Newspaper Page Text
LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS A REWARD WILL BE PAID for return or a platinum bar pin about 4 H ?ches long, 3 large and 10 small diamond?, tost February 14th, 150th st. ft Broadway. Communicate with E. B. Hopwood. 65 John st.. New York City. Phono Beekman 1987. LOST.:?In transit between 261 Broadway and No. 1 Union Square the following Mor? ris Plan investment certificates: R 7861-7900 inclusive. ?100 each: K 15*1-1550 Inclusive, $1,000 each; R 8*, $5,000. Certificates were not signed by two officers, were not regis? tered and are of no value except to the Morris Plan Co. Return to Morris Plan Co., 261 Broadway. $100 REWARD for return or diamond and onyx pin with two p?sftrls, lost Feb. 11th at or near Amsterdam Theatre. Return 15 East 65th st. >_ ?OST.?On Sixth ave. elevated train at Sedg wick ave., Monday, velvet handbag con? taining gold watch, money and keys; reward. Addtcks. 135? University ave._ LOST.?Black and white Spaniel dog. lost vicinity Washington (Square; reward ?l?. Kelly. 4* West 8th st. LOST.?Small platinum and diamond watch with monogram K. M. C. ; liberal reward. O'Reilly. 310 West 66th st. _ LOST In seat of Broadway subway, morn ng of Feb. 16, black velvet bag containing large sum .of money and key?* $10 reward. Return to Room 903, 79 Wail st._ LOST BANKBOOKS LOST.?Bankbook No. 76,510 of the Frank? lin Savings Bank. Issued to Katie M?ller ; in- trust for Emilie P. M?ller. Payment etopped. Please return to bank, 658 klgntn ave.. New York City. AH persons are cau? tioned not to purchase or negotiate same. LOST ?Bankbook N6. 576,622 of the Union Dime Savings Bank Is missing. Any person hi.ving a claim to It is hereby called upon to present the samo within ten days or submit to having said pass? book canceled and a new one Issued. LOST.?Bankbook No. 79,6*5 of the United States Savings Bank of New York. Pay- j ment stopped. Please return book to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 79,91* of the United StattiS Savings Bank of New York. Pay? ment stopped. Please return book to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 65,866. Issued by t,he Metropolitan Savings Bank of New York. Payment has been stopped. Finder please return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 52.773, North River Savings Bank, 31 West S4th st. Payment etopped. Kindly return to bank. LOST?Bankbook No. 1.189,075 of the Bank for Savings, 2S0 Fourth are. Pay? ment stopped. Please return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 1.118,908 o? the Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth avo. Pay? ment stopped. Please ?return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 1,130,*23 of the ?Bank for Savings, ?80 Fourth ave. Pay? ment ?topped. Please return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 1.1*6.885 of the Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth ave. Pay? ment stopped. Please return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 962,886 of the 'Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth ave. Pay? ment stopped. Please return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 1,110,219 of the Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth ave. Pay? ment stopped. ?Please return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 1,102,808 of the Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth ave. Pay? ment stopped. Please return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 1,122,1*6 of tho Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth ave. Pay? ment ?topped. Please return to bank. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET 78TH, 118 WEST.?LARGE, EXQUISITELY FCRN1SHED. NEWLY DECORATED ROOMS. $65 TO $100 MONTHLY; PERMA? NENT BUSINESS PEOPLE PREFERRED; EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE HOUSE. ?0TH ST., 41 WEST?Two adjoining rooms, ?sxceptlonally pleasant; running water, electricity; near bath room; In private resi? dence near park. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET BROADWAY.?My elegantly furnished three room apartment, high grade apartment house; couple, three months; references. Franklin 2139. MADISON AVE., 1186.?Six rooms, fur? nished; Immediate occupancy until Ooto b?!T; references; rent $225 monthly; ap? pointment by phone. Lenox 1361, before 11. RIVERSIDE DRIVE, 453 (Apt. 94).?Two rooms, newly furnished, bath and kitch? enette. Morningslde 9080, Apt. 9*. 72D, 245 WEST.?Extra large front and back parloi. suitable for studio or doc? tor's office; also large, beautiful front double room. Columbus 8966. 106TH ST.. 225 WEST.?Six rooms, bath. well furnished, immaculately clean; refer? ences. 2550 Academy. FURNISHED APARTMENT WANTED BUSINESS couple, sisters, desire small fur? nished apartment north of 72d st.; will sign lease ; references exchanged. B., Box 868. Tribune Office. r ... - , : UNFURNISHED APARTMT8 TO LET APARTMENT TO LET, three rooms, bath. , Inquire In basement, 720 St. Nicholas ave. g, - ? ? ? ' ' ~~~~ HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION LEARN TO BE A CHAUFFEUR?Pleasant and profitable work ; day and evening ?trasses. Bend tor free b?x>klet and visitor's pass. West Bide Y. MC. A., SOS West ?7th st. SHALL I STAY? SHALL 1 (SOT Before making a change find out If you fire on.the right track. To know what your lfework should be Is a start in the right direction. The trained analyst will know from a study of your face the vocation for fou. This study is based on known scientific laws. No psychological tests ; no trade tests. Ask us all about it. Booklet "L" on request. Merton Institute, Inc., 96 Fifth ave. (at 16th st.), New York. Telephone Chelsea 405*. ?HOP MATHEMATICS, mechanical and architectural drawing and typewriting rouises are still available for registration at Brooklyn Central Y. M. C. A., it Han? son. Place, Brooklyn. HELP WANTED MALE A National Organization Needs Managers and Superintendents. We prefer to develop men to became our executives instead of hiring executives from other companies. Success in life does not come from hoping or wishing, but through effort. If you believe in yourself and you are dissatisfied with your present condition and you are between the ages of 21-35 we have a wonderful opening for you. Apply, by letter onlv, to N. T.t 932 Tribune Bldg., ?. Y. ASSISTANT EDITOR on"~trade paper; a. young man who hns some chemical or Jharniaceutical knowledge and who de? lires to learn thu art of editing and the siocesa of making up a technical perlodl ;al Is offered a splendid opportunity to rnake a permanent connection, with chance ?f speedy promotion: send particulars of ^durat!on and training and salary ex? pected to start with to A., Box 808 Tribune. ADVERTISING" MAN of ability; special work on textile and financial weeklies commission basis. B.. Box 557, Tribune Office. BOOKKEEPER.?A large manufacturing concern, located at Norfolk, Va., desires the services of a thoroughly experienced bookkeeper; applicant must have had sev? eral years' experience in manufacturing lines; not over 36 years of age and be an ?ble mathematician; this is a splendid op? portunity for an ambitious, capable man. Address Air. O. E. Curtis, Hotel Manhat? tan, giving full details as to salary, etc. No Interview without written application. BOY, 15 TO 17 YEARS, FOR ERRANDS; OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN ELECTRICAL TRADE. PEET * POWERS. 70 E. 45TH. BOY.?Good, bright boy, 16 or over, to run errands and deliver small packages. Apply with references. Manhattan Electric Supply Co., 110 West *2d st. BOY, small, wanted to assist in packing ! and run errands in office. 61 Leonard ?.t.. Mactaub Specialty Co. < OR ED yuung man for errand? and light w'?i >. factor: : references. Dave '* . i ? IHva . .D Fifth ave. HELP WANTED MALE ERRAND BOY wanted. Bugen? Dletxgen Co., 118 Ka?t ?m ?t. ?_ MAT CUTTER and picture fitter wanted; steady wort. Apply or write, Kennedy ft Co., 618 Fifth ave, _ MANUFACTURER of automotive equipment desires live, high-grade salesman to devot? entire time to the line In territory north of Virginia and east of Buffalo. Give full In? formation in first letter. A? Box 792. Trib? une Office. OFFICE BOYS, large corporation; $146 a month; good opportunity. Auditor, Bradatreet's, 346 Broadway. PICTURE FITTER and mat cutter wanted; steady work. Apply or write, Kennedy ft Co.. 613 Fifth ave. MEN AGES 25 TO 50 EXPANSION PERIOD OF H.W.DUBISKE & COMPANY 225 FIFTH AVE. MAKES ROOM FOR EIGHT (8) HIGH GRADE MEN [N THE MADISON SQUARE SERVICE STAFF. ONLY MEN OF CLEAN RECORDS AND HIGH IDEALS WILL BE CONSIDERED. APPLY IN PERSON IF RED BLOOD FLOWS THROUGH YOUR VEINS FOR GREATER ACCOMPLISHMENTS OFFICE BOY, bright, neat, energetlo and willing, wanted by large concern? ad? vancement; salary $10 a week. Apply Room 2101, 166 Broadway. PRESSMEN Lithographic pressmen qualified for poster work on Stone presses can find steady em? ployment, good wages and good working con? ditions by writing THE MORGAN LITHOGRAPH COMPANY, E. 17th & Payne ave., Cleveland, Ohio. PROMINENT manufacturing concern in New Jersey has an excellent opportunity for a thoroughly competent mechanical draftsman ; experience on condensers ?and pumps desira? ble but not essential ; do not answer unless you mean business and can make good. Give age, experience and minimum salary ex? pected. A., Box 811, Tribune Office. SALESMEN. AN OPEN LETTER TO THE SALESMEN OF GREATER NEW YORK. Are you entirely satisfied with your present business connection? Is It yielding you the lncomo your e.Ybrt ?nd ability entitle you to? A*Tfo how about the future? Is there the i-tportunlty for you to develop Into a $*H000 to $20,000 a year man? If you cannot answer YES to these three questions, If you feel that you are STANDING STILL In your pres? ent position, then this advertisement carries a message for you, no matter what your sales experience has been. We are a MANUFACTURING COR? PORATION, with a nationally known product, protected by a patent process which is considered as important to the AUTOMOTIVE industry from an economic standpoint as the Bessemer process is to the steel industry. We have room In our organization for a number of live-wire salesmen, who are looking for a Job which they can make their life's work?where they can virtually get Into business for themselves. If you are such a man, we will give you the opportunity of making more money during the next six months than you ever made before, and after that. If your work has hecn satisfac? tory, you may step Into a PERMA? NENT POSITION In our merchandis? ing department on a basis of re? muneration which will Insure your financial Independence. Right now, we are Increasing our manufacturing facilities and are look? ing for young men who are ambitious to make a future for themselves, and who are willing to help us In securing the additional capital which we re? quire for business and plant expan? sion, by calling on Motorists in Now York and vicinity (with cards of In? troduction) and Inviting subscript,-i to our offering of 8 per cent Cu latlve Preferred Stock, with a ? mon Stock bonus. Many young men In our organ !< who have never sold a share o.' In their Uves before are now i-i.; on a commission basis from $1C. $260 a week and more; so do not l?? tate because of lack of experience ?*.i this particular line of work; we will help you to make a success of It? right from the start?and your suc? cess will not only mean money In your pocket, but will prepare you for a PERMANENT FUTURE. You would like to know more about this opportunity, wouldn't you? Then address a letter to P. O. Box 411, Madison Square Station, New York, asking for an Interview. In your let? ter kindly state your age and selling experience. References need not be given until after you have been ac? corded an Interview. SALESMEN YOU MEN WHO ARE COMING, NOT GOING. We want men who have "arrived," but whose future, nevertheless, Is still ahead of them. Wo offer a degree of co-opera? tion and an honest-to-goodness personal In? terest In the men of our staff that real salesmen count one of the biggest assets of their careers. This is. ? financial concern of irreproach? able integrity and of open doors to oppor? tunity that invite, now that we are reaching out to extend our business, the attention of men whose ability and ambitions deserve the chance to make good In a big way. CALL AFTER 10 A. M., 116 NASSAU ST.. SUITE 1002. WRITE OR PHONE BEEKMAN 7834 FOR APPOINTMF.NT. SALESMEN.?No glorious promises, but a real opportunity for you If you can stand Investigation; we want you to sell stock In a dividend-paying commercial banking company either In New York or our home city; genuine leads and strong co-opera? tion; commission. See Mr. Buckley, 1 East 42d st., or phone Vanderbllt 7229 for appointment. STOCK SALESMEN wanted; If you are capa? ble of selling small blocks of stock on an attractive basis would suggest that you call on us In person. Eastman Rubber Works, Inc., 218 West 40th at. TRAVELING SALESMAN Who would like to locate in New York City, or COLLEGE GRADUATE who can show record of success is wanted to represent a large corporntion in negotiations of a difficult nature Position worth $5,000 to right man J. H Huntingicu-i, 106 West 40th St., bet. 9:30 and 4 o'clock TOUNG MAN bright, for packing room; steady work APPLY 373 FOURTH AVE., 10TH FLOOR. STOCK SALESMEN who appreciate a secur? ity of high merit to sell. Buyers of this stock should make large profits and sales? men who sell It should build up a permanent clientele. Large sales, liberal commission. Call Room 2220, 61 Broadway._ YOUNG MEN WANTED ON POWER PUNCH PRESSES. ROOVERS ERO., 100 SCHER MERHORN ST., BROOKLYN. HEL? WANTED MALE SOUTH AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT ? Skilled or technical men. speaking Span? ish, can reach employers in South and Cen? tral America, Porto Rico, Cuba, Philippines and Spain through "Want" columns of IN? GENIER?A INTERNACIONAL; rate five cents a word, minimum charge ?1.60: circu? lation 16,000, McGraw-Hill Co.. Inc., 475 Tenth ave., New York._a SALESMAN.?Stock, Gentil?, to sell high class oil .stock; commission only, write, giving qualifications and phono, B? Box 666, Tribune Office._ HELP WANTED FEMALE INSTRUCTION WANAMAKER BEAUTY SCHOOL, 883 Fifth Ave., Near 36th St. Leading School of America. EARN $25 WEEKLY. Hairdressing, Manicuring, Marcel Waving. All Branches Taught. REGISTER NOW FOR HIGH CLASS POSITION; WE CAN? NOT SUPPLY THE DEMAND: REACH OUT FOR SUCCESS IN AN ENVIRONMENT OF WEALTH AND REFINEMENT: DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. Phone 117? Vanderbllt. HELP WANTED FEMALE A REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN 17-25 years of age. We offer all the advan? tages you can think of and $15.00 PER WEEK as a starter, with more pay and good chancea of ? advancement. Experience of any kind is not necessary. COME AND SEE US. ROOM 530, 24 LISPENARD ST., JUST BELOW CANAL. The American Telephone & Telegraph Company. Automatic Telegraphy. THOUGHTFUL YOUNG WOMEN Like to employ their minds as well as their hands. The day is short when the mind Is inter? ested. The new method of hand? ling telegrams?Automatic Tel? egraphy ? requires intelligence as well as finger dexterity. The work possesses ever-changing in? terest. The pay is good. The occupation Is esteemed. THE WESTERN UNION TEL? EGRAPH CO. TRAFFIC DE? PARTMENT. Room 1702, 2* Walker Street (near Canal and Broadway), Dally, Including Saturday, 9-4 p. m. Also at 356 West 125th Street (near Eighth ave.). Dally at 9 to 1 p. m., and Tues? day <& Thursday evening, S to ? p. m GIRLS (2) for office work, .'-'etropolltan Electric Manu? facturing Co., Boulevard and lih st., Long Island City; 15 minutes from Grand Cen tral Station; take Queens I'?trough subway at <2d st. and get off at 11th st. ! WANTED.?Stencil filers familiar with mag? azine subscription work. Vogue Co., 19' West *4th s*.., Mr. Melville. Billing Machine Operator in large office; must have good ex? perience ; apply to office manager. GREAT ATLANTIC. & PACIFIC TEA CO., 825 East 141ST ST., BRONX. CHAMBERMAID.?Hours 8-*, no watch; 135 and private room ; 1*0 and room out. Broadway Central Hotel, Broadway & 3d St. CHAMBERMAID wanted; references re? quired. Phone Rhlnelander *6*6. GIRLS AS CLERKS. j Girls, age 17 and over, wanted i as clerks. Permanent positions. Large financial institution. I Hours 9 to 4:30. Saturday half \ holiday. Luncheon served free. ; Opportunity to study typewrit j ing, stenography and dicta ? phone without expense. Salary to start $12. Call after 9 A. M., room 5030 Metropolitan Life Building, 4th Avenue & 23rd Street, New York City. GIRL, bright and willing, in office of wholesale house to take charge of advertising literature stock ; light work and no previous ex? perience required ; hours 8 to 5, Saturday 1 o'clock ; if unable to call, write, stating salary. Burroughs, Wellcome & Co., 18 East 41st st. . GIRLS.?Several bright, neat, young girls ? for sample department of large textile . house; no experience necessary; ?alary |13 , to start. Call and see Mr. Carlough, 2d I floor, 212 Fifth ave., corner 26th at. GIRL, with absolute experience and knowl? edge of double entry bookkeeping; good salary. A. Josephson. 70 Eldrldge ?t., N. Y. C. WOMEN CLERKS over .10 years of age for entry i;l,:?. steady position. Auditor. Bradstreefs, 3*6 Broadway. HELP WANTED FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER, working, middle aged, for small private family adults ; pleasant, re? fined surroundings ; one preferring country. Telephone Heotor B680 between 9 and 6, or West Brighton 674, after 7 evening. GIRLS AS TYPISTS. Girls, age 17 and over, wanted as typists. Permanent posi? tions. Large financial institu? tion. Hours 9 to 4:30. Satur? day half holiday. Luncheon served free. Opportunity to study stenography and opera? tion of dictaphone without ex? pense. Salary $12. Call after 9 A. M., room 5030 Metropoli? tan Life Building, Fourth Ave? nue & 23rd Street, New York. GIRLS over 16 to make themselves useful in pub? lishing house. Dutton, 681 Fifth ave. GIRL, small, wanted In large advertising agency; one who Is familiar with operat? ing a mimeograph. Apply J. Walter Thomp? son Co., 244 Madison ave., New York City. RELIABLE YOUNG WOMAN TO ACT AS MAID TO YOUNG LADY IN THEATRE; ONE ABLE TO PLAY DANCE MUSIC, WITH KNOWLEDGE OF SEWING. APPLY SOON AS POSSIBLE, A. DORE, 1 WEST 64TH, APARTMENT 12E. PHONE 8500 CO? LUMBUS. / LADIES to sell tickets for charity organiza? tion concert; commission. Room 411B, 47 West 42d st. NURSE GIRL wanted for light housework; good home; good salary. Meltzer, 1086 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn. Phone 6347J Bedford. NURSE MAID, assist with two children; experience unnecessary; country. Tele? phone Beekman 8239. Box 661, Tribune Office. OFFICE ASSISTANTS Competent In publishing house. Dutton, 681 Fifth ave. OPERATOR, telephone, small hotel switch? board; hour- 12 noon to 8 P. M. Apply Hotel Maryland, 104 West 49th st. GIRLS for light, clean work; permanent. Apply 373 Fourth ave., 10th floor. POSITIONS FOR YOUNG WOMEN ARE OPEN IN SEVERAL OF OUR DEPARTMENTS. $15.00 A WEEK TO START, WITH REGU? LAR AND FREQUENT INCREASES THERE AFTER.PERMANENT WORK ? 48 HOURS OR LESS A WEEK. MANY OPPORTUNI? TIES FOR ADVANCE? MENT TO POSITIONS IN WHICH THE EARNINGS ARE $25.00 TO $30.00 A WEEK. PART TIME WORK A NUMBER OF POSI? TIONS ARE ALSO OPEN TO YOUNG WOMEN ? MARRIED OR SINGLE ? WHO FIND IT CONVEN? IENT TO WORK ONLY 4 TO 6 HOURS DUR? ING THE DAY OR EVENING. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES: 1168 BROADWAY, MANHATTAN 453 E. TREMONT AVE., BRONX 81 WILLOUGHBY ST., BROOKLYN (8 A. M. TO 8 P. M.) (SAT., 8 A. M. TO 4 P. M.) SUN., 12 M. TO 4 P. M. 44 PEARL STREET, MANHATTAN (11 A. M. TO 2 P. M.) 1836 BROADWAY, BROOKLYN 68 W. HOl'STON ST., MANHATTAN (9 A. M. TO 5 P. M.) OR TELEPHONE MADISON SQUARE 12000 NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. GIRLS for light and clean shop work ; no experience required ; good pay while learn? ing, raise as soon as qualified. Goerz Opti? cal Co., 317 East 34th st. STENOGRAPHER SECRETARY, capable girl, with Initiative, wanted In manager's office of publishing house; must be rapid and type neat letters,; one used to Oliver type? writer; splendid opportunity for advance? ment ; state age, experience and salary ex? pected ; references required. A., Box 815, Tribune Office. STENOGRAPHER.?Wanted, stenographer with knowledge of bookkeeping; one who ha? worked In wholesale clothing house preferred. , Mencher Bros., 98 Bleecker st. THE WE6TERN UNION TEL? EGRAPH CO. The Public demands especial care on the part of those who handle tele? grams. That Is why wa exer? cise especial care in placing young women in our telephone department to receive these mes? sage?. They must be Intelligent and courteous, and they are. Handling telegrams over the telephone is the highest phase of telephone work and we pay ac? cordingly. You will enjoy, th? work. It is different. Come and see. THE TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT THE WESTERN UNION TEL? EGRAPH CO. Room 170?, 24 Walker Street (near Canal and Broadway), Dally. Including Saturday, $-4 p. m. Also at 3S6 West lJ?th Street (near Eighth ave.), Daily ? to 1 p. m? and Tuesday an I Thursday evenings $ to ? p. m. i TYPIST.?No particular experience neces? sary; must be n?at and accurate. Apply I In person National Association of Credit | Men, Room 617, 261 Broadway. WANTED.?An expert stenographer and bookkeeper for ? secretary to family In ! Louisiana, Interested In various welfare activities. Cultured Southern woman pre ferred. Salary larger If possesses good alto ; voii". Address Presbyterian, Box 664, Trlb- I une Office. SrfUATIONS WANTED MALE A_A_BUTLER?French ; excellent refer? ences from prominent families; $100-$110. R? Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st., 8d floor. Telephone ?9*7 Murray Hill. ACCOUNTANT, expert, undertakes special posting bookkeeping work, temporarily, permanently, monthly, auditing statements rendered, Income tax reports; competent, re? liable; references. Income Audit Co., 1*82 Broadway. ACCOUNTANT. ? Tax reports, flanaolal statements, part time bookkeeping; rea? sonable. Krause, 809 Broadway._ CHAUFFEURS SUPPLIED. Experienced, furnished without charge on short notice, with references Investigated. Phone Chelsea 4663. Agency, 159 West 23d st. CHAUFFEURS 8UPPLIED. ? Experienced, furnished without charge on short notice, with references investigated. Phone Chelsea *6?3, Agency. 159 West 23d st._ HOUSEMAN, experienced, private family; references; no waiting. Address F. S., 263 West 125th st. ._ USEFUL, houseman, painter, kalsomlner; intelligent, rcllnble; reference. Ameri? can, Tribuno Uptown Office, 1358 B'way. YOUHO MAN, 20; 2 years' newspaper ad? vertising experience; references. A., Box 813, Tribune Office. YOUNO MAN, 20, newspaper advertising exp., wishes position. Call Wllllamsburg 617. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A.?A.?Cook ; young Irish girl ; $65 to 170 ; good city reference. H., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East *3d st., 3d floor. Telephone 89*7 Murray Hill. COOK.?Irish, with set of help; 875 to $80; city family. D., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East *3d st., 3d floor. Telephone 89*7 Murray Hill. COOK.?Irish Protestant ; city apartment ; $65 to $70. A., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East *3d st., 3d floor. Telephone 89*7 Murray Hill. COUPLE, butler and chambermaid; young Swede; $1*0. S., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st., 3d floor. Telephone 89*7 Murray Hill. DRESSMAKER.?Stylish dresses remod? elled, evt-nlng gowns; out, home. Lee, 60 West 36th st. LADIES' MAID.?Canadian; very reliable; good seamstress and packer; $50 to $65. M., Miss Hofmnyer'H Agency, 10 East *3d st., 3d floor. Telephone 89*7 Murray Hill. RELIABLE COLORED WOMAN, cleaning or laundry; Thursday, Friday. Care Ford, 180 West l*3d st. WAITRESS, parlormaid, young Irish girl ; experienced ; $55 to $60. G., Miss Hof? mayer's Agency, 10 E. *3d st., 3d floor. Tele? phone 89*7 Murray Hill. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWNING BRITISH MANUFACTURING and selling rights of product of Incon? testable superiority, extensively used In manufitcturlng staple materials, thereby reducing cost of production, storage and freight, also increasing output?now of utmost Importance universally?I require clever negotiator as partner. Applicant must dispose of at least $50,000 cash to acquire interest and go to Bnglanfl to in? corporate there largo exploitation com? pany. Only gentlemen of highest moral and excellent financial standing are In? vited to write fully to Mr. Acker, 15 East 40th st. BUSINESS CARDS ? Carpets and Ruga 1,000 YARDS FINE CARPF.T9 $1 yard up; 500 elegant rugs, all sizes, all colors, $5 to $65 up: MAKING OVER, CLEANING, LAYING, DYEING; reasonable. Stllllngs, Inc, 620-628 Madison Ave. (50th st.). Plaza 8835. Carpet Cleaning ??WING?MAKING OVER?CLEANING. 500 carpets, rugs, portieres (all sizes). plain Oriental colors. Slightly used. At 1-3 original price. 200 yds. of Inlaid Uns leum, $1.2C. GEORGE H?7 8D AVE.. ?1ST ST. ?25* PLAZA Diamonds DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY BOUGHT FOR CASH, estates appraised, pur? chased. BENNETT, 175 Broadway, upstairs. Rags Wanted WANTED, ORIENTAL RUG. FINE QUAL ity, small allover d??sign on dark ground ; Antique Persian preferred ; room 17 ft. by 10 ft. ; will pay good price. Box 78, Times Square P. O. Tranks BIG BARGAIN.?New and used wardrobe trunk?. B06 Sixth ave., bet 30th-31st sts. FURNITURE WANTED HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture, an. tiques, planos, brlc-a-brao, books, art, etc. GABAT, 88 University Place. 'Phons Ctuyvesant 2377. STORAGE NOTICES WAREHOUSE SALE OF GOODS FOR UNPAID CHARGES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROV? sions of law, there being due and unpaid charges for which the undersigned. The Thomas J. Stewart Company, Successors to Colonial Storage Warehouse, Inc., is entitled to a Hen as a warehouseman on the goods hereinafter described, and duo notice having been given to all parties known to claim an Interest therein, and the time specified In such notice for pay? ment of such charges having expired, there wdll be sold at public auction at t^e warehouse of The Thomas J. Stewart Company, 1*3 West 90th Street, New York City, on Thursday, February 26th, 1920, beginning at 10:30 A. M. and continuing on each and every Thursday thereafter, beginning at the same hour, until all goods are sold, to wit: Household goods, consisting of bedroom suites, dining room furniture, chairs, desks, books, parlor suites, library furniture, kitchen utensils and articles, brlc-a-brac, clocks, pictures, carpets, rugs, barrels and boxes said to contain clothing, linens, glassware, china, sliver, bedding, draperies, sewing ma? chines, bookcases, davenports, trunks; held for the account of .Mrs. H. H. AVebb, Max Greene, R. L. Mosher, E. A. Knott, Mrs. D. Levy, Robert Chapman, Harold Lent, MrB. C. Ottowes, Miss Jane Lattlmore, H. Rector, C. A. Robinson, F. E. Robin? son, Miss Rose V. Nolan. Also boxes of law books belonging to W. J. Dawley. Also two boxes and one trunk, contents unknown, belonging to Mrs. F. Crane. Also barrel and case, contents unknown, belonging to Mrs. K. Vesterdahl. Also box and trunk, contents unknown belonging to Richard I. Epstein. Also two barrels, contents unknown, be? longing to Mrs. M. De Loca. Also barrels satd to contain china and glassware and one box said to contain silver, belonging to Mrs. Jane James All being now stored In said Thomas J. Stewart Company's warehouses Tha goods will be on exhibition at the time and placo of sale, and on the day nreced Ing each day of sale THE THOMAS J. STEWART COMPANY Successors to COLONIAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE Ina ... ?,W' T- BOHTWICK. Pr?s. ' 1*3 West 99th Street, New York City SURROGATES? NOTICES SUERKBN. JOHN F.?IN PURSUANCH of an order of Honorable Johr. P r? halan, a Surrogate of the County of N?w York NOTICE Is hereby given to all pi?. sons having claims against John P Suer ken. late of the County of New York d? ceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscribers, at their place ?f transacting business, at the office of their attorneys, Ouggenhe-lmer, Untermver ? Marshall, No. 120 Broadway. BoroJ.h ol Manhattan, City of New York, on or be? fore the 21st day of June next. Dated, New York, the 16th day of Da ctmber, 1919. "* ELISE KAETHE SUERKBN HERMAN P. SUERKBN, GUGGENHBIMBR. UNTERMYBR** A MARSHALL, Attorneys for Exeoutors Newark a?y.BOrOU*h 0? **a*?*? WELLBROCK. WILLIAM HENRY?-In nur. suance of an order of Honorable John P Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice is hereby given to all persoh? having claims against TrVIUlam Henry Well? brock, late of the County of New York di" ceased, to present the same with voucher? thereof to the subscriber, at his place of transacting business at the office of Hendrlck * "eo*r'ck. No. a Rector Street, in ths City M?y?emo?rt ?n ?r beiore ?w ??tu d?y 3 ber^mi*'*'' YOrk' th* 6th d*y oi U9?M ARTHUR C. WELLBROCK, aa&&-a\BFt*2HCK. AiSmSm? Execuior, 2 Rector St.. New :'ork City Shippin HIGH WATER AM . Si 7-12 7:88 Bandy Hook...-. 7;38 7:69 Governor's Island. _.20 *9:i3 Hell Gate.....???-?? ABBIVBD YE8TERDAT ,,?-? Departure Vessel r.a*?I .*r*9b 8 C Lopez y Lope? ? ? .Ca?" ? ? . Idaho. .." ?' ?vnnrA?uth .Jan 27 Luise Nielsen.?i?? . .. .Jan 2? Trlmountaln.Harnb?? ??.Feb i West Hargrave. ? ?-?*?,*.' ?0B.Feb 14 Lake Fern wood....Clenfuegos ... Jan gl Altai Maru.?iltar'.*?"?> -1 Alglerler...?^rfe-fon .Feb 16 Mohican.?harlcston.Jftn 2fl Lake Farlaton.. ? -;^ ^?"vllle' .Feb 14 Srayfoi.Valparaiso . gu??fos?. :::... - - .f^hw?. INCOMING STEAMSHIPS Doe To-dmy ?ko r??i?n.i ...Southampton -Feb J Lapland., ,,hon .Feb 7 Britannia.?'i"??uda .Feb 16 Poughkeepsle.^ ??, . ..tan 13 Glenrldge.Sa??mouth'*' '..'... Ja" 16 Westpool..3"al . ? ? -J?n " Dartmouth.TweVnool .J?n 19 Weehawken.p^au Pr nee.. .Feb 13 Advance.-Tonrton ?.*??" 27 Michigan.Lon_don . . ... Jbr lg Orayson.?, . ,. Feb 1 New York City. .. .Bristol.r? ? Nantaskot.Liverpool .Jan ?u Slavic Prince.fayal .?*?D Bayamo.Havana .* ?? ^ Henry Clay.Antwerp .? Jan *i Notherpark.Gibraltar .Jan. 30 ?mpheroyaa?.Southampton .. -Jan 9 Lake Orlnac.?.ava?.a .Veb 2 Bayonne.Gibraltar .Fob 2 South Pol?.Fayal .rib 12 Caracas.Curacao.Knh 16 Lenape.Jacksonville .Feb 16 Lampasas.Gal veston .Fe** ?*** Dae To-morrow Chicago.Bordeaux .Feb 1 Europa.Palermo .Feb s ^r::::::::::cris?^v:::|^ Ir^t^d^v.v.-.?r..?::??:::: jan 3 Severance.Shields.Jan 31 C. of Montgomery..Savannah .*?? *' Hamilton.Norfolk .Feb 19 Dae Saturday Lafayette.Havre .Fob 12 j Lake Duncan.Nuevltas .Feb 13 i Londondier.Antwerp .ieD ?** Due Sunday La Savoie.Havre .Feb 1? Buford.Antwerp.Feb 5 Moccasin.Rio de Janeiro. . .Feb 6 Strabo.Buenos Ayres-Jan 22 OUTGOING 8TEAMSH8IFS Sail To-day Mail Vessel closes sails New York. Southamp- ?,.,,? m ton .8:00AM 12:00M Rochambeau. Havre.. 8:80AM "-O-iM Duca d'Aosta, Naples.. 9:30 AM I: J? Justin. Para. 2:??A?? ,n ? am Mlllals, Rio de Janeiro 6:30 AM 10:00 AM Lake Ollboa, Kingston- 12:00 M Bar Harbor, Havana., -? 12:0? M Guantanamo, Tampico. - ?? ?i ?? Apache, Jacksonville . - ??, ?? ?? Suwa Maru Manila... - ?S*22?f I Wells City, Bristol . ... -" 12.00 M Sail To-morrow Mexico. Havana . 8:3??M 1;:nn Mm ' Schoharle, Patras.12:00 M 4:00 I'M . Esperanza, Vera Cruz. ^-??? ?:00 AM Orange Nassau, Hayti.10:00 AM 2:00 PM! Rlmouskl, Genoa .-* ";-?M Lyngenfjord, Chris- ,,.?... tlanla .- 1-.00M Hambloton Range, ,?nnnr Newcastle .- J2:00 M Frankdale, Galatz- H?2?? Valdura, Antwerp- 12:00 M Vincennes Bridge, ???-.? Christiania .?-* , ;;:0j:?? Santeraino, Galatz-?- 12:00 M Tuscan Prince, Shang hal .- 12:00 M .West Indian, Santos...- 12:0?i,,r Storfjeld, London.- 2:00 I'M Amasis, Gibraltar.-?- 12:00 M Taranha, Naples.- 12:00 M Kazembe, Manila.-* 12:00 M Satartla, Capo Town..--? 12:00 M Sark, Buenos Ayres... - .12:00 M Lako Ogden, Haytl... - 12:00 M Comeric, Yokohama... - 2:00 I'M Duneric, Rotterdam... - 2:00 PM Munarden, Untanyas...- 2:00 PM. Paysandu, Buenos Ayree. - 2:00 PM Antigone, Antwerp ...- 12:00 M Clan Mac Master, Cape Town.- 12:00 M INSTRUCTION lasa * w m wswnsm m m MmMswnm s* ?a mm ??<- ? ?9CHOOL? . 3iy\rrar Da? und Evening Dosts. New Yopfc-7? Park A??., bjH. 88.S? St?. Brooklja?Corner Franklin and Jefferson Arantes rvbVa*! tri I & Examinations s^wesr poinr ?- Annapo..? Send foc_Catalog and "Success, in Regeat? Bxan?w <ev * w ? * TlT\ Diere are ?111 some Tacan tXr\hhJ\tiU cies in our .lay Secretarial -??? ? ??? rlass. Resistor now. SCHOOL a^^^^-SSftfc SPANISH?FRENCH?ITALIAN CORTINA ACADEMY IS East 46th Ht_Tel. Vanderbllt UM SCHOOL. 62 Weit <5tn ?trest Itacntarlal trainbig: individual u ?uruetloi. Dai: ?rsaln?. ACCOUNTANCY. New Classes are now forming. Day or early evening sessions. Write for helpful booklet, "Your Post-War Opportunity," and Bulletin N. PACE & PACE, 30 Church St.. New York. LEGAL NOTICES AT A SPECIAL TERM, PART I, of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held In and for the County of New York, at the County Court Houso In the Borough of Manhattan of the City of New , York, on the 8th day of January, 1020. ? Present; HON. EDWARD A. PINCH. I ?Justice, In the matter of the application ' of CHIRIQUI ELECTRIC CORPORATION, a corporation, for voluntary dissolution. On reading and filing the petition of Enrique Halphen, Jacob B. Fldanque, I Ralph James M. Bullowa, George A. Con i roy and Alexander Begs, a majority of i the directors of Chlrlqul Electric Corpora? tion, a corporation created under the laws of this State and having its principal office located in the Borough of Manhattan, of the City of Now York, in the County of New York, and the schedule thereto an? nexed, duly verified by the petitioners on the 18th and 2!>th days of December. 1919 from which petition it appears that the" caso is one of those specified In section 170 of the General Corporation Law; and it further appearing to the-satisfaction of the Court, from said petition, that the said ! corporation !s insolvent, and on reading and filing the notice of this application dated December 30th, 1919, with proof ! of due service thereof, and of such petl- ! tion and schedule and of a copy of this order upon the Attorney General ; And after hearing Lawrence B. Brown ! of counsel for the petitioners, and no one representing the Attorney General In oppo- ! sltlon; Now on motion of Bullowa & Bullowa. attorneys for the petitioners, it is ORDERED that all persons Interested in I said corporation show cause at Special Term Part I of this Court to be held at ' the County Court Houso In the Borough of Manhattan of the City of New York on the 20th day of February, 1929, at 10:16 o clock In the forenoon, why the said cor? poration should not be dissolved; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be published at least once in each of three weeks immediately preceding ?aid 20th day of February, 1920, in the New York Law Journal and The New York I Tribune, newspapers published In the County of New York. Enter EDWARD R. FINCH _ - J. s. a _SURROGATES' NOTICES IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDBn OF Hon. John P. Cohalan, a Surrogat? ?f th? County of New York, NOTICE I? here? by given to all person? having claim? against Georglanna^B. Wright, late ?f th? County of New York, deceased, to pre? sent the same wlrh voucher? thereof te the subscriber, at his place of. transacting buslne??, at th? office of hi? attorney?. Carter, Ledyard A Milburn. Ne. 64 Wall Street, In the City of New York, on er fc-efor? the 2d day of February. 1W?, next. ^Dated New York, th? 21?t day ?f July] ^i=?,-.HaRACB B- DBMINO, Ex?cuter. CARTHR, LBDTARD & MILBURN At* torney? for Executor. 64 Wall 8tr??t. i Borough of Manhattan. New Tork ??t*?\ WALKER, BLI8HA BOBBINS.?IN PUR. ?uanc? of an order of Hon. John P. cobalan. Surrogate of the County of N?w Jork. notice la hereby given to all per ?on? having claim? against Elisha Robbln? Walker late of the County of New York! ?eoeased, to present the same, with vouch? er? thereof, to the subscriber, at hi? place ?I ?anaactlng business. No. 61 Broadway ilthhS.C-ty,?i N.*?w Yo,k* on or *?'?? ?S I?th day of April next. ?????msNew Tork*th# 3?rd <Uy oi ?*-?*? JOSEPH WALKER, Jr.. o?-,.._? ? Administrator. ROT N,.s. HATCH, DILLINOHAM A DEBBAOiSi?, Attorneys tor AdmtnU irator, -.>,!-* Street. Now York CU?. g News Caelra, Callao .- ?2i2??L Bvansvllie, Hull .- 18:00 J* 8*11 Saturday Saxonla. London .8:00 AM 12:00 M Nieuw Amsterdam, Rot- ?* ,..?.? terdam. 8:00 AM 11:00 AM Belglc, Liverpool . 8:00 AM 12:00 M Orizaba, Bilbao . 8:30 AM 12:00 M Ogontz, Dakai- . ?:00 AM 1:00 PM Stavangerfjord, Ber- ' , gen ". ?:30 AM 2:00 PM Giuseppe Ver?l, Naples.l0:00 AM 2:00 PM Oscar II, Copenhagen..10:30 AM 200 M Santa Ana, Valparaiso. 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Coamo. San Juan. 8130 AM 12:00 M Panama. Cristobal ...12100 M ?:00 PM Uberaba, Santos .10:00AM, 2:00PM Auburn, Antwerp. 8:00 AM 12:00 M Swinburne, Pernam buco . ?:30 AM 10:00 AM Hortenslus, Buenos Ayres. ?:00AM 12:00 M City of Lincoln, Cal? cutta .?- 12:00 M Lake Aurlce, Havana..- 12:00 M San Giorgio. Naples... - 12.00 M Merengo, Hull .- 12:00 M Idaho, Antwerp .- 12:00 M Tyr, Dunkirk.- 12:00 M Remus, St. Nazalre ... - 12:00 M Lebanon, Rotterdam .- 12:00 M Magyarorszag. Venice..- 12:00 M Agwldale, Naples.- 12:00 M Loraln, Brisbane .- 12:00 M Clan MacKinnon, Alex? andria .- 12:00 M Dadc County, Havana. - 12:00 M Spartan Prince, Cape Town .- 12:00 M Davenport, Montevideo.- 12:00 M Luise Nielsen, Buenos - Ayres .- 1:00 PM Margaret, San Juan...- 1:00 PM Lake Louise, Puerto Cortes .- 12:00 M Sail ?Sunday City of Colombo, Yoko? hama .- 12:00M AMERICAN PORTS BALTIMORE. Feb 18?Arrived: Strs Utoka, Philadelphia; Mississippi (Br>, Lon? don via Boston; Costletown, Benlsaf. Cleared: Strs Baqcross (Br), Havre; Eu rana, Kobe via Savannah; Arralz, Man? zanilla. Sailed: Strs Evelyn, Guayancan; Borghlld (Nor), Bergen for orders; Lake Hemlock, Boca Grande; Poeldjlk (Du), New Orleans via Tampa; Hadnot, Tuxpain; Middlesex, Newport News. CAPE HENRY, Fob 18.?Passed in for Baltimore: Strs Lake Traverse, Port Tam? pa; Feltore, Daiquiri. Passed out from Baltimore: Strs Aztec (Nor), Tampico; Lake Frolono, New York; Flrmore, New? port News; San Duardo (Br), Tuxpam. BOSTON,'Feb 18.?Arrived: Strs Essex. Philadelphia; Lake Harney, Norfolk; Ker shaw, Baltimore and Norfolk. Sailed: Str Lake Silver, Norfolk. CHARLESTON, Feb 18.?Arrived: Strs Arapahoe, New York and proceeded Jack? sonville; Lenape, Jacksonville and proceed? ed New York; Fort Morgan (Nor), Mocoms, San Domingo; Clcra, Havana; Lake Mon? roe, New York; Lake Annette. New York; Lake Duncan, New York. Cleared: Strs Saxson, Havana; Calno, Genoa. GALVESTON, Feb 18.?Arrived: Strs J A Bostwlck, New York; Wellington (Nor), Tampico; Montella (Hal), Genoa; J M Danzlger, Tampico; yacht Solarlno, Tam? pico. Sailed: Strs Fraport Sulphur No 1, -; Continental Bridge, Liverpool via Norfolk. MOBILE, Feb 18?Arrived: Str Bowden (Nor), Belize; sehr Marlon N Cobb, Cuba. Sailed: Str Lake CharleB, Santiago, Cuba. NEW ORLEANS, Feb 18?Cleared: Strs Atenas, Bocas Del Toro via Cristobal, Port Limon and Havana; Oanafjord (Nor), Blueflelds via Cape Gracias; Managua (Nie). Mobile; Manzanilla, Galveston; Tip ton, Tela; Topila, Tampico. NORFOLK, Feb 18?Arrived: Strs Sau gus, Newport Newa; Saco, Liverpool; West lslay, Naples; Lake Larga, Newport News; Carib, Newport News; Sundance, Glasgow, Mopang, New Orleans; lngold, Newport News; Wilcox, Savannah. Sailed: Strs Saco, Galveston; Blran, Para; Normonnla (Nor). Port of Spain; Tenpaisen Maru (Jap), Mejillones; West Eagle, Buenos Ayres; Slerentz (Fr), Buenos Ayres; Dearanof, Newport News: Lake Shore, Newport News; Wilcox, Barcelona and Genoa; schrs Semedal (Nor), Montevideo; Amelia Zeman, Puerta Plata. JACKSONVILLE, Feb 18?Arrived: Strs Lake Gadsden, Savannah and sailed Gal? veston. Sailed: Str West Hembrle, Yoko? hama via Savannah; sehr Chlquamulua, Cavonel. PHILADELPHIA, Feb 18?Arrived Strs Andyk (Dutch). Rotterdam; Western Ally, Rotterdam; Skodsborg (Dan), Cardenas; W H Irish, Port Lobos; Parksvllle, New York; Merrlmack, Jacksonville and Savan? nah; sclir Frank Bralnerd, Blueflelds. MARCUS HOOK, Pa, Feb 18?Arrived: Str Norman Bridge, Tampico. Passed down from Philadelphia: Str Shannock, Bordeaux and Havre.. DELAWARE BREAKWATER, Del, Feb 18?Passed out from Philadelphia: Strs Mohopac (Br), London; Hoxbar, Tampico; Lake Fray, Boston; Mina Brea (Br), Rot? terdam. Sailed: Str Ali (Nor), from Bergen, Hampton Roads. REEDY ISLAND. Del, Feb 18?Passed down from Philadelphia, Strs Clbao (Nor), Port Antonio; Lake Blanchester, Santiago. PORT EADS, Feb 18?Arrived: Strs Daniredalke, Mobile; ?ola, Progreso; Quimlstan (Hond), Port Corteza. Rochelle (Br). Cuba; Truxlllo, Tela. Sailed: Strs Jamaica, Kingston; Lake Narka, Beau? mont; Menapler (Belg), Antwerp; Panuco, Tampico; S M Spaulding. Tampico; Speed? well, Vera Cruz via Tampico. PORTLAND, Me, Feb 18?Arrived: Str Cairngowan (Br), Savona. Sailed: Str George W Barnes, Tampico. PORT TAMPA. Fla, Feb. 18?Arrived: Str Miami. Havana via Key West. Sailed? Str Ada O (Ital), New Orleans; tug Sena? tor Bailey with barge Conneaut, Port Arthur. PORT ARTHUR, Feb 18?Arrived: Strs Sharon, New York; Alameda, Hampton Roads; S B Hunt, New York; Llghtburne, Savannah and sailed Norfolk. Sailed: Strs Brilliant (towing barge). New York; Pennsylvania Tampico. SAVANNAH, Feb 18?Arrived: Strs Co wanshfinnock, Taltal; Ltgonler, Port Ar? thur; Gloucester, Jacksonville, and sailed for Baltimore. TAMPA, Feb IS?Arrived: Sehr Georgia D Jenkins, Barbados. Sailed: Str Lynch burg, New York; Plqua, Mobil?. SAND KEY. Fla, Feb 18?Passed west: William Green, Frederick R Kellogg. East, 17th: Point Arena. FOREIGN PORTS Departures for New York Gibraltar?S S Calabria, Ascutney, Ly coming, Motor Elizabeth Howard, River Orontes. Arrival?-from New York Rotterdam?S S Rotterdam, Coastwise Cuttybunk. Leghorn?S S Italia. Antwerp?S S Northern Pacific, Toronto. Naples?:S S Pesaro. Dunkirk?S S Sarcoxle. Gothenburg?S S Monano. Abo?-S S Custafsholm. Fayal?S S Roman. Panama Canal. Cristobal?S S Pastores. Halifax?S S Valacla. Genoa?S S Tonawanda. Falmouth?S S Byfleld. Rio de Janeiro?S S Tennyson. Newport, Eng?S S Verentla. Fayal?S S Westpool. Colombo?S S Abron. Panama Canal, Cristobal?S S Pastores. Barbados?8 S Manco. Port Said?S S City of Corinth. Reykjarlk?S 8 Lagarfoss. TRANS-PACIFIC MAILS The connecting mails close at the General Postofflce and City Hall Postofflce Station New York, at 6 p. m... as follows: Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, steamship Matsonla, February 20. Hawaii, Japan. Corea, China. Slam, Si? beria, Cochin China and Netherlands East Indies, via San Francisco, steamship Si? beria Maru, Fetfruary 23. Japan. Corea. China, Slam, Siberia r.Zc.})ln ,cu?*' Netherlands East Indies and Philippine Islands, via Vancouver and Vic? toria, B. C, steamship Empress of Japan February 26. v ' a Navy Orders From The Tribune's Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, Feb. 18.?Naval or? ders follow: Broyderick. A. P., Clk. W. W., to U. S. S. Black Hawk. Burke. Lt (J. G.) T. J., to U. S. S. Mercy Burleigh Lt A. L to U. S. S. Minneapolis: Lotten, Capt L. A., to command U. S S Galveston. Davis, Lt. R. O.. to U. S. S. Rainbow. Eddiegorde, Ens. E. A., to U. S. S. Melville GHsmann, Lt M.. B., to naval recruiting station, Norfolk. Hoeffel, Lt. K. M.. to U. S. S. ?Cose Jessup Capt. J. P., to Panama Canal Zone McCloskey. Lt. P. J., to duty as supervising cost inspector. Erie Forge and Steel Com? pany, Erie, Pa. McDonald, Bosn J. L.. to U. S. S. Sagamore. Morrissey, Lt Comdr. K. R , to submarine division 5. Patten. Lt (J. G.) P. F.. to U. S. S. Fulton Patterson, Lt. Comdr. D. F., to duty district communication superintendent IB Naval District. Poshepny. Lt (J. G.) J. C. to assistant to disbursing officer, 12th Naval District Rodocker, Bosn. H. D., to submarin? repair division, navy yard. Philadelphia. Tevis. Lt. P. U., to U. S. S. Claxton Vanderveer. Lt Comdr. N. R., to command U. S. S. Converse when commissioned. Buckley. Lt. Comdr. J., detailed navy ato. tion, Cavit?; to R. S. Cavit?. ?sdenbaugh. Lt F. H.. to hospital. Olonnpo Bowers, Lt O. A., to hospital, Sal?nica/ H?lse. Ens J. H. to U. S. S. Aroostoolc McGrath, Lt. T. S.. to navy training sta? tion. Great Lakes, III. Ramsey, Lt. (J. G.) T. C. to duty as as? sistant U. S. naval port officer, Constanti? nople, and assistant to U. S. representa? tive on Allied committee in Turkey. Judgments Filed In New Tork County The' following Judgment? were file? -,. terday, February 18; the first name beta? that of the debtor. ** Abraham?, Jacob ? Weiss Sc Hol? lander . 1124?i Abramson. Samuel?Title Guaran- " tee and Trust Company . 14?*? Alland, J. Frank?William H. ? Wi?e * Co.. Inc. ios <? A. R. Mosler & Co.?H. O. Wscht-1 4.706 4* Albert Schwill Se, Co.?I.?kan St. Drivas. 7,?|l *e Bachman, Alfred ? Prlngle Me? morial Home . 44.24114 Brlsbin, Edwin R.?O. D. Person'gi Casper, Harry?George Ringler Se Co. SSI ?1 Casper, Harry?George Rlngler Se Co.??.?. 457.1? City Real Estate Improvement Corporation?Fort Masonry Cor? poration . 4M 0? City Real Estate Improvement Corporation?Fort Masonry Cor? poration . 455 u d'Patterson. Andrew V.?J. Gilbert 1,641? Ersklne. George E.?J. H. Stou tenburgh . 1.J4?.? Evans, Isa. and Sam (Evans Bros.)?Vogel A Heilbert, Inc. l.?ij? Export and Domestic Buyers' Corporation?Prudential Litho? graph Company, Inc. 523 {?? Foner. Abraham?8. Topol?ky... jjfjj Fourteenth Street ano Avenue C Realty Corporation?J, Zokalyk 500?? Fink. Alexander -S Ackerman.. ei?si Federman. Marcus 3.?S. Bosnian 522.7? Gotham Warehouse Corporation? L. M. GarrlBon . 1,(62 3? Har Morlah Hospital of the Ga llschlan Federation, Inc.?I. Brechner . 647.65 Hyatt. John B.?C. H Nolte. 64554 Holden, William H.?G Maurer. 846.1? Hausmann, Morris ? New York Telephone Company; costs .... 109.57 Johnsen. Vldkunn?- J. E. Kelly.. ?.436 if Klatthaar, Charles P.?A. G. Koelble . SH.Jl I Kovacs. John?S. Meylackson et al 123 7? Kleinfeld, Morris B.?J. B. Frank? lin . 120.0* I Kramer, Jacob?A. L. Garbat... 24?;* Lupo. Rose?George Ringler A Co. givjj McDowell. Wm. T. ? Starobln Electrical Supply Co.; costs... 122.12 Hole, Teodosio?L. Abate; costs 190 71 N. Y. Consolidated R. R. Co.? M. Stout . 1,833.7? Potrone, Raffaele?Jos. Musllner A Co., Inc. 6?9 29 Portillo, Giuseppe?David MAyer Brewing Co. M7t.ll Roe. Rodney S.?J. W. Deerin... 120 20 Robinson, Robert, Mark H. Rob? inson and Guy H. Mailarn (Rob? inson Lumbor Co.)?Hunters point Lumber and Supply Co.. Inc. ?.24?.3I Rlchman, Sophie?J. P. Broder; costs . 1091* Strauss, Max?L. ErsMn et a!.. 4,99051 Splegelgass. Abraham H?Max? well Motor Fales Corp.... ... 4!9ji Stein, Fannle, and New Amster? dam Casualty Co.?People, etc 600 0** Simon Donovan Trucking Co.? Ferris Rossborough. Inc. 1.003 7! Shaw. Ethel?F. Beadelarl. l.OSsijo Slllpo, Hyaclnthus?L Goldstein 102 Jl Versailles Costume Co.?M. Ro senbluth . ltOtO White Plains Vanity Shop, Inc.?? Manhattan Mfg. Co. Ill J4 Werner. Glass C.?Joseph Ellas A Co., Inc. m.ti Wlesenthal. Barouch?T. Cohen.. 1.154 0* Wolkoff. John?I. Maggln. Ull.ll Wachs, Max?Pachman Co. 485*2 Weir, Mary?M. Singer. so? j Wright-Martln Aircraft Corn? Eagle Plumbing Co.. Inc. 421.93 In Bronr Connfy Ferrlck, William J, and Robert C Jewett?P J Murray. UM? Gissono, Alessandro?C Palvatl et al . 277 72 Hoeblck. Edmond?J Doris. 7-^9 Interborough Kap Trans Co?R Santolo, admr. 8,7(3 -. Klatthaar, Charles P?A G Koelble . 218 9' Klein, Jacob*?H Pope. 18390 Levy, Louis?F A Hube! ?t al. . .. 468.S3 Offerman, Jacob?F C Chien. 87 35 Rodgers A Hagerty Inc?N W Ryan. 177,53 Raus, C Hugo?L Bach et al.... 194 *( Rosen. Samuel?S S Ko?fler. 156 2! Sachter, Max?J Rakowskle. 27.72 Weir. Mary?M Slnpcer. 20S 97 Wachs. Max?It Pachman et al .. 4?6.?2 Satisfied Judgments The first name Is that of the debtor; the second that of the creditor and date 1 when judgment was tiled: ? Nutley, William, Michael Torpey and Dlttmar Powder Works, Inc. ?Thompson Starrett Co.; Jan. 21, 1920. Iiu.45 Same?Same; March 26. lil?... 426.15 I Beck, Max?Lebolt & Co.; April 22, 1S19. 155.20 i Broadway - John Str. Corp.? Ntl. District Tele. Co.; Sept. 16, 1 ? 19 155.8? j Allan, John T.?J. J. Larkin ?t ? al. ; Aphil 22, 1910 (canceled... 2,594.211 j Brudno, Jacob and Abraham?A, Lichtenstein; Feb. 0, ISZO. 345.77 I Blolos, Maurice?Armour & Co.; I March 20, 1918 . 120.62 i Bernstein, Jacob and Abraham , I Marcus?J. H. Samuels etal .; Feb. 6, 1920. 1.33181 ! Broadway - John Str. Corp. A. E. ! Carroll et al.. Dec. 5, 1919... 2,203.66 i Dean. Teresa ?? B. F. Vaughan; Feb. 17, 1919 . 246.56 ! Littman, Samuel?C. Stoiner; Oct. 3, 191? . 105.00 ! Same?Finkelsteln, Naitove & Co.; , Oct. 16. 1911 . 311.8T ; Same?J. SUberman et al.; Oct. 10, 1911 . 144.3? ' Levy, Samuel, and Mary Lang People, etc.; Feb. 11, 1920. 2,500.0? ! West End Pap-r Co.?A. Holz man et al.; Feb. 11, 1919 (re? versed). 1,211.19 ! Heights Metropole Conste. Co.? ! Pierce, Butler A Pierce M fit. Co.; March 17, 1911 (canceled). 2,053.34 1 American Railway Express Co. and Nassau Electric H R. Co. ?S. Carpenter; Jan. 28, 1920. 1,141.01 ; O'Connor, Chas. A., and Francis F. C. Thompson ? Fundy Co.; I March 20, lui? . 191,1' In Bronx County Cerf, Gustave?L. B. Diener; Jan. 19, 1920. $1,2')?.? j Sussman, William S. and William S. Sussman, Inc.;?State bank, June 14, 1918 . 687.41 Army Orders From The Tribune's Washington Buress) WASHINGTON, Feb. 18.?Army or? ders issued to-day follow; Honorably Discharged Shay. Capt W. H.,Cothran, 2d Lt A B.. Q. C. Q. C. Tomlinson, 2d Lt E.Hurwitz. 2d Lt J. B.. L., inf. inf. Smyser, Lt. J. M-, inf.Adams, Capt. W. H., Halbert, Lt. A. C, eng. . inf. Bradley, Capt. D. H.. Peck, 2d Lt. R. C, jr., enft. inf. Stirling, Capt W. U Fight, Capt. F. J.. jr., Med. D. O. D. Palle. Capt. M. A, Shephard, 2d Lt. G. inf. F.. Q. C. Medical Corps ! Rollins, Capt. K. W., to New Orleans. , Walker, Maj. L. A., to Hoboken. , Hutton, Col. P. C.. to Oteen. N. C, F** j McPherson and Camp Jesup. ! Toomey. Lt. J. H., to Jackson Barracks. ? Smith. Lt. Col. W. H., to Washington. Bee, Lt. A., to Fort Sheridan. Byington, Lt. S. B., to Camp Kunaton. ? Casey, Lt. E. B. M., to Fort Douglas. Bell, Maj. C. R., to Fort Slocum. Quinnell, Capt, E. D., to Fort Leavenworft. ; Pence. Capt. B. F., to Fort Thomas. Resigned Grupe. 2d Lt. E. A.. Kieffer, Capt. P. Im i in'. cav. Goodrich, Maj. L. E.,Simmons, Prov. Lt it F. A. F? P. A. Hart, Lt. A. L.. inr. Quartermaster Corps 1 Goosey, Maj. G. H., to Chicago. Shephard, 2d Lt, G. F.. to Governor's MM* ; Dabney, Maj. W. D., to Fort Sam Hoitttos. , Fridley, Maj. H. M., to New Orleans Infantry ; Adler, Capt. C. J.. to State College, P*> 1 Erickson, Maj. H., to Arcadia. Fla. ! Hitt, Maj. P., to Fort Leaven worth. ! Davis, Capt. J. S., to Camp Taylor, Ky. 1 Decker, Lt. H. P., to Fort Mclntosh. Newfluinst, Capt. D. C, to Takoma Park. D-?. Binford, Lt. Col. R. J., to Camp Kearny, C* I Ellmaker, Lt, C. F., to Fort Jay. ; Keough, Capt. J. H., to Eagle Pasi. Tex. ? Ross, Capt. T. D., to New Orleans. Dunn, Capt. J. F., to Takoma Park, D. 0 Miscellaneous . , ; Geer, Capt. J. W., cavalry, to Camp HoiabD* ! McKelvey, Capt. W. T., Sanitary Corps, ? Washington. I Enos. Capt. C, cavalry, to Corvallu. gj*? j Brunzell, Col. O. L., field artillery, to mssw ington. t. Heath. Capt. C. O.,' Philippine Scouts, * Long Beach, Cal. ^t^tst Following to Camp Grant and to cwsw ? Gibson, Col. A., Coast Artillery Corp?. L?rned, Lt, Col. W. E.. field artillery ! Lentz, Lt. Col. B., general staff. , j Rees, Col. R. I., general staff, to CniCM" Camp Grant and Cleveland. T?^ ! Spalding. Maj. G. R.. engineers, to {*? ! hurst. N. J., and Watertown ArsenaUwj Catlett, Lt. J. G., Veterinary Corps. Louisville, Ky. , ? /. Sale. Capt. C. W., to Takoma Park, ? ? ? Hadley, Lt R. V. N, to Takoma Part. ? --? ? Invests in Flushing F I?1 J. Albert Johntra has sold 8* ??T; Street. Plughing, for Benjamin J? of Roosevelt, L. I., to Nicholas *-*?* of Flushing. ??,?#? The plot is 50x100 feet on w? stands a three-stor * building ''"??9, 1 ing store and two -*i::-r*?* '**> n r Mr. Scocca buys for investni ."?