuba Cane Sugar Lima I <k-o, t'ru?-ible Steel Iioone Oil Calif. Packing l.en. Anphali In the Current Ifsu? MARKET OPIMOS Gratis on request for B-3i R.H.MACMASTERS&CO. Members Consolidated Stock Exeh., .V. Y. 69 Wall St. New York Hanover 9536 Ground Floor ?iiiii.'iiiiimiijfi.'iiiiiiiniiiiiliiiill.'rl Ttra MARINE TRUST COMPANY BUFFALO. NX IVENTIETH YEAR OF SERVICE CAPITAL ANO SUMPUM SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARS ttn.pmm?aGaB.B For Cash Hundred share lots and odd loti On Partial Payment Plai Hundred share lots and odd lots ?minimum 5 shares, approved stocki On Margin Hundred share lots and odd loti ?minimum 10 shares, acceptable stocks. John Muir & O* Uemhtrs New York Stock Exckenf 61 Broadway New York Features of the Pending Railroad Legislatioi Affecting the Valne of Railroad Securities. ?y^E have compiled a letter on d* pending railroad measure which gives a digest of the prorisiao? thereof which are of most import ance to investors in railroad ?ecofl-* ties. Copia? mau o* had PRES tspon roe**} C. I. Hudson & Co. Jrfember? New York Stock Seokssu? Bi-tobliahed Sine* UM 66B'way,N.Y. Phone Rector 7*1