Newspaper Page Text
? ' CURITIES OFFERED AND WANTED Lehigh Power Commonwealth Power Ry. & Lt. Standard Gas & Elec. Detroit Edison orth'n States Power Com. & Pfd. united Light & Ry. Com. & Pfd. Dow Chemical DuPont Chemical Pfd. GrasseDi Chemical National Motors . Packard Motors Com. & Pfd. Rolls Royce Com. & Pfd. MbrtoilLachenl)mcli&Ca CHICAOO DETROIT PH1IADELHUA PlTTSBUSaM AIR REDCCTION AMERICAN CHICIJ? ATLANTIC IX>BOS PKTROT.KCM CENTRAI.. Afil'IRRK SUGAR CHILDS COMMON FAJARDO SUGAR O?ANTANAMO SUGAR ?j, GCI-F Oil. CORPORATION ' LONE STAB OAS I MIDLAND SECCRITIES NEW ENtil.AfID FUEL OIL PENN. COAL & COKE TORT LOBOS PETROLEUM SAVANNAH SUGAR STERN BKOS. PREFERRED TENAS PACIFIC COAL St OIL nUNHAMfi(ii wr Investment Securities ^"" 43 Exchange Place New York fclcphonrs S300-J6 IJanover. J J.M. Rice Jr. & Co.Will Buy 2/i American Machine & Fd.v. ?O Glen? Falls Ins. 100 Kirby Lumber Com. St Pfd. 10 Miinliuttan Mice. Com. BO Murray Co. (Texas) 150 Fat lie Fr?res Phonograph Com, 300 P. F. Collier & .Sons Pfd. 100 Royal Typewriter Com. 50 Texas Pacifie Coal St Oil. 100 ?*?**. E. Tiltotson Mfjc Com. 100 Pocaliontas Fuel Com. J. h. Rice, Jr. & Co. Will Sell 15 General Cliemirnl Com. 10 Hurriman Niitinnal Bunk. 100 InRersoll-Rand Pfd. 25 National Surety. 14 Providence & Worcester. 50 Southern l lilil?es Pfd. 100 Tidewater OH 50 Texas Pacific Coal St Oil. 50 Victor Talking Machine *? 22 Winchester Co. Com. 25 Win. Cramp Ship & Eng. Bids. J.K.Rice, Jr.&Co. Phones 4000 to 4010 John. 36 Wall St., N.T. Carib Trading International Motors Singer Mfg. Co. Woodward Iron Kiely & Horton 40 Wail St., N. Y. Phone Joba 6330 American Manufacturing Babcock & Wilcox Whitman & Barnes FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. Estnhlished 1X88 Phone Rector 6:140. 74 B'way, New Terk. WIR E CON N ECTIONS I'oston, Chicago. Philadelphia & Montreal. STANDARD WEEKLY ffr ?TILL BE SUMMARY >^ MAI LE? ON I TO *TA!*?>?R?> OIL ? INVESTOR? ISSUER 1 ON .REQUEST CARL H.PF0RZHEIMER & CO. Pheat ??l-J-w t*ro*d. u broad Si.. N. I. HARRI MA N NATIONAL "BAN K Fifth Avenue & Forty-fourth St. New York INKING HOURS FROM 8 A. M, TO 8 P. M. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS 8 A. M. TO MIDNIGHT I. M. TAYLOR & CO. Incorporated INVESTMENTS 7 Wall Street 2?**I,?" , , . Cleveland Philadelphia Pittsburgh National Bank Deposits In 44 Cities Show Gain Increase in New York, Chicago and St. Louis Was $130,605,000 WASHINGTON, Feb. 17?National !>ank depot-its in reserve and central reserve cities increased $193,385,000 be- ! (ween November 17 and December 31, ? according to figures made public to? night by John Skelton Williams, Comp? troller of the Currency. Of the sixty- ! six reporting cities forty-four showed i an aggregate increase of $277,911,000, with an aggregate reduction of $84,526, 000 in the remaining twenty-two. The increase in the three central re? serve cities of Now York, Chicago and , .St. Louis amounted to $130,605,000. ?^ Cities whoso national banks showed an increase in deposits of $5,000,000 or more were: New York, $103,000,000; Chicago, $24,000,000: Dallas, $22.000, 000; Philadelphia, $19,000,000; Balti? more, $15,000,000; New Orleans and Louisville, $10,000,000 each; Pittsburgh, $7.000,000. and Jacksonville and Nash? ville, $6,000,000 each. The only cities showing a reduction in deposits of $5,000,000 or more were: Richmond, $15,000,000; Minneapolis, $12.000,000; St. Paul and Denver, $7,000,000 each; Boston, $6,000,000, and Cleveland, $5,000,000. _?l^- s A Correction Through a typographical error, it g was stated in yesterday's Tribuno that i V. the French internal bonds to be offered ! her? shortly arc redeemable at 100. The I \ bond* at* redeemable at lfco. i v Mis Public Utilities Bid. Adirondack Kleo rower. 14 do pf. 77 American Light A Tfaction.. .177 do pf .... ?.. 83 American Gas A Electric.... .180 ? do pf. 39 American Power A Light.69 do pf. 70 American Public Utilities. 7 do pf.52 Am Waterworks Electric.. 2 Am IV WJ& K participating pf- :i America? W AY & 7 1st pf. 47 Carolina Power & Light. S? Cities Service.362 do pf. 69 do bankers' ctfs. 8*14 do 7 per cent, B, 1068..138 do 7 per cent. ser. C, 1966..100 Colorado Power . 15 do pf. 90 Commonwealth PrRy 4L.... J7 do pf. 3? Denver Oas A Elec pen 6s.... 87 Electric Bond A Shares pf...? 88 Empire District Electric pf.. 70 Federal Light A Traction.... 5 do pf. 43 Gas & Elcctrio Securities-800 do pf.80 Northern OMo Electric. ? do pf. r.o Northern Ontario Lt A Power. 10 do pf. 65 Northern States Power. 65 do pf. 87 Pacific Gas A Electric pf.84 Republic A By Light Co...'.... 3 3 do pf. 45 Southern California Ellison . ..>8o do pf..".100 Standard Gas A Electric. 19 do pf.??. 3J,. Tennessoo By, Light A Power. 1H do pf. < United Light A Bys. 25 do pf.'?? <" Western Power. 19 do pf. 69 Bonds Appalach Power let 6s. 67 - Cincinnati Gas & Elec 5s. '56.. 83 Col Gas & Elec 6s, '27. 79 Col Power, '53 . 78 Dallas Elec 6s, '22. 993* East Texas Elec 6s, '42. 75 do 7s, '21. ?9 El Paso Elec col 6s. 86 Great'West Power 6s, '46. 80'? .Midwest Ptll 6s, '26. 86 River Power 1st 6s. 72\? Asked. 17 82 183 91 125 41 ?5 74 12 27 4 7 62 86 372 71 41 103 18 P5 21 42 93 ?I 75 S 47 400 85 20 66 14 62 62 91 86 17 49 90 104 21 41 3 9 80 63 MU Northern Ont Light A P 6s... Northern States Power 6s, '26. Pacific Gas & Elec 6s. '31. Puget Sound Trae L & P 7a... Twin City C & E 6?.? Vn Light B 1st 6s, '82. 82 100 90 82 90 74* 69 89 95 97 78 77 70 Card-Am. . do pref. C Aguirre. 77 Fajardo ..142 ?t West..400 do pref. 115 Guanta'mo. 72 Mat-Am . 10 Sugar Stocks Bd. Asked., Bid. Asked. J8 22 {Mat-Am pC 60 70 80 ?Michigan.. 11% 12 Vi 80 National .140 145 145 I N Niquero.225 420 |S Cecelia.. 75 82 118 | do pref. 75 82 75 Savannah.. 37 39 15 I do pref. 89 91 Tobacco Stocks Conley Foil.275 G W Holmes. 150 do pref. . 97 J S Young. .125 do pref.. 95 MacA & F.. 140 325 160 101 135 100 155 Por R-A T.128 R J Bey A.515 do ser B.400 do pref. 104 Weym-B ..155 do pref. 96 Chemical Stocks r>9 115 53 Hook. Elec. 65 Am Cyan. 30 do pref. 52 By-Prod ..106 Cassin Co. 47 Dow Ch..200 Du P C p. TV? 9 Fed .Chetn.100 105 do pref. ? 100 Grazelli ..160 170 do pref. 100 102 Stee! and Ordnance Stocks do pref. 65 Ky Solvay. 90 Merc Co p 92 Merrimac. 88 Mulford Co 53 Nisg Alk p 95 Sexnet C..167 Solv Poc.190 136 550 430 107 165 100 75 75 115 96 92 56 100 Am Brass.208 Atlas Fw.154 do pref. 85 Bab & W.115 Bliss, E W.420 do pref. 62 Can F&F.200 Carb S?..100 do 1 pf.107 do 2d pf 70 Colts A... 54 D P Pow.300 215 160 90 120 150 68 225 110 110 75 57 330 East Steel. 37 Emp S& I 25 do pref. 65 ?Here P..200 ?do pref.1.07 Niles.B-P.105 do pref. 107 Scov Mfg.395 Thorn Iron 30 Win Cor. .400 Woodward. 35 39 35 70 210 110 109 110 415 35 45 ?Ex dividend. Miscellaneous- Stocks Am Chicle 74 do pref. 80 Am Leath. 58 do pref. 8!) Am Mfg. .160 do pref. 88 Am M&F.100 Am Typ F 43 A D T N\I 25 A W c pf 96^ Atlas P C 70 BB&S 1 p 88 do 2d pf 70 Bor C Mk.lOS Bush T pf 77 V. Celluloid .150 Childs Co. 90 do pref. 95 City In ves 67 Col E Sy.750 Crk W pf. 96 D L & W.170 F R 1st pf 95 Draper C..145 Ir,t Sil pf. 95 Lima L pf 93 Nat Cash. 120 130 N J Zwst.285 295 N Co 1 pf.lOlVi 104 O'Neill pf. 98 99 70 ?Phelps D.240 91 Phil J Cor 57 ? I do pref. 90 47 P & W pf. 96 35 R Reis* C 20 98>^? do pref. 82 75 iRy Bak P. 140 92 J do pref. 90 Singer Mgr.147 S L IM&S 43 Stoll S pf.102 S D W pf.102 Stern B p. 98 T&PC&On. 95 Valvoi pf.102 VRaalteln 40 do pref. 80 \ W C Kerr. 50 1 do pref. 77 i W & K pf.lOO 1 Yale & T.265 250 64 93 3 150 94 155 47 105 103'? 102 100 105 42% 83 55 83 103 275 .600 ..215 ..295 ..210 ..420 .150 America Atlantic . Am Exch. Battery .. Bowery .. . Bryant P. Bway Cent. 150 Bronx Nat. 150 Butch & D. 35 Chase .430 Chat &. P..310 Chelsea Ex.125 Chemical ...580 Cit?, Nat...200 City.375 Gotjiam _200 Greenwich Harriman Hanover . Industrial Im & Trad.590 "Irving Nat.385 Liberty .. . .4 1~> Lincoln .. . ."75 Manhat Co. .250 Mech & M..450 Metrop'tan .S!0 Mutual _490 Merchants ..240 New York Bank Stocks 630 305 220 160 160 160 440 320 .375 ..375 ..820 .205 Coal & I...845 Colonial ...350 Commerce .220 Columbia ..175 Corn Exch..466 Cosmop'tan.lio Com'clal E..415 Com'wealth. 221 Cuba .170 East River.. 160 Fifth Nat.. 150 Fifth Ave..900 590(First Nat.. .960 270i Foreign T B.100 385|Garfield N..235 215!New Neth..200 ? IN Y N B A.460 400 Park .750 840?Pacifl.: ....135 ? ?Produce Ex.375 ClOJPublic .335 395?Seaboard ...650 430 ! Second _400 285!State .210 ? 23d Ward.. 130 460 Un States.. 170 360?Union Ex... 180 ? W'chester A.200 2501Yorkviile ..375 Trust and Security Companies Alliance ... 80 tAm Trust. ? Am Surety. 73 Bankers .. .365 Bond & M.220 Bklyn T Co.500 Cent Union.410 Columbia ..245 Commercial 150 Empire Tr..300 Equitable . .280 Farm L&T.430 Franklin ..240 Fulton .. Fidelity .. Guaranty Hamilton ..255 Hudson T.. 150 Kings Co...640 Law Mtge. .120 .250 ..230 ..370 78 376 230 515 420: 355 160 290 440 250 260 240 380 265 170 665 130 Lawyers T.127 Lincoln Tr. .175 Manufac'ers.205 Mercantil? .310 Metropol .. .295 Mtge Bond.. 90 Mut T of W.105 Nat Surety.20? IN Y Title. 140 N York T..625 N Y L I&T.725 Peoples _290 Realty Asso.105 Title G & T.380 Un States..840 U S M & T.410 U S T Guar 80 Westchester.130 W & BT&M.165 230 230 180 950 980 115 246 .210 480 770 700 425 140 190 183 305 er> 125 210 146 745 310 115 396 880 420 83 140 175 156 676 260 76 40 tSea New York Title and Mortgage. Insurance Companies Am Alliance.270 ?|Gt Am rts..l?l City of N Y.150 200! Hanover ... 80 Coh'nwlth..300 825 Horns .640 Continental. 70 78 Nat LIberty.170 Fid & Phoe.650 676lNiagara ...230 Franklin .. 86 94IStuyvesant. 50 Globe & R 800 lOOOlWestchester. 35 Great Am..250 260' Standard Oil Stocks Bid Asked Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd.. 26 26>,4 Atlantic Reflnln Co .1S40 1876 do pf . 112 113 Borno-Scrymser Co . 430 450 Buckeye Pipo I.lne. 93 95 Chtsebrough Mfg Co Con. 220 240 do pf. 106 109 Continental Oil Co . 4S0 600 Crescent Pip.- Line Co. 34 86 Cumberland Pipo Line Co.... 155 160 Eureka Pipe Line Co. 140 ?45 Galena-Signal Oil Co, pf, new 96 99 do pf, old. 98 103 do com. 73 7B Illinois Pipo Lins Co. ISi 168 Indiana Pipo Line Co. 94 97 International Petroleum, Ltd. 67Vi 68 <4 National Transit Co. 29 80 New York Transit Co... 384 lis ?Korthern Pipe Lins Co. 99 lot Ohio Oil Co. 340 350 Penn-Mex Fuel Co. 64 or Prairie Oil & Gas Co. 680 690 Prairie Pipe Linn Co. 236 2*15 Polar Refining Co . 340 S60 Southern Pipe Line Co. 160 155 South Penn Oil Co. 290 300 South West Ptnna Pipe Lines 9n 97 Standard oil Co of California. 310 314 Standard Oil Co of Indiana ... 680 690 Standard Oil Co of Kansas .... 590 610 Standard Oil Co of Kentucky.. 370 390 Standard Oli Co of Nebraska.. . 490 610 Standard Oil Co of New Jersev 690 693 do pf.'. H4 314L? standard oil Co of New York. 390 396 ?tandard Oil Co of Ohio . 610 626 do pf. 106 108 do rights . 6 8 ?wan A Pinch Co. 95 100 'nlon Tank Car Co. 108 110 do pf. loo io.: do rights . tj i 'acuum Oil Co .?,,. 380 S9o Vashln^toa Oil C? <0 40 cellaneous Marl 100 115 425 19 151 43 ?H r>% Miscellaneous OH Companies Bid. Asked Atlantlo Lobos OU Co, com- 50 ??? Atlantic Lobos Oil Co, pt."J ???'" Cosden A Co . J.. "2 Elk Basin Petroleum Co. ?% **? Houston? Oil Co, com. ??Jj Imperial OU, Ltd . 100 Magnolia Potroleum Co . 400 Merrltt Oil Corporation. 18% Midwest Refining Co. 14? Northwest Oil Co . ?8 Producers * Refiners Corp. com ? 8 Sapulpa Roflnlng Co . I 6% New York City Bonds Security, rat?, maturity. Bid. Ask. Yleld^ Inter. 4%s. July. 19??- 96V4 do 4%s. Juno, 1965. 95% do 4%s. March, 1963... 95% Ao 4%b. My & N, 1957. 85% do 4%b, April, I960- 90% do 4H?, March, 1964.. 90% do 414?, Marsh, 1962. ?OH do 4%n,, .Sept., I960.... 90% do 6%s, May, 1960. 90% do 4?. May. 1959. 86% do 4a. Nov., 1958. 86% do 4s, May. 1957. 86 Va Re?.. 4?, Nov., 1956-'66.. 86% do 4a, Nov., 1936. 91 4.67 4 67 4.68 4.68 4.66 4.66 4.66 4.6S 4.64 4.84 88% 4.65 SS'.! 4. ?5 88%~ 4.66 4.61 96% 96 % 96% 96% 92 02 92 92 92 8 8'a Inter. 3%?. Nov.. 1954... 78 80 Coupon S%8, May, 1954.. 7? 80 New York State Bonds Can Imp 4%s. Jan. 1964. .105 107 High Imp 4%s. Sept.. 1063.105 107 Canal Imp 4%s, Jan., 1965.100 102% High Imp 4%s, Mar., 1965..100 102% P Can Tor 4%s. Jan., 1945..100 102% High Imp 4s, March, 1967. 96 98 High Imp 4?. March, 1960 '62, tnc. 96 98 do 4h. M & P. 1958. 96 98 Canal Imp 4s, J *-. J, 1960 '62, ino. 96 98 Federal Farm Loan Bonds 4V4?. 1939 op, 1924. 97 4%s. 19?R, op, 1923. 97 4^s. 1937. op, 1922. 97 5s, 1938, op, 1923. 99 Short Term Securities Am Cotton Oil 6s, 1924.. !?7 97-li do 6s,-1924. .".. 9414 95 4.66 4.66 4.15 4.15 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.06 4.06 4.06 98% 98% y 8*4 101 fi.fin 7.45 Markets in Baltimore Sales - ? Open High 20 Atlantic Tote. 3 3 45 Anindel Sand 37 37 10 Halto Com Bk.125 125 10 Cen Ter Sug pf 8-"4 8% 5 90 Cosderi . S su Low 3 ' Last 3 37 126 S-34 R V? 163 (Vioatlno .. 10 Citizens Bk . . 41 1 108 Canton Co . . .162' 220 Con Power .. 96 170 Con Coal .... 78% 78 Va SO Davtson Chrjn 34 34 10 Elkliorn . 22% 22',4 10 Houston.Oil pf 81 81 130 Indlahoma ... 7 34 7 T? 1140 M & M N B. 28% 29 30 M & M Tr Co. 47% 47% 208 Md Casualty rts 17 17>?? 26 Nor Central . . 67 67 Bonds ?11000 Cosden 6s. B 89 89 4000 Con Power 5s 93-V 93% 2000 Un Ry Inc 4s 44% 44% 3000 Un Ry 1st 4s. 65 C5 Boston 50 Adventure .... 9.r> 9 5 9 Ahmeek . 70 70 35 Allouez . 33 34 580 Arizona Cuil.. 11% 11% 265 Big Heart. 6% 7 178 Calumet & A. . 60 61 10 Calumet S? H. .360 360 1245 Carson . 19V4 20'4 40 Centennial ... 1 1 13 227 Copper Range. 43 4.1 8 6 Paly. West . . 3% 3% 75 Davis Daly . . 11 11 245 East Butte_ 12% 12% 155 Franklin . 3% 3% 40 Hancock . 4% ,4% .6? Helvetia . 3% 3% 200 Island Creek.. 40 40 100 Isle Royala... 31 % 31% I 40Kerr bake. 4% 4% 10 Mason Valley.. 2% 2% 620 Mayflower O C. 8% 8% 2 Mohawk. 60 CO 230 New Arcadian. 3 3 130 New Cornelia. . 20 20 290 Niplssing . 9% 10 250 North Butte.. .16 16 40 Old Dominion. 33 33 15 Qulncy . 59 69 10 Seneca . 14% 14% 260 Shannon . 1% 1% 350 Sup. & Boston. 6 6 26 Trinity ....... 1% 1% 76 U S Smelting. 63% 64 62 do pf. 45% 45% 100 Utah Apex.... 2% 2% S7i Utah con. 8=4 8 % 700 Utah Metal... 2% 2% 100 Winona . 1% 1% i 1 Wolverine .... 17 17 I Railroads i 163 Boston & A1..120 120 ! 12 Boston Elev... 62 62 666 Boston & M... 30% S3 23 1 do pf "A".. 40 40 1 200 Mass Electric. 4 4 100 do pf. 10% 10% 165 N Y, N H & H 26% 28 110 Rutland pf. . . . 16 16'.' I 20 Vermont pf. . . 8? 86 36 West End. ... 42 42 Miscellaneous 30 2.30 2.25 2.2u V4 41 '4 41 41 % 162% 162% 162% 95% 7S% 3 4 22% 81 95% 78% 29 47 Vi 88% 93% 44% 33 11% 6% 69% 360 19% 13 42 3% 10% 12% 3 4% 2% 40 31% * 4% .2% 8% 60 3 19 % 9% 16 32 69 14% 1% C 1% 63% 46% 2% 8% 2 1% 17 119 61% 30% 39% 4 10% 26'/? 16 95 70 34 11% 61 360 20% 13 42 3% 11 12% 3 4% 2% 40 31% 4% 2% 8% 6? 3 19% 16 1? 32 69 14% 1% 5 1% 64 45% 2% 8% 2 1% 17 119% 62 33 41) 4 10% 28 16% 86 25 Am Agr. 87 87 87 190 Am Oll & Eng 5% 6% 6 Vi 20 Amoskeag pf. 81 81 81 190 Am Pneu Svc. 1% 1% 1% 1 do pf. 5 5 5 5 6 Am Sugar. . . .125% 125% 125'.': 126% 45 do pf.116 116% 116 116V? 600 Am T & T.... 97% 9 7-;i 96% 10 Am Wool.120 120 120 20 do pf.102% 102% 102 160 Bob Mex Pet. 65 Clinton Wire. , 100 East Boston. . 20 Eastern Mfg.. 760 Eastern S S. 96 Edison 2% 3 0 20 150 S7 6% 81 1% 97 " 120 102' 610 Elder . 28% o2% "4% 21 20 150 33% 66 71 (?0 98 * 38% 14% 86% 28% 37 % 81' 615 Gray 25 Int Cot Mills. 200 Int Portland.. 100 Int Products. . 3 LIbby . 19 Mass Gas. 70 do pf. 30 M'Erwinlst pf 925 Mex Inv. 310 Nat Leather. . 48 N E Tel. 100 Ohio Body_ 60 Parish ft B. . . 30 Punta Sugar. . 675 Root . 44 % 76 Simm? Mag. . . 14% 21 Stewart Mfg. . 40 145 Swift & Co. . . .120 200 do Intl . 43 75 United Drug.. 129 13 do 1st pf. . . . 60% 167United Fruit. . 182% 184 375 United Shoe... 44% 45 40 do pf . 26 940 Ventura . 13% 1760 Waldorf . 17 207Waltham Well 39 Vi 1 Walworth _ 24 V? 26 Warren 1st pf. 60 Bonds $30000 Alas gold 6sA 14 1000 A O W I 5s. .. 75% 8000 Carson 7s.101 2000 Miss River 5s. 73 10000 Pond Creek 6s. 92 3000 West Tel 6s. .. 79 % 33% 66 17 23 19V? 15(1 28 V' 4% 30% 18% 160 28% 6 6 61 98 43% 14% 86 29% 37% 81% 44'4 14% 40 120 43% 129 60% 24% 70 CO 87% 38% 13% 85 29% 26 1 1 % 17% 39% 24% CO 14',. 75% 102 73 92% 79% 40 119% 4 3 129 50 182 Vi 4 4 V? ?6 13% 24% CO' 14 75 Vi 101 7 3 92 79% 24% 70 60% 98 43 14% 86 29% 3 7 81% 44% 14% 40 120 431/3 129 50 184 45 26 ??li 17% 39 % 24% 60 14% 75% 102 79% Boston Curb Bid. Asked Blk Hawk. .85c 90c Bohemia ... 1% 2 Bos St Mon.CSc 67c Calaveras ..? 1 % Chief Con.. 4% 41/2 Con Copper. 4 % 4 % Crown Rea. 30 40 Denbigh ...30 40 Eagle B B..2 1-16 2% Fortuna _ 4 4% Oadsden ... 1 1 % Honra .10 12 Houghton ..75o IV? Iron Bloss. .28 . 40 Iron Cap... 10 l.'i Jerome Ver.BOo 66c La Rose_88 45 Majestic ...15 20 Sid. Aikm. Mex Metals. 15 is Mid Moss. ..60 SS Mo.) Tung.. 8 Monarch . .97c Nat L & Z. 5 Nev Doug. .10 New Baltic. 3 Nixon .16 Onondaga ..15 Orpheum . . 20 Pilgrim ... .20 Pioneer* . . . 90o 1.U0 Rngr Petrl..? 55 Sev Metals. 23 S W Mi f p. 3 Texana ....28 U Verde Ex.37 Yukon . 1 12 98c 8 14 4 21 24 4 31 88 1% Chicago Balii. Open. High 26 Albert Pick. . . 42% 42% 60 AmShipBldg.100 100 9700 Armour Leath 10% 16% 1796 do pf. 94% 94% 800 Armour pf . . . . 98 98 100 Booth Fish... 1014 10% 10 do pf. 69 69 100 Beaver Board 53 D3 "40 Bunte Bros... 14% 15 100 Chi C & Conn. 1 1 70 Chi L Ry pf. . 6 6 15Chl Title' & T.214% 214% 70 Cudahy . 98 93 117 Comw Edison.106% 106"'. 485 Cont Motors.. 11% 12 160Deere pf.100% 100% 46 Dia Match_118 113 20 Ot Lake?. 85 85 26 Holland St L.. 16 16 60 Hupp Motor... 13% 13% .100 Hartman .... 88 8H 180 J 1 Case Plow. 17 17 475 do 2d pf.... 98% 98% 1300 Mont Ward... 35 35% 66 do pf.!07 107 15 M W Util pf. . 40 40 2600 Nat Leather.. 1?% 14% 60 Orpheum . 29 29 10 Quaker O pf.. 95 % 95% 170 Reo Motor_ 24 24% 60 Sears Roebuck.216 216 145 Shaw . 64 64 1100 Stew Warner. . 40 40 45 Stewart Mfg.. 40 ?0 46 Stand Gas pf.. 39 39V4 1600 Swift Intl. 43% 43% 900 Swift A Co-119% 120% 70 Thompson .... 44 44 25 Temtor Prod.. 41% 41% 3400 Un Carbide.... 66', 67 60 Un Paperbd,.. 20 20 86 Wahl . 39 33 % 45 Western Ktg.. 19% 19 31 100-Wrigle;.- ...... 75 76 Bonds 15000 Chi C U 1st 5s 70 is 6000 Com Ed 1st fis. ?5% ?*% Lo w. 42 % 100 16% 94% 97% 10% 1 6 214% 98 106% 11% 500 118 85 16 13% 88 98% 34% 106 40 l?? 95% 24 216 64 39% 40 38% 42% 119% 43% 41% 65 '? 20 39 19% 7? ?0% 214% 93 106 Vi 11% 100 119 85 16 13% 88 17 98% 35% 106 4" 14 28% 95V4 24% 216 64 4 0 40 39>t 43% 120% 43% 41% 66% 20 39 19% 79 S?% Last. 42% 100 16% 94% 98 10% ti 9 53 tet? Beourlty, rate, maturity. Bid. -Ask. Tljl?. Am T*l A Tel 6s, 1938... ?4V4 M?t ?.tl Am Thread 6s. 1928. 09?4 101 6.8? Am Tobacco 7s, 1920.100 100V4 ?.Jfl do 7n, 1921.101 101% 6.3f do 7s, 1922.101 103 do 7s. 1923.101% 103 6.4? Anaconda Con ?s, 19?9... &*Vi 96H ???? Armour A. Co conv 1920 1924.100 108 ? Hellt Steel 7s, 1922. 99% 100'i ?.?? do 7s, 1923. 99% lOOtf 8.9? Can Northern Ry 6s, 1922 95 98 7.1? do 6s. 1924. 95 98 6.6C Can Pao By 6s, 1924. 94 95 7.4f On Argentina By 6s, '27. 80 84 S.8( C. B *. Q (joint) 4s. 1921 93 93ty 8.7? C! C, Chi * S L 6s, 1929.. 84 Vi 85Vi 8-2E Cuba Am Sug 1st 6?, 1921 99 100'A IS.7E Cudahy Pack 7s, 1923_ 99% 100V4 6.if Del A Hudson 6a. 1920... ?9 99Vk ?.0? Fed Sugar nof 6s, 1024... 96 97 6.7C Gen Electric 6s, 1920_ 99 V& 100 6.Of Gt Nor By 5?, 1920. 08 98 Vi 8.Of Gulf Oil Corp 6s. 1921... 97',4j 99 6.7t do 6s. 1922. 97 V4 99 6-4? do 6b, 1923. 97% 99 6.3C Hocking Val 1?%JI 6s, 1924 89 93 7.9C Int. R Tran conv 7s, 1921 6R ?7 ? J Dold Pack 7?, 1920_ 99% 100V4 ?-41 do 7r, 1941.. 99% 101 6.4( do 7s, 1932. 99% 101V? ?-4? do 7s. 1923 . 99% 101V4 6.6? Kan City Ter Ry 6b, 1923 96% 98 8.?C Laclede G 1st 7s, 1929.... 95 97 7.4? Liggett A Myers 6s, 1921. 98Vi 99 0.51 Molino Plow 7s, 1920. 99V4 101 8.9f do 7h, 1921. 99V4 101V? 6.3? do 7s, ?1922. 99% 101% 6.4? do 7s, 1923. 99% 101% 6.6! do 7b. 1924. 99 Vi 101% 6.8? N Y Central 6s, 1030. 99 . 99% 6.6? Philadelphia Co 6s, 1922.. 92 95 8.It Penna Co 4%s. 1921. 97 97% f.?f Plttn A S col tr 6s, 1920.. 99% 100V4 4.8? Proct A Gamble 7s. 1920.. 99% 100% - do 7s 1921.100 100% 6.2( do 7b, 1922 .101 102% ?.If Public S N J, Nov 7, 1922 85 19 18.31 It .1 Reynolds Tob fin. 1922 98 Vi 99 ?.4f Southern Ry 6s. 1922. 93% 94% 9.11 St P IT D gen 6%s. 1923.. 96% 98% 691 Swift & Co 6s. 1921. 98% 99 6.3E West India Sugar 6s, 1922 96 100 7.0C , Utah Secur Corp 6s, 1922 84% 86% 12.4( Other Cities Detroit Sales Open High Low Lasl 6?0 Charcoal I pf.. 4% 4% 4% 4% 1600 Cont Motor_ 11% 12 11% 12 60 Detroit. 06 106 106 106 400 Lincoln Motor. 60% 60% 60% 60% 1 00 M ich Sugar_ 11 % 11 % 11 % 11 % 400 Packard . 21% 22 21% 21% .150 Reo . 24 24% 24 24% Philadelphia 2274 Am Stores_ 41% 42% 41% 42 10 .1 G Drill _ 46 45 46 45 . 915 Elec Storage..109 113 109 113 ' 74 1ns To of NA 32% S2% 32 V? 32% 45 Keystone Tel. . 10Vi 10% 10% 10% 214 Lake -Sup Corp 16% 17 16 17 96 Ph Co 6 pc pf 32% 32% 32% 32% ::08 Ph Rl?c . 24% 25 '24% 25 ?06 Ph R T tr etfs 23 23 23 23 25 Tonopah Bel.. 2^Vr 2A 2A 2A l95Tonopah M .. 2% 2% 2% 2% 114 Un Gas Imp.. .63% 54 63% 54 45 York Rys pf. . 81 31 31 31 1 Westmoreland. 78 72 72 72 Bonds $2000 Lehlgh V 6s. 100% 100% 100Vi 100Vi 1000 do con 6s reg 99%, 99% 99% 99% 1000 P R R g 5s, '68 89% 89% 89% 89% 1000 P, W & H 4s. 96 96 98 96 2000 Reading gen 4s 78% 78% 78% 78% 6000 Un Ry In c t 6s 70 70 70 70 Pittsburgh 10 Am Roll Mills 50 60 60 6J 9275 Arkansas Gas. 31% 31% 26% 28% 300 do pf..110 113 110 113 130 Barnsdall Corp 50 50 60 60 lOOCarbo Hydro.. 2% 2% 2% 2% 100 Carnegie Ii4Z 8 8 8 8 700 Guffey Oill- 27% 28 27Vi 28 100 Ind Brewing.. 3% 3% . 3 % 3% 250 do pf. 10 10 ' 9% 9% 346 Lone Star Gas 35 36 34 36 1425 Marland Ref. . 5% 5% 6% 5% . 145Mfrs L & Heat 55 65 64% 65 136 Ohio Fuel Oil. 24 24 2? 24 145 Ohio Fuel Sup 45% 45% 45% 45% 995 Oklahoma Gas 38 Vi 38% 38 V4 38% 265 Pitts Bi-ewing 5 6 5 5 60 Pitts Coal_ 64 64 64 64 7700 Pitts Jerome.. 16 16 ' 15 15 2600 Pgh Mt Shasta 41 41 40 40 650 Pgh Oil A Gas 13% 14 13% 14 60 Pgh Plato G..165 165 165 165 1013 Riverside East 2 2 1 % 1 % 170 U S Glass_ 62 57 62 57 80 West'house El. 50 Vi 50% 60% 60% 70 West'housc AB109 109% 109 109% 850 Wyom Fuel OH 2 2 2 2 Bonds $1000 Ind Brow 6s.. 54 54 54 64 Toronto Bid Ask Bid As'n Adanac .... 2 6 Mclntyra .. 1% 2 Atlas . Vi Vi Mln Crp On 1% 2% Bailey . 3 6 Newray ... 1-16 3-16 Bvr Con.... Vi % Ptrsn Lake. 15 20 Chamba Fer. 7 10 Porc Crown.20 30 Conlagas ... 2% 3',i Porc Imprl. 1 :? Crown Hbv. .30 40 Porc Tsdl.. 1 3 Domo Ext..22 30 Pr?s K D... 2 5 Dome Lako. 7 12 Tk JIughes.10 20 Gt North... 1 3 Terrffsmng .35 45 Hargraves . 2 4 TH Krist... 4 9 Hollinger ..6% 6 Vacuum G.. % Vi Koora .16 26 West Dome. 7 11 Lake Shore. % 1% 1 1 14% 14% Curb Market (Continued from preceding page Sales. Open. High. Low. Close. 2000 ?tJim Butler.. 24 24 23 23 2000 tJumbo Exten. 6V? 6V? 6V? 6V? 2000 ?tk'awanas ... 3 SVi 3 3 6500 ?tKnox Divide. 8V4 8VJ 7 _ 8 500 ?Louisiana Cons Va Va Va Va 4000 ?tMacN Cr M. % % % % 9000 ?IMacNam M.. A % *'? A 8000 ?Magma Chief. % Vi '% % 3000 ?tMarsh Min.. 22 22 21 22 eOONipissing Min.. 10 10 7800 Roper-Group M. % % 100 Seneca Copper. 14% 14% 1400 ?Silver Dol M. Va ? Va 7000 Silv K of Ariz. Bs \\ % \\ 2500 ?tSilver K Div. 6 6 6 5 25700 ?tSllver Pick.. 11 14 11 13% 700 ?So Am G A P. 8 8% 8 8% 2000 Stand Sil Lead. -h f? A A 2000 ?tstewart. 18 19 18 19 3400 *'<Success Min.. 6 6 5 6 2700 ?Sutherland D. 5 H 4 Va 5 760 ?Tono Belmont. 2% 2% 2?j? 2% 560 ?Tono Divide.. 2% 2% 2T? 2\? 250 Tono Extension 2% 2% 2% 2% 475 ?Tono Mining.. 2>? 2V& 2% 2V? 1250 United Eastern 3% 4* 8% 4 700 ?Utah Revenue 1?? 1?! 1% 1% 2000 ?tU S Cont M. 8V4, 9 81 i. j) 2600 ?fVict D (ap). 15 16 15'" 16' 1200 i-Wash G Qtz.. 99 100 98 100 ?200 -W End Cons. 1% lij 1% 1 ? 2700 tW Caps Min.. 10Va 11 10% 11 3500 tW C Ext (ap) 1>2 2?/3 IV? 2? 1400 Wilbert Mining 7 7 6 7 Bonds Ssles (000 omitted). Open. High. Low. Last. $25 ?Allied Pack 6s.. 77% 77% 76% 77% 6 ?Am T & T, '22. 95% 95^ 95% 95*% 2 ?Am T A T, '24. 94% 94% 94% 94% 5 ?Belgian 6s. '25. 96% 96Vi 96% 96% 90 ?Gen Elec 6s, '10. 96 96% 96 96% 6 ?Lig & M 6s. '21. 98% 98% 98% 98% 40 ?Inter R T 7s.. 66>a 67& 66?* 67% 3 ?Swiss Govt 5Vss. 87 87 87 " 87' ?Unlisted. TSells cents per share. Bankers Urge Private Ownership of Shipping The American Bankers' Association, through its committee on commerce and marine, which made a statement before the United States Senate Monday, yes? terday in a statement to the press urged the building of a privately owned and operated merchant marine in order that the country's foreign trade might be maintained adequately. The government, according to the committee, "should adopt as a definite policy that it .will in no manner or form compete with established steam? ship ?fTTes, as is the case to-day. We believe that in this, attitude-will be lound the greatest encouragement and the greatest stimulus for individual initiative. Present conditions more than ever demand a speedy determina? tion of shipping polity,? and that such policy first of all be based on the fact that private initiative and experience in shipping ctyinot safely be set aside in favor of experimentation in untried held?. American Chicle's Year Report of the American Chicle Com pany for the year ended December 31 last shows a net increase in surplus, ' ifcer the payment of interest on bonds nid dividends.on preferred and com? il?n stocks, ?f $1,101,619, making a otal surplus on that date of *2,89f>,743. In the annual report submitted to .he stockholders yesterday at their neeting attention was called to che itatemetit from builders that a large actory in Long Island City will be ?ompleted during the soring of this ?car. and is adequately equipped to landio gil tho requirements of the :ompany for many years to come. slak Information ? Ir. answer to many inquiries we have received con? cerning the method of subscription for the preferred and common stocks of Armour Leather Company, we republish for the convenience of the public the follow? ing information: Orders should be sent to the Continental and Com? mercial Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago, or to the Bankers Trust Company, New York. State on your order the number of shares of stock you desire (in blocks). Initial payment of 10% is required with each order. As the books of the Company close February 25, 1920, your subscription must be received before that date. Allotments will be made in order of receipt of sub? scription as promptly as possible after above date. The stock is offered subject to the privilege of subscription to the holder? of the preferred stock of Armour and Company now outstanding in the hands of the pub??e Armour Leather Company (OF DELAWARE) $10,000,000 $10,500,000 7% Cumulative Preferred Stock Common Stock (Par Value $100 per Share) (Par Value $15 per Share) Dividend on Preferred Stock, payable quarterly, January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1. First dividend payable April 1, 1920, will be for month of March only. Callable as a whole or in part, at the option of the Company, at 115 and accrued dividends. DIVIDENDS EXEMPT FROM NORMAL FEDERAL INCOME TAX TRANSFER AGENT: REGISTRAR: (Both Preferred and Common Stock) (Both Preferred and Common Stock) Continental and Commercial Trust and First Trust and Savings Bank, Savings Bank, Chicago, III. Chicago, 111. The Armour Leather Company has been organized under the Laws of the State o? Delaware, and will acquire all of the tanning companies and leather assets now owned by Armour and Company at figures which do not include any value for good will. The gross volume of business in 1919 was approximately $90,000,000. CAPITALIZATION To be immediately issued and out Authorized standing 7% Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 par) . . . $25,000,000 $10,000,000 Common Stock ($15 par).$15,000,000 *$15,000,000 Founders' Stock (no par value).shares 100,000 f 100,000 ?$4,500,000 Common Stock is reserved to be offered to employees and customers of the Company. tThe Founders* Stock will be subscribed for and acquired by Armour and Company, who will pay $5 a share for same. The Company will have no bonds outstanding and covenants not to perm?t the creation of any mortgages or liens upon the present property of either the Company or the companies whose stock the Company is about to acquire, without the consent of the holders of two-thirds in par value of the Preferred Stock outstanding at the time. Net assets, based on valuations of November 1, 1919, will be $25,500,000, equal to $255 per share of Preferred Stock outstanding. Net quick assets will be $16,043,564, which is equal to $160 per share of Preferred Stock outstanding. Additional Preferred Stock can only be issued to an amount equal to 75% of the cost of extensions, additions, betterments and improvements and of new property aequired, and then only provided earnings for a period of twelve months have been at least three times the amount required for dividends on all Preferred Stock out? standing and the new stock to be issued. The Company agrees to maintain at all times net assets equal to at least 200% and net quick assets equal to at least 125% of the par value of all Preferred Stock out? standing. Earnings available for dividends, after Federal taxes, during the last fiscal year were $6,195,824; average annual net earnings during the last four-year period -were $4,485,215. Thus, net earnings for the last fiscal year were over eight times, and average earnings of the last four years were in excess of six times dividend require? ments on present issue of Preferred Stock. After preferred dividends, the remain ing surplus earnings shall be available for dividends on the Common and Founders' Stock, in equal aggregate amounts. For a period of three years dividends on the'Founders' Stock shall be limited if earnings are less than $4,000,000. * ... ? After providing for dividends on the. Preferred Stock, the earnings for the last fiscal year were equivalent to 18.3% on the Common Stock (this after deducting an equal aggregate amount on the Founders' Stock), and the average annual net earn? ings during the four-year period were 12.6% on the Common Stock on the same basis. The officers and directors of the Company will be principally those who have been engaged in the operation of the companies now being acquired, and who have in a large measure been responsible for their growth and development. APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO LIST BOTH THE PREFERRED AND COMMON STOCK ON THE CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE All legal proceedings approved by Messrs. Mayer, Meyer, Austrian and Platt, Attorneys, Chicago; Balante Sheet and Earnings certified to by Price, H'aterhouse t$ Co., Chicago; Appraisals made by American Appraisal Co., Milwaukee. ?^ ?*?*? ! SSs??ist: ? ?"-.?-** (This is equivalent to price of $95 per share on Preferred Stock and $15 per share on the Common Stack) Subscriptions, accompanied by initial payment of 10%, will be received ' on behalf of the Company by Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago or Bankers Trust Company, New York ? Fiscal Agents who will on request furnish copies of a letter from the Company giving detailed information, which ta? also be obtained at the various offices of Armour and Company. Union Oil of California Reports Large 1919 Profits The Union Oil Company of Cali S??fXtejep0ir^f nek Pronta, after charges ?2?r????r?1??Mt,aVof 510.?S8,253 in the PA endfd December 31, 1919, equlva ?8,841*800 ?spltal ?tock, which com pares with $6,023,139, or $13.82 a share, j in the year before. \ Gross profits in 1919 aggregated $20,- j 632,487. an increase of $6,167,79.'$ over j 1918. Expenses and taxes were $2,- i 037,611, leaving a ?18,494,876 net. Fed? eral taxes amounted to $1,750,000, an increase of $200,000 over the preced? ing year. After depreciation of $5, 740,465 and $366,168 in interest had been deducted, surplus was $10,638, 263, or $4,615,114 greater than in the previous year. Financial Items Guy C. Philips and T. J. KavansBh havs been elected vice presidents of the Mis? sissippi Valley Trust Company, ?nd Oliver O. Hanson vu elected sais ???5??j?*s* fleer. Charles O. Clbb was *V*Sri ???ana-jer of the aavlnjrs aeps,T%tam^ tho Institution and O. A. Rov^s^,-* ? Hecte.l credit manager. Oliver ]% Sj? j becomes assistant bond offlcsr s?? <-**""' 1 A. Reaveyrol assistant secretary The American Bichan?? Natlsaf? -JJ. . h?a been appointed registrar el ?~Z So I tal ?took of the Assoclstsd WsMsW'**"' ,pany. ino.