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Foreign Government Bonds are ?elling to-day at extremely low prices, due to the unprece? dented decline in Foreign Ex? change. Return to normal condition? would provide un? usual pronta. Complete details of several attractive foreign Government good?, purchase of which we recommend, will be sent upon request ffley, Drayton & Co. ?lamiera Sew Y&rH Stock Bxchamffa Lord's Court Building 40 Exchange Place Telephone Broad 3)92 Morris 9. Barnett Sylva? M. Barnet. Sigmund Rothachild, Mortlmor Heyman, L??n H. Krenthal, Hugh K. Prltchard, ?award L. White and Edward B. L*vy ?jy? been elected directors of th? Barnst gather Company, Inc. Enameling Profits Larger National Co. Earned $24.41 J Share on Common Gross profits of the National Enamel ? ing and Stamping Company for the I year ended December 81, 1919, were $6,436,851, an Increase of 8679,258 over the preceding year. Income from other sources of $177,758 was added to that amount, bringing the total to $5,814, 610. Depredation, etc, aggregated 8936,914, leaving net profits of $4, 878,696. Bond Interest of 8102,623 was paid daring the year, a falling off of 88,183 from 1918. Federal taxes amounted to 3800,000, or $300,000 less than was paid in the year before. After sinking fund of $169,000 had been deducted, balance was $3,807,073, equivalent, after the distribution of $649,131 in preferred dividends, to $24.41 a share, $100 par, earned on the $15,591,800 common stock, against $2,773,265, or $13.94 ? share in the previous year. Holden of the common stock shared $986,608 If dividends, the same amount paid ir ; 1918. Additional Federal tax payment! due for 1917 and 1918 were placed ai $1450,368, leaving a $8,230,604 fina surplus. Mackav Companies Earned $9.74 a Share on Commor Report of the Maekay Companies foj the year ended February 1, 1920, dis closed surplus after expenses and Fed eral taxes of $4,876,211, equivalent after preferred dividends, to $5.74 i share earned on the $41,880,400 com mon stock, compared with $4,394,875, o: $5.87 a ehare, in the preceding year. Receipts from investments in othe companies in the year amounted t< $5,021,095, an Increase of $326,699. E\ penses, Federal taxes, etc., were $644, 884, leaving a $4,376,211 balance ap plicable for dividends. Holders of th> stock shared $4,355,988 in dividend di3 bursements, or $32,689 less than the; received In the year before. Surplu was $20,223, an increase of $14,626. $291,000 City of Winston-Salem North Carolina B% Improvement Bonds Dated Feb. 1, 191?. Dae serially Feb. 1, 1921-1930. Principal and semi-annual interest payable In New York City. Coupon bonds in $1,000 denomination?. Exempt from tho Fodoral Income Tax Winston-Salem is one of the most important industrial and commercial cities in the South. The City has been very conservatively financed and the net indebtedness is less than six and one-half per cent, of the assessed valuation. The present population is officially ?sti- - mated to be in excess of 50.000 and the actual value of taxable property $85,000,000. We recommend these bends for investment Prie? to yield 5V%% Complete circular en request. Harris, Forbes & Co Pine Street, Corner William NEW YORK The Role of the United States In Relation to the Reconstruction of France France is in the process of reconduction, and the same determination and resourcefulness which prose? cuted the war may well be expected to be available for the pursuits of peace. But on account of her losses and devastation some of the sinews essential to rebuilding must come from the outside. In this the United States has a part to play, and one opportunity offers through the purchase of the French Government war loans. A purchase of these bonds carries an attractive specu? lative feature, since, if exchange returns to par, the invested principal wt>uld more than double. Send for Circular No. H-62. . ) GHANDLER& Company 35 Pine Street New York PhiUdcIpt?a Bosun B?ldame Ntw Harte ^iMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimilllllllUIIIIIIIIIIL te S pi/2% Guaranteed I First Mortgage Certificates s s I * g Fr*m'fresa saw?al tasatien? S S Secured by First Mortgage 00 Im? g proved property in New York CUy. I Legs! investments for Trust funds. ? Issued in amounts bf $ 100 and upward. H Guaranteed as to principal and interest S 5 5 Send tor Booklet 3-B 5 ? I New York Title & Mortgage Co. ? ?to Manhattan 135 Broadway 'Phone 9560 Rector I ~-?i Brooklyn 203 Montague St 'Phone 7100 Main S -to Jamaica 375 Fulton St 'Phone 316 Jamaica LAmerican Trust Co., Depository Broadway at Cedar Street, New York City. ?IIMHIIIIIlJIIIIIiHIIIHIIIIIIMHIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIimiUim The Day's E U. S. Government Transactions Liberty 8%t, 1947. ?389*000 do let is, 1847. C4.000 do 2d 4b, 1942. 265.000 do let 4%a, 1947.... 6?,000 do 2d 4%8, 19*2.1,309.000 do 3d 4%?, 1928. 1,610,000 do 4th 4%?, 1938. 2,294,000 Victory 4148, 1923.1,286.000 do 3%a, 1923. 1,678,000 Quotations Liberty 8%s .... do 1st 4s. do 2d 4?. do 1st 4'4a_ do 2d 4%?_ do 8d 414?_ do 4th 4%?... Victory 4%? .... do 8%a . High. 96.70 90.50 90.30 91.50 90.80 93.20 91.03 97.90 97.76 "Low. 96.60 90.40 89.90 91.30 90.36 93.02 90.70 97.70 87.6? ?.02 Bid and Asked Quotations Closing; Closing Yesterday. Monday. 96.60? 96.70 96.66? 96.' 90.40? 90.60 90.40? 90.1 90.10? 90.30 91.10? 91.30 90.60? 90.64 93.10? 93.12 90.96? 91.00 97.78? 97.80 Lfoerty bonds 8%?, 1947 .... 1st 4s, 1947_ 2d 4a, 1942_ let 4Vis, 1947.. 2d 4%a, 1942.. 3d 4%s. 1928.. 4th 4 ?4s, 1038. Vic 4%b, 1923. do Z%b, 1923 97.74(# 97.76 Pre-war issues: 2s re?*, '30.100%?101 2s coup, '30.100%? 101 ?9 re?, *4b. ?9 @ 52 3s coup, '46.89 4s reg, "25.106 4? coup, "25.106 2s Pan, c. '36...100 U Pan, r, '30... 100 2s Pan, c, '38... 100 is Pin, r, '38 3s Pan, reg 8a Pan, coup Phil 4s, '34 do 4s, '35 do 4s, '36 D. Col 3s, Foreign Govt. and Municipal Bonds (Interest To U? Added) Rid. Angle-French Extern 5s. 1920.. 94>4 Argentine Intern 5s. 1945. 72 Canada, Dom of, Notes, 1921.. 95% do 6--. 1921. 96% do 1926. 93% do 1929 . 93% do 1931 . 91V? Chinese Gv Hu Kug Ry 5s, 1951 40% Cuba Extern 5?. 194 !. 92V? do 5s, Series A, 1949. 84 do 4%s, 1949. 74 Domin?t-mi Rep 5s 10.*>8.78% City of Lyons 15-yr 6s, 1934.. 90% City of Marseilles 15-yr 6s, 1934 90% City of Bordeaux 15-yr 6, 1934. 90Vi City of Paris 6s, 1921. 90*4 Jap Gov 4Vis, sterling In, 1925. 70 do 4%s, 2d ser, 1925. do 4?, Bterling In. 1931.... City of Tokio 5s, 1952. UKGBtl 5-yr 5%s, 1921 do 3-yr 6%s, 1922. do 10-yr 5Va?. 1929. do-20-yr 6%s, 1937. 85% Mex Extern strl 5a of '99, 1945. ? do gold 4a of '04, 1954.? (Sales) U S 4s con-pon Jap 1ft ser 4Vi? 69% 57% 65 93% 90% 90% Asked. 94% 73 96 97 ' 93% 94 88 94 90% 75 80 90% 90% 90% 90% 70% 70% 57% 57 93A 91 91 70% 71 1.000.105% Anglo-French 5s 236.000. 94%I 47,000.94%i 30,000. 94%! 15.000. 94%! 8,000. 94%| 61,000. 94% I 4,000.. 94%! 600.94 I 21,000. 94%! 1,000. 94%! 32,000. 94% 1,000. 94% 2.0(i0. 94% I 30.000. 94 I 19.000. 94% 3.000.94% I Chinese Ry 5s 4,000. 42 j City of Bordeaux 6s ! 17.000. 90% 2.000. 90V? City of Copenhagen 5%? 8,000. 79%I 2 000 . 79% ! Rep of Cuba 5a 1904 City of I.yon? 6s 1.000. 92% 19,000. 80% VJ K of Great Britain 16,000. 600 13.000. 69% 9,000. 70 2,000. 70% 20,000. 69% do 2d ser 4%s 3.000. 70% 1,000. 70% 25,000. 70 2.000. 70% 2,000. 70% 1,000. 70% 4.OH0. 70 3,000. 69% 39,000. 60% 10 000. 70 25,000. 70 zV.g loan 4s 25.000. 57% 5.000. 58 in.fioo 2,000 10 OOfl 2.000. 68 10.000. 67% do 67% 2 000. 90 M? City of Marseilles 6s 10.000. 90% 6.000. 90% City of Part? 6? 16,000. 90% 1.000. 90% City of Tokio 5? 4.000. 50 Dom Canada 5%? note? 1921 9,000.98 1,000. 96% do 5%s 1929 1.000. 94 2,000. 93% do 5s 1926 1,000. 93% 1.000. 93% do 5s 1931 26.000.91 Jap 1st aer 4%a '3,000. 71 10 OOO. 70% 6,000. 70% 10.000. 70% 10.000. 70 10,000. 70S? 22,000..-!... 60% N Y 10,000. 70% ft I 5%s 1921 45.000. 93% 50.000.93? 60.000. 93% 3,000. 93% S 000. 93 " KV000.93 5.000. 93 do BU, 1922 8,000.*".... 90% 10.000. 90% do 5%? 1929 2.000. 90% 1,000. 90% 3 000. 91 10 000 . 90% 22 000. 90% do 6!?'?.?( 1937 1 000 . 85% 1.000. 8"% 1,000. 85% 20 000. 86 1.000. 85% U S of Mexico 5s 1.000. 80 Vlrplnta dfd 6s B B & Co etf? 1 000. KB City 4%s 1916 5.000. 90U Railway, Adams Expresa 4s 6.000. 58 2,000. 66% 6.000. 66 Am Ag Ch cvt 6a 1,000. 98% 1,000.88% Am Smelting 5s 2.000. Other Corporations Beth Steel u m 6s 1,000. 83% Canada So 6s 1,000. 82 Cen of Ga Ry 6s 3.000. 88 1,000. 88% ?Centrai Leather 6a 82%! 1,000. ?4r 5,000. 82%j 1.000. 94% 18,0^0. 82%) 2.000. 94% 1000. 82% Cen Pacific gtd 4s Am 1,000. 81 T & T cvt 6a 2,000. 97 5,000. 96% 1,000.96% 1.000. 9G% 1.000. 96% 6.000. 96% do col 5? 1,000. 80% 10.000. 80% 25,000.80 do4%a 1,000. 84 do col 4s 10.000. 78% 4.000.11% 3.000. 2.000. 3,000. Am Tobacco 6s 1.000.?6% 4.000.96% Armour Co 4%s 8,000. 88 7.000. sa A T * 8 F gen 4? 1,000. 2.000. 1,000. 7.000. 6.000. 1,000. 6,000. 1,000. 5,000. 69% : Che? St O con 6s 10,000. 89 do f?en 4%s 2.000. 73% 2,000.74 do cvt 4%? 12,000. 71% ! 2.000. 70% ! 16.000.71 10,000.71% do R ft A dlv 1st 4s 6,000.71 do cvt 5? 1,000.77% 10,000.78% 77iZ;C & Alton 3%a 77% 1,000.30 77%?C B & Q gen 4a 1,000. 76% 1,000...... 77 do joint 4s 35.0OO.83% C Great Western 4a 2,000. 62 2,000. 53T< 2,000. 62 0 M & St P cr? 6? ser B 10.000.67 2.000. 66% do peen 4%? 4,000.74 4,000. 75 do cvt 4%? 3.000 59%! 59% I 50%: do adj 4s ?tamped ? 5.000. 67% 2.000. 68 AU G t- 1st eon 4s 1.000.74% 4,000. 74 Bait * O torn 6a 1,000. ta 10.000. 81 18.000. 81 1,000.. >,000.. 8,000.. do rfg 5? 1.000.. 7.000.. 16,000. 61 2,000.61% do cvt 4%a 1,000. 69% 8.000. 69 12.000.6 I 10.000.60 13.000.60%| do gold 4a 1.000.63 do p 1 3%? 4,000. 79% | 7 000. 80 2,000.79% 1.000. 80 1.O00. 79% | do Pitt? LE* W Va 4s 8,000. 68 1.000. 53% 4,000.,_54 do Sw S%? 8.000.70% 2.000_.. 70% 2.000. 70 do T ft C 4s 4.000.48 Beta Bteel rfg 8s %jm.~+., 88 67? S.000.67% 2.000. 68 do rfB- 4%? I 1,000.66% 2.000. 67 10.000. 66 , e.000. 67 do 4s 1925 8.000.71% do deh 4a 19S4 1.000.6?% do8%? ' 6 000. 65% C & N W gwn 6? S.000. 9? do ext 4? 10.00". 88 Chicago Ry 5? 2,000. 65%>? C R I * V gen 4* 2 000.70% 71% 1,000. do rftr 4? 3 000. 60% 2.000. 60% 1.000. 60V 14.000. 6071 1.000. ?os{ 8.000. 607; 4.000. ins-; 6.000. . s,. . 60% 8 000.f,nv, I.000. ?074 58.000.?0% C St P M ft 0 Sa 1.000. 83% C ft Went Ind 4s 5 000.5?% Chicago Un Station 1 4%s ?er A 1.000.71% Chile Conn?- T? 1 10,000.101 2.000.101% 1.000.Ifti^ Moo......10114 ?ond Market Chile Copper ?s i 6,000. 77V? 4,000. 77^ 1.000.76V? 10,000.77 25,000. 77% ? 13.000. 77% 10 C C A St L 4%s 2.000.^76 Col Industrial 6s 8,000. 72 2,000. 72% Col ft So 1st 4s , 1-000.82% do 4 %s 2,000.70% I Con Gas tern 7s 18.000. 99% 6,000. 99% 1,000. 99% 1,000. 99% Cumberland Tel 6s 1,000.86 Del a H cvt 6s i 1.000. 81% Den A K G 4 Mis i 1,000. 62% do con 4s 6.000.60% 7.000. 60 1,000. 60^ do rtg 6s 6,000. 40 2,000.39% 1,000. 39 Erie prior lien 4s 10,000. 49% 2,000. 49% 3,000. 50 do Ken Hen 4a 2,000. 39% 5,000. 40 do cvt 4a ser A 5,000. 34 do cvt 4a ser D 2.000. 36% do Pa col 4s 2.000. 79 Gen Eler <!eb 5? 1.000. 86% G Bay ft W deb B 2.000. 7% Havana Flee 5s 1.000. 85% Hud & M rtg 5s 1,000. 54% 2,000. 64% 1,000. 64% do inc. 5s 2,000. 13% ni Central 6a 1963 1.000. 65% 1,000. 64% do 4n 195S 6.000. 69% do rffr 4 s 1.000. 69% do C St L A N O Joint 6s 1,000. 80 Indiana Steel 8s 1.000. 90% 2,000. 90% Interboro-Met 4 Us 2,000. 17 ?nterboro R T ,rtg 5a 4.000. 51 1,000. 61% 10,000. 51% 10,000. 51% 10.000. 51% 5,000. 51 % 45,000. 52-^ Int Ap-rirultunil 5a 1.000. 78 Int Mcr Marine 6a 16.000. 8SU 5.000. 88 4,000. 881.;, 2,000. 88% 2,000. 88 ; 2.000. 87%? X C Ft S A M 6a 28,000. 98 ! Kansas City So 5s 9,000. ?., %| 8,000. 68 I do 3s 1.0OO. 55 Kan City Terminal 4a 4,000. 68% 6.000. 68Ul 1.000. 69 *] 2.000. 6R3i? 2.000. 68% 3.1100. 68?? 10,000. 68 I Lack Sterl 5s 1^23 3.000. 92% do 5a 1950 1.OO0 Norfolk A W con 4s 10.000. 73% 5.000. 75 Nor Pacific 4s 11,000. 72% 8,000. 73 6.000. 72% 8,000. 78 6,000. 72% 4,000. 73 do 3s 1.O00. 60% 11.000. 50 8,000. 50% 6.000. 50% 4,000. 51 3.000. 51% Ore Short Line 4s J.0OO. 80V? 2,000. 80 Ore W It R A N 4s 2,000. 66 Penn 5s 1968 1,000. 88% do 4a 1948 7,000. 81 do ?ren 4%s 10,000. 79% 2.000. 79 8,000.. 79% P?re Marquette 5s 1.000. 82% do 4s 1.000. 66 Phils Co 6s 1922 1,000. 87 2,000. 87% Readinjr Ren 4s 1,000. 79 Rich ft Meek] 4s 1.000. 60 R I Ark & L 4%a 2.000. 61 VA 10,000. 58'| St L Ir Mt A S 5s 1.000. 85% do 4a 1,000. 7176 do 4s Riv A G div 1,000. 66V4t St I, & S F 6s ser C ' 2,000. 83 do 4a aer A 11,000. 55 1,000. 55% 1.000. 66 do 5s aer B 1.000. 66% do adi 6s 2,000. 67 1.000. 57 I 8% i 3,000.67 10.000.67 10,000.58V4 , 15.000. 681.4 10,000. 58% 10,000. 58% 16.000. 59 3,000.69% do inc 6s 10.000.40% 11,000. 41 1,000. 40% 1,000. 41 8,000.41% 2.000. 41% 10,000.42 St L Swn con 4s 3,000.49 1,000. 48% do Terminal 5s 3.000. 56 Seaboard A L rfg 4s 4,000. 43% 1,000. 43% do arij is 1.000. 33 5,000. 33% 1.000. 34 ' So Pacific col 5s 3,000. 67 do cvt 4s 7.000.77% 2,000. 77% do cvt 5s 14,000.98% 1.000. 98% 8,000. 98% 12.000. 99 6.000.99U 10.000. 99$ 12.000.100 15 000.100% 3.000.101 du rffr 4s 13,000.74^ 1.000. 74% 2,000 .. 74.-1'" 1,000. 75 10.000.. 74% 10.000.'. 75 Lake Shore 4a 1928 le .. ? _ PAO go w 'Southern Ry 5a 1,000. 82 do 4b 6,000. 56 1.000. 5fiiA 10,000. 66% 1,000. 66% Gas & E 6s 2.000. 86% 3.000. 86 Tenn Copper 6s 1.000. S6 Texas Co cvt 6s 6,000.100 Third Av adj 5s 6.000. 27J-A 48.000. 27% Toi St L A W 4b 2.000. 43 Union Pnoiflc 6s 4,000.100% 4.000.100% do 1st 4a 1.000. 80% do cvt 4a 4,nno. 84 1,000. 84% do rftr Is _? 2 noo . 7" 1,000. 54% U S Realtv & I 5s 1.000. 54%,". 75% 10,000..'.... 65 j 8.noo. 75 6,000. 56 ' 129,000. 76 10,000. 55%|U S Rubber 7s do 4s 1931 4.000. 80% 2,000. 79% 1,000. 80 Lehlgb, Valley 6s 1.000. 99% Lehish V o? Pa 4s 1.000. 71 Long Island rfsr 4s 6,000. ?5% 10,000. 65% LAN unified 4s 4,000. 79% 1.000. 79% Mich Cen deb 4s 1.000. 78% 5,000.78 Mldvale Steel 5a 1,000. 83% Minn A St L rfsr 5a ' 11,000. 44 M K A T 1st 4s 2.000. 57 1,000. 50% Mo Pacific 5a 1923 1,000. 88 do fren 4a ,000. 54-% 82% Montana Power 5a 9.000. Nat Rys M 4%a 10,000. 17% N Y Contrai deb 6s 3,000. 90% 1,000. 90% 6,000. 90% 1,000. 90% ' 6,000.90VA 8,000. 90V? 2,000. 90% do rfir 4 Vis 8.000. 75% do 4s 1934 3.000.101% do 5s 10 000.? 83% 1 000. 83% 14.000. 83?4 1 000. 83% 4.000. 83% r S Steel s f 5s 14.000. 96 6.000. 95% 14.000. 9? 1 000. 96% 1.000. 96% 8.000. 96 I 3.000. S6% 1,000. 74% Utah * North 5s 1.000. 75 1 000. 90% 4.000. 73% Va-Car Chemical 6a do rfc: 3%s 4.000. 93% 3.000. 66% Virginian Ry 6s 2,000. 65 ; 9,000. 83 ?.ooo.luo ?? ooo ?a-i,' N Y N H & H 6s w . Vwtric'os ' * 20.000. 68% We9t ,'?no 95 do n-e deb 4s 1955 , o'noo.onu, 1 000. 44%; 3-no?.,s - 4 000 44% West Maryland 4s rooo];-...; 44%: 20,000.50% N Y O' ft W 1st 4s I 1.000. .. . . . 50 1.000. 60% West Pacific 5a N Y Ris rfK 4s ctfs of deposit 2.000. 28% N Y Tel deb 6s 3,ooo.93 3.000. 92% 1.000.92% 1.000.93 do4Mjs 1,000. 78% 4,000.78% 8.000...... 78V. Norfolk ft Wevt 6a 22.000.99%| 126,000.100 i 1.OO0. 80 1,000. 80'A West Shore 4s 1 000. 70% 10,000. 70% Wilson Co 1st 6s 4,000_.. 96% 1,000_;. 95% 1,000. 96 do cvt 6s 2,000. 91% 7 000. 91% Wisconsin C 4s 1.000. 67% 8,000. 68 Cities Service Dividend? According to a statement Issued yesterday by Henry L. Doherty & Co., Cities Service Company, from the | date of organization in 1910 up to j January 1, 1920, earned an aggregate i of $78 805,471.47 applicable to reserves, dividends and surplus. Cash divi i dends paid on the preferred stock in thiB time totaled $17.874,513.83, or slightly over 22 per cent of the net j Income of the company for the period. Cash dividends paid on the common '? stock to January 1, 1920, totaled $7, : 008,077.46, or slightly undor 9 per cent I of the total net Income, showing that since Its organization and up to I January 1, 1920, Cities Service Com? pany had paid out In cash dividends , 80.94 per cent of Its net income, leav | ing 69.06 per cent of the net incomo available for other corporate purposes. ? ! United Verde Extension Reports Deficit in 1919 A? a result of operations in the year ended December 81. 1919, the United Verde Extension Mining Company re? ports a deficit after charges of 3235,156, compared with a surplus of $3,331,064. or ?3 17 a share, 50 cents par, earned on | the $525,000 capital stock in the pre co ;g year. v.;toss revenue last year fell off greatly, being placed at $6,058,669, or $9369,403 less than in 1918. Other in? come was added to that amount, bring in? the total to $6,464 924. Mining ex? penses aggregated $2.771,592, a decline of $2,824,892. After taxes, etc., of $569308 and $2,859.180 in reserv? for deputies, deficit wu $?35,161* A Simple Method of Investment in Foreign Exchange For the first time the general public in America is beginning to realize the ef? fect of foreign exchange upon its commercial and industrial prosperity. There is springing up a more general interest in direct investment in European currencies by those who believe i That the solution of the problem rests with the general publia ?, ' That those who do their share may be directly benefitted. In response to this growing demand for a simple method of direct investment in English and French currencies, we are prepared to issue interest bearing receipts rep? resenting deposits with our correspondent banks in London and Paris, Present approximate cost of Sterling deposits $335 per pound Normal cost_._$4.87 Discount_ 31%/ " Present approximate cost of Franc deposits._ $6 97 per 100 franca Normal cost_$19 30 " Discount_64% * Further details on application IMBRIE & CO. NEW YORK CHICAGO BOSTON PITTSBURGH MILWAUKEE ATLANTA ST. LOUIS Better Tone Is Displayed by the Outside Mark? Prices Improve a Little Selling Pressure Lets Ui General Asphalt Recove After an Early Slun Tlu- curb market enjoyed a reap: yesterday from the selling that h been pressing prices steadily lower f a fortnight. Some selling did coi into the outside market early in t day, but it was soon absorbed a thereafter a better tone developed. Oil shares as a group acted mu better, although the buying was hard aggressive, and mainly represent covering of outstanding short comm' ment*. Carib Syndicate at 29?i w up 12% points from its early low. Hoi ton Oil rallied from 95 to 98, while 1 vincible, which^opened at 29, closed 31%. Simms Petroleum rallied point3. General Asphalt moved in sens tional manner. It was weak at t' stait, opening at 80Vi and declining 79%, but from that price it march steadily upward to close at 88. T short interest in this stock is st larfce. In the industrial group General M tors was an early weak spot at 23, b it rallied well in'the later trading, clo ing at 21%. American Safety Raz was steady around 11. The feature of the bond market w the trading in $90,000 of General Ele trie 6 per cent notes at a range of ' to 9GV&. Industrials Salea. Open. HiKh. Low. Lsi 1200 ?Acme Coal... 1% 1% 1% I1 1500 ?Aetna Explos. 7% 8 7% 8 200 Am Can.iv. 11 11% 11 11 2000 Am Saf Raror. 11% 11% 10% 10' 1000 ?Am H S S wl. 75 75 71 72 2400 Austin-Nichols. 23 23 22 22' 100 ?do pf. 89% 89% 89*4 89 300 ?Br-Am Tob cp. 18% 18% 18% 18' 4000 ?do rts. 7 7% 7 71 300 do res. 18% 18% 18% 18] 2000 ?do rest rta. . 7 7% 7 7: 600 ?Car Lt ft Pwr 2% 2% 2% 21 100 ?Conley T F wi 23 23 23 23 50O ?Fnrrel! Coal.. 40 40 39 89 1000 ?Gen Asphalt. 80%. 89 79% 88 12000 ?Gen Mo wi... 24 25 23 24' 6300 ?GokhJyn Pict 26 26 24 26 1600 Grape-Ola. 1% 1% 1% V 1200 do pf..._ 2 2 2 2 200 ?Ide Collar Co. 32 32 31 31 2501 Indian Packing 13% 13% 12% l?1 lino ?Kay Co Gas.. 1% 1% 1% V 1000 ?Lib McN & L 25 2(5 25 26* 1600 ?Line Mo Cl A. 60% 60% 50 60' 1800 ?Locomob n wi 23 23 22 22* 3500 Marconi of Am 5 5 4% 41 100 ?Mercer Motors 23 23 23 23 8000 Mont Ward.... 35 35 33% 35 1500 No Am P & P. 5% 6% 5% 5' 600 ?Orpheum Circ. 28% 28% 28% 28f 100 ?Patchog-P wi. 40 40 40 40 600 ?Pennayl C&C. 30% 30% 28 28 1600 Perfection Tire. 4% 4% 4% 4? 600 ?Press T & R.. 2vT 2% 2% 2V 2800 ?Republic Rub. 3% 8% 8% f, 200 ?Spicer Mfg, n. 28 28 28 28 2500 Submarine Boat 13% 13% 12% 13 600 ?U S H Sp T... 34 84 84 84 1500 U S Lt & Ht.. 3% 3% S i\ 1200 ?Un Pict Prod. 11% 12% 11 12 4000 Unit Profit Sh. 2% 2% 2% 2V 8000 ?U ReUil S C. 13% 14 13% 14 600 U S Steamship. 2% 8 2% aT/ 600 ?U S Transport 12 12 11% 11V Standard Oils Bales. Open. High. Low. Last 1600 ?Anglo-Am Oil. 20 25 Va 25 25 20 ?So Penn Oil.. ? 293 290 293 110 ?Std Oil N V.. ? 394 887 394 100 ?Union Tank L ? 110 110 110 10 ?Vacuum Oil.. ? 880 380 880 Other Oils Sales. Open. High. Low. Last 1900 ?Allen Oil. 1?. 1* 1?, 1* 1000 ?Allied Oil.... % it % * 2600 ?Amalg Royal. H % S? * 600 tAnna Bell Wyo 67 69 ?7 ?9 800 ?Ark Nat Gas.. 29 2? 29 29 700 ?Bell Pet. 1 1 1 1 6600 ?Boone Oil.... 4% 4% 4H 4? 10000 ?tBoston-Wyo.. 1% 1A 1% lfi 1200 ?Carib Synd... 29 29V> 27 29 600 ?Cities Service. 39% 89% 89% 89? 2000 ?Columbia Em. 11 11 9 11 1200 ?Cosden & t)o.. 8 8% 8 8? 800Cushlng Pet... 2 2 1% \U 6500 ?Dominion Oil. 14% 14% 13% 14? 700 ?DuoAwsne Oil.. 6% 6V? 6? 6? 3000 ?Elk Basin Pet 8V? '8% 8*4 6% 7875 Engineer? Pet.. 1% 1% IS 1$ 8600 ?Ertel Oil. 1% 1% 1% 1? 1800 ?Esmersl O&Q H. ?, V? }A 1000 ?Federal Oil... 3% 3Va 8% 8? 600Fensland Oil... B\ ? 5*4 6 500 ?GiUllsnd O pf. 87 37V4 37 37? 1500 ?Glenrock Oil.. 3?, 4?\ Z% 3? 600 ?Guffey-Gillesp. 27 28 27 28 I 1500 ?H O R of Tex. 2% 3 2% W i 800 H Pet of Den. 3 3?, 3 8.? 500 ?Houston OIL. 95 98 95 98 11600 ?Hudson Oil... ?4 1 % 1 500 ?Hughes Pet... 8 8 7 7 2600 ?Internat Pet. 56?, 68% 66% 58? 2600 ?Invincible Oil. 29 31% 89 31? 600 ?Islsnd O * Tr 6?, 5\1 5? 6? 900 ?King Pet Cop. 2?! 2% 2% 3? 2000 Livingston Oil. ltf lsZ \il }? 8500 ?Lanee Crsek. ? H H H ? 900 ?Lona Star Gas 86 38 83 85 2000 ?Magna OIL... 5% ST? 6? h% 1600 ?Msrritt OIL .. 18% 19 lgtf ? 700 Met Petroleum. 8 S?j 3 IM ?00Mexico Oil..-, t l? ? |fi Salea. Open. High. Low. Last. "OOMex-Panneo... 11% 14 11% 14 1500 ?Midwest Ref..161 161 147 160 600 ?Midweat-Texa? % % % % 1100 North Ara OH. 8% 4 8% 4 2000 "North Texas.. 2% 2% 2% 2% 600 Omar O&G, n.. 6% 6% 6% 6% 400*P?nnok Oil... 7 7 6% 6% 1000 ?Phillip? Pet.. 86 86 84 35% 2600 ?Prod A Ref. .8 8% 8 8 4600 ?Ryan Pet. 8% 8% 8% 3% 600 ?Red Rock Oil. 1 1 1 1 400*-*Rickard Tex.. 1% 1% 1% 1% 1600 tSalt Ck Prod. 50 61% 49% Bl% 500 8apulpa Ref... 6% 5% 5% 6% 200 Savoy Oil. 6 6 6 6 2500 Sec-uoyah O&R. r* % r* % 2500 *Skclly Oil.... 9% 10% 9% 10 10000 ?Simm? Pet... 33% 36% 33 36 3 0u So SUte? Cong. 1% 1% 1% 1% ! 900 Spencer Pet... 18% 18% 18% 18% Salea. Open. High. Low. Laat. 1700 ?Stanton Oil... % % % % 4000 ?Superior Oil.. 13% 14 12% 18% 600 ?Texas Co wi.. 45 47 45 47 1000Tex-Ran P&R. 1% 1% 1% 1% 9600 ?Texon O 4c L. 1 1 % 1 2000 ?Tropical Oil.. 17% 18 17 18 2700 ?Unit Tex Pete It*. lfV 1 1 2800 ?Victoria Oil.. 1% 1% 1% 1% 1100 ?Vulcan Oil... 7% 8 7% T ;? 700 ?Whelan Oil... 1111 1000 ?White Oil_ 29 81% 29 81% 600 ?Woodburn Oil. 6% 6% 6% ?% Mining Shares. Open. High. Low. Lant. 2200 Alaska-Br C M ti % 'i % 1400 Arliona Silver 1% 1% 1 1% 2500 ?tAtlanta - 2 3 2 2% 6500 ?tBelcherDiap' 17 17 15 16 5300-"rBelcher E(ap) 17 17 15 16 1600 Big Ledge ... % % r? % Sales. 2700 ?tBooth . S300 tBost & Mont. 3500 ??Caledonia .. 1400 Canada Copper 8500 ?tCashboy _ 200 Cresp?n Con? G 100 ?De Beer Con M 6300 ?Divide ExSen. 300 El Salvador Sil 1800 ?Eureka Cr M 8^0 ?Forty-nrne M. 8200 ?tGold Zone D 600 ?Golden Gate.. 3500 ? + GoldfleM Cons 12700 ?tGoldfreld Dev 2000 ?tGreat Bend.. 640 Hecla Mining. . 300 ?Iron Blossom. Continued HiKh. Low.*L??t.'-C'ig-S.^ 5% 6 5 * I 69 69 67 6?, ft 35 35 33 34 * 1% 1% iA l-st? 8 8 7% 8 -' 1% 2 1% 2 i 39% 39% 39% ;;?%? il ti % %: 2% 2% 2% 2%' 1% 1% 1% 1-? 1% 1% 1 ?%* 31 81 30 M i% i% i% i%; 13 13 12 ?3 , 14 . 1* 13% .4 ? 3 3 3 3 4% 4A 4ft 454 3% 3% 3% 3%. -v. - ?-'-'--*+ on next page Let Us Be Responsible For Your Securities MANAGEMENT of securities?whether your own or* in your rare as an official, a treasurer, a trustee or a guardian-?involves both risk and routine. By placing securities with us in a Custody Service Account, you can free your? self of all risk of their physical loss, and also of a great part of the routine care?such as the clipping of coupons and the preparation of income tax certificates. At the same time, you retain complete personal control over your securities. You retain all authority?the physical care devolves on us. This service, which we render at moderate cost, is of especial value to: Individuals Income is regularly collected, and credited or remitted as desired. The securities may be sold, transferred or other ? wise disposed of immediately on receipt of orders by letter or telegram. This service offers particular advantages to non-residents and travelers. Executors and Trustees Executors and trustees are relieved of bookkeeping details, and thus enabled to devote their time to more important ?hides in the administration of estates. Corporations and Finns Executives are protected against serious liability or loss, as we guarantee the physical safety of securities in our custody* Treasurers Treasurers of religious, educational, and other organizations ' can assure the safe custody of their securities, and delegate to us many details of care and management. We also report, when requested, upon the condition of your investments. You are cordially invited to call at any of our offices for further details. Our bookct, The Care of Securities; will be sent on request. N Guaranty Trust Company of New York 140 Broadway FIFTH AVENUE OFFICE MADISON AVENUE OFFICE F*t8? Avsjmm ?ad 41ml S*r**rf Ms slit si Arms ami SOtSs Street Capital and Surplus $50,000,000 Resources over $800,000,000