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Newspaper Page Text , . , - ??- ??i-?.. - .,,' ?' i" Range in Prices Sows Discontent imongFarmers --?? i Tillers Resent Returns They j Receive, Compared With I What Consumer Is Forced j to Psy- Union Head Says Kevrve World Congres| Will Employ Trained Re? search Workers to Deal Wi'h Markets and Finance WASHINGTON. Feb. 19?Back of very basic commodity exist "move iients which should give the country ;r?vest concern." Victor Murdock, ?hg.rman of the Federal Trade Com ni!?s;on, to-day to.d the annual con? firm?e of the National Board of Farm Organizations. Explaining to the delegates, repro? ducing more than thirty agricultural ?odies, the work of the Federal Trade Permission, Mr. Murdock said it was Jie "economic eye" of tho government X icertain thr facts -egarding thtse )l(, enienU, thai ibo puLlic m ght be'ected. The work of" the commis ;?or in the past has "been a.moat e e ;ier.t..ry," said Mr. Murdock, adding ?hiit t'-e commission was about to cm jark on the study of "other and graver mi) em-" atfvcbiug the na-.ion s busi? ness. Further than that he did not ? at?rate his statement, which aroused ;i?b interest amon^ the de.egates,'in ?icw of rect-rt investis ti->ns into mea. ?jicking, coal mining and other pri na.y industries. A most the first act of the confer ?tc-' to-day waa to revive plans for an ? ''"""'"''s' c njress. A Itmmittee was appointed to take the .t> U, >.<... i-.siructions to ?CKinur.icnte at te earliest possible loment with similar organizations in 'ortign countries. Other committees rtri chosen to "asce-tain and report >n the modus and present statu.-, o" the pvistigation of the Federa1 Trade '??mr. i.-sion." to icpoit on th- ou* o k or importation or foro;;_-n fer'Tzers and to examina into tho foreign ex situation as it affect? American trade. y Not Content or Satisfied Charlea S. Barrett, president of the ' National Farmers' Union, who presided us chairman of the conference, said while it wou'd be very p'easant to be ab'e to ?ay that "al" is well with ag rteu ture and in the farmer*? mind there is no discontent, nothing 'eft to be de .sired," the fact wrs that "the farmer is not content or satisfied." Answers to the recent questionnaire sent out by the Postoftice Department, he said, came nearer to revealing the tiuth about agriculture than anything thai h >s received euual publicity in the city press. 1 e .eplies of the farmers" said Barrett, "reveal deep dissatisfaction with the treatment that has been nc ! c *rdcd agricu ture and resentment at he wide spread of pri?es received by he farmers and thore paid by con I turners, a fee ing of insecurity in the | Iiity o' far- ors to continu? to the i ame extent the production of foo* and nubui.y to secure sutV.cler.t ;&Lor or o hold even t e farm boy. ard girls' m the farms in competition wit'i the ?luing scale of wages offered in in? dustry and ccmmc-ce off the farms." he farmer and their wives in answer? ing these questionnaires faithfully re fl cted both a condition and a state of mind which do not speak well for the fu.ure eaher of agriculture or the en? during p>-^s"ority of tvis nation. Will Pool Their Efforts "The farmers, at least the organised farmers, iron, no.v on will pooi t..eir efforts in exploring what in the past has been forb.dden ground. They will ,.???,. t.pi?pj r?searc workers to in? vestigate conditions affecting agricul? ture. VV itn uained researcn publicity j .. u legal talent, .armors need no longer I ue in potent i.i witn tue quos ons of marketing, distribution and ? ?. nance." Senator Capper, of Kanas, and Rep? resentative Anderson, of Minnesota, ad rlsed the farmers to act as a unit in | bringing needs po the attention of ? Congress.'ly the entire membership ! visited Secretary Meredith of t. e De | >artm??rt o' A_rricu"ure, who has ask"d the counsel and cooperation of the na lliotiai o World T ade Parlev Asked V\ ASHl.sGTON, Feb. 19.?An inter rational trade agreement congress wou d be ca led by the President in Washington to consider unfair trade methods practices and policies which mig'i t injure con mercial interests of ither nations, under a reso ution in foduerd to-dry h;? Representative Clear As A Bell SONORA'S tone won highest score at the Panama Pacific Exposition. It is ' clear as a bdi," rich, natural,.expressive, and wonder f-lly beautiful. i? has more important features of construction than any other phonograph. The motcr, for example, is made by experts with unequalled experience in the manufacture of musical instrument mechanisms. Sonora 's premier motors run from 15 to 45 minutes with one winding and are peerless in power, reli? ability, silence of operation and long - running characteristics. And the rr>r>*~>r is but ont of Sonora' ft many ren-.turkab te pointa o? nuperiorfty. J...icn.ikcnt upright anl period styles $60 tu $ 1000 honora ^Ijo^ogr'?'' rn**?i-n?. 3nc. Gv>nieE Bri?jh??on. Prerident Fifth Avenue at 53rd Street 279 Broadway Dealer? Every?here Um So -?-? 3t?i-Per-n? ?e ? Sitvrred **Je-ait on ?t? ? vi.i.:J:;n( nlcutr-cx?. 1? yiJi/ra .yti-na, mectcj lb? lo.ic, ?tad Jo not d^attuy tii- ricurda. ^etri/Wor?^ I Have you observed the type of clean-cut Ameri? cans who read The New York Tribune? Can you use such men in your business enterprises? These aren't ord.nary job-hunters; it takes an opportunity to appeal to them. Have you one? If so, call up the GOOD MORNING GIRL, Beekman 3000, on your arrival at the office and invest in a "Help Wanted" advertisement that will render real dividends. 26 Hair Nets ?of Genuine Human Hair in the popular shades. Cap and Aliover Nets 1 1.00 Dozen Grey and White Nets?fine, durable quality. Dozen 2.00. No C. O. D.'s Store Hours 9 A. M. to 5:39 P. M. c/Wnofo Gm?ta&Ce ce Co. otftc/buenue at 40tM!taf THE GREAT FINAL CLEARANCE OF WOMEN'S AND MISSES' WINTER APPAREL Note in progrese and will continue as long as present stocks last All prices have been reduced to a new low level that will insurs a positive clearance of each garment without further delay. Note the Truly Exceptional Values Women's and Misses' Suits wi'hout fur?in choice fabrics such as English Tweeds, Velours and Velour Checks. Velveteen and Cash-ma-tyne. ( Formerly $55.00 to $135 00 No- 39.50 '? 1C8.00 Women's ar>d Misses* Sui'* in Fur trimmed styles?ma? terials include Wool Velour, Velvet Velour,, Peach Bloom?all handsomely lined?highest type of tailoring. Formerly $69.50 to $258.00 "~ 54.00 ?? 315.00 Women's and Misses' Frocks and Gowns. Evening Gowns?Formerly 29.50 to 118.00 N? 19.50 to 95.00 Day Dresses at similar price concessions. NOTE:?Apparel once sold will be positively non-returnable. No Approvals. Woiren's and Mirses' Coats?fur ttimmed?in Wool Velour, Silvertom, Evora and Fortuna. Formerly $48 00 to $295.00 N? 30.50 ?? 236.00 Won;on's and M?mcs' Coats wiihout fur-in Plush, Tweed and Wool Velour. Beautifully made and finished. Formerly $29.50 to $175.00 N? 23.50 '? 140.00 Evening Wraps of Velour Plush. Chiffon Velvet. Metal Brocade -*nd Velvet?in various bewitching colors and several smart styles. Formerly $4~.00 to $275.00 Now 35.00 to 220.00 CHILDREN'S WEAR Very Specially Priced Rompers in several styles?made of Gingham and Poplin?hand em? broidered?sizes 1 to 4 years. 2.S5 * 4.95 Girls' Gingham Dresses with bloomers to match?practical styl? that are correcdy proportioned and effectively ftriLhed with wltite collars and cuffs. Sizes 6 to 12 years. ' 4.95 -* 5.95 I_ High and V Neck Nightgowns -?Jot Cambric and Musl'n?tucked yckes trimmed with embrodery. There is a wide demand for this model that very often exceeds the supply, hut in this instance we are displaying a nice assortment at prices that will interest those who prefer this type of Gown. 2.50 t. 3.95 Women's Hosiery ?? 1.45 p*?? An unusual value in pure thread silk and lustrous fibre silk, firmly woven in a durable weave. Elastic ribbed cotton tops. Cordovan, Navy and Russian Calf are some of the smart shades shown, and there is also a good assortment in black and white. P*?r 1.4S Glove Specials ' For Men and Women Women's Strap-Wrist Cape Gloves in Tan. Brawn, Grey and Black?new models for present and Spring wear. M? 4.00 ??d 4.50 * "Acco** Mocha Glotes for men?P.K. sewn with Paris Point or Imperial backs?correct for street dress. P?b 4.00 Steamer Rugs That are soft and easily handled, yet weighty enough to give ample pro? tection lor automobile use as well as for home or traveling. Vtlue $12.00 8.50 Tea ?prons A Special Sale at .95, 1.50 ?< 1.95 The model n"u?t-afed is of lawn daintily trimmed with lace?finish;d w'.'.h long tes. A vf?ry umru il value which we are featuring this week only at .95 E. Other styles in most attractive lace designs of various qualities?some have jr.unty little colored bows placed at bew.tching angles. A selection that is quite in k:ep'ng with other new things shown in this department. 1.50 to 1.95 Silks and Dress Goods At the Most Inviting Prices of the Season. Black Silk Voile?40 inches wide?a firm, desirable weave. Value $4.00 . .Sped?! ^.00 J*. Colored *nd Blick Charmeuse Srt'n. i"cluJing Ivory, SV1I Pink, Mais, Apricot, Electric, Navy, Sind, Havana, Seal, Silver, Wine, Reseda, Old Rose, Heliotrope, etc. Value $6.00.Special 5#5Q yd. AD Silk G*org*Me Crepe in Ivory, Ciel. Pi->k. Orchid, Belgian, Silver, Oranpe, Cardi? nal, Cerise, Taupe, S'ral, Havana, etc. 40 inches wide. Valut $3.75 .Special 3#25 yd. Colored Dress Siitin?36 inches wide?a soft, high finish, m street colors Value $5.00.....<..:.Special 4QQ Jt\. AD Wool Dn-ss Serge?41 inches wide?in Navy Grey Taupe Midnight Blue Wine Beaver Regulativ $2.75.*?????? 235 H Navy Grey Taupe Copen Plum Midnight Blue Wine Beaver Brown Black Dress Goods Lrngths, including Jerseys, Serges, Tricotines, Velours, Broadcloths and Silvertones. Mo$l attractively priced for clearance. Auto Robes Hugely successful ?ales drawing to a conclusion. Special Black and Maroon Plush Robes. Value $21.00 13.95 Assorted Mohair Plush Robe*. Value $42.00 29.50 Special Crushed Mohair Robes. Value $48.00 35.00 English S.Ik Plush Robes. Value $60.00 50.00 MEN'S WEAR ?-r-Pure Silk and Silk Mixed-? Shirts for Men Final Clearance of all odd Shirts taken from our regular stocks and reduced for immediate disposal. Were $1150 and $10.50 Now 7.75 Better Grades of Cotton Shirts?all odd and dis? continued lines taken from rejular stock?plain colors, neat stripes, novelties, etc Imported and Domestic Shirtings. Were $3.96, $4.50 and $5.00 Now 2.95 ??? Men's Cotton Hose?6 in a Box at Wholesale Prices* Fine appearing, medium weight, well made, and thoroughly rein forced. In Black, Brown. Ti.upe and Navy. Retail ?rice .50 Pair Box of any 6 P*?r for 2.00 j Negligees and Sweaters R ?-priced for Clearance in A SALE EXTRAORDINARY j Thd reductions average Y* io l/? less than the regular prices, "which cere moderate in the extreme, and it is n?ei/ to no e that similar qualities iplll be much higher next season; therefore the very unu ual values here offered present an j opportun 'y that cannol be duplicated later. Clearance of Odd Fancy Negligees in Chiffon, Georgette and Silk?lace trimmed. Fascinating models entirely mude by hand or those fashioned on more conservative lines by e?pert designers. Formerly $19.75 to $75.00 i j NOW 13.25 *? 50.00 ? .Clearance of Sill and Wool Sweaters?odd weaves and colors?sash and belted rmdels. Suitable for present and Spring wear. Formerly $10.75, $16.50, $27.75 and $45.00 NOW 7.00 10.00 18.00 ??<? 30.00 Fancy Linens Vtry Specially Priced Decorative Lrnens, including Doylies, Tray Covers, Centerpieces, Sc.irfs, Tea and Luncheon Ciothr, also a few Luncheon Sets. Prices in some cases less than wholesale quotatons. "?? .55 ?? 23.75 A one week special in AH Linen Kitchen TovteU 725 ?o 14.25 *><?" Bedding Specials White Blankets with pink or blue borders?cotton and woof mixed Single Bed Size.Value 925 pr. N~6.75 Double Bed Siz.t.Value 10.50 pr. Now 8.00 Comfortable covered with fine Cambric in figured and Persian effects?well stitched?cotton filled. Velue $6.00 Now g?5