Newspaper Page Text
LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS rjOST-ir >*?*<" ?**? ou?, W Wth ?t. be tw*?t? Fifth a.v?. and Broa?way. on Fobru ??j Jlth. patent leather change |>ur*e con tsir.lag 11? 1?'? piece ami currcnoy. Re m%r?. fclrd. <><* Broadway DOS rtKWARI) for return er diamond ana envx plti with 1*0 pearls, lost Fob. 11th ?t et near Amsterdam Theatre. Return L'> East <8th <L_ LOST.?Small platinum and diamond watch with monogram K. M. C. ; liberal reward O'Reilly, S10 West B?th st. ? LOST BANKBOOKS LOOT.?Bankbook No. 6i2,Sf>5 of the Union Dime Savin?? Bank is missing. Any por? t?n having a claim to lt le hereby called ?n?on to present the ?ame within ten davs or submit to satii passbook canceled and ? new one Issue?, VOttT? Bankbook No. 723 T?2 of tho Union Dime Savings Rank ia missing. Any per? len bavin* a claim to it Is hereby called upon to present th" some within ten days or .ub?iir io having sold passbook canoe!.-.i und ? new on* toauwl. LOST?Bankbook No 3SLS?i5 of the Frank? lin Saving? Bank. Issued to Arthur W. BtttdC Payment stopped. Please return to bank ami Elrhth ave . New York City. All ptrsor? are cautioned not to purchase or ntgatlat* same._ Ai?ir -Bankbook No. ?99.92S of tho Frank? lin Saving? Bank Issue?! to Roy K. Peters. "?%Tif>n: stopped, Please return to bunk. 65S Rtgnth are., New York City. All persona are ?uttoned not to piircltase or negotiate name. J<0gT.? Banbkook No. 1.010.4 S4 of the Bsnk for Saving?, 280 Kourth ave. Payment (topped. ?Mea?? return to bank. ?jOST. Bankbook No. 1.010.6S3 of the Bur,. for Saving?, 2^0 Fourth ave. Payment ?topped. Please retara to bank. fxiST.?-Bankbook No 1.09ft,807 of the Bank for Savings. StO Fourth ave. Payment ?topped Bieaso return to bank. LOST ?Bankbook No. 4.".?.413. The Greenwich Pavings It*, k. 84? A -461 Sixth ave.. .N. Y. City Payment ?topped Please return to bank LOST.?Bankbook No 611,403, The Greenwich Saving? Bank, ?46 & 24S Sixth ave.. N Y dry. Payment stopped Please return to lank FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET MS. viTBST.? Beautifully furnished B-roOm apart ment . baby grand piano; lease Octo-I ?t- .?? Schuyler 5530, Apt. BB. 80TH ST., 41 WEST.?Two adjo'ning rooms. exceptions pleasant: running water. electricity; near bath room; In private re?i .pi-ci- ne ? i in FURNISHtD APARTMENTS TO LET MADISON ave, 1188.?Bis rooms, fur :.,<:? Immediate ocoupancy until Octo oer. references; rent 5U:.\"> monthly; a.p pointro .' b phone. Lenox 1361, before 11. RIVERSIDE DRIVE, 452 ?Apt. 94). --Two moma newly furnished, bath and kltch eaette. Morningslde 9080, Apt. 94. 7IB, 34 WES1 Extra Urge front ant; back par suitable tor studio or doc? tor's oflW. also large, beautiful front double -oom. i '?? uml ua 8966 i<t;D ST i".<3 WE3T.?Apartment, nicely furnished, two rooms and kitchenette, In pruste house. Phone Audubon Xtl34. BOUOIOU OF BROOKLYN KRANK! 'N ST 120 (Astoria, L. I,)?At? tractively iurnished'1-2 rooms; light house? keeping. Phone Astoria 2064. HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION AffOMOBILE KNOWLEDG? m s valuable asset *o increase your earn? er* Learn at New York's most complete school Mechanical cutts?- tes, with drlv lac L'O Write for Caialog T, or 'phone r > STEWART AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL .'l?o West 57th PL, at Broadway. LEARN TO BE A CHAUeFEUK.?Pleasant ana profitable work, dai and evening tlasfs? S.-r.d for free ! ooklet an! visitor';. ti? West Bide Y. M. O. A.. 40U West ?Ttb ft. LEARN OX?AOET?LL.NL WELDING. C;reat demand for trained men. Eight week?' co;ise. Class now forming, 23 J Street Y M. C. A., 216 West 23d st., N. Y. MEN.? ?ood paying proposition to operate moving p!ctu-e machine In theater: ex p?-i*n^? ?.:? n -'.essarj <"a!| day or evening, 4 menean Theatre Building, entrance 644 It!; av 43d s: ). 'Phone Bryant 1619. --. w - SHALL 1 GO? .i ; , '?. ; iclt if yn-j ha? your ., ? ? ' 111 know . e th vocatloi foi du. This is i own si leni I. . ? ?- ? loiogl ai tests; no trad-.- tests tooltli i" on request. ??'.ertor. tnstl ute, Inc., ?S Fifth ave. 'at 16th et? 1 o: k Telephone Chelsea 40.".4 .- ??' HELP WANTED MALE ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A CHANCE TO MAKE GOOD? S;i??if In life d"e? rot come through hoping oi - ;- through < ffort. I DO NOT CARE WHO OR WHAT YOU ARE : you are honest ambitious and Industrious aged '. to ' we have an opening for you with excellent pay and a wonderful futur.' . act qui .-.:; Apply, brj letter onlj, N". T., Box 930 Tribut ?? Office ADVERTISING MAN of ability; special work on textile and financial; -emmlsslor: bnalH. B . Box ."57, Tribune OiRce -VRT1PT, n-ho has a good Job. but wants a better ono. who wan!? every opportunity to make himself worth more; a nimtfe to grow with lita^ing organization in its field; poster work exclusive; u sticker, not. a drifter. S-.uJi" over n:grr from New York Thorough knowl? edge of figure and use of flat color essen 'ial Salary limited only by ability, lirinp specimens of work. Call Friday after 3:M0. Saturday afternoon or all day Sunday. Studio. 610 Lincoln isguaro Arcade, 1947 Rroadwo. BOOKKEEPKR. -A iar?e manufacturing concern located at Norfolk, Va., desire* ?'no services or' a thoroughly experienced book kee pa : . applicant lnust na\" had sev? rai years' experien e In manufacturing ine?; not over 35 years of age and be an ; ?? themati ian; this la ?, splendid op ? an ambitious, capable man. \ddr?ss Mr. G. E. Curt:?, Hotel Manhat? tan, giving full details -^ t-< ealary, etc. ^'o Interview without written application. 80T.?Good bright boy, li or over, to rim errands ar.-l deliver amall packases. Apply with references. Manhattan Llectrio Supply Co., no West 42d st BOYS 2 or 8, required to help In shlppintr. room, bright possibilities. Charles W. Wlll '?ms A Co., Inc., 309 Lafayeilo st., New York SOY. Intelligent, to make himself useful and run ?vrands Sugar Product* Co., 1105 Metropolitan ave.. Brooklyn; building oo. BRIGHT .rgetic boy for general office work Address al 'mc salary, reference? ?nd how soon you can begin work. A., Box ?2. Tribunt Off! - COLORKD young man for errands u.ud light woris s round fa'tory; references. Davo Pi'lc? <; Bros.. 79 y.fth ave. DRAFTSMAN. ARCHITECTURAL. ex PWIenced in perspective work, rendering jr.d working drawlnga; bring samples. Room loi?, 19 West 44th st. DBATTSMBN, MECHANICAL, WANTED. STATP: EXPERIENCE AND SALARY BXt'RCTEL A., BOX 81C. TRIBUNE OFFICE. ERRAND bdy' wanted. Eugene Dietzgen ^o, ;is 2ist st. Mat CL'TTKii and picture fitter wanted; steady won'.. Apply or write. Kennedy & Co-, 613 Fifth ave. OFFICE BOY. bright, neat, energetic and willing, wanted by large concern; ad ??ncsment; salary S10 a week. Apply Room 8101. 166 Broadway. ?FFICB BOYS, large corporation; $$4S a month; good opportunity. Auditor, ^radstreet'a, 346 Broadway. u*FlCE boy', tieiuiie; good opportunity. '-all after 9 a. m.. Room 701, 317 B'way. ?FFICE BOY ?T?T^Mcr?sV Co.. 105 ilwd son st. ?1iiTtJRE FITTER and mat cutter wanted" tv .ty vr,r*. Apply or write. Kennedy & ^?-_?13 Fifth ave tto.. PRKS SM B N _j'?*?T?Polc pressmen qualified tor poster ?^?en Stone presses can find steady ra StS?"!1, *ooi wag?? and good working con 5S5M%*>y writing r?? MORGAN I4THO-?RAPH COMPANY, B. J7th A Payne ave., Clen-e?an?, Ohio. HELP WANTED MALE SA?.BSMBN POR DRU? AN?> TOILET GOODS 8PHCIALTIBH High callher mon to eel] on salar' a high grade apcclalty. To atari immediately. A at runs company with a good product. Call Salur ?lay. after 2 P. M. See Mr. Mo? ll ride. AU8T?NOL CHEMICAL CO.. INC., 10 Bant 30th at. SALESMAN"; steady position, Inside; salan ?no commlseion; must, be over 25, nea't appearance and used to handling high ola?.? clientele: reference required. Call after i> a. m.. Wolf Uros.. 6.1 Flatbush ave., Brooklyn. SODA FOUNTAIN SALESMANf wanted. t:all M. It. Potlgor, 21? Bast 4 2d ?t. SOUTH AMERICAN* EMPLOYMENT ? Skilled or technical men, speaking Span vsh. can reach employers ?n i?outli and Oen tral America. Porto Rico. Cuba. Philippines and Spain through "Want" columna of IN? GENIER?A INTERNACIONAL; rate five i cots a word, minimum charge 81.60; circu? lation 15.000. McGraw-Hill Co., Inc.. 47J. Tenth ave.. .New York. STOCK SALESMEN who appreciate a secur ity of high merit to sell. Buyers of thin stock should make largo profite and salee - men who sell It should build up a permanent clientele. Large, nales, liberal commission. Call Room ^2?0, 61 Broadway. STOCK SALESMEN wanted ; If you ar? capa ble or selling small blocke of stock on an attractive basis would suggest that you call on us In person. Eastman Rubber Works, Inc.. ?13 West 40th St. TRAVELING SALESMAN Who would like to locale In New York City, or COLLEGE GRADUAT? who can show record of success Is wanted to represent a large corporation In negotiation? of a difficult nature Position worth 85.000 to right man J. H Huntington?. 105 West 40th St., bet. 9:30 and 4 o'clock VOUNO MAN bright, for packing room; stpady work. APPLY 873 FOURTH AVE.. 10TH FLOOR. STOCK SALESMEN who Appreciate a secur? ity of high merit to sell. Buyers of this stock should makd large profits and sales? men who sell it should build up a permanent cu?ntele. Large ??les. liberal commission. Call Room U220. 61 Broadway. YOUNG MEN WANTED ON POWER PUNCH PRESSES. ROOVERS PRO., 100 SCHER MERHORX ST.. BROOKLYN. HELP WANTED FEMALE INSTRUCTION The United Stales School SECRETARIES *.4?-544 Fifth Ave. (46th Bt.). Tho Oldest and pre-eminently tho most successful. Preparen for and obtains excellent posi? tions. Write for Catalog A. Prof. Mcagher, M. A.. Director. HELP WANTED FEMALE Automatic Telegraphy. THOUGHTFUL YOUNG WOMEN Like to employ their minds a.? well as their hands. The day is short -when the mind Is inter? ested. The new method of hand? ling telegrams?Automatic Tel? egraphy ? requires intelligence as well as finger dexteVlty. The work jossesB1? ever-changing in? terest. The pay is good. The occupation Is esteemed. THE WESTERN T*N10?V TEL? EGRAPH CO. TRAFFIC DE? PARTMENT. Room 170?, 24 Walker Street <near Canal and Broadway), Dally, including Baturday, 8-4 p, m. Also at 8B8 West 125tl? Street tnefir Eighth ave.), Dully at it to 1 p m., and Tues ?lay & Thursday evening. 6 to a p. rn BILLING CLERK ON ELLIOTT FISHER MACHINE. DUTTON, 6S1 FIFTH AVE. CHAMBERMAID.?Hours 8-4. no watch; |3B and private room; $40 and room out. Broadway Central Hotel, Broadway & 3d st. COCFLE, country; two In family; do work of small house; $125 to ?1(50; reference?1. MLw FltzGoj-aldB Bureau, 366 Fifth ave. DEMONSTRATORS (1) for a combination dye and tint; one for Brooklyn and one for Newark. Call after 4 p. m. ; salary. John C. Sparks. 42 Warren st., New York City. GENERAL HOUSEWORKER, neat, capa bit?, fond of children; good plain cook; In small family, where young girl assiste part time; good wages; references re? quired. Telephone Park Ridge 49, or write Box 65. Montvale, N. J. GIRLS AS TYPISTS. Girls, age 17 and over, wanted as typists. Permanent posi? tions. Large financial institu? tion. Hours 9 to 4:30. Satur? day half holiday. Luncheon served free. Opportunity to study stenography and opera? tion of dictaphone without ex? pense. Salary $12. Call afte 9 A. M., room 5030 Metr?poli tan Life Building, Fourth Ave nue & 23rd Street, New York. GIRLS AS CLERKS. Girls, age 17 and over, wanted as clerks. Permanent positions. Large financial institution. Hours 9 to 4:30. Saturday half holidav. Luncheon served free. Opportunity to study typewrit? ing, stenography and dicta? phone without expense. Salary to start-$12. Call after 9 A. M?, room 5030 Metropolitan Life Building, 4th Avenue & 23rd Street, New York City. GIRLS.?Several bright, neat, young girls for sample department of large textile house; no experience necessary; salary ?l? to start ("all and see Mr. Carlough, 3d floor, 212 Fifth ave., corner J6th St. GIRL, small, wanted In large advertising agency one who Is familiar with operat? ing a mimeograub. Apply .1. Walter Thomp? son Co.. .?14 MJdlson ave-. Now *. ork (Ity. GIRLS for light and clean shop work : no experience required; good pay while learn? ing, rala? as soon as qualified. Goerz Opti? cal Co.. ?17 East ?4th ?t. _ OrRL.~wRh absolute experience and knowl? edge of ?louble ?try hookktApkn?; ?*od I salary. A Jbsepheon. "0 Wdrtdge at., N T. C HELP WANTED FBMALE A REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN 17-25 years of age. We offer all the advan? tages you can think of and $15.00 PER WEEK as a starter, with more pay and good chances of advancement Experience of any kind is not necessary. COME AND SEE US. ROOM 530, 24 LISPENARD ST.. JUST BELOW CANAL. The American Telephone & Telegraph Company. O?R Li? fer light, olean work ; permanent. Apply ?78 Fourth are., lOth floor. ?_?____?_________.________________ i LARGE fire Insurance company desires ?ev- ? vices several young girl? for 111 Ins reporta and general office work. Apply to Northern Assurance Co.. ?6 John at. NURSE MAID, assist with two children ; experience unnecessary; country. Tele? phone Beekman ?2S9. Box Ml. Tribuna Office. OFFICE POSITIONS for a number of bright, willing young girls In large, high class firm; exceptional work? ing conditions; permanent positions, with splendid future; no previous business ex? perience necessary-, salary $12 to ?tart; strictly Christian concern. Call after 9:80. Mr. Clark, Scott Company. 83 West 44th at. POSITIONS FOR YOUNG WOMEN ARE OPEN IN SEVERAL OF OUR DEPARTMENTS. $15.00 A WEEK TO START, WITH REGU? LAR AND FREQUENT INCREASES THERE AFTER.PERMANENT WORK ? 48 HOURS OR LESS A WEEK. MANY OPPORTUNI? TIES FOR ADVANCE? MENT TO POSITIONS IN W HIGH THE EARNINGS ARE $25.00 TO $30.00 A WEEK. PART TIME WORK A NUMBER OF POSI? TIONS ARE ALSO OPEN TO YOUNG WOMEN ? MARRIED OR SINGLE ?WHO FIND IT CONVEN? IENT TO WORK ONLY 4 TO 6 HOURS DUR? ING THE DAY OR EVENING. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES: I16S BROADWAY. MANHATTAN 4B? E. TREMONT AVS.. BRONX SI WILLOUGHBY ST.. BROOKLYN (1 A. M. TO H P. M.) (SAT.. 8 A. M. TO 4, P. M. ' SUN'., 12 M. TO I T. M. 4 4 PEARL STREET, MANHATTAN' Ml A. M. TO : P. M.) 1336 BROADWAY. BROOKLYN if W. HOUSTON ST., MANHATTAN (.9 A. M. TO 5 P. M.) OR TELEPHONE MADISON* SQUARE 1200? NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. STENOGRAPHER SECRETARY, capable girl, with Initiative, wanted in manager'? office of publishing house; must be rapid and type neat letters; one used to Oliver type? writer ; splendid opportunity for advance ment : state age, experience and salary ex- ; pected; references required. A.. Box 8i?S. Tribune Office. STENOGRAPHER and general office assist? ant; nice, light office; pleasant surround-I IngB ; near subway; hours 9-5, S-12 Saturday. Call L. M Hollinghead Co., 8? 34th St., Brooklyn, Bush Terminal. STENOGRAPHER.?Wanted, stenographer with knowledge of bookkeeping; one who ha? worked In wholesale clothing house preferred. Mencher Bros., 98 Bleecker ?t. STENOGRAPHERS wanted (31 by manu? facturer ; excellent chance for advance? ment. Apply in person. Lamson & Co., 10? Fifth ave. ?IE WESTERN UNION TBI BGRAPH CO. The Public demands especial car? on part of those who handle tele grams. That is why wa exer? cise espacial cara in planing young woman in our talaphon? departmeat to receive thesa mas eaces. They must be Intelligent and courteous, and they are. Handling telegrams ever the telephone is the highest phase of telephone work and we pay ac? cordingly. You will enjoy the work. I* Is different Come and see. THE TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT THE WESTERN UNION TEL? EGRAPH CO. Room 1702, 24 Walker Street (near Canal and Broadway). Daily, including Saturday, 0-4 p ro Also at 80? West. 115th Scree- (near Eighth ave.). Daily * to 1 p. no., and Tuesday anl Thursday evenings ? te ? p. m WANTED?Btenoll filers familiar with ?_.. mine subscription work. Votjrae Go., Tl West 44tb st.. Mr. Melville. HELP WANTED FEMALB WOMEN CLWRKB ever SO year? or age for entry work: steady position. Auditor Bratlstrwet's. iUfi ?roadway. TOl'NO LADY for dental office; high sul nry. Dentist, ?61 West 42d st. bituationb wanted male ACCOUNTANT, oxpert, undertakes special posting bookkeeping ?nrl.. temporil i-11 -,. permanently, monthly, auditing statement* rendered. Income tax reports; competent, m liable; references. Income Audit Co., HH? Broadway. ACCOUNTANT, auditor, executive ability and extensive public accounting practice, desires permanent engagement ; per? sonal Interview. B., Box 5Q6, Tribuno Oflloe, CHAUFFEURS SUPPLIED. ? Experienced, furnished without ohing? on short not let with references Investigo ted. Phono Chelsea 4013. Agency, 1G9 Wont Slid st. PAINTER watitn work. Inside, outside; ex eellent work guaranteed. Hermann, 134 East H 2d st. i YOUNG MAN studying Journalism night wants pofdtlon on trade paper where he ! can get lots of experience and a moderate \ salary. Address C. II. <!.. 9th floor. Now ' York University, Washington Square East. j YOUNG MAN, well educated, has ex? perience In advertising, wishes position. ; Oall Wllllamsburg 617. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A.?A.?Cook; young Irish girl; $<IK to $70; good city roference. IL. Miss Hofmayer's I Agency, 10 Bast 4Hd St., ?d floor. Telephone , ?947 Murray Hill. i A.?A.?Cook" young Irish girl; $??5 to $70; good oily reference. H.. Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 4Sd st., 3d floor. Telephone ?947 Murray Hill. COMPANION.?A lady of refinement and culture would like a position as companion to a lady not an invalid ; no objection to travelling. A.. Box 818, Tribune Office. COOK.?Irish Protestant; city apartment; $05 to $70. A., Miss Hofmayer'H Agency, 10 East 4Sd st., 8d floor. Telephone ??4? Murray Hill. COOK, Hungarian, first class, experienced middle aged woman. Rubo, 864 Columbus. COUPLE.?Butler and cook r experienced ; city family preferred; $150. M., Miss Hof? mayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st., r.d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. COUPLE, butler and chambermaid: young Swede; .?lio S.. Miss Hofmayer'e Agency, 10 East 43d Ht., ?d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. COUPLE, colored, private or puOllc. ; entire charge; excellent reference* ; city or ooun frv. Jifias Fitzgerald's Bureau, 38? Fifth ave. DRESSMAKER?Stylish dresses remod? elled, evening gowns; out, home. Lee, CO West :i6th ?t. HOUSEWORKER.?Young, pood cook; ex? cellent references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bu? reau, 066 Fifth ave. LADIES- MAID.?Canadian ; very reliable; pood fieutnstres-i end packer; $t,0 to $55 \1 . Mis* Hofinaver's Agency. 10 East 41!<1 st.. 8(5 floor. Teleplt#fte ?947 Murray Hill. LADIES' MAID.?Canadian; very reliable; good hctunRtress and packer: J50 'o $55, M.. MIks Hofmayer's Agency, 10 Bast 48d ?t.. 3d floor. Telephone 8947 .Murray Hill. NURSE.?Young, thoroughly capable; excel? lent references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 364 Fifth ave. NURSE for Infant; exceptional references. Miys Fitzgerald's Bureau, 8H6 Fifth ave. WAITRESS, parlormaid, young Irish girl: experienced; $5.1 to ?fiO. O. Miss Hof? mayer's Agency, 10 E. 431 st.,'3d floor. Tele? phone 8947 Murray Hill. AUCTION SALES JOSEPH COHEN. AUCTIONEER, SELLS to-day at Public Auction, one pocket blliiord table, No. 12l.0>>7, with completo outfit, covered by mortgage made by Knickerbocker flub of American Wallern and assumed by P Pulvln to th? Bruns Wick-Balke-Collender Co. Sale to take place at 25 7 West 47th et. at 2 P. M. BUSINESS CARDS Carpets and Huge 1.000 YARDS FINE CARPETS $1 yard up. ,r,00 elegant ruga, all sizes, ?U color?', S5 to $i!5 up; MARINO OVER, CLEANING, LAYING, DYEING; reasonable, Stiulngs, Inc. ?20-628 Madison Ave. (69th St.). Plaza 8836. ORIENTAL RUGS ?& c?*????: tity bought for highest rash; appraising a ?peclaity; call or write. i.tasnajlan, 31 West 4lth at. 'Phone &101 Bryant. Diamonds DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY BOUGHT FOR CASH, estates appraised, pur? chased. BENNETT. 175 Broadway, upstair?. Furniture Wanted HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture, aa tiques, planos, bric-a-brac, books, art, etc. OABAT. 88 University Place. 'Phons ttuyvessnt 2S7T. Men's Clothinfr COME UP! WHERE PRICES ARE DOWN Buy a Stich Suit or Overcoat direct from maker to wearer and suve retailer's protu. Wonderful values. $25 to $38.60. Btlcu Co., ?21 Broadway, eighth floor. Bleecker street subway or "L" station. MEN'S CLOTHING MEN'S HIGH GRADE SUITS AND OVERCOATS?made by high class tallora EXCEPTIONAL VALUES AT $30 and $36. Save "Try-on Troubles." jL &. B. CLOTHES SHOP, II Weat 83d St.. opposite McAlpla. A?KOHAN KLOTHES SHOPPE?-A Selling suits & overcoats for men & young men at $18.60-834.50; prices formerly $29.60-$40. Bargains 1416 Broadway, cor? ner 89th. (One flight up.) Patents PATENTS. Over 70 years' practice; all communica? tions strictly confidential; handbook en patents free on request; special facilities for ?ITlce consultations. Munu & Co., patent at? torney:;, till Woolworth Building, New York. Rugs Wanted WANTED, ORIENTAL RUG, FINE QLAL ity, small allover design on dark ground ; : Antique Persian preferred : room 17 ft. by 10 ft, ; will pay good price. Box 78, Times Square P. O. Typewriters TYPEWRITERS RENTED Non-Visible, 3 Mos., $5. Visible, 3 Mos., $7.50 ? up. Initial payment applies if purchased. AMERICAN" WRITING MACHINE CO.. INC.. 339 Broadway, at Worth SI S Tel .".?ftS 10 K. ?:;d S'., opp. Madison Are. / Franklin THD TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, lt Barclay St. Tel. 4T3S Barclay. Trank? NO BARGAIN.?New and used wardrobe 1 trunks, (o? Sixth ave., bet 30in-!lst *?-*. SURROGATES' NOTICES ARNOLD, WILLIAM H.?IN PURSXTANCE of an order of Honorable JOHN P. CO HALAN, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against WILLIAM 1!. ARNOLD, late of the County of New York, deeeaeod, to present tho sane with vouch are theraof to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at the offl e of their attorneys, Messrs. Spencer, Ord way & WIerum, No. -7 William -Streec, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. on or before the 7th day of July, next. Dated New York. January 2nd, 19?0. WILLIAM B. ARNOLD. GBJORGE L. CHENEY, Executors. SPENCER, OBDWAY e\ WIERUM, At? torney? for Ex?cutera, 27 William Street, New York Cttl. KINO, BENNETT J.?IN PURSUANCE of an order of Honorable John P. Co halan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, Notice ts hereby given to -ali per eons having claims against Bennett J. King, late of the County of New York. deceased, to present the same with vouch? ers thereof to the subscriber, at his place of transacting buntnoss, at the Office of his Attorney, William C, Orr, Esq.. No. 61 Chambers Street, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on or before the 19th day of June next. Dated, New York, the 11th day of De cembar, l?l>.__ ?pWAaD B. KING, Executor. WILLIAM ft OJLR, AUorasy far Ex ecu tor. No. II Chambers Street. Borough ?* MffcXWVfitff at W.w Tora. 4 mon vtati?? _ AM f..l> Hook. 7:62 Oovernor'a inland. g;OU ?roll ?laie. ;.. 9:f,7 I'M S: i* 10:1? ARRIVED Y ENTERB A? , "> eaael Port Departure Eaplttn.Antwerp .F-o B Ardgowan.Hull .Jan 7 j Juliana..Neville .Jan 30 'Advance.Port au Prince. . .Feb LI ! ?'??vlRu.Santiago .Fob ?' I Ihorgerd.Caimanera .Feb in I Katahdln.Maoous .Fob 9 . Mohican..Charleston ......Feb in i Bartholomew.Caliuaiiera .Feb 11 Golden Ou'?.Halifax .F<"b If, ! Munrio.Puerto Padre.Fob u WestOll.Gibraltar .Ian '-H i Europa.Gibraltar .Feb 8 Blavli Prtnoe . ...Fayal .Fob ? .'iui'-"'|,kvti.Newport News... Bay view.Portland. - Uosu-orth.London. I Imperial.Southampton .Tan 2? INCOMING STFAMSIIirf? Due To-day Glenrldge.Harry .,, tl1an Westpool .Dartmouth ......Inn Dartmouth.Fayal .Jan Woehawken.-Liverpool .fan Michigan.London .Jan New ?fork City. . . . Bristol .Feb Nantanket.Liverpool .Jan Hayamo.Havana .Feb. Henry Clay.Antwerp .Jan Netherpark.Gibraltar .Jan. Imporoyal.Southampton . . -Jan. Rayonne.Olbraltar .Feb ?ojth Pole....Fayal .Feb Caraoaa,.Curacao .Feb Rosalind.,.St. John'?.Feb Carrillo.Cristobal.Feb East Indian.London .Fob Bronte.Bahla .Jan Severance.Shields .Jan C. of Montgomery..Savannah .Feb Hamilton.Norfolk ..Feb nue To-morrow Lafayette.Havre . .'.?>? .Feb Chicago.Bordeaux .Feb Britannia.Lisbon ._Feb Lake Duncan.Nuevitas .Feb Londondler.Antwerp .Feb Due Sunday Buford.Antwerp .Feb Moccasin.Rio de Janeiro.. Fob Blrabo.Buenos Ayres. . , . Jan Due Monday La Savoie.navre .Feb K. Aug. Victoria. .Liverpool .Feb Ducii d'AbruzzL . .Gibraltar .Fob Calamares.Port. Llmon.Feb Foi t Hamilton .... Bermuda .Feb OUTGOING STEAMSHSIPS Sail To-dny Mall closed Mexloo, Havana.8:30 AM Hcfcoharle, Patras.12:00 M Esperanza, Vera Cruz. 8:30 AM Rlmouekl. Genoa . " ? Lyngenfjord-, Chris? tianin . Frankdale, Halara ....-? Va Id ura, Antwerp .... Santoramo, Galatz.... - Tuscan Prince, Shang W'em Indian, Santos... Ozankee. Danzig. Stot-fjeld, I.on.Ion. AiuR-i?. Gibraltar. Kazembe, Manila. Satartla, Cape Town..-? Hark, Buenos Ayres... Lake Ogden, Hayti... Toloa, Pt. Llmon. Dunerlc, Rotterdam... -? Munardsn, L'ntanyas...-' Paysandu, Buenos Ayres. Antigone. Antwerp ... Sail To-morrow Saxonin, London . 8:00 AM NIi iv A ineterdam. Rot terdam . ?:00 AM Belgic, Liverpool . 8:00 AM Orizaba, Bilbao . 8:30 AM Ogont?, Dakai . 9:00 AM Stavangerfjord, Ber? gen . 9:30 AM Giuseppe Verdi, Naples.lO'.OO AM Oscar II. Copenhagen..10:30 AM Santa Ana, Valparaiso. 7:00 AM 1 ".iino. Han Juan. 8:30 AM Panama, Cristobal ...12:00 M Vuburn, Antwerp. 8:00 AM a iv i ni) urn?;, IN; r nam buco . C:30 AM Uortenslus, Bueno* Ayres . 8:00 AM Oranje Nassau, Para? maribo .10:00 AM Toledo Bridge, Christi? ania .? Gen, Consul Pallison. 17a vana . City of Lincoln, Cal? cutta . Lake Auric,-. Havana.. - San Giorgio, Naplen... Marengo, Hull .? Idaho, Antwerp . Tyr, Dunkirl. l.orain Brisbane . Clan Mac Kinnou, Alex u rtdria. Dado County, Havana.??? Spartan Prince, (Jape Town. ? . , Davenport. Montevideo. ? Luise Nielsen, Buenos Ay res .? Margaret, San Juan... - Lakfl Louise, Puerto Cortez . ha 'Oil Sail Sunday mbo, Yoko Sail Monday rdgowan, London.... ?" da i. Prince, Shang? hai . -l Lu- kenbaoh, Rot Vessel sails 12:00M 4:00 PM 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 1-2:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 2:00 PM 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 2:00 PM 2:00 PM' 2:00 PM 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 11:00 AM 12:00 M 12:08 M 1:00 PM 2:00 PM ?1:00 PM 200 M 11 :00 AM l;l:00 M 4:00 PM 12:0U M 10:00 AM 12:00 M 2:00 PM 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 vl 12:00 M 12 00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 M I ': 00 M 12:00 M ! 2:00 M AMERICAN PORTS BALTIMORE, Fob 19?Arrived: Str? Fei- j tore, Daiquiri; Caterlna, Gerllmlch (Itall, Palermo. Cleared: Strs C-iunhorg Owed),' Norkoppmg via Gothenburg; Westmorland,! Kobe and Yokohama via Savannah. Sailed: , Htrs Evelyn, Guayacan; Sherman, New York; Indianapolis, Murmansk via Nor? folk; Bay Cross (Br), Havre; Lake Elan, : Tampa; Euraua. Kobe via Savannah; Ar- ; raiz (Span), Manzanillo. Passed Cape Hen? ry tnbound for Baltimore: Strs Parthenia (Br), Glasgow; Jean, Hamburg, via Ber? muda, Sldlaw Ran? (Br). Mlddleaboro via Tees. Passed Cape Henry, ou'.bound from .Baltimore. Strs Lake Hemlock, Boca Grande; Borghlld (Nor), Bergen for or? ders; Poeldija (Du), New Orleans via. Tampa; Hadnot. Tuxpanj Middlesex, New? port New?; Evelyn, Guayacan. BOSTON, Feb. 19?Arrived: Strs City of Shanghai (Br), Calcutta and Colombo; Radiant, Beaumont via New York; Clan MacQuarrle (Br), Buenos Ayres via Ha-' vana and Norfolk; Currier, Port Arlhur. : Sailed: Str Essex, Philadelphia; Kershttw, Norfolk: Lake Washburn. Norfolk. CHARLESTON, Feb. 1!"?Arrived: Strs, Lake Alvada, New York; Lake Sebago, New York; Sag Harbor, Baltimore; Mo? hawk, New York and proceeded to Jack- ' sonvllle. Sailed: Strs Cliltt-rtind (Nor), ; Fernandlna; Lake Annette, Cuba: tug Clincho, with burge S D Warrlner in tow, Havana. GALVE8TON, Tex.. Feb. 1 !>?Arrived -Strs Ivatonia (Dan), Cardiff'.: San Jacinto,' Tampico. Sailed: Strs J A Bostwlck, New i York; Engineer (Br), Liverpool; Colonel ! Bowie, Beaumont. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Feb. 10?-Arrived : Steamer Clark Mills, Barcelona; yacht ! Whlleaway, New London. Sailed: Str Lake Licking. Cardenas. MOBILE. Ala.. Feb. 19?Arrived: Str j Piqua, New York; Sailed: Str Cllftwood, , Amsterdam and Rotterdam via Pensacola. : NEW ORLEANS, F--b. 10?Cleared : Strs British Admiral (Br), Avonmouth, En? land; -loiian Ludvig Mowlnckel (Nor), Pro? greso; Lake Sanford, Santiago and Cuban ports via Oalveston; Pa.rtsir.ina, Bocas del [?oro \ ?? Cris.tobal and Havana; Rama, Blued ilds via Cape (Laclas; Seantlc, Liv? erpool via Norfolk. NEWPORT NEW?, Feb. 19?Arrived: Strs Lakeshore, Norfolk; Middlesex. Balti? more; Bay mint's (Nor). Rotterdam; , Chertsey (Br). Havre; Lucerne (Br), Beaumont: Wai?uUe (Br). London. Sailed: Strs Chertsey, Norfolk; Bellatrix (Dutch), Buenos Ayres; Klowa, St Thomas; Lucerne (Br), Dunkirk; Waimate (Br), Auckland. NORFOLK. Feb 10?Arrived: Strs Piquot, Savannah; Boonsborough, Newport News: Lake Coneaua, Portland, Me; Am brldg . Newport News; Algenlb (Dutch), Charleston; Cape Fear, Newporl N- .-. Lake Fluvanna, Portland, Me; Brookslde, i-'ayal; S'evads (Dan), Elalnore; echr Hsthcr lv. New York Sailed. Strs ndlana, Havana: Wisteria, Bordeaux. :.. our (Br)', Havana; Saugus, Bueno.? \yres; Ambnidge, Boston; Lake Fluvanna Lrleston; Bugaya, Newport News, -\;: i Vor), Baltimore. PHILADELPHIA, Feb 19?Arrived: Strs Netherpark ?Br), Batoum; Mons (Nor), j lucaro; Lak? Fosslll. New York. DELAWARE BREAKWATER, Del. Feb i 19_passed up for Philadelphia: Strs Burn- ! well Tampico; Herbert L Pratt, Tampico: ; 1 ako Lyttle, Sagua, Passed out from l Philadelphia: Strs Frontera (Nor), 'Panamo; Sliannock. Bordeaux and Havre: Wath?na. Rotterdam, via Antwerp; Lak? ? Blanchester, Santiago. Sailed: Sehr' Susan Cameron (Br>, (from Yarmouth), BB-ED? ISLAND, Del, Feb is?Passed down from Philadelphia: Strs Angelo To?o (Hal?. Oenoa; llouma, Tampico; Mer-i rlmaok, Baltimore. PORTLAND, Me., Feb 19?Outside: Str Mississippi (I'r), from Havre. ' PORT BADB, Feb lit?Arrived : Str? Cartago. Boca? delToro; Holbrook, [qulque, Chile via Panama Canal: Norma. Havana; Suriname. Port Barrios, Htardard, Tan rlco; W. <? T-agle. Baltimore: West Watini Norfolk; Vor;, Harbor, Porto ii-uu. Sailed. Otra Atenas, Boca? del Toro via Cristobal, Havana and Port Limon; Danneclalke, ?iibit. Oan?flord (Nor), Bltieflolds via Cape Grn??;?s; O. T. I Wurlnir,. Jacksonville: Topila. 'Ounplco. PORT TAMPA. Feb IS?Sailed: Strs Georgia, New York Gulf Queen, Ni*w York; GuK Stream, Philadelphia; Gabrltle, Tampico; Charles M Everest, Paulsboro. Sailed: Strs ouifllght. Jacksonville; 811 verbrook. New York. Orion (ilrj, London; New York, Marcus Hook. SAN FRANCISCO, Fob 11?Arnv.d Sir Ctfnaumet, Honolulu. Pulled: Btrn Colusa, Colombo: Richmond, Honolulu. SAVANNAH, Fob 18?Arrived: Str City of Savannah. New York. Bailed lsth, strs Haperl? ill?!), Genoa. 18th, City of Rome, Mouton. TAMPA, i-'eb IB?Arrived : ecbr Herald, Santa Crux. Cuba. KEY WEST, Fis. Fob 19?Sallad: Bti Algalia (lit). Savannah, SAND KEY, Feb 19?PaMed west. ISth: Strs Stoadfaat; I8th, Antletam, Allentown, Roahoke, Lake Indian, J R Gordon, Bol luno (Dal.;. FOREIGN PORTS Departuren For "Tew York London?S S Port Lincoln. Fajardo?8 S Helen. Arrivals from New York i Porl an Prince?S S Colon. TRANS-PACIFIC MAILS The connecting mails close it the 0<>n ? oral Postofflce and City Hall Postoftice Station, New York, nt C p. m., as follows: Hawaii, via San Francisco, steamship ! Matsonia, February 20. Hawaii, Japan, Corea, China. Slam, .= 1 j berla. Cochin China and Netherlands Eii^t j Indies, vin. San Francisco, steamship Sl j borla Maru, February 2.1. .Tapan, Corea, China. Slam. Siberia, j Cochin China, Netherlands East Indies and ! Philippine Islands, via Vancouver and Vic j torla, B. C, steamship Empresa of Japan. j February 36. Negro Fells D?tective ; Flees Police Station Leap? From Window and Es? ! capes Just After Fingerprints Had Been Taken John Reyea, a negro who was ar 1 rested as a burglar, seized the ink j i roller yestorda" while his finger prints j were being taken at the Simpson Street I police station, in the Bronx, felled Detective Sergeant Michael Hegney? ; with it and jumped out a window. He was racing along the top of a twenty : foot wall when Detective Griffith ? reached the window and began shoot ' ing. None of the bul-lets hit Reyes. ' He jumped from the Wall to a snow bank and escaped. Hegney was unconscious and required medical attention. A general alarm was sent out for the arrest of the negro, who had given his address aa 552 Lenox Avenue. He was accused of stealing $500 worth of jewelry and clothing from the home of Mrs. Jennie ] Marder, 1072 Simpson Street, January j 29. According to the police, he had ? signed a confession just before he 'jumped out the window. i Detectives who visited Reyes's room 1 in search of stolen goods came aero?? ', two youths on the way who resembled burglars who had visited apartments in Southern Boulevard and Rogers Place, the Bronx, shortly before. '-' ? carried parcela containing jewelry, sil? ver and clothe?, and were locked i ; They said they wore Thomas Cafaro, of 230 East 115th Street, and Prank Rizzo, of 247 Mott Stree! LEGAL NOTICES AT A SPECIAL TERM, PART I, ot the Supreme Court of the Btate ot New York, helri in anil for the County of New York, at the County ''our- House In the Borough of Manhattan of the Clt> Of New York, on the 8th day of January 1920, Present; BON. EDWARD A. FINCH, .rustico, in the mrttl r of tlv ippll of CH1RJQUI ELECTRIC '??:. 'ORATION .i corporation, for vi luntar; lissolut On reading ami filing the petition of Enrique Halphen. Jacob B. Fidanque, Ralph James M. Bullowa, .. irge A. Con roy and Aie,?nub'!- Bogg, majority of the directors of Chiriqui El : C rp i tion, a corporation created under th of thin State and having its principal located in the Borough uf Manhattan, of tho City of Now York, In the County of New York, and the schedule 'hereto an? nexed, duly verified by the petitioners on the 18th and 29th days of December, 1919, from which petition it appears that the case is on? of those specified In section 17c I of the General Corporation Law- and it further appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, from said petite n, '.but the said corporation Is Insolvent, tn ! r ad ng und ?lin? the notice of bhis application, dated Deoember 30th, 191*1 ?th proof of due servi,-,? thereof, and ol such petl tion ami schedule and of a copj of this order upon the Attorne: !. ne,ra And after hearing Lawror. e E. B ox of '-ounsel for the petitioners, md representing the Attorney General In oppo? sition ; N> ??? on motion of Bulb wa & Bullowa attorneys Ur the petitionei -, I is ORDERED that all persons interested In said corporation show cause ?it Spoclal Term Part I of this Court to be held at the County Court House in the Borough of Manhattan of the City of New York on the 20th day of February. 1929, at 10:15 o'clock In the forenoon, why the said poratlon Bhould not be dissolved; and It is FL'RTHER ?RDERE/J that a copy of this order be published at least once In each of three weeks immediately preceding said "JOth day of February. 1920, in the New York Law Journal and The New York Tribune, newspapers published in the County ot New York. Enter EDWARD R. FINCH J 3. C. MEETINGS THE FOLLOWING IS A TRIE COPT OF a resolution which was adopted by the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF MAS? TERS, MATES AND PILOTS, a Metnbei ahlp Corporation, duly Incorporated under the Laws of the Stai ? of N< tv York, by o vote of more- that, tu i-th rds of the i ber? of the nald corporation, al a me held at Washington, I>. C, on the 29th day of January. 1920, pursuant to h notl ? heretofore rlulj served upon the mei bers of the said corporation, and published In the New York Tribune, tor the purposi f voting upon tin- question of changing the naiti" of die said corporation to thi name ?NATIONAL ORGANIZATION, MAS? TERS, MATES AND PILOTS OF AM?R? ICA. INC.": "RESOLVED, That the corporate name of this Association, to wit. "AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF MASTERS, MATES AND PILOTS." be, and the same hereby ?a, changed to the name, 'national ORGANIZATION, MASTERS. MATES AND PILOTS OF AMBRICA, INC." Dated, New York. February 11, : l, i'O JOHN 1! PRUETT National Presiden!. American Associa? tion of Mast< rs, Slal . I Pilots M. D. TEN '. '-'v, ii id National Seci u Ai . lean Associa? tion of Masters, 5>1 tea < id " SURROGATES' NOTICE PARROTT, JULIA FAULDING.?IN FUR ?uance of an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan. a Surrogat? of the County or New York, NOTICE is hereby given to ail pemons having claims asainst Julia Pa aid? ing Parrott, laie of the County of New lork. deceased, *.o present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscribers ar their place of transa ting busln--es, at the office ut Sullivan &. Cromwell, their att i :-,e; *. at No. ?9 Wall .-???.?:, In the !>? 'ougil of Manhattan, Sti the City of Now York State ... Sew ..... , r. ur before the ist day of May. 191:0. next. Dated. New ; o--.., the ...i da ' O ti ber. 1919. MADELEINE BR K (.ECHUE P. PARROTT, Exe ouiors. BULLIVAN * CROMWELL. Attorney? for Executor?, Office and P. O. Ad dresa, 49 Wall Street, Borough of Man? hattan. New York City. mODMAN. HARRIETTS MASON?IN ! pursuance of an order of Hon. John P Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New Tork, Notice is hereby given to ail per? sons having claims against Harriette Ma ?on Rodman, formerly known a.* Harriett? S Mason, sometime? known as Harriett* M. Rodman. Harriett? 8. M. Rodman and Harriett? S. Rodman, late of the County et New York, deceased, to present th? ?ame. with vou< hers thereof, to the sub? scriber, at his place of transacting bu.ii ne?a. r* the ofhec of George C. Howard hla attorney. Ill Broadway, in the City ?? New York, on or before tho 1st day ot May next. Datad. New York, the 17(h day of Octo? ber, 1919. AUGUSTIN DERBY." Administrator C. T. A. GEORGE C HOWARD, Attorney for Ad? ministrator C. P. A.. No. ill Broad- ? way. New Tork City. I TJtAVBL TRAVEL C?NARD-ANCHOR r?Meea?e> is? Jtrtigm, ftenru-oe. _ M Saxoma .New York to Plymouth, Hamburg and London.F'eD- ?} K. A. Victoria.New York " Plymouth. Cherbourg and Lrrerpool.Mar. V Carmania .New York " flymoath, Ckerboerg and Liverpool.Mar. Imperator. New York ** Cherbourg and Southampton.Mwr. V'asari .New York " Liverpool .Mar. Royal George .New York " Plymouth, Havre und Southampton.Mar. Columbia .Now York " Londonderry and Glasgow.Mar. Meurrtama .New York " Cherbourg and Southampton.Mar. Saxonia.New York * Plymouth, Havre end London.Mar. 30 Fannoma.New York " Patras, Oubrovaik and Trieste.Mat. 3? K. A. Victoria.New York " Liverpool .Apr. Carmaaia .New Yark " Liverpool.Apr. Royal George.New York " Plymouth. Havre and Southampton.Apr. Cherbourg and Southampton.Apr. Plymouth. Cherbourg and London.Ap* Londonderry and Glaigow.-.Apr. Cherbourg and Southampton.May Far later ?allbag* apply to 21-24 STATE STREET. NEW YORK. Mauretania .New York Caronia .New York Columbia .New York Imperator. New York The Red Star Line's Regular Service NEW YORK?SOUTHAMPTON?AMYVERi The Splendid American Flag Steamer* "Finland" and "Kroonland.** together with the "Zetland"?all or them ?lainped to bnrn oll-fnel? hsve been thoroughly reconditioned and refanUened, en<* in conjonction with the Inrge. well-known ateawner -'Lapland." thenc veewele will retnaug.t >?:.*?? the old eatabliahed i>u?aenger and freight eervlee of the Red bUtr Line. Sailinge From New York "LAPLAND".*F?b. 25, Apr. 3. May 8. June 12 "ZEELAND". June 19 "KROONLAND" ... Mar 17, Apr 24, May 79, July 3 "FINLAND" . Mar. 24, May 1, June S. July 10 -Tails ?t Cherbourg this voyage only. International Mercantile Marine Company RED STAR LINE, 9 BROADWAY, NEW YORK =S0UTH AMERICAN PASSENGER SERVICE-^ Steamers of the United States-Shipping Board will be despatched for BRAZIL, URUGUAY and ARGENTINE REPUBLIC as below: FOR BUENOS AYRES. MOCCASIN (a) 8,000 tons displacement March 10 FOR RIO JANEIRO, SANTOS, MONTEVIDEO AND BUENOS AYRES. CALLAO (a> 12,000 tons March 15 MARTHA WASHINGTON (b) 15,000 tons March 30 HURON (b) 17,000 tons April 20 <a) 1st Class only?(b) 1st, Ir.d 4 3rd Cia*s. For passage rater, and other particulars apply to any Passenger Agency or to MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINE, Agente I'asscnger Department. 83-02 Buuver M., New York. WEST COAST OF SOUTH AMERICA (& lo Buenos Aire? ?la Transandino R. B. 1 DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE FROM NEW YORK via Crist?bal. S. S. "EBRO" MARCH 20 FROM HAVANA v.a Cristobal. S. S. "Victoria" March 3 S. S. "Oriana" March 15 PACIFIC LINE The Pacifie Steam Navigation Co.) SANDERSON i SON Qen'l Aitent?. 30 Broadway. N. V. Tel Broad 2380. or Any Mtumsliip Ticket Agent. NORWAY, SWEDEN DENMARK, POLAND Contineatal Europe Oscar II.Feb. 22 F retlenk VIII. Mar. Il Oscar II.April 8 Frederik VIH.May 6 Tor Passenger Rates, etc., 1 B'way, N. Y. Make it your headquarters while in Europe. OJ/iiitj: agency e/tke SWISS FEDERAL RAILROADS 241 Fifth Avenue, New York 'S Travel Service COVERS THE WORLD TH?S. COOK & SON I4S B'WAT 561 FIFTH AVE, SOUTH AMERICA TOUR tin? und West 70 Days. Small Parties. Best Hotels. !.. February 21. FRANK TOURIST CO., SUMMONS SI PRHllH COURT OF THE 8TATH OF . ? - County of New Vork.?ROSA PARN?S Plaintiff, vs. HENRY PARN?S, Ian i : .otis. Action for Anuui M .If i.ig". TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: YOU ARE HEREfiY SUMMONED to an r.ver the eon-;plaint In this action and to serve a copy of your answer on the Plain? tiff's Attorney within twenty days after the service of this wmmuns, exclusiva of the day of service, and In ease of your ?allure to app-ai or answer judgment wili ? . ten against you by default for the lief d?me nd< i In ! be complaint. Dated New York, November 18th, 1919. I8ADORE MiAPIRO, Ui I - Platntlff, ? iffli - and P. O Address 120 Broadway, Borough of hattan, Cil ? of New York. To H ?'. . ?? tbove named de fendant : The ! summ ms is s?tv?u upon you by publication, pursuant to an order o*' ?1 n. Nathan I ijui u Justice o? the Su Court of the State of New York. dated th< 17th daj of February, 1920, and iled with the complaint In the oftlce of lerk of the County of New YorK, at the <'c'-jn'.y Court 11'.'.so. In ; hi- Borough )f Manhattan, City. County and Stale of \. v Y . Dated .New York, February lbth, 1928. ISADi ?RE SHAPIRO. Attornej for Plaintiff, Office and P. 0 120 Broadway, Borough o? an ' ' ? ( :?- ? York CO! RT S EV? v <jKK COUNTY. : 'A - KAN K.LIN -,i BSON, 1'ialn LOI [HE HORTON. also known - Louise Welnschenk, ami Louise >feaf, ! I La i buon Defendant SUM ACTION TO ANNUL A MAR? IA rE i l M UK ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONBD to an? swer the cemplaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer on the plain? tiffs attorney within twenty day? after the service of thla -Summons, exclusivo of the day of service, and in case of your failure to answer or appear judgment will be -akeri against ;. uu by default, for the re? lief demanded In the complaint. Dated the 10th day of Jsnuarv, 1926. LO?TB C A. L?WIN. Attorney for Plaintiff, Office and Poet Office Address, 3 4 South Main Street. Port ?'bester. N. Y. To LOUISE HORTON, also known as Louise Welnschenk, and Louise Neaf, aud I.OU1.H?. ?.'.it,., II The foregoing summons is served upon you. by publication, pursuant to an order of Honorable Edward R Finch. Justice of the Supreme Court, dated the Usth day of January. l:>20, and filed with the comolalst the office of the Clerk of the County of Nmw Yui-k at the City of New York. LOUtS C. A. LEWIN, Plaintiff's Attorney. i-M'M'LiNES AMERICAN LINE ? Fn?< Mali *te??n#r* NEft YORK?PLVMOUTH CHERBOURG-SOLTHAMPTON St. Paul 12 .nood Feb. 28 Mar. 27 Apr. 24 Ptiladelohia 12 Noon Mar. 6 Apr. 3 May 1 New York. Mar. 20 Apr. 17 Mar IS NEW YORK?HAMBURG Mongolia . jV. si. Feb. 28 Vlanchuria .Apr. 3 PHILADELPHIA -LIVERPOOL Haverford . Feb. 21 Apr. 5 Ma/ 1? RED STAR LINE NEW YORK -SOUTHAMPTON? CHERBOURG?ANTWERP LapW.2 P. M.. Feb. 2$ N. Y.?SOUTHAMPTON?ANTW_RP Kroonland ..Mar. 17 Apr.24 May 29 July 3 Finland . . . .Mar. 24 May 1 Jutt 5 July 10 Lapland .... Apr. 3 May 8 June 12 Jdy 11 Zeeiand .June 19 July 24 WHITE STAR LINE N V-? CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMFI ON tUplsnd... IF. _tFeb.25 -1 Adriatic . Mir. 20 Apr. 24 May 29 July 3 tTo Southampton, Cherbourg. Antwerp. NEW \ORK-LIYERPOOL Cedric.It noon Mar. 6'Apr. 10 Baltic. 12 M Mar. 13 Apr. 17 May 22 June 26 Celtic .. a P. M. May 15 June 19 Jcir 24 NEW YORK?AZORES?GIBRALfAR NAPLES-GENOA Canopic.2 p si. Mar. 16 May 11 Cretic.2 P M. Mar. 31 May 26 International Mercantile Marine Coropan? 9 Broadway New Yorli WARD LINE Dire? aervice on #a*t twia-fttem ateaiaer* (rom Now York ? HAVANA) WEEKLT MEXICO \****** To fnffw>, Y?re Cm emA tmmfimt. Regalar SaUlnga to Neeee*. ??ht.fmtve. Literature and fatt inJormuHon en Now York ead Coke Hall ?. *? Ce. Feet mt Wall ?trae?. K?? York* BifSSH LINE? | ?CMPASKI? GEN?RAUr: riMHSmAMTig? ^^ F ? C0ML_ 0 fttarcee Parta? two? NEW YjDRK-?HAVRE LAFAYETTE. .FEB. S?. APR. 10, MAY II LA .??A Voll-:. FEB. 28, APR. 3. MAY ?-{ LA TOI RAINB.MAR. ?. APR. 24, Jl.NK i ROCHAMBEAl .MAR. I?. APR. T?, MAY ?1 FRAME.31 AR. 18, APR, 14. MAY 13 LA LORRAINE. MAR. ?T. MAY I, MAY ?!? NEW YORK?BORDEAUX CHICAGO (From Pier f>4, N. R.j. FEB. ? COMPANY'S OFFICE, if? STATE BT.. M t "TITE PUBLIC BE PUCAffltV COLONIAL LINE BOSTON -isa ?4.40 PROVIDENCE ???, $2.97 ALL OUTBIDS aIATKKOOM8 $1 08 to ?.** ?o:/? Price* Include uur -."a*. ??** Uavt? P;ec 3?. North Hiver. Daily _ Sun?*?. at 9 P. M. .-.? ??? barim iu?:. ;?,?^;I^S4 i3 Frovii'eace direct.?..*. ? OL'TblBE UTA? OKKIMS, ?LOS *B.l* Oaily. lnUudina; ?uritjay. 6 WO P. M From Fier lt. E R. 'Phone STO? Boeknnri Ticfcaia at Piar or C<xu?ol.*?i_l Ticket RED "DM LINE "? ??JRr TOR PORTO RICO. CI*RACAO and YKNEZ''?.'. * Tarawas.Feb. ?5'Zulla.Ma Pblladelphla.Mar. 1? Maracalbo. . Mar BLISS. DAlJ^BTT & CO.. Oen'l M?re Phone 10073 Hanover. Si W? CENTRAL HUDSON LINE Servie* tiiscontir.-je?! for the season. CANADIAN PACIFIC R\1IW*T Hotel*?fraria-Contineiiial Ail-Yea? ':?-.? F. B. PERRY. Q A r?a? Dtf* . 1 .V l' ?a?. N Y HFD80N RIVER n??T UNE. Dayliaht mrvlca up th- Hh?vjb a tac?? tinned for th?eeaeon. (Oiort and lr)*a) Root? i? Orient fre-. ?M?Mte. Ka?t PaiatUU ?*M*?*n?*f Itett? afeita. >"lp^? *ui?oi_t_?l_?, i.o li-?,.>?$,